#out of 15 submissions I got 4 full requests one of which was a close call
casual-eumetazoa · 2 years
So I found five more small publishers that have their submissions open and fit my criteria and, ugh, do I really want to query again? Like, do I want to put myself through that one more time, even with a small batch??
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handers-time · 3 years
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Welcome to the 2021 Handers gift exchange sign-ups! The sign-up form is now active and waiting for you to sign up. As a reminder, this exchange is open to all forms of creative output - art, fanmixes, fic and edits are all equally welcome. If you have any questions that aren’t covered in the FAQ below please do feel free to get in touch - I’m always happy to help!
Sign-ups are open until end of day Friday 14th May 2021 at midnight PDT (3am Saturday EST, 8am Saturday UK, 6pm Saturday Sydney).
Check-ins will be held on the 28th May and all gifts should be complete and posted by Friday 18h June.
FAQ under readmore:
Q. When will assignments go out, and when is my gift due?
A. Assignments will be sent out over the weekend after sign-ups close (15th/16th May). You’ll be required to complete and share your gift prior to the Friday 18th June.
Q. Will there be check-ins?
A. Yes. I’ll be checking in with all participants halfway through the exchange - so on or around the 28th of May. If you are struggling to complete a gift or haven’t started by then I would strong encourage you to flag this to me so that we can arrange a pinch-hitter if necessary. I understand that life happens, so I won’t hold it against you if you need to drop out - I just want to be sure that your recipient still gets a gift!
Q. How do I share my gift?
A. All gifts should be posted on AO3 and on tumblr. If you do not have an AO3 account please contact me and we will handle matters from there. Gifts should be posted to the 2021 Handers Gift Exchange collection on AO3 (available here). Your recipient should be clearly tagged. Tumblr posts should tag in the handers-time blog so that I can find it to reblog it.
Q. How big should my gift be?
A. This is a difficult one to quantify, but for fic I have set a minimum word count of 1,000 words. This represents approximately 1-2 hours of work for an average person and artists and editors should therefore loosely consider this a benchmark.
Extra gifts - written as optional add-ons after you’ve completed your main gift - can be much smaller with a minimum word count of 250 words. There is no maximum word count for main gifts or for extra gifts so if you’ve got the War & Peace of Hawke/Anders in you bursting to be let loose then go for it - we’ll all be excited to see it!
Q. Is this an anonymous gift exchange?
A. No. You can post to the collection whenever you feel like it and on tumblr too. Just please don’t tell your giftee that you have them until after you’ve posted your gift!
Q. Are there any rules about commenting?
A. Yes. You must comment on any gift written for you. For a full gift, this should be a comment of at least 3 lines in length.
Q. I don’t want to sign up to the exchange but I’d like to produce extra gifts. What do I do?
Lovely to have you! Sign up as normal using the form above, but in the requests box just put ‘N/A - I’m here for the extra gifts’. I’ll send you the complete spreadsheet of requests when it’s ready and you can pick and choose which extra gifts to write at your leisure.
Q. I have another question.
A. Please send an ask to the handers-time mod and I’ll be happy to help.
So, to recap:
May 10-14: Sign-ups are available here. May 15-16: Match-making; assignments will be circulated. May 17: Collection will open for submissions. May 28: Check-ins, pinch-hitters called up if necessary June 18th: Final deadline for submissions!
1. Minimum word count for full gift must be 1,000+ words. There is no maximum word count. This represents at least 1-2 solid hours of work for an artist or an editor. 2. You must leave a comment on any gift written for you of at least three lines. 3. Pay attention to your giftee's Do Not Wants, if supplied! 4. Flag early if you need to drop out so a pinch-hitter can be arranged. 5. Do not let your giftee know that you have them until you post your gift! 6. Any questions, let the handers-time moderator know!
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memrie · 4 years
Providential Experiences Before Med School Start
By February of this year, I have already completed the requirements that a graduating undergraduate student must submit to AUP-COM. But honestly, I was very hesitant, and I did not passed it right away. My mind was full of doubts considering the economic status of my family and the challenges to go through medical school, especially AUP. There were times that I was thinking of going to a state university or not to go to medical school, and go find a permanent job instead. It had been months actually that those thoughts kept on bothering me. In other words, I was like a lost boat without clear direction and was tossed to and fro by the wind. 
This wavering thoughts was challenged the more when the global pandemic, covid-19, arrived and caused lock down all over the country. Instead of becoming decided to just set aside the thought of going to medical school, I was more bothered of not going to med school. The more I stayed on the undecided ground, the more I felt and experienced that I was being drawn farther and farther from Jesus. 
And so, I prayed. I beg the Lord in tears to guide me and teach me in the way I should go. Well, from the very start it was already clear to me where does He wants me to go. It is just that my faith does not suffice the hugeness of the challenge and the needs for med school. Therefore, upon weighing cons and fros of going to med school and not going to med school, I decided to go. The weightiest reason of continuing to med school despite the seemingly impossible (as for me, but not for the Lord) situation is that I fear that I might completely lost Jesus in my life the moment I willfully decide to disobey Him.
That was already second week of July when I started to chat the COM secretary about the changes in requirements because I have already graduated. Mind you, Wednesday of the following week is the deadline of application. I was kinda worried that things won’t turn out fine because some of my necessary documents were left in Puting Kahoy. But when the secretary replied, it’s really amazing to find out that the documents that was left in PK were exactly the documents that was no longer needed to be submitted. It appealed to my amazement because at that moment there were no public transportation available for me to get my documents from PK. The documents that I needed next are to be processed from RAO; the documents are TOR and Certificate of Completion which would take quite some time to be received, and without a definite date. Thankfully, I have a friend named Elyzza, who helped me process it faster and payed the documents initially, because banks are far from home. The processing continue and I had to wait the following week for its arrival.
By Thursday of that second week, I realized that my medical tests and certificates already expired. I have to go to the town proper to do the testing, yet my monthly menstrual cycle arrived. Can you imagine my disappointment that it has to come by then when I badly needed the medical laboratory tests. I had to wait for atleast 4 days so I can have the test and the medical certificate. 
The fourth day fell on Monday, July 13. In the morning, I went to the town clinic and hospital and no doctors were available to sign me a request for the lab test and x-ray. I went back in the afternoon and still the doctor is in a meeting. I waited until 2pm. Maybe the nurses got tired of me asking for the requests; one of the nurses (I didn’t realized it that time) signed the request for me (that’s not a legal process. haha). Anyway, I was able to do the lab test and the x-ray, but the result of the x-ray would be available 2 days after. Two days after means that will be Wednesday, the deadline day of application.
Again, I went to the town proper ion that Wednesday morning, took the x-ray result, looked for a doctor to issue me the medical certificate. Again, there’s no doctor available. Having tried to go to other hospital and clinic, I got an opportunity. While waiting, I went to look for a notary office for the non-fraternity involvement document. I was blessed and fortunate to find one with kind staffs. As I went back to the clinic, the secretary told me that the doctor did not issue me a medical certificate because there is something wrong with my urinalysis. I wasn’t able to talk to the doctor for he left already, so I had to find another clinic. Unfortunately, there was a cut of power supply since the morning and that clinic has no generator that is needed to run their facility. I tried to find some ways but I did not come up to any solution. So, I just went to the terminal to catch the trip back home. That was already almost 4pm of July 15, the last day of submission that would close at 5pm. While waiting for other passengers, I sat on one of the benches and prayed. I talked to God earnestly and told Him that this matter of applying to med school is between me and Him. I asked Him what really is His plan. 
It was already 4pm when the power supply went back and I jumped from my seat and decided to go back to the clinic. I waited on the line for some minutes and later had a time with the doctor on duty. He’s kind and I believe that God purposed it that he would be the doctor on duty, because I later found out that there was really something low in the urine test result but he issued me a medical certificate anyway, and without a professional fee.
After that,I run to the nearest computer shop to scan all my documents. Just before 5pm (the deadline of application and the last trip of van on the way home), I successfully and joyfully submitted everything. Praise God!
I have noticed that along this 1 week of loaded experience and testimonies, there is a pattern; the Lord provided just as needed, and He worked out ways beyond my capacity.
This was just the first week. I jumped aboard by faith, have to sail by faith, and live by faith along the continuing journey. I praise and thank God for those who prayed with me and never left my side. I praise Him the more for my childhood best friend, Jesus; He never leave me nor forsake me, despite the numerous times that I’d lived a life denying Him before many. Thank you, Jesus.
The boat is not yet far from shore, and I have already decided to go wherever Jesus is leading me. I don’t think I have the chance to leave the boat (haha) nor will it cause me any good to leave Jesus here. Continually requesting that your prayers, families and friends, will sail with me until we reach our destination. Shalom!
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jj-lynn21 · 4 years
Thank you for following...
Thank you for following, reading, liking, commenting ect. Currently I am working on a Roman Godfrey AU x reader called Castle in the desert. Most of my stories are continuation like subtitles like AU Bill skarsgard, Roman Godfrey, Mark from Assignation nation, and Mickey from Villains. There are a few with multiple actors like Tom Holland, Cody fern and other Skarsgards that start with The Charity & the Island. lots of fluff, smut and a bloody good time...18+ for content
Story teller — List of stories updated April 16, 2020
List of stories updated April 16, 2020
Thanks for following. Thanks for reading, thanks for creating. Thanks for sharing.
Warnings 18+ lots of smut, angst, fluff. X-reader, mostly AU Bill Skarsgard & his characters but a few stories include other Skarsgard brothers, Deadpool, Tom Holland and other actors. Feel free to send requests/ideas & reblog. I will try to keep this updated.
Rock star Axel
You Will Remember Things That We Never Said: In this Alternate Universe fiction Axel meets Stephani while he is singing in the local band Zeitgeist. Its set up when he is in college. ch 1 ch 2    ch 3    ch 4  ch 5    ch 6​   ch 7 ch 8
starring Bill Skarsgard: My own stories with original character(s) he could play
The Stay starring Bill Skarsgard as Chris Ryan creepy slight horror genre. All I will say is this character is right in the wheel house of what Bill could play.      ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch4
THE CLUB starring Bill Skarsgard as William Casik - Alice is a prim and proper elementary school teacher. Her Husband William owns a company that does business around the world. But he has a secret. When Alice find out about his alter ego, The Sir, her life will never be the same. ch 1 ch 2  ch 4  ch5 ch 6 ch 7  ch 8 ch 9 ch 10
Bill Skarsgard (AU) & X-reader/Princess
The Charity- various fandoms & x-reader This a AU mystery piece that includes most Avengers actors and skarsgards plus a few others I love. Some chapters are  very smutty. used suggestions from readers.  ch 1, ch 2, ch3, ch 4, ch 5, ch 6, ch7, ch 8
The Island: various fandoms, Its a continuation of The Charity. ch1 ch 2 ch3 ch4 ch5
The Dress: Just because I like writing the continuing story of Bill & Princess. This is her first time at an awards show. Also includes Alex Skarsgard, Scarlett Johansson and a few others. ch1 ch2 ch3 ch4 ch5
Bill& X Reader: Jealousy,  You are dating Bill Skarsgard & get invited to a ex’s party.
Early home coming:  Bill & X-reader warnings: angst, slight smut, fluffy. Bill comes home early after an annoying work issue forces him to leave a project. You attempt to help him get over it all before he has to go promote another project.
Bill and Princess/x-reader: long distance Valentine? Bill has to leave the night before Valentine Day for a meeting the next morning.
Bill & Ex-Reader: EVERYONE IS WATCHING sometimes the bedroom isn’t as private as you think.
The Bake off: Bill and x-reader/Princess are quarantined together. A month into their time together they come up with the Bake-off idea. Lots of smut, some baking lol. Ch 1   ch 2
Villains fan fiction
Borrowed time: Mickey & X-Reader . This is a continuation of Villains in a AU. Something like this should happen. ch 1 ch2 ch3 ch 4
Prequel Villains: Mickey and Jules Celebrate Christmas
Mickey’s Valentine’s Day surprises This is only 2 chapters. AU Mickey, Sweetie Pie and Jules several months after the event that brought them back together after the movie Villains. If you want to know how they got to this point read Borrowed time: Mickey & X-Reader. But you don’ t have to. Ch1 Ch2
Mark: Assassination Nation
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader AU Mark survived his town going nuts and is now in college where he meets you.  ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
Assassination Nation Mark and X-reader: Merry Christmas ch 1 ch 2
Mark and x-reader: You’re mine, Valentine. The first in my Valentine’s  themed stories. This is more of the reader and Mark at college several months after what happened in the last story. ( Assassination Nation: Mark and X-reader) Mark is pretty much just horny & wants sex but he will put together some Valentine’s day surprises to get it.
Mark & X-Reader:Party At Greenwald’s A virus is sweeping the county. The University closes. You might make it home but Mark insists you stay with him in Salem. Memories haunt him from this place.ch 1 CH 2   ch 3  ch 4 ch 5 ch 6 ch 7
Castlerock fanfic
Joy and The Angel This is a Castlerock fanfiction
A Castlerock New Year’s Eve party: The Kid & X-Reader This plays off some talk of who the Kid really is in the Steven King Universe. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
Hemlock Grove Fan Fiction: Roman Godfrey
CLUB VEE This is the first thing I posted on Tumbler. It is a vampire-type romance that I connected to Roman and Princess starting with their Valentine’ s Day plans. So its an origin story for Club Vee. Ch 1Ch 2 Ch3 Ch 4 Ch 5  Ch 6 Ch 7 Ch 8 Ch 9 Ch 10 Ch 11 Ch 12 Ch 13 Ch 14 Ch 15 Ch 16 Ch 17 Ch 18 Ch 19 Ch 20 Ch 21
It is all in the eyes :Roman & X Reader , A crazy Hemlock Grove alt reality fanfic part 1  part 2 part 3 part 4 part 5
Roman & his Princess Valentine’s Day This story continues the relationship from It is all in the eyes :Roman & X Reader. It will also include characters from VEE. But you really don’t have to read either to follow this story if you don’t want to. ch1 ch2 ch3 ch 4 ch5
A story of friendship: Roman Godfrey & X-reader AU Hemlock Grove. I was in a Roman mood so this is what came out  ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4 ch 5
Roman & his Princess: blood wolf moon eclipse Princess is having a hard time with her hunger. Is Olivia the only one that can really help her?
Roman & his Princess: Life is Just a Fantasy A little role play night out with these characters where Roman is the Dominant more than usual and Princess plays  the submissive role. ch1 ch 2 ch3 ch4
Roman & Princess: Let’s up the game Roman wants to make a sex tape. ch1 ch2 ch3
Roman & Princess: The agreement Princess plays with her dominant personality. Roman decides maybe he could handle the threesome she wants if he looks at it as a business agreement. ch 1  ch 2 ch 3 ch4
Stuck in the Madness with You A virus has found its way to Hemlock Grove driving people to self quarantine. How will this effect Roman and those he cares about? ch 1 ch 2 ch 3
The Dinner Party Roman invites Peter and Letha to a dinner party so Letha can get out a little more since they have all quarantined her to Peter’s trailer.
Deadpool Presents:
Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist this is in and AU after all the stuff in Deadpool 2. ch 1 ch 2 ch 3 ch 4
Deadpool Presents: Axel’s Valentine’s Day special story Axel plans a special Valentine’s romantic over night excursion. With two kids it is difficult to have longer intimate time with his wife.  To read more about how this couple met refer to Deadpool Presents: Once upon a Zeitgeist Axel suggests Deadpool watch the kids which is the last thing his wife really wants ch1 ch2 ch3  ch4  ch5
Fairytales rewritten to include favorite actors/characters
Snow in Hollywood This is a reimagining of Snow White starring all Skarsgards Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
Red and the Full Moon This is a reimagining of Little Red Riding Hood incorporating the lyric to the 60s song Little Red Riding Hood. Featuring Bill Skarsgard and Alex Skarsgard.
King Bill and his Queen Genevieve: A fairytale begins original smutty fairytale  where Bill of Skarsgard plans to take a diplomat’s daughter for his own. When he discovers Lady Genevieve is a virgin he still wants to fulfill their destiny in the middle of the forest clearing.
Being part of the film industry in a small way
A  Little Extra for the Extra This is extremely loosely based on my time working as an extra in a Tom Holland and Bill Skarsgard movie. It was great fun. Tom was cool to the extras if you were at the right place at the right time. I only got to see Bill from afar but maybe that was a good thing LOL. In place of Bill & Tom you can easily put in your favorite actor or actress in your mind.
Moroccan Sands: This is Bill Skarsgard and Tom Holland with x-reader. It takes place on a movie set for the most part. Ch1, ch 2 ch3 ch4 ch5 ch 6 ch7 ch8
Santa’s fav ELF Bill & X-Reader You are an extra in one of Bill’s movies and you you get a long very well. ch1 ch2 ch 3 ch 4
The Calling in this extras dream job you will be working with Bill Skarsgard, Tom Holland, Sebastian Stan, Robert Pattinson and a few other surprise actors on a movie that moves through decades 50s, 60s, 70s,80s. Sure your scenes don’t seem to fit together but they rarely do when filming and you just enjoy that you get to do this sort of work. Even though this is same caste as Devil All the Time it has nothing to do with that movie. enjoy this only 1% truth about being an extra. I love it but as of now it never got this good. ch 1, ch 2, ch 3, ch 4, ch 5
Take a seat x-reader & Bill mostly. You are a seat filler at the 2021 Oscars. Its such a unique experience. But since you break some of the rules will you ever get to do it again? And is the out come with it anyway? I think, probably.  ch 1,  ch 2 ch 3 ch 4
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bookgeekconfessions · 7 years
How I Got My Agent! pt 3.
I am officially being repped by Quressa Robinson at NLA. I have a book agent!!! It’s thrilling and nerve-wracking and amazing and terrifying. 
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I can’t share the actual query letter yet, but I can share how it all came about.  It’s a long insane story that is so crazy it will seem like fiction, but as this post proves…it’s not!
For Part 1 and Part 2! 
11. The Risky Maneuver. As I mentioned in 10, I had my reservations about the 4 agents who offered to rep me. They were all amazing and two loved the book for what it was and didn’t want to make huge changes. But there was still some nagging in the back of my mind.
My agent isn’t just for this book. She’s for my career and publishing is mostly white. Of the 100 agents on my list, only 3 were black women, 2 were Latinas, 2 were Asian ladies and there were no men of color to query. The idea that no person of color may touch my manuscript as it processes into a book is disconcerting. 
I told this to the agent while we had coffee and she suggested I query two specific agents of color. One I had already queried and the other was closed for submissions. This awesome lady said I should query the closed for submission agent because she will want this book. So I queried the closed agent and she said she wasn’t sure if she would have time, but to send it anyway.
That closed for submission agent? Quressa!!
This is why I said the story is insane. Not just because I had five agents offer for me, but also because I did the thing no one should ever do and somehow got away with it. It did help that I could tell Quressa I ignored that she was closed at a recommendation of an agent she knows. 
12. The Email That Changed Everything. I sent Quressa my manuscript on Friday afternoon. On Monday I got an email from Kristin at NLA. This email was the most flattering email I have ever received in my life. In it, she raved about my book and mentioned synchronicity. At the time that I queried, Quressa had not announced that she was leaving her old agency and joining NLA. So I queried both her and Kristin (you usually CANNOT query two agents at the same agency especially not simultaneously). They had both read my book over the weekend. Kristin loved my book but saw that Quressa was the perfect fit and emailed my book to Quressa not knowing that Quressa at that very moment was emailing her about...you guessed it, my book.
The thing about this email from Kristen was that while she wasn’t personally offering for me I could tell she loved my book. There is an incident in my book that is very similar to a blockbuster novel and many agents looked at my book like it could be their very own version of that book. It’s not. They are not the same. Kristin got it. She mentioned the same incident that all the agents raved about and got that it wasn’t about that.  She got my book in a way I began to worry maybe a non-black audience couldn’t.  I have always felt the story was universal and for everyone. Kristin confirmed that feeling. And she told me about Quressa’s reaction to it. Which was big and also flattering.
I walked out of my office, hid in the parking lot and cried for ten minutes. I mean I BALLED my eyes out. I sobbed. In gratitude. In relief. In happiness that two agents in my top ten wanted me and they worked TOGETHER.  I knew in that moment that barring our phone conversation sucking, I would sign with NLA. Then Quressa and I talked and it was cemented. 
13. Making the Call Though I felt very strongly about Quressa and NLA, I was terrified. Some of the other agencies were bigger, or one of the agents had been making huge sales every other week according to the publisher's marketplace. Quressa is a newer agent and wasn’t I going to turn down another agent for that very same reason? Was I picking her just because she was black? Was I picking her just because Kristin Nelson who has a bunch of clients I am a fan of, had her back?  Did I ask enough questions? 
I then sent the agents an email asking for editorial notes. I had to see who had the better vision for my work.
It ultimately came down to the agent who met me for coffee and suggested two agents of color and Quressa.  They both would have done an amazing job. They both had things I loved, the agent who met me in person had been selling books left and right and was amazing to talk to. She also backtracked when she said something kind of offensive and I realized she could probably get past her whiteness. Quressa used to be an editor and wanted to be an editorial agent, she understood my desire to write more sci-fi and fantasy with kids of color as the main characters and it wasn’t just Quressa -- the entire agency had read at least a section of my book and was all in. 
It was the knowledge that NLA as a whole had my back and that Quressa had the editorial background that was the deciding factor. I am long winded, I think every scene I write is equally important and my grammar is horrible. 
14. Tough Emails I had to reject the other four agents. That’s hard. These are women who liked my book. Loved my voice as a writer. Wanted to help me succeed and I had to tell them no. I understand that agents reject people all the time. I, on the other hand, have never rejected anyone who wanted to work with me to achieve my dream and build my career. 
I wrote short, polite and honest emails to every one of them. I personalized them. And gave an explanation. I did this because I know how it feels to get a form rejection that every other rejected writer is getting. I wanted to treat them as I want to be treated. 
15. Doubt.  The day after I sent my email I woke up in a deep sweat. I made what was arguably the biggest decision of my life in a matter of hours. I know that I did my investigations. I know that I asked questions. I know that I had reasons. BUT DID I MAKE A MISTAKE?
I didn’t. But I will always have soft spot for that awesome agent who loved my book enough to suggest agents who would make me feel better. I wish them all the best and hope they haven’t made voodoo dolls of my face. 
16. The Road Forward The journey is far from over. I have to go through this all over again when Quressa and NLA begin submitting the manuscript to editors.  That will probably be worst than querying agents. Then if an editor wants it --there will be negotiations and then the editor will edit my manuscript.  The only person whose opinion has ever me mattered before is mine and now I have to listen to my agent and my editor.  On one hand it’s a relief to no longer be alone and on the other hand, I have to teach myself to be a team player. 
Then I’ll have to wait months maybe years to be published and then bloggers like me will get to read it and write opinions in public about this thing that I have cried and died over. Then, it will be in the hands of readers like you. 
Then whether it’s a success or a failure. I have to reopen my Scrivener and go through the writing process all over again.
This is just the beginning. 
Side Note: Words of Advice about Querying.
1. Know what you’re looking for in an agent. It’s easy to focus on what they want and what they’re looking for. But do you need an editorial agent who will help you through the process of writing and rewriting your book? Are you going to only write in one genre? Does your agent rep every genre you can see yourself writing? When they critique your book do they GET it even as they see the flaws? Does the critique click with you or are you violently against it? Do they have any sales? Do they have experience with books like yours? Do you like their online presence? Do you see yourself clicking with their personality? 
Remember this person is going to work with and for you. You want them to be excited about YOU and YOUR work. Because they are going to sell your book to editors, not you. They have to be able to speak with confidence, excitement, and love. Or why would the editor give it a shot?
2. Rejection is part of life. My story is wild and rare but still riddled with more nos than yes.  I queried a book before this. It was three years ago and I didn’t get a single request for a full or a partial. I didn’t even get rejections from most of the agents.  A friend of mine has queried four times and hasn’t gotten an agent yet.
Remember that no matter how many people reject it or you, you only need one yes. Only one matters. 
For more about my journey: For Part 1 and Part 2! 
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ssminibang · 7 years
So… what exact is a Reverse Mini Bang?
Oh good, an easy one to start with!
A Reverse Mini Bang is basically a reverse of the “Big Bang” challenge, and on a smaller scale. Artists basically have free reign (within the theme of the Bang) to create a piece of fanart, which is then matched by the mods to participating Authors who have similar tastes and preferences. The Authors will then write a fic (3,500 words minimum) based on the artwork they’ve been assigned.
Which characters can be used?
As long as at least one Inner Senshi (i.e. Sailors Venus, Mercury, Mars and/or Jupiter) and at least one Shitennou (Kunzite, Zoisite, Jadeite and/or Nephrite) are featured in your art/fic then the sky’s the limit (ok, not quite, there are one or two itty, bitty limitations… see below for those). You’re also welcome to include as many of the other Sailor Moon characters in your work as you like.
Do I have to stick to traditional pairings?
There’s no obligation for the Senshi and the Shitennou to have any sort of romantic attachment to each other, but if you do choose to link them romantically, there’s also no obligation to match them into traditional pairings (e.g. Venus x Kunzite etc.) It is worth noting, however, that rare-ships might be a little harder to match up than the more popular ones, as welcome and fun as they might be (if it’s really what you’re inspired for, though, I’m sure we’ll be able to figure something out).
Basically, as long as you have one Senshi and one Shitennou in there, the rest is up to you!
Do we have to follow a certain canon?
As for which source material you can use, the choice is yours - 90s anime, Crystal, PGSM, the musicals, the manga… all are permitted. You’re also free to choose which timeline you’d like to set your work in: Silver Millennium, modern day or Crystal Tokyo. 
Setting your art/fic in Alternate Universes and Realities is also permitted but unfortunately, crossovers with other fandoms are not (as it might be too difficult to find a suitable artist/author match up), e.g. fanart and fics can be set in a fictional version of the Middle Ages, with the characters being members of an important political dynasty, but you can’t make Kunzite a secret Targaryan who challenges Cersei Lannister for the Iron Throne and rides Drogon into the sunset, burning all of Westeros as he goes.
Because this challenge is open to and inclusive of all Sailor Moon characters and ships (so long as there’s a Senshi and Shitennou present), we would like to remind all participants that absolutely no shipshaming or kinkshaming will be tolerated. Please respect each other and the all-inclusive tone of the Bang.
What’s the timeline?
Artist and Author sign-ups open: Tues 18 April 
Artist and Author sign-ups close: Mon 1 May 
Artist check-in: Mon 15 May 
Art drafts due: Mon 29 May 
Art drafts assigned to Authors: Thu 1 June Check-in for all participants: Fri 23 June 
Author check-in: Fri 21 July 
Posting period: Mon 14 August - Fri 18 August
Pinch Hitting posting period: Saturday 19 August - Sunday 20 August
How do I sign up?
Sign-up posts featuring a Google form will be posted on Wednesday 18 April 2017. You can sign up using your Tumblr or AO3 account, or any other platform you prefer, as long as we have a valid profile url and email address through which to contact you.
There will be one form for Artists and a separate one for Authors. Both Artist and Author sign-ups will close on Monday 1 May. 
Is there a limit to how many works I can submit?
There’s no limit to how many pieces of art or fics you can submit, but if you do intend to submit multiple pieces of art or fics, then you must email the mods BEFORE the sign-up deadline (Monday 1 May) to discuss the issue (ssrevmb at gmail dot com). 
Can I co-create my fanart with another Artist or my fic with another Author?
Sure! But please email us to let us know. You must also ensure your co-Artist and/or co-Author receives sufficient credit for their work.  
Can Artists/Authors choose their own counterparts in the Reverse Mini Bang?
Not this time, unfortunately… but if this thing takes off, then it’s definitely something we can look into in the future!
How will I be assigned an Artist/Author counterpart?
When filling out the Sign Up forms, you will be asked a series of questions about your preferences (this is for us as mods to get a general idea of who we can pair with who later on). Once all the artwork has been submitted (Monday 29 May), we will then match up Artists and Authors with similar tastes. 
Authors, please bare in mind that we might not be able to meet all of your requirements exactly, but we will do our very best. One of the main aims of the Reverse Mini Bang is to get Authors inspired by the work created by our talented Artists, so there’s a lot of creative freedom for all, with plenty of room for some good collaboration (and who knows, you might even make new friends!)
Can I sign up as both a Artist and an Author?
If that’s your jam, who are we to stop you?! Just fill in both the Artist and Author forms. 
Rules for Artists
Artists can begin working on their pieces from the moment they sign up.
Fanart can include (but is not limited to) drawn or painted artwork (both traditional and digital), comics, digital manipulations, fanvideos and fanmixes/playlists. Craft art is perfectly acceptable as long as the final piece can be photographed and submitted to us via email. If you have any other ideas for your artwork which has not been mentioned here, please email the mods at ssrevmb at gmail dot com.
As Artists, the point is to inspire your Author, so give them as much information as you can about your art and why you’ve chosen to create such work. Your work needs to capture their imagination - after all, they’re weaving a story out of the world you’ve created, so help them along! Collaboration is actively encouraged!
Art Submission Info
Submitted art files must be at least 400 by 600 pixels in size. Fanvids must be at least one minute in length. Fanmixes must contain at least 8 tracks as well as front and back cover art (minimum size 500 x 500 pixels). Links to the songs must be included with your submission.
Submitted artwork should be at least 70% done (art is to be completed entirely before the posting period of Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August), with enough detail that authors can clearly make out what’s going on in your picture.
Art submissions must be emailed to the mods at ssrevmb at gmail dot com by Monday 29 May along with the following information in the body of your email:
Artist username: Tumblr profile url: Email: Art number ?? of ??: (if submitting more than one) Artwork title: Rating: (G - NC17) Featured Characters: Sailor Moon Canon: (Manga / 90s Anime / Crystal / Musical / Hybrid) Timeline: (Silver Millennium / Modern Day / Crystal Tokyo / AU / AR) Highest fic rating: (G - NC17) Additional details/requests: (This is where you put all the details. What the artwork is about, what you’re hoping for the Author to use, what inspired you etc.) E.g.:
“Would love something with plenty of fluff and a hint of angst. I’ve got some headcanons and would love to brainstorm ideas with the Author.”
“I’m a total Venus x Kunzite shipper, but I have this secret love of Mercury x Kunzite. No gore please.”
“I had this super angsty reason why Nephrite’s glowering in this piece, but maybe you could come up with something specific? Or just interpret it how you like!”
“I just really wanted to see how Rei, Nephrite and Michiru would interact together, since they’re all sort of psychic.”
Place “Art Submission from [username]” in the subject line of your email.
NB: Art pieces created for this challenge are NOT TO BE POSTED ANYWHERE ELSE before the posting up before the Posting Period (Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August).
Rules for Authors
After the art work has been assigned on Thursday 1 June, Authors will have approximately 8 weeks (until the Posting Period: Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August) to write a story with a minimum of 3,500 words. There is no maximum word limit.
The fic must be original and related to the artwork assigned. Collaboration between Artists and Authors is actively encouraged. There is no obligation for your Artist to create additional art unless they wish to. Please work closely with your Artist to talk through interpretations of the artwork. Keep in mind that elements in the artwork need to be present in your story. If there is a pairing specifically shown or suggested, then that is the pairing you should focus on. We also encourage you to discuss any squicks before you start writing and to respect these throughout the event.
Where does all this glorious creativity get posted?
Authors will post their work to the SSRevMB Collection on AO3. If you don’t have an AO3 account yet, please make one at some point before the fic submission date. We will create and moderate the Collection, but control of the fic is entirely yours to upload, edit and delete.
Artists who do not have an AO3 account should send their Author the finished piece/give their Author the links to the fanmix or fanvid BEFORE the Posting Period (Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August), which can then be placed within the fic itself or in the notes section (with full credit to the Artist and any additional links the Artist requests).
Artists who do have AO3 accounts can post up their art on the official submission date allocated to them during the Posting Period (Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August) to their own account. The Author and Artist can then exchange links to their respective works for posting purposes.
Am I required to have an AO3 account?
Authors must have an AO3 account as they will be posting their own work to the Collection. We don’t require Artists to have an AO3 account, but we definitely encourage it.
Can I post up my art/fic anywhere else?
Until the date allocated to you during the Posting Period (Monday 31 July - Friday 4 August) please DO NOT post your artwork or fics anywhere else.
After your official submission date has passed, and once you have posted up your art/fic on AO3, then you are free to do as you like with your work!
Have a question left unanswered by the FAQ?
Any questions or issues can be addressed to the mods at ssrevmb at gmail dot com or by sending us an Ask.
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elizabethcariasa · 6 years
6 tax refund myths busted
Dealing with taxes is tough enough, but when folks get the wrong information, things can go really bad really fast.
That happens every filing season. Someone's uncle who works down the hall from a tax attorney says this. A neighbor's accountant brother says that.
And, of course, there's the internet, probably the greatest single source of, to borrow a phrase, fake tax news.
The 2018 filing season is in full swing; it officially opened on Jan. 29, with Free File taking submissions since Jan. 12. Most of the folks who've already filed did so because they're expecting refunds.
With those early filers already wondering where their tax cash is, the Internal Revenue Service and I want to clear up some of the more common tax myths regarding refunds that have cropped up yet again.
Some come from a recent announcement from the IRS. Others are from questions I've received either here at the ol' blog, in person or through social media outlets.
All are myths, so don't fall for them.
Myth 1: All tax refunds are delayed. Yes, some refunds are delayed, but not every single one.
The 2018 filing season is the second year that the IRS has been abiding by a provision in the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes, or PATH, Act that requires it to hold refunds connected to two tax credits until mid-February. The credits in question are the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) and the Additional Child Tax Credit (ACTC).
These two tax credits also are refundable, which means that even if you don't owe taxes, they could get you a refund.
But that's where the truth stops and the refund myth starts.
Only returns that have either or both the EITC or ACTC will have their refund issuance slowed. In all other tax refund cases, the IRS says that the money will go out to more than 90 percent of filers in less than 21 days.
And while it's not a tax-law mandated hold, some other non EITC/ACTC returns also might take a bit longer to be processed because they are getting additional attention for a variety of reasons. The most common reason for regular refund delays is extra security reviews to prevent tax identity theft and refund fraud.
Myth 2: EITC and ACTC related refunds will be delivered on Feb. 15. Just like with myth #1, this one takes a real tax situation and mangles it.
While I'm sure the IRS appreciates the believers of this myth's confidence in the agency's efficiency, such hopefulness is misguided.
The IRS expects to handle 155 million tax returns this filing season, with millions already filed by refund-anticipating taxpayers. The sheer logistics means that not every refund from a tax return claiming the EITC or ACTC can go out at the same time.
The IRS expects the earliest that EITC/ACTC-related refunds will be available in taxpayer bank accounts or on refund debit cards is Feb. 27. And that's just the first batch.
And if those filers chose direct deposit. And if there are no other issues with their tax returns.
So be patient.
Myth 3: Refund inquiry workarounds will help. Have you heard that if you order a tax transcript it will tell you when to expect your refund?
Or if you call the IRS help hotline or your tax professional, who has a special line to the IRS, you'll get a firm refund delivery date?
Wrong, wrong and wrong. These touted refund inquiry workarounds won't work.
The information on a tax transcript does not necessarily reflect the amount or timing of a refund.
As for calling your tax pro, that's a good way to get dropped as a client. Yes, tax preparers do have special avenues to contact the IRS, but not to track down the delivery dates for all their clients.
And definitely don't try to get refund delivery information by calling the IRS directly. The help hotline is for folks trying to file their returns, not for those waiting for a refund. Plus, this time of year, you'll be on hold for a while.
Instead, the IRS says use its Where's My Refund? search tool, which is scheduled to be available by Feb. 17. You can access it online at IRS.gov or through the IRS2Go mobile app.
Myth 4: A tax refund means my return is fine. You filed. You got your refund. You and the IRS are both happy, right?
That's usually the case. But that cash back from the U.S. Treasury doesn't necessarily mean you're in the clear.
The IRS generally has up to three years to take a closer look at your filing. If the agency finds an issue during that time, you'll be hearing from an agent.
Myth 5: Since the IRS accepted my return, my state filing also is OK. Again, this usually is true. Most of the states that do collect income taxes use filers' federal returns as the basis for the state and/or local filing.
But anyone who's filled out a state tax return (ah, fond memories of our tax seasons in Maryland) knows that there are some tweaks of your federal data on those more local tax forms.
And as states continue to scrap for every dollar they can get, state tax departments are looking more closely at their residents' filings.
This could get even trickier in the next few years under the federal tax law changes in the newly enacted Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. States are going to have to reassess their connection to the Internal Revenue Code and decide which of their state tax provisions they want to change so they conform with the federal law.
Myth 6: The IRS will call or email me about my refund. Stop me if you've heard this before. Wait, don't stop me or the IRS. We both want to remind you that the IRS doesn't initiate contact with taxpayers by email, text messages or social media to request your personal, tax or financial information.
If you are contacted in one of these ways regarding your refund — either a caller saying you owe more or an email promising a bigger refund — the communication isn't from the IRS, even if the caller or emailer says they are agents. They are crooks looking to assume your tax identity and take your money.
Remember, the Internal Revenue Service will NEVER (emphasis by Uncle Sam):
Call to demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a prepaid debit card, gift card or wire transfer. Generally, the IRS will first mail a bill if taxes are owed.
Threaten to immediately bring in local police or other law enforcement groups to have people arrested for not paying.
Demand that taxes be paid without giving the taxpayer opportunity to question or appeal the amount owed.
Ask for credit or debit card numbers over the phone.
And while an IRS agent does sometimes come to taxpayer homes or businesses, before your let him or her through the door, check out these ways to know that it's really an IRS agent knocking.
Finally, while tax crooks are more active during the main tax filing season, tax ID theft and refund fraud is a year-round crime. So don't let down your guard even after you’ve filed your return and cashed your refund check.
For now, though, as you anxiously await your refund, you at least now know the real deal about that tax cash, rather than the myths that have been circulating.
And with each new day that passes since you filed, you're closer to getting your refund.
You also might find these items of interest:
Tax refund day is here! Sort of.
S.C. woman uses federal tax refund to pay year's rent
Got a refund? Paid a big tax bill? Time to adjust withholding!
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fogusbogus-blog · 7 years
The Back door
 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” - Matthew 7:7
Often times, we asked and the door was opened. However, we don’t have the wisdom to recognize the tricks of opportunity.
“Opportunity knocks once.” But not in my case. It keeps on presenting itself to me but all I’ve done is to waste those.
Just a recap of my previous post, I got nominated for 2nd time application thru MPNP, but my friend revoked the sponsorship. And below opportunities were wasted because of the 2nd application with MPNP:
1) 2015 - NS RLMS - Nova Scotia Regional Labour Market Stream
I did not take the risk to apply at the same time with MPNP. All my documents were ready at that time and I am eligible for the Provincial program. 
2) 2015 - FSW (Non Express Entry)
I did not intend to apply due to the pending 2nd re-application of MPNP. My NOC was listed as occupation in demand. All documents were also ready. I did not risk to apply too due to fear of trying or causing my MPNP application to be rejected.
3) 2015 - NB Info Session - July 2015
New Brunswick was unknown province of Canada to me at that time. NBPNP appears promising as you don’t need a sponsor/friend to be able to move to this province. The process and requirements slowly sinked in to me, submit EOI, attendance in the Information Session the province had conducted, NOC list, then later on you will be invited to apply to their province. 
Still wasted, as I came to know the info session in Manila was over.
4) 2016 - NB - June 2016 Info Session
I am successful to register early quarter of the year for Aug 2016 Info Session. The schedule was moved a month earlier, June 2016. IELTS re-take done, Info Session done. My IELTS score was low and brought me a score of 65/100. Still unlucky to receive instant ITA’s from this Info Session nor to submit EOI. Work around, my wife need to take IELTS, OR I need to re-take IELTS as quickly as possible and get high scores.
Neither me nor my wife took the exam on same year as our attention got diverted due to my company relocating me from SG to California. Making the story short, it did not manifest after 6 months of process. Back to square one, USA nor Canadian dream was over. This time, I wanted to give up.
Then came 2017, missed opportunities still lurking around. As Napoleon Hill said, “Opportunities is tricky. It has a sly habit of slipping in by the back door, and often it comes disguised in the form of misfortune, or temporary defeat.”
And that is exactly what my experiences were. So I go on, fierce and focus this time. I said to my self, “I will be one of the immigrant that will come to Canada this year of 2017.”
Feb 2017 - NB AIPP Info Session, missed again. Reason, lack of monitoring  NB website. I registered into Info Session by Canadian Embassy Manila last March 2017, but was just a pure Information Session. Stirs my frustration and fuels more of my desire.
We decided to pursue the June 2016 Info Session that I attended. IELTS re-take done, my wife IELTS done in Feb 2017. But truly, opportunity is tricky NB EOI for priority 2 closed at the time we’ve decided to push thru our NB ticket to Canadian dream. Depression gives in for a while, but I continue to pray and ask for another chance.
SINP was the answer last Feb 2017. But same story goes, wasted. Returned application after 1.5 months due to missing documents. I am truly ignorant and first time to login into their site and it was open at that time. Filled up information as the time ticks, pressured to submit the application without reading that there were documents required to upload. As a consequence, failed again.
Instead of giving up, the desire becomes more stronger. The goal is getting more clearer. I joined whatsapp group to get some useful information and to share my journey as well. 
My big break came June 2017, but challenges still present along the way. There was no straight path, but I accepted the risks wholeheartedly. And with guidance from Above I carry on.
June 28, 2017 - OINP announced that they will search below 400 CRS score. I am one of the lucky person who received NOI a day after. My CRS score is 321, NOC 2281. I did not waste a time, I’ve read their application guide.
I learnt from the guide that ECA need to be Bachelors degree. On same day I called the OINP office and confirmed the same. My ECA from WES is 3 yrs diploma. I was advised to either do a) re-assessment from different ECA body or b) challenge WES for the result of my ECA.
I did both, but till now option b has no response. Below were the obstacle course I’ve gone thru to get the option a done.
Obstacle 1) - TOR requirement from school for ECA re-assessment. I came from PUP, ECE 5 yr course. As per my previous experience TOR took 60 days. 
-PUP website says 30 days (it is a working days not calendar days) for original TOR. 15 days for Certified True Copy of TOR. Thus I go for CTC.
-Phoned the registrar to see if expedite is an option, and yes it was. The process cuts down to 7 working days.
-I also requested the registrar to scan a copy of the CTC of TOR to ICES.
Obstacle 2) - Choosing which other ECA body will be more faster and might give me a bachelors degree.
-I chose ICES because a rush service is availale as I am bounded by time.
NOI is valid for 6 months from the date you received it, however you need to act fast enough to secure a seat. If the OINP HCP EE stream closes, then your NOI is just another waste. No one know when will the stream will re-open, and you won’t know if the time it re-opens if your NOI is still valid.
Obstacle 3) - Registering NOI into OINP.
-Although NOI is valid for 6 months, registering as quickly as possible is advised to secure a file number in OINP portal. However, it is a game of trade, once registered, must submit a complete application within 2 weeks. Without my ECA re-assessed I am not ready to risk the 1500 cad application fee yet.
Obstacle 4) - ECA result delivery delayed due to bad weather condition
-I don’t know if my re-assessment will lead me to something good. I paid 400 + courier fee for the rush service. It was assessed quickly, I guess it took only 1 day to assess my ECA. I am supposed to receive it 24 July 2017, but due to bad weather condition it was delivered 27 July 2017.
Obstacle 5) -  OINP HCP EE stream closed on 25 July 2017.
-It sound wasted as the program closed, I did not register my NOI under my account.
-BUT, good thing I registered a dummy account last 13 July 2017. Taking note of 2 weeks from registration and without knowing if OINP officer will allow me to utilize my dummy account, I started uploading documents into the dummy account. As the OINP office opened, I called them, discussed the ECA on the way, they agreed to utilize my dummy account and change my dummy account’s full name and birth date. Applicant has no way of modifying full name and birth date.
-Trusting God, I submitted my OINP application without the ECA, I was given a go signal to submit and attached LOE that ECA is on its way, to follow. Also, submitted document for change of personal details (from dummy name to real name). If my ECA result is bachelors degree, then I made a very good decision. If turns out not, then 1500 cad application fee will go down the drain.
-After submission, I called ICES and discuss my current situation. The officer agreed to divulge the equivalency over the phone. Which “supposedly” not allowed to do so. ECA result, it was “Bachelors Degree, 4 yrs”
Here is my OINP & CIC Timeline:
26 Jul 2017- Submitted
28 Jul 2017- Assessment
20 Aug 2017- Awaiting Information
24 Aug 2017- DIP - Decision in Progress
28 Aug 2017- Nominated/Approved
02 Sep 2017- Received OINP certificate
06 Sep 2017 - ITA received
25 Sep 2017- AOR
26 Oct 2017- Medical passed
We are still waiting for PPR, praying everyday for every stage of our application.
By the way, our obstacle course does not end in OINP stage, it also goes with CIC stage. As we did our medicals, I was diagnosed with hypertension. Aside from creatinine test, I was referred to cardiologist. Stress test and 2D echo results were not satisfactory. It denotes some cardio problems, CT scan was done. Result was also not impressive due to one artery with moderate stenosis. Ended up a need to do angiogram + FFR test. FFR test result was good enough to get cleared from cardiologist, and angioplasty was not necessary.
I am sharing my experiences, to give glory to God and to inspire those who struggle kick off their Canadian dream. I would say, chase for your dream, always pray for wisdom and guidance from Above and He will make a way!
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