#over 1000 followers
crow-with-a-pencil · 2 years
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Transformation sequence go brrr
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sea-me-now · 2 years
fun fact; Splatoon themed 3 in one body wash and shampoo exists
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feymaid · 1 year
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Sometimes they hold hands!!
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takaraphoenix · 5 months
It is so funny to me that ever since the bad retcon movie spoiler news have been spreading, my notifications have been EXPLODING with people digging up like every single KainShin post I ever made or reblogged; to like or reblog, not to clown on.
A few years back, I had to see like 75% of shippers leave my ship in my biggest fandom because one of them got a canon love interest and that discouraged them from shipping the non canon ship. Just like that.
Meanwhile, here the author really very badly retcons the ship into being related and all reactions I have seen so far are either FUCK CANON or THIS ONLY MAKES IT HOTTER.
Genuinely can not express how much I love you guys.
Like, yeah there are certainly people who will abandon the ship, and I'm deeply sorry that Gosho made it so you can no longer enjoy this ship and I do respect the choice; bad canon writing decisions have made me turn my back on ships in the past too.
But I haven't sailed this non-canon-and-never-will-be-canon ship for 20 years to have canon get in the way now.
I just FULLY do not care about this late ass, bad retcon. Doesn't exist to me, the same way Kaito and Shinichi's heterosexuality and Shin/Ran doesn't exist to me.
Fandom exists to have fun with the characters and the world, to play around and cherry pick what you like about canon and only keep the bits that spark joy. That is how I have treated fandom for over twenty years now and that is how I will continue treating fandom.
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diezmil10000 · 6 months
a lot of people have followed me for dungeon meshi so.... first of all, hi!! i'm not much of a fandom person, i just like to draw the lesbians i'm interested in and reblog cool art of said lesbians. i also reblog some other stuff, and if you only follow me for my art feel free to follow my art-only blog @10000art :)
i've been on tumblr long enough to know about basic etiquette but i literally only post for myself, i kinda use my blog as an archive to find stuff i've reblogged. this is the only platform in which i properly tag my works, because tags are functional and i get happy when people find the stuff they're looking for, but i genuinely don't care about likes or reblogs. in fact, i get easily overwhelmed by social interactions and i've disabled comments almost everywhere + don't usually look at my notifs tab.
i'm at a point where even if i only look at my reblogs, i can't read all of the possitive tags i get from people. i appreciate the effort though, and sometimes i go through my own art to see people's reactions from it ♡ but i don't keep track of any of my followers. i'm just saying this so that all of you know that there is no pressure to support me or even to keep following me!! i literally won't notice.
i'm not some kind of mysterious artist who doesn't interact with their followers, i'm just very introverted and i've had Bad Fandom Experiences so i just want to chill. yuri is the only thing i care about. i have a FAQ pinned in my profile and my askbox is always open even for violent anon questions which i still get for some fucking reason and are always extremely funny.
hope you have a nice day everyone, it's 3am here in spain so goodnight!
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just-some-guy-joust · 5 months
this is my list of rules for how you are allowed to interact with this blog. many of them will be repeated on the poll posts. failure to follow these rules will result in you getting blocked.
do not diss on any of the characters. you are not allowed to be a hater here. hype characters up, don't bring them down.
do not be mean to any other voters, either on a personal level or in general. if you are trying to joke around, you must clarify because we cannot tell the difference.
do not claim a character does not deserve to be here. i spent nearly 10 hours in a row deciding which characters to include and forming the brackets. if you hate it that much, make your own tournament. i don't own this tournament idea you can just do that.
you may respectfully ask me why i included a character if you are curious. if i genuinely fucked something up and did not notice please GENTLY poke me about it. passive aggressiveness will be ignored.
if you are posting propaganda you have to tag us, including if your propaganda is in the reblogs. it is difficult to tell when something is or isn't propaganda. anything not tagging us will be missed.
we see practically everything you put in the tags. don't say some shit that you wouldn't say to our faces. be respectful.
i am not accepting constructive criticism on how i run my tournaments. i am here to have fun and if my way of having fun does not match yours, then you should leave.
i am a human being and i am not your friend.
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thesmegalodon · 1 year
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i hope you all understand what an incredible fucking intro to tumblr this all has been lmao
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loonasketches · 2 years
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Also @vurelly, @pillowspace, @lilmissnia, and @thatmooncake thank you guys so much for the reblogs and follows I love your art and you inspire me thank you,,
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danneels-ackles · 2 months
I miss when the Danneel tag wasn't full of porn...
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overchromatic · 7 months
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bazzybelle · 10 months
So I'm making my Christmas cookie list...
And normally, I'll bake between 10-12 different kinds of cookies within a weekend stress-induced black out of baking.
Now... I took the entire week before my cookie-baking weekend because my husband is celebrating a milestone birthday, and I wanted to keep the weekend clear.
So instead of 2 baking days, I have 5.
You'd think I'd be all "Sweet, I can space things out and not be so stressed..."
But no... my brain is now all... "5 days means I can make MORE cookie..."
Why am I like this?
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mjulmjul · 1 year
hey new followers,
am I getting recommended at signup or something? how are you finding me? (replies to this post are appreciated!)
btw if you're default avatar gang right now, everyone will instantly block you because they think you're a bot. reblog some posts (it's like retweeting, but you reblog as liberally as you'd 'like' tweets; hold ctrl+click the 'reblog' icon for instant-reblog in one click), change the avatar, add a blog title/bio and you're good. 'but that's work' this is your new home, don't skip the vacuuming and put some curtains up
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hi and welcome btw
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skyrimmuffinxo · 11 months
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Tally, if you could stop staring for like five min and help Harper find The Bards College, we could move this circus along.
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im-a-chunky-potato · 7 months
noms you :3
hi :3
Hiiiiiii :3
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Thank you for 1,151 followers! Kinda a random milestone number to give thanks, but I am just so happy that so many amazing accounts follow me! I have gotten so many asks and had so many nice conversations with people! Thank you all!! 💖💖💖
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solroskajan · 3 months
I'm quite busy and a little overwhelmed with real life stuff right now, so I've decided to take a little break from drawing and posting art right now. I'll be back though! Probably in early August as that's when things will calm down a little for me :)
I'll still be on tumblr, I just wont post as often, or anything at all for a little while.
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