#otp: fire in my brain and I'm burning up
alistairs · 9 months
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"If you truly feel you must reward me a kiss will suffice"
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polutrope · 1 year
What inspired you to pair Amrod with Nolofinwe? The Ambarussa rarely are main characters in any fic, and it’s even rarer that it’s only one of them. I loved the fic, just curious.
Thanks so much for asking about Who By Fire! I'm so glad you liked it.
Warning: this post mentions uncle/nephew and half-sibling pairings.
First of all, the pairing was inspired by @ettelene, whom it's for. She didn't specifically request Amrod/Fingolfin, but she's a prolific and talented writer of Feanolo and while we are same-brained re: Fëanor, her Fingolfin characterisation and enthusiasm opened my heart to him. Instead of writing her OTP, though, I landed on something adjacent to it. 
Meanwhile, I'd created a 10-page document with tables breaking down key moments by character been poking around with some headcanons about the Fëanorians at Mithrim and developed a backstory for Amrod inspired by the fanon of Lightly Toasted Amrod, i.e. he’s burned at Losgar but survives. You already know my spin on it, so I’ll just say for others: I kinda made it worse. 
I think any pairing between one of Fëanor’s sons and Fingolfin has excellent and messy angst potential. But with the Amrod I was developing, there was potential for a particular brand of hurt/comfort that, I think, hovers somewhere between sweet and fucked up. And I love grey spaces. Hopefully the fic succeeded in conveying that ambiguity.
What you’ve said in your question, that the Ambarussar are rarely protagonists let alone separate, was another inspiration. I just like writing characters and relationships and scenarios that aren’t typically done. And it’s become a mission of mine to provide more representation of the Ambarussar as distinct individuals, so stay tuned. 
Anyway, I was quite pleased with the end result – thank you for taking a chance on this unusual and mildly disturbing pairing and giving it a read!
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sphericaldice · 2 years
Read it on Ao3!
As soon as I finished this game I knew who OTP was. I hope as more creators finish we'll see more appreciation for this pairing. Nemona/Arven edging.
"Awe, look at you," Nemona swooned, "so cute!" 
Arven rolled his eyes and blushed in spite of himself. He sat on a flat rock, his striped, orange khakis bunched around his ankles. "I don't see anything cute about it," he scoffed back, the blush deepening in colour.
"I just love it when my baby's happy to see me," the champion replied coyly, referring undoubtedly to Arven's sizable erection. 
"W-well," the platinum-haired boy stammered, wracking his brain for something sarcastic and coming back empty-handed. "Are you going to do something about it or what, student council girl? This was your idea, after all, I only brought us here to look for sandwich herbs!" 
Nemona laughed, "Okay, okay, chill out!" 
Arven gulped as she knelt down on her knees to kiss him on the head, once then twice, before nuzzling his shaft like a mischievous Pawmot, never breaking eye contact with her lover. 
His cock twitched lightly at the contact with her warm cheek, craving something hotter. "Fucking tease…" he muttered under his breath.
"What was that, papi ?" Nemona purred, looking up at her boyfriend with a devious glow in her eyes. "You want something?" her distinctively raucous voice had turned soft and silvery as she began to lightly trail her fingers up and down his penis. 
She was a pain in the ass sometimes, had been since the day they met, but there was something about being at her mercy the herbalist didn't mind too much. "Please…"
She pursued her lips in faux innocence, " qué ?" 
Arven turned away from her, his cheeks burning, "P-please suck it… mami …"
Nemona grinned from ear to ear, "so cute!" 
Then she heeded his request, licking along his length before taking him in, gripping his shaft with her ungloved hand. Her other hand reached out to the flustered young man and he grabbed it without hesitation. Far shyer when it came to intimacy, this was a comfort to Arven who began to gently rub the top of her golden brown hand with his thumb. 
When Arven squeezed her hand, Nemona knew to take it up a notch. She sucked enthusiastically while carefully stroking his frenulum, occasionally pausing the act to drool about his cock, giggling as she did so. 
"Hey, Nemona…" Arven groaned, shuttering as her name passed his lips, "I think I'm gonna…uh…"
Nemona withdrew her lips and smirked, "coming so soon, papi ?" She sneered playfully as she lazily stroked Arven's inner thigh.  
"Nemona!" Arven protested and loathed the way it came out as more of a petulant whine. She was in control, as always. "Come on, I'm so close…" he pleaded, squeezing her hand, cock aching impatiently.
After a few agonising moments, Nemona resumed her meticulous craft between Arven’s almond thighs, all while eyeing her boyfriend a bit too smugly. 
"How we doing over there?" Teased the champion, having paused once more. "You seem tense."
"I'm fantastic!" Arven spat back, choking on a breath. 
The boy’s breath hitched when she grabbed his leaking length without warning, twisting it in the way she knew drove him mad and massaging the reddening tip with her thumb. His insides were on fire, tortured by the increasing pressure in his gut, so hot he could cry. “Nemona…” he breathed brittly, “ Mierda …” 
Nemona couldn’t take her eyes off Arven, regarding him as if he were an Artazon art exhibit. His face, contorted with want, was her painting and she feasted on the way he keened like a kicked Maschiff as she let go of him again, “I love when you’re like this,” she growled, “so fucking cute, I could eat you up.” 
“Ugh, quit calling me that.” Arven retorted bashfully between urgent pants. 
“You ready to come for me, cutie?” Nemona asked as if the answer wasn't red and throbbing in front of her face. 
“ Si, mami !” Arven practically sobbed. “Please!”
Nemona wasted no time roughly pumping his length and Arven rocked his hips needily, squeezing the girl’s other hand so intensely his knuckles turned white. 
The walls of the cave blurred to white as the pressure in Arven’s loins reached its fiery peak. He threw his head back and wailed before decorating his girlfriend’s face in a copious array of liquid pearl. 
Nemona yelled something but he heard none of it over the rapid beating of his heart as he came down from climax.
“Yo! I said not in my hair, dude!” Nemona repeated as she rose from her knees, letting go of Arven’s trembling hand. 
The exhausted herbalist grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her onto his lap before taking her lips in his, not caring they were wet with his own seed. “I think you deserved it, student council girl” he whispered, tenderly wiping her face with his sleeve. 
“Heh. Okay, maybe a little.” She admitted with a laugh. “ Te Quiero, papi .” She added, nuzzling into the boy’s long platinum hair.
Te Amo , Arven yeared to say but restrained himself. Maybe someday. “ Yo Tambien te Quiero,” He said softly, resting his head against hers. 
“That was so great, though wasn't it?” Nemona squealed as if it was a Pokemon battle the two of them had just engaged in. She was back to her boisterous self. “We should do it again, like right now!”
Arven rolled his eyes, “You’re crazy” he said, but smiled in spite of himself.
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hillnerd · 2 years
Hey Hilly :) Sokka x Zuko for the ship game. And Happy new year! 💛
ULTIMATE SHIP MEME! Send in two (or more) names and I’ll fill all this out about the ship!
Rate the Ship -   Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? -FOREVER
How quickly did/will they fall in love? -It took time- I think Sokka is the first to recognize it as he has the most self awareness. Zuko is doing something soft or hawt and Sokka is like 'oh....... Wait I don't have those feelings for Zu--- Oh spirits I DO!what? damn!' and Zuko is all 'I have never, a day in my life, known what's going on in my own head for more than about 5% of the time because I repressed that part of my brain-- but I know I like men which father and his ilk said was shameful so I have never, a day in my life, listened to those feelings because I repressed that part of my brain... And Sokka is beautiful and makes me want to be soft in ways I didn't know I COULD. I probably have a head cold... ' So it takes a long time for the two to actually communicate anything- because Sokka is convinced Zuko doesn't like him that way and any of his 'patented moves' to test the waters are not working, and Zuko is convinced no one likes him that way unless they say something or kiss him- so yeah- pining 250k after years of knowing one another Zuko accidentally explodes saying he loves Sokka and Sokka is like 'well then let's do this! I didn't know but I had a spreadsheet of data I was considering!' A Zuko is melting into the floor because feelings.
How was their first kiss? passion, burning, sokka might still have a tiny scar from Zuko's thumbs on his hips.
Who proposed? Sokka- and Zuko did not know it for like 2 weeks
Who is the best man/men? Toph Aang Katara Suki and Mai
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? -
Who did the most planning? Sokka- he IS the plan guy- Zuko more complies with the traditions he is expected to so he doesn't disappoint anyone
Who stressed the most? Zuko
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big. I'm convinced Sokka would try to keep is small but Zuko is like 'but the priests and council are saying' so it ends up being fancy but without a lot of people bc Sokka and public speaking is not the kind of stress he wants on a wedding day- and I'm pretty sure the fire nation wouldn't be like 'gay wedding? let's make this super public' since they didn't even like DANCING - so yeah.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? ozai and azula (depending on her mental health at the time)
Who is on top? I think they switch it up more when they're younger, but Sokka tops like 75% of the time when they're older
Who is the one to instigate things? Sokka is much more likely to instigate earlier in their relationship as Zuko is so uptight- but as he relaxes and realizes 'no, sokka wants you to do this' he's like- 'oh! okay- well then I'm happy to initiate kissing/more' and it becomes very even
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? like 10-12 minutes or so on average- but other times it's languorous and long, or marathon sessions- they switch it up depending on time and mood
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? Try to! Though I think Sokka is very much the sort to be like 'no it's about you tonight' and after Zuko realizes that Sokka does that a lot he's like 'No tonight is about YOU' - and eventually they're like 'ya know what? it's about both of us like 93% of the time.'
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it. I see Sokka as having a variety of dirty talks he brings out, and that dueling/combat could be a bit of a turn on- so yeah- I can see it being a bit rough at times :)
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory. Sokka is a cuddler- Zuko won't do so in public very often.
How many children will they have naturally? 0 or perhaps Mai or Suki helps them out- so 1
How many children will they adopt? 1-2
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? they try to keep it even- but Zuko is better at not being dramatic about it so he will take the worst ones
Who is the stricter parent? Zuko
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? Sokka as he's pretty good at precaution vs Zuko is not the best at knowing when something is too extreme as he's like 'i was doing that when I was 5' 'and whose Idea was that?' '...... my father's....' 'and your father--' 'is not an example of proper human interactions or standards.... I know >:( ..... 8('
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? Sokka- first off he's the one who remembers most things- and second it's FOOD
Who is the more loved parent? equal
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings? Sokka- sometimes with a beard- but Zuko would show up too and be like 'why are you wearing a beard'- 'I'm on the board' 'that doesn't explain the beard---' *random person comes up* 'Ah! Mr Fire!' 'That's right. Wang Fire!' Sokka crows in a deep voice and Zuko's jaw hits the floor as horror washes over him as Sokka proceeds to do PTA stuff in a beard and silly voice under the name Wang Fire for an hour.
Who cried the most at graduation? Sokka, with Zuko being like 'why are you crying?' 'she's all grown up and <blah blah blah describes the end of an era etc> *Zuko tears up* 'oh wait, Zuko are YOU crying?' 'WHAT?! NO! I'VE NEVER CRIED A DAY IN MY LIFE *YOU* ARE CRYING- SHUT UP.'
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? Sokka loves this stuff- but Zuko usually just firelords it and lets Sokka think it was all thanks to his brilliant gift of the gab
Who does the most cooking? Sokka
Who is the most picky in their food choice? Zuko
Who does the grocery shopping? -Sokka
How often do they bake desserts? -not that often- they more buy it than make it themselves
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? -hahahah MEAT
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? -Zuko getting Sokka his face foods of the water tribe- even though he hates them personally
Who is more likely to suggest going out? Sokka- he loves trying new food
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidently while cooking? Zuko in frustration
Who cleans the room? Zuko- did you see how sparse his rooms were? vs Sokka is the sloppy sort who has plans everywhere
Who is really against chores? -neither likes them- sokka hates them more
Who cleans up after the pets? Zuko
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? Sokka
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? Zuko
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? Sokka- he was VERRRY pleased with himself
Who takes the longer showers/baths? Sokka loves long relaxing baths - they also help with the chronic pain in his leg
Who takes the dog out for a walk? -dragon, and Zuko
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? -Sokka doesn't do it until he DOES and then he goes HARDCORE- so either there is nothing for like 2 years, or he makes a working moving model to celebrate a festival and goes full extra. Zuko goes along with whatever makes Sokka and Izumi happy
What are their goals for the relationship? -
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? Sokka
Who plays the most pranks? Sokka
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serganttoaster · 2 years
A, C, T, W, Z
Sorry this is so long h e h . I went on ranting but it was fun because I had to dig deep into my brain!! Also FYI I do jump fandoms so if suddenly I start talking about Darkstalker or whatever from Wings of Fire when I was talking about Caesar’s Legion that’s why.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot. (They don’t have to be OTPs because not everyone has OTPs.) Friendships, pairings, threesomes, etc. are allowed.
Major Knight x Dr. Richards. It's my OTP because these gay NCR boys will skip across the Mojave for each other. As in brOTPs it's Betsy and Ten of Spades. I don't think I need an explanation for this one. Curtis x Hsu is also me like (thanks to you @bruderup!! ^^). Dunno what this is called but I think Boyd and Silus are good together as frienemies.
As of other fandoms, I polyamorously ship Qibli, Moonwatcher, and Winter (as my friend says: Qibli's straight for Moon and gay for Winter) I love love love Ranboo and Tubbo (canon), Thorn x Smolder, Anenome x Tamarin, Cricket x Blue, The Knight x Quirrel, Cleril (canon), Crowfeather x Feathertail, Jayfeather x Half Moon (my fav Warriors ship), and I have a lot more but I’ll spare you of further ship rambling.
C - A ship you have never liked and probably never will.
DreamNotFound. I'll talk about a Fallout one in a second but I HATE DNF WITH A BURNING PASSION. Like, Dream and Gogy are real people!!! Maybe c!Dream and c!Gogy but just them themselves??? Why??? I think the animations are cute though, and Heat Waves I will admit I like lmao.
As for Fallout, I don't like Danse x Maxson. I'm sorry to anybody who does ship it, but it doesn't make any sense to me.
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending?
I'd have to think longer about this because they are somewhere but the first thing that came to mind when I read this was Curtis and Silus hating the living crap out of each other. Also Antony and the Legion hounds as the "GIRLS NIGHT!" Vine. Another thing is the reason why Anenome is lesbian is because she has a bad taste in her mouth with her mother forcing her into getting married with slimy Whirlpool, so she don't appreciate guys.
Already said this but out of everything I WILL DIE defending Qibli, Moon, and Winter being in a polyamorous relationship.
Also not really a major hc but Fathom kinda gay tho- I have no explanation for him and Indigo with that
W - A trope which you are virtually certain to hate in any fandom.
I don’t completely understand the whole trope thing for some reason so if somebody could explain that to me I could probably answer this. Sorry ;-;
Z - Just ramble about something fan-related, go go go! (Prompts optional but encouraged.)
Ok ok so I think that in the Grand Canyon this happened with Joshua, Edward, and Calhoun. I made an animatic with the audio six or so months ago but I’m not gonna post it probably bc it cringe kinda. Also “Who We Are” by Imagine Dragons is SUCH a good song for the Legion at one point I wanted to make an animatic about it but after making the first frame I was like “I can’t do this” so I didn’t. I might pick back up on it again idk???? Also off topic but the NCR totally does know about Jody and I’d like to imagine the DS’s saying similar stuff to how US Marine DI’s do. Yeah. That’s it thanks.
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1, 6, 23 for the salty meme??
I'm not really certain which fandom we're talking here, so I'll do the last three that I've been vaguely known for, for maximum salt. So yeah, here goes Critical Role, Magnus Archives, and Person of Interest. Hopefully one of those does it for you. Obviously there are going to be some unpopular opinions here, as it should be for the salt (or what small amount of salt I can muster for shipping questions, which admittedly is less than writing questions).
1. What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
Critical Role: This one's tough, because I 'get' a lot of the OTPs, but I often find myself shipping out of canon. That's just how I roll. I guess I didn't really get the appeal of Caleb/Jester? It just felt a little too much like the mopey guy/manic pixie dream girl trope to be appealing to me specifically.
The Magnus Archives: This one is probably considered heresy to plenty of the community, but I didn't really get Basira/Daisy. I mean, I could see the actresses going for it, and that was fine and all, but until the Buried subplot I genuinely did NOT like Daisy. Her being queer did not overcome the fact that she was a corrupt cop using her power to threaten someone she saw as helpless for me, and it left a permanent bad taste in my mouth until her brain got shook loose of the Hunt's influence and she became a more interesting person. And even then, I didn't really ship those two, but I did hope their interactions might get more interesting and complicated because the woman Basira apparently looked up to so much had actually been pretty terrible, and she genuinely seemed to not like the more nuanced, thoughtful version as much.
Person of Interest: Reese/Carter. I won't lie, I got into this fandom because I found Reese and Finch's interactions to be so fascinating and subtle and nuanced. It was like there was the plot of every episode and then there was this weird, delicate dance between two vaguely offputting, weird protagonists who sort of adored one another, and I was 100% there for that strangeness. I really liked the friendship and working relationship that developed between Reese and Carter, and I loved that she was willing to call him on his shit, but I found that their relationship and interactions got significantly less interesting if romance was introduced. What can I say? I do not trust a network show to write a compelling het romance.
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
This is going to be a weird answer for all three, because my opinions on what I ship are basically never influenced by fandom. I have very particular tastes when it comes to shipping, and I tend toward snarky pairings, pairings with weird and subtle chemistry, pairings that yearn but are terrible at communication and genuinely strange people to begin with. People who get one another, but would never admit it. And that's generally not the popular ships of any given fandom. Sometimes I get lucky. I was shipping Jon/Martin back when there were about five of us doing it in early season 2, and we were calling it the Dinghy because it was too small to call it a ship. So fandom really didn't influence our tastes as much as we stuck around long enough that our tastes got more commonplace.
I don't really do shipping in CR, because it's a garbage fire of ship wars, and none of the ships appeal to me, either canon or fanon. And though I've read some great stories for various pairings, when I'm watching the show I don't find myself burning for more shipping between any specific characters.
Person of Interest is probably the prime example of how I ship: I watch or listen to the source material, I find that pairing that ticks the boxes that make me like it, and we go from there. I liked Reese/Finch from the off, and a few episodes in I was sold on Finch/Ingram as well, because they were exactly the sorts of weird and subtle interactions I craved in a good ship. Other ships got popular as things went on, but I'll be honest, Root/Shaw ... I could see it, and I got it, but it didn't appeal to me. Partly, that was because, no matter what the fandom said, I always thought Root was done a disservice by being brought on as a lead. She was far more interesting as an occasional guest and total wildcard. I might have been more interested in the pairing that way, because it would have had to be more subtle, here and gone, with lots of questions and intrigue. When Root became a lead character, a lot of the subtlety and mystery that made her one of my favorite recurring antagonists got promptly chucked out the window by the writers, and I lost interest.
So, yeah. Fandom tends to have little to no impact on what I ship unless it's some tiny crack ship I never would have considered otherwise. That's what can win me over on occasion, when it's so out of left field and so novel, and someone manages to write a story or an essay so compelling that I can see it.
23. Least shippable character?
I look at 'least shippable' not as a character who is gross or whatever, but as a character who gets less interesting in a romantic context than they do outside that context. A character for whom a romance is a disservice to their character growth.
Critical Role: I have no idea. I've only watched through the Briarwood arc in CR1, so I don't feel I can comment on the characters there, but I didn't jive with any of the canon ships there, and didn't find any of the characters particularly shippable or unshippable. They were all sort of there. Maybe I'd have an opinion if I watched more, but after almost 40 episodes, if the characters mostly still haven't hooked me (with Percy being the big exception), I'm probably not going to try to finish the other 100 episodes. CR2, opposite issue. I was cool with any possible pairing of the Nein, but not married to any of them. They were all fairly shippable, I guess? But at the same time, no one pairing grabbed me and no one character felt either made better or worse by a romantic context. And C3 is too new for me to see any of them as shippable or unshippable at this point.
Magnus Archives: Sorry for another meh answer, but I seriously can't think of any of the characters who would have been made worse by a romance, even if a lot of them didn't jive with me. They weren't unshippable, I just didn't find a ship for them I enjoyed.
Person of Interest: Okay, finally one I can really answer with an unpopular opinion: Grace. While I thought Carter was made slightly less interesting when they tried to take her weird friendship with Reese and turn it into a romance (because it was a network show and of course they did), Grace got it so much worse. They took a phenomenal actress, and they made her the rose-tinted lost love. She did the best she could with being given EXCEPTIONALLY little, but Grace was a character I was mostly willing to skip over up until Greer took her captive, and suddenly she wasn't rose-tinted anymore, and she wasn't in a romantic context, and she was just a person in a situation she didn't understand, and she was spitting mad. And for one brief, shining moment, I really liked Grace. And then they snapped her right back into the love interest role that has done so many female characters dirty, and she was bland again. So, yeah, Grace is the least shippable, because in that brief window where the show wasn't trying to make her shippable, she was a deeply fascinating person.
I think a lot of my opinions about 'unshippable' characters boil down to my formative television experiences being in the 90s to early 2000s, and seeing so many interesting female characters take a hard left turn into bland, pretty, shallow people meant only to be appealing to the male lead. It was definitely to the point where as soon as two conventionally attractive people of the opposite sex appeared on screen, I started dreading the inevitable, boring, poorly written romance that would turn a perfectly good character into the Love Interest. So the answer to this question hinged on a show or podcast either doing That, or somehow avoiding That, in which case no one was unshippable, because romance wasn't diminishing their character in any way.
I have no idea if there was nearly enough salt here. I get plenty salty about fandoms and shows, but weirdly I don't often get salty about ships? There are ships that aren't to my taste (cutesy ships, soft ships, the ones that are just two pretty people mooning at one another or the ones that pull the characters OOC), but that's a taste issue rather than my real salt, which I reserve for poor writing, bad wordbuilding, choices for characters that render them less interesting, or whatever other writing choices strike me as particularly dumb.
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moononastring · 3 years
hello hello hi how are you? I’ve been suffering yes, how could you tell?
the fact that her rebellion came from saving asterin’s like? YES YES YES YES
I like that her change was gradual, it didn’t feel forced at all, sarah made her arc very good, you were right (btw her interaction with dorian? About how she would sell her soul for news of her thirteen? 🥺 pls)
Now the burning question..... do i like her????? I must say I don’t dislike her the same way i used to but.... she’s growing on me ngl to you. ALSO ABRAXOS I LOVE HIM MY BABBBBBYYYYYYY HE’S SO PRECIOUS AND CLEVER I WANNA GIVE HIM A PAT ON THE HEAD
(And thei lil marriage talk??? Like i know it was ‘mostly’ for funsies and distracting her to keep her alive but......................👀)
AND MISTER AND MISSUS GALANTHYNIUS FUCKING ON THE BEACHHHHHHH YESSSSSSSS SHE WAS LITERALLY ON FIRE I LOVED IT!!!! (Also so fucking funny to finally see the famous “velvet wrapped steel” line lol) oooo and rolfe’s story was so tragic 🤧 there’s absolutely not one character in this series that is not traumatized to fucking death
nevertheless, i cannot lie to you, my friend, i am currently reading all those other parts kinda fast so i can get to my couple, my everything, the true otp of this whole series: elide and lorcan. PLS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH AND FOR WHATTTTTTTTTTTTT i’m past the part where the ilken appear at the carnival so they already have had their lil “heart to heart” lol ALSO HIM THIRSTING FOR HERRRRRR PLS HE IS SUCH A SIMP YES YES YES YES HE IS SO BROODY AND PERFECT AND LOYAL TO A FAULT(? Ok i’m still making my mind up about that but you catch my sentiment right?) HE IS NGFJSBDJSHDHSHDJSJDJSS YES PLS 🧃
ps: i’m v sad there was no chaol whatsoever yet 🥺🧐 my captain i wanna smooch him
HELLO. I'm so sorry I just realized I got this message because you just sent another one HAHA.
This book causes such whiplash, the struggle is rEAL.
Manon's arc in this book is everything *chef's kiss* I love it so so so much!!!!! Abraxos is such a dollface I love him so much ;;;;; But yes! Her and Dorian's interacts are so dkhjgsifgsif because they see each other in a way that others don't.
The whole beach scene, the battle and lysaedion moment and rowaelin fucking on the beach...I was screaming the whole time. It was so fucken stressful lmao.
But Elorcan...yes....yASSSSSSSSSSSS. I'M SO EXCITED YOU'RE EXCITED FOR THEM. They served all the damn tropes hahahaha. I love how much of a simp he is. Elide has him by the throat just by breathing.
But no worries about Chaol babe...Tower of Dawn will give you all you want and more <3
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alistairs · 9 months
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Never give a sword to a man who can't dance.
x // Penelope belongs to @minthara// Mairwen belongs to @halsin
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