#outlandish stories
cipher-the-sidhe · 1 month
Sometimes reality hits a little too close to What the Tide Keeps…
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ironissad · 3 months
rest in peace evan buckley you would have loved laika the space dog
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 years
One time my brother (asshole) decided that because we have native ancestry (questionable, pretty sure grandma was lying) he wanted to try eating more foods off the land (what). To this end he started eating unidentified seedpods and nuts (do you want to be poisoned??) he found on the ground (in a parking lot) near the auto shop where he worked downtown (fully in a city). He made himself wretchedly ill (duh, it’s fucking random plant shit) but only stopped because they all tasted bad (NONE OF IT WAS EDIBLE).
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minionwater · 1 month
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my new oc who is the worlds biggest love island fan n also unknowingly has the blood of hundreds possibly thousands on her hands
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captain-noir · 1 year
been slowly making my thru the vc books and i can say now, with certainty that the show is in fact superior in almost every conceivable way. i think nostalgia was clouding my judgment but apart from iwtv and tvl and maaaybe qotd....these books are fucking ridiculous
#yaz reads#yaz has thoughts#interview with the vampire#not to be mean but as a body of work they have zero structural integrity#each book is a long meandering mess of the most outlandish plot and the most contrived workaround established canon to suit her whims#she hates women. like deeply.#there's a disconnect between the character she thinks shes writing versus what ends up on the page re david talbot#the interpersonal relationships bar a few like lestat and louis and lestat and gabrielle and nicky are laughable#coz they never stay consistent. its like she's afraid of anyone actually hating lestat#even armands hate is blunted coz he's in love with him#plot points and character arcs are dropped entirely between books for no discernable reason#look i maintain book 1 and 2 are modern masterpieces esp book 1#and book 3 is a fun romp#but the rest are wow some have nuggets of brilliance but are swallowed up the sheer absurdity of her plots .and i can do the absurd#i love the absurd but she treats it with such solemnity that it gets me out of the story again and again#there's obvs a huge following for the series as a whole and kudos to you who stuck by her but what was she on#when the plot is weak i can focus on the intra character drama and the characters are stale i can focus on the plot#when both are done abmysally!?#rolins and co had a great task ahead of them and i think they elevated the material#so good on them#and note this isnt me bashing her for her dark themes and subject matters i can handle all that and then some#vc is quite tame insofar as being dark for a gothic series#its everything else
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g0atbra1nz · 2 years
I like to think that the original Bernard would despise GK Tim purely because he's more educated in cryptozoology.
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idk how to explain it without sounding like 'no shit sherlock' and its prolly cuz the hyperfix got sucked out of me but fnaf has the most bare bones story ever its like, theres nothing there ik the whole 'explaing the fnaf lore' thing going on but its like, a good third of the cast have comepltely nothing going on in terms of personality or looks and i get that rn its more of a "fill in the blanks" kinda thing but idkkk idk maybe im just pointing out the obvious and being dumb but also the only active members of the community ive been just being dicks to eachother abt whats canon its ruined the fun for me
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manda-kat · 2 months
Indie horror theory youtuber voice: Did you know the secret meaning of the game 'super evil lobotomy factory' is that the game is actually about lobotomies?!?! Like and subscribe for more deep indie horror theories!
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ievaxol · 1 year
— lovingly tracing the other's scars- for the sleepy meme?
sharing a bed prompts
"And what tale did you give them to gossip about today?"
Seike hums, eyes fluttering closed as Thancred rubs his thumb over the scar that cuts across the right side of her face. His voice is low, befitting the late hour⁠ ⁠— if Seike wants to, she can pretend she didn't hear him, can retreat into herself and simply go back to listening after his breathing.
She doesn't, of course, but having the option makes her feel less caged.
"Bird trying to get at my food," she responds, the corners of her lips quirking up as his hand stutters on a laugh.
"And it got you in the process?"
"Something like that."
"Elegant. Makes for a rather amusing mental image. Small bird?"
"Naturally. Smallest there is."
His shoulders shake; had there been light to see by she's sure his eyes would be twinkling with mirth. She imagines how they would crinkle at the corners and the wry twist of his mouth that only showed whenever he found something funny for real.
It makes her feel warm in turn, something bright bubbling in her chest that she cannot lay claim to in the daytime.
Thancred never asked about it, the same way she never asked about the raised scar tissue that raises across his hip and curve toward his back in an arc that could almost be described as elegant if not for the way it tells of near-death.
Perhaps they ought to ask each other about these things, to take turns placing themselves at the table to be dissected and learned front to back like an exam book ⁠— she doesn't know, really, if that's how it is supposed to work between two people who share a bed like they do.
And she finds that it does not matter when his hand grazes low to cup her jaw, when his legs find hers and they tangle into one being, one breath, one aching, battered heart under the sheets.
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catsafarithewriter · 1 year
A/N: still no sign of polls in sight, so here, take another continuation of the double fake dating au, written at half 10 at night, so I make no claims of quality.
No," said Muta. "Absolutely not."
Haru turned to him. "He hasn't even said anything yet."
"Don't need him to. I've been around the block enough times to know where this is going."
"When have you gotten involved in a–" Haru began.
"Fake marriage shenanigans never end in anything but drama," Muta continued, "and heartbreak, and possibly cases of bigotry."
"I think you mean bigamy," Baron offered helpfully.
"That too."
"Well I wouldn't have to even consider it," Haru said, "if you would agree to adopt me."
"Yer can't found-family your way out of this, Chicky–"
"And your option of just ignoring the law is such a better solution."
"Better than marrying a complete stranger."
"He's not a complete stranger," Haru said. "He drops by here twice a week."
"Natural marriage material," Muta deadpanned. "But alright, Chicky, go on then. Marry him – if," he added with a grin, "you can tell me his last name. Yer are gonna be borrowing it for a little while, after all."
"Well that's easy. It's Gikk–"
"Go on."
"Baron von Gikken–"
"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?"
Haru flushed. "Well it doesn't matter, because you can't tell me what to do anyway, not-Dad." She hooked an hand around Baron's arm. "I can decide to get married for law-eluding reasons all by myself." She paused, and then glanced to the Cat whose arm she had just claimed. "That was the idea you were talking about, right?"
Somewhat bemused at being dragged into the conversation so late, Baron couldn't resist a smile. "It was."
"Oh, thank Bastet."
"And it's von Gikkingen. My name," he clarified, "since it seems to be the source of some debate."
"Von Gikkuking–" Haru attempted.
Haru paused. "Perhaps you can take my name instead."
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sailermoon · 3 months
saw something that was like the surrealism of ohtori academy paired with the realism of akio as a villain is what makes him all the more unsettling
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aalt-ctrl-del · 3 months
all the Viiezie hate and *checking notes* ''''''"criticism"''''' really overshadows the hardwork and talent working on the show. From the vas, to the animators, color artist coordinators, sound design (omg sound design! rawr), of course background artist, and so many other divisions of the production.
I know we get a lot of peeps reactions and positivity, and legit critiquing - Im not hyper critical tho I have opinions, this is still an indie production and it will have short comings - and other positivity that recognizes the devotion and intense labor that produced the show.
But fuking hell. People really be petty as all fuk.
And what is specific of HH and Helluva as its niche in art medium, not just as an 'animated' adult cartoon, is that IT IS a cartoon. It blends the seriousness of original animated movies and mediums, with the hockey nonsense and slapstick comedy of a Bugs Bunny skit - which had adult nuances mixed in, to be inclusive to parents and kids. But we don't get a lot of this art medium, animated adult shows are either utilizing the artform with a gritty serious or other genre, like anime. The animation is just the vehicle of producing the story. However, Spindel Horse has done a fantastic job of keeping the seriousness of the story while also maintaining the comedy and method of delivery with comedy skits, which works so well.
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ctl-yuejie · 10 months
last week I said that I thought that Top was scary because there's a coldness in his eyes, this week two more people join him in my assessment of them
Nick is in very unsafe waters right now. Boston sleeping around is fun, but the way he talks to Nick and doesn't consider him at all, or only enough to manipulate him really dehumanizes Nick. Mark looked absolutely stunning lying down, however the way Boston wanted to take pictures of Nick? To him Nick as an object, at best he is collecting him. I love Boston as a character, but oh boy can he be cold-hearted. And the way he clearly has some issue with Mew...
2. Mew
It is important that Mew is not playing Top thinking that Top doesn't know what's up. Top knows what Mew is trying to do (Mew does say so directly at times) but Mew also plays Top very well aware that Top sees through his strategy. But Mew thinks he can hide what he is really doing. What that is? I don't know at this point to be honest. Changing Top as a person to get the perfect boyfriend? I think Mew actually does not know Top at all. He checked all these boxes clearly unware of who Top is. Almost like he is projecting on Top who he wants him to be in order to then make him into someone worth dating. But what for?
That is the reason why his first reaction to Top's insomnia due to trauma is to question the verity of the story. He clearly operates from the mindset that Top wil lie, even about serious stuff and thus reacts rather cruelly. And this, just like telling him on the date that he isn't Mew's ideal type, clearly is already messing with Top.
Why Top keeps pursuing Mew? To be honest, I am also still not sure. He might be looking for someone to sleep with him but that wouldn't have to be Mew. Now, he has the option of getting to share a bed and hopefully get better sleep with Mew who kind of belittles him or do the same with someone who is projecting his playboy image even harder on him so it'll never suffice to provide the stable presence of somebody during the night.
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thegeekyartist · 10 months
I'm tipsy and watching the 2011 Into the Woods and I'm having Thoughts™. Truly the best version.
Changing the narrator from the Bakers dad to a CHILD?? A kid who ran away from home?? Acting out and directing the whole thing with his toys?? I'm insane thinking about it.
A small boy, scared and alone in the woods, telling himself the story of an entire village of people scared and alone in the woods...The witch's lament about keeping children home and protected hits even harder when told through the lens of a child who ran away, who probably heard all the same words from his parents. "Stay a child while you can be a child."
AND THEN! The story starts to fall apart the longer our narrator stays away from home (Act 2). He realizes that running away doesn't solve anything. A main theme of Into the Woods is what you think you know vs. what the world teaches you. This boy is learning things he wasn't ready for, things his parents were probably trying to protect him from. Even early on, we see him standing close to the Bakers Wife when she says "maybe we should go home".
And he tries to escape the consequences! He wants out of the narrative - "I tell the story, I'm not part of it!" - and is forced into it by the witch anyway, immediately leading into (part of) her song, "no matter what you do, children won't listen".
And then we don't see the child again until he wakes in the woods!! And (spoilers) we see that the Baker - the one struggling with his role as a father for the whole play - is actually the NARRATOR'S father, who is just as distressed as his son and has (presumably) spent the entirety of the play looking for him.
We see a lost and scared little boy trying to make sense of the world and the relationship he has with his father, and a father who feels like he cant be the person his child needs, reconciling at the end and telling the story together.
It is a PERFECT change and I love it so much.
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unovasaved · 11 months
@iruludavare said: ’ The manager is a vampire. He wanted me to join his legion of the undead. ’ Lilo & Stitch Starters // Always Accepting
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"For real?? That's crazy!!" There's no sign of disbelief or skepticism to Rosa's astonishment. More then anything Rosa looks enthralled and impressed by Serena's statement. She glances to the cafe they passed then back to Serena just a few steps ahead and moving further down the sidewalk.
"Kalos is full of all kinds of cool stuff!" She declares as she picks up her pace to catch up with the prima ballerina. Typically while on location for a movie Rosa didn't get a chance like this to explore. She'd be far too busy with filming, fan appearances, interviews, television appearances, traveling, the general life of new found stardom. But her manager had given her the day off in order to get to know Kalos' champion. She'd mentioned something about the importance of strong connections but Rosa hadn't really paid attention to that. All she knew was that she was getting to spend the day with one of the most amazing people to live! Or at least someone she saw as one of the most amazing people.
"And I bet you've gotten to see and experience all of it! That's so awesome! What other stories do you have?" Her enthusiasm can not only be heard in her questioning but also seen in the way she skips as she walks along side her fellow trainer.
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inalucky · 1 year
there's such a long list of interests and hobbies i've wished i pursued for years but never started. even the hobbies i have i hardly partake in because i'm constantly simultaneously exhausted and restless. i don't even do my schoolwork most of the time; the once in a while that i can force myself to do something it's that. i have all this curiosity and interest and people used to say i was so smart and i'm letting all my passion rot away but it doesn't feel like i can physically do anything else.
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