#ouat Prince Charming
oautincorrectquotes · 7 months
Emma: It's so cute when Regina.
David: When Regina...?
Emma: Yeah.
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herhookedhero · 7 months
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Jared proposed at Disneyland right next to the Snow White and Peter Pan rides… I mean… 😏😏😏
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timaeuslover001 · 1 month
Once Upon a Time Playlist
(In no Particular order or deiced to one character but songs meaning one or several character for just even the theme of the show or even situations )
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[if you aw this before, its a Repost from my OLD account since Tumblr deleted my last account and ashen replaced my account count in yet 3 months🙃]
"A Dream Is A Wish You're Heart Makes" ~ Disney Channel Stars
"Seasons Of Love "~ Rent (movie version)
"Neverland"~ Zendaya
"Find Your Grail"~ Sara Ramirez (Spamalot)
"The Call" ~Regina Spektor
"There's music In You"~Whitney Huston (Cinderella Movie Rogger Hammerstiens)
"Impossible "~ Brandy (Cinderella Movie Rogger Hammerstein)
"Let it Go"~ (Frozen)
"Miracles Happen "~ Myra
"You'll Be in My Heart"~Phil Collins
"Can't Help Falling in Love"~(A*Teens ver.)
"Can I Have This Dance"~ High School Musical 3
"Take Me As I Am"~ (Jekyll and Hyde )
"Tightrope"~ The Greatest Showman
"Know who You Are" ~ Moana
"Let Me Be Your Wings"~ Thumbelina
"Keep Your Mind Wide Open"~ Anna Sophia Robb
"Queen Of Mean"~ Descendants 3
"What's My Name"~ Descendants 2
"Stand in the Rain" ~Superchick
"Ever ever after" ~ Carrie Underwood
"The Waltz"~ The Princess Diaries Soundtrack
"I Still Believe"~Hayden Pannettiere
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infiniteimaginings · 4 months
〔𝘋𝘢𝘷𝘪𝘥 𝘕𝘰𝘭𝘢𝘯 - 𝘗𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘊𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘨〕
Started: February 18th, 2024 Updated: February 18th, 2024
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All my writings for David Nolan (Prince Charming) - Once Upon a Time
None yet
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countrymusiclover · 11 months
44 - Love is the most powerful magic of all
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His Golden Princess
Thank you all for reading ❤️ This is the end of Astrid and Rumple's story
@fanficismydrug @misskitty1912-blog @icefrye19 @lover-of-books-and-tea
Shooting awake up in the bed holding my stomach with my hands tightly. Frantically looking around I gasped. Fumbling over to my nightstand I dialed the first phone number I could think of. “Em, ah! I need your help. The baby…”
“Ast, what’s wrong?” Even though she wasn’t happy I used the sword to save her life and made her a Dark One she still cared about me.
It had been a few months since I had told her and Rumple the truth. Throwing my head back against the pillows I gripped the phone in my hand. “I think the baby’s coming. I….ohhh. I need Rumple.”
“I’ll come get you.” She said quickly.
Biting my lip I drew blood feeling contractions. My heart was beating faster. “Emma, there’s no need. I can just magic there….ah what the hell?” Looking down to my arm I gasped seeing some dark veins rising up through my veins.
“Astrid, tell me. What’s going on!” My sister declared through the phone hearing the panic in my voice. We could always tell the difference in the other person's voice when we were terrified. Before she gave birth to Henry I visited her in jail and could see she was horrified.
Tossing the covers aside I stumbled out of the bed. Standing on my feet I winced holding a hand over my heart feeling it burning in pain. "Emma, I need Rumple. Ohhh! Call - call Ella…call Ashley. Whoever she's going by. Cinderella!"
"Okay I'm calling her right now." Emma hung up where I stumbled down the stairs in my sleep clothes trying to not panic. Leaning against the wall I knew that Ashly or Ella would be there for me just like my sister.
Walking into Ashly’s hospital room Emma said I should be the one to tell her we convince Gold to let her keep her child. Shutting the door behind me I smiled seeing her holding her daughter. “Hey, how’s she doing. What’s her name?”
“Alexandra. Sean came to see her.” Her smile dropped thinking back to Gold and their deal. “Will he be taking her from me now?”
Sitting down on the edge of her bed I placed a hand on her leg. “Nope. Emma and I got him to let you keep her. My sister will owe him a favor but it doesn’t matter as long as you’re happy.”
“Thank you, thank you both so much.” She began crying, bouncing her baby girl in her arms.
Sending her a grin I tilted my head sensing she had more to say. “What is it, Ashly?”
“I noticed Emma, your sister said she had a kid. But you don’t. I just thought that if you ever have children I’ll be there for you.” The blonde grinned and we would later learn she was Cinderella. “You and Emma gave me a chance to raise my child. And that is something I will never forget.”
Sniffing through tears I didn’t expect that from the single mother. “Awe thank you, Ashly. I will remember that. You have my word.”
The blonde princess pulled up outside my house and her husband Thomas came inside seeing that I was holding my stomach. Throwing my head back I winced sharply. “Sean!”
“Did someone call a prince to the rescue? Come on, we'll get you to the hospital.” He wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me up bridal style carrying me out to his truck.
Ashly was in the front passenger seat holding her daughter in her lap. But she reached behind the seat taking my hand in hers. “It’s going to be okay. Emma said she is going to get Rumple.”
“Okay…” I nodded, biting my lip, shutting my eyes as we flee to the hospital which thankfully wasn’t far in the small formerly cursed town. Once we were there her prince came back with a wheelchair and the nurse got a room ready.
Laying in the bed I gasped seeing the dark veins making their way through my whole arm. I didn't know why it was happening but it had to be the reason I collapsed and saw my daughter in a future vision. “Ah Mrs. Gold. I am praying that this pregnancy I perform is actually normal this time.” Dr. Whale came into the room with a set of nurses.
“You and I both…urgh!” I bared my teeth down before the lights in the room flickered off and on like crazy. I had a blood pressure cuff on tracing my vitals that started sounding off like crazy.
Whale came over reading the level my heart was going. “Woah, that isn’t good. Your heart rate is way too low.”
“It probably has something to do with these.” Holding my forearm upwards he caught sight of the dark veins. I coughed some blood on my shirt when the door burst open and I saw my sister and husband. “Emma - Rumple!”
My husband rushed over to my bedside as quickly as he could with the limp and cane. He takes my hand in tracing his thumb over the veins that were growing my palms now. “Astrid, I’m sorry. There shouldn’t be this much stress on the baby. But don’t worry I’ll fix it.”
“Rumple ... .no you take the power back.” I gasped through tears seeing him draw the Dark One dagger from inside his suit jacket.
He shook his head clutching the dagger handle tightly in his hands. He began crying heavily where I could see his brown eyes welling with tears. “I can’t let the darkness kill you and our daughter. You are too important to me, lass. You are my heart and soul. If you die then I won’t have my happy ending. You have changed me to be a better man and know love when I didn’t think I deserved it. So let me take the power back please.”
“But if you take it back it will kill you, Rumple. That’s the whole reason why I took it from you….I don’t want to lose the man I love.” I sobbed heavily through tears clutching the bedsheets in my fingers. “Please don’t leave me, Rumple. I need you….you are my life!”
He placed the dagger in my right wrapping his hand around mine where he winced shaking through the pain feeling how stronger the darkness had become in my bloodstream. “Then we will split the power between us. Together we share a heart. So we can share the power too.”
“How…I thought only one person could be the Dark One.” I croaked, squeezing his hand in mine beginning to feel more scared than before.
Emma stepped forward taking the dagger in her hands raising it up to the two of us all the while Dr. Whale was jumping standing there watching. “I found a way to control my light magic over the darkness that is keeping me alive. I know what to do. You have to each have light and dark magic inside of you.” She focused sternly on us before the dagger glows brightly and we both gasped.
Shifting my gaze to Rumple I saw he was watching me too. Suddenly the dark magic came outside of me and split into two separate strands. The magic shot back into our hearts and the same thing happened with my golden light magic. “That should work….oh my gosh.” My sister sighed with a smile.
“It worked, Rumple.” Leaning my head against his chest I sighed in relief intertwining my hand with his gently. His brown eyes watched the darkness veins disappear from my arms a few seconds after.
Dr. Whale looked at my screen showing the baby getting my legs up and open to push. “Now that your heart is good we need to get this baby out for ya.”
Rumple moved around to the side of the bed so I could hold onto his hand. The contractions started coming closer together when I gave my first few pushes. My heart started banging against my chest and I already felt tired. "It's starting to come out, Astrid. Just a few more big pushes." Dr. Whale said back.
Rumple winced sharply when I squeezed his hand even tighter. My freehand was turning white while I gripped the handle of the dagger. Sweat was sticking to my forehead with the white hair falling over my shoulders appearing to be a mess. "I can't do this, Rumple…I can’t!"
"Yes you can. Astrid. I've seen you overcome things that have been much harder than this. So I know you can do this." He replied, squeezing my hand in his even though I had nearly broken his hand at this point.
Nodding my head slowly I bared my teeth doing one final push that took the last of my energy that I had left. An infant's cry filled the room where I threw my head back onto the pillows. Gulping a lump down my throat I slowly controlled my breathing while the nurse wrapped the baby in a blanket handing them to me once I had sat up again. "Congratulations, you have a baby girl. Have you thought of a name?"
“No….ah what the hell!” I gasped, feeling more contractions breaking through my body.
Emma whipped her head around in panic. “Whale, what is happening to my sister?”
“It’s okay. Uh….she has another baby coming.” He dropped down in his rolling chair frantically getting prepared again telling me to push again. “You have to start pushing again, Mrs. Gold.”
Sucking in a breath Rumple squeezed my hand tightly knowing that I was beginning to panic rapidly. He pushed hair out of my face when I started pushing as much as I could. “Ahhh!”
“There it is. Congratulations again you two. You have a baby boy now too.” Dr. Whale held up the baby in his arms, handing it to the other nurse.
The nurses handed the girl to me and the baby boy to Rumple. He sent me a teary grin and I chuckled, not expecting that we would have two kids at once. “Rumple, I know the name for the daughter. Marigold Ella Stilskin. But you can name the boy.”
“Gideon Baefire Stilskin.” He declares leaning forward kissing me gently. Leaning into the kiss I smiled when he whispered back. “I love you, Astrid. I always will. You are my golden princess.”
Breaking the kiss we both stared down at the infants in our arms. No matter what we had faced, these little joys were all worth it. “I love you too, Rumple. You are my dark prince.” I would never forget that Henry bringing us here to break a curse changed everything for the better.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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jens-lyndelle · 6 months
prince charming/david nolan from once upon a time is such a jake hurwitz character and it’s probably his most redeeming quality. he’s just a straight white wife guy. like he’s literally obsessed with his wife, like willingly put himself under a sleeping curse so he could see her in the fucking like sleeping curse dream realm. he looks exactly like you’d expect a jake hurwitz character to look
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caliburn-the-sword · 6 months
for someone who is established as THE sword character in the very first season david has almost. no swordfights. which is kind of super embarrassing for him ngl. like you're prince charming that's your WHOLE gig. bfr
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That's why consent is needed. Even for you Charming.
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mintchip-lover · 7 months
He's blind girl.... he's been blinded!!!
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oautincorrectquotes · 2 months
Charming: *mumbling in latin*
Hook: for the last time, i'm not a demon and you can't exorcize me.
Charming: worth a try.
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lamour-est-la-force · 9 months
Me: Once Upon a Time season 1 is so cozy and comforting :)
ouat s1: government corruption, a woman almost having to give her baby away against her will, a mine collapsing with a child inside, a girl locked in a mental hospital, arson, homeless children needing to steal to survive, said homeless children almost getting separated in the foster care system, infidelity, drugging and kidnapping, attempted muder, actual murder, a murder trial that has nothing to do with the real actual murder, a man slowly and painfully turning into wood, etc.
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dinneratgrannys · 1 month
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ONCE UPON A TIME 6.12, Murder Most Foul
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earthly-ali3n · 7 months
charming is so funny to me because he believes Emma is just as good and pure as Snow (pre candle of course) despite her past.
like he’s talking to Hook and says something like, oh Emma will never like you, you’re a pirate 😡😡😡
totally disregarding the fact that her first love was a car thief and a watch burglar. Like my man criminals are her type!!!!! Your daughter had a teen pregnancy in jail!!!!
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
40 - Dark Princess
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Part 41
His Golden Princess
@fanficismydrug @misskitty1912-blog @dragonixfrye @lover-of-books-and-tea
Black liquid gue dropped down from my body where I frantically looked around seeing that I was back in what looked to be the Enchanted Forest once more. Putting my hands on my belly I felt the baby kick against me. “It’s alright little one. We’ll figure this out - who’s there?”
“Ah we finally meet, golden princess. I knew you wouldn’t be able to resist me forever.” Spinning around on my feet I came into contact with the enchanted version of my husband. He was dressed in his snake skin leather clothes smirking directly at me.
Glaring at the figure of my husband. “You gave me no choice. I wasn’t going to let my sister get consumed by you. I know you’re the voice of the Dark One. I just don’t understand how the hell I could see you before now.”
“Correct you are, dearie. What you and the weaker version of me didn’t realize is that when he split his heart to save you, he placed part of his darkness inside you. Now, Rumplestiltskin is but one of many. Perhaps I can be another. How about Gorgon the Invincible?” He suddenly turned into a fire breathing bear where I ducked seeing him turn back human. “Yes, probably easier this way. Now, are you ready to begin?”
Picking up the ends of the cloak so I didn’t trip I started walking away from him. If I could get to Merlin than I could get rid of this power for good and find a way back home to Storybrooke. “It was nice talking to you but I am not embracing the darkness.”
“Ah, they all say that. Everyone who steps from this well enjoys the taste too much. The only way to stop is to be stopped. This is the fate of all Dark Ones.” Rumple raised his voice pointing towards the round platform near us.
Stomping up to him even though he was just the voice in my head I clutched my hands into fists at my sides. “You’re wrong, Dark One. I managed to show Rumple the light and he would never let me go down the dark road. So I will never embrace his powers.”
“We shall see, dearie. We shall see.” He smirked disappearing when I started walking away from the well praying that Rumple back home would get better. My boots were crunching leaves as I tried to figure out what direction I was going. My mother was supposed to be a great tracker and unfortunately I wasn’t like that. “That maple tree ahead, we've passed it three times already. You're going around in circles, Dearie. Now I can help you, if you let me.”
“I'm not using dark magic. Weren’t you listening earlier you annoying imp!” Rolling my eyes I huffed wanting him to shut up.
Rumplestiltskin spoke up. “I didn't say it was going to use magic. If you want to find Merlin, just ask, and find him you shall.”
“You’re talking about transportation spells. I already know how to do that.” Flipping my hair around I huffed, slumping my shoulders.
He smiled putting his finger tips together. “Excellent. Imagine a mirrored lake. A tall tree with low-hanging branches that loom over it. Above it, a beautiful blue sky. Now picture it in your mind's eye. Picture it clearly…I am impressed you are the only person who already has been trained in magic.”
Closing my eyes I concentrated before I opened my eyes again seeing I was near a lake and the tree he explained where I ran my hands through my hair. “You’ve got to be kidding me. You tricked me into using magic.”
“Of course I did! I'm a Dark One!” He smiled brightly where I gave him the middle finger stomping away through the trees. Walking through the woods I saw someone wearing a black hood snatching a blue creature that the mind version of Rumple had called a Wisp. Moving through the trees I raised my hand accidentally throwing her onto her back.
The figure got up removing the hood where I saw a girl with curly red locks and drew a bow and arrow directly at me. “Back off, lassie. My aim is true. Don't test me.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you. I am still learning how this magic works exactly.” Shrugging my shoulders I wrapped my arms around myself staring at her.
The girl scoffed at me. “So that was just a wee magical love tap? Oh, I've met my share of witches, and I know 'em when I see 'em. Witch.”
“To clarify, I was cursed. I had to take on the dark magic to save the life of my husband. He was once consumed by such power. So I want to get rid of it for good.” I explained twirling the wedding ring on my left hand.
The Scottish girl lowered her weapon, making me slightly confused by what she was saying. “Aye. I know what that's like. It's a terrible fate to be cursed. Just be glad you're not a bear. Oh, nevermind. Look, I wish I could help ya, but I need the wisp too, for my kingdom, for my family. So... I'm afraid you're gonna ha' to fight me for it.” She dropped the bow completely, turning her hands into fists. “I'm willing to fight fair if you are. No magic.”
Rumplestiltskin pointed out over my shoulder. “I like her spunk. Break her neck.”
“I’m not going to hurt you. It’s not just the man I love that I have to look out for. I am pregnant too as you can see.” Dropping my hands on my belly. “It’s yours, the Wisp. My name is Astrid.”
She nodded, sending me a smile letting me join her. “Thank you. I'm Merida.” Our little team up didn’t last since the mind version of Rumple wouldn’t leave me alone last night. Meridia draws her bow ready to shoot an arrow at me. “Stop. I don't know what kind of witch you are or what strange voices are in your wee head, but I heard everything.”
Rumplestiltskin asked me where I rolled my eyes. “What's she saying? Accent's a bit much, no?”
"I don't need your lies. I need this wisp and I need my brothers, so turn around and go." The princess offers me an out.
Rumplestiltskin dared me. "She's daring you. What are you waiting for, dark one? You know what you have to do. Now go ahead... And rip her heart out. Now's the time. You want the wisp? There's only one way. Now do it."
"I'm not going to kill her. I refuse to be like you and the others!" Whipping my head around she watched me shouting to no one firing an arrow in my direction. Raising my right hand I grasped the arrow in my fingers before it could hit my heart.
The voices in my head spat back. "Go on. Use your anger. Use your power."
Sucking in a breath the red head kept shooting arrows at me but it didn't matter because I caught them every time. Dropping my hands at my sides I could feel that I was getting angry and that if I gave in the darkness won. "Please Merida. I am not going to kill you. I swear."
"You're a crazy woman. I don't want to talk." She hides behind a rock firing her last arrow at me where I raised my hand snatching it.
Glaring at the Scottish girl I closed my eyes, opening my other hand drawing her to me with magic. "You need to find Merlin, Dark One. You need that wisp. kill her. What are you waiting for? kill her."
"I'm so sorry." I whispered to her, shoving my hand inside her chest, yanking her heart out.
The Dark One giggled in my ear. "Excellent. Now... crush it."
Staring down at the red beating heart in my fingers I swore I could feel my own beating inside my chest. Merida's eyes locked onto mine where she cried when I closed my fingers around the heart about to crush it until I heard my sister's voice call pit to me. "Astrid!"
"Em…How?" I gasped seeing that it was our parents with Regina and Hook standing before me.
Hook explained standing beside my sister. "It doesn't matter how. Has anything ever stopped me before?"
"You don't know what's happening. This is the only way to find Merlin. He's the only one who can stop the darkness…I have to protect my unborn child from it." I exclaimed to the group, sniffing out some worried tears.
Rumplestiltskin said to me. "Quite right. Crush it." Moving my fingers tighter around the heart I didn't want to kill the girl in front of me but she took my only chance to find him.
Regina noticed what I was about to do. "But to stop the darkness, you're going to let it consume you."
"Astrid, look at me. I only saw darkness in Gold until I saw what he was willing to do for you. You proved that there was good inside him. Now I am doing the same for you." My sister stepped up placing a hand on my shoulder and the other on my wrist where I was holding onto the heart.
Mom stepped up behind her weakly holding up the dagger that had my name across it now. "We're not going to take the chance."
Hook and my sister spoke together softly. "No, wait. You can't do that. This has to be her choice."
Shuttering out a breath I heard the heartbeat before I shoved it back inside Merida's chest making her gasp. "I am nor going to become like Rumplestiltskin was….Mom, dad, Emma, this is too dangerous. You shouldn't have come."
Dad responded quickly. "We had to."
"You're my sister. Darkness or not. I'm here for you." Emma hugged me from the side and I hugged her back.
Mom lowered the dagger, sending me a smile. "You're our daughter."
Hook eyes me up and down seeing that I was wearing a black cloak with my hair pinned up but I didn't have the skin that the enchanted forest Rumplestiltskin had. "Well, you don't look like a crocodile."
My mother opened her hands offering me the dagger with a hopeful tone. "Here. We think you should have this."
"Take it. You'll be able to control yourself." Dad adds on.
Shaking my head, I held my hand up, making my family confused. "I can't, dad."
Hook sent me a confused brow not understanding why. "Astrid, think about it. If it falls into the wrong hands, what it could do... what you could do…"
"It doesn't matter, Hook. I need someone who won't hesitate. So I'm sorry to say this but…Regina I'm giving it to you." I fired back at the pirate. I wasn’t in control of myself like I thought I would be. Voice Rumple inside my head was right now that I thought about. I had some small piece of darkness inside me before I turned so I couldn't trust my actions anymore.
Regina glanced to my sister who seemed hurt at first but would accept that she was right about it. "I'll do my best, Swan girl."
Intertwining my hand with my sisters she sends me a hopeful smile mumbling back to me. "Don't worry, Ast. We are here for you. And we will bring Rumple back before the baby is born. I promise."
"Thanks, Em." We made the walk back from where they had came but I glanced over my shoulder seeing that enchanted Rumplestiltskin was still close. The fight between light and dark wasn't even close to over.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
Author- So who should Astrid send Merida after when she is forced to make Rumple into a hero in the episode 5x06??? Let me know any ideas you have in the comments
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grtmnick · 13 days
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Let’s take a minute to remind ourselves of SwanQueen’s absolute canonicity!
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lvcygraybaird · 2 months
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Aren’t you a real Prince Charming? I have a name, you know. Don’t care. Charming suits you.
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