#outdoor climing plant
huariqueje · 5 months
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La Casa. - Nicola Simbari, 1980.
Italian, 1927-2012
Oil on canvas,  35.5 x 31.5 in. 90.2 x 80 cm.
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tinyshe · 9 months
Garden Report & Frugal Living 24.01.06
Happy New Year! Now that it is January, my brain jumps to tomatoes! Don't ask me why in January I want to get the tomato seeds out and start planting ... my only defense is insanity. Don't get me wrong; I have seeded tomatoes in January and had to work at keeping them warm, potting up, lots of busy work.
But right now it is too wet even if it wasn't cold! Even when its not raining, the humidly level is at 100%. I do want to organize my seed clutter. I have too many. Usually I chose one end of a grow box and just broadcast -- what grows grows and the nots will compost. This year I am going to purposely feed the wild birds my old seeds. I'll mix them in with some regular rations for them.
I started evaluating the trees between the rain storms, deciding what needs to be pruned. Once again the hazelnuts beat me to the pruning and are already putting out their catkins. I wonder with the rain if there will be any pollination. One of the trees that is giving me grief is an heirloom pear (european var.). There was a changing of hands of a favoured nursery and unfortunately the new owners were not as careful/reputable so my tree that is suppose to be on dwarf-sizing rootstock for home garden, is not. So I have this tree in a space that is too small for its big size. I've taken the centre out but its just too big. I'm contemplating taking the whole thing out as its crowding an apple and the asian pear And starting to overshadow part of a grow box. It also needs a hotter/more sunny clime than I can offer. I hate killing plants.
I'm in need of better litter for the aviary outdoor floor. With all the rain it remains sponge like. Need to find wood chips/shavings because the hay is part of the problem with keeping it cold and damp.
My frugal tip for the day can fall under the heading of 'skill building'. Choose something you are curious about or always wanted to try and do it. Keep at it until you are proficient. Look at it as a new year resolution or investing in your future but just do it. Keep with it. Master it. You never know when it may come in handy for yourself or helping others. If you master one, move on to another. You will be learning more than a skill; you will be learning self discipline, learning/exercising your brain, reaching goals, organizing your time and so much more.
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steviedegrae · 2 years
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Wholesale Market Hamburg, Northern Germany. More than 400 market companies with 3,000 employees work on the site and turn night into day. Not only retailers of fruit, vegetables and flowers as well as weekly markets buy here, but also gastronomy businesses, catering companies and canteen kitchens. Whether vegetables and fruit from conventional cultivation or in organic quality, whether from domestic climes, northern and southern Europe or from overseas - there is everything. The same applies to the unique range of cut flowers and pot plants. Goods worth 2.1 billion euros are handled on 28 hectares with 30,000 square meters of sales area, as well as in the outdoor facilities with around 47,000 square meters.
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mcenvs3000f23 · 1 year
My Ideal Role as an Environmental Interpreter
Promot: Describe your ideal role of environmental interpreter. What might it entail? Where might it be? What skills might you need?
When I think about what a role as an environmental interpreter looks like I think back to when I was a high school student, I recall going on field excursions to parks dedicated to environmental protection and witnessing the incredible work the staff members performed in teaching the public about the environment. Typically, the field trips would involve adventuring through parks with a tour guide. The tour guide would tell us stories about the nearby wildlife and species of plants they are aiming to conserve in the park. This sparked my curiosity in a job that would allow me to spend time in the outdoors and with nature. It would be far healthier to spend time working outdoors in the natural environment and doing so would be an amazing way to do your job. In a role that enables me to participate in courses and excursions that inform guests about the environment, I would feel accomplished. 
The ability to advocate for conservation and sustainability through teaching future and current generations is also an exciting aspect of this role. Having the ability to educate on endangered species, climate change, and sustainable living would be a very rewarding aspect of a career. Rainforests, islands, national parks, savannahs, and the Arctic are just a few amazing locations where it is possible to learn about the environment and serve as an educator. Even though there are so many amazing areas to work in the environment, coral reefs and marine conservation are my favourites. As an environmental interpreter, working on a coral reef or marine conservation area like the Great Barrier Reef would be ideal. It would be a fantastic opportunity to broaden my knowledge and experiences to deal with various creatures in various climes. Protecting the coral reefs is a topic I am very passionate about, Coral reefs are important to buffer waves from the shoreline, otherwise, the waves can do damage to nearby communities. Our coral reefs are in danger as they face threats from fishing practices, boat anchors and coastal developments. Being able to encourage others to also be passionate about coral reefs and inspire them to also fall in love with their beauty would be a rewarding role. 
I would require in-depth knowledge of coral reefs and a solid science background to be effective in a role as an environmental interpreter in a coral reef or marine conservation. To explain my expertise to visitors in a way they might grasp, I would need to have excellent verbal and communication abilities. In addition to having a strong enthusiasm for conservation, it helps to be able to educate and communicate well to draw in and hold the attention of an audience. Success in a role educating people about coral reefs would be crucial for motivating and inspiring others to save vulnerable environments. Environmental interpreters are crucial in spreading awareness of conservation efforts and maintaining coral reef protection. 
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talesfromeorzea · 1 year
FFxivWrite2023 Day 18 Prompt Fish out of Water
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Tahij shifted and tried not to hide in the shadows but she was definitely out of her element here.  Fighting off raging beasts assaulting a village, dealing with an aether starved primal, even bringing down a large nasty beast that even the Grand Companies struggled with sure fine easy for her.
Standing here in the midst of a party in the House of Fortemps seeing all of the ladies and gentlemen in their finery, she herself in a gown she would never wear due to its stuffy impracticality she was lost, this was not her world.
In the rest of Eorzea proper she had easily been able to disappear into wilderness away from the civilization that dotted much of the area.  It's not that she wasn't used to villages, or even large cities far from it.  There were plenty that dotted Tural, it was the difference of how they were set up.  In Tural nature was still a big part of the cities and villages.  Plants,vines grew over most of the buildings and animals were abundant.  In Eorzea it was all built up and made for the spoken races alone.  Animals could still be found but they were considered pests, nuisances and unwelcome.
Ishgard was different, the frigid clime made it difficult to just escape civilization as she had in Eorzea because she had to be far more prepared when she left the warmth of the city’s hearths.  As such she felt uncomfortable on normal days, something like today she almost felt trapped.
It also confused her the city was literally on the brink of yet more conflict in the thousand year war they had with the dragons and yet instead of preparing, instead of fortifying their defenses they were throwing a frivolous party.
“Is aught amiss my friend,” a warm voice nearby tinged with concern caught her attention.
Turning she saw a very concerned Haurchefant looking at her his glacier eyes worried.  She gave him a smile and said, “No, I just…am not used to this sort of…celebration.  Mine from home were a lot different.”
“Pray tell me about them,”  he replied, his eyes alight with curiosity.
“Well, for the most part it was usually outdoors around massive bonfires.  Drums beating lots of dancing and singing.  The music is often upbeat and stirring.”
“Sounds delightful,” he replied and then held his hand to her, “While the dances here are not as ‘stirring’ as you described, would you care to join me for one.”
She gave him a smile back and nodded, taking his hand as he swirled her onto the dance floor.  As uncomfortable as she was at least she had a friend there that she could just focus on instead of agonizing over the differences of her home and here.
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gardenpievlog · 1 year
How to grow and care for peperomias ?
What you need to know about peperomias:
Name: peperomia, radiator plant, Peperomia spp., baby rubber plant (Peperomia obtusifolia), watermelon peperomia (Peperomia argyreia), cupid peperomia (Peperomia scandens ‘Variegata’). Height: up to 30cm, but trailing forms can grow up to 90cm long. Plant type: evergreen perennial. Climate: subtropical, tropical or warm frost-free climes; adapts well to being grown indoors. Soil: well-drained soil outdoors; premium-quality potting mix blended with perlite indoors. Position: partly shaded under trees outdoors; bright, indirect light indoors. Will also grow in medium light conditions. Foliage: thick, fleshy leaves in many different sizes, colours and shapes. Flowering: slender, tail-like flower spikes. Feeding: liquid feed regularly during the warmer months, reduce frequency in winter. Watering: water when the top 2.5-5cm of soil is dry.
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goldiers1 · 2 years
Discovering the Wonders of the Canary Islands
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  Are you looking for an unforgettable vacation destination? Look no further than the Canary Islands! Nestled in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Africa, this beautiful archipelago is full of unique experiences that will delight and surprise you. From its warm subtropical climate to its diverse flora and fauna, from its regional traditions and customs to its delicious cuisine, The Canary Islands truly have something for every visitor. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures or simply want to relax on a beach with a good book, The Canary Islands are sure to provide an experience like no other. So join us as we explore one of the world's most magical places - The Canary Islands!  
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El Mirador de La Peña Isla de El Hierro. Photo by El Coleccionista de Instantes. Flickr.  
Exploring The Canary Islands
Exploring the Canary Islands is a must-do for any traveler looking to experience unique cultures and breathtaking views. Mallorca, another major island, offers endless outdoor activities such as hiking through its lush valleys, swimming in its exotic coves, and visiting historic monuments. The other five islands, La Palma, El Hierro, La Gomera, Fuerteventura, and Gran Canaria are each renowned for white or black sand beaches with crystal clear waters. On Tenerife, the largest island of the archipelago, visitors can marvel at Mt Teide; the majestic active volcano with its own astronomical observatory. For those wishing to escape their regular routine and experience an adventure unlike anywhere else in the world, exploring the Canary Islands should be at the top of your list!  
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Climate zone change from east to west La Palma, Canary Islands. Photo by my amii. Flickr.  
Climate: Warm, Subtropical Weather
The Canary Islands are a group of Spanish archipelagos located in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Morocco. Known for their warm, subtropical weather and stunning landscape, the Canaries have become a popular holiday destination. Due to its proximity to Africa, as well as its location in the south of Spain, the Canaries experience a unique climate that stays mild year-round. The temperature averages between 17°C (63°F) and 23°C (73°F), making it an ideal place to escape from colder climes during winter months. During summer months temperatures can reach up to 27°C (81°F). With plenty of sunshine all year round, visitors can appreciate the balmy climate with ease.  
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Broad-headed Skink, Plestiodon laticeps. Photo by Dani Tinker. Flickr.  
Nature: Unique Flora & Fauna
The Canary Islands boast some of the most unique and diverse flora and fauna in the world. With its volcanic origin, the Canaries have a very distinct and varied landscape with more than 2000 species of plants - many of which are found nowhere else on earth. The islands are also home to a variety of birds, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals that can't be seen anywhere else in Europe. With stunning mountains, lush valleys, and exotic beaches, visitors will be able to explore the beauty of nature to its fullest. Be sure to take in all this natural wonder has to offer- you won't regret it!   Local Animals The Canaries are known for their beautiful beaches and picturesque sunsets, but they’re also home to some incredible endemic animals. Endemic skinks, geckos, and lizards of various species can be found living in the wild on the Canary Islands. These unique creatures are fascinating to observe in their native habitats as they go about their daily lives. Scincidae is a group of small lizards that inhabit the Canary Islands, known as endemic skinks. There are several different species including spiny skink (Chalcides spinosissimus), eastern spiny-footed lizard (Ablepharus kitaibelii) and laurenti's wall lizard (Podarcis vaucheri). They live in a variety of habitats from sand dunes to volcanic rock formations.  
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The Bull Leaping Fresco - Circa. 1400 BC. Photo by Egisto Sani. Flickr.  
Culture: Regional Traditions & Customs
The culture of each Canary Island is steeped in rich traditions and customs that have been passed down through the generations. From its traditional music to its local cuisine, there's something for everyone to explore and enjoy in the Canary Islands. Each island has its own unique culture, with festivals celebrating everything from religious holidays to Carnival celebrations. Visitors can take part in ancient rituals such as 'Empalme', where people jump over a set of bull horns while they are held aloft by two men. The Canary Islands also offer many opportunities to learn about their fascinating history, including visits to old castles and churches built by the Spanish conquistadors centuries ago.  
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Livin' la Vida Loca. Photo by Secret Tenerife. Flickr.  
Cuisine: Tastes of the Islands
Trying out local dishes from each island is a must when visiting the Canaries! From seafood paella in Mallorca to Las Raspas (fried fish) in Gran Canaria; The Canary Islands offer an array of unique flavors that you won't find anywhere else in the world. For those with a sweet tooth, there's the famous 'bienmesabe', a traditional almond sponge cake served in most restaurants. No matter what your tastes may be, you're sure to find something delicious on the menu!  
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Teide Observatory Tenerife. Photo by Mike Peel. Wikimedia.  
Activities: Outdoor Adventures & More
From water sports and beach activities to sailing, hiking, and cave exploring, the Canary Islands offer endless opportunities for outdoor adventures. With an array of natural wonders to explore, visitors can get up close to nature while discovering hidden coves, volcanic landscapes, and stunning views. For those looking for a more educational experience, there are plenty of historical sites and monuments to explore such as the ancient castles in La Palma or the Teide Observatory in Tenerife.  
Conclusion: An Unforgettable Experience
The Canary Islands offer a truly unforgettable experience for all kinds of travelers. From its unique flora and fauna to its rich culture steeped in tradition and customs, the Canaries has a plethora of choices. Whether you're looking for outdoor adventures or simply want to take in stunning views, there's plenty to explore on these islands. The local cuisine is also not-to-be-missed - with flavors from each island that are sure to tantalize your taste buds! With so much beauty at every turn, it’s no wonder why people choose to visit year after year.   Sources: THX News, Wikipedia & Hello Canary Islands. Read the full article
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Thursday 25 August 1836
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No kiss very fine morning and F57° now at 8 40 - out with Robert Mann + and Marks’ 2 one house carts as yesterday taking stuff from near the west tower - (the stone and shale) some taken in front of the house today and the clay to the bottom of coal pit field - 3 masons in the servants hall - finished diamond-flagging the floor - set the fire gate and got up the outdoor jambs - 2 masons ramping up and finishing walls up to the garden doors - 2 hewers hewing for the tower as there have been this fortnight past or more - Frank fetched Calder sand - John Booth planting Scotch cabbages at Mytholm - breakfast at 9 ¼ A- did her French vocabulary - sat talking A- out of spirits at my laying out so much money upon the house - reassured her as well as I could - what I am laying out on the house is not much - out again at 10 ½ - Booth thinks diamond flagging like that in the servants hall (the flags taken from the hall) stone dressing and settling could not be done for less than 4/6 per square yard [superior] - while the men were at dinner stood musing how to do the kitchen court - a few minutes with A- saw her off on the pony to Cliff Hill at 2 ¾ - then out again with one or other -A -s’ new tenant Abraham Holt (Travellers Inn) asks 1/8 per yard for carting stuff from the water getting drift just above his house to the Allen car gate opposite the hall - told Joseph Mann to say I would give him 1/6 per yard - Mark Hepworth will do it at that - Mr. Rawson it appears more and more everyday has trespassed very much upon my coal - we shall soon be ready for an investigation into the matters - will it be settled at home or at York? - came in at 4 ¼ - wrote the above of today - from 4 ½ to 6 10 wrote 3pp. pretty small and close to Lady VC- ‘Is all well, my dearest Vere? I have given you just a fortnight - it is just that time since I received your nice, kind letter; and I hope you will now have leisure, and strength, and good cause, to read my congratulations - who is it you have presented on this checkered stage of human life? George- Vere? or Vere? or Vere-Catherine Sibbella? or has the latter combination no advocate that might be heard? a family of 3 is not a large one - I see no reason to suppose, or to wish, that the limits of your own should be so narrow - there is one friend whom you ‘would fair call upon’ hereafter - I think you mean me to guess who that friend is -and I think  I may venture to say that any ‘proof of affection’ would be given with heartfelt pleasure, but, if I mistake not, that friend clings closely to a name - However, be this as it may, I am very anxious to hear how you are; for surely, the status quo of a fortnight ago, cannot be that of this moment  If you have really had your nurse from the 28th of last month up to this day, doing nothing, your proficiency in domestic arithmetic is not very surpassing - thank you very much for your mention of a gardener - I only grieve over it, not having been a few days earlier - your description was so taking, I felt persuaded Mackray would have suited me - I had wished for a Scotchman - but I had so nearly engaged the man who is coming to me next week (it depended only upon character and this was so good) that I felt I could not be off handsomely - the having been trained  in the Botanic garden at Edinburgh, had great weight with me - But my present man is married - his wife will keep him at home in the garden and this, in our populous, mischievous country, is a recommendation - How different at Achnacary, a lordly, lovely, undisturbed domain, where you and Donald reign in peace! I hope to see you there - to share your hospitality - one of these days - in the meanwhile, it will delight me to make Brafield house in my way to London - when this will be, is still unsettled as ever, but, I hope believe the close of the year - the state of my aunt’s health throws great uncertainty over all my plans - so soon, however, as I can leave home in comfort, you will find me on the wing - Rome and Naples must be seen, to say nothing of sunny climes more classic still - But who knows what obstacles may start  up? Poor Otho does not seem very firm upon his throne - we will talk over all this; and I will give you all the time I can; and you shall know long enough beforehand to give you time to be at home - I fear poor dear Lady Stuart is breaking fast - she tells me how much her memory fails, and complains of an excess of feebleness that bodes not well - I cannot imagine her getting the winter over - what do you hear of the Stuarts de Rothesay? I am very glad Margaret Maclean is so nicely married - when, and what have you heard from Breadalbane? and what the news of Coll? at all rates, let me hear of yourself and your littlest one - God bless  you, my dear Vere, you and yourself! always very affectionately yours AL my love, and congratulations (surely not too soon again) to Mr. Cameron - had just written the above at 6 35 folded my letter and left it for the bag tonight to ‘The lady Vere Cameron Brafield-house, Oulney, Bucks’ - out a few minutes - dinner at 7 10 coffee - A- read French and we sat talking till 9 40 then with my aunt (I read newspaper) till 10 ½ at which hour F52 ½° - fine day - A- had note tonight from Mr. Parker to say Mrs. Wadsworth would be satisfied with an agreement on the terms proposed by Miss Walker (2/6 a year for the right of the road and hoped 5 years would be long enough to suit A-‘s and my convenience)
Robert Schofield and Joseph Sharpe not here - mewing the brook for Dodgson
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pcttrailsidereader · 4 years
By Howard Shapiro
‘Lions, tigers, and bears! Oh No!” This famous line from the Wizard of Oz comes to mind as I have been thinking about my fears on the trail. I will admit that generally when  things go bump in the night, no matter where I hear them, they get my attention. It doesn’t matter if I am ‘safely’ tucked in under my covers in the comfort of my home or tucked deeply in my sleeping bag in the comfort of my tent. Usually, I can talk myself down; “Oh that was just the wind.” or ‘Those are the sounds of rustling leaves.” I can find rational thought. I can conger up my courage and feel new confidence and strength...generally. 
Hiking the trail a variety of information gets passed amongst hikers. Such as where the next water is, or the severity of mosquitoes, or a story of a bear that came through someone’s camp...or whatever seems most relevant at the time. Often these relevancies like bears or mad cows don’t get me too worked up. In full disclosure, mosquitoes probably get me most worked up...probably a combination of anticipation of the worst or just the annoyance. An example of the smallest threat becoming the biggest problem. When the word of something with the potential to do me harm gets passed, that captures my attention.
Truthfully there is something out there that consistently gets my attention and raises any anxiety I may have at any particular moment. It is not furry, does not growl, fly, or rattle. It doesn’t even bite. In fact it is not from the animal kingdom. It is part of the flora of the outdoors. It can be secretive. It can be mildly attractive. It is always happy to be up close and personal. Sounds pretty harmless, but isn’t. 
These unwelcome co-habitants along the PCT are Poison Oak and Poodle Dog Bush. Come to think of it Poison Oak may be a contributing factor as to why Section O is so looked down upon by so many in the PCT community. Hardly a reason to disparage Section O. Nevertheless Section O is one of several places this creepy threat tends to hang out. In contrast Poodle Dog Bush likes the southern climes of sections A through G (essentially from Campo to near Kennedy Meadows)  It too is patient to get to know any hiker that cares to introduce themselves. I walked many miles in anticipation of meeting up with it. What complicated things for me was I wan’t totally sure I could identify it. I eventually got past that. The anticipation was a major distraction. and the eventual ability to identify it a major relief. There are far too many plants out there with lavender colored flowers. 
Poodle Dog Bush has an attractive lavender flower that may draw one closer. if the flower doesn’t attract you the distinctive smell may be suggestive of marijuana and pique a person’s curiosity. Like Poison Oak, if you get too close, it will get on your skin and/or clothes through the sticky oily hairs on the leaves of the plant. In its insidious way if you touch it and then touch anywhere else the toxin will go there. For most people a reaction will occur between 24 and 48 hours. The discomfort it brings can last as long as three weeks. There doesn’t appear to be reliable remedy for the itching and general discomfort. Sounds delightful... and furthermore  some guides suggest just throwing your clothes away, you may not be able to get all of the residue out even after washing. 
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Finally Poodle Dog Bush tends to areas that have had recent fires. The seeds can lay dormant for up to ten years. A fire comes through and viola! Poodle Dog follows. Needless to say there is no shortage of burned out areas in southern California. and no shortage of Poodle Dog Bush.
The thing I really hate about Poison Oak is it often appears unannounced. In its young form it is happy to rub against your ankles, calves or knees. As it grows up and matures it can hang over the trail edge in wait to ambush the unassuming hiker and have an even more memorable impact. Poison Oak leaves an oily residue that is just as happy on your clothes as it is on your skin. Its  three shiny oak shaped leaves are a subtle giveaway.  Either way it will eventually make most people pretty miserable. Let’s face it, there is nothing like a good case of contact dermatitis! There are remedies or ways to at least limit the discomfort however nothing is immediate. 
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These plants do scare me. I admit it.  I don’t like any more discomfort than necessary especially when I am out in nature with the intention of enjoying my experience in the fullest ways possible. These two can really suck the life out of a party or a hike.
 I guess to be really honest, I don’t care much for rattle snakes either but that is a topic for another post another time. 
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fluffmugger · 5 years
OK guys, we’re heading into summer and winter hardcore here, so the power usage is gonna rocket. Bad idea for those who use fossil fuels (e.g ALL OF US) so make sure you cut down on that shit 1) Air Conditioners / heaters  First things first, clean yo goddamn filters. This will make the unit far more efficient.   I try and do this at least twice a year, it does make a huge difference. A clean aircon cools / heats better and chews up less power. Second things second:  Stop being batshit with your comfort zone. Seriously. On hot days we don’t set our aircon below 26c (and even then only on schtoniking 40+ c days) and you generally don’t want to have it below 24c anyway, as every degree below that will exponentially increase the power usage. Don’t fuckng @ me with a whinge about how you can’t function unless the aircon is set below that number, either go see a goddamn doctor about that shit, or admit you’re a spoilt little shit who has no concept of discomfort.  I’m not gonna hold your hand, we’re literally talking apocalypse here so knock that bullshit off.   For those of you in winter climes, put on a goddamn jacket, 18c is generally a good place.     It’s also worth noting that the humidity is what causes people to suffer - this is why aircon is so much more beloved than simple fans.  Try setting to dehumidify over cool and you may be seriously shocked at the results. (Also pipe that water to the garden!!) Of course these are all rather moot if you don’t.. 2) Insulate, insulate insulate! Yes, even in a shitty rental in Australia you can insulate.  I’ve mentioned it before, but you grab yourself some lightblock curtains, stuff some thermal  lining on them and you can absolutely slaughter the huge heatsink in your house that is your windows.    Block those fuckers off, and you will prevent heat loss and entry. Close the blinds during the heat of the day. Deny it entry and huddle in a cave, mocking it from afar.   Open up come the cool change and waft all those breezes through your house.   For the winterites, do the opposite - invite in the warmth of the sun, then close up against the dark.  Remember: It’s always easier to keep the  weather out, than try and control it when its inside. 
Sniff around your house. Feel for spots of increased or decreased temperatures. What is causing them? how can you stop them? Is it as simple as closing a door, using a draught excluder, or being fancy with some space blankets? (Can’t afford space blankets? Fuckit, I’ve literally walled the entire western facing windows of our house with aluminium foil during a particularly vicious summer.)  Find out what needs to change and do it.    Is one room damned near impossible to insulate and infects the rest of the house? Close the door, or (as in our case) if you have pets that need access, snag an expanding curtain rod, cut it down to fit your door frame and hang a curtain as a blast shield.   
You think this shit doesn’t work?  I damned well assure you it does.  And it’s astonishing how much:
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Note the time. Top temp is indoors, bottom temp is outdoors. No heating turned on whatsoever, literally just thermal curtains on the windows and a draught-excluder on the front door (this is in my lounge room, a room about 4mx5m with one wall that’s practically nothing but fucking window)  As the crow flies, those two temperature monitors are literally 2m apart - one on the bookcase just inside my front door, the other outside on the front porch.   3) Don’t Forget the great outdoors Seriously. Outdoors useful. Outdoors good. Exterior shutters will stop the heat hitting your home in the first place. Trees will cool microclimates around your home via  evapotranspiration  - they literally act as air conditioners.  This is why cities are always hotter than suburbs or country, it’s the damned trees. PLANT SOME.    Hang exterior shades, even in a rental - the fuckers never look for outdoor hooks.  Put yourself in a solar powered fountain, that will also help lower the temperatures around the area, as well as give local wildlife a steady supply of water.   (If you’re like catnip to Mosquitos, then try something like Mosquito Dunks, they contain BTI which fucks up the little squiggly water-larvae’s ability to process food so they die before they become flying bite-cunts. I love that shit.) 
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krungle · 6 years
Flint Water Crisis or Lead in Your Pipes?
Flint, Michigan is still rolling around with these youngsters who think that the government has completely ignored the situation (especially Trump) and there is still a crisis there.
Here is the full story of Flint, which many people probably do not know:
After several years of thinking, in early 2013 the Flint City Council (which is broke) decides to save money by switching water supplies from Detroit City Water to Karegnondi Water Authority. The KWA needs a couple of years to complete work before they can supply Flint with water. Flint knows this.
April 17, 2013 Detroit sends the city of Flint notice that its water contract is going to expire soon. This did not mean that Detroit was going to cut off Flint. Like an Eviction Notice there would be many steps before the water was actually cut off, steps amounting to months or even years. The Flint City Council took this as Final Notice, however and panicked.
June 26, 2013 Flint contracts with Lockwood, Andrews & Newman, Inc to use the Flint River and retrofit the Flint Water Plant to supply water to the city. LAN had been in contact with the city for a couple of years already and had advised the Flint City Council that any water taken from the Flint River posed a substantial corrosion risk to pipes and had to be chemically treated to mitigate said risk. They also warned Flint that there needed to be testing of water that came out of the plant for 2-3 months before any of that water hit the city systems. However the city ignored LAN’s warnings and made a very limited contract with the company that excluded water treatment and testing. - source
At the same time KWA broke ground on their project to supply Flint with water from Lake Huron.
During this time (for a few years before and after) the Emergency Managers that are supposed to help Flint with their money troubles form a revolving door. It is possible that the LAN Risk Assessments gets lost in this shuffle as the contract with LAN gets narrowed further (to save money).
March 7, 2014 Detroit offers to continue to supply Flint with water until KWA finishes their project. The Emergency Manager refuses the offer.
April 9, 2014 State Environmental Regulators, who are assessing the effects of the water plant on the Flint River and not the safety of the water coming out of the plant, approve permits for the water plant to switch on. The switch from Detroit City Water to the Flint River happens on April 25, 2014.
Complains begin almost immediately from city residents. E. Coli is found in the water supply. In October the GM Plant in Flint stops using the Flint Water citing it is causing corrosion in the engines it is power-washing with it. January 2015 Federal Regulators find Flint to be in violation of the Safe Drinking Water Act. However the Flint Mayor Dayne Walling (D) comes out and insists the water is safe to drink. A few days later the University of Michigan finds high lead content in some of the water samples from campus areas; thinking the problem is isolated they close off some public water fountains. Also in January the Emergency Manager changes once again.
February 2014, high lead is tested in several homes in Flint. It goes down hill and back and forth from there for a couple of years. October 16, 2015 at a cost of $12 million the city of Flint reconnects with Detroit City Water. - source (NPR Michigan)
Since 2015 the State of Michigan has sent Flint over $350 Million to aide in everything from medical costs and health monitoring to paying for bottled water to supplying water filters to replacing plumbing in houses. After two years of the crisis the Obama Administration finally approved $100 million as part of the EPA Budget to go to Flint. That money was still unused in the EPA budget when Trump came into office and although Trump gutted many things, mostly regulations including language that classified rain water as a hazardous waste, the $100 million was finally dispersed (given to) Flint to continue the work the State of Michigan had already started.
Here is a graph of the lead testing over the years in Flint: - source
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In conclusion to this part of the post the Flint Water Crisis is over but certain weaknesses in the water supply of most cities were exposed there (as are noted below) and the medical effects of the crisis will be felt for some time into the future.
The question that none of these sources gets into in detail is how the lead got into the water in the first place. Most people assume (wrongly) that the Flint River has high lead content. The truth of it is the lead came from old pipes, especially the ‘service line’ that goes into most homes built before the 1970′s (and some even later). Also the solder used to join metal pipes (both copper pipes and steal pipes) had lead in it before 1986. Brass Faucets had up to 8% lead in them up until 2014. - source
Let me explain a bit about the ‘service line’. I like pictures so here is one:
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The orange is the service line, the blue is the city water lines. The city is responsible for the blue part, the homeowner is responsible for the orange part. This is standard for all of the USA (not sure about other countries). The is a similar arrangement (without the meter and valve) of responsibility on the sewer-side. That entire skinny part is often made of lead in older housing areas. This is usually not a problem, as 50/50 solder on metal pipes is not a problem, because cities treat their water with chemicals, specifically phosphate additives, that coat the pipes and keep the lead from leaching into the water. - source source
To add onto this, since almost no one on City Water tests their water (people on wells-water often test water especially when it is sold), most people have no idea if their water contains lead or not, for the lead is not coming from the water plant but from their own plumbing. Since the Phosphate levels in the city water supply is not always consistent, you could get periods of elevated lead in your own water supply, especially in dry periods in normally wet climes like anywhere east of the Mississippi, which is also the most likely areas one is to find houses with metal pipes and lead service lines.
Most filter systems today filter out lead and other bad things so it is recommended that one uses one for drinking water (or making tea/coffee, cooking, etc.). Note: boiling water does not remove lead, in fact it concentrates it. Use a filter always. Lead is only a problem when ingested so showers or baths shouldn’t be a problem ever, but if you have a baby you might want to use filtered water for its bath just in case it swallows any of the bath water; sponge baths shouldn’t be a problem. In fact if you have a kid I would make sure the plumbing all the way to the street (including the City part) is lead-free. but then I renovate houses as part of my living so tearing up a yard and walkways is no big deal to me.
PS -
I should note that on my houses in general with the plumbing I go by ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ rule although I do often redo limited plumbing for bathrooms and kitchen remodels and will often add outdoor faucets. I will only test water once if there is a well involved and never test it if it is city water. Testing well water is just a bonus to help with the sale but even that is more than most people do.
I have yet to live in home that I plan on keeping for more than a few years but I do plan that once I do find a long-term home the home will most likely be a full renovation to the studs. In other words new plumbing, wiring, insulation, drywall, everything but maybe hardwood floors, from the Street Mainlines to the sockets and spigots. I even plan on moving walls, maybe even raising the roof to add livable attic space.
But to buy a flip that needs all that is rarely worth it.
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High Yield, Fast Finish… Jacky White is the ultimate performer, a dashing mix of heritage and knowledge. The result? A big harvest sativa that became an instant classic when it was introduced.
We took our time to develop this new school strain. The quest was to breed a plant that combined the greatest characteristics of the greatest plants. It took time – years – to get the strain just the way we wanted it, but the result was worth it. A femme fatale that packs a punch.
The strong sativa genetics of this plant mean that it can climb and those side branches will reach for the space to support its bounty of long and well formed buds. Indoor growers with limited space may look to pruning and bending methods to control the growth; more information is available from our Jacky White grow report. A prinicpal characteristic that appeals to those with indoor set ups is Jacky White’s reputation for stability, meaning consistency with results.
medicinla marijuana is the best friend of the outdoor gardener, hardy and low maintenance. Give it some space and moderate sunshine and it will reward you with a plant that strikes a fine pose, making it a favorite with sativa aficionados in southern regions of the world.
Connoisseurs in northern climes are in luck too, because this plant also thrives in more moderate climates. It may not give you the optimum yields but the skinny gene makes Jacky White mold resistant and its natural hardiness means you’ll be smoking by Halloween. The reward is tasty too – a sunshine buzz to smooth your way into that northern winter.
An immediate hit when it first came out, this plant’s reputation still burns strong. That’s because: for a fast growing, high yielding plant, the effects are just so damn good… An overwhelming experience served on a layer of citrus ‘haze’.
Smoke this and you will have a smile for the rest of the day. It is the creative’s choice with rushes of energy and inspiration making it perfect for heightened focus.
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queensavenue · 2 years
Fun Fall Facts: Learn More About Everyone’s Favourite Season!
Summer has come and gone. This means we’re looking forward to shorter days and cooler temperatures. We’ve enjoyed a lot of outdoor activities during summer. However, the fall in Oakville, ON, brings a lot of charm and beauty that shouldn’t be missed.
Residents at senior homes in Oakville particularly love the fall season! It is a wonderful time to enjoy the outdoors. Active seniors love taking walks and spending time outside without the raging summer heat.
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Fall in Oakville Retirement Residences
Crisp, cool air, multi-color nature displays, and delicious fall treat – there is so much to love about fall! Here are some fun fall facts:
Fall colors
Do you like spending time outside of your retirement home in Oakville? Have you ever thought about what causes the colors of the leaves to change during fall?
One reason is the breakdown of chlorophyll which gives leaves their green color. This is during the food-making process called photosynthesis. Due to the lack of sunlight, plants stop their food-making process. This causes the green color to disappear, making the yellow and orange pigments more visible.
2. Fall bird migrations
We often think about birds migrating during spring….coming home from Southern climes. However, you can also catch birds migrating south during the fall season…especially the geese!
Fall migration in Ontario can be seen from late August to early November. You may catch some hawks, waterfowls, and more on the move during your daily walks by your Oakville retirement residence.
3. A thousand varieties of apples
Fall is the apple-picking season! Did you know that there are 7,500 varieties of apples grown throughout the world? And only 40 of these are grown across Canada.
Another fun apple fact: it takes two pounds of apples to make one 9-inch pie. Good to know the next time you’re planning to bake one!
4. Aurora Season
According to NASA, autumn is aurora season. With the surplus of geomagnetic storms during fall, you are more likely to get a view of the Northern Lights. In Ontario, September and October are prime months to catch the aurora borealis. 5. The season for Rom-Coms
According to a study, fall is usually the season when people are most likely to watch romantic comedies. They say the cold season activates a need for psychological warmth, which draws people to feel-good movies like romantic comedies.
Maybe this is why retirement homes in Oakville love having rom-com movie nights during the fall!
Making the Most of Fall in the Best Senior Homes in Oakville
Part of our Live Balanced, Live Better philosophy is creating opportunities for our residents to thrive. Whatever the season, we always find meaningful and engaging activities for our active seniors.
Here at Livita Queens Avenue, we offer a range of programs and services that encourages a life of vitality for our residents!
Are you looking for the right retirement community in Oakville, ON? Give us a call today and talk to our friendly team members!
Source: https://www.queensavenueretirement.com/fun-fall-facts-learn-more-about-everyones-favourite-season/
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los-plantalones · 6 years
Do you have any tips for keeping succulents outside? Im afraid of giving them too much sun or having them getting beaten up by rain. I also want to try to keep bugs like centipedes and potato bugs out of the soil because I need to bring them in every winter ;w;
I think growing media is the most important thing to consider when keeping succulents outside. What kind of climate you live in will dictate what kind of media would be best for keeping your succulents happy. If you get a lot of rain, you need media that’s mostly grit so it dries out FAST. If you live in a drier, more desert-like clime, your media needs to have more organic content to soak up water.
If you’re really worried about damage from rain and sun, you could put them under an overhang or porch, or set up a shade cloth over them. As long as you introduce them to the outdoors gradually over a period of several days, they should do fine with the sun. Unless it rains for long stretches of time, with the proper media as mentioned above that shouldn’t be a problem, either.
As for bugs… you have to inspect and treat your plants before you bring them in. Remove all dead leaves and stems, and clean up any debris that may be on top of the soil. Try to manually remove any bugs that you can spot first. Then, you can use a gentle setting on a hose to wash the foliage of any bugs that may be sticking to the leaves. Apply horticultural oil if you want to be extra-safe. For soil-dwelling bugs, you can either apply an insecticide, or for a more organic treatment, submerge the pots (with the plants still in them) in a gallon or two of water mixed with a couple drops of dish soap for a few minutes.
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mcjoelcain · 3 years
For a Healthier Garden, Grow Native Plants
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When choosing a houseplant, climate doesn’t factor in—a tropical variety will do just as well in the chilly climes of the northeast as a desert shrub in the rainy Pacific Northwest. For your outdoor garden, on the other hand, you might want to be a bit more choosy about what you’re putting into the ground, both for…
from Money https://lifehacker.com/for-a-healthier-garden-grow-native-plants-1847365528 via http://www.rssmix.com/
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nicholasrowan · 6 years
Field Guide to NeoPagans (humor)
This has knocked around the net for decades. I did not write it. Posted here for locational purposes. Field Guide to Neo-Paganism Bright-Eyed Novice You just read this cool book about a religion where there’s a Goddess and a God, and they meet outside in nature, instead of some scary old building. They think sex is good not evil, and you want to know where to sign up. Distinguishing Signs: Mispronounces god/dess names, has to think a moment about which is deosil and which is widdershins. Has a shiny new athame (rhymes with “A-frame”.) Grand Old Wo/Man Actually remembers Woodstock (the first one.) Will tell you about the time they dropped acid with Kerry Wendell Thornley - or maybe it was Robert Anton Wilson. Anyway, it was somebody with three names. Or was it three people with one name? Distinguishing Signs: Luxuriant gray locks, listens very intently, knows dish about people you’ve only read about. Tree Hugging Nature Sprite Most prized possession: one of Judi Barry’s old tree spikes. Simultaneously believes in universal love for humanity and returning the planet to a pristine, uncorrupted state. Apt to remove clothes and fondle the shrubbery at a moment’s notice. Can discuss compost in great detail. Distinguishing Signs: No meat, no fragrance, no leather, no plastic, no smoke, no drugs, no eco-exploitive products, no animal tested cosmetics, no TV, no car, but very tolerant. Anal Retentive Ceremonial Book collection actually holds up the ceiling in places. Is studying Greek, Latin and Hebrew all at once. Does “workings” instead of “rituals”. All twenty volumes of their magical diaries are all in Enochian. Distinguishing Signs: Won’t go anywhere without a book. Is constantly aware of which direction is east. Dresses according to planetary conditions, or whatever was on sale at Wal-Mart. Womyncentric Gynocrat A man’s shadow crossed her altar once and she spent three weeks purifying it. She’ll have no wands in her chalice, thank you. No boys allowed in her full-moon club. Can hold forth for hours on the magical properties of menstrual blood. Distinguishing Signs: Tiny axes or curved knives, just right for amputating a penis, are a favored symbol and often hang conveniently from her body parts. When a man approaches she rolls her eyes and stops talking. Sexy Pagan Nymph Oh, they’re so nice! All that warm, round, sex-positive flesh—and you can actually carry on a conversation with them between orgasms... pant, drool... Distinguishing Signs: Cute. Horny. Displays prominent cleavage. Will recite love poetry to you under a full moon. Likes to do it outdoors. Often destitute. All too few of them. Corporate Closet Witch “Hey, boss—I’d like to take February 2nd as a personal day...” Has an entire chapter of their Book Of Shadows concerned with spells for purifying the workplace. Doesn’t mind working on Christmas, especially if there’s overtime involved. Quit being overtly Pagan at work since being canned by that born-again boss, but still refuses to say “Merry Christmas.” Distinguishing Signs: Can assume a properly smiley work persona at the drop of a hat. Constantly glances around the room anxiously looking for co-workers and their spies. Non-distinctive style of dress, no conspicuous tattoos. Childe Ov Kaos Can name seventeen industrial goth bands without pausing to think. Knows what a Prince Albert is. Personally feels that if no panicky headlines appear the day after you do a ritual, you screwed up.  Painted on their jacket, engraved in their flesh and/or boldly displayed as jewelry is an emblem which resembles a combination of corporate logo and arcane symbol. If you don’t know what it means, they’ll think you’re a dweeb. Distinguishing Signs: Easy to picture as an alternative musician or bike messenger, difficult to visualize as a school teacher or research assistant, impossible to imagine as a TV news anchor or bank officer. Always wears black leather, even when sleeping. Pagan Celebrity At conventions, stays on the hotel floor that requires a special key for elevator access. Lurks around knots of conversation eavesdropping in order to see if their name is being mentioned. Arrives in helicopter especially for rituals. Starts every sentence with “I”. If you ask them how it’s going, they hand you a press release. Distinguishing Signs: Always has plenty of books to autograph and will personally sell them to you at a slight discount from cover price. Never seen unaccompanied by beefy Amazonian bodyguards and doe-eyed hangers-on. Seems vaguely afraid of anyone they don’t already know. Scary Devil Worshipper Would never be caught dead skyclad. Rarely smiles, except in a snide, knowing way which insinuates you are an ignorant peasant worthy of conquest. Secretly enjoys Rush Limbaugh and read The Bell Curve with smug satisfaction. Fascinated with Nazis. Probably has never hurt a fly, but they want you to think they’re capable of vast destruction. Distinguishing Signs: Lots of black and red. Men like goatees, women favor heavy black eyeliner. At least one inverted pentagram somewhere on their person. If you see several of them getting tanked in a bar, it would be wise to stay far away. Crowley-In-A-Past-Life Every magical gathering has at least one of these, along with several variants along the lines of Gerald Gardner, Tituba, Morgan LeFey, or somebody who was Atlantean royalty. Many of them were abducted by aliens recently, and have disturbing dreams rich with arcane symbolism that they will tell you all about, in great detail. Distinguishing Signs: Look for the intense gleam in the eyes, the backpack rattling with various psychiatric medications, and the garments that were clearly designed and tailored on another planet. Ravin’ Pagan Young and psychedelic. Can dance non-stop all night. Refuses to do boring Eurocentric rituals and prefers deities from sunny climes with lots of interesting local plants. Can say “Ayahuasca” ten times real fast and deliver long quotes from Terrence McKenna. Distinguishing Signs: Dresses in color combinations that hurt the eyes unless you’ve taken ecstasy. Bloodshot eyes, blissful smile, never goes anywhere without ritual drum. Fairie Queen Is he a she? Is she a he? Are they a couple, or are those two a couple or are all four of them a quadruple? If getting answers to these questions could disturb you, best stay away. If, on the other hand, these kind of questions seem overly judgmental, you might have a real good time... Distinguishing Signs: When you look at this person, does every sex act you’ve ever experienced in your life seem hopelessly vanilla? If so, congratulations -- you’ve found a Fairie! High Episcopagan Do their rituals have a script, a choreographer, a stage manager, an orchestra with chorus and last at least three hours? It’s a High Episcopagan! They can memorize pages and pages of Olde Englishe, have more ritual garbs than most people have socks, and consider their main pagan influences to be Gerald Gardner, Judy Garland and Busby Berkeley. Distinguishing Signs: Book of Shadows exceeds five volumes. Knows every note of “Carmina Burana” Don’t ask them about that 18th century seed pearl trim on their ritual hat unless you’ve got an hour to spare. Fundamentapagan If it’s in a book, it must be true. If it’s in an old book, it must really be true. If it’s in an old book that was handed down from an oral tradition of people who couldn’t read, then it must really be way true. Gnashes their teeth if anyone shows up at a circle wearing a watch, glasses, or other mechanical assistance. Believes that anyone who lives in a city, eats meat or has a regular job dare not call themselves a pagan. Distinguishing Signs: Has hissy fits when somebody brings up the old “Crowley ghosted Gardner’s books” argument. Goes around correcting everyone’s Gaelic, Old Norse, Latin, and Babylonian. Dances With Bunny Rabbits Uses animal symbolism to express nearly all opinions and feelings. Charter member of PETA. Thinks meat eaters should be publicly executed. Has many, many, many pets. Has a spirit animal. Personally owns 927 models, pictures, and other depictions of their spirit animal. Distinguishing Signs: Not counting the Pagan his/herself, how many animals can you see when looking at them? If the count surpasses five (including critters found on tattoos, jewelry, garments and undies), you’ve found a worshipper of beasties. Priest/ess of Political Correctness Analyzes everything they read or hear for sexist-racist-homophobic- imperialist-Eurocentric content without paying attention to what is actually being said. Believes in personal liberty—everyone has the right to be overbearing, dogmatic and holier-than-thou, not just the Xtian Right. Incredibly boring yet annoyingly self-righteous all at the same time. Distinguishing Signs: Beady hyper-alert little eyes are constantly in motion, waiting for someone to do or say something bad. Has loud and attention-attracting hissy fits when confronted with everyday things such as advertising or corporate franchises. Rudimentary sense of humor is rarely activated. Our Lady Of Intense Suffering Is constantly persecuted. You’re probably persecuting her right now, you just don’t realize it. Became a Pagan because she decided it was that most persecuted religion of all. Can’t enjoy anything because it would be selfish to have any fun when so many are suffering. Distinguishing Signs: Tales of woe. Even less of a sense of humor than #17. Bristles when anyone says the words “masochist,” or “whining”. I Am Not Spock (at the moment) Knows at least three filks about Cthulhu and at least forty Star Trek jokes. Has found a clever way to create simple furniture from stacks of science fiction paperbacks. Can name ninety different kinds of spaceship. Distinguishing Signs: Two fisted drinking style. Probably still lives with parents. Many cryptic buttons, badges, patches and other insignia. Too smart for their own good. Het-Case Insist that they aren’t homophobic; they just believe that Paganism is about a Goddess and a God and they do it and what could be more obvious than that? It just doesn’t “work right” if you try any other way! Are secretly afraid that gays and/or lesbians are dying to jump their tender hetro bones. Distinguishing Signs: Living spaces abound with depiction’s of satyrs with enormous genitals and huge-breasted, doe-eyed goddesses. Long manicured nails and wreaths of flowers (on females only — men have big, bushy beards instead.) Norse Code Heroic and Vikingly, these pagans often get into trouble with festival organizers and park rangers due to their fondness for running around with a huge battleaxe in one hand and a full mead horn in the other. They throw the best parties, but if you’re a wimp, you’re expressly not invited. Distinguishing Signs: Look for the large, foreboding, biker-like persons wearing runes, with many pounds of amber dangling from their necks. Pentacles, Inc. Pagans have disposable income too, right? So how come they aren’t buying my hand forged Venus of Willendorf necklaces—they come in silver and gold, and each one has a genuine cubic zirconium belly button. Would you like a reading? Will that be Visa or MasterCard? Distinguishing Signs: Has business cards featuring little embossed pentagrams. You never seen so much Egyptian god/dess jewelry on a human being in your whole life. Lord Fang Glory-Wing "I may look like a normal person, but I’m really a dragon." Defines every action (or inaction) that they take on the basis of what kind of dragon they are. Gets mightily offended anytime someone points out that “don’t dragons usually have wings?” . . . Spends a lot of time off by them self pretending that they’re not trying to breath fire. Can go into great detail about the differences between the dragons found on Pern, Krynn, and Middle-Earth. Can recite to you every paragraph of every page pertaining to their "colour" out of the AD&D Monstrous Manual™. Has a high paying job but lives in virtual poverty because every time the Franklin Mint comes out with a new dragon sculpture they just have to write a check for $800. Distinguishing Signs: Small apartments filled with broken down, garage sale furniture, contrasted with expensive, glass-fronted, internally lit display cases containing their collection of dragon sculptures and toys. This collection can often reach numbers made up of three digits, and if you count in the paintings, posters, books, sheets, and pj’s, another digit can be added. Bad skin and a hair-do that can only be described as "slept on". Dragon Fetish Oooooooh!!!! It’s a DWAGON! How much is it? I’ll find a place for it on my bookshelf, bumper, altar, etc. Don’t you worry! Do you have it in more colors? Distinguishing Signs: Loves dragon anything. Will wax rhapsodic on dragons for hours (and hours and hours)... Most have real cheesy grins, which become very obvious when dragon anything is mentioned in their presence. Nice and weird but very friendly. Judeo-Christopagan Some consider these people to be a contradiction in terms. They believe in a God and a Goddess, but have been going to the local Church (or Synagogue) for so long that they can't give up on it entirely. They know there's "more", but they just can't decide which "more" is for them. Distinguishing Signs: On their altar they have: a Holy Bible, a Pentagram, a Star of David, a statue of Buddha, and even The Book of Mormon (You never know). This way they have all the "bases" covered. They can hold, at length, a conversation about ANY religion in the known world. They place the name of their "primary" religion in front of Witch, e.g., Southern Baptist Witch. I’m a Discord ... Oh, a Golden App .. Fnord! Prone to sudden changes of direction, attitude, emotion, and mentality. Over all the best at laughing at themselves, Discordians are that practical-joker uncle at any family gathering that all of the serious members dread, but whom the children love. Rarely at a loss for something to do or say, regardless of whether or not is appropriate or even has any bearing on the current situation. These followers of the goddess of chaos live what many strive for but will never achieve. Distinguishing Signs: They are usually impossible to quantify, but if you know someone who can never be counted on to do the same thing twice, or to do something different the next time, you may have found a follower of Eris. Owns at least one copy of the Principia Discordia, has it bookmarked on their computer, knows who wrote the forward to each addition, and knows what P.O.E.E. stands for. Discordian Neo-Anarchist Argumentative. Infuriating. Goes on philosophical tangents for hours, only to lead the discussion into obsurdities that make your brain hurt to think about them. Smiles too much. Laughs too much, especially at things that are *NOT* funny. Makes fun of everyone's sacred cows, especially yours. Is iconoclastic to the point of cliche'. Rants and raves about huge conspiracies and secret centuries-old organizations. Distinguishing Signs: Yin/yang pendant with a pentacle and big yellow apple inside. Carries around any books by Douglas Adams or Robert Anton Wilson. Refuses to take themselves - or anyone else - seriously. Monster Truck Pagan Can grow their own food, build their own house, sew their own clothes homeschool their children and brew their own organic hooch. Are looking forward to the bleak, post-apocalyptic world postulated by the environmentalists as they can't wait to run amok through the country, worshiping ancient gods, blowing up strip malls and rutting on the divider line of every interstate. You may be a monster-truck pagan if your anointing oil is 30 weight.You may be a monster truck pagan if cakes & wine means tailgate party.You may be a monster truck pagan if Autumn is the Burning Time. Distinguishing Signs: Resourceful, clever and very well versed in the U. S. Constitution. Eats meat with visible twitches of pleasure. Is aware that primitive religions have nothing to do with crystals, Atlantis or unicorns. Bubba Witch Can typically be found wandering the country roads, bare foot and in jean suspenders. When they pass a person in their town it is always their cousin. Their idea of a circle chant is hooting and hollering at barn yard hoedowns! If they ain't makin' a rukus in town, their off chasm' 'coons through the woods, making more noise than their 13 hunting hounds! "Yeah, maybe ah shuld ave 12 dawgs 'n me ta make a propa cercle, but ah unly gots 10 fingas! How ya 'spect me ta count ta 13? gonna let me borra' youz fingas?" [draws his trusty dagger, he and ol' yeller circling for the kill] Distinguishing Signs: Straw protruding from clothes and hair like additional appendages. We won't even ask what they were doing in the hay loft to get all messy like that! Their pickup truck gas caps are replaced with a nifty black cloth with a white pentacle on it, or is that a white hood with a black pentacle? In any case, they are never without baccy-blackened gums (the teeth fell out long ago) and always have at least one spit cup on their person. Ninja Witch These night-clad Pagans are amusing from a distance only. They sneak through the shadows of streets pretending they can't be seen by everyone and trying to ignore the car lights and strange looks everyone gives them. The looks are merely coincidental of course "I'm the mighty invisible ninja, noone can see me!" They ain't too funny when you do actively point them out, they're Hilarious. They usually react by making all kinds of funny squeeky sounds and trying to stick their foot in their mouth, or is it supposed to be your mouth? Distinguishing Signs: Always in a baggy ninja jump suit and carrying one of those dangerous plastic Katanas the kids buy at K-Mart for Halloween. Pentagram throwing stars and an adorable lil' red pentacle on their hood. Supposed to make 'em seem dangerous! ooohhh... scary. Otaku Pagan (sub-titled) Has an equal amount of Japanese Manga as books on Paganism, sometimes more. Often dresses up as their favorite anime character. Often cannot sit still for five minutes without frolicking. Their God is a warrior God named Hitokiri Battousai and their Goddess is Belldandy. Distinguishing Signs: Their ritual garb looks too much like a Shinto robe or a kimono. Their BoS is written in Japanese. They often put Japanese slang in to convey emotions. When they get confused they say "Oro?" Their ritual sword is a katana or another Japanese blade. They call raising energy raising your ki level. Otaku Pagan (dubbed) Has more Sailor Moon or Dragonball stuff than possibly imaginable. Cannot take a single thing seriously. Even more frolicky than a sub-titled Otaku. Probably wanted to get into Paganism because s/he wanted to be a "magical-girl." Doesn't know a thing about Japanese culture. Thinks all anime is like Sailor Moon (and gets really shocked when they rent "NinjaScroll...".) Distinguishing signs: Freaks out when "skyclad" is even mentioned (A sub-titled Otaku wouldn't even care). Often jokingly calls you a "meatball head" if you insult them. Their ritual wand is pink with a crescent moon on the end and during ritual they shout "moon healing, escalation!" Quotes Sailor Moon and Dragonball every chance they get. TechnoPagan Often found discussing the best method of removing hot wax from keyboards. Seems unaccustomed to sunlight. Have had coven-mates for years whom they have never seen face to face, much less know which continent they live on. Distinguishing Signs: Casts circle with #5 torx driver. Chalice contains Jolt. BoS is writtin in Perl. Refers to eclectic ritual as "cross-platforming." Thinks "naked in your rites" means a non-GUI environment
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