embr-comic · 1 year
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mendingmusic · 2 years
p31 & *7571 - Untitled Session 3 Mixdown
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loopjumper · 4 months
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annoyed-galaxy · 11 months
So I finally got to a doctor yesterday and man, it was nerve wracking at first. I haven't been to the doctor in five years (the last time being 2019 when I got my diagnosis for PMDD) and this was the first time I was going without my parents. So it was really terrifying for me.
However, I was fortunate to have the sweetest doctor and nurse and they helped me get my prescription back for my medicine and a new "inhaler" (it was, in fact, not a new inhaler, but something for a nebulizer which I do not have resulting in me having to contact my doctor later about that). I also was able to finally do the wretched pap smear. And ever since hearing about that shit, I have always dreaded it. However, ovarian and cervix cancer is in my family so my mom urged me to get that ASAP. And when I told the doctor, she was like: "We can do it today." I cried inside because I really didn't want to, but better not to procrastinate. So that's out of the way and we'll see in two weeks whether or not I have anything.
AS for my medicine and inhaler stuff, here is where y'all can see the true trash of the American healthcare system (since I know a lot of my moots are not American): 1263$ was the total cost of my medicine and inhaler stuff. Yeah that's right. One thousand, two hundred and sixty three god damn dollars for medicine. Around 200 of that was for my medicine alone and the other thousand for the inhaler stuff.
Obviously I can't fucking afford that as a full-time student and part-time worker. But, I have MedicAid. So when I went to the pharmacy to have them put me in the system (because this was a new pharmacy therefore they did not have my information yet) they told they couldn't bill me because MedicAid thought I still had insurance...I have not had health insurance for two god damn years. So they told me to call MedicAid and try to figure out what the fuck was going on. While I'm on hold with MedicAid, I get a call from the pharmacy; I hang up on MedicAid and answer the call. They say they were able to fix things and put me in the system and that the MedicAid stuff went through. They told me the new price because of my copay:
Eight. Fucking. Dollars.
It went from twelve hundred to eight. EIGHT.
It's a 4$ copay for each medication. So 4 for my medicine; 4 for the inhaler stuff.
We already knew the American healthcare system was bad but holy FUCK. There's no reason that should be a fucking thing. Why not just offer the shit at four dollars anyway???
Anyways, I'm medicated once again!!! The medicine probably won't kick in before my next PMDD week, but I am going to attempt to keep track of myself and journal some more for the time being just to keep an eye on the effects of my medicine.
I'm so fucking happy that I finally got that shit done and am pretty much perfectly healthy. Hoping the medicine kicks me back into gear.
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vernelaevateinn · 1 year
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kissed by the sun
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ryuzatodraws-archive · 11 months
i’m sorry this isn’t copiiia related but i feel like this blog is a safe space to be horny on main without repercussions
I cant stop thinking about Primo breeding Terzo in the gardens. don’t ask me why, he just needed a place to bury his seed.
Yes this is a safe space and THAT is a new ship I haven’t heard of before
Please continue
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slets7 · 4 months
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lovingmattysposts · 3 months
You don't know me FINALE
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pairing: y/n and chris sturniolo
summary: you and chris came from two different sides of the spectrum when it came to the social scale. You had the perfect life, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect parents, but when you start to peal back that layers things got messy. Your life was set and stone, your future was set and stone. That was until he comes and changes everything.
warnings: the last part :(
"I went to Rose's grave" Chris stated looking away from me. I took in a breath and nodded as I reached over and grabbed his hand. "How is she?" I whispered. He didn't respond for a second and he blinked.
"I can't imagine her ever being angry. She didn't have a mean bone in her body" He shook his head. I just watched him as he spoke. I wanted to be here for him. I wanted him to know that I was listening.
"I learned a lot, I know that it was probably stressing you out that I wasn't responding to your texts and didn't call but-" He shook his head before bringing his eyes up to mine.
"I needed to just have some time. I just didn't know that until I got there" He breathed. I nodded running my finger over the back of his hand.
"You don't have to apologize" I whispered. He sighed closing his eyes. It was his time, I get that. Going to Rose's grave, the last thing he neeeded to think about was me. He lost someone he loved.
"What did you learn?" I asked after a few seconds, slightly scared for the answer, but there was no reason to panic over the way he's been acting towards me since he got back. He smiled slightly.
"How much I never want to lose you" He breathed. I smiled as I looked down at him. I shuffled down until out noses were pressed together.
"You'll never lose me Chris. I regret to inform you, I'll be here for a long long time" I smiled. He chuckled as he looked at me. He reached up brushing some of my hair behind my ear.
"Good" He whispered pressing his lips to mine softly, I almost didn't realize they were there. Then they were gone. "So you're not moving back to Boston then?" I almost whispered as he looked at me.
A small smile came to his face before he shook his head.
"Why would I move anywhere that you aren't?" He tilted his head. I smiled and kissed his cheek. It's when I pulled back when he spoke again.
"So are you going to tell me why you are living at Nate's house now?" He chuckled. I closed my eyes and sighed.
"Long story short, Scott figured out that I wasn't his and kicked me out" I said leaning back slightly. He furrowed his eyebrows. "How did he--"
"He saw me at brunch with James and Nate" I explained before he could finish. Chris paused for a second before sighing.
"I'm sorry I wasn't here when you had to go through that" He breathed. I shook my head, placing my hand on his cheek. "You had your own stuff going on. I was fine on my own" I shook my head. He still looked upset about it.
"But I could have never done it without the strength that you've given me" I breathed honestly. I couldn't have. I probably would have cried and begged Scott to let me stay. I never would have attempted to reach out to James and I 100% would have never figure out that Scott wasn't my father, without Chris.
"You changed my life" I whispered. He smiled. "You changed mine more" He whispered before his lips connnected to mine.
I pulled back.
“You and Nate okay now?” I whispered as he hovered over me. He smiled and nodded. “Yeah, just laid down some ground rules” He smiled. I raised my eyebrows. “Ground rules?” I questioned. He chuckled and pressed his forehead into my shoulder.
“They’re stricter than James’s” he breathed. I rolled my eyes. “No sex in the house, no PDA in front of him, and skate with him whenever he asks” He lifted his head and looked at me.
I hummed.
“You’ve never been one for rule following have you Sturniolo?” I asked smirking at him. He smiled and shook his head. “No, I have not” He breathed pressing his lips down to mine.
1 year later
I screamed as I jumped off my feet into Chris's arms our robes flying over us. He chuckled as he spun me around set me back down on my heels. "We're done" I smiled shaking my head.
"We're done" He smiled back before kissing my forehead to avoid the cap against my head. I sighed almost feeling everything that's ever happened to me the last four years of high school lift off my shoulder with one piece of paper.
"Look" I opened my diploma and showed him my name across the sheet of paper. He smiled and opened his. "I know, I've got the same one" He showed me his. I rolled my eyes but couldn't swipe the smile.
"Yeah, but mine's prettier" I looked down at mine. He rolled his eyes and moved his arm around my shoulders. "Yes my love, yours is prettier" He smiled kissing the side of my face. I smiled before I saw my dad walk up to me.
"Dad! Look!" I cheered running up to him, almost feeling like a little kid as I opened my diploma and showed him. He smiled as he wrapped his arms around me.
"I'm so proud of you, Y/n" He hugged me. I just smiled as I leaned into him. I pulled back and he reached down straightening out my cap on my head. "You looked so beautiful up there" He smiled.
"James! Are you proud of me?" Chris said walking up behind me. He raised his eyebrow. "More or less" He shrugged. I smiled and shook my head looking up at Chris.
I couldn't stop smiling. Today was so perfect. I was done with highschool.
"This shit isn't fair. I have a whole other year" Nate grumbled as he walked up to us. "Language" My dad snapped at Nate. Chris lifted the cap off his head and placed it on to Nate's. "Look, it's like you almost graduated" Chris tilted his head holding back a laugh.
I reached up ruffling Chris's hair back down.
"Hey, at least you get to be captain two-years in a row. I don't think that's ever happened" I said looking at Nate. Nate smiled slightly over at me.
If I'm honest, It took a lot to bring Nate and I's relationship to where it is today. But we got here. We’re finally acting civil….as civil as sibling can be. My dad put his arm around me, pulling me towards him.
"I'm proud of you sweetheart" My dad whispered down at me. I smiled. I finally felt whole. Like I was taking a breath for the first time.
"Give me your diploma" Nate said looking at Chris. Chris glared at him. "No" He clutched it towards his chest. Nate lunged for it making them tumble at each other.
"Hey! hey!" I snapped, they pulled apart.
"Sorry" They said in unison.
"Hey, I need to find my grandpa. You're coming over tonight right?" Chris said stepping back. I smiled and nodded. "What? It's Friday. We always hang out on Friday" Nate crossed his arms.
"Just us, kid"
"Don't call me that" Nate snapped at me. I rolled my eyes.
"Y/n?" Chris caught my attention. "Yes, Your place at 6" I smiled. He smiled before running up to me and kissing me. My dad grumbled above me. "Okay, I love you. I'll see you later" He smiled before running off.
"Dad, stop pretending you hate Chris" I raised my eyebrows up at him. He rolled his eyes looking off to where he ran. "I like him, just not when he's kissing you" He mumbled. I shook my head.
My dad's eyes raised behind me and I swore I saw the light leave him. I turned seeing my mother standing there with a small box in her hand. My mouth fell open.
"Mom" I breathed. She just looked at me. "What--What are you doing here? You didn't tell me you were coming" I crossed my arms over my chest. She looked down at her feet.
The relationship between my mother and I had been rocky. I could count on one hand of how many times I've spoken to her in the past year. The times I've spoken to Scott, I couldn't count on any.
The transition between moving into James's house was quiet. Like they barley cared where I went, or they knew where I went and still didn't care.
"I didn't know I was--I just--" She shook her head before she raised it and made eye contact with my dad.
"James" She nodded at him. I stepped back looking at them. He took in a long breath. "Clara" He stated. I felt the tension in the air, it made me want to puke. Or run. I didn't know which.
"I just thought that...you know. It's your big day. I wanted to be here" She nodded. I nodded and looked at her before looking down at the box in her hand. She looked down at her hands.
"This is for you. For college and everything, just a little going away gift" She breathed holding out the box for me. I hesitantly took it out of her hands and nodded at her.
"Thank you" I breathed. She smiled and shifted on her feet awkwardly looking between James and I. "I'll be on my way now. I don't want to intrude" She said softly.
"We were going to go out to lunch—" My dad spoke suddenly. I looked up at him with wide eyes. His eyes were focused on my mom. "If you wanted to come. I'm sure Y/n would love to tell you about her plans to attend Michigan State in the fall" My father looked down at me.
I shook my head softly as if to say: No I don’t. He looked at me and he gave me a stern look.
"You're going to Michigan State?" My mom's voice asked softly. I turned and looked at her and gave a soft nod. She smiled almost genuinely at me. She took in a breath and looked around.
"I'm not sure Scott would like that very much, he doesn't even know i'm here" She breathed. I swallowed feeling the shame wash over me again as if I was being kicked out all over again.
God forbid my mother wanted to see me graduate.
My dad smacked his lips and nodded. I looked up at him. He was disappointed. Sad, almost. Fuck. Swallowing my pride and my hurt, I reached out.
"It would only be for an hour and I did want to get your opinion on some dorm shopping" I forced out of my mouth. My mother's face brightened. She smiled and nodded.
"Well, okay. Yeah, just an hour" She nodded smiling.
"Please be easy on her. He doesn't need any extra stress. It's the first time he's seen her in like 18 years" I breathed over to Nate, who looked less than happy. He took in a breath and looked down at his plate, with an unhappy expression.
"Just bite your tongue for one meal" I stated and he looked away from me and back down to his plate. He was less than pleased to hear my mother was joining us for dinner. To be honest, I wasn't jumping for joy either. But if I was sucking it up, he had to too.
"I still have those pins from that trip" My mother chuckled. My dad smiled up at her. "That’s incriminating yourself" He laughed shaking his head. She rolled her eyes.
"They'll never know I was the one who took them" She smiled shaking her head. I took in a breath looking down at my plate. Why did this feel like such a bad idea?
They were going on tangets about stories from their years in college. I just hope it doesn't dig up any more dirt than I'm willing to handle. This lunch was already pushing me to my limits.
My dad smiled down at his plate. A genuine smile. I smiled over at him. "Y/n, have you figure out a roommate yet?" My mother's voice brought be away from the look on my dad's face. I looked up at her.
"Yeah, Sydney's gonna room with me" I smiled nodding at her. She smiled and nodded. "I'm glad you two are still friends, she was a nice girl" She smiled in approvance. I nodded.
"Nate took Sydney on a date recently" James spoke up. Nate's eyes snapped up. "It wasn't a date" He said quickly. James smiled and looked down. I looked over at him.
"What? You didn't tell me that" I snapped. He looked up at me. "It wasn't a date" He repeated himself. I glared at him, mentally writing down to yell at Sydney for hiding that from me.
"You bought flowers" My dad spoke.
"Dad" Nate snapped.
My eyes widened and Nate shook his head looking down at his plate.
“You can’t date my best friend” I stated crossing my arms over my chest. He glanced up at me. “It’s weird. I don’t want—“
“You think I jump for joy everytime I have to watch you and Chris are all over each other in my house?” Nate snapped.
My mother looked up at me. I met her gaze. “You’re still seeing Chris?” She asked softly. I opened my mouth and closed it before looking down, remembering everything she’s ever said to me about Chris. About seeing someone like him.
“Yeah” I breathed softly. She nodded and looked down. “He seems like a nice boy” when the words left her mouth, I almost didn’t believe her. I looked up and she smiled at me.
I smiled down at my plate.
The rest of the lunch, I questioned Nate about his date with Sydney. He was vague, didn't say much. He ended the converstaion with a "shut the fuck up' and that was that. My dad and my mom spoke like old friends.
It was weird. It was almost like the whole letter situation never happened. Or the fact that she hid me from him for 18 years. It was like none of it ever happened and they were right back to where they were.
And I didn't know if it was a good thing.
"I've got the check" My dad picked up the paper. My mother reached out shaking her head. "No, please. Let me take it" She wiped her mouth with the napkin. He was already in the process of handing the waitress his card.
"James" She spoke.
"It's fine. My treat" He shook his head.
We got up from the table and walked towards the door. "Should I ask her if she's my new mommy now?" Nate whispered over to me. I elbowed him in the side. We stepped outside and I turned to my mom, letting out a breath.
"I'm up towards campus a lot. If you'll let me, I'd love to come visit sometime" She breathed down at me. I just looked up at her for a second.
I wondered if she genuinely missed me or not. If she was just saying this just to feel good about herself or feel like she at least tried. It's hard for me to sit here and believe there is honesty about her words. After all, she chose the money over me.
But she stared down at me with a look I'd never seen in her eyes before. Almost....hopefuless?
"Yeah maybe" I nodded. She smiled before reaching over and giving me a hug. I softly hugged her back. I don't remember the last time she's hugged me. I must have been 10. Maybe she did really miss me.
"Okay" She smiled placing her hands on my shoulders. She looked up at James. "Thank you for the lunch, James" She smiled. He nodded as they looked at each other.
I knew that look. I knew that look so well that I felt it. The way Chris looks at me. It pained me to see it in my dad's eyes when my mom wasn't the girl that deserved that kind of look from him.
"I have to go" She said pointing behind her. "Okay" He nodded. She just looked up at him for a second before turning and then looking back at us, then she was gone.
I looked up at James who just watched her walk away.
"Dad" I breathed. He still stared at her before he looked down at me. Another look. Pain. I knew that all too well too.
"Yeah. Okay, let's get you home" He broke from his trance and he placed his hand on my back as we walked home. I sighed and swallowed the lump in my throat.
"I've got to go to the rink" Nate spoke before darting off in the other direction, looking down at his phone. James turned his head as he watched him walk behind us.
"Isn't the rink closed on Friday?" I asked looking up at my dad. He chuckled and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "And the rink is in the opposite direction" He chuckled, making me smile and shake my head.
We walked for a minute in silence. I couldn't help the questions that were eating me alive inside. I didn't know if I should ask them. I didn't want to intrude.
"Go ahead Y/n. I know you want to hound me" My dad chuckled from above me. I smiled up at him and laughed. "I don't want to hound you" I laughed. He rolled his eyes. I sighed and looked down.
"Do you think that--" I bit my lip.
"Do you think if I never happened, you would have gotten your happy ending with Clara?" I asked softly. He looked forwards as we walked. He bit his lip and shook his head.
"I used to think that I was never meant for a happy ending" He breathed. I looked down as my heels hit the pavement. "But I was wrong" He pulled me towards him. "I got you" He smiled. I smiled against him.
"I don't want you to worry about me anymore sweetheart. My story's over. You've got your own one going" He stated. I looked up at him. "I don't think anyone's story is ever over, until the book finally closes" I said looking up at him. He raised his eyebrows.
"You should have been a poet kid" He smiled. I shook my head.
"I'm so proud of you" He shook his head. I nodded. "You keep telling me that" I smiled. He squeezed me. "It's because I mean it" He stated making me smile.
“Are you gonna open your box?” He asked looking down at the unopened box in my hand that my mother had given me. I nodded before opening the top and looking down at it.
A pair of silver star earrings, ones that match my bracelet.
Silver. I don’t wear gold.
Maybe she does really know me, and she had all this time.
"I wanna show you something"
I blinked up at him as he looked down at me. "You're scaring me" I chuckled as I walked around him and landed on his bed. It was hard to believe he wouldn't live here anymore at the end of the summer. I loved this bed.
I laid down and sighed running my arms through the sheets. I sat up on my elbows and looked at him. "Chris" I chuckled as he stared down at me.
"I wanna show you something" He repeated. I nodded. "I heard you the first time" I smiled sitting up. I jumped off his bed as I spun around his room.
"Can you believe we graduated?" I gushed as I looked up smiling to myself. "It doesn't feel real" I shook my head. He just smiled and watched me. "No more tests, no more drama, no more useless information" I shook my head.
I looked over at him.
"Just us" I smiled. He slowly walked over to me and placed his hands on my shoudlers. "Can you relax for a second?" He chuckled. I pushed his arms off smiling.
"Make me" I smiled before grabbing his hands and pulling them towards me and pressing my lips to his. He smiled against me.
"When do you leave for Boston?" I whispered against his lips. He just stared down at me. "A few days before you move in to your dorm" He whispered back. I parted from him.
Chris got accepted to Boston College and Michigan State. Both his parents went to Boston College and he had a full ride there. It wouldn't have made sense if he stayed in Michgain. Even though, selfishly, I wanted him to. If he wanted to be in Boston, then that's where I wanted him to be.
I just tried not to think about it. Plus it was less than a 3 hour plane right. I put every last drop of my trust fund, that I wasn't using for my tution, into a savings account so I could pay for flights.
I knew I'd miss him a bunch so I saved it all so I wouldn't have to worry about the cost of the flight.
It was weird. Worrying about money for the first time in my life. But I had gotten used to it.
“You got new earrings” he smiled his fingers brushing hair behind my shoulder. I nodded reaching up and touching them.
“My mom got them for me, as a graduation gift” I smiled. He raised his eyebrows. “Silver too, wow” He smiled. I nodded felling the warmth in my chest.
"Can I show you what I want to show you now?" He chuckled. I smiled and nodded. I blinked up at him and he looked down at me.
"Are you gonna show me?" I smiled tilting my head as I stared at him. He just smiled at me. "Not here, come on" He grabbed my hands and dragged me out of his room.
A few minutes later we were trecking through the woods behind his house. I held his arm close to me as we walked, taking in the scent of him. I smiled to myself. Whatever I'd done right in my life, or wrong, has led me to this moment and I haven't been more happy.
I'd already started a wedding folder on my Pinterest board. My dad saw it and won't stop grumbling about it. I told him it wouldn't happen for years, but a girl can dream.
Chris reached up pulling branches out of my way so that I could step through to the clearing. I smiled as I dropped his arm and walked out hearing the sounds of the rushing stream.
I took in a breath. The view of his secret place never got old. I turned around and looked at him smiling as I hugged my arms over myself.
“Okay what did you want to show me?” I smiled in anticipation. He smiled at me before reaching down and pulling his sweatshirt off and throwing it towards the blankets.
“Ooo, a strip tease?” I chuckled as I walked up to him and placed my hands on his chest. “No” he laughed. I smiled and stepped back. He reached over pulling up his sleeve before revealing newly marked skin.
My eyes widened as I walked over go him and pressed my fingers to the red skin.
A new tattoo.
“Awe, a deer. That’s so cute” I smiled. He rolled his eyes. “Not a deer. It’s a doe you idiot” he chuckled. I froze before I looked back up at him connecting our eyes.
“What?” I breathed as I looked back down at the tattoo. My fingers moved over it. A small doe with small stars around it. It was on its hind legs reaching for a star. I swallowed as I felt my eyes start to water.
“Chris” I whispered looking at his arm, never wanting to look away from it. “Don’t cry, I wouldn’t have gotten it if I knew you were gonna cry” He chuckled. I reached up wiping my eyes.
“I’m not crying” I lied as I looked at it. He looked down at me with a small smile. I let his arm go and wrapped my arms around his shoulder, burring my face in his neck.
“I love you so much” I breathed. He wrapped his arm around my back as he held me against him. “I love you more than all the stars in the sky.” He whispered back.
I leaned back before pressing my lips to his and leaning back.
“I don’t know what my life would be if I had never met you” I breathed pressing my forehead against his. He smiled and reached up wiping the tears under my eyes.
“Thank god you’re so persistent then” He smiled before pressing his lips back down to mine.
6 months later
“How much stuff does one person need?” Nate groaned as he dropped another box on the floor. I pushed him once the box dropped. “Be careful!” I snapped before opening it and inspecting the damage.
I picked up the picture frame. It wasn’t broken. I sighed of relief before holding it to my chest. I turned to Nate. “Idiot” I snapped.
I’d been on edge all day. Who knew the whole moving process would be so stressful?
“Hey, be nice. He’s helping you” My dad said kicking open the door and setting down another box. Nate crossed his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, God forbid I break one of your 20 pictures of you and Chris. I mean really how many pictures does one girl need of their boyfriend?” Nate glared at me.
“A lot” I motioned over to Sydney’s side of the room that had at least five, just on the dresser of her and Nate. Nate blushed and turned away.
“What’d I miss?” Sydney smiled as she opened the door. I looked between her and Nate. I looked up at my dad. “Can you get the last box from the car please?” I smiled. He sighed and nodded as exited the room.
“Ground rules” I stated walking over to her side of the bed. Sydney and Nate glanced at each other before looking back over to me.
I picked up a picture frame.
“If you’re kissing in the photo, it doesn’t go on public display” I cringed holding it out for Sydney. She sighed and grabbed it out of my hand. Nate smiled and shook his head.
“You are not allowed to come over on weekdays” I pointed at Nate. Nate glared at me. “Hey! What? How is that fair? This is my dorm too” Sydney stepped forward.
“He’s my brother! As much as I want to watch you canoodle in this 14x14 box that we live in, I don’t. Weekends are even pushing it” I said crossing my arms.
“That’s like two days” Nate argued. I shook my head. “How would you feel if I had a guy over every single day?” I asked Sydney. She raised her eyebrows as if to say ‘that would never happen’.
“If Chris was here you would” Sydney stated. My smile dropped and I turned away from her picking up more picture frames. You could feel the shift in energy.
They both looked at each other and sighed.
“Weekends got it” Sydney mumbled looking down at her feet. I narrowed my eyes at Nate as I stood back up. He rolled his eyes. “You’re the not the boss of me and you can’t tell me when to see my girlfriend” He stated.
“You’re 17, I can technically tell you to do anything.” I stated back. He opened his mouth to speak.
“I’ll tell dad about the time you fell off the roof from sneaking in from Sydney’s over the summer” I snapped before he could say anything.
He glared at me.
“You’re just mad because Chris is 12 hours away. Don’t take it out on my relationship” He snapped back. I took in a breath and looked out the window.
Silence filled the room.
“Hey” Sydney said. I looked over at her. “I get it. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. I appreciate you being cool with me…you know dating your brother and everything” She breathed looking over at Nate, who still wore an angry expression.
“But can Friday count as the weekend?” She smiled. I looked between them. Sydney smiled brightly at me.
“Fine. But don’t do anything weird” I pointed at her. She held her hands up. Sydney back up before looking back at Nate. Her phone buzzed before she looked down at it.
“Uh…hey Nate!” She said loudly. Nate looked over at her. “Do you mind..assisting me with the rest of my belongings?” She said glancing from me to him. I just watched them.
“What?” Nate said looking at her. She rolled her eyes and grabbed his arm. “Just come on” She groaned pulling him out of the room.
I sighed as I picked up the box off the floor and set it on my desk. I reached in and picked up each picture frame placing it strategically on my desk. I swallowed the lump in my throat.
I wish I could say that I’m taking this new long-distance thing well, but I’m not. After everything we’ve been through, I thought that I could do this. That it wouldn’t be hard for me.
Hell, he hasn’t been gone a week and I’m in pieces. I’ve tried not to think about it. Occupying most of my days planning out and picking out my dorm room decorations and watching wheel of fortune with my dad until he fell asleep.
The one thing I’d been putting off is printing out these pictures. I’d sat in my room placing them in the frames, tears running down my face.
I never wanted to be that girl. I mean Christ, he’s not dead. He’s just 12 hours away. 12 long traitorous hours away.
My thumb ran over a picture of me and Chris on graduation day. My smiling face pressed against his. He clearly didn’t want to be taking the photo, but I had forced him.
I sighed as I place it next to my mirror.
Chris is proud of me. Proud that I went where I wanted to go and proud that I pushed him where he wanted to go. It’ll all work out in the end. After all were us.
I heard a small knock on the door.
“Yeah?” I mumbled, my eyes still on the frame.
“I heard word that a very pretty lady was staying in this room, came to see for myself”
I turned around practically dropping the picture frame.
Chris smiled down at me with a box in his hand and a hat on his head.
“Chris!” I screamed running forward making him drop the box by his feet as I wrapped my arms and legs around him. I squeezed him tight. This wasn’t real.
“Oh my god” I pulled on him tighter. “Hi baby” he chuckled as he held me. I pulled back taking his face in my hands.
“What—what are you doing here?” I shook my head smiling. He placed me back on my feet as he smiled down at me.
“What? You thought you were the only one moving in today?” He asked tilting his head. I furrowed my eyebrows. “What?” I whispered not understanding.
Nate, my dad, and Sydney walked through the room smiling. I held onto Chris, almost scared that he was going to disappear.
“What’s going on?” I smiled at them.
“It seems that transferring is way easier that I thought, especially since the school year hasn’t started yet” Chris mumbled against the top of my head. I looked up at him.
“What? What about Boston?” I shook my head. He shrugged. “They had a better program here. Plus I’d get to see your face everyday, can’t do that in Boston” He smiled down at me.
I looked at my dad.
“You knew about this?” I asked shaking my head. He smiled and shrugged. “We didn’t know for sure, we didn’t want to tell you before it was finalized” My dad shook his head.
I looked back at Chris.
“You go here?” I teared up.
“Go Spartans” He smiled.
I laughed before leaning up and pressed my lips against his.
“Gross” Nate mumbled. Sydney and my dad hit him at the same time. “Ow” Nate glared at them rubbing his arms.
“What was that thing about weekends again?” Sydney tilted her head. I glared at her. “Shut it” I smiled. She shook her head.
“Are you just gonna keep these things wherever you go?” Chris breathed as we laid in my bed. I looked over at him tearing my eyes from the ceiling. “Yeah. What about it?” I smiled. He shook his head smiling.
“Someone special gave them to me” I breathed as I looked up at the plastic stars on my ceiling. He sighed as he wrapped his arms around me.
I looked up at him and he smiled down at me.
“I didn’t want to pull you away from Boston. If you really wanted to go there, I would have been fine with that” I breathed quietly, feeling the guilt swarm in my chest.
"You know" He brushed a piece of hair out of my face. I just watched him. "As soon as I hit Boston ground, I knew I made a mistake leaving" He whispered.
"It was kind of like that gut feeling that.....you knew something was wrong" He shook his head. I laid my head against him as he spoke. "There's not a point for the rest of my life that I want to be more than five minutes away from you, unless you want me to be" He smiled down at me. I smiled at him.
"Plus the program here for my major is technically better" He smilled. I leaned up and kissed him softly.
"Are we gonna make it?" I whispered against his lips.
"There's not a doubt in my mind, princess"
AHHHH HEY GUYS! thank you so much for all of the love, support, and scary threats to update.....lol. I hope you loved the ending of this and you can imagine how you want how they go throughout their colleges years, etc.
I hope you loved this story and all the twists and turns and as always give me your thoughts on it. I love you guys.
Autumn 🧡
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undertalkcomic · 6 months
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192 notes · View notes
fivefatweeb · 5 months
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ricksketchbookagain · 27 days
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The Witch of Kurikuto #1 p31 http://dlvr.it/T6VczZ
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blueishspace · 10 days
(Slay The Watcher route 2 p31)
Mumbo: ... does anything change?
The Narrator: ... No- Wait what? It actually does, you can see something growing on the bricks.
Scar: Wait...is that a root? How long have we been here?
Mumbo: Grian do you se-
Grian: I'm busy right now, ask when I'm done.
Mumbo: ...
Voice of The Handsome: He's litterally not doing anything.
The Narrator: ... Time passes, the roots grow between the bricks... dirt seeping in.
Scar: How long have we been here?
Mumbo: And how are we not...starving? The prison is decaying visibly at this point.
Voice of The Handsome: ...must have been years now...you haven't aged a day.
The Narrator: A rabbit digs and creates a hole, It's made It's home into this cell.
The Narrator: ... The last descendant of the rabbit dies of old age...
Scar: Awwwwwww.
The Narrator: Time passes...
The Narrator: Time passes...
Mumbo: Ok, the cell is covered in dirt now, the wall is completely gone!
Scar: Uh... I didn't notice... I zoned out.
The Narrator : A drop of water hits your head.
Mumbo: Now the roof is leaking? Isn't there a cabin on top of this cell?
Voice of The Handsome: Not anymore, the cabin's been gone for a long while now.
The Narrator: ... Time passes-
*the Narrator stops speaking*
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glith0 · 6 months
I WILL CONSTANTLY BE UPDATING THIS! THESE ARE THE SEAT NUMBERS AND PLAYERS SO FAR IN PURGATORY 2! + Codes, + Main Languages (Please tell me if I get any of the languages wrong, I could only use translations and YouTube, not the most reliable)(Please tell me who I miss because I do not know much when it comes to other language creators)
P01 - Tubbo (Returning) [DEAR] [English]
P02 - Pactw (Returning) [FRIEND] [Portuguese]
P03 - Aimsey (New) [IN] [English]
P04 - Febatista (New) [THE]
P05 - Soarinng (New) [DEEPEST] [Spanish]
P06 - Tiba014 (New) [SHADOWS] [Portuguese]
P07 - DUXO (New) [No code? Correct me if wrong] [Spanish]
P08 - BadBoyHalo (Returning) [FATEFUL] [English]
P09 - Noblezito (New) [PATHS] (Has been removed. Will be replaced in due time)
P10 - LJoga (New) [CROSS ,]
P11 - Sneegsnag (New) [TWISTING] [English]
P12 - Estailus (New) [TOGETHER] [Spanish]
P13 - Seapeekay (New) [INTO]
P14 - Kennystreams (New) [A]
P15 - Supninjaz (New) [SINISTER]
P16 - Bastet (New) [DANCE .]
P17 - Rodezel (New) [OUR]
P18 - Malena0202 (New) [GOALS] [Portuguese]
P19 - Axozer (New) [ALIGN]
P20 - Scottonauta (New) [IN]
P21 - JVNQ (New) [A]
P22 - Bagi (Returning) [SYMPHONY]
P23 - Etoiles (Returning) [OF]
P24 - CrystalMolly (New) [CHAOS]
P25 - Natalan (New) [AND]
P27 - VGumiho (New) [LET]
P28 - Foioguto (New) [US]
P29 - Captiangato (New) [MEET ,]
P30 - Goularte (New) [LET]
P31 - Guaxinim (New) [US]
P32 - Gabepeixe (New) [JOIN]
P33 - Mynthos (New) [IN]
P34 - Cherryrar (New) [OUR]
P35 - Wuant (New) [MALEVOLENCE ,]
P36 - TheGuill84 (New) [AND]
P37 - HimaruBlack (New) [ORCHESTRATE]
P38 - EthanNestor (New) [AN]
P39 - Jinkiwinkki (New) [ERA]
P40 - Shubble (New) [OF]
P41 - Aldo_Geo (New) [UNSEEN]
P42 - JackManifoldTV (New) [CRUELTY]
P43 - Barcagamer (New) [UPON]
P44 - BrunimNeets (New) [THE]
P45 - Condification (New) [QSMP .]
P46 - MikeTheLink (Returning?) [THE]
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annoyed-galaxy · 10 months
I have been medicated for a week now and my PMDD week is supposedly coming up. So we're going to see how I'm feeling when it happens.
Being medicated, I have noticed a huge difference: my social anxiety has lessened and I'm actually talking to strangers at work a little bit more. I find myself being a little bit more productive and inspirational. I've been watching a lot more tutorial videos for things and actually have been applying them and shit.
It's not all good though because my anxiety spiked up to a point that I went mute around my roommates. I also felt extremely tired today after work, to the point I almost couldn't get up to do anything.
Either way, there is a lot of progress and I am so happy. Progress is happening.
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velverettt · 10 months
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I made some bunny lace samples
top lace is based on #22 Narrow Prospect Lace on p31 of Home Work, 1981, Toronto: Rose Pub. Co
notes on top lace and notes on bottom lace
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humblemooncat · 22 days
Follow-up to my house tour post, here are all the lovely homes I visited today!
@candycryptids - Aether, Siren | Lav Beds W11 P25
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Your home was so cozy, and I absolutely love the use of the space you were given! The sunken couch area downstairs was an instant fave. I love those types of living area layouts. <3
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I also may have been a gremlin and went in your walls fish tank. :3c
Overall, very lovely place! Highly recommend visiting! <3
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@scholarlostintime - Crystal, Zalera | Mist W9 P20 & Crystal, Mateus | Lav Beds W19 P57
I'm sure a lot of us here on tumblr are familiar with the Cracked Cluster, it's a beautiful venue! And I finally got around to touring the whole place today!
I gotta say, both of your homes are lovely and very well-decorated!
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The one in the Mist is so classy and very reminiscent of Sharlayan!
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Whereas the Cluster is very cozy, and you can definitely see the inspirations from Mor Dhona!
Overall, these are both very lovely places, and definitely worth checking out! Especially on a night when the Cracked Cluster is open for business!
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@selnyam - Crystal, Malboro | Lav Beds W27 P49
Oh goodness, this place was so cozy and colorful! I love the use of the space, and the little bedroom area was so cute and spooky!
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I did love this warm little nook though, perfect for a cat nap. :3c
Hope you and your friend's roulettes went well, and thank you for having me!
Overall, absolutely adorable forest abode with a touch of the void! Definitely worth stopping in!
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@vasheden - Crystal, Malboro | Lav Beds W29 P29
First off, amazing location. I love that little cottage with the bridge so much. You did such a nice job on decorating!
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I adore the inside as well, the little knickknacks on the walls, and the green that is very reminiscent of Rinkah were lovely touches!
Overall, a beautiful place that I would certainly recommend stopping in to!
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And last but not least this round;
@zylphiacrowley - Primal, Exodus | Lav Beds W10 P31
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I was curious, but then I understood. xD
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Left your mans some pocket money since I needed one of those partitions. <3
Upon entering, I was absolutely FLOORED by the layout! You did such a nice job with the space, and it really gave me hobbit hole vibes! Extremely cozy, as the WoL's space should be. uwu
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Overall a HIGHLY recommended spot to visit! Trust me, the previews don't do any of these places justice, but I wanted to encourage y'all to visit yourselves. :3c
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If you guys have any other houses or apartments you'd like me to visit, drop them in the comments here or in my DMs and I'll do a part 2 when I have the time! <3
Thank you lovely people for inviting me to your homes! <3
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