#overwatch ctf
zackcollins · 2 years
Shoutout to that Soldier: 76 teammate I had in one of my games of Competitive Capture the Flag yesterday. They looked at me, saw I was low health, and just... Put down their biotic field unprompted before running off to keep fighting the enemies. Almost burst into tears because of how sweet that was.
Thank you, random Jack. You're a real one.
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jtgunner · 11 months
New let's play video is up on my YouTube channel! Overwatch 2 is doing a collaboration with K-pop group Le Sserafim, and with that is a new limited-time 3v3 CTF-like game mode called Concert Clash! In this mode, both teams must collect tickets and deposit them at designated spots, and the first team to deposit 25 tickets wins! So let's grab some tickets!
WATCH IT HERE: https://youtu.be/EuLjlC8iI54
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tauforged · 2 years
‘hey, you guys are aware video games are meant to be fun for everyone, right?’
‘kys loool’ (entire team berates us in chat for like five minutes until we finally finish systematically reporting everyone and disconnect) ‘fucking loser who cries about ctf grow up’ bro you’re literally a competitive overwatch player. you are a roadhog main and you are diamond rank. you have invested enough time and effort into this game to play competitive and place in diamond. as roadhog. one of us is the loser in this situation and it’s not fucking me i can promise you that
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purplekoop · 1 year
Okay Map/Hero Matching time
Explained the criteria in my last post, but to recap the idea is to see what heroes go along with what maps, either by shared nationality or story relevance.
These are two different criteria for a reason: Like I also mentioned in my last post, Moira is from Ireland, but there's no Irish map in-game as of now. However, she has significant story ties to Oasis, a map that takes place in Iraq. I would think it fair to say then that Oasis could be considered "Moira's map" even though there's a mismatch of nationality.
I did the list both ways, both attaching heroes to a list of maps, and assigning maps to a list of heroes. Let's start with the latter first:
Starting with the Tanks:
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This is gonna be the same story with Zenyatta later, but Ramattra is weird because he technically doesn't have an official nationality. He's an Omnic built in the Omniums, with his exact location of origin unknown. He spent a good portion of his life in Nepal, but it's not his home country. However, it very clearly is the location most significant to him personally.
Orisa on the other hand is very clearly considered to be from Numbani. She was created in Numbani, her creator is from Numbani, they both currently still live in Numbani, I think it's pretty safe to say she's Numbanian. For what it's worth, Orisa is the only non-human character given a nationality on the fandom wiki.
Notice I also listed some maps that have an "indirect" connection to the hero. These are connections that don't necessarily correspond to place of origin or home or base of operations, but have some significance to the character. This is kind of an iffy criteria, so I got stricter with it as I went on.
Now for Damage heroes:
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All of the Americans are in this category, go figure. America is also, go figure, the country with the most maps as of now (Route 66, Hollywood, Blizzard World, and Midtown. Actually only 4, I miscounted in my head but the point on the chart stands). The most interesting one to talk about is Reaper, who was a cop in Las Angeles before his time in Overwatch and Talon, which would technically make Hollywood "his map" more than anyone else's, but the hero and map have literally no significance to each other otherwise.
Bastion is also... weird. They're the one hero who doesn't have a specified point of origin, and also doesn't have a clear "home country". The Bastion robot units were originally created by SST Laboratories, which based on Torbjorn being a critical member of, may suggest that it's a Swedish company, and therefore by proxy you could consider Bastion to be Swedish? That's a bit of a stretch though, so to be safe I left their nationality blank, and only considered their resting place (Black Forest, Germany) as a directly relevant map.
Echo is the last weird "what country is the robot from" to discuss. Her creator, Mina Liao, is Singaporean. If we apply the Orisa logic of a robot created directly by one individual inheriting that creator's nationality (especially considering Echo literally copied some of Liao's behaviors and even her voice, with some sources implying a sort of mother/daughter bond between them), then Echo is also Singaporean. However, it's unlikely she was built in Singapore. Liao made Echo late into her time at Overwatch, whose major bases of operations were in Switzerland and Gibraltar. Either way... yeah I'm not researching Singapore's citizenship laws to determine if she counts for that.
(also if you look at the chart and say "what the hell are Gothenburg and Suravasa", then it's something I've explained before, but will get into more later here)
Now for the Supports:
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Nothing we haven't seen already at this point, I've explained most of these with other heroes earlier.
Only thing to note is Ayutthaya, the Thailand-based CTF map added all the way back in Lunar New Year 2018. While we do finally have a Thai hero in Lifeweaver, as far as we know now he doesn't have anything in particular to do with the map. Ayutthaya as an arcade mode map doesn't have any lore in general (shoot, even less than most of the others), let alone anything tying it to Lifeweaver. Would've been a hell of a cool trick to have Lifeweaver planned to tie into the map since it was added, but... yeah no I don't think that's likely at all.
Now for the other way around, looking at this from the perspective of what maps have relevant heroes.
I didn't consider the non-canon maps (The 4 Workshop maps and the upcoming Talantis) or any map variants for... hopefully obvious reasons.
Starting with Escort and Hybrid.
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I did these charts first, so I was a lot more lenient on what "indirect connections" would include. There's a number of maps that are relevant to Overwatch as a whole or Talon as a whole, but not any one member. For those, I just put the group name in that section.
As you might notice, a lot more maps don't have heroes than heroes not having maps. The only American map having any actual ties to any heroes is Route 66, the rest are completely unrelated.
Next up though, the Control, Push, and Assault maps:
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Nothing else to note here, other than clarifying that yes, I am aware that Antarctica technically isn't a country, and The Moon is definitely not a country. But like. you know what I mean, right?
Anyways, moving ahead to the last few maps, these being the Arcade-exclusive maps and the future maps:
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So lemme quickly recap Gothenburg and Suravasa.
Early on for Overwatch 2's initial announcements, we learned about a few new maps, including Gothenburg (an Assault map featuring Torbjorn's workshop) and a map said to take place in India (which I deduced in an earlier post was specifically Suravasa, a location from Symmetra's Stone by Stone story). We haven't seen these maps come to the game yet though, mostly because Assault was scrapped as a core game mode for Overwatch 2, and the replacement mode to adapt these maps into has yet to be revealed. They felt important to include here though, since we're aware of their existence and they're maps very clearly made to be home maps for some of the Overwatch heroes who've lacked one for the longest time.
Now for some data, which heroes and maps don't have a match?
The heroes (that have a specified nationality) without a map from the same country are Doomfist (Nigeria), Sigma (Netherlands), Baptiste (Haiti), Mercy (Switzerland), and Moira (Ireland).
Removing the heroes who have clear corresponding map for reasons besides nationality (and including dubious nationalities), the list of heroes without a map of any kind are just Sigma (unless you count Horizon Lunar Colony), Echo, Mercy, and Baptiste.
The maps without any heroes from the same country are Watchpoint: Gibraltar (Gibraltar), Rialto (Italy), Havana (Cuba), Circuit Royal (Monaco), Ilios (Greece), Oasis (Iraq), Antarctic Peninsula/Ecopoint Antarctica, Colosseo (Italy), Esperanca (Portugal), Petra (Southern Jordan), and Malevento (Italy).
Removing the maps that have a clear hero match that just isn't necessarily from the same country, the list goes down to Rialto, Havana, Circuit Royal, Ilios, Colosseo, Esperanca, Petra, and Malevento.
Soooooo yeah! If I missed something or you need clarification on something in the chats, then shoot me a reply to let me know!
...Why did I do this.
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fmpy2 · 2 years
Hero Shooters
The origins of hero shooters can be traced back to early shooters that featured class-based systems that had playable characters in multiplayer modes. Games like Battlefield 1942 and Team Fortress 2 these games featured specific roles that a player could select that would come with their own unique abilities and sometimes specific weapons that were not available to the other classes. While the game sometimes had a lot of other global weaponry available in games like apex legends the hero shooter would make their players way more reliant on honing their skills on not just weapons but creative abilities.
The reason I am researching these hero shooters are because of balancing. I love the concept of classes based playstyles that are fairly balanced equally and use a range of gameplay techniques because it makes the game interesting and not easily masterful as it makes you reliant on not just simple weaponry but the mastery of different skillsets.
Modify into own words
Destiny 2
Destiny 2 is a 2017 released game as the sequel to the popular game destiny. The MMO has seen huge success over the years with a peak concurrent player number 290,000 in early 2022. The game is a multi-location slightly open world mass multi-player looter first person shooter. The game consist of many different modes including the
Crucible, which is classic fps games like TDM, CTF and Point control
Gambit: an interestingly crafted game mode that has you fight off waves of enemies, defeat bosses and invade other players trying to do the same thing
Campaigns: The main story and DLCs of the game that are rooted in storytelling
The characters that you control are made up of looted armour and weapons you have picked up along raids and journeys but also a class that you choose at the beginning of the game that give you exclusive abilities like grenades and healing auras to help you throughout additionally they're is an ultimate ability that is a large powerful ability indented for tons of damage.
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The abilities are unlocked throughout a skill tree that you have to work towards to switch out and customise your loadout
Brink is a 2011 Multiplayer campaign FPS, Similar to that of the layout of Titanfall, that utilises different different classes to be able to aid a team to success alongside a skill-tree system that allows you to unlock upgrades and advancements at your choice throughout then game.
System Perfectly explained here from 3:22 - 7:07
A brief summary basically is that their are 4 classes that operate different abilities like explosives, medical aid, engineering and technology. Additionally to this you also have a certain amount of resource for certain abilities and will replenish over time.
A 2016 game developed by High Rez Studios that is very commonly criticised for possibly copying overwatch with a lot of heroes sharing a lot of similarities and abilities. Fundamentally it is a very simple Competitive FPS with basic objectives (Control, Tdm)
However some of the ability sets that do seem to be unique are quite interesting. For example, Androxus can perform dashes to gather air on enemies and with a high damage revolver they can create a unsuspecting and deadly combo.
The way the Hero Abilities loadouts are built are much different to any other, while you do get a select amount of abilities you can choose 6 modifiers to your characters to give you an advantage in these fights.
Block N load
A title developed by Art Plant and released in 2015 Block N Load is a voxel based sandbox fps game that has a multitude of components that makes up a unique hero shooter model. Starting with choosing your class and you also choose blocks that will aid you and your team in defending which is the next phase of gameplay with you taking 5 minutes to reinforce your base and its defences by spending materials on building pieces like walls, upgrades and traps.
War frame is a game very similar to destiny with the looter shooter side of things replaced more by faster pace gameplay and mechanics that provide for a major high octane experience. It was released in 2013 actually before its competitors first instalment, the game structures itself by allowing you to choose between different "Warframes" that specialise in different areas of possible gameplay. With a range of various unique abilities from invisibility to mind control the frames are endlessly customisable with different mods that can also help your stats out significantly. In the video he breaks down further into better classes and how they better built.
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scawch · 2 years
actually wait I was playing overwatch ctf earlier and the entire fucking game I was playing with four people all on damage heroes 💀💀 I started off as mercy bc of course I did and I ended up switching to orisa just to get shit done AND THEN. when we enter sudden death no one picked a single damage hero WHERE WAS THIS ENERGY FOUR MINUTES AGO?? WHAT IS WRONg with u >>>:(
like tbf that’s not awful or anything but WHAT how does anyone look at a team of 4 dmg heroes (one of which is u) plus ONE squishy mercy and just go “yknow what,.. I’m gonna play… ANOTHER DMG HERO LOL” until sudden death anyway THENNNN THEY ALL SWITCHED UP
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gamefreeze11 · 6 years
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turbotwintastic · 7 years
When you in Ayutthaya and you the only one who’s protecting your team’s flag
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mrandmrshimada · 7 years
We just had a 10 win streak in ctf comp
And i just signed off- i dont want to see any OW characters for a couple of hours ;;
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hexelina · 7 years
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The life of a Sym in CTF 😂
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kc-the-great-writer · 7 years
Listen I'm gonna give everyone some FREE advice on how to win a capture the flag game in overwatch okay you ready?
TWO!!!! Tanks (Preferably a combo of D.va and Orisa, D.va and Roadhog, D.va and Winston, or D.va and Zarya. But you need a D.va! Reinhardt only works if your dps understand that they need to stand behind the shield and shoot, not split off and try to solo flank.)
A builder (I've noticed Symmetra works better than Torb but it depends on who you're better at playing)
TWO ONLY TWO!!! Dps heroes. (No you don't need four Dps player jfc)
*If someone has already picked a Hanzo, your team does not need a widowmaker. In general your team probably doesn't need the Hanzo either and would benefit more from like a Junkrat or a Mei or a Bastion.
Adapt your strategy to how the other team is playing but overall:
One Tank and your builder stay on defense while the rest of the team, TOGETHER AS ONE UNIT NOT JUST EVERYONE GOING IN A SEPARATE DIRECTION, push the objective. Let either your D.Va, Tracer, Soldier, Lucio, Genji, Doomfist, or Sombra take the flag if possible. Then GO BACK AND DELIVER THE FLAG DON'T STAND AROUND JUST OUTSIDE OF THE POINT LIKE AN ASS.
DO NOT just run off at the beginning of the match because there's a high chance the other team will start pushing and your builder cannot 1v4 the entire other team just...have some consideration for the builder okay?
This is your one stop walkthrough to not being a total dick and actually winning your Capture the Flag matches congrats and you got it for free.
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kokkili · 2 years
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CTF you cruel mistress
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ahvilon · 7 years
I really like this new recording option okay. And this was kind of clean. Kind of. Maybe getting better at Widow?
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doodlboy · 4 years
Can I just say I have a love-hate relationship with the new ovw map.
Like- it's pretty as hell and there's a cat cafe somewhere.
But holy hell there's too many stairs and hallways and rooms, like I still get lost on the other maps give me a break-
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danwhobrowses · 5 years
God Damn Overwatch
I mean, it was sore enough that last year you didn’t give us a Roadhog Skin for Year of the Pig, but it’s another thing to not give us a Junkrat Skin for Year of the Rat the literal event after you gave a skin of the RAT KING to Reaper
Justice for the Rat Man!
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Ayutthaya for @hanaxsongs
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