#marble hornets original character
bbeeohazardd · 2 years
what’s oz’s relationship like with the cast of mh :0
hoh boy okay! going for in college stuff here because i think thats what you meant, sorry if my interpretation of the word cast is wrong lol
Alex: That's his older bro!!! he loves that guy sm!!! Alex basically took him in after their parents had effectively kicked both of them out and they were extremely close, they would both do anything for each other. They were very supportive of each other and Oz was fully supportive of Alex's movie(actually getting college credit for helping with his movie).
Jay: That's his other older bro! Him and Alex met Jay once they moved to the area Rosswood is in, due to being in and out of the hospital a lot he wasn't extremely close with Jay but saw him positively due to Jay(and Alex) including him when they hung out. They lived with him and Alex in student housing for a bit in college and they basically saw him as another older brother.
Amy: He met her due to Alex in high school and was good friends with her! He basically pushed Alex to her and went "Holy fuck tell her how you feel". He liked Amy because she was very kind and she and Alex were very good for each other
Brian: He met Brian in college(they both shared a video production class and hit it off very well on their first day) they were basically best friends and Oz had a huge crush on him but refused to tell him(even though it was pretty obvious). They, Brian, and Tim were a trio and would hang out a lot together.
Tim: It took a bit for them and Tim to become friends but they both hit it off very well eventually, Oz and Brian both doing their best to include Tim in their shenanigans and Tim acting as the straight man before eventually also getting in on whatever the hell the other two were up to.
Sarah: He was actually good friends with Sarah, often getting advice from her and ranting about his crush on Brian. The two hung out quite a lot and would sometimes go on small hikes together on Oz's better health days.
Seth: He wasn't particularly close with Seth, but he would do his best to include him and they were friendly with each other. They both bonded over photography and Seth was in the same video production class as them, Brian, and Jay.
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jimmy-johns-was-taken · 4 months
Helllooo ^^
Could i request an enemies to lovers trope (im a sucker for it 😔) w EJ, Hoodie and Jane?
frick I love this ask
Enemies to lovers with Jane the killer, Hoodie, and Eyeless Jack
All is below the cut :)
Jane the Killer :
Probably thought you were working with Jeff for a while
I’d imagine you were maybe friends with BEN? Since BEN and Jeff are close
Jane assumed you and Jeff were at least on good terms
And she HATED it
Hated you, for being friends with him
Would verbally fight with you, except she would never let you speak or explain yourself
But one day it all changed!!!!
You and Jeff got into a heated argument and Jane talked to you after, having this “I told you he was shit” attitude
You yelled at Jane, telling her that you and Jeff were never friends and in fact, you disliked Jeff
But from then you and Jane bonded
Took a little while, but I’d imagine you found something in common and it started from there
Eventually she confessed, becuz we all know that Jane would confess first (we would all be way to scared to)
And now y’all hate on Jeff together!!!
Hoodie :
You were a new proxy, a very uhhhh, energetic one?
You were always go go go, loud, etc
And Hoodie, while he didn’t mind it at first (hell he even enjoyed it), very slowly got annoyed
Then, one day, you and him are on a mission together and you fuck up
You fix it quickly, killing them fast after missing the first time
But he was enraged
Yelled at you for fucking up
Since then, he refused to go on missions with you
But one day, you Toby and Cody all go on a mission together
It goes wonderfully and y’all even stop at like Waffle House after
Hoodie finds this out after you all come in laughing your asses off and having a good time
He likes your laugh
From that point, he tries to listen for it more, and then lowkey starts to be around you more
He doesn’t really talk much, not until he over hears you say something that you like and he also likes
And then after a mission, he offers to buy you it or bring you to a restaurant with it (let’s say you both like the same kind of coffee or pastry or something idk)
And you immediately agree
And then it just blossoms? He realizes that you weren’t that bad, you just had a bad day and fucked up
Everyone fucks up now and then, and that’s ok. Everyone makes mistakes and life moves on, it’s normal.
You teach him that life is nothing without some kind of failure, and for that he is forever grateful
Eyeless Jack :
At first, he wanted to eat you
Then, once he learned that you were a new resident in the forest, he just left you alone
Jack doesn’t hate without reason, I could see him disliking someone for being annoying, but never without a reason ya know?
I’d imagine one day you got in the middle of his kill, costing him a new meal
He was pissed, duh
Would not talk to you, refused to help you, etc
And you felt TERRIBLE
So, one day, you show up at his cabin with a couple of meals for him, all an assortment of organs and such
You ramble on about how you didn’t know which one he liked best and that you overthought it and panicked and so you just grabbed an arrangement
He was grateful
Then one day you got hurt, he helped you and patched you up
And then you two started a small routine where you would bring him some food, he would patch you up and get you some supplies
Eventually y’all just moved in together cuz it was more convenient and easier for everyone (and totally not cuz you had a big crush on him no no no-)
And eventually y’all are just like “yo I hated u at first but like can we date?”
Like of course Jack would make it romantic (as romantic as an eyeless demon could be) and will do better than just “we’re dating now, idc what you say”
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clayteland · 5 months
Hey Tim!!
How well do you and Brian get along w/ skully???
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The Operator needs to be killed.
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maggotfagg0t · 8 months
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My new Slenderverse series
Hello guys, like I said I would I am making a slenderverse series.
It's called hiddenCatacombs. It's a channel ran by the character Kurtis Campbell. Which the channels main purpose is to document his urdan exploring that he does and the werid places he goes. But like other slenderverse series that ends up going all werid and a bunch of strange things happen to him. I don't want to go much into deal because I don't want to spoil anything.
I will be making the first upload soon so If I could get some supports to subscribe so I have some form of support before I start this. That would mean a great deal to me.
Channel link:
Channel name: hiddenCatacombs
(I'm just tagging the people that said they'd be interested in a slenderverse related thing or arg)
@3amclothesmonster @crowlingkitten @unsocializedhuman @c4m-corder @lonelysillyme @headless-b00gie @im-all-out-of-ideas @yanbre
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papay0 · 2 months
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Some of my most recent art depicting my friend’s and I creppypasta oc’s aaaand Masky/ Tim :3
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HELLO JAM NATION I AM BACK WITH MORE JAM ART :D today I bring you Jay and Tim holding hands AND a fanart of @tanatophobiamoth's Oc, Miya!! Check out his blog because he's got some really nice stuff over there (on Instagram too, technically, I just can't link it over here sdshdhdh)
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chemical-bunz · 5 months
Hello, can you tell us more about your slenderverse au?
YES I CAN!!! So:
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Slenderman/The Operator/The Tall Man is roughly humanoid decoy used by a much larger Entity (The Ark) to lure in prey.
The Entity struggles to interact with the physical world in more fine-tuned manners that would allow for more refined hunting (trying to hunt in the Physical is like a human trying to navigate an anthill), so it enlists the use of Proxies.
Proxies are humans who have been Infected and Infested by “Slender Sickness”, which begins as a bullseye-shaped wound, easily mistaken for a tick bite. Soon after infection, the victim will begin to suffer from brain fog and eventual amnesia, alongside fevers (giving them a cold feeling) and pneumonia (causing the coughing fits).
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As it progresses, the victim will be become more irritable and paranoid, lashing out and potentially infecting those around them.
This is when the Cycles begin.
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You see, the infection needs a bit of help in order to grow, and so the Operator begins a process of taking the Infected and forcing them into a cycle of death and reiteration (as seen in Everyman Hybrid) until their will breaks, and the infection fully matures.
Once the infected break, surrendering their lives to the Operator, It reaching out its tentacles to slash a sigil into their infection mark, binding them to it’s service.
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From there, they are given a very small amount of power, which enables them to hunt and infect new prey for the Operator.
Proxies still maintain their humanity, much to their displeasure, as they are forced to kill and torture people, especially those they knew when they were still normal.
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sprixyn · 2 years
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arrested for being too silly. also manslaughter (i liked the lineart so i put it under the cut)
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creek-ink · 2 years
*sorry we're closed*
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message me here, and don't be afraid to ask questions! I don't bite too hard!
°.• art examples °. •
(click 4 clarity)
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abt me:
I am currently in college and trying desperately to make ends meet! Any money from this would go toward living expenses for me, my bf, my cat, and our gecko.
I am at the moment unemployed, so if u can plz consider supporting me <3<3<3
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skullytotheark · 1 month
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Clear Skies 75
Setting: Different states of America
time setting: late 20th century, From 70s to 90s
Why I made it: Hehe creepypasta but oc au
Inspiration: 70s and 80s slasher mixed with creepypasta characters / creepypasta characters set in the 80s
goal: Possibly make an ARG series, But for now it’ll be in silly writing i do every now and then. Similar to creepy hornets
The Rot of the woods is slowly but surely making it’s way pass the treeline, The Horrible reality where monsters and things that go bump in the night are more common than you could ever imagine.. Deep in Montana and Colorado these nightmares hide within the woods, Awaiting for any lone hikers and the innocent to walk into their sight. For they hunt for sport and to survive…
Ever Since the start of the 70s, More and more of these creatures and psychopaths are beginning to crawl out from the bed to strike. Their goals and motives being a mystery to people like you and I… There’s only a burning ember of hope that there is good amongst the bad, But then again. who says they’re any better than those they fight??... Only god can save you from whatever is tapping at your window, The strange towering silhouette standing in the corner of your room or the sound of heavy footsteps heading straight for your bedroom door.
Welcome my dearest of friends and stalkers of the night!!!
Allow thy to introduce you to a World of many nightmares and terrors beyond your imaginations.
Clear Skies 75!
For a good while you've might've heard me just ramble or mention this AU in at least one or two of my posts, But Allow me to show you what I've been brewing for awhile!
For a good while I've been sitting in my little snowy room, Thinking of different scenarios and plotpoints involving these characters! Now personally I'm not ENTIRELY SURE, If I'll do as much "fanfics" or writing as much as I would do for Creepyhornets but You'll def probably see me write about this au Every now and then! I more or less really wanted to just, Have characters based off of some of the pastas or characters i've come to love growing up in this silly community!!
The Watchman.
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"A Modern Tale for those who go wondering in these woods son. They say it's a Eldritch God of sorts or a "angry spirit"... Me?? I think it's a force of nature, Not something you can fight... But you'd have to adapt to.. trust me, I know..."
The great watchman! The Slenderman of this canon as you can tell and the main "big bad" of this canon, I more or less imagine that this entity is not your sterorypical slender that we're used to seeing in writings. Returning to the older versions such as the Operator and when Slender was simply a being of unknown nature and sudden movements...
"The Butcher"
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"I had a run in with that fucking freak. Cackling and getting a kick out of my fear as he chased after me with a fucking machete.. One day he'll fucking learn what's it like when the roles change... One day..."
The Jeff The Killer stand in for this canon! More or less depicting him as a cruel but sloppy killer, Although he has a big reputation, He's a amature and a prime example of "human scum" in this canon. No goals or motives, doing it for the fun of it. Also im just thinking of naming him "Geoff" cuz it'd be a really funny bit imo
"The Pyromaniac"
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"I remember when he was still young.. A cheerful little boy who still needed mommy to tie his shoe laces... But then things changed... He never got along with his stepdad... But then he went missing one day and.. I get a call that My husband was killed... Then I knew.. He wanted to get back at him for everything Frank had done to us... But it should have never ended like this.."
The Ticci Toby stand in for this universe!!!. Felix/Cody robinson is a child of abuse who is short tempered and rash, Often acting and thinking later. Although he's a valuable assest to The Watchman's following. Even though He hates it and wants to go home.
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"I still remember when "Bryan" took me up to that cabin... God I should've known I was just another lamb for the slaughter.. How did this end up like this Ma?..."
Doll-Face is of course the Masky inspired character! His story heavily follows the idea of "get away at the Cabin goes wrong and now all of my friends are trying to kill eachother" trope.
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"I'm alive... I shouldn't be but I am... After everything I've done.. I'll make things right this time... I'm so sorry Tommy.."
Null is a combination of both Hoody and Skully into one character! And is also the "Alex" of this scenario. Bryan's family was haunted by the watchman for generations, When he was older the entity began to pick away at his sanity and commanded a blood sacrifice for his family using 'it's children' for resources when building their cabin / property in the woods.
"The Stalker."
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"I could've sworn, He was standing right at my bed when I was asleep. I don't know why but he was... He killed dad but... Why not me?... Was he... Taunting me?.."
And the final member of this cast [ATM] the Stalker! The eyeless Jack stand in for this series who draws heavy inspirtation from the og eyeless jack design. Atm I had the idea that he was a journalist in diguise pretending to be a demon of sorts who profits off of his crimes by taking photos of the aftermaths. Buttt I do also like the idea of him just being a demon. His story is still a WIP atm.
Until next time!
Sadly that is all the characters i have so far :(
But I do plan on making more characters such as Zalgo, Jane, Nina and a whole bunch more!! Ofc I plan on making a word doc for this au that'll have links to each of these characters butttt i gotta finish Stalker and "Geoff" before i do!
But until then keep an eye out on my tiktok *COUGH* Skullytotheark *COUGH* for a bunch of arrttt and wips of more characters!!!
See you all next time :)
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bbeeohazardd · 2 years
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some young Oz, Alex, and Jay!
Alex got kicked out at 14 and started living with Jay's family who took him in. Oz was stuck with their parents until he also got kicked out at 16 and was taken in by Alex(whoi had his own apartment with Jay at the time)
they're all doing their best
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jimmy-johns-was-taken · 6 months
Feeling ✨inspired ✨
Tim x Daughter!Reader
Very quick blurb I thought of :)
Also consider reading my other Tim and Daughter readers? I’d like to build a small little story around it all, but idk?
T.W.: Yelling, swearing, crying, angst
You and Brian sat in the bathroom, you on the counter and him in front of you, wrapping your arm in gauze. It wasn’t a large cut, but deeper and bleeding a lot. You’d definitely have a scar, but Brian said it would look “cool as fuck”.
You hadn’t been sitting on the counter before you could hear the front door slam open. Brian looked to the hallway and payed attention to the hurried and loud footsteps echoing. He looked back at you, a look of concern and sorrow. You sighed, knowing you were in deep shit.
“What the hell,” Tim appeared in the doorway, clearly pissed.
“Tim, she’s fine-“ Brian began before Tim cut him off.
“I don’t give a damn if she’s fine,” ok ouch, you thought, “she fucking snuck out and then got hurt! Look at this,” Tim paced over to where you and Brian were, grabbing your arm so hard it would definitely bruise. He looked to you, seething with anger.
“I’m sorry…” you mumbled, the quiet apology going practically unheard.
“Brian, out.” It wasn’t a question, more so a demand. Brian began to protest, but it fell on deaf ears. He gave you a sorry look, and left the bathroom, shutting the door behind him.
“What the hell were you thinking? Better fucking question, were you even thinking?!” Tim’s voice raised with every word.
“I just wanted to go for a walk, that’s all,” you tried to explain.
“Right right, with no one?! You know how dangerous this damn forest is and yet here you are, doing dumb shit again!”
“Again?” You asked, your own voice slightly raising. Tim looked at you, a look you couldn’t decipher on his face.
“Do not take a tone with me, understood?” It was firm and you mumbled out a small apology.
“Listen,” Tim rubbed his temples and took in a deep breathe, “I get it. You hate it here, being cooped up, because we’re just sooo bad to live with! Well guess what? You’re stuck here! Because if you go out there, you’re alone. You hear that? Alone!” You gulped, only looking at him in shame.
“You will be alone and who knows what will happen! Hell, you’re lucky it was only Rake who got you! What if it was someone like Jeff, or you could have been Jack’s next meal? What then?” You knew he made good points, but it hurt for him to yell them at you. You just wanted out, wanted to be able to go as everyone else did.
“Or what if humans got you?? You know what they’d do to you? You’d get thrown into foster care, or left on the streets, or hell maybe jail? You have no idea what the real world is like because you’re just a stupid kid! A stupid kid who’s never experienced the real world!”
“We’ll maybe if you’d let me out, I could find out what it’s like,’ you retaliated, “I’m locked up here! You, Brian, Toby, hell even the cat has more freedom then I do! And it’s all to protect me? Bullshit!” Tim was taken aback by you’re yelling, but he didn’t take kindly to it.
“Ya’ know what? Just go to your room, I’ll fucking decide later how I’m going to ground you,” Tim sensed your growing frustration.
“No!” You yelled, “It’s not fair, everyone can go and do as they please! But I’m stuck here for my protection? What are you protecting me from? The world I’ll never get to see?!”
“From people like your mother. People who will abuse and abandon you. People who lie, who steal, people who will hurt you.” Tim never brought up your mom, never. He said it was a one night thing, but you never believed him. It couldn’t have been, he always avoided her.
“Bullshit,” you responded and pushed past Tim. Walking into the hallway and to your room, you slammed the door shut, “if you just wanted to keep me because you felt bad or some bullshit, save it. I don’t fucking care,” you yelled through the door, loud enough Brian heard from downstairs. Hot tears streamed down your face as you grabbed a set of headphones BEN had gifted you. You weren’t supposed to be friends with anyone, but you honestly didn’t care. You cried yourself to sleep that night, wholeheartedly believing Tim couldn’t care less for you.
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argie003 · 2 months
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Sally and Juliet 💕 ghost girlies bonding😭
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spellboundcities · 8 months
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Got busy with other things and fell out of the list, but here's some of the art pieces I've done so far for Gore/Marble/Cringetober! Days 1, 3-7, and 18
Templates by @/moose._.draws on Instagram, @googiesita , and @icryink ! the first character, Xavier, belongs to @sirenetica
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clockypastaa · 8 months
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Tim and Connie kissing LMAO
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And my CRP OC named Buba and Oscar (ticciwork child that belongs to @peachy-cloudds )
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cdwhome · 4 months
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First post...
Okay, quick art in an hour.
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