#outfit doccumentation
possumteeths · 1 year
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Fashion. Iconic. Clownery.
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applesjuice · 7 months
I saw in the tags that Cynthia sees Kieran making handmade pokeballs on a forum thanks to Drayton, would she recognize Kieran as Akari from the history books? Like, is it a known thing in this au that Kieran and Ingo are time travelers?
(from the Not question bombarder) [lol]
I feel like Cynthia as the Champion of Sinnoh was made aware of the Hisui situation by Interpol so she met Ingo and Kieran when they got back. They just kind of showed up in the wilderness of modern Mt. Coronet and the resulting rift caused an Issue with the local pokemon. A few rangers and Candice had to get involced and she reported it to the league. So yeah Cynthia showed up to see if its a Situation that needs to be handled.
Kieran was very wary of her initially (because of Volo) so she just thought them a very shy kid put into a terrible situation. She was definitely excited by some of the stuff on their person though, like the flutes, the warden bracelet, their pokeballs, not to mention their teams because omg those are extinct what egg group are they we can revive and entire species! But her conversations with them were very surface level and professional.
So ofc when she sees some video of someone hand making pokeballs using techniques artisians had been trying to recreate for years (yes Cynthia lurks on archaic forums populated by really old men and amateur historians. Do you know how many middle aged women she gave relationship advice to as a 13 year old? She is that meme) she's so excited, then she catches a glimpse of the person's face and its Akari!? She gave them her number just in case and they never used it so you know she's calling Iris asap asking if she can fly over to Unova with some craftsmen for a live demonstration, please she's begging.
But also yeah they're recognized as time travelers, more so Ingo than Kieran because Ingo is very distinct looking with his outfit and poses. Akari and Rei were more the ones actually doccumenting the things so they never really visually showed up in recovered photographs like say, Laventon did.
It would be really cute if Cynthia ran an exhibit on Rei though, at Kieran's request. An exhibit highlighting the main artist for the first pokedex and his further contributions to Laventon's research! Not to mention all the notes and research Kieran themself had on hand when they got back. Suddenly Kieran is considered an expert in field research during whatever specific time period that is. Considering they made a majority of the observations Laventon needed...
You've heard of Cynthia fans, now get ready for Cynthia, the number 1 Akari hype woman. Two examples of living breathing history with so much knowledge of the time period when recreational battling became a !!! Someone needs to remind her that she has League responsibilities lol. Let Cynthia cook!!!! She will slip Ingo a slice of the pizza he so craves if he lets her run a spectroscopy on his warden bracelet.
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ttsquid · 3 years
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assigns my ocs characters to cosplay (forcefully)
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lizord-lord · 5 years
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Full name: Remus Birth order: Second youngest Parentage: ??? Classification: (Noble) [Nightmare] Coloring: Orange and black Height: 6”3 Relative power level (physical): 7 Relative power (mental): 9
The Seven Princes of Hell
Remus is, to no one’s surprise, the most casual and laid-back Prince among his siblings. His job and Jaqueline’s are also rather similar, as Remy spends almost all his time on Earth. But while his sister documents happenings from afar, Remy tends to get up-close. He’ll pick a few targets to follow, usually influential ones or ones involved in the occult, and “observe” them until they pass. Quotation marks as, more often than not, he’ll tamper with things. His role is in fact, almost the demonic equivalent of a guardian angel, though obviously the intents are nowhere near as good. Though most of that time on Earth isn’t spent doing this, it’s spent engaging in human entertainment. No wonder the humans have assigned him the sin of “sloth.” I am almost certain he barely ever does his job.
As mentioned, Remy spends most of his time on Earth, but when he does stay down in Hell, he’s a rather sociable figure. Though unlike Roman his version of “social” is less directed towards impressing fellow nobles and more on intoxicating himself among any company he deems suitable, and he also spends more time wandering the outer rings of Hell than his siblings.
On Earth, he often spends time in taverns, watching sporting events, or playing nasty, pointless “tricks” on unsuspecting humans. This should give you enough of an idea of his personality. He’s careless, a layabout, and can’t even be bothered to place value in the hierarchies and norms of his own culture or make something productive of his time.
Remy doesn’t really spend much time with any of his siblings, and when he does he tends toward banter no matter what is being discussed. This may be one of the reasons Eleanor disliked him so, but he doesn’t seem to reciprocate this (well more than is usual for a demon family) which almost certainly just makes it worse. Out of everyone besides her, he gets along best with Vincent and Roman, as they are rather reckless thrill-seekers, and the worst with Enrique and Jaqueline- they bore him. As for Anvity, well, he taunts and teases him about as much as everyone else, which considering the standards of their family- is practically kindness.
Tags: @whatwashernameagain, @ajdraws0430, @royallyanxious, @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2, @a-lexicon-of-words, @theincediblesulk, @supremestoverlord, @em-be-lievable @adoratato @wildheart49  @patton-croc-agenda, @why-things-go-boom, @rosesisupposes, @impatentpending, @jynxlovesluck @starbucks-remy​
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alternianfun-blog · 7 years
Here is Celty’s Olive blood
Celty Shae
NAME-Deizra Lezeti CLASS-OLIVE BLOOD RACE-TROLL HEIGHT:4'9" (base 4'8"+ 2d10")---->1&0----> 4'8" + 1" = 4'9" WEIGHT:115lbs (base 110 lbs + (2d10 x 2d4))---> 4&1--->110lbs + 1(from above) x  5 = 115 lbs   AGE:9 sweeps (my age in sweeps ( age / 2.5 rounded up) SEX-FEMALE ALIGHNMENT-chaotic neutral BACKGROUND-CHARLATAN (from PH) EXP-0 LVL:1
AC:10+dex-->12 INITIATIVE:( )CHANGES EVERY FIGHT SPD:60ft/turn HP((1d8 + constitution mod)per level): Temp HP-0 HIT DIE:0 -Total:0
DEATH SAVES: -Success:()()() you alive! -Fails:()()() you dead!
ABILITY SCORES: (+0)Strength-10 (+2)Dexterity-14 (+0)constitution-10 (+1)intelligence-12 (+1)wizdom-12 (+2)charisma-14
INSPIRATION:(0) given by DM or other players who have inspiration
SAVING THROWS:(add modifier from ability scores) -Dexterity -Charisma
SKILLS:add modifier when making these   -acrobatics (DEX) -perception (wiz) -pursuasion (cha) -deception (cha) (background) -slight of hand (dex) (background)
OTHER: ADD proficiency to roll when using these -light armour -simple weapons -hand crossbow -longsword -rapier -shortswords -instruments -disguise kits (background) -forgery kit (background)
PERSONLITY TRAITS: -flattery is my preffered trick for getting what i want
IDEAL: -independence- I am a free spirit-- no one tells me what to do (chaotic) (background)
BONDS: -somewhere out there, I have a child who doesnt know me. im making the world better for them.
FLAWS: -I cant resist swindling people who are more powerful than me
LIKES: -videogames -reading -shitty horror films Dislikes: -snakes
-BACKGROUND INFO: -FAVORITE SCHEME: -I run sleight-of-hand cons on street corners -FEATURE: - FALSE IDENTITY: you have created a second identity that includes documentation, established acquaintances and disguises that allow you to assume that persona. additionally, you can forge doccuments including offical papers and personal letters, as long as you have seen an example of the kind of document or have the handwriting you are trying to copy.
-SPELL CASTING ABILITY: ---Charisma -SPELL SAVE DC: -8 + proficiency bonus + charisma mod -ATTACK MOD: -Proficiency bonus + charisma mod -BARDIC INSPIRATION:  -inspire others through words or music: -use bonus action on your turn to chose one creature other than yourself within 60 ft of you who can hear you. this creature gains one Bardic inspiration die, D6 -once within the next 10 mins the creature can roll the die and add the number rolled to one ability check attack roll or saving throw it makes. (after d20 is rolled)
PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS: HEIGHT:4'9" (base 4'8"+ 2d10")---->1&0----> 4'8" + 1" = 4'9" WEIGHT:115lbs (base 110 lbs + (2d10 x 2d4))---> 4&1--->110lbs + 1(from above) x  5 = 115 lbs   AGE:9 sweeps (my age in sweeps ( age / 2.5 rounded up) -SEX-FEMALE -Gray skin -Horns: short nubs -other characteristics - blood smear across nose (char blood color) - black hair- a-sym bob -
INVENTORY: CANTRIPS: -Blade ward: -Cast time: bonus action -range:self -Duration: 1 round -INFO:you extend your hand into the air and draw your mark. until your next turn, you have resistance against all weapon damage -Friends: -Cast time:bonus action -range:self -Duration:concentration, up to 1 minute -INFO:for the duration, you have advantage on all charisma checks directed at one creature of your choice that isnt hostile toward you. when the spell ends, the creature realizes that you used magic to influence its mood and becomes hostile toward you. a creature prone to violence might attack you. another creature might seek retribution in other ways(dms discretion), depending on the nature of your interaction with it.
SPELLS: spellslots--->()()()() LVL 1: -4 Spell slots --KNOWN SPELLS -ANIMAL FRIENDSHIP -cast time: 1 ACTION -Range: 30 FT -Duration:24 hours -INFO:this spell lets you convince a beast that you mean it no harm, chose a beast that you can see within range. it must see and hear you. if the beasts intelligence is 4 or higher, the spell fails. other wise the meast must succeed on a wisdom saving throw or be charmed by you for the spells duration. if you or one of your companions harms the target, the spell ends. AT HIGHER LEVELS: when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can affect one additional beast for each slot level above 1st. -BANE -cast time:1 action -Range:30 ft -Duration: consentration, up to 1 minute -INFO:up to three creatures of your choise that you can see within range must make charisma saving throws. whenever a target that fails this saving throw, makes an attack roll or saving throw before the spell ends, the target must roll a d4 and subtract the number rolled from the attack roll or saving throw. -CHARM PERSON -cast time:1 action -Range:30 ft -Duration:1 hour -INFO:you attempt to charm a humanoid you can see within range, it must make a wizdom saving throw, and does so with advantage if you or your companions are fighting it. if it fails the saving throw,it is charmed by you until the spell ends or until you or your companions do anything harmful to it. the charmed creature regards you as a friendly acquaintance. when the spell ends, the creature knows it was charmed by you. AT HIGHER LEVELS. when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above 1st. the creatures must be within 30 feet of each other when you target them. -COMPREHEND LANGUAGE -cast time:1 action -Range:self -Duration:1 hour -INFO:for the duration, you understand the literal meaning of any spoken language that you hear. you also understand any written language that you see, but you must be touching the surface on which the words are writte, it takes about 1 minute to read 1 page of text. -CURE WOUNDS -cast time:1 action -Range:touch -Duration:instantaneous -INFO:a creature you tough regains a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + your spell casting ability modifier. this spell has no effect on undeat or constructs. AT HIGHER LEVELS. when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, the healing increases by 1d8 for each slot level above 1st -DISGUISE SELF -cast time:1 action -Range:self -Duration:1 hour -INFO:you make yourself--including your clothing,armour, weapons and other belongigns on your person-- look diferent  until the spell ends or until you use your action to dismiss it. you can seem 1 foot shorter or taller and can appear thin, fat or inbetween, you cant change your body type, so you must adopt a form that has the same basic arrangement of limbs. otherwise the extent of the illusion is up to you. the changes wrought by this spell fail to hold up to physical inspection. for example, if you use this spell to add a at to your outfit, objects pass through the hat and anyone who touches it would feel nothing or feel your head and hair. if you use this spell to appear thinner than you are. the hand of someone who reaches out to touch you would bump into you while it was seemingly still in midair.to discern that you are still disguised, a creature can use its action to inspect your appearance and must succeed on an intelligence(investigation) check against your spell save DC. -DISSONANT WHISPERS (need whistle) -cast time:1 action -Range:60 feet -Duration: instantaneous -INFO: you whisper a discordant melody that only one creature of your choice within range can hear, wracking it with terrible pain. the target must make a wisdom saving throw. on a failed save, it takes 3d6 psychic damage and must immediately use its reaction, if available, to move as far as its speed allows away from you. the creature doesnt move into obviously dangerous ground, such as a firepit. on a successful save, the target takes half as much damage and doesnt have to move away. a deafened creature automaticallly succeeds on the save. AT HIGHER LEVELS. when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd or higher , the damage increases by 1d6 for each slot level above first. -LONGSTRIDER -cast time:1 action -Range:touch -Duration:1 hr -INFO: you touch a creature, the targets speed increases by 10 feet until the spell ends. AT HIGHER LEVELS: when you cast this spell using a spell slot of 2nd level or higher, you can target one additional creature for each slot level above first.
LVL 2:
Equipment: -lute -Rapier 1d8 piercing -Greatsword 2d6 slashing -trinket: old chess piece made out of glass. (rolled d100 found on trinkets page in PH)
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possumteeths · 2 years
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I went to a comic con for the first time in years. Didnt have anything to cosplay but I took the opportunity to dress fun ha
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possumteeths · 2 years
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I like chopped SO much of my hair off recently and ghhghhh i kinda miss this shaggy cut i had going on
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