zelsisi · 5 months
How to Properly Kill an Emperor...With Your Problematic Sibling
So this is set in SWTOR during Echoes of Oblivion with Outcast's brother OCs Cuyan (Jedi Knight) and Kaden (Sith Warrior). I’m glossing over things here, it's not supposed to be exactly like the Echoes of Oblivion. I changed some things for the sake of this story considering it's on the OCs and not the story itself.
Also! Hi Outcast! @outcastcommander Been awhile vod! We need to talk more again, only if you want tho. I hope you like this piece (yes it was me as the anon asking lol)!
Here's a preview:
When the two heard what was going down here, of course they wanted to help. Except for very different reasons. For example, Kaden wants to put his former Emperor into the grave for good, afterall a lot of things in the galaxy is his fault. The blue eyes of his brother seem to twitch a bit as he catches the thought through the Force. Meanwhile, Cuyan wants to do it for a multitude of reasons. One to help Satele, the former Grandmaster of the Order and the one that helped him down the road he was on. Two, he hates that he agrees with his brother for wanting to just finally put down the major pain in the osik that is The Emperor. So what if he also wanted to get even for all the bullshit he’s been through? It's not that major. Who is he kidding though? Definitely not his brother who obviously caught wind of the thought through the Force and just gave him a look with his white eyes.
Regardless of why they’re doing this, the fact is that they are doing it. Running head long into danger. Again. For the thousandth time at least. A fact that both have been…quite vocal about as they board the ship that holds the ailing bodies and minds of Master Satele Shan and her students, who they find fairly quickly after carving through the Emperor’s Servants and the Scions.
Both of them kneel and close their eyes, using the Force to go into Satele’s mind. The landscape there is of stars and barren landscapes. Illusions of enemies long dead arrive causing them to fight back to back. The brothers activate their sabers, the glow being the only light close enough to them than the stars. Both are fairly aggressive but Kaden is more honorable in his fighting as he jumps from enemy to enemy, emitting force waves and force slams as he goes. He doesn’t take every opening but that’s his way, better to fight honorably than to take a cheap shot. Cuyan, on the other hand, while he does jump around from enemy to enemy, he’s a bit more…dirty. His fists and feet and head, aided by the force, become his secondary weapons. Every opening he sees he takes, even if it's cheap, his style greatly contrasting to his brother’s.
As the fight winds down, Cuyan’s footing slips on an unstable piece of the area as he dodges to the side, leaving him open to a strike which is quickly intercepted by Kaden’s off hand saber being thrown to throw off the strike. The blue eyes sharpen towards him as they deal with the last of them, “I don’ need your help!”
“Clearly. Tell me brother, how would Kira react if you didn’t come back from this?” That shuts up his brother real quick and Kaden can’t help but feel smug at that and gives a small smirk, “Regardless of your capabilities, this enemy is more cunning than most. As you and I have seen first hand as he was the Emperor of the Sith, saw the way he consumed Ziost, and then saw what he did as Valkorion.” Cuyan’s blue eyes go wide as they go through a wide variety of emotions. The fear of being raised by the Sith so much so that he left and later killed the Emperor as a way to face his own demons. The utter failure he felt after Ziost was consumed, he was a Jedi Knight wasn’t he supposed to save as much as he could? And the utter loathing that he felt when he returned inside his own head after killing him as Valkorion. The final part causes a shiver to run down Cuyan’s spine and he realizes how glad he is that his head is free from that…being.
Kaden sighs lowly as he deactivates his sabers, “Regardless of the past we’ve had, we both want to see that bastard dead. So watch my back, I’ll watch yours.” His hand becomes a fist as it hovers over the area of Cuyan’s armor where his heart is. It's a gesture they used to do as kids before they…made very different life choices. Cuyan freezes and watches it, clearly remembering the gesture but still tenses up. Whenever one of them had touched the other recently it was because they were fighting. Kaden pulls back. He doesn’t know if the touch would even be welcome or if he’d allow it. Both of them turn away from the other.
“How touching.” The brothers whirl around at the familiar voice to see Valkorian. Their eyes narrowing and their sabers activating in near synchronization as they spit out. “Valkorion.”
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norcumii · 2 years
Is a Norcumii hatching day? Happy Hatching Day!!!!
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It is, many thanks! (and that is a glorious gif, THANK YOU! :D)
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frauleiiin · 5 months
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The event is officially over, thank you SO much for participating regardless the rushed circumstances. Hope you all had fun and if I'm still around on Tumblr by that time, see you next year for the next secret santa!! Now here's the credit of all artists and writers + the links to their gift. Enjoy!
@outcastcommander to @justiceforc3po : Vada & Lana
@onedismay to @riachuelowii : Vector Hyllus
@parseolegacy to @sullustangin : Eva & Theron
@jukkariart to @thelealinhypehouse : Ain'res
@radetzkymarch to @zelsisi : Zelsisi
@alekosx to @zephhhhh : Agent & Lyyran
@hoiist to @moonvoidpng : Moonri'ya
@eydika (ishallobservethis) to @onedismay : The Inquisitor & Khem
@lanabenikosdoormat to @radetzkymarch : Flayr
@sheyshen to @dirthara-dalen : Ligastar & Theron
@femurs-vectivus to @vagabond-pinky : Fin
@thelealinhypehouse to @hoiist : Vii
@zephhhhh to @lordbarroomdoor : JK & Doc
@diazuk-legacy to @vexa-legacy : Khano
@vagabond-pinky (vagabond-art) to @jukkariart : Erin
@riachuelowii to @femurs-vectivus : Eiexi
@vexa-legacy to @the-tomato-patch : Rhiasen
@levedor-legacy to @parseolegacy : Akk'rai
@moonvoidpng to @geekwithacuriousmind : Surian
@the-tomato-patch to @queen-scribbles : Kementari & Jorgan
@justiceforc3po to @nekorinnie : Evorurt
@nekorinnie to @frauleiiin : Yuthuura & Andronikos
@mandoart to @lanabenikosdoormat : Jed Solaris
@frauleiiin to @mandoart : Nino
@zelsisi to @outcastcommander : How To Properly Kill An Amperor... With Your Problematic Sibling
@queen-scribbles to @ishallobservethis : Breather
@captainmortuem to @tiredassmage : SWTOR Secret Santa 2023
@sullustangin to @levedor-legacy : SWTOR Secret Santa 2023
@dirthara-dalen to @captainmortuem : Life Day
@lordbarroomdoor to @alekosx : SWTOR Secret Santa 2023
@tiredassmage to @sheyshen : SWTOR Secret Santa 2023
@geekwithacuriousmind to @diazuk-legacy : Servant Two Begins to Question
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anchanted-one · 4 months
Valentine's day exchange
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My part of the Valentine's day exchange
for @outcastcommander , Copaani
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spitzobsessed · 25 days
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Hyperspace-blue eyed, fuzzy, clawed menace
also known as @outcastcommander 's Jedi Master Zeron Paran.
kitty version
is this how you draw cathar?
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xanthouransong · 1 year
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Art Trade with @outcastcommander !
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chokit-pyrus · 14 days
last fictional character in ur camera roll just adopted u
OG thread by @the-cheese-slut
tagged by @vagabond-pinky
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freaking perry the platypus! 🤣
Tagging @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @outcastcommander @baekura @flingpoly @shadow-usagi @marcyaugust @mocawafflez @swtorpadawan @labmousegirl @catboyithaqua @bigmammallama5 @hoiistart
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greencrusader13 · 2 months
9 People You'd Like to Know Better
I got tagged by @saph-y! Thank you!
Last song: Resist and Disorder by Rezodrone/The Cartisian Duelists. I was feeling pretty frustrated earlier, and I just needed something angry and defiant to listen to.
Favorite color: On any given day I could answer green, blue, or silver/gray. I'd probably say green, considering my account name, but I also really like the other two. Green is the best lightsaber color though.
Currently watching: Shogun on FX. It's very intense (and at times downright horrifying/disturbing - looking at you episode 1), but so, so well made.
Sweet/Savory/Spicy: Savory. Too much sweet is no good, and I cannot handle spicy at all.
Relationship status: Single and almost ready to almost mingle.
Current Obsession: Other than my story, Rogue, which occupies at least half my brain space at all times, I'm finding myself excited for a Star Wars 5E campaign I'm going to be doing with friends soon! It's gonna take place after the established canon in a fractured galaxy, kinda like the days of SWTOR but with more than just the Republic/Empire. I'm going to be playing a Kaleesh Guardian (Paladin in D&D rules) named Qaal who's taking his first steps into a larger galaxy as he seeks to understand his connection to the Force and where his place is in it. I told my DM that I didn't want to start with everything figured out as a Jedi, so he's only got a spear right now, and he'll be wrestling with the lure of the dark side vs. a call to the light. I'm excited though for when he'll eventually build his lightsaber, and to see who he'll wind up being.
Last thing I googled: "Dwarf name generator." Some minor character in Rogue needed a name. He will likely never appear again beyond this chapter.
I'm gonna tag: @anchanted-one @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @chubbyooo @crqstalite @dingoat @nusaran @outcastcommander @commander-ralyle @sidhevicious
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imrowanartist · 1 year
Heya! For the expressions i have one for you! <33 No pressure ofc! 10E Fox <333
Also happy new year!!
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Happy new yearrr!
Both you and @outcastcommander asked for Fox in E10 so here he is!
Thought he also deserved some extra bags under his eyes XD
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sullustangin · 10 months
Last Line Meme
Tagged by @califrey and @starknstarwars and @reliciron (i just found your tag too!)--it's been sitting in the mentions for over a month-- sorry for the late reply!
tagging (no pressure, can be any fandom): @commander-krios @kaosstar @outcastcommander @rinskiroo @mr-jaybird @shabre-legacy @admiralprawn @buckybarnesss @certified-anakinfucker @cinlat
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words.
"Apparently, a widower wanted to talk to him and Trant."
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theocs-strikeback · 2 years
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Check out these two awesome OCs!
Creator: @outcastcommander
You can read about Kayla Fett in Tales from the Shadows
And about Sommin in Snippets of Survival
And check out the art of Sommin here!
Thank you for sharing them!
Text under the cut...
OC Name: Kayla Fett (nee Tenau)
Pronouns: She/her
Species: Cathar
She's harsh. Cold and calculating. But she's got family to protect. Ex Death Watch turned True Mandalorian, Kayla takes no crap and gives no f*cks about anyone or anything. Widowed by the war between Death Watch and the True Mandalorians, Kayla swore that she would never lose what family she had left. And she's kept that vow ... even though it means that her hands are *dripping* with blood. But she's not a monster. When she discovers that her idiot brother in law has helped in the creation of a Clone Army, she threatens to oust him unless he gives the Clones a choice. They can stay and be soldiers ... or they can leave, come to her farm and she'll help them learn to live, to get jobs in the wider galaxy that don't require them to be cannon fodder.
OC Name: Sommin Atlas
Pronouns: He/Him
Species: Mirialian
A sweet Jedi Padawan once. He was bright, cheerful, strong and talented in the Force. Well on track to become a fine Jedi Guardian. Until his Master: Nomen Karr; took him to Balmorra. They were cornered by an Imperial patrol and Nomen fled to save himself, leaving Sommin behind. Overcome with emotion at the betrayal, Sommin lost control of the Force and lashed out; obliterating the patrol and losing consciousness. He awoke in a cell, on his way to Korriban to be trained as a Sith. The stress and his outburst had turned his hair white and his once blue eyes orange. On Korriban, he caught the eye of Darth Baras thanks to his history with Nomen Karr and his unusual Force knack for shields. Baras scooped him up as an 'apprentice' before any other Sith Lord could. Four torturous years followed, with Baras using Sommin for various missions on his behalf as well as 'training' him, until he tired of Sommin and sent him to carry out a mission on Taris. A mission he was not meant to survive. He did ... minus one arm thanks to the rakghouls ... and escaped to Belsavis where he met back up with fellow lineage mate and Jedi Somminick Timmns. Somminick helped Sommin to heal from his time with the Sith, but when the Wrath came calling; Sommin left for Nar Shaddaa. He established himself quickly in the underbelly as a vengeful wraith, breaking up arms deals, destroying drugs shipments and freeing slaves. Sommin found his calling on Nar Shaddaa as an avenging angel. The Shadow Angel of Nar Shaddaa.
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
SWTOR Alliance Commander Ask Game!
Good god I found this in my drafts from like 5ever ago, oopsieee. Better late than never ig? :’)
I was tagged by the wonderful @outcastcommander, thank you Cast! :’D I’m super late to the party (as usual), so apologies for any repeat tags etc. qAq
I’m not tagging anyone in this purely because I am so fucking late to this party I’m so sorry ;w; XD but if you want to do this then go for it!!
1) Who’s your Alliance Commander? What class are they? Alignment? Random other facts you wanna share?
I actually have 2(3 counting Aria!) that all take different “parts” of the Commander storyline if you will.
Vano Shenly - Neutral Good/Light IV - Sith Warrior. The one who takes a carbonite nap, and who ends up subjected to Valkorion in her head. Aria’s wife and (one of) the one(s) who can actually keep Aria’s...murder tendencies, under control.
Saarai Ahaszaai - Chaotic Good/Light III - “Sith Warrior” (not actually a warrior and is in fact a descendant of the former Sith Royal Line, forced into exile when Valkorion/Vitiate took over the Empire as otherwise she would’ve been killed), Takes the Eternal Empress half of the Commander saga and commands the Eternal Fleet. Extremely tired of Valkorion’s shit, wants to Go Back To Her Beach Hut On Rishii Please And Thank You. XD
Aria Saal-Shenly - Chaotic Neutral/Dark II - Jedi Consular (Sith Assassin). Worked as a Sith plant for years, culminating in the Assault On Tython flashpoint battle. “Local dumbass tries to fight Satele and gets her vibes checked into next YEAR” LMAO. Vano’s wife, would fistfight Valkorion to get him out of Vano’s head if that were physically possible.  Technically not a full Commander in that she doesn’t take any of the “important” story strands but she’s Vano’s Emotional Support Commander ok? /lh
2) What’s a reason or two you like that this character is your Commander?
Vano - She was the first toon I ever did the expansions with, so she kinda got slid into the Commander role by default there. I’m also very much of the angle that the Alliance genuinely is a melting pot of all the better things from both Jedi and Sith and having Vano be (one of) the leader(s) of that really helps to show that. She’s not perfect and has done some dicey things and killed some people she shouldn’t have in the past, but for the most part just wants to solve things as peacefully as possible.
Saarai - She’s my favourite. Ahem I mean....I’m a sucker for “long lost princess taking her crown back but not in the way her overbearing ghost mom wanted her to”. Rai’s just a Very Fun character especially being a big and scary Sith who, when you get to know her is Actually A Very Sweet Person and its really fun to have her do the opposite of what’s expected and watch NPCs be super shocked about how nice/chill she is. Rai’s also the only one Strong Enough to actually kill Tenebrae when they get to that point
Aria - Honestly its just funny. Saarai or Vano try to go about things diplomatically and Aria’s first idea is always “Murder? >:)” She’s the one standing behind them with a “Want me to kill them for you? :’))” sign. Also, again, sucker for an anti-hero and Ari fits that bill to a T. She doesn’t like being nice to people but she’ll do it for her wife even if she complains about it at every possible opportunity and its incredibly funny to work with sdkjdhgjkdgj
3) What’s a reason or two you don’t like about them being Commander?
Vano - Despite being nice Most of the Time, she’s a petty ass bitch sometimes and does not know how to let things go, which creates a lot of tension with certain important alliance personnel (Koth, among others...) that makes certain plot points more difficult. There are certain points where she makes very Darksided decisions (due to stress, Valkorion’s influence etc etc) that are pretty Hard for me to stick to even if its what makes the most sense story-wise.
Saarai- SHE’S TOO DAMN NICE AND WANTS TO HELP EVERYONE INCLUDING VAYLIN. Rai please some of these people Legitimately Want To Kill You, they don’t want Hugs /hj
Aria - Same answer as above, re: “want me to kill them?” “NO”. Also when running her through that content I have to pick a lot more DS options than I myself would normally choose to because I know its something Aria Would Do and that is often Challenging for me!
4) Why did this character of all your OCs become Commander?
Vano - She’s canonically Vitiate’s Wrath, so it made most sense for her to deal with the carbonite nap side of the storyline. Also it would be way more boring and confusing if Rai did all of it lmao
Saarai - She’s my favourite. Valkorion/Vitiate/Tenebrae killed her parents and the rest of her family and for the most part I really wanted to give her the opportunity to canonically run him through for that. Girl deserved it after everything she went through cause of what he did to them. Also in spite of Vano’s other life experiences, she often backs down too easily and that’s where Rai comes in. She’s 6 ft 3 and built like a semi truck, she can intimidate people into backing off/calling off attacks without ever actually having to Get Violent, most of the time.
Aria - She and Vano are a package deal, you take em both or you get neither of them. Fully srs LOL
5) Who did they side with? Did they stay loyal or go saboteur? Or maybe you headcanon they defect properly?
At first, they side with Acina/the Empire, but especially towards the newer expansion stuff (AFTER KOTET), even Acina starts to get on their nerves and I headcanon the Alliance goes fully neutral at that point. They refuse to pick a side but can (and do) choose to get between the Imps and the Pubs before they Blow Each Other Up again.
6) Are there any NPC’s from the class stories you’d like to see/HC join the Alliance? Ex: Master Timmns, Ardun Kothe, Watcher One, etc.
YES! I HC that both Catha Niar and Cytharat go with Vano to Odessen/the Alliance (more accurately Catha replaces Quinn as Vano’s second pilot after the Quinncident, and Cytharat becomes apprenticed to my Sith Inquisitor who follows Vano to the Alliance)
I’m also kidnapping Vowrawn and Abaron (even tho Abaron has one (1) sidequest in-game I accidentally gave him Lore so he’s Mine now /hj), they join the Alliance shortly after the Iokath arc :D 
And I would love for Master Timmns to come join the Alliance too tbh, I just haven’t worked out how/when yet! 😅
7) How’s your OC feeling about the current Malgus situation?
I have not actually played fully through anything past the Tenebrae part yet so I’m not 100% sure to have an answer to this. Although, probably “annoyed”. ala “can we not leave you people unsupervised for FIVE MINUTES?!” 😂😂
8) Are any of your other OC’s part of the Alliance? If yes what do they do for the Alliance? Do they get along with your Commander?
Ni’kasi Ahaszaai - Lawful Neutral/Grey/Light I -  Sith Inquisitor. Saarai’s twin sister and Vano’s best friend. She dips out of the Empire the moment Vano and Lana do and goes with them to the original meet-up on Yavin IV, and this only cements her decision to defect to the Alliance when she discovers her twin is alive and also leading it alongside Vano. Ni’kasi is part of Vano and Rai’s inner circle of advisors, or the Alliance High Council if you will (alongside Lana, Koth, Theron, Hylo etc etc.). Ni’kasi is in charge of the Force Enclave as she’s the most experienced with the Force Fuckery side of things, in all honesty hahaha Adores Rai the most but is pretty close with Aria and Vano as well and considers them her best friend/a good friend respectively!
Merak Shenly & Ziv’erikreen - True Neutral/Light II - Smugglers. Merak is Vano’s little brother, and Ziri is the street kid he accidentally-on-purpose adopted after he found her as an orphan in a run down hospital on Taris. They work for Hylo as the Alliance’s main cargo freighter/transport pilots! They love Vano & Aria but Saarai kinda scares them. Giant Sith Lady = Scary, even if she’s Nice All The Time. Merak can’t quite shake the Sith = Bad mentality after all it was the Sith that took Vano from them on Mirial even if Rai had nothing to do with that, it’s a hurdle he can’t get past D:
Tyûk Ahaszaai - Neutral Good/Light IV/V - “Sith Warrior” - Saarai’s son and Ni’kasi’s nephew. Like Rai, he has the SW class in-game but doesn’t enter the plot until Forged Alliances/Rishii because he and Rai are hiding out there. He’s just happy to be here, honestly XD He’s not very good at fighting (and hates doing so) but he is an extremely talented blacksmith/weaponsmith. If someone in the Alliance has a broken saber or damaged armour, Ty’s the one they go to to get it fixed up uvu He adores his mom and thinks Va and Ari are “okay”. Aria’s a little stabby for his tastes. Vano’s alright but where Vano goes, so does Aria so he tends to prefer to stay away from them bc he...doesn’t really like Aria hahaha
D’leah Ahaszaai - Lawful Evil/Dark I/II - “Sith Inquisitor”/Force ghost - D’leah’s already dead by the time the Alliance is made, but she’s one of the Force ghosts hitching a ride in Kas’s head so by extension she does end up here lol. She’s the only ghost Ni’kasi doesn’t “release” after the Thanaton fight, because for the most part she kinda still likes having her mom to go to for advice 🥲 Come the time of the Alliance setting up on Odessen, D’leah tends to hang around the Force Enclave watching them teach the kids and occasionally giving the twins advice when/if they ask for it, rather than being directly attached to Kas herself, but as long as the girls are happy to have her there then her ghost ass is staying right on Odessen and not leaving hahaha Surprisingly, likes all 3 of the commanders and ofc loves her daughters tho she and Rai had a bit of a confrontation first (there’s backstory stuff they had to sort out first before they could go back to being OK :3)
I also have a (Light-side) Jedi Knight that I plan on chucking into the mix at some point but she is very much Not Fleshed Out At All rn so I can’t say any more than that currently LOL
9) How does your OC feel about Odessen? (Bonus: how do you feel about it)
They like it! It’s peaceful and balanced in the Force, what’s not to like about it? :D Saarai and Ni’kasi in particular are quite fond of it as its a bit closer to Dromund Kaas and/or Medriaas than say, Rishii was, and so it reminds them of their childhood etc etc,
Also I LOVE Odessen, I just wish we could explore more of it when not directly involved in the quest parts. LET ME GO RUN AROUND IN THE JUNGLE BIOWARE I BEG
10) How does your Commander feel about being the Commander?
Vano - She’s committed to trying to provide a safe haven that doesn’t force Force sensitives (esp. younger ones) to make an impossible choice between family & learning about the Force so she’s all in 100%. She’s not perfect and makes mistakes sometimes but that’s what her advisors are there for!
Saarai - She doesn’t exactly like it, but she understands that she has a natural air of authority and that people look up to and/or respect her. Her attitude is very much “If I don’t do this for them, no one will” sort of deal. But she’s never wanted to be a leader she just wants to go back to the beach with her son before all this complicated stuff happened ;-;
Aria - Actually enjoys it. She doesn’t like being the one calling all the shots but she’s taken surprisingly well to helping Vano with it.
11) Favorite place in the Alliance base?
Vano & Aria - I’m not really sure tbh, they really like the whole planet and don’t have a specific fav place.
Saarai - definitely the jungle. It reminds her of Dromund Kaas which she’s never been back to without having to worry about Diplomacy so she likes that she can just wander off into the jungle and sit out there and watch the wildlife for a bit and pretend that it is Kaas <’3
12) Favorite mission in KotFE?
Chapter 4 where they get the Gravestone, and Chapter 14/the Blood Hunt flashpoint where they first meet Shae Vizla and her Mandos. I care that Mando husband/wife duo so much ok. ;w;
13) Favorite mission in KotET?
Chapter 6 where you crash that big party of Vaylin’s. It’s so much fun. Also the final boss fight is p cool :’3
14) Least favorite mission in either? Why?
The fucking walker missions. That needs no other explanation LOL
15) Is your Commander successful because they’re skilled? Or are they perhaps just really lucky?
Honestly, a bit of both for all 3 of them lmao
Vano - She’s an incredibly talented saber duellist, and also has the most experience (much to her dismay) with Vitiate/Valkorion so naturally it made sense for her to be the leader as she’d know how to “deal with” him best.
Saarai - Slightly because of Luck since its Sheer Dumb Luck that she got away from Vitiate’s Inquisitors and they were too stupid to Check How Many Kids D’leah Had And Make Sure There Was More Than Just One (Kas) before they assumed They’d Won. BUT she’s also (despite preferring not to get physical if she can help it) incredibly powerful and strong so it’s nice for the Alliance to have a giant Pureblood who is Almost Bulletproof leading the battle party. Good for morale, ya know? XD
Aria - More luck than skill. Ya girl is just stupid foolish lucky LMFAO but she’s unrivalled when it comes to stealth/sneaking around so she’s got that going for her too! :)
16) From our OC’s point of view, SoR -> KotET wasn’t a fun experience, did they develop any fears as a result?
Vano - Force ghosts. And if Lana keeps trying to poke needles into her she’s gonna develop a needle phobia I swear to fucking god LMAO
Saarai - I wouldn’t say she developed any new particular fears but a running theme for her is that she worries she’ll be a bad leader/make the wrong call and someone (else) will die for it. The Vette/Torian thing was Rai’s worst nightmare qAq, also Vaylin’s death was pretty hard on her. She could relate to Vaylin and really wanted to help her (even tho Vaylin...did not want to be helped) and that weighed on Rai for a long, long time D:
Aria - Vano dying (again).
17) AU time! If your Commander wasn’t Commander, which of your other OCs would have likely taken their place?
Honestly I think it would be a hilarious disaster if Vano and Aria switched places and Valkorion ended up in Aria’s head. I think Valk would give up and leave bc he would not be able to do anything that phased Aria XD
Otherwise on a more serious note, Ni’kasi being the sole commander would also be pretty cool! And the ending would’ve worked out pretty different cause I don’t think Kas would’ve given up on taking the original Sith Empire back quite so easily so she prolly would’ve given Acina the boot in the end (not via killing her, I don’t think, but she would’ve produced centuries worth of geaneology and/or her mother’s ghost to basically tell Acina to hit the bricks cause that throne is hers so cough it up bitch 🤣)
So we prolly would’ve ended up with the Alliance taking over the Empire’s territories except Kas wouldn’t let the Republic bait her into Useless Turf Wars either, she’s also tired of that crap, so it’d prolly be just Malgus that they’d have to worry about. Maybe one day I’ll write a short AU thing about it idk. its not priority rn hahaha
18) Who’s someone your Commander hopes they never have to deal with again?
Arcann and Senya. All the way lmao Those two are not in any of the Commanders’ good books after what happened
Saarai is lowkey getting to that point with Acina now too tho. If she doesn’t stop trying to drag the Alliance into the petty ImpPub squabbling Rai is gonna throw hands LOL
19) Does your Commander hold on to/still use any titles they earned before KotET?
Vano & Aria both kept their Darth names and/or title(s)! Vano is Commander Wrath, Aria still goes by her Darth name (Canis) and is Commander Canis, though many in the Alliance have taken to calling her the Wrath’s Shadow as well because she’s usually stuck to her wife like glue to make sure nobody else tries to murder Vano again LMAO
Saarai - technically she does still have her Darth title. Just unlike Aria and Vano she hates using it. She doesn’t want anyone to feel she has more power over them which is typically associated with a Darth name, and would prefer everyone just called her “Saarai” <3
20) Share something, anything at all, you want about your Commander that you’ve not really gotten the chance to share before but really want to.
Rai may be a Reluctant Leader but at this point she’s so deep into it (and so fond of like 98% of the people in the Alliance) that even if she did get the chance to step down and leave I don’t think she would. She secretly is really glad to be able to protect and help people that have nowhere else to go :’)
Rai’s Darth name is/was Kemodu, which is a play on “Komodo” as in Komodo dragon, because the House Ahaszaai emblem is Chirikyât in his Hssiss forms and another “name” for Hssiss in canon is “Dark Side Dragon”. I lowkey wish Rai would want to use her Darth name bc its my favourite out of everyone’s but she hates using it so I don’t get to hahaha
Oddly enough Vano is probably like, the least mentally stable of the three now. What with the whole Valkorion thing. I’m not saying she’s gonna go full Vaylin but she’s defo not doing ok someone please give this woman a hug- XD
Rai is the Eternal Empress but Bioware can fuckin fight me about it being a solely-DS! title/thing. She’s a LS! Eternal Empress and I will not change that /srs
At one point Rai did offer the Eternal Throne/the Fleet to Aria instead as Rai really didn’t want to be in charge of that but in a shocking moment of responsibility Aria turned it down - she was worried that she’d make an errant spite thought about how much she hated the Jedi and end up nuking a planet by accident so she opted not to have that kinda power in her hands LOL
Aria’s Darth name (Canis) is a reference to her father’s Darth name (Noctis), who was killed by Baras shortly before the final confrontation with Vano/the SW in the DC Chamber. She was very fond of her father and wanted to have a Darth name to remember him by, and because his Tuk’ata ended up deciding She Was Pack Now she went with Canis :3
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frauleiiin · 1 month
In honor of that special day, here's a post regrouping most of my OCs art!!
OCs Art Work Collection
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1. Kaaydan by @outcastcommander 2. Kaaydan by @theoasiswinds 3. Herazed (Kaaydan's mom) by @notsomeloncholy
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1. Kaaydan & big sis Hylo Visz by @captainderyn
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1. Rue by me! 2. Rue by @squirrel-art
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1. Maverik'a by @wackyart 2. Raeshen by @the-tomato-patch
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1. Juhann & Kyahni by @tizaara 2. Yuthuura & Andronikos by @nekorinnie
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cinlat · 1 year
15 Questions
Tagged by @commander-krios and @keldae Thank you guys!
1. Are you named after anyone?
Not really? My mom’s the oldest of six. She met a little girl at my youngest aunt’s (she was 12 at the time) ballet recital and fell in love with her name.
2. When was the last time you cried?
I don’t remember the when, just that it was sometime in the last few months. My husband was trying to help pop the disc next to my shoulder blade back in, and then I couldn’t breath, and I got so friggin angry at my scoliosis that I started crying. Really freaked him out, because I’m not really one to get emotional about anything. The whole situation was weird, tbh.
3. Do you have kids?
I’ve got two teenagers man. Send help!
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
Your realize there’s no right answer to this, right?
(#5 is missing btw)
It certainly is
6. What's your eye colour?
Grey, unless I’m ill, then it’s bright blue. Eyes are weird.
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies all the way. I love me some zombies.
8. Any special talents?
My unending patience with grumpy people. It’s legit legendary, I’m not even bragging.
9. Where were you born?
Alabama, USA and I’ve lived kind of all over the south.
10. What are your hobbies?
Procrastination mostly. I occasionally dabble in some reading. I haven’t written anything properly in months, mainly due to the first hobby I mentioned. Oh, and I’ve recently discovered a love for baths.
11. Have you any pets?
A 5lb chihuahua. A 17lb maine coon. and a $.99 feeder fish that I didn’t think would last a year..... That was 7 or 8 years ago, he now has a 20 gallon tank all to himself and gets super excited when kids come up to see him. The fish has more personality than the dog and cat combined. I love that stupid, immortal goldfish.
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Softball, figure skating, cycling, a VERY brief stint of mountain biking, water skiing, basketball, cheerleading....
13. How tall are you?
Shorter than most of you....
14. Favourite subject in school?
Science and PE. Yes, I loved PE. I didn’t have to take tests or memorize stuff.
15. Dream job?
I genuinely don’t know. I’m pretty content where I’m at, and I think that’s all anyone can really ask for.
I don’t know who’s been tagged because I’m a terrible tumblrer (I’m old and tired and scroll mindlessly without looking at who posts what) So, I’ll throw out some no pressure tags @kunoichi-ume @dimigex @starknstarwars @salaciouscrumpet @rainofaugustsith @outcastcommander @eorzeashan @dingoat
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spitzobsessed · 1 month
Username song game
Rules are you name a song title for every letter of your username, and then tag as many people
Tagged by @kay1mi
S - Sweet Dreams by Aviators
P - Panzerkampf by Sabaton
I - I'll Sleep When I Am Dead by Set It Off
T - Tyrant by Disturbed
Z - Zitte e Buone by Maneskin
O - O Death by Jen Titus (song in SPN)
B - Bismarck by Sabaton
S - So What by Three Days Grace
E - End Of The War To End Wars by Sabaton
S - Sonne by Rammstein
S - Springtrap by Madame Macabre
E - EVIL by Aviva
D - Divide by Disturbed
... That's a lot of letters ... Lucky number also... "Luckiest"...
Tagging (*deep inhale*): @sullustangin @the-tomato-patch @serenofroses @azems-familiar @ari-leah-arts @outcastcommander @wingedcat13 @edenwolfie @sunderedazem @yamikuruku @illumsky @jaadars @bigbadvv0lf
Have fun
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itstheelvenjedi · 1 year
15 questions tag meme
I was tagged by @outcastcommander ! Thank you & sorry this is late it got buried in a bunch of bot notifs 💀💀 Three ships: I have to pick only three?? 😭😭 ok fine, OC/Lana Beniko/Koth Vortena (yes this is a single ship yes it counts as one bc they’re all in love fight me /hj), Thranduil/Wife, OC/Andronikos Revel (it was really hard to narrow it down to a top 3 and I’m very sorry for my non-swtor followers that two of these are swtor-related not really sorry)
First ship ever: Oh good god I’m not actually 100% sure but I think it might be my OC/Haldir ship (they’re still going even after all these years!! I love them v much they’re just only slightly behind Thranduil/Wife for me hahah) or an OC/OC ship ^^
Last song: Cocaine Jesus by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
Last movie: Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (I’m back in my tolkien brainrot y’all...)
Currently reading: Not much tbh, mostly rp responses and my own fanfics that I keep trying to work on again lol
Currently watching: The Dead Files on Discovery Plus
Currently consuming: Wotsits
Currently craving: Baked Alaska Ben& Jerry’s. (I have some in the freezer I’m just busy rn and can’t eat ice cream at the same time so it has to wait lol) I’m not gonna tag anyone directly cause I’m hella late and everyone’s prolly already done this one 😂 but if you see this & haven’t yet done it and want to, go for it and feel free to say I tagged you if you want!!
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