discoverhowitworks · 1 year
What happens if you only consume 1000 calories a day?
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Restricting your calorie intake to just 1,000 calories a day can have significant effects on your body and overall health. While it may seem like a quick fix for weight loss, it can actually lead to serious health consequences in the long run. In this article, we'll dive into what happens to your body when you consume only 1,000 calories a day. We'll discuss the potential side effects, such as fatigue, nutrient deficiencies, and muscle loss. We'll also cover the importance of a balanced diet and provide tips for healthy weight loss and sustained health. It's essential to understand the potential risks of extreme calorie restriction before embarking on a low-calorie diet. Read on to learn more about how your body reacts to consuming only 1,000 calories a day and why it's important to prioritize your overall health and wellness. Consuming only 1,000 calories a day is considered a very low-calorie diet, and it's not recommended for most people. While it may lead to quick weight loss, it can also have negative effects on your health. A diet this low in calories can lead to nutrient deficiencies, as it's difficult to get all the necessary vitamins and minerals from such a limited number of calories. It can also cause fatigue, dizziness, and weakness, as your body isn't receiving enough fuel to function properly. In the long term, consuming only 1,000 calories a day can slow down your metabolism, making it harder to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. It can also lead to muscle loss, which can affect your overall health and physical abilities. If you're looking to lose weight, it's important to do so in a healthy and sustainable way. This means consuming a balanced diet with plenty of whole foods and regular exercise. It's best to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before embarking on any weight loss plan to ensure it's safe and effective for your individual needs. Read the full article
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wwtweets · 3 years
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Long Period of Daily Fasting Improves Metabolism, Lifespan in Mice Consuming a single meal day by day migh... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/long-period-of-daily-fasting-improves-metabolism-lifespan-in-mice/?feed_id=115562&_unique_id=618bc6d12ab6e #calorierestriction #calorierestrictionbenefits #fasting #fastingandmetabolism #fastingbenefits #fastingstudy #fastingstudymice #howtostartintermittentfasting #intermittentfasting #intermittentfastingbenefits #intermittentfastingstudy #micefastingstudy
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franklong12 · 3 years
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Long Period of Daily Fasting Improves Metabolism, Lifespan in Mice Consuming a single meal day by day migh... Read the rest on our site with the url below https://worldwidetweets.com/long-period-of-daily-fasting-improves-metabolism-lifespan-in-mice/?feed_id=115559&_unique_id=618bc6cdcdd3a #calorierestriction #calorierestrictionbenefits #fasting #fastingandmetabolism #fastingbenefits #fastingstudy #fastingstudymice #howtostartintermittentfasting #intermittentfasting #intermittentfastingbenefits #intermittentfastingstudy #micefastingstudy
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losingforgood · 3 years
Food Diary (4/27/21)
Breakfast: 130 calories
Lunch: 440 calories
Dinner: 583 calories
Exercise: none
Total calories: 1153
I pretty much ate the same thing as yesterday, but didn't get to workout because I had a physics final and had to work. I almost weighed myself this morning, but I think I'll wait a few more days because I know that weight fluctuates sometimes and if the scale goes up, I'll feel pretty bad. I was starting to really feel the calorie deficit today and was feeling really sluggish and tired at work. However, now that I'm done with finals, I won't be doing as much and can focus on my diet! I'm hoping that I'll get used to eating less and feel less hungry as the month goes on. Happy Tuesday! :)
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salafiera · 3 years
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Did you know twin studies have found that genetics only account for roughly 20 to 30 percent of an individual's chance of surviving to age 85!? Genetic factors can contribute to longevity in two main ways ✔️ 1-An individual may inherit certain genetic variations that can predispose him/her to disease that can decreases longevity (getting dealt a shitty hand if you will) ✔️2- Other variations in genes may increase factors that can benefit disease resistance (this is where factors such as diet/lifestyle/nutrients can positively influence genetic factors aka turning genes on and off) Researchers have found that the gene sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) can play a role in more efficient DNA repair in those with longer lifespans; this allows us to look into new approaches for anti-aging interventions, which could untimely slow and or prevent age-related disease As we get older, our DNA is more and more prone to breaks, which can lead to the rearrangements and mutations of genes, which are markers of cancer and aging Newer research suggests that DNA repair plays an important role in determining the lifespan of an organism Breaks in the double strands of our DNA are normal (we can have up to 2 trillion breaks per day), in fact, they are caused by factors such as cell replication and oxidative damage, the goal is to optimize the repair process in our genes, through longevity genes such as SIRT6, which repairs broken DNA Calorie restriction, fasting, interval training, optimizing nutrients such as B vitamins, resveratrol and modulating free radial and oxidative damage accumulation in the cells and mitochondria are some good jumping off points —— #briannaapproved #plantcompounds #fasting #calorierestriction #genetics #dna #epigenetics #oxidativedamage #freeradicals #inflammation #cellhealth #mitochondrialhealth (at Freehold Township, New Jersey) https://www.instagram.com/p/CI8JwYdDaNI/?igshid=qkwdxa8d4p2s
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peggyrojas · 5 years
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DIETS DON'T WORK ! for year I was in the #YoyoDieting until.. I learned in my Nutrition School that every time we get in a #calorieRestriction our bodies will Start its wonderful Compensatory Mechanisms 💁‍♀️ OUR BODY IS PERFECT! It will defend against weight loss by decreasing energy expenditure and increasing appetite 😱😱 #ComerseUnaVacaSyndrome 😅😅😅 WHAT WORKS THEN? 1 .What we need to observe and monitor is NOT AMOUNT OF CALORIES but the QUALITY of THOSE CALORIES. 2. The health of your #Microbiome, 3. #Toxins in your environment. 4. Internal #infections 5. #Allergens and #FoodIntolerances 6. #Mitochondrial #dysfunction 7. #Hormonal and #Neurotransmitter dysregulation One body is NOT THE SAME as the other, what is good for you it can be #Poison for others . Are you ready to #UNLEASHtheBESTYOU ? ➡️➡️Send me a message or say "IM IN" and I'll send you more details. 🙌My Unique 8 weeks Holistic Nutrition Group is launching soon 9/9! #HealthyMoms #HealthyCommunities #TampaWellness #TampaNutrition #YMCAHolisticNutrition #FoodisHealth #Energy #SayNOtoDiets (at Northwest Y) https://www.instagram.com/p/B19_4W2B2lr/?igshid=11i460yz6dui2
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. FIVE SIGNS YOUR DIET HAS TAKEN OVER YOUR LIFE . 1. YOU'RE ALWAYS HUNGRY & all you think about is food - what your going to eat, how much, when, what it's going to do to your body etc. . 2. You control, count, measure & analyze everything that goes into your body & you can't eat anything you haven't planned without feeling like your whole day has been thrown off . 3. You have to justify eating with some form of exercise & when you miss a workout you feel anxious & restrict your food . 4. You use food as a punishment & reward system . 5. You feel like you've gone on every diet & tried everything to change your body, but nothing is working . Do any of these sound familiar, Babe? . It's exhausting, right?! . Life is not meant to be a constant battle between you & your body I know what it's like to feel like your life is cobtrolled by food & to feel like you need to shrink in order to be worthy or to be happy I've BEEN THERE And let me tell you, that's no way to live! . Life doesnt have to be this way. If you're struggling with food, weight or body image issues & it's gotten to a point where it's completely taken over your mind...then it's time you decided to take your life back Comment "DITCH THE DIET" & I will reach out to you with details on how to break free Always on your side 💕 Xoxo Breh . . . #mindbodysoul #bikinibodyguide #edrecoverywarrior #caloriecounting #calorierestriction #paleodiet #ketodiet #howtoloseweight #weightlosstips #fitfood #macrocounting #IIFYM #edrecovery #eatingdisorder #bbgprogress #lowcarbdiet #amenorrhea #rawvegan #pcosrecovery #prorecovery #veganfitness #mindbodyspirit #weightloss #intuitiveeating #fitspo  #selflovejourney #detoxdiet #selfacceptance #mealprepping #thesoulfillmentapproach (at Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx6PIO5JvfQ/?igshid=1hg62ojisct1i
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losingforgood · 3 years
Food Diary (4/26/21)
Breakfast: 160 calories
Lunch: 410 calories
Dinner: 583 calories
Exercise: 30 minute dance workout (-200 calories)
Total Calories: 1153
Net Calories: 953
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salafiera · 4 years
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Did you know twin studies have found that genetics only account for roughly 20 to 30 percent of an individual's chance of surviving to age 85!? ——- Genetic factors can contribute to longevity in two main ways —- ✔️ 1-An individual may inherit certain genetic variations that can predispose him/her to disease that can decreases longevity (getting dealt a shitty hand if you will) ✔️2- Other variations in genes may increase factors that can benefit disease resistance (this is where factors such as diet/lifestyle/nutrients can positively influence genetic factors aka turning genes on and off) ——- Researchers have found that the gene sirtuin 6 (SIRT6) can play a role in more efficient DNA repair in those with longer lifespans; this allows us to look into new approaches for anti-aging interventions, which could untimely slow and or prevent age-related disease ——- As we get older, our DNA is more and more prone to breaks, which can lead to the rearrangements and mutations of genes, which are markers of cancer and aging —— Newer research suggests that DNA repair plays an important role in determining the lifespan of an organism —- Breaks in the double strands of our DNA are normal (we can have up to 2 trillion breaks per day), in fact, they are caused by factors such as cell replication and oxidative damage, the goal is to optimize the repair process in our genes, through longevity genes such as SIRT6, which repairs broken DNA —— Calorie restriction, fasting, interval training, optimizing nutrients such as B vitamins, resveratrol and modulating free radial and oxidative damage accumulation in the cells and mitochondria are some good jumping off points —— #briannaapproved #plantcompounds #fasting #calorierestriction #genetics #dna #epigenetics #oxidativedamage #freeradicals #inflammation #cellhealth #mitochondrialhealth (at Newark Liberty International Airport) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Q0gzdgU-I/?igshid=10lve8qc02u19
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largestloser-blog · 6 years
The last couple days have been crazy busy and spent with family so restricting has been incredibly hard, because they have been watching me. But I’m home now so today’s count and such I should be able to keep it exactly where I want!
But here are my stats for yesterday, it’s still in the range I wanted for the day but I had to eat things I didn’t want to and didn’t get to excercise like I wanted to.
1/2 strawberry pastry 210 Calories
6 oz milk 102 calories
1 sugar free orange jello 5 Calories
1 can green beans (plain) 40 calories
1 serving popcorn 30 Calories
NOS 210 calories
Walking 15 minutes -120 Calories
Day total:
467 Calories
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integralshock · 6 years
Hunger gains: the benefits of calorie restriction on healthy aging
Research shows five days of hunger a month may reduce risk factors for aging and age-related diseases. The idea that organisms can live longer, healthier lives by reducing their calorie intake is not exactly new. Laboratory research has repeatedly demonstrated the anti-aging value of calorie restriction, often called CR, in animals from nematodes to rats—with the implication that the same might be true for humans.In practice though, permanently reducing calorie intake by 25 to 50 percent or more sounds to many like a way to extend life by making it not worth living. Researchers have also warned that what works for nematodes or rats may not work—and could even prove dangerous—in humans, by causing muscle or bone density loss, for example.
But now two new studies appear to move calorie restriction from the realm of wishful thinking to the brink of practical, and perhaps even tolerable, reality. Writing in Nature Communications, researchers at the University of Wisconsin–Madison and the National Institute on Aging reported last month chronic calorie restriction produces significant health benefits in rhesus monkeys—a primate with humanlike aging patterns—indicating “that CR mechanisms are likely translatable to human health.” The researchers describe one monkey they started on a 30 percent calorie restriction diet when he was 16 years old, late middle age for this type of animal. He is now 43, a longevity record for the species, according to the study, and the equivalent of a human living to 130.
In the second study, published this week in Science Translational Medicine, a research team led by gerontologist Valter Longo at the University of Southern California (U.S.C.) suggests it is possible to gain anti-aging benefits without signing up for a lifetime of hunger. Instead, a “fasting-mimicking diet,” practiced just five days a month for three months—and repeated at intervals as needed—is “safe, feasible and effective in reducing risk factors for aging and age-related diseases.”Some researchers, however, still find the calorie-restriction argument unpersuasive. Leslie Robert, a biochemist and physician at the University of Paris who was not involved in the two new studies, says pharmaceutical approaches offer greater anti-aging potential than “inefficient and apparently harmful” diets.
The important thing, adds Luigi Fontana, a longevity researcher at the Washington University School of Medicine in Saint Louis who also was not involved in the new work, is “if you’re doing a healthy diet, exercising, everything good, without doing anything extreme, without making life miserable by counting every single calorie.”Rozalyn Anderson, a researcher in the Wisconsin study, does not necessarily disagree. “Life is difficult enough without engaging in some bonkers diet,” she says. “We really study this as a paradigm to understand aging. We’re not recommending people do it.” The combined results in the Nature Communications paper show aging is “malleable” in primates, she explains, and that “aging itself presents a reasonable target for intervention.” Whereas conventional medicine views aging as a fight against cancer, cardiovascular issues, neural degeneration and other diseases, she adds, calorie restriction “delays the aging and vulnerability. Instead of going after diseases one at a time, you go after the underlying vulnerability and tackle them all at once.”
Despite her reservations about recommending CR, Anderson praised the work of the research team in the Science Translational Medicine study for “pushing this forward for possible application in clinics.” In that study, test subjects followed a carefully designed 50 percent calorie restricted diet (totaling about 1,100 calories on the first day and 70 percent (about 700 calories) on the next four days, then ate whatever they wanted for the rest of the month.Longo, the gerontologist at U.S.C., says the underlying theory of the on-again/off-again approach is that the regenerative effects of the regimen occur not so much from the fasting itself as from the recovery afterward. By contrast, long-term, uninterrupted calorie restriction can lead to the sort of negative effects seen in extreme conditions like anorexia.
The calorie-restricted diet in Longo’s study was 100 percent plant-based and featured vegetable soups, energy bars, energy drinks and a chip snack as well as mineral and vitamin supplements. It included nutrients designed to manipulate the expression of genes involved in aging-related processes, Longo explains. (Longo and U.S.C. are both owners of L-Nutra, the company that manufactures the diet. But he says he takes no salary or consulting fees from the company and has assigned his shares to a nonprofit organization established to support further research.)
Even the five-day-a-month calorie restriction regimen was apparently a struggle for some test subjects, resulting in a 25 percent dropout rate. But health benefits in the form of decreased body mass and better levels of glucose, triglycerides and cholesterol, along with other factors, showed up after the third month and persisted for at least three months—even after subjects had returned full-time to a normal diet. Notably, given concerns about other forms of calorie restriction, lean muscle mass remained unchanged.The benefits were greater for people who were obese or otherwise unhealthy, Longo says. But those individuals might also need to repeat the five-day regimen as often as once a month to the point of recovery, he adds, whereas individuals who are already healthy and athletic might repeat it just twice a year.
Neither of the two new studies argues the benefits of CR necessarily add up to a longer life. Longevity in humans is still an unpredictable by-product of our myriad variations in individual biology, behavior and circumstance. The objective, according to researchers, is merely to make the healthy portion of our lives last longer.
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. Your future self doesn't just refer to you 10 years from now It refers to you at the end of this week In 1 hour In 5 minutes . Eating disorders come with a handful of self-sabotaging thoughts & behaviors They make you panic & undo the things you've done to move forward...causing you to feel relived for a moment But then angry at yourself for falling back into your old ways What if when you faced resistance, fear & panic...you thought about the person you want to be? Recovered Spontaneous Healthy Normal FREE?! . Imagine you are that person now How would you respond to your current situation? . What would you want to look back & say about the decisions you made? . What would you tell yourself now? . What would you look back on & laugh at? . Before you binge, think about how you want to feel later...after the binge DO you want to feel sick & guilty? . Before you restrict, think about how you want to spend the rest of your life Do you want to have kids? . Do you want to have strong bones? . Do you want to be making excuses not to eat meals with your family or have a slice of your wedding cake? . NO . So, before you go purge or spend hours at the gym working off what you ate Think about how you want to spend your time Do you want to spend time throwing up your whole life? . Making excuses for being up at 2am or getting caught with your head over the toilet? . Do you want to spend your precious moments that you could be spending with the ones you love at the gym or nursing injuries? . Do you want to have to keep pushing yourself to take a step forward Only to undo it & have to take that same step all over again? . Think about your future self Ten years from now & 1 hr from now... . What can you do to make her proud? What can you do right now that she will thank you for? . Prove to yourself & to the disorder That you ARE her . Sending you all my love Breh ❤ . #futureself #bikinibodyguide #edrecoverywarrior #caloriecounting #calorierestriction #paleodiet #holisticnutrition #howtoloseweight #weightlosstips #fitfood #macrocounting #IIFYM #edrecovery #eatingdisorder #bbgprogress #lowcarbdiet #amenorrhea #rawvegan #bingerecovery #prorecovery (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bsq0NWSAWH8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ziol2idomq5t
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Weigh in tomorrow...
So I haven’t posted my thoughts for a while - I know... who cares? But for me, this is helping me get through some rough stuff at the moment so...
It is weigh in day tomorrow and I have been good so far today;
Breakfast - Small banana (90 cals) 
Lunch - Half a pot of mango chunks (86 cals)
Dinner - Not had yet but I will be having chicken salad (no mayo or sauce) I am not sure of the cals but I am sure it cannot be over 200.
Drinks - x3 coffee with semi skimmed milk and 1 sweetner (I need a bit of sweetness)
Water - Currently only had one pint - for some reason I am struggling to drink lots of water? 
I hope everyone is happy and doing well!
Just remember, one bad day does not have to define your week!
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slicedvegan · 7 years
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I could not find anything about this on the internet, but it seems like there are less calories (and sugar) in the Spanish Sprite 😥. Only 35 kcal per 33ml can, and only 10 calories per 100 ml??? 😐 Why, I don't know, but Sprite is now totally useless in Spain 😦 #lowcarb #calorierestriction #calorierestrict #lowsugar #noenergy #vegan #hclf #atkins #paleo #carbthefuckup #highcarb
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