#overpowered percy
lilislegacy · 2 months
zeus: ok, you broke the pact. what’s done is done. just tell me which abilities you gave him, so at least i know what we’re dealing with
poseidon: ...all of them
zeus: ok but from which of your roles? sea god, stormbringer, or earthshaker?
poseidon: ...all of them
zeus: you’re not serisouly telling me he has domain over air and land and the sea?
poseidon: er, actually, it’s not just the sea. any water, really. lakes, rivers, ice, plumbing,...potentially bodily fluids...
zeus: you- WHY DID- WHAT WERE YOU-
zeus: *takes a deep breath*
zeus: anything else?
poseidon: *looks at list*
poseidon: er, yes. he immediately heals when he touches water.
zeus: what?
poseidon: well, you know, i figured with all the danger he’ll face, potential child of the prophecy and all, he should be able to automatically regenerate
zeus: that- that’s not even a thing!
poseidon: well...it is now!
poseidon: he can also speak to horses
zeus: *throws lightning bolt at the wall*
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was anybody going to mention that percy makes a 20+ foot jump from the mansion of night back into regular ole tartarus with his eyes closed while carrying annabeth or was i just supposed to be reminded of that upon rereading house of hades myself
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Rereading Battle of the Labyrinth, Chapter 9: I Scoop Poop
Percy is a complete badass in this chapter, and I can't believe I forgot this chapter even existed. So decided to write a post to remind everyone who might've forgotten as well.
He needed to clean out the stables of the flesh-eating horses, and went down to the river. He met a naiad, who was not happy with Percy's plan because of the ecosystem complications. Percy immediately backs down, and the naiad decides to give Percy far too much power in the form of secret knowledge.
Basically Percy learned how to turn seashell fossils into pure ocean water, and cleaned the horses and the stables with geysers. He stopped the water from reaching the river, and he was exhausted. Makes sense because Percy just summoned the power of ancient oceans to help him clean some stables.
But even so, he ran all the way back to the ranch house before sunset and proceeds to hand Geryon's ass to him by shooting an arrow right through his three chests. Kid's a beast. Apollo and Artemis, you two are amazing for responding to Percy's prayers so quickly, but I fear he has too much power now.
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anotherpjofan · 1 year
Currently thinking about the seven hearing stories about Percy Jackson and dismissing it as something that has been completely fabricated only to find out it's not even half of what Percy has actually done
Piper: Sure Percy totally beat the god of war
Annabeth: Yeah he was 12 I was convinced he was going to die
Piper: ...its true?? Hold on 12??
Also the titan war?? Where he single handedly killed hundreds of monsters
Jason: Sure Percy might have fought against Kronos but the war was a team effort
Clarrise: I hate the guy and I can admit we would have probably lost without him
Let's not forget the fact that the dude blew up mt st helens like cmon
Travis: Throwback to when we had a funeral for Percy
Leo: ??
Travis: Don't worry turns out he just blew up a mountain and was chilling on an island
Leo *laughing*: How do you even come up with these -
Annabeth: The audacity to displace hundreds of people and still not move his ass here sooner
Leo: ... Yall are being serious??
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black-is-beautiful18 · 3 months
Bree can be overpowered and imma stand right beside her. She deserves it. It’s also not like she immediately knew how to use them. No. Just like Percy Jackson, which happens to be one of her fav series, she discovers her powers and learns how they work along the way. In BloodMarked she’s STILL figuring out how they work, so to act as if she always knew she had powers and how to work when she didn’t is stupid. We deserve more overpowered Black characters especially when they’re Black girls.
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stygianoaths · 1 year
Luke Castellan and his team of godkillers but they don't kill with weapons stained with ichor, but with the illusive Mist that warps the mind of mortals so easily, it shakes their faith.
In eons past, these mortals revered the Olympians with offerings and prayers daily, told their stories that inspired fear and awe all the same. It was something the pantheon had gotten hooked on, something more addicting than the ambrosia and nectar the texts had waxed poetry over. And the council of twelve did their damn best to keep it around. After all, there was no other high out there that can compare to the feeling of being in control, of being powerful.
But like any high, it wears off, sooner or later.
So that's exactly what happens.
Alabaster C. Torrington, with the help of Dr. Claymore, "discovers" new texts that discuss Greek gods that have never been heard of before; gods who are kinder, wiser, more trustworthy, than the ones everyone has come to know in this era.
It's interesting, how the origins of these gods and their lives seem to have no relevance or connection to the other pantheon and its history. No Titanomachy or Gigantomachy to speak of. There are a few parallels, but they are pleasant, like the love stories of Dionysus and Ariadne or Pygmalion and Galatea. Otherwise, it's like an alternate timeline of its own, where every god present is named a god for a reason.
It's fake.
But the mortals don't need to know that. For what's false, if persisted in, would become true anyways. Furthermore, it isn't like a new pantheon will harm any of them. The lucky ones with clear sight may win the heart of a deity who would actually see them beyond their fleeting mortality, who would care for them.
It takes a while, though, for the mortals to adjust to this suddenly newfound information. They are stubborn creatures, Luke knows, who tend to fear the unknown and new. Yet the youth crave it like bears after a beehive laden with honey. With time, they'll come around, he knows. Maybe he might not be there to see if the plans work out for himself, but someone would, and that's all that matters to him. He just needed to be the one to start the movement.
Luckily for him, he doesn't have to wait too long.
The faith spreads through idealized modernized takes on the mythology, as silly as it sounds. It's very of the era, isn't it? Books are being published on these gods who endure hardships and come out irrevocably changed but for the better. Ethan flips through one by an author under the pen name S.J and devours it in three hours. It reads nicely and he wonders when he'll get a chance to meet the main character of the story, and ask her if the myth holds true. It is, obviously, but it's different hearing it from a god. The fanfictions are even better, but Lou Ellen Blackstone gets drowned out by Alabaster's "lalalalala" before she can start talking about the recent one that was updated a few hours ago. Eh, so what if it's a little spicy?
Nonetheless, the new band of believers grows, and it's like a sucker punch to the gut for the Greek pantheon.
Apollo comes to camp and drops to his knees before his own cabin, surprising the campers. He looks terrible. Dionysus had already looked miserable, but the children attributed that to his sour personality. And, as usual, no one noticed the girl by the hearth who had disappeared weeks ago. But Apollo, golden boy Apollo, well, he has eyes that are sunken and sickly yellow, matted hair, muscles shrunk, and hands that shake as if they are beyond his control.
"They're killing us," he whispers to Lee Fletcher, "all of us."
"What do you want us to do?" Lee asks. Apollo coughs into his fist and looks down to see a smear of gold staining it.
A nosebleed. Gods don't get nosebleeds.
His children, gods bless them, are trying to heal him, but to no avail. It's kind of funny, how on any other occasion, such an act would have been annoying. If the solution was to simply heal, don't you think he would have tried that? But, weak as he was, he felt touched. Loved, even.
But love wasn't always enough to save another. He, of all gods, should know that.
"Can you write?" he asks. Lee scratches his head.
"Stories. Poems. Songs. Anything."
"Um, no, not really. Dyslexia kicks my ass, and you know archery is more my thing. But Will does sometimes. Healing is his forte, but I always see him writing something in a notebook, though that could just be medical notes, now that I think about it-"
Apollo disregards that last part and begs Will Solace to take up the pen and fight back. It's their last hope. If nothing is done, this camp and its children will become all that is left of the Greek Pantheon, for textbooks and website links are not enough to keep the faith going, especially if left to collect dust or rot in an archive.
"Write us new myths. Stories that can happen now, that we can make happen. Redeem us, so that we can live. We'll do it. We'll do any of it," Apollo begs.
"Anything?" Will asks. Apollo nods.
The Fates looked at each other from above. How time has changed. In the past, battles were fought with swords. Now, they had to be fought with words.
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a-feller · 3 months
I just realised something
So we can all agree that Jason and Percy are pretty evenly matched right? They are both incredibly skilled in melee combat and have strong abilities.
Except no I don't. During the fight between possessed jason and percy, Jason zaps percy and percy never uses his powers.
Firstly, I think if both of the possessive spirits had full awareness of their hosts abilities, both Jason and Percy would be dead in miliseconds.
I think that the idea of percy bloodbending and jason mind controlling won't work. Jason would have to have incredible knowledge, even if he didn't just fry the brain entirely. Percy would have to control the water in every individual cell, slowly, otherwise the user would be one pile of gelatinous goo on the floor and a human shaped bubble of murky water being controlled by percy. All the cells would rupture.
This made me realise, any water based organism could be instantly destroyed by percy, he could just rip the water from it's cells instantly.
We also know Percy's hydrokineses can expand to fill the body of water he was in. We see this happen in the sea of monsters when he finds all the bubbled of air in the ocean to bring to annabeth as she is drowning after the siren song.
Now I have enough set up to show my ultimate percy superpower. If percy is in any body of water connected by a continual flow of water to the ocean, any organism in contact with said ocean or any body of water connected to that ocean could be instantly killed.
Yes jason is powerful, but he has no range.
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firenaition · 5 months
If Percebeth and azulaang ever met, I think azula and Annabeth would have see each other as a threat before being friends while Percy and aang would bond instantly
if we're talking 14yo azula then annabeth would definitely hate her at first because she wafts off such a snobby royal energy. but then they would see how intelligent and deadly they both are ("are we sure azula isn't athena's" + azula sizing her up to be part of her non-bending posse) and settle into a begrudging mutual respect. of course annabeth would never get past azula being a raging imperialist, but she knows a thing or two about what fathers can make their children do in times of war.
meanwhile percy and aang both immediately realize they can both bend water (and then some!) so they ask each other a million questions. percy has to pretend not to be a little threatened by the fact that aang can bend anything, but it doesn't even matter because aang thinks being able to talk to horses and sea creatures is the coolest thing in the world !!!
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timdrakemybeloved · 5 months
I think the funniest part of Percy bloodbending and controlling poison is that he just went liquid therefore under my control. His dad is the god of the sea so should he even really have power over freshwater?? Imagine if he just did that for everything and went dirt has water in it therefore under my control like?? The poison lady - can’t remember her name - was a primordial and so is Gaea so theoretically he could. Anyways op Percy for the win.
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paldogangsaan · 4 months
rewatched the second ep of the pjo show and like,,,, clarisse isn’t angry enough. or more like she’s too passive. her guttural scream at percy breaking the spear her father, whose recognition she’s desperate to gain, gave her made me think she was gonna lose her shit. like yeah there was always a possibility that her spear could be damaged or broken, but actually seeing it happen would’ve understandably left her enraged and likely blinded by grief. i honestly thought she’d just run at percy and use her fists, and have to be physically stopped/held back. but she just grabs percy, hears that there’s people coming, and leaves. i doubt she’d care abt others seeing her beat up the new kid since ares kids have a reputation for being angry/fighting/etc + her whole angry thing isn’t just bravado, she’s actually confrontational and can fight + she’s clearly upset and likely emotional abt the spear. really wish there’d been an actual clear reason for her to hold herself back, not just drop it out of nowhere
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soulless-bex · 1 year
that sad moment where you’ve finished reading the five readable fics you were able to find for that very specific trope you’re obsessed with :(
i’m going to need to write one myself
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dandelion-blues · 4 months
PJO One-shot
Percy glared up in the sky, rain running down his face alongside tears. Why did this have to happen to him? Couldn't he have one moment of peace? Why was it always others who died before him? Bianca, Beckendorf, Lee and so many more during the wars? Now his cursed self got his family killed. His stepfather Paul and his mother Sally. The last time he saw his mother and step-father was almost a year ago, before he was kidnapped, before he went on another quest. Before, the godly side of him yet again doomed those around him.
Blood splattered his home. His stepfather's and mother's bodies were torn to shreds, unrecognizable and guts strewn throughout their apartment. Only a message scratched on the walls and filled with blood to know that Tartarus took his revenge by sending his monsters because of Percy's escape from his realm, from him. 
He rushed outside to throw up. He couldn't face their desecrated bodies. Only, when he finished throwing up his guts out (not like he's been able to eat much since traveling through Tartarus) did he process what happened. His family was gone. Paul. His mom. He was alone. His legs gave up, and amongst his vomit he sobbed and sobbed for hours. A storm seeming to thrum in tune with his howling sobs and rain soaking him, as he didn't think about using his powers to stay dry. He stared up at the sky, wallowing in his grief. Seeming to dare it to do something worse, to condemn him already for surviving when so many others didn't. However, the rain just continued to pour.
Then, rage overtook his despair. The ground shook with his fury. This was Tartarus' doing. This was the gods’ doing, for once again ignoring a war. For kidnapping him and forcing him on yet another quest, so he wasn't here to protect his mother and Paul. Why didn't they do anything?! Why did everything have to go wrong in his life? Why couldn't the gods fucking help themselves, and not send children to their deaths?
Hatred was burning in his heart, he was on a mission. He stormed his way to Olympus. The ground shook beneath his feet, and a hurricane and storm surrounded him, creating howling winds of misery and destruction. His blood alight and the water of his storm energized him as he stepped with furious purpose. The gods were going to answer for their numerous slights. Then, he would made his way back down to Tartarus and fucking tear him apart!
Only, Perseus, for he was the destroyer now, felt arms wrap around him. Perseus tried yanking out of their grip, furious at being interrupted, but the figure didn't give. Perseus growled, "Let me go this instant!"
"Never again," a deep familiar voice rumbled back, "My son."
Perseus' anger faltered for a second, but then it returned twice fold, "You! This is your fault! You and all the other fucking gods barely helped us! You all abandoned us to defeat Gaia! Who abandoned Annabeth and I to the pit where we barely survived! YOU, WHO LEFT MY MOTHER TO DIE!" Perseus screamed in rage the howling winds and rain picking up as he raged. The ground shook furiously in tandem.
"I know my son," Poseidon whispered back heart-broken, "but I, as many other gods, were split between my Greek and Roman forms, and I could barely even watch over you, let alone help, but we should have done more. I should have spoken against my brother on closing Olympus. I should have been able to prevent Hera from taking you before the split was starting. I should have set up protections for you and your mother beforehand. I know I am to blame, as are the other gods. I should have been able to prevent S-sally's death." He choked out, grief clear in his voice.
Then, Poseidon turns his son around so he can see the fury and anguish in his green eyes, "But son, this isn't you." Poseidon gestures to the destruction around them from Perseus' powers taking form. "You can rage against me all you want, but I know that you don't want to put innocent lives in danger. I don't want you to do something you will regret later." Then, Poseidon looks pleadingly in his son's eyes, "So please son, turn all that rage to me. We can leave somewhere safe to keep all these people safe, and you can rage and beat and scream at me all you want, but you have to agree to following and trusting me just a bit here and now."
Perseus blinks away his tunnel vision and looks at all the damage around him. Broken glass of homes and shops, cracked roads and crashed cars, his destruction lay all around him. People crying and scared and wounded. What has he done?! 
Percy gasps horrified, and sinks to his knees. Poeidon rushes down to him concerned, but Percy barely acknowledges his father as the ground stops shaking, the wind dissipates, and the storm turns to a solemn downpour. 
Percy thought about his dad's words, his acknowledgment in his faults, and his worry for him, and grief for his mother. He sobbed again, what was he doing? He hated the gods right now, but they were still family and he wasn't a killer. Percy thinks he really just hates himself the most and he just needed someone to blame. Don't get Percy wrong, he is still justifiably angry, but right now he is grieving and exhausted, now feeling the effects of using so much power.
"D-dad," Percy choked out, "C-can you please take me away?" He had to get away from here. He couldn't be in this city anymore. He had to leave now.
Poseidon, still kneeled down next to Percy, says, "Of course," and gathers Percy in his arms, his son's body shaking from sobs as he clutches onto Poseidon. "Close your eyes," he whispers to his son. Then, Poseidon transports them to Atlantis into Percy's room that he had prepared after the Titan's war. He holds onto his son a bit, his sobbing and gasping tampering off as he succumbs to exhaustion, as Percy lets himself fall into the darkness of rest.
Poseidon looks sadly at his son, how young he truly is, noting the shape of his eyes, the slenderness of his body, and the curve of his lips, so similar to Sally's. Sally, a queen amongst women, was gone, and now all he had left of her was their son. Their son that inherited his anger, but her wit and rebelliousness, and both of their stubborness. He wishes he could be in his son's life more. That gods weren't forever meant to stay away from their children's lives. That he could have protected Percy from everything. Kept Percy and Sally safe in his kingdom, but he knew much like Sally that Percy would want to live his own life. For now, though, Poseidon would watch over Percy and would do his damn best to protect his son now that the schism between his Roman and Greek halves was mended. Zeus be damned! Percy saved them twice over and deserves rest (he deserves so much more).
Here's the one-shot on Ao3
Next PJO One-shot
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