#p: astra
felinefractious · 2 months
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Ember Mystery Mask*RU
🐱 Sacred Birman
📸 Naumenko Aleksej [Astra Venetum]
🎨 Seal Point Mitted [Birman Gloving]
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princess--kira · 2 months
so my playlist is sentient
and i’ve decided im completely ok with this
ok so like i was reading this book and it’s at this part where the whole supporting cast fucking dies and they were with us for like 350 chapters or something? so like really attached yknow? and they have to deal with this really strong nightmare creature but the whole supporting army with them starts dropping dead from the blizzard made by said creature. it’s like such a cinematic moment for mc but anyways the main side characters are the last ones left and they die one by one under the oppressive cold and mc has this whole sad moment before almost dying himself-
but then like- my playlist just plays dynasty and it’s such a good fit and made the moment just that much better and omg i cant
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frxemriss · 1 year
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Astra and Seren
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phoenixiancrystallist · 10 months
You know, I should probably have written the Susurrus/First Tanta AU before I wrote the epilogue, but I did not. Gonna share that epilogue, though, because I enjoy what I've done and I want to share :)
Cuff murmured in his sleep, a sleep that was apparently fitful and riddled with nightmares. Frey debated waking him up, but before she could get far in that thought, he gasped a name and she felt his consciousness return with a start.
"Hey," Frey said to catch his attention and help pull him out of that nightmare. "It's just us here. You good?"
"Good...? I... Was I asleep?" Cuff asked. Frey guessed she hadn't given him enough time to come back to Athia. There was a lingering feeling of panic in his voice, probably the last shreds of whatever dream he'd been having.
"You had a nightmare."
"Did I? I wasn't even aware that I could dream."
"Really? Huh. Learn something new every day." Frey considered waiting for him to finish coming out of that nightmare, but she knew if she waited too long he'd clam up and she'd never get an answer. So: "Who's Astra?"
"I, I don't... I don't know. I don't remember. She was... important to me, once. My whole world, it... revolved around her, I think." He hissed, a pain in his voice that Frey couldn't figure out. There wasn't anything around to hurt him. "Ah, what is this emptiness...?"
Oh. That kind of pain. Was Cuff in love once? Man, that must have been a long time ago, if he'd forgotten who she was. And, somehow, just knowing he had loved someone made Frey regret asking. Like she'd pried into something private she had no business sticking her nose in.
"Never mind," Cuff said before Frey could figure out if she wanted to say anything. He sounded back to his usual sharp attitude, and made a sound like he was clearing a throat he didn't even have. "How close are we to Rheddah?"
"See for yourself," Frey offered, her eyes fixed on the horizon where she could see the leading edge of land. It looked nothing like the Visorian coast they'd set out from. Nothing like Praenost, Avoalet, or Junoon, either. Athia was bordered by jagged and rocky cliffs, and beaches of black sand that Cuff said were the result of the land Breaking.
Rheddah looked a thousand times worse. Even from here, miles from shore, Frey could see Break glowing against the setting sun. Black, twisted strands and spires rose into the air, clawed at the sky and shredded the clouds passing overhead to ribbons.
She counted at least three structures that looked horribly like the Tree of Offering.
"Are those what I think they are?" Cuff asked, something caught between awe and horror in his voice.
"I really, really hope not," Frey admitted. "I don't think I can handle three more of you."
"There's only one me, Frey," Cuff scoffed. But he hesitated, and his next words wavered with doubt. "I think."
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desertduality · 6 months
I JUST READ THE NEW CHAPTER AND HHHJ IM SCREANING SO MUCH. SO MUCH. im here looking at it with starry eyes. i love it. i was saddish but your fic cheered me up so much. thank you for your hard work. i love it. a cookje and a flower for you.
- g
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valkyrievanessa · 1 year
Algumas demos de jogos indies na steam
Então, na steam está com aquele festival de Demos e eu testei alguns indies que estavam na minha lista de desejos que eu queria testar para ver se rodava no meu notebook, testei 2 por enquanto, Sea of Stars (RPG de turno) e o The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood que parece ser um jogo focado na historia igual The Red Strings Club (jogo do mesmo pessoal). Eu adorei os 2 por sinal, Sea of Stars parecia bonito pelas imagens mas ele também é muito divertido, tipo, muito mesmo, eu adorei o jogo hahaha (e está em português brasileiro).
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O Jogo é bem lindo, tipo, muito lindo mesmo, os graficos são simples mas o jogo é muito bem feito e eu achei o combate bem divertido, ele é um rpg de turno mas se vc apertar espaço quando bate e quando é atacado, se fizer isso na hora certa vc aumenta o dano que causa e reduz o dano que vc recebe, tipo Ikenfell e Cristales, mas mais para o lado de Cristales e tals, uma mecanica que de inicio não parece vital mas assim que vc tromba com inimigos mais dificeis vc percebe que vai ter que aprender o timing do jogo.
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Na Demo vc joga uma dungeon bem legal de explorar (a exploração do jogo parece muito divertida) e derrota o boss dela, a luta é impressionante hahaha, se não estivesse na demo e tivessem me mostrado esse boss eu iria jurar que é o boss final, a luta é boa nesse nivel. Eu fiquei confusa com algumas mecanicas mas não parece nada um bicho de 7 cabeças, quando lançar dependendo do preço eu compro o jogo.
Agora, o que vou com certeza comprar no lançamento, The Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood, eu joguei a demo e fiquei apaixonada pelo jogo, completamente, ele parece que vai ser um jogo lindo como o The Red Strings Club e igualmente destruidor de coração e estou me preparando mentalmente para isso hahaha.
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Na historia vc é uma bruxa que foi condenada a estar isolada no espaço por 1000 anos por ter previsto o futuro do coven e causado caos e panico, depois de uns 200 anos Fortuna decide evocar Abramar para ajudar em sua liberdade e Ábramar ajudar Fortuna a criar um novo deck de Tarot, completamente original e mais poderoso.
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O pouco que a Demo deixa vc jogar já me fez ficar completamente apaixonada pela historia e eu preciso ver como vai terminar, mesmo parecendo que essa historia vai terminar em uma tragedia e tals, afinal ela fez um pacto com Ábramar e isso vai ter consequencias e vc escolhe essa consequencia, eu preciso jogar esse jogo!!! hahaha, espero que não seja caro.
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Sim, eu tirei muitos prints, eu estou apaixonada por esse jogo e parece que vai ser uma historia trans, como assim? no final da Demo Fortuna revela que não queria ter nascido como uma mulher e no menu do jogo tem uma lista de gatilhos, um deles é disforia de gênero, então sim, Fortuna parece ser trans e como só tem a Demo, não faço ideia da identidade delu e nem os pronomes que elu gosta de usar, então estou tentando me referir a fortuna de forma mais neutra possivel.
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bellusastra · 11 months
WOAH OC ART OC ART OC ART OC ART RAAAAAAH (sorry for poor quality in second pic)
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MAE IS THE FEATHER ELF GIRL AND GENEVIEVE IS THE GIANT SIREN WOMAN. Mae was done like uhhhh in April and Genevieve was done like a few days ago. They’re for a story me and my little sister were working on, I made Mae and she made Genevieve. And I drew them both 🤭
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nyukyusnz · 9 months
Ur well deserved collection of heee
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oddogoblino · 10 months
Deny real identity reduce to anon real (Yew can never guess who I am >:DDD)
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eydika · 2 years
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artfight attacka 😌✨ @thatsushichick @ageofthedragon
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please aliens just wait a few more decades we've got a lot going on as it is ToT
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astral-cataclysm · 1 year
I stole your depression btw :]
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ova-kakyoin · 2 years
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help i cant stop thinking about them
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girldickman · 2 years
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"You've flowers in your hair," Astra said, and Susurrus turned to her, a wide grin on his face.
"A helm fit only for the bravest and most noble of warriors, milady," he said, melodramatic and overflowing with delight. The child riding on his shoulders giggled as she wove yet another blossom into his coppery locks. Astra found herself staring, in part admiring the contrast of the delicate, slightly squished blooms against the regal lines and planes of his handsome face. And yet, she also found herself captivated by the way he interacted with the children. Susurrus was the most powerful combative mage in the armies under her command, ruthless and efficient on the battlefield. Yet here he was, children dangling off of him and a smile fit to outshine the sun swallowing his hazel eyes.
Another child hit him at the knees and he tumbled, careful and controlled so as not to harm the little ones that clung to his arms. Astra did not see how it was done, but despite no less than two gangly, uncoordinated bodies weighing each limb down, Susurrus managed to flip the child riding his shoulders so that she landed on his chest. His rich, sonorous laughter rang around the plaza like bells, accompanied by the raucous laughter of the children.
"I've been felled!" Susurrus said through his laughter, and the young lad who'd downed him leapt onto him, a battle cry in his throat that sent the other children scrambling. "Have mercy, have mercy!"
Astra found herself giggling as the other children ran past her, dispersing themselves around the plaza and hiding in garden beds and flowering bushes to prepare for a merry game of chase. But she had need of Susurrus, and so clapped her hands to get the children's collective attention focused on her.
"Come along now," she said, "don't you all have lessons to attend?"
The unanimous whine that met her words forced her to smother a smile. But a stern glance from Susurrus sent them scattering to the winds, off to seek some other entertainment for the day. Astra offered her hands to Susurrus to help him up, marveled at the warmth and gentleness in them belied by the rough calluses and scars he'd earned through battle.
"Bad news?" he asked, running his fingers through his hair. Each flower dislodged was gathered and carefully cradled in his free hand, held tenderly so as not to crush them.
"Nothing we hadn't anticipated," Astra assured him, even as her eyes tracked a delicate, yellow, star-shaped blossom. He noticed her attention on the bloom, and reached out to tuck it behind her ear. Though the gentle smile he gave her held a hint of harsh steel underneath, Astra breathed easier to see it.
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galaxofmuses · 2 years
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// Hey sup I gotta go out in a couple of hours, but just wanna say that @oddspeeds​ has cool blogs and even if our threads don’t go anywhere. I’m just glad they are around for shenanigans and we can make new ones. Seriously people need to unfollow and block and move on, hiding behind an anon mask is getting old. 
Also I’ll be starting the Halloween event tomorrow. Get fuckin ready. 
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