#owen brixton
pochiperpe90 · 12 days
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You are my fate (ao3)
After a mission brought Deckard a little too close to an untimely death for his liking, he decided it was time to stop.
Being an omega, he knew he didn’t have all that time in the world to accomplish his dream of building a family. He had such hopes, once. He believed that once he completed his honourable service under the English Government he would find a good alpha to start a family with. And yes, for some time, he thought that alpha should have been Brixton. And maybe it could, if Brixton hadn’t abandoned him to join a secret organisation. If he hadn’t blamed Deckard unjustly for his and his companions’ deaths, all to show up again years later and try to kill both him and his sister. Thankfully, he failed.
But yes, Deckard had dodged a bullet the size of a house, but that didn’t change the fact that he wanted a family of his own and had no one to share that dream with. But it didn’t matter, even if he had to raise a child alone, Deckard was ready for it. From an early age, as an older brother and as the only omega in the family, he had always taken care of his younger siblings. He had protected Owen and Hattie from their violent and cruel father. He even acted as a substitute for a mother who was always too busy stealing and scamming some rich man to look after her own children.
Also, Deckard certainly didn’t lack the resources to support a child, after all, he had managed to put aside a nice nest egg over the years. He wouldn’t have to work for a very long time if he wanted.
So, there was only one real big problem: finding someone suitable to conceive this child with.
It had to be an alpha he trusted. Someone worthy of the role. Too bad all the alphas Deckard knew could count on one hand only, and two were even related to him! Dom was already mated with Letty and after the Little Brian story, she definitely wouldn’t have been happy with such an arrangement. Not to mention Roman, and if Owen ever knew that Deckard had even considered him, he would never hear the end of it. Owen had never been good at sharing anything when he was young. Now that he was an adult, it was very much worse.
Which narrowed the choice down to one last alpha: Luke Hobbs.
In the beginning, the two couldn’t stand each other. Even being in the same room was enough for them to want to trade insults and punches. But since they had started working together more often, especially after the mission to save Hattie, things had changed drastically. They still loved to bicker, sure, but there was never any real hatred behind it. They looked more like an old married couple, according to everyone else.
Not in a million years Deckard could ever imagine Luke would so quickly agree to his request, much less that he’d want to be part of the child’s life once they were born. Once again, though, Luke caught him off guard.
He had approached him at the end of a meeting with Dom and the others to discuss a possible new mission, asking Luke to a pub nearby, claiming a private matter. Once there, Deckard hesitated just for a moment before deciding there was no point in beating around the bush. He explained the situation as clearly as he could, telling Luke about his strong desire to become a parent. Deckard knew how much he would understand, having a daughter of his own.
And then that mountain of muscles, offering him one of his most sincere smiles, devoid of his usual teasing, told Deckard he would be honoured to have a child with him.
Within a few days after their chat, Luke asked about his next heat, so he could get things organized and also warn his sister so she would be available to look after Sam during that time.
When two months later Deckard went into heat, he had the most intense week of his life.
He had never experienced a heat with a partner who was so attentive and thoughtful. With someone who could satisfy all the needs that Deckard required as an omega. If most days Deckard wanted to have the last word, never allowing people to get in his way, his preferences in bed were very much different, especially during his heats.
People could call him a sub, or simply a pillow princess, he doesn’t give a fuck. The simple truth was that Deckard Shaw loved to be fucked hard. He wanted to be thoroughly dominated, to be bred, and he certainly wasn’t ashamed about any of it. He was a strong, well-built man, yet under Luke’s touch, Deckard had never felt so small.
And he loved every second of it.
Weeks later, Deckard could still feel the lingering sensation of Luke’s large hands holding him down, pressing him firmly against the mattress as he buried his cock deep inside of him.
With the news of Deckard’s pregnancy, Luke’s protective alpha behaviour returned with full force. Luke couldn’t spare a moment without asking him how he was doing and if there was anything he could help with. Luke constantly called on him, so after a couple of months, the alpha asked to spend the rest of the pregnancy at Deckard’s place. He wanted to be near him, to help Deckard during that delicate, precious time.
That forced closeness opened Deckard’s eyes to a side of Luke that he didn’t fully know yet. Watching the way Luke cared for Sam moved the omega in him and Deckard understood that not only Luke would be the perfect father for his baby, but also how he could be a wonderful life partner if only he wanted to try.
And apparently, the feeling was mutual.
One evening, while Sam stayed over at a friend’s house, Luke and Deckard talked about their plans for the future, between the baby and work. At some point, they confessed they wanted something more than what they had initially agreed. They were friends, yes, but the last few months had given room for deeper, romantic feelings to grow between them.
Of course, that talk led to some wonderful sex, this time without the urgency and frenzy of the heat. As Luke fucked him and called his name, Deckard knew he wouldn’t ever want anyone else.
Now that little Henry Hobbs-Shaw is born, and their family has finally grown, Deckard is certain that all those years in which he had to hide, risking his life, were all worth it. All that happened brought him right into the arms of his fated mate, and all his dreams had come true.
Just a little drabble to describe the story behind the moodboard I did. I really love this pairing, and I wanted to contribute somehow as well. English isn't my first language, and I'm not a writer, but thanks to @negotiumcrucis this little story sounds a lot better. Thank you so much for betaing it. 💕
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omnivorousshipper · 2 years
I need a Shobbs Au with Demi-god Luke Hobbs that has been around for a long time (he still has Sam, but because aging takes so long she's still a kid)
At the point in time the movies occur, Luke is pretty indifferent towards mortals, even on the verge of disliking them. They're mundane, living their short lives, and he's bored of them
Sure, the Toretto crew is entertaining in their own way and he does enjoy the thrill of the chase in his job
But everything changes when he meets the Shaws
Of course, it was Owen who came first. Luke thought he was very interesting and loved all the twists and turns Owen had put into his plans. He was one of the most intelligent mortals Luke has met in a long time
But, then, Owen gets hurt and Luke nearly mourns the loss of such a bright mortal.
And then, Deckard shows up
Luke hasn't felt this alive in a long, long time and he can't help but love the chase of hunting Deckard down
Meanwhile, Deckard can't believe this random agent survived falling out a window four stories up and still able to hunt him down. Soon enough, Deckard gets lost in the mouse and cat game between him and Luke and forgets about the crew for a moment
It's only because the crew was working behind the scenes to get Ramsey that they're able to capture Deckard.
And Luke isn't quite happy about that
He almost wishes he and Deckard could have continued the chase for the rest of time. But, he likes keeping up his facade of being an agent and part of the crew, so he lets Deckard be locked up
Of course, Cipher pops up and Luke is secretly ecstatic to see Deckard again. He can't help but start feeling affectionate towards the mortal and knows he would make a great partner
And when Deckard fakes his death, it's one of the scariest moments in his life
The person who had meant so much to him in such little time was now dead. He barely got any time with Deckard and now the mortal was dead.
That knowledge haunts Luke for the rest of the time. Luke desperately wants to strangle Dom with his bare hands when he sees him later, but knows that won't do anything to bring Deckard back
That is, until Luke sees Deckard walk onto the roof with Baby Brian. At the same time, Luke is pissed that Deckard faked his own death but he also can't help but stare at the way he handles Baby Brian so effortlessly. He would make an amazing parent
When Luke pulls Deckard aside, he wants to hug the man close but instead he lays into him about being reckless. Which of course Deckard doesn't respond well to.
He tells Luke to fuck off and not to tell him what to do
The rest of Hobbs and Shaw goes just as is, but Luke can't help but feel jealous of mortals. Here's Brixton, a man who should have died but was able to live beyond all reason. Luke also hates the way Brixton stares at Deckard
By the time they reach Samoa, Luke feels extremely protective of both Hattie and Deckard, and is willing to give up his own mortality to see them survive this ordeal.
He was expecting to be turned away by his family, but instead...
They welcome him home with open arms and are extremely inviting towards the Shaws
That's when Luke starts thinking about making the Shaws immortal. It's a difficult ceremony to perform, but his mother has done it before, and by the way she lavished attention on the Shaws, Luke didn't think she would mind performing it again
When he takes the Shaws home and sees them reunite with Owen, Luke knows.
He knows that these three were meant to be immortal
Little did he know... the Shaws had there own family secret
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tcmusicnyla · 1 month
"Invincible" Michael Gray featuring Tatiana Owens at the Brixton Disco Festival
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gazeta24br · 2 years
Em agosto foi lançado o aclamado sexto álbum do Hot Chip, Freakout/Release, enquanto em setembro a banda tocou para quase 20.000 fãs em sua cidade natal, em sua residência de 4 noites na Brixton Academy de Londres. Agora Hot Chip compartilhou o novo vídeo e vários remixes para os singles do álbum, o primeiro é "Broken". Em meio a um cenário brilhante e um refrão radiante, "Broken" encontra Taylor explorando emotivamente o sentimento de derrota, assim como a forma como as pessoas ao nosso redor nos ajudam a nos recompor. "Às vezes você vê amigos que estão realmente lutando com coisas em suas vidas", explica ele, "e você sente empatia pelo que eles estão passando. Todos nós podemos nos relacionar com a sensação de estarmos quebrados pelas coisas".  Assista o vídeo de “Broken” aqui. Ouça os remixes de “Broken” aqui. O vídeo, dirigido por Maxim Kelly, é um take sobre o vídeo clássico da boy band, mas Kelly diz: "Estou intrigado com as máquinas de Inteligência Artificial fazendo obras de arte. No futuro, robôs e computadores também poderão fazer videoclipes, isto é o que imagino que será primeiro. Eu referi os vídeos de boyband que eu cresci assistindo na MTV, excessivamente sentimentais com performances emocionais e de angústia. Neste vídeo, andróides sem alma percorrem todos os movimentos e clichês desses vídeos com precisão robótica de deadpan. É um vídeo pop com todas as partes divertidas e observáveis tiradas". Na frente de remixagem: Jacques Lu Cont, conhecido como produtor Stuart Price (Dua Lipa, Madonna, Pet Shop Boys, Rina Sawayama) oferece uma versão caseira de "Broken", enquanto o remix "Planningtohope" dePlanningtorock toca sobre os temas da canção à medida que ela se abre para revelar uma edição de dança mais quente. Fechando o trio de remixes estão os artistas DeeWee Each Other, também conhecidos como Justin Strauss & Max Pask, que criaram um épico fervilhante, oito minutos de deliciosa faixa de dança. Além disso, a banda (Owen Clarke, Al Doyle, Joe Goddard, Felix Martin e Alexis Taylor) foi confirmada para ser headliner do Festival Kaleidoscope do próximo verão no Palácio de Alexandra, em Londres. "Freakout/Release" é outro ponto alto em uma carreira de várias décadas que viu Hot Chip continuar a inovar e desenvolver uma rica e ressonante arte. Escrito e gravado no estúdio Relax & Enjoy da banda no leste de Londres, um espaço criativo que Al Doyle começou a construir em 2019. A fusão no estúdio Relax & Enjoy foi essencial para estabelecer o som animado e de banda cheia do álbum e marca a primeira vez que o Hot Chip começou a trabalhar em um novo disco, todos juntos, bem como reuni-los na mesma sala pela primeira vez após sua turnê por trás de "A Bath Full Of Ecstasy" em 2019. Apropriadamente, aproveitar a irreplicável energia do Hot Chip em um estúdio estava na mente da banda, pois eles se sentiram particularmente inspirados por seu cover de “Sabotage” dos Beastie Boys, que se tornou um item básico do setlist. “A ideia de estar fora de controle está sempre presente na dance music, em um sentido positivo”, explica Doyle enquanto discute a influência da capa no novo álbum. Liricamente, "Freakout/Release" explora emoções mais escuras do que os álbuns de Hot Chip anteriores, tirando do pessoal e do político para traçar as formas como as pessoas sobrevivem mesmo em meio a lutas inamovíveis. "Estávamos vivendo em um período em que era muito fácil sentir que as pessoas estavam perdendo o controle de suas vidas de maneiras diferentes", explica Goddard. "Há uma escuridão que percorre muitos desses caminhos". Nos últimos 18 anos, Hot Chip se estabeleceu entre bandas britânicas similares como Pet Shop Boys e Depeche Mode - uma verdadeira ponte entre os mundos da música pop e dance, com um catálogo de músicas que movem corpos e tocam corações com impactos similares. Datas da Turnê 3 de Fevereiro – The Warehouse Project @ Depot Mayfield, Manchester 30 de Abril – Warm Up Festival, Murcia 17 de Junho – Beyond the Pale, Wicklow
15 de Julho – Kaleidoscope Festival @ Alexandra Palace, London Ingressos Freakout/Release estará disponível na versão de vinil duplo cor de laranja exclusivo Dom Mart, no vinil duplo marrom exclusivo Indies, no vinil duplo de cor marrom padrão, no CD e em formato digital. Todas as edições em vinil têm uma faixa exclusiva: "The Most Painful Game". Pre-order: Dom Mart | Digital Hot Chip Online: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
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grupo-madonna · 2 years
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d a t o s
'Don't Tell Me' es lanzado en USA, en formatos CD y CD-ROM, alcanzando el Número Cuatro en Billboard.
Filma el video para 'What It Feels Like For A Girl', al mando del director Guy Ritchie, su entonces esposo. Debido a su contenido violento, el video se mostró solo una vez en televisión, de noche y muy tarde, a través de US MTV.
Canta "Music" en la ceremonia de los Grammy Awards .
Es nombrada la Mejor Artista Femenina Internacional en los Brit Awards.
Empiezan las audiciones para encontrar los bailarines del Drowned World Tour.
Firma un contrato de un millón de dólares para aparecer en un comercial de BMW dirigido por Guy Ritchie y co-protagonizado por Clive Owen.
La filmación comienza solo unos días después.
Un asesor de seguridad de 51 años, Robert Podesta, es multado con unos 2.000 dólares por un tribunal escocés tras declararse culpable de filmar en secreto el bautismo de Rocco Ritchie en la catedral de Dornoch en diciembre de 2000.
Empiezan los ensayos para el Drowned World Tour en Los Angeles.
Vende 96 mil tickets en menos de seis horas, para seis conciertos en el London's Earl's Court, marcando así un nuevo récord de taquilla.
⚜ 04 DE MAYO
Cancela la noche de estreno del Drowned World Tour, que iba a realizarse en el Köln Arena de Alemania el 05 de junio, debido a problemas con el escenario.
⚜ 21 DE MAYO
Warner Bros pone a la venta versiones remasterizadas de los álbumes Madonna, Like A Virgin, y True Blue, todos con material adicional como bonus track.
Inicia The Drowned World Tour, cuatro días después de la fecha inicial, en el Palau Sant Jordi, de Barcelona, España.
Visita un campo de concentración en las afueras de Berlín, Alemania, junto a la actriz Gwyneth Paltrow.
Se realiza el primero de seis conciertos en el London's Earl's Court.
Inicia la parte norteamericana del Drowned World Tour en el First Union Center, de Philadelphia, PA.
Cancela el segundo show en la Continental Airlines Arena, de East Rutherford, New Jersey, debido a un episodio de laringitis.
El show realizado en el Palacio de Auburn Hills, de Michigan, es transmitido en vivo en HBO, logrando una audiencia de 5.7 millones de espectadores.
Cancela el segundo de cuatro shows programados en el Staples Center, de Los Angeles, después de los ataques a las torres gemelas en USA.
Realiza la fecha final reprogramada del Drowned World Tour en el Stapes Center.
Gana el premio al Mejor Evento de Música en Vivo en Línea por la transmisión vía online del show en la Brixton Academy del año anterior, en los primeros Premios Anuales de Música en Línea del Reino Unido.
Llega a Italia para empezar la filmación de Swept Away, su primera colaboración de formato largo con su entonces esposo Guy Ritchie.
Microsoft le paga 15 millones de dólares para usar la canción "Ray Of Light" en anuncios publicitarios de su nuevo sistema operativo Windows XP.
Se lanza una nueva división de música latina en Maverick Records, Maverick Musica.
Lanza GHV2, un recopilatorio de grandes éxitos. Llega al Número Siete en USA, y al Número Dos en UK. Además se lanza el dvd/vhs del Drowned World Tour.
The Immaculate Collection recibe el estatus de Disco de Diamante de parte de la RIAA, en reconocimiento a las ventas de diez millones de copias.
Es elegida como la segunda mejor intérprete femenina de todos los tiempos por los lectores de la revista Q, un lugar detrás de la cantautora PJ Harvey y uno por delante de Kate Bush.
Provoca una avalancha de quejas y una disculpa de la emisora británica Channel 4, después de maldecir mientras otorgaba el Premio Turner al artista Martin Creed en vivo en la televisión británica.
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G r u p o M a d o n n a
(Si te gusta el texto, no lo robes. Republícalo compartiéndolo desde aquí. Sé honesto. Y si no puedes serlo, al menos cítanos como la fuente. Gracias.)
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sleepy-achilles · 3 years
I made this for a friend who's writing a shobbs story, not sure they'll post it as there new to writing but the storyline (with their consent ofc) is Luke and Deckard are madly in love, like to the point deckards even taken him and sam home to London. But after Han turns up at that building in f9, everything becomes rocky for deckard and it starts to impact there future so Luke basically has to either find out what Hans wants and who sent him or try get deckard uninterested in Hans (which lets face it won't happen) and fix there relationships without having to fight anyone (which once again lets face it, won't happen.)
Also you know Luke was right about the friends thing, I mean I had to edit his family as his friends. Deckard Shaw needs more friends in the next film, and you know ones that don't come back from the dead. Ta ;)
Enjoy :)
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c-valentines · 3 years
Chapters: 4/? Fandom: Fast and the Furious RPF, Hobbs & Shaw (2019) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Luke Hobbs/Deckard Shaw Characters: Hattie Shaw, Owen Shaw (Fast and the Furious), Deckard Shaw, Luke Hobbs, Magdalene Shaw, Dominic Toretto, Letty Ortiz, Megan Ramsey, Tej Parker, Roman Pearce, Margarita | Madame M, Brixton Lore, Eric Reisner | Little Nobody, Lisa (Fast and the Furious), Locke (Fast and the Furious), Mr Nobody Additional Tags: Headcanon, Angst, Fluff, Smut, story ideas Series: Part 1 of Story ideas Summary:
Just the descriptions from my Shobbs story ideas, feel free to use some if they inspire you or you have a idea on what to write for them.
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brothersshaw-blog · 5 years
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omnivoroussmut · 3 years
Can we have Hattie and Madam M pleaseeee!
I actually don’t ship these two and don’t see them having any chemistry, but here you go friend
Tags: vaginal fingering, oral sex, rough sex, overstimulation, reference to multiple orgasms
Rating: 18+
Wrinkling her nose, Hattie looked down at the clothes she had been handed to wear for when she would be handed over to Brixton. They were non-descript enough but she wouldn’t have chosen them for herself. But, at the moment, beggars couldn’t be picky so she would put up with it. Until she either got out of this situation or died. Either way.
           Pulling off her top, Hattie heard the door open behind her. Back stiff, she slowly reached for one of the knives she had tucked into her bra. Turning her head, she blinked when she saw who was standing in the doorway.
           Margarita was leaning against the doorframe, a smirk playing on her lush lips. Her eyes were hooded as she blatantly looked Hattie up and down. Hattie kept her hand on her knife.
           “You know, most decent people would knock.” Hattie drawled.
           “I’m not like decent people.” Margarita smiled sharply.
           “Kinda got that.” Hattie sneered. “My brother doesn’t know a lot of decent people.”
           Margarita only chuckled at that.
           Narrowing her eyes, Hattie turned away from her. If the other woman wanted to watch, Hattie couldn’t care less. She had grown out of caring about what people thought about her body.
           “I never knew Deckard had a sister.” Margarita spoke up suddenly. Hattie paused as she was about to slip the new shirt over her head.
           “No, most people don’t.” Was all Hattie said. Putting the shirt down, she turned around and crossed her arms to stare the other woman down. Margarita was still staring at her with a knowing look, almost as if she knew something Hattie didn’t.
           “I’m glad I could meet you.” Margarita said smoothly and shoved off the doorframe. Her hands were still tucked into her pockets as she strolled up to Hattie. Stopping a foot away from her, Hattie glared as she was forced to look up slightly to meet the other woman’s eyes. Bloody heels.
           “And why’s that?”
           “Because it doesn’t look like I’ll get to play with your brother for much longer.”
           Hattie raised an eyebrow.
           “I do have another one if you want him.”
           “Oh, I’ve met Owen.” Margarita sneered. “He won’t dare come a few miles of me. He knows better than try.”
           “So, what? You want to play with me now?” Hattie asked carefully. It was obvious what the other woman meant, and Hattie wasn’t sure if she enjoyed the thought of being a backup. Or sleeping with someone that obviously pegged Deckard. Although, if Margarita did have experience, then maybe it wouldn’t be so horrible.
           “I’d want to do much more than just play with you.” Margarita whispered as she leaned in close to brush their lips together. “I already have a few ideas of how to make you scream.”
           Hattie couldn’t help the shiver of excitement that ran down her back. It had been a few months since she had a satisfying night with anyone, and the offer was far too tempting.
           “I think that’s exactly what I need after all the shit I’ve been through lately.” Hattie breathed out against Margarita’s lips and met her lust filled gaze. The other woman smiled wickedly.
           Everything happened so fast, Hattie wasn’t sure who had made the first move. One second, they were staring at each other, and the next, Margarita’s hands were grabbing her hips and digging her nails into her skin. Meanwhile, Hattie’s arms were snaked around her neck and smashed their mouths together.
           Kissing Margarita was like being in a fight. The other woman showed no mercy as she forced her tongue into Hattie’s mouth and tried to coax her tongue into a dance. Several times, their teeth would knock together, Margarita would nip at her lips, and Hattie felt as if she would pass out at any moment from the lack of air.
           It was perfect.
           “Ah!” Hattie moaned as one of Margarita’s hands roughly fisted her hair and pulled her head back. Teeth immediately attacked her neck and would dip lower to her breaths, just barely ghostly above her bra. Feeling so overwhelmed, Hattie clawed at Margarita’s outfit and pulled on her shirt. “Off!”
           Margarita chuckled, but obliged as she pulled away long enough to chuck off her shirt but went immediately to sucking bruises into Hattie’s neck. Letting her, Hattie instead enjoyed rubbing her hands over the expanse of smooth skin that had been revealed to her. Rubbing her hands over Margarita’s back, she let one hand wrap around to cup a breast that almost didn’t fit into her hand. Swiping a thumb over a nipple, Hattie smirked at the harsh nip that Margarita gave her in response.
           “A little sensitive?” Hattie teased gently and enjoyed the narrowed gaze Margarita sent her in response. Instead of saying anything, Margarita shoved at her.
           Hattie flailed slightly as she was tipped over onto the bed behind her and let out a soft grunt as her head back hit the mattress. Looking up, she relaxed as Margarita crawled over her, smirking up a storm.
           “You know, I usually have your brother under me, as well.”
           “Why the bloody hell are you mentioning my brother right now?” Hattie growled.
           “I’m just wondering if you two know you sound the same in bed.” Margarita’s eyes sparkled with mischief.
           Hissing, Hattie wrapped her legs around Margarita and rubbed herself against her. It was only small friction, but it was enough for Hattie to moan in excitement. She had been promised a good time and she was determined to get it.
           “Shut up and fuck me!” Hattie snarled up at her. If she didn’t get on with it, Hattie would do it herself.
           “So pushy.” Margarita sneered.
           Opening her mouth to respond, Hattie instead let out a choking noise as Margarita’s hands snaked down the front of her slacks and slipped inside. Finally!
           Manicured fingers easily pulled her slacks and underwear down to her mid-thighs, leaving just enough room for Margarita to roughly grabbed between Hattie’s thighs.
           “Fuck!” Hattie whined. “Get on with it!”
           “Patience, darling.” Margarita clicked her tongue. Hattie snarled up at her. Finally, two fingers pulled apart her folds and dipped inside her. “Already so wet for me.”
           Wriggling her hips, Hattie tried to shove herself further onto the fingers teasing her, but Margarita simply pinned her down with a hand on her hip. She sat on Hattie’s legs, trapping her and leaving her to whatever Margarita wanted to do to her.
           Hattie whined as she spread her legs as much as she could and clutched as the sheets below her. Of course, she would get a huge tease!
           Crucially slow, Margarita crooked her fingers inside Hattie and brushed her thumb against her clit.
           “Bloody fuck-!” Hattie moaned and thrashed at the brief flash of pleasure as Margarita moved away from her clit.
           “That’s it.” Margarita crooned down at her as she slipped in a third finger.
           With no warning, Margarita went to work on thrusting her fingers into Hattie at a breakneck speed and knocking the breath out of her. Moaning, Hattie threw her head side to side, already feeling a tight coil of pleasure tightening inside her.
           Eyes closed and lost in the way the fingers moved into her, twisting and curling, Hattie didn’t notice Margarita moving down her body.
           Hattie screamed as lips wrapped around her clit.
           “Fuck! Yes! God, yes!” Hattie babbled.
           Soon enough, a tongue joined the fingers spreading her open and lapped at her. Hattie couldn’t help but thrust into that hot mouth and knew she was soaking wet as Margarita’s tongue delved deeper inside her.
           It was so much at once, the pleasure mounting all at once, Hattie screamed as her orgasm came crashing into her and left her breathless. Her back bowed harshly as she locked her thighs tightly around Margarita’s head, who simply hummed in pleasure and kept licking at her clit.
           “Fuck, fuck.” Hattie whimpered as she slowly came down from her high and felt a finger still crooked inside her.
           “Told you I would make you scream.” Margarita purred, still in between her legs and licking her lips which were shiny.
           “I wouldn’t be against screaming even more.” Hattie smirked, body loose and relaxed as she flexed her leg muscles to keep Margarita just where she was.
           Margarita simply smirked and pressed her thumb against Hattie’s clit again. Moaning, Hattie threw her head back and knew she wouldn’t be leaving anytime soon.
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cw-s12 · 3 years
Weekly Wrap Up
Part 3
This week was the start of the long sessions but I was so excited to start! Social media has been something I stepped back from last year and only started using again in the last couple of month so it did mean a bit of retraining was needed for me before this week.
We spent the morning with Cara Evans from Penguin Random House learning about how social media is used in relation to advertising books for different demographics and how it can differ between organic content and adverts. For these different areas we went into groups with a book each and came up with social media campaigns both organic and paid for. It was fun working in a group because we were able to bounce ideas around in order to get the most appropriate idea for the book. I loved that we were able to choose a book after this too because you can never have too many.
We spent the morning watching each other’s cultural tribes from the first week. It was a really good way to get to know people and gain an insight to each other in 60 seconds, which really flies by when you’re doing it.
The second half of the day we spent with TikTok getting talks from Emma Smith, Alessandra Mariani and Thuy Tao. This was a really good session because they all brought such a positive energy to it and all seemed really happy to be there talking about it. At the end of the session we had to make a TikTok for #dontmakeads taking a product in our house and making a TikTok with it. I was creatively stumped and ended up just making a hot chocolate because it was the first thing I found in my kitchen honestly. I know it’s not the best thing I’ve ever created but the outcome meant a good hot chocolate and nobody can be opposed to that.
Today was a full day with Adam and Eugene from Snapchat learning about all of their AR technology and how they use it for advertising. We were shown some examples of how they’d advertised for different companies before like Ralph Lauren and Adidas. From this we split into groups and needed to come up with a way to use the Snapchat AR to advertise Levi’s new sustainable collection. In the same way as Monday working together and bouncing our ideas around made for a better campaign than if we’d be working individually as we were able to bring our knowledge and viewpoints together and improve the campaign as a whole.
This may have just been my favourite session this week! I was expecting it to be a bit laborious if I’m being honest because Facebook isn’t a platform I use that often or even scroll through mindlessly. We has talks from Laurian Osbourne, Josh King, Joe De Freitas and Lucy Gabbie in the morning session then in the afternoon we had Sammy King for the Instagram section, Genna and Ally Owen from the Brixton Finishing School finishing up with Niamh Cusack for a career and job advice session. Just writing all of this is exhausting because we went through so much information. They all gave their stories as to how they got where they are now with Joe and Lucy both echoing the sentiment of not giving up if you don’t succeed your first try along with Naimh who said that being your authentic self is the best way to get where you want. My favourite part though Ally saying that having a polite tantrum is sometimes the best way to get what you want.
We spent the morning with Amy, Victoria and Suzanne from Searchlight recruitment talking about our CV and Cover Letters. This was still quite useful because everybody says different things about how it should be structured and what should or shouldn’t be included. Hearing from a media specialist agency meant that I was taking on more of their advice with how to format both documents and what to include.
In the afternoon we had talks from Monica Manoras, Lee Leborgne, Rob Williamson, Jasmine Khan and Reece Brown all from Twitter. We started off talking mainly about twitter itself and the new features soon to be or recently implemented on the app. Each of the speakers talked to us about their personal experience getting into their job with Twitter and what their job actually includes which was really interesting because I didn’t think there would be as many creative jobs within Twitter as it seems a more linear website.
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blueberry-beanie · 3 years
7, 19, 23, 24!
So many, N! Wai xD 7. three songs you didn’t expect to like but eventually loved
Big God by Florence & The Machine (I just needed a while to understand its genius)
What Went Down by Foals (because I didn’t like the screams back then. My taste has improved since. Also I didn’t know any live performances).
The Guns of Brixton by The Clash (basically this whole album was strange at first, because that singing surely needs some getting used to haha)
19. three songs that are your guilty pleasure Haha, what does guilty pleasure even mean? That it is uncool to like them? Hmm... I think I like a lot of songs people can’t stand anymore because they are overplayed. That’s because I never listen to the radio or sth like that. So it means they are not overplayed for me! Let’s go with overplayed songs then:
Bad Guy by Billie Eilish (although it is now way too known, I actually like her whole album)
Blinding Lights by The Weeknd (I’m so out of touch with popularmusic that I learned about this song on youtube via some obscure songwriting review video)
Hello by Adele (Again, insanely popular song, everyone probably hates it already - but I still enjoy it, because I rarely listen to it)
23. three songs that never fail to get you pumped up
Ready to Go by Hurts (this song will never leave your head again. Listen to it if you want it stuck in your head for 3 days, I guess lol)
Inhaler by Foals (whenever N and I are watching a live concert I forget it’s gonna be played and I always go O.o ajsakfld. Have a live version here, because the album version is not the real thing)
Happy Now by Take That (If sb thinks Take That don’ have nice songs for a reason, I feel sorry. Because this song is genius, fight me. The mysterious verse transitions flawlessly into an euphoric chorus and this is the best thing.)
24. three favourite old songs What qualifies as old? When I realise that Mylo Xyloto turns 11 this year I feel old myself, first of all, ha. I think anything older than 20 years qualifies for this category! I am tempted to include some songs from certain very old movies on here, N, for example Где-то на белом свете, вдруг как в сказке, кап кап кап because they are REALLY old and childhood memories xD. But also nobody will get what tf is going on, so I will not xD
Tears by The Stone Roses (1994, definitely old. This song is very long, but I love it so much I even bugged my guitar teacher to learn it and he nearly lost his mind lol)
I Am What I Am by Mark Owen (1997, I never realised it is that old. The single version please, idk what that album version even was.)
Exit by U2 (1987, I really love this one. It is so mysterious in the beginning, and then just turns into this awesome song.)
Thank you so much for your awesome questions, N! I spent way longer on them than anticipated lol. So I better get some groceries and some chocolate now, or I’ll stay hungry over the weekend.
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cywscross · 4 years
Title: what we do for family Fandom: Fast & Furious Series, Hobbs & Shaw Prompt: 014. Daybreak Character/Pairing: Deckard Shaw & Hattie Shaw & Owen Shaw, Deckard Shaw, Hattie Shaw, Owen Shaw, Luke Hobbs, Brixton Lore Rating: T Word Count: 20582 Summary: "We've got a day. More than a day." "We don't even know where we'd go." "You got more than one brother, Hatts, and lucky for us, he happens to be an engineer."
Instead of Samoa, Deckard has another solution ready. -- Or, the one where the Shaw siblings finally sort their shit out, in-between killing a bunch of people. Obviously. Tags: Canon Divergence, Protective Siblings, During Canon, Murder, Character Death Author's Notes: Sequel to [what we pay for family]
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omnivorousshipper · 3 years
De aged Deckard: You’re gonna go far, kid - Part 29
Summary:  When the Shaw siblings try to break into an Eteon facility, they’re met with some unexpected consequences. Now, it’s up to Owen and Hattie to be the older siblings Deckard never had. Even if they have no idea what they’re doing
Part 28
           Stepping off the tarmac of the runway and into one of her private hangers, Queenie raised an eyebrow at the honestly pathetic group in front of her. Sitting all around the hanger were two different crews, in completely different states, and one man sitting off to the side by himself. The first crew was Margarita’s crew, who was covered head to toe in dust, bandages, and pissy expressions. Meanwhile, the second crew was bunched together and talking to one another while they waited for their next instructions from their boss, Jakob Toretto.
           While the man had caused quite a stir with Deckard’s own little, adopted crew, Queenie hadn’t thrown the younger Toretto away, especially when she knew his and Owen’s past. Seemed like Jakob was unnaturally loyal to Owen, willing to do some fairly serious favors for him if he asked—which Queenie didn’t doubt Owen would do in the future. For now, the man was willing to take jobs from her if that meant she would protect him from anyone that wanted to take revenge on him, particularly one international criminal who thought it was a wise decision to mess with Queenie’s family.
           As for M and Jakob, they both looked at her, backs straight and waiting for their orders, ignoring the third crew that was right behind her with her other children and husband. However, it was the man off to the side that interested Queenie the most: Brixton Lore.
           The reason why Queenie had become so invested in her children’s love lives.
           Ever since her children had been young, Queenie had let them simply do as they wanted as long as they didn’t cause trouble for her or get themselves killed. Beyond that, everything was fair game. However, once they had become adults, she had learned that she needed to put more rules in place; for example, she should have made it clear she didn’t want any of them to be on the right side of the law, and look where they ended up. All three had been government lapdogs, going on missions that could possibly kill them. She had hated that they had done that, but none of them were easily convinced to give up their jobs. Queenie had just accepted that she had three new contacts inside the government.
           However, when Deckard had called her one night, almost a decade ago, she knew she should have made even more rules for her children: no dating anyone she did not approve of. She had had no idea that Deckard was even involved with Brixton, not really caring at the time, but when the man had betrayed her son in the worst way possible, that was when Queenie had enforced several new rules for her children. Or at least, for Deckard.
           If he was to see anyone, he needed her permission and approval before taking it any further than simple one night stands. After that, she didn’t trust anyone not to break her son’s heart like Brixton Lore had. She had been glad that Deckard had killed the man, and when she learned he was alive once more, she had screamed at Deckard for even going near him. Of course, she had gotten a bit of back talk, but overall, Deckard had looked like a kicked puppy and agreed that he should have stayed away from the man, but that he didn’t have much choice since Hattie had been involved. Always the martyr, her son.
           Looking at Brixton now, and knowing what Margarita had told her, Queenie was tempted to have the man shot right then and there. However, after listening to Hattie and Deckard’s descriptions of his abilities, she knew that wouldn’t be enough to kill him. But, Queenie wouldn’t be where she was in life if she hadn’t figured out how to kill people in all sorts of ways.
           “What the bloody fuck is he doing here?!” She heard Hattie snarl behind her and ignored her daughter’s anger. She had more important things to worry about.
           “Jakob? What are you doing here?” Dom spoke up, making Queenie’s eye twitch slightly. Again, not her main focus. Sending a dark look to the Toretto brothers, she made it clear that she didn’t want to hear their family reunion.
           “He’s here because he’s one of the crews looking for Dex.” She snapped and motioned for the crew bosses to come to her. “Come here, Lore.”
           The man slowly walked over to them, eyes darting all around the place and scanning over the Toretto crew before landing on her. He stood in front of her along with M and Jakob, neither of whom seemed to care that the man was in their presence. Jakob’s eyes were trained behind Queenie, no doubt on his own brother, while M looked exhausted and pissed off. Queenie didn’t blame the woman; it should have been an easy job, in and out with Dex safe again. But, life always wanted to throw a curve ball.
           “What happened?” Queenie asked, the hanger so quiet, she could have heard a pin drop.
           “We got in easy enough,” M sniffed before turning her glare onto Brixton. “But, when we got to Deck’s cell, he was gone. Lore said he could help find him, but instead he just handed him off.”
           “I thought she was one of yours!” Brixton snarled, hands clenched tightly.
           “Please. Who couldn’t notice a viper like Cipher?” Jakob snorted, adding his own two cents.
           “I have to agree.” Owen spoke up, stepping up to stand next to Queenie. Narrowing her eyes up at her second son, she sent him a warning look. While she never stopped him from joining her business meetings, he knew better than to speak when he wasn’t asked. “I thought someone who worked with Eteon would know of Cipher. After all, isn’t she your competition?”
           “Do you know every blood criminal in London, you spoiled brat?” Brixton snarled back, and Queenie frowned when he took a threatening step forward.
           “That is enough.” With only three little words, silence fell on the hanger once more. Keeping her smirk to herself, Queenie would never not enjoy being able to make everyone focus on her and her alone. “I don’t care who’s fault it was that Cipher got her hands on my son. Not right now at least. At the moment, I want to know what the bloody hell all of you are going to do to get my son back.”
           Glancing to her side, she could see the Toretto crew stepping forward, especially Luke Hobbs and Ramsey. However, Queenie was more concerned about Hattie, who was hanging back behind the crew and next to Jeffery. Her face was carefully blank of all emotion and Queenie knew that she was boiling with rage inside. Normally, her daughter never missed an opportunity to vent her frustrations and direct her anger in all directions, but this time, Queenie was glad she could keep a lid on it. She didn’t need a full out fight between three crews at the moment.
           Or else she knew several people wouldn’t be leaving with their lives. Who, she didn’t know, but she tried to avoid bloodshed when she could.
           “Well, you have three crews right in front of you. What do you want us to do?” M drawled.
           “Simple.” Queenie spoke blandly. “Find my son, rescue him, and bring that cunt Cipher to me so I can show her what happens when she crosses my family.”
           Queenie didn’t bother hiding her smirk when even Owen stiffened at the dark tone her voice dipped into. There was a reason she was the head of her criminal empire and hadn’t lost that position for the last few decades. She suffered no fools, including those who worked for her and the ones she gave birth to.
           “And how do you expect us to do that?” Jakob asked carefully, eyes narrowed as if he was considering running. She wouldn’t have blamed him if he had, not when he would be expected to work with his brother and his crew, people he had tried to kill not too long ago.
           Before Queenie could open her mouth to answer him with a cutting remark, she was interrupted by her husband.
           “Deckard? Is that you, son?”
           Whirling around, Queenie stared with wide eyes as she watched her husband talk frantically into his phone. Of all the people Deckard could contact, why did it have to be that bastard, she thought bitterly as she rushed forward and demanded Victor put Deckard on speaker for all of them to hear him.
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secretswritten · 3 years
Tumblr media
@wildthiiing​ said: “he is too much of an asshole to die.” (Owen @ Hattie abt Deck or Brixton tbh)
“Here’s hoping that you’re right,” she responded looking up. Although that didn’t do too much to calm her nerves. She knew Deck would probably get out of this alive, he always seemed to, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t worried.
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gazeta24br · 2 years
“Uma mistura de batidas pulsantes e reflexões obscuras, Freakout/Release exala a confiança de uma banda operando em seu pico vertiginoso” Mojo 4* “O próximo oitavo álbum deles, Freakout/Release, é um destaque em um catálogo que não falta músicas pop de puro sangue que ampliam – e escurecem – o escopo usual da banda.” The Guardian “Uma das bandas mais originais e consistentemente brilhantes da Grã-Bretanha” NME Após uma residência de 4 noites na Brixton Academy de Londres, que mostrou Hot Chip tocando para quase 20 mil pessoas em sua cidade natal (maior número de ingressos do que já venderam), o quinteto compartilhou o excelente novo vídeo de “Eleanor”. Um corte crescente do recentemente lançado oitavo álbum da banda, Freakout/Release, o vídeo de “Eleanor” é dirigido por Alice Kong e, assim como a letra da faixa, leva você a uma jornada inesperada.   Assista ao clipe de “Eleanor” aqui.   Kong acrescenta: “Construir este mundo em miniatura para a Hot Chip foi um desafio criativo brilhante. O videoclipe conta a história de nossa personagem principal ‘Eleanor’ que, após uma série de eventos infelizes, bate em um poste em frente a uma loja de óculos que vai… abrir seus olhos! Ela então assume o controle de seu ambiente e distorce tudo a seu favor, literalmente esculpindo o mundo de barro em que ela vive. espero que os espectadores se divirtam vendo!”   “Eleanor” também recebeu um remix com Krystal Klear, Brax + Falcon e Austin Ato entregando novas versões da música. Ouça aos remixes de “Eleanor” aqui. Assista aqui Freakout/Release é o novo lançamento da já estabelecida Hot Chip, que segue criando uma composição rica, ressoante e inovadora. Escrito e gravado no estúdio Relax & Enjoy da banda em Londres, um espaço criativo que Al Doyle montou antes e durante o primeiro ano da pandemia do COVID-19. A união no estúdio Relax & Enjoy foi essencial para estabelecer o som do álbum e marca a primeira vez que Hot Chip começou a trabalhar em um novo álbum juntos, além de reuni-los na mesma sala pela primeira vez após a turnê de A Bath Full Of Ecstasy, de 2019.   Liricamente, Freakout/Release explora emoções mais sombrias do que os álbuns anteriores do Hot Chip, extraindo do pessoal e do político para traçar as maneiras pelas quais as pessoas sobrevivem mesmo em meio a lutas imóveis. “Vivemos um período em que era muito fácil sentir que as pessoas estavam perdendo o controle de suas vidas de maneiras diferentes”, explica Goddard. “Há uma escuridão que percorre muitas dessas faixas.”   Ao longo dos últimos 18 anos, Hot Chip se estabeleceu entre luminares britânicos como Pet Shop Boys e Depeche Mode - uma verdadeira ponte entre os mundos da música pop e dance, com um catálogo de músicas que movem corpos e tocam corações com igual impacto.   Hot Chip sāo Owen Clarke, Al Doyle, Joe Goddard, Felix Martin e Alexis Taylor.   Em 12 de novembro, a banda britânica se apresenta no Allianz Parque, em São Paulo, no Festival GP Week. Saiba mais aqui. Freakout/Release está disponível em vinil duplo laranja exclusivo Dom Mart, vinil duplo marrom exclusivo, vinil duplo padrão, CD e digitalmente. Todas as edições em vinil possuem a faixa exclusiva “The Most Painful Game”. Compre: Dom Mart |Digital Hot Chip Online: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram
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helloyoucreatives · 4 years
Creative campaign ‘The Future’s Bright, The Future’s Black’ has launched as a building takeover of marketing services organisation ENGINE’s central London office to highlight the underrepresented talent of the industry’s creative future
London, 22nd October 2020:  Four graduates from Brixton Finishing School, a digital programme providing skills and real-world advertising experiences to young people from under-represented groups, have created a building takeover of the London headquarters of the UK’s largest independent marketing services organisation ENGINE. The takeover coincides with Black History Month and celebrates the black UK talent of the future.
The brief was provided by ENGINE Creative and aims to accelerate the pace of change and showcase the potential talent that will shape the industry’s future by turning Black History Month into Black Future Month. The line ‘The Future’s Bright, The Future’s Black’ was conceived and developed by the students and spans across the second to fourth floors of ENGINE’s Great Portland Street Offices. The ground floor windows also feature images of the Brixton Finishing School graduates, helping to raise their own profiles as well as the profile of black creative talent across the UK.
As part of the campaign, a microsite has also been developed to act as a platform for the students and wider young black talent to showcase their work, ambitions and their inspirational black role models. The four graduates have also been offered internships with ENGINE to start in 2021 as part of their ongoing commitment to achieve better representation in the creative industry and within their own organisation. Further, ENGINE will be supporting the charity’s mentoring scheme and providing speakers for its course.
Launched in 2018, the Brixton Finishing School is the brainchild of Ally Owen, former exec at Unruly, MailOnline and Yahoo. Ally saw the urgent need to diversify talent in advertising and encourage untapped talent from traditionally underrepresented backgrounds - whether BAME, neuro-diverse, or female – into the industry through training and work experience. This is the beginning of a partnership between the programme and ENGINE, and the first project the two organisations have worked together on. As part of the partnership, ENGINE has pledged to offer creative internships to Brixton Finishing School students, support the charity’s mentoring scheme and provide speakers for its course.
Leila George, Art Director and Graduate from Brixton Finishing School, said: “'I wanted to be involved in this project because it was an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of black talent and drive change that will help make the advertising industry a more diverse place. Growing up, I didn't know of anyone in the industry and was unaware of the many roles that existed. Through Brixton Finishing School and becoming immersed in the ad world, many of us have gained a better awareness of what roles we would be suited to and a greater understanding in general of the opportunities that are available.”
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