#otto eisler
thomas-querqy · 7 months
A Brno (Tchéquie), la villa Tugendhat tient la vedette auprès de tous ceux qui s'intéressent à l'architecture du XXe siècle, en particulier à l'architecture de l'entre deux guerres, moment d'émergence de l'architecture moderne, avec notamment l'école du Bauhaus. Ludwig van der Rohe, qui en fut l'un des directeurs, l'a conçue en 1930.
Son inscription au patrimoine mondial de l'UNESCO a permis une belle rénovation en 2001, mais pour la visiter (en petit groupe), il faut s'y prendre plusieurs mois à l'avance. A défaut, comme nous, vous pourrez l'admirez de l'extérieur puisque l'accès au jardin reliant la villa Löw-Beer en contre-bas est libre.
Quoi qu'il en soit, vous vous consolerez sans difficulté avec pas moins de 760 constructions référencées sur ce site :
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Parmi elles, cette villa a titillé ma curiosité par son nom : "villa pour deux jeunes hommes". L'architecte Otto Eisler l'a faite construire pour lui et son frère Mořic, une maison pensée parfaite pour deux jeunes passionnés de sport, de musique et collectionneurs, recevant en nombre intellectuels et artistes.
R.A. Dvorský et ses Melody boys
Je ne fus guère étonné de lire dans la fiche wikipédia d'Otto Eisler qu'il a été persécuté par les nazis pendant l'occupation allemande de la Tchécoslovaquie parce qu'il était à la fois juif et présumé homosexuel. "En avril 1939, il fut arrêté par la Gestapo et incarcéré à la prison de Špilberk, où il fut apparemment torturé. Lorsqu'il fut mis en congé, il s'enfuit en Norvège, où il arriva le 21 février 1940. Après l'invasion de la Norvège par l'Allemagne, il tenta de fuir vers la Suède mais fut blessé par balle à quelques mètres seulement de la frontière, puis déporté à Auschwitz à bord du SS. Donau. Là, il retrouve son frère Mořic (Moriz), avec qui il survit à la marche de la mort vers Buchenwald."
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“Les frères” Rudolf Koppitz, 1928.
Ces deux frères qui vivaient ensemble m'ont rappelé une visite à l'hôtel Martel dans le XVIe arrondissement de Paris, construit peu avant, par un autre grand architecte du "Mouvement moderne", Robert Mallet-Stevens :
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pepikhipik · 1 year
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Již za tři týdny se uskuteční šestý ročník festivalu architektury OPEN HOUSE BRNO, který zdarma zpřístupní zájemcům o architekturu desítky historických i současných staveb a míst v Brně.
Řadu z nich najdete též v Brněnském architektonickém manuálu, z nichž pro vás vybíráme například:
Palác Alfa (Bohuslav Fuchs, stavitel František Hrdina, Karel Bezrouk, 1937)
Divadlo na výstavišti (Emil Králík, 1927–1928)
Hotel Avion (Bohuslav Fuchs, 1926–1927)
Kounicovy koleje (Karel Hugo Kepka, 1922)
Vlastní vila Aloise Kuby (Alois Kuba stavitel, Vilém Kuba, 1936)
Městské lázně v Zábrdovicích (Bohuslav Fuchs, 1929–1931)
Palác Jalta (Jaroslav Josef Polívka, 1928–1929)
Synagoga (Otto Eisler, 1934–1936)
Tesařova vila (Bohuslav Fuchs, 1937–1938)
Kompletní seznam lokací naleznete zde
Část budov je přístupná bez rezervace, pokud je vstup s rezervací, nezapomeňte si svou lokaci včas rezervovat. Rezervace se otevřou cca týden před festivalem a budou probíhat přes server GoOut a také osobně na infopointu festivalu v Clubcu ve Vlněně.
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Zdroj: Open House Brno | BAM BRNO
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texnh · 5 years
Otto Eisler – House for Two Young Men
1931, Brno (CZ)
via #1
Photos: © Muzeum města Brna
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musicainextenso · 3 years
2. Heinrich von Herzogenberg (1843-1900)
Herzogenberg was born in Graz to a wealthy family. As a student he studied law and philosophy in Vienna, but abandoned this to be taught composition by (like Fuchs) Otto Dessoff. In 1868 he married Elizabeth von Stockhausen the daughter of Hanover's ambassador to Vienna. She had studied with Brahms. Around this time, now living in Graz, Herzogenberg was working as a freelance composer and writing larger scale works in a more Wagnerian style. However, he underwent a kind of stylistic transformation andpublished very little for a couple of years. 
In 1872 the couple moved to Leipzig and by this time Herzogenberg was writing more chamber music, with a Brahmsian influence. In 1874 he co founded the Bach Society, a year later he became director, a post which lasted for ten years. In 1892 his wife died aged only 44, followed two years later by his close friend Philipp Spitta. Herzogenberg's big influence was Brahms, who was very frugal with his approval of Heinrich's work. But for me, although their modus operandi may be similar, the harmonies and melodies are not, and through these writing differences reveal the different authors' characteristics. 
Here follows a heart piercingly beautiful song, possibly influenced by the tragedies mentioned above, performed by soprano Hélène Lindqvist and pianist Philipp Vogler of The Art Song Project.
Songs/lieder by other composers that are really worth a listen:
Hans Pfitzner
Ludwig Thuille
Hans Eisler (Hollywood Songbook)
David Pulsford, @lesser-known-composers
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danismm · 4 years
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Double house in Brno, Czechoslovakia 1960s. Arch. Otto Eisler.
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galleryofunknowns · 5 years
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Master of the Monogram TK (active c.1518), ‘Portrait of a Man, possibly Georg Thurzo’ + ‘Portrait of a Lady, possibly Anna Fugger’, oil on panel, c.1518, German, currently in the collection of the Museo Nacional Thyssen Bornemisza, Madrid, Spain.
Formerly attributed to Hans Klumbach (b.-d.). Formerly in the collection of the Counts Hertzberg, Dusseldorf; then the collection of Sir Charles Turner, London; then the Otto Held collection, Berlin; then Rohoncz Collection.
The identity of the two figures was suggested by J. Eisler who compared them with three silverpoint drawings by Hans Holbein the Elder in Berlin depicting Georg Thurzo and his wife Anna Fugger. The similarity between the painting and drawing of Thurzo is evident in significant features such as the high forehead with pronounced brow, the small mouth and the long straight nose with rounded tip. Thurzo married Anna Fugger, daughter of Ulrich Fugger, in 1497. Thurzo was from a wealthy Hungarian family with interests in metal and mineral mining in northern Hungary. - Mar Borobia (x/x)
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themodernvilla · 4 years
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Modern Villa in Brno, Czech Republic, designed by architect Otto Eisler in 1930-1931.
Source: bam.brno.cz
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ibta-alexia · 7 years
Research on Practitioner: Bertolt Brecht
Historical context of the practitioner's work:
Bertold Brecht was a German poet, playwright and theatre direction who was active from the 1920′s to his death (1956). The most notable trait of Brecht’s context is his Marxist views which were reflected into his art. Along with this, Brecht lived in Germany during three major types of government: Monarchy (under the Kaiser while Brecht lived in Bavaria, 1898-1924), Republic (the Weimar Republic, 1925-1933) and Dictatorship (Nazi Germany, 1934-1945). These governments effect his views on art as well as his homeland, for example the Weimar republic saw a boom of culture and art and therefore his art thrived and mirrors the decadence at the time. However when he had to flee Germany (for flee of prosecution), Brecht’s work became more solemn and began to critique European culture, Nazi Germany and “the German Bourgeoise”.  
Key philosophies of their artistic system
Politically minded theatre (Karl Marx)
"Art for Art’s sake”
“Epic Theatre” (also called “dialect theatre”)
Drama as a medium
In the hopes to re-function art
Formal experimentation to create modern realism
“estrangement effect“
Taking the event out of its context, to create “curiosity and astonishment” for the event
Influenced by Chinese Theatre
Manifestations of their philosophy theatrically- how was it shown in their own work on stage?
The Proscenium Arch
Epic staging, as oppose to dramatic
Harsh bright lighting
Use of songs to interrupt actions
Actor’s direct address to the audience
Explanatory play cards
Transposing of texts from past tense or third person
(Estrangement effect)
Speaking stage directions aloud
Who they collaborated with
Helen Weigel
German Actress and Artistic Director
Collaborator and Wife
Co-founder of the Berliner Company with Brecht
Teo Otto
Swiss stage designer
Caspar Neher
Hanns Eisler
Wolfgang Langhoff
Actor and director
Theatre groups they established
Berliner Ensemble
Established in 1949, East Berlin
Moved to the Theater am Schiffbauerdamm, in 1954, following Brecht’s exile
Brecht’s Ensemble
His students were given the chance to direct plays Brecht had not yet staged
Rehearsals for productions were “meticulous”, spanned several months
Each production was captured with a Modellbuch, preview photo album which included 400 photos ,minimum, of the actions.
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vampireadamooc · 7 years
Friendly reminder that the FBI Files are publicly available - updated weekly as FOIA Requests are processed.
Direct Links to A-P (August 4th 2017)
The Vault Index
The FBI has converted many FOIA documents to an electronic format (PDF), and they may be viewed below. In the case of voluminous pages, only summaries or excerpts from the documents are online. Subjects are sorted alphabetically by first name. You can also use your browser's find feature to locate subjects on the page.
Al Capone Animal Mutilation Ali Hasan Al-Majid Al-Tikriti (Chemical Ali) Albert Anastasia ACLU Aristotle Onassis American Friends Service Committee Aryan Nation Anna Nicole Smith Anthony Blunt Alfred Kinsey Abner Zwillman Albert Einstein Anthony Spilotro ABSCAM Arthur Flegenheimer (Dutch Schultz) Alcatraz Escape Alcoholics Anonymous Al Gore, Sr. Amerithrax Anwar Nasser Aulaqi Amelia Boynton Abbie Hoffman Adolf Hitler Asian American Political Alliance Amelia Mary Earhart Andrew Phillip Cunanan Anthony Salerno All American Anti Imperialist League American Nazi Party Arthur Rudolph Aryan Brotherhood Atlanta Child Murders Aryan Circle Almighty Latin Kings Abe Fortas Arthur R. "Doc" Barker Arnold Palmer Armando Florez Ibarra Alvin Francis Karpis Attempted Assassination of President Ronald Reagan Alger Hiss Ariel Sharon Art Modell
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todayclassical · 7 years
July 06 in Music History
1580 Birth of German Kapellmeister, composer and lutenist Johann Stobäus in Graudenz.  
1632 Birth of composer Albert Schop. 
1632 Birth of composer Pietro Reggio. 
1678 Birth of composer Nicola Francesco Haym.
1702 Birth of composer Franz Anton Maichelbeck. 
1739 Birth of German organist Friedrich-Rust in Woorlitz.
1747 Birth of composer Coelestin Jungbauer.
1773 Birth of composer Wenzel Thomas Matiegka.
1800 Birth of composer Marco Aurelio Zani de Ferranti.
1837 Birth of composer Wlasyslaw Zelenski.
1852 Birth of composer John Albert Delany.
1864 Birth of Brazilian composer Alberto Nepomuceno, in Fortaleza.  
1865 Birth of French-Austrian composer Emile Jaques-Dalcroze in Vienna.
1877 Birth of composer David Stanley Smith.
1898 Birth of German composer Hans Eisler in Leipzig.
1902 Death of Brazilian conductor Leopoldo Americo Miguez in Rio de Janeiro. 
1913 Grand Prix de Rome music award is given to 19-year-old French composer Lili Boulanger (1893-1918), the first woman to be so honored in Paris. 
1914 Birth of composer Jens Rohiner.
1915 Death of French pianist and organist Paul Etienne Wachs in St Mande.
1915 Birth of American soprano Dorothy Kirsten, Montclair NJ 
1915 Birth of composer Marcel Quinet.
1917 Birth of composer Hugo Cole.
1918 Birth of American pianist Eugene List, in Phila PA. 
1919 Birth of Swiss tenor Earnest Haefliger.
1927 Birth of composer Charles Whittenberg.
1929 Birth of composer Gerd Zacher.
1937 Birth of Russian pianist and conductor Vladimir Ashkenazy. 
1943 Birth of Russian sopranoTamara Siniavskaya. 
1952 Birth of composer Stephen Hartke.
1968 FP of David Del Tredici's "Syzygy", in New York City 
1973 Death of German conductor and composer Otto Klemperer, age 88, in Zürich. 
1979 Birth of composer Jeremy Spindler. 
1986 FP of Aribert Reimann's "Troades", in Munich, Germany. 
1987 FP of Henri Pousseur's "Un Jardin de Passacaille", in Montpellier, France. 
1999 Death of Spanish composer Joaquin Rodrigo in Madrid.
2000 Death of composer Ludovit Rajter.
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newsflorence · 7 years
FLORENCE, ITALY – The Italian Brass Week International Festival, created and directed by Maestro Luca Benucci, first horn of the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, reaches its 18th year with this edition. Florence Daily News is media partner of the event.
As in previous years, it will be held in Florence from the 8th to the 16th of July 2017, and will involve professors and international guest artists in a week filled with masterclasses, conferences and concerts dedicated to the Brass world.
The key word of the Italian Brass Week Festival is internationality; professors from Germany, the Netherlands, USA, Canada, Venezuela, Russia, Italy, Norway, Australia, Hungary, France and Great Britain will meet students from over thirty countries from around the world, from Asia to South America.
An intense weekend filled with emotions that will see a synergy of personalities, institutions, agencies and associations from Florence, Tuscany, Italy, Europe and the rest of the world unite in Music and in the Brass world, together with sponsors and contributors who help to make this Festival come to life: Yamaha, B & S Markneukirchen, Antoine Courtois, Stomvi Art and Technology, Conn-Selmer Inc, Vincent Bach, Besson, International Horn Society, International Trumpet Guild, International Tuba and Euphonium Association.
The stars of the Italian Brass Week
The stars of the Brass world will reunite in Florence at the Italian Brass Week Festival. For the Trumpets: Francisco “Pacho” Flores, International Soloist and Deutsche Grammophon Artist; Otto Sauter, International Soloist and Professor; Sergei Nakariakov, International Soloist; Claudio Quintavalla, Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino; Andrea Tofanelli, International Soloist and Professor; Rex Richardson, International Soloist and Professor at the Virginia Commonwealth University.
For the Horns: Dale Clevenger, Ex Chicago Symphony Orchestra and Indiana University Professor; Luca Benucci, Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino and Conservatorio di Musica “B. Maderna” di Cesena; Froydis Ree Wekre, Member of the International Horn Society, Professor at the Ingesund Music Academy (Sweden) and at the Royal Northen College of Music of Manchester (Great Britain); Francis Lloyd, International Soloist.
For the Trombones: Alain Trudel, International Soloist and Professor, Canadian Music Ambassador of the Canadian Music Center, Yamaha International Artist and Director of the Orchestre Symphonique de Laval; Jamie Williams, Deutsche Oper di Berlino and Professor at the Hochschule für Musik und Theater of Rostock and at the Hanns Eisler Hochschule für Musik of Berlino; Gabriele Malloggi, Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino; Jonathan Reith, National Orchestra of France.
And, finally, for the Tubas: Roger Bobo, Ex Los Angeles Philarmonic Orchestra, Brass legend and Professor at the Musashino School of Music of Tokyo; Anne Jelle Visser, Orchestra of the Zurich Opera House, Professor at the Hochschule der Kunste of Zurich, Yamaha International Artist; Steve Rosse, International Soloist and Professor, Sydney Symphony Orchestra; Roland Szentpali, International Soloist.
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The Italian Brass Week collaborations
As in previous Florentine editions, the Institutional Partners will be: The Teatro dell’Opera di Firenze, The City of Florence, the City-Province Metropolitan Office, the Region of Tuscany, the World Brass Association, the European Brass Association, ANBIMA, Estate Fiorentina 2017 and Publiacqua.
This year the Festival is proud to have the patronages of numerous Embassies and Consulates: Embassy of Australia in Rome, Embassy of Canada in Rome, Honorary Consulate of France in Florence, Embassy of Great Britain in Rome, Embassy of Israel in Rome, Embassy of Norway in Rome, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Rome, Embassy of the Venezuelan Bolivarian Republic in Rome.
Florence Daily News is a media partner of the festival. The other media partners are Amadeus, Suonare news, Teatrionline, Rivista Musica, Toscana Tascabile, Firenze Spettacolo, The Florentine, Rete Toscana Classica, Novaradio Città Futura, Firenze Notte, Risveglio Musicale.
For this 18th edition, the Italan Brass Week Festival has chosen the focal point of the concert season to be the great Maestro Giotto di Bondone (1267-1337), on the 750th anniversary of his birth, revisiting the biographical Florentine locations of the Artist himself.
Just like Giotto’s artwork, the Festival also strives to be revolutionary, realizing new artistic ideals and giving back to the Brass world, both part of our core missions: Music to People and Wings to Talent, the pillars of this edition.
Many students of the Italian Brass Week Festival, just as apprentices learned at the feet of the Master Giotto, take inspiration from the lessons, conferences, recitals and concerts given by their Maestros, Professors and International Soloists, and interweave themselves into the music world, renewing their musical vision and contemporary approach, continuing toward performing great artistic works that leave an indelible mark on the audience and performers alike, certain that the beauty of music itself will save the world.
The revolution of the Italian Brass Week Festival continues, then, in Giotto’s footsteps, by holding concerts in the actual locations Giotto himself had left his mark on the fleur-de-lis city.
The Giotto-esque locations of the Festival
The Santa Maria Novella Basilica, custodian of Giotto’s crucifix since the 1200s, will be the stage where the Soloists of the Festival will perform in Recital (11 July 2017, 21.30h), accompanied by Maestro Andrea Severi on the Organ, designed by Daniele Paoli, in a musical journey of heavenly musicianship that bonds with the power and presence of the Divine. The soloists will play with light and color, harmony and dissonance, just as Giotto and other contrasting artists, unearthing and revisiting elements of the Renaissance, based on the resurrection.
The Podestà Chapel, in the Bargello National Museum, where Giotto frescoed an illustration of Heaven as well as his contemporary and compatriot, Dante Alighieri, will host the Soloists of the Italian Brass Week – Francisco “Pacho” Flores and Otto Sauter on the Trumpet, Frank Lloyd on the Horn and Alain Trudel on the Trombone – who will unite with the Florentine Chamber Orchestra, under the direction of Maestro Giuseppe Lanzetta (12 July 2017, 21:00h).
The Arno river and Ponte Vecchio will be the backdrop to the performance of a world premiere piece dedicated to Giotto and to the Brass world (15 July 2017, 19:30h). This event has been a prominent presence for the past three years, thanks to its originality, historic location and the impression it leaves on the international audience. The composition, commissioned by the Festival, has been entrusted to noted composer Enjott Schneider. From his pen, “Water Music” was given life. The performance of this work will be executed by 18 soloists who, under the direction of Maestro Dale Clevenger, will play on board the historic boats of the Renaioli. They will unite with two Brass Orchestras, the first, with 50 musicians, will play from the Ponte Vecchio, under the direction of Maestro Roger Bobo. The second, with 40 musicians, will be directed by Maestro Alain Trudel from the riverbanks of the Arno at the Canottieri Social Club. Embellishing the performance will be the lyrical soprano voice of Eva Lind, star of lyric Opera, who, also from Ponte Vecchio, will be the herald of Giotto’s artistic message.
The Inaugural and Closing concerts of the XVIII Italian Brass Week International Festival (9 and 16 July 2017, 21.15h) will be included in the calendar of the already exhaustive Opera di Firenze 2017 summer season.
The Cortile dell’Ammannati, in Palazzo Pitti, will be the ideal stage to display the Ottoni del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino (9 July 2017), a dynamic and versatile group with leading members of the international music scene, to perform a program that spans from the Baroque to the Contemporary; as well as for the Italian Brass Week’s World Big Band that will close the Festival with special guests Andrea Tofanelli, Rex Richardson and Alain Trudel, virtuosi performing musical acrobatics and sweet melodies on the most renowned American jazz standards and more.
Beyond the two aforementioned concerts, Palazzo Pitti will also host the world premiere of “The Titans”, a new composition written by Francesco Traversi, recent award winner of the Gold Medal for Best Composer of the Year by the Global Music Award in San Diego (California, USA), for 10 brass soloists and symphonic orchestra. The stars of the festival will unite with the Orchestra of the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino, under the baton of Maestro Philipp von Steinaecker (13 July 2017, 21.15 h).
An intense program of events that is determined to meet and surpass its triumphs of years past, aimed toward a musical journey through the history and locations of the Florentine capital in the name of Internationality.
The Italian Brass Week returns with Intl. artists FLORENCE, ITALY - The Italian Brass Week International Festival, created and directed by Maestro Luca Benucci, first horn of the Orchestra del Maggio Musicale Fiorentino…
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texnh · 5 years
Otto Eisler – Apartment building Údolní Street
1932, Brno (CZ)
via #1
Photos: © Muzeum města Brna
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pmjrk · 6 years
House for Two Young Men / Otto Eisler
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via: archiweb.cz; Brno Architecture Manual (BAM); wikipedia.org
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