#nova x dreamy
timaeuslover001 · 1 month
Once Upon a Time Playlist
(In no Particular order or deiced to one character but songs meaning one or several character for just even the theme of the show or even situations )
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[if you aw this before, its a Repost from my OLD account since Tumblr deleted my last account and ashen replaced my account count in yet 3 months🙃]
"A Dream Is A Wish You're Heart Makes" ~ Disney Channel Stars
"Seasons Of Love "~ Rent (movie version)
"Neverland"~ Zendaya
"Find Your Grail"~ Sara Ramirez (Spamalot)
"The Call" ~Regina Spektor
"There's music In You"~Whitney Huston (Cinderella Movie Rogger Hammerstiens)
"Impossible "~ Brandy (Cinderella Movie Rogger Hammerstein)
"Let it Go"~ (Frozen)
"Miracles Happen "~ Myra
"You'll Be in My Heart"~Phil Collins
"Can't Help Falling in Love"~(A*Teens ver.)
"Can I Have This Dance"~ High School Musical 3
"Take Me As I Am"~ (Jekyll and Hyde )
"Tightrope"~ The Greatest Showman
"Know who You Are" ~ Moana
"Let Me Be Your Wings"~ Thumbelina
"Keep Your Mind Wide Open"~ Anna Sophia Robb
"Queen Of Mean"~ Descendants 3
"What's My Name"~ Descendants 2
"Stand in the Rain" ~Superchick
"Ever ever after" ~ Carrie Underwood
"The Waltz"~ The Princess Diaries Soundtrack
"I Still Believe"~Hayden Pannettiere
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Nova and dreamy
2 notes · View notes
lightwing-s · 6 months
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pairing: dick grayson x fem! reader
summary: as an intern at the police department you should know how to separate work from personal life, but when officer dreamy comes after you, you can't help it but mix them together
rating: 18+ (MDNI)
word count: 6,2k warnings: unprotected sex, cum eating, handjob (f receiving), slight overstimulation, a lot of pinning for each other
a/n: i gave up proof reading halfway because i was sleepy, so it might be okay at first and then become messy. sorta base on my experience working at a police precinct earlier this year, but not faithful (at all) to reality.
reblogs and interactions are always appreciated ! ♡
⌜masterlist�� ⌜requests⌟
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Jumping off the last step down the bus, you rush into the streets, swerving through the crowds, bumping against people, getting sworn at by some, and somehow managing your way through the busy mess that was Gotham’s early mornings.
The headphones glued to your ear were the only thing trying to distract you from all the chaos that was the start of your day, but as the shuffle merged bossa nova into 2000s punk rock, you felt your body react and jump into a faster pace on your way to work. Within each step, the Greek columns of the old imposing building of the Gotham City’s Police Department grew bigger in the horizon, letting you know your commute was close to its end.
Beep beep, your watch announced the start of your shift. Damn it, you were late again. Trying to speed up your steps, you felt your calves start to burn, but the building soon was right in front of you, a couple of steps separating you both.
“Good morning, Yn.” greeted one of the officers, as you passed by him in a rush, as you made your way up the large steps without somehow managing to trip as he was bound somewhere else, already deep into the rash routine of being a police officer at the country’s most dangerous city.
Bursting through the doors, you look around to see if your supervisor, officer McCaffrey, was anywhere near. He hated you and had been on your ass since you started arriving a bit later than you were supposed to, a move further away from the precinct ruining your commute times.
Not seeing his growing bald head anywhere around, you jump ahead and find your way to your desk, stacked with piles and piles of papers, old cases handed to you to be typed and launched into this new software funded by Mr. Bruce Wayne.
Interning at a police station wasn’t exactly a part of your meticulously drawn up plan to get into law school, as law enforcement was on the far bottom of your list of possible careers to choose for your future. However, from day one you were surprised by how much you enjoyed working at the department, by how much you enjoyed the people, both your co-workers and, weirdly, the criminals you got to meet on a daily basis. 
Sometimes it was too much, juggling school work and the internship, plus all the side hustles you had to take just to make it through college without starving to death. But it all had its good sides. Sometimes, some really good ones.
Placing your bag over the pile of cases, you were about to go around your desk and sit down on the rather uncomfortable chair to start typing those damned cases away, when the rough voice of the main antagonist of this current season of your life reached your ears. 
“Miss, Ys,” your supervisor called. Rolling your eyes, you forced yourself to remain still, a lot of effort put into not throwing your head back in defeat as you turned around to meet face of your tormentor for the first time that day. “Thought you started your program at…” he dragged himself out, looking at his clock. “Exactly fifteen minutes ago.”
“Hello, officer McCaffrey.” you forced out a smile while greeting him. “Well, I was here fifteen minutes ago, you must have missed me.”
You confidently tried to lie, hoping the time spent with suspected criminals had taught you something, but being sure your face must have told him the opposite of what you meant. “I’m pretty sure I looked all over for you.”
“Are you sure?” you feigned innocence when trying once more.
“Miss Yn, this is a serious institution and if you’re not going to cooperate by doing your job properly I’m sorry to inform you that…” 
“You won’t need it, Christian.” a deeper voice cut your supervisor off as he started to scold you again. The voice, a tone you could easily identify from how much you’d heard it and dreamed of it in the past few months. “I stopped Miss Yn outside for a talk. I did not think there would be any problem.”
Sounding much more confident in his lie than you did, you were sure you could’ve fallen for it if it wasn’t of you he was talking about.
“Officer Grayson, Miss Ys has got a job to finish, she doesn’t need to go around having conversations with what I imagine are busy policemen.” officer Tormentor replied, not even caring to turn around and face the other voice’s owner, disdain covering each and everyone of his words.
“We were just discussing a case, it’s not that big of a deal. Right, Yn?” Officer Grayson called you by your first name along with a wink, the remaining energy left from not rolling your eyes at officer McCaffrey earlier keeping you from melting at how sweet your name sounded coming out of his mouth. 
McCaffrey finally turned to face your white night in a white button-up, only his back in your line of view now as you were still paralyzed in your spot, the image of Officer Grayson trapping your attention from anything else in the precinct.
“Dick,” your supervisor continued, the name sounding off of him like an annoyance. ”You’re not supposed to share confidential information with the students.” He told him bitterly.
“Aren’t they here to learn about our job, Christian?” Officer Grayson replied, the same annoyance playing on his tongue, but at the same time full of an uplifting fun only Dick Grayson could master and that you were sure only annoyed Christian more.
Facing the sudden silence between you three, you noticed Officer Grayson’s eyebrow raising, challenging his fellow officer to complain about you one more time.
“Sure, but…”
“I was doing just that, making sure Yn’s internship actually brings some value to her future.” Grayson cut him once more. “No sensitive information was shared, just the look of an investigation through a detective’s eye. And even so, miss Yn is one of the most competent interns we’ve had in a while and I’m sure she would’ve been able to keep any information she might’ve gotten. I’m sure talking with actual officers is much more beneficial than typing old cases into a system.”
Silence overcame you three again, Grayson’s words having a certain impact on you. Your shoes, stained and in desperate need of a wash, suddenly became interesting as you lowered your face to hide the burning red on your cheeks. The insides of your lips were chewed on, stopping the smile from spreading on your face.
Finally looking up, your eyes briefly met Officer Grayson’s, but you moved away quickly, afraid of what they might’ve done to you. 
Officer McCaffrey opened and closed his mouth a couple of times, his mind certainly trying to muster a comeback to Grayson’s defense of you but clearly failing to do so. His eyes moved from you to his coworker, and you wondered what was going through his head.
Whatever it was, it would never live up to Officer Dick Grayson. He just never would.
“Very well,” McCaffrey finally spoke, turning to face you with a displeased expression. “Get on with your typing.”
Turning on his heel, McCaffrey walked away from the two of you, the hardness of his hips making his walk look funny and with the bald spot growing in his head the both of you let out a soft chuckle.
Resting your butt on the desk behind you, the need of formality gone with your supervisor, you took this time to eye up the man left with you. 
That man didn’t have a bad looking day, showing up like a greek god every single day at work. He wore his usual white button-up shirt, rolled up to his elbows and exposing his thick forearms, built effortlessly at the gym - you were sure -, and decorated with veins you secretly wanted to map with your fingertips. 
He wore gray pants today, a color he often varied with either dark blue, black or beige, but the latter, thankfully, becoming rarer with each passing day. It didn’t compliment him, making his look rather boring in your opinion, nor did it match well with any of his shoes, probably more expensive than anything you owned. 
His badge and gun hang on his hips, held on the black belt made of the most sophisticated leather in the world, or so you’d bet. He seemed to take good care of himself, as not only his skin glistened like a glazed donut, but he exuded a strong woody smell, following him along to every room he entered.
However, the lack of a tie and the untidy hair signaled to you he might’ve been just as late as you were. And still, he looked majestic. The highlight of your long hours at the precinct.
“Hello, officer Grayson.” you greeted him shyly. You certainly should not have spent too much of your days simply just watching him go on about his work, but it was a habit you had created and that was hard not to do, his simple presence was enough to overwhelm you.
“Good morning, Yn. Haven’t had an easy morning, I see?” he raised his eyebrow at you this time, a playful smiling playing on his face. 
“You too, right?” slipped out of your mouth quicker than you’d wished, almost slapping your face out of sheer frustration.
His head bent to the side, a question forming on his eyes, eyebrows furrowed, but soon returning to the playful expression you were used to. “I see your detective skills have been improving.”
“I-I just noticed you’re not wearing a t-tie like you usually do and your hair seems messy, that’s all.” you said without pausing for air and his smile only seemed to grow.
“Relax, Yn,” he dragged out. “I just had to stay up till late last night. What’s your excuse?”
“Commuting has been hell. I just moved to a new apartment.” you told him, nodding for absolutely no reason. He didn’t seem pleased with your answer, eagerly waiting for you to continue. “At the Amusement Mile.”
“Amusement Mile?!” he exclaimed. “That’s basically on the other side of the city.”
Yep, you worded, or not. You were not sure.
“And really dangerous, Yn.” he sounded worried. “Make sure to not leave too late, okay?”
“I’ll try.” you replied, but he still didn’t seem pleased. “I promise?”
You were not sure what kind of tone this conversation had. You and Officer Grayson had always been friendly, as he always came by your desk to wish you a good day or night, to bring you coffee as he did with his coworkers, or to ask you about how classes were going and if the internship wasn’t getting in the way of your studies.
It all sounded friendly to you, as if he only saw you as a younger sister or something like that. Sadly to you, that seemed to be a reality. But today, the friendliness sounded less friendly, for some reason, or maybe they were just the voices of hope playing with your mind.
“Good, I’ll have to work now, and I think so do you. Having fun with typing?”
“It really could be worse.” You joked, bringing out a laugh from him, filling your ears and making your heart pump faster.
“Have a nice day, Yn.” 
“You too, officer.” you eagerly replied, watching as he too walked away from you.
Finally sitting down on your chair, you let out a huge sigh, Officer Dreamy, as you kindly nicknamed him to yourself, stuck in your head. You knew it was inappropriate to harvest a crush on a superior at work, but gosh was it hard to.
“And Yn?” his voice startled you. 
“Hmm” you managed to hum as you found his head poking out from behind a wall.
“Call me Dick.”
Lights went off one by one around you, as you still sat on your desk, files of cases long forgotten, while you typed in a class project you were due very soon. 
As life worked conspired to put you down, your laptop had given up on you, deciding that the smokey life was the way to go now and simply choosing not to work ever again. So, you had to stick around the precinct or the library till the wee hours of the night if you wanted to get any uni work done.
“Yn” a voice called you, starling you out of your seat. “Still here?”
Officer Grayson, looking as tired as you must have looked, made his way to your desk. In his hands, some papers you’d come to know were cases he took frequently to study at home.
“I have to finish an essay.” you informed, voice almost not making it out, as you had neglected your health and hadn’t gotten a single sip of water all day.
“What happened to your computer? I remember you bringing one before.”
“Decided to give out smoke signals, I guess.” you joked, managing to steal a smile from him. “It broke, and I’m too broke to fix it, so I have to stay here if I want to finish this essay tonight.”
Your eyes itched from the extensive exposure to the computer lights, your back also causing you discomfort. But you still had work to do, so there was no way you were leaving any time soon, and quickly you returned your attention to your essay ignoring, for once, your favorite male presence in the precinct as you didn’t want to miss the peak of energy and creativity you had gotten to.
As you typed unaware of his lingering presence, Officer Grayson stood by your desk for a while, watching as you swiftly typed word after word of your homework. “You aren’t going to stay here till too late, right?”
“I’m not sure.” you moaned, rubbing your eyes with the palm of your hands. “I really have to finish this but I’m not even close.”
Returning your gaze to him, you found his eyes and they bore into your, making your breath get caught up in your throat and your heart to skip a beat. You wanted to focus on your school work and go home, get some much needed sleep before starting your routine all over again, but Dick’s mere presence  pushed away all your academic thoughts.
It was like his body irradiated an energy, a gravity field, that pulled you in from wherever you were. That trapped your attention, leaving you breathless even though you hadn’t run, leaving your head heavy as the most painful headache, leaving you completely, deeply, under his spell.
As you focused on him, you noticed the bags forming under his eyes and his much messier hair, as if he had, and he did, spent hours running his fingers through it as an attempt to concentrate. His clothes were ruffled, and you swore his belt seemed to have been loosed at some point during the day. 
To you, he was like a painting at an art gallery. Exquisite, expensive, beautifully breathtaking… and forever unreachable.
On a scale from one to ten, you were minus forty in the levels of importance inside the department. Nobody really cared for the interns. They were nice and all, but they knew they wouldn’t last long, so why bother connecting, why bother giving them too much attention. And yet, officer Grayson would come over to you, every single day, saying his “his” and “goodbyes”, wishing you a good morning, a good night, a great weekend.
He was truly a being out of this world. A gentleman amongst mere humans, too kind, too sweet for this world, for this city. You often wondered how the hell did he, the son of a billionaire, end up working with the police, and the answered you always came up with was that he must have been the only truly good and altruistic person alive, opting to care for the people instead of being a pretentious heir like many others.
If he had looked over at your computer screen, he’d have found a soup of words that together made zero sense, as your mind couldn’t only write Dick Dick Dick Dick, in both meanings of the word.
“A-hem.” he coughed breaking your awkward stare competition. “I have to get going, Yn. Please don’t stay up too late, and message me when you get home.”
“I don’t have your number.” you mindlessly blurted out.
“I have yours,” he stated, catching you off guard. “I’ll text you. See you tomorrow?” he asked, seeming actually interested in a positive answer.
“See you, then. Goodbye, Miss Ys.”
“Goodbye, officer.”
It was past midnight when you eventually turned off your computer and headed out of the police department. Sleepiness weighs your body down, making each step a harder task than it should've been.
Saying your goodbyes to the officers working the night shift, many of those telling you to be careful as they feared the dangerous Gotham nights would turn you into one more of its victims, you made your way down the large set of steps, an activity much easier than climbing them in the morning.
As you step into the sidewalk you’re embraced by the darkness. The cold breeze hitting you, making you wrap your jacket tightly around your body, a shield from the freezing weather and the demons of the night. Your bag is glued to your hips and your eyes scanning the area for any strange movement.
You’re glad some of those police officers had been kind enough to teach you how to realize some signs before anything bad happens, applying it to your everyday life as you could never be sure of your surroundings in this city.
When you turned right on the first corner, a moving shadow had your neck hairs up and a shiver running up your spine. Your fight or flight instincts overcoming you as your steps grew faster and faster.
“Yn, wait!” you heard the shadow owner scream, your heart skipping a beat before your mind could make up the situation. It took you a while to figure out who the scream belonged to, the fear blinding your senses and preventing you from forming any type of judgment, but something in you clicked and upon turning around it everything was all made clear.
“Officer Grayson?” you questioned, confused by his appearance as he had gone home almost two hours earlier. He now wore a pair of dark gray or black sweatpants, the faint light hindering your perception, a black t-shirt and a thick overall to shield him from the cold. The tips of his hair dripped with a few droplets of water, and even in the darkness you could make up his red nose gifted by the freezing weather. 
He looked cozy, huggable, like a plushie pillow you hugged to go to bed. This look on him made your chest warm up and you swore you wouldn’t need a jacket soon.
“Why are you following me? Why are you here?”
“I’m sorry if I scared you, Yn. I thought it’d be better if I didn’t scream, but maybe I was wrong,” he apologized, rushing the words out of his mouth.
“I just didn’t expect to see you here.” you smiled, unable to hide the joy from seeing him again. Your smile made him feel less bad for scaring you, but his eyes still looked into yours like he apologized for it. 
“I didn’t get your text.” he said, his statement confusing you a little. “That you were going home?”
Oh, that! It was your turn to feel bad, your cheeks, if possible for him to see, painted red but not from the coldness.
“I was expecting your text and didn’t get it, so I showered and came here to see if you’d gone home and I found you still in your computer. I was waiting for you to come out.”
YOU WERE WAITING FOR ME?!, you wanted to scream, his words making your head spin, trying to work out the reason why they came out of his pretty lips. The idea of him waiting for god knows how long till you finished your essay making you dizzy.
“It didn’t feel right letting you go home alone at this hour.” he continued to explain, seemingly aware of the questions inside your head. “So I came back after taking a shower to pick you up.”
Oh lord, your head was truly spinning and you hoped you weren’t dizzy enough to end up falling and making a fool of yourself. No single sentence was merged in your mind, your lips blurting out whatever overcame them without any filter: “The subway isn’t empty.”
He chuckled at your silly response and reaching for his coat’s pocket, he picked up his car keys, shaking them in front of your eyes. “Are you declining a ride home? Thought you’d love to ride in a Porsche tonight.”
At the sound of “Porsche”, you let out an excited giggle. You always wanted to find out what car Dick drove, a man’s choice of vehicle being a way into understanding his lifestyle and tastes, and not only were you finding out now but you were also getting to ride in it with him.
“I think it’s an offer I can’t really let pass.”
Showing you the way to his car with his head, he let you walk past him, and when you did his hand met your waist as he guided you in its direction. 
It was like you entered into another reality when you crossed the Police Department’s doors, meeting an Officer Dick Grayson that you always dreamed of but never expected to become a reality.
The warm touch of his hand on the small of your back gave you shivers along with a sense of safety not even a room full of police officers had given you. It was different, somehow, in a way you found hard to explain, but that made your heart beat nervously, your breathing to get hectic and your stomach to take turns.
Soon, the silvery car was beside you and the man opened the passenger door for you with his free hand. You thanked him and slid inside the car, the warmed leather seats a comfortable welcome after hours spent on the painful cheap chair by your desk, and when he closed the door you took the few seconds until he was sat beside you to at least try to recollect yourself.
Richard John Grayson isn’t just giving you a ride, he came all the way from his home to do so. You didn’t know where he lives, but it couldn’t be too close. He went out of his way to do that for you, and what that meant frightened you a little.
The warmness of the seats couldn’t compare to what his touch had made you feel. As his hand slid off of your skin you let out a low moan you hoped he didn’t have the time to listen to, already missing the feeling he had given you.
It made you both afraid, nervous and excited, and you couldn’t help the smile from spreading on your lips, even when biting down on them or chewing the insides of your cheeks. You sat still, spine straight and hands resting on top of your bag laid up on your lap, while he calmly walked to the driver’s side, the opposite reflection of how he made you feel.
“Amusement Mile?” he looked at you for confirmation, the engine of the car warming up. Your eyes were glued to his every movement, admiring every single breath he took.
You simply shook your head to answer, biting on your bottom lip in contemplation.
“It’s gonna be a long ride, so make yourself comfortable.” he told you before continuing. “And I almost forgot…”
Reaching for something behind your seat, you felt his breath on your neck, sending more shiver up your spine, a recurring thing tonight. “I got you some soup. To warm up.”
“Wow. Thank you, officer.”
“Yn?” he called you and you hummed, letting him continue. “What did I tell you to call me?”
“I’m sorry.” you apologized, remembering the moment you’d shared earlier. “Thank you, Dick.”
Turned just enough to face you, it was his time to bite on his lip, the sight sending your hormones to overdrive. 
The ride was mostly silent, as you both felt comfortable in just each other’s presence. You drank your soup and he drove carefully to not make it spill. He left his playlist on shuffle and you commented on a few surprising tunes.
“I didn’t take you for a reggaeton kind of guy.”
“Hey, I appreciate the sounds of many different cultures!”
 And faster than you had wished for, you two were parked by your front door.
“Thank you, offic… Dick, really. I would have taken at least double the time to arrive by subway, so I really cannot thank you enough for this, you really didn’t have to.”
“Nonsense, I’m always here to help, and I wouldn’t sleep well knowing you could be in danger.”
For the 1000th time tonight, your cheeks grew scarlet and you avoided Dick’s eyes. The yawn coming out of you the perfect getaway from the situation you didn’t not know how to handle.
“I better get going, or else I’m just gonna take a nap before having to go back to the precinct all over again.” you sent him a smile before opening the door, but before you stepped outside you felt his hand touch you again, this time reaching for you tight.
“If you want to, I can pick you up tomorrow morning.” his thumb lightly drew patterns in your jeans, and you could feel a hit of sweat on the palm of his hands and the spot on your tight grew humid.
“It would be asking for too much.”
“No it wouldn’t.” he didn’t wait for you to finish. “I’d love to.”
He had your full attention, his eyes trapping yours in a drunken haze. The air around you got thicker, warmer, too hot, as if the winter night was just a mere illusion outside the car. You had sat back in your seat, not sure if the door was open or closed because only him mattered now, only his eyes drifting from yours to your lips, only his tongue moistening his own, only the slow movement of his head getting closer to yours.
You wouldn’t remember the next few seconds even if described to you in the smallest details, you just remember meeting his lips halfway. At first, a hasty kiss, your lips barely moving but already igniting you with an electric feeling. His teeth pulled on your bottom lip, causing a moan to escape off of you.
His hand went to your neck and the kiss deepened, his tongue immediately sliding inside your mouth, playing with yours as your hands found his waist in search for balance, even though you remained at your seat.
“We shouldn’t be doing this.” you cut the kiss, your own mind betraying you with the words that flew out of your mouth. “But I really want to.”
“I don’t see why we shouldn't,” he said, connecting your lips once again. 
He sucked and nibbled at your lips, certainly leaving small bruises on it, but who were you to complain. All night, your anxiousness tried to get the best of you, but his kiss and his touch held you hostage in a passionate haze.
“It’s dangerous to be on the streets this late.” he told you between kisses.
“We can go upstairs.” you offered, wanting to extend the moment as much as you could.
“I wouldn’t wanna bother your roommate.”
“I don’t have a roommate.” you informed, eyes meeting his once more in search of confirmation.
Kissing where your neck met your ears, he whispered. “I’ll park the car.”
“You can leave it right here.” you moaned, desperately wanting to move things inside. He chuckled, pulled you in for another kiss and then quickly jumped out of the car. He followed you as you climbed the stairs to your floor, managing to control himself and stay far enough as to not throw you against the walls and fuck you right then and there, but the gentleman inside of him held him together and he anxiously watched you unlock your apartment door.
You threw your bag somewhere, and walked inside your home aimlessly. You didn’t bring many guys over, so you always struggled to figure out what to do at this point.
“Yn.” you heard Dick calling, spinning on your heels to meet him. 
Throwing his key on a table, he came over to you without wasting time, hands grabbing your face and smashing your lips together for a hotter, wetter, dirtier kiss.
His tongue sucked you yours as your hands traveled on his chiseled torso, sliding inside his shirt for the full experience. You scratch the skin with your nails and he quivered under your touch. “Fuck.” he let out, pushing you against the head of the sofa.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you shortened the distance between your bodies even more and his hands moved down your body, from your back to your ass, to your tight where he grabbed and entangled them around his waist. He placed you on top of the sofa, magically not letting your lips grow apart.
You could feel the bulge on his pants hardening with each touch, so you lowered one hand to cup his member in it’s entirety, but not managing to get a hold of half of it. Shit. You tried to pull at his waistband, but he pushed your hand away. “I’m not wasting time.” he said, taking you off of your seat. “I need to be inside you.”
Shit, shit, shit, shit. The thought of his words becoming a reality soaking your panties more than they already were, as you had to grind on his clothed crotch to get the friction, the sensation you so desperately needed. You wanted him inside of you now, not a minute later.
“Your room?” he asked.
“First door to the right.” you said, gasping for air between his kisses.
With ease, he walked to your bedroom as if he knew you home by heart, and as if he didn’t carry a girl but just a stuffed toy. His only struggle came at the door handle, but reaching behind you you managed to open it up for him, a group effort for a group pleasure.
Dick let go of your legs, letting your feet hit the floor once again. His hands were quick to find the hem of your shirt, tugging at it before you broke the kiss to allow him to pull it over your head, your bra being ripped off your skin not much later. His shirt and sweatpants flew behind him too in just a few seconds, and he soon had you pinned on the bed, hands trapped by his on top of your head.
Dick had an urgency in him you’d never seen before, more used to his calm demeanor. He grunted on your ear as he sucked on your neck, leaving marks you knew you wouldn’t be able to hide at work, and he grinded his clothed dick on your bare pussy.
“You don’t know how much I’ve been wanting this.” he groaned, one hand grabbing tightly at your boob. “Some days beside you were pure torture.”
You couldn’t imagine an Officer Dreamy having dreams about you, just like you did with him, but from the sound of it, he had plenty. All you could do was moan out his name, his mouth doing magic on your neck as his hands finally reached where you needed him more.
Rubbing slowly at your clit, you tried humping it, wanting it faster, wanting release, but his movements remained slow, torturous. 
“D-dick.” you cried out his name, begging him to speed up his touch.
“Say it again, darling. Say it.” he requested. “Let my fucking name slip out of your dirty little mouth.”
“Dick. Dick, please!” you obeyed, little the silly little slut you were for him. If your friends or coworkers found out about this, they’d be very disapproving, they’d tell you it was wrong to fuck your superior, but fuck it, fuck him you will.
He moaned loudly in your ear and his movements gained speed. He rubbed at your clit harshly, making it bruise, but the pain only added to the growing sensation on your core. He lowered his head and his lip grabbed your nipple, and his sucks were enough to bring you to the edge.
“You came so hard for me, darling.”
Moving away from your skin, setting your hands free, he admired your cum glistening on his hands before bringing them to his mouth and licking it off his finger. “I knew you’d taste fucking delicious.”
This idea of him wanting to fuck you for so long did wonders to your ego and booted any confidence you still had. The man you so desperately wanted for so long had wanted you as desperately for just as long. Your heart beat so fast you were sure he could hear it, but you wanted him too, no secrets lying between you two anymore.
Without you noticing, his boxers were gone and his hard dick bounced on his crotch, the rosy tip, dripping with precum, staining his stomach. Lining up outside your entrance, rubbing his tip on your clit just to tease you a little more, his eyes met yours. They trapped you as they did inside the car, but now they didn’t stare at you with simple desire. It burned, it consumed him and needed to find a way to release it. And his way was you.
With no warning, he thrusted into you, his size ripping you open and you let out a scream as you prayed your neighbors were heavy sleepers. Dick, as soon as his member was fully within you, let out a guttural groan, the sexiest moan you’d ever heard come out of a man.
“F-fuck you’re so tight.” he moaned. “Just like I imagined.”
Lying on top of you, he met your lips, he wrapped your fingers in his and slid your hands to the top of your head again. His thrusts were fast, hard, reaching you deeper and deeper, taking out of you a scream louder than the other, only muffled by his mouth that refused to leave yours.
You wrapped your leg around his waist, wanting him to go deeper, if it was even possible, so consumed with lust that all logic melted out of your mind.
It wasn’t a fuck, it was love making, sensual and nearly animalistic love making, and the idea of it made the butterflies in your stomach go feral just as you were. If he loved you or not, even it was even something else more the pure lust, was a discussion for later, but he fucked you like no one else did, and you only hoped it was a sign he was not like the others. That he wasn’t just a single page in a large book.
The wet sound of your skins meeting each other filled the room, but only because your mouths were glued together, all sound not allowed to make it out.
“You’re taking me in so good, aren’t you Yn?”
“Yes, y-yes. You’re filling me so good.” you cried back.
“Are you gonna come on my dick, Yn? Are you gonna let me feel you coming?” he teased, nearly as desperate for your orgasm as you were.
“Yes.” you replied, louder than you’d wished. With a few more thrusts, you came all over his hard dick, your body shaking ferociously, reaching a high you’d never reached before. “Uuh, yes!” you screamed, as he continued to pump into you, his own orgasm imminent.
“I’m gonna come, Yn.” he announced, thrusting once more before taking his member out of your pussy and stroking it up and down with his hands. His milky load hit your belly, painting you in sin, as your tongue extended out for a little drip of it.
Exhausted, Dick threw himself on the bed beside you, both your breath audibly out of pace. Your body was covered in sweat, your bed sheet sticking to your back as you tried your best to recollect yourself.
“Officer McCaffrey would be so disappointed.” you joked, getting a loud laugh out of the man beside you. Crossing his arm over your waist, he pulled you closer to him, kissing the wet baby hairs at your temple.
“Wanna disappoint him again?” he asked, turning your face to meet your eyes, his new found favorite thing to look at.
“All night?” you asked in return.
“All fucking night.”
It was safe to say you were late for work again the next morning, and would be late a few more times, as Officer Dreamy would gladly keep you up for as long as you wished.
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pholla-jm · 8 months
If You Won't, I Will
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IMAGINE: IF YOU WON'T, I WILL ~ SANJI X F!READER (FEAT. ZORO) GENRE: FLUFF WARNING: NORMAL SIBLING FIGHTS Nova's Notes: I really didn't know to categorize this as a Zoro or Sanji fic. *********************
Being Zoro’s sister was no easy feat. Dealing with his nonchalant attitude and his stubbornness took a different level of patience. However, you wouldn’t trade him for the world. He’s always been right by your side and you’ve always been by his side as well. 
You would even go as far as calling him your best friend. He knew everything about you and your habits. Which almost annoyed you sometimes because you could never get away with anything. 
That’s why Zoro was highly disturbed when you saw you acting weird around the cook. He’s never seen you act like a ‘flustered idiot’ -those are his words- 
When you spilled your confession to Zoro about your crush on Sanji, he was even more mortified. He didn’t understand what you saw in him. It took him a couple days to accept the fact that you had a crush on Sanji. But that doesn’t mean he really approves of it. 
Now that Zoro knew about the crush, you felt free to just talk about Sanji to Zoro. 
Zoro really didn’t like hearing about it, but he knew if he didn’t then he would have to deal with your attitude. So he sucked it up and just listened to your rants. He definitely started to get annoyed. 
With a dreamy sigh, you look up at the ceiling while your brother does his work out routine. “Did you see how his sleeves were rolled up? I just love when he does that when he cooks. And! The way his hand grazed mine while giving me my plate.” 
Zoro grunts, a mixture of lifting his heavy weights and hearing you talk about Sanji like a love sick high school girl. “No, I don’t pay attention to him.” “Ugh, I wish you could see what I see in him.” 
Zoro’s face pulls up into one of disgust, “why would I want that?” “Because he’s just so amazing, duh.” 
Zoro drops his weights on the ground, causing it to shake a little from the sudden force. He looks over at you, his eyebrows pulled together in frustration. 
“You should tell him how you feel.” He says, causing you to sit up with a frightened look on your face. “No, absolutely not.” “And why not.” “I would be absolutely mortified.” “Just do it. Nothing can go wrong.” “Uh, yes it can. Literally anything can go wrong.” 
Zoro just gives you a look, “if you don’t say anything, I will do something.” 
You stand up from the couch, “you wouldn’t.” “You know that I will.” 
You do know that in fact he would do something. “If you even step out of this room, I swear I’ll beat you to the pulp.” 
Zoro smirks at your threat, “I don’t even have to step out of this room.” “Gah! You’re so annoying.” You yell at him while picking up one of his weights to throw at him. 
His eye widens causing him to duck and the weight crashes through the window. He looks back at the broken window, then back at you. “Are you crazy?! You’re the annoying one always talking about that stupid cook!” “He’s not stupid, you are!” Zoro frowns at your words, “that’s it.” He grumbles and makes his way towards you. You let out a small shriek, running around the room so he wouldn’t catch you. 
Just down below, on the deck, the loud sound of a crash was heard. Followed by a large weight crashing right onto the deck. 
“Oh my…” Robin says, eyeing the disaster in front of her. Nami, who was already fuming because the weight almost hit starts to yell. “What are those two idiots doing?!” 
She tries yelling at the two of you, but her yells fall upon deaf ears. 
Back in the crow nest, you were dodging all of Zoro’s swings and attempts to catch you. But you were faster than him. “You’re too slow!” You tease him while sticking your tongue out. 
“You brat!” He shouts trying to grab you. You quickly moved to the side, but you didn’t see the bar in the way. With a small shout, you fall to the ground. Zoro uses this to his advantage and picks you up by the front of your shirt and lifts you up. 
So now you are face to face with him. And boy does he look angry. You let out a nervous laugh, “have I ever told you how great of a brother you are?” 
That did nothing. Not a single muscle in his face changed. 
That was until his eyes flicker behind you. You could see the gears turning in his head and a small smirk forming on his lips. You knew that whatever idea he has in his head is definitely not a good one. 
“Let me go you heathen!” You shout while punching his arm. He doesn’t even flinch at your hits. 
While you did beat him in stealth and speed, he did beat you in strength and durability. 
He walks over to the broken window and sticks you out of the window. 
“What the actual hell are you doing!” You shout at him, your grip suddenly becoming ten times tighter. “Say that you’ll confess your feelings or I’ll drop you.” 
It was silent between you two. The only thing that could be heard was some shouting from down below from your crewmates. You look down below you, seeing how far the drop would be. 
“Mm,” You shrug, “I’ll take the drop.” 
Zoro’s reaction turns into disbelief. “You would rather fall than tell him how you feel?” “Yup,” you say, popping the ‘p’. “Unbelievable.” 
His grip starts to loosen from your shirt. You were about to fall, but you suddenly wrapped your legs around his arm. “Eh?!” Zoro shouts and grips onto the side of the window to stabilize himself. “Just drop already!” “No!” Zoro starts to shake his arm, trying to get you off of him. 
You heard the familiar voice of the guy that you had a crush on. Your heart beats a little faster, just from hearing his voice. 
Zoro just groans from annoyance. However, he felt how your legs loosened up a little. “Maybe your lover will catch you.” “Huh?” You look up at him confused and you suddenly feel yourself fall from his arm. 
Before a scream could even leave your lips, someone had caught you.
“Hey lovecook! My sister has a huge crush on you!” 
You swear, you could feel your soul leave your body from hearing Zoro’s words. 
You were then placed on solid ground. And warm hands caress your face, “are you okay?” You were brought back to reality, vision clearing to see Sanji. Your face becomes red at his closeness. “Uh… yeah. Yeah. Just my brother and I having a fight. You know how those can get.” You nervously laugh. Sanji chuckles, “yeah. Siblings are the worst.” 
“Did.. did you hear what he said?” You ask, really hoping that he didn’t. You take a chance and finally look up into his eyes. His eyes were soft as he looked down at you. You really hope that this wasn’t about to be a rejection. “Yeah,” he softly says, “I did.” 
He leans down to place a kiss on your forehead. Your eyes widened in shock, but you really enjoyed the soft feeling of his lips that sent tingles throughout your whole body. And you wanted nothing more for him to just place kisses all day.
“We can talk more about this later, but first I have to teach your idiot brother a lesson on how to treat a woman. You don’t just go throwing women out of windows!” 
You giggle at his words as he stomps away, ready to give your brother a piece of his mind.
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Error x Ink (part 2)
Evelyn by @star-gamerxox
Export by @bobateaboo
Ezekiel by @wipart
Fonda by @DaWeird1 (DeviantArt)
Glaze by @andizoidart
Gradient by @askcomboclub / @/roseworksks
Graphite by @dreamys-mess
Guffe by @/lunnar-chan @SeaSeele
Illusion by @mystic-magnolia3
Import by @pinkyarts
Inker by @help-im-a-gay-fish
Inkstrings by @slugott
Iridium by @fructik-shu
Jammer by @valentinalisbeth9
Karma by @6agentgg9
Klez by ?
Krit by @ship-ship-my-ships / @/nova2cosmos
Lacey by @Goth_Goddess_UwU (Wattpad)
Liamont by @ashermyib (deactivated)
Magenta Starlight by @el1sakos
Mippei by @groovygladiatorsheep
Mirai by @groovygladiatorsheep
Mishap by @shaikishi
Mosiac by @ogs-n-ocs-jj
Motley by @nova-blues
Myss Take by @inkinada6327
Noah by @skydreamplayzz
Oras by @ari-cuno
Overlay by @magyluchi (Twitter / Deactivated)
Painted by @nixdreammare
Paperclip by @jayssillycreativitybox
Paperjam by @7goodangel
Parallel by @fukatotorin
Pastel by @elesmyly
Pastel by @nixxynicachan
Posca by @bobateaboo
Reimancy by @llwandehll
Recensere by @ayleen-moon
Ribbon by @solusminds
Romer by @nebusoku3 (Deactivated)
Rotten Tint by @/Bmeidy(?)
Scribble by @mellowthefox
Shera by @enapouyou
Silas by @dontbeupsettihavesumspaghetti
Sketch by @DaWeird1 (DeviantArt)
Solvent by @skdraws (?)
Software by @artist-without-interest (?)
Spatter & Splatter by @nutellakuu
Speckle by @glitchysquidd
Spilled Ink by @edythilusion
Spray Streamer by @cloudtaleblog
Last Part / Next Part
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vasfasan · 9 months
what i said about different ouat romantic canon and non-canon ships in a random tiktok in 2021
GoldenQueen - Regina x Rumple
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Authella (?) - Isaac x Cruella
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SwanQueen - Emma x Regina
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SleepingWarrior - Mulan x Aurora
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CaptainCharming - Hook x David
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GoldenHeart - Rumple x Cora
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Drova - Dreamy x Nova
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WoodenSwan (wth even is that shipname tho) - August x Emma
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perfblogbyperfgirl · 1 year
♡ 294 ♡
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sponsored by eBODY • [REVERIE] • NOVA • TOP1SALON • ROULY • Cynful • OKUMA • HAZEL • [Vive X Brior]
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♡⃕   eBODY - REBORN - available at Mainstore ♡⃕   -Pretty Liars- Flat Ass + Belly Flater + Low Back - available at Mainstore ♡⃕   -Pretty Liars- Chest Reduction - available at Mainstore LeLUTKA Halle Head 3.1 Avoixs - Laura skin VELOUR: The “Ipanema Body” (Blush) ^^Swallow^^ PIXIE Gauged S lel Evo X Ears + Demonic Touch + {aii & ego} (nails) + Dreamy Downbrushed Tintable Lashes + {aii} ♡⃕   [REVERIE] Gaia Eyes #1 - available at Mainstore Malina - Versa eyebrows ♡⃕   NOVA. Utopia hair - available at DUBAI event
〜 • 𝚌𝚘𝚜𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚘𝚘 • 〜
Bossie. doll eye makeup set (2) ♡⃕   TOP1SALON - HD SEDUCE ME LIPSTICK - available at LEVEL event Ladybird. // Face Sparkles [Heaux] EvoX Essentials (Button Nose/Cheeky Highlight) Dazed. Sleepy Eyebags [Utopia] Peachy Blush / Highlights .MILA. Shy Blush Jack Spoon. Heart Nipples [BOOPY] Essential body blush 〜 • 𝚘𝚞𝚝𝚏𝚒𝚝 • 〜 ♡⃕   ROULY :: "HotNHeavy" Cropped Denim Jacket - available at Mainstore ♡⃕   Cynful Feel A Way Dress - available at equal10 event ♡⃕   OKUMA - Diamond Hope - available at Mainstore 〜 • 𝚊𝚌𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚙𝚒𝚎𝚛𝚌𝚒𝚗𝚐 • 〜 ♡⃕   HAZEL . GLASSES - available at Anthem event ♡⃕   [Vive X Brior] Jodie Metallic Bag - available at DREAMDAY event
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justanoutlawfic · 7 years
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Nova and Leroy’s happy ending in Storybrooke mood board.
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dinneratgrannys · 5 years
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Top 15 Ships that Deserved Better (as voted by my followers) 9. Grumpy & Nova Flying over the world and being a part of it aren’t exactly the same thing.
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What is it with these fucking men and rejecting and pushing away love?
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Yes he's being a bit more mature about it than SOME PEOPLE
But it still sucks.
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iamthebricklayer · 5 years
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thesimpanions · 2 years
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⭐️ N E W  V I D E O ⭐️ The Sims 4 | OVER 100 NEW ITEMS! 🤩 | MALE & FEMALE MAXIS MATCH CC HAUL 🌿 | + Links
I'm so excited to share over 100 new cc items with you today! As always I added numbers & categories to the video to make things easier ♥
CC Links
1. SAMMMI-XOX MOCHA SKIN: https://sammmi-xox.tumblr.com/post/684451243271356416/mocha-default-skin-overlays-stuff-default-skin
1. OAKIYO KRISTY HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kirsty-hair-65822107
2. SIMCELEBRITY00 DELANY HAIRSTYLE V1: https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/simcelebrity00/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/delaney-hairstyle/id/1597803/
3. SIMCELEBRITY00 DELANY HAIRSTYLE V2: https://www.thesimsresource.com/members/simcelebrity00/downloads/details/category/sims4-hair-hairstyles-female/title/delaney-hairstyle/id/1597803/
4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY VERONICA HAIR V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
5. AHARRIS00BRITNEY VERONICA HAIR V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
6. AHARRIS00BRITNEY FLEUR HAIR V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
7. AHARRIS00BRITNEY FLEUR HAIR V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
8. AHARRIS00BRITNEY FLEUR HAIR V3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
9. AHARRIS00BRITNEY CLAIRE HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
10. DOGSILL YASMIN PONYTAIL: https://www.patreon.com/posts/yasmin-ponytail-65967276
11. SIMSTROUBLE MELITE HAIR V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/melite-by-65854811
12. SIMSTROUBLE MELITE HAIR V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/melite-by-65854811
13. SIMSTROUBLE SHARON HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43098290
14. ARETHA LUNA HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/basics-early-65903000
15. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER SADIE HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
16. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER HELENA HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
17. IKARI SIMS MIRANDA HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/miranda-hair-y2k-66010436?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare
18. IKARI SIMS MIRANDA HAIR NO STRANDS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/miranda-hair-y2k-66010436?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare
1. OAKIYO KRISTY HAIR HEADBAND ACC.: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kirsty-hair-65822107
2. AHARRIS00BRITNEY VERONICA HAIR CLIPS V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
3. AHARRIS00BRITNEY VIVIAN HAIR CLIPS V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
4. SIMSTROUBLE MELITE HAIR TIE OVERLAY: https://www.patreon.com/posts/melite-by-65854811
5. SIMSTROUBLE SHARON HAIR BANDANA OVERLAY: https://www.patreon.com/posts/43098290
1. IKARI SIMS Y2K GLASSES: https://www.patreon.com/posts/miranda-hair-y2k-66010436?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare
2. IKARI SIMS Y2K GLASSES: https://www.patreon.com/posts/miranda-hair-y2k-66010436?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copy_to_clipboard&utm_campaign=postshare
3. ARETHA BELLE NECKLACE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/basics-early-65903000
4. ARETHA NOVA NECKLACE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/basics-early-65903000
1. PEACHYFAERIE EUNOIA EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
2. PEACHYFAERIE MERAKI EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
3. PEACHYFAERIE SAUDADE EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
4. PEACHYFAERIE YUGEN EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
5. PEACHYFAERIE AVIOTHIC EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
6. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE ZARIA EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
7. LADYSIMMER KYLIE DREAMY NUDE SHADOWS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kylie-dreamy-65600121
8. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE JUNIPER EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
9. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE RUBY EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
10. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE JADE EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
11. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE MARY EYESHADOW: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
12. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE ENVY EYELINER: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
13. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE AMES EYELINER: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
14. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE JULIET EYELINER: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
15. LADYSIMMER KYLIE DREAMY LINERS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kylie-dreamy-65600121
16. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE ANDY EYELINER: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
17. CHEWYBUTTERFLY GLIMPSE ELLA EYELINER: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-x-65848362
18. PEACHYFAERIE UKIYO BLUSH: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
19. PEACHYFAERIE IRENIC BLUSH: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
20. LADYSIMMER KYLIE DREAMY NUDE BLUSHES: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kylie-dreamy-65600121
21. TWISTEDCAT LIQUORICE LIPSTICK: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glazed-lipsticks-65854521
22. TWISTEDCAT PUDDING LIPSTICK: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glazed-lipsticks-65854521
23. LADYSIMMER KYLIE DREAMY NUDE LIPSTICK: https://www.patreon.com/posts/kylie-dreamy-65600121
24. PEACHYFAERIE SOLANDIS LIPSTICK: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
25. PEACHYFAERIE AISLING LIPSTICK: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
26. PEACHYFAERIE REVERIE HIGHLIGHTER: https://www.patreon.com/posts/glimpse-cc-with-65855401
1. SAMMMI-XOX BELLY OVERLAY: https://sammmi-xox.tumblr.com/post/684451243271356416/mocha-default-skin-overlays-stuff-default-skin
1. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JACKIE TOP V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
2. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JACKIE TOP V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
3. AHARRIS00BRITNEY COURTNEY TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY EMILY TOP V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
5. AHARRIS00BRITNEY EMILY TOP V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
6. ARETHA EVA TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/basics-early-65903000
7. MADLEN LULIE TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lulie-outfit-65473193
8. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER JULIA TOP V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
9. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER JULIA TOP V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
10. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER SELENA JACKET V1 (SOLIDS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
11. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER SELENA JACKET V1 (PATTERNS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
12. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER SELENA JACKET V2 (SOLIDS): https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
13. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER CANDICE TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
14. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER MIA TANK: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
15. TRILLYKE FEARLESS TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/fearless-top-66117399
16. SERENITY ALEXA TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
17. SERENITY CAMILLA TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
1. ARETHA KATE SHORTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/basics-early-65903000
2. ARETHA KATE JEANS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/basics-early-65903000
3. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JACKIE SKIRT V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JACKIE SKIRT V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
5. AHARRIS00BRITNEY TALIA PANTS V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
6. AHARRIS00BRITNEY TALIA PANTS V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
7. AHARRIS00BRITNEY MADISON SKIRT V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
8. AHARRIS00BRITNEY MADISON SKIRT V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
9. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER KELLY JEANS V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
10. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER KELLY JEANS V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
11. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER KELLY JEANS V3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
12. SERENITY SOPHIE SKIRT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
13. SERENITY KENDALL SKIRT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
14. ADRIENPASTEL DONNA SKIRT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65918111
1. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JACKIE SET V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
2. AHARRIS00BRITNEY JACKIE SET V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
3. MADLEN LULIE OUTFIT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/lulie-outfit-65473193
4. ARETHA EVA DRESS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/basics-early-65903000
5. DEMONDARE SARAH DRESS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/first-day-of-set-66799560
6. DEMONDARE AUDREY DRESS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/first-day-of-set-66799560
7. GOODCHILLSSTUDIO LACE ROBE LINGERIE PROVENCE: https://www.patreon.com/posts/gcs-aprils-cc-65576633
8. SERENITY KENDALL DRESS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
9. SERENITY CAMILLA DRESS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
1. AHARRIS00BRITNEY AXA BRACELET: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
2. AHARRIS00BRITNEY COURTNEY TOP ACC.: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
3. ARETHA MIA RINGS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/basics-early-65903000
4. AHARRIS00BRITNEY AXA TIGHTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65895739
1. ARETHA CHELSEA BOOTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/basics-early-65903000
2. MADLEN TIFFANY BOOTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/64085342
1. JOHNNYSIMS NICK V1 HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/heartstopper-set-66092239
2. JOHNNYSIMS NICK V2 HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/heartstopper-set-66092239
3. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER LUCAS HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
4. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER GILBERT HAIR: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
1. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER CLYDE TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
2. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER CARTER TOP V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
3. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER CARTER TOP V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
4. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER GREG CARDIGAN V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
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6. SERENITY MARCIO TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
7. SERENITY JORGE TOP: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
8. ADRIENPASTEL PHELAN SWEATER: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65868961
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10. ADRIENPASTEL LINUS T-SHIRT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66057999
1. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER PETER JEANS V1: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
2. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER PETER JEANS V2: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
3. ALADDIN-THE-SIMMER PETER JEANS V3: https://www.patreon.com/posts/sunny-day-65632866
4. SERENITY MARCIO SHORTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
5. SERENITY JORGE PANTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/bloom-set-10-65826804
6. ADRIENPASTEL MARK PANTS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66101627
1. ADRIENPASTEL GEFFREY SUIT: https://www.patreon.com/posts/65990093
1. ADRIENPASTEL RIDGEPORT ACC. GRAPHICS: https://www.patreon.com/posts/66057999
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sierrathesimmer · 3 years
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Hey, here's my New York City Shopping Strip collaboration with Bean's Builds.
I would suggest using this as a functional retail lot with the Get To Work pack. Victoria Secret and Zumiez sign created by @bill-l-s4cc. The Yolk and New York The Original Pizza decal sign created by @sierrathesimmer​ + recolored posters and custom content for the Fashion Nova store. 
I used a blend of different reshade presets [Memories of An Old Past, Creamy Dreamy, Retro and Love Shade Vogue + Light Brigade.]  Enjoy and @ or tag me #sierrathesimmer if you use it.
Lot Size - 50 x 50 (Mt. Komorebi)
Bean's Builds
Victoria Secret + Love Pink
The Yolk Breakfast, Backyard & Bar
Sierra The Simmer
Fashion Nova
New York The Original Pizza
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♡ Socials: YouTube | Instagram | Patreon | Website | Twitter | Pinterest
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DL [Patreon] Public Release - 8/9
973 notes · View notes
amiedala · 3 years
SOMETHING MORE (the mandalorian x reader)
CHAPTER 28: You Wanted Proof
RATING: Explicit (18+ ONLY!!!)
WARNINGS: sexual content & descriptions of violence
SUMMARY: “Where the hell did you go, you scared the life out of me—”
And then you’re done talking, because Din pulls out a ring. You gasp, choke back a sob, and stare at it. It’s a simple silver band, but the structure and strength of it looks exactly like the beskar his armor is made out of. You inhale again, staring at it, and when you get close enough, you see that there’s something carved on the inside. It’s a star, the same one you embossed into your necklace, and around it, the words “ni kar’tayl su”, light but intentional. You try to breathe, but all you’re doing is sobbing, looking frantically from the ring in Din’s palm to his open face, and when you cross the divide between the two of you, seizing his glorious cheeks between your hands, he meets you in the middle.
“You wanted proof,” he says, again, and everything feels dizzying and starry and huge. You feel your heart rush with the feeling of belonging, that something more that started right here, in this same spot, on this barren planet, months and months again. “Last time, I didn’t have a ring. But I do now, and I’m never leaving your side again.”
AUTHOR'S NOTE: HELLO MY LOVES AND HAPPY SOMETHING MORE SATURDAY!!!! i had such an emotional time writing this chapter, and i hope y'all love it!!! this chapter is dedicated to Brittany Broski (yes THE kombucha girl) because she recommended SM to all of her followers?!?!?! i am still in shock!!! Brittany if you're somehow seeing this, i love you <3
more notes at the end angels!!! enjoy!!
When your consciousness fades back in, everything is starry and dreamy. Kicker’s design has a lot more open windows than the Crest did, so you open your eyes to the blurred galaxy slowly traipsing by, an ache deep in your skull, the feeling of prolonged sleep heavy on your bones. You rub at your eyes with your fingers, shifting to find Din, because even though there’s light in here, he’s still good at avoiding it. When you turn your head to where he’s sitting, faced away from you in the pilot’s seat, you see the Darksaber hanging out of his hands, his head low, his vision intense.
You skip by it at first, cataloguing the way he looks—haunted, exhausted, hungry—and then your eyes find the wicked beacon again and something clicks into place. You shoot upwards with a gasp, rocketing your aching body up by the heels of your hands, wild and shocked.
“You’re awake,” Din remarks, quietly, and you point at the saber held in the palms of his gloved hands.
“I just had the craziest dream,” you say in response, heart still hammering. “We—we were in a city, getting shot at, and after you patched me up, you told me you were the ruler of a whole entire planet and then just…let me go to sleep.”
That gets a smile. Just a little one, his pink mouth quirked up at the edges, his eyebrows still hesitant. You’re not used to seeing Din’s full face, watching his bare skin shift and change in real time, even though you’ve catalogued every inch of it, it still feels off. “I hate to break it to you,” he starts, lowly, “but none of that was a dream. And the bacta knocked you out, so you needed the rest.”
You laugh. It’s not full, it comes out disjointed and too loud, but it’s enough to coax you to sit up straighter and stare at it. “What…does being the ruler of Mandalore entail, exactly?”
Din stares at you, down at the Darksaber, and back at you. “Bo-Katan didn’t tell me,” he sighs, finally, and you can tell he’s reluctant, but you also know he’s been keeping this in for two weeks, maybe more, and so you scoot closer to where he’s sitting on the floor, trying to show him you’re attentive, that you’re listening. “I—she told me about the saber, when I went on that mission with her and her…Mandalorians.” He grimaces at the word, like it tastes rancid in his mouth. “You were there on Nevarro when I told her I didn’t want it. I have no interest in it. What do I need a weapon like that for, anyway? I just wanted to get it out of Gideon’s hands.”
You nod. “I remember.”
“Well,” Din sighs, looking back at the weapon in his hands, “she didn’t tell me why she wanted it. She gave that whole speech about wanting to—to have it returned to the rightful leader of Mandalore. I didn’t care, honestly, at that point. All I wanted to do was protect you and the kid and kill Gideon. But when we…we asked for her help, when Cara and I were going to attack Gideon and save Grogu, Bo-Katan told me again that the Darksaber was hers. I agreed. But she didn’t tell me that the weapon has to be won in battle for it to…belong to someone. Gideon had the Darksaber. I fought Gideon. I defeated him, so I took it out of his hands. I tried to give it back to her,” Din exhales, low and long, dragging a hand over his face and stubble, “but she wouldn’t take it. I told her she could fight me for it, even, that I’d roll over for her and let her have whatever ceremony she wanted, but she just stared at me like she wanted to kill me. Eventually, I just let her take Gideon back to Mandalore, because I didn’t…know what else to do.”
You nod again, slowly. “So…so you can’t challenge her to a duel or something?”
Din looks at you, incredulous. “I tried—”
“What about a thumb war?” you ask, and you’re not trying to make light of the situation, but a laugh starts bubbling up in your throat and you press your lips together. “Like, a real one, with a ring, Cara as the referee. You just…let Bo-Katan win, and that’s it. No harm. No foul. Just sore thumbs.”
The look on Din’s face is totally unreadable. Just as quickly as it started, your laugh evaporates back down your throat, and you lean in closer to him, immediately wanting to apologize. You’re not sure why, you just know that there’s something deeper to all of this, something more. “Apparently, I’m a zealot,” Din says, finally. “My…my clan, who raised me—they’re descendants of purist, extremist group from back on Mandalore. Before it was sieged, before—” he cuts off, abruptly, and you know he’s frustrated. “I wasn’t born there. I don’t even know the history of the planet,” Din continues, tiredly. “And it seems that I don’t know what it means to be a true Mandalorian. How am I supposed to be anyone’s ruler?”
You bite your lip. You lean in closer, and when you lift your hand to touch his face, you feel him relax under your fingertips. It’s not a lot, but it’s enough. “For what it’s worth,” you whisper, cocking your head to the side, stroking your thumb across his cheekbone, “I think you’d make an excellent one.”
“I don’t know the first thing about being in charge—”
“You’re a father,” you interrupt him, quietly. “To the strangest, strongest, alien baby in the galaxy. You’ve protected us—and countless others—from certain death. I’d say that’s more than enough credentials to be deemed a fit leader.”
Din stares at you. “Except,” he says, hollowly, “I don’t have my kid anymore, I’ve shown my face, and with the way Bo-Katan and her group hate me, I can’t imagine Mandalore would ever accept me as their ruler.”
You swallow. Your breath hitches in your throat, caught on words that aren’t there yet. “Din—”
“I just—” he starts, then cuts himself off, eyes drifting from yours down to the Darksaber in his grasp. “I don’t want to,” he admits, his voice low. “I—I miss being a bounty hunter. I miss not having the fate of the galaxy in my hands. People relying on me—you, the baby—having to do this all—I want to go back. I want it to stop.”
It’s your turn to stare. “Wow,” you say, quietly, dropping both of your hands away. “So taking care of your family is a burden to you.” And you don’t mean it, because you know that’s not what he meant, but your fiancé begging and hoping to go back to a time before you were in his life, before his child was either, cuts deep. And it stings, the more you look at him.
“Nova,” he starts, “cyar’ika—” and then Din cuts himself off, hands dropping the saber to the floor, leaning earnestly towards you. “I don’t want to go back to that. I never—I never want to be without you again. I’d be the ruler of ten planets if it meant I go to keep you by my side. I just—”
“It’s a lot,” you finish, quietly, hands fumbling at your collarbone for the necklace that isn’t there. Immediately, you feel horrible. “I know.”
Din looks back at you, hooks his finger under your shin, gently forcing your gaze to return to his. “For what it’s worth, I’m going to help you save the world,” he whispers, and you know he’s exaggerating, but his promise, free and so gentle, makes everything in your body quiet. “I’ll follow you anywhere.”
“For what it’s worth,” you repeat, the words so quiet that they’re barely air, “Mandalore would follow you anywhere, too.”
Din’s gaze is complicated, complex. You don’t know what he’s going to say, and when he does, you have to strain your ears to listen. “I didn’t mean it, when I said I miss being a bounty hunter. I don’t miss anything from before I met you. I—I just want my life back. The one with you, and our kid, and the ship we called home.”
You lick your lips, looking slowly out the window at the crush of space. Even without looking, you feel Din’s eyes follow yours, tracking the luminescence, and just for a second, you hold the two of you there. “I’m here,” you remind him, finally, “and this is a new ship, but I think we can make it into a home. And…” you trail off, grabbing both sides of Din’s face gently, gravitating his eyes back to yours, “Grogu might not be here, right now, but he’s always ours. And I think we both know that between the three of us, there’s nothing in this entire damned galaxy that can keep us apart. What was it that you called us back on Dagobah? A clan of three?”
That small smile works its way back onto Din’s face. He nods, just once, resolute.
“Clan Djarin,” you whisper, leaning in to kiss the man you love, “is pretty resilient, you know.”
“Oh,” Din mouths back, and you let him come the rest of the way to you, meeting you in the middle, “are we now?”
“You’re a Mandalorian bounty hunter, I’m the Force sensitive punching bag of the new Empire, and Grogu, our child, is older than the both of us and off with the greatest Jedi Master we know of,” you murmur, feeling the weight of your foreheads bumping together, “I kind of think we have to be.”
When you kiss Din, you let everything run out of you backward, trying to clear your mind. And when he pulls you onto his lap, guiding you as close to him as physically possible, you feel your knee crash up against the saber before it skitters away, back under the dashboard, into the darkness. You kiss him, letting the thing roll away from the both of you, too preoccupied with the security you feel to care about where it lands.
Hours pass. The two of you doze, on and off, and when you wake up for good, you check the nav system built into the dashboard to just see where you are. You’re not in much of a hurry to dock anywhere, truthfully, because you’re enjoying the uninterrupted coast through space, and the last time you were on a planet, the both of you nearly died, but there’s something pulsing under your skin. It’s alive in the same way your worry has been, the anxiety of knowing something big and scary is coming. It’s restlessness, you realize, everything about your fight or flight activated in both directions at once. When you get up for good, you slip away to the fresher, letting the hot water roll over your face, your aching shoulders, your tired muscles in your legs from always running. When you’re clean, you step out of the shower, studying your reflection in the tiny little mirror. You press your fingertips lightly to your face, puffy from sleep, trying to decide if you still look like you used to, or if the past year of love and fighting and loss and everything in between has settled permanently in the ridges of your face.
When you dry off, slipping back into fresh clothes, you take extra time to catalogue all the pockmarks of scars drawn into your skin. As always, you spend extra attention on the jagged, lightning bolt shaped thing running across your stomach. No matter how many years pass, none of it fades away. The skin is still raised slightly, a memory of the ache, and every time you press on it, you can feel it, residual. The other battle scars you’ve accumulated since are smaller, each one trackable, quantifiable. This one—and the way it catalyzed the rest of your life—stands triumphant, eternal. You let your shirt drop back down over it before you spend too much time staring at it.
The second that you climb back up the ladder, you realize something is off. Din is half-clothed, and you’re ready to lay back down on the floor with him and let him undo all the cleaning you just did, but he stands and turns around at your reappearance.
“What’s wrong,” you say, immediately, voice catching on its way out of your mouth.
“Someone called,” Din says, and his voice sounds off. “Tried to reach you through the comm system. I couldn’t tell who it was, or what they wanted.”
You stare at him. “Did you pick it up?”
Din looks from you to your commlink, his gaze skipping back over to you, his full eyebrows furrowed in concern. “I…tried to,” he answers, finally, “but it seemed corrupted. Listen for yourself,” he continues, pressing the microphone into your hand. You fold yourself down into the pilot’s chair, squinting out at the space slowly streaking past the window, knowing neither of you are currently under attack, but no one’s told the anxiety bubbling back up into your chest.
Slowly, you press the playback button. Din’s right—the voice is scrambled, tinny, off-putting. It sounds like random, grotesque grunting. The rhythm of it doesn’t sound much like a language. Even though you can’t understand it, you’ve heard the natural cadence of dozens of different languages, and the sounds playing back to you are warbled and disjointed, and you can’t get anything viable out of it.
“Weird,” you mutter, under your breath, sliding your fingernail between your teeth. You press the button again and again, let the voice spin down to nothing until you’re sure you’ve listened to it enough to gain any kind of insight, and you give up, letting the noises warble and stomp their way to their incongruous end, seconds of loud screeching building up until it cuts off. The feedback makes both of you cover your ears.
“Did you get anything?” Din asks, lowly, and you shake your head. “I—I thought you had the contact system disabled.”
“I do,” you whisper back, bringing up a knee to your chest, resting your cheek against it, gaze flipping from Din to the comm to back to Din. “I can only make outgoing calls right now. My tracking’s off, too, and there doesn’t seem to be a lot of traffic out here in this part of the galaxy.” You hesitate, scanning the space around you frantically, making sure that your guess is accurate. It is. There’s no one out here except the two of you and the small asteroid fields that flux and flow, and the silence that was once comforting is now unsettling. You stare again at the commlink before you attach it back to the dashboard, pulling up your exact coordinates, trying to locate the two of you. You’re coasting through the bridge between the Mid Rim and the Outer Rim, a vast no-man’s-land. The planets are scattered haphazardly, and you check the fuel gauge, trying to see how much longer you and Din can stay out here, floating, unnoticed.
You barely recognize your name’s been spoken until Din asks it again. You spin back towards him, biting down on your lower lip. “Yeah?”
He hesitates before moving a step closer to you. Maker, he’s so tall. The two of you have been in this exact position countless times, you sitting, him standing over you. It doesn’t intimidate you anymore, how large he is, how present his body is, but it’s still exhilarating to have him eclipse you. “How are we doing on fuel?” he asks, and something deep buried inside of you tells you that wasn’t the question he was initially going to ask.
“We need more soon,” you answer, softly, trying to figure out what his original point was going to be. But Kicker starts beeping, and you turn your attention back to the dashboard, trying to figure out what she needs. And, right on time, the little lever built into the fuel gauge has shifted to empty, and you sigh, setting the course to the next planet in the nav system. “Have you ever been to—” you squint, trying to sound out the name in your head before speaking it aloud, but you’re not in much luck, “—Khubeaie?”
Din stares at you blankly.
“Yeah, me neither,” you say softly, letting Kicker navigate her way down into the planet’s atmosphere. It’s night, so everything is cast over in deep blue shadow, but the city seems to glitter even in the silence. You park in a nearly empty landing bay, and when you stand up, Din’s already almost completely dressed. He stares at his helmet, and you pick it up off the ground and press it into his hesitant hands, nodding at him. “I know,” you whisper, “but remember the last time we were on the ground without you armored up?”
He looks at you to the visor on the helmet, his deep brown eyes intent and wary. “It still feels wrong,” Din manages, and his voice is still so unsure that you feel your heart ache in your chest.
“I know,” you repeat, reaching your hand up to graze against his face, thumb tracing the pattern over his groomed mustache, letting him settle into your touch. “It’s safer this way.”
Din nods as if he’s steeling himself, and then he inhales, pulling the helmet over his head. You offer him a small smile, the corners of your mouth upturned and reflected against his armor. You pull on your jacket over your nondescript clothes, adjusting the shawl you got back on Cantonica over your shoulders to pull up over your hair if you’ll need it. The atmosphere here is sultry and shifting, the darkness cast over the tall buildings amorphous. You’ve never heard of this place, but with its proximity to Tatooine, you’re not surprised that the people here a mix of the same locale—mostly humans, some Twi’leks, a Rodian or two. It’s easy enough to blend in, and when Din falls into step with you, you slide your palm into his, squeezing, to reassure him that everything’s okay, but when you go to drop it, he just laces his fingers through yours even tighter, the two of you silent, walking hand in hand.
“Here,” Din says, quietly, and you look up at a glowing sign that indicates a fuel source in the back. You follow him into the market, looking around for the exits. The second you step into the light of the store, you pull your shawl up over your head, trying to disappear between the aisles as you restock some of the nonperishable food and the bacta the two of you have burned through since the last refuel, and you pull out your small bag of credits to pay.
Din doesn’t come back. It takes a minute, and then another one, and you’re starting to get nervous. The clerk and the other customers don’t seem to be paying you much mind, but after the events on Cantonica, and Takodana, and Ryloth, and Tatooine, you don’t take passivity as innocence anymore. After a few more minutes, you exist the store, shoving what you can into your pockets, peering down the alley that Din disappeared in.
Something about it is off. It give you that same uneasy feeling that kept running cold through your veins back on Kicker, the same anxiety rush that the Darksaber comes with—powerful and intense and not entirely yours.
“Mando?” you call out, quietly. You step gingerly down the cobblestones, trying to keep your footsteps as light and intentional as you can. It’s dark down here, darker than the shifting streets, and it’s a longer path than you would have imagined, but when you turn around to check that you’re not being followed, the street is open and clear in the dim moonlight. “Hey,” you call again, not daring to use Din’s real name, “where’s the fuel?”
Still nothing. The toe of your shoe catches on a cobblestone, and you go down to the ground, hard and fast. You groan, cursing under your breath, pressing your scraped hand to the street, trying to regain your balance before you haul yourself up, but the alley disappears. You gasp out in the darkness, and at first, you think it’s just because the moon is hidden, but the way that the blackness pulses and swallows you doesn’t feel like it’s from natural causes. You’re plunged into another vision, so quickly you get motion sickness. You’re on the ground. When you look up, there’s that violent clash of red and blue again, and that version of yourself that’s running to get in the middle, to blast apart the energy sources—or the lightsabers, you can’t make them out from this distant—is heavy and laden with desperation. You can feel it, wet and hot, muscle memory from something that hasn’t happened yet, and then you hear a noise behind you, so you turn. Suddenly, everything is raining, the ground soaked, your clothes pooling in rivulets all over the ground. You can’t even see two feet in front of you, and when you get plunged underwater, you struggle against the sinking tide, trying to find the right way up. Your name is called, once, then twice, and you scream against the current—and then you’re on solid ground again. It’s like this vision, this type of premonition, doesn’t have anything specific. Everything feels huge and thematic rather than predicting glimpses of what it’s about to happen, like you’re in a dream state and everything is vivid and garish and loud and will slip away immediately when you get pulled out of it.
And then you see him. The baby. He’s sitting on a rock, maybe, or a cliff, you can’t tell, and his little fuzzy head is tousled in the wind, his big bug eyes closed shut, his tiny green palm raised into the open air. You yell out Grogu’s name, and you start running. He doesn’t look like he’s in any danger, it looks peaceful, but that same exact dark feeling bubbling up in your chest says otherwise. You’re running and running as the ground falls away, and you scream out, trying to get to the baby, trying to get there before you fall through the cracks again, and the second you make it there, within an arm’s reach of his glorious little body, something dark and dangerous spits through the air, slicing into you. You yell, thrown backwards, as the shadow completely engulfs you, and, horribly, you get thrown back into the present. You can feel the cobblestones under your hands, the ground hard and weighted underneath your touch, and when you feel yourself come into reality again, Din’s there, standing over you.
“Nova,” he says, his voice low and concerned, “what just happened?”
“Vision,” you manage, gasping, eyes fluttering as your face gets dragged upwards so Din can inspect you. You shake your head back and forth, trying to clear your mind. “I—it was a weird one. Where the hell did you go?”
Din shakes his left hand, the one not on your face, and you register the sloshing of the fuel can before your eyes adjust to the point of recognition. “I was getting us fuel,” he says, gloved hand grabbing at your chin.
“You were gone for a long time,” you manage, finally sitting up fully, your breath catching in your chest. “How far does this alley go on for?”
Din cocks his head at you, visor looking out at where you are. Right in front of you, not even a full foot from your touch, is the end of the alley. Frantically, your head flails from side to side, and then you realize the fuel is a few feet away, a market stand in the dark. You swallow, embarrassed, when you see the owner and his patrons stare over at you.
“Weird,” you mutter, rubbing at your eye, the one still starry and disjointed from your premonition. You get the same unsettled feeling that you did when the feedback from Kicker blared out. “I could have sworn this went on for miles—it doesn’t matter. Did you see me come out here? Did you see me fall?”
Slowly, Din shakes his head back and forth. “No,” he answers, finally, and the gentle, bracing way he’s talking makes your heart accelerate again. You nod, slowly, trying to keep yourself under control, but you’re panicking. Between the odd, screeching message back on Kicker and completely misinterpreting the alleyway, you’re shaken up. Not much, because you don’t scare easy, but enough to feel like you might slightly be going crazy. Eventually, Din pulls you to your feet, and you follow, keeping a close eye on the shifting city around you, intentional about where you plant your strides.
The refueling process is easy. It’s the one procedure on Kicker that she doesn’t fight, and she takes far less gas than the Crest ever did, so it’s much easier to spend your credits on more fuel. Din offers to do it while you start programming in where you’re going next, and you climb the gangplank and scale the ladder, biting your nail as you ponder where to go next. You miss Hoth. You miss Nevarro. Honestly, you miss Kashyyyk most of all, and that’s where you want to go, but you don’t think that the isolation of being there would give you any favors. You have to call Wedge and tell him about what happened on Cantonica, and some part of you really wants to call Cara. She’s not as cut and dry as the Alliance is, but she’s big and strong and every time you’re in her presence, you’re not on high alert. You know Din’s probably not in any hurry to get back to Nevarro now that he’s the one being hunted, but, selfishly, you want to go there.
“Hey, cyar’ika,” Din says, startling you out of your reverie. “Are you okay?”
You nod. Hesitantly, at first, and then stronger. “I’m just trying to decide where we go next.”
Din sighs, long and heavy, and then his fingers are hooking under the rim of his helmet and pulling it off. “Do you have any idea what to do from here?”
You shake your head slowly. “No,” you admit. “I don’t like being aimless, but I also don’t think running wildly around the planets in our closest proximity is the safest thing to do, especially after Cantonica. I know that was our initial plan, but with how much we’ve been attacked, I think it’s safer to let the rest of the New Rogue Squadron poke around for evidence because they’re less likely to be detected. I hate it. I…” you trail off, looking out the window, and your eyes catch on something. You think it’s just the strange, shifting darkness around the both of you, but something feels off. Din calls your name, and you snap out of it, back into your conversation. “I think we need to find out what the Order is,” you continue, even though it makes your heart hammer in fear. “I…I don’t know how. I wish I did. I’m sorry. I feel a little out of my depth.” Admitting it feels like climbing a mountain, but the second the words are out of your mouth, you feel like you can exhale a little better.
Din looks at you, and then he pulls you, gently, to your feet. “I’m not scared of them,” he says, cradling your face between his two big hands. “I don’t know what they want with us, and I don’t know how to stop them. But I also know,” he says, sighing, “that between the two of us and the people standing in the sidelines, we can take them on.”
You give him a small smile. Your heart aches in the same way it did way back on Yavin, back when Din took you home, when he proposed. It feels like a lifetime ago, but it’s so vivid and so clear. That same tug is pulling on your heartstrings, and you can’t place it until your hand goes to close around your necklace that isn’t there. You swallow.
This is how it felt. When you were a teenager, when the Alliance was on the brink of collapsing the Empire. Your parents held each other like this, a warm and steady constant through such turmoil. You close your eyes, just for a second, and imagine them here with the two of you, ready to fight back.
But when your eyes flutter open again, Din’s gaze isn’t on you anymore. It’s locked on the window, behind you, and as you spin around to see what he’s staring at, you see it. You weren’t imagining a figure earlier, and it wasn’t the smoke and mirrors of the darkness. Someone’s out there. You gasp as Din’s eyes narrow, and before you can stabilize yourself, his helmet is up and over his head and he’s descending the ladder, lowering the gangplank.
“Hey!” you call, racing after him. “Din! What are you—”
A blaster shot rings out over your head, and you scream. It isn’t your finest moment, you have to admit, but you’re shell-shocked and you have no idea why Din is racing towards the figure, into the dark of the night, on an unfamiliar planet, running away from you again even though he promised you the rest of your battles would be fought together. You stare as he runs, and then you’re getting shot at again, and you duck and cover, rolling back up into the ship and accelerating the lift of the gangplank. You swear, catapulting yourself up to the cockpit, maneuvering Kicker around, because you have no idea who’s shooting at you. It’s not stormtroopers. It’s not the smaller force of Gideon’s troops, either. Whoever’s sending you the blasts, you’ve never seen them before. You punch in the sequence needed for liftoff, praying to the Maker and the ship gods above that Kicker listens to you. She does, and you breathe sighs of relief as you navigate into the air.
Again, you’re being blasted at, and anger sets in. You’ve lost sight of Din and the figure, and you don’t want to abandon him here, but you’re getting shot at from somewhere in the darkness, and you don’t know what the hell else to do.
And then your comm buzzes again. You’re expecting the weird bleeping, so you roar a very uncharacteristic “what?” into the mouthpiece, forcing Kicker straight upward.
“Whoa,” Wedge’s voice comes through the line, and immediately, you buckle.
“Don’t get me wrong, Wedge, because I am so thankful to hear your voice, but how the hell,” you pant, dropping out of the artillery range of whatever—or whoever—is shooting at you, “did you get through to me?”
“Your callsign was reinstated,” Wedge says, confused, and as you get shot at again, you scream out of sheer frustration. “Nova, what’s going on?”
“If I knew,” you pant, scanning the shadowy grounds for where Din disappeared, “I’d tell you. Have you gotten any—weird calls, or anything? Scrambled radio waves? Anything like that? Strange things keep happening to me,” you admit, voice slightly lowered.
“No,” Wedge answers, but there’s an edge to his voice. If you weren’t so preoccupied with trying not to die, you would interrogate him, but whatever’s volleying blasts at you is so persistent that you can’t even ponder why he sounds so strange. “Listen, Nova—”
“Do you know anything about the Order?” you yell, punching in the code for the thermal tracking sensor. The ground is covered with life forms in the shadows, so it’s hard to identify where Din ran off to, but you squint and scan it, looking for a heat signature that matches his.
“The…the Jedi Order?” Wedge asks, his voice crackling.
“No,” you interrupt, immediately, “definitely not. We ran into some…unsavory people on Cantonica that mentioned it to me. Apparently,” you say, swinging around to inspect your creaky artillery, “they want me for something. The man, the one who—it doesn’t matter. He told me ‘What died didn’t stay dead’.”
On the other end of the line, Wedge is quiet. “What did he mean?”
You sigh, frustrated, exhausted. “I don’t know,” you manage, and you hate the way the words taste in your mouth, heavy and stonewalled. “And now I’m getting shot at. Again. Every time I think we know what we’re up against,” you say, firing a round of blasts off into the general direction of the other ship, “something new unfolds.”
“What were you going to say earlier?” you say, and when you realize you’ve cut Wedge off again, you wince. “I’m so sorry,” you apologize, genuine, “I’m—I’m not on my game.”
“I heard from Luke,” Wedge says, and then you catch glimpse out of the corner of your eye. It looks like a green lightsaber flash, even though it’s not, even though it can’t be. You squint, and then the full weight of what Wedge just said hits you, and your attention is immediately snapped back to the comm.
“What?” you ask, voice wobbling with something you don’t entirely understand.
“I heard from Luke—” Wedge repeats, and then whatever’s screeching in your commlink cuts him off entirely, and you scream out into the noise before you realize the connection’s lost. The ship in the darkness is shooting at you again, and this time you’ve had it. You yank up on the controls, hard, and Kicker groans as you accelerate her into the sky.
“I know,” you whisper, voice too jittery to be placating, “but you need to work with me, Kicker.” Reluctantly, she does, and when you roll over into your signature move to shoot back with all the artillery you can muster, something shiny flies up in front of you, obstructing your vision. You yell out, slapping your own hands away from the controls before you can shoot Din and his jet pack out of the sky. “What the fuck!” you call, and you know he can’t hear you over the ships’ engines, but with how loud it is, you think he might be listening anyway. Din flaps his hand at you, and you move backward, away from the city, landing just on the outskirts on a pile of gravel. You pull your blaster back into the holster, hand outstretched to the Darksaber, which flies back into your hand as if it’s being called. You stare at it for a second, still so conflicted about the sheer power it radiates, and then your grip tightens around it, storming down the ladder and lowering the gangplank. You don’t have your shawl draped over your head, you’re not being nearly as safe as you should be, especially since you don’t know who was trying to ground you, but you’re rattled and on edge and scared, and you hold both weapons in your hands, preparing.
The other ship blasts out of the darkness and shrouding of the city, and you stare. It’s such a strange shape—a flat back on the rear end, the cockpit round but menacing—and you glare at it, eyes following it all the way to the ground. You start to storm forward, and then Din lands in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.
“Din Djarin,” you say, so low that anyone outside of a one-foot radius can’t hear you, “you better have a good excuse as to why you’re stopping me from fighting back against the ship trying to shoot me out of the sky—”
“I do,” he says, and his voice is low and urgent. “I know them.”
You stare at him as two figures emerge from the ship, and Din steps in front of you as they break into a run, shielding your body with his own.
“Stop,” he says, and both of them do. It’s dark, and you can’t see very well, but you see the long, multifaceted black braid hanging off one of the silhouette’s shoulder and you realize with a jolt that it’s Fennec Shand. Your eyes refocus on the stockier, set figure next to her, and as he steps into the light, you see his face and your heart jumps. He’s older, and he’s marred and scarred from the time he spent in the Sarlacc pit back on Tatooine years ago, but it’s Boba Fett. Your heart jumps in your chest. “It’s us.”
“Why,” Boba Fett starts, his voice low and dangerous, “are you in that ship?”
You stare at him. “Because the Razor Crest was blown up and we needed another vehicle? Also, if you know him,” you continue, voice shaking slightly, pointing to Din, “why are you shooting at us?”
“Where is the Jedi?” he asks, staring at you.
“No Jedi here,” you say, voice still unstable, “unless you mean the untrained one with the weapon of ruling Mandalore in her hands, and then here I am.”
“He must be here,” Fett continues, and you look back and forth between everyone, trying to understand what the hell he’s talking about. “I saw his lightsaber. I saw the ship.”
You look back at Kicker. “Who?” you ask. Your heart is beating so fast, feeding on your adrenaline. You inhale, the breath rattling in your chest. “What are you talking about?”
“Luke Skywalker,” Boba Fett seethes, and your heart drops. You step forward.
“You saw him too?” you ask, voice small.
“No,” Fennec Shand starts, and then Din steps forward at the same time.
“I did too,” he admits, and you look up at him.
You swallow, looking between the three of them, brain working furiously to try and keep up. “I just talked to Wedge,” you say, voice small, “and he said he heard from Luke again.”
Din whips around to face you. “Where’s Grogu?”
Your eyes widen as you shrug. “That’s all I got from him. Then my commlink went haywire again, and the connection dropped. What the hell,” you say, inhaling sharply, “is going on?”
Fett stares back at you. “You know Skywalker?”
“I—I know him in passing,” you say, and you drop down to the ground, exhausted. “I’m in the Rebel Alliance, and he’s training our kid! What do you want with Luke Skywalker?”
“To pay him back for sending me to certain death,” Boba Fett says, his voice measured and angry. Your eyes try to track the differences between him and Din, because in the dark, the similarities are startling. They stand at about the same height, Boba Fett’s armor is older and greener, but right now, it’s nearly impossible to tell. You shiver. This planet is weird.
“Looks like you escaped certain death,” you say, and a small smile curves across Fennec Shand’s face. You look at her, and for the ruthlessness her reputation carries, she has a warmth to her you didn’t expect. “Why were you shooting at me?”
Fett’s face changes. “I thought I saw Skywalker,” he admits, and his voice is less confrontational. I could have sworn it was his X-wing.”
You want to retaliate, and then the shifting shadows of the city in front of you catch your eye, and you understand. Something about the atmosphere seems to be playing tricks on the both of you, so you just exhale and nod. “And you,” you say, turning to Din, “what happened back there? Why did you just leave like that?”
Something in him shrinks.
“You’re in trouble, Mando,” Fennec smirks.
“I thought I saw Luke Skywalker,” Din says, and his voice is just as honest and tired as yours is, and you let him pull you back to your feet. “Something about this place…it isn’t right. We need to get out of here.”
You nod, fervently. Boba Fett and Fennec Shand follow suit.
“That weapon,” Fett says, guarded, eyes locked on the Darksaber hanging from your closed hand, “doesn’t look like it belongs to you.”
“It doesn’t,” you say. Fennec looks at Din, and back at you.
“Belongs to him,” she smiles, and Din sighs, low and heavy, through the modulator.
“It,” Din says tiredly, “does not. You know how hard I tried to get rid of this thing back there. I’m still working on it,” he says, and you feel his gaze on you underneath the visor, “but right now, I think we need to regroup on Nevarro.”
Your heart flips over, half in excitement, half in dread. “Isn’t that dangerous?”
Fennec grins again, equal parts venom and warmth. “Not as dangerous as us,” she posits, and both Din and Boba nod in agreement. You shake your head, but the smile on your own face is furious and determined. You split up, Boba and Fennec heading back to his strange, deadly ship, and you and Din return to Kicker, punching in the coordinates for Nevarro. You’re exhausted, and when your eye catches sight of the Darksaber again, it’s in Din’s palm. That colossal, colliding feeling of belonging to each other and belonging to something more sparks up in your chest like a supernova. As you jump into hyperspace, you watch him turn it over and over again, and a small, tiny, sparking part of you imagines him ruling Mandalore with it in one hand and your own in the other.
You missed Nevarro. It’s a wasteland, a strange volcanic desert that spits up lava whenever it desires, and there’s always a weird edge to it, but landing in the same spot as Fett and Shand, knowing Karga and Cara are close by, it gives you a small, strange fortification. Safety, you realize, as the four of you are walking into town, that’s what you’re feeling. You feel safe here, in the presence of people who you know are on your side, even if half of them were just trying to shoot you out of the sky.
Din makes friends so strangely. As the four of you walk into town, over the ashen dried magma, you learn a little bit about how they joined together at the last moment to try and defeat Gideon. Fennec, you realize, is another enemy-turned-ally. She met Din on Tatooine weeks before you did, and she crossed paths with Toro Calican. She says it so freely that you don’t understand at first, and when you remember who they were dealing with, your stomach flips over. They reunited back on Tython, right as Grogu got whisked away by Gideon’s dark troopers, and formed a wary alliance. But the way the three of them are talking now, it seems like every moment of dissonance has been smoothed over, now that everyone’s on the same side. Cara and Din became friends like that, too—guns to each other’s skulls before realizing they were on the same team. It makes you smile as Boba and Fennec talk about Din on your way into Nevarro City. He doesn’t say much, but you can tell he’s at ease, which is a very hard thing for either of you to come by these days. And this is how you know he’s going to be a good ruler. Every single person you’ve met through Din recognized his goodness under all of that bounty hunting and beskar. He’s strategic, and he’s levelheaded, and he can speak more languages than you can. He’s great at both descalation and escalation, at rushing into battles and playing mediator. It doesn’t matter if Mandalore doesn’t accept him straight out, because they’ll see the man he is and the ruler he can be, and every single one of them will fall in love with him, too.
“What’s your plan after this?” Din asks, and you fade back into the conversation, still wearing a small smile in the shape of a badge of pride across your face.
Fennec and Boba exchange looks. “We have business on Tatooine,” Boba says, lowly. “But if there’s still something to be defeated out there, if our job wasn’t finished, then we’ll help you again.”
Din nods. “And after?”
“You know I’d rather have you on the throne than the Kryze girl,” Boba continues, his voice quiet but intense. A small smile snakes its way across Fennec’s face. You think maybe you’ve read her wrong. She doesn’t seem outright malicious. She’s dangerous, and she could easily cut you down if you tried her, but she doesn’t seem to relish double-crossing or killing like you’d heard in the rumors. She just seems to crave chaos, and if that’s what she wants, you’re glad she’s here.
Din sighs. “I don’t want it,” he says, but there’s a reluctance in his voice that you haven’t heard before.
When you look up again, you’re at Nevarro City. You breathe a small sigh of relief, the outcroppings of the familiar buildings stand tall over the horizon. As you cross over into the gateway, you see more stormtrooper helmets on the pike than you thought you saw last time, and your tummy flips over at the knowledge that you might be bringing danger here. You swallow as the four of you make your way to the cantina, and the second the door closes, something shifts. You lift your chin higher, scanning the room for familiar faces. And while you’re preoccupied, Cara comes out of nowhere and punches Din on the arm, in an unarmored spot beneath his pauldrons.
“You know,” he says, “a simple hello could suffice—”
“I’m mad at you,” Cara retaliates, her eyes glinting when she looks over at you. “I put it to rest while we were trying to get the kid, but don’t think I’ve forgotten.”
You quirk your head, trying to get her to explain, and she folds you into a gentle hug for a second before appraising you at arm’s length.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” she says, genuinely, and then her hand snaps back out to jab Din on the same spot on his arm. “When he told me he just left you somewhere, I could have killed him with my own two hands.”
You smile at her. “I’m honored.”
“I had a plan,” Din mutters.
“Not a good one,” Cara responds, but then she smiles at him. You watch how it lights up her rough face, how pretty she is, especially when her eyes sparkle. “If Nova’s forgiven you, so have I.”
“Well,” you say, looking up at the man you love with a little fire of your own, “about that—”
“Mando!” Greef Karga’s booming voice cuts through the static, and you drop it for now. He walks over to you, cutting around customers and Guild members, weaving a clear path to the five of you. “Welcome back to Nevarro City. I’m sorry about the kid,” he continues, genuinely, slapping a large palm down on Din’s pauldron. “But if I know anything, I know you can get him back.”
You feel Din shrink, just a little, and then he stands up straighter. “We’re here because we have a problem,” he says, lowly, “and we need your help.”
Everybody starts drinking except you and Din. You refuse the spotchka, because it’s daytime on Nevarro, and mostly because you’re too on edge to drink anything, especially if the usual pattern follows suit and you get into some sort of altercation today, but while the rest of them are drinking, you hatch a plan. You and Din will tell Wedge everything you know about the Order, the Alliance will search for information across the galaxy. Karga will stay here on Nevarro City and hold down the fort in case anyone unsavory comes by. Cara will split her time between being the Marshal, traveling with you and Din, and joining forces with Boba and Fennec to keep the six of you connected and up to date. Boba and Fennec, while not with Cara, will use their skills and abilities to act like they’re still in league with the Empire’s leftovers, try and scour of any information they can. As the conversation comes to a close, you realize that you and Din don’t have anything to do immediately other than notifying Wedge.
“What’s our plan?” you ask, lowly, looking over at Din in the low light. “What do we do in the meantime?”
Din looks over at you, then to the other members of your recently forged alliance as they talk and drink. “Did you really think you saw Luke Skywalker back on Khubeaie?”
You stare at him. You blink once, twice, and then nod. “I thought it was just my vision playing tricks on me,” you murmur, fingers flapping around where your necklace used to live. Din, under the visor, tracks the movement, but you don’t pay it that much attention. “And I don’t think—well, the planet was weird. It was playing tricks on all of us. But if you saw him, I saw him, and Boba Fett saw him, then…”
“He was there,” Din finished, lowly, the second half of the sentence raised up as if he meant to ask a question but didn’t go all the way.
“I don’t think he was physically there,” you manage, brushing a way a loose piece of hair, “but I think we all saw him for a reason. Either Khubeaie’s haunted,” you breathe, “or something there is connected with the Force.”
Din stares at you. You can just tell, especially here and now in the cantina. “For you, maybe. But if I saw him, and Fett saw him—”
“Then maybe the planet’s haunted,” you interrupt, and you don’t entirely mean it, but the memory of the comm system warbling and screeching twice makes your blood seep cold through your veins. “Or, at the very least, something weird is going on. But when I talked to Wedge—” you breathe, sharply, “he said he heard from Luke again. And I don’t know about you, but I—”
“Don’t believe in coincidences,” Din finishes, his knee knocking up against yours under the table, “I know. These days, neither do I.”
When you part ways for the night, it’s temporary. Tomorrow, you and Din will hail Wedge and fill him and the New Rogue Squadron in on everything, and Boba and Fennec will head to the places in the galaxy where there’s still affiliates of the Empire to dig for more information. Cara will go interrogate some of the prisoners she’s brought in, offer them reduced sentences if they can fill the rest of the team in on anything related to the mysterious, dark Order. Karga will stay on Nevarro, speaking to the Guild members to try and fish for information about what the Empire leftovers are planning, and how they’re communicating with one another.
You and Din walk back to Kicker, hand in hand, in silence. You can feel sleep calling at you, edging in from the corners of your eyes. It feels like forever since you’ve gotten a full night’s sleep without being knocked out from the bacta, and as much as you love its anasthetic properties when you’ve lost a lot of blood, you want to fall into sleep on your own tonight. Neither of you shower, just undress and strip down into whatever you’re wearing to bed, and crawl into the nest of blankets you’ve made on Kicker’s floor. For hours, it seems, you lay there, together, in the dark, before Din speaks.
You sigh, halfway into a dream. “Mmm. Yeah?”
He’s quiet, again, and you think you’ve imagined it, so you just burrow down into his warmth, feeling your skin brush up against his. His hands tighten around your waist, just for a second, and you feel so secure that fighting sleep doesn’t really seem like a favorable option. “I love you,” you hear, and then as you drift off into sleep, you hear him whisper, “I meant it. I’m never leaving—” and then you’re gone.
You wake up, and Din isn’t there. Panic floods into your chest, wet and heavy, and you flail around in the blankets, even though you know he’s not cuddled up in there with you. You get up, redress frantically into your only pair of clean clothes, swinging your jacket around your shoulders. The fresher’s empty, and he’s not in the cockpit, and when you slide down to inspect the gangplank, you see it’s been lowered in the last hour.
“Fuck!” you yell, slapping at the thing, which doesn’t do anything except lowering it again. You grab your blaster and shove it into the holster, holding your arm out for the snap of the Force to let the Darksaber fly into your grip. Your heart still hammering, you race down the gangplank, comm on your wrist, yelling the whole way into the city. “Where are you?” you ask, and you realize you sound angry, and you are, because Din keeps promising he’ll never leave your side and then whisks himself away to fight a battle that would be so much easier to win with the two of you in it together, but you’re also terrified. Nevarro isn’t the safest place, especially since Gideon and all of his troopers found Din, Grogu, Cara, and Karga here before, and even though Din’s wearing his armor, you’re scared.
And most of all, you’re upset. You want him here. You promised, a year ago, that you wouldn’t run from him again, and even when you’ve wanted to bolt for your life, you stayed. You don’t go back on your promises. And for Din assuring you he’s a man of his word, he hasn’t kept the most important thing he’s ever sworn to you, and it hurts. Grief and anxiety are two burning pyres in your chest, and as you haul yourself over Nevarro’s rocky, barren surface, heading towards town, you can feel the tears threatening at the corners of your eyes.
You’re tired. You’re so tired. You just want to be back on the ship you call home with the man you love and your child, and you’re so sick of fighting against the people who are trying to either steal you for themselves or make sure you die and stay dead. You know that this wasn’t Ahsoka’s fault, that she didn’t intend to send you on such a draining mission, but some small part of you is angry at her for letting you leave, for spearheading the chain of events that amounted to one huge loss after another. You flutter your hands around your neck, tears streaking down your face once you realize that it too is gone.
You step forward, trying to not let the big, raggedy sobs out into the open air. You duck behind one of the buildings so you can cry in peace, exhausted and strung out, worried for Din and heart still aching with him leaving. You know you should pull it together, go all the way into town and tell Cara, but right now, you can’t move. You cry, quietly and completely, letting the tears build and fall until you’ve run dry.
“Hey,” a voice from behind you says, “I’m looking for a pilot.”
You whip around, hand on your blaster in its holster, ready to fire if needed, but when you spin all the way, it’s not a stranger. It’s Din. He’s down on one knee, helmet off, in the exact place that you met here a year ago.
Your heart flies into your chest. “What are you doing­—” you hiss, but no one’s here. And you seem to be frozen to the spot in the same way you were back on Yavin when he proposed the first time, everything rushing through you, exhilarating and confused.
“Preferably a Force sensitive one. Used to be in the Rebel Alliance, and recently reinstated to her previous rank. Can fly anything. You wanted proof,” Din shrugs, and your eyes roam hungrily over his bare face. He doesn’t look hesitant. There’s no trace of him rushing to put it back on, so you step forward, heart in your throat, thrumming and beating like an erratic butterfly. “That I’ll follow you anywhere. I have proof.”
“Proof of what?” you breathe, still walking towards him. Even on his knees, his head comes up to your chest. “Where the hell did you go, you scared the life out of me—”
And then you’re done talking, because Din pulls out a ring. You gasp, choke back a sob, and stare at it. It’s a simple silver band, but the structure and strength of it looks exactly like the beskar his armor is made out of. You inhale again, staring at it, and when you get close enough, you see that there’s something carved on the inside. It’s a star, the same one you embossed into your necklace, and around it, the words “ni kar’tayl su”, light but intentional. You try to breathe, but all you’re doing is sobbing, looking frantically from the ring in Din’s palm to his open face, and when you cross the divide between the two of you, seizing his glorious cheeks between your hands, he meets you in the middle.
“You wanted proof,” he says, again, and everything feels dizzying and starry and huge. You feel your heart rush with the feeling of belonging, that something more that tarted right here, in this same spot, on this barren planet, months and months again. “Last time, I didn’t have a ring. But I do now, and I’m never leaving your side again.”
“I tired to make it back before you woke up,” he whispers, earnestly. “I left a note on the dashboard. I just had to make it down to my—to where I used to live, to forge this.”
You swallow. “That’s where you went?”
“I’ve been kicking myself ever since I didn’t give you a ring in the first place,” Din continues, “and I know promising to never leave you again and then waking up must have been—I’m sorry. It was going to be in and out. But I ran into someone down there.”
Your heart flips over. “Did they hurt you—”
“No,” Din shakes his head, the ghost of a smile dancing across his face. “No, it was the Armorer. I thought she was gone, but she’s still alive—it’s a story for another time. But I told her about you,” Din says, lifting his hand to stroke a line down your face, “and she made you something, too.”
Your eyebrows furrow down the middle, and then he pulls out something else made out of the same metal as the ring was—a simple, secured chain, with two charms hanging from it. The symbol of the Alliance, and Din’s signet of the mudhorn. You cry as he loops it around your neck, tears intense and filled with disbelief and magic. “You did this for me?”
Din stares at you. “I’d do anything for you,” he says, finally, voice so soft. “You wanted proof I’d follow you anywhere, right? This is me trying to prove it.” He takes in a shuddering breath, and you smile at him. “You don’t have to forgive me, yet. I know I need to earn it. But, cyar’ika, I’d really love it if you’d agree to marry me.”
“You,” you start, taking a huge, shuddering breath, “always surprise me. I love you.”
Din smiles. “Is that—”
“Yes,” you scream, nodding frantically, “yes, of course, I’ll marry you, I love you, I love—”
And then you’re cut off, the ring slid on your finger, and Din’s on his feet, picking you up and dragging you backwards, down the alley towards a wall, and when he lifts you against the concrete, you sigh out into his mouth. “Ni kar’tayl su,” he starts, and then you pull him in closer, his mouth latched onto yours.
“Darasuum,” you agree, between kisses, “forever.”
He’s pulling at your clothes, and the part of you who knows this is a bad idea is silenced by the way his teeth sink into your shoulder, leaving marks all up and down your upper chest. You kick down your pants, not even bothering to take them off, and when Din rests your feet back down on the ground, immediately, he dives in between your legs, tongue wet and warm and full for you. You moan out, loud, too loud, but you don’t care who hears, not now. His tongue slides up and down, finally locking on your clit, licking swift little circles. You moan, hands seizing into his dark, messy hair, running your thumb over the metal of the ring. He licks into you like he’s been hungry for years and you’re the only thing standing between him and starvation. When he pushes a single finger inside, still eating you like his life depends on it, it’s enough for you to see stars. It feels like forever since you’ve been touched like this without interruption, and you lean into it, breath running ragged, moaning out his name.
“I want to touch you—” you manage, voice high and breathy, “please, Din, let me—”
“Not here,” he says, roughly, pushing another finger inside you. It buckles you over, right on the edge, and you moan into his shoulder, “I’m taking care of you. Don’t argue with me.”
You close your mouth, nodding. His tongue finds you again, his hands on your hips, digging slightly into the flesh there, voracious and insatiable. When he makes you cum, it’s three orgasms in a row, and your legs shake. “Din—Din, I can’t stand up—”
He’s on his feet quicker than you can imagine, like a lightning lash. “Then I’ll hold you here,” he says, and both of your legs are being hiked up. Your bare back scrapes against the concrete, but you barely even hear it sting as you’re being hoisted into the air. “I’m going to fuck you now,” he breathes, something low and lustful in his eyes, “and you need to try to keep quiet, or everyone in Nevarro City will know my name. You can do that for me, can’t you, cyar’ika?”
Your eyes widen, wet heat seeping between your legs. You feel like you’re buzzing. “Yes,” you manage, syllable broken down the middle, and when you feel the head of his cock start to push its way inside of you, wet and ready, you have to clap your own hand over your mouth to keep the very unsavory noises from leaking out into the open air of the town.
“Good girl,” Din manages, and then his mouth is on yours, his hips fucking into you hard and fast, a staccato rhythm punctuated by both of your muffled moans, burying himself into you. You let yourself be held there, hands tangled up ferociously in his hair, using as much gravity as you can to get him to pound you like you’ve never been pounded before, writhing with your hips, everything starry and alive, wanting him to get to whatever universe you’re in. His breath hitches, and you know he’s close, already, he’s close, and it feels like you’ve barely started, but you grab at his bare face with your hands and nod, giving him permission. Your comm warbles, but Din’s muttering sweet nothings in your ear, telling you you’re so fucking wet, sweet, pretty girland I can’t wait to have your pussy forever, and right before he climaxes, he moans out your name, and then a breathy I love you, and whatever your comm is yelling out, you don’t hear it, because you’re too preoccupied with letting the man you love mark you as his, over and over and over.
When you finish, you feel how puffy and wet you still are, and if it wasn’t for the incessant bleeping and blinking on your wrist, you’d beg him to fuck you again. And then your head registers it’s Cara, hailing the both of you, and you and Din make eye contact in a panic, both frantically redressing.
“It’s me,” you manage, voice still fucked from going to heaven and back, “are you okay?”
“You both need to get here, to the cantina,” Cara says, and her voice is clipped and short. You exchange looks with Din before he slips the helmet back on, and you run your hand over your messy hair, hoping the braid isn’t beyond repair, and both of you bolt towards the cantina. You toss Din the blaster, he tosses back the Darksaber, steps matched up, hurrying toward the center of town.
“I want you to know,” Din says, lowly, right before the door opens, “ regardless of what’s waiting for us in there, I’m not done fucking you.”
Despite everything, you grin back at him, brazen, chest still heaving. “Better not be.”
When you break through the vestibule, it takes your eyes a minute to adjust. When they do, you realize who’s standing there, Cara’s eyebrow lifted, staring over at you and Din intently. The other woman turns around, and your feel the smallest bit of panic flood into you as you take in her chiseled jaw, her short red hair, the way her eyes lock onto you holding the Darksaber.
“Bo-Katan,” you start, and she steps forward, not aggressive, but intentionally.
She looks both you and Din up at down, gaze landing on the Darksaber, and then back on your face. “I’m not here for that.” You watch her face, looking for a bluff. It isn’t there. “We need to talk.”
TAGLIST: @myheartisaconstellation | @fuuckyeahdad | @pedrodaddypascal | @misslexilouwho | @theoddcafe | @roxypeanut | @lousyventriloquist | @ilikethoseodds | @strawberryflavourss | @fanomando | @cosmicsierra | @misssilencewritewell | @rainbowfantasyxo |  @thatonedindjarinfan | @theflightytemptressadventure | @tiny-angry-redhead | @cjtopete86 | @chikachika-nahnah | @corvueros | @venusandromedadjarin | @jandra5075 | @berkeleybo | @solonapoleonsolo | @wild-mads | @charmedthoughts | @dindjarinswh0re | @altarsw |  @weirdowithnobeardo | @cosmicsierra | @geannad | @th3gl1tt3rgam3roff1c1al | @burrshottfirstt | @va-guardianhathaway | @starspangledwidow | @casssiopeia | @niiight-dreamerrrr | @ubri812 | @persie33 | @happyxdayxbitch | @sofithewitch | @hxnnsvxns |  @thisshipwillsail316 | @spideysimpossiblegirl | @dobbyjen | @tanzthompson | @tuskens-mando | @pedrosmustache | @goldielocks2004 | @fireghost-xas always, reply here or send me a message to be added to the taglist!!! (and if you've already asked me and you're not on it, please message me again!!!)
I HOPE YOU LOVED IT!!!!! it's so bittersweet, because so much of this chapter feels like the prelude to the end none of us wants to come, but i want you all to know that even though SM is coming to a close, there is so much more going to be in the sequel. if it doesn't feel like everything is resolved, please remember MORE IS COMING!!! i needed to leave some loose ends to make sure i had enough content for the second one ;)
with that being said, i anticipate SM will be ending with one or two more chapters. likely two more, because there's so much content planned, but as soon as i start writing, i will update you all on tumblr (amiedala) and tiktok (padmeamydala) to give you a definitive answer. if it is just one more chapter, it will be LONG!!! i don't want any of this to end, but this part of the story is coming to a close, and i cannot wait to share the sequel with you all <3 i love you all so much!!!!! thank you for taking this journey with me!!!!!
xoxo, amelie
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ben-crytalker · 3 years
first season rewatch observations/questions that 0 people asked for:
people be giving away their first borns like a really good cupcake
storybrooke!david, my poor poor dude... was your coma IV perchance filled with idiot potion because seriously, just, what are you doing
rewatching the david x mm story line it is wild to me but a testament to how much i loved snow and charming, that despite him being such a complete dingus i still wanted them to end up together
not that it was likely, but laughing at the idea of david’s weird hypnosis dream being presented in court as evidence. “well your honor, i took a nap with a therapist watching me and it felt like i was unlocking a memory. mary margaret happened to have long hair and was wearing an old fashioned fantasy cloak and contextually it felt very different from this reality but hey you know how memories can be?”
“till my lips bled” is still so funny to me, like i know it’s hyperbolic {hopefully?} but i just picture kathryn going to town on gold!frederick for a hot sec and all the guards on watch just being like (⊙__⊙;)
still don’t understand why nova and dreamy couldn’t be together
a part of me will always mourn the possibility of august x emma
what was the impetus for henry first going to get emma? like why that time, not earlier or later? i know it was her birthday but he couldn’t have known that
my theory is archie got his therapy accreditation from the same institution as the dad in season 1 of american horror story
how/why does archie end up paired with pongo for the curse, again? or just in general? on that note, i know cruella shows up later but i don’t remember roger/anita ever being involved either
forever hate everyone insisting emma is henry’s “real” mother just because she gave birth to him. i think the subject of adoptive vs. biological relatives is often mishandled in the series, maybe because they never explore the topic deeply enough. i won’t go into more detail rn but for me it’s a real weak point of the show overall. i distinctly remember always hoping there would be an opportunity where regina could save henry with true love’s kiss and they never gave it to her. maybe i just missed it, or as i rewatch i’ll notice a moment like that for them. but season 1 definitely still misses the mark for me in this regard
it drives me nuts that snow puts charming’s mom’s ring on her right hand to try it on. why not her left hand? it just seems like such an oversight. americans (and characters within the OUAT universes) generally wear engagement and wedding bands on their left hands, and they’re clearly trying to hint that snow is the one he should really be marrying, so why does she put it on her right hand gahhhh
do we ever find out who the nurse watching over belle is supposed to be?
so many names make a lot of sense (rumple/gold, cinderella/ashley, red/ruby, white/blanchard, astrid/nova) yet so many also seem super random (august booth, leroy, david nolan), and some don’t change at all. then there are also names that seem like they were intended to be something that never came to pass, or maybe just purposeful misdirects? like dr. whale and even emma swan. i always wondered if emma was supposed to have some kind of ugly duckling tie-in somehow but it never happened. i don’t really have a point here, just reflecting i guess 😂
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badboys-imagines · 4 years
My neighbor
A/N : Hope you’ll like this chapter ♥ 🌝
Pairing : Henry Cavill x Reader
Summary : You move into the house of your dreams. It all seems like a fairytale, until you meet your neighbor, Mr. Cavill…
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The building was filled with loud voices and sounds of people frantically typing when you rushed to the Human Resources office. The door was open.
A well-built man turned to you, a folder in his hands,
"Come in, Miss Y/L/N" he mumbled, “I was finishing your evaluation."
Hair still wet and messy, you panted,
"Thank you, sir."
Raising his head from the documents, Mathias smiled,
"Call me Mat', will you ?" he chuckled softly and pointed the seat in front of his desk, "Sit."
Body still shaking, you sat into the chair and he kept gazing at you for a moment,
"Your profile is very interesting." he stated, "Need more time to get ready in the morning ?" he asked, glancing at your bun.
Oh, shit.
For a moment, you wondered which was messier, your life or your hair.
"I apologize, si...-Mat’. I had a serious issue with my new neighbor..."
"None of that with me, Y/L/N." he chuckled, "I was just joking. One thing you need to know, you can be late, work from home, the boss don’t care as long as you do your job."
Nodding quickly, you silently cursed Cavill. Damn him. Thank god, Mat’ seemed to be in a soft mood.
"Well, now you're here, we need a good article for tonight, something entertaining. Do you think you can do that ? Like a fight, a violent altercation. Anything spicy."
"Of course, I'll figure something out." you nodded with a smile.
Sighing in relief, you sat at your new desk, closing your eyes as you recollected yourself. You’d been lucky. So. Freaking. Lucky.
"Hey there !" a friendly masculine voice caused you to open your eyes, "I'm your neighbor. I mean, kind of, our desks are side by side."
Oh God, no more neighbor for today, please.
Andres was a tall, blond-haired man. It was the first time you met him. He handed you a coffee, his wide smile and happy face contagious,
"Thanks ! Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N/."
"I know, I... read your badge."
"Oh," you chuckled, "and you are... Andres." you said as you read the name on his own badge.
You both nodded and smiled awkwardly, until a tall woman walked into the room, causing everyone to look back at their screens and papers. Andres leaned in and whispered,
“This is Erin. Big boss.”
Erin scanned the room and as soon as her eyes found you, she walked in your direction.
“Hello, Y/N. Welcome to Nova Times. I’m Erin.”
There was something very sweet in her smile. It made you feel immediately at ease and you shook her hand.
“Nice to meet you. I can’t wait to start working on my first article.”
“Did Mathias give you a lead ?”
“Yes, he did. I’m sure I can finish today.”
“Great. I hope you��ll feel comfortable here.” she said, pointing your desk, “If you need anything, I’ll be in my office, alright ?”
So, yeah. It was even better than what you expected. Surprisingly, it felt way less oppressing than your previous job.
Your boss was friendly, the environment seemed nice. Plus, Andres was really hot.
When you finally left the building, it was already late and you’d been talking with him non-stop for an hour. He walked you home and you both took your time, enough for you to tell him about Mr Chaos.
“You just call him like that ?” Andres asked.
"Yeah, well that’s because he’s always acting indecently when all I’m trying to do is keep calm. It seems like his two moods are just... glitter and death, you know."
Andres laughed,
"What's his name again ?"
You hadn't told him and were about to do so, but you noticed your house in the distance,
"Oh, this is me." you smiled, stopping in front of him.
Andres plunged his eyes into yours, and you thought it was the moment when two characters kiss in books. There was a chemistry between you both, you couldn’t deny it. So when he leaned in, you glanced at his lips, willing to do it, to kiss him.
Yes, Y/N.
Do it.
But as soon as you looked at him, an image came to your mind, like a spell, something moving under your skin. Heart beating fast, you moved back. 
Henry’s eyes were haunting you. 
"I-I'm sorry." Andres stuttered, realizing his mistake, “It was so inappropriate, I thought...”
"No ! No, it wasn’t. It’s not you. You thought right." you assured him, "I guess I'm still shook by all the changes in my life. I just need some time. But I really enjoyed walking with you. You know what, how about we walk to work together, tomorrow morning ?"
Not an ounce of resentment in his eyes, Andres smiled shyly, burying his hands in his pockets,
"Tomorrow morning, then. Good night, Y/N. I'm glad we spent this moment together. If you're in trouble, just call me." he said, referring to your neighbor.
What was happening to you ? He was probably the cutest guy you’d met in years and yet... you just couldn’t take Henry out of your head.
Dragging your feet toward the door, you noticed the window was slightly open. Even though you didn't make a sound, your cat ran to you, meows and purrs breaking the silence as you entered your house.
"Oh, poor kitty, I'm sorry for this morning hon'..." you took her into your arms and made your way to the kitchen, pouring some cat food into a plate. "Here you go..."
"This cat is a liar,” you heard Henry grumble behind you, “I fed her, twice. She's going to die from a heart attack, like the average over-eating American she is." Henry glanced down at the furry ball, “I'm serious pal', you're going to die.”
Straightening up, you were now facing Henry as he brushed his fingers through his dark hair. This time though, he gave you an apologetic gaze,
"Sorry. Didn't mean that." he risked, "I just... I did feed your cat this morning. After all."
Without a word, you shrugged him off and turned your back to him to open the fridge. Here and there, you found his food and barely managed to know what was yours or his.
"What are you doing ?" he asked, his tone softer.
"Avoiding what ?"
"You. Everything."
You heard him sigh and he moved closer to you, heading toward the fridge where you were still trying to figure out what to cook. His voice echoed in your ear, so close it vibrated against your skin,
"This is mine,” he said, his arm plunging into the depths of the fridge, “this is yours... Oh, no. These are mine too." he said as he grabbed a box, causing you to gasp,
"No, the tomatoes are mine." you groaned, trying to get your food back.
Pulling hard on the package, you wouldn't surrender, but your hands slipped, letting go of the precious tomatoes and your body was thrown back. Henry caught you just in time, an arm snaking around your waist, the other still holding the vegetables. The tickling, almost stinging sensation made your skin burn again and your stomach clenched deliciously. Rather amused by your reactions, Henry gave you a questioning look,
"I thought you were avoiding."
Without hesitation, you hit his chest with the palm of your hand.
"I'm getting used to this one." he uttered, releasing his embrace.
You placed a strand of your hair back behind your ear and Henry made a face,
"Let's order something."
"Yeah, let's do this."
Henry mechanically called the closest Chinese restaurant and you both moved to the living room. Sprawling on the couch, you closed your eyes for a moment. The sound of Henry’s typing on his computer lulled you and you started to drift off.
"I know you like being carried to bed, but..." he started and you opened an eye, ready to spit another homemade insult, but a knock on the door kept you from talking.
"Food's here !" you squealed.
It was still hot, and you were terribly hungry.
You sat down on the couch with your precious ramen and opened the box. This time, your stomach was twisting, because it was craving food.
Henry eventually came next to you, searching the bag. He leaned back into the couch and started eating silently. You looked up at him. Nope, you weren’t going to talk first.
"Had a good day ?" he tried, causing you to shrug. After a moment, his dark gaze settled on you and Henry grumbled, "I fed your cat, I swear to God I did. She didn’t stop cooing and purring after that."
Yeah, that sounded like your cat. And yet, you weren’t going to forgive him so easily.
"I got it. Not going to talk." he nodded and paused, "I saw you by the window, with Ken."
You flushed.
He'd seen you ?
You wanted to answer so hard, but there was plenty of food in your mouth and Henry kept going,
"Hm. Not to dictate your life, but drop the shitty boyfriend."
Choking on your noodles, you brought a hand to your mouth. Now, it didn't matter how much food was stuck between your teeth,
"Fuck you !" you mumbled, hiding your lips with your fingers, "You don't know anything about him. His name is Andres, and you're a judgmental ass."
Henry glanced at his food and took a few bites,
"Maybe, but I'm being honest with you, am I not ?"
"Honest ? You’re being a dick ! Andres is nice. This morning was terrible. I got late because of you ! You know what, Andres is the nicest person I've met so far. He's not arrogant, nor pretentious. Our little talk was relaxing." you paused, "After this evening with him, I can't stop thinking and... I'm amazed at how caring some people can be, and at how insignificant we are."
You looked away for a while, lost in your thoughts. Meanwhile, Henry raised an eyebrow and shook his head,
"Not me, I'm important."
It burst your dreamy bubble at once and you narrowed your eyes at him. This man couldn’t stop. Calmly, you put your empty box on the table.
"Henry, do you know how we make someone kind and holy, like Andres ?"
Seriousness writ on his features, a suspicious frown appeared on his forehead,
"Well, I don't know. Probably by cutting off their testicles."
Oh hell.
"You have to beat the hell out of them." you growled and suddenly, your fists hit his chest, causing him to cough in surprise.
In a desperate attempt to defend himself, Henry dropped his box and grabbed your wrists.
"Stop it Y/N !" he stifled, struggling to push you back.
Panting, you started laughing. The tension you’d kept all day long slowly faded away as you giggled, trying to reach his chest with your hands. Without warning, you pushed hard with your whole body and Henry fell on his back.
Out of breath, you plunged your eyes into his deep blue ones, hands still pressing against his strong arms,
"So, you still think Andres is a dumbass ? Because I can do this all night." you uttered.
Damn it Y/N. All night ?
Not releasing his grip around your wrists, Henry suddenly stopped putting efforts into lifting you above him. In seconds, his demeanor went from the grumpy neighbor who pissed you off, to a worked up, soft but still dominating version of himself.
Slowly, you felt your chest pressing against his torso, then your legs intertwining with his. The slight movement, paired with the fire in his eyes was making you squeeze your legs together. 
Your heart dropped to your stomach. You looked away for a split second, realizing your lips were only inches away from his, but then his eyes locked on yours.
The look he was giving you could have melted iron. Damn it. He knew exactly what he was doing. 
Yes, just looked at you, his face emotionless but stern, studying you closely. He was driving you crazy, edging you on, and still giving you that stupid look.
This was exactly what you craved.
The way his fingers grazed lightly against your skin radiated this dominant energy despite the fact that you were on top. He had a way of making you feel like all of you couldn’t escape him. No matter what.
Heart still pounding, you blinked in confusion. You didn’t know when or how, but your mouth opened,
"You don't know anything Hen’,” you whispered, “you just act like it."
You saw his eyes flutter and his tongue slipped against his soft lips as he held your gaze, making it even more difficult to resist. His warm breath crashed near your lips and he released a low “Hm” of resignation. 
The grip on your wrists loosened into a soft touch, setting you free.
God, you wanted to kiss him. 
Every gear started turning into your head and you forced yourself to come back to your senses,
"If you ever feel stupid, or powerless..." you whispered, still hovering over him,  "Remember that I'm not."
With that, you moved back and jumped on your feet, leaving him lying here, breathless.
Henry freaking Cavill would never have you.
Little did you know that he liked challenges.
* Italic means your tag isn’t working 
My Neighbor Tag list : @boiled-onionrings , @sheanaghgoldenheartblog,@allnewimaginecharliehunnam , @drewmcintyreinarefereeoutfit , @mc225g , @supernaturalvikingwhore, @the-nerdy-lock, @devilbat , @heelsamizayn , @wolfiepirate , @the-marvelatic , @holychic , @avengergirl130 , @laurakasus , @maia-hocane , @sarahdangerfieldd, @jocelynscloset, @marycampbellxxx, @kathhdd, @barikawho, @elisewithak, @redrxbel, @lazyladyworld, @the-marvelatic, @comfortingcreature, @jesseswartzwelder, @mxtchbyx, @sea-rtina, @comfortingcreature
Tag list Henry / Geralt : @d14n4ol, @alwayshave-faith, @marycampbellxxx, @wolfyandy, @dirty--heart​
Tag list * Geralt of Rivia : @emmalbg​ , @the-nerdy-lock
Everything tag list : @darling-loki​, @hufflepuff-flufflepuff, @medussaurora​, @addyliners​, @lokilvrr​, the-marvelatic, @jesseswartzwelder​
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