#out of this stupid piece of shit city im getting OUT. IM GETTING OUT!!!!!!!! SO MANY PEOPLE NEVER GET OUT OF HERE AND IM GETTING OUT!!!!!!!!
sofarsogoodsowhat · 10 months
Guy who is moving today (me)
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ohbo-ohno · 6 months
happy new year's eve @luminousbeings-crudematter, here's another version of the purge au (4k) that i forgot i finished in the process of trying to get the first one done lol
(also when i said "it's essentially the same thing but with different smut" i meant... no smut. i didn't post this one bc i couldn't figure out what to do with the smut. but this has some kidnapping and overall rough creepiness!)
cw: noncon touching, kidnapping, graphic murder, blood & violence, unedited bc im lazy
The soles of your feet burn against the hot asphalt, even though the sun’s been set for hours. The flames roaring from the burning high school alongside you are enough to heat the ground, enough to leave you wincing with every step and trying your best to walk on your toes.
You’re not sure if the wetness on your cheeks is tears or blood, or some sick combination of both. You’d wipe it off to see, but your hands are covered in red, and you don’t want to smear it across your face.
It’s impossible not to flinch at the sudden sound of cackling laughter, some indeterminate distance away but clear as a bell. The laugh cuts off abruptly, followed by a high-pitched scream that makes you wince. You speed up as much as you can, breath shuddering in your chest. You feel a few tears slip down your cheeks, just adding to the tacky mixture already covering your face.
The street is crowded with Purgers, people wearing all sorts of different gear to make themselves seem as terrifying as possible. You’d feel lacking in your black pants and shirt, if you wanted any attention like them. Instead you pray that whoever’s looking for fun won’t focus on you, that you’ll disappear with so many other distractions out tonight.
The sound of a chainsaw revving makes you shudder, and you tuck your arms close to your chest. 
You can’t believe you were stupid enough to come out on Purge night, but there’s no use dwelling on that now, not when you’re still blocks away from home with absolutely no way to defend yourself.
You should’ve known your friend - your now very dead friend - didn’t have good intentions. She’d invited you out with her to vandalize your most recent ex’s house, and like an idiot you’d agreed and walked yourself right into a trap. Your only defense is that you’d had a few drinks before leaving your perfectly safe apartment, in hopes of forgetting all the screams you’d hear outside. It’s the only reason you can think that you were so quick to agree when you’ve got absolutely no way of defending yourself.
Her blood is still wet on your hands. You don’t feel bad about her death, and that makes you feel sick. You’d never thought you’d be the kind of person to actually partake in the Purge, let alone kill during it, but here you are - stumbling home covered in blood with two deaths on your hands. The fact that it was self-defense isn’t nearly as much of a comfort as you need to make your heart beat less erratically, to make the blood stop burning against your skin.
The quick flashes of their deaths won’t stop playing on repeat in your mind - you would’ve died if you’d been any less lucky, and you doubt your piece of shit ex would have made it quick. 
If you hadn’t caught them together - your friend fucking him in the bed you used to sleep in, that fucking bitch - you might not have had the anger necessary to kill them. Might not have had the rage, the energy, to stab them both until they stopped screaming.
Your arms already ache from the force you’d used. You can’t stop seeing your friend’s face, torn to shreds beneath you, blood splattering up onto your own face and neck while your ex’s corpse cooled beside you. You’re not sure if you’re hearing her screams still, or if someone nearby is suffering just like she had.
The only thing you can bring yourself to regret is leaving behind the knife. It would come in handy now, as you walk alone down one of the poorest neighborhoods in your city.
It would come in especially handy as a hand grabs your shoulder, yanking you to the side and into an alleyway, shoving you against rough bricks and ignoring your yelp.
“Well, well, look’it you…” the man drawls, his face hidden by a bright red skull and a black hood covering the rest of his head. “Wha’s a bonnie lass like you doin’ out tonight, all alone?”
You can’t speak, heart thudding painfully at your ribcage as you blink up at him. He’s all you can see, just a bright red skull floating in place.
“Please,” you manage to gasp, hands shakily raised in front of your chest.
“Please? Please what?” His words are sharp, almost bitten off, and he leans closer. “Haven’t even threatened ye yet, pretty thing. What’re you beggin’ for?”
You whimper as he leans closer, hardly inches away from your face, and a loud boom from somewhere nearby shakes the wall at your back. You still can’t tell if it’s blood or tears dripping down your face. You jump at the sound, and your chest hits his. Before you can move back, his hands are on your shoulders, keeping you pressed to him.
“Oh, did that scare you?” He coos, patronizing and mean. “You a little scaredy cat, all alone and afraid?”
You sob, hands pushing at his chest, and he makes a sound somewhere between a hum and a laugh, pushes you against the wall without pulling even an inch away.
“No, no, you’re not goin’ anywhere. ‘S not safe out there for you, kitty. It was so easy to grab you, you want someone else to get a hold of you? They won’t be as nice as me, I can tell you that.” 
“Get- get off!”
He laughs, loud and rough, right in your face. “Oh, I’ll be gettin’ off, kitty. Might take some teamwork, huh? A good way to get to know my new friend-”
He cuts himself off with a sharp Oh! as your knee jerks up into his crotch, the man doubling over in pain and groaning as his head comes to rest against the wall by your face. You barely have enough sense left in you to duck out of his way before his body goes limp against the wall, hand cupping your target.
“Fuckin’ bitch,” you hear him hiss, right before you stumble away, legs weak as you put all your energy into not tripping over your own feet. Your only thought is getting out of the alley, even though being more exposed is probably riskier than just taking your chances with the man in the red skull. Still, there’s some instinct at the back of your mind telling you go, run, and you’re not stupid enough to ignore it.
You hardly make it five steps away before you hit a wall - no, not a wall, a person. 
It’s almost comical, the way you bounce off of him and stumble backwards, losing your balance on weak knees and sending yourself straight to the ground. He’s a monolith above you, a massive figure clothed in all black, the light from the flames behind him almost making him glow. He’s all black cloth and white mask, a skull hovering well past six feet in the air.
The sight of him makes your heart stutter, brings everything into acute focus around you, slowing the world down to a near stop. That same instinct at the back of your mind tells you this man is worse than the last, that you should’ve taken your chances with the red skull. 
You’re jerked back and to the side, shoved roughly against the brick wall. Your face scrunches up at the rough texture against your cheek, your torso flush against the wall and the first man flush against your back. You manage to open one eye and track the new man, your other forced shut from the way your head is angled.
The white skull tilts, and its wearer steps closer. You can’t help the small cry you let out, the way you flinch back into the first man like he’ll do anything but expose you more. His hands are rough on you, one hand locked around the back of your neck and the other harsh on your hip.
The body behind you laughs, push further into the wall regardless of the stinging pain as the white skull steps closer. He stops hardly a foot away, when your vision is eclipsed by only him. You try to struggle against the hands holding you, whimpering when they dig in more harshly.
“You got her?” A voice asks, and it takes a minute for you to realize it’s the new man in front of you.
“Yeah,” the first man pants, holding you close and alleviating some of the pressure against your cheek. “Woulda caught her without you, y’know. She just caught me off guard.”
The white skull rumbles low in his chest, a rejection. You’re not sure if he’s got faith in your ability to escape, or doesn’t trust his partner’s ability to chase. He’s close enough that you can only see the black of his chest, close enough that you can watch him breathe.
“I’m sure. You got a good hold on her?”
The hands squeeze, you can’t help but make a sound disturbingly close to a squeal, and- “Yeah, course, got her tight to me, Ghost. She’s not goin’ anywhere.” There’s an air of desperation in Red’s voice, a strained tension underlying every word. He’s almost eager, but it’s all directed towards the man in front of you - Ghost - instead of towards the prospect of hurting you.
Ghost doesn’t respond, but he steps close enough to press his chest against your shoulder. The three of you are all less than a foot apart, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do to get away. Another tear slips down your cheek.
You can feel Red’s chest heaving behind you, and at first you can’t understand why - he hasn’t had to chase you, hasn’t had to fight, there’s no reason for him to be out of breath.
It hits you when you feel the hard plastic of his mask press into the top of your head. He’s eager, and it’s making him pant like a dog. You’d bet he’s drooling behind the mask and the thought makes you shiver.
You flinch when a gloved hand cups your chin, tugging your face up so you’re staring into the eye sockets of the mask.
His eyes are dark brown, so dark that you almost can’t see them past the shadows and the paint over his skin. The flames roar behind him, giving him a monstrous glow.
“Pretty thing,” he hums, chest rumbling against your side. You try to push away from him, but there’s nowhere to go. “You’re gonna be our little toy for the night. Things’ll get worse for you if you try to run. You hearin’ me?”
It’s pure instinct to nod, to give this man what he wants, but you know you’ll still try to run the second they look away. 
“Alright then. Let’s get you home. Johnny,” the man steps away, jerking his head in clear instruction for Johnny to follow and turning away. “Come.”
“Right behind ye,” Red - Johnny - assures, that same eagerness in his tone as he tugs you away from the wall, trotting behind his partner. “It’s gonna be a great night, lass. You and I are gonna have fun.”
You can’t help but whimper at that, letting your body go nearly limp as the man drags you by the elbow. You can’t even fathom the horrors they’ve got in store for you, what fun is to two men hunting for lone girls on Purge night. 
You try to let your feet drag, but they hurt too much for that to last long. You consider going limp, making them carry you, but you’re too scared that they’ll just drag you across the concrete and let you bleed. 
You only manage to keep up with Johnny because he doesn’t give you another choice. You’re practically hobbling from the pain in your feet, forced to walk on the balls of your feet and lean your weight into his hand where it’s wrapped tight around your arm. He doesn’t give you any slack, doesn’t even seem to notice when you struggle to match his pace.
The three of you have walked several blocks - you can’t quite focus enough to count - keeping to the sides of buildings and dodging other people, when you’re tackled to the ground out of nowhere.
It’s impossible to stop the blood-curdling shriek from leaving your throat. Your bare arms feel torn to shreds as you slide across the ground, head bouncing off the ground and leaving you with black spots dancing across your vision.
You’re hardly able to blink, body alight with pain, and the heavy weight over you only serves to make your panic worse. You moan as you roll your neck, staring wide-eyed up at the dark sky and praying the ringing in your ears isn’t permanent.
Your vision is just starting to clear when the man on top of you - and he’s definitely a man, he’s not even wearing a mask and his expression is mean and you find yourself glad you can’t hear what he’s saying - jerks back, his head pulled back until all you can see is his bared throat. 
You can hardly even register what’s happening in the next few seconds. Some distant, detached part of you can recognize that someone slits the man’s throat, that his blood comes gushing out and covers your face.
The first sound you can hear again is your own screaming - it’s an ear splitting sound that melts from the ringing in your ears. When you gasp underneath the man, the corpse, you can feel his blood falling into your mouth. Every breath tastes like iron, and the world is tinted pink from the drops of it falling from your brows.
You can do nothing but pant and shake when the corpse is thrown off of you, replaced immediately by Johnny. You can hardly focus on him, are only really aware enough to know he’s there.
“Hush, bonnie, yer fine,” he scolds, one big hand coming up to cover your mouth, pinky and ring finger holding your jaw shut. “Wanna draw people over? Ye wanna see me and Ghost kill someone else for you, ‘s that it?”
You shake your head on instinct, tears running down your temples, dampening your hair. Your chest aches with the force of your breaths, nose congested from all the crying. 
“Then hush,” he hisses, face so close that you can feel the breaths from his nostrils. You flinch at the loud sound of gunshots disturbingly nearby, desperately pushing against his body to try and see what’s going on. You can hear grunts and moans, the sound of something heavy hitting the ground, and your heart races.
Then, the sounds stop. It doesn’t go silent - not with other Purgers still out, still killing - but the area you’re trapped in is quiet again. Johnny drops a little more of his weight onto you, making it even harder to breathe. 
You have to focus on every breath, deliberately making sure you get enough air so that your lungs stop aching. You only notice the movement on top of you after nearly a minute of slow breathing.
Johnny’s hips grind slow and steady against your stomach, and it makes you sick to realize you can feel his erection through his pants. His chest rises and falls with harsh breaths, and his movements are just harsh enough to force your body to move with his.
There’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. Not with shock settling in, his weight holding you pinned to the ground, and the pain in your head shifting to something closer to a migraine. All you can do is focus on your breathing and stare up at the stars.
“Johnny,” Ghost eventually calls, and you can hear him kick what you can only assume to be a corpse out of the way. You can’t help but whimper when he crouches nearby, his boots splattered with blood. “What do you think you’re doing?”
“Need-” Johnny gasps, hips stuttering against you before working even more quickly. “Needed to feel her, fuck, Ghost, she’s so fuckin’ soft. Can’t wait to be inside, to fuck her full, feel her squeeze-”
You whine against the hand over your mouth, trying to pull your face away from his grip and only succeeding in dragging your sensitive head across the harsh concrete.
“You’re gonna fuck her out here, where anyone can see? Doubt you’ll be able to keep her safe when you’re pussydrunk.”
Johnny moans above you, dropping more of his weight on each thrust. “Tha’s why you’re here, yeah? To keep me and the lass safe?”
Ghost grunts, fisting a hand in the strip of hair left revealed by Johnny’s mask. “Don’t be a fuckin’ brat, Johnny. You know I don’t have to do shit for you - either of you. Maybe I want to see my mutt get all defensive, growlin’ over his girl. You ever think about that?”
The whine that slips from Johnny’s throat is nothing less than pathetic, his pace becoming uneven as his eyes screw shut behind the mask. “C’mon, Ghost, I’m close, just let me… just watch for another minute, yeah?”
The scoff from Ghost is mean, and even you feel the absurd desire to try and placate the man. He stands abruptly, stepping away from where you’re pinned and leaving you staring at the cooling corpse of a man you don’t recognize.
“You do whatever you want, puppy. Stay here and get yourself off or behave and heel. You know what you’ll get either way.”
You can’t help but furrow your eyebrows as Johnny hisses out shit above you, hips working desperately against you for a few long moments before he drops his entire body weight onto you, knocking the air out of you.
“Okay,” he whispers, seemingly to himself. “Okay, alright, it’s fine. It’s fine.”
He pulls himself away from you with a long oan, pushing up until there’s no place the two of you are touching but you’re still entirely caged in by him. He takes his hand off your mouth to hold himself up and you wince at the string of blood between his hand and your lips.
“Not gonna fuck ye yet, kitty,” he tells you, staring into your eyes with an intensity you don’t quite know what to do with. “Ghost’ll make the both of us regret it, and ye don’t deserve that on your first night home.”
You hardly manage to bite back a whimper. “Please…”
His eyes crease, like he’s smiling beneath the mask. “God, yer so scared, aren’t ye? I can fucking taste it in the air, kitty. It’s delicious. Cannae fuckin’ wait to have you on my tongue.” You shudder, eyes dropping to his neck when his gaze becomes too heavy.
He forces you to stand before you’re ready, leaving you to lean on him if only to avoid crumbling to the ground like a ragdoll. You ite your tongue against a sob at the sight of three corpses around you, a twisted sense of appreciation and disgust warring in your mind.
Johnny herds you like a dog, pushing you by the small of your back and your shoulders as he tries to catch back up with his partner. You’re left stumbling in front of him, unsure and terrified, not quite strong enough to think running away would be a good idea. It doesn’t take long for you to spot Ghost’s large back on the street in front of you, and a part of you resents the fact that he’s already so recognizable. 
He’s an overeager shadow, unable to decide if he wants to tug you forward or chase you from behind. He ends up almost circling you, shifting from your back to your side to your front and back again, always moving, always rushing. It leaves you unstable and nervous, unable to predict what he'll do next.
Chills run down your spine at the thought of this man… taking you. If you’re this terrified of him fully clothed, you’re loath to think of how you’ll react when he gets you where he wants you.
The two of you only manage to catch up to Ghost because he stops for a cigarette. His pale jaw is exposed when he tugs the mask up enough, and you try your best to memorize the scars covering his face, telling yourself that you’ll remember him, that you’ll never let him near you again once this night is over.
The look he sends Johnny is approving, the look he sends you is distinctly smug. It makes your teeth grind, makes you really wish you still had that knife so you could lurch forward, thrust the blade into the solid center of him and twist, pull out again and aim a little higher, then again, then again, then again-
“Made your choice, then?”
“Yes, sir. Wanna be good.”
Ghost hums, flicking the butt of his cig then dropping it to the ground, the cherry still glowing. “Settin’ a good example for your girl, huh? That’s my boy.”
The sound Johnny makes is animalistic, and despite the harsh grip he’s got on your arm you try to lean as far away as possible. There’s a building energy under his skin, a twitch in his fingers, that unnerves the animal part of your brain in ways Ghost doesn’t. 
“‘Course. Gonna teach her how to be good, too, gonna keep her perfect for us.”
Ghost is completely stoic with the mask tugged back over his face, nothing but his heavy gaze as he stares you down. It’s hard not to jerk away from Johnny and run, no matter how futile you know the effort would be. 
He reaches out a big, gloved hand towards your face, moving quickly enough that you can’t fully flinch away and hide your face in your shoulder or chest. His thumb strokes across your cheekbone, smearing the sticky mess of liquid across your face and huffing a sound just loud enough for you to hear.
“Cat got your tongue, girl?” He rumbles, a faint note of something in his voice lost in the sounds of anarchy behind you.
You try to shake your head, unable to manage anything more than a, “Please.”
Johnny scoffs beside you, wrapping both of his massive arms around your shoulders and holding you close. “Broken record, this one. Hasn’t said much else since we nicked her.”
“That’s alright,” Ghost rumbles, give Johnny one firm stroke over his mohawk. “I’m sure you’ll drag all sorts of pretty sounds out of her tonight. Now, let’s get goin’. Don’t want your little toy gettin’ her nerve up and earnin’ herself a punishment so early in the night. Come, now.”
Johnny laughs, loud and harsh as he tugs you to follow him and Ghost. You know you should be upset about what he’s said, know he should be doing exactly what he warns against and try to get away.
But you’ve got no energy left to fight. Everything hurts, your system is overrun by fear and just the tiniest drop of adrenaline, and your best chance of making it through this night is passing out and forgetting any of it ever happened.  
A few tears, stragglers, drip down your cheeks when Johnny tugs you beside him. The places his fingertips squeeze against your arm have gone numb, and your feet feel like they’re on fire. Your arms are sluggishly bleeding and you’re not convinced you don’t have a concussion.
It’s hard to hold back sobs when you think of how much worse it’s going to get. Staring at the broad back of Ghost, feeling the feral energy of Johnny hardly contained by your side, all you can hope is that they let you survive the night.
You close your eyes as Johnny guides you, take a deep, steadying breath, and pray for your own strength. You tell yourself that maybe next year you can seek them out, find them at the very start of the Purge and get your revenge.
It’s a comforting enough daydream to lessen the aches of your body, to shine a spot of light after the hurricane of your future. 
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Made it to chapter 16 today which means Feyre and I have both had our first impressions of Rhysand's Inner Circle and ohhhhhhh boy
Its hard to pinpoint why exactly, but theres something so discomforting about watching them interact. I think the main thing is that for all their "casual-ness", theres still clearly a rigid hierarchy between them and they all seem to 'know their place' so to speak, its not at all like Lucien and Tamlin's relationship in the first book which genuinely felt like a friendship that was unburdened by their status or positions. Like, theres this one moment where Mor and Amren are like kinda bickering with each other i guess, and Feyre remarks that Mor is probably super powerful if she dares talk back against Amren (in an incredibly minor matter Im pretty sure but I already forgor ngl) and because this is the book where Feyre's perspective starts being Objectively Correct all the time, I guess that's true, I guess the only reason someone would dare voice their opinion on something to this friend group is if they were physically more powerful because otherwise you just level a fucking mountain during an argument
Anyway, Im gonna switch topics for a short moment but I promise this diversion is relavant to the point above. So, sometimes when I go into the anti-tags on here looking for criticisms or complaints of the books, I instead find anti-ship posts that are mainly just about trash-talking some ship, mostly ones relating to that whole Elucien/Elriel/Gwynriel shipwar, which I already have thoughts on but I'll save those for later. In any case, one day I stumbled upon this pretty long anti-elriel post about how the gifts Elain gives Azriel on winter solstice arent actually cute and it describes how she gave him like, herbs that help with headaches "because his friends are always giving him headaches" apparently. And then that post went on a whole rant about how insensitive that was of her and that she doesnt actually understand Azriel's dynamic with his close friends, but honestly, judging from this chapter Elain was absolutely spot on
And I usually wouldn't say this because yknow, its only one chapter and we're probably gonna get the nuances of their relationship later, but this is a book written by Sarah J Maas, her characters and their relationships are rarely particularly deep and, more importantly, her writing is incredibly unsubtle. If Azriel was in any way fond of his friends shenaningans I wouldve noticed it, because Feyre wouldve noticed it like 15 times during that whole dinner. But she didnt.
Its especially bad for Cassian and Azriel because it feels like Cassian thinks they have this great rapport but Azriel just genuinely kinda dislikes him. Not to mention that whole fucking mess with Azriel and Mor and Cassian and Mor having sex so she wouldnt get married off or whatever, good god how is every conversation between them not insanely awkward
Even beyond that, idk man, theyre all just so insufferable. I dont understand how Amren, ancient eldritch being trapped in a fae body that she is, can stand to be around them, I wouldve left them 5 centuries ago if I was her. I guess the explanation is that she finds the government position interesting but its like, youre SECOND to the most boring and annoying man on the planet only kinda ruling over a court that you dont even actually care about from everything Ive heard. Again, if I was in Amren's position I would not be hanging out in an APARTMENT in a boring ass city at the behest of a quartett of stupid bozos, I wouldve weaseled my way into being the personal advisor of Beron or some shit so I could watch the Vanserra Family Drama unfold live
There was one good thing about this discomforting dinner though, and that was how inexplicably gay Cassian was for Rhysand. He was really out there, looking at him with such love, calling him pretty twice in like two minutes being all "I knew I wanted a piece of him the moment I first saw him, the high lord's pretty son" like okay. I know what you are
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fizzywashere87 · 2 months
Can you write a raph oneshot where reader comforts raph after the kraan incident and gets him a giant plushie
notes: yuhhhh i need to be doing more oneshots anyways :D I hope you like it and apologies for the super duper long wait!
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It'll Be Okay, Big Man
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You know it's crazy how fast society moves on as a whole after the world was so close to ending.
It's crazy how quick they just forget four mutants stopped an alien invasion.
Even as the city was being cleared of the debris, torn buildings, the weird ooey-gooey bubble gum looking fungus? Not even scientists knew what to call it. Either way, even as they seen the evidence something big had went down in New York City everyone just seemed to move on, making jokes about it for clout and giggles, nobody seemed to be too shaken at what happened, yeah?
Humans just seem to be silly like that. They don't acknowledge anything that they don't fully understand. Well, while society as a whole moved on, forgot that the sky opened to make way for a huge alien spaceship that seemed to come from the back of a fucking Lebanese shawarma restaurant, forgot about how it looked like a deadass apocalypse went down in New York, there were a few that acknowledged what actually happened- you could even go as to say they were in the center of everything that went down. They were probably the ones that made the spaceship explode, they were probably the ones that made the sky close back up, they could have been the reason New York was able to go back to whatever was trending that week. Don't ask me who, I probably wouldn't know.
It's hard to move on like the news channels decided they would when you were in the middle of it.
Who are these people? I know you're waiting for me to shit it out
Raphael was having a lot of trouble moving on like those silly humans did.
Those stupid thoughts wouldn't leave his head like he wished they would. This wasn't like him at all, he was so out of it. He doesn't even remember what he did under the Kraang's control if he was being deadass. Part of him wishes he did but the slightly bigger part was grateful he doesn't.
Raphael couldn't help but think it was his fault, what exactly? Everything. From the very beginning, to the end of it where it almost ended in his younger brother getting stranded in a whole ass different dimension with something his dad would've told him wasn't real because monsters didn't exist, it was Raph's fault.
Everything that happened that day still haunts him, and he hasn't told anybody about it.
Raphael hasn't told anybody how he gets little flashes- little visions- images- whatever you wanna call it- little touches- feelings- it doesn't matter. It was evident to him that the battle he had to fight internally to win the external was far deeper than he thought. 'Tough shit,' he wants to tell himself. He tries- he really does, he wants everything to be normal again, those little arguments with Leo he could deal with, they always made up- but more importantly he just wants that sticking feeling to go away.
Raphael felt dirty.
You had a feeling Raph wasn't being honest with you. He seemed... off. That's sugarcoating it, he seemed as if he was ready to break down at any moment- any second- you felt it coming.
So there you were heading, to him, you'd already sent a text explaining you on the way to the lair, ready to see your boyfriend. He seen the text and had replied with an 'okay! <3' to which you smiled at softly and picked up your pace, you and the teddy bear in your hand. You were gonna dominate the world with that motherfucker, jus look at 'im!
Earlier, you had decided to put a little gift basket together for your boyfriend. You'd figured he'd needed some extra loving right now, he wasn't so great at hiding it. That- or you knew him very well. Why can't it be both?
You put little pieces of candy you were sure he liked, a king sized bar of Twix because let's be fucking real, they're better than your grammies cookies. You'd included little plushies, a blanket, a little album of pictures with his family- you and April included, and the teddy bear which was currently in your other hand.
Raph would like it, and you hoped it would make him feel better, at least bring a sense of comfort to him in his state. Maybe added cuddles and kisses would help if it didn't. For once, you were confident in your ability to give gifts to people you actually like. The chances of him liking it were higher than the chances it would make him feel worse so you figured- hey! why the fuck not?
You're such a good partner.
Alas, you arrived at the lair, goodies in hand, high hopes for your reptilian boyfriend. You walk some ways to find Raph in his room, curling a dumbbell whilst sitting on his bed. You smile and walk towards him with the gifts in hand, "Hey teddy bear," im sorry i visibly cringed. "How are you?" You ask, testing him, will he lie and tell you he's fine? Will he open up to a conversation about it? You hoped it was the second option.
Raph's face lights up as he sees your good looking ass, even more so as he sees you brought gifts too. "Heya sugar! Raph's doing just fine," Liar "how about you?" He smiles and gets up, placing the dumbbell down and pulls you into a gentle hug. "You brought gifts?" He adds with a smile.
You decided to ignore his little lie, as you were going to bring it up in a bit anyways, instead, choosing to answer his questions. "I'm doing alright," you add with a smile, reciprocating the hug best you could with the things in your hand. "Yeah, I figured you needed a smile." And that was your first attempt to attack the situation.
Raph raised a brow, and allowed you to put the stuff down, and sit on his bed. He joined you, the bed dipping at his added weight. "Why do you say that sweetie?" You knew him better than he thought.
"Well," You start, "Lately you've been off, and by 'off' I mean you seem upset. Upset with yourself. And you've been on edge." You finish, looking at him, scanning his face, and you came to the conclusion he was about to break. "Do you want to talk about it?" You gently ask, placing the teddy bear in his lap.
Raph sighed, so many things, so much stress, so much fear. Damn. "I'm not a good brother." He says quietly, so quietly you thought it was in your head. After convincing yourself he actually spoke and you didn't hit your head that fucking hard in the morning, you sigh quietly and bring him closer to you.
"Why do you say that?" You murmur quietly, rubbing his arms in a comforting manner. You scan his face for any clue, hint, anything that might give it away (thought you were sure it was the reason you had in mind). His eyes welled up with tears and you sighed. "You don't have to tell me right now." You assured him softly, you'd figure he would talk about it when he was ready. You look to the basket of stuff and a soft smile comes across your face, he needed a small distraction right now.
"Hey Raph," You start and he looks to you with glossy eyes, giving a hum in response, you offer a small sympathetic smile to your boyfriend in return and reach for the basket and had it to him. "You never got to look at what else was inside, would you like to do that instead right now?" You ask and a small smile makes it's way across Raph's face. He clears his throat and nods, "Sure thing, sweets." He looks at you in gratitude as a silent way of calming down and thanking you for it.
Raph opens the basket and his small smile turns into a brighter grin, "Aw baby, my favorite candy! I knew keeping around would do me some good!" He gives you a wet kiss on your cheek making you giggle and swat at him with pink cheeks. "Hey!" You couldn't keep the giggles from escaping as you tried to sound mad at him for his comment, "What did you mean by that?!" Raph chuckles and shrugs, "Don't worry about it." He replies. As he looks through the basket he finds the little plushies and immediately his sadness is gone. "Baby!" He pulls you onto his lap and squeezes you tight (always careful to never be too tight), he pulls out the blankets and wraps them around you both, immediately feeling back at home. He finds the album and immediately you feel some weight lift off of his shoulders as if you two were one.
You two spend the rest of the night flipping through the photo album under the blanket as he snacks on his candy, plushies all around you guys, problems pushed aside for now. It was just you and him.
Raphael's problems were nowhere near gone, nowhere near fixed and if he sat quiet for long enough he would feel that need to be cleansed- he would feel dirty again.
Even though that may be true, he simply didn't feel it when you were there to make his mood better, it didn't erase his problems, no,
but he knows you'll always be there to tell him,
"It'll Be Okay, Big Man."
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honakito · 3 months
hiiiii😁 idk of yours request is open but i wanted to ask for a mmj! reader x akito😞 hope youre okay with thisss, bye kisses and hugs 🫶😊
-⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀MORE , MORE ⠀⠀⠀. . . ⠀⠀⠀more more JUMP !
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authors babbles . . ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀i freaking LOVE THIS ! !
MORE! MORE! - prod. honakito
posted as : request
chars : s. akito
type : x g/n ! reader
scenario : akito with an idol (specifically more more jump) reader ( headcanons )
taglist : @finanah ( ask to be added )
affiliated with : @virtualbookstore
notes : OH MH GOD i am SO SORRY for dipping this whole month and not doing this request sooner you probably forgot about it hhh,,,… no joke i was procrastinating this whole month since i am signed up for the math olympics ( i got a 20/28 at the local phase and now im in for the city phase) then i also have national phase if i qualify so requests are gonna take much longer… but still THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REQUESTHING THIS AAA!! AND AGAIN IM SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG
notes 2 : so im actually working on a canon character only series. the only thing ill reveal about it is that it is a crossover with one of my current hyperfixations (they go brrr brrr brbrbr) so mist of my attention will be focused on it (requests will take longer in this case) and other shit BUT!!! ill alao try to finish the masterlists befpre my blog gets bigger so it is easier for me to arrange shit YKNOW ,,, and also the last time i posted here i barely got any REACH. like it was embarrassing omfg i dont want that to happen again so this is probably why i was hesitant on posting again but were cool gang ,, and i aslo have to revamp most of my posts kms
date : 26 / 02 / 24 - 10 / 03 / 24
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well , he doesnt really care.
wait , what?
dont get him wrong , tho! when he first found out you were also interested in the music field , he was ecstatic in his own way. so , he asked some questions.
to realize youre the fifth member of ‘ MORE MORE JUMP! ‘ tho? that was a shocker! he never really put the puzzle pieces together.
not because he isnt capable of doing so , he just doesnt really.. care, about idol groups. it was never akitos type of music genre.
sure , he saw a few posters here and there , but never observed them as a whole. the only one he recognized on those was airi , because of enas childhood friendship with her.
and when you first came to kamiyama , he never really eavesdropped on any conversations about you. wasnt that normal? for everyone to talk about the new student! why was he the only one that didnt know you were a known idol?
isnt that a good thing , tho?
because akito didnt know of your passion , you saw right through him that this is actually how he feels. figured out that he saw you as an average human being , and not someone you only see on the outside , on a screen.
you were more glad for his oblivion , rather than mad.
but back on topic.
for a little while , he didnt know. but after? he seemed more cautious for you.
he knows the things you have to go through in the idol industry — he isnt stupid.
so for your sake , hes more supportive.
youll never notice it , but he will watch each and every livestream your group will hold after finding out. ofcourse , on a whole different account , while hes alone — he does not need teasing from neither you , mizuki , ena or an. 
and the same goes for your social media posts , he always tries to be the first one to like.
also pay close attention to his playlist — suddenly , a few of ‘ MORE MORE JUMP! ‘ s songs are there! but not the whole discography , hes still getting accommodated with the genre. 
so after a while — he gets comfortable.
hell always show up to the shows you will host. at first , he will seat in the back , so you dont notice him. but with a little bit of time , you will always spot him easily in the front rows , but he has too much pride to admit it. half of it , he will say ena dragged him with her. but what about the times he shows up alone? when theres no big sister , or no extra ticket from kohane?
if you figure it out tho , hed gladly accept any ticket you give him. doesnt matter if general or backstage access — your performances are moments that he holds close to him , outside of RAD WEEKEND.
and even if it seems like he doesnt care — he will always cheer on you from the sidelines.
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begging the x reader gods to show this under the tag this time
div. arent mine ; please do not use my work for own uses , includes : reposting and claiming as their own , heavily inspiring off a long term fanfiction , etc , etc .
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bigsunflowergang · 11 months
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Good plan, wrong people (E1610)
*all my posts are x black! reader*
summary: miles wants his girlfriend to meet his friend… but it doesn’t go well at all
Miles wasn’t stupid. Far from it quite frankly. But as he sat and watched everything unfold that night, he couldn’t help but think.
“i’m so fucking stupid” he sighed, facepalming himself before trying to stop the fight.
But let’s start from earlier.
“I just think you two should meet, it'll be cool to hang out with my girlfriend and one of my close friends together" Miles shrugged, looking at [name] with hope in his eyes.
"fine Miles. ill meet your friend" she chuckled, watching as Miles's eyes gleamed.
"great! she should be here soon" he smiled, making her raise an eyebrow.
"hmm, okay. lemme go get my phone" she said, making Miles nod as he turned the TV back up.
[name] went into Miles's room, humming before coming to a complete stop.
who in the fuck is this? she asked herself in her head.
"um, hey... are you Miles's friend?"
the girl in front of her nodded, not paying much mind to her.
"cool.. I'm [name], Miles's girlfriend" she smiled, trying to play nice for her boyfriend's sake.
"mm.. aight. MILES YOUR FRIEND HERE" [name] said after realizing she wasn't gonna get anything out of the girl.
Miles appeared in the doorway, his eyes wide.
"hu- oh hey Gwen" he said, nervously as his eyes shifted between Gwen and [name].
"uh this is-"
"I already told her who I was," she started, before turning to Gwen. "Just got a bunch of crickets when I did though," she mumbled, eyeing Gwen up and down before looking back at Miles.
"you changed your room around? it wasn't like this the last time I was here" Gwen said to Miles, ignoring the slight glare she was getting.
"the last time you was here-?" [name] voiced, now shifting her gaze to Miles who swallowed thickly.
"let's-let's go to the roof. mami might be home soon" he mumbled.
[name] chuckled dryly, walking out the door and up to the roof.
"mi amor!" miles called, making her turn around and wait for him to catch up.
"just let me explain-"
"explain what?" she asked, making him shut up.
she turned back around, opening the door to the roof.
she walked to the railing, picking up the noise of 2 pairs of feet following her.
she leaned on it, looking out into the city as Miles and Gwen approached.
"remember when we sat on the Empire State Building and watched the sunset?" Gwen asked Miles, making [name]'s head snap over to them.
Miles's eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed at Gwen.
"uh- I- um.. yeah?" he said, more like a question than an answer.
she smiled at him as he made eye contact with [name].
he could see she was on the verge of blanking, so he wrapped an arm around her shoulder.
"im trying for you, Miles. I really am. but now im finding out you're a sneaky ass nigga and Ian too much going for it" she said bluntly, pushing his arm from around her.
"is he sneaky or do you just not pay attention-"
"bitch Ian ask you. you ain't wanna talk the whole time you been here, don't start now" [name] interrupted, making Gwen scoff.
"ma, chill" Miles sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"shut up, Miles"
"you're talking to him like that?" Gwen asked, scrunching her face up.
"why you worried bout how I'm talking to my boyfriend?" [name] asked, leaning up off the rail.
"talking like that, maybe you don't need a boyfriend"
Miles stood totally frozen as Gwen's cheek reddened from the impact of the backhand.
"ion know where you from, shorty, but we don't take rudeness too lightly over here" [name] said, glaring at her.
Gwen stood totally in shock before attempting to punch her.
damn, how tragic.
[name] weaved before throwing a 2 piece, hitting Gwen in her nose and her other cheek.
and it just went up from there.
Gwen wailing "get off of me! Miles! get her off of me!"
Miles panicking, trying to figure out a way to get [name] off of Gwen.
[name] relentlessly punching the shit out of Gwen yelling, "talk shit now bitch! talk shit now!"
“i’m so fucking stupid” Miles sighed, facepalming himself before trying to stop the fight.
he tried to just grab [name], which ended with him getting hit in the chest on accident.
he finally came to his senses, webbed her before pulling her to him and bear hugging her so she couldn't get back to Gwen.
"get the fuck off me Miles! you let her do all that talking and shit now wann-"
"[name! chill!" he huffed, tightening his arms around her.
Gwen got up, tears in her eyes as she held her face.
"go tell your people how they spiderwoman got beat the fuck up!" [name] spat, glaring at Gwen with the most anger.
the only things you could hear then were Gwen walking away and [name]'s heavy breathing.
once Gwen got out of sight, he let her go.
"really? really?" he asked, frustrated.
he really wanted this to work.
"really? you're mad at me when im the one finding out my nigga going behind my back letting bitches in his room and watching sunsets n shit?" she asked, looking at him like he was dumb.
"look, I know, im wrong ma. but I really wanted y'all to get along so Ian have to like..." he trailed off, making her eyebrow raise.
"what? so you gotta keep lying to me? going behind my back?" she asked, sticking her neck out.
he groaned, throwing his head back.
"lo siento, mami. but she was dragging it. she just came in my room like once for a brief time because we had a mission" he defended himself, dragging her to him by her waist.
"you still took her to see the sunset" she said, attempting to move his hands but he only gripped her tighter.
"nothing like that, babe. just having a talk before she went back home" he said, making her hum.
"mhm, I hear you"
he rolled his eyes, playfully.
"you know I wouldn't do you bad, stop tripping" he chuckled, making her smile softly.
"she's fucking rude!" [name] began explaining to Miles as they laid in his bed.
"I walked in and I asked her are you miles friend? crickets, but she nodded her head. then I introduced myself, crickets. she aint even acknowledge me" she huffed, making Miles shake his head.
"im sorry, ma" he sighed, rubbing her back up and down as she laid on his chest.
"its okay, baby. im sorry for putting you in that situation on the roof," she sighed. "I really did try, I promise."
"don't worry bout it, its all good" he smiled at her, making her smile and give him a thumbs up.
The end.
{a/n: hey! first post lol! also, I don't use much Spanish for E1610 Miles because he doesn't use much of it in the movies plus it's my sense of contrast with him and E42 Miles (who has more of a Spanish influence from only having his mom). but thanks for reading, hope you all enjoy!}
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I’m not sure if you’ve already critiqued them, but if not, what are your thoughts on the new Shades of Magic covers? Here they are for reference:
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They’re not good, bront.
Look i can summon little eloquence right now and most of my coherent thoughts come down to: these covers are badly done. They’re just. A couple feet up and to the left of hitting the mark. I get the concepts they’re going for but the execution is just not good!
Kell (book 1) is so awkwardly posed. It seems clear to me at least that he was pieced from a couple different photos because the proportions are so weird. His head is bizarrely large compared to his t-rex arms. His hair looks awful.
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Lila (book 2) literally has a zipper on her extremely modern leather jacket:
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A zipper! Look i know there’s magic and shit but the overall aesthetic of the various londons is pre-Victorian fantasy London. The zipper just takes me right out of the immersion and kills the plausible deniability and it’s SLOPPY. It would not be hard to remove the zipper from the image to improve the overall adherence to the canon. Also. What the fuck are those weird little blades in the corners? They make no sense whatsoever, and there are no such similar elements in the other two covers, which says to me they were just slapped on to improve the visual balance of the image. But they just look stupid! They aren’t necessary.
Also the proportion issue of Kell’s cover is highlighted by the fact that Lila and Rhy (book 3) look normal-ish, but Lila’s head is smaller than Kell’s and yet she has longer arms??? Lila isn’t taller or broader than Kell in the books so that just doesn’t make any sense.
Also also it’s hard to tell for sure bc of the lighting of the images, but Lila’s pants appear to be unfastened at the top of the fly. Because sure. Oh and the mask is straight up just photoshopped on top and looks horribly dinky. Party City Halloween-ass mask. Oh and if you look carefully at her hair im pretty sure she originally had a close-cut bob and they painted/edited in more swoosh, which is not a problem necessarily, if not for the fact that i can still see the original hair’s silhouette.
Rhy’s cover is once again rife with weird editing choices that are poorly executed, like the clearly edited waistline silhouette that sliced off the sides of the belt. The epaulette and crown are weirdly dinky and definitely photoshopped, and the cape is so poorly edited that you can see that it was two separate images of draped fabric slapped one on top of the other:
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Also the incredibly obvious fact that, if you read the books, you know immediately that the reason Rhy is facing away from the camera is the artist couldn’t find a suitable brown model 🙃. It’s almost funny that in an effort to avoid brownface/whitewashing they just. Committed erasure instead??
Overall, these covers just feel like badly trimmed, over-filtered collages of magazine clippings, which is not an unworkable aesthetic. But it’s not an aesthetic that works for this series. It just lacks intentionality in these covers and comes across as sloppy work.
Somewhat annoyingly, it seems the main selling point here is the author’s name, which is printed in font three times as tall as the title’s. It’s a marketing tactic to cash in on Schwab’s popularity, but really that just says to me that the books and covers can’t stand on their own.
6/10 they do their jobs but badly.
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hyperfigations · 2 years
Male!Reader struggling to get his laptop turned on to work on a project, Dylan notices them struggling and finally reveals his actual interest to the reader and fixes their problem, resulting in reader being happy to get to know the actual dylan
A/N: Sorry this took so long 😭😭 getting back into writting is so hard. And getting back to being good at writing is even harder. This isn't my greatest piece LMAO but I hope you enjoy it anyways!
(Dylan x M!Reader)
Summary: Dylan lets Reader get to know him better.
Words: 1,452
TW: None
    It was kind of funny, the way he looked at you. His face was twisted in confusion which quickly turned into a playful annoyance. If it wasn’t for your urgency to get your crap done, you would have started teasing him about his “kicked puppy” look. 
 “Mr.H let you keep your laptop?” He groans.Your lips pursed whilst exhaling slowly.
“Only for like an hour, Dylan,” You roll your eyes. “He’s just letting me finish this stupid college application.”
“That is so lame,”
“Dylan,” You sigh. “Is that a yes or no?”
“For what?”
“OHHHHHH, about using the station? Um, yeah, you can but on one condition.”
You give him a look, one that could kill, but he returned it back. The clock was ticking and all you want to do was to get this shit done so you could go back to your job. 
“I gotta keep an eye on you. Ya know, can’t trust anyone after the Jacob Incident,” Dylan shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest. You scoff out a dry chuckle, remembering a few weeks before when Jake lost a bet with Nick and it ended with him breaking into the station and 2 PA speakers blown. Poor Dylan spent nearly every early morning trying to get those speakers up and running again. “Never again,” He had claimed after fixing up the last speaker. 
Ever since, Dylan was way overprotective of the radio station. He wouldn’t even let Jacob even glance its way. 
“Ugh, Jake ruins everything,” You grumble grumpily. Dylan smirks slightly, gently pushing you with his elbow.
“Don’t worry, I’m not like… ‘babysitting’ you. Think of it as us hanging out but Im like watching your every move making sure you don’t mess anything up,” 
You blink at your fellow counselor, staring at him.
“Fine. But you can’t distract me, I really have to get this thing done,”
“Yeah, I am known for being incredibly distracting,” He winks at you. You couldn’t help but chuckle slightly, shaking your head. 
The radio hut was honestly one of the more peaceful places at camp. Secluded and silent, away from all the screaming campers. Even though this is only your second time in there, you noticed a considerable difference from your first. You couldn’t help but remember how garbage this place looked before. Wood planks, trash scattered all over the ground and it was splinter city. When Dylan and you first scouted out the station, you had been pulling splinters out of your fingers for days. After the first time, you vowed never to step back in there but it wasn’t so bad now. Dylan put all his love into it. And it definitely paid off. It looked a hell of a lot better than it did before. 
“Damn, Dylan. Nice job,” You complemented, looking around in approval. Dylan looked a little shocked by your comment, but a bashful smile creeped up on his lips. He looked down, his shoulders going up slightly. 
“Y-yeah, thanks. It was nothing. Just cleaned it up a bit,”
“Since when were you ever humble? It looks great.” 
Dylan smiles even wider. You sit down on the chair in front of the radio, placing your laptop on the wooden table. A sigh escaped your lips as you opened it up. Dylan makes himself comfortable by leaning on the table facing you. His head tilted ever so slightly as he looks over you curiously. You could feel his eyes on you, but you decided to ignore it. You really need to get this thing finished, and you probably only had 45 minutes left to do so. 
“So what college-”
“Dylannn, I said you couldn’t distract me.” You huff. 
Dylan barks out a laugh, “Sorry.”
The computer lit up with the start-up screen, playing a small little jingle to let you know it's awake. Although your computer wasn’t exactly ‘a new model’ it had always done the job. Sure, it took a little slow to get to where you wanted it to go, but it was a small price to pay for a cheap laptop. Except this time… the start-up screen wasn’t budging. Your lips curve downward as you stare at the screen. Your fingers drift over the keyboard, pressing every button you think would help to make it go faster. Alas, nothing was working. “What the fuck-” you mumbled below your breath. 
In the corner of your eyes, you catch Dylan trying to chuckle quietly to himself. You glare at him, “What.” 
“I’m sorry but the 90s called and they want their computer back, man,” He laughs.
“Would you shut up, I’m trying to get this working, jerk,”
“You’re never gonna get it to work by just button mashing,”
Your face scrunched up in aggravation as you pushed away from the computer in Dylan’s rolling chair, gesturing toward your computer. “Fine. If you’re suuuccch an expert, why don’t you do it.”
Dylan looks at you, then the computer. He shrugs slightly and puts himself imbetween. The hut was caught in silence. Nothing to be heard except the outdoors, the clacking of your keyboard and the low humming of Dylan as he concentrated. You watch him from the back but curiosity  began to take over. You roll the chair to the left to get a view of the screen. You expect your computer to still be stuck in its limbo but it… was already fixed? It was on your homescreen!
    Dylan glances behind himself and gives you the most cocky look you’ve ever seen. The smirk on his face was confident and lop-sided. You were completely speechless. It took him, what? Maybe like 2 minutes to fix your computer. 
    “Um… what the fuck just happened,” You finally got out. 
Dylan smiles proudly at you, “Just my techno magic, are you impressed?”
You were. You were incredibly impressed.
A lie. A bald faced lie.
He knew you were lying because his smile grew wider. More cocky.
"Okay, I'll bite," You sigh. "How did you know how to fix it?" 
Dylan rolls his eyes ever so slightly, chuckling. "I fixed up the Hut and I fixed the PA speakers. This computer was nothing," 
"Dylan. I mean, how did you like… do all that though." 
He looks at you, a little shocked. No one really was interested in "the how" he does what he does. He just… does. That's all anyone needs to know. But you wanted to know more. His heart began to speed up at this thought. 
"Oh. Um… well," Dylan says, turning around back to your computer. So he didn't have to look you in the eyes. It was as if he was embarrassed. You stood up from the rolly chair, sauntering over to where he was to get a better view of him. Dylan's eyes avert you at all costs, making you frown just a little. 
"I mean, I've always kind of.. been into it, I guess?"
"So, you wanna go into techie stuff in the future?"
You stare at him, all ears, as if telling him to continue. Dylan sighs and hesitantly goes on, "Tech is like great and all but I dont know… I guess I kind of want to go into…"
Your whole body wiggles in anticipation, making Dylan's awkward frown become an amused smirk. 
"Quantum Phsyics. Or whatever…"
The silence was completely loud. The chirps of the birds keeping it from being completely quiet. Dylan takes a peak at your expression, which is in total shock. 
"Yeah, I know it's kinda dum-"
"Yeah but-"
Dylan becomes a little surprised when you tippy toe up to throw your hands on his shoulders, squeezing them affectionately.
"That's so amazing man!" 
He stares down into your eyes for just a second longer than he had intended to, butterflies swirling in his tummy. 
"You think so?"
"Dude, that's literally the coolest thing! Im like dead ass being serious."
"Haha," Dylan chuckles, suddenly feeling extremely small. 
He falls quiet, staring at his feet.
"You don't have to hide who you are with me, you know that right?"
You cared. You actually cared enough to ask. Even better, you didn't shy away from him? Even when he showed his Dylan Dylan side. Oh god… he feels his palms became sweaty, his heart was racing at the speed of light.
 In that moment, he realized, he liked you. He really, really liked you.
He always flirted of course but this was it. This was the period of an already written sentence. Dylan liked you so, so much.
"U-um, anyways, you should get that application done… right?"
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What the fuck?!? Are you actually serious?!? You guys think that bullying mods until they become suicidal or depressed is a funny thing huh?! You have to consider the actions you have done towards people and also your biases to others.. many people don’t think the same but that doesn’t mean you should do it. Now go fuck yourselves
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Make no mistake, im a sociopath. GOD that sounded evil, let’s rewind a little - I grew up all over costal America. House, after house, after restraining order - everything just kinda blends in. If the divorce rate is 50/50 my mom landed on tails like eight times. So by the time I was 14, right? I moved from seven different houses and attended six different school districts, After a while you don’t see a point in making friends. The vitamin C graduation song? Yeah can’t relate. But then one year all of that almost changed? For the first time I found myself in a school for two consecutive years, going on three. And then I like… started turning pretty a month into high school so the “guys hitting on you social leverage” was really awesome. The popular girls would talk to me all the time. And they were just STUPID! Like they has always been pretty. Never left out, never alone. And when I think about it… all the thinking I’ve ever done was when I was alone. I was nice about it and thought id always be nice about it. Finally in one place to build a steady reputation. And then life said FUCK THAT! - My piece of shit gamer brother got us evicted for pirating breakbeat mixtapes. It's like not even good music! Anyway so Mom was crying packing up the moving boxes and that's when she told me we're moving out of state! And I JUST got settled! I said "FUCK YOU I'm living with Dad" he's just a neighborhood down. I put the boxes down, go over , knock on the door and... BOOM! A GUNSHOT! My second Christmas killed himself! I walked in... Floor looked like a whole ass video game - just blood everywhere. And get this, his suicide note was stuck to the fridge with a Cookie Monster magnet. All he wrote in it was "NICOLE'S FAULT". I'm Nicole by the way, hi WHAT THE FUCK DID I DO TO HIM?! Maybe I missed the office softball game? Men are so into this revenge suicide thing. But whatever, It doesn't matter, Nothing matters... I'm moving... AGAIN City, county, state; All the same fate. But I've always said that while leaving. This time... It's on arrival.
-Mod Nicole
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Every city, no matter how brightly blinding the lights of their nightlife, has a few pockets of darkness. Nimbasa was no different, and in a few short months, V had become an expert at finding them, too. This new one, just behind the Battle Institute, was slowly becoming a favorite of hers. Nobody checked the place past closing time at 8, and the boss always seemed to toss out whatever donuts were brought to the day's meeting still in the box.
Still, even a pretty secluded place like this required a little discretion. V disguised herself as she slept--nothing complex. Just a stray bag nobody would miss, a pile of snow in the cold. Nothing anybody would notice, except for maybe a drunk passerby kicking at things for the fun of it. A few drunk passers by with notably... medieval outfits.
The foxchild yelped out, illusion breaking with the pain. Her eyes blearily blinked open.
"Whoa, man, hold up, did that bag just make a noise? Do you think there was a Pokémon we could ste--uhh, liberate in there?"
"No waaay, that's not a bag. You seriously that drunk, man? Look, that's an... uh... what the hell are you, kid?"
V said nothing, holding as still as possible. Wrapping Wolfy tight in her arms so he wouldn't lash out. Maybe if she played dead...?
"Hey. Hey, kid. C'mon, what are you, wearing some sorta costume? Sleeping in the streets? The hell's your parents? Giving me a headache even thinkin' about it."
The other man... no, teen...? clicked his tongue, leaning over the curled-up child to get a better look at them before grabbing them by their tail. She thrashes violently, swiping the teenager with a single claw before she's dropped back to the concrete ground again with a thump. The pain rings through her body and mind, Wolfy wriggling free to give the grunts a piece of his own mind.
"Oww, fuck. Stupid thing clawed me. I told you, man, it's not a costume!"
"Then what is it?"
"I dunno, bro! But our supervisor would probably wanna see this shit, yeah? Hey, heyhey, nice foxie..."
The little Zorua can barely do more than scratch at the grunts, but it's enough to make one of them send out his Sandile, who bites hard onto Wolfgang and doesn't let go.
"Oh, nice one, Sandy."
"Dude, you gave it a name? You're gonna have to release it later."
"Yeah, but for now, this is Sandy. Shut the hell up. Anyways, KID. We got your weird Zorua. ...Looks pretty sick or something, actually. Why's this little bitch so pale. 'f you come with us, maybe you can have 'im back. Or something. No promises."
V looks from Wolfgang to the strange young men and back, still barely awake. Her brother doesn't say a thing, only glance with pained eyes. Up to her.
The facts are as follow: She's tired. She's hungry. She hates people. She especially hates these people. They smell like cheap fast food (good) and alcohol (questionable). That Sandile isn't letting go any time soon, even with her most pleading attempt at Fake Tears. These men aren't going anywhere, either.
She stands up, slowly, and takes a step forwards.
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aita-alternia · 5 months
am i the asshole for culling highbloods, fair and square in a strife duel
i (a goldblood, masking my quirk so the haters/p dont find me, otherwise goldblood is all you need to know) often participate in strife duels when im not busy being the best fucking engineer this shithole has to offer to our great empire
and lately ive been getting flack for culling these bitches like the unworthy they are, people complaining about "fairness" and "i started it" or whatever
let me give you a little story here to clear things up
so im walking right, just chilling up in the highblood part of my big city because there are NO laws that say i cannot legally just fucking stroll wherever the fuck i want as long its not trespassing, cause maybe i dont wanna flex my psionics by just flying everywhere and i have places to be
and this stupid ass indigo, pulls up, walking by me, just a couple inches taller than me (im 6'4 btw so this chick was pretty big) fucking shoulder checks me, deadass just bumps into me and doesnt say anything so im like
"dude, are you good? the fucks your problem?"
and shes like "whats YOUR problem, you should mind your space, blah blah blah blah highblood jargin im not assed to type, its disrespectful" and then her fucking moirail or whatever some olive just taps her shoulder and tries to get her on her merry way but whatever i dont give a fuck
and im like "dude you should mind YOUR space pay attention" and she gets all mad like damn bro whats your problem im fr just going on a stroll so im like "you wanna go dude we can strife right here if you wanna stay mad" and even though her moirail is protesting shes like "ok fine this wont be too long" (cocky ass bitch) and they look sad that their moirail is gonna cull some moody lowblood scum like me or however those two viewed me
so im like shit, okay, bet, you wanna play, ill play?
indigo pulls out her dinky fucking mace or whatever, sounds to me like a strife duel just began, so you know what i do?
i fire up the goddamn engine (my psionics) and PUNCH her ass, right across the jaw faster than she can say "mustard", bet she didnt expect to get fucking punched with psionics, it's a free ass way to give someone nerve damage so she kinda locks up all surprised (probably the energy i sent across his nervous system too) and next thing you know i got this bulgehead on the ground and im slamming her stupid skull into the sidewalk until its been painted filthy ass indigo (tell you what no one is immune to severe nervous system damage)
his moirails like yelling and shit and calls me a piece of shit or whatever and fine, okay, i feel kinda bad for culling someones moirail but thats just alternia man, strife rules dont care how much your moirail means to you, if i had a moirail im sure he would be sad if i got culled in a strife duel
and i knew this olive was gonna try and avenge their partner so i just sorta flew off before i had to cull someone else in a duel that was probably in an abusive relationship anyway thats always how it is with lowbloods and highbloods mixing
so am i the asshole? i didnt do anything illegal, i asked if she wanted to strife, she said yes, so i won the fucking strife duel i dont know why i feel this way, she fucking started it i dont start shit man
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eirian · 1 year
Just some general advice as I see your posts on occassion on my feed and your current breakdowns on your financials but my guy you should probably get a standard job along side your art.
I say this mostly in a place of I've been there done that sort of thing, I used art to support myself for years while also working a regular 9-5 and while eventually I discovered that doing art fulltime wasn't my thing I can't stress enough that not going forward and getting a regular job to support yourself and your wife when you know you are just barely making it (in your own words) is a borderline lazy thing to do.
Your financials are a major priorty and it shows a lack of character when you can't see that you need to make an effort in a different position. And as someone who also immensely struggles with mental illness also I can tell you that getting that regular 9-5 can help alot with your health. Like for one it can get you moving so minimal excersise is taken care of, possible better money flow and a break from the computer also helps with settling your thoughts. It can be stressful and exaughsting but having a concrete ground of what you're doing along side of art also may give you some piece of mind.
I implore you to just start looking for a regular job to take off some of the stress and it could defo help you loose weight to just from little things that you crowd out
Joint pain is avoided with excersise, breathing problems lifted with regular activity and a little stamina training
San antonio is a booming economic city there are a shit ton of jobs you can get and i know it can be overwhelming especially when mental illness can hold you back but in a loving sense you fr just need to pick yourself up by the bootstraps and get shit done or else you're always going to suffer man
i super appreciate this sentiment and im not going to get defensive like my initial reaction usually is to someone telling me to "get a real job" b/c i do see youre genuinely trying to help me out and give me advice so thank you
my problem honestly is that i dont see myself as fit to having a "job job" as i am right now. i feel like all im good at/able to do is art, and thats why i put all of my effort into that. basically i dont have enough confidence in my abilities outside of art :(
constant thoughts of "what if it makes me miserable? what if i do a horrible job b/c its not art?" and etc. yknow? i feel like i need to work on myself mentally a little still
like to be fair i have looked for in person jobs around san antonio, on MULTIPLE occasions. ive had a few interviews even. ive held a job for a couple months at an aquarium (granted it was art--caricatures) but that was a couple years ago and i was in a worse mental place than i am right now so it only lasted a couple months and i was like..miserable, even though i was doing art. everywhere else i had an interview just didnt want me bc of my lack of experience (which is stupid bc i was genuinely making an effort to get these jobs and how else am i supposed to get experience if not from Your Business like????? cmon. anyway)
a major problem even outside of myself is that, between my wife and i, we only have one car. i am planning to learn to drive genuinely and getting my own vehicle, but right now we only have one ride between us, and she has a full time job so she cant take care of driving me to my job all the time and i wouldnt want to put that on her anyway. so thats also an issue we run into when it comes to me having a job job
trust me i do on occasion look for "actual" jobs outside of my commissions. ive applied to a lot and nobody ever gets back to me or if they do they dont want me, which both very much hurt my confidence in getting a job outside of art but thats another issue i think. if i want to get a non-art job i think i'll be forced to try a work from home route like data entry again or something
again, i thank you for wanting to help and i appreciate it and apologize for basically responding with a bunch of excuses but i want you to understand my position as well u_u/ i dont post a lot (if..at all) about when i do non-art job searches bc i never feel like theyll work out and so far they havent but i honestly havent given up the idea, i do think about this a Lot, way more than i let on, and i do go back and forth searching for non-art jobs on occasion when things feel really rough. so its not something thats lost on me
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Greetings everyone! It is 4am and you know what that means. Thats right, its time to read ACOMAF :) chapters 41 this time. enjoy
Chapter 41
What we're just smashcutting straight to Velaris?? we're not gonna see Feyre talk about all the shit the mortal queens just said with her sisters??
ugh dont remind me of the fact that amren drinks blood but only animal blood because human blood is too watery or whatever. she couldve been my vampire girlie in this a/b/o world but instead shes just a lame disappointment in a lame disappointment world. that also doubles as an a/b/o world, lest we forget that
ughhhhh dont remind me of the fae not being affected by iron
Okay, i have to admit this line kinda slaps: "Maybe then Elain would get an engagement ring that wasn't forged out of hatred and fear."
Yeah Feyre, I hate to say it but you failed HARD as an ambassador, you are so bad at politics, but technically this was all Rhysands idea so I'd say it was his responsibility to make sure youre not bad at politics, so Im blaming him for all this
I made a joke in my last post about how the night court is really US governmentcore and now Cassian is like "we could just kill the current queens and put queens in place thatll cooperate with us" and the only reason Rhys doesnt wanna do it is because it would take too long and because they dont know what effect this will have on the book, not because, i dont know, he'd be interfering with foreign affairs and robbing all of humanity of their agency. I mean, its a monarchy so i guess humanity didnt have too much of a choice when they ascended to the throne, but atleast those queens have their best interests at heart and dont cooperate with former slave-owners
Why does Feyre care so muh about Mor potentially hurting Azriels feelings, is he not acting like Tamlin at the start of ACOMAF where he was all like "no Feyre, you cant go to the sper dangerous place, its dangerous"
Okay so, the oldest queen is the queen of The Black Land, which is a very vaguely africa-coded place, where humans were born slaves to the fae, unlike everyone else where I guess humans had to get captured by the fae to be enslaved OBVIOUSLY she doesnt wanna cooperate with fae, shes even more justified in her decision in my eyes
But then Im thinking, why can she even decide what happens with that little piece of land, Im guessing thats not part of the black land so would that not fall under the jurisdiction of one of the other queens? Honestly, they shouldve just spoken to each queen alone, I get that theyre strapped for time but im sure they couldve forged atleast one alliance without the oldest queen speaking for all of them there. Also, from a doylist perspective, it wouldve been good padding since sjm insists on making her books stupidly long and it wouldve probably given us a more functional government structure because right now it just seems like these queens who allegedly each have a kingdom to run are just hanging out in the same palace all making collectively decisions for the entire continent, which is stupid
What is it with Sarah J Maas and portraying freedom fighters being very dedicated to their cause as a bad thing, sepcifically because its not very condusive to a romantic relationship? Like, in Crescent City Hunt was a rebel and he was in love with the leader of the rebellion before she was killed and he enslaved and its very tragic and he cant love anyone but her, but then he manages to move on and fall in love with Bryce and it turns out to be a better experience for him. Specifically, theres this one scene where he buys her this jade egg or maybe she buys him one i dont remember, and he reflects on how if he had given that kind of gift to his former lover she wouldve appreciated it for one second and then just let it rot on some shelf because she just had other things on her mind, and I thought that was an interesting perspective for their relationship, but now that we're getting a similar thing with Jurian and Miriam except Jurian isnt the love interest of the MC so hes more likely to get demonized it seems kinda weird innit
Oh boy we're gonna get the UTM reeanactment soon arent we. sighhhhhh
Btw what the hell is up with Mors truth powers. Apparently a lot of people in her bloodline have them?? What makes Mor so special then, i thought the reason she was special was because her power was unique. I guess its just uniquely strong then (FOR A WOMAN) but thats just lame and also weird imo
Oh the Hewn City is called 'Höhlenstadt' ['Cave City'] in german and I think that sounds pretty bad ngl. rare Alexandra Ernst L
Feyre keeps going about how Rhys is gonna risk everything for the sake of stopping the war and its like, girlie if you keep jacking him so hard youre gonna rip his dick off, but also, hes not gonna tell anyone where Velaris is right?? Like, it'll still be hidden and safe behind that force field, people are just gonna know of its existence now. And even if Veritas shows the queens Velaris by starting off with a birdseye view of Prythian and then zooming in, that wouldnt be enough for the mortal queens to figure out Prythians geography to the point where they could actually tell where it is, not the mention that Velaris is positioned in a way that makes any attacks, but especially attacks from the mortal land, extremely difficult
Feyre talking about the repressed desire she felt when she say Rhys all naked and vulnerable when he woke up from that nightmare is very inappropriate when you consider that he was dreaming about his rapist, but is also surprisingly relatable because I too like my men best when theyre submissive and crying. its a crime rhysand never ended up getting pegged tbh
Rhysand talking about how he cant bear the thought of Feyre mentally returning to UTM when she just barely managed to leave it behind is funny cuz its like, whos idea is it gonna be to dress Feyre up like she was when you were assaulting her UTM. i dont think its her
I dont know what it is but Im already so over this stupid plotline with Mor and Eris, maybe Im just tired cuz its early but god, i dont ever wanna hear about it again
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butch-bakugo · 2 years
Maybe im being defensive on a different blog or maybe im just tired of making excuses but it litterally pisses me off sometimes on how we as communties on this platform, refuse to even tap the glass surrounding the topic of a "dni" or "do not interact" as something that is, in truth, totally outlandish and entitled.
Its held up as everyone's special little perfect scroll that makes anyone a monster for not reading and completely adhereing to. Like its your fault for existing in the same space as someone who finds some innate thing about you triggering and its your fault their mental health is now in "utter shambles". How dare you exist in their space. How dare you not explore every aspect of them before mindlessly scrolling down after liking one of their posts. How dare you not read every piece of the fine print in their 20 paragraph 3 teir with 6 paths per teir caard before following them for 1 thing they post sometimes. How dare you step on their lawn. This blog is their property and they have every right to be upset when you step on it!!
Dude... Blogs are public property. Blogs are your little stall in a sea of a billion stalls at a festival held in a city park. Some people will stop and buy shit, other might spit at your feet. Others steal shit or yell at you and heres the reality...
You chose to put up the fucking stall.
You chose this public place. You picked it and decided to sit there and make things and wait. You cant check every customer and why would you? Why should they give you a pamplet of a billion facts of themselves before you could even consider allowing them to just merely stand infront of your stall? Why do i or anyone have to prove to you that we are "worthy" of your blog? Of your content? Why should we have to fit your mold to like a few pictures or pieces of art? Why do i have to sign in?
This is public property and yes, its my fault if i insult you or steal shit but you cant be a white karen and cry to the people crowded around your stall that i merely exist near yours. Thats why i utterly disregard them and will continue to because why?
Dnis are fucking stupid, it dosent stop the people you dont like and if your gonna beg for likes and reblogs, you cant pick who likes and reblogs it.
When i say this, people point out that i have a dni. But heres the thing. At the tippy top of mine, i state that i fully understand and expect it to be disregarded and not adhered to and thats honesty. I dont expect people to and why should i? Its merely a statement of me saying that these people are ones im going to advocate againest and thats it. What grinds my gears is the people who cry and scream and hurt themselves then beg for sympathy from their muturals because they "genuinely" expected it to be respected.
You genuinely expect people to care? When your blog is about cookie run character edits? When your blog is about winx club fanart? Why should they care? Its not my job to follow your rules on a public platform. Its not my job to check every blog i like or reblog from. Its not my job to make my existance something palatable to you and its not my job to respect something i dont have to.
The sickest part of all of it is that its so disconnected from reality. In reality, every person with more than 5 things on their dni has loved ones and close friends who would fit their dni and they don't cut them off like they try to cut at internet strangers. My own damn friends would meet my "dni", my mom would, my sister would. Dose that make them all horrible terrible bigots? Fuck no! It makes me realistic. Its this understanding that just because you dont know someone, one opinion of theirs that dosent align with yours on mundane shit, automatically makes that person a horrendous disguesting bigot who hurts everyone and should never be trusted again with no reason or ability to get better or become more educated or could educate you.
Ive had fully white people not touch important racial posts because im "panphobic". Ive had fully abled people ignore important disabled articles about our rights being taken away cause i support he/him lesbians. Like... The issues dont match each other and you need to be able to put the tumblrina bong down and hold hands aginest actual important issues when they arise instead of mundane fandom bullshit. I dont care if you like the dream smp when im trying to get you to spread more important info about sexism. I dont care if your a demipansexual pro-shipper when really fucking important info about climate change activists are dieing.
Like you gotta be able to step away for a moment and if you find yourself genuinely caring about stupid bullshit like "endogenic rights!!" in real life that dosent affect anything over any of the big 5 of oppression: mysogny, racism, lgbtphobia, ableism and classism... Then you need to step away and get a fucking grip. You need to breathe and leave. Stop like and a ride a bike. Delete and move feet. You get the point.
Get up and get out and get some perspective. None of it matters. Move on.
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trans-squim · 2 years
Unbound 7/16/22 Overall Commentary (spoilers)
bitch hello??? i fucked around in dehara city and now ive been yeeted into a fucking usb drive or something like???
when staraptor got hurt tho and jax started getting emotional? crying, screaming, throwing up, etc.
but why you only bring staraptor tho? 🤔 we about to fight the shadows and you only got one pokemon? 🤔 what you been doing the whole time in the game shop while i was chucking pyukumukus? 🤔 make it make sense.
im playing on easy mode everything. so the dusclops puzzle is on easy but like... is it just me or was i able to move through the 1st floor without encountering any of the puzzle dusclops??? completely ruining the point of having them there??? or is it for a later part of the game?
idk how i feel about aklove coming in out of nowhere and just taking over. i guess to show that marlon, ivory, and zeph ultimately have wholesome intentions. granted ivory is a bit more clouded.
light of ruin be like aether foundation: the remix.
yeah and now im in a stupid hard drive.
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oreotoreads · 2 years
they do all the maniac stupid shit with jake and they have the time of their lives until one of them starts catching feelings. 
sooha appreciates jake but when he was sick one day and couldn't make it to the school, sunghoon crosses her way, pulling her into the boy’s locker room. sooha gets scared that something happened to jake, he is his best friend after all. but she gots puzzled when sunghoon kisses her, but she doesn’t push him back, instead she kisses him back, enjoying his lips on hers and his crotch against hers as he pushes him to the locker and pulls her skirt apart to fuck his best friend’s girl. 
WTF SUNGHOON OH HELL NO this is why you is maidenless BOY lol
he wasn’t going to let his heart break into pieces again. 
ugh i geddit jake BUT YN IS DIFFERENT ugh okay listening to a sad song is NOT helping lmao
“i am fucking who?” 
“if anything goes wrong, i am here.” 
okay jay let me pack my bags real quick
you tried to look brave and grounded, “i know who you are, i know your secret, jaeyun. or wait, is this your real name or is there going to be another one again?” 
“did you run to jay the moment you understood you won’t get fucked by me?” he smirked, not breaking eye contact. 
“did he fuck you like i did?” he talked in despise, “did you cry from pleasure thinking you got lucky for being dumped by me—
he knew you weren’t sooha, and jay wasn’t sunghoon, but he felt like it was the same thing happening all over again. 
okay but boo, you dont start speculating and shiiiii my dude omg the way my heart strings are being pulled rn because JAKE IS A BIG DUMMY T-T
“but now watch me become the woman you think i am in your head.” 
bishhhhh my jaw dropped and idk how to pick it back up
“you don’t need to be hurt to feel loved.” he kissed your cheekbone, and then under your ear. “let me love you right tonight, y/n.” 
only thing beautiful in this city was you, and you were not his.
JAKE omg you idiot imma beat you up COME HERE
“because i fell in love with you.”
NOW TAKE HER TO MILAN and leave jay to me okay thanks sdfghjkl
GENIEEEEE now reading your highlights from the story i couldn’t believe myself i write such a hot mess omg this gurl (y/n) is such a HOE but stormi u look like mommy baby ig😹 pls don’t hate sunghoon i literally had two chances and since hee was the bad guy in lawyer!jay i went with hoonie lol 🥹 writing jay killed me mf so SOFT HE NEEDS SOME PUNCHES IN THE FACE 🙁 and for the milan part i will just 😐🤐
(also if you had the chance to fuck two pretty best friends, you would) esp when its JAYKE
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