#outer wilds gneiss
sawyer-is-eepy · 2 months
"hatchling." pg 1 of a wip ow comic
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this is just page one, would y'all be interested in the rest?? im trying to finish it but losing motivation qwq anyways i have two pages done, this is just the first to get y'all ~intrigued~ or something idk.
anywaysss- inspired by @ciearcab bcuz their art is so so rad omg please go follow them they inspired this whole thing along with elwensa on DA and reddit, but i dont think she has a tumblr. sPEAKING OF, ALSO GO CHECK OUT HER WORK CUZ SHE HAS A SHIT TON OF SUPER RAD COMICS :DD anyways, yeah ::3
stay curious, fellow hearthians!!
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carolkinopf · 3 months
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gabbro studying tip
did a buch of doodles today so here's a compilation vv
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i messed up the pickaxe so many times and just gave up :')
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sick felds and tloow solanum
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what's a cow?? who knows
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this one is from last month but i found it on my phone and i think it's cute
that's it byee have a good day
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sasa-fistulosum · 8 months
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That's all for now
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cobaltbluesu · 6 months
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Haven't exactly posted anything substantial in the last few months, and although it has been partially because of artblock... it's also because I had the megalomaniac comic idea which I am currently drawing, mostly unscripted and... very, very long. At least to my parameters, anyways. But yeah, lack of motivation is also messing me up a lot, I have put myself in various smaller projects, and I might give up on it at any time. Still, art is art right? Drawings will be drawings! And someone might be interested in this. Well, my rant ends here. Enjoy images!
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you may be thinking I left the speech bubbles empty because I wanted to make it a mystery. No, it's actually because my clipstudio paint doesn't let me use outside fonts (in an unprecedented way according to my csp buds), and I kind of still pondering about what I should do about it this one is the shortest scene. I haven't finished all the scene's thumbnails' yet, but by the thickness, you can tell which is longer and shorter (thicker: shorter; thinner: longer)
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and I still have a lot to draw. In any case, I hope you enjoyed seeing this ::) I'll soon be finishing other simultaneous wips, so be tuned! Bye bye, drink water!!!
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fridurwrites · 2 months
Learning to Catch at the End of Everything - Chapter 40 (Out of Reach)
“We’re. Um.” Sanidine frowns. “It’s. Complicated?” “It’s not.” Gossan observes. “Complicated don’t make you kiss that way. I’d know. I’ve had complicated before.” They had indeed. Once, twenty or so years ago, leading to a hazy night with Slate. “It’s hard to explain, then.” Gabbro says, and Gossan sighs.
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poisonhemloc · 1 year
im gonna start tagging this as the taco truck au
(mostly from conversation with Feef)
Tektite is a retired (volunteer) firefighter, and an active park ranger. The reason they’re still active is Marl, local Issue who has Issues with One Specific Tree. Tektite is the only person capable of talking them out.
Gneiss is a retired doctor. The two are on again/off again, and live in Gabbro’s apartment/condo complex (Granite is Gabbro’s new roommate so that area gets more attention)(they needed a place and Gabbro’s other other other hobby is taking in strays)
(Don’t remember if I said it already)(this is from Hollows on discord and you have a tumblr and for the life of me i dont remember what it is) Rutile runs the parks and rec in the area- they’ll put on festivals and events that the taco truck goes to.
There’s, three trucks, now? The first one is the smallest, no one really loves working in it except Feldspar, no one is comfortable working in it except Feldspar, Gossan and Chert. The other two are larger- Chert and Riebeck work together (Chert is in charge, is the chef, is the driver, Riebeck has the neatest hand to write things down and is good once they get into the flow of it) and Gabbro and Granite work together (newbie with the most experienced person who isn’t Feldspar Gossan or Esker) Gabbro and Chert can work together (Gabbro takes cooking and Chert has to deal with people) but Chert and Granite or Gabbro and Riebeck all work fine. Riebeck and Granite barely manage to keep their heads above water but since Chert and Gabbro are both part time sometimes that’s just how it goes (Granite cooks, Riebeck takes orders, because Riebeck burns things when they’re nervous)
Gossan is still down an eye, here. There was a manufacturer’s defect with the truck (brake line wasn’t attached correctly) and it failed while Feldspar was driving them. Truck hit a tree, Gossan lost an eye and broke an arm and several ribs, Feldspar got ejected from  the truck entirely. Gossan was awake after a couple days, and no one knew where Feldspar was for three weeks (assumed they were dead)(was going to be brought to the morgue soon to maybe id a body?) until Gossan recognized a scar on a Mx Doe in the coma ward (medically induced coma). Feldspar was woken up a week after, and still isn’t medically cleared to drive
Buddy Feef’s hatchling Graphite is an aquarium employee with an unhealthy fixation on Feldspar and Slate, who they see as Immortal and a Mechanical God (Feldspar used to do (illegal) drag racing and they did crash but never badly enough to take them off the track more than a month, they won money but they would have done it for free)(Slate hot rodded their cars). Feldspar is fond of them, in a ‘hey so if you go totally limp right before you hit you won’t break every bone in your body’ ‘I know i was just doing that but don’t you dare’ kinda way.
Graphite and Granite both are learning parkour because Feldspar is still doing it (more carefully)
I do have. Rough permanent menu figured out. And Feef wants to draw one of the trucks and this has taken over my brain
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Hatchlinghood (Series)
Fandom: Outer Wilds
Author: Spitzle
Rating: General
Warnings: Injury
Word Count:  7,976
Characters: Player Character, Marl, Tektite, Gneiss, Hal, Feldspar, Minor Characters, Gabbro, Slate, Gossan, Hornfels 
Tags: Injury, Frostbite, yowch, Possibly inaccurate medical information, as far as im aware frostbite is treated with water that is slowly heated, Children, Childhood, real kids moment here, characters play tag asldjakjd, POV Second Person, its implied gneiss and tektite but. barely, TECHNICALLY this would be player/hal but. i don't consider it enough to say it is, since it's only really briefly touched upon., a lot of villagers (and ocs) are mentioned but not the focus, Broken Bones, the main focus was originally on the tree but i carried on to 3k words, no beta we die like men, friendly taunting. marl is a child, staying up past your bedtime, Campfire stories, Sneaking Out, riebeck is mentioned a few times but they have no dialogue
You’re It!
“You ready?” Marl asks, tilting their head with a cocky smile. “I’m faster than you.”
“No you aren’t,” You quickly reply.
or: malachite loses a chunk of their ear
breaking new: local dumb hatchling fall out of a big tree and get hurt
“Really?” You nod. “‘Chite, you’re a minnow.”
“Am not!” You yell back, because you aren’t!
“Prove it! Get me!” And Marl pushes up to start climbing higher.
Or: Marl breaks their arm (and the events after it)
Just One More Story?
You step out, quietly, socks light against the wood, and close the door just as carefully as you opened it. Then you creep along the path from the hatchlings' cabin down to the woods surrounding the bonfire, where you can hear the grown-ups talking, though it’s faint. You climb into the underbrush, crawling through until you’re relatively close, still hidden, and settle in to listen. Stars, there are some times where you want to be a grown-up just so that you can listen to some of the stories that the astronauts tell. There’s not many people left, mostly just the adult members of Outer Wilds Ventures and a couple of other stragglers.
It's past their bedtime, but they want to hear a bit more of the story!
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iceskatingmobsters · 1 year
when I started writing this thing it was "hornfels is the only person with any braincells in this family" (out of the founders) but as I've continued to write it's become "gossan is the only person with any braincells in this family and if someone is in danger they STOP USING THEM"
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Off The Marshamallow Stick and Into the Campfire
Chapter 21
Fandom: Outer Wilds
Summary: The light of the exploding singularity is brighter than anything Obsidian has ever imagined. Breathtaking as a spark of hope when they thought everything was lost. Obsidian would know, they’d worn that feeling like a  second skin, loop, after loop, after loop. The feeling still holds them even as pure light, pure possibility, consumes them. Then, nothing. 
Obsidian wakes up…
Rating: Teen
Warnings:  Major Character Death, severe injury, trauma, Existentialism, aftermath of trauma, alcohol use, references to suicide, mentions of substance abuse
Characters: Player Character (Obsidian), Gabbro, Hal, Gossan, Marl, Gneiss, Chert, Hornfels, Riebeck, Slate, Esker, Feldspar, Porphy, Rutile, Micha
Tags: Aftermath of the End of The Universe, Cannon Continuation, Gabbro didn’t just sit on Giant’s Deep the whole time, Player Character and Gabbro are friends, Science Compels Us to Explore the Multiverse, everyone lives kinda, things I wish the game let happen, liberties taken with in game timeliness and mechanics for easier write-a-bility, physics, metaphysics, fluff, hurt comfort, slice of life, Multiple POV, Tragedy, Character Death, Echoes of Eye Spoilers, Suicide Attempt, Adventure, Substance Abuse, No Beta We Die Like the Universe, A Bit of Prose for Flavor, All the writers and artists in this Fandom are amazing and y'all gave me brain rot
Chapter Preview
Obsidian sighs, hunching forward and scrubbing their face tiredly as they rest their elbows on their knees. They wish Gossan would go away so they can breathe.  "How can we expect The Village to treat us normally when you're cataloging all the ways we're broken?" Gossan pulls away with a gasp like Obsidian had struck them. "What are you saying Hatchling?" Obsidian's ever smoldering anger flares suddenly from their seemingly endless well of pain. Gossan should know exactly what Obsidian means. "I'm saying you resent me for not being your sweet apprentice."
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shwoo · 1 year
Trying to figure out Outer Wilds datamining, and I got the low-detail textures for the Hearthian villagers! Which I wanted because I wanted to compare their eye colours, and Arkose's eyes in particular are very difficult to see.
Here they are:
Arkose: Dark purple Esker: Purple Galena: Orange Gneiss: Dark red Gossan: Orange Hal: Dark yellow Hornfels: Orange Marl: Green Mica: Orange (Not visible in-game) Moraine: Red Porphy: Greyish red Rutile: Dark green Slate: Orange Spinel: Orange Tektite: Orange Tephra: Yellow Tuff: Blue Protagonist: Orange
All orange-eyed characters have the exact same eye colour except Galena, whose eyes are very slightly redder and duller. They also have different skin tones and spot patterns (Gossan has stripes!), but I'd like to see some more detailed textures to get a better idea of those.
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viovayo · 2 years
Here’s some more Straw facts for those who want to know.
A lot of these are based specifically on my playthrough, some are taken from canon, and some are just stuff I made up. Outer Wilds spoilers ahead for both base game and echoes!
Named after the speleothem.
Straw has a reputation for being sarcastic and not the easiest to get along with. They mean well but are terrible at people. Hal jokes that, due to their passion for linguistics, they “speak fluent Straw,” implying that this is a reason the two are able to be friends.
Straw made their triangle themself out of a bent piece of scrap metal. It is not Gneiss-approved. In fact Straw did it to get out of having to learn an instrument, insisting that their time was better spent on flight practice.
(Really they were just super excited about going to space and didn’t want their first launch to be delayed. They intended on properly joining the band after that first flight, but... yeah. There’s. A lot of regret.)
Gneiss got back at them by convincing Slate that Straw was so busy with flight practice Slate should just go ahead and finish the ship computer without them.
Straw was very upset when Hal told them about the statue fragment, but also they absolutely deserved it.
Reprograming the autopilot in the time they have wouldn’t be worth it, stop asking.
They can be overly cautious. Will absolutely fuck around and find out but only in accordance with the plan they’ve carefully constructed in advance. That isn’t to say said plans are particularly good ("Watch me totally make this jump!”), but hey.
No amount of planning can prevent the landing gear specifically from snapping off. All. The fucking. Time.
The rumour map doesn’t exist. They systematically “solved” the solar system planet by planet, printer style.
The Stranger (specifically Owl VR) is the coolest fucking thing they’ve ever seen, so naturally they bug-abused the hell out of it without even being told how, which is great because they’re also a coward.
No, they’re not going to commit murder by water bucket, stop asking.
If you’re wondering how they got their hands on Quantum Cactus, it might have always been there. Or it might have not been. Ehh. 1 in 10 chance, or something. But. At the same time though, probably not. Yeah.
They haven’t burnt a single marshmallow in their entire life, aside from one time where they set fire to ten of them in quick succession.
Even Gabbro voiced their concern at that one, to which Straw complained that “I came here because I thought you wouldn’t get on my ass, geez.”
“I know,” said Gabbro in response, “it’s just creepy when you do it.”
Both of them decided to pretend the whole thing never happened, which, due to time loop shenanigans, it kind of never did.
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naturepointstheway · 2 years
Signs I’ve been neck deep in watching Outer Wilds playthroughs and being in that fandom as a whole: I keep writing certain minerals and rocks with a capital letter like it’s a name. Looking at you, Feldspar, Gneiss, Mica, Gabbro, etc.
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actingwithportals · 1 year
17, 30, 45
17: what is your favorite line you’ve ever written?
Oh wow, that's tough. I don't think I could decide so I'll just pull one of my favorites out of some of the most recent stuff I've written.
(Taken from the fic I wrote for the Outer Wilds zine, so warning about Outer Wilds spoilers below. This is more than a line but it was hard to pull out a single line without giving context of a whole section, so uh. Here ya go lol)
Back then, you’d taken Feldspar for a dreamer. A romantic who maybe spent a little too much time staying up late with Gneiss, drinking sap wine and waxing philosophical about why it is we sing. Then one day, you found yourself angled towards a morning sky dominated by the swirling storms of Giant’s Deep, signalscope in hand, and a harmonica buzzing alongside radio static as its tune traveled to meet you from a thousand kilometers away.
Maybe the stars themselves didn’t sing, but Feldspar did. They did until more voices couldn’t help but join in too, until the whole night sky was alight with that one constant melody. You never stopped watching it, never stopped listening, just in case those stars eventually decided to sing back.
And one day, one did. With a voice that rang louder than the sturdiest of strings, a rhythm more stalwart than the deepest of lungs.
When your sun erupts for the first time, when its outer shell of smoldering red burns away as it collapses into glinting fractals of blue brighter than the clearest waters which sizzle and snap in its oncoming wake, it is not merely a sound that rushes over you.
It’s a song, and it is in this moment you realize you’ve only just now understood what a song can truly be.
So, naturally, you ask the universe to play it again.
30: most inspirational quote you’ve ever read or heard that’s still important to you.
Something considerably smaller than the quote I posted above, but there's a particular song lyric that's been rattling around in my head and kinda fueling inspiration for my current wip.
(This is taken from the Finale of the Hunchback of Notre Dame musical. To this day hearing this verse always breaks me a little, even after first hearing it some six years ago now.)
The world is cruel, the world is ugly
But there are times and there are people when the world is not
And at its cruelest it's still the only world we've got
Light and dark
Foul and fair
Out there
Okay but actually I gotta add one more here because I just remembered a quote a buddy of mine said some time ago that has also just left me completely floored even months later. (Quote is from @the-rockers)
To experience something for the first time is not inherently sacred.
45: name three of your favorite fanfic writers.
So many difficult things to pick in this one lol. In no particular order, @thehobblefootalchemist, @grollow, @vivifrage
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cobaltbluesu · 3 months
all my outer wilds related outer wilds comics (there's only two really unfinished so meh) for funsies since I have too much cringe in my blood to finish any of them
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about riebeck, hornfels, chert and gabbro
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about hornfels, feldspar, riebeck (finished)
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about gneiss, slate and some ocs/// second one is about slate and one oc
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about feldspar, futurely tektite/// feldspar and some ocs
about slate and an oc
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about marl and riebeck
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two animatic/comic things, first is about feldspar + the village/// second is Gossan and Slate
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first one is about elwensa's au: the legend of outer wilds, feldspar + hatchling second is about gossan, slate, hatchling and hornfels
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first one: Gossand and hornfels (FINISHED)// second is Slate and Feldspar
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Gneiss, Slate, Tektite, Feldspar (was gonna have hornfels but I had to kill them) - almost finished
It's not much stuff, but it's definitely fun to put things on paper from time to time, and it's a bit of a shame that no one really knows about all my projects, even though thats mostly my choice
so there's this for that
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fridurwrites · 2 months
Learning to Catch at the End of Everything - Chapter 41 (Running Away)
Gneiss sizes Gossan up, taking in the lines of their face, the look in their eye. It’s a horrible feeling, because Chert’s panic aside, Gneiss knows Gossan’s leaving something out as soon as the words start to leave their lips. And this time, they’re not sure Gneiss will let them get away with it. “Do you think they’re a risk to each other?” Gneiss finally asks, Chert trying to stop breathing so quickly. Nearly hyperventilating. Gossan reaches out to put a hand on the younger astronaut’s shoulder, steadying them. “No.”
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poisonhemloc · 7 months
Hey so uh I'm gonna talk about Feldspar and why they are how they are for a bit
So Feldspar is the first astronaut of Outer Wilds Ventures, they’re a foolhardy explorer, they don’t stop and let people know where they’re going next, and they got themself crashed and stranded in Dark Bramble for an unknown (but longer) amount of time. So, why are they like this.
Well, let’s take a step out, and look at Feldspar as a plot device, not a character. 
Feldspar has a unique designation among the other travelers; their role, in the game, their purpose, is to be a late stage clue to a puzzle (I can’t say ‘crucial puzzle’ because let’s face it, all of the puzzles are crucial, except maybe, maybe the Quantum Moon, in that you don’t need that one done to finish the game). 
Feldspar, and their first campsite on Dark Bramble, are the last clues in what I’m gonna call the Eye Coordinates puzzle before you actually get there. Their purpose, in game, is to point you towards thinking about how you can use the jellyfish to get past the core of Giant’s Deep, to find the probe tracking module and the coordinates. So they can’t be easy to find, but, you have to have reasons to go find them.
So, we have the most Hearthians involved in any of the puzzles for this specific puzzle- the mini museum under the launch pad tree sets up Feldspar, then first Gneiss tells you they’re missing, then Hornfels and Tephra. Then Esker’s notes tell you they’re hearing a harmonica from Timber Hearth, and Tektite, in Youngbark Crater, tells you the harmonica you’re picking up from the seed that must be from Dark Bramble. There are also Feldspar’s notes on the bramble island; those are both another pointer for where to find them and your first introduction to why you need to find them (the fact that they’re missing aside); they found a way into the core of Giant’s Deep. 
And then you have to figure out, how to get into Dark Bramble safely, how to get past the current (taking you from the canon workshop to Brittle Hollow and following Riebeck’s notes to the equator and then south), and why you even need to try (in the orbital probe canon). 
So. All of that, to make Feldspar hard to find, but to make you want to find them. 
And all of that is what informs their character. 
None of the travelers had to have the personalities they’ve been given; Riebeck did not need to be an anxious wreck, Gabbro did not need to be lazy, Chert not… let’s call them detail oriented, Esker not lonely. But any other personality is not going to have a reason to still be stuck in Dark Bramble, where Feldspar needs to be for their role in the puzzle and the overall story. Lazy Feldspar never went in in the first place, detail oriented (or astronomer) Feldspar told Hornfels where they were going (if they even went), anxious Feldspar told Hornfels and made sure it was very easy to find them, lonely Feldspar was looking for a way out. 
Feldspar, as a plot device, needs to be in Dark Bramble with no intention of leaving. And so thrill seeking, glory hunting, the first astronaut in the program, the one who never got killed by any of Slate’s contraptions, went flying off to the least known planet in the solar system without telling anyone, crashed and got stranded, and isn’t in any hurry to go home and be the center of attention when someone manages to find them. And so their character is fit into what the plot needs.
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