#our school gives a set number of graduation tickets for family and whatever
skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
ohhhhh no. fuck my stupid baka life fuck my stupid baka life fuck my stupid baka life fuck my stupid baka life. this shit isn't funny anymore guys!!!!!! it's pretty fucking unfunny and you're still laughing!!!!!!!! god. dammit. literally just run me over with a car what the fuck
#our school gives a set number of graduation tickets for family and whatever#i have promised several to my friends but my family is going too#including my grandparents who're driving in from out of state#so guess who can't find the. plain. little. envelope#in the stack of shit she was sure it was in.#ohhhhh my godddddd#and once they show up i can't even like swear around them but i KNOW when my parents find out i lost them they'll be so fucking.goddamn#graduation's tomorrow and i gotta get the tickets delivered to my friends today#cannot emphasize enough that my room is fucking. obliterated#and my mom in her cleaning frenzy very well could've just thrown them out. or even just moved them#they could be in my friend's car#im going to set myself on FIRE#i have my french exam in a little over an hour i do Not Need To Be Thinking About This Rn#god. fuck my stupid baka life#wish my brain would stop forgetting things wish my brain would stop being fucking silly quirky at me in ways that ruin my life!!!!!#i mean this isn't life ruining but it fucking blows is my point#Do Not Lose These Do Not Lose These. ok lol (<- is about to lose them)#ohhh my god i have to keep saying fuck my stupid baka life because everything else is like im going to stab myself im going to eat myself#hell on earth hell on earth hell on earth#killing maiming biting etc#but not in a fun way in a very very bad way#my rejection sensitivity is gonna be fuckin. decimated after this. oh my god theyre going to be upset witj me for reasons that actually#matter this time. they might even hold a grudge about it and bring it up at family dinners. fuck my stupid baka life fuck my stupid baka li#look ok i have hours to find them. maybe it'll be ok. maybe. almost. but it's not good it's not good it's not good at ALL#je killerais moiself or some shit idk god im gona fail my exam too
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the-huntress · 3 years
Little Moth - Chapter 1 - The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning
[Hi guys, welcome to my fanfiction. This is a Resident Evil inspired fanfiction, I wanted to incorporate a number of my favourite characters, and especially our beloved Magnet Daddy. Slow burn, soft smut impending, beyond that who knows… But to be safe I will say that this is for 18+ years of age only. Let me know if you’d liked to be on a tag list for future chapters. Masterlist is pinned. Thank you to everyone that has read so far. <3]
Trigger Warnings: Mention of menstruation, swearing.
Y/N Protagonist, female. Reader X Karl Heisenberg [18+]
Your lifelong friend, Leon Kennedy, has mysteriously gone missing two years after the events of Racoon City. You make a discovery that could lead to his whereabouts; dare you enter the Village?
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[Photos are my own] You weren’t sure exactly what you were looking at for a moment, arching your back forwards over the desk in the dimly lit room, the glare from the laptop the only source of light. Several windows had been left open on the screen, and despite the turmoil that Leon’s apartment had been left in, this was what had really grabbed your attention.
The most notable of which was a photo, the resolution was grainy, a scan from a black and white film photo, it looked almost like a foetus, but you couldn’t be sure. Was somebody pregnant? It was almost akin to the sort of photograph that expecting parents would show at a baby shower, but this was… different. You had a feeling of impending doom just by looking at this thing.
Next, another very grainy photo of a town, it almost looked like some of the places from back home in England; a church steeple, a castle or maybe a mansion in the distance? A quaint looking village in the snow. And lastly, a very cryptic email;
Know not what I have done, but what I believe must be done now.
Half of the results of good intentions are evil; half of the results of an evil intention are good.
You have the information that you need, please make haste.
A friend.
Well, that’s ambiguous as fuck. You thought to yourself, pushing the chair back and pulling the lighter from the little band on the side of your cap. You reached to your shoulder and cursed. That’s right, you’d given up, “for health reasons”. Putting the lighter back you reached instead for your camera, a notepad and a pen. You’d been tempted to just take the laptop and the scattered papers, but after several years in the police you knew it was beneficial to leave things as they were. Your eyes flitted from paper to paper, taking notes of numbers, flights, times, place names, anything that you could until you’d filled a couple of pages. One page for practical info, and one page, now that you looked at it almost sounded like a fairy tale;
A village, four kings, four lords, and a mysterious ‘Mother Miranda’. You bit the end of the pen and pondered. It was like nothing you’d ever heard of before, what had he got himself into…
Several days ago you had received a text from the man himself;
‘Y/N I am going to be out of
town for a while, something has
come up. Please don’t worry,
will explain soon. Leon. X
P.S. I’ve left Timesplitters in
your mail box, play you again
when I get back! :] ’
And now here you were. You scoffed knowing he’d have had to pay double to send that one, but he was mad to think that you wouldn’t worry, he was like a brother to you, hell, the only family that you had. After a childhood growing up in rural England you had moved to the states with your father and stepmother when you were in those vulnerable years of your teens during the early 90s, but were lucky enough to have met Leon in school. The two of you had become best friends quickly, and even graduated from the same police academy. It was Leon that saved your butt two years ago when all hell broke loose in Racoon City, him and Claire.
You shifted on the collapsible chair in front of the usually neatly tidied desk which was now strewn with various papers and articles. Your thoughts of Claire continued, and you pulled out your Nokia, opened a message and then faltered. It was late. Later than late you realised, seeing the time; 02:08 AM. What am I doing? You didn’t want to wake her, so you put the phone back into the pocket on your belt.
You swept a strand of your hair behind your ear, the outgrown bangs jumping back in the way and you blew at them irritated. You heard a grumble and moaned, looking down at your stomach. Padding across the shiny, tiled floor you left the desk and headed to the kitchen, opening the fridge where you knew there would be left-over pizza. Sure, it was from over a week ago when you were last here hanging out, but hey, it’s pizza, right?
‘Ugh dude, always with the anchovies, why?’ you mumbled, flinging a small fish into the bin and mentally backhanding the back of Leon’s head. Of course, it was his side of the pizza that was left over, probably trying to stay in shape in case he bumped into ‘Ada’ again. You weren’t keen, but then, you didn’t trust her. You looked at your phone again, left on the desk besides the laptop, Leon would be much better off with Claire, but sadly you felt perhaps that ship had set sail long ago.
You went to sit yourself back down at the desk. CRUNCH “Shit!” Your eyes darted to your right knee. “Fuck… you’re not giving me a break are you.” Letting out a sigh you closed your eyes for a moment. Since you were a child your knee had given you problems. A few dislocations, hospital visits, insteps, braces and physiotherapy. You’d had to grit your teeth hard through every physical training session during academy, but you’d made it. Fortunately for you it wasn’t something that many people would be able to notice or spot. You could run for miles with no problem; it was the recovery time in the days that followed that was tough. You knew it was getting worse, and had been reading about how much longer you might have before you’d need a full replacement, but you knew that it could jeopardise your job, you knew you’d likely not get put on the jobs that you wanted, and the thought of being put into the office answering calls made your heart sink.
And then you spotted it, the corner of another window was sticking out from under the others, exposing the corner of a third photograph. Instantly recognising the symbol you felt as though you were falling.
Dragging the window and clicking it to full screen you could see this photograph clearly; some kind of mural, was it in stone? It looked as though there were four crests, family crests maybe. And at the centre; “Umbrella.” You breathed. You stared at it for several minutes and quickly took a photo of the screen on your camera, no point trying to get that old thing to work, you thought, looking at the printer at the other end of the desk. You couldn’t help but smirk, memories of Leon trying to print page after page of game walk throughs, whilst trying to find all the secrets in your favourite action/ adventure game, and laughing your head off at him, mouthful of noodles spilling back out into the carton as a hundred pages shot out at him, flying all over the room with cheat codes for a scantily dressed version of the playable character.
You looked at the clock again, time to go. If you were going to do this, you needed sleep and to get going as soon as you could the next day. It might drain your bank account, but it would be worth it. You didn’t have a good feeling about any of this, and more often than not, your gut instincts were right. Grabbing your R.P.D jacket at the door, you took one last glance at the room. It really did look like a whirlwind had hit it, not like Leon when he was in a better mental state at all. You knew that when he wasn’t his best he’d reach a for a drink and then some, but you could see that nothing was broken, and it was mostly clothes scattered, some bits of equipment and where he’d clearly got the luggage bag down from on top of the wardrobe. Nothing to worry about in regard to kidnap or a break in at least; as if that was enough to stop you from worrying about whatever lay ahead in this ‘Village’.
It started to rain just as you got into your apartment building, and you smiled. You’d always liked the rain. Stopping to quickly check your pigeon-hole for mail and seeing nothing you felt something press up against you calf, rubbing itself against the tops of your boots. You looked down and grinned, scooping up a slender, black cat in one hand and kissing the top of her head. “I’m going to miss you Boo, keep an eye on my mail for me while I’m gone, you know how crammed that thing gets.” You winked at her as you set her back down outside Mrs. Little’s door and fished a sandwich bag full of the leftover pizza anchovies out of your R.P.D. bag. “You didn’t think I’d forget you, did you?” Leaving Boo hastily munching into her treats you jogged up the stairs, your knee twinged, but it wasn’t too bad. It just had its moments.
Your apartment was pretty standard for this part of the city; both you and Leon had left Racoon city some time ago, though it wasn’t far from here. It had been destroyed and bordered off and that was all there was too it. You had to tell it to yourself that way to cope. Leon’s apartment was slightly swankier, but then again, he did like his gadgets and liked to keep things tidy, when his thoughts weren’t somewhere else. You on the other hand were happy to know that while everything had its place, sometimes that place would be on the floor… next to the thingy and nestled safely under a cereal box; and that was okay! You picked up the thingy, and looked at it fondly, before folding it up and putting it away with the others.
Stretching and yawning you looked around you, making a mental note of what needed to be done; pack, shower, sleep. You’d get the tickets the next day, and some money too, you’d have to stop off at the currency exchange. What currency did they even use there? Equipment, keep it simple; knives, pistol, rounds, lighter, fluid, compass, torch, camera, medi-kit. A couple of spare pairs of clothes, and you had your light armour that also fit into the case. You knew the contents would raise suspicion, but you had your badge, at the end of the day another cop had gone missing, and your team knew too.
You whipped off the remainder of your uniform and jumped in the shower, the bathroom filling up with steam and bubbles quickly and you sang along to a few songs on the radio. Wiping the mirror to see yourself more clearly you felt all your insecurities flood to you at once, as well as seeing yourself for the natural beauty that you were. You pursed your lips, staring into your own eyes and promised you’d find him safe and bring him back. He’d yell at you for going in the first place, but you knew this wasn’t right. Something wasn’t right. Traipsing out from the bathroom, you felt the cool air attack your flushed skin. You liked it, you were always a window open kind of person, no matter the weather, the fresh air just soothed you. Of course, that meant the odd moth now and again, like now as you heard the tiny body plummet time and time again against the spherical glass shade of the dim lamp besides your bed. Snuggling up into the loose blankets you smiled at the little creature and pulled the cord on the lamp, smiling again as you felt the moth settle on the side of your head.
After that you actually fell to sleep very quickly. It had been a long day after all; a 6AM start, patrol, arresting some juvies for petty crimes, followed by yet another zombie scare, (false alarm thank God), before filing up all the paper work and heading to Leon’s. Sleep fell like a veil of cool clouds, taking you in and raising you up into the inky blue skies of the night. The next thing you knew, you were butt naked in a dark green forest, dew drops shining on moss like a trillion tiny emeralds. Mist hung thick in the air, and thousands of tiny moths flew up from the ground? No. From you. You were raising your arms up to the skies, the moss covered forest floor moist under your bare feet and between your toes. Behind you the silhouette of a deer… antlers, but much, much taller. In front of you a pair of cold silver-gold eyes in the dark. You felt drawn, ever so drawn, taking one step forward, and then another, your arms coming down now, hands outstretched in caring caress, your heart swelled, your lips bloomed, taking in a short breath, and then; blood. Gushes of it, soaking into the moss, reddening Earth’s green carpet, and dripping down the trunks of the trees, the moths falling from the air around you, their wings sticking and stopping in the thick, red mess.
“Shit!” You fell back down onto your bed, several items around you also crashing down. Hand to your head, you looked wildly about. It happened again. Whatever had fallen this time had been heavy. You turned to see half the cutlery that had been lying on the kitchen tops now on the floor, and the knives and pistol that you’d placed earlier on top of the luggage bag were now in the middle of the floor. A sudden feeling of loneliness washed over you. The same dream, but longer, and this time with blood. “Shit” again, you put a hand to your pants, pulled the covers back and saw red. “Well, that’s one more thing I need to bring with me.” You mumbled, rolling your eyes, and throwing yourself back onto the bed.
Song Suggestion: ‘The Beginning Is The End Is The Beginning’ by The Smashing Pumpkins
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mageemoulton · 3 years
At a public meeting at Mount Meigs, Alabama, Aug.
At a public meeting at Mount Meigs, Alabama, Aug. The dew point is the temperature at which a given sample of air will have a relative humidity of 100 percent; hence, the saturation temperature. Common to the new Platinum Series products, the Escort 9500ci features built in Bluetooth connectivity for linking to the Escort Live ticket protection app. It all depends on how they transition from playing doubles to now playing singles. For Bratkowski, it hasn't been all long walks on manicured grass and the beach since leaving the coaching ranks, even though he lives less than a mile from the Gulf of Mexico. She had no memories of that Dragonstone, but she would not soon forget this one. The elk went where he would, regardless of the wishes of Meera and Jojen on his back. Jagga (Ranbir Kapoor) a curious and shy young boy in a quaint little town lives a happy life with his accident prone neve e sale amazonfather, Bagchi (Saswata Chatterjee). According to a recent study in Nature, led by Johannes Lelieveld, director of the Max Planck Institute for chemistry in Germany, more people now die from air pollution than from malaria and HIV combined. Chocolate heaven! Here's 13 classic Cadbury adverts
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to get you in the mood for EasterBefore we devour our Easter eggs, it's time to munch on some memorable nostalgia which ads do you recall?19:08, 2 APR 2015Updated19:30, 2 APR 2015Get What's On updates directly to your inbox+ SubscribeThank you for subscribing!Could not subscribe, try again laterInvalid EmailIt's Easter and that means the shops are full of chocolate treats.Shelves are polo raflorenepiled high with chocolate eggs that are full of even more more chocolates or other sweets.And there are boxes of Cadbury's Creme Eggs too.But Birmingham based Cadbury caused outrage in January 2015 when it changed the recipe for the Creme Egg shell from Dairy Milk to a standard cocoa mix.It also reduced the number of eggs in a pack from six to five. la surprise de tous, le nom de Yanick Turcotte pourrait tre entendu au prochain encan de la grande ligue qui aura lieu en Floride la fin du mois de juin prochain. Strange call. Smylie’s pamphlet,
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sacraments of the church so it is not allowed in any way to prevent the marriage of slaves; and if their marriages have been contracted in spite of the opposition and repugnance of their masters, nevertheless they ought not to be dissolved.” St. Presenters: Kathleen Irwin, Administrative Legal Services; and Mark Cook, Animal Science. Le rgime actuel ne s'est vraiment pas adapt du tout l're numrique , affirme Mme Rizqy. The Assembly’s Digest says, p. The Free Press is looking back at the five most recent meetings.. These 'separatists' initially moved to Holland and after 12 years of financial problems, they received funding from English merchants to sail across the Atlantic to settle in a 'New World.' A ship carrying 101 men, women, and children spent 66 days traveling the Atlantic Ocean, intending to land where New York City is now located. To have your family believe in it. Par la suite, on le laissera goutter compltement avant de le remettre en place. Students will learn to appreciate diversity and also prove to them that one person can make a difference. Much of the work we do at the college, the Case Competition is a chance to put theory into practice, adds Sheppard. Grab a cereal bowl and take a stroll down memory lane as we revisit Mr. If you're really watching your weight, skip the creamy treats and whip up these refreshing and healthy homemade frozen treats.. Shall I send someone to the larder?”. The lava flow that overran Mr. We made the right decision," he said, referring to keeping the graduation ceremony outdoors in the university's quad.Forecasters had predicted it would rain, but Mother Nature bestowed the students, parents, faculty and staff with nearly perfect conditions."I hope that for many years, I'll still be actively involved in this university because it's a calça kickboxing place that Jeanne and I both respect and enjoy," Antonucci continued. Soot (technically known as black carbon) comes from incomplete combustion of wood, dung, coal and other fuels. That time, too, Adam Ivanitch said nothing. The law views them as capable of committing crimes. Reception for Summer Art Exhibit: Meet the artists participating in the Summer Art Exhibit, which features works from the Women's Caucus for Art Florida (Maria Helena Adams, Rosa Lea Addington, Dore' Anderson, Bonnie Dubbin Askowitz, Betty Bay, Maureen Bethke, Marie Brandes, Mary J.
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ambitionsource · 5 years
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AMBITION Season 2 ♫ “We’ll Be the Stars” [ 2.11 ]
CREATED BY Esther (rapunzles) & Maggie (quincywillows) || S2 Tag || Official Page
A NIGHT TO REMEMBER – Tensions are set aside in honor of a promenade, and some students opt for a change of pace. A clever ruse forces Eric and Jack to team up. Unfortunate circumstances make for odd couples, but stars always know where they’re supposed to go in the end.
66 Minutes (18K words) || No content warnings apply.
[ ← Rarely Pure and Never Simple ] [ S2 Synopsis ] [ Final Run → ]
( Follow along with the music on Spotify here! )
A series of shots guide us into the episode, displaying the school in the midst of preparing for promenade. Banners are hung, student council members work the ticket booth. The halls are decorated according to the theme, “We’ll Be the Stars,” small stars seemingly glittering on every visible surface. A promposal wraps up in the hall outside the auditorium, senior students applauding and cheering as the girl says yes and the other girl wraps her in a tight hug.
Yes, it’s prom time at Adams Academy for the Arts. Let the insanity commence!
FARKLE MINKUS opens his locker. We’re looking at him from the inside, giving us a look at it as he rearranges some things. Its decor has been updated after a long detour of being trapped in sophomore year -- there are fewer photos, but they are newer and more representative of the way things actually are now. A couple photos of him and Maya are the focal point, but there’s a few scattered notable mentions. A photograph of the full Junior A Class; a picture of his whole family; a rare capture of him and Isadora.
From outside the confines of the locker, we hear RILEY MATTHEWS speak.
Riley: And you’re sure you can handle it? I’m sure if you wanted, we could work out something else --
Perspective shifts back to its usual framing, showing the two of them hanging by his locker. Farkle stems her worrying from the start, holding up a hand.
Farkle: I’m going to stop you right there, Riley. Do you know what you’re doing to me right now?
Riley: … demonstrating concern as a good friend?
Farkle: You’re neuro-splaining me. [ off Riley’s expression ] I get it, you’re concerned about my health. Mentally, above all else.
Riley makes a face, obviously not sold on the concept of “neuro-splaining.” As if she hasn’t had her own mental health experiences… but she figures it’s not worth the argument.
Farkle: But trust me, as much as I appreciate it, I will be fine. [ a beat ] I don’t want to miss out on anything else essential to my junior year experience, and prom is one of those things. Not to mention, I certainly won’t be able to graciously receive my prom king crown if I’m not there to accept it.
It’s clear he’s joking, although with his dry delivery… either way, he’s made up his mind. Farkle will be in attendance at the upcoming event, come hell or high water.
Farkle: Besides, it’s bold of you to assume I could avoid it anyway.
Riley: How come?
Farkle: Prom isn’t just an event around here. [ pointedly ] It’s a contagion.
As he closes his locker --
For how alight with excitement the halls seem to be, classes are still in session and there’s still work to be done. The energy is tamped down in Cory’s classroom, where everyone is completing silent reading for the last few minutes of class.
Still, Farkle was right, and the junior class has been bitten by the prom bug. Everyone is jittery as they sit at their desks, unable to keep still. Under the desk, ZAY BABINEAUX taps his foot to an unheard rhythm. MAYA HART flips her pencil in her fingers, adding to the rhythm against her desk.
CHARLIE GARDNER glances up at the clock, impatiently watching the seconds go by. Tick, tick, tick… as the percussions slowly evolve into an actual beat...
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “You Should Be Dancing” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by AAA Juniors
The bell rings about 7 seconds in, releasing the class from their academic torture. CORY MATTHEWS cringes as the energy in the room skyrockets, papers flying as the energetic juniors are free to succumb back into the groove.
Zay kicks off the vocals, the number staying in the classroom for the first verse as he volleys lyrics back and forth with Maya. As they escape into the halls…
Charlie takes over, leading the charge into the rest of the school. The three of them are the front of the pack, but they pick up other junior students as they go. The whole atmosphere of the halls has changed, feeling groovier in the midst of the twinkling stars and amped up music.
Around a minute and a half in, they pass by Riley and Farkle and pull them into the dance. The movements become less chaotic and more choreographed at that point, truly a spectacle only AAA could pull off.
As they pass by the techies hanging out on the stairs outside the auditorium, it seems even they aren’t immune to the allure of prom fever. They jump up and join in the parade, JEFF MONROE in particular worth spotlighting due to his breakdancing ability.
And away they go again…
By the time they make it into the auditorium and onto the stage, the vibe of their collective imagination has completely succumbed to fantasy. The stage is basically a disco floor as they dance their way up there, the only thing still remaining commonplace their outfits.
And by this point, they’ve paired off. Farkle and Zay stay front and center -- a fun little duo to witness tolerating each other again, if nothing else -- with Maya and ISADORA DE LA CRUZ to their left and Charlie and YINDRA AMINO to their right. In the back, ASHER GARCIA and DYLAN ORLANDO are grooving together, while Riley Matthews gets LUCAS JAMES FRIAR to at least do something.
As they finish out the jam, Farkle and Zay theatrically toss their heads back and raise a hand to the sky. Declarative, with a flourish, what a dynamite finish. One thing is essentially guaranteed on this prom week, that’s for sure.
There will be no shortage of drama.
Cue title sequence.
Zay is at his locker, swapping out his dance duffle for his classwork. When Maya practically jumps him and surprises him at his locker, he’s not fazed -- he might be the only student at AAA who she doesn’t strike instant fear into in one capacity or another.
Zay: What do you want, mini Britney?
Maya touches her hand to her chest, faux flattered.
Maya: You’re so sweet. I was just thinking that you and I have a real opportunity on our hands this week.
Zay: Must everything be about an “opportunity?”
Maya: Ugh, would you stop being such a damp toilette? Your mood has been totally subbasement the last couple of weeks and it’s really harshing the vibes.
Well, Maya, he did just break up with his boyfriend. But people not knowing about them was kind of sort of the whole problem, so he says nothing as he allows Maya the floor again.
Maya: Chin up, Zayby. It’s promenade. And you and I are going to come out of it as royalty.
Maya makes her grand pitch: they should go to prom together. Not out of any romantic interest -- although, as she admits, Zay is by far the most eligible male in the walls of AAA -- but because the two of them would be a shoo-in for junior prom king and queen if they team up.
And like everything else at Adams, there is an opportunity attached. Every year, the duos crowned as prom king and queen in both grades get to perform at graduation. It’s a time honored tradition, one that Maya believes they should not pass up.
Zay: I don’t really see what the big deal is.
Maya: Oh, Zay. Isaiah! Wake up! Snap out of whatever quarter-life crisis funk you’ve succumbed yourself into and smell the potential right in front of you! [ matter-of-factly ] You know that there are always college representatives at Triple A graduation. Of course, it’s to honor the students they’ll be bringing into their ranks, and to hopefully snag some quality time with a celebrity family member or two -- I mean, think how many people are going to be swarming our graduation next year when Valerie comes to support Isadora --
Zay, flatly: Yeah, I’m sure she’s so excited about that.
Maya: But it’s also to scout the next crop of graduates. That’s us. It’s almost cosmic that every junior prom king and queen end up going to amazing schools for the arts -- there was even that junior prom queen in ‘96 who got a straight up recording contract.
Zay: How the hell do you know this stuff?
Maya: Because I do my research, Zay. And I know you do, too. Which is why once you’ve shaken off the ennui and have your head back on straight -- or, bi, whatever -- you’ll realize we have prime real estate in front of us. And it’s ours to take… if we step up to the plate. [ backing away ] You know where to find me.
Well, that’s certainly a proposition. Maya floats away as Zay contemplates it, slinging his bag over his shoulder. It’s a good point, he can’t argue with that, and yet…
He glances to the photo of him and Charlie, still taped up in his locker innocuously amongst the rest. In some ways, it seems, it’s just hard to let go of the way you hoped things would be.
Zay closes his locker, heading on his way to rehearsal.
Dylan, pre-lap: We’ll boycott.
Dylan and Asher are following Lucas into the booth, obviously in a heated discussion. Dylan continues to make bold declarations.
Dylan: We’ll stage a full-on protest. You know, when I was in middle school, I was renowned for my poster-making skills in environmental club. They usually lasted like, nine days longer than usual before people tore them down. And Cory is always saying how loud and annoying I am -- that has to be helpful for a protest, yeah?
Asher: He said that to you?
Lucas: Guys --
Dylan: Or even better --
Asher: I swear, I’m going to report him. Like, sorry Riley --
Dylan: Let’s stage a riot. That’ll really show ‘em! They think they can bar Lucas James Friar from prom? Not when we’re there to literally blow the roof off this place. I bet we can get Isadora to sing “Bad Reputation” -- I think we’d need music to be taken seriously here, so --
Lucas: Hey. Hello. Earth to Asher and Dylan. [ clapping ] Let’s cool it, alright?
Lucas waves off their concerns about his ban from prom. He doesn’t want them wasting energy on him when it hardly matters. All things considered, being barred from stuff like this for the rest of the year seems like the best he could’ve asked for given all the bullshit he’s done this year. He slouches into his rolling chair, shrugging.
Lucas: I mean, it’s not like I was really psyched to go anyway. I think I’m more lucky I didn’t get expelled.
Dylan, under his breath: Would’ve boycotted that too.
Lucas: You guys have been looking forward to this for the last three years. It would be stupid for you to blow it just for me. Especially when we consider everything else you’ve already sacrificed for me. Like your sanity. And your clean legal record.
Dylan: I wasn’t mad.
Lucas, bluntly: You should have been. Asher was, but then, he’s always been the smartest out of the three of us.
A beat of quiet as that truth lingers between them. Lucas reiterates the point -- that he doesn’t want them to give up something they care about just because of him. They do enough of that already. Asher and Dylan exchange a look.
Dylan, softer: … well, we love you, man.
Lucas: I know. [ looking at them, then slowly ] And I love you guys, too.
Well, there’s a breakthrough! Dylan beams, looking to Asher in excitement. Asher is smiling too, although a bit more bashful. Lucas elects to move past the vulnerability quickly -- he can give it, but only so much at a time.
Lucas: Which is why I’m not letting you do this. You’re going to prom, and you’ll have a great time without me. Besides, someone has to give whatever posh performers are gunning for prom court a run for their money.
True enough. In fact...
That’s exactly what the rest of the techies are discussing as they start doing end of year inventory. It’s a long process, so they have to start early. Rather, they’re complaining as Jeff and DAVE WILLIAMS pick their way through the furniture and wood supplies under the prop loft. NATE MARTINEZ is supposed to be taking notes, but he’s not doing a great job.
JADE BEAMON is seated on a stack of wood pieces, nodding along as she feverishly works on the finishing touches to a wardrobe piece. It doesn’t look like a costume for any sort of production, however…
Nate: It’s rigged, anyway. Every year the most popular performers win so it’s not like the institution means anything.
Jeff: Does prom court mean anything… anywhere? Ever?
Dave: My parents were prom queen and king when they were seniors. They got a free dinner at Waffle House.
Jade: [ tearing a thread with her teeth ] Sounds like a better prize than performing at graduation.
Inspired by their complaints, Nate lights up with an idea. He claims that they should start a new tradition to go with their holiday party, and should throw a techie pre-prom bash. That way they can celebrate their year together and have real fun before they have to go deal with the performers all night.
Jade: You know, I think that’s the first idea of yours I’ve liked in months.
Nate bows, then enthusiastically gives Dave a high-five.
Their tomfoolery is interrupted by Isadora entering, all of them growing uncertainly quiet. She hesitates but then marches onward anyway, greeting them with the best attitude she can muster. She just came by to drop off some paperwork for them -- she already went ahead and inventoried the wood and set building supplies. This is good, because Nate definitely wasn’t doing it.
Jeff accepts her record, looking it over.
Dave: When did you do that?
Isadora: Oh, I just skipped Matthews’ class. [ offhandedly ] I could ace that class with my eyes closed, so. And probably brain damage.
It’s a nice gesture, and they’re not going to refuse it. Jeff awkwardly thanks her, silence settling over them once again. Isadora clears her throat, clasping her hands together. She expresses that she knows she messed up with them, and she is going to put in the effort to get back in their good graces.
She spins and escorts herself out without waiting for a response, leaving the four of them to contemplate her promise. Interesting development…
Dave: So… we don’t have to count the wood?
Charlie is having lunch with HALEY FISHER and CLARISSA CRUZ, although he doesn’t seem nearly as enthused about prom as they are. On the other side of the cafeteria, applause erupts again as another promposal between seniors gains public attention. So happy, so romantic!
Clarissa: I swear, nowhere in this school is safe right now.
Haley nudges Clarissa, claiming that she should be less cynical. It takes a lot of bravery to ask someone to prom in front of everyone else.
Clarissa: Yes, well, then they could just have a conversation about it. Or make a big deal about it, but like, between the two of you.
Haley: I think it’s romantic.
Clarissa: You think everything is romantic. You’re the most hopeless romantic I’ve ever met.
Haley: Charlie is too -- you agree with me, don’t you, Charlie?
In all honesty, Charlie was not listening. He blinks himself out of his daze, blankly agreeing with whatever Haley said. Clarissa rolls her eyes.
Haley goes to explain how much courage it takes to do such a public proposal. It demonstrates what you’re willing to go through for the other person, how much you like them. Charlie admits that it’s not exactly an act of bravery to ask someone who you know will say yes -- especially when there’s no stakes involved for either of you.
Haley: Well, there’s always stakes. You know, even if you think you know someone, they could always say no. And there’s a lot at stake with a rejection… you know, especially if it’s… [ looking at Charlie intently ] between good friends…
Whatever hint Haley is trying to lay down, it’s going right over Charlie’s head. He shrugs, claiming he might not even go to prom. He’s just... not feeling it this year. Haley is mortified, Clarissa looking between the two of them apprehensively. This seems like a recipe for disaster.
Meanwhile, the techies are enjoying lunch at their usual indoor table when NIGEL CHEY approaches. He greets them before turning his focus to Jade.
Nigel: … hey, Jade.
Jade, shy: … um, hi.
Nigel: I, uh… I just had a quick question. I was wondering if, uh --
All of the techie eyes are on him, making this whole situation a lot more intense. Dylan is watching with wide eyes, wondering if what he thinks is going to happen is about to happen. Jade might be holding her breath. Nigel pushes up his sleeves nervously, clearing his throat.
Jade: … yes?
Nigel: I was just… [ quickly ] I had a question about the costume you made for that number last week. It’s actually… it’s nothing, I’ll just ask you about it in class. Sorry, ha ha. Didn’t mean to interrupt.
Jade: … oh. Okay.
Clearly not what he actually intended to ask. Nigel backs off awkwardly, making a quick escape. Jade tries to hide her disappointment. Asher and Dylan exchange a look across the table, shaking their heads. Pathetic!
All of the missed prom-portunities are forgotten, however, as soon as Maya and Zay arrive to kick off their pronouncement of going together. Evidently Zay agreed, because here they go…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Greedy” as performed by Ariana Grande || Performed by Maya Hart & Zay Babineaux
It’s been a while since we’ve endured a good old disruption in the cafeteria during lunch hour, and this time Lucas is less likely to pull the fire alarm than ever. So Maya and Zay take full advantage of it, bringing up the energy with their talent and an undeniable bop.
They make a point of pulling other people into it at their tables, and of course, Maya is going to climb up onto the tables in her heeled boots. It’s not quite the same full-blown jam session as “Looking At Me” from earlier in the season, but people seem to be into it and in the general prom mood. Spirits are high!
Well, mostly. There is one pointed shot of Charlie forcing a smile as everyone else grooves along, likely wishing he could be anywhere else.
It’s not so much a promposal as it is… a spectacle, but boy, do they know how to put on a show… once they wrap, Maya makes the official statement that they’re campaigning for prom royalty, and if people have any taste, they sure know who to vote for come prom night.
Given how naturally glamorous the two of them are, up high on the table top and looking fresh as ever, it’s hard to argue with that!
Riley is hanging up her dress for prom, a classic and simple lavender floor-length number. She’s fretting over it as she vents to Maya, expressing that she’s still debating the whole upstate move thing Topanga has saddled her with.
Maya: Well, do you want to move?
Riley: I… it’s not that simple.
Maya: It should be. Either you want to go, or you don’t.
Riley: Yes, but… I mean… there’s lots to think about.
Maya: She said it was your choice.
Riley: Yeah, well, my mom says a lot of things she doesn’t mean, so…
Maya: Have you talked to Cory about it? He might have some insight. Or like, Eric?
Riley chews her lip, avoiding the question. Maya straightens up, asking if anybody knows about this potential move other than the two of them. Riley has plenty of excuses ready as to why she hasn’t mentioned it to anyone else, but Maya isn’t interested in hearing them. She claims she at least, at least, needs to tell Cory. He deserves to know, lest another life-changing thing get sprung on him with no warning.
Maya: Believe me, as the girl with no parents because of sudden life-altering moves, you owe him that decency.
Youch. Well, that’s tough to debate. Riley absorbs it, focusing back on her dress and smoothing it out nervously.
ROSIE GARDNER is chilling on her bed with her laptop, listening to pop music and humming to herself. Charlie comes and knocks on her door, pointedly until she takes out her earbuds.
Rosie: Ugh, yes? Can I help you?
Charlie: You’re so nice. How about, hey, Charlie? How was your day?
Rosie: I’m fourteen, I have the right to be obnoxious.
Charlie: I wouldn’t say it’s a right so much as an active choice.
Rosie groans, asking him what he even came in here for in the first place. He asks if she has anything going on this weekend -- perhaps they could go do something together. It’s been a minute since they did some brother-sister bonding.
Rosie: I dunno. I guess we could go see that new Chris Evans movie. I think it’s coming out next weekend, and I’m probably free Saturday --
Charlie: … well, I was thinking more this weekend. Specifically. Like not next weekend. This weekend.
Rosie: I know what this weekend means, weirdo. [ looking up movies ] Why are you so set on that? Isn’t it prom this weekend?
Charlie: … well, you know, it’s not a big deal. I was thinking I probably wouldn’t even go anyway, so.
Rosie, offended: Charlie! Ew, no, you can’t not go to prom. Don’t be lame, you’re embarrassing me.
Charlie, scoffing: This has nothing to do with you! You don’t even know anybody I go to school with.
Rosie: Yes, but by Gardner law, I’m associated. Just go with your friends! It does not have to be that deep.
Okay… fair point. Charlie questions if her blatant disgust means they’re not going to the movies, and she claims next week… after he doesn’t embarrass their family name by going to prom like everyone else. So much for finding a clever way out.
Speaking of clever escapes, JACK HUNTER is still struggling to find a way out of the Bradford debacle. So much to the point that he’s now elected to share the issue with Lucas, sitting opposite him with ERIC MATTHEWS as they get him up to speed.
It’s obviously not the kind of thing you want to hear. Lucas is hiding his head in his hands, cursing to himself before turning back to Jack.
Lucas: How long have you known about this?
Jack: … a couple months --
Lucas: Months?
Eric tries to keep stress levels at a manageable level, taking over for Jack in explaining exactly what the suit entails and what the Bradfords are hoping to gain from it. Essentially, they’re hoping that publicly printing Jack’s “questionable” enrollment processes will force his hand. Either he’ll cave and let her enroll regardless, or public dissent will push him to oust Lucas, making room for her in his vacant spot.
Jack, reassuringly: Which will not happen.
But for it to gain any traction, it needs to smell somewhat of a scandal (even if it isn’t) -- which is why they’ve targeted Lucas as their student to blame. They’ve obviously done their research. And between Lucas’s unique situation for enrollment, his lack of participation in the more showcased elements of the school, and his behavioral record…
Lucas, exasperated: I’m guessing stealing a car didn’t help!
Jack frowns. It’s clear he didn’t want to get Lucas involved if he could help it, and seeing this stressed reaction from him is exactly why. But Eric placates them both, reminding them that the fight isn’t over until it’s over. They will be able to brainstorm a way to fix this -- it’s just going to take a concerted effort.
Eric: We will be able to make this work. But it’s going to take a team effort, and total cooperation. You have to trust us, Lucas, and you have to be willing to cooperate. Can you do that? Can you work with us?
What a question, and posed to the notorious school troublemaker at that. But Lucas doesn’t want to leave AAA -- let alone be forced out. He sighs, tilting his head back and swallowing his pride before nodding.
Lucas: Okay. Yeah. [ serious ] Just tell me what to do.
He looks to Jack, meeting his eyes. Ready to do whatever it takes.
Charlie is at his locker, relaying the rejection by his own sister to Riley. She’s leaned back against the lockers, listening sympathetically as he points out another crappy addition to what has been a crappy last couple of weeks.
Along those lines, Riley questions if Charlie still thinks he might transfer to a different school. He hasn’t heard back from Haverford yet, but is he still seriously considering the notion?
Charlie, diplomatically: Given that Zay and I were able to lay everything out there and at least confront the reality of our situation, I don’t think it’s really a necessary maneuver anymore. I mean, the situation is far from ideal, but that I can deal with. I’ve been living in far from ideal my whole life.
Riley: Sad, but sort of inspiring, I guess.
Charlie: I will admit though… it was kind of nice, going through that whole process. Just going out there, you know, proving that I could do things. That I was capable. [ smiling to himself ] If anything, at least I came away with that.
Riley mirrors his smile. Then they’re back on the subject of prom, Charlie lamenting that he doesn’t see what the point is of going if he can’t be there with the person he would actually want to spend it with.
Riley: Considering my ideal date has literally been banned from all school activities and therefore can go nowhere near it, I think I can say I relate.
Charlie: Tragic.
Charlie mentions what his sister said about not making it that deep and just going with friends, and this seems to strike something in Riley. A smile drifts onto her face.
Charlie: Oh no. I know that look. What are you thinking?
Riley: Just that dear Rosamund might have a point. If we are going to be miserable and repressed all night long, then we should at least be miserable in good company.
Charlie: … I don’t know if I like where this is going…
Riley turns to face him, a mischievous smile on her face. She leans in conspiratorially -- her delivery would be more convincing though if she wasn’t so inherently cute.
Riley: Charlie Gardner! [ in a whisper ] Will you go to prom with me?
Charlie stares at her, expression betraying nothing. She matches his gaze, wiggling her eyebrows. Then he can’t help but crack a smile.
Charlie: Well when you look at me like that, how could I say no…
Riley grins, bouncing on her feet and lightly punching him on the shoulder.
The first step to putting Lucas in less jeopardy -- actually participating in class. He’s meeting with HARPER BURGESS to discuss how to make his optics better in that regard. Unfortunately, there’s really only one thing he can do…
Harper: If you do even one performance, then at least you’d have something to point to if the case attempts to jump down your throat.
True. Although he looks like he’d rather die, Lucas reluctantly accepts that point. So it’s official -- he’ll be performing a number this week!
Harper: It’s for the best, actually. Everyone else is so consumed with prom fever, they won’t even remember it happened.
Zay: Are you kidding? It’s Lucas James Friar. No one is ever going to forget this.
Lucas: Yeah, um, [ pointing to Zay ] what is he doing here again?
Harper gestures Zay forward to join them. She explains that considering Lucas is literally starting from scratch, he’s going to need help when it comes to choreography. And singing. And well… basically all of it. She figured Zay is one of their best performers and far more willing to lend a hand than, say, Maya. If Lucas wants a chance of pulling off a decent performance, having his help would be his best bet.
Harper: That is, of course, if you’re up for it, Zay.
Zay: Honestly, I would welcome the distraction. It’s been… an interesting few weeks.
So that’s that. We’ve got the team, we’ve got the plan -- time to make shit happen! Even if it kills Lucas in the process. As the backbeat floats in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “I Think He Knows” as performed by Taylor Swift || Performed by Dylan Orlando (feat. Asher Garcia)
Two AMBITION firsts in one, as Dylan kicks off his first mostly solo performance by bringing Taylor Swift into the song catalogue. He starts off at his locker, giving us a glimpse into the interior which despite the mess is basically as bursting with love as he is -- full of photos of his friends, his family, and Asher.
Of course, there’s Asher.
And that’s what he’s focused on as he slides into the pre-chorus (“He’s got that boyish look that I like in a man, I am an architect I’m drawing up the plans”). When he sings “It’s like I’m seventeen nobody understands,” he sure means it, because he is seventeen, and nobody does understand. Whew, Taylor really just knows how to write ‘em!
Then he launches into dance, strutting his way down the halls with a definite spring in his step. It’s nowhere near as elaborate as performer choreography would be, but it’s charming and just sharp enough that it’s clear Dylan’s got some real talent.
Dylan takes the number into the auditorium, making his way over to the prop loft where he’s guaranteed to find Asher. There’s a brief sequence he basically serenades Asher from down below, scaling the fence around the set pieces until he convinces him to come down. The whole thing is dynamic and fun and a little bit theatrical, humoring their classmates as they watch from the stage before class.
On the bridge, Asher takes over the vocals, taking Dylan’s hand and leading him through the backstage areas. Dylan follows along happily, waiting until they’ve reached the other side of the stage to pull him back towards him. Asher presses their foreheads together (“Where we gonna go… I whisper in the dark… where we gonna go…”), then drifts away as Dylan belts out the note that throws us back into the chorus.
The final swell of the song takes place center stage, surrounded by classmates and with nothing but good energy. The techies are laughing along, cheering, and even the performers are enjoying the rendition. Dylan and Asher sway together in a circle with the beat, doing a final spin under Dylan’s arm before falling back together and breaking into laughter to take it home. The A class breaks into applause, Asher pulling Dylan down into a quick kiss.
And that, ladies and gentlemen, is how you prom-pose!
In the high energy after the performance, Nigel casts another glance towards Jade across the stage. It seems like he really might do something, and she definitely acknowledged his eye contact… but then nothing.
Isadora also notices the exchange, curiosity piqued. She raises her eyebrows, Sherlock brain turning before Maya pulls her into a conversation about how the twink performance was clearly not better than hers and Zay’s… right? Right?
Isadora brings up the notion while hanging out with Maya and Riley, the three of them spending an evening together to map out prom logistics. She questions if either of them noticed it too, or whether Nigel has ever even shown interest in their classmates before. Maya claims he’s never dated anyone in their class, and Riley states that maybe he’s just shy.
Maya scoffs, focused on painting her toenails a shiny silver.
Maya: Look, Nigel is lean meat. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he’s talented, but the boy has no moxy. He has let Farkle walk all over him for three years, when if he just put like, a crumb of effort in he may have already had a lead by this point.
Riley: You know, it could be that he just… doesn’t care that much.
Maya: Well that was his first mistake.
The point is, if Nigel does have interest in Jade -- which Maya doesn’t get, because she forgets who Jade is half the time -- then it’s more than likely he will do absolutely nothing about it.
Isadora: That’s too bad.
Maya: I mean… I guess.
Riley: Maybe they just want to go with their friends. Prom doesn’t have to be inherently romantic, you know. [ off Isadora’s nod ] I mean, I’m going with Charlie, and --
Maya: Wait. [ sitting up ] You and Charlie are going together?
Riley: Yeah. But, like, just as friends.
Maya: Oh… oh. That’s… interesting.
There’s a plot twist. If Riley’s unnerved by Maya’s tone, she has the right to be. It’s an odd moment, and it’s only subdued by Cory calling for the girls from the living room. There’s a surprise here for them!
And what a surprise it is. Maya practically screams when she finds KATY HART in the living area, having just arrived with VALERIE DE LA CRUZ. She runs over and launches into her arms, the two of them hugging tightly.
Maya: Oh my God, what are you doing here?
Katy: Val helped me. Paid my way, so that I could be here for prom.
Isadora: No way?
Valerie: Oh, it was nothing. Hardly a penny out of my pocket. I know how much it meant to me to be here for this weekend -- figured the least I could do would be to allow a good friend the same opportunity.
Certainly no arguments here. Maya and Katy hug again, elated. Cory and Riley exchange smiles, Cory pulling her to his side and into a hug.
Valerie pulls Isadora aside, greeting her and stating that she wants to do something special after prom. Like a girls night, deglam and rejuvenate and catch up. Deglam being key, because Valerie knows Isadora is going to look stunning. She can’t wait!
Isadora is totally open to the idea. She nods, matching her enthusiasm.
Jack is at his desk, going through the Bradford paperwork. He’s flagging and highlighting every potential point he might have to refute in an argument, emails open on his desktop of pitches he’s going to send to school board members for support if the complaint breaks.
Eric pokes his head in and knocks on the door pointedly.
Eric: Knock knock.
Jack: Who’s there?
Eric: Stop obsessing.
Jack: Okay, we’re done with the bit --
Eric smiles, leaning against the doorframe. He knows Jack is concerned, but he’s already thought so extensively about this problem. He needs to take a mental break from it, before he burns himself out. Besides, there’s always the chance that it won’t even ever go public.
Yes, a chance… but a chance isn’t a guarantee. Jack claims he just wants to be prepared for the worst, which Eric can’t exactly argue against.
What he can do is change the subject. He states he wanted to double check that they’re both still on for chaperoning the dance on Saturday. Jack confirms, wondering why plans would have changed.
Eric: Well… you know, given your own personal circumstances, I just figured you might not want to --
Jack: Eric, I’m fine. [ with a shrug ] After all, what better distraction is there from the shambles of your personal life than watching out for a bunch of rowdy, dramatic teenagers all night long? Can’t think of anything better.
Eric: At least your humor is still intact.
Jack makes a face, accenting the point.
Zay, pre-lap: Okay, literally, what the hell is the matter with you?
Zay is attempting to teach Lucas choreography, but it’s clearly far from easy. Not that that’s surprising, but it’s evident that Lucas was not meant to be a dancer. It’s a challenge unlike anything Zay has ever confronted before, regardless of how hard Lucas is trying.
Zay: I don’t -- like, is your brain connected to your limbs? How is this not clicking?
Riley enters, brightening when she finds them both. She asks how everything is going, and the look that both of them give her basically answers her question for them.
Riley: I hope I’m not interrupting.
Zay: No, you know what? It’s good. I need a break. Rome wasn’t built in a God damn free period. [ pointing to Lucas ] Don’t go anywhere with your two left feet, Fry Pan.
Lucas holds out his arms. What do you want from me? As Zay marches off, Riley tries to hold back her smile as she joins Lucas at center stage.
Riley: So seems like it’s going good, then.
Lucas: Oh, haha. [ making a face ] You know -- and this may shock you -- I’m not a dancer.
Riley, gasping: No. You’re kidding?
Lucas: I know, I know. Brand new information.
Riley smiles, asking to take a look at Zay’s choreography sheets. Lucas hands them over, Riley hopping onto the stacked acting blocks and reading them over for herself. He watches her as she reads, only shifting his gaze to his feet when she glances up to look at him.
She says that all things considered, the choreography isn’t so bad. He just has to keep working at it, and the whole thing is pretty low stakes anyway.
Riley: What even made you decide to do a performance? I have to admit, I never thought I would see the day.
Lucas: … well, with everything I did this year, figure it’s the least I can do. Just putting the karmic cycle back in balance.
Riley: You believe in karma?
Lucas: Could be. Either way, mine is shit. Objectively speaking.
Riley gives him a look. She glances back down at the papers and then states she’s sure he’ll be fine, and she for one is looking forward to the show. He rolls his eyes.
Lucas: You know, they have words for people who demonstrate ridiculous belief in unreliable things. It’s called blind faith. Usually it’s reserved for important things though. Gods, governments. Conventional belief systems.
Riley: Well, I’m nothing if not unconventional.
Lucas, quietly: Yeah.
The tension between them is palpable, even with the fair amount of space between them. They hold each other’s gaze, another one of those moments where they can’t seem to look away from one another. If it were possible, they might just stand there and look at each other forever.
Fortunately -- or maybe unfortunately, depending on your perspective -- Zay keeps that from happening. He reenters and tells Lucas to get ready to run it again, totally oblivious to their lingering moment. Riley hops off the acting blocks as Lucas clears his throat, directing his attention back to Zay.
Riley: I’ll get out of your way. Good luck. [ smiling ] Both of you.
Zay waves her off, sending her on her way. Once she’s gone, he turns back to Lucas and lets out a grand sigh.
Lucas: Now you’re just being a bitch.
Jade is in the costume department, ignoring the task of organizing the leftover fabrics from this year and painstakingly attempting to fix the project she’s been working on all week. When someone enters she jumps and tries to hide the garment, straightening up and nervously looking towards the doors.
It’s not who she was expecting. Isadora enters, pushing a costume rack.
Isadora: Sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you.
Jade: No, it’s okay. I’m just um… it’s fine.
Isadora nods, bringing the rack all the way in. She explains that she got a head start on the inventorying of the costumes, and all the ones on the rack here are finished. She intends to put them back after theatre lab, if that’s alright.
Jade, surprised: Um… sure. Yeah, that would be helpful.
Isadora: Great. [ a beat ] I really am sorry, Jade. It wasn’t intentional, but I know I dropped the ball when it comes to pulling my weight on our team. [ hesitant ] And our friendship.
Well, Jade isn’t going to tell her otherwise. She shrugs lightly, acknowledging the apology but not necessarily accepting it quite yet. It’ll take time, and Isadora gets that. But she’s said her piece, and now all she can do is keep working to make reparations.
As she’s heading out, though, she decides there’s one more thing she wants to say.
Isadora: About Nigel.
Jade: Huh?
Isadora: Nigel. If you want to go to prom with him… then you should just ask him yourself. Don’t wait around for some boy to do the job right when you’re perfectly capable of doing it -- and probably better. He’s chicken, but the way he’s been looking at you… I’m pretty sure he would say yes.
Something to think about, at least. Jade considers it as Isadora exits, leaving her alone with the costumes.
Riley has joined Charlie, Clarissa, and Haley for lunch. As they chat the notion of Charlie and Riley going to prom together comes back up, Haley visibly taken aback by the reveal. She starts to question how that came to be, obviously struggling to accept it, when their conversation is totally derailed by Maya paying a visit to their table.
Although she’s all bright smiles, the tone is mildly threatening as Maya confronts Riley and Charlie. She also is questioning their union for promenade, wondering if their admittedly perfect cookie-cutter image is intent on also campaigning for prom court. Because it would sure be a shame for them to have to go head to head…
Maya might be built like a pixie, but the threat behind her words resonates loud and clear. Charlie shakes his head, stammering to correct her thinking.
Charlie: Oh, we’re not --
Riley: We weren’t planning to --
Yeah, no. It’s a no. This seems to appease Maya, who relaxes and turns back on the charm. Still, her friendly laughter still feels ominous as she wishes them the best, and reminds them not to forget to vote for her and Zay for prom king and queen come Saturday evening.
Clarissa shakes her head, reiterating her former stance.
Clarissa: Nowhere and nothing is safe.
Eric is putting on his most encouraging counselor smile, sitting across from Isadora and Farkle. He’s just wrapping up a pitch, stating that considering they’ve become such good friends in the last few months, he thought maybe it would be a good idea for them to go to prom as a duo. Just as friends. Pals, looking out for one another! Good, old, promenade buddies.
Farkle seems entertained by the mere suggestion. Isadora looks unamused.
Isadora: So you want me to babysit him.
Eric: That’s -- that’s not what I said.
Farkle: That’s basically what you said.
Eric tries to save face, but he forgot he’s dealing with the two most intuitive (and judgmental) students in the junior class. They see right through his facade, recognizing this tactic for exactly what it is.
Isadora: Also, what makes you assume I don’t already have a date?
Eric: … well do you?
[ Farkle looks to Isadora, raising his eyebrows. When she huffs, he cracks a smirk. ]
Isadora: No, but that’s not the point.
Eric relents, talking to them straight. Yes, they want Farkle to have company at the dance due to his history over the last few months. Ideally, this would be a small ask, considering they are friends and would likely be hanging out at the event anyway.
Eric: You are friends, yes?
Isadora: Request pending.
Farkle: I think of it more as intellectual sparring partners.
There’s really no good way to respond to that. Eric requests that they consider the option, as it would be a favor to him if nothing else. Give him a little peace of mind.
That’s just the selling point he needed to flex. Isadora glances between them, then sighs, claiming Farkle will pick her up when she decides he will.
Eric is thrilled, and Farkle doesn’t look all that opposed either. This, he claims, is a good thing. They’re thwarting problems before they even arise. No problems for junior prom this year!
Clarissa runs into Charlie, concerned. She takes his arm.
Clarissa: Problem. Big problem.
When Charlie asks her what the heck is going on, she states that Haley has finally broken down. She’s up in the costume loft and is refusing to talk, and she’s effectively decided she is not going to prom. Whatever crazy plague is running through their class, it’s finally hit her.
Charlie sighs, nodding and telling Clarissa he’ll handle it. He takes off at a jog towards the auditorium.
Haley is sitting amongst the costumes, wiping tears from her cheeks. When Charlie pulls himself into the loft it almost makes it worse, Haley shaking her head and telling him to go away.
Haley: As if this could not get any more humiliating.
Charlie: Hey, don’t worry, I have had… my fair share of breakdowns up here.
He settles down next to her, in the exact spot he was crying just an episode ago. He waits patiently for her to acknowledge him again, asking her why she’s so upset. Clarissa told him she wasn’t going to prom -- what’s that all about?
Haley shrugs, huffing and avoiding eye contact with him. She shakily admits that some part of her always thought… maybe it was stupid, but he really doesn’t get it. They can be friends for years, spend all this time together, and he still has no idea. And she just… she feels like such an idiot. All of this is just so stupid.
Charlie pauses, searching for how to tread cautiously.
Charlie: If we’re being honest with each other… I know.
Haley: You -- you know. You know that I --
Charlie: Yeah. I have for a while.
Haley: Oh God. [ hiding her head in her knees ] That’s even worse.
Charlie: It’s not, Hales. You can’t help who you like. [ a beat ] Although, still being honest… I don’t really think you do.
Haley lifts her head, frowning at him. She asks what he means, and Charlie tries to figure out the best way to articulate what he’s thinking.
Charlie: Believe me, I speak from experience here, but I think it’s… really easy to become in love with the idea of something. Things that seem easy, and perfect, if they could just work out a certain way. So we fall in love with those ideals, rather than the way things actually are.
Haley: So, what? You think I’m just making everything up?
Charlie: No, I believe some of it is real. I believe you love me -- and that makes sense, because I love you, too. We’ve been friends for years, like you said, and I can’t imagine what my time at Triple A would be like without you. I don’t want to.
[ Haley wipes her eyes. ]
Charlie: But I think, realistically, that’s all we’re ever going to be. And I think you know that, too -- it’s just safer to keep things the way they are now. Where you never get what you think you want, but then you never get hurt, either.
Haley: … okay, you’re kind of freaking me out here. Get out of my head.
Charlie, laughing: Like I said, talking from experience.
A quiet moment passes between them. Charlie goes on to state that Haley shouldn’t give up her junior prom, especially not over him. They’ll both be there, and they’ll still get to spend the evening together with Clarissa and Riley and the rest of their friends. It’ll be fun, even if it’s not the fantasy they imagine in their heads.
Charlie: And as for the rest of it… I guess you and I will both just have to see what the future holds. Rather than hiding behind expectations we know we’re never gonna meet.
A tough pill to swallow, but important. Haley exhales and then nods, giving up. Trading out the fantasy, but perhaps for the better. She gives him a smile.
Haley: I do love you, Charlie Gardner. That much is true.
Charlie returns the beam, accepting the hug she gives him.
Jade is standing outside the black box, watching Nigel chat with Yindra and NICK YOGI. Dylan and Asher stand behind her, hyping her up as she gears up to do the impossible.
Asher: Just be yourself. Be straight-forward.
Dylan: Go in there and get what you came for.
Jade: Right. Sure. [ a beat ] What if he says no?
Dylan: Sock him.
Asher glares at him, Dylan shrugging before smiling to himself. Asher takes the more serious approach, bracing Jade’s shoulders from behind.
Asher: If he says no, then it’s his loss. You’re Jade Beamon --
Dylan: Jade motherfucking Beamon!
Asher: And he would be lucky to get even an evening of your time. [ patting her shoulders ] Go get him, queen.
Dylan lightly nudges her forward, Jade taking a deep breath. Then she marches into the classroom, approaching Nigel and tapping him on the shoulder.
When he turns around and meets her eyes, for a second it seems like she’s going to run. But she squares her shoulders, clears her throat, and speaks as confidently as she can.
Jade: Nigel.
Nigel, surprised: Jade?
Jade: We should go to prom together. If you want to. I mean -- you should want to go with me. But only if you do. The point is -- will you go to prom with me? Maybe?
The back and forth between assertive and timid is jarring, but also quite charming. Nigel takes a moment to fully absorb what’s happening, but the smile that blooms across his face is near instantaneous.
Nigel: Yes. Yeah, I’d -- I’d like that a lot.
Jade: Great! I mean, um, great. Good. I’ll text you with details.
Nigel: Okay. Great.
Jade: Great. Okay… great.
Jade spins on her heel and marches back out, Yindra and Yogi exchanging wild looks. But Nigel is fully endeared, obviously not at all opposed to this turn of events.
As Jade escapes back into the hall, Dylan and Asher mob her with congratulatory hugs and pats on the back! She did it! Jade Beamon is going to prom with Nigel Chey, baby!
In tone with the celebratory mood, the bold brass opening floats in…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “I’ve Gotta Be Me” as performed by Glee Cast || Performed by Lucas James Friar (feat. Zay Babineaux)
Another AMBITION first for the bucket list, Lucas gives his first almost solo performance, with a Broadway number, and that isn’t fueled by pure rage. Zay is on stage with him to help with the choreography, but in some ways that’s a nice way to help take the pressure off. It’s sort of like a dress rehearsal rather than an actual performance.
And look… it’s not great. Lucas is not a performer, and he was never pretending to be. But it’s passable, and honestly the vocals aren’t half bad. There are even a couple of rare, fleeting moments where it seems like he might actually be having fun.
The real fun is for the audience though. His classmates are near entranced by the spectacle, having watched Lucas do nothing but grump and roll his eyes for three years straight -- and especially the majority of this year. Farkle is watching with his jaw dropped open, blankly stunned. Riley is hiding her fond grin behind her hands, shaking her head. Isadora is openly laughing, but with him rather than at him. Even Jack and Eric came to watch, thoroughly amused, and maybe a little bit proud.
The techies are cheering along the entire time, and when Lucas gets through that last note and hits those last steps with Zay, they leap to their feet and give him a standing ovation. Given the year he’s had, the uproarious applause sort of feel well-deserved.
He survived, God damn it, he survived!
Jade is leading Asher into the floor level of the costume department by both hands, the latter having been instructed to keep his eyes closed. He’s playing along, but nervously, reminding Jade that he hates surprises and also hates not being able to see.
Asher: You know going blind is one of my anxieties.
Jade: Everything is one of your anxieties. But hold on, we’re almost there.
She gets him right in front of where she’s hung up her latest project, pulling back and instructing him to open his eyes. He does, seeing the surprise and expression growing shocked.
It’s a pair of suit jackets, custom-made for junior prom. They align with the theme in terms of the subtle allusions to stars and shimmering elements factored into the design, but they’re inverse in terms of colors -- one mainly creme-colored with darker accents, and the other dark with lighter accents. Matching, but unique. And clear labors of love, from a seamstress who knows her craft.
Jade explains how she got the idea to make them, how she wanted to make sure they were clearly a matching set like Asher and Dylan, but also distinct from one another.
Jade: We just used to talk all the time about how fun it would be to have custom stuff for prom, when we got there one day. And you used to always talk about what you and Dylan could wear, but then would get all embarrassed, as if that was silly. Like it would never happen, that you couldn’t last that long. [ a beat ] Well, we got here, and I just figured after the hell year we’ve had…
Asher is staring at them, speechless. He’s tearing up, at a loss for what to do. Jade takes the impending waterworks as a bad sign, searching for a way to recover.
Jade: I mean, if there’s something you’d like better, you can just tell me. Or if you already picked out tuxes, that’s totally fine too, you don’t have to wear them --
Asher interrupts her nervous rambles, barreling her with a hug. The embrace is tight, and although there are tears the tone in his voice conveys that they’re happy.
Asher: I love you so much.
Jade beams, getting choked up too. She hugs him back.
Jade, teary but laughing: I love you, too.
Prom night is upon us! There’s a flurry of activity at the Matthews apartment, making it more lively than its been in months.
AUGGIE MATTHEWS is there to help Riley get ready and spend the weekend with Cory. Riley is obviously happy that he’s there, grinning when she emerges from the hall in her gorgeous lavender gown and he jumps up in excitement. She questions where their dad is and Auggie nods towards the fire escape, Cory visible through the window.
Riley delicately climbs her way out onto the balcony, Cory going to help her through when he notices she’s trying. Once they’ve got her upright, he gets a good look at her and goes soft with fatherly pride.
Cory, softly: You look lovely.
Riley smiles, both of them adjusting further out onto the fire escape. They take a moment to look at the scenery of their street, throwing a couple of jokes back and forth about how she’s going to prom with Charlie and whether or not Cory should be worried (he should not at all).
After a moment of quiet, Riley pecks up the courage to speak on what she really needs to say.
Riley: When mom called a couple weeks back, it wasn’t just to check in. She, um… [ off his wary expression ] She wants me to come upstate, too. For senior year.
Cory: … oh. [ swallowing hard ] Oh.
Riley: I’m not telling you because I’ve made any sort of decision, yet, or anything like that. I’m going to take the time to really… really think about it, and make sure I make the right choice for me. [ a beat ] But I just… wanted you to know what was going on. And also that no matter what happens, I’m still with you. I’m not going to leave you alone.
Cory nods, trying his best to accept it. Riley hesitates, deciding if she wants to continue.
Riley: Regardless of what I choose though… I need to be clear that I can’t be in the middle anymore. I love you both, but I am tearing myself apart trying to keep up with the constant back and forth. Trying to keep things civil in this family when I don’t think that’s supposed to be my job.
Cory: It’s not… Riley, I never meant for --
Riley: I know. And part of it is me -- feels like I’m always looking for other things to focus on and fix rather than myself. [ with a deep breath ] But I can’t keep living like that. I need to start focusing on myself… and that comes with setting boundaries. I love you, dad, but I can’t carry your baggage with mom anymore. It’s your fight, not mine.
Cory hesitates, obviously feeling guilty. Then he nods, assuring her that he’ll try his best to remember that. He doesn’t want to make this any harder for her than it already is. And if she’s trying to get him to hear her, then he’s listening. He really is going to try.
Riley smiles lightly, leaning forward to pull him into a hug. He returns the embrace, stating that he’s grateful he gets to be here with her on this important night. They pull apart, Cory fixing a piece of her hair.
Cory: Absolutely beautiful.
She smiles again.
Katy and Maya are sharing a similar bonding moment. Katy has taken over eyeliner duties, adjusting Maya’s makeup with her expert hand. She claims Maya has a tendency for overdoing it, which makes her laugh.
Maya: Tell me something I don’t know.
When she’s all finished, Katy looks at her daughter lovingly. She looks stunning, in a beautiful silver and white dress and blonde hair glossy as ever.
Katy: Like bona fide royalty. [ touching her chin ] No matter what the votes say.
Maya grins. She pulls her into an embrace.
JENNIFER MINKUS is nitpicking at Farkle, brushing off the shoulders of his navy suit jacket. He tells her to stop fussing, but she requests just one more second. She reaches up on instinct to fix his hair then remembers there’s not as much there as there used to be. Then she smiles, bracing his shoulders.
Jennifer: Beautiful boy. Perfect.
The housekeeper claims that the driver is downstairs, so Farkle should start heading out. STUART MINKUS shares an exchange with him as he’s in the entryway, offering him a Minkus good luck charm. It’s a silver lapel pin, a little crest shape related to their family coat of arms.
Stuart carefully pins it to Farkle’s lapel.
Stuart: You know, I wore this when I went on my first date with your mother -- and look where we are now.
Farkle, scoffing: It’s not -- this isn’t that kind of…
He doesn’t finish the sentence, letting it trail off. Stuart’s expression is amused, claiming he doesn’t quite buy it, but relenting for now.
When he finishes and smooths the lapel to crisp perfection, he takes a moment to really take in his son. Still with him, still standing in spite of everything that’s unfolded. It’s clear that there’s something he wants to say to him, heavy with the same weight that him sleeping at his hospital bedside all through his recovery held.
Yet, the words still don’t exist. Emotional expression has never been paramount in the Minkus household, and old habits die hard.
Instead, he pats his shoulder bracingly and wishes him luck. Jennifer comes to join Stuart as Farkle steps out, both of them wishing him a good time. Have some fun! This is your night of freedom, soak it up for all it’s worth!
Isadora, pre-lap: I don’t see how much fun it could be when we’re being watched by faculty all night long.
Isadora is seated at the vanity in Eric’s guest room, the space she’s taken over while staying with him. It seems that per their last conversation, Eric is keeping to his word with Valerie and is giving Isadora an actual legitimate place to stay in the mean time rather than Blue’s couch.
She’s sitting impatiently as Lucas stands behind her, braiding pieces of her hair to complete her prom look. A hidden talent, perhaps? It looks pretty, to say the least. He plainly states that she’ll be having more fun than him no matter what, there’s little doubt about that.
As he wraps up the last braid, Isadora pulls on her Converse and carefully gets to her feet.
Lucas: What, no heels?
Isadora: Are you kidding me? I think I’d break my ankles.
Lucas: Very “I’m not like other girls” of you.
Isadora: This is not about faux-originality, this is about my comfort and safety. As well as the safety of others.
The shoes hardly put a dent in the overall ensemble anyway. She’s in a gorgeous dark blue number, accented with a sheer layer of star patterns and custom designed by one of Valerie’s designer friends. It’s certainly not her typical ensemble, but she makes it work. Beautiful, but still a force to be reckoned with.
Lucas smiles, lightly punching her shoulder. He tells her she looks good, and she nudges him back before saying thanks.
Lucas, more serious: Sorry I can’t be there. To be there for you.
Isadora: It’s whatever. Be sad for your own sake, not mine.
Eric calls for Isadora from the hall, the two of them heading towards the door.
Eric is adjusting his suit and tie in the hall mirror when there’s a curt knock at the door. He goes to open it, delighted to greet Farkle on the other side. He gestures him inside, Farkle awkwardly making his way in and stuffing his hands in his pockets.
Both of them soften when Isadora emerges from the hall, obviously exceeding expectations. Eric tells her that she looks great -- Farkle says nothing, because he has no words. How are you supposed to react when your intellectual sparring partner shows up looking like that?
For a moment, all of them just hang awkwardly in the living area. Lucas clears his throat, scratching at his neck. That’s as good a cue as any, and Eric claims they should get going if they’re going to get there early to help set up. The price they pay, carpooling with a chaperone.
Eric ushers them out, giving Lucas a pat on the shoulder and telling him he’ll drop him off at his destination for the first half of the evening. And away they go! As their door closes…
Another opens, Riley standing bright and smiling on the doorstep of the Gardner home. AMBROSE GARDNER takes care to greet her cheerfully and help her inside, asking if there’s anything he can get her.
She should be grateful that the sanest member of the family met her first. ELEANOR GARDNER excitedly comes in from the kitchen moments later, greeting her enthusiastically and wanting to know a million things about her. Of course, they’ve heard so much about her already -- feels like Charlie is always talking about her!
From the living room, Rosie and DAISY GARDNER watch curiously.
Daisy: She’s pretty.
Rosie: Yeah.
Daisy: How did Charlie manage to get that?
Rosie: Shh.
As if summoned, Charlie rushes down the stairs. He looks charming in his relatively simple tuxedo, the touches of purple in his tie and pocket square perfectly accenting Riley’s dress. She gives him a hug as he reaches the bottom of the stairs, all of the Gardners eyeing them as they interact in front of them for the first time.
And to be fair, they look lovely. They seem near classic, the picture of prom perfection… but it’s so… boring. Whatever spark of flirtation Eleanor thinks she’s seeing between them, it’s absolutely nothing.
Still, she insists on getting some photos before they go. Charlie is embarrassed, but he allows it. As they’re assembling against the wall by the door, he leans over to whisper to her.
Charlie: Sorry about this. You look great, by the way.
Riley: Thanks. You too. And it’s fine. These’ll be great pictures to show my kids someday.
The choice of “my” rather than “our” is very pointed. Charlie gives her a look, elbowing her and earning a giggle out of her. Eleanor captures the moment, claiming that’s the perfect one.
Then Charlie tries to plot their escape, claiming they really should get going. Ambrose thanks Riley for driving -- Eleanor jokingly warns them not to stay out too late! A-wink!
Charlie looks like he’d rather be dead. Riley holds back her laughter as they escape into the night, the whole family sending them off cheerfully.
Once they’re gone, Ambrose and Eleanor exchange thoughtful looks.
Ambrose: She seems nice.
Eleanor, “knowingly:” Mhm… pretty…
Yeah, she really thinks this is something else. As she saunters back towards the kitchen…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “That’s What I Like” as performed by Bruno Mars || Instrumental
The techie pre-prom gathering is in full swing, the techie jams playlist on shuffle as they get ready together and mingle. Some of their parents are also in attendance (and likely to have a party of their own once they get them the hell out of there), namely LEVI GARCIA, EMILY GARCIA, and of course RANDALL ORLANDO.
Randall subtly interrupts a conversation between Lucas and Jade, where she’s just finished commenting on how nice it is for this gathering to be snapback free. It’s true that Lucas does stick out like a sore thumb, in his plain old blue flannel and jeans rather than dressed up like the rest of them.
The two of them exchange a bit of small talk before Randall gets to the point, asking Lucas about how things are going. Considering the last he heard about everything was literally picking up Dylan from the police precinct because of the joy ride, it stands to reason that he would be interested in knowing since he’s let Lucas back in his home since then.
To his credit, Randall has also been more of a dad to Lucas than his own, in spite of how avoidant Lucas can be. So he tells him the truth, stating that it’s been better but it’s also definitely been worse. He apologizes for what happened with the joy ride, and assures him that he’s banking on that sort of thing never happening again. Randall gives him a nod and a pat on the shoulder, approving.
The moment is interrupted as Nate gets their attention, using a cooking spoon as a faux microphone as he plays MC. He thanks them all for coming (which Dave and Jeff jeer at) before claiming he has the distinct pleasure of introducing their host and his paramour for the evening, showing off their custom-made, never before seen Jade Beamon originals.
Nate: First up -- you know may know him as Dyl Pickle, vlogger extraordinaire, the deviant who once stuck a whopping thirty-two sticky notes to Shawn Hunter’s back in one class period. He’s as gay as they come, in every sense of the word. Host of the evening and renowned “kissing expert” --
Asher, from upstairs: NATE!
Nate: What? He told me to say it! Anyway, let’s give it up for the one-of-a-kind Dylan Blake Orlando.
All of them cheer theatrically as Dylan comes downstairs, sliding down the banister and hopping onto the bottom step. He shows off the suit jacket Jade made, looking even fresher and fun actually on him than just hanging in the costume loft. He spins and hams it up for a moment, then backs off so Nate can continue.
Nate: Equally as effervescent, our other star of the evening is not to be discounted. He’s smart, he’s sharp, he’s the scariest person you will ever meet if you piss him off or forget to organize the paints in alphabetical order. King of production design, prop mix master, puts the Ash in Ash Cash Money --
Dylan, taking the spoon: The love of my life --
Nate, taking it back: Hey, this is my gig! I didn’t ask for ad-libs.
Jeff: Drunk on power…
Nate: Anyway, let’s give it up ladies and gentlemen for the only one of us with any class, Asher L. Garcia!
Asher jogs down the stairs, looking equally as iconic in his custom suit jacket. He does a small spin as well to give the item it’s due moment, Dylan cheering the loudest of all of them.
Randall: Very nice, very good. Now, could I get a moment with my “gay vlogger sticky note” son?
The techies all cheer and laugh at his take, Dylan sliding across the hardwood to meet him. Jade and Asher link up, the former taking his hands and practically bouncing as she proclaims how good the suits turned out. They look amazing!
Lucas looks around at all of his friends, glammed up and excited. Distinctly left out of the excitement, only this time not by his own choice. Somehow, that’s worse.
He’s pulled out of it as Nate declares they still have one order of business, the seven of them regrouping. Dylan slips back into the circle between Asher and Lucas.
Nate: Now, as with any good tradition, we have some firsts to establish. And this shit is important -- it may be the most important thing we do in our lives at Triple A.
Jade: Speak for yourself.
Nate: As we know, the prom court institution at Adams is royally corrupt. It’s the same shit every single year.
Dave: Nothing new.
Jeff: Same old shit.
Nate: And to that, the techie tots say no more. We will be crowning our own reigning royalty this year, and that honor happens tonight. Without further ado --
For what it’s worth, the only two that don’t seem to know what’s happening are Asher and Dylan. They watch in confusion as Dave retrieves two pin cases from his interior pocket, handing them to Jade and Lucas respectively. Then they turn to face them, grinning wide at the stunned expressions on Dylan and Asher’s faces.
Nate: Congratulations, Pickle and Bird Bones. You’re fucking royalty.
Jade and Lucas move forward, pinning the brand new charms to Asher and Dylan’s lapels, respectively. The pins are small medals, the band being monochrome like techie uniforms and the metal piece a small crown.
The true kings have been crowned. Whatever happens next hardly matters.
Jade: Okay, we have to get out of here before Asher cries again.
Randall and the parents swoop in, insisting on one group photo before they all head out to wreak havoc. At first Lucas steps out of the photo, allowing them their classy group photo, but then all of them shout for him to get in the picture as well.
Dave leads the charge down the steps to the “party van,” i.e. their techie van they use for Home Depot runs. On the steps, Dylan and Asher hang back and check in with Lucas one last time.
Asher: You sure you don’t want to come?
Dylan, sing-song: We could sneak you in...
Lucas knows they damn well mean it. But he waves them off, assuring them that he’ll be fine. They need to go have fun and not worry about him for a night.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Good Love (Feel Like This)” as performed by Sir, Please || Performed by Nigel Chey (feat. Dave Williams, Nick Yogi, and AAA Juniors)
And so it is. Asher gives him a pat on the arm and then they’re off, leaving Lucas on the steps alone. He watches his friends head out without him, bittersweet smile on his face.
As the groovy rock hit floats in…
Prom roll up! The event is hopping, the large ballroom space beautifully decorated towards the stars theme and everyone’s appropriately matched outfits shimmering under the low lighting. The brightest lights are geared towards the DJ stage, which alternates between a sound system and live performances.
At present, Nigel is giving a riveting vocal performance while the junior and senior class parties on the dance floor. Dave is backing on guitar, Yogi on the keyboard, and other B Class students filling out the rest of the band.
Jade, Dylan, and Asher are right by the stage, Jade watching him perform with a mix of shyness and excitement. Every once in a while, he’ll look over at her and crack a smile.
Dylan and Asher are distracted when Isadora wanders over to join them, all of them immediately complimenting one another on their one-of-a-kind outfits. Dylan gives her a hug. Asher asks how it is being accompanied by Farkle Minkus, which Isadora claims isn’t terrible -- but it’s not particularly enchanting either.
Meanwhile, Farkle has just met up with Riley and Maya. They ask him how his evening is going so far -- is he having fun? It’s not too overwhelming, is it?
Farkle: Oh, yeah. Sweaty room, loud music, constant surveillance, date who didn’t even want to go with me. Time of my life, girls. Undoubtedly.
On the opposite side of the room, Charlie has just made his way over to the refreshments. He reaches for the ladle for the punch just at the same time as Zay, their hands brushing before they look up and lock eyes.
For a moment, neither of them say anything. They just take one another in -- well-groomed, nice tuxedos, the most they’ve even really seen of each other since the break-up -- before Zay manages to say something.
Zay: You look… classic.
Innocent enough. Charlie laughs nervously, nodding.
Charlie: And you look…
He can’t finish the sentence. What’s he going to say? No word is good enough. And where they are right now doesn’t allow for him to say what he’s actually thinking.
Thankfully, Maya swoops in and unwittingly throws him a life preserver. She interrupts their conversation, claiming that she needs for Zay to come dance with her lest people get the impression she can’t hold her own on the dance floor. She pays Charlie the same compliment in that he looks nice, before reminding him to vote Zay and Maya for prom king and queen!
Charlie: Okay, if you keep saying that, someone is going to murder you by the end of the night.
Maya: Attempted assassinations are just part of the job description.
Farkle regroups with Isadora, finding her amidst the crowd. The two of them stand in silence for a moment, absorbing the chaotic scene around them. Farkle eyes Jack and Eric across the room, talking to one another and not paying any attention to them, then leans down to whisper in Isadora’s ear.
Farkle: You wanna get out of here?
Isadora looks around at her classmates and teachers before her gaze lands on Farkle. She smiles, somewhere between a smirk and genuinely sweet.
Valerie emerges from the courthouse, seemingly in much better spirits than the last time she was there. She inhales a deep breath of fresh air, blithe smile on her face.
Katy opens the door to her hotel room, surprised to find Val standing on the other side. She’s carrying a bottle of champagne and doesn’t wait for an invitation to march inside. She tells Katy to grab a couple of glasses, they are celebrating!
Katy, uncertainly: Good news, I’m guessing?
Valerie: You know, in this industry, they tell you the most important thing is to hang on. Hang on by the skin of your teeth, dig your fingernails in, and never let go. Who would’ve known that applied to the rest of this crazy, mixed up world too?
Valerie pops the champagne and pours a glass for her and Katy, raising her glass.
Valerie: I persevered, and only good things have come from it. [ sublime ] Isadora is going to be mine. We’re going to be a real family.
Katy happily cheers to that, both of them taking a drink from their glasses. They settle down on the couch in the suite, Valerie absolutely giddy with the news. She can’t wait to tell Isadora. Katy can imagine -- she knows how important it is, having time with her baby girl.
An idea seems to strike Valerie in that moment, eyes widening. She reaches out and touches Katy’s arm, excited.
Valerie: You’ll come stay with us.
Katy: Wh -- what?
Valerie: Yes, yes, you’ll come back to New York and you’ll stay with us! You, me, Maya, and Isadora. The four of us will live together, four rough and tough, talented women surviving the concrete jungle as a team.
Katy: Oh, I don’t… I couldn’t --
Valerie: Katy, you belong here. In this city, with your daughter and your dreams. If I have proven anything in this endeavor, it’s that it’s never too late to change course and achieve something you never thought possible. [ a beat ] You belong in Manhattan, with Maya. Talent like yours shouldn’t be wasted in the farmland of Vermont.
Katy processes that, taking another sip of her champagne. If a Hollywood starlet is telling her she’s meant to be here, then who is she to refuse it?
Katy: Alright. Alright, then!
Valerie claps excitedly, already abuzz with so many new ideas.
Valerie: Oh, this is so exciting. This is amazing! Isadora and Maya are going to be over the moon. This is a bigger deal than when my good friend and mentee Lizzo basically single-handedly saved the R&B industry.
She raises her glass again for another toast. Katy grants it, their glasses clinking together.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Dance Again” as performed by Selena Gomez || Instrumental
The lighting is more aesthetic and dimmer as the prom goes on, the junior class out grooving on the dance floor. We get shots of different combinations of them dancing -- Charlie is with Haley and Clarissa, Jade and Nigel are giggly as they get comfortable with one another, Dylan and Asher are upholding their reigning title as cutest couple.
In the midst of the festivities, Eric grows concerned as he realizes he can’t find Isadora. Farkle is nowhere to be found either -- and that’s because they’re not there. They’re long gone, someone having disappeared right under his nose.
Eric grabs Riley from the edge of the dance floor, asking if she’s seen either of them. She claims not since they first got here… is everything okay? Eric doesn’t respond, pushing through the crowd to try and get a better look.
He’s surrounded by teenagers, and yet none are the two he’s specifically supposed to be keeping an eye on. Just as he’s on the verge of panic, Jack comes to his side and asks what’s going on. What’s with the look on his face?
Eric, breathless: Isadora -- and Farkle -- they’re not -- I can’t find --
Jack: Okay, relax, alright?
Eric: Relax? I lost two children!
Jack: Okay, we’ll find them. Alright?
Jack drags Eric out of the center of the room, passing by HARPER BURGESS as they go. He tells her she’s in charge, guiding Eric out of the venue.
Lucas emerges from his room with a box, sleeves rolled up to his elbows and clearly down to business. He and GRACE FRIAR are operating with relative ease, indicating that their third household member isn’t home at present.
He places the box on the table in front of her, claiming that he’s gone through it and he needs her to go through it too so they can decide whether or not to donate it. Grace seems intrigued, but not opposed to the idea.
Grace: Spring cleaning?
Lucas: Something in my life might as well be in order.
She chuckles a bit at that, although the joke is admittedly somewhat dark. She starts going through the contents, hesitating before telling Lucas she’s sorry that he didn’t get to go to prom. He shrugs it off, but his aloof facade has worn thin over the week.
Grace gives him a warm smile, stating that he’ll be able to go next year.
Lucas: Yeah, let’s see if I make it through this year first.
Valid point. Lucas leaves her to keep going through the stuff, agreeing they should get rid of it either way before Kenneth gets back.
Lucas steps back into his closet of a bedroom, sighing at all the junk there still is to go through. He frowns when his phone vibrates in his pocket, growing even more confused when he sees who is calling. He answers.
Lucas: Hello?
Jack is on the other end of the line, already on the road with Eric.
Jack: What are you doing right now?
Lucas, flatly: Crystal meth.
Jack: Okay, you jest, but you’re really not in the position to be making those kind of jokes right now.
Lucas asks what’s going on, and Jack explains the situation. He asks if Lucas has seen or heard from Isadora, and he says no. When Jack requests that he go search that side of town, just drive around and take a look, Lucas seems skeptical.
Lucas: Aren’t you forgetting? My license is suspended.
Jack, unimpressed: Am I really supposed to believe that makes a difference?
Lucas: … fair enough. I’ll do whatever.
Jack assures him if he gets into any trouble, he’ll help him out of it. They just need to get a trace on them so Eric can breathe again. Lucas grabs his denim jacket, heading out.
Isadora and Farkle, thankfully, are not engaged in anything remotely nefarious. They’re just making an evening out of it all their own, having escaped prom to seek refuge at a non-descript diner across town.
Farkle is way more enthused by the prospect than Isadora. He’s practically jittery, tapping his fingers on the table and unable to stop grinning. He claims this is the most fun, the most freedom, he’s had in months.
Isadora: Okay, calm down, edgelord. It’s not that deep.
Oh, but perhaps it is, Isadora. Farkle leans further into the theatricality, dramatically stating that he doesn’t think there’s ever been a night quite like this. Full of this… energy, and mystery, and potential. Can’t she feel it? In homage to the number that’s just about to come into play, Farkle sits up so that he’s sitting on the booth seat, rather than in it.
Isadora: Okay, what are you doing? Sit down.
Farkle: Can’t you just feel it? And how… how we start thinking --
Isadora: Start thinking what?
Farkle: How wonderful it all is.
Isadora: How wonderful what all is?
Farkle: Everything.
Isadora: Now you’re just talking nonsense. Did you take too much medication this morning? What are you on?
He, Isadora, is on life. The freedom of tonight, how good it feels to just be out and adventuring and… alive. In fact, he thinks, it might need some expressing…
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “A Lovely Night” as performed by Cinderella Original Television Cast Recording || Performed by Farkle Minkus (feat. Isadora De La Cruz) [ starting at 4:20 ]
Farkle pushes his way out of the booth and starts sauntering through the diner, Isadora leaning out after him and whispering for him to come back. But he’s already on his way as the instrumental comes in, meaning there’s no hope. This singing train has left the station!
So he kicks off the first verse, singing the fantastical lyrics about how absolutely perfect the evening is. Somehow, it actually works, brightening up the drab, everyday diner and adding a splash of something special and unique.
It helps that Farkle is crazy and completely unapologetic as he takes over the space, the other patrons hesitant at first but then endeared by the performance. Farkle sings the first line about a “charming prince” to a gaggle of middle school girls, who all collectively lose their shit when he turns away from them. To them, for all intents and purposes, all suave in his prom suit and singing so elegantly, he is a prince charming.
Isadora might be starting to figure that out too, as she watches in disbelief while Farkle pulls other diners and workers into brief stints of choreography. By the time he makes it back over to her table in the second verse, he leans forward on the table and sings the lines “darling, I love you” while looking right into her eyes.
Part of the whole act? It’s impossible to tell.
Then he pulls her up from the booth, into dancing with him through the diner as the dance break commences. Although she’s hesitant at first, Isadora is more surprised by how not averse to the experience she is. Farkle is a good dancer, at least this kind of dancing, and it’s not long before she finds herself grinning and laughing along.
They spin their way towards the front, right out the doors…
And out into the city, the world aglow with nightlife and even more emphasized by the unreal quality of the dance. It feels very La La Land. They continue the pas de deux through to the end, Farkle picking up the lyrics again for the final rendition of the chorus.
They end it spinning in a circle in the parking lot, Isadora laughing and Farkle truly free as they round out the performance. If there’s going to be any true spectacle this prom season, then Icarus and the fallen Techie Queen dancing together in what may as well be a fantasy sure takes the cake.
Eric is not feeling the fantasy, a nervous wreck as they drive through the streets looking for signs of Isadora and Farkle. He relays that she has not responded to any of his texts, and Jack states that’s it. He pulls over, allowing him to give his focus to Eric as he parks on the side of the road.
Jack takes Eric’s phone, out of his grasp.
Jack: Enough. You’re driving yourself crazy.
Eric: Yeah, you’re one to talk. [ trying to snatch it back ] Mister obsessive civil suit --
Jack: Oh, I’m not saying I’m innocent. But you have got to give yourself a break. It was their choice to sneak out and go wild, not yours. You can only do so much. If they choose to be idiotic, that’s on them. Regardless of how much we care.
Eric knows that Jack is speaking from experience. He sighs, slouching back in the passenger seat. Jack tries to comfort him, reminding him that Isadora and Farkle are two of the smartest students at AAA. They’re not going to get into trouble. Besides, if they are, then at least they have their best troublemaker on the case.
Jack: He’s like a heat-seeking missile. If there’s mischief afoot, trust me, I believe he’ll find it.
Maybe so, Jack. Maybe so. Somehow, Lucas manages to catch up to Isadora and Farkle as they’re walking along the streets, slowing down in Grace’s car and coming up next to them. He honks, startling them both.
Lucas: Hey! Lunatics!
Isadora: Lucas? What the hell are you doing here?
Lucas: I could ask you the same question.
Farkle: Isn’t your license suspended?
Lucas holds up a finger to silence Farkle, not acknowledging his question. He keeps his focus on Isadora, who is similarly confused.
Isadora: Isn’t your license suspended?
Lucas: You tell me. You tell me what the hell you’re doing walking around like freaks and sending Eric so postal Jack had to send me out here risking future legal penalty to come find you.
Farkle: Hey, I mean, we snuck out of prom. [ holding his arms out ] Don’t I get a little credit for that, Lucas James Friar?
Lucas glares at him, unimpressed.
Lucas, sharply: Don’t talk to me like you know me.
Farkle raises his hands in surrender, turning away. Lucas turns his focus back to Isadora.
Lucas: Tell Eric where the hell you are and that you’re not dead. At least pay him that decency.
Isadora: Alright! Alright, I will. Sorry you got dragged into it.
Lucas: You’re so lucky I have no life.
Lucky, indeed… Lucas drives off, leaving the two of them alone again. Isadora shifts awkwardly, Farkle hesitating before giving her an unbothered smirk. Woo, reckless freedom!
Jack gets the text from Isadora on Eric’s phone. He smiles and then passes it back to him, telling him that now he can breathe again.
And so he can. Eric lets out a huge sigh of relief, falling back against the seat and rubbing his face. These kids, are they ever gonna let them live? Once he’s pulled himself off the ledge, Eric drops his hands and asks what they’re supposed to do now.
Now that they’re already out? Well… Jack shrugs.
Jack: You like bowling?
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Magic” as performed by Gabrielle Aplin || Performed by Yindra Amino
Things slow down back at the prom, allowing the students to shift into a slow dance. Before Riley and Charlie can make any decisions, Zay swoops over to them to cut in. For a second it seems as though he might ask Charlie, in front of everyone… but he simply requests a dance with his favorite girl at AAA. Charlie relents without an argument, allowing him to steal Riley.
Riley: Sweet of you to say all that. And…
Zay: And I will give anything not to slow dance with Maya, yes.
Charlie shifts his sights to Haley, offering a hand to her. With their former conversation having cleared the air, the two of them are able to simply enjoy a dance together rather than twisting themselves up over what it might mean.
Yindra’s vocals truly help set the mood. The types of slow dancers are all across the spectrum. The soft familiarity of Dylan and Asher, whispering in each other’s ears and smiling and tilting their heads against one another; the timid beginnings of Nigel and Jade, more distance between them but equally as happy to be sharing the dance. Then there’s Maya, not bothering to slow dance at all and continuing her campaign amongst the other single prom-goers.
While Zay and Riley dance, they softly discuss how the evening is going. Riley subtly makes it clear that she is no way moving in on Charlie -- they should both be well aware how unlikely that would be. Zay holds no such suspicions. After all…
Zay: Think you and I are both here while our hearts are somewhere else.
Couldn’t have said it better, Isaiah. Tellingly, while Haley and Charlie are having a swell enough time dancing together, he cannot seem to keep his gaze from drifting towards Zay over her shoulder…
Yindra brings the number home, delivering yet another dazzling performance.
Pow! A bowling ball knocks over a volley of pins, shattering the dreamy melancholy of prom.
Jack and Eric have already played one game, crashed in one of the tables by the lanes and sharing some cheap bowling alley snacks. They’re also drinking and… okay, they might be a tad tipsy. They’re laughing as they chat about the evening, more relaxed than we’ve ever seen them. They could almost be teenagers themselves, just wasting away prom night at a bowling alley and blowing off expectations.
Eric complains about Isadora and Farkle’s actions, still not over the sleight. Like he gets it, they’re teenagers, but really? Jack chuckles, shrugging and claiming it’s just that kind of night. He can remember how he used to be -- Lucas really isn’t that far off from how he was at that age, although the kid is way more ballsy than he was.
Besides… there’s something about prom night, man. It makes people do crazy things.
Jack: I was never super into it, but… ha. I remember senior year, me and the guy I was going with --
Eric nearly chokes on his drink. Jack raises his eyebrows, handing him a napkin in concern.
Jack: You okay?
Eric: Yeah. Yeah, I just -- [ clearing his throat ] Guy? You went with a guy?
Jack: Oh, yeah. Administrators weren’t thrilled about it at the time though. [ off his stunned expression ] Oh, come on. You know I’m bisexual. We’ve totally discussed this.
Eric: Um. No. No we have not.
Jack: We definitely have.
Eric: Jack, I would not have forgotten that. Believe me.
Jack shrugs, smiling to himself and taking another drink. Eric just stares at him, trying to reconcile this new understanding he has of his friend and co-worker in his head. He starts to say something, then thinks better of it. Lost for words.
The music on the sound system of the bowling alley saves him from having to speak. As soon as the song starts playing, both of them react with joyful acknowledgement.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Bye Bye Bye” as performed by *NSYNC || Performed by Jack Hunter & Eric Matthews
At first the two of them just reminiscence, talking about how classic this song is. Speaking of hits of their youth, this was it in the college days. But as they casually start singing along in their seats, just like their students (and maybe thanks to the alcohol), the groove overtakes them.
Eric jumps to his feet first, crouching on his seat and launching into the second verse. Jack cracks up and claps, encouraging the dramatic performance. Eric manages to pull him into it as well, the two of them delivering the rendition with the same gusto as their overdramatic students.
In their folly, it would only be fair to give them the same imaginative scape as their students. Part of the performance is a fantasy tribute to the “Bye Bye Bye” music video, Jack and Eric dressed as if they’re back in the early 2000s and dancing around a tilting room.
We cut back and forth between that and them wreaking mild havoc in the bowling alley, and gosh dang is it a fun performance.
That’s one way to cut loose for a night. Let’s go principal and counselor!
Farkle walks Isadora to the front stoop of the fancy hotel Valerie is staying at, although she tells him that he didn’t have to. He claims as her date it was his duty -- even if their arrangement wasn’t exactly by choice.
Isadora: Well, impressively, I did actually have fun.
Farkle: Oh?
Isadora: Yes. I don’t expect the enchantment to last past midnight, but it was fun while it lasted. [ a beat ] I suppose I’m glad that I had to babysit tonight.
Farkle rolls his eyes. Isadora looks at him for a long moment, and then stands on her tip-toes to give him a quick kiss on the cheek.
He blinks, obviously not expecting it. After a moment he kind of smiles, caught between a confused frown and a pleasantly surprised smile. He looks at her, narrowing his eyes.
She gives him no explanation. She just tilts her head in a nod and marches through the revolving door, leaving him on the sidewalk. He glances up at the building, smile widening as he spins on his heel and saunters down the street.
Clarissa and Haley are just wrapping up a performance, dismounting the stage as Harper heads up to the microphone. She warms up the crowd by asking how everyone is enjoying prom, which is met with resounding cheers. The time has come, she announces, for the crowning of their junior and senior prom court!
Amidst the cheers, Charlie shifts his focus to Riley next to him. She’s zoned out, glancing over her shoulder and not paying any attention. Looking for someone who isn’t going to be there, no matter how many times she looks.
After a moment, he elbows her lightly.
Charlie: You should go.
Riley: What? What do you mean?
Charlie: I appreciate what you did for me tonight. But we both know… you don’t want to be here. Not really. [ nodding towards the door ] So you should go. Don’t waste the rest of your night on me.
Riley examines him, thoughtful. Then she smiles, taking his arm and leaning forward to give him a kiss on the cheek. She squeezes his arm.
Riley: Never a waste.
Then she’s gone, weaving her way through the crowd and on a mission. Charlie watches her go, and when he turns back to the crowd and the excitement of the senior prom court being announced he suddenly feels very detached. Like he’s a fish out of water, as if he shouldn’t even be there at all.
It’s claustrophobic. Charlie starts to push his way through the crowd as well, searching for an exit. Needing to get out of there.
From where he’s waiting with Maya, Zay notices Charlie’s frantic escape. He frowns, hesitating for only a moment before darting out after him. Only Maya notices him go, looking after him in confusion.
Maya, in a whisper: Zay. Zay!
He’s already gone. And her attention is stolen anyway, as Harper gets a drum roll going for the announcement of junior prom queen and king. It goes, unsurprisingly… to Maya and Zay!
Only Zay is nowhere to be found. Lucky for him, Maya is an expert showman and covers as if it’s nothing. She hops up onto stage and happily accepts, claiming her king had to dip out for a moment and she’ll be accepting both on his behalf.
Once she’s found a way to balance both crowns on her little blonde head, she takes to the microphone and gives a small speech about what an honor it is to be selected. And in return, tonight, she’ll give them a prom slow dance really worth remembering. As the track cues up --
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “At Last” as performed by Beyoncé || Performed by Maya Hart
As obnoxious as she is, there is no doubt about the fact that Maya Hart can sing. Her vocals are damn good on the romantic classic, truly creating a perfect final slow dance for the evening. And she’s milking every second of it, glamorous as ever in her elegant gown and dual crown glory.
Charlie has made his way to a mostly vacant section of the parking lot, inhaling as much fresh air as he can. He holds his breath, then lets it out, fighting off whatever strange panic was prickling at him.
It doesn’t truly fade until Zay joins him, approaching casually and claiming that he’s missing Maya’s big performance. Isn’t that what he came all the way out to prom for anyway? Charlie can’t help but laugh, even though the vibe between them is still uncertain.
Charlie: Oh, naturally. Everything’s about Maya Hart, after all.
Zay: Absolutely everything, yeah.
Charlie: [ just looking at him ] … shouldn’t you be in there too, then? Far as I recall, you were her running mate.
Zay, with a shrug: I didn’t really care much about it.
Zay is stepping closer with every word that passes between them.
Charlie: … no?
Zay: Nah. I mean, can’t blame Maya though. She knows how to pick a winning candidate.
Charlie: Well, no arguments here. Sure you don’t want to get your crown, though? Think that would be a nice prize regardless.
They’re standing right in front of each other. Zay swallows, meeting his eyes.
Zay: I can think of something better.
Charlie lets that sink in, not sure how to respond. Knowing that they’re the way they are for a reason… but then there he is, right there in front of him…
Zay doesn’t ask for much. He gently takes Charlie’s hands, pulling him towards him and into a slow dance. There in the parking lot, alone, where nobody else is going to bother them.
Charlie is stiff at first, then slowly he relaxes into it. The familiarity, the ease, the way they seem to just naturally fit together... especially when it comes to dancing.
Still, something in his expression is conflicted. It’s obvious he loves it -- being so close to Zay, sharing anything with him regardless of what their status is -- but then that’s the problem, isn’t it? As long as Charlie is around him, he’s never going to be able to let it go. They’re going to keep drifting back to each other like this, and Zay is never going to be able to move forward.
Charlie realizes all of that… and yet.
For now, he chooses to live in the moment. He tilts his head against Zay’s shoulder and chooses to soak it up for all it’s worth, the dance and the closeness and the way he continues to choose him, even when he pushes him away.
Everything else, he can deal with another day.
Isadora has changed back into more comfortable clothes, Valerie hanging her dress up so that it stays nice and unruffled. After all the hard work Stella McCartney put into it, she would hate for it to only survive one use!
Then Valerie settles on the bed with Isadora, telling her the good news. The paperwork went through -- they’re on their way. She just has some things she needs to go wrap up last minute in Los Angeles, and then they’re going to do it. They’re going to be a proper mother and daughter, she’ll move to the city, and everything is going to change. For the better, she’s sure.
Isadora is stunned just to hear it said -- she can’t begin to wrap her head around it in reality. But she manages action, leaning forward to initiate a hug with Valerie.
She hugs her back, tight, so excited about the next steps they’ll be taking together.
Well, for only a night’s work, Lucas has made substantial progress on organizing his hell bedroom. You can actually see the floor now in most places, which is a step up. Maybe one solution to not having horrible mental health is to not feel like you’re living in an abandoned storage closet. Music is playing from his phone, shuffling the playlist Riley made him last year.
He finishes clearing the floor by the actual closet door, finding Riley’s gala shawl. He holds it in his hands, delicately, trying to decide what to do with it. It’s survived this long, in spite of all the times he’s thought about destroying it -- to get rid of it now would almost be a disservice.
He’s distracted from the decision for now, his phone buzzing. He settles onto his bed, putting the shawl to the side towards his pillow and opening the message.
Song Cue ♫ ♪ “Ebony Eyes” as performed by Jamie Scott || Instrumental
It’s from Dylan, a group picture of the techie crew in the midst of the glitz of prom. The caption underneath it is simple and to the point -- “We miss you!!!!!!!”
Lucas can’t help but smile, but after a moment it shifts to something more muted. The disappointment is clear on his face now, fully realizing how much he might be missing out on. How much he’s missed out on for the entire year, while he was busy fighting to survive his own personal hurricane. And there’s no way to get that back -- there’s no way to know if it’ll ever stop hurricaning, given how up in the air everything feels.
He’s distracted once again from his own internal musing, this time by creaking from outside his window. At first he glances towards his door, worried it might be someone coming home, but an additional creaking confirms it’s coming from outside. It’s coming from the fire escape.
Cautiously, Lucas gets to his feet, edging towards his window. He nearly jumps out of his skin when Riley appears from the ladder below, scrappily climbing her way up to his level.
Lucas scrambles out the window to meet her, eyes wide in disbelief. She smiles at him as he emerges and she manages to pull herself fully onto the fire escape. There’s barely room for them both to stand, Lucas taking her arm and pulling her as far from the window -- and his apartment -- as possible.
Lucas: What the hell are you doing here?
Riley blinks at him, trying to catch up with her own choice of actions. She’s changed out of her fancy gown, hair and makeup still done up but having opted for a pair of high-waisted jeans and a thrifted tee. Better attire for building scaling, at least.
She explains that she couldn’t stop thinking about him and how he was missing out, so she decided to bring some of the fun to him. She shrugs off her backpack, unzipping it and showing off some of the snacks and movies and junk she threw in there along with her laptop. She didn’t have a lot of specific ideas, or anything, she just thought… who knows. She just knew she wanted to be here.
Lucas is in shock. He can’t believe any person would ditch prom without some other grand plan, and definitely not for him.
Lucas: That’s… that’s nice, but you shouldn’t have to do this. You should be at prom, having fun. Least of all worrying about me.
Riley, shaking her head: Wasn’t the same without you.
Oh. Well then. Riley glances towards his room, recognizing the music playing and smiling to herself. She comments that at least he has good tunes to get him through the night, and the slower, rustic song playing now is better than about half of the songs they played at the dance.
In fact… she did say she was going to bring the evening to him…
Dropping her backpack by the window, Riley cautiously takes Lucas’s hands. When he doesn’t complain, she gently guides him into a dance of their own -- a promenade on six square feet of metal with a shitty outdated iPhone speaker acting as the DJ.
Even still, it might be the most authentically romantic duet of the night. The music quality shifts and improves to be more encompassing as they settle into the dance, once again supplemented by that fantastical quality of the evening. Secluded enough for Lucas to ease into it, more intimate than a room full of their peers would allow.
After a minute or so, Riley adjusts their posture and presses their foreheads together. For how soft the moment is, the energy between them may as well be electric. They’re inches apart, one or two breaths and a bold choice away from another kiss. And maybe they could…
But not tonight. Not yet.
Riley shifts and rests her head against his shoulder, Lucas closing his eyes and tilting his head against hers.
For now, what they have in this moment together is enough.
Crazy how in the aftermath of such a whimsical weekend, life is expected to proceed as normal. Jack is in good spirits as he jogs his way into the school building later than usual, pushing through the doors at the same time as Lucas. Lucas comments on his late showing.
Jack: You know, for all the times you’ve shown up to class tardy with no good excuse, I think you can zip it on this one.
Touché. Jack does remember to thank Lucas for his help with Farkle and Isadora though, expressing that it was a big help. He asks how he spent the rest of his evening -- aside from the crystal meth.
Lucas, nonchalantly: Nothing much. And you?
Jack: Got kicked out of a bowling alley.
Lucas: … fun. Respect.
Jack grins, nodding him on his way. He makes his way back into the office…
Where the real world is waiting for him. Jack is surprised by the gift-wrapped item on his desk -- until reality slams into him like a freight train. He drops his briefcase and jogs towards it, lifting the ribbon-bound local newspaper into his hands.
There it is. The Bradford case, front page Monday morning news. Likely paid a fortune to make it front page news, if he knows his adversaries.
It’s officially gone public. The fantasy is over. Another day has arrived, and now it’s time to deal with all of the challenges ahead.
Now, it’s time to take action. For better or for worse.
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ledamemangociana · 5 years
2020 20 questions meme time UWU
i was tagged by @decertatio to do this! i havent spent enough time on here recently to tag anyone, B U T! if you see this and would like to do this, consider yourself tagged, and let me know! i wanna read your answers UWU
1. Do you make your bed? - GAWD NO, at least not 70% of the time, im so bad at this. it’s coz on the weekdays, i start working at 6:30am or 7am at home coz my bosses are in Australia and a lot of our clients are in Australia and/or New Zealand, and they’re 3 or 4 hours ahead of us, so i gotta get on those emails and support case tickets as soon as i can, so i give myself about an hour to catch up, and then i hurry out of the condo to get to the office before im marked late at 10am lolololol. on the weekends, when im at home, BECAUSE im just at home, i never fix my bed coz im in it 85% of the time anyway lakdjf
2. What’s your favorite number?  - 13, cliche as it sounds. not coz i think it’s lucky or anything, but because other people around me thought it was. i kind of clung onto it when i was in high school coz i wanted to fit in by standing out.
3. What’s your job? - An accounts and client services manager at a digital services agency.
4. If you could, would you go back to school? - Probably not. I love learning, HATE studying. 
5. Can you parallel park? - i never got far enough into being taught how to drive by mom to get to parking
6. A job you had which would surprise people? I think every job I’ve ever held, tbh. I graduated interior design mainly because my dad told me to when i asked him if i should enroll in advertising instead (the entrance exam i passed was good for either course). the only ID job i ever had lasted only two weeks, at a firm i had to do my internship/OJT at. it was my first job, and i was let go after two weeks. after that, i was a call center agent for two months, and then a copywriter for 6 months, and then an SEO specialist for a year and a half, and then a social media content/community manager at one firm for one year, and then for another agency for 3 and a half, and now im in my second year as an accounts manager at a digital services cloud agency. even i’m surprised at this job list tbh.
7. Do you think aliens are real? - i absolutely do believe that we are not the only life in this big, huge, wide, expansive universe that the planet earth is but a miniscule blip on. there’s definitely other life out there.
8. Can you drive a manual car? - i haven’t driven a car legitimately outside of learning how to drive, but yeh i probably can, since that was what my mom taught me with.
9. What’s your guilty pleasure? - junk food and soft drinks, but in general i try not to feel guilty about anything i take pleasure in
10. Tattoos? - none, but i am ACHING for them. i’ve had ideas for a loooong time. one that i DEFINITELY want to get as my first one is part of a letter that i found that my mom wrote for me in high school. “i know that you will be able to stand up for yourself and the world will stop and take notice.” i still have the letter, so i still have it in her handwriting. i want it on the inside of my left forearm. 
11. Favorite color? - Pink! lighter/softer/pastel shades are my preferred ones, but i love any shade or hue of pink tbh
12. Things people do that drive you crazy? - i hate fake guilt trips. like, when someone wants me to do something that i can’t do, they’ll come in with like “nah, it’s fine, i’ll just drop all these SUPER IMPORTANT things im doing and go out of my way to do this thing that im asking you to do because i’m SOOOOO sorry that you’re unable to do it yourself” coz it’s like...dude, if you really were able to do that or if you wanted to actually do that, you wouldn’t have asked me to do the thing in the first place. like, you’re clearly just saying that to make me feel bad enough to make me drop everything im doing and do whatever it is you asked me to do. i also hate when ppl fish for compliments by being falsely humble or self-deprecating. like. PLEASE, y’all, i’ve lived with negative amounts of self-esteem for literal decades, i know the difference between actual self-loathing and you just wanting to hear good things about yourself that you don’t want to be called narcissistic for saying about yourself. i know what it sounds like when someone is actually going THRU something or is actually having an actual hard time accepting themselves and/or asking people for what they need as opposed to when someone just wants to be told something. like. don’t insult my intelligence and experiences like that. granted, there are nuances to consider for all of these things, bUT like i said, i know the differences when i see them.
13. Any Phobias? - i have a phobia of drowning that’s light enough to NOT keep me away from water but bad enough to sometimes make watching or listening to scenes where someone could potentially drown to set some triggers off for me. i also just have a really really bad fear of dying because of getting my oxygen cut off, coz that sounds like a really slow, painful way to die.
14. Favorite childhood sport? - i was never really a sports kid. the only sport i ever really enjoyed playing willingly was badminton. i trained for a few summers but never competed, but i got good enough to make games in a court fun. i still have my badminton racquet, it’s the only Legit™ badminton racquet in the house (it’s a Yonex, handed down to me by my trainer, only been restrung twice or thrice coz the last restringing was done so damn well), all the other racquets were inexpensive unbranded knock-offs that were good enough for me and my family to have casual games with.
15. Do you talk to yourself? - yes but mostly as a product of deep focus or concentration, or really heavy emotion. having social media has lessened doing it for the latter since i can just vent on here or on twitter, but when im doing stuff for work that’s hard or needs a lot of focus or concentration, i have full-on stand-up meetings with myself.
16. What movie do you adore? - “Romy And Michele’s High School Reunion.” it’s not a perfect movie by any means, but for someone who was a bullied outcast for much of elementary and high school years in a private, all-girls, Catholic school where everyone was tall and thin and pretty and pale and smart and popular, ALL the things that i wasn’t, it was - is? - like a beacon or a hug.
17. Do you like doing puzzles? - heck yeh, coz solving them makes me feel smart, and not being able to solve them but learning HOW to is so much fun for me.
18. Favorite kind of music? - i don’t know that i have one, to be honest, i haven’t listened to current radio in literal YEARS because i dont own a radio in the condo, i barely watch TV anymore, and i dont spend enough time in a vehicle to really know what’s up. i enjoy pop, hip-hop, rnb, showtunes.
19. Tea or coffee? - more of a coffee person myself, actual tea always just tastes LEGITIMATELY like leaf water to me, and i cant find a liking for it. i do really love sweet tea and milktea tho. but yeh, im mostly a bean juice person.
20. The first thing you remember you wanted to be when you grew up? - An architect, like my dad. i thought i would be one, up until i discovered writing in high school, and then i thought i wanted to become a journalist until i took it up as my first course in college and hated it. but yeh, it was always “architect! like daddy!” when i was asked that question when i was a kid. i looked up to him so much as a kid, and he and i were super tight when i was younger coz i was his firstborn and a daughter. we used to call each other best friends. i miss those days a lot; things between us seemed simpler, but maybe that’s because i didn’t have the ideals, knowledge and capacity to question the way he loves/loved me as My Parent™. our relationship these days is absolutely skewed and skewered.
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unexpectedl0ve-ff · 5 years
Belong to the city
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Lorie 🥀
Ugh, I groaned as I carried in the last of the boxes into my apartment. A week later and all the furniture and other stuff I packed from home are finally arriving. Words cannot describe the excitement I have about my bed finally arriving, I can’t wait to pop that damn air mattress. Pulling out a framed picture from one of the boxes, I admired the picture of my family from my high school graduation. 
“Lorenzo Reign Henderson, for the love of god-- can you PLEASE take a normal picture without throwing up one of those damn hand signs,” my mom stressed to my older brother. 
“Aight ma, imma need you to chill on that. It’s a peace sign,” Renzo retorted back. 
“Boy, can you please just listen to your mama before she takes off them chanclas and throws them at yo’ head,” my dad exclaimed while chuckling. 
*camera flashes*
“Aight, y’all look at my babysis out here doin’ big girl things with her high school diploma!” my brother cheesed while recording me on his snapchat before turning it on himself, “y’all fools better not be replaying this snap and checking her out because I’ll check yo’ asses”
“You’re a whooooole mess, zozo! Ain’t nobody checking for your lil hoodlum friends, okay” I yelled back at him trying to snatch his phone. 
“Nah, but forreal sis, you’re my whole heart and I’m so proud of you for being the first in our family to finish high school and go off to college. Y’know I gotchu for whatever right, Lo?” He said while huggin me. 
“I know, Zo. If no one else got me, you got me” 
“Nah, even if the whole word got you, I still got you” 
I wiped my tears from my cheeks as I reminisced of the last memories I had with my brother, my rock, my backbone. Just a couple of weeks after that picture was taken he was killed in a drive by shooting. I had to move into college without him, get through my first heartbreak without him, buy my first car without him, and now learn how to navigate through life without him. This world was a cold place, but he knew what it was. He was in too deep to get out of the life he was living, but nobody deserved to die the way he did. 
Everything I do now is for him. Those late nights in high school cramming for the SATs or writing papers, he was right there by my side. Always coaching me, teaching me and motivating me. He thought he wouldn’t amount to much, so he needed me to be everything he wasn’t. I can still hear his voice in the back of my head every time I’m ready to throw in the towel and give up 
“Aye, what I tell you about that giving up shit? This is the time weak niggas fold and I’ll be damned if I let you throw in the towel, yknow mom and pops ain’t raise no bitch. Someway, somehow, we gonn’ get through it, believe that” 
This is all for him. For the other Lorenzo’s in our community who think the street life is their last option, who think they won’t amount to much-- to pave a way for them to make it out alive and well. 
I wiped off my tears and placed the frame on my kitchen counter. I couldn’t bear to unpack anymore, so I grabbed my keys and headed to the gym to clear my head. 
Drake blared through the speakers as I shot around the gym. Working out has always been my escape from my thoughts, a way to release my pent-up stress and emotions. It wasn’t until I started volunteering at the Boy’s and Girl’s Club in my city that I started playing around with a basketball. It’s crazy the amount of talented kids we have there. I knew I had to keep up with them in order to motivate them to continue playing. 
The sound of the door opening and a set of footsteps knocked me out of my thoughts. As I looked up, I realized it was one of the guys from the last time I came here with Chris. Ugh, there goes those damn tattoos again, I thought to myself as he walked towards me. 
“Hey, sorry to interrupt you I didn’t think anyone would be here at this time”
“Don’t worry about it, I was just finishing up anyways” 
“No shooting partner today? Did you cross him up a few too many times that he quit on you” he says as he chuckled. 
I laugh at his comment and feel my cheeks turning red, “nah, he’s out somewhere tonight but I just needed to clear my head.” 
“One of those days, huh?”
“Yeah, I guess you can say that”
“I’m Kyle, and if I do recall you didn’t give your name last time,” he said as he scratched the back of his head. I instantly thought of Chris telling me how I needed to drop my “east coast attitude.”
I chuckled and answered, “sorry about that, my friend says I still have an ‘east coast attitude,’ but my name is Lorie.”
“Oh, east coast huh? Please din’t tell me you’re a fan of all the east coast sports team” 
“Title town, baby-- Patriots, Celtics, Red Sox, and Bruins!” I smile proudly as I think back to my home town. 
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Baby, the way that just easily rolled off her tongue got me feeling some type of way. Should I smile because she said that or frown because homegirl really liked all my rivals in sports. 
Shaking my head of my thoughts, I chuckled. “Naaaaah, you see Imma have to put an end to that right here because you’re in LA and that’s like fighting words. Might have to revoke your stay here and call security” 
“Oh, is that right? Maybe when you guys actually make it into the playoffs then I’ll consider liking the teams here” she smirks as she hits me with her comeback.
“Ouch. That one really hurt, but if I do recall didn’t the Celtics just blow their chances and lost  horribly to the Bucks?”
“Alright, this conversation is done! I will not take this slander on my city!” She yells as she turns away to grab her stuff. 
I run after her chuckling, “how about this, you stay around and shoot with me and I will consider not telling everyone in this whole facility that they got a New England sports fan here”
“Hmm, that’s gonna be touch considering I usually wear my sports gear to work out here” 
“Ahhh, what about we play a game of HORSE and if I win you have to rock some LA sports gear and if you win I’ll rock some New England sports gear. 
“Hmm, bet” 
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Lorie 🥀
“Hmm, I think a nice Celtic green would definitely bring out your eyes” I say to Kyle as I laughed in his face. After an hour-long game of HORSE, I finally got him from the half court line. I knew that shot was going to be my saving grace and I had to save it for the perfect moment when he was tired out. 
“Ma, that’s not fair at all! Y’know how bad I’d get chewed out for wearing another team’s gear? You’re bugggggin,” Kyle says as he’s pleading with me to get out of the bet now that he lost. 
“Hey! A deal is a deal, sir. You made the bet not me, you gotta live with the consequences now,” I said as I started to grab my stuff. 
“There has to be something, anything, I can do instead! I’ll buy you food or give you tickets to a game, ANYTHING!” 
“ahaha, I love hearing you beg. But, nah take a picture wearing some Celtics gear and post it on your IG! You can take it down after 24 hours” I said as a bargaining choice. 
“Fine. On one condition though” 
“Hey! I’m not the one that lost the bet, no bargaining from you!” I chuckled to him as we sat on the bleachers. 
“Let me get your number and I won’t delete the picture off my IG” 
“Hm, you see... that’s tempting. But once you post that picture for 24 hours there will be millions of screenshots, so whether you delete it or not, it’s still gonna be up there somewhere” 
“okay, touché. You right, but what if I just want your number”
“Hm, post the picture and we’ll see” I said as I get up and wink at him. 
“Bet, so I’ll see you again?”
“Better find some Celtics gear and take a good picture and we’ll see,” I yell to him as I head out of the basketball court. 
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downn-in-flames · 5 years
like a deer in headlights
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One short little road trip, that's all it is.
One short little eight hour road trip in a tiny car with the girl he's been in love with since his first year of uni. Nothing to worry about, really.
read it on: hpft | ao3 | ffnet
One short little road trip, that's all it is.
One short little eight hour road trip in a tiny car with the girl he's been in love with since his first year of uni. Nothing to worry about, really.
It was her idea, actually. James had been all set to just buy a plane ticket from London to Edinburgh - why Sirius and Remus insisted on a "destination" wedding in the same city they'd all attended school in is beyond him, but that's beside the point - and before he'd had the chance to book a flight, Lily had texted him, proposing the idea of driving up there together.
It'd be fun, she'd said. We haven't seen each other in ages and it'll be a nice way to catch up.
Apparently, her idea of 'catching up' involves spending eight uninterrupted hours alone with each other.
James can count on one hand the number of times they've hung out as just the two of them - all of them in uni, and none of them for anywhere near this much time.
He's definitely more than a little freaked out about it, which is, quite frankly, ridiculous if he thinks about it rationally. He's not exactly trying to make a good first impression or anything (he'd botched that one well and good six years ago) and they spent quite a lot of time together at uni, even if they were almost always with Sirius and Remus and Peter. This shouldn't be all that different.
But James also knows that he's got a fantastic tendency to make an idiot out of himself - something he hoped he'd grow out of once he hit his twenties but never quite did - and a confined space with just him and a girl he's fancied for years seems like a foolproof recipe for that idiocy to make a reappearance.
He's probably prepared for this trip a little... too well. His car is immaculate (scarily so, really, what kind of psychopath doesn't have anything in their centre console?), there are snacks and water in the backseat for the both of them, and he's got a playlist full of artists Lily loved in uni (that he not-so-secretly enjoyed as well) at the ready.
So as he parks in front of the address she'd texted to him last week and pulls his phone out to shoot her a quick text that he's here, he continues giving himself a mental pep talk to prepare for the hours ahead.
Honestly, he's going to be fine. Yeah, she's wonderful and brilliant and he spent the better part of three years making a fool of himself in front of her, but he's over that, for the most part. She's just a girl he liked in uni, but they've grown apart since then and surely she's not as -
The front door of her building opens, and whatever rationalisation had been going through James' mind comes to a stuttering halt. He's not sure if he'd just forgotten what she looked like or if she'd somehow gotten more gorgeous since they graduated, but… fuck.
Her auburn hair, which once fell to her waist in loose waves, has been chopped to shoulder-length, and she's got it in that same half-up, half-down style she wore so often at school. She's wearing a shirt that looks like it's from last year's Camden Pub Crawl tucked into high-waisted jean shorts, fully showing off her long, freckled legs.
And there's just something about the way that she carries herself, shoulders back and eyes bright, that projects a level of confidence he doesn't quite think she had a few years ago.
It has his heart doing all sorts of pathetic things all over again.
Maybe he's not actually over her.
She's got a light purple duffel bag thrown over her shoulder and a garment bag on her arm, and James remembers at the last possible minute that he needs to open the boot of his car for her to put her stuff in.
With literally anyone else, he'd get out of the car and help them load their bags - his mother would be appalled if she knew that he wasn't practising the 'gentlemanly manners' she'd instilled into him from the day he was born - but he knows Lily, and he knows that she'll insist on doing it herself anyways.
She's always had a massive independent streak - coupled with a distaste for anything remotely resembling a patriarchal norm - and it's one of the many (many) things he likes about her.
When she opens the passenger door, she's got a cheeky sort of smile that, were his heart not already hammering out a frantic rhythm in his chest, would definitely send his pulse skyrocketing.
Goddammit, she's so pretty.
"You didn't even offer to load my bag for me," she observes as she slides into the seat across from him. "What on earth would Euphemia say about that?"
"Euphemia probably still remembers the last time I tried that and you immediately smacked my hands away," he retorts, a smirk growing on his face to match her own, even though he's already been thinking about the fact that his mum would, in fact, give him a hard time for it.
"She did tell me later that she'd thought it was funny to see you put in your place like that," Lily muses as she puts her seatbelt on.
His mum had indeed gotten quite a laugh out of it, James recalls. She, Remus, and Peter had come to visit him and Sirius for a week in the summer after their first year, and James' mum had immediately become positively enamoured with both Lily and Remus, and proceeded to spend the remainder of the summer telling both James and Sirius respectively how wonderful they both were, in a not-so-subtle 'you would be perfect together and I want them as my child-in-law' sort of way.
Well, she'd gotten her wish with Sirius, at least.
He realises he's been quiet for far too long, and she's still grinning at him and probably expecting him to say something back to her. He runs his fingers through his hair - a nervous habit of his that he's never really been able to break - and asks, almost on autopilot, "Alright, Evans?"
She laughs at that, no doubt remembering the countless times he'd greeted her that exact way in school. "It's been awhile, hasn't it?" And after a brief pause, "You look good."
He's almost positive he misheard her at first, but the faint pink spreading across her cheeks - at least, he doesn't think he's imagining it - is proof that he heard her right.
"Er, you too," he manages, stumbling over his words and almost immediately mentally berating himself for it. How the hell is he so smooth sometimes and an absolute fucking disaster at others?
If she catches on to his awkwardness though, she doesn't show it. "How's work? Are you still at Sleekeazy's?"
When he'd graduated uni, with a degree in English Literature of all things that he had no idea how to apply in the real world, he'd panicked and taken the first job available to him - which just so happened to be in the marketing department of his dad's massive haircare company.
It turned out he kind of enjoyed the marketing aspect, but working for a hair company was… not his thing, to say the least.
"Nah, I left that about a year and a half ago," he tells her. "Now I'm working as a deputy communications director for a small nonprofit."
"Yeah," he answers, finally shifting the car into gear so that they can start off on this eight-hour journey of theirs. "It's all about providing resources for homeless LGBTQ youth - I don't know if you've ever seen Albus Dumbledore in a news article or anything, but it's his organisation."
"Wait, oh my god, I read his book last year!" Lily says, almost excitedly. "He's incredible, and the work he's doing for those kids is awesome."
"Yeah, he's a pretty solid guy," he confirms. "I really like it - I feel like I'm actually doing something good in the world, you know? And I just - god, so many of those kids remind me of Sirius as a teenager, except without anywhere to go when their parents kicked them out."
He's still not over the way Sirius was treated as a teenager, the way he'd arrived at the Potter's doorstep one January night during sixth form, shivering from the cold and sporting a massive bruise along the side of his face. He's pretty positive that, if he ever comes across any of Sirius' piece-of-shit homophobic family members ever again, he's not going to be able to fight back the urge to punch them right in the jaw, even though he knows that wouldn't accomplish anything.
But this… doing what he does now, it feels like accomplishing something.
"Hm, I'm surprised Remus never said anything about you changing jobs whenever you came up in conversation," Lily muses.
… They talk about him? Lily talks about him?
"I dunno," he says, flipping his turn signal on to turn left on Hendon. "Are you still working as a researcher for that ecological reserve?"
He already knows the answer is 'yes' - he'd panicked and called Remus almost immediately after Lily had proposed this whole road trip thing, and asked him for basically everything he knew about Lily since graduation - but he figures he'll ask the question anyways. Lily doesn't have to know that he's been a bit of a nervous wreck about this road trip, after all.
"I am," she answers cheerfully. "Still spending most of my day hanging out with frogs instead of humans."
"Well, good to know at least one of us actually found a good way to apply our degree," he jokes.
"Please," she replies, and from the tone of her voice alone, James can tell that she's both smiling and looking at him reproachfully all at once. "Don't tell me you don't still throw random literary references into everyday conversation."
He wracks his brain for an appropriate one to say in response, and goes with the first thing that comes to mind. " 'A word is dead when it is said, some say. I say it just begins to live that day.' "
She laughs brightly. "Some things never change." She pauses for a moment, then adds, "Fuck, what's that from? I feel like I should know it, but…"
"Dickinson." he answers, filling in the gap left by her silence.
"Oh, didn't you write a whole essay on how she was probably a lesbian at one point?" she asks.
"No," James defends immediately, immediately thinking back to the incident she's referring to. "Sirius used find and replace to replace every single instance of the word 'literary' with 'lesbian' in one of my final essays that term, and I only noticed ten minutes before I was set to turn it in."
"You should've kept it that way," she tells him. "I feel like most literature tutors would eat that shit right up."
James shrugs. "Honestly, you're probably right."
They fall into a comfortable silence for a few minutes, but it quickly becomes a bit more uncomfortable when it's just the hum of the car's engine and the sounds of the city around them.
"Do you have any music?" Lily asks finally.
He honestly can't believe he'd somehow forgotten about the playlist entirely - there'd just been something about talking to her, catching up and immediately feeling like almost no time had passed at all, that had completely wiped his mind of everything else. "Oh. Yeah," he replies, grabbing his phone out of the cupholder and unlocking it. "There's a road trip playlist on my Spotify - just turn that on."
"You have a whole road trip playlist?" she asks, taking the phone from him and navigating to his Spotify app. "Oh god, this is brilliant."
She hits play, and is already singing along on the first note. "I promise that you'll never find another like me!"
And he finds himself thinking that no, he definitely won't.
They're less than an hour out of the city, driving along the M1, when James decides to make their first stop of the day.
"I don't know about you," James says to Lily, who's been alternating between singing along to the music playing through the speakers and exchanging stories about their lives since graduation, "but I desperately need some coffee right about now and there's a Costa coming up."
"Still addicted to caffeine, are we?" she teases.
"Not as bad as I was in uni," he replies. "I don't get four espresso shots in my lattes anymore, at the very least."
"Probably for the best," she agrees.
"Do you still only drink those Belgian Chocolate Frostinos in the summer?" he asks, remembering just how many times he and Sirius had ribbed her for her 'wimpy' taste in coffee beverages.
"Don't say that with such a tone of disdain," she shoots back. "They're basically a coffee milkshake - how could you not like that? But also, I can't believe you still remember my coffee order."
He's not sure he could forget anything about her - even something as simple as her (terrible) coffee order - even if he tried. But he tries to play it off without acknowledging just how many little details about her that he's got memorised. "Your shit taste in coffee is pretty hard to forget."
"Those are fighting words, James Potter," she replies playfully. "And here I was about to offer to pay for your coffee since you're the one driving - but now you've come for Frostinos in a way I can't accept."
"They're not bad," he retorts. "They're just a weak drink."
"Ah right, because you're the expert on strong drinks. It's not like you were too scared to shoot tequila until our third year or anything like that."
He doesn't point out that he still hates shooting tequila to this day, and will only do it when he's already sufficiently plastered as to not remember his distaste for them. "Yeah, well, if you recall correctly, there was one night our first year where I was the only one who didn't do three rounds of tequila shots, and coincidentally was also the only one who didn't end up puking in the bushes in George Square Gardens."
"And you missed an important rite of passage in that moment," she informs him seriously, just as they're pulling into the Costa Coffee.
"Somehow, I don't feel all that deprived," he replies, parking and turning the car off.
She laughs. "Well, you can't miss what you've never had."
They both get out of the car, falling into step on their way into the café. And he's kind of surprised, in that moment, to realise just how easy all of this has been. The way they've fallen into conversation and good-natured teasing so easily makes it seem like it's only been hours since they last saw one another, not years. Being with her is almost effortless - sans the few times she's nearly made him forget how to breathe - and he's…
Fuck, he's not even a little bit over her.
One hour in a car is apparently all he needed to go right back to being head over heels for her, which is only slightly alarming; at this rate, he'll probably be ready to propose marriage by the time they get to Edinburgh in seven more hours.
Which is nothing short of ridiculous - honestly, he doesn't even know if she's seeing someone, for heaven's sake. Remus had said she wasn't, but those things can change at the drop of a hat, and Lily's an absolute fucking catch, so he really wouldn't be even a little surprised if she's somehow in a committed relationship that Remus doesn't know about.
"Okay, but seriously," Lily says, looking up at him, "what do you want to drink? It's my treat."
"You don't have to," he answers automatically.
"You're literally sitting behind the wheel of a car for eight hours while I fuck around on my phone because we both know I hate driving - let me buy you a damn coffee, Potter."
He doesn't actually want to fight her on this - and she'd win anyways - so he surrenders pretty easily. "Fine - I'll have a flat white."
They get their drinks - James' in a tiny cup and Lily's in a much larger one complete with whipped cream and chocolate syrup - and set out on the road again.
The drive itself is pretty nondescript - they're just driving down the same freeway for an absurdly long amount of time - so they have to come up with other things to pass the time. At one point, Lily just starts scrolling through a list of Shakespeare quotes to see if James can give the play they came from - he only misses like two or three, and one of those was from Titus Andronicus, and he fucking hates that play so he feels like that one's an acceptable miss.
And then somehow, they end up in a super nostalgic conversation of some of their most notable shared moments at university.
"Do you remember the day we met?"
If James could bang his head against the steering wheel without putting both him and Lily in serious danger, he would. "Unfortunately."
Then he quickly corrects himself, lest she somehow interpret that the wrong way. "Not because of meeting you - just because of the fact that I made a total arse of myself."
"Yeah, I was pretty convinced I was going to hate you," she replies, amused. "And I'm pretty sure I told Remus that multiple times the first time the two of us went over to hang out with you and Sirius."
"Well, I fucking deserved it."
He'd been a first year, in a starting position on the football team and far too hyped up by the university population than any eighteen-year-old ever should be, and that newfound popularity had completely gone to his head. He'd thought he was on top of the world, that he could get anything he wanted, anyone he wanted.
It had been some freshers party that he and Sirius had pregamed just a little too much, and by the time they'd shown up to the actual event, James felt fucking invincible.
"You must've tried to hit on me… what, five separate times? All worse pick-up lines than the ones before?"
He groans. "Yes, I was a drunk asshole who thought you were the prettiest girl in the room and that as a result we were obviously a match made in heaven. I clearly made some pretty shitty decisions that night."
"So who was the prettiest girl in the room that night then?"
James falters, and it's a good thing the car's set on cruise because his foot might've just fallen off the gas pedal otherwise. "What?"
"You said you made some pretty shitty decisions that night, one of which was that I was the prettiest girl in the room," she answers, sounding nonchalant in a way that James thinks might be forced. "If it wasn't me, who was it, in your much-more-sober-now opinion?"
What the fuck kind of question is that?
He grapples with what she's just asked for a moment - is she somehow trying to gauge who he thinks is the fittest bird they went to school with? And why does she even care about that? And how on earth is he meant to answer this in a way that doesn't end with her getting upset with him?
Eventually, he just decides to go for honesty, but he keeps his eyes steadfastly on the road ahead of him when he answers. "Actually, that was perhaps the only non-shitty decision I made that night. You were easily the prettiest girl there - in both my drunk and sober opinions."
It's silent between the two of them for a few moments. "Oh."
And then a second later, "So you're not seeing Emmeline Vance?"
That might be an even weirder question than the last one. Emmeline had been on the women's football team, and they'd been close, but his feelings towards her have never been anything even remotely more than friendly. "No," he tells her immediately. "Where'd you get that idea from?"
"I… I don't know," she replies, and she sounds almost… nervous? "You posted a picture with her on Instagram a few weeks ago and I just… I don't know, I just thought maybe - "
"We were just catching up over dinner," he explains. "We're definitely not, you know, anything close to… that."
"Oh. That's… good, I guess."
That's good? Honestly, how the fresh hell is he meant to interpret that?
For some reason, the thing that comes out of his mouth next isn't a request for an explanation. Instead, it's a stilted "Are you? You know, seeing anyone?"
"I'm not."
"I… good to know."
Fuck, for all that James had been thinking that they were so good at not being awkward just an hour or so ago, they're sure being whole ass disasters right now. And honestly, 'good to know'? Were they not just talking about the time he'd drunkenly hit on her despite her not showing any interest? And his response to finding out that she's single is to say something that… practically implies he plans on using that information later?
Foot, meet mouth.
They settle into a slightly uncomfortable silence, and it's just John Mayer coming through the speakers.
I want to know the real thing about you, so I can see you in a new light…
The tension doesn't last much longer, because James' stomach starts growling and it becomes apparent that they'll need to stop for lunch soon.
"Do you want me to look up some good places to stop?" Lily asks, fishing her phone out of her bag.
"Yeah, that'd be good."
She sits back up in her seat. "Oh fuck, mine's dead - I completely forgot to charge it last night. Can I use yours instead?"
"Go for it," he replies. He unlocks the phone for her and hands it over, letting her find some random little sandwich place near Leicester that looks decent.
They decide to sit and eat instead of trying to eat on the road, and sitting across from her in a little two-person booth unexpectedly feels very much like they're on a date.
He feels his hands start to get clammy as they sit down with their food - despite the fact that his brain knows full well this isn't anything resembling a date and that they're just eating here together out of necessity and a need to stretch their limbs, he still can't help but feel something between them - some sort of energy that he can't quite put his finger on - that makes this seem like perhaps there's more to it.
But he's definitely just thinking too far into things. Lily's shown absolutely no signs of getting a similar vibe from, happily chatting with him as she eats.
The topic of Sirius and Remus suddenly comes up - fitting, really, as it's their wedding that they're headed to at the moment.
"How does it feel, knowing that your two closest friends are going to be getting married this time tomorrow?"
James just shrugs. "Honestly, with the way they act, it's basically like they've been married for a while. I just want the actual ceremony part over with so that mum can stop frantically texting me about it every five minutes."
"Oh yeah, I saw that," she tells him. "You had a few messages come in from her when I was changing songs."
James takes that moment to thank his lucky stars that his mum doesn't know he's driving up to the wedding with Lily; otherwise, he's sure she would've texted him a million times today about her, which would've been… awkward to explain away, at the very least.
"None of it was all that important though - she just likes having someone to report everything back to, and apparently that's my job in this case."
"Somehow, I doubt she'd be pleased to know you were calling her texts 'unimportant'," she teases, taking a sip of her drink.
"And you better not tell her," he warns, but he can't even keep the grin off his face as he does so.
"Fine, I'll keep quiet, if only to save your head," she replies after a moment of thought.
Then she changes the subject entirely. "But man, I'm thrilled for Sirius and Remus. Meeting the love of your life in the first month of uni is basically the dream, isn't it?"
Well yes, James wants to reply, but only when they also feel the same way.
But he doesn't voice anything even remotely close to that - they've only just gotten over their last bout of awkwardness, and he'd quite like to avoid any more of those if he can help it.
He shrugs, playing way cooler than he actually feels. "Yeah, I guess. At the very least, it's convenient for all those themed parties - they always went in some sort of couples costume."
"Says the bloke who wore basically the same costume for like half of them."
"Hey," he argues, "if the theme fits, why not go with an old standard?"
She laughs. "You really did get a whole lot of mileage out of those reindeer antlers."
He reflects back on that fondly - he honestly might still have that same pair of reindeer antlers somewhere, probably boxed up at his parents' house with some other memorabilia from university. "I really think my favourite was that pun party though, where I did the whole toga thing as well and called it 'deer god.' "
She gives him a look like she can see straight through him. "You just liked that one because you got to walk around shirtless and make all the girls in the college swoon over you."
"All the girls? Does that include you, Evans?" It's overly cheeky - and exactly the type of shit he would've pulled the first night they met - and he worries briefly that he might've gone too far this time.
She coughs, and it takes her a few seconds to answer him. "Obviously not. It takes a lot more to sway me than a bloke wearing a bedsheet as clothing."
He's strangely disappointed by that response, but he doesn't really know what else he was expecting either. That she was somehow magically swept off her feet by the mere sight of him?
No, Lily requires much more than appearances to be wooed, something he perhaps knows better than anyone.
"Sounds about right," he replies, and there's definitely a little bitterness in his tone that he wishes wasn't there. "At least mine was better than Pete's costume that night."
"Oh god," she laughs, "that was when he wore the nightstand, wasn't it? He was dressed as a 'one night stand' or something like that?"
"Yep. Seemed to think it would get him laid, for reasons I still don't fully understand."
Lily shakes her head. "Honestly, not his best plan. I'd rather go home with a bloke in a bedsheet than a bloke wearing a literal table."
James almost chokes on his sandwich at that. It probably means nothing, but god, the casual implication of going home with him almost does him in entirely.
He maintains that she really might be the death of him before they even make it to Edinburgh. Sirius is just going to have to find a new best man, because James is going to be fully out-of-commission by that point.
If he had maybe just the tiniest bit more courage - and, er, wasn't going to be stuck in a car with her for another four hours or so - he might say something about that comment. Or about a lot of her behaviour today, really.
But he stays silent, their conversation giving way to the song playing over the café speakers, Lily absentmindedly humming along with the lyrics while she waits for him to finish eating.
And I'm on my way, driving at ninety down those country lanes -
He makes a mental note to add more Ed Sheeran to their playlist.
They're more than halfway there now; after lunch, Lily had fallen asleep for what was honestly less than half an hour, but somehow seems like the end of the world to her.
"I'm supposed to keep you company, not fall asleep and leave you to fend for yourself," she says, in the middle of what must her fifth apology.
"I can handle driving alone for a little bit - it's fine, Lily," he tells her.
He doesn't mention that, when she'd fallen asleep, elbow resting on the centre console and head in her hand, she'd practically been resting against his shoulder, and he hadn't really minded that one bit.
"I'll be awake for the rest of the drive though," she insists. "We're only, what, three hours away now?"
"I've not got a map open, but that sounds about right," he replies.
Truthfully, he's just been driving along the A1 without paying much attention to their ETA - he figures it'll be awhile before any driving directions become relevant again.
"Well then, I've got three hours left of not taking any more naps," she answers simply. "Here, let me put on some good hype-up music."
He unlocks his phone and hands it to her again. "I've got no shortage of that."
She scrolls through the playlist for a little bit before finding something she's satisfied with. They start talking again - Lily tells him some story about the bar her roommate Marlene works at that somehow involves a low-level celebrity, a rubber chicken, and a real chicken; it's so absurd that, if she didn't swear up and down that she's got pictures of the whole thing that she'll show him when he's not driving, he'd definitely think she'd invented the whole thing.
"How do you somehow confuse those two?" he can't help but ask.
"I mean, it's a bar. Alcohol makes idiots of us all."
"Somehow I don't think I've ever been so drunk that I put a rubber chicken in a carrying pen and let a live chicken loose in a bar," he replies with a snort.
"Yeah, okay, that part was particularly stupid," she concedes, and the music suddenly shifts to a slow ballad. "Okay, we're definitely changing this."
She picks up his phone. "Shit, it's locked again."
He takes a hand off the wheel and holds it out to her. "Here, hand it to me, I'll unlock it."
"Just tell me your passcode," she replies. "I promise I'm not going to steal your phone or anything."
He lets out a short laugh at that. "Yeah, okay, it's not like you can make a run for it with my phone while I'm going seventy down the freeway. It's Lily: 5-4-5-9."
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees her freeze like a deer in headlights, and it's only then that he realises the magnitude of what he just said.
She's his fucking phone password - granted, she has been since uni and he's kept the password for so long because that pattern of screen taps is just automatic at this point, but still.
It's honestly a miracle he doesn't somehow crash the car right then and there.
The silence between them lingers for a few moments longer, the only sound coming from the One Direction song still playing through the speakers.
"Your phone password is… me?"
Much to his surprise, Lily doesn't actually sound entirely repulsed by this revelation; instead, she just sounds genuinely stunned.
"It's nothing," he replies, his words coming out in a rush instead of the cool, casual way he'd hoped they would. And really, if he were panicking slightly less right now, he might've come up with a good cover - some other Lily he knew, or literally anything other than a clear acknowledgement that yes, she is his phone password, but alas.
"No, it's not nothing." She's back to her normal tone again. "And if nothing else, I'd like to at least know why - maybe not necessarily while you're driving, but at the very least, at our next pit stop."
He… yeah, he supposes owes her that much.
But how does he even explain that away without revealing exactly how he's felt about her for all these years? And while they've seemed perfectly friendly for this whole trip - and for a few brief moments, maybe even more than that - he's not sure how confessing that he's basically been in love with her for five years now will affect that comfortable camaraderie of theirs.
"Okay, yeah, that's fair," he concedes, tightening his grip on the wheel and vowing not to look over at her, not to reveal anything just yet.
"We'll stop at the next rest area then?"
"Sounds good," he answers, and an awkward silence settles over them again. Lily obviously doesn't want to type her own name into his phone to unlock it, so the radio continues to play the same slow One Direction love song. And as soon as the chorus starts, he has to fight off the urge to outwardly cringe, because god, what the fuck was he thinking, putting a song that hits quite so close to home on this playlist?
I have loved you since we were eighteen, long before we both thought the same thing...
Luckily (or unluckily, he's not entirely sure which), there's a rest area just a few kilometres away.
It's good that he's saved from spending too much longer stewing in the aftermath of his own stupidity, but not-so-good in the fact that he now has very little time to figure out just how to express all of this.
He's still mentally running through his options - does he tell her the full truth? part of it? a bold-faced lie that he hopes she doesn't call him out on? - when he pulls into a parking space. He takes as long as humanly possible to put the car in park and turn it off, entertaining the vague fantasy that maybe if he stalls just a little bit longer, the perfect way to handle this situation will just pop into his head.
He doesn't get that massive epiphany, but his prolonged silence does result in Lily being the first to speak. "I'm going to tell you something, but in exchange, you have to promise to be totally, one-hundred percent honest with me."
That seems like a massively risky gamble, but James honestly doesn't think it's actually possible to dig himself into a deeper hole than the one he's already dug himself - so what's the harm, really?
And if he thought he even had an inkling of an idea of what she was going to say, he's very swiftly proven wrong. "I've fancied you since our second year at UoE."
She's… "What?"
"Do you remember the night of that pun party we were talking about earlier? When you were dressed up in those reindeer antlers and a bedsheet?"
"Er… yes," he replies slowly, entirely unaware of where this is going.
"That was the night Petunia uninvited me from her wedding, do you remember that?" she adds, and when James looks over at her, she's looking at her hands folded across her lap.
He does remember that, actually, although he'd never thought much of it having any deeper significance until now. He'd found her outside the college bar, sitting on one of the steps and staring numbly at her phone, and he'd just… he'd done what any good friend ought to do.
"You found me outside and just… dropped everything. You left your friends and that girl you'd been flirting with all night and took me to that greasy chippy that we both know you hated and went back to my place with me and watched Heathers with me for maybe the hundredth time and didn't leave until it was almost three a.m. even though you had an early morning football practice because you wanted to be sure I was okay."
She looks up, meeting his eyes. "And it's a little ridiculous that it took Petunia's cruelty to make me realise it, because I mean, that wasn't like the first time I'd realised you were capable of being nice or anything - I'd known that, and I'd known I liked you as a person and thought you were fit and all that, awful first impressions be damned, but something… when you left that night and it hit me that you'd magically replaced all that hurt and betrayal with something better, something just clicked."
He's silent for a few moments, processing everything she's just said. "Why didn't you say anything?"
It's the most hypocritical question in the history of hypocritical questions, given his own silence on his feelings for her, but it comes out of his mouth nonetheless.
"I don't know," she answers, looking away from him again. "I didn't know how you felt about me, and I didn't want to do anything while we were at school that was going to mess up our friend group, and then we'd graduated and I'd never said anything and it felt too little too late at that point."
"You… didn't know how I felt about you?" he asks dumbly. "I spent the first night I met you just constantly hitting on you - I feel like that's pretty damn obvious."
"And you were completely plastered and apologised for it profusely afterwards and avoided the subject any time it came up again - it didn't exactly seem like it was a feeling you maintained while sober."
"Because I felt like a twat!" he defends. "And you'd very clearly shown me you weren't interested, so I wasn't about to keep flirting with you after that. But honestly, I'm not great at being subtle - Sirius, Remus, and Peter were constantly giving me shit for acting like an idiot around you. I'm not sure how you never noticed."
"So this is… oh god, this is why Remus was so keen that I drive up to the wedding with you," she says, sounding like she's suddenly had an epiphany of sorts.
He's entirely thrown off-guard by her once again. "What?"
"I was… god, this is embarrassing to admit out loud, but I was talking to Remus a few weeks ago and I started asking about you... and Remus, er, knows about my feelings and he gave me the idea that maybe I should use their wedding weekend as a chance to catch up with you and… fuck, now that I think about it, he was definitely giving really heavy hints that you fancied me back in uni as well."
"Oh my god," James says, realisation suddenly dawning on him, "that dirty double agent."
"Double agent?"
"As soon as you texted me about driving up together, I panicked and called Remus, and the fucker acted entirely oblivious to the whole thing," he explains, his eureka moment entirely outweighing any potential embarrassment he might've felt about telling her that. "Said you probably just wanted to 'spend some quality time with me' or… oh."
That was definitely meant as a hint.
"So all of this was Remus playing matchmaker," Lily concludes. "Or, not even matchmaker really, just…"
"Apparently he came to the conclusion that putting us in a car together for eight hours would be the only way one of us would finally pluck up the courage to say something," he finishes.
"Although I suppose neither of us actually did that… at least not on purpose."
Now that the initial shock has worn off, it starts to sink in that oh my god, she actually has feelings for him - that she's had them for five whole years now.
She looks at him a bit mischievously, and he realises that they've somehow leaned in towards each other over the course of the conversation. "You still haven't told me why my name is your phone password."
Instead of telling her why, he shows her, because they've got so, so much lost time to make up for. One of his hands comes up to cup her cheek, delicately, as he takes in the feeling of her skin against his hands and commits it to memory, and he closes the remaining gap between the two of them and presses his lips against her own.
It takes them a second to get things right - on Lily's part because it takes her a second to realise what's happening, and on James' part because he can't stop fucking smiling and it's making the kissing part difficult, but once they find their rhythm… holy fuck is it a rhythm.
One of her hands curls around the collar of his T-shirt as she deepens the kiss, and they're at such an awkward angle because they're literally in the driver and passenger seats of a car, but none of that even matters because he's kissing Lily Evans and she's kissing him back and it's quite literally everything he'd ever hoped it would be and more.
Everything he has, everything he's felt for the last six years, he's pouring into this. And maybe he should be nervous about that level of intensity of it, nervous that it's too much for a first kiss after she's only just told him that she likes him too, but he… he's never had much self-control when it comes to her, and this seems to be no exception. He doesn't think he could tone it down even if he wanted to.
One of his hands slides down her side, and she makes a soft little moaning sound into the kiss that practically does him in. When he'd thought to himself that she was going to be the death of him, he hadn't exactly pictured it happening this way, but he's quite okay with it.
Although then again, he'd actually like to do quite a bit more of this before dying, so maybe scratch that. He can't snog the girl of his dreams if he's dead.
Her hand slides from his collar and down his chest, and he's hyper-aware of everywhere her fingers touch, and -
He jumps back immediately, removing his offending elbow from where it had accidentally collided with the car's horn. "Shit!"
Lily laughs, and when James looks at her, she's flushed and her lips are a little swollen, and he did that. "Cars are perhaps not the best place for impromptu snogging sessions," she says, smirking just a little.
"No, not really," he agrees. "Not sure why there are so many songs about it."
"I think those usually involve making use of the backseat instead."
He glances at the backseat of his car, which doesn't actually have all that much stuff in it, but at the same time...
He's pretty sure that, if they keep going, he's not going to want to stop. And while shagging in the back of a car may be another one of those things that people like writing songs about, he'd much rather prefer, say, a hotel bed for that type of thing.
Lily must notice his apprehension, because she laughs again. "I'm not proposing we start snogging in your backseat," she tells him. "We can wait until we get to the hotel."
"How far away is that again?" He knows he asked that question not too long ago, but he's honestly completely forgotten the answer in the time since then.
A lot has happened in that time period, sue him.
"A little under three hours."
A little under three hours. That's practically no time at all. He can do that.
When they finally pull out of the rest area parking lot and get back on the road, James turns the music volume back up again, and it's a rather fitting song for the way Lily's hand is currently reaching over the centre console and resting on his thigh.
Can't keep my hands to myself - I mean I could, but why would I want to?
It turns out that three hours actually feels like an endlessly long amount of time when faced with a newfound impatience to get to one's destination.
They're just as chatty as they were before - the only thing that's changed from the first half of their trip is that there are noticeably fewer weird moments between the two of them… which, in hindsight, all suddenly make a lot of sense now. Well, that, and the way Lily's hands will occasionally reach over and rest on his knee, his shoulder, his bicep, and linger there for just a few moments, like she's trying to confirm that he's still real, like all of this is still real.
He doesn't fully blame her; he still can't really believe it's real either.
But after approximately one hundred and eighty agonising minutes in the car, they pull into the hotel where everyone's rooms for the wedding are booked. His parking job is… definitely not his best work, but he's not spending a single moment more in this car than necessary.
He opens the boot and retrieves his own bag, and just like on the way here, he lets her pick up her duffel bag herself. But as soon as the car's locked, he can't stop himself from sliding his free hand into her own, because he's no longer in the driver's seat of a car anymore and he's finally free to do something with his hands besides hold onto a steering wheel.
"I'm assuming… did you book a hotel room with Pete?" Lily asks him, as they fall into step.
"Nah, I got my own room," he answers. He hadn't had a specific reason not to share a room when he'd made his reservation, but god is he grateful for it now.
"So did I," she replies.
He almost wants to ask her to just stay in his, but he's not sure… maybe it's too soon for that? Or too forward?
So he bites his tongue, content to just run his thumb along the back of her hand as they walk into the hotel lobby and up to the desk.
"Hi, we need to check into our rooms?"
The concierge looks up from her computer at the both of them, almost disinterestedly. "Last name?"
"There's two separate rooms," James clarifies. "One under James Potter, one under Lily Evans."
The woman starts pulling up their room details, and James can't help but look over at Lily while they wait. He's spent three whole hours waiting to kiss her again - which isn't that much time, in the grand scheme of things, but they're making up for five years of lost time - and now they're so close. All he needs is their damn room keys, and he can invite her up to his for a little bit before dinner, and -
"It looks like you two are booked in the same room, actually."
James' head snaps up to look at the concierge again. "I didn't - "
She scrolls a little. "It looks like the change was made by the wedding party who owns the block of room reservations."
The... wedding party? That means -
He and Lily come to the same realisation at the same time. "Remus," they both say aloud, almost in unison.
James whirls around to find both of his best friends, sitting on a couch in the lobby with drinks in hand. How he missed them when they walked in is a mystery, but he supposes he might've been a bit preoccupied with other things.
He blinks at the two of them, trying to form words. "You - you changed my hotel reservation?"
Remus smirks at him. "No, that was all Sirius."
"And technically," Sirius chimes in, "I didn't change your reservation at all. I just cancelled Lily's."
"I - why?"
"Because Remus here had to listen to not one, but both of you go on about each other in the weeks leading up to this weekend, and there was quite enough of you two being mutually pining idiots in university for it to still be continuing to this day," Sirius explains, throwing an arm around his fiancé. "So it felt necessary to take matters into our own hands… although, from the looks of things, you two have managed to sort things out already."
Sirius' eyes drop meaningfully, and James follows his gaze to realise that Lily's hand is still in his.
James opens his mouth to respond, but Lily beats him to the punch. "Finding out a bloke uses your name as his phone password mid-drive tends to do that, yeah. But if you'll excuse us, we've got a shared hotel room to take advantage of, so…"
She flashes the room key at the two of them - James isn't sure when she managed to collect it from the woman at the desk, but she's got it nonetheless - and he feels his heart fill with affection for her all over again.
And he also very, very much wants to follow through on her plan.
"We'll see you tonight," he says hurriedly, and he's quite positive that his friends are going to have a nice laugh at how quickly he drags Lily over to the elevators.
Does he care? Absolutely fucking not.
It's practically a mad dash to their room after that - it seems Lily is just as impatient as he is - and they've only been in the room long enough to set their bags on the floor before Lily has absolutely eliminated even the slightest breath of air between their bodies, rising up on her tiptoes and wrapping her arms around his neck.
"So, what do you say? Worth the drive?" She's got a sly smile on her face, and her green eyes are positively sparkling.
"Without question," he confirms, his hands settling on her hips almost automatically as he drops his head down, resting his forehead against hers.
There's a beat, a breath, and then her lips are on his all over again.
His reaction is instantaneous, one hand tangling in her hair while the other wraps tighter around her waist, and god, it's even better the second time - although that's likely at least in part due to the fact that they're not at some weird angle in James' tiny car this time around.
It's safe to say that absolutely none of this was what he was anticipating when he picked Lily up from her apartment in Camden Town this morning, but he's more than happy with the results.
One short little road trip, that's all it was, and it got him this.
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folklore-musings · 7 years
When The Curtain Falls (part 3)
Summary: AU. Jughead wins a scholarship to one of the most prestigious arts schools in the country. His dream is to be an award winning director, but to get there he must first try his hand at acting. He wins the lead role in the senior showcase alongside Betty Cooper, daughter of the infamous actress Alice Cooper. Will Betty and Jughead crumble under the pressure, or defeat the odds set against them? Slow Burn. It’s Riverdale meets La La Land meets Step Up
Read here on AO3
Read on Tumblr: Prologue  /  Part 1  /  Part 2
A/N: This chapter delves a bit into Betty’s challenging past and it kind of freaks Jughead out. As always I hope you like it and thank you sooo much for reading :)
B. C.
Betty sits across from Veronica, watching as she twirls her dark locks around her hair, lost in thought. They’re the only two left and Betty’s just about to leave when Veronica speaks, catching her off guard.
“So why’d you ask Jughead to rehearse with you?” Veronica questions.
Betty grabs a lonely piece of licorice and bites into the chewy candy, buying herself some time before she answers. “I don’t really know honestly. This performance is my one way ticket to Broadway come May. If I mess this up, I’ll have nothing to live for.” She takes another bite and chews slowly, gathering her thoughts. “But you heard the way Jughead spoke about his family. He’s a scholarship student. This is the chance of a lifetime for him, and I just want to have a chance. It doesn’t seem like he’s been given many, you know what I mean?”
Veronica nods slowly. “So that’s it then? You feel sorry for him?”
“I guess so.”
Betty fidgets in her seat. She doesn’t like the way Veronica’s looking at her, like she’s trying to read the inner workings of her mind. She looks at the clock above the TV and stifles a fake yawn. “I told Jughead to meet me at 7; I better get going V. Thanks for the movie.”
She stands up to leave and heads towards the door. Reaching down she grabs her bag and drapes it over her shoulder. She grasps the door handle, ready to leave when Veronica stops her.
“Is everything OK Betty?” Veronica asks before she can bolt. “You’re not still-“
“No. I’m not.” Betty hugs her bag a little closer to her body at the insinuation, attempting to hide the lie in her voice. “I’m OK Veronica. I promise.”
Veronica watches her with a concerned look as Betty makes to leave. With a wave of her hand Betty takes her exit, letting her body slump against Veronica’s door for a moment before heading down the hall towards her own room.
When she walks inside there’s no one there. Figures. Polly was probably off with her boyfriend, spending the night at Jason’s dorm up at Columbia. Betty turned on the lights and went to sit at her vanity, noticing the note taped to the mirror.
At J’s for the weekend. Don’t miss me too much. Take care of yourself.
Betty grits her teeth. Why is it that her sister and Veronica seem to think she has no self-control? Betty didn’t have a problem and what she did with herself and her body was none of their goddamn business. She wasn’t the same girl she was last year. The binge drinking, the blackouts; those were a thing of the past. She’d found a new escape, one that made her skin come alive in the most liberating of ways. It was her little secret and she’d be damned if anyone was going to take that away from her.
  J. J.
While Jughead waits for Betty in the lobby that morning, he wastes some time ordering a regular black coffee to help him make it through the day. He usually relies on the weekends for the sleep he lacks throughout the week. Not that he would've gotten sleep anyway. He was up half the night wasting sighs, nerves alight and full of anxious energy.  He was finally going to spend some alone time with Betty. He was excited to get to know to her; to learn about her interests, besides for the obvious singing, acting and the fact that she was a musical fanatic. He wants to know what makes her tick. What's her favorite color, what's her least favorite food, what's her biggest fear and number one on her bucket list? Right now Betty is a blank canvas and all Jughead wants is to paint her story in vivid hues of color.
When she greets him her smile is wide and inviting. “You made it!” She announces her arrival and orders herself an iced coffee that Jughead wouldn’t be able to repeat even if she tried.
“You said 7 a.m. right?” He makes a point of checking the time on his phone. “It’s half past, Betty.”
An inkling of a frown shadows her lips but only for a fraction of a second. He almost wonders if it was a trick of the light or his imagination, but he doesn’t bother to dwell on it. “I’m sorry Jughead.” Betty pays for her drink and they make their way to the North Building.
“It’s not a big deal.” Jughead tells her, tossing his empty coffee in a garbage can as they pass it on the sidewalk. The campus is silent and eerily inviting. It feels as if he and Betty are the only two in the world, in spite of the cars honking in the city surrounding them. “I needed to fuel up anyway. I’m not awake unless I get my usual 32 ounces of magic in my system.”
Betty giggles and takes a sip of whatever she’s drinking. “Coffee is magic,” she lets the words linger on her tongue before continuing. “I like that. Gives it an ethereal sort of meaning, huh?”
“In my opinion, yeah.” Jughead runs an anxious hand through his hair, remembering he left his beanie back on his bed at home. Betty watches the habitual movement and notices what’s missing. They push their way through the double doors of the building before she has a chance to say anything.
“No beanie today? I was beginning to think you never took it off.”
“Never wouldn’t exactly be the word I would use.” Jughead smirks and follows her up the stairs to the second story, leading him to a door down the hall on the right. “I’ve got that. Ladies first.” He pulls the door open and lets Betty walk in ahead of him.
“Thank you.” She tells him behind her back. “So you’re telling me you don’t actually shower with it on or wear it to sleep? Damn looks like I owe Veronica lunch all week.” Betty drops her bag down near the stereo system and plugs her phone in, music suddenly filling the empty room surrounding them.
“You guys bet over how often I wear an old, broken in hat?” He places his bag down beside hers and changes into the shoes Kevin gave him. They were definitely going to take some getting used to.
“Yes we did. Although I think it was more of a joke than anything. Not that you or your hat is a joke or funny in any way. Just different.” Just different. Jughead’s not surprised. There wasn’t an ounce of normal in his entire body.
Jughead looks up from his feet and struggles to secure his breathing at the sight before him. Betty has her body stretched to the side over the barre, with her right foot pointing straight up to the ceiling. He watches her in awe. Her usual ponytail is swapped for a messy blob of a bun at the top of her head. She is flawlessly flawless and Jughead wonders how she’s capable of bending her body in such a way that arouses him and mystifies him all at the same time.
“You need to stretch Jug.”
He nods and clears his throat. “Right, of course. Stretching.” He straightens his legs and bends forward, the tips of his fingers barely making it past his shins. “You know this looks a lot easier than it is.”
Betty brings her foot back to the ground and waltzes over to him. “Here, just try and follow my movements, OK?” He nods, telling himself he’d follow Betty to the edge of the universe and back. All she had to do was say when and he’d be there.
They go through the motions and Jughead realizes stretching in itself is a workout. “Is this what yoga feels like?” He asks after spending ten minutes ‘loosening up his limbs’.
Betty skips over to her bag and pulls a water bottle from the side pocket. “No, it’s worse.” Jughead wonders just how worse it could be, but before he has the chance to ask Betty is clapping her hands together. “Alright, time to get serious. Do you understand just what exactly is riding on this audition of ours?”
Jughead shakes his head. “Enlighten me.”
“The senior show is everything, for those of us that have dreams of acting, producing or directing.” Betty says, nudging his shoulder playfully. “It’s like that poem by Robert Frost about the two roads diverged. You either end the year with a bang and find yourself a manager or get scouted by Broadway, or you’re left to go to school or become a waitress at some dingy diner hoping for the day when your big break will happen.” She takes a breath to gather her thoughts. “I want that stardom, that instant gratification of knowing I am talented enough to catch the attention of an acting manager right out of high school. People think that just because my mom is Alice Cooper I have my whole future mapped out, but that’s not the case. I don’t want to be noticed because I’m her daughter, I want to be noticed because I have what they’re looking for, that ‘wow factor’ as some would call it. When my mom studied here, Broadway snatched her up right after graduation. And I want that. I need that.”
Jughead adores the way she speaks about her future. The passion is evident in Betty’s eyes, so strong and fervent that it’s almost tangible. But behind that passion he can sense the fear. The fear of not being good enough, something he’s struggled with for most of his life. He understands her need for acceptance and success and suddenly his stomach is full with the weight of a thousand bricks as he realizes just how important this audition is to her.
He doesn’t want to chance messing it all up, not for Betty and not for himself either. Jughead steps away from her and walks over to his bag, removing the dance shoes from his feet as he goes.
“I’m sorry Betty but I can’t audition with you.” The words fall from his lips like lead, heavy and unwanted. Betty tries to stop him from leaving but he shakes his head. “I would never forgive myself if I was the reason you didn’t get the part of Mia.”
He slips back into his converse and throws his bag over his shoulder, heading for the door. “I’ll see you in class on Monday.” He says refusing to look back.
  Jughead knocks on Veronica’s door, hoping she’s home and awake. “Who is it?” She calls through the door.
“It’s me, Jughead.” He states, listening as the lock unclicks and Veronica opens the door to greet him. She’s wearing some sort mask on her face and a white, fuzzy bathrobe around her waist. She looks as if she’s wrapped up in her own cumulus cloud. “Sorry to bother you like this. If you’re busy I can always come back later.”
Veronica shakes her head and pulls him inside, closing the door softly behind him. “Why aren’t you rehearsing with Betty?” she asks, grabbing a bowl of grapes from the counter in the kitchen and offering him some. He grabs a handful and pops a few back in his mouth.
“Creative differences.” Jughead says between bites. “I was just wondering if I could borrow that movie. So I can watch it and learn the steps for my audition?”
Veronica gives him a look that implies Jughead isn’t telling her everything about that morning. “Sure.” She responds and pops a grape in her mouth, letting it roll around on her tongue. “I know all the moves by heart anyway.”
She scurries over to the DVD player and ejects the disc, placing it back in the box. “Thanks Ron. That’ll work on a laptop right?” Jughead asks, remembering that unlike her he doesn’t have a TV in his dorm room. The scholarship didn’t exactly provide him with any extra cash to spice the place up. Just enough for food really, and he didn’t want to waste part of his savings on something he didn’t necessarily need.
“Of course. This isn’t the stone age Jug.” She tucks the movie under her arm and walks back over to Jughead as he waits patiently in the kitchen, helping himself to more grapes. “Before I hand this over, what really happened this morning? If you don’t tell me, Betty will.”
Jughead groans and falls into the stool at the counter. If Veronica wasn’t going to let him leave with the movie without talking, he may as well get comfortable.
“It was going really well actually. Up until the point she explained why this audition and this performance are so important to her. And I panicked. I can’t be the reason she doesn’t get this part. It means so fucking much to her, and I wouldn’t be able to live with that regret, knowing I lost Betty her future; even if it is just some high school theater production. To Betty it’s the performance of a life time.”
Veronica slides onto the stool beside him and tugs her cloud of a robe tighter around her body. “So you’re trying to protect her by distancing yourself from her?”
“That’s the plan.”
“God, I better go check on her.” Veronica stands up from the stool and runs past the living room into what Jughead can only assume is her bedroom. He follows her but stops just outside the door.
“Why do you have to go check on her? It’s not like I hurt her feelings or anything. Now she can focus solely on perfecting her audition on Tuesday. If anything I did her a favor.” Jughead slumps against the wall beside the door and plays with a button on his jean jacket. He didn’t understand why Veronica was making such a big deal out of nothing.
“You don’t know her, Jughead. Betty has issues. Like some seriously deep mental issues. She has a history of battling with depression and when this may seem like nothing to you, it’s something to her. She’d never admit it to you, but I know Betty. She goes out of her way to do nice things for others and that’s what today was.” Veronica opens the door and pokes out her head. “She felt sorry for you. Everything you said last night hit a nerve inside her.”
Jughead stands up a little straighter and is just about to speak when Veronica shuts the door on him once more. “I don’t need anyone to pity me.” He yells through the door. He runs an aggravated hand through his hair and tugs aggressively on the loose ends.
“It’s not only that she pities you.” Veronica walks out again dressed in a pair of shorts and a laid back T shirt, the gunk from her face long gone. “You mentioned your father is an alcoholic?” Jughead nods, not following where she’s trying to go with this. “Well Betty had a serious drinking problem up until this year. She spent half the year last year on binges. She’d walk into class hungover, she’d sneak into clubs on the weekends and drink herself into a stupor, blacking out and waking up the next morning without any memories of the night before. Betty almost died last year because the drinking had gotten so out of hand. I’m pretty sure the only reason she stayed locked up in the Hamptons all summer is because she was forced into some nanny reinforced rehab.”
Jughead’s stomach clenches in an uncomfortable way. Not Betty. She was too sweet, too innocent, and too pure of heart. But like Veronica had said, he didn’t know Betty. He only knew the girl he’d created in his manuscripts; the girl with the golden hair, mysterious smile, and captivatingly green eyes.
He lifts a hand to his face and rubs his eyes. He’s suddenly exhausted in a way he hasn’t been in months, both mentally and emotionally. “Is she better now?” Jughead asks after a long, drawn out silence.
“I don’t know. I asked her about it yesterday and she said she’s doing OK, but something seems a bit off about her. I think she’s keeping something from me.”
Jughead still feels a little nauseous but increasingly tired. “Well, let me know if you find anything out when you go check on her. Can I have that movie now? I need to go.”
Veronica hands over the movie and Jughead makes his exit, trying to wrap his hand around the conversation he just shared with her. Either he was terrible at reading people, or Betty was good at hiding her demons. He hoped it wasn’t the latter, because who knew what she was capable of hiding from them.
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thelondonfilmschool · 7 years
What I wish I'd Known
By Sophie McVeigh
Samuel Johnson may have been right when he said that 'when a man is tired of London, he is tired of life', but that doesn't mean it's without its challenges, and when you move to a big, bustling capital city, it's easy to feel like everybody knows exactly what they're doing except you. With this in mind, we spoke to students past and present to find out what pearls of wisdom they could pass on – about London, about the UK and the London Film School (LFS) itself – to help make the transition that little bit easier.
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Head Space
Not everybody finds it easy to work at home, what with the fridge always there to distract you and those cupboards that suddenly need reorganising. Thankfully there are some great spots not too far from school where you can get your homework head on. All of London’s public libraries are free to join and have free WIFI - Charing Cross, Westminster and Holborn are the nearest to school, while the British Library near St Pancras is a great place to feel inspired. A short and Instagram-friendly walk across the river will take you to the BFI library, which is not only peaceful and free to use, but also crammed with so many books on film that the Work and Research Journal will practically write itself.
(Jonathan O’Donnell)
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Photo Credit: Working on the WRJ at the BFI Library, Christina Morelli
Speaking of the Work and Research Journal...
We're at film school, so it's tempting to want to focus ALL our time on our films, but they're not kidding when they tell you not to leave the journal the last minute. Make notes as you go along and your life will be a whole lot easier when it comes to the deadline. Personally, whenever something came up in class that I thought I could use, I wrote a massive WRJ!!! next to it so it was easier to find later in my notes. People get frustrated with the journal when they leave it until the Thursday before it's due, but if you use it as a space for reflection on what you've learnt it can end up being pretty … enjoyable? OK, I won't say enjoyable. Useful though. It's definitely useful.
(Ulla Prida)
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Photo Credit: Choose a quiet time for those free BFI tickets, Jackie Mahoney
Free Films!
Also while you’re at the BFI, don’t forget to take advantage of the free cinema access for LFS students. You’ll need your LFS badge, and to get there a good half an hour early to secure seats, but as long as the showing isn’t sold out they’ll be happy to let you in. Hang around at non-peak times and you’re sure to bag a seat. Horror fans, don’t miss the current Stephen King season to celebrate the author’s 70th birthday.
Cheap films!
If that's still not enough silver screen for you, Odeon does a £17.99 per month ‘Limitless’ cinema pass (£19.99 if you include central London), which, if you went everyday, would work out as 58p per film - for trivia fans, that's the equivalent of going to the cinema in 1975. Speaking of bargains, for the annual membership of £7.50, the Prince Charles Cinema just off Leicester Square does weekly £1 members screenings, randomly chosen from a program which includes anything from the latest releases to classic musicals.
(Xiao Tang)
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Photo Credit: Don’t forget to make the most of those student discounts, Ulla Prida
Cheap everything!
The National Union of Students (NUS) extra card will get you discounts on everything from pizza to Apple products, and even your supermarket bill. The Unidays app does a similar thing without the £12 annual fee, while the Student Oyster card gets you a third off London transport. Since London has one of the most expensive underground networks in the world, you might want to think about this. If you’re planning on travelling much outside of London, the Young Person’s Railcard also gets you a third off tickets. And don’t miss Amazon Prime’s 6 months free for students.
Money in the bank
Now that you've made all those savings you're going to need somewhere to keep them. It can take a while to get an appointment to set up a bank account, so you should start trying as early as possible - the further out from zone one (Central London) you go, the quicker it is. You'll need to take a letter confirming your enrolment at the school, signed by LFS. The vast majority of UK banks don't charge you to hold an account and actually give you stuff to attract your custom, so it's worth shopping around for the best deal. The major ones like Barclays, Lloyds, Santander and HSBC are currently offering incentives such as free NUS cards, Young Person's Railcards (see above) and Amazon gift vouchers, as well as the standard interest-free overdraft. Be careful with these though and read the small print – most are only free while you're studying, and you'll be charged interest if you're still in it when you graduate.
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Photo Credit: Hidden squares for a picnic near LFS, Jackie Mahoney
Your health is your wealth
In order to get registered with your local GP ('general practitioner', or family doctor), you will need a piece of mail to prove where you live (since GPs serve their local area). Your first official appointment with the GP is then only to fill out the registration info, so if you actually need to start seeing a doctor sooner rather than later, try to make your first TWO appointments at the same time. There are urgent care centres around London where you can go without an appointment if you are having an immediate issue and can't wait for your doctor's appointment, and they do take your NHS insurance but you will need to have your NHS number. If you don't have it, your GP's office can provide it to you at the front desk. In the UK, healthcare is free at the point of delivery, and although we pay £8 per prescription, students can avoid this charge by filling out an HC2 certificate – see below for more information.
(Thanks to Braden LuBell for these words to the wise)
All work and no play ...
OK, so now you've got your money and your health covered, it's time to enjoy yourself. Time flies at graduate school and the best way to make the most of it is to throw yourself into whatever opportunities come your way. Whether it's the photography society, script clinic, the running club or volunteering for the SU, taking a break from your work while also widening your social circle is the best way to find people who share your passions that you want to work with. Talk to Emily Marquet, the Student Union's Community Liaison, or if something doesn't exist, start it yourself. Cheese appreciation society, anyone?
(Christina Morelli, joiner-inner extraordinaire)
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Photo Credit: Barbecue in Lincoln’s Inn Fields, Jackie Mahoney
And on the subject of food ...
The canteen is a great place to socialise, but sometimes after a morning in Cinema A you want to take those sandwiches outside for a bit of fresh air, Vitamin D and some down time. Of course, in Covent Garden you’ll find an abundance of café terraces, but they’re not always designed for the student budget. Thankfully, within 5 minutes of the school there are some beautiful courtyards to picnic in - some well-known (Neal’s Yard, St Martin’s Courtyard) and some more hidden - Ch.Ramphal Sangwan Park and The Phoenix Garden are two of my favourites. If you feel like stretching your legs even more, a ten-minute walk will take you to Lincoln’s Inn Fields, an unexpectedly lovely park right in the heart of the city, where they even let you barbecue if the mood takes you.
Language barriers
Don't feel bad if, when you arrive at the school, it feels like your English isn't quite as good as everyone else's. This is an international school and we're here to share our influences and inspiration, not our mastering of the present perfect. If you need help, ask, and if you find it difficult at first just trust that after a couple of terms of intense classes, film watching, discussion, socialising and set life you're going to be chattering away like John Oliver.
(Andrea Garcia)
You can stand under my ...
Umbrella. The most important piece of advice I can give you. Carry an umbrella at all times. You might be lucky enough to come from a country where the weather in the morning gives you some indication of what it will be for the rest of the day, or even the next half an hour, but London likes to keep you guessing.
(Sophie McVeigh, who needs to learn to follow her own advice)
What about you? What are your tips for getting the most out of life in London? Share below anything you think new (or current) students would find useful/life-saving.
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12 Things You Can Start Doing Today to Pay Off Your Debt
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Today, I wake up a debt free man. What an amazing feeling to not owe anyone anything.
In the past 24 months, I have had my financials on lock down. In that timeframe I have paid off $59,995 worth of school loans.
I am certainly very proud of this accomplishment, but the point of writing this article is not to brag. I wrote it with the recent college grad in mind. I too was in your position not too long ago, and I hope this article gives other young adults the confidence and the blueprint to pay off their school loans sooner then they imagined. I also hope my younger brothers will read this so they too can be relieved from debt after college.
Student loan debt is a very real thing for both parents and their new graduates.
The average student in 2011 was $26,600 in loan debt upon receiving their diploma, up from $25,250 from the previous year.
** 2018’s number are in = $37,172
Let me preface this article by saying that I couldn’t have done what I did without a little bit of luck, support from my family, and a very understanding girl friend. I thankfully did not have any health issues, car troubles, or any serious set backs in the past two years. Knock on wood. My cell phone plan and health insurance were covered by my father, and my car was given to me as a graduation gift.
That being said, I do not make $100,000 a year, either. I make just a bit more then the Massachusetts average income of $33,000. I work hard for my money, and I live simply. The numbers I’ve used in this article are my own, and they are real. I almost didn’t publish this article because talking about what one makes can be a very personal thing and rub others the wrong way, but in order to understand how I set my goals and where I am coming from, I think the numbers are necessary.
Below are the rules I lived by to save what I did in such a short time making less then $50,000 a year.
1. Work Hard
I don’t care how many times you’ve heard it: “there’s no substitute for hard work”. In the personal training business, you get paid by how many sessions you do. If you want more money, do more sessions. When I started at MBSC, I would train anyone, anytime, anywhere. I took every client I could. If the trash can needed to be coached, I would have coached it. Soon my schedule was full, and it had me up every morning for my first client at 5 am and I’d get home most nights around 8 pm.
Want to be successful? Put in the hours, work six days a week, study your craft in your spare time, and wake up before everyone else you know. The four hour work week is bogus. I don’t know one successful person, who’s made a lot of money, that started out by only working four hours a week.
2. Save up for your first payment.
After you graduate, there is usually a six month grace period before you have to make your first payment. In this six months time frame, I saved up as much as possible. Working two jobs, six days a week, I was able to put down $11,000 on my first payment.
3. Keep track of everything.
Every week I log what I’ve made and what I’ve spent. I use Quicken because I am familiar with it, but the software doesn’t matter; the fact that you’re keeping track of your spending does. I can go back 2 years and tell you exactly where and what my money went too. For example, from Jan 1st 2011 to Dec 31th 2011 of last year:
1,262.65 IN GAS
4. Read a finance book.
To be honest, when I graduated from college, I had no idea what insurance I needed, what an IRA was, or how interest rates worked. Sad I know, but our current educational system doesn’t set our youth up very well for the real world and finances. I was never once schooled on any of this stuff.
It doesn’t matter what book, just read one on personal finance. I read “Get a Financial Life: Personal Finance In Your Twenties and Thirties” and “Personal Finance in Your 20s For Dummies”. I highly recommend both.
5. Ask yourself do I really need this?
Every time I buy something, I stop and ask myself: “Do I really need this?” Most of the time, the answer is “No”, and I simply just put it back. No second thoughts. I bet if you were to just stop and think for 30 seconds, you’d put back 50% of the things you would normally buy.
Americans, especially my own generation, have a terrible habit of “spend money that we do not have, on things we do not need, to impress people who do not care”. Expensive clothes, shoes, computers, phones, data plans, and gifts. Luxury cars, vacations, dinners, & homes. Alcohol, cigarettes, Starbucks, & lottery tickets. I watch tons of my peers spending money on these things, which all add up to bite you in the end.
Don’t be that guy or girl. These things won’t get us to our end goal. This is where logging everything that you buy paints you a very real picture of what you spend your money on and what you can eliminate so that you can direct more to your loans.
6. Buy a used car and pay for it in full.
Cars can be one of your biggest expenses. If you buy a big fancy car, you are going to be stuck with a big fancy bill, along with big fancy insurance rates. My advice? Get a reliable car that can get you from A to B for under $5,000, and pay for it in full. No monthly bills, and lower insurance costs. My 2002 Saturn, dubbed the “Silver Bullet”, was $4,000 paid in full. 82,000 miles, a radio, tires, and seatbelts.
7. Live as close as you can to work & find other people to live with.
Doing this keeps your expenses much lower then if you were to live alone or had a long commute.
1. Rent, utilities, cable and Internet, gas, and car maintenance are now all manageable.
2. You will never be scrambling for money if you find the right place to live and people to live with. Look around. Don’t settle on the first thing you see. Craigslist is the best I’ve found for finding cheap housing and other college age kids looking for roommates.
I lived with five people 15 minutes away from work my first two years out of college. We paid $475 a month each for rent near Boston by doing this, and I filled up on a tank of gas only twice a month. If you have the option, not everyone does, live with others and live close to work. I can’t imagine what my living expenses would have been if I hadn’t done this.
8. Pay your bills on time and in full, don’t spend more then you have.
In our age of credit cards and our “I’ll deal with it later” attitudes, this one has to make the list. It sounds so simple, but how many people actually do it? Each month, I know I must have enough money to do five things: pay rent, fill my stomach, drive my car, pay my credit card, and make my minimum loan payment. I will never spend more then what I have in my account. Surprisingly, this is not very common. Most people rack up their monthly purchases on their credit card knowing they can’t pay it off and are then forced to eat the interest charges. If I don’t have the money already in my bank account for whatever I plan on buying, I won’t buy it. Plain and simple.
9. Put your tax returns right to loans.
I took both my 2010 and 2011 tax returns and put them right towards loans. Tax return day is not a good reason to go out too the bar that night to celebrate or too hop in your car and go to Nordstrom’s. Take your tax returns and either save them or put them towards paying off your debt.
10. You can never overspend on health and education.
You are nothing without your health. You only get one body. Wholesome foods, health care, and exercise will pay for themselves in the long run.
And there is no such thing as being overeducated. Books, seminars, classes, back to school…. “An investment in knowledge pays the best interest” — Ben Franklin
11. Vacations & Regeneration.
I said to save your money, but I didn’t say too stop living your life! I try to get away from the grind at least once a month. To save, use Groupons, sleep on friend’s couches, buy people “experience” gifts instead of stuff they’ll just throw on a shelf in the basement, or travel with a group. I took a trip to Costa Rica and I kept the costs low by going with five friends and staying in a Villa. It was one of the best weeks of my life, and in total it cost me a little less then a $1,000. I did a few different weekends in Maine and New Hampshire staying with friends, and one weekend I used a Groupon to stay at a B&B in Newport. I bought multiple people concert tickets & comedy shows as Christmas presents and went with them.
To work optimally over time, you need intermittent stretches of down time to rest the body and the brain. These are just a few of the ways I’ve recharged my batteries without breaking the bank.
12. Crunch the numbers & make goals from them.
The best approach to take is to work backwards using simple math.
I knew my goal was to pay off my loans in two years. That means if my loans are $60,000 — $11,000 (1stloan payment)= $49,000/ 24 months= $2,040 a month. Then I knew my rent & utilities were about $550 a month, food was $300, gas and auto was $200, and personal expenses were $400 = $1450.
$2,040 + $1450 = means I’d need to make $3,490 a month after taxes. That’s $872.50 a week, and $124.64 per day. From that, I then knew exactly how many personal training sessions I’d have to do every week and how many hours I’d have to work to make my monthly payments.
Set a goal & work backwards.
13. Don’t waste your money going out to eat.
Cook dinner at home and bring your lunch to work. You can make almost any meal you get at a restaurant for a quarter of the price at home, without the gratuity! Grabbing lunch somewhere every day, or going out to dinner a few nights a week gets real expensive, real quick. I may go out to dinner once or twice per month, and that’s stretching it. But when I do, you better believe I enjoy it!
14. Small Ideas Pay Big Dividends.
Use grocery bags as trash bags; draw your own birthday cards; wrap presents with newspaper; drink tap water; cut your own hair (I have since sophomore year of high school); make your own coffee; buy all your books used on half.com (the words didn’t change right? who cares if its used); get rid of cable and get a Netfilx account (do you really need all those channels?). Small ideas like these save you pennies that add up over time.
In the end, saving money is really about discipline and setting boundaries for yourself. I hope this article stimulates some of you to pick up a book and start recording your expenses putting yourself on the road too paying off your debts.
24 Months of Student Loans…. $59,995
Savings Account Balance… $153.76
Being Debt Free…. PRICELESS.
0 notes
zandramanton58-blog · 7 years
Seven Taboos About celebration You Need to Never ever Share On Twitter.
Is event Still Appropriate?
Che bello questo tuo post che mi ha riportato indietro di tanti, tanti anni, quando andavo a dormire dalla mia amica del cuore. Black accents truly are a bold and sexy event or club look that will stick out. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) repetitively went down the f-bomb during a speech in New York City on Friday. Seen extra as a fun night of enjoyment by many families, it is a terrific area to go to sample several of the finest Spanish cuisine as well as wine, watch a stunning program, and after that continue the celebration after the processions have ended. You don't really obtain a sense of the local area because the school is so large it actually dominates the city of Ann Arbor. Nonetheless, when you add Bonus Personalities you could accommodate an event of as much as 200. One choice for those seeking to minimize their expenses is to travel withandnbsp; share bus services go to all the primary airports in London and tickets cost simply a few pounds each means. Your house, recreation center, park, club home, or bowling alley make great options for your college graduation event. Cake Stands and also Cupcake Pyramids can all be co-ordinated with the remainder of the table for both the formal and also the informal party. A well made Celebration is always a show stopper and also much valued by the visitor of honour specifically if it's a surprise occasion and the host has personalise it with images from the past - these are terrific for birthday celebrations, wedding anniversaries, retirements and so on For most people, the decorations and also party products chosen for this celebration needs to support the party motif. . Make your strategy and locate a great Event Supplies Shop who will take some time to aid and also recommend you. A three-month-old lady was wounded by shattered glass and also several individuals were dealt with for shock Tuesday morning when a graduate rocket struck the city of Gedera. Given that some yard products can be acquired with the acre as well as a couple of by a a great deal of square feet, it's a sensible suggestion to recognize how you can convert the quantity of square feet into acres. Golden is a big hit, both the books as well as the motion pictures, as well as this is an excellent event suggestion, especially if you are holding a party for a teenager. If, on the other hand, the young guest of honor is rather a girl who prefers the Disney Princesses, after that the host will wish to present as lots of princess party supplies delivered; mouse click the next web site, supplies to the mix as feasible. A day or more before the day of the celebration revisit the list of roaring 20s celebration materials needed for the party.
Top Ten Trends In event To Enjoy.
Whatever phrasing you select, you make certain to produce a terrific birthday celebration invitation to send out to all your celebration visitors. You might consider taking the bachelor event to Las Vegas if you live in a tiny town that doesn't have an ample nightlife. One of my favored tasks to do in Iowa City is participating in showing off occasions to cheer on my fellow Hawkeyes! Candle light party supports are a sophisticated remove for your visitors as lots of people love to possess something that looks fantastic as well as scents good. The essential thing to to have an advertising and marketing plan and to get it going well before your celebration. And also lastly, sports (especially football) are a substantial part of Ole Miss, and every autumn weekend in the Grove is a large party to show our love for our Rebs! Event ... Gail Leino provides fun ideas for style and also entertaining, games, activities and also events. It will certainly not just give a refreshing effect however additionally will certainly set the mood for the event. Have 2 teams at the celebration - team vampire and group werewolf, to make everything much more enjoyable. Most of bride-to-bes complain of having the bachelorette party in the style most preferred by their bridesmaids, yet not them. Songs can establish the spirit of the celebration high or it could make the event a monotonous dull. Accumulate various other uncommon and scientific research themed items (bugs, chicken bones, etc.) to place in containers for samplings or various other laboratory products. These tasks and also games together with party materials and also decorations will all include in the Under the Sea party party games that are found online can additionally be printed ahead of time as well as utilized in a range of ways for the event. . Remaining organized, focused as well as on task will certainly assist relieve anxiety as well as stress that can be associated with having an event. You ought to currently have your invites around, so now it's time for the event supplies. I likewise want to recommend to give the children glow at night pendants when they go into the celebration.
Is celebration Any Good? Ten Ways You Can Be Specific.
This time around around you could consider other celebration ideas that need to be thought about like the style of the party, the food, the place, as well as the number of visitors. You will certainly have far more fun at your own party if you release the idea that whatever needs to be ideal.
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