optimalcells-blog · 7 years
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On Today’s Show of “The Nutritional Bite” • Phytonutrients 101: A Crash Course In Plant Compounds (Part 1 of 2) • #Carotenoids: A class of naturally occurring plant pigments that produce red, orange, and yellow color in #fruits and #vegetables • These phytonutrients protect plants from #oxidativedamage • Blog Link in My Bio • www.soundcloud.com/OptimalCells • As Always, From #Me to #You in #Health & #Happiness • Optimal Cells, “Specializing in #Children & #Women’s #Vibrant #Living”
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matusfun · 8 years
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15 Best Foods For Brain Health
Like it or not, the foods you consume will either have a positive or negativeeffect on your body. With so many different types of chemically induced foods,it can be hard to make the right choice in regards to eating healthy. There are,however, many different foods that will support and improve the health of yourbrain. In most cases, these foods can be easily found and incorporated into yourfavorite meals on a daily basis. All it takes is a little ingenuity andresistance against the temptation of foods that are unhealthy for you. 15)  Apples As the saying goes, eating an apple a day will keep the doctor away. What youmay not realize is that this statement actually has a grain of truth to it. Byeating apples on a regular basis, you can protect your brain from oxidativedamage that can cause neurodegenerative diseases. The neurodegenerative diseasesthat you can be at risk for include Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Quercetin,which is a phytonutrient found in apples, acts as a shield against suchdiseases.
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salafiera · 4 years
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Did you know twin studies have found that genetics only account for roughly 20 to 30 percent of an individual's chance of surviving to age 85!? Genetic factors can contribute to longevity in two main ways ✔️ 1-An individual may inherit certain genetic variations that can predispose him/her to disease that can decreases longevity (getting dealt a shitty hand if you will) ✔️2- Other variations in genes may increase factors that can benefit disease resistance (this is where factors such as diet/lifestyle/nutrients can positively influence genetic factors aka turning genes on and off) Researchers have found that the gene sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) can play a role in more efficient DNA repair in those with longer lifespans; this allows us to look into new approaches for anti-aging interventions, which could untimely slow and or prevent age-related disease As we get older, our DNA is more and more prone to breaks, which can lead to the rearrangements and mutations of genes, which are markers of cancer and aging Newer research suggests that DNA repair plays an important role in determining the lifespan of an organism Breaks in the double strands of our DNA are normal (we can have up to 2 trillion breaks per day), in fact, they are caused by factors such as cell replication and oxidative damage, the goal is to optimize the repair process in our genes, through longevity genes such as SIRT6, which repairs broken DNA Calorie restriction, fasting, interval training, optimizing nutrients such as B vitamins, resveratrol and modulating free radial and oxidative damage accumulation in the cells and mitochondria are some good jumping off points —— #briannaapproved #plantcompounds #fasting #calorierestriction #genetics #dna #epigenetics #oxidativedamage #freeradicals #inflammation #cellhealth #mitochondrialhealth (at Freehold Township, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI8JwYdDaNI/?igshid=qkwdxa8d4p2s
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salafiera · 5 years
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Did you know twin studies have found that genetics only account for roughly 20 to 30 percent of an individual's chance of surviving to age 85!? ——- Genetic factors can contribute to longevity in two main ways —- ✔️ 1-An individual may inherit certain genetic variations that can predispose him/her to disease that can decreases longevity (getting dealt a shitty hand if you will) ✔️2- Other variations in genes may increase factors that can benefit disease resistance (this is where factors such as diet/lifestyle/nutrients can positively influence genetic factors aka turning genes on and off) ——- Researchers have found that the gene sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) can play a role in more efficient DNA repair in those with longer lifespans; this allows us to look into new approaches for anti-aging interventions, which could untimely slow and or prevent age-related disease ——- As we get older, our DNA is more and more prone to breaks, which can lead to the rearrangements and mutations of genes, which are markers of cancer and aging —— Newer research suggests that DNA repair plays an important role in determining the lifespan of an organism —- Breaks in the double strands of our DNA are normal (we can have up to 2 trillion breaks per day), in fact, they are caused by factors such as cell replication and oxidative damage, the goal is to optimize the repair process in our genes, through longevity genes such as SIRT6, which repairs broken DNA —— Calorie restriction, fasting, interval training, optimizing nutrients such as B vitamins, resveratrol and modulating free radial and oxidative damage accumulation in the cells and mitochondria are some good jumping off points —— #briannaapproved #plantcompounds #fasting #calorierestriction #genetics #dna #epigenetics #oxidativedamage #freeradicals #inflammation #cellhealth #mitochondrialhealth (at Newark Liberty International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Q0gzdgU-I/?igshid=10lve8qc02u19
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salafiera · 5 years
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Did you know family studies found that roughly 25 % of the variation in human longevity is due to genetic factors!? —— Researchers have identified specific genes that can impact symptoms of aging, as well as longevity genes that actually play a role in the body’s defenses against aging ——- The longevity genes being researched are called “sirtuins”; there are seven sirtuins in mammals, SIRT1 to SIRT7, and they are made by almost every cell in the body ——- Sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) is responsible for allowing more efficient DNA repair to occur in those with longer lifespans, which is being studied to see how certain dietary/nutritive and lifestyle factors can be used to help prevent age-related disease ——- As we get older, our DNA is more prone to breaks, which can cause our genes to mutate or get “rearranged”, which has been found to be hallmarks of cancer progression and general aging —— DNA repair in general plays in lifespan, as certain lifestyle factors (such as smoking, excessive oxidative damage, environmental toxins etc ) can speed up double-strand breaks in DNA —— Research in mice have found that activating sirtuins can improve DNA repair, boost memory and increase exercise endurance —— SIRT6 is many times called the "longevity gene" because it plays a role “recruiting” proteins and enzymes that repair broken DNA, in fact, mice without this gene actually age prematurely, while mice with extra copies can live longer —— #briannaapproved #Sirtuin #longevitygenes #epigenetics #genes #plantcompounds #stress #oxidativedamage #DNA #toxins #mitochondria #cellhealth (at Cafe Volan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4sAMIBA86h/?igshid=7du886g4zygv
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salafiera · 5 years
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Did you know your brain contains 20% of the body's total cholesterol!? ——- Inflammatory cytokines can raise LDL production, as well as an increase oxidized cholesterol, which has been linked to cardiovascular disease!? ———- Research has found there is no significant link between the cholesterol you eat and your risk of heart disease, in fact, Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs (roughly 1-2g per day) and if it doesn’t get enough it will compensate by producing more —— Inflammation can also raise levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of overall inflammation in the body, which has been directly correlated to atherosclerosis, the number one killer of Americans in the US ——- CRP levels can also be an indicator of hidden inflammation in places such as your intestines or even your gums. What possibly could your intestines be inflamed from; high stress, poor dietary choices and inadequate sleep are all good places to begin assessing ——- Our LDL particles come in a range of sizes from small dense type B particles, to large and buoyant type A particles. Types and size of LDL particle is significantly greater of importance than the amount ——- The type B particles are dangerous, being as they are small and are more prone to oxidation, and have an easier time getting trapped in the nooks of the blood vessels ——— Our immune system is not use to seeing things stuck between our blood vessels, so it mistakes these small particles for a foreign invader and attacks them; and this my friends is the beginning of atherosclerotic plaque, which narrows our arteries and evokes a cascade of health aliments ——— Type B particles are caused by high insulin levels, chronic inflammation, chronically elevated cortisol levels and diets high in refined sugar ... research has found that stain drugs do NOTHING to change the size of your LDL particles ——— #briannaapproved #hearthealth #inflammation #cholesterol #LDL #bloodwork #immunehealth #stress #oxidativedamage #functionalmedicine #particlesize (at The Butcher's Block) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2_kyDjgBB-/?igshid=1e9ymxe4atjke
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salafiera · 5 years
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Did you know caffeine is an alkaloid (plant compound) occurring naturally in roughly 60 different plant species, which include coffee, yerba maté, guarana berries, cocoa beans and tea leaves!? Theobromine and xanthine are other compounds that are present in tea and coffee which have been shown to exert positive health benefits ——- According to the National Coffee Association, a typical cup of 8oz drip coffee contains anywhere from 65-120mg of caffeine, while an espresso shot contains around 50-60mg of caffeine ——- A 1oz ounce serving of dark chocolate contains about 20mg of caffeine, an eight ounce cup of green tea contains about 30-45mg of caffeine, while black tea contains roughly 40-60mg, guarana contains 45mg of caffeine per gram and yerba maté contains roughly 85mg of caffeine per 8oz ——- According to research from European Endocrinology, numerous health benefits for coffee exist besides energy support, which include reduced cardiovascular disease, exerting a protective effect against some neurodegenerative conditions, having a favorable effect on liver function and a protective effect against certain dyfunctioning cells ——- Once caffeine is absorbed, it gets into all the body tissues and crosses the blood-brain, blood-placenta, and blood-testis barriers, which is why it can support overall health ——- Diterpenes found in coffee have been found to possess antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, while caffeine, theobromine and xanthine have a quenching effect on the production of hydroxyl radicals (aka free radicals), as well as on oxidative DNA breakage by hydroxyl radicals (they can support DNA) ——- In epidemiological research, a link between chronic caffeine consumption and a significantly lower risk of developing neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease has been found, in fact, caffeine has been shown to be effective in preventing β-amyloid (Aβ) production and memory deficits ——- #briannaapproved #caffeine #espresso #cafe #boldroast #plantcompounds #antioxidants #freeradicals #oxidativedamage #mitochondrialhealth #stress #energy #cortisol #naturalenergy #coffeeislife #hearthealth #brainhealth #liver #liverhealth #shoplocal (at Odyssey Coffee) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzc6vX0At9X/?igshid=kw37arxaydgy
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salafiera · 5 years
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Did you know cherries are a rich source of polyphenols and vitamin C, which have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and cherries also provide a small amount of tryptophan, serotonin and melatonin!? _____ Published research suggested that tart cherries have higher concentrations of total phenolic compounds, while sweet cherries contain more anthocyanins ——- Sweet cherries are a great source of fiber, carotenoids, and anthocyanins, which can support the immune system and healthy red blood cell production ____ Cyanidin-3-glucoside and cyanidine-3-rutinoside are the major anthocyanins in both Bing and Montmorency cherries; cherries are also rich in hydroxycinnamates and Flavin-3-ols (don’t worry I can’t pronounce any of these words) ____ Sweet cherries also contain quercetin, which can act as a natural antihistamine and is a potent antioxidant ____ Sweet cherries are a good source of cyanidins, which act as an antioxidant and may reduce cancer risk, as cyanidins promote cellular differentiation, which may reduce the risk for healthy cells to transform to cancer ___ Tart cherries are known for their anti-inflammatory benefits and have been shown to help lower the risk of gout attacks and reduce pain and inflammation associated with osteoarthritis and muscle soreness ____ Consuming tart cherries before bed can help increase your melatonin levels and improve your sleep, as well as support metabolic function as tart cherries can activate PPAR (peroxisome proliferator activating receptors), which helps regulate genes involved in fat and glucose metabolism ____ The consumption of sweet and tart cherries has been shown to inhibit COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes, as well as nuclear factor-κB (inflammatory markers associated with oxidative damage) ____ #briannaapproved #tartcherry #cherry #organic #hormonebalance #inflammation #britart #antioxidants #plantcompounds #oxidativedamage #freeradicals (at Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByctaeOASI5/?igshid=wzt2h6enr0ge
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salafiera · 5 years
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Nutritional compounds (aka plant compounds) which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects have specific roles in preventing oxidative stress induced damage to our cells ____ This plays a role in the pathogenesis (development of a disease) in our body (aka too much oxidative stress can lead to damaged cells, which can start the disease progression process) _____ Specific polyphenols are effective in scavenging reactive oxygen and reactive nitrogen species (ROS kind of like your clumsy friend who breaks everything around them) ___ These plant compounds can modulate genes associated with metabolism, stress response, drug metabolizing enzymes, detoxification and transporter proteins ____ The consumption of these various plant compounds have a protective role in helping to slow down the damaging effects of chronic diseases and in delaying the degenerative effects of aging (keeping that youthful glow) ——- You shouldn’t jump so quickly to take supplemental forms of antioxidants though _____ What is truly interesting is that research has found that purified micronutrients isolated from natural products may be less effective than a combination seen in the natural product (which means you don’t need individual antioxidant supplements and likely wouldn’t benefit); this is due to the synergistic effects of interacting agents and compounds found in any given plant/fruit/vegetable ____ #briannaapproved #plantcompounds #antioxidants #mitochondria #mitochondrialdisease #energy #freeradicals #oxidativestress #oxidativedamage (at Ravello, Amalfi Coast, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/BvrW-93nWUG/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=tcmjplr176jp
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salafiera · 6 years
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Did you know caffeine has cognitive‐enhancing properties with effects on learning and memory, concentration, arousal and mood!? In fact, caffeine modulates the brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) system ——— Caffeine modulates CNS activities through several mechanisms of action which include acting as an antagonist of adenosine (an inhibitory neurotransmitter, which promotes sleep aka why coffee wakes you up), in fact, when you wake up, the levels of adenosine in the brain rise each hour (adenosine levels decrease during sleep), which is why you can be a bit sluggish first thing in the morning ——— When adenosine is created in your brain it binds to adenosine receptors, this binding is what can cause you to feel sleepy (and makes you want to pour a pot of coffee over your head) by slowing down nerve cell activity ——— In the brain adenosine also causes blood vessels to dilate, which lets more oxygen into the brain during sleep, but when caffeine is consumed this can cause the brain’s blood vessels to constrict, because it blocks adenosine ability to open them up (why you can get caffeine headache withdrawal symptoms) ——— Recent epidemiological studies have shown that daily coffee consumption is associated with a lower risk for several neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease ——— The molecular mechanism responsible for the brain protective effects of coffee against neurological disorders is due to the relationship between caffeine and BDNF, which promotes the survival and growth of neurons ——— #briannaapproved #espresso #coffee #caffeine #antioxidants #healthybrain #BDNF #Alzheimer’s #brainhealth #brokenbrain #oxidativedamage #energy #coffeeaddict #boldroast #neurotransmitters (at The Lost Bean - Tustin) https://www.instagram.com/p/Br27HsknrKo/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ejc0wg2ka4bu
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salafiera · 5 years
Mitochondrial Aging 101 (via Vimeo)
Mitochondrial Theory of Aging  101: Mitochondrial dysfunction, which can include decreased oxidative capacity and increased oxidative damage, is said to contribute to biological aging; this is a result of an accumulation of damage to biochemicals throughout the body which is due to excessive production of of Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS)
Be sure to check out the full video
With age, our mitochondria accumulate ROS induced damaged and slowly over time become dysfunctional; as time progresses the function of the cells begins to decline, which causes aging and eventual death of the cells
Age related changes in the mitochondria are associated with a decline in overall mitochondrial function and integrity, as well as mutations to mitochondrial DNA, excessive oxidative damage, reduced oxidative phosphorylation (the process in which ATP is formed aka decreased ATP production), increases in ROS production and a lowered antioxidant defense overall  
Lifestyle and Nutrient Support: get to sleep, workout and add in some HIIT training, increase CoQ10, B Vitamins, Magnesium, Omega 3s and and work on balancing stress overload (physical, mental, emotional) with increased antioxidant support aka all the plant compounds
#briannaapproved #mitochondria #oxidativedamage #aging #inflammation #oxidativestress #cellhealth #mitochondrialhealth #functionalmedicine #holistichealth #DNA #ROS #plantcompounds #magnesium #CoQ10
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