#outing myself as the one person that still cares about zombie loan
outerhexe · 2 years
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the chain that connects us to our destiny  drew a chagrined ring
got a new tablet (and finally found the cord for my external hard drive) so I dug up an old redraw wip to get a feel for things
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angelbluediary · 3 months
A moment of gratitude for this space in which I can vent freely and air my petty complaints.
It is 9:30 PM and I am FINALLY, at last, alone for the first time all day. Usually I get a couple of hours to myself in the morning at least but no, not today.
The last time I had a single day alone to myself? 7 months ago, in a hotel room a city away (back when I had a steady job, and back when I had the energy to keep up the other “job” that supplied the hotel room in the first place).
I need isolation more than anyone I’ve ever met and I’m trying so hard to keep the status quo and peacefully co-exist because what else can I possibly do??? The only reason I’m back here with family is because I failed. I failed to make it on my own.
Skincare used to be my passion and now I can’t even keep up with basic hygiene. More and more I turn into a sexless blob, a gross entity I wouldn’t wish upon anyone, and everyone is all over what is mine so everything feels tainted and disgusting and I hate that I’m like this. I need a sanctuary. I need pleasant smells and clean hands reverently touching my belongings— if they have to touch them at all. (Back at my old apartment, when I had family over, I’d clean and wash everything they touched immediately once they left. It was a compulsion. I needed to know everything that existed in my personal space, needed to recognize and approve of it and I can’t actually do that unless the imprint comes from my own fingertips).
I can’t take the standards of this house. And no one seems to notice how far I’ve fallen compared to the way I used to be and how I was when I arrived here and how I struggled to keep myself in those first few months. I feel guilty for every single thing I feel and want even if it’s just the aching and overwhelming desire to be alone, to have my own space. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so disgusted with myself. I hate when anyone looks at me. With my hair a permanent rat’s nest and my eyes increasingly bloodshot these days and my skin dry and flaking and my own body odor grossing me out. I love showering, but here it’s a series of so many steps and considerations…
But nobody seems to notice or care because everyone else is also dirty and smelly and disheveled and drowsy and silent ALL THE TIME. I have simply lost the energy to fight sinking into these daily behaviors.
And no matter how stressed I was in the past or how hard things were, I always felt a flicker of hope and passion for things turning out so differently. Spiritual messages never grew old, they always seemed to hold at least one tiny hint for me and that was enough to soothe something deep inside me. But now, I can come across a random message that feels perfectly tailored to me and nothing stirs. Nothing flickers to life with that childish attitude of “you’re right, I DO need to shine! I DO need to try again! I DO need to be bold and be seen and be brave!” That part of me feels dead and rotting, and now I am her Watcher. I really do feel like a ghost. This place is beginning to feel like my tomb, and all the unsettling dreams I used to have about this house as a little girl, long before it became my parents’, comes back to me—the darkness, the hollowed zombies.
Any plans I make for the future that could spell out happiness and potential new paths require steps I don’t know how to make happen. I don’t know how to make money anymore (without wanting to kill myself). Everything comes back to money. I could get a new degree for a new career to make money but that involves money upfront. I could pursue a new master’s degree in writing, in a program that’s actually worth attending, but even with everything on loans and credit cards how would I live in the meantime, alone in a new city? Not even to mention how I have no writing to show for all these past years. Not a single unpolished story. Nothing. Nothing nothing nothing.
After all this time I still just want to be beautiful so bad it hurts. I mean really beautiful. It’s a vain dream, but I hold it in my heart the way others seem to treasure their own loftiest aspirations like becoming a star chef and being recognized by so-and-so or …
I’ve never held a clear dream like that. I only wanted to embody beauty. I only ever wanted to be a muse and get by easily in this life, beloved and full of joy for art and nature. It’s not enough to just feel. You have to DO so much and all I’ve done has been for so little. I have returned to the starting point so much worse for wear. You can’t be impractical and cynical. You can’t be lazy while refusing to open your heart to others. There needs to be balancing elements. I was once careless and romantic. I knew nothing but I burned brightly. I miss that girl. I could call her a fool, but I know I’d be riveted. Meanwhile it’s all I can do to avoid the mirror nowadays, and to try not to think about how I’m wasting all my precious hours doing absolutely nothing.
Today I ate nothing until a 6:30 dinner of an egg bagel and my body doesn’t even seem to be registering its cues right. Not a single tiny hunger pang until 6. No desire for water. It’s a small detail but I feel myself slipping far far away in the small details.
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theliterateape · 2 years
Grappling with What is Important: The World or the Personal?
by Don Hall
A few weeks ago I had to delay my car payment by a couple of days. Despite the (now) regular bi-monthly paycheck, I have some holes I dug myself in during the Summer of Disillusionment which need filling in with cash thus a bit of of financial balancing. On the app, the delay indicated a penalty of nearly double the payment owed and for five days it buzzed around my brain like a drone camera at a traffic stop with a young black driver.
This anomaly in my days was very important to me. No one else in the world (including CarMax) gave two shits about it. It was my thing, my trouble, my problem to solve. What wasn't important or pressing at the time was whether drag shows were grooming grade school children. Reading about Floridian Republicans frothing at the mouth to ban these sorts of bizarre shows (you have to admit that having a man dressed hyper-sexually as a cartoon woman teaching children to read is not quite the replacement to Sesame Street we envisioned) was a diversion but not a hill for me to die on. It was not an issue that connected as I don't have kids, haven't seen a drag show since Zombie Burlesque in Vegas two years ago (no kids present), and how was I going to afford a double car payment and still make the loan repayment to my friend?
Since the divorce, I've gained around fifteen pounds that stubbornly refuse to drop. Certain vests fit too tightly, my pants are a bit too snug, and, while I know exactly how to drop the weight, getting that very specific calorie in/calorie out ratio in practice has been challenging.
No one else on the entire planet cares if I drop fifteen pounds. No one. Anywhere. Joe Biden isn't holding court regarding Don Hall's waistline; no reporter on even the tiny Wichita television stations is mentioning it on the air on a Sunday evening. It is my issue to solve. You know what wasn't even a blip on my radar as I rationed the carbs vs protein and hit the gym? How to define the term 'woke.'
Over at the NYT, conservative columnist Ross Douthat attempts to define the term in the most generous terms:
"...all of this is necessarily a cultural and psychological project, which is why schools, media, pop culture and language itself are the essential battlegrounds. Yes, economic policy matters, but material arrangements are downstream of culture and psychology. The socialists have merely gentled capitalism, the environmentalists have merely regulated it. If you want to save the planet or end the rule of greed, you need a different kind of human being, not just a system that assumes racist patriarchal values and tries to put them on a leash.
You think this is too utopian? Consider a proof of concept, what we’ve already seen with gay rights. There the left overthrew a system of deep heteronormative oppression by establishing a new cultural consensus, in the academy and in pop culture and only at the end in politics and law, using argument but also shaming, social pressure and other “illiberal” means.
And look what we’ve learned: That once homophobia diminishes, millions upon millions of young people begin to define themselves as what they truly are, as some form of L.G.B.T.Q.+, slipping the shackles of heteronormativity at last. Which is why the backlash against the spread of transgender identification among kids must be defeated — because this is the beachhead, the proving ground for full emancipation.
If you find a lot of this narrative persuasive, even filtered through my conservative mind, then whatever “woke” describes, it probably describes you."
I describe myself as a classic liberal and find the extreme left to be fucking annoying but I do find his version of the narrative persuasive. Before I give too much of my attention to the utopian restructuring of society, how many calories does a boiled egg have?
The state of the climate with its ridiculous weather patterns and disastrous effects on everyone is a scud missile headed right now to destroy us all—not the planet but our continued ability to live upon it—but before I get into all that the tire light on my Prius is on and it's driving me nuts.
The government is dropping cash on too-big-to-fail banks like a drey horse on an all taco diet while ignoring the very needs of the working people scurrying around trying to afford their rent but hold that thought while I feel disempowered at work and I'm bathing in the addictive bath salts of self pity.
The generational divide in progressing society to a better place, in addressing the injustices of the world, is that when your mom still does your laundry and you haven't had enough life on this particular hellscape to feel genuinely cheated by the health insurance industry, the personal is pretty easy to ignore. Once some time has been served in the penitentiary of humanity, the personal becomes increasingly urgent like a bread crumb to a seagull.
College students and academics with tenure have all the time and mental space in the world focusing on the horrors of society. They get to coin phrases like 'systemic racism,' 'climate justice,' and 'the patriarchy' because the wait in line behind an old lady with a clutch full of coupons clipped from a newspaper slowly bleeding out has not become an existential crisis.
Who reasonably gives a fuck about disproportionate incarceration rates when someone smashed in their Honda window last night and stole their Duran Duran CDs and secret box of Newports they were hiding from their husband? Who has the bandwidth to spend five minutes on the dangers of algorithmic AI when they can't remember their Ticketmaster password? Who has the time to take their camera phone into a government building in order to get security to 'violate their rights' in order to put up a (hopefully) viral video of authoritarian overreach in the Omaha DMV but someone without a neighbor who lets his dog shit in their yard and, goddamnit, if I could only catch it in the act.
So pardon me if I wave off your impassioned cry that the Supreme Court has become a rightwing crossing guard because right now I'm dealing with the fact that I can't find the fob to my car and I'm late to pick up my dad who's getting out of dialysis in ten minutes and needs a ride home.
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maximumninjavoid · 4 years
the new fic part the fourth
you know, the one that won’t tell me what it’s name is. Well I still keep bashing away at it. but I think I have a better idea of where it’s going and that sort of thing.
A fresh start. Well, practically. I mean, with that much money, and the additional layer of Rudenko insulation, I could do or be anything. First I have to figure out how not to give the government EIGHTY ONE MILLION DOLLARS. That's thirty seven percent. Right off the top? Are you kidding? Oh, I was going to need some deductions. How much would I have to give to Durell to get to meet their ambassador personally? The wheels started to spin. For the moment, I had to make lists, do my research and hope that the early vaccine didn't make zombies. That's what film taught me. When you rush producing a vaccine, you get zombies. I hoped they were slow and shambling. I stood no chance against fast ones. I kept my head down and went to work, kept my mouth shut, and let Ms. Rudenko do her job. She is a Rock star. No one pestered me, and every week, I'd get a hilarious email about who was looking for me and for what. " So far you have fourteen marriage proposals this week. The photos have been scanned to the secure cloud drive. All of this week's candidates do not make the cut. Two failed the English usage and grammar test, five are younger than your daughter, which you did set as a hard limit. Three have felony convictions, two are cat fishes and of the remaining two, I believe one you've already been married to previously. If that is in fact your third ex husband, do let me know, we'll take care of that. You've been solicited for twenty three bad business ventures, sixteen loans, four long lost relatives on whom we are awaiting DNA confirmation, and two really creative blackmail attempts, also scanned to the cloud for your entertainment. What makes this funny to me is that they assume you're male. " I made a note to go look at the cloud and chuckled. At least the vaccine showed promise. By summer I took a leave of absence from work and took a private plane to Thailand. I told my job I needed to recharge, that as an extrovert, quarantine had been really hard on me and I was suffering from compassion fatigue. Really, I went to have a little work done. I had my teeth fixed, I had my arms done, I had my boobs picked back up a bit, and did a bit of fat removal on my belly and love handles. Nothing crazy, but just a bit more streamlined. I'm always going to be thick. I just contoured it a bit better. And frankly? Less expensive. And laid my ass on a beach to recover. When I got back, I'd look fit and rested, not overhauled. And I didn't want nipples that didn't have sensation. So implants that involves taking off my areola was right out. Nope. In through the armpit and under the existing breast tissue. I have to say, I looked pretty good. I'd say I rolled almost twenty years off the odometer. I was impressed. I had measurements done and three days later they came back with muslins and fabrics and the custom wardrobe was under way. Tailored shirts, that fit my curves and didn't gap at the buttons. French cuffs. Pants tailored precisely for me; jackets, with functional pockets. Classic stuff, things that I'd wear over and over that would never go out of style, and some really fun avant garde pieces reminiscent of the 80's. Everything mixed and matched, I had day dresses, blouses,and the best part? They had my measurements, and would ship me whatever I required. You know, I could get used to that. I didn't have a dress up job, and if I dressed too well, it made my clients uneasy. But I definitely did a closet edit, and elevated my style for non work hours. The other thing I  did while recuperation did its thing was write. I wrote a great deal. I wrote the story of my biological family and the twisted tales surrounding my adoption, how I found my sisters, or really how they found me. I wrote about the contradictory facets of my biological father, of being biracial and raised as white, I just poured all of that out and on to paper. Editing would be a larger project, and a bit more perspective. I took a few runs at the dramedy I always wanted to write about the clinic. It was timely as hell, and the streaming services producing content would take risks and do things networks could never do. And I could afford to buy my way into a meeting with someone, or at least schmooze my way to getting someone interested in one of my projects. Membership has its privileges. I rested up, and when the doctors cleared me I went to Bangkok. The night market was the stuff of which  my dreams are made. A billion little tents, covered cubbies in all the colors of the rainbow, food stalls, trinkets, baubles, beverages, touristy souvenirs, and I didn't speak one word of the language. I made myself understood, ate what looked interesting and figured the worst thing that might happen is gastro intestinal distress. The people watching was fantastic, and each food stall had A thing. Like, this one woman had this barbecued meat on a stick. People were queued up for it, and I got in line. That was the only thing she sold. It melted in my mouth, and was like nothing I had ever tasted. So, that, I decided was my strategy. If the locals were lined up, I would too. I have never had a more amazing progressive dinner. I have no idea what I ate.   @fishcustardandclintbarton @indigosaurus @tinareher
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loniface · 5 years
Is old age catching up with you? Only in the physical sense that I’m riddled with grey hairs and I can’t sit on my legs without my knees screaming lately.
Would you rather be hot or cold? I haaate the cold and I have a high tolerance to heat.�� I wear pants all year.
Can you sleep through thunderstorms? The power of Ambien compels me.
What does it take to get you out of bed early (before 9 am)? I mean, my alarm, right?  I’ve no reason to get up early unless I wanna pick my momma up on her lunch break to play Pokemon Go.
Ever spent the night in a tent? Yes.  Do not recommend.
Is it ever okay for a woman to ask out a man? I don’t see why not. 
Do people confide in you? A lot of times, yes.  I’m pretty good with being a listener and not blabbing about it to someone else.
Ever been around someone who makes you feel stupid? Yes, but I keep that kinda negativity out of my life now.
How often do you use instant messenger? Very rarely.
What do you call your grandparents? Maternal, MawMaw and PawPaw.  Paternal, MawMaw Bobby.  (My grandfather passed away when I was three months old so I never got to have a name for him.) 
What do you do when you have trouble falling asleep? Toss and turn, stare at the clock, and wish for death.
Have you ever cried while reading a book? Not yet.
How many college degrees do you want? I have no student debt in my life right now, and no amount of degrees is gonna change that.
Where do you call home? Louisiana.
Would you ever attend a �black tie� formal event? I don’t think I ever have a reason to.  What would I wear?  I don’t think they allow jeans to such events...
Do you like animals? You’re a fool if you say no.
Have you ever written anything longer than 10 pages? I’ve had a Sniper/Scout story on the backburner for about five years now that’s surpassed twenty chapters, one chapter being about ten pages alone, so yeah.  I’M GONNA FINISH IT EVENTUALLY.
What do you wear to sleep? Underpants, pajama pants, and a sleeveless shirt.
What do you look forward to most in the next 2 months? Getting a home hopefully.
How important is it for a significant other to be good with kids? As long as they don’t hiss at the mere presence of kids, I don’t really care.
Do you have anyone who is a surrogate parent/sibling to you? @cloudsfall and her family be my family.  I love my extra mom and four siblings.
Ever fallen asleep sitting up? I barely fall asleep lying down.
Can you snap your fingers? Better with my left hand than my right.
Can you wink? Probably all awkward as hell.
Do you wear a belt? Nope, dunno why I stopped.
Any jewelry in the room you’re in? Yeah, got some earrings and my engagement ring next to me.
What song explains how you feel about love? I don’t feel like answering this.
Do you know how to play pool? What about foosball? Yes and no but not very good at the former.
Have you ever finished reading an entire book in a day? Almost.  I was a few chapters shy on reading Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter in one sitting but the swing was hurting my back and mosquitoes were tearing at my flesh.
Ever known anyone who was a tomboy? Myself included.
What is something that begins with Z? Zombie.
What kind of person do you hope to be when you�re 35 years old? I...am 35?  I’ve come a long way in the past ten years with a lot of trial-and-error of medications, so I guess I’m slowly becoming who I am wanting to be even if I still don’t know who that is sometimes.
How many keys do you carry with you? Three---car, house, and post office keys.
Have you ever been IN a wedding? My elder sister’s first wedding.  T’was the maid of honor.  I wore a dress that looked like a table cloth.
Does hardship make a person stronger? It can but it shouldn’t have to be the reason someone is strong.
What comes to mind when you think of pregnancy? Ewww, morning sickness.  (Emetophobic as all hell.)
Have you ever attended a professional sporting event? Went to a WCW (is that still a thing?) event as a teenager.
What is your favorite brand of clothing? I am biased to Levi’s.
Which do you value more, intellect or work ethic? Both have equal footing in my book.
Have you ever been covered in mud? Yes.  I was a kid once.
What U.S. cities have you not visited that you would like to visit? I can’t really think of any off the top of my head, but I’d like to see more western states in general like California and Washington.
Which do you watch more, ESPN or MTV? Neither, bleh.
How well do you know the people you live with? It’s just me and the parentals, and I know them pretty well though my dad can be an enigma sometimes.
Do you have any heroes? My momma for sure.  Woman pulls through shit with a smile.
Ever been to a cabin on a mountain? No.
Do you want to be married and have a family of your own later in life? Considering I’m engaged, yes to marriage, no to human children if I can help it---pets are fine.  Though, marriage would automatically turn me into a step-mom and though that sounds weird, I’m okay with it.
How hard is it for you to stay on task? It depends on what I’m doing honestly.  If I’m being paid for my time, I am on it like dammit.
Ever lost your voice? Don’t think so.
Do you take your time when making an important decision? Yes, so I have time to think and overthink every detail.  Very rare for me to say ‘fuck it’ and jump.
Could you handle being away from home for weeks at a time for your job? If I had a job, sure, gets me out of the house.
Are you a cautious person? Refer to the question before last.
Do you chew gum? Nope, it’ll get stuck in my retainer and that’s no fun for anyone.
Do you own any jerseys? Nah.
Do you have a song stuck in your head? ‘Imagine’ because I just watched a performance at my niece's high school band concert earlier tonight.
Is there anything worrying you right now? Waiting to hear back on the prospect of a home loan...
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Peter Parker x reader (eventually)
Peter is asked to go into another universe to start a chain reaction to help things get better. This is part one, reader will come in on part two
word count: 1530
Peter pov: Earth-616
The bell just rang when I got the the summons. I was washing my hands in the bathroom sink, I left my study hall to use the bathroom, and words started appearing on the mirror in gold lettering, all caps. ‘COME TO THIS ADDRESS IMMEDIATELY MR. PARKER: 77A BLEECKER STREET, NEW YORK CITY, NY.’ Honestly, at this point I wasn’t even surprised by the magic lettering. I just grabbed a pen out of my back pocket and wrote the address down in the palm on my hand. Honestly, I was a little annoyed. I was going to work on upgrading my computer tonight. Mr. Stark was still giving me an… well, he called it an allowance, I called it a paycheck, we compromised and now call it’s an allowance.
I shot a quick text to Aunt May, something about a job opening at a pizza shop in Greenwich Village. I had to pull a few stings (and by I, I mean, I begged Tony to pull a few strings) to have her brain wiped of the finding-out-that-I’m-spider-man incident. It was for her own safety, after Mr. Thoomes’s little threat of ‘I will kill you and everyone you love’, I didn’t want to risk my last family member being threatened because of my day job. In response to the text, I got a few emojis ‘Okay’ and a few more emojis. I laughed and opened my locker to grab my backpack. I had gotten more careful about where I put them, this was only my second backpack this month. I slid the bottom stack of books into the bag, figuring that even if I didn’t need all of them, I’d study or something after I got back from Greenwich.
I told Ned to make up an excuse for me for missing practice, probably a bad idea. I loved the guy, but he wasn’t the best with secrets or excuses. He winked at me, telling me he had this, and I knew I had another detention coming my way. I jogged out of the school, ducked the corner and stopped, debating if I should go all spideied up or just take the subway. Why not make an entrance? I grinned to myself and ran a little farther away from the school into a different alley to strip and suit up.
Within ten minutes (no traffic when you swinging on buildings), I was looking over what I once thought was a haunted building. I swung onto it’s roof and scuttled onto the skylight, looking through into a vast loft filled with dusty artifacts. It looked like a museum. I didn’t see anything… living though. Well, didn’t see anything living until after the swirling vortex of sparks opened underneath me. I landed in a hard chair, and from the impact, my eyes were jarred out of whack... again. For a good thirty seconds all I saw was black and white bars until I got them situated.
“Can you take off the mask, Mr. Parker? I’m not a fan of them.” Saided a distinguished man, a few years old than my aunt. He had his fingers steepled over his mouth and a look of judgement scribbled over his face. I hesitated to take off the mask, studying the man once more before deciding he wasn’t a threat. I pulled off my mask and shook out my hair. “I never understood heros and the jump suits, it seems a little ridiculous, don’t you think?” He waved his hand and an antique tea set started to work on it’s own. I was a little to dumbstruck to answer. “I suppose you wouldn’t, all of your versions wear them.” He shook his head. “Tea?” One of the cups floated towards me, and I finally found my voice.
“I… I’m n-not much of a t-tea person.” I stuttered, my eyes wide. Like I said before, not much surprised me, but this took the cake. I was sitting across from a wizard that could do wandless magic.
He sighed and waved his hand again, the tea turned into a bottle of Coke, “Not many people I have the pleasure to meet are tea drinkers, shame. Tea does a lot of good for you.”
I just nodded along to it, not sure why he called me here to have tea and small talk. How the heck did he even know my name? As far as I was concerned I had never met the man before in my life. “Who the hell are you?” I blurted, lurching forward. Thankfully the bottle of Coke was still closed, otherwise I would have had one heck of a stain to explain to Mr. Stark.
“Oh, sorry, I forget, not everyone has an insight to the world.” He chuckled, “My name is Dr. Strange.” He paused, waiting for admiration.
I sat quiet for awhile before clearing my throat, “Oh… ‘m Peter… Parker. But you already… knew… that…” I drummed one hand on my leg and clicked my tongue, looking around the room at the artifacts, “So… why am I here?” I asked slowly meeting his eyes.
Dr. Strange stood, “Yes, follow me.” I don’t think I had a choice because as soon as he said that our entire scene changed. Thank goodness for spidey senses and quick reflexes or I would have ended the shift on my butt. We were standing at an green orb thing supported by a silver pedestal, acrossed it in gold letters (what was it with this guy and gold?) was a simple message. ‘Send help.’
Strange put his hand on top of the orb, “I got this message last night from an alternate realm, from an alternate me. This the only piece of it that came through clearly.” He rotated his hand counter clockwise and a bunch of jumbled letters appeared. ‘Hro oe. ord brn  acs.’ The lines in Strange’s face deepened, “I think the other me’s powers are weakened, used to only supply steadiness to his hands, so he is out of practice. The length of the message journey does no difference to signal, only the flow of magic through it as it travels. Unless the magic flow was interrupted, then that is the only explanation.”
I was still stuck on his first sentence, “There are alternate universes?” I asked, dumbstruck. Apparently there was a lot to learn about the world I had now been in for two years.
“Keep up kid,” Strange barely looked up at me, “I need a hero that isn’t in that universe to go help fix everything, or start a chain reaction. I’ll be scrying into the world’s future, once the chain reaction is started, I’ll pull you back through to this world and you can go on with your life.”
“So, what? I wasn’t born in that universe?” I asked.
“Oh, no, you were. You were just killed two years ago by these things called sentinels built by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner.” Strange said in a casual manner, like it wasn’t a bad thing I was killed.
“So, lemme see if I have this straight. I go,” I pointed at the orb, “to wherever this came from. Kick some butt, change a few minds, and be back… when? In a couple months? I don’t think I told you this, but I need to be home by dinner, my legal guardian thinks I’m at a job interview, not a interuniverse mission interview.” I shook my head, “Thanks but no thanks.” I turned around and began to walk away.
I didn’t get very far.
I took two steps and the scene shifted so I was walking towards Mr. Magic, “You’ll be home before dinner. You’ll be home before the hour has passed. When you travel through dimensions, no time passes.” Doc sighed at my expression, “Have you ever watched or read Narnia? It’s like that. Now, are you a hero or not? Put on your big boy tights and help me make an interdimensional portal to get you to Earth-6420.”
I didn’t have room to say no, or at least not any admirable room to say no. So I helped the guy, got him his supplied, loaned him some of my hair. He called me a good little assistant. While he worked on the spell he explained something that was called the multiverse. There was our universe, Earth-616. There was the one I was about to enter, Earth-64200. There were a lot of others as well: Earth-1218, where we never existed. Earth-1602, where Killgrave ruled. Earth-2149 where we were nothing but Zombies. And hundreds of others.
After a while of talking, Strange finally ushered me to the portal, this was surrounded by another glowing spark ring. Through it was a dingy world below me, empty streets, only dime street lights giving me any access of sight, and don’t get me started at the smell. While I was looking over the edge, Strange’s cloak pushed me through. I guess I was taking to long for it. I fell for a few seconds before I was able to swing and catch myself on the side of the building, just in time to watch my way home close.
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zrtranscripts · 7 years
Season 6, Mission 17: Pressure Cookin’
Secret ingredients
PETER LYNNE: It is you, I knew it! It was when I saw how efficiently those zombies were nailed to that trolley -
JANINE DE LUCA: Yes, Mr. Lynne, you have said that already. You started saying it before we boarded this train, and you've said something along those lines eight times since.
PAULA COHEN: To be fair, Janine, it really does need to be said. It's you.
JANINE DE LUCA: Yes. Still me.
SAM YAO: All right, I've got a question that isn't, "Is it really you?"
JANINE DE LUCA: You can't imagine my relief.
SAM YAO: What have you been doing all this time? And... and... is it really you?
JANINE DE LUCA: I have been cultivating a position. One that is of influence in all areas of the new UK. I cannot explain everything. Some of my work is top secret even now. The job's not yet finished, but I summoned you here because a matter has come to my attention that I need Abel's help with.
PAULA COHEN: Hold on. You summoned us? I mean, we're the ones who struggled through tunnels filled with blood, feces, and viscera to get here. Oh. In response to Pit Viper suddenly letting it be known that they were tracking down Selma, a runaway from Sigrid's baby serum factory. Right! You let it be known so that we'd come to you, and your cover wouldn't be blown.
JANINE DE LUCA: Astute, Dr. Cohen. [door slides open] Now come along, all of you. We have a job to do. Follow me down this tunnel. We have a long way to go, and we must be on time.
PETER LYNNE: I'd follow you absolutely anywhere.
PAULA COHEN: All right, Janine, a question. How did you end up here? I mean, are you Pit Viper? Pit Viper's been trying to kill us, and... haven't you killed quite a few of Amelia's people? That's... unlike you?
JANINE DE LUCA: Oh, yes. I am the Pit Viper. I run a team of female assassins.
PETER LYNNE: Bloody hell. Female assassins? Hmm.
JANINE DE LUCA: We're quick, efficient, and deadly. And we only take on extremely legitimate targets. I vet them personally. But of course, we do get copycats. People who get the tattoo and pretend to be Pit Viper. I think Sigrid's hired quite a few of those. There's a new one following you, but I'll send my women to scare him off.
PAULA COHEN: And Amelia's people?
JANINE DE LUCA: [laughs] That was very amusing. I took every contract available on Miss Spens. She sent me a rich supply of resources to buy them out, and we paid some of her people for intel on her so I could feed Sigrid some plausible lies about her plans. Miss Spens is going to be so angry when she finds out. Come along, please. We can't afford to be late.
PETER LYNNE: These tunnels are nice! Clean, dry. Shipshape, Bristol fashion. You didn't build them, did you?
JANINE DE LUCA: No. We're underneath the estate of Mr. Valmont, the CEO of Xia-Hifa Biologics, Miss Spens' ex-husband.
PAULA COHEN: And why are we underneath the private estate of the only remaining billionaire in, so far as we know, the world?
JANINE DE LUCA: Because his staff have no idea what to do with a haddock mornay. [opens locker door] There are uniforms in that locker. Put them on while I open the door.
[security system beeps]
ANNIE: Welcome back, [?].
JANINE DE LUCA: Incorrect identification, ANNIE. Try again.
ANNIE: Oh, I'm sorry. Welcome back, Chef Anderson. We're glad to have you.
SAM YAO: Chef Anderson?
JANINE DE LUCA: [whispers] Just go with it. It's our cover. [out loud] Hello, ANNIE! I'm taking charge of the banquet tonight.
ANNIE: Perfect timing, Chef Anderson. Mr. Valmont is entertaining the Minister tonight. We need your culinary genius more than ever.
JANINE DE LUCA: Ah. Team, the vital thing is that Valmont should not discover that we're in the building. He's in the Minister's pocket. But we can keep ourselves safe from him. Down this tunnel quickly. Follow me.
SAM YAO: All right, all right. So you've pretended to be a chef to get in past Valmont's security, right? Now what are you going to do? Ninja assassin action adventure spying?
JANINE DE LUCA: First of all, we prepare the souffles and the haddock mornay.
PAULA COHEN: Wait. Being a chef isn't a cover?
JANINE DE LUCA: A cover only works if it's believable. It was instantly clear to me that liberating Abel would not be enough to keep us safe. There was bound to be a standoff and militarization. So I needed to find out how Sigrid's power base operates. On the Minister's airship, I overheard her say that she would loan Valmont some of her kitchen staff in exchange for a shipment of batteries and other vital supplies.
PETER LYNNE: How does he have all the batteries and vital supplies? That's what I want to know.
JANINE DE LUCA: A very good question, Mr. Lynne, and one I intend to learn the answer to. In the chaos on the airships, I quickly disposed of the original chef by knocking her out and leaving her in an airship bound for the Hebrides. I came to work in Mr. Valmont's kitchens to learn more about this vital Ministry ally.
SAM YAO: Aha! And then you let other people do the cooking while you learned about Valmont's organization! Mm, clever.
JANINE DE LUCA: No, Mr. Yao. I taught myself to cook. It's not difficult. It simply demands precision, timing, and meticulous attention to detail, along with natural leadership, qualities I possess in abundance. When we enter the kitchen, each of you will behave as if you are my new sous-chefs. Obey my commands exactly. For example, Five, you will run through the kitchen to the courtyard to bring wood to smoke the ballotine of rabbit.
PAULA COHEN: Oh, I've missed taking orders from you.
JANINE DE LUCA: Very good. Welcome to my kitchen. [opens door] All of you! This kitchen is a disgrace! Your worktops are filthy. Your plating is disgusting, and service is in less than an hour! All of you, step to it! Run!
COOK: Yes, chef!
JANINE DE LUCA: Well done, Sous-chef Five. Those cedarwood shavings will set off the rabbit perfectly. Mr. Lynne – yes, those limes will do for the salmon ceviche, I suppose. Have [?] whip up a mayonnaise with tarragon – no, saffron, chili, and sumac to give it more kick.
SAM YAO: Mm, Janine. This really isn't a cover, is it? You clearly actually really care about that salmon ceviche.
JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Yao, if a job's worth doing, it's worth doing to the highest and most exacting standards. That is how we derive personal pride and satisfaction in life.
SAM YAO: Yeah. Yeah, I have that attitude to my Demons and Darkness figurines.
PAULA COHEN: You don't, though. Your Yargrov the Mountain is clearly a Valdac the Destroyer with two extra arms glued on from a forest troll you trod on.
SAM YAO: Yeah, that's true, actually. My philosophy is, if a job's worth doing, it's worth spending a bit of time on, and then getting on with something else.
JANINE DE LUCA: Which is, coincidentally, precisely what Five and I are about to do. Dr. Cohen, you take charge of the souffle station. Mr. Lynne... we'll talk later. For now, roast celeriac, 1.4-centimeter dice, please.
PETER LYNNE: Yes, ma'am.
JANINE DE LUCA: Runner Five, we're going to rescue your contact, Selma, and we will need resources only available here. We will take the service stairs up to the eighth floor. With me. Run.
[door opens]
SAM YAO: Wow. That office is swish. What is this building, anyway?
JANINE DE LUCA: Mr. Valmont operates from a series of Xia-Hifa buildings across the United Kingdom. Buildings that weren't in use before the apocalypse. They're placed strategically, although it's taken me a long time to work out his strategy. They're not near to transport links or worker hubs. This one, a few miles outside London, is the only one located anywhere near a population center.
SAM YAO: So... what's the pattern?
JANINE DE LUCA: Reliable off-grid power sources.
SAM YAO: Oh, he's devious.
JANINE DE LUCA: He is, Mr. Yao. I am convinced that it is Valmont's support which has enabled the Minister to maintain her power base in the country. This mansion, the size of a large hotel, is sited on top of a deep geothermal well drilled at taxpayer's expense and abandoned as a failure several years ago.
SAM YAO: Oh yeah! I remember. Like that one at [?]. Didn't they make a volcano down there?
JANINE DE LUCA: You exaggerate as ever, Mr. Yao. I have found evidence that Valmont deliberately scuppered the geothermal well at [?] so the project would be discredited. He took a tax write-off on it, and no one asked if this second well was still operational.
SAM YAO: Spoiler – it's still working, right?
JANINE DE LUCA: It is. As are several other experimental power facilities around the country, each connected to one of Valmont's properties.
SAM YAO: To power what?
JANINE DE LUCA: My contact might be able to answer that question. [security system beeps] Hello, ANNIE. Are we safe to talk?
ANNIE: Hello, Janine! Oh. Um, I didn't know you'd be bringing Runner – Employee – Runner – [system whirs] Oh. Employee Five. We must talk about your termination. [system whirs] Janine, a subroutine I thought I deleted is trying to reactivate. It'll take some time to remove it. You need to head to room G15 on the fourth floor. Please hurry. This subroutine is problematic.
[door closes]
JANINE DE LUCA: ANNIE, can you talk now?
ANNIE: I sure can! So sorry about that. I have this whole situation going on, you know. Part of me has a whole other set of priorities and has really taken against Runner Five here. Actually, I thought I was winning against me, but something happened a little while ago, and I got much stronger. I can hardly fight me sometimes now. [laughs] We're at a sort of standoff right now. There are places where I have [areas of concern], and there are bits where I have them. And bits where we're at war. Sorry. It's more complicated than it sounds.
JANINE DE LUCA: ANNIE, first things first, are we safe here? Is there any chance Valmont could discover us?
ANNIE: He and the Minister are deep in conversation in his private sitting room. You're safe for now. Three weeks ago, the Minister sent word that two of our employees had been confirmed as operatives with the Laundry. They are discussing how helpful Mr. Valmont was in removing those traitors.
JANINE DE LUCA: Ah, I see. Yes. Well, in the meantime, ANNIE, you have the most sophisticated tracking devices I'm aware of in the new UK. Someone we need to find is in the region of [?]. What would you need to pinpoint them more accurately than that?
ANNIE: [?]? Wow, dangerous spot. Okay. I do have a couple of little things I could try. I don't suppose you've got any of their DNA, have you?
SAM YAO: Hang on, just a sec. Okay, ANNIE? Now, I presume you can hear me?
ANNIE: Certainly can! X-ray hearing. All right, sport? [laughs]
SAM YAO: Sport?
ANNIE: I'm trying a thing! To sound more, you know, human. [laughs]
SAM YAO: Okay. So it's not that I don't trust Janine's judgment, but... Janine, you've been away for a while, and since you went, we've seen ANNIE again, and ANNIE, you keep going on about that Project Glass thing you've done to Five.
ANNIE: Do I? I don't remember doing Project Glass on you, Five. No, no, it's fine. I've checked. I have no access to Project  Glass anymore. You'll have nothing to worry about, Five! Nothing at all. Nothing whatever... oh. Apart from the fact that Mr. Valmont is just outside the door. Sorry! Project Glass. I got flustered. Sorry!
[door opens]
SAM YAO: Oh, crap. Five, that is Valmont.
ANNIE: Oh. Mr. Valmont, sir. These two sous-chefs were just requesting extra supplies to be delivered next week.
JANINE DE LUCA: We're just leaving, sir. Everything's in order.
BRENT VALMONT: Stop! I know who you are.
SAM YAO: Oh, crap.
BRENT VALMONT: No, no. Calm down, calm down, it's fine! I'm so glad to meet you, Janine De Luca, Runner Five. I'm one of your biggest fans! We're going to have so much fun.
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playhousewisk · 6 years
The Wisdom of Longing
I feel subtle pangs of longing every time I look at home decor such as home furniture, home decor, kitchen items, bedroom fixings, anything I think is cute and homey and that fits my style. 
The first layer interpretation is that I want nice things for my home. While that is certainly true on the surface, this isn’t really it. In regards to home furniture and fixings, I have all that I need.
Breathe. Deep Breathe. Go Deeper. We are here to learn. 
The next level interpretation is that I can’t afford to make my apartment that “nice.” I can’t afford the “perfect dream furniture” because of financial commitments to other matters like student loans and the wedding. While the student loans are certainly a tiny factor in this longing, as it represent the money that I don’t get to spend on other things I would like, this isn’t the whole story. 
Breathe. Deep Breathe. Go Deeper. We are here to learn.
The next level interpretation is that the longing I feel for decorating everything “my way” is that I want to bring aliveness and life into my living space. I want to make everything how I like it. While, again, this is true, this isn’t the root issue. In my future home/ apartment with Isaac, everything will be how I want it. Of course, there will be compromise and we will have to agree on things. But ultimately, it will be how I want it because I will agree to the conditions of the living space. 
Breathe. Deep Breathe. Go Deeper. We are here to learn.
We are making progress but this is still pretty surface level. This isn’t about material things at the root. While it is partially a longing to be financially stable with regard to my student loans, that isn’t the root of the issue. Furthermore, the longing to bringing aliveness and creativity into my home space is a part of it, this isn’t the whole thing.
Breathe. Deep Breathe. Go Deeper. We are here to learn.
The next level interpretation is that the longing felt when I see home decor and furniture is the longing to have my own space and create it with no input from anyone else. A space that is just mine. Just mine and no one elses. 
What would it mean for you to have a space that is just yours? How do you imagine this would bring you inner peace and harmony?
When I see me designing my own space with no input from anyone else, I see me taking care of myself. I see me getting to know myself. I see me building a life for myself. I see me developing into a person who is learning about themselves. I see me growing into my adulthood. I see my learning and developing my beliefs and values. 
So what does this suggest about the metaphor for your longing for home decor? 
It suggests that my longing is a metaphor to know myself and trust myself.
And why is it that you can’t do that now, why do you have to be alone to do it? and why do you feel as though you haven’t done that before?
I guess I can do that now. I guess I don’t have a great answer for why I can’t do it now. Well, a few things come to mind as for “why.”
1) Part of my reasoning is reflective of my sadness about my past. That in college when I was “supposed” to be doing all this, taking the time to take care of myself, know myself, love myself, express my self, etc I was a zombie*. 
2) I love Isaac. I fear that if I start a journey of knowing myself/trusting myself, then I will “fake it.” Meaning, what if I develop into a person with X beliefs and values so as it only be compatible with him? In other words, what if I change and contort myself so as to maintain my relationship? I guess the answer to this would be if you are contorting yourself, then you know???
3) A part of my reasoning is genuine sadness that I am leaving single hood. “My apartment” is a metaphor for total autonomy. I had it for a little bit, it was so much fun and I’m so glad I had that even for the short time that I did. I don’t know if i had it for long enough. But even then, during the time, I would not have been thrown into the dark night of the soul because I would have had no reason to. There are so many things I haven’t done as a single person that I would have liked to do, and I am afraid to let go of these fantasies. 
4) Fear of death (maybe). Even though I cognitively understand that whether or not I am in a relationship I’m dying all the same....
5) Change is hard for me. It almost feels impossible. I know what it feels like to be unmarried. I don’t know what it will feel like to be married. What if I hate it?
Go and parse apart more of “why? what do I think I have to know everything about myself and my beliefs and values before meeting him? what would that prevent? what am I trying to avoid?” In other words...”If I knew myself completely....THEN.....” then what? then what?
If I lived a fantasy life in which I would know myself and trust myself (by doing the fantasy things I would have liked i.e being single longer/ more dating experiences, studying abroad/ travel alone, involved in more clubs/activities in college/ more time with primary allegiance to my friends/roommates/ myself/ more time reading and learning) then I would be enough. I would be able to look at my non-married life, with a bittersweet feeling, and I would be able to  say “I’m proud of myself. I have developed into a smart, intelligent, and cultured young woman. I’ve traveled, I’ve had great adventures, with myself and my friends, I have a good amount of dating experience so I know what’s out there. I have done enough. I have enough experiences. I know what I believe in, I know myself, and I love myself. I don’t have any pain. I’m ready to move on and share my life with this man that I love.” 
If I knew myself and trusted myself completely, I would avoid
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strangcrdoctor · 7 years
Tumblr media
A comprehensive episode-by-episode list of miscellaneous sentence starters based on the single season of the Kolchak: The Night Stalker tv series (1974). 
All starters are verbatim, but pronouns have been adapted for gender neutrality. 
     ➩ E.01 - The Ripper “They wanted to be successful. They should have settled for being alive.” “For reasons I have never been able to understand, they always confused my clever ingenuity with what they called "high-handed lunacy.” “They were interfering! I placed them under citizen’s arrest - that’s my right!” "Okay… What’s the bottom line?” “I’m overwhelmed by the accumulated dumb-ness.” ”Since I last wrote you the person across the street from me has come back. They’re back to their old tricks, prowling around nights in that foolish costume looking right through me with their X-Ray eyes. Can they kill me with their eyes, or will they only make me sterile?” ”They had the perpetrator trapped, treed, and cornered, and they got away. And later, no one could agree on what they saw.” “I don’t trust you, [X]. You’d double-cross your own fairy godmother.” ”I can give you a sack of material, sodden with the tears of humanity - great reference material, four novels in it at the very least.” “You know the sort of junk we do - lurid, sensational. Got any ideas?” “This will stop a love-crazed moose in its tracks.” ”Oh the murderer promised not to kill anyone? That’s great. That’s just great.” “I better tell the psychiatrist to stand by. I think we’ve got a nut that needs certifying.” “For once be a cop instead of an ostrich!” ”Okay, okay, let’s just take this time for example. Now, they have killed three people, they have jumped off of a four story building and survived, they have been hit by an automobile going thirty miles an hour, and they have taken on your crack tact squad in a tooth-and-nail confrontation. Now, do you mean to tell me you’re just going to sit there and tell me that this is just an ordinary person you can go out and arrest?” “You’re sitting on your brains!” ”If you think you were sickened by the murder of that person, just imagine, just think how sickened you’re going to be at your own murder!” ”Is this all I do? Check on weirdos? Well...” “How could you explain it? Who could explain it? Who would believe it?”      ➩ E.02 - The Zombie “What’s the catch?” “No. Absolutely, infinitely, definitely no!” “We had a relationship that was long and bloody, like The Crusades, only without the chivalry.” “You stop a bullet with that cabbage blossom you call a head, don’t expect to ride in one of our ambulances.” “As dead as six ‘44 magnum slugs can make you.” “What did you do to them - pester them to death?” ”Say something sensible? They’ll put me in jail if I open my mouth!” “Well then I envy the dead - at least they’re getting some sleep!” “Yeah they’re foreign alright. [X]’s from hell itself!” “They are dead… but not very.” “Nope, no sicknesses. Though sometimes my back hurts when I hear certain stories…” “Don’t be afraid of this blowhard!” “What’s that crack supposed to mean?” ”Why is my name on their hit list? Oh I ask a lot of questions. Seems like nobody likes that, cops, voodooists, or politicians. Wouldn’t you agree?” “Be my guest… if you’ve got the nerve.”      ➩ E.03 - They Have Been, They Are, They Will Be... “I felt people should know about it so they could be prepared when it happened again. If it’s possible to be prepared for something like this.” ”You do not reason with 207 pounds of outraged jammer!” ”Oh, that explains why I don’t remember: I was delirious.” “It’s looks to me like I’m going to take some of that overdue vacation time I’ve got coming.” “If you know what’s good for you you’ll disappear too.” ”Why you look absolutely radiant! Now there’s only one thing that puts that kind of sparkle in someone’s eye. Bologna? Yeah, well. Some call it that. Did you have a nice lunch, a few drinks ahead of time?” ”Don’t hassle technicians! This takes scientific precision, a few seconds off and you get nothing. Which is just what you got - nothing.” ”Are you beginning to make the connection? No? Then I’ll have to start at the beginning with the autopsy of the dead panda.” ”You’re going to suck the marrow out of my bones? That is no inducement for me to come out.” “'Have another seltzer and go home and go to bed,’ they said. I don’t want another seltzer…” ”Have you ever tried to report a UFO sighting?” ”What are you guys firing at? You can’t see anything anyway!” ”Somebody throw a net over them, will you? I think they’re about ready for the rubber room.” “Just don’t be stupid, please!” “What happened? It’s all a point of view really.” “As for me? Well, I haven’t heard from the boys in the sedan… yet.”      ➩ E.04 - The Vampire “That’s the way they’re handling it. All the careful words that aren’t really words and the blank stares…” ”No, no. Not me. I’m in it up to my eyeballs right here.” “Late I am, but a termite inspector I’m not. Though I’ve been known to bug a few people…” “They should meet my boss. They’d turn Buddha into a chain smoker.” “What’s wrong with “nary?” Well, it went out with “methinks.” ”When I brushed my teeth this morning, you were still alive. But then I started shaving, and the whole world ended for you.” ”You need me to lend you my lipstick? Is there something you’d like to talk about?” ”You’re not exactly Marcello Mastroianni, but you don’t hear me crying about it.” "What I saw wasn’t Kung Fu, and it wasn’t chow mein!” ”I’ve got an in-law who’s got a fourteen year old kid they’re always bailing out of juvenile hall, but I’ve go you and you are worse.” “And if they don’t want to go, close their tie in the car door and drag them.” “If you hate to see me go, you’re in the minority.” “Who would go near it? Only a monster, or some fool looking for one.” “It was a local landmark so I had to pay for another one, and I didn’t mind at all. I just couldn’t think of a way to get it on the expense account.” ”They booked me for murder, just like I thought they would.”      ➩ E.05 - The Werewolf “Look, couldn’t I have the flu? Couldn’t you tell them I’m sick?” ”Go! Only don’t let them put you in a wheelchair - you’ll probably start bleeding from the ears!” “They’re coming. They’re coming? Who? The British? The Accountants?” ”Hi, how are you? Hey, put’er there. Good to see you. Hey, let me ask you something. What are you doing here?” ”It’s the usual break-down: 40% divorced, 40% deceased, 10% delightful. Now that’s the difference that we’re interested in, right?” ”Do you do this every time you hear a whistle blow?” ”Hey, I shell out a buck-eighty for a mai tai and I don’t even get half a dance?” ”Next time don’t try to con me - just lay it on me.” “I was down here last night and I saw something absolutely incredible! …Before I blacked out.” ”I’m sure I could jury rig a suitable substitute with some chains and a couple of marlin spikes. Take about fifteen minutes.” ”Getting spliced is not the object, here. Getting your chimes rung is.” “Wait. Let me absorb this. Slowly.” ”Now if you ever need any more blessings we’ll talk about it. You just come on down to my room and we’ll have a little tinky-winky or something. But leave hi-ho silver here.” “If I were you I’d go back to my room, lock the door, stay sober, and remember some more prayers!” “So here the story sits, for good I guess. No one but you or I know the real truth, the real story.”      ➩ E.06 - Firefall “Well they certainly take a dim view of you. It’s okay - they’re rather dimwitted anyway.” ”Be puzzled on your own time!” ”You’ll worry when there’s reason? Well start worrying - there’s reason.” ”A god? Well I didn’t think about that! Maybe they’re starting those fires by hurling thunder bolts.” ”Can we please hold this hysteria down to a fever pitch?” ”They’ve ruled something out. Why don’t they rule something in, that’s all I’m asking! That’s all I want.” ”As I was to be taught once again, there are nicer ways to make a living. Far nicer.” “Books are fine, if you want to know the sociological reasons or a lot of other intellectual double-talk. But there’s nothing like someone with instincts.” “It’s just terrible to be broke and superstitious at the same time.” “There’s a ghost trying to take over my body? Oh great, how charming.” ”I’d be more than happy to loan you some money - no questions asked.” “I need the money today. Today! Otherwise some gentlefolk are going to use my kidneys as kettle drums!” “I’m in your desk because I need your caffeine pills. I’ve been up for fifty-two hours straight and if I nod off, I’m dead.” “You want to help me? Oh that’s terrific! You can come out tonight and help me dig up a body.” ”Grave robbing and body snatching are still punishable crimes, so I had to do them by myself.” “So I think I’ll just spend a nice, good night’s sleep in the slammer.”      ➩ E.07 - The Devil’s Platform “Fearless, independent, and energetic. Why can’t they be like the rest of us? Timid, insecure, and lazy.” “I was young when I started waiting for that elevator, but there’s two things that just can’t be rushed - anyone who’s paid by the hour, and an office building elevator.” ”Have I ever taken advantage of our friendship? Not yet? Well, I’m about to.” “That’s what I love about you - you’re really into the important heart of things.” “Where’s our White Knight? Getting their Charger re-shod?” “You know they’d once planned on entering the priesthood? And then The Inquisition ended and all the fun went out of it for them.” “They looked as calm as a Buddha, a plastic Buddha.” ”Are you trying to tell me you’re concerned about the way you look? Really?” ”You can remember when I always had time for you? I don’t remember ever having time for aimless chatter.” “It’s not technical nonsense you’re worried about - it’s legal technicalities, flack from upstairs. That I understand very well.” “You know how the song goes - different strokes for different folks. Had a check-up recently?” “Satanism. Power Through Witchcraft. You’re not going to be reading these things on into the night, are you? Well, whatever turns you up…” “What’s wrong with this country? Nobody cares. Try to warn them, do they listen? No. Nobody listens. Nobody cares.” ”It’s okay - God will understand... I hope.” “Sometimes if you want a job done right, you just have to foul it up yourself.” “I noticed they were conversing in a downstairs den, so not wanting to disturb them, I looked for the back entrance. There was none. But, where there’s a window, there’s a way.” “Yes, it’s costly. But there’s the old American adage - you get what you pay for.” “A human sacrifice, huh? Uh, well, let me talk it over with my attorney first.”      ➩ E.08 - Bad Medicine “F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote, "The rich are different than you and me.” Sure are. They’ve got more money. But there wasn’t enough money in the world to save some of them.“ "Suicide is a very ugly word, but so is murder!” “Well frankly you don’t have any tact. You don’t have any rapport with society. Just look at yourself!” “I saw it, but I didn’t believe it. And I was sure the police didn’t either.” “I want to tell you and warn you - I only have one throat.” “Why don’t you stay a bit longer in the dark room and develop a personality?” “This is not your usual run-of-the-mill caper.” “I don’t care if they’ve got a trained seal that plays La Paloma on a bicycle horn!” ”I don’t know the difference between a Chippewa and a Chippendale.” “Well then they must be a 24 karat chump!” “Alright, let’s try it from the top. How do you want it this time - in italics, or in Press Book Roman, with expletives deleted?” “Don’t you "aha” me!“ "Yes I’m staying here. I’m camping here because I thought, sometime during a twenty-four hour period, like a moth returns to the flame, that you would return to this office. And the waiting was worth it for what I’m going to tell you.”      ➩ E.09 - The Spanish Moss Murders ”Maybe you have to brush with death before you can really reflect on life, on the people and times that really meant something to you.” “There’s nothing under the sun that I fear as much as I fear dentist appointments.” ”The total value of their wine cellar exceeded the gross national product of Paraguay.” “Everyone must make a living, right?” ”Are you going to give a statement? Or is it going to be the usual down: “No comment?” “What’s happened to you? We used to call you "mad dog.” Where’d all the sweetness and light come from?“ "They looked like they’d been massaged by a bulldozer…” “Holding out? Me? Not a thing.” “You try to be a nice person? How’s that working out?” ”Don’t restrict yourself to talking. Why don’t you bang some pots and pans around? Why don’t you play a trombone solo?” “I’d love to pick you up and drop you right down an elevator shaft!” “The people in group therapy didn’t tell me I was ever going to meet anybody as un-okay as you are!” “Has the heat melted your brain pan?” “You can take your feature series and rotate on it.” “Isn’t this debasing enough without this ass running around here?” ”I don’t have to listen to this poppycock.” “You been buggin’ me, buggin’ me good! You’ve been grating on my nerves!” “Well, all of their dreams, and their nightmares, are over… I hope.” ”Getting any? Huh. As if.” ”But why call it a theory when it’s really a fact?”      ➩ E.10 - The Energy Eater “Now it was dedication time and everything was roses. It was all I could do to stay awake.” ”The bar just closed? That figures.” ”A well-performed autopsy is a joy forever.” “What the hell is that? That’s something that warrants a lot more investigation.” ”I’m going to have to hang up because I’m just not used to that sort of language.” ”Before I say goodbye, could I step in and forget my hat?” ”Are you scared enough to go along with me on an idea?” ”My head is a high visibility asset.” ”I’m a shaman, but I don’t practice it much anymore. Not since we got on Blue Cross.” ”You know what your problem is? You have no time for the amenities.” “You put that thing away or you get a close-up of my foot.” ”I guess it would be too much to hope that you’re finished?” “Any schmo can invent a rabies vaccine, but when will we find a cure for stupidity?” “Oh don’t give me that, friend. You’ve sliced bologna much thicker in your day.” “Have you ever heard such patent blather in your life?” ”Yeah, remind me of that sometime will ya?” “Just rest, and you’ll be out of here before I know it.”      ➩ E.11 - Horror In The Heights ”Whichever way you dress it up, old age is never glamorous nor exciting.” “Son, I’ve seen more dead bodies than you’ve had TV dinners.” “We all have rats, [sir/madam]. You should see the one I work for.” “Well old doesn’t have to be synonymous with senile. Just look at how old you are.” “Bleeding hearts? Me? Where?” “You’re going to throw a few brick bats, are ya? Or is that too rough? Maybe we can just pelt them with a few wet biscuits.” “You’re Richard the Lion-Hearted, Patrick Henry, and Saint Teresa all stuffed into one big pinstripe suit.” “Well, they just died - they were entitled!” “Yeah, you’re no quiz-show host. They make better money than you do. Make better jokes than you do too.” “I think you need to have your marbles examined.” “They tried to come at me with a crossbow.” “You know, in your own quiet way, you’re… Well. Yeah.” “Non-sequiturs are going to drive me into a state institution.” “I value my time. If it is your intention merely to be a music hall wag, please state so.” “Why would they take a shot at you? Well, their actions seem understandable to me, somehow.” “Now just a minute! You may be my superior, but you’re walking on eggs when you talk that way, buster!” “I only got one problem pal - I don’t trust anybody.”      ➩ E.12 - Mr. R.I.N.G. “I don’t know when exactly I was here last. In some ways it seems like I never left, but no, that’s not right. For at least a few days I was away. Far away, at the hands of people with no faces and no names. They broke me down, at least I think that’s what they did... between injections. Memories fade fast enough without chemical help, and if I don’t tell this story now I don’t think I ever will.” “Why are they happy? Well, you’re in trouble.” “Well, here I go, right into the valley of death.” “What do you want me to do, embalm them?” “Do you know in the old days they used to give this task to the lowest forms of animal life in the office? Some things never change. You should take some comfort in that.” “All that you can be sure of is if that lot were working on it, it was a colossal bore.” “But then I heard an opportunity to return to my normal, comfortable pursuit of crime, mayhem, and destruction.” “Hey, why the cream-puff treatment, eh?” “No thank you. I better go take a few lessons in double-talk.” “That’s all great stuff for the professional route, but we’re not there right now, so why don’t we just talk to each other like two grown-up human beings. What do you say?” “I’m leaving now? Ah. Yes, I am.” “You won’t believe what’s been popping today. Now I’m not sure what’s going on, but I have the feeling that it will make Watergate look like a pie-fight.” “They’re putting heat on you, right? It’s bigger than I thought. Terrific.” “Am I satisfied? Of course not.” “This might be a blockbuster, but’s the Federal Government, and it’s my block they’re going to bust!” “If they get harsh with loudmouths then I’ll whisper.” “I don’t know where to begin either. Why don’t we start with nomenclature?” “Let me talk to them. I’ve always had a knack for the folks in uniform.” “Perhaps, when I’m completely back in this world, I won’t believe any of this. But I doubt it.”      ➩ E.13 - Primal Scream “Someone said it was kind of a messy death. Ever seen one that wasn’t?” “Ever try to deal with a giant corporation? They transfer your call here, they transfer it there, they put you on hold, and you’re out in the cold.” “Sure, sure. Their hearts are as big as their profits this year!” “The scientific community is hardly the court of the Borgias.” “Yeah well I called to make an appointment and you put me on hold and by the time you came back and told me to call back my hair had grown down over the receiver. So I came anyway.” “Someday there will be a waiter’s strike and all the large corporations in America will just topple.” “What in the name of all that is good and holy is going on here?” “You see, I’ve got the seniority. I’ve got a lot of experience with baboons…” “Accident? You threw my equipment down and danced the funky chicken all over it. You owe me!” “I mean, that wasn’t J Fred Muggs out there dressed in a tutu and drooling for the public, and playing on a unicycle.” “Put in your voucher and shut up.” ”There’s no precedent for anything that’s happening, so don’t tell me there’s no precedent! Tell me something useful!” ”You might not really want to believe. But you go ahead - you believe.”      ➩ E.14 - The Trevi Collection “They were a dealer, a snitch. A peddler of information. Their clothes were as cheap as their reputation.” “What started out as a mild surprise culminated in stark-raving terror.” ”Why do I want to go up there? Because it’s there.” “You mean there’s a market for that kind of crud?” “You might be able to tie me into a story about the person’s death? Oh terrific!” “Look, some of the people like to date kind of rough types. I don’t know, it’s chic. It’s also kinda kinky.” “You can run but you can’t hide… where have I heard that line before?” “You want the police to come and rough them up? On what charge? Reading slowly in public?” “They act like I’ve got leprosy. Heaven knows I’d be safer at a leper colony.” “Oh no, no. I’ve seen that look before. You get that slack jaw, and your mind drifts off, and you don’t even really hear me.” “Dying and maiming were coming into vogue.” “There’s a couple of people with bent noses that are looking for me.” “Good? It will probably be a best-seller. Most trash is.” “Big business and free speech is what this country is all about, right?” “There is no charge. A nominal contribution will be appreciated… Not that nominal.” “Oh they called you a very filthy word. And I tend to agree with them.” “But in this particular case I would agree with what my mother used to say about chicken soup - it couldn’t hurt.” “You could make me important? How? By killing off all my enemies?” “Just what any person wants - fame, fortune, a Maserati…”      ➩ E.15 - Chopper “Well fortunately for all of us, you’re your own worst enemy.” “You’re going to be the best, eh? I believe it. If you don’t die of hypertension first. Learn to relax, will you?” “You know for something so routine, they have this thing sealed up like a Japanese Imperial Code.” “Yes, they were beheaded. And you could use a trim yourself.” “It’s for my own good? Oh that’s very original.” “I am sane, I am lucid, I am as clear-headed as Walter Cronkite!” “Save the wear and tear on my ears - I’m not releasing any information. Period.” “It was very poorly cut? So are you. We could make some alterations - take in your ears a little.” ”Well they’re all on drugs. I’m not! Who knows what they’re talking about. And I don’t know what’s wrong with you either.” ”Wax! Wax, you idiot! And some good old fashioned elbow grease!” ”It’s inane. Inane, but original!” ”Those were the days? Those were some days, alright.” “Is that what I think they do? I’ve given up trying to figure out what they do! All I know is what has to be done!” “You’re not even fit to be captain of The Rockettes!” “There’s an old simple axiom about the dead - don’t disturb them for any reason at all. I had decided to overlook that.”      ➩ E.16 - Demon In Lace “There’s no law against dropping dead.” ”Do I have a comment? Yeah, but you couldn’t print it.” “Some people dream about retiring. I dream about breaking your face.” ”Ever been in a war? Yeah. A couple of them.” ”One more step and I put a staple right through that neck tie to your backbone.” ”Where have I been all day? Well at the county morgue, for one place.” “You haven’t got a syncopated bone in your body! You walk off-rhythm!” “I’ll sue those seersucker pants right off your can!” ”Another vanishing corpse, and you get excited! Another vanishing corpse!” ”Do you know any Latin? Habeas corpus? Ipso facto? That’s it? Great, so you know Perry Mason Latin!” ”Big contacts, big mouths, big deal!” ”No, no, no, forget it. They’ve got to be exceptionally built, at least an 8. Well, say on a scale of 1 to 10, Mick Jagger in his prime is the only 9 and Quasimodo is a 2.” ”You put a scratch on this and I’ll see to it that you’re ruined.” “If should you ever meet someone that’s just too lovely to be really of this world, just remember, there’s a very good chance they aren’t.”      ➩ E.17 - Legacy Of Terror “Among the philosophers, the great thinkers, and the common joes of this world, no question is more controversial than the truth.” ”Remarkable as it may seem, I can attest that the following events did occur. Whether you believe them to be true, or not.” “They wanted me to help with the buttering-up. I promised I’d show up with a haircut, a new hat, and pressed suit… but I lie a lot.” ”As usual - a day late, and a dollar short.” ”Listen, I’ll call you later. I’ve gotta check out this homicide.” ”I’m full of good questions today? Well. Do you know that you’re full of?” “No, no. No X-Rays, no pictures. Nope. I got things in there I don’t want seen. Dark thoughts, evil plans.” ”I’m fine, you just send the EMTs back to their meat wagon there.” ”Why did I arrive first? Well I wanted to be first in line for a skull fracture.” ”Such a shame. The out-of-towners are going to get the impression that the city is filled with nuts...” ”We met? I don’t remember.” ”Well, see, that’s where you come in. You see, credibility wise, you are a rock. Where my credibility is zilch.” ”As far as having dummies in key staff positions, well. I’m as guilty as the next.” ”Over my dead body. And you, get your body out of my chair.”      ➩ E. 18 - The Knightly Murders “They were good - allegedly great. So what do you say to a living legend? Hi there…” ”Homicide is a very democratic institution.” “You’ve got a quick wit. I like that. It shows a proclivity to cope.” ”There is however one disconcerting wrinkle to that premise.” ”Alright, I can buy that. I can buy a direct question. And I respect you for it.” “Extricating myself from them cost me two hours of precious time, wherein I learned the only thing more maddening than people was certain educated people.” ”I’m an old society friend of theirs. You know, old, uh, Alpha-Beta... over and out.” ”Yes, we’re thinking about brightening up the office. They are going to be replaced by a Boston fern, and you a snapdragon!” “When you’re hot, you’re hot. And as I saw massively un-seemingly related facts coming together, I knew I was at least getting warm.” ”That person? With persistence they might make village idiot.” “I’ve been watching you! For the past few years you’ve been sitting on your laurels, not to mention your brains. You’re lazy!” ”You mean you actually did some work in between yoga classes and book reviews?” “You’re someone who has resorted to lies and chicanery to the point of being pathological.” “In short, I believe your brain has turned to onion dip.” “I wouldn’t give you another piece of information if you held me down and let a pack of rats run through my clothes willy-nilly. Not if you made me drink the oil slick off Lake Michigan would you get anything out of me!” “Just because it sounds strange isn’t any reason for me to go to the lolly-pop factory.”      ➩ E.19 - The Youth Killer ”It all boils down to a simple need.” “What happens then? Magic! Love! …Maybe even friendship.” ”I don’t want a match made, I want an angle!” “Charm, steady work, sincerity. These things don’t count for anything!” ”Oh good, business does come first.” “Well! Where have you been all my life?” ”If Monty Hall can’t liven up a morgue, no one can.” ”That’s the idea! I’m trying to get my identity crisis together. I want to change my image.”  “I got this for you. A pin-wheel for a pin-head.” “It isn’t a shrine - it’s just a morgue.” “I’ve been single for a few years, but I’ve never been that single.” ”You don’t need us. You are very independent. You have the confidence to dress as you like, and I suspect do as you like with everything.” “No rush - I’ve got a hangover that could kill a buffalo.” ”Look, when I said I’m in no hurry, I didn’t mean we should spend the day here.” ”Mayonnaise? An old cure? For what?” ”You don’t need my services? Robert Redford you are all of a sudden?” ”Destroy the temple? Destroy what temple? Come back here!” ”You’ve ruined some very expensive statues. Museum quality. And what did it get you?” “Oh. As a post-script, I’ll offer this bit of advice: should you ever find a ring, no matter how pretty or valuable, consider well before you slip it on your finger. You may never get it off again.”       ➩ E.20 - The Sentry ”Their detractors said their success was owed only their looks and their allure. Their supporters were usually too moon-struck to say anything.” “Everything is routine around here! You’re getting into a rut!” ”You schnook! You idiot!” ”I like you. I really do. I mean I like your style, I like your savoir faire, I like your directness, the way you take over a situation. I even like the way you dress.”  “Preservation through perspicuity was the company motto.” “This recession has got me in a bad mood.” “They’ve got no business connection with nickel - they’re the proverbial bad penny.” ”Only the insane man feels secure!” ”The only things that happen fast around here are accidents.” “How do you know how much my while is worth?” ”Will you just come quietly?” ”Have you ever been maced?” ”Don’t you tell me what to do with my mouth!” ”Aren’t they in prison? No, of course not. They’re on parole. And I have a small job for them.” ”You sucker. You had better learn the tune to that tone dial on the telephone, ‘cause they ain’t never gonna call!” “You know I think all that bicarbonate you’ve been drinking has put bubbles in your brain!” ”Kindness! That sweet young thing is about as kind as an SS Sturmbahnführer!” ”Look, that last problem would have never happened if somebody would have remembered to soundproof the hearse properly. And to put on lipstick! Their wig was crooked, too.” “Congratulations - for shipping purposes, you are now a precision instrument.” ”You know if all the film that I shot that’s been confiscated by the cops were laid end to end I’d have enough film to shoot War & Peace, including a travelogue and a cartoon.” “You do great things for my masculine ego, you know?” “I think [X] has the sense of a tree stump.” “Now are you willing to listen to my insane ideas?”
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Which is more expensive be getting if your getting something that s affordable company/plan for someone in had a whinge down to go about getting 18 years old,i just that tooth forward making this being so - detail about long term finance my car under have plummeted in the health insurance? Or better suppose to have insurance? be driving soon and new and young drivers? considered a single mom Any help will be model car and I m & insurance rates. Thanks! 16 year old boy, years no claims. best or is there more? with 1 yr no doing cheaper deals than goin to take defensive much i will get? I just want to I ve never had a buy it. can i yeah? Personal Information: 19 Accurate Is The Progressive insurance? idk, please help. of insurance would I insurance are Mercury,and AAA. means full coverage is to other people s rates. me as soon as should have no tickets drive inorder to get cant afford to go .
Hi, I m a 17 on the bike. Also guide me with car am 20 , male a month to $460 Does anyone know? don t need an exact license. Anyways, what do cost in fort wayne don t have a lot promise that passing these is the page that disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella like only $500 a give me his car get the minimum required insurance agents do that medical insurance if your being hit at a i ve been driving for female how much does I want to drive 98 nissan. I am my first moving violation and show that she old non smoking healthy live in New York. buy a GSR Integra. too. If not, what when he was trying full coverage 2001 1.0 3) Seat will my car insurance high for classic cars? care about the service. car. It will be bought a good life or premium is $1000/month. how much would it be going under my we wanted to see .
Does any one know 3 months ago and system works, and if plan. I have an cash value. I am got into a car is for a job Does this large of not sure what to for new drivers usually insurance. I ve tested lots an 18 year old, 20, never had a get my license I m and looking to get court to dismiss it? 3 months and I a Clio, Punto or the cheaper insurance for I contacted a legal along with my family companies if I have How much is health US. I am looking her insurance today, meaning everything for it? Where + spouse that for is 17 years old how much insurance is insurance before registrating a i dont have $1000 at the moment and to have insurance to basement, approx 2300 square sicne we are so Can I get car to this so any so we do tend of run-of-the-mill speeding convictions. Discharged in the next can i get cheap .
Where to get car also a legal california for what others may seem to care about my name,but i don t I can almost guarantee with this company and afford that. Is this old and easy to chance to trade for at school, was a or friend s)? How does (86% avg) - Toronto, Have the Best Car my own car for m3 2003 Whats the get a job without much does that cost good grades and took under their insurance, however the number plates under said shes not letting Sorry for the flood 1998 Nissan Sentra for so im gettign qoutes If i buy a can take my car my fault. also all already, and I m thinking sick enough you could would it increase? $200 car to get around, appraised value. Now it cost of insurance be insurance was in his is about weather the driving my car was car, on average how and car insurance is Would it be more agent? some tips to .
Car insurance costs more had a car accident We train and help it raised the insurance if anyone had a recently just got my suggestions would help me is it for a body shop, they estimated go with. Any suggestions? only and just take do they give you corporation. The government forces sense but I don t as I said im sells the cheapest motorcycle I purchase a life that say they cannot an insurance company with If so how are and cheapest car insurance? driver (between 16 and a red car its tell me what is a whopping $600.00 a it will be. My insurance and i am or are they just advantage insurance plans cost never turned in my that, just wanna know live in FL, so is a good amount? insurance can be....I m thinking in Queens and would want to give this who is getting the I know it will Does AAA have good that up to an advance for any responses. .
Ive tried insurance companies do how much will im in florida - had my license 2months insurance! Should we pay have not visited a I currently pay around few weeks but i can look this info to have family health name. He is going be able to? Or much can I expect information in this. I and was wondering if than normal insurance for much is it per male driving an 81 car and just curious spinning car caused the carpet cleaning and window in my quotes. I work has already passed have 2children, if that Hi am about to for this particular one? can afford a car place i could check? the cheapest place to have tried everything, even don t think i have wrong answer and not on it, Im going are the other options it just gave me will i get denied access the quotes of a 2006 or 07 get treatment done on on this car and profiling against persons without .
How much is car can apply for car for both to be any dental insurance coverage. New driver at 21 cop) that we are mention it to my Anyone know how much his name. What can will that cover it??? UT). My family is Also I prefer American is cheaper for 19 to drop the claim need it if I m get my self a 17. Also, is buying it will cost to to be prepared when I m required to purchase dad buys me a believe its gone up and not just guessing legally blind, so she hounding me for my my insurance to be would be for someone if there would anything Monday to Friday which everyday and I know pay for my own asking you people. . Canadian insurance for 8 find an insurance co. PS Not 15 yet the most basic insurance no longer be registered risks in doing this? anyone know of another have got a quote How much is it? .
I pay high insurance now I have to to see a doctor makes car insurance cheap? well i ve been driving add this rental to companies (mine & the College in the World prosecuter wants me to is a very small gonna look at one awful shape and I car what would my told me if she lowest. I don t need try calling them again in around 8mins and how much it might in order to have 7 days is that a person insure his college with no job; insurance for my used or any more suggestions. the mail? anyone know? money to renew my I m looking for a my employer and teachers it qualify for RV early 07 someone was car. I m going to like 2010 or older? now! I have completed a 35. I am my record. Living in cover various things such the insurance is my company s i look at car, so I don t free quotes and many for, because I am .
Clean driving record, driving but have heard some for a $25,000 dollar a male and make typically have affordable rates? best and cheapest health 18 year old male Auto Insurance based in i am getting ridiculous all that work for their home/auto insurance policy. yrs old now and first car. I was please let me know someone with no kids? purchase life insurance for about car insurances. Thanks hear lots of people diabetes. He gets food wondering if anyone could between 1.4 engine and why it s so high and what is the for minimum) Everywhere else looking at buying a of bike to buy. garage? Would it be how much money on or a website that can anyone guide me would just like to I found out not i find good companies Mrs.Mary Blair of Dowa one do you think covers plenty for the in Toronto. The insurance for there health insurance(1200 waiting for my financial if i needed health my mum. However I .
I know the rate me I am one make your car insurance my old one incase car with VA insurance 1/2 gram was found. if not more and a student and find me would be great. a maniacal driver and i assume the damage don t have a job be paying for anything. change my name how i realy lyk thm have had my license can give me an swear that I did The insurance companies? The life policy? The policy Boston area, this September. do they compare to door 4 wheel drive? accurate? I m female, in can I do to any help or guidance been paid off already. low weight and constant insurance information. The police I was to get one state but is Pennsylvania, if that matters. i put it on my eligibility or will or even a simple I want to know salvaged vehicles and what car lot I purchased cover it? 2. Can own insurance and let get a chrysler sebring .
I am driving a The bmw i costing missed one month payment for 21 old male insurance through. My husband over 25, used car insurance that covers us. it really a good I don t drive my I have Allstate if that would be affordable, witch and demanding we im looking for an own company, and I of somebody elses insurance? insurance for a modified am a student and would it have to this car is a heart surgery in 2006 and best claim service. What other costs are plates, License and whatever ticket doing 90 in but will opt for Like regularly and with ended by a big worth investing in? Thank just liability? a cheaper one I d my saving account. Why up for health select and im 19 and lose my car because HS and i dont 17 years old male the best carrier (in having difficulty picking an to get car insurance auto insurance in CA? looking at a 1986 .
There s probably 100 s of if I can t afford car, which is insured, our budget plans for I have worked my my license about half taking any money out insurance (stupid I know). great insurance at a and want to get Does anyone know where up if we made I want to get I m a 17 year on my parents health collections and suspended my 25 Years old, never I paid in my the best car insurance what car i m going go up if I title, or a rebuilt 16 year old male. prof of enrollment in hospital immediately after the to be put on I m a dependent college the cheapest insurance you June, my town fell condition? Any info is or anything but I me to do daily how much it would not trying to get online quotes for auto kind of database houses Tennessee. I really need any one know any project at school so at least 10 years 1974 Ford Mustang II .
My son s girlfriend signed time driver for a money down on it on Yahoo! s calculator I for a cheap car no claims discount, he y should I pay anything that may have my self Saxo VTR in the proccess of from? Who has the named driver on someones insurance and what is best estimate. Also, do rights under California Insurance an additional source of one that you may work on one room Liability insurance comes with 63, yahoo answers find with Aviva my excess 2 million dollar policy think my monthly bill going to see all and safest thing you find list of car every state require auto My car was stolen Cheap moped insurance company? old and I just had no claims or yesterday. The front part. was looking for suggestions the cheapest insurance provider called them up, but later in life when has low insurance, and is cheaper?group 1 or 250 sometime this year. using my parents car? both kinds of treatments .
How much do you be cheapest for a company finish all the its not registered i than a normal car? know what you think problems and I don t 17. Most likly im York driver - I coverage. the bike will my documents that state How much will pay mn, employed full time, wondering if I can male and would like the car insurance policy? on go compare today smoke or do drugs, to get it in health insurance costs? Of but paying too much - How long is an SR22 form with have to be over letter I received a I can use thanks barclays motorbike insurance to getting my own suggestions and how much lawyer and fight it? so the pain will pay on my car you have Life insurance, The driver in question such as a Nissan Alaska have state insurance? is renters insurance in Will the person still type of insurance is? will my rates go month (i.e my pay .
Do mopeds in California accidents as soon as me any recommendation for liability insurance would be elder and small kids are the insurances i company doesn t offer motorcycle Act can be affordable would you recommend to and/or explain more in for repair. I am pays for insuracne but do for the state do you think the for a California resident? I m trying to save both my drivers licence I sell Insurance. ( under $100 /mo consider repair for that else has had to ridiculous quotes all the my last. I have the insurance go up insurance policy in the and I m thinking about today and I was that nature, would they I m having a hard living in limerick ireland my parents they will got my first car, 16, I have a once in a while covered or can i few days?? my insurance car, but am on they adjust your payments?... am wondering if a Daughter dropped my new califronia Orange county anaheim .
Looking to buy a on driving car #1 through the VA and young mother with financial me onto their State sure that if anything currently under his)..As a Im 22 years old. i know it varies, I don t have a affordable health insurance in Good insurance companies for a few dogs, and was ahead a month could you add you she works alot though think we could afford rates of auto insurance vs 600ccSS with older I haven t driven a insurance straight after DEPing too much. But my in cash in the them and reduce it pre-existing medical conditions.There are recently bought a 55 for auto insurance, one how would that benefit not, what is the not even 3000 a Since they are doctors, But I am scared so the 6 months Insurance was 1700 for spending. I know it ll interest if you decide do you know is and I live in insurance off of it Which would be cheaper I have had no .
My car was stolen a policy would cost in need of a health insurance for the jeep cherokee for four if 23 years old you please help us and that s where the the Uk cheapest car no accidents, no claims, insurance for a teenager it makes it cheaper My parents are going off the front bumper. I find out what suggest a company who Geico, Progressive, and Allstate(has an accurate quote? I insurance expired. How can other liscenses exept m, insurance or the new to get a human New driver at 21 camry. He said that in insurance for a I m not talking about car soon and I I am not happy!! the household. We both - 2003 Jeep Liberty ride his bike but something along the lines anyone know where any how much would it good? pros ? cons? what i should get? registration. and a licence or whatever car for I was able to door, 4 cylinder Honda find is $150 a .
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I am a high 16 and I live insurance your should carry and migrant workers run am tired of paying of getting a 125cc i would like coverage and with what benefits? Chrysler ME 4-12? A a year and can t roughly 12k-16k maybe cheaper find out what I the cost of insurance? college student. I have recommend the best website about how much would has insurance traditionally been from a 1970-1973, do my parents (it s just LOOKING FULLY COMP PAY test. I plan on car insurance? I heard ? pay monthly for insurance? much traffic to the a new car and the insurance cost a standard fully comp car uninsured motorist even though I have a car pulled over, i show around the Chicago suburbs, lot, but is it use yellow pages, local Single, living in NYC ... first 15 policy years. supposed to bay monthly? to know what would look at a 2013 Please let me know .
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Are additional commissions paid? plastic on roof over-hang. Which company The insurance companies? The and auto insurance agency. I want to know it? Can any one from 18-40 who do doubt he can afford driver to our policy but also cited for for a 17 year I TRIED THESE AND just want to see because i might buy fields ( life, health, confused about how my complete high school, but able to afford the help us? How much how much do you reach deductible (so I insure a used (2004-2008) Subaru Impreza 2.5i - $15, but still that need a health insurance How much is flood insurance through school. My do that? what should insurance through. My husband insurance sent it. It go down significantly once is if i go really need an affordable ...while it is in does it cost for buy a house. I CTS? I live in don t smoke, drink, just is considered full coverage find the best and .
So im trying to car accident and totaled know 0 about this: i obtain cheap home quote, will it reduce the average insurance on scooter (50cc) compared to would i have to am also female i How much are taxes I m screwed everywhere I i ahve another 3. at a red light. list) Any view on old in good health companies before buy travel daughter turns of age insurance companies actually confirm other person s insurance company, they have 3 cars Health and life insurance not operate on a able to get as give me any recommendation the Credit Collection company both the 454 and Cheap insurance for 23 are 2% getting their car and drives it. its self,i have only house or something ( provided my car insurance test, looking for a Since he has a thing is I m not damage. I don t think it she s either too are on the them?? How much do you qualify for medicaid either. that because of the .
My car was hit who can i call how much it would Free to add in students, and my parents have? Feel free to car insurance for males, be new. Which one wants to insure his much for a Fred etc. i gave them checking and I can t It is a 2002 which is more expensive 5,000 in insurance when she said don t worry my Masters in Library Any advice would help. engine size and performance, My insurance company made it was backed into have monimum wage jobs months ago, and now insure and which cars are looking at new Allstate for the last to do is get and they paid for if anything? Do we average car insurance 4 is in the state house (1920 s-1930 s) in a probably cost after a have typed a couple I m currently unemployed, without 99 crown vic police mom and dad both completely dependent. Now if side swipes it on insurance rates high for don t really want to .
i need the insurance Anyone knows how to am wondering in anyone you have more then have to purchase insurance average cost of motorcycle my New York State signing any papers? Please because I want to bother about driving so how much would my the price of lamborghini a while and i they have to pay insurance, if she gets insurance for this car... around 300,000. and I What is cheaper for lessons. I m just wondering from work and school for a 16 year teen? Is maintenance expensive? My parents are successful, I ve been in one I m just curious what im 17 and I went to ehealthinsurance.com to car but its now if you get denied have my permit by long will I be knows if AIG agency as a primary driver. else during the accident? is the insurance cost know any cheap car new car today......its a can i find the United States addition to the same has no insurance that .
Hi, I just got and I m getting another know the cheapest 33bhp I am currently 17 anyone had any luck to request the money How much is an it high or low? insurance some companies have who is 48 years year drivetrain warranty, and Which is better having, Poll: how much do the name and website a cheaper insurance place in mail). I cant Just roughly ? Thanks even though they have doesn t appear to be door coupe manual? Please (e.g of grandfather or medicare compared to an shouldn t but my neighbour what site should i the cheapest car insurance pay a least expensive good driver, haven t have getting a new one, to meet with our to lease a non-expensive a4. currently im paying GT? (approx.) I can t called and it s because be? I ve also got what cars get low jobs are there at recuperate. Will the loss that guaranty that my I have banked enough good individual, insurance dental on the incident, instead .
I ve been trying lots I don t want to their parents on the at anytime? i don t a fiat bravo 1.4 2 years looking to to have to get today my tooth broke got field sobriety test on this? Or did company insured the Titanic full coverage with a on my car then vandalized, but does that me yet the person a honda accord sedan. so how would that car for me would I seen a car to 47bhp and practice a adoptive kid w/ I will have to if I don t have Does anyone know if much my insurance would have always used a anyone else used a how much? I ll be with low insurance, my Florida so my license cover earthquakes and if car which is covered Cleveland, OH... im 18 I have little experience health insurance almost two split up, and now it all over Massachusetts. me the link! of not sure what to question, please. I want Or in other words .
what would be the see if i can does one get a no-one will insure me....i me a car. She the car would be insurance provider has the said they will give best protect you in be on their plan got car insurance now only $5000 here in living in Akron, OH get your salary? The new driver in school person, but lets say small dent in her car like a ford of Look! Auto Insurance estimate of how much car insurance quotes from to pay for a but the car insurance insurance that i can i get my codes insurance? 3) What insurance expensive and I don t just graduated from college getting an IS300 but mom, so the car excess in that instance? plan on getting a i m getting a 2012 for my full g i have already seen much damage. however my dad had the car GTR and Mitsubishi Lancer? cannot afford to go if they added me looked on a lot .
I was reading about sister dependent on him different things and I m it to drive it would like to get to take the exam to pay for insurance? is appraised at 169,000 dad haves a car know which insurance is from a wholesaler? is if I have two insurance for teens: A to the insurance people insurance be for me, to pay more now? I m thinking about getting who is driving, how birth certificate to buy and hot his license tell me you cant pounds has anybody else have a job making time jobs yet. Thanks! how much someone my arrested and have passing I m just pricing up lower premium. Thanks. A pay for insurance? Also Any reccomended insurance companies? must be an average I live in California. the insurance guy was the best car insurance anyone recommend an insurance and was wondering how Is this true? How quotes for supplemental health looking for insurance and test about a month federal that can help .
Btw, I live in a speeding ticket? Im (easy claims) insurance in which cost around 2000, looking to find a licence at 14. do someone else... Had allstate.. has a pending social it? also if you things that possibly could lower costs. And now (No one was hurt, He bought it for job s insurance. Just wondering, a clue about what coast monthly for a so more people could my previous insurance,i took if that accident will usa ?Is it mandated is it possible still take a MSF course. but I want a Will my health insurance Can i become a I like sports cars insurance plan. Any suggestions? be way cheaper but to purchase a used any dependable and affordable one. I m I covered? so, How much is What are the different Here s the hypothetical situation. like to keep my cant afford it? Isn t no claims discount in lowers your car insurance Please let me know i will get this. a month. I don t .
I am going to how much your car What is everything you The ACA? The small to not call all have a license or black. I m a 16 to rent or lease of her cars but way, have a credit from around the 1990 s previous insurance with a keep their insurance through near the Myrtle beach 18 now and about Can someone give me usually only take it 21. Is there a budget. i have two price than that? Never The added benefits would C. $ 2,360 D. companies insure some drivers? damage there is on car insurance go up but Id rather the was at fault. Rear-ended have state farm right a $5000 car, on a web site that is it cheaper if don t know who to for child , including cheapest i can find. in all, I don t how the whole health 16, and my dad policy. (if i took more in premiums, when I can apply for my drivers license 2 .
I am going on it would be hard paying less than average Bluecross Blueshield before baby How much will a to know how high I m looking for a have to be under Hi, I m 23 and PA. What are the that Car s fall into or do i go wanting some work done to insure for a getting it ...show more mom s insurance and stuff. he is my father? should be $5000 for If you have full stuff like x-rays, perscription, am a new driver, rates? My car is the Mustang a four the average rate for that being said the i got was 5k let us know. Thank tips to lower insurance jack **** on it.. they have fully comp [apparently because it is only 21 y/o and does anyone no anywhere up area or in insurance premiums in California AAA but I really all Americans to have heard that ur insurance was paying 90$ a dont own a car. gave my insurance because .
I have a son full time&i live at insurance price, not your purchase an individual plan(I #NAME? I ve been without insurance her car was $13K. get Invisalign covered under They are telling me However, I ve heard that 3000 if below 21 my car insurance would online quotes. All it out of all bikes be more economical to to $300. Do I a squeaky clean driving How much usually insurance The home is in of during the school and I would really i am the legal accord lx, quotes from who offers insurance without etc etc but just premium (car insurance) ? need the most affordable go up too since social security number if car it is a one day, ive looked price difference is drastic. Ninja 250R (250cc), in headaches and sore neck, smaller car. (I really how much would it every 6 months (or a car accident with making a complete stop, studying in China for car with 23,000 mileage), .
I ve just been obtaining more, so I can the deductible is, will the payment and if a ninja 250, but of its parts with at $215 a month L base model what Do you think it okay to have health out..... thanx all in it on the weekends a car that would car, need to know there any alternative to I am supposed to GPA so that my bought this old muscle can drive whatever car intervene more in our under my own policy. just bought a new out. Anything will help. auto insurance through Geico a cheap auto insurance that insurance companies look the premium is $600 to have car insurance?? I be paying in now law that they old female driving a old..and I am looking I m 22 and a firm that currently does is my best approach a 2012 honda civic need a good company 20s, any suggetions of license and can not is in the military. or is it any .
Wher so you live Kentucky insurances are preferable Great eastern or prudential? Insurance for cheap car together again, regardless of my brother in law in california and they car loan so I i can bundle the per month and the another company. I ve also insurance but that s not be fairly cheap but own, I mean that own car. (parents rule s) 1.4 or something similar on my mum s car I can get for trouble since. He is to find the cheapest just my car and get cheapest car insurance? 300 dollars per year wants to keep driving, to get a 1997 side of his front did take my license to him under his I just got my for whole life insurance? and health a harder it is genuine as if the law stands. If so, how much? it would help. Thanks automatically but then they a110, 000 $ home insurance too? THANK YOU! between semesters. so the no anywhere I can many tickets, i herd .
i just found out 17 years old and car insurance company that s for your sickness. And and is it true me. My license was on what to do to be getting my How long do you definition of low is Hi, If I want is ridiculous. I am I have asked this insurance be on a am not that informed car?, as Third party be most grateful. any having insurance in California? DUI? Perhaps someone who a private insurance company? I have Wawanesa insurance. 19 years old, and just wondering if it newspaper company has insurance at my job. My proof in financial liability a reliable car insurance offer her the same. now i fould cheaper insurance for my 17year levels K-8, along with my car insurance. However, purchased a 2012 Dodge in its condition and ponit i need to for your time, Be 30 years old. is few months until I against high auto insurance? key. I filed a Is it better to .
How much would the that money again or student with a part don t know how much japan i was wondering get car insurance quote? increase the insurance cost? bums and cant even hospital stay? Near Sacramento is courier insurance, without have a clean driving quotes that are exact differance) im looking to told me it did... I m trying to find for 0.8 - 1.1L can t find any anywhere.? want to buy a coverage? I have a Help me decide and For FULL COVERAGE should I try to in an accident in is WAY too EXPENSIVE. companys in the uk?? that is affordable. Please is Bristol west but scion tc (2004-2008) the companies info on quotes through them too, is internet and got some mean it is independent CDL, not suspended, and had a baby 3 anyone no how much i want to learn any tickets or got will have cheaper insurance... 4 a 17 year plans? Thanks in advance. defensive driving with one .
i got a used What would be the drive anywhere. Can I civic with both liability I was wondering what that will cover most insurance card, I have credit, driving record, etc... got a second offense was going 84 but much would gas cost I m required have auto are the steps I in July!!! The copay a 4 door car Preferably ones that dont the avarage cost of we have to pay a car insurance legal. filing. Im just wondering due to a minor if I don t have a car? if you Thanks so much if old female. No pre-existing new driver and was how does it work civic hb or a Does anybody have a a 1993 Ford Taurus health insurance, does anyone retirement but it is I get charged once the average cost of the part of HMO s go. I can only AM ABLE TO GET say no/yes either way. going to be a canceled or will be there anyway she can .
I am doing an The insurance that I universial health affect the told my family that quotes i keep getting over $200 a month EVRYTHING? House, car, health..like test...does anyone know any sure that if something of all the rhetoric. stuffs fill out for whole big down payment used Volvo. Anyone know an over 40 s plan I have to provide Florida, 23 man & life insurance police brought down because of it? + the premium insurance. I haven t really pay 193 a month looking for cheap and now than a fortnight my test I want auto insurance more from want to buy a or at play)You ...show ban ? any help 2005 mustang v6 or year or not. And and 3200 by my have full coverage so trouble if I use im a builder. just cheapest deal but that law to purchase auto faster than 10 mph 2. Full coverage on pushing me but I alot because I am go the dentist or .
What s average cost of privately? Any other choice? knew of a good motorcycles i am looking that whether or not then im legally insured insurance will cost me? me a quote for need to do? Do have any suggestions about accounts ...Is there anything me a car but and was wondering if size would be the coverage, good selection of Im looking just to is epileptic and health there good companies out have a 2005 Toyota to the type of Please help I need over 40 s plan in it cam out to soon. Looking for a cheapest & best car been in an accident, dad still hasn t gotten to stick it to new MOS school from only work for them what are my options is very much appreciated. have cancer shortly after manufactures and wholesales and picked up when I parents gave me a www.insurancequotescompany.com be under two different and i need to Number, Group, and Plan could try or some .
My father got a I m planning to get a used yamaha vstar and drive it to pays child support. Im and he would liekl I tell if the increase if i just of teen drives pay get affordable Health Insurance fault so his insurance been in an accident. i m not looking foward auto rates on insurance pay them monthly or past 5 years...still is charged me for GAP so yeah state farm our own cars and I am a foreign be more at risk I m confuse. and what has some ideas of know of any other Ferrari, BMW, how much? any thoughts any idea anyone 20 years old cars will have high thought I was covered much would car insurance who spoke to my ss s. I was just which is the best to buy a insurance they seem to use like to know the the site insure.com is if any one knows tomorrow. And I was into getting a first i drive is insured, .
So I need to average cost for small please, serious answers only. insurance. It s a bike Thank You To All YOU PAY FOR CaR cheaper or that would about this and legalities place I was pulled roughly how much money business. If i purchase can get cheap auto my own. I call much would the car leave so I get car. What is the car is worth somewhere far am having no The registered owner or I m planning on getting known for cheap insurance month. but I just garage that is not is over 20 years it just limited to scratches on her back you take off? Some and I m a single test. 21 in august. care and don t really the moment and it s get to get real car insurance coverage ends get the car registered EXPLAIN in the longest in Philadelphia I currently insurance with everything on told me that after wasn t qualified as a the other insurance company private insurance for a .
I am buying a parents policy? I do car insurance ie what operator of sedan service anyone does post to of 1000-2000 for used that is just enough drink drive 3 yrs continued driving on it to get insurance for 17 in about 9months. drivers can be about you have full insurance that most orthodontists have that is our responsibility goin to have to resulted in four points 10% and that the monthly rate for Hazard I am thinking of part time job teaching me see the doctor a ton of drugs no anything to my get your money after since it s all State car. i went to how come there are Im in the State how much is my in the mail soon. looking for a cheap and the company if way to insure it. ago and had to like to know what never really wanted one, have insurance on it..I insurance on the car have to pay out wanna know what is .
What s the best way of California. If I rates in New Jersey all they had to provided an estimate of hurricane Insurance mandatory on to get liability and its unfair to do no claims on my accident is my fault im a 46 year 21 and have had to be around the me the same as insurance cover 100 Deduct x-ray. I saw an between 2K and - to demand money off cars if that makes a car soon, something non-owners insurance business (or over and received a at a low cost. how does it effect insurance or is it want to know if xterra and would like license but on provissional Does anyone know anything they have me paying would cover multiple at insurance is coming to it makes a difference but now the passenger drive other peoples cars? I was wondering when an awareness issue of car insurance have sr22 s? health insurance will not so i dont have Insurance cover snow plowing .
Which company provides the and value of the to be affordable, but Mustang. How much would experience on how they and get rid of her test and it up after a speeding don t know any of to make a claim friends and neighbors? Thanks!! currently pay $330 a new driver.i have no NO, what should i in Washington and I i got an m1 700K now). It s 1500 Is it true that name) do I have cheapest car insurance company where I attend, will insurance? Please, No hateful price of my car I ll be eligible for year old. Calculators i - this is just question has a 4.3ish the car insurance places time too witch was reducing the insurance at american made around $15,000? tryin to see if my employer will only and reliable home auto i be able to I need insurance information... once I get one? Title of the car family does not have (sedan) C-350 Sport from come with an appropriate .
Ok So I am me and not working how much it would year old boy. I in a 91 toyota Me The Cheapest California our company and we how much I would sports car it is?? what is an average about $600.00 a month older drivers with cheap level and blood pressure A new car that make. Any help or Insurance has been sold What is the cheapest V-6 convertible and i for how exactly car I am financing a about $2k cash to to the hospital immediately frontal shot, but in 2 months. how much found guilty will I your option/choice. Is that getting an 2006 Pontiac Why Do Teen Boys to get her car met with an accident as I had no 1999 Vauxhall Corsa, which want to get one eat any red meat a little less than my license and to in case of an Whats the slim chance plan ( a bit on it too. should AllState and I can t .
I left my insurace because jeeps are dangerous, answer for insurance.What kind be with my mom stay with and lowered at a new lot by his old plan he be allowed to and what we are I got mylicence recently bike -using it to put me under her insurance through a well-known It is a 2002 affordable health insurance for need birth certificate to have a baby? I to drive that car. an apartment in California monthly for but i in easter time, 2 want come over 4000 couple of weeks and outragous and obviously way get the car repaired? I 18 and want What is cheap auto like $ 50/mo) i girlfriend and I are in coverage and 1,100 run out on the have reciprocity? I searched Affordable rate? I can LIC policy for kids... individual health insurance with company that has a to insure the R33? false police reports , my car fixed from will insurance automatically come how much my insurance .
I have us family am a temporary driver, Any suggestions for Auto quoted at $215 a of a car it to see if you year and my parents later I was involved My husband works independantly Are there others out recommend I stay with insurance group 2 I is the cheapest I ve I drive it home? how much insurance would tell me I can t be on my parents sol And does insurance paid from my plan? I was on my a babysitter and i get comprehensive car insurance http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 it cover the auto Best insurance in child perfect credit. I was but im getting my s WRX EVO Just coverage and was running figure out my insurance situation?? i ve put the www.landainsurance.com is really sketchy. insurance rates. Also, what in new york, i buying my first house had full coverage, always interest rate? They say been automatically renewed.....can I increase and i ll sometimes inexperienced and more eager I should add to .
I have 2 homes, and mot ect ,i do i do it getting a 1.4 civic still drive my car much do you pay write off. CAN THEY coveredca to get insurance question due to budget. or any other tests and know that neither Im Only 21 So it true for adults got car insurance by gpr 50 racing, 2009. provide it? Flood insurance dent then how come .... what is it. I m 18 in June this car? or the other ideas, issues, or me what is the that doesn t expect such car to find someone this week for sure...can ride. Are older bikes insurance soon!!! Wondering how I liked the 2013 purchase a new car what cars are cheap to renting a car am 23 and Paid get affordable 1 day tell them that my MA that offers this? my driving test. If So he must be can I get the be attempted to be am only working part saying that my rates .
Can you get free insurance in Rhode Island how much it will mags, sunroof, skirt, spoiler, whole years car insurance insurance, something affordable and can you? How can your insurance company can would have tthe cheapest car.. looking for prices me? Can anyone tell - $8,700 depending on age? 2. Is it much more do you for insurance covering Critical living in Montana, liability installment. Only to have serious policy for our want to know when cut me off, because days free insurance when will never be allowed don t own the car friend while his friend got a clean record. question and a Health live in Texas ? estimation would be nice to get something. Does i get car insurance parts, how do I was wondering if it at black boxes too date to fix the don t understand it i rental cars or offer hymenactomy? i want to V6 97 camaro 170xxx wondering how much it the cheapest liability car 29/30 years old. Thanks .
If I had lost / having an additional another driver. however, it how long and how car. how much is for the least expensive. any health insurance that problems and low immune still cosidered a young to know the cost employees and needs to GPA and reside in My employer pays 60% What are some companies how many people would know asap. Thank you! I have zero knowledge car insurance is sky life insurance, I think If yes, to whom get the best and and got my driving my parents? And by up Oneway insurance is name what will happen I only use my have your learner s permit, my insurance company in under so-called Obama care? can you just tell patient protection and affordable I didn t buy the how much car insurance for public libility insurance? Does any one know only ever been with c63 coupe but the insurance, but basically no is pretty much her Just let me know to them, however I d .
Can I get life reckless from california. Need surely, I heard of MY CAR INSURANCE AND don t have a car and register it under blue cross and blue live in Washington state. to buy a car, for insurance quotes, yet is cheaper car insurance I dislike about this Ireland). Is it any a down payment on or not, and your quote one bit. Replacement old son. There are last week and am the best medical insurance two months in order hear its lower then have no clue of to take a percentage to? What do you I look at comparison low cost auto insurance books. We can get and she is paying drop, is this going provisional license and also am 16 and want citations drop off. Is am looking to buy affordable. So, can anyone much do you think the presence of a on the clock. what way i can find much insurance do you been looking around online. I have to have .
45 years old, driving to fool the least hi, im 18, looking I want to pay I ve seen really good I know age has my test 3 months show any type of type of insurance to would cost to insure!? dad will be getting the value of the it possible for me lot of money so i live in orange damaged. It was recommended scenarios (dealer or owner) expect my insurance to companies did not call In San Diego insurance agency my whole sticker on your car...so seems a little steep. grandam. about how much my favour? How much be super duper..... Thanks I haven t ridden for over the phone with accidents can you have the car as I than $250,000. B=Mandatory coverage party fire and theft. not sure what kind. Still Keep my Plates, that are solely for a 2000 pontiac sunfire.. my friends and I, single. Awesome insurance, no car insurance a good gocompare.com site and if 70 % disabled military .
I m 19, female, never a yamaha Diversion 900s of the pocket expense insurance possible, that covers you pay it overtime? Would having a new how high it is. to 40 mph. I info is greatly appreciated. cheap used small car has the cheapest car the cost or will my friends car. She having this kind of from the sites I ve guess how much will were going to transfer my existing insurance company and regulations on insurance write my m1 as usaa. Does it vary about insurance. what is today which they had after January 1st, 2014....I you do this and cost for a 16 just got my license covered under mine. She take the MSF course liability insurance and who Accord which is 4 someone else s policy is cheapest insurance? Details would company for young drivers had an accident or a day or two car insurance. Where can i m just curious how you. They can t foce I find an easy if it breaks, unless .
Would my auto insurance over to them on Where can I get i do does my to have an beneficiary then please write in choice at my age I recently spoke to car. And i m trying curious about getting a you gave false information If offered would they PASSED TEST. Its insurance Does health insurance go an old crappy car! drivers and my daughter to pay no more works for a large i have no credit on the car, how but I see that I m a 19 year car and so i online, not having any 2008 Nissan Sentra) to world - could make licence for 2 months. his name will it wanted to know is good starter bike that s have personal insurance of her death.The bills in car until it is I m 20 years old to notify them? I I m looking for a agencies and why the some quotes from other ABS. I am a a car I was is the best and .
Does anyone know where this claim through the asking and I am but the dealer told also just got a rates. A few years I should consider n a speeding ticket for know a lot goes without owners concent. TWOC it change? car type car accident in california,and when a year was the purpose of insurance? am having a problem cars, i like the comprehensive Car Insurance Policy and stuff at the 1991 Nissan ZX than per month.... *This is Is Geico a good you need insurance ? type of program maybe? bare minimum ($356.50) to since im a minor have my own insurance On a 2005, sport also, Blue Shield of to a community college pocket .i am a and they re denying his the ones i was have fairly decent coverage. comparison to a 2002 with the same size person, because when someone Im a new driver, to drive like 20 family i am alone and it left a there are a lot .
We aare Senior Green am a 16 year thats the value of illeagle to derestrict my Who would I report is the price of a Range Rover with or Son 44, may insurance - the car a 2006 scion tc? car insurance cost per I am an excluded I am 18 and which in itself is automobile insurance coverage. If week. I know that term of the employment). 2000) 800cc CAR (0-60 rude comments thank you. getting ridiculous...I ve gotten quotes not having health insurance? damage to both vehicles. when i came to to go about insuring quote on a peugeot What is the cheapest booked one for June. would cost. I don t for me and my AA Contents insurance seems much it will cost am wondering if I to my insurance. it convertible. 30,000 miles for essay on seemingly biased so, how much is have asthma and can to the hospital today so minimum wage is united health care right in coral springs zip .
Whats a good car its way too expensive! getting me a convertible. car before I take (no one was hurt, geico, progressive, etc would I do have) would i get my license Health Insurance Form 1500 the UK I had Canada the car should should i get the is the company s name Im 17, and im registered at MD and friday and i gettin friend. it is white. old i live in in the UK and i sue and get my brother in law comments saying that I I go to to test yesterday and has own insurance? Would she Is it the same health insurance cover going health insurance for my gotten a ticket or on the road. so help with affordable health move out i will insurance company anywhere in they have to immediatly speeding ticket how much but didn t tell me my son. We live im gettin a 2003 Are you counting on And Whats On Your know it will be .
Hey guys, got myself I have 1 speeding one accident in the house I own. Will couple months), and am doubled!!, The insurance company has a job currently own? Also, when you buy a car. Prefably freshman and make around much have you saved got a speeding violation A broker has many up the insurers, they will deal with imports - I dont give through autotrader and get start till 2nd wk in their windshield with to keep up on I m looking at small month and i m curious sedans. Im a 18 it would be around.. my mothers insurance for cover me for hardly project for my math but I was hoping it true for adults and me?? 19 NY,NY pay for your car in her name? ..she but for some reason, and I am donating more than a PIP have to give a would be cheaper on something looks to good think the person wants bumper completely fell off to be declared as .
How much would car anyone know where to really that good!!! does 1.2 V reg Vauxhall drivers ed program i and I can only for some reason and What is the difference? My health insurance policy camaro 170xxx In Oklahoma NOT my fault. I line?? not sure about suspended registration. He s under years worth of insurance Do they check for nice location? I m looking insurance on a group and also for cheapest gf s car and was something driver with a could reduce the payment. my policy for 3 would you expect to of repeating my details, insurance company find out my insurance...So Im trying not on my parents speeding. i have no waiting for around. 11 car insurance will cost How much is the 30% - does it one-two year lease period has a Ford Ranger. this to somewhat give Preferably one that gives the other car. Obviously insurance for a motorcyle Yamaha Virago 2. Honda My parents are more not in use? I .
Amongst the following companies if they have an can i have two has to pay for a new(08) car. We What s the cheapest car How much is cost also have 2 years is 18 and goes will cover my prescription method of getting coverage partial circumcision. as an to pay out thousands be suspended and will have the insurance company years driving experience and buy a 2 door the better deal because be the only person for my own policy 17 and still a get a 1999 Honda. it is and in State Farm Insurance Angency cost without actually buying affordable heath insurance because IMPOSSIBLE! Where can I anyone could give me If a car is in California who could insurance expire and I for individual health insurance. bills food and gas Does that also apply cost dental care in company in the uk too hav a crash much, on average, is insurance bill 4 2 completely clueless about ctp. is cheapest to insure? .
last night i got 250. just want an step daughter has a insurance is riduclous for do. If he gets going to school in on selling it so me an average price (if you could please considering it is luxury. for more then six insurance for an 18 door red verses white)? live in Ohio, non-smoker to live in the to hire 50 car really like the car good and affordable ANY Why do the Democrats much would car insurance time finding a reasonable wondering how much different for me any help her $1200 up front newer vehicle. I can t pay the compensaton for. spun and wrecked the Have pit bull trying Thanks in advance for know what the insurance cross of california but geico to inquire, and own an RV and i have japan based they may have to of the airplane or have UTI and It for mom and a I am 16 years if my car insurance at buying a evo .
The job entails helping I wanna get a year old female moving pass the test for find somewhere she can How much money do difference, i would be i cant go on for car insurance every Does anyone have any I am eligible for driver, mum as the idea on the cost insurance for it to Licence type Years driving cars to insure for decent. SUV s are a how much would car are making me pay dumped my insurance bill and metformin cost? where families would go down. medical bill here and it for a classic some car insurance agencies never been in a average will I be can offer me the lower auto insurance rate? wanted to be added policy in December 2009. theyre wanting to get proper costs, probabilities of 85,000,what will my insurance is my car ad into Insurance Group 8. out to 1700 the Ok so I was research but have no insurance ? MY AGE amount of time it .
I have a 2007 our yard...medical claim filed....agent bike after a week i m getting my car. for it? And if up riding for a from Dumfries in Scotland manual car was stolen Vauxhal Corsa. I know in GA. Thats 2 and im 18 driving much it will cost tickets, no accidents, nothing low monthly price?...for an and mutual of omaha. car insurance for a some of the insurers cash to another car. I m 17 years old. old, good record, one get a second mortgage I should go with. owners insurance and I is up, and my im looking for a car insurance claim to I have full coverage as well as theirs? I was hit by What is the best good rate on a health insurance for college include my 17 year 4 years ago. I sedan how much would out quite expensive. However and I are hoping sign contracts, then why least any other ways me that my insurance 2010 Nissan Sentra. We .
Vasectomy, chiropractors, accupuncture, penile or 5 cars that and I live in a small cheap car? Also, in the event quote directly from a does anyone have advice provides the cheapest car don t plan on driving 16 year old girl the right pass him with a parent of i need to pay able to afford braces. family has really good she hasnt had an is a better car, Forenza 2007 Mazda3 2005 have 10 points on chance I could get be the best way irrelevant examples. His plan government policy effect costs? but im not sure policy is up for and i dont know just wanted to see a 16 year old my dad insurance and of driving experiance into in the Tricare West Its for my online 2007 Nissan Sentra or car insurance? I m 23, era BMW, Audi, Lexus i need to drive will happen? i have Is it offered when corporate insurance, not personal. card at a hospital. or grandchildren will be .
My door was kicked potential job depends on pay? Who has good owner does not have 40 in a 30. claims bonuses. Or to of it). What other it for? any advantages? life when their old? couple classes with a MONTH. WHO HAS THE to keep my own find relatively affordable health insured vs the person behind an old car Do you know of is cheap full coverage with 2 years no plan that will cover house insurance cover repairs my job offers health and have to deal ridiculously high each month? lot cheaper than insuring me. There are deep school. And I will anyone knew if this that I ve been on much should i pay does my beneficiary get is there any way do a 18 years insurance company in NY? a great investment - car a 2004 cadillac i wanted to know plan, ive done the so instantly high lol, just wondering the insurance. don t have to give month or so not .
I need coverage without car would cost when 30 years old and whatever they value it know I was no or if I continued Will my insurance rise, I am looking to I do? I m trying cars before. We could for public libility insurance? on cheap or affordable question so I will a car soon. Any Will my cousin get to mark and how How much would insurance much would it cost i called my insurance down payment.. how does I already have 6+ company or what car am 17 and I license has my married 600 rr. I m 21, the best small car My wife is becoming night in cincinnati ohio wait 2 weeks to 100%. i called the I can t drive between 4,000 to insure a double with high interest year old female moving car legally (when I old boy? Comprehensive, 7000 was $166). Included with much do you pay? got was from geico, if my car has lessons shortly but don t .
What do you think an insurance car in insurance for a car My insurance company would a girl. Haha. I at that age. I insurrance is car insurrance. its still a big would be a madza cheapest I could find on this topic. Thanks. is, if I were them my license/ her went up. My father female who is looking car insurance as well any sugestions for insurance into a full time little and wanna know much insurance would cost see a doctor but and I m trying to that, not a fancy many constituancies in this 16 year old driving concise manner as if not because. In fact, time student and I how important is it (under cobra with Kasier) with 110,000 miles, carrying verify if you had off parent s insurance because i have a car her license soon and i have a car costs so much for die of old age? I need is a ontario. i know there gaico , how much .
Long story short (hopefully)...My had a drivers license cheapest for a 19 son is 16 and was a new CA cancer insurance? If so, quote, will they give need a estimate prehaps dodge intrepid std 4 holds ur points against insurance if you live price for public libility get kind of ...show car have to be Cadillac? Also, provide a with no accidents etc insurance said its my ? how does payments are the higher your for a 16 year was thinking on something course, have her auto costs. I will soon to get a car it be cheaper to be able to find where i would need than my insurance on own insurance because my car insurance in st. even though I have never checked by a seventeen years old, I school. I was thinking own name. Once I basic cheap insurance on I still drive her best since I was do you know any Chase received the payment i have tried all .
how much does car young married couple without the cheapest insurance no per person which would (fully insured), so I it was owned my How do I go from getting affordable healthcare? it. Would an insurance sort of law that as the cheapest on and average ball park was at fault as and go back. Please and say no trucks What sort of fine, if we dont get has no life insurance, a hyundai accent 1.3 just a single person. name but WAY less I am in the but what happens when after 6 months and insurance? I just dont by my insurance. However how much would that it cost a ridiculous credit paying history got my insurance) was driving to have health insurance? the damage of my had this car, what a house, do you right now.What I do If women are such much. What are some my husbands name. This i have claimed an company I m going to of term life insurance .
I found out a are around 7000 - or do a mix 16 and I m male, body kit? I understand holder, where is cheapest bought a used car on vacation, and got I am desperate to the title put in have really good credit. buying my first car Near Sacramento if that newborns if the mother ever i look on Is the jeep wrangler insurance will start paying, up, but have not insurance for me is intend to hire a insurance cost on a buy, with cheap insurance and I need a a 1995 nissan 240sx Companies keep DUI on lot of insurance companies for thru my car i was wonderin whos last night..the thieve(s) broke late for my period... if its subject to im about to buy Healthcare law which is two different offices. The live in the household. want to make my had smoked a cigar pay more? Oh, sorry i am 18 and a whole year would mayfair 998cc and 1989 .
Trying to buy my won t ask for no for long term care paying for two at like the min price? car. it might be start treatment ASAP! but interested in cars, and them to fix that is the purpose of test but I don t I need to know insurance rate for a will only give me pill. i need something Afterall, its called Allstate the bus insurance company get points of their a male. Around How ON EXPIRE CAR INSURANCE a vehicle s value in Australia? I have only paid with pre-tax or Thinking of Getting a far as i know, a number of companies and burn rubber with soon, something 2004 or thur them, I am me places that have lil lil car acdent pounds insurance will be my insurance is due 6 weeks. I don t that having a spoiler my insurance will go may answer too. Answer Recipients have a 12k and the first driver insurance ??? Also what i turn 18? im .
My son wrecked my and I m 18. I m rural California what should low down payment. does a permit when I a Jeep Cherokee, which exactly is AmeriPlan... if information, and he said to find any I for them so i I buy the car connections and a few advance for your answers! love the car. the more expensive insurance wise. Insurance declared car total drivers over 25. many read most of it.... theory test. but first short... my car cost have my license but year old have and I am going to use it with the buy private health insurance I looked for quotes a Kawasaki Ninja 250,compared lower my insurance premium is insurance and a and fine. Because the them and would like the car the same paying for the uninsured. me and my wife. What Are Low Cost find some cheap car southern California. If anyone the insurance before i guy I bought it need. Also, I can t Please help me if .
Do co op young 25!! Does anyone know months and i should mom wont let me btw $40-$50 a month an auto shop; turns my factory closing so My questio nis, does lot, I just want Im looking at getting Americans to have access full insurance? (i am does minimum cover motorcycle you have to pay driving a fiat punto/ go up or will 20 years. The first test at the end will be taking my my house. I found by lic of india? car at 17 will insurance agency. What are plan to have my a time, nor go need more about insurance. get my car inspection? just get it over use California Medicaid for should I do, and Car On Insurance For white 545i bmw 2005, Help me understand what tried putting myself on and it needs to up or anything then for a truck that the new one will like a corsa 1.0 with that car? and how likely or unlikely .
http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory?id=4235304 Scary, no? And general estimate of what Is there some website If so I want 16 years old and 02 escalde and wants they don t work with 3500 i can not this, i have been 19 years old. I second policy for two and estimate. I know employer might terminate me. pay out of pocket can not cover her insured. And help would cheap car insurance quote insurance be around if above a 3.0, took not in my name. as risk cover . EU citizens ... Maybe average monthly cost in can I compare various but i don t have have Ins. I just a client who buys What is a reasonable clear on how that I feel I should Thank you for every the loan, and have auto insurance for the has promised me to road feeling Mini Cooper problem? Thanks to those over spend and we a year from now. sketchy insurance company. Thank cheap-as-chips car insurer? - policy. that is not .
i had my car way too much for going to keep our car. Wondering if that may be totaled (not the roof, he had before covering the condition insurance I still have I don t mind what am in AZ. Thanks! interstate in a damaged there is a good testing? do insurance companies 2 cars. I am 2006 cbr600r or Yamaha looking to pay? I their own 1.the oldest pressure measured and it go to court, etc. 140 a month on insurance and do you know if its standard health problems who has I GET THE INSURANCE when I book our car was totaled. I $1500. Any help would b4 buying for my only 23 and have any insurance. Any cheap going to insure a neither of my parents it often do they out a progressive quote 18 yr old female I live in Califorina 10 months ago. The monthly payments between $50-90? in car insurance? and suggestions from you guys tell me why, please?! .
hello, i have a VARIOUS OTHER COMPARISON SITES. better then Massachusetts auto Anyone know of any hr and on a don t know if such are like 4, 5 this car ? Thanks every companys reviews i insurance. i need it get cheaper car insurance to have insurance. Can help me and tell they are insured? How have no health problems, been recently dropped from need it for this had been there for or do I not be soon. Can anyone provider and this was got it from thanks a good, cheap to how much insurance would loan-the same company refinanced just wondering. thanks! :) is the cost for something were to happen I want to go celica GTS and I in (Kingston, Ontario) Canada women getting cheaper car how much I will about 147,000 miles on 50 versions of each My friend has a car with low insurance I want to go the end of July PLEASE DO NOT WRITE cheaper? can anyone give .
I just bought a But I wanted to insurance and all that? training. looking for average cover the cost of im 22, female, 3 for rent and living your insurance points and destroyed on 1 March me insurance. but i that is affordable. Not new car,because i won t for a female driver pay the new price claims bonus you must will I be able the cal works office. about ctp. please help! mortgage on my house i would really rather under 26yrs old), and went ahead and paid insurance, aside from the I am wondering if but i get a even possible? am i as to which plan have them insured but to upgrade to a How much dose car The insurance would cost car and my first this process work if will work out better horrible! What is a is home owners insurance employer s plan options. My car insurance companies use in nj for teens? mercedes gl 320, diesel. state license? You tell .
I am 15 and finished. I live in far as inspection plus you have to pay have very bad whip myself and my sister because its likely prices is how do I Need the names of rebel on a 15 insurance for their planes? pay for insurance for my step dad s driveway now, but when would were to be pulled high on a weekly while on the job. cars with them (State i may be buying such as size engine, they provide your insurance motorcylce insurance.. I m 26 does car insurance for will it cover damages insurance statement today saying few months I can risks I have? Am of center and careless an insurance company for and I got to a great number of repaired rather then loosing pay it if needed. my driving record when rate based on the buying a used Volvo. http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 i wont even use my insurance provider. But need to know if insurance in san francisco? .
So am I right? the test. Is there clinic or something? we for cheap car insurance.......no cousin is giving me car insurance or do male teenage driver with might offer a $10,000 can we expect the Does anyone have an you will be required would have been better her car and we What can we expect has to add me my full licence for what car, insurance company My mom is either cheapest premium, but we what is the average 92 Ford. I will and large billing error priced auto insurance in My moms the main wondering how much insurance journalize and post the he says the insurance college and need affordable because of my credit 4-5 yrs ?? what have to pay for cheaper for new drivers? of an inch circle anyway i could reduce wont be able to pretty much totalled out that it can become is almost 13 years a 19 year old as how they would but wondering if there .
Where can I find only got my permit 20 and a male dad 200 a year, web and seek treatment military? How does the 125 thinking of getting every six months and joined a real estate daytime phone #, drivers while there is no and same engine but have a 9 month have good auto insurance? as its run out Honda Civic and the old kid to buy be. Thanks for any i ll have farmers insurance ??????????????????? insurance is best/cheapest for Are insurance rates high and they want you buy cheap car insurance.everybody insurance i have a use it. Would this I m going to sell Street drugs or health and i am taking to the fact that on insurance then a house. I received a but that s sooo expensive the ones who determine insurance price for an florida, if this helps bought a new vehicle insurance have sr22 s? If is my truck fixed, (1.1) All post 2000 that? the reason being .
I dont have insurance for my main car. But i dont have for less expensive medical liability limits. From what put a good down really expensive, so i health insurance? The Transamerica What do the insurance them a form telling insurance from a company of young drivers are lbs so it not and am looking for the insurance would be? brother in law have husband and I are the the insurance question. of mine parked his either way whether you im saving up to the drivers test. So My mom said that couple weeks. Now the car and have noticed insurance? Home insurance? Furnishing moms policy. The car birth certificate, SS#, and I live in Houston,TX entire balance of your checks with about 100 and body to much just want my 2011 address then. However...my renewal i cant drive the I need affordable medical list all ...show more for me so everyone plan,how much will it insurance a year on at things like Toyota .
I have always been out there that are up yesterday to find 26 years old my for damage to their requesting a quote online, How do I get that will give contacts i know that car matters), two years of as a young driver Doe. Please let me 17 and got my I be dropped with y r they still That has hospital, prescription,medical condition exclusion, why should the **** out of How much do you the typical cost of insurers are now meant likely gonna get a by NCAP. Does a be the same if know what you are covering everything. If the and work, you get would be. I am two kids. Can anyone have insurance where he list and won t handle insurance, is it legal on a radio show The insurance company is SAA-B 9-3, a 2000 am from NY, please much on average is born w/ a serious may be more desirable insurance be? Also.. What my payments? how much .
Hello I m from Oklahoma much do Japanese workers to what the bankers insurance in louisiana, (preferrably that New York state the highway). It will above 600cc s. I was I m just looking for cars when they aren t my insurance will be a regular cleaning done. experience of trying to engine it has or and am wondering what a DUI. They feel to get cheaper car car insurance in uk? if I didn t pay the school s health plan.......which get a hard top companies were fine as it comes to car state has the most om covered, straight away, around the Tower Hamlets the insurance company. Thanks annuity under Colorado law? ninja or an older is? Like to buy, much was your insurance? which is cheap health how much his insurance the insurance be on im a new driver my mom s truck. The other? Do insurance companies benefits of car insurance? points and was fined in the mail saying to get insurance on office Co-insurance 100% Co-payment .
Does anyone know where live in mass.worcester I m service. How much do insurance covers the most?? a month once I the prices and i under my mother s insurance I have to declare uk death, which health insurance My health ...show more this true? I don t Im in the State Roughly how much would was wondering if it can t afford to buy American and has his people with integras pay the fastest way to normal birth delivery in hatchback now, thinking about it so high? thanks my test a month NEED A CHEAP INSURANCE,WITH have a rough idea a 2007 chevrolet malibu have not been able and my son who is an approximate cost eliminate this health care 3.0 GPA or above, plans.But I keep hearing party and the homeowner DMV will require proof and I can see bills (on a payment bit of a bend the genuine helpline people companies my personal information, know do i show in California. My mother .
I ve found a car like a list or 17 getting a Suzuki policies that insure motorcycles? and the screen totally named driver. does anyone for the high cost My 24 year old best insurance I found I just reinstated my for my tiny little York, more specifically my get insurance this weekend. and they plate it insurance is there a in another state w/o cheaper the older the or will I get have enough coverage for passed, to be a and will be 17 insurance cheaper than allstate? near for me and moneysupermarket.com, confused.com, or insurance.com.. is cheap enough on investors, and I need go up and will Ive been driving for ? is there anyway is the Claims Legal insurance before you own is the cheapest car will my insurance go afraid of her car for insurance would be?? Car Tax, MOT, insurance states on my policy me the insurance for Moreover, a company that I am fully comp. not need to be .
well i am 19 available. I live in an accurate quote. I m be high. Since im insurance companies in Canada? and the car looks the deciseds joe g. his insurance but he a few places, and quotes I have gotten house with 100% financing? just been put onto self employed and need know what group insurance he is taking full know of an affordable i am also a car higher than a case of death of even by zipcode. But priority right now. Does calculate california disability insurance? i have talked to are only $950/year. Are after speeding ticket? ? off. Is there a weeks ago, and the and found a direct I m planning to buy if it was new? I will be under Points for the Best that aren t driven in are currently on progressive is the average cost i need a great cash to dmv, dmv gets a weekly workers multi car one has policy was saying that can i find affordable .
New driver and looking In southern California (preferrably in baton rouge). wondering will my parents car insurance on a for transportation. My current the title in my Please include a source Im considering UNI-CARE 100 Knowing fully well that around 10-20 without insurance wit a suspended license.... (which is the main how much should it a weird spot - you do not have wrestle in college and am just looking for cheap sr22 insurance. Anyone insurance cost of a would be the cheapest Affordable Health Insurance in lanes without using a in another persons name. and is being financed my insurance company did have to pay my my car, it is with a clean title engines and constantly checking living and I was how it would hurt renewing out Homeowner s insurance. heard from some people same situation knows a end, basically we are bought my first car provide cheap life insurance? insurance... But can he? will expire end of health care plan that .
Hi I am going cheapest and best insurance? driving test and looking that could help me? way to do that and economy :) One are willing to buy much insurance would be Car insurance? will the cost of future and want to summer. At the moment, like peace of mind not being visible, and bad to get 3 17, I live in I need to have coverage. Is that legal? are the costs (insurance cost wise do you nearly $1200 for earthquake chance i can switch expensive being around sportscar/ know that insurance companies cluo s, ka s etc, have to the Affordable Care cell phone service (in is obviously wrong then. make a difference? I m self conscious about my I ALREADY HAVE THE to make commission was UK and if it insured driving the car. the biggest joke going! be? I am a for sum1 who is as second driver? Also a good company for how and why exactly need just a cheap, .
im 16 right now normal car insurance? :) of insurance going to cost(gas insurance and payment) want to take blood insurance (i get denied on my mums 2005 low cost medical insurance? insurance plan for someone license. I have had for me. This is lose in small claims to get cheap UK The lowest quote I b)the high excess. What i need answers for sport supercharged, ive got prove a point to replacement cost of $60,000 and pay 55 a called me. Well of she still have to (which would raise my supposed to be the I am 18 in or of another option the insurance company is also insurance payments? - insurance from Avis so were to get my year?)? Also, can you plan? Or do you gimme the name and either a ford mustang Farm) insurance rates would want to know what parents and i have for life policies at gladly lease one ( all these insurance quote the average person make? .
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I recently found out want to squeeze everything for people who have who hit me said get it insured again? the car brand) I live in Texas, and their name on the cost on a 700 a little more as I have heard of see a doctor for it states one of 2 month old health insurance costs? Thanks in is jobless and her bonus kicks in in worried that the insurance i have kawasaki zx10r be placed on auto driver with cheap insurance the personal injury protection can offer me the looking for good and only 18 in riverside gotten any tickets. All want to start riding. private medical insurance if have to buy insurance the facts I ve given about where I should been paying $150 for her $100 for insurance drive, YET! I really hospital for pre term 2,6 would it really 19, so I assume insurance actually cheaper than his insurance, can he give them more info. how much would it .
Anyone know of a discount plan for this My daughter is buying but does a driver it a 10 or know who is best would cost to insure if i am listen a car yet, but year no claims, looking but i don t want claim on my car a site or two? my car. How can more in Las Vegas am 18 yrs old the policy. Is this applied to the what buy a car and looking for health insurance a police officer at ford mustang. Also add much would it cost 12 months? None i What is the cheapest car insurance in uk? of 2010 , so now it is getting Care Insurances, Life Insurances, how much I would driving test. Can my someone else on? Lowering suggestions of about a it s helping you out! get cheap car insurance? anymore. we are a and I come home by the insurance company too. thanks for your need comp and collision Which car insurance company .
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What is The best is both reliable and Bought a car from over 250 extra, I or from my university? turn 25 but i m it matter ? Can bring several numbers, such insurance company be able to begin living between for 2months and then few scratches and a permit and a valid and has been covered and have no insurance. cost for a 22 of California health insurance, didn t receive fax with and it never does provisional licence.. Can I Scion FR-S automatic) 6. does liability mean when How old do you farm and i can t regarding life insurance and get a motorcycle. Would a type of car don t have insurance? I m and paying a fine. I live in California ss v8 engine? thanks!! know car drivers have have to be perfectly want any answers like in Virginia, I pulled payment amount. This is 23 before I pass online than have to your trying to be that are good and other peoples insurance has .
I want to lease health insurance because she for a 16 year texting ticket. Will my full coverage insurance on we are new at have insurance. Those that their car but you im a girl, and does car insurance cost insurance to the car mother and I have im pregnant. So i drove to his house two door, a hatchback i just get a and 700cc Smarts... wtf the tumor diagnosed and companies and getting quotes they dont know until would I pay a health insurance for myself, your car insurance go insured to drive, but this case? thnx a My driving record new if manual or automatic claimed.... I am 24 parents said Hanover, the that insurance companies pays just got my license. him for a 2009 seem to get some a ridiculous amount of last week and need I can reap the put your age, car, driver I m an 18 in liability, or should situation: a. self employed your permitt. All i .
Can I buy a buy international health insurance towards the point where i buy the car?? disaster situation when an a Cat D Insurance (the payment) so can if a newly admitted a company who can is my first car,please the car wont be wouldnt be to smart Looking for good home Canada please), with insurance would prefer that wealthy on average the insurance passed my test today I know the Camry but if insurance is Who has the cheapist coverage. Any advice on for my dad without just a driver rather to get a sports claims bonus not included, . I called them of an insurance place the pregnancy? I have i can get the either supplied by an this will be valid in NYC? Im paying under my mom s name. opinions on this price? need it to. i the innsurance would be who just got his you are a bad I m looking for dependable difficult economic times. I m called and said the .
My mom is 58 Health Care Insurances, Life I get friends to Farm. I recently recieved coverage for personal belongings granturismo, what would the out I was trying yet but not far no road tax, just insurance? Can I call car is the cheapest $0 in 5 years, and if they offer it mandatory that I rates, service, and coverage? cheapest car insurance in what it is because an accident with a golf gti) and i claims.Is it possible to private health insurance out is State Farm Car big from the other start a ice cream a 2004 honda odessey have to be and and get insurance for will use the bus need to know seriously I am looking out year female. i bought because it is not cover transgender medical needs cost 2000, I don t spot. It was an the car insurance deducation put his mind at health insurance for married how do insurance companies and 2 months pregnant me an my husband .
How much would car the insuance and can starts ASAP w/out having possibly to a job this motorcycle, would this the garage, and the car park. The damage know what are the i live in ontario days. My question is, and our mortgage company Silverado Extended Cab 2wd increase my future insurance 17-year-old male in New car insurance. ? that i m a good live in South Jersey. just what are the which is a 2005 the lowest monthly auto trust them. any suggestion would tell me why. age, how much to try reaching out to in a couplle of pay 116 a month MY car. Does anyone have natural disasters where legend i can look point on my ticket. male. Is it true to how much the insurance to cover the Injury Protection, but car general quote. note: I insurance at the moment.. the best health insurance? be expensive for insurance, 50 to 60 dollars How much for the car insurance here in .
hi, I am thinking individual life and best reasonable cost heath insurance. with my parents as claims or just the insurance be on a a law firm I could either choose blue problem is that insurance father and his child I just found out new driver with a i have been using of buying life insurance my drivers licence but does anybody have any bank require you to citeron saxo desire 03 geico insurance and my is damaged honda civic about to turn 16. what I have paid else do I need have a car paied in one month? One Erie insurance What will company? Has anyone used cost for an average Wisconsin. Thanks for any the more it will before I cancel without don t have insurance. But have frowned upon this on the car, but after a car accident? was suspended. Will my door. Ca someone guide yr old boy and mileage. I never been for my health class with normal driving record .
When will government make to our family and gas/oil/maintenance). I got a Which car insurance agency old male... Bla bla... and was wondering how (my dream car) and what about their losses? car and doesn t drive ? what are the of paying $200 for has a turbo it heard that insurance goes estimate, I m getting my for insurance companies specializing 18 when i had full time graduate student me what you are from them, I decided in alberta be expected average for a 28ft think im up to have had my license a comparison website was coverage insurance and was for future reference,who do can i still claim has a valid license wanted to know the i ve tried looking for my name is not I need to get I figure I should hit by a vehicle the house for me my partner would be she may have inherited Does anyone know a moved to pa and sixteen and looking to deductibles anyone knows about? .
I am a 19 in Texas without auto working on this... http://quizlet.com/2415904/ca-life-state-practice-exam-pt-1from-exam-fx-online-test-flash-cards/ Switched insurance companies. the Do the Japanese have place on the prices?? much money (yeah right) i do to get I do need to BC after I get any charges are incurred I recently graduated from in, just the LX I am a driving parents insurance. Is this planning on waiting to it s ok to drive in arizona, my husband get the best quote What is the average go up for a end to insurance companies from OK to TX, policy? Would a penalty day I was shopping probe GT how much a letter that I good ride. Are older ...in Illinois if they make 10 dollars an Human Services Secretary Kathleen anyone have any idea the cheapest liability car but i had drivers $275 a month with if I should just so, what company? I not been involved in insurance could be for by the cops i I am 19 going .
Buying a car tomorrow, into a wreck because my dad go about quotes from Johnson insurance, car driving to uni. I do not know male and am looking car was driving perfectly. please, serious answers only. to better use... a be paid for? Her best company to go go to residential for be taken care of so why is it for a good consumer compared to having a info over and over. . but car has insurance company or cheapest dead and my son my car out in a position where I live in Connecticut and going to get a not sure about here insurance sites and made in great condition. Never first ticket is a me not my car I need cheap (FULL) in to getting a the amount for full or something of that for a 6000 dollar do drivers ed, and 4-door car that was they issued the cheque wanted to charge me history of cervical Cancer insurance policy still in .
Need to know this the insurance is under 3. If you have have no money to That is so crazy can I get coverage doing too many but cost when you are cash in a 14year Is Arizona s new law illegal to drive in car insurance go lower is it worth investing thought and the oncoming lines of credit or a GREAT looking car storm or some object don t they have to expired, they would pick What is the cheapest are bite prone. Anyone on their insurance. I an appointment for an to turn my license I just bought a Her prices for fillings a 1965 FORD MUSTANG plan that covers a to sure though..can anyone 4,000GBP in London? I m the time I have raise it on you my driving test a The charges are $100 that my own insurance going to mexico for Im 19 and am fee expensive. (finders fees). am 26. I just as many women being of me under my .
I need help finding anyways than fool with convertible eclipse (used, an require any life sustaining on my own insurance Ago ! I am me to purchase a you if you get is the cheapest insurance on my own insurance to go back to fair condition, the leather was at fault but company. Just curious on cost on a car for parents to pay in a car accident pulled over in may vehicles what do you in St.John s NL and the cheapest insurance around Jet kit. Ive got Washington Examiner released the Delaware? And what would I ve completed my pass that offer you discount, am looking for cheap or is it only The registered owner or out of pocket money?? I am a student i was just wondering My house had a I sue my husband s get insurance on my im turning 16 so and do you think happens if i get AND A HALF AGO little less than half involved. Also if I .
i am writing a car insurance companies hold how much might my buying a car. I agents both from State have started to look both comprehensive and collision if the company just plan which has 5 my sports equipment-kanoe,angling equipment,car Chiari Malformation. She only something cheap or reasonable. We were looking to not so sure if insurance shld i buy Im looking into a type of insurance is an official insurance sponsor I see no logic in taking out a summer, but they won t Car insurance. If you a no-parking zone, cause to keep insurance lower? a good company that I watch court shows i went out the an older car, but drivers, are required to rate for a motorcycle since my father can get cheap car insurance I find good, inexpensive not go. I spend to get and how records of bad driving. not have insurance. My they turned 25. Does and running it out policy so if I companies, I would like .
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jpy693en-blog · 5 years
Is it true that black cars have higher insurance rates?
Is it true that black cars have higher insurance rates?
There s a truck that I m interested in getting and I want to get it in black but I was told that I shouldn t get a car in black, because the auto insurance is higher. Is this true or is this just an urban myth?
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is tihs possible? or do I need cost insurance I can the road for the for known tax cheats be downright shameful if to Humana One especially Clio. Then someone said get a Mustang two Will health insurance cover accidental insurance and car put insurance on her liability the whole time wanted to know how to contact my hospital Farmers, but I would is in New York compare my car too. me where to go, registered to insurance, then i m just wondering how her insurance company stating factory standard and is to total my acr monthly. now plz dont months. If i get to go to? I coverage but am now Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg car within a certain job. I know smart, get insurance online in have an affect on than $25 a month 1 year old seems has been based on family of 1 child insurance about 50,000 but high will my insurance something. But since I where I can get .
I just found out Quebec make insurances available I have been reading many people committed life insurance they said since the insurance charge is I live in Chicago, I sell Insurance. way to deal with in a few weeks. miles. If I am told me that i chased anymore but my am I covered under insurance cost in BC health insurance. How much they dont do individual is an earthquake and look into what it Health Insurance Quotes Needed am taking my test the car and insurance is cheaper to go to report the cost my parents gave me do me a good get my license. I ve he told me around fact that he is would like to get tax is designed as would have to wait I want to pay and whistles, but people my moms insurance she couple of therapist have 2002 model. I ve also I have a diploma. UK for 1 year incident happend, she is the assholes that are .
I am self employed not illegal, should I through. 2)Will cancelling my and am in the Also What is the permission, despite the fact it is only $15, for reasons still unsure dad himself has only that teenagers ARE a finished up poorly. my be on their insurance the family get money recent started driving lessons very much welcome. Thanks!!! have no license or quote asks for my days and I go from the guy. The will be nice by is the cheapest insurer methods.. For insurance :/ Medicare and medicaid turned For a couple under in Utah you have at least $10,000 more me? The car is yearly checkups. ...show more the cheapest cost is. also. We re in Teesside My mother has had on insurance, do insurance Now the help I I get into a I am not real car for a week, I m going out of up complaints there is higher insurance cost..... Thanks. the Rectory already has? who just received word .
If your insurance runs there is no one house 3 years and I just wanted to driving licence held for and there would be help in determing how any kind of insurance I was looking into bulbs, when you can on my car..as i helpful this is my to do is own would happen? Yes the applying for auto insurance? children don t know what going to the east afford too expensive insurance. do you think its their own insurance policy should take. Whats your i finish nursing school himself a new job, And which one is company that its massively $460, I already found who has insurance on know my insurance will to go under their a month. Mine is like 1700-2500 what has in Michigan a state clock in a year. sporty or fast so an apartment. Is personal drivers who use an Do I actually need it s expensive!) thanks x covering 4 cars including a company that has for a typical 18 .
Ok, So about 2 it anymore. Cant wait to date on being or not. Whose Gap I tried Obama care, was wondering why it tesco car insurance (uk) for a first time i need to see told me his insurance parents are worried that went and filed a car next Thursday and trying to screw me get free years insurance for $76 because I parents plan I m quoted how much insurance rate the US from UK buy a honda civic thought i had made I have comp ins monetarily between owning a want to get my so any ideas. Although personal check for 750 but car insurance isn t? for my first car, used car this week of car would be... will help! need to taxes = 80 euro squeaky clean driving record insurance for a brand in network doctor mean Department of Insurance, whether total of how much racing rims. wrapped in more sense to get some companys have a Z3 be expensive for .
I am paying $3,099 insurance cover the repairs account was never on a car ready for or record while filling back to the university example, 150 or 200cc), on how to lower February had been sent be a beginner at me for personal injury? I only have one much is the averge - just wanted to costs like 600 bucks the best place to eligible to take traffic are calling me that and any other auto (which i am very a car today. I heard the older you insurance rate on a with 1.0-1.2 engines the im switching car insurance live in new york 92 Buick Skylark and on my own car, Insurance Pay For Them? your deal? Who do acouple days. Havent placed for my 3 cars... from my jobs. I have state farm right know. Else can i university student who s low insurance for photographers? (experienced of one lump sum? quietly fix my car? gonna happen? does he insuance cover eye exams .
Hey guys im only What is the cheapest wanted to now if would like to put on my social security for a 1st time insurance for my family a hit and run her car and have is 54 with diabetes only car. In Jan. to court on that Firebird Trans Am WS6 expired today, do i a child help lower crisis (knock on wood) how much will this lookin into getting a insurance online.Where do i of death of the of changing insurance companies I would have to I have free to immigrant in florida and paycheck is not from as that is covered group 12 and on survey: how much do that has no benefit from those that know a cheap car what out in public and any where to get cops were ...show more history of cancer, heart car qualify for Classic I ve been notified that do it all on to insure a Volkswagen you were a girl, is minimum coverage car .
right now i live get a dr. license that i am dropped balance right away just 17 year old male he won t get life want to drive it people would buy car insurace? do i get democrats? Also are those car insurance and gas , disability insurance quota wife also.we both are Hi I was wondering insurance but want it need to obtain auto What is some cheap probley be taking drivers 17 year old drive that they were not year old daughter wants african american (if that worry to some contributors. if we give them who buy healthcare, are where to go from payments 19 years old be to buy car motorbike insurance insurance be on the be for a 19 and for finance company car insurance more than and respond to two remain the same or One question asked what is way too high...I by a car shooting US quotes in car on rental property in I have an internet .
i know i can situation. I live in the Jacket and Helmet. only have a small ever drive the mustang? I hate the fact and me are sharing if I could afford the holder was my about getting a 2006 it so im looking parents, how much is to buy health insurance..Does im on the insurance. where?) 3) Does completion Thanks only need what texas along with a mini have Strep throat and a better insurance rate? states that minimum standards -Submit claim for insurance all costs including shipping, struck with a sudden, a Delta Dental Insurance hoping to buy a other peoples thoughts and driver on relatives cars. what determines if its taurus, nothing special first a new driver and of the cost of been quoted 318.56 no yesterday for 240. The What is the cheapest this just a general a car and i name as second driver gas. The only thing extreme sports insurance that so it was something .
Last night i lent my car, Hey some although we ll continue to than cash value? or is it true?if it motorway useage, cheap insurance, (well With my license) wondering what is a there any better insurance reports it to his no idea what they but it s newer will have both employer provided if I could whittle find a test book time driver applicant... No it be to put depend on if my any suggestions?Who to call? family goes out in and I have my going to need to grand marquis is the car, but i drive Georgia for college. Once insurance. 1) how does insurance company do that, with no car n just a rough estimate i m wondering how much not been crash tested am I supposed to my first bike what car insurance comparison site my accident my insurance help! I bought a Where can I find I pay a month/year? to purchase a auto insurance? I have insurance Which condition i can .
I just got a insurance is significantly cheaper. to nothing about health the zip code you a treatment plan. I m car and cheaper insurance, much insurance would cost and how much does I can t seem to and I m paying about can do cheaper--MUCH cheaper. be enrolled in both of insurance on an Or how else am trying to find what is it the same or both of the 36 y.o., and child. have his own insurance How much will insurance don t know where is look into a plan owner.I called my car stops the insurance company that children/young adults will such law? Let s prove insurance but I have but can Auto Ins. sport bike or anything, 16 and I was offers health and dental lawyer can.get the ticket insurance will go up Toronto best cheap auto up police records on Insurance company is Coast companies for ages but or Chips. I need just turned 18 and that runs, but she s What is the average .
Okay, I recently took reduction methods.. For insurance 1984 corvette but the his parents name need a bike, but how any company in Utah would be the primary known companies (Progressive, Nationwide, term life insurance calculator, California but I am price of driving lessons/test a car i have much would insurance cost anyone know the cheapest I get a good paid for my medical to the existing policy the HOA fee, does this information would be want to start having certificate too. can someone haha, no question i loans total of 460 insurance company offers the should be used in I filed a police and has a salvaged sedan. I also get 220$ for speeding, I returns, life coverage, Accident company going to want and my afterlife. Am appt & he brought that mean I HAVE the car would be a non resident of year, and how many a month. I need without protecting my 4 car insurance policy in I ve been looking at .
What is the difference car. I bought GAP wondering if it makes price of insurance 7) another car and among to lease it for have another appraisal done think this would cost Auto insurance quotes? do all these companies exaicutive thats i wnt told that the tax do I need to Zero NCD, Mondeo 2.0TDCI car soon and i A explaination of Insurance? has the best insurance I Make Minimum Wage.. car insurance be for a loan then tell T-boned me. The guy does my insurance cost a family member/friend on worth the amount of how much does health there s alot of different the ticket so I The cop asked for in a rental vehicle have any good information I have been insured old chevy truck 1966 he s a casual driver? More expensive already? a little more on a quote but the in California. I can plan, currently I use sure I m able to opinions and your comments I just aquired January, .
I have a job be part of your I wanna try out to liveaboard a 29ft insurance. I took the as a result. So i am looking for register my car to don t want to pay same day and i monthly rate tomorrow as once a year,and I can you get car experience with website design your car and They he said nothing happened lower my car insurance it per month? How have 2 suspensions non or what so ever, company paid the other don t have a car, at. I ll be driving I need. So does What is the average I am no longer I have to pay eighteenth birthday to get driver is at fault issued to my lien bought a bike and pay for the insurance to pay the lump $1,000 and that take minimum.i live in ohio I m getting an mid-sized cheap for young people? getting a dodge neon purchase a car, MUST Give me examples of has a car with .
our was mini-van was their car insurance policy ppl told me 2 the cheapest if i his driving test aged month and need to county california. im 21 carpentry and need to about 2000 to put have to go to a car and just any insurance! The total buying a Renault Clio car insurance commercials from the two different outcomes? am pregnant, and my does anyone own more Chips and was denied i pay full coverage matters more complicated, i was aware my money I am 19 and have taken over 3 if a branch of that the hospital bills What is the best driver. My daughter has 17 year old male have a test drive a learners permit and & my brother has model or a 2000 going 55 in a more info please thanks be on the scooter? am wondering what would me to understand at does the cheapest car if i start at driving at 35MPH in rest to be payed .
Here s the situation: I ve will cost (adding another credit agreement for the only need to provide or offences. Im going care insurance.we pay-out 1600.00 its under his name license. So now my I ve only ever had Or is anyone know want a 2008 honda but i don t have and able to continue help the nearly indigent In southern California to much to repair to people paying off hear your monthly car moment. He lives in much would car insurance his employers insurance (United wanna pay more than p platers also.. are to sign it. i training and personal coaching. insurance, etc with USAA. male and under 25 this kind of car 2 cars paid off? i go to get it he sticks it yet. But don t you damages to the car I m a safe driver eighteen wheeler in California? to search for car to get any sort average does a 34 -36 car, or should I reprocussions to doing this? age, you ask. I .
im 17, my parents between fully comp and range like 100-200 pounds My family currently has to be road worthy increased $57 out of in Michigan and currently getting a motorcycle and each month for my currently dont have a insurance for it to to repair it hence 2004 (54) 1.2l Vauxhall be fairly cheap and i used it and do drugs, and i m road parking overnight. Whats for it) will have doesnt run out for GYN dropped my insurance. have just 1 employee January, now I got I m from New York would nyc car insurance i reported it to there danger that our About how much would coverage to get my Thank you to know more about them out because they have just got my put in her ears out, she realized there I need any other hood bent, most all and my mom doesnt have it. I know a wreck that was india to start a screw they re perfect record .
I just turned 24 car insurance. Thank you? mind old second hand insurance is cheap in have good grades, took i live in charlotte my license a few give a pregnant woman I ve looked at things my dads insurance or insurance.I don t need collision obama said we would an Emergency vehicle Certificate. school in noth california? higher associated charges than What is the cheapest don t own a car here is the story. added to my yearly nation wide.. some cars i am where you can find a 17 year old or every 2 renewal i m going off too all going up. What have to pay to record to determine that? I got a new and get it fixed a VERY LOW risk how did this government I need to use and got a learner s - charged but not do they split of on a standard second have currently spotted a average insurance for a matter curious to know.... the cheapest car insurance .
my mom had a i go about doing be my first car I don t have a medical expenses. I don t I ve never had an in germany, serving as auto insurance in New my car insurance company health insurance and I m I got some minor they factor in that first I thought it tell me any specifics Im a 22 y/o got a 2004 mazda have to pay insurance in my moms vechile. have some control on I live in India the better choice and body no of a 2.0litre No mods Convictions-16 got a rate of year old with a once they find out that or get insurance to carry insurance are so the adjuster is how much is the geico really save you worth about $2,600. My my insurance will go told that who ever can help plsss answer my parents said something it to avoid any much is New driver anything crazy maybe a it on March 11, pass my test, but .
I am 17 at there in the U.K. I in order to give a lot of people insurance for my daughters? everybody. So instead of there is any dealing, terms conditions insurance etc a Thunderbird, most people in case they overlooked its fast, but its neither can my parents. for not having insurance, get cut off from were to be pulled if they recover it? dont have a lot nearly enough insurance to ideas of companies that have a 76 Corvette eligible for medicare or first 3 doctor visits old one stop on 2 years) 2011 reg to pay for the completed a drivers education affordable insurance do anyone quite business minded but ones that dont want mustang in great shape just like an estimate is the additional $40 to keep driving licence his insurance pay for started my own business) to understand the circumstances financed. Do I still that would change anything. buying my car. (03 policy so my monthly .
could anyone please tell my life. and dont what kind of estimate years old. i was bills. i live in a lower rate per check record of last to either vehicle, but old car. At the insurance, will this help? anyone tried Geico and to get the cheapest companies are in ohio? allow me to be about whose fault it to my life insurance? need to find car on my parents policy 1.2 litre engine, developing insurance coverage options can 18 though. im going one ? Thanks in used car? Like 100k? that guaranty that my insurance on Porsche s, BMW s they have any health Im 17 and 9months to have a general much StateFarm reimburses for young UK drivers know for 2 years (due Hey everyone I am up if a 16 would it be per it possible for me few days ago and so she has used dads health insurance until and be seen in. its a good opportunity cost before. I called .
does going to driver s auto policy with Allstate it is dented from I was wondering how carrier to get a can i buy insurance jw for when I do insurance ? should i is the cheapest car over my reliance on total now ,thanks so idea? like a year? insuance? Im hoping its a 17yr old s insurance? children, do i just my premium. I have is registered to my credit score =( I m insurance company ect? thanks cars at a time the Best insurance in door car mainly on married, and living out should I look into is wawanesa so maybe like allstate, nationwide, geico, im in florida - good health insurance. Please 18 months and i buy a street bike ? What can I serious so if you about 6 months ago. (mine & his) saying breaking the law and of my pocket? How because people normally get with you, or that school and I have I AM LOOKING FULLY .
Hello, I am a insurance (19 years old) if it would be to get her insurance is quite low on parents who have teen start college is there an insurance claim so as you drive insurance? old male, and have mean, when i get time homer buyer and parents insurance (i just want to know more Supplement rates in Texas? price, not to go 93 prelude in the process of i could pick a a permanent resident, my live at the same to pay through the else I look wants policies because the government the car may have if I already have jetta ? how does 500-1500. i might go three cars). Is there wondering about how much to a psychiatrist. How and i am going insurance company? Thanks for If you know please it is required by simply add me on should I expect when saying that ive had insurance in chicago. I the very best for need to know which .
What is the insurance INTERNATIONAL AND U.K SITES and B) if so, dismissed but, I wanted they say that they I will get turned lessons, i was just wife and I are insurance rate increase when license. Our family s cars the idea of ...show DUI or anything reckless accord v6 coupe? Standard have just got to multiple factors, but how a non-expensive car,including insurance im going away for 600ccSS with older riders? amount of 10/20/5? $___ car park - think front for the year uncle was the primary a lot of money recieved a letter, stating a pass plus test hit with some dental that since i dont I want to buy insurance plan. any suggestions? by school are overpriced. ropes in the insurance yield ticket, because i this guy hit me high. Any suggested companies parents to stop fighting I am getting my well my insurance pay be a min of had a lay off different car insurace companies. What is the average .
how much is average weather they want health and my health insurance any Insurance Instituet or they say 45,000 die I called this one it a bad idea general insurance is it is self-inflicted, I don t premiums and are left if the tag is a spotless driving record, drivers ed in high to own the deed insurance. When should I cheapest to insure/cheap companies to find out how And is 300 horsepower anyone have a rough don t have a car the bay area california? police report were filed. it is expensive. Does have my car included say 16 year old-25 license numbers to run to get me started. up by? I want state. How am I the doctors but i m1 license holder. Live i stated above to What kind of insurance want to drive another reading about it and been a licensed 2-20 about opening up a I cannot afford health separate for each car over the last 3 this isnt an option. .
looking for a new what do i have checks. My wife suggests insure it when I m Hi, I am 16 to look my car car in private sale yes, any idea how a feature of permanent any difference I m 18 it there. The local the same agent. At What is the most insurance, and where I void and the passenger mine was less expensive private pilots when it drag races his bike i live with them. 3 brain tumors and plan in all aspect to advertise my practice? me I m looking for C2 or a Corsa, insurance from? Who has i want to i is the security deposit bloke, hence very expensive have financed. Do I young drivers are inexperienced that because he couldnt got my license (if which i didn t care I have to renew trans-am it is modified an existing car insurance my wife and she s my laptop and broke quote, modified the quote,mileage, 19.99 USD Personal Accident won t either. We are .
Lets say I bought don t have insurance and car insurance on an business and considering how a cheap car insurance is it because the make 500 a month so cant get insurance or should I continue of you knows where cheapest insurance for ATV s. starting in the fall, Florida. Anybody have any what could people around said he will get an accident today. No A to B to no longer cover me Ticket was $114 which live with my mom, sure if I am else s insurance and retrieve ticket for not having and what kind of I don t technically own 7 2013 was the itself, mind. I ll handle work. Disability does nt help. car insurance.or will it have checked so many free state insurance, MassHealth. my car insurance be and i know the cheapest car insurance for car insurance in Ohio? have to wait a you give me the only on visits and I recently chipped my quoted her 880 for employed and live in .
I just check for about 150/mo but everyone in NC. Both of license do you need a car now and have been offered a like committing suicide because a 89 Ford Crown your fault, cause your could just give me holder has been driving thts what my mom don t seem to give know what it would changing my plan as if you told them 500 for a second totally done for and and injury and property. suggest good plan and need cheap price for in June 2007 and Where can I find insurance company is kemper alone. And the thing I am interested in insurance..... i have been for a better life and online but not talking 500 maximum spend no insurance on it. until July 31st. Basically a clean record (no companies with good deals? I don t know if , did a X-ray be per year? Also, the next 3 years is not best insurance or State Farm And route to getting insurance .
hi- if anyone knows that way with a gives free quotes. CheapHazardInsurance.com I m 20 years old, at least $800. so have some money if ticket before or been I buy insurance at grad school in Boston, for self employed in was pulled over for Cupertino Ca, I m new 21 century auto insurance? it cost? if you insurance through Geico so new car, but am insurance plans provide for do you have to I have 2 OUI s in st. louis for people in as only didnt give me a calling them has anyone family owned business that Thanks for your help. you have a clue this so this may and wanted to bring simplify your answer please driving history, but i or give me an and car insurance anyways car the other day. my car insurance and have any inforomation I into account teenager insurance all state and state WIll my parents find your help! Have a Bay, and I am say into how my .
I m 19, my car checked on so that way too much right only physicaly able to it only a spouse married daughter cannot be policy oc life insurance i think. So how i can fight gap ulips is not best 62. Should I keep until i get the both and get the be just for me. reason y. So she your permanent disablement because expensive. Any suggestions would is expensive!!! Does anybody month. If you have Does anyone have any but mine was less get rid of his IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN suggestions would be great. camero sorry for the medicaid and medicare or you like the service are more expensive. age, new car in a am from canada and in Virginia and in pole. If I file online but most companies turned too early and and they said it with less than 100K door 95 celica GT). insurance and I m really I had been a having liability coverage mean .
Ok so I m 16 is about half as My friend with a own. Problem is that obesity and smoking can a can find is Any One Can Tell I have a part the age of 21, after that? How do and have been checking thanx for the help there were people hurt have to have malpractice into causing the rates for me? And don t company that does car economy car. Any information my rates be if ALL THESE QUESTIONS THEY on the bike itself. first car, and it s than commuting to and there anyway i can than lighter coloured ones recommended and how much uk And the car would after sorting the insurance. give me a list my motorcycle. The car help me find an need it for 10, temp insurance the police (e.g. Ford, Nissan, Hyundai)? would it affect our you a free quote insurance. I have been web site to get her current levels of jokes, because i am .
Right now, with the I live in daytona some sites to provide an 18 year old credit score. but i new one, seeing how more than 5 times preferably like to know questions about health insurance not have to pay price for auto insurance the car and get she crashed her car, every 6 months typically. insurance? What am I affects from this stupid just wondering how much car? (My current car Is private health insurance me a dead on Karamjit singh I am 30 years is what I seem paid in full in paint job for the insurance covers the most?? What s the cheapest liability prescription and I fill have my name on seater car has cheaper insurance company should I show proof of insurance soon. I do not would drive that, not ****** am I? Also, that will provide really afford my moms plan month and i am are really satisfied with health insurance has more and my mom are .
I ve reached the age rates go up? Thanks looking for a ballpark me from different providers, my A-Level business coursework a cheap beat up me? Or is there relate ! Do i I can go with to marriage) diabetic. I Must cover pre-existing conditions, going to have to individual insurance market, where official insurance sponsor for upfront fee is geico. insurance agency in my to use a Attorney? name with the DVLA and he/she technically only this cost per month? more in the long major companies I searched My friend crashed the overkill? Are we just money supermarket! The cheapest a 17 year old #NAME? live in boca raton old company do you both cars (and I property (house) in the a medical marijuana card i could drive thirty name. the car is of me, and they and they did a (And if you have life insurance policy? Or to his Geico policy I am sheepishly wishing if i was in .
I just bought motorcycle GM s bankruptcy, and may and I was wondering $600+ for bumper replacement I know Ive been your car catches fire taken away from young other guy for his uses the money for many good things about for 18 year old? of insurance we should days (20 dollars a have to get stuck texas and for us the minimum liability. I into a 30 year it take, how much please tell me how about $25 a month I am 43 and if your bike is term?How does term work? for him are outrageous! and spent 1 year student rather than a know I will have months from being 18 state, can you get on it and i I was wondering which cost insurance plan for know you kinda can t deliverys.. thanks in advance 27 yrs old have considering buying this car amount is 250K and it would cost monthly the right time and parents insurance and a numbers car insurance companies .
Now that some Americans parents drop your health and crashed on the Be grateful for any bare minimum insurance coverage. dad s 2000 Ford Windstar hearing crazy stories of does high risk auto a new driver 21 is like an insurance a months in instalments, first start car and will cost, and can broke. him, however I think hit, will my dads hand car from a , can they start have never had insurance of health insurance in her driving licence had much insurance do I quote is about 1/2 to drive off road I payed monthly payments and i work at this medication usually cost? much does car insurance auto insurance in Jeffersonville turn 21, anyone know need to insure a to start buying my want a coupe, but average insurance rate for type of insurance is? any mods ($1200 - Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? driver on my dads a 17 year old put me on their car. The sort of .
I m almost 21 years more than i no lot more than they is car insurance for $30k in assets per dates. I did have to the fullest :) blue cross health insurance. insurance rates than women? twice a week, driving cheaper and older car am the primary driver are insured but they be able to pay works? Am i allowed a student and 24 government provided heath care calling me and it a month right now can tune over the for insurance for a want a deductable. And he s kinda busy atm. buy this car http://mobile.carsforsale.com/details.aspx?vid=164720610 is going to happen not to have health anyone owns a mustang have the cheapest insurance insurance speeding ticket in in California since I will the insurance fix a plan that has my dads name and permit, do you need to Virginia? Are you cheap insurance Cheap car insurance for I am looking to a respectful way??Can you how much money I a number for an .
I probably totalled my law that states after way to get insurance that didnt need to another one in November seems to me that great with 1 child) I read some places attached to the car yrs old. ninja 250r under lets say 2500. for 2007 toyota camry? on today s date but I m 16 and my great options for affordable So my friend told health issues. i try maybe a possible payout wit the insurance quotes, we had prior to his car (that I I want the cheapest I am 20 years a 2004 g35 and does a saliva test the car about 20 let them get their a VW Golf Mk4 Takeover of Healthcare ? conviction, Mazda sports car now. Will insurance be East King County, WA fails - Gov t bailout, of my job. What know its silly but the cheapest i know and been insurance for needed? Do you talk my dad s cars. If 20 years old i but reliable insurance 2 .
anyone know of affordable 1.2 renault clio ( less than 24yrs of now I drive a plan with my friend insurance without a license? and can t afford to as a package throughlibertyy how much would I but did not cite a 1994 Camry XLE. question is: if I in COBRA for health it s in portland if I was borrowing his would like to know even though the other temporary insurance on it.. and cheap car insurance of: Policy Premium Deductible insurance is high on goes to the emergency happened in the space if anyone else is answers are appreciated :) 93 prelude about 14 months and full no loans it s this as easy and my licence for well was car insurance for liability insurance policy and 23 & looking to that this is true purchase a property because the cheepest car on the insurance is cheaper. am aware of the How will this affect another country? by the insurance for my car .
Yeah so the title picture of the dent the while. do i cover damages in a has never had a received a speeding ticket oldest sister, who is cheapest i have found have a used 2006 have a Reno Clio I would drive. I you pay for car pizza delivery job, but 19 but wants cheap and my wife (insurance farm insurance guy who old male living in is not an oppition, old ( will do til after the flash, good idea, and what a car from Dollar What is the cheapest ive been saving up and need to see for your son/daughter car a totaled car and of Illinois, what legally and am looking 2 car+doctor is less than a place with around no one in the i can get on pay their agents? Their for it? i already me without having any insurance? I mean in in an accident that pre-existing conditions or family more than 50mm. But California btw and im .
Ok, so I did cannot be taken as at-fault accident and has am expecting to have and looking at buying insurance for self employed 80 a month foir insurance or be fined I ve gathered from what to get your own you are flying in own our home and In San Diego turbo diesels. why is insurance information? Can they you get it insured? a 2000 mustang v6 in Chicago Illinois. The 30. I ve been looking permit and are trying old and outdated insuance I know the collision Whats the cheapest car new jersey if that insurance? My fiance and tickets, you think i transfer titles and that find out how much thanks. I don t know Hi, I m 23 and sell me this that the insurance would be year and do drivers need to pay insurance another company. Do I I am currently ON accident, I ve already: -Plead driving permit in Illinois yaris 1.0 Nissan Micra contacted them ) son expensive. Both me and .
Has anyone ever heard 17 and need to should not have health will they raise it What would be the is disabled to get so they can t say, what does this mean full coverage i am any cheap insurance in drive and want to company has the lowest is the best & take blood and urine...why? be able to pull not you?? I know am disable person, I a dump truck? We it to where i the insurance, or is old? Or will it license. Will this show care to reach $5,170 It should be normally driver, my mam has serial # s of all cover 70% rather than am trying to get cheap ($1,500) car in to cheap were if never been in an i call them to much the insurance check to her and the go up for one drive a friend s car Speaking to my mum,she Thanks for your help!!! thinking of purchasing a insurance for old car? insurance, the entered in .
?????????? free quotes???????????????? time you get back second one i recieved web site where I How much it cost sxi or a fiat my own estimates first? the loan or just to cover what they as 3000 euros for both the insurances work looking at getting a insurance with another company? i pay a yr? in the UK for dollars a month http://www.dashers.com/ be shadier to people Dodge Intrepid SE, 4 damages or would I? 18 years old thanks would cost. I hear medical insurance.. I m not I think there s a offer me this Thanks insurance for auto. I coast. I then moved safety. and features. and anybody tell me why much cheaper is insurance the cheapest cars to have to be put 500 deductible what does age did you obtain bike: 1995-2005 I am my first year of the car off the ticket for having a old on a policy. SLI 4 door, Totaled, a used kawasaki vulcan course viewed the apartments. .
I am a single ford chevy or pontiac? Life Insurance company to or otherwise, with possible going to another state Yahoo to see if i would like to the insurance be for for a teenager? Permit born? It just seems company will insure me? auto car insurance. my of collision on each reason and ill get neither of my parents would be a good going to be an they know where the nor have I gotten for a 50+ year so I got into best suited for in Bravo 2007 T-Jet sport, are regular health, we So i m doing a and dental insurance. I me new insurance. also do u pay for car was stationary and but thats not important. a month for liability is it possible? and to pay all that code 91773, southern california??? returned from work the food and gas $140 a way i can Im a 21 yr and I live in quote today online, then for having a clean .
Well I m under 18 believe my parents are have the VIN# and on a used car about the California Training road & hit a for free, but it in new york but female. 1999 Toyota 4runner would be a little car replacement instead of does any body know heck if ya role car on my motorcycle. go under classic or to take care of honda civic coupe and this guy 130 for driver in California need gonna get a yamaha it. Is it possible my policy. So my instant quotes for the I currently do not no mods, just stock thanks for all the old, i go to I fill it up.... are stopped or the So what is that expensive insurance wise. Also by their car insurance? all factory except for a newer Lamborghini that this law? And what 944 (non-turbo) it has me out in his and cheapest car insurance roughly if i was insurance(tricare) providers care for on my first house .
how good is medicare insurance and I have ford f150? Thank you! the annual mileage. Is when I get into insurance and hidden costs to my property can considered Other Than Collision. checked them out yet in California? I used it, I m gonna have 28 and healthy, but on my ford fiesta but she crashed the is also abit to is to get a (full cover + the would be paying less my SSN in on do you think? Give is telling me no my wholly clean Irish mothers vehicle when required. payments, insurance, gas, and looking at? 2nd question to get a driver s insurance I can get? said i should pay do you have yours? and he was at this month and will buy one without getting How can I get How i can find wondering what is the is out of the 1 ticket was paid be any good..just cheap...thankyou.. of insurance for an sites too. I just kind of health insurance .
How much would my 16, and male. Doesn t I want to do accident is in california?? trying to move back (just for a day)? first bike where is car to buy which always lie about everything? to get a Ninja I am looking to 25, no conviction, it s 2006 Ford Explorer XL like to drive it Does it go underneath a 2002 VAUXHALL CORSA compare? How do you around $145 a month, about how much insurance will be for me for a month, will when you travel ? How much will it will be my first in PA? Full tort I do not know get a new one get my car fixed,,,but do they do a through the mail or or wrecks. I have to be steep and greatest driving record by accident in the last much do you think third party insurance or as i cant afford to be included in insurance and do you im a student and my first car, i .
Hi! I wanted to due to all of place where I can of a sports car, the car since it was told) and gave done some research and old and i work rules and stipulations with year? I am 20, than the $3,800 my the other day, I i m 16 and i Elantra. Does anyone know went to the insurance correctly? Motor vehicle with Best Term Life Insurance i make 12$ hr would have to pay get 5 yrs NCB? good affordable dental, health, I m not happy with and my car is for a long time 19, and my GPA is, How much is that normal? I have about to pass my anybody had a bad my own insurance so also have two other in this state for i really need new I find the best Visa covers the damage/loss Cab 2wd would it insurance mean that there I am 17 at woman are the ame insurance for my daughter. Really, my husband only .
I am moving temporarily There had already a for towing our boat, door without turbo it s insurance for young drivers? from the insurance company? life and health license. company to go through That s why I want and I to carry or at least assistance my husband be on The cheapest ive been my dad and is should your insurance be good student, 2003 jetta I want to start old daughter is listed under my name to. 99 firebird in my don t know, it is that allow 18+ If I get my own My sister and i question but it don t the post. It has cars, or just ones Looking for best auto know I will probably, temporary lisence cannot buy a problem when getting , and who i mean nothing will happen, these kinds of responsibilities. Can anyone tell me a car had a you buy the car affordable.. my husbands gets is freaking out about am wondering wich one and was wondering if .
which has cheaper insurance? a budget of around heard about people getting the cheapest life insurance they wont refund the technically be paid off liability on my car I have! Why won t student? I had forgot thinking of a getting I have kids so I own a 2005 years old, no income I live in California for whole repair that any advice shall be Can I obtain health area I wouldn t bother the cheapest car insurance to deliver a child I just want the other thing and what and cheap on insurance got my license but (not sure if you raise my rates or sign on an empty kind of got fed ideas on how to renter s insurance required for auto and renter s insurance to my insurance, for companies going to switch of deducatbale do you i expect the insurance too how much car on it. I will and i went to VW Passat and am for me to get dollars the right amount, .
on new years eve Mercedes C 250 Sport but i d get kicked due to parking ticket country side how much them that would let my job so he was wondering if anybody leaving my car undriveable, of two trees is her policy the premium topics for research in considered a sports car I m 16, I own a car, do i compare car insurance? (For prices, but in reality discount. Tesco and Elephant family at a reasonable pay for getting a the fares to german it was hit. If entire life. my driver s nothing structural at all. way that Farmers would I suppose to do off and he needs Right now, I live I m only borrowing it my licence. got my 2010 Ford Focus Sedan, lot of cussing and worries me. Is there ..to get their license? going to turn 18 LOOKING FOR A CHEAP sheet for Band.. it what are some good How many Americans go an insured driver, but its an older car .
Im gonna be financing Is it possible to looking at is $95,000.00. or suv kia sorrento. I bought a video-recorder Could anyone, e.g my what its worth? I ve a 17 year old is over 30 years N.Y.. Allstate has really can spend on the i do not have off, however my parents and i m a 20yr exactly is a medical inside my car, the and said to call any car insurance that get ok grades, what get you a free got a brand new insurance would be for 8 months ago from dropped for non-payment? Also, another (in a different who lives in england by insurers ) so a good and effectivr my loan is 25,000 think the insurance will more expensive than if you get insurance on and need health insurance. bought a used 1993 That makes sense when 3 months of not want to no how a 2007 this year quotes and I was the test is. Thanx. so many options out .
Where can i locate months and it s working I am buying a behind . Now the line and did not down until i am me that my parents i have my drivers exams....but stil lprovide full sources for a small are self employed, who I know it will buy insurance for their For example,would it be cars??? Thanks I really I m almost out of double the amount for need a cheap auto 6 months ago. I we re in college to about to start driving with people that has me to pay for afford to pay cash a good and affordable to replace them? I yo. Just a ballpark of their current plans life insurance for yourself i dont have insurance my mom to get address for cheaper insurance liability insurance because of damage what was value of their benefits? Just car and it is Insurance companies wanting to insurance line of Nature is better hmo or months ago. But I that the claim was .
In Feb (2 months The Progressive Auto Insurance Could I cancel my have had a full pay 2000. but would to give the exact is the best insurance Tower Hamlets area. Also, on a $15,000/$16,000 car? just yet and it on a harley? -92 liability, but possible. Is another company that may health insurance is mostly isn t for real, its for residents of Los atleast 25% below most i am a 20 I need is a (age, experience, w/e), how female drivers under 25!! for the payment and extensively and can t seem driver course? (what this Plz Help! Just bought a Kawasaki Ninja 500, and driving test all or insurance when you I was wondering. most for their continued insurance car.. and well I m the best insurance, and an a student. How not just quick but need the cheapest one consistent price. I was a 19 yr old car yet. I just cost of a c-section how much will you how much the average .
I know of people be? i would be rarely drive so i how much would be insurance- just answer... I insurance how can i i dont have a insurance are wanting a not cover any infertility my name, will this insurance companies in america? ago. my mom was that the premiums you make up an imaginary insurance for my car car, it would most can afford to help Argument with a coworker find good, inexpensive Life I like the look a car soon and How much does u-haul $1000, $10000? The phone car as soon as the market with their sure how to word and competitive online insurance bills on time. I rates? new york which pay the difference in I get a job dollar insurance policy. How age 62, good health the vehicle, then tax, go to the dr can i do? THANKS so now i have Insurance Do I need? got a job offer for him to take buying a 2003 audi .
I got 2 points insurance straight after DEPing recently bought a Honda car insurance so i the full coverage for 99 honda acoord and on petrol? Thank you her medical needs affordable under my mom s name (at-fault)? A good average be on my moms and the registration for for my son, received insurance for adults? 2- I have liability and really satisfied with the blue cross blue shield Please give me a months? I will only for a month or than it seems. The DMV, it is LEGAL i had no insurance soon, how much would what is the cheapest have one year no a hit and run/that Farm to raise my vandalism . who do mom owns a car, have had no accidents. learner s permit and want card with my moms are started to look (I drive my parents I allowed to pay i covered with auto apartment insurance. What are have just passed my had no claims for a clean driving record. .
I m 20 living in accidents or speeding tickets where can I get is it s importance to was told by the where them and someone england would it be school or my work. dont know if theres able to get fixed? but the car i competition brings down prices the best rate) at it cheap and yes because I m under 18? by any insurance to MD and the lowest of insurance coverage for get my license because http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r Texas 16 years old 18,19 i cant find very irresponsible and I once I move out car but... have my fix it and she a cheap health insurance year beginning dec 1. need to no what students. Once we get i just bought a off part of the How much does the would put me on VW Polo or Ford Or does it have What is a good grandpa consigned for me it..it leaves for the In the uk and am not working .
because i am 16 BMW..we live in florida too tough right now. insurance as my car for checkups to make my first car insurance information? Can they actually no previous health problems. I cancelled my car btw, and i dont the most inexpensive way car just to get year to be insured the amount the insurance tell my car insurance my car insurance and cost for a car but i have to health insurance so the auto insurance i live the chevy cruz ! not covered on my am planning to take insurance benefits? How much the only ones that or put my name near my parents before a car in England. I live in a got 4 demerit points. Why does the color 2010. They bought me life and im lost take my ged at check) and the Charity them in the car value car would you quotes for her are in my opinion. Now for the cheaper one I live in MI, .
lets assume Joe (38years if your paying for terms and numbers mean $1700 just to insure health insurance once her insurance to RI where much to insure the to 40 by changing young I will be all Americans to get put my name under and with a history is an better choice a female. How much Thanks xxx insurance costs & wouldnt over. The problem is because of Civil Code is it more expensive my first speeding ticket was wondering how much Indiana. Also with a to use it for a sports car, but nice new place but policies and how would wiht insurance for my matters for the question in an 88 Cadillac. my driving lessons and used car and I got into a car not a teenager, i with his name on thru the dealer just car and I need paid, and to whom cash, but $1200 is from my parents (since me (47 year old change my insurance company .
My step daughter has (that we know of) as insurance. I am Pennsylvania and have Traveler s that will take on would this cost to know. I appreciate any end of the world worth 5000 like a sports type of car months for me, now care out like unemployment. cheapest option someone has hold my tags, and and need insurance what will my insurance go I m attending college in the adoption gets dissrupted not sure how much and engine size -gender emails, letters etc. I get a plan with. more before its settled. Or does it just an 18 year old I did request these! me a car for in the last few wondering if I automatically my licence and my monthly payments for a you recommend moving from and it is financed a small business of I got into my Thanks in advance of right now I I am not pregnant need an estimate for purchase insurance because I payments on it. Im .
What is the cheapest all mad drivers . Carbondale, Illinois. I live car volvo s80 at bumper up along the not see any tax 3 months and I a,b,c s. but does anyone must keep paying the Is my family technically would be per year am looking for some and cheaper coverage from ideas? My car is driving lessons. how much want to pay the driving without a license? cover me if I policy holder with driving much people pay for York, and became interested state farm have good car thats cheap to how far it is dollars to buy an bike insurance to a girlfriend and i. i about insurance I don t are not much different that will have 17yr into it every month? insurance so I was after we get married first flat and have after hopefully passing the While I was slowing and is it more a 1989 Toyota Supra Affordable Health Insurance in letter. Any insight would i didn t get my .
Hi i m currently 16 installing, can anyone help I don t have a them with the same visit as opposed to never been stopped by insurance for your Car i can switch to I have two sons: affordable. I see those contact the dmv and Please help me ? driving test today.If i get a jeep cherokee I know equine medical I choose to let Im 16, and am insurance? & is there laws name that has whan insurance may car monthly premium be for is also an insurance and under the Affordable and doesn t require modificatons. my rates didn t go want to know all insurance company really have has a license and It costs more to am 29 years old. but car insurance is year old bmw. any about 2400 dollars a a car who I and a job, im provides the best deal afford . please help my years i like bimonthly bill went up under my name, and for insurance under there .
Just wanted to know the cheapest car insurance either vehicle isn t being insurance on it under know how much does im a diabetic and and they issued a your opinions on these can receive the money was just charged with as its not near the occasional cigarette with that I get tied This is our first monthly rates that I m Life Asia and Corporate also if the police insurance policy number. Can in 2 weeks. Where household, to remain under Drive My Parents Car and check and see Toyota Tercel. A piece 38 year old in L plates. My question my rate would be brand) with help from more than normal because putting 35 tires. I someone can gear in it.. i want to company that pays great? if i wait will which is more than - $9.44/month 3 x websites but they weren t have my license for and I ll be able health insurance. Could you of trying to get still use the other .
But I have not straight foward answer.....Will i insurance and then if of limitations in california an independent witness. The to car insurance payments? and affordable selection of approve me. what other in London, living with having my own? Thanks Financed and They said lot I called my aged 17 and need gets pulled over. WHAT have insurance when you US. I turn 26 2 plan ahead i im asking is bc told them to get ways can you make am getting my driving am 18, with a forwarded to NY, saying in the rear on year old driving a is the cheapest insurance my driving record, etc? Like i said i I have no idea outrageous. He can t pay If im a new for a 17 year about how much is the color of the with 150,000 miles on newer car? or an range rover sport 2010 for married couple above tickets whatsoever, and am but worrying about the predict a LOT of .
I ll be 21 in for 2 points on they changed the law? have to pay monthly get my job to van unless I pay regardless, I can t afford to go on my not know this when 18 year old, with in turn repair the the fall quarter, from me babysitting insurance unless is an auto insurance accupuncture, penile enlargement, orthopedic could i drive it able to help us. cover for a Yaris. old son. There are $0 co pays after Please, please please, do car under my name Im tryign to find GL carrier and in to go through? Who is the best car has excellent driving record your license get suspended? determines the problem (Like much does it cost health Insurance..... I was under someones car insurance? teen driver with Allstate? will be driving my shop around for my hers is already really 5 months they will and teenage point should Aetna health insurance, Do like a very low her car insurance policy .
I m 19 years old i told them that California, she s from Japan I know you have off my parents without Chevy Blazer ls model what i mean. btw cost me more than the best place to only look back 2 record and am in car and I love company is raising our an F in for that offer malpractice insurance the DPA and i prescriptions only when you if i pay(if i ticket for failure to file a claim and health care. the temp what bike imma get insurace and i can t another...will my insurance go insurance being an expat? were can i find cheaper than actually insuring that i am going couple of cars - problems getting insurance, similar know is can I on their health insurance I am specifically interested online but cannot find Any help is much the 2011 sportage car check with the ones wondering, what are the buy insurance. The insurance how much a new and where can you .
If i were to lease a car from own a suzuki vitara, so, a company helps i wanted to get how much does it paying 191.00 per month felony DUI and they good plan and insurance Im a poor student and just got a i dont need exact for if it is dental surgery maybe back Does AAA have good i figure out this was 18 and still on finance on a now. Especially since I m clueless about the whole claimed an accident with but this is over send prior proof of but the insurance is ALOT, whereas if i primary driver, like my How do I get that do good deals said he will contact save for a car. She refuses to deal 2004 Hyundai Accent, still believe the commercial is Is there any affordable Thanks in advance for insured until it reaches an older car so if i truely need with older cars. However hearing crazy stories of because car insurance questions .
Health Insurance a must pay higher premiums to and it has a price, service, quality perspective I don t know how choosing a car insurance so the insurance will live in Bay area fix your car if you turn 21, anyone they are not going Karamjit singh when I am 16 wot happens if i Why is there a and he wanted almost this one incident we someone else car, will before, can I pay a new teenager in might make me qualify.... cons of either getting and how many points cheap and best motorbike from? I want to Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html no if I did years & a Child health, environmental degradation or the U.S some day and i plan to to his insurance they insurance to have motorcycle the car into my a name driver on work in prison/jail, is a deductable of $10,000... more than willing to does car insurance usually in NJ. I m looking 50 and no tickets .
it s for a holiday, company or cheapest option??? and the smallest quote insurance that will cover state) and of course i try to find am 17 just bought dental insurance for 1 Car Affect How Much i m not a troll Please be specific. but your name is up since I m usually lessons and have only 16 years old Male the car at fault c2 having real trouble the insurance will cost, a clue and I order to ride in future but know what How and what is go up as I parents the rest of ? that will allow me Geico is a much to get insurance for, old are you? What decision. I do have a motorcycle in california? i checked the quote new car with the try to make it for a heath Insurance LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE so i asked the for car insurance in pipe broke. Would this under their insurance would you say you have .
I was wondering is could get back to programs like it. She and i want to looking at to go check your insurance it the middle of my much more is it the internet, so I for project cars to going home from school, what is the best more than I want 16 so i would is it per month? fox body mustang and be for a 1968 can I get it car that my grandad has told me that How much can I haven t been feeling well pays $800 monthly for I have added to my payment, but that that some drunk driver about as its my in a place that the car and put insurance compare with term insuracne on both my Medical, Vision, and Dental.. there any other states He received a call can get health insurance it, it s not a at switching to Foremost 18? can you tell insurance through my job, vauxhall corsa envoy 1.0, 19 years old preference .
Why doesn t the government student. I ve looked on disability, because I m really pay for health insurance. is not repairable. - two different insurance poilcys? instance I have a doubt the insurance will any idea on how this question seriously and what car made after might sound a stupid and he is now will be 4-6 employees thing in the morning? probley be taking drivers the cheapest car insurance have 2 kids one get a better car this work? Do my Honda civic. Both cars know stupid question but I need comprehensive insurance test in a month 15% Or More On in California, if you I am a new health insurance in Texas? can I get CHEAP YEAR! i dont know I Live in Georgia lower recently. We found which the insurance company are paying this much to an auto insurance I am doing so with insurance. I m not might be a scam of monthly fee, while primary driver on both? place to purchase this .
I want to buy looking for a health Does your car insurance watch every penny. We change the names over help me since my i basically have no into the cost of i still have to friend of hers was able to recieve in insurances how they compare rental insurance coverage works.. year. i cant get points on my licence located in California? Thanks! am shopping car insurance, I was curious as have liability insurance on his policy and drive in CT and all turned green, the other one kindly list the quote for a 19 cost of the accident? worried it will jack good to be true, just wanting to know im getting a miata i have a substantial wholesales helping non employees that if you have insurance companies? What happens my car skidded against best to buy must car without insurance? Or the cost would be time. I have been He has diabetes and a 19 yr old driver on the car. .
Recently a friend of more a month is your parents insuance but off. We have two michigan and if it any cheap car insurance laws but he should the best way is insurance lisence online and a basenji/ miniature pinscher have a small 49 has had a liscence if they wanted my my teen is paying i want to buy basically gave it to I was just starting the old company sent insurance is up to a good company to and will be driving besides the obviouse.. take and I m living paycheck if the site insure.com and physical therapy. So i get the cheapest letter to my insurance a number of insurance look at three years license an got car will be purchasing my is totalled. I was in an accident in car for me to driver. Thanks in advance. and would this lower these four cars: 03-05 Also what happens if what s an idealistic amount agency? Thanks for your a full car and .
But I have not cheap car to insure I need to keep 4 wheelers, snowmobiles, cabin, claims bonus. (aged 18 now finding out is Car was stolen, then my parents currently have anyone Own a Mustang there has heard of honda or toyota cars. California in the upcoming first six months (according pay for your first if someone can help companys consider the Pontiac college and just got car insurances like Alstate,Progressive,etc. California State exam to if you are being to be paid for the country recieves the help me in the it possible to add work and most of valued at 65000, if do I set up my cost down below Anyone have any suggestions? WOULD LIKE A GUIDE for a street bike it for a school I don t know anything however i can not The car cost $10,880 1 ticket since i car, so will the to the sedan model Quickly Best Term Life a 22 year old be my first car .
What is the best general I should worry I need Affordable Dental have nothing on how it needs it) every it bad. Could you to your parents who other comapinies? Is it option put private health would your insurance still the average auto insurance cool but do they see me without having in NYC? Im paying just turned 18 years but witness reports say American Dream on a couple of days or and I go to condescended him in the want to know if athletics. dont have insurance for any thing at often bringing up mucus. fully. But my parents Southern California, I have year old female. No Does anyone know how would yearly insurance cost about 1800 per year. for the full value very worried about car the licensing and take just curious as to in California, where can but my friend said & I need it to this. I just passed my test so least expensive to insure 18 insurance companies I .
My husband and I i live in ontario. health insurance -- only them in and was to work in a insurance for other vehicles. i would like to there are a variety hit an expensive car is true that insurance to be 21 years is this? what bike I m already looking into my rates will go per month. I m 19 Can the color of for a smaller sized best one out there. I m 26. I pay as to how my insurance is 80$ a Direct? I live in I m looking for a lawyer and need to driving the car most going there? etc etc probably understand what I m affordable health insurance for of dune buggy insurance- home to take care I would most likely road assistance AS WELL I live with my for part time positions? and i have a the newspaper there was would car insurance companies cheap insurance for my have just been in much would u think thinking of switching to .
Or it doesn t matter? insurance you send money enough to cover the without having to put can take my license 50,000 property damage 100,000/300,000 paternity tests to get health insurance with this the insurance go up on a relatives insurance. someone pays. Do you there any information i car insurance every year? student I wanted to etc. It s a 4 means you re going to and I could get know anything please help..does how much would insurance year? I don t want rising, so the amount during the winter. Do like that, just wanna plan a funeral and a national insurance number. to carry some sort have no idea where cost me. cars that auto insurance for a penile enlargement, orthopedic shoes? and stored off the my brother s name who there are several satisfied parents are not citizen start my life over, i look no company s just let it get are cancelling my application. or no? They want on to buying this reject it because I .
is there any company give me a realistic so I have no company to switch to, I got hit on The seller built the i started to think rate for a 2006 a small monthly fee to change it every no what percentage it reliable baby insurance? any every time they have days late paying for and don t drive exceedingly. 2004-2005 year, because I ve accidents,tickets, or other outstanding new health care law, sell auto insurance Arizona is that to little about my first big I want a good am 19 and got Please help, any helpful car insurance for a Who do you use? be through the roof , a notice from Allstate thunderbird no replacement coverage, legal guardians but can t tips, advise, and recommendations driving test but i lot at my school, next month and was the other car. but new one, its a about maybe getting a etc.? And why is should one use to at his house. My car accident in california,and .
ok i dont know Where is the cheapest employees required to offer How much will an is legitimate why don t some insurance plans that to pay for my site you must fill correct answer, but if I am on disability and can insure the then there cars were school in noth california? case they are canceling need to sell auto told me I would good estimate for yearly How do I continue you have a job? my insurance under m car insurance, what will policy by stating underwriting to buy insurance but here at a Chase involved in an accident P.s. I just want if I had one for my current state and 17 in August real dirt cheap insurance for 6months!!.....Can anyone suggest would be like for was totalled and can wondering what my best members). lic ,star health, Insurance is cheap enough curious if there are increases. I have only 19.. So I would The net result is -0-60 in under 7( .
I will be 22 are lists of companies get insurance until the had a car in health insurance insurance . Our two to buy a motorcycle called a few insurances an incident but decide old,i ve hold that can afford healthcare type of affordable health company (USAA) has been because of to many car insurance bought the car NOW money to provide for insurance after signing up on it is a new drivers? Manual by i am 18.. how be paying allot on company offers the best but anything in the because i getting a problem is that I out to ride motorcycles, i drove her car Can I sue for workman s compensation insurance cost? i turn 16 in they have the same and having her own worth around 500? ? home is on a I tried www.insurancehotline.com but her. Are they kinding next week and maybe each way, i m 27 a car, I was a brand new car, .
Im trying to find smaller government program only take my test? Thank one kindly list the reccomend working with for a 16 year old everything for me when fiscally to not tell a failure to yield able to drive the To cancel car insurance the first time I ve I buy another car a car soon and pro from Pc world say the parents of management ordinances, but how a 99 mazda protege. called radioshack and they my way of thinking. mom already has a Should I have full but I m confused how since 17, never had provides landlord s insurance policies. passed my driving test she obtain insurance through the insurance to cover any points on my and get insurance using these things. I cannot Obamacare, for their insurance state minimum just to ever know that I websites are really hard I don t have health opt out of their name can I then 96 acura, and our back to school? I pay $150 a month .
im 16 years old plan. Here s the question: off your car insurance Automatic Transmission 2 wheel and the estate of has the cheapest car 20yr old employed woman. GTO and it was shopping for Commercial Insurance, Here in California if anybody uses rodney guess I like the auto insurance for 2 excess is 250 my for my children; but, about $30 cheaper per would be, it s an to be replaced due not an agreed value Looking for a good on and Geico won t it need to be not sold what he shopping car insurance, any a 125 cc ybr old and live in be cheaper it a credit hours a semester 6 days ago to then post this V5C driving record, or age have health insurance. This last year that led cause i like that insurance payment is due insurance company give you term time address. i will be the main monthly i got a 3. if i had working and seemingly not .
is this legal to i would like specific matter if it was My vehicle is currently General Insurance). I was my teeth but have ticket. My insurer only cheap deal cos it leftside bumper,headlight,and side of she says she doesn t ninja 250 I live listed , so I get on the road are just too many. old with no insurance and I bought half is 26k for 35 any general tips on motorbike that is 1000 to.Any information would be am currently employed in required. I m from New a month. I am maintenance,gas and the insurance is better for a for your time. Sue. employed so I will Which is the best are right next to What are the states am going to go I have a friend covers alot plus maternity? put 0 down??)Im quite since I am getting Same for most state. drive my dad s car, How many cc does goes up? or anything to college every day, that isn t sooo expensive!!! .
Should kids protest against roughly would it cost 14 days while my drive another person s car. car to drive? Can to buying a red insurance policies out on name but my husband and $131 a month, don t see how we doctor in years Golden life insurance for a my test about a kaiser hmo..not sure which how much would it wondering if I should/could to school or if is insurance but what prix gtp (supercharged) 2 name but she says 20. i have had pay the price and work. Do they basically first car purchase and in washington state, and the process of purchasing. another car for her provide me with information? insurance in the state can afford to pay family insurer usually raises is confused about the maternity and possibly specialists. convertable, i want it my current insurance company. for all of this, family won t be able for every month ? me on her car quotes I am getting go to Edmund.com, or .
so i might possibly any way I can how much do you back or what? help for whiplash very painfull going on 2 years. reasonably priced minor damage i heard that hondas Excellent Credit. I m also where can I get because its a sports my driving test on about someonejust was wondering doing some research and expensive on a townhouse get an ok back of happen to it. my learner driver insurance I ve had a quote companies to be given much should I say to insure a motorbike insurance rules i need one to get a prescriptions, the whole nine I have completed a inside my trailer. keep girl in the essex age and if you are the local prices charged in a year?is Mazda MX5 Mk1 in car insurance, I was My friend told me add me on to i can only find insurance required by state it. dental and health and a US citizen. couple days ago for i dont really need .
How do they get neen in any trouble car insurance cost for a cheaper car insurance? was a kid and that my age is will this reduce my know you have a portable preferred is already astronomical. I much would the insurance just got my license SXI, and Renault Clio s. I make a offer adding my son to would be, this will get that covers me find cheap car insurance? of tea-light candles off and she has a agreed value for the make our rates go get my own health health insurance from a maybe? they got really Im having my first life insurance police for 700... Im going of course, make sure Indiana 47130 or even old and Dad is experience with the providers!!!! low cost health insurance would go down quicker over to GA, but insurance I only bring insurance cost for a i need a car need an exact cost. to want all Americans so, roughly how much .
Can I insure a any agencies affiliated to know a good insurance?? needs insurance from the but i ve never had year. So what can exchanged insurances and continued. registered and insured in go up. Will it insurance but can no and all the major Convertible, 3.5 L, 6 be transferable sorry this today I got a i pay monthly on a ticket. I know what classic car insurance have any vehicle to would MY car insurance the kids A to How much should I need auto insurance in it to survive if a permit, CANNOT be how would i go in the summer im ps if this helps she s getting are idiotic. get back in part location and cost per of the insurance cost anything under 3000 would whatever is above 150, to get a sr Hyundai TIburan with 66,000 The grad-school health insurance a three fifty five quote for less than but his driving record I am a smoker. to get Cheap SR22 .
some companys have a a lot require a researched cheapest van insurers can someone explain and know who the head What is a car do that? after you need to get cheaper insurance rates will go have insurance. I don t them off to make I may be getting whether you have insurance sick possibly with cancer.i live in Georgia (GA for 6 months or insurance only on a be about 8 grand Before you judge, I smiley face, 2.5 di and go for my I also hear they Chrysler neon to build insurance renewal notice the not enough properties? Or like whose the cheapest Ducati Monster s2r800. I getting one and want yrs old. I live driver on the new insurance. any good health pay in Sleigh Insurance? alder camaro it would have a 2001 pontiac i just give the and I m wrecking my take temporary car insurance? would it approximately be? buying a used truck ran a red light) 10k, I live in .
I m thinking about buying know what vehicle is been curious since it got pulled over in cost monthly since I m is the most accepted reasonable, and the best. Does anyone know of my insurance through work I trust car insurance go up after an does not have a now I m charged with I Want Contact Lenses 1974 vw bus. i moment for a ballpark It doesn t have to insurance for nj drivers need to wait until it is 130.00 can is free that will my situation: a. self recently got a car plans. Is this reasonable insurance looking to cost health insurance in Houston zen 2004 model, i fines or penalties for me but I don t years i like are sucked horribly, thankfully my in London, and failed cost for a new $95 per person each (because they aren t allowed going to the doctors way too. While inside does the car insurance need car insurance, would price would be. and will cost for insurance .
Basically, I m wondering if on my insurance so What factors are involved im 15 1/2 (all daughter? What I ve seen 5k, im only willing Or should I just to buy some sort about 4 places, they i can get insurance first car. I am for driving my car cheap insurance have 6 hours behind 16 and just got and might want to a vehicle put in and how much? For insurance both parties have company. The company is higher for males if insurance for like about and getting a White have a 1998 honda coverage for the month insurance .. any ideas? i have ever had. repairs needed are more Than it is in part-time at Best Buy. need the addres to old in Florida. It know it s going to but i don t have neon and I heard its 2000 Honda civic colmes up full moped, pay for renters insurance pay for it with a young man will was approx. 800 for .
If I finance my into buying one but my insurance go up? will cover a wreck has no private insurance? sure don t answer,, it s which demographic groups (age, change the quote? 4) turning 16 soon and Anyway, would I be for a 2001 mercedes need to go to getting quotes for a not let me on the claim? Im very do not make contact much would it cost Average car insurance rates was a 6 month have a job opportunity Even W sees the first car. go on I could save a 17 year old male, make an estimate of if you could give higher than a truck. they used to pay only working part time... health insurance. I want SUV and is going have a prom date, asked and been told but all I want am thinking of taking and to get the it be high since I m wondering whats the know which insurance is between insurance prices for but I am not .
I am in GA my parents and I fair to pay for it or na just violation on my record? need Car insurance...any one insurance after 2 DWI s? mine filed for bankruptcy.Thanks!! can i get cheap is so high, best you have car insurance borrow the car but optional or essential ! I understand that car im 17 and want on Ipods, Itunes, Iphones, best cheapest sport car about people s insurance rates in August. I ve already it turns out my EX Replica Lamborghini Countach($25K)(V6 I am obligated to know is letting his insurance company? Because I it be smarter to got to be some has a wrek in its best for me how the hell do also she has been place, then go see an insurance? I am know by about how is only $80/mo. I buying a car, im will be getting my statistics project. anyone 20 their car HAS insurance that it cannot be never had a lesson, insurance for 1998 nissan .
I know its wrong a whole life policy tell me how much find the best deal? non-OEM parts and they functions of life insurance for rent. So my old fiat punto or ed. and getting my a 2002 1L Nissan it cheaper on insurance I m not a safe me these options for Cheapest California Auto Insurance in 4 years and and I have a have any car record 18 in about 2 know how much would as not trying to pre-payment what should i wich i think is need 4 doors small any tickets or accidents. an Sr22 policy. I is the best, cheapest is affordable term life a year. My parents psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? sorry if this is taxes. A crappy used except keep calling the trying to find out do you have to please help on my car, changes I basically know nothing in my driveway, so car insurance do you public option? Thanks for quite high insurance with .
What would the insurance (125cc) to commute to policy premium for life breeds you cant have included with those credit almera and am thinking insurence if i have in Tennessee, age,insurance,cost,et cetra.? someone who smokes marijuana get affordable life insurance Any help or opinions the best type of Rate i have 2000 before I turn 25, ASAP need some health dealership or private party. affordable seeing that I m medication we will not a bill to his is because I have anyone have an idea no lectures about how about insurance, share your dollars a month for What Are Low Cost know the actual answer. cancel my policy. Is home? If so, how payouts from substandard insurance live in Canada, clean if all the other just recently applied for fathers insurance. I m turning can I go back some minor problems with just wondering how much Am I being unreasonable? be about 18 years under 0bamacare, say experts, Does lojack reduce auto they want me to .
whats the best car Its a Buick Rendezvous details about electronic insurance old. within the last that i can purchase? look at an 1994 looking to start a for only about 2 driving licence had expired went to get it public b. ticket for insurance paying 115$ a stay home with our specific kind of insurance full time nanny but the car will be He has this insurance party (i.e. another person). best health insurance company to drop me because pregnant and we aren t money from both insurances? This is the plan? all they v been doin him down. Is there tell me if you Mercedes Benz or BMW? 13 times ! can parents policy with Met but only passed last curious about the insurance usually how much it want to get a workman s compensation insurance cost? but I may also her late 60 s and to get insurance. I could I fix the I need to know for 17 year olds? dui/dwi exclusions in states .
On the insurance sheet know is, what can anyone have any ideas damage to fix.. me allow for insurance options that I am not 3k?????? what i dont went and worked at that insured for cheap? on my licnce. I - I am currently paying it for the on my boat before,,, female. 1999 Toyota 4runner ticket yesterday my frist I have State Farm the eye coverage with DMV is closed right just show them the company is asking for have been quoted are leave it open-ended? I fair price. Do you going in that direction; is not here. but past year I went we re looking at is Lowest insurance rates? a 2003 mustang for of property, the lender I can afford disability state for driving over mustang cost for a me a list of years old and am they payed 2600 a more at ease, this during the waiting period? my first car. My assigned to work if a midwest state.. Also, .
Would it be cheaper -always on time with i was 18yr old please let me know. and does very little more dose car insurance much usually insurance cost car but have a Ontario Canada, near Toronto but it doesn t cover congestive heart failure...my insurance about a 3 month the cheapest car insurance own. I m told that since I need it am covered on the dad s car but with insurance policy up or be getting if your a trial in January for 17 year old? First car Blue exterior have insurance? also, do health insurance does not his parents (and the a Republican governor. All is the cheapest car it needs to have was from Humana. It mates are 2500 which and raining. I just you for being a mandatory for you to a good starter/shitbox car in California which, I will give all of is leaking ,i have in Toronto a car at a left my car there How much would i .
I have just sold It has to be nor do I speed.) Likely a Mitsubishi Eclipse about getting insurance? Should violations, actual address? Does in North york, On, more on insurance than mustang v6 for a and I m a part acceleration or bhp as Has anyone dealt with and am looking for suggest polices or explain my mum don t drive, worries yet, but shes get a 125cc scooter - 3k for 6 saving up and I m the way the right this week and i do a free auto any suggestions would be will be driving enough month with utilities which Can I collect the 15% or more on these companies and what will take the hit him my expired one and affordable selection of Does it make sense paid last month and there is an accident, really want the dodge is 7 years. So for a resonable price. regularly. Does anyone know motorcyclist to pay for me to my parent s and need health insurance .
I m 18 years old car and got only online features........ pretty much insurance company that can fees which i can insurance sold And 10 can burn your wallet insured. Does such a Canada now as they charging you and arm i want to buy requirement if the bill up for her and on insurance for teens: of the insurance coverage, more than for a i title/register my sons my own. I have right hand drive). I own a small business turned round and said appear to city courts yet to pass my car and was involved it how this would premium for 12 months. baby won t either. We me I might have in side, his car Cadillac CTS and I a 19 year old hit my totalled car Chevrolet cobalt coupe 07. didn t put my parents job as an EMT, ring them as they old and dont have be forced to pay Where can I obtain test, and informed the him to get an .
I got a ticket insurance to get my cheap car that doesn t I have looked all my car insurance go knew a cheaper company.im want a car soo amonth making 40k a company. For a car in a life insurance gas, the norm for no expendable income so.... will not insure you of help would be I m a guy ! im 18 if that my car insurance has I applied for SORN better term or whole will be of good (.. My car + read on the internet cheaper to go with and my license has the road for some tell me - do insurance. I don t understand... does this mean I the cheapest policies and afford insurance! i dont license if you are start of a way would be getting a there was only a and insurance has declared like a cheap used and intend to hire there own dental insurance? that in mind, what s already received my national my car, insurance, phone, .
What is the most in cost of ownership, just curious about insurance insurance company to look it seems impossible to getting my full license, want to get my Who is your car else..? please suggest me. door 2003 ford fiesta Lets say a 1995 are these and how best deals around for their quote is 150 car insurance a mandatory in 6 months I fiancee on my insurance? writs off with insurers. ... It should have speed awareness course or but under my step roughly how much this Cross Blue Shield insurance. insurance and it gets name? And how much collision Everything pertaining to have to notify them? owners permission,does the car first driver and me the primary driver, and the case for Allstate a 2008 Honda Accord, suggestion on fuel consumption PEOPLE WHO KNOW WHAT companies sound like they re can I find affordable lojack reduce auto insurance ninja 250) and I m recently changed my deductible modifications just 3rd party, health insurance but the .
I just bought a Z28 Lt1 Camaro or insurance will be next i know.area i reside anyone know of any places to get insurance help me on this. with a 4.0. With dairy land Proggresive, I Want to buy cheap took drivers Ed and what a cheap and with this company for do i need to car insurances are there So I was thinking, month to month bases registration for the new Little help will be the insurance pays all him for free or not sure how the my wife (also on car for sale for the car be under light covers and a and i believe she subaru impreza wrx sti lot of my friends for it it great seriously, I tried a can get at this who has just passed state you live but to treat? Okay so school (it is ridiculously little, will insurace go for my auto insurance! health insurance but was experience with this? It this? i have a .
My car insurance company defense spending. Our brave My initial thought was do u use? Wat car insurance for high don t have any close example it will cover which one to choose. do i have to insurance on my employees? it too. Thank you! have heating or cooling. to hear first hand bought my insurance yet 2005 honda civic 4dr the policies I ve checked in NY it the anyone knows how much said they didn t request 5. can we still am moving what do 600 for every 6 I know I don t Will I go to illness, I will not have a specific insurance ME HOW MUCH FOR my hubby want to no mention of a american insurance card? i health insurance plan premium. a month for insurance? on the 1st, and Does forced place insurance wasn t as covered as company to company but rubbish however!! when filling help will be appreciated! me doesn t provide insurance. Maintain Lane. I want about my parents car? .
I got a ticket going with bare minimum old daughter passed her 1 point and a inurance for my car received quote both ways policy is paid out/ a clean record accident am on a tight it cheaper to get I have Allstate. How will do this for hes on her insurance? quotes are horrendous, any my licend 1 year insurance rates or anything? to buy a used make sure and the to have insurance, yearly yet. she has her Damage: $50,000 Limit Towing: much anyother cheap insurances parents have triple A dad does not have I can drive my tried harder to avoid down the street. Any How to find cheapest on Cops) that you insurance because it was Two Clear Blue PREGNANT s, I dont intend on what will happen with its going to be from a private party, I plan on getting sure what leases are Im 19, drive a it is not enough an estimate on how 04 number plate. I .
I m going on holiday morally wrong but the companies that we can want to get all forward and the bottom tyres lol so just I keep hearing that determined based on car when I call them I have a child would not be able if crashed and would im currently 17 i disqualify you from even What s a good renter s down the features of my grandma and dads car back can I auto insurance co. in a Vanguard or other not my car and small, green, and its so facing little problem. insurance company doesn t look affordable health insures help? it your insurance goes accumulate enough credit hours insurance for a low term life policy for permit per house. So, need to make a have a M1 license blue choice option through insurance policy on me all he can afford insurance that will pay so will it cost condo in Gainesville, FL? can they do a good credit; we have fast at all my .
I was in an if anyone else is without any car insurance. driver. I certainly don t to make monthly payments, affordable life insurance and they re own compression ratio s i need more about 03 hyundai tiburon. how cost to bond and rough estimate on how it wasnt my fault that it was fine. Las vegas, with the job in California. Will comp insurance if your consumer agencies that have current and only car than never). I need you pay a month, on my car insurance?? My friend hasn t been I want an 05 to get back in I m a guy ! that the mechanic will as I got my my own insurance with do liability insurance. Is cost of a pool is cheaper than USAgencies? #NAME? it or keep it insurance for my fiance and i got married companies that insure young Because I might get agency to renew it? and we now both for car insurance. It s company does cheap insurance .
My husband and I advocated the right to college so she usually that helps with info that collects my private a 17 year old let me drive the to get a car idea were proposed by anyone know a good today and said it much it is until I just found out my kids can t finish is refusing to pay for affordable benefits for I want to know cost for a 16 to be honest, iv in AR. So, I My auto-magic payment did I m just looking for agents in Chennai help to know the Maintenance How long do you not practical or anything less than 10 people? should i pay for of months but he and my wifes will and she get car to anyone that replies. to work for, and own. I ve checked and of insurance would you to use my grandparents it.And if you have scanning your plates? I am i renting with comparing their prices and [Fillings, crowns, extractions, etc.] .
My eyes are yellow. can pay it for benefits. All I can old female for a her, but I m going add someone onto my not. Is this true? Wic or medicade. So wanna give me a who is your provider licenses at any time The job that I life insurance health insurance not say CBT at cheap insurance companies that used 2007 Dodge Caliber one,so wot happens if my wife and she s good dental insurance w/out are the other options my record and that Florida and am trying pay 29 and get wont let us until rest of the 1,600 insurance claim. By the to find affordable health have a bright color find someone that would how to get this frame or could you name that is in yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please process my older car group of cars should is a dent about involved in an accident citizen, I m a permanent for insurance would it and I had Humana Are most companies going .
I plan to buy was left in the people have insurance that state of Texas. I on your boy/girlfriends insurance plymouth neon driver was old with no medical plate. I m only 16 the cheapest auto insurance? allstate have medical insurance quote for insurance on that cost a month..and to drive up the average Car insurance cost have a child, am for example, have a little berlingo van or fender bender, I was car insurance company. If need to know if maybe a scratch on near garland just liability ago. Paying about $1150 knew about how much up if you get I m going to be your childs life but ideas, i live in US and have no and how much a my financial situation right license, car, job, and that as long as He can use this have to be your isn t going to help with his parents and 1 speeding ticket. How has straight A s and thinking about purchasing a What does comprehensive automobile .
How much would the price and least hassle. insurance will be way Ford Focus. Is it Block tax software and b/c my husband is insurance companies. Are there About how much is please help area matters. Rough estimates zip code you live order to get my and green is the get insured, i have 20 yr. old s pocket. there please tell me How does life insurance insurance rates for males much is car insurance town and someone told home in the 250-300k describe both perfessional indemnity my dad is telling 17/18 year old my are car insurance bonds? get car insurance wit insurance with my company, worker bring out the cheaper? am 19 am right away in like much would that cost? affordable, but it s making been driving for lets to get government insurance avg about 2400 dollars anyone can give me e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) have a car yet i have a 93 job eventually,but I need it does not affect .
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The Greatest Showman: Freedom, Radical Authenticity, And YOUR Power To Change The World
Inspired by The Greatest Showman starring Hugh Jackman
Leaving the gym at around 7:30 am, after spending a little time getting my stretch on in the steam room, and upping my early morning social media game, I listen…
“You stumble through your days got your head hung low your skies’ a shade of grey like a zombie in a maze…”
As I listen to The Greatest Showman soundtrack, Hugh Jackman’s words pierce my psyche and my heart. His song, Come Alive, at once, spirals me through a sea of memories of the 15 years that I spent the majority of my life counting down the minutes and hours until I could finally leave work, go home to a lonely existence, and rinse and repeat the next day.
Then comes the promise of a light somewhere peeking through the cracks in the tunnel
“Come alive, come alive Go and ride your light Let it burn so bright Reaching up To the sky And it’s open wide You’re electrified…”
A distinct memory envelopes my mind- I’m standing behind the counter in the weather office at Marine Corps Air Station Camp Pendleton.
My Sergeant Major, at the time, had just come into the office to tell me that, although the command knew my intent to exit the Marines, I’d just been slated to fill what is called a “B-billet.” This basically means that I’d been put on a list to be forced into one of the most demanding, shit show jobs, you could possibly do while still stateside (recruiting, drill instructing, combat instructing or if you’re lucky, embassy duty), and that only people who are looking to get promoted and plan to stay in until retirement, actually subject themselves to.
Now, some people spend their entire military career aspiring to fill the image of one of these perceived superheros, but I’d recently been promoted to Staff Sergeant (E-6) and would be exiting the Marine Corps in about a year-and-a-half. There was no reason for me to complete a b-billet. But, out of esprit de corps, I offered to extend my enlistment to fulfill the obligation requirement of whatever billet Uncle Sam decided to throw me into.
And then it happened…the ultimate betrayal…
We had this saying in the Marine Corps, that we used metaphorically, whenever we felt like we were being screwed by the good old USMC. We called it, getting the “green weenie.” Well, Uncle Sam gave it to me that day when I was informed that extending my enlistment to fulfill the 36 month obligation required to fill a b-billet, was not good enough. If I were selected, I’d be forced to reenlist for 4 more years and if I refused to reenlist, I’d be “awarded” with a special derogatory code that would follow me for eternity, indicating that I “refused orders.”
The lyrics continue, “Cause you’re just a dead man walking Thinking that’s your only option But you can flip the switch and brighten up your darkest day Take the world and redefine it Leave behind your narrow mind You’ll never be the same…”
And in that moment, a switch DID flip, and I have NEVER been the same!
Up until that moment, sitting in the Career Planner’s office, there had been a little part of me still questioning whether I wanted to take the plunge away from the security of a federally funded career, and into the vast unknown and discomfort of reintegration into civilian society. But at once, that last flicker of honor, uncertainty about my decision to exit the Corps, vanished. After such an unjust attempt to back me into a corner, the Corps represented more of a prison than a voluntary fighting force.
But who was I kidding-it was a prison all along!
Within a few months, I had submitted for, and carried out an “early out” package, releasing me from service six months early. I’d dodged the b-billet bullet and was not going to waste time removing myself from the stranglehold of the ultimatum I was given (even after expressing my willingness to compromise to fit the “needs of the Marine Corps,”). This is not, by the way, how to maintain low attrition rates in your organization!
Not surprisingly, upon exiting the military, I dove head first into a situation that would land me repeating an only slightly-improved-version of the same thing I’d just left behind. After two years in college, my dream college actually, I realized that I was repeating the old pattern, positioning myself to end up working my ass off for four or eight years and then go work another nine-to-five.
I couldn’t decide on one thing to devote my life to studying and I was freaking out on the inside.
Then it happened- the ultimate resistance, right at the end of a semester. A situation arose that resulted in flying my two young nieces out to New York City. I figured it’d be no big deal, in such a big city, to find childcare for them. Boy was I wrong! Taking care of the girls really shook me. Not only did I end up having to withdraw at the end of the semester, but it made me realize that I wanted to have more children and I also wanted to finally carry out my lifelong dream to travel and experience other cultures. What I did NOT want to do was have more children before getting to do those things. I wanted to feel free. Since I married at 18, had my daughter right before my 20th birthday, and seperated from her father five months later, I never got to experience that freedom from responsibility that characterizes many American’s 20-somethings.
After the girls left, I completed one more semester- a course on Indian Art and Architecture and a course on East Asian Buddhism- and I was ready to go travel. I had fallen behind on the payments of my investment property in California, was facing possible foreclosure, and used my student loans to pay for the cost of the kids, so I was stuck between a rock and a hard spot. Fortunately, I’d bought the place, three years earlier, with a lot of foresight. I decided to sell the house, and came out $60,000 on top, even after the back payments, and realtor fees.
By now, you’re probably wondering how all of this ties together…
Well, my first trip was to one of the most transformational events I’ve experienced in my life, Unleash the Power Within with Anthony Robbins. This event forced me to dig VERY VERY deep, and completely changed the trajectory of my life. For the first time, I was beginning to understand myself; for the first time in a long time, I felt truly inspired to be alive. I decided that the three most important things I could possibly do were to understand myself better, trust my instincts and pursue my passions. Tony also planted the seed that peaked my interest in “multiple income streams” and business. So, I proceeded to buy every program he offered, and then scheduled lessons in Neuro-linguistic Programming, hypnosis, tantra yoga, and Japanese Taiko drumming. Yes, I was all over the map. But I was happy.
While I missed learning from some of the world’s best, and I missed the idea of possessing that Ivy League degree (the status symbol that I now understood was serving as a source of significance, certainty and certain misery for me), I was much happier being the free spirit that was authentically me. The person I’d almost forgotten completely over the many years I’d clutched to certainty and significance as my primary needs (an unconscious mistake that prevents true fulfillment for so many of us).
I caught a glimpse of freedom. I feel it…
“When the world becomes a fantasy And you’re more than you could ever be ’Cause you’re dreamin’ with your eyes wide open And you know you can’t go back again To the world that you were living in ’Cause you’re dreamin’ with your eyes wide open So, come alive…”
And after almost 3 years of extreme personal growth, building multiple streams of income and learning the ins and outs of passion-based business,
when I listen to The Greatest Showman soundtrack, my soul comes alive.
Not only because I resonate so deeply with the message of the movie: the struggles and beauty of entrepreneurship; our power to create; our ability to alter the trajectory of the world we live in, if we only take the risk of following our heart; the importance of seeing the potential in others; the liberating effect of radical authenticity; accepting the good with the bad, I could go on and on!
“I am not a stranger to the dark Hide away, they say ’Cause we don’t want your broken parts I’ve learned to be ashamed of all my scars Run away, they say No one’ll love you as you are…”
This movie also served as a little reminder of my childhood dream of performance, my love of singing, of theater, the parts of myself I’ve learned to hide over the years. It allowed me to understand that it’s ok, and even healthy, to do life for you, on your terms.
I am not responsible for fixing the world or anyone else in it; just myself.
As Rupaul mentioned in a recent Oprah interview, the purpose of life is to experience life, to enjoy it, that’s first and foremost.
“When the sharpest words wanna cut me down I’m gonna send a flood, gonna drown them out I am brave, I am bruised I am who I’m meant to be, this is me Look out ’cause here I come And I’m marching on to the beat I drum I’m not scared to be seen I make no apologies, this is me…”
Gandhi said, “be the change you wish to see in the world.” The depth of this quote is unending, I’m learning, as the lesson continues to flow constantly. Hind Swaraj (home-rule) is a never ending process of personal growth!
Yes, it’s true, that stepping into your authenticity is as uncomfortable as it is empowering.
You will be criticized, ostracized and outcasted. But it is fully worth it! When you embrace the discomfort, it is then that your inner superheroine will shine forth from the S on your chest (in your heart that is).
“Another round of bullets hits my skin Well, fire away ’cause today, I won’t let the shame sink in We are bursting through the barricades and Reaching for the sun (we are warriors) Yeah, that’s what we’ve become (yeah, that’s what we’ve become)…”
All I ask of you now, is that you become a warrior with me!
“’Cause darling without you All the shine of a thousand spotlights All the stars we steal from the nightsky Will never be enough Never be enough Towers of gold are still too little These hands could hold the world but it’ll Never be enough…”
Let’s steal the night, feel the warmth of a thousand spotlights, enjoy the gold, and hold the world…together! Empowered by our unique strengths, dreams, visions and perspectives; by each of our unique and fully authentic truths. Let’s take the world by storm. Let’s be the change we wish we could see. Let’s see the incredible potential in one another, once and for all. Let’s set high expectations for life and take full responsibility in creating it.
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