craftholsters · 1 month
Best SIG P230 Holsters
Finding the Right SIG P230 Holster for Your Needs
When it comes to carrying your SIG Sauer P230, choosing the right holster is essential for comfort, accessibility, and safety. A SIG P230 holster, crafted specifically for this model, provides a secure and snug fit, ensuring that your firearm is well-protected and easy to access. Whether you prefer inside-the-waistband (IWB) or outside-the-waistband (OWB) carry, you'll find options that cater to your needs. IWB holsters offer better concealment, while OWB holsters provide easier access. Additionally, material choices like leather, nylon, and kydex allow you to balance between comfort, durability, and cost.
Selecting the Best Holsters for SIG Sauer P230
Selecting the best holster for your SIG P230 depends on several factors, including your carry style, material preference, and specific needs for concealment or quick access. Craft Holsters offers a range of high-quality holsters designed to perfectly fit the SIG P230, each molded to match the firearm's exact dimensions. To learn more about SIG P230 holsters and to discover the best options available in the market, visit Craft Holsters' holsters for SIG P230 section.
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bloopitynoot · 8 days
Reading SVSSS: Chapter 10
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For those who don't know, I am reading SVSSS for the first time and sharing my thoughts!
If you have not read it, there will be spoilers! Consider this a warning.
Also- if you want to follow along, I am aiming to post updates daily. You can find all the posts in the tag bloopitynoot reads SVSSS. You can also check out the intro post for context on my read.
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I am so stoked for this chapter! I've been really getting into the story to the point that I want to read multiple chapters per day (I COULD but I also want to be able to take notes- so I cannot realistically with the amount of hours in a day I have) BUT I will continue with one a day.
Normally I have hot drinks while reading, but I am dehydrated as fuck, so take this as your (mostly mine, but also your) reminder to drink some water.
Let's get into it!
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Wait! Like three seconds in and we are starting off strong! How can Sha Hualing control Shen Qingqiu??? p213
Holy shit, even in his new body he's being poisoned. I suppose, theoretically, if there is a person who never gets poisoned, there must be a person, statistically, who always get's poisoned. p214
Shen Qingqiu (probably): if I had a dime for every time I had demonic blood poisoning me I would have two, and that's not a lot, but fucked up it happened twice. LOL
also Shen Qingqiu (probably at this point): "and this is how I was abducted and then became a qi sex slave for a half demon cultivator" p214
Omg also, the fact that Sha Hualing tried to plant a fake SQQ to try and appease Luo Binghe. RIP to her this time for almost (accidentally) doing it again. no wonder Luo Binghe is so pissed! pp216-217
Oh god. SQQ probably doesn't die here but it would be equally terrible and funny if after all of this, second body and all, like less than 2 days in, Luo Binghe just accidentally destroys SQQ. immediate end of story p217
Well- the system is now fixed! p220
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and now shen qingqiu is wearing basically a veil, oh my. p222
(Okay unrelated but related to the veil, I desperately need some arranged marriage au's. I am so ready to read the heck out of this pairing when I'm done the books).
I have a sneaking suspicion that this man (SQQ) does a terrible job of hiding his identity. "he just had to be especially careful so Luo Binghe didn't discover that he'd pull off a great escape using the Son-Moon Dew Mushrooms". p222
He really needs a better name than peerless cucumber. LOL I can't every time he introduces himself. p223
oh no, baby Luo Binghe has been mourning this entire time. p224
You know what, I'm not even mad that Little Palace Mistress is in this awful state, she is a vile character that has not grown on me at all. p226
Yeah Shen Qingqiu he definitely did not end up with any of the women because he has been super mourning for you my guy. (not that he knows this because he is oblivious af) pp228-229
Oh. My. God. This man really thinks that Luo BInghe is asexual. I can't wait till he finds out. LOL p230
Oooo! Another dream realm sequence p231
oh and we have two SQQ's (again I need this fanfiction)
aaaaaah luo binghe has clocked the real SQQ p236
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Okay okay, he thinks this SQQ is part of the dream and does not know he is indeed the real deal. thank fuck for SQQ's sake I guess p236-237
Oop. now this guys is "yes and"ing Luo Binghe in the dream. Oh gosh I hope this ends alright. p237
The head pats! p238
OH MY GOD p239
DREAM REALM KISS??????!!!!!!!!!!!!! p239
(AHAHAAA his face in the art tho)
LOL the system p239
Bro just found out why Luo Binghe had no wives and is GOOPED. He really found out in the worst of ways for him ahahahahahahahah I am CACKLING p241
I truly don't know how these two end up together with SQQ not vibing at all. is it Stockholm syndrome? like I genuinely do not know how SQQ ends up realizing his emotions for this man.
SQQ is literally saved by the bell in this one. p242
Liu Qingge is here?!?!? has he been trying to avenge SQQ this entire time? p243
Ah, Fuck!
We have a kiss, we have a SQQ now trying to be sneaky, I honestly don't know how this man is going to stay hidden- if at all.
And next chapter we have a showdown ?!?!?!?
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thelockedtome · 10 months
"I have spent three -quarters of my life telling you what you already knew and one-sixth telling you what you didn't"-palamades (,p230 NTN)
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gunzlotzofgunz · 14 days
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SIG SAUER, P230, Zurich Police
9mm Police
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soul-eater-novel · 1 month
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P230 グレミオ、そして父の死。運命と言ってしまえば、それまでだが。 Gremio. Then my father. You could dismiss it all as “fate”, but…
ふう……。ティルはまたもため息をつくと、毛布の下でごそごそと手を動かした。 Tir sighed again and the sheets rustled as he lifted his hands.
まだ鉛のような右手をなんとか胸に乗せ、左手を毛布の上に出す。 His right hand still felt like lead. He placed it on his chest. His left hand lay on top of the blanket.
左手を右手の上に重ねると、右手には革手袋がはまったままだった。 He put his right hand over his left, the right still clad in its leather glove.
ティルはテッドと別れてから、あまり革手袋を外したことがなかった。 Since Tir had parted ways with Ted, he had almost never gone without his glove.
その手に宿ったソウルイーターの紋章が恐ろしいもののように思われたし、それを見たらきっとテッドのことを思い出すに違いないと思っていたからだ。 He was afraid of the Soul Eater Rune and its powers. Looking at it never failed to remind him of Ted.
しかし今、ティルは手袋を外さずにはいられなかった。 But now, he couldn’t help but take off the glove.
オデッサの死をはじめ、大切な人の死の瞬間に、必ず右手の甲に違和感が生じていた。 Odessa’s death had been the first. Whenever someone important to him died, the back of his right hand felt weird.
オデッサの時はまだ気にならないほどだったが、グレミオの時は焼けるような痛みだったし、父の時は光まで発した。 He hadn’t noticed it so strongly when Odessa had died, but with Gremio he had felt a burning pain, and when his father died, the back of his hand had begun to glow.
この紋章に、何か秘密がー Just what secrets does this rune hold…?
ティルはゆっくりと手を動かして、革手袋を外した。 Tir slowly took off his glove.
恐る恐る掌を返し、甲を見た。 He turned his hand around to look at the back, afraid of what he would see there.
テッドから受け取ったソウルイーターは、黒い紋章のはずだった。 When he had gotten the Soul Eater from Ted, he was sure it had been black.
しかし今見たソウルイーターは、いつの間にか淡い光を放つようになっていた。 Now it seemed to emit a faint glow.
これは、どういうーーティルが心のなかで呟いた時。 He felt a deep uneasiness steal into his heart.
P231 「ティル…」 “Tir…”
ひっそりとした部屋に、優しげな女性の声が響いた。 In the empty room, a woman’s gentle voice called out his name softly.
「レックナート様…」 “Lady Leknaat.”
ティルが答えると、部屋に眩い光が散らばった。 At Tir’s reply, a dazzling light scattered about the room.
光は部屋の中央の一点に集まると、徐々に人の形となり、やがてレックナートが姿を現した。 The lights gathered together into one point in the middle of the room and gradually took on human shape, eventually resolving into the form of Lady Leknaat herself.
「ティル……」 “Tir…”
ベッドに歩み寄って、レックナートが言う。 Lady Leknaat murmured his name again as she walked over to his bed.
「あなたの戦い、遠くから見守っていました。立派な戦いでした……。あなたも、あなたのお父上も、立派に戦いましたね…」 “I watched over your battle from afar. You fought well. Both you and your father.”
そう言いながらレックナートは、ティルの額に手をかざした。 As she spoke, Leknaat held her hand to Tir’s forehead.
レックナートの掌から星くずにも似た小さな輝きがこぼれて、 Little sparks of light spilled from the palm of her hand, like countless stars in the night sky.
先ほどまで重かったティルの身体がほんの少し軽くなった。 Tir’s body, which had felt so heavy, began to feel a little lighter.
「これは、いったい……」 “What in the world did you just do?”
不思議そうに言ったティルに、レックナートは微笑む。 Leknaat smiled at the wonder in Tir’s voice.
「紋章の力です」 “That is the power of my rune.”
レックナートはティルの身体を撫でるようにして手を下に移動させると、毛布の上にあったティルの右手を握り、露わになったソウルイーターを握った。 Leknaat touched Tir’s body gently, moving her hand down to grasp his own. His right hand lay atop the blanket, his rune laid bare.
「これが、ソウルイーター……。強い力を感じます。 “The Soul Eater… I sense a strong power in this rune.
あなたの身体がおかしくなったのは、この紋章のせいです。 It is what has caused your body to grow so unbalanced.
私が少し、はんの少しですけど力を抑えておきましたので、もう大丈夫でしょう。 I have restrained its power just a little, so all will be well.
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sunset-bridge · 1 year
have u ever seen a guy so pretty you wish he shot you in the head point blank with a SIG-Sauer P230
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pathologylab · 2 months
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Introducing the #G2M BCR-ABL Real-Time PCR Kit—your ultimate diagnostic partner. This cutting-edge kit harnesses the power of real-time #PCR technology to swiftly and accurately detect BCR-ABL (Mbcr) fusion #gene transcripts from blood and bone marrow samples.
Distinguish between key variants—Major-p210, Minor-p190, and Micro-p230—with confidence! Say goodbye to uncertainty and hello to reliable, high-performance #testing for chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML).
Elevate your #diagnostic capabilities today with G2M!
Contact us at [email protected] or +91-8800821778 if you need any further assistance!
Visit our website for more information: https://www.genes2me.com/ivd-real-time-pcr-test-kits/oncology-diagnostic-kit
#rtpcr #ivd #technology #myelogenous #cml #genes2me #oncology #cancer #kit #system
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gima326 · 5 months
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どハマりしてた。 『Programming Clojure』(3rd Edition) Chapter 10 の "Calling Clojure From Java" (P230) のとこを、実際に手を動かしてやってみたんだけど・・・。 ビルドエラーが解消しなかったり、ビルドした(Clojure を呼び出す Java の)クラスが実行できない、と Java の初学者のときみたいなトラブルにいまさら悩まされていた。 ・カレントディレクトリを CLASSPATH に追加しないといけないよ [ https://jobtech.jp/java/3557/ ]
・Mac の場合、.jar ファイルの置き場所が他環境とは異なるんだよ [ https://field-notes.hatenablog.jp/entry/20110825/1314239589 ] 解消したので、備忘録として記す。
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4r1ght1m3 · 6 months
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Did you know that every person needs help when there is an earthquake disaster when alert? Do not fear and be afraid! This Earthquake Detector can be called a "Seismology Detector", this invented detector product can display seismograms or have an alert signal of an upcoming earthquake in terms of magnitude. Therefore, it is an alarming observation that can create attention for an emergency purpose. So, what are you looking for this? Be Alert and buy now to be safe!
What are the Special Features?
It is observed, used, and seen on the screen where the vibration magnitude alarm hides the seismic waves. When the sensors detect it, it manage to be alerted with data on how big the earthquake is. It is used that you need to track the location and how it works.
How to use it?
Watch out for the upcoming earthquake. When you hear the vibration sensor and, notice the signal line detected near you, observe how it is determined by observing the magnitude, and it can determine the data of how the signal magnitude is determined.
Watch for sudden magnitude movements that turn into aftershocks at the nearest or even the most distant location nearby when the alarm is triggered. When you notice a seismology detector, it can be measured on the screen.
Have a earthquake Seismographer and buy it for P230!
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uprzejmie-donosze · 7 months
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DW9UL13 Wrocław --- Ciężarówka Scania P230, zaparkowana za zakazem zatrzymywania się (B-36), wszystkimi kołami na chodniku współdzielonym z rowerzystami (Art. 46.4 + Art. 47.1 + Art. 47.2 + Art. 49.1.11 PoRD). Warto zauważyć, że Kierowca tej ciężarówki miał możliwość skorzystać ze sporego placu parkingowego (na zdjęciu widocznego po prawej stronie), ale tego nie zrobił pomimo że widać, iż jest tam sporo miejsca, nawet dla ciężarówki.
-- marzec 2024
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saffordscellar · 11 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Pure Jill J Jill Top S Knit A Line Tunic Boat Neck 3/4 Sleeve Career Casual.
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craftholsters · 2 months
Sig P230 Review by Craft Holsters
Compact Design and Specifications
The SIG P230 is a compact, semi-automatic pistol designed for personal defense and concealed carry. Featuring a 3.6-inch barrel and an overall length of 6.6 inches, the P230 is lightweight at just 16.5 ounces unloaded. Chambered in .380 ACP, it holds a 7+1 round capacity. The fixed barrel and blowback operation contribute to its reliable accuracy and manageable recoil. The ergonomic design, including a comfortable grip and intuitive controls, makes it a dependable choice for self-defense. On the used market, the SIG P230 typically ranges from $500 to $700, reflecting its discontinued status and collectible value.
Performance and Reliability
Renowned for its performance, the SIG Sauer P230 offers consistent functionality and ease of use. Its durable stainless steel slide and alloy frame ensure strength and light weight. With a trigger pull weight of 10 pounds in double-action and 4.5 pounds in single-action, the P230 is user-friendly. Although discontinued, it remains popular among collectors and firearm enthusiasts for its classic design and reliable operation. To learn more about the Sig P230 Review, check out Craft Holsters' Sig P230 Review blog.
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transportemx · 1 year
Oxxo compra a Scania 57 camiones a diésel y probará un P230 es 100% eléctrico
Scania se convirtió recientemente, en proveedor de soluciones de transporte terrestre, para la cadena comercial OXXO.  En total, son 57 las unidades que Scania pone a disposición de la marca mexicana de tiendas de conveniencia: un camión de prueba eléctrico, P230 B4x2NB que será utilizado para el reparto de mercancía en trayectos cortos y 56 a base de diésel P220 B4x2LB, también para…
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thehungrykat1 · 1 year
A Flavorful Journey Awaits at Public Eatery in Robinsons Magnolia
After the success of the well-loved The Grid Food Market at the Powerplant Mall in Rockwell, the Tasteless Food Group has embarked on another flavorful adventure, this time at the bustling Robinsons Magnolia mall in New Manila. Public Eatery brings together a wide variety of creative dishes and flavors from some of the country’s top chefs and restaurateurs to let its diners embark on this wonderful culinary ride.
You can find Public Eatery at the fourth floor of Robinsons Magnolia’s new wing. The Hungry Kat was invited to go aboard this gastronomic excursion to sample the amazing dishes being offered by these stalls and restaurants. The food hall itself is quite large, but you can take a look at the map near the entrance to get acquainted with all the lovely foodie choices you have to satisfy your cravings.
Public Eatery is where the neighborhood meets to gather over good food. Robinsons Magnolia's resident food hall is ready to take guests on various culinary adventures. It had been a while since I last visited this mall, so I had to find my way around the new wing to get to the fourth floor which is almost fully occupied by Public Eatery. The place is designed like a modern train station, with food stalls scattered along the hallways and dining areas.
You can choose to sit near the restaurants or by the huge glass windows overlooking the gardens below. The food hall is really spacious and can probably accommodate more than 200 diners at a time. There are currently over 16 food stalls and counting, with notable names such as Scout’s Honor and Bored & Hungry opening soon. This is not just your typical food hall because Public Eatery offers a much more elevated dining experience.
We were privileged to be one of the media partners to be given a special “train ticket” that lets us hop on and explore all of the restaurants inside Public Eatery. With all these options on our table, it took us several yummy visits to complete our flavorful journey and I’m here to let you in on the ride.
Let’s start with some of the featured beverages at the Public Eatery. FRNK is a Japanese Milk Bar that offers a variety of healthy artisanal milk drinks and plant-based options to choose from.
We got the Grape Sea Salt Milk (P165) which comes with a combination of fresh grapes, homemade sea salt milk caps, and basil drops. We paired this with their plant-based Nut Butter Brownies (P140) with dark chocolate and peanut butter for a tasty snack.
If you like coconuts, then you should go for the fresh, healthy and sustainable coconut drinks from Boo Koh. Our local coconut is the star in all their refreshing drinks that combine different flavors and sinkers that you can mix and match. We tried the Ube Coconut Milk (P205) with boba tapioca pearls and nata de coco. Other unique bookoh variants include the Coconut Pandan Gula Melaka Juice, Iced Coconut Vietnamese Coffee, Coconut Aloe Tea, and Coconut Lychee Passionfruit Juice.
Coffee lovers will definitely enjoy the offerings at Morse Coffee which is by the Making it Happen travel vlogger Mike Holaschke. The Flat White Tiramisu (P230) comes with a pair of lady fingers which is a great option any time of the day.
The Bev Bar offers a wide selection of refreshments including coffee, shakes, coolers, juices, yohgurt and even cocktails. Chef Patrick Go is an expert is creating drinks that go perfectly with different kinds of dishes so you will surely find one that suits your tastes. Some of the drinks we tried include The Bev Bar Scramble (P160), their take on the classic childhood beverage we loved to drink, while the Milo Crunch Dinosaur (P120) combines chocolate cereals with the Milo dinosaur drink. They also have healthy fruit teas like the Summer Peach (P115).
Now let’s try some of their appetizers! There’s so much space to explore at the Public Eatery so you will really get thirsty and hungry after walking around the food hall.
You can get freshly shucked Aklan oysters that can be cooked in a variety of ways at the Seafood Oyster Bar. We had the oysters baked in Miso Custard (P360 per 6 pcs.) and it was really fresh and delicious.
Dive into the healthy and vibrant flavors of Hawaii with these poke bowls from Ono Poke. Every bowl is an exploration of coasts and culture with the freshest ingredients and authentic sauces. I ordered the Spicy Tuna Crunch Bowl (P420) which comes with a colorful combination of aburi tuna, tempura flakes, nori, cabbage, green onion, cucumber, furikake, and spicy mayo.
Konbini Karaage is a Japanese-inspired snack bar offering juicy and mouthwatering chicken karaage for those on the go. Each order of Karaage (P189) comes with your choice of powder and sauces which include curry dip, hickory bbq dip. cheese dip. yuzu salt, cheese powder, shichimi togarashi, and others.
Samyan is where you can get your favorite Thai dishes and flavors. Their Crab Pad Thai (P720) is one of the best pad thai versions you can find in the city. This typical Thai street food comes with generous servings of crab meat on top of stir-fried rice noodles mixed with peanuts, scrambled egg, and bean sprouts.
The popular Bad Bird and its umami fried chicken also makes an appearance with its own version of the Fish & Chips (P450). This comes with a huge piece of deep-fried battered fish with fries and tartar sauce on the side.
Don’t forget to visit the stalls on this side which offers main courses that can satisfy even the hungriest of diners.
10 by Tsuke-Men has the Tonkotsu Premium Ramen (P440) which is a rich and hearty bowl of ramen. This has a savory pork chashu and tamago on top of its rich and flavorful pork bone broth.
On the other hand, Anyhow offers its international line-up of ihaw-ihaw where guests can make their own grilled sets. The first step is to choose your meat from pork belly, chicken, bangus, or salmon. Of course, I chose the US Beef Belly (P490) for my meat. I then had it grilled using American Hickory BBQ and served with Garlic Adobo Rice and Mushroom Sisig.
New York Cubao offers an interesting array of Filipino fusion dishes from celebrity chef Myke Sarthou. Chef Tatung, as he is fondly called, upgrades the typical Pinoy breakfast and lunch specialties into its Americanized versions. The Ribs Don’t Lie (P595) are tocino-style pork ribs served with garlic rice, two sunny-side up eggs, and atsara. It’s a peculiar mix of flavors and this is probably the first time we had encountered ribs cooked this way. You have to try it to really experience it.
More of our favorites are just around the corner. Thomson Road is a Singaporean-inspired restaurant from Alabang that offers claypot rice, jumbo shrimp siomai, hearty baos, and laksa.
My husband loves to eat claypot rice so he ordered the Butcher’s Claypot Rice (P380). This one has a sizzling combination of pork belly, chicken, and Chinese chorizo cooked in a rice casserole in seasoned claypot with signature rice crust.
My mother-in-law also joined us on the ride at Public Eatery one day. She wanted to try some of the featured Middle Eastern dishes at OK, Bob where you can enjoy your meals in a different way, especially with their hanging kebab dishes.
The Hanging Truffled Chicken Shish (P550) has tender chicken breast marinated in curry spiced yoghurt and served with Sumac salad, grilled tomato, green chili, and truffle sauce. It’s definitely a unique way of presenting this dish and this is always a popular choice among diners.
As for me, my favorite stall at The Grid Food Market and now here at Public Eatery is still LèChon by Chef Happy Ongpauco-Tiu. I really love their lechon specialties including porchetta, beef, chicken, tuna belly and even sisig so this is the first stall I visited when I arrived.
Chef Happy was present during the media launch of Public Eatery and everyone was excited to try their lechon dishes. The first step is to choose your lechon so I got the Lechon Angus Beef Belly (P525). I had it prepared with Tanglad Butter and served with Grilled Talong and baba ganoush plus Lèchon’s original butter rice. Lastly, I added adobo white sauce as my dip.
We then ended our journey with some artisanal ice cream from Merry Moo. We chose the Salted Caramel ice cream but they have other interesting flavors such as cheesy mamon, auro dark chocolate, Hizon’s mocha cake, and more. Public Eatery is an exciting new food concept that will really elevate the Quezon City and New Manila dining experience. You will never run out of excellent choices whenever you come here. See you again soon at Public Eatery in Robinsons Magnolia!
Public Eatery
4/F Robinsons Magnolia New Wing, Aurora Boulevard, New Manila, Quezon City
(0976) 281-0277
Instagram: @publiceatery
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hyouset · 2 years
前に授業で、お前は自分の感情については書けるからそうでない部分を書けるようになったら尚いいね、みたいなことを言われた。ビビるほど雑な言い方だけれど(ビビってばかりだ)、でもそんな感じのことを言われて、厳密には、メールか何かにそういうことが書かれていて「君が書いていることは社会(?)的な場所ではあまり受け入れられないかもしれないけれど文学では歓迎されるだろう」とか書かれていた。これはまったく自信を持てる出来事ではなく「やっぱりな」という感じだった。やっぱり自分は、感情以外の部分を書けない。例えば山の稜線とか書けない。みなさんは「山の稜線」という言葉を書いたことがありますか? 僕は多分、今初めて書きました。稜線って格好いいですよね。
村上春樹 『騎士団長殺し 第2部(上)』p230 1〜3行目
本当にそうなのかな。今の自分は死に様のことを考える(本当に?)。稼ぐことよりも、生活が安定することよりも、人に自慢できるような生き方を手に入れることよりも、学校の人を見返すことよりも、死に様のことを考えている、ような気がする。「死に様」というのは本当に雑な言い方で、多分もっと適切な表現がある。死ぬときにどういうことを考えているか? いやそれじゃ意味がまったく変わらない。死ぬときのことを考える。僕がものすごく貧しい想像の仕方で思いつく死に場所の一つは橋の下なのだけれど、それは多分、ありとあらゆるつながりを断ち切ろうとした結果たどり着く場所なんだと思う。たった一人で、橋の下で、ボロボロで、死にゆく。その時にできるのは多分、過去のことを思い返すことだけで、自分に都合の良い形で、これまでに関わってきた人たちのことを考えるのだと思う。あの時ああしていれば、自分にはもっと違った人生があった。でもそれはものすごく利己的な話で、そういう後悔の仕方では何も変わらない。というかそういう自己陶酔の中で生まれる後悔はどこか歪んでいて、たとえ過去に戻ったとしても、その考え方のままでは何も変えることができない。
読み返すとキモかったから書き直したい。欲しいのは実感だと思う。言葉を書き連ねていった先で欲しいのは実感だと思う。何かを掴んだ手応え。死にたい気持ちがあったなら、それが何か違うものに変質しているような感覚。いや違う。この部分に関しては机上の空論だ。最初は「死にたい気持ちがあったなら、それが少しは軽くなっているような感覚」と書こうとしたのだけれど、それは違うと思った。でもこれも違う。何か違うものに変質すればいいのかは分からない。松岡修造か誰かが「99回叩いて割れなくても、次の一回で割れるかもしれない」と言っていた。壁の話だ。でも、そういうことではないと思う。大事なのは再現性で、一回で割れる叩き方を知ることが必要なんだと思う。その壁はきっと、叩く回数によって割れるかどうか決まるものではないと思う。正しい叩き方をすれば一発で割れるものだと思う。一発かは分からないけれど、でも少なくとも正しい叩き方とそうでない叩き方はある。松岡修造が実際どういう気持ちで、どういうことを考えて壁を叩いているのは分からない。でも仮に、本当に情熱とか根性でただひたすら叩き続けてそれで割っているとしたら、彼はある種の天才だと思う。いやないな。松岡修造って世界ランクで結構上位まで行った人だった気がする。そんな人が何も考えずに叩き続けてたなんてあり得ない。絶対頭も働かせていたはずだ。でもそんな彼が現役を引退してから次の世代に伝えようとする言葉が「熱くなれよ」なのはどうしてなんだろう。そういう商売なのだろうか。だとしたらタチが悪すぎる。でも多分、そうではない。自分は松岡修造のことを詳しく知らないけれど、様々な体験をして色々なことを考えてそれで行き着いた先が「熱くなれよ」とか「やり続ける」とかそういう情熱、根性寄りの言葉で、そこが彼がたどり着いた境地であるはずだ。でも本当に? 成功者はみんな切れ味の良い言葉を発するけれど、誰もその言葉と自分自身の関係については語らない。そういうのはきっと評論家とか批評家の仕事なんだろうな。
米津玄師の『kick back』の中に「『止まない雨はない』より先にその傘をくれよ」という歌詞があった。誰かがコメント欄で絶賛していたけれど、自分も良い歌詞だと思う。信念を貫いて死ぬことを美しいと思うのは勝手だけれど、それを他者にも押し付けるべきではないし、まずは現実的に救われるのが先の人もいる。だから自分が「ふがいない」に惹かれないとしても、あれは必要な物語なのかもしれない。というか多分そうだと思う。
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floorinsite · 2 years
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Understand your existing waste and recycling contracts, says Carpet Recycling UK 
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Carpet Recycling UK (CRUK) is urging visitors to the Buying Groups National Flooring Show (BGNFS) on May 10th to 11th to bring knowledge and information of their current waste and recycling contracts with them if they want help in finding sustainable solutions for their carpet and textile flooring wastes.
Exhibiting on stand P230 in the Platinum Showroom at the Cranmore Park venue, the not-for-profit association will be offering advice on latest outlets for carpet and textile flooring wastes with retailers and manufacturers alike.
CRUK Manager Adnan Zeb-Khan says: “We’re encouraging people to come equipped with knowing their existing waste and recycling contracts, such as how much they spend, which contractors they use, and to have some knowledge about their different waste streams and where they are going.
“With this preparation and by understanding your waste streams and all associated costs, we can then see if we’re able to help you further.”
He continues: “If you are currently segregating your waste materials, you may already be on a sustainable disposal journey. But you need to know where the waste is going, so ask your waste management provider. How much did you produce, what did you spend over the last six to 12 months on your waste management contract and how is it being treated?”
Companies are invited to talk to us about our membership – join us to help your organisation to stay abreast of industry developments, new and developing technologies and collaborate with the sector to increase sustainability.
With 80% engagement from the carpet and textile flooring sector, CRUK works with the whole supply chain to develop viable solutions for carpet and other textile flooring waste, such as carpet tiles, rugs and underlay.   
Through its growing 136-strong membership, 17 core members and extensive network, CRUK is helping the sector to create new circular initiatives, as well as providing regular updates on policy, legislation and advances in treatment and technologies to process and recycle carpet and textile flooring waste.
CRUK’s 17 core members are Balsan, Betap, Brintons Carpets, Condor Group, Cormar Carpets, ege Carpets, Furlong Flooring, Gradus, Headlam Group, IVC Commercial, Likewise Floors, Milliken, Modulyss, Rawson Carpet Solutions, Shaw, Tarkett and Victoria Group. They are taking voluntary producer responsibility for the products they place on the market and striving to reduce waste in production as well as for their customers, helping to create cost savings.
Adnan adds: “At BGNFS, we’re looking forward to meeting you, making new connections and strengthening existing ones. Do come and see us!”
Latest CRUK figures reveal that the industry is diverting approximately 70% of textile flooring waste from landfill. Around 470,000 tonnes of carpet and textile flooring waste arises annually in the UK.
For more information, email: [email protected] or visit www.carpetrecyclinguk.com.
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