#p5 step siblings au
symphonic-scream · 8 months
I got a lot of positives after posting about the step siblings thing so here's more
P5 Step Siblings AU
So to be clear, the "Thieves" all meet in high school, so before that there's just bits from the three/four individual families and such. So, I'll give you some of those bits
So, I've got stuff for the three wives in this. As stated in the first post, Aichi Niijima is an EMT, spending odd hours at work, the smarts of a healthcare worker with the athleticism of a first responder. It's her goal to always be able to pick up her kids, no matter their age
Sayuri Kitagawa is an elementary school art teacher, who also gets featured in galleries, a lot. She never paints the faces of her children, so they're not plastered everywhere, but they're still on her works from time to time. She is ill, but she keeps moving onwards
And, Wakaba Ishiki. She still researches cognition in her spare time, but after falling for the artist she kept seeing painting in Shibuya, she's settled more. She's a high school technology teacher, and is the one who fights to have Goro in their care
Just. Aichi walking around on her off days with at least one kid clinging to her at all times, if not all of them. Sae is always most reluctant, especially as a teenager, and to convince Goro all anyone needs to do is a little reverse psychology
Her carrying like, 10-year-old Makoto on one side, Yusuke aged 9 on the other, and little Futaba at 8 on her back as she cooks, cleans, etc
Sayuri holding Makoto close during storms, and telling her stories to distract from the fear, never diminishing it or anything. She does the same for Futaba, when the world doesn't make sense, holds her tight until she's back to herself, and. She kisses each of their little heads each morning and night, even when they're not so little anymore
Poor Tsumiki Sakamoto, raising two wild children. Ryuji is a handful on his own, with his endless energy and innate rebellion against authority, but Ann? The two combined just keep making the other Worse
Like. The best example is their first day of high school, they meet the others cause they're sprinting, convinced that they're late cause their Mom set the clocks a half hour ahead. So, they're actually early
They both love movies, so every other week she uses some of her own paycheck money to bring them to see something, snacks and all. The Takamaki money goes towards food, clothes, rent, etc. her own money goes towards making sure they have the best childhood she can give them
When the power goes out, she builds a little fort in the living room with them, with a flashlight and she reads a book, Ann and Ryuji acting out the different characters. By the end they're out of energy, out cold in the fort, unafraid
Tsukimi fosters Ryuji's love of running, and Ann's love of acting. She helps make Ann's costume for a school play, and switches shifts around at the ramen shop to get to attend the school sports festival and cheer Ryuji on for his first wins
They're not super well off, but they're happy, and loved
Sojiro had a few different foster placements before his first foster fail. None of them stay with him for too long, just a step on the path, that's all. But then he gets this little, thin, seven year old girl, who's case was all over the news, because her father was a big CEO
Haru was nervous and shy at first, but he cooks her dinner and lets her watch, asking her to taste test. And, she has her own room, and the door doesn't have to stay closed
Plus, he gently carries her when theyre on the train, letting her hide her face in his shoulder. He keeps the media away from her, until the case is old news. And each month, he brings her to talk to her mom, at a small, high end graveyard
Haru fucking loves Sojiro. She's selected for an adoption viewing at one point and she just- cries. Tells the worker she doesn't wanna go, don't make her leave her dad, and
Sojiro cries. She called him Dad,
Akira gets placed with them after a couple years, when he's twelve and Haru thirteen. It takes him longer to settle in, he's, older than Haru was. Been through a bit more. But, he melts into place there, and soon he's got his own apron to wear while making dinner with his dad and his big sister
And, they get a cat. Akira and Haru find him when walking home from middle school, and don't tell Sojiro at first. Then he finds the cat, and it's that, "dad who didn't want the cat" situations. He buys him little sweaters and shit
Sojiro gave them both the option to keep their old family names. Haru asked to change hers to Sakura the night he formally adopted her. Akira asks after a year, before Sojiro had a chance to reveal he was adopting him
And, they look like a perfect little family. Akira looks strikingly like Sojiro, and his curly hair matches Haru's, so
Bonus: Hasegawa
Now, this is Zenkichi here, so he's all emo cause his wife died. But, he has to be even stronger, cause he agreed to take in the daughters of other victims in a similar case he's convinced is connected. Twins, little gymnasts, older than his daughter
Sumire is quiet for a long time. She and Kasumi share a room, but she opens up first to Akane. Akane asks if her hair is really red, and Sumire nods. Akane says it's her favourite colour
The twins are in middle school, and Akane is pretty young. They won't move to Tokyo until the twins start high school, so they're out in Kyoto?? Anyways. Sumire bonds with Akane before opening up to Zenkichi, and Kasumi is more social, but she doesn't truly open up until she sees Sumire looking comfortable. At home.
Then, Sophia. She's found by local police with no ID, no memories, just a jacket with her name stitched into it. Zenkichi, who already has three daughters, takes her for the night at first, while they work stuff out
She, stays much longer
They joke that she's the missing third twin. ("It's called a triplet", Zenkichi corrects, causing his three girls to laugh. "Twin three!" Akane cheers, the older two following after. Sophia smiles and cheers too. "Twin three!")
When they do move to Tokyo, all three start high school at Shujin, meeting the others for the first time
Just. I have a lot of thoughts about this one.
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serenescribe · 4 months
for the fic writer ask: 🍚🍜🍡🍘
Fic Writer Asks
🍚 What genre do you have the toughest time writing?
answered here!
🍜 Do you ever feel pressured to write?
sort of! not by other people, but mainly by myself. i often have limited time to write, and can only really sit down and focus during breaks between semesters and school years. i oftentimes cannot write at all during the ends of my semesters! so i end up pressuring myself somewhat to write while i can, because i don't know when i'll be able to do it next.
that aside... i can also feel pressured if i'm racing against canon (see: writing 15k words in two days just so i could get glaciers chapter 2 out before episode 19 of fhjy dropped). i also sometimes pressure myself to write because i love it when people enjoy my work! which is a much lighter pressure, but pressure nonetheless — it isn't imposed on me by readers at all, but merely my own desire to return the amount of enjoyment everyone's comments have brought me :)
🍡 Which of your fics was the most emotionally difficult to write?
i want to say "pénthos" because it was a grief fic, and i wrote it while coping with emotions surrounding the impending loss of a beloved pet. but it wasn't so much emotionally difficult to write as it is impossible to revisit without shedding a tear.
on the other hand, i remember feeling so many powerful, visceral emotions while writing "we've got history." i cannot encapsulate how much i felt writing these chapters. i channeled the pure fucking rage of espresso in chapter 1. i was dying writing madeleine in chapter 2. what the hell. i felt like i came out of a boss battle and lost despite finishing the fic. finishing it gave me relief like nothing i had ever known.
🍘 Is there a fic or idea for a fic that you've abandoned?
OH BOY. DO I HAVE AN ABSOLUTE TREASURE TROVE. i'm answering this under the cut. this is going to get long.
i wrote an espresseleine fic in 2022, clocked in at just over 40k words, and never posted it. it's more or less abandoned despite being finished because i pushed myself too hard writing it and burnt out so badly i couldn't stand to look at that writing ever again. maybe someday it'll see the light of day, but it's already been two years, and i don't know if i'll ever write for crk again.
on another note, i had a mcyt fire emblem au back in 2022. i was making it with the help of a beloved friend. unfortunately i never felt confident enough in writing the characters so it never came to be — but i think this short, simple sentence is still the best start to a fic i've ever written, and i'm sad that it will never see the light of day.
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this isn't so much abandoned as it is half-shelved, half-reworked (i like the au too much and have repurposed it for a different fandom, BUT i also love the original so i want to return to it someday. two cakes), but i had a fire emblem awakening fic. can't say too much about it but here's morgan and lucina siblings from 2022.
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pretty sure i had a p5 au idea where third semester played out differently with akira taking maruki's deal, and goro being forced to step into the role of wild card instead. never got too far into writing that though but i found this.
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i found a silver and lilia roleswap while i was digging for stuff????? i BARELY started it i straight up forgot this existed
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anyways the very nature of being multifandom with constant, shifting interests means that i definitely have a lot of abandoned works. these ones are all from recent years, but i know, deep in the depths of my soul, that there's more.
let's not even get started on ideas. if you get me started on ideas, we'll be here all day.
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hxpelessnurse · 1 year
Please repost do not reblog
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CHARACTER SHEET ― FULL NAME: Mikan Tsumiki NICKNAME: Miks, Miki, Pig, a whole lot of other unpleasant names. ALIASES: The Ultimate Nurse, Super High School Level Health Committee Member, Plague (P5 AU Metaverse nickname) PRONOUNS: Cis woman She/Her/Hers HEIGHT: 5'4" (165cm) AGE: Verse dependent; 16 - 30+ ZODIAC: Taurus, Year of the Rooster SPOKEN LANGUAGES: Japanese, English, Korean
HAIR: Long, dark and choppy. Looks deep purple in certain lighting. FACIAL HAIR: None. EYES: Grey-lilac in colour. Often red and puffy from crying. SKIN TONE: Pale as a ghost. BODY TYPE: Slightly curvy. Pear shaped. VOICE: sharp, nervous, always stuttering and stumbling over words, but very sweet and soft. DOMINANT HAND: Ambidextrous. Both hands are dominant. Tends to use right slightly more though. POSTURE: Always shivering and tense. A little anxious ball of emotions, back always pin-straight. SCARS: Tons all over her body. Most are predominantly on her legs and arms. BIRTHMARKS: a beauty mark under her left eye MOST NOTABLE FEATURES: Her eyes and hair. Grey eyes are rather rare and her hair is always a wild mess. 𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐇𝐎𝐎𝐃 ― PLACE OF BIRTH: Kawasaki, Japan HOMETOWN: Tokyo, Japan or Jabberwock Island SIBLINGS: n/a PARENTS: Shinso Tsumiki (Father, half-Korean), Mitsuko Hanawara (Mother, Full Japanese, remarried), Daisuke Hanawara (Step-Father, Full Japanese)
𝐀𝐃𝐔𝐋𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐅𝐄 ― OCCUPATION: Nurse Practitioner CURRENT RESIDENCE: Hope's peak Dorms/Studio apartment in the Kichijoji district of Tokyo/Her cabin on Jabberwock Island. CLOSE FRIENDS: Ibuki Mioda, Mahiru Koizumi, Sonia Nevermind, Chiaki Nanami, Hajime Hinata, Kazuichi Souda. FINANCIAL STATUS: She is getting by. But she's not making a lot. DRIVER'S LICENSE: No. CRIMINAL RECORD: She has murdered a lot of people so... VICES: smoking, drinking, overthinking.
LOVE LANGUAGE: Words Of Affirmation, Physical Touch, Acts of Service, and Quality Time. RELATIONSHIP TENDENCIES: She's a paranoid person when it comes to relationships so she will do anything to keep her partner. She can get a little overly possessive and be a bit of a yandere when it comes to her partner. She's also super clingy and willing to put out on the first date if it means they'll stay.
CHARACTER'S THEME TUNE: Crybaby by Melanie Martinez, Girl Anachronism by Dresden Dolls HOBBIES TO PASS THE TIME: Reading romance novels, and watching horror movies. LEFT OR RIGHT BRAINED: Left-Brained. SELF-CONFIDENCE LEVEL: What confidence? She has none.
Tagged by: @dxfiedfxte (thank you!) Tagging: @webbedphantom, @attractdistract, @more-than-a-princess, and viewers like you.
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goatpaste · 2 years
Y'know it would have also been interesting if instead of Giorno's step father being an unnamed minor character, it was actually Diavolo because 1. This would give Giorno a more personal reason for wanting to become the don of passione other than hating drugs and 2. Diavolo could have been the one to eventually kill that mafia guy Giorno looked up to which could have been how Diavolo became the boss of passione in the first place. And in this AU Trish and Giorno could be the same character or Trish could still exist separately and they could join together to fight their shitty dad and Diavolo could want to eradicate them both.
ah yeye this was somewhat along the lines of what i was thinking what i was floating past the idea of trish and giorno swapping places in Au
like them being step siblings in one fashion or another, maybe giorno at a young age just gets adopted in by Trish's mother after having a horrible homelife with his mother. Trish's mom doesnt speak a lot about Trish's bio dad but clearly between that and Trish's own connection to her father that she clearly gets unnerved or upset by when thinking about it they get the idea its not too great.
then things with the guy from giornos childhood happen, maybe Diavolo is the only to send out the orders for his elimination and stuff which leads to Giornos interest in the Mafia
then the day comes their mom dies and the mafia but not for both of them, but just for trish because she's the bosses biologically daughter. things click in Gios head not just that he wants to keep Trish safe but that hes realizing this means the man causing the problems in their cities and to the man he once looked up to, is trish's own father. Giorno claims to be Trish, the bio child to the boss and is taken away to be brought to him which is in his plan to get close to eliminate the boss.
But Trish has other plans and says fine, you take my identity! ill take yours! and tracks him down in an attempt to both, just like Giorno, keep him safe and as well get to their father as Trish's stand powers are beginning to awaken. The two both in Brunos gang knowing each other and whats up but keeping it a secret to have the upper hand as they reach the Boss.
Trish keeping up to be apart of the gang despite still just getting a handle on her new stand power, and Giorno trying to play the part of trish, wanting to help but not being able to due to the gangs need to keep trish from danger.
i think the most fun way for this to be told is is if p5 had this going on but didnt say their back story stuff of swapping at the start, waiting until it gets revealed later, so that throughout the story theres bits and pieces of evidence of their lying about their identities and lying about not knowing each other
idk idk, just a fun concept to work with...
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winterrose527 · 3 years
p1. Hi!! Ok so I just finished Dancing on the Strings - I definitely planned to finish it much earlier but I got distracted by my own fanfic and also - I got into grad school (!!!!!!)!! But alas, onto the fic: I love love love college!AUs - they're so much fun because I love seeing all the couples in such a formative time in their lives! I really enjoyed seeing Robb's character development from this super immature college boy that messes around with Margaery and how his love for his family and
p2. for Myrcella really forces him to grow up into someone that she deserves (even though he's annoying stubborn about it for so long - like Robb, how can you be so smart and so dumb at the same time???)! Fav line: She gave him a knowing smile and said, “Because you’re the kind of boy who is only going to fall in love once, and when you do…It might just kill you." - ugh love the symbolism of this!! I adored Myrcella's journey and how she basically opens herself up to having a family! I obsess-
p3. over the found family trope - but you do it so well!!! Their relationship is freaking adorable and so complex with this constant pushing and pulling between the two of them!! fav line: I fell long ago, without my permission. - so cute and beautiful!! Her relationship with Gendry is also so beautiful - I adore well-written sibling relationships, and it was so interesting to see it develop from the perspective of them meeting as adults? I hate that we were deprived of that in canon because -
p4. I think canon!Myrcella would've wanted to know him. Sansa and Jon - wonderful, perfect, iconic as always. As was Arya!! The love scenes also made me DIEEEEE in an amazing way!! Ok I'm officially starting A Different Kind of Game - hopefully I can be more efficient about reading/reviewing it (and it'll be getting me through the financial aid applications ripppp) - so excited!!!
p5. also, I scrolled through your blog because I've been MIA from the GOT fandom for the last month and I'm so sorry your fics haven't been getting the attention/reception that they deserve! I just want to let you know that your fics are valued so so much - they've literally gotten me through 12-hour days filled with personal statements, stress and other personal things happening. I'm reading through your backlog so I haven't been able to get to your new fics yet - but I plan to read and review
p6. I'm reading through your backlog so I haven't been able to get to your new fics yet - but I plan to read and review every single one because I think they're amazing!! I know I like to post on tumblr because I like how interactive it is - but please let me know if you prefer reviews on ao3 or anything instead! I know I only speak for myself
p7. I'll support you/read anything you post regardless, but you're one of my favorite writers on the site, and I think it'd be a huge loss to the GOT/ASOIAF community and to me personally if we were to lose your fics!
Hiiii oh my gosh, you are the SWEETEST!
First of all - congratulations on getting into grad school!!! I am so happy for you!! That is so so exciting & I know the next steps are stressful but YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!!
Second of all - oh my goodness. I'm so glad you enjoyed it. This one is one of my shame ones because I made it far too busy I think, and if I could go back I'd set it up differently/have things paced differently, because there was a lot of good in it that just got muddled.
But yes, I'm often accused of having a sort of unchanging Mary Sue Robb and for better or worse in this one - he was not that. I really enjoyed having him be on the character arc that he was, because I felt like he really grew as a person and it was challenging but joyful to write.
I always love writing Myrcella & Gendry as siblings, and I found it so interesting to write it with Myrcella being the one to seek him out.
Ooh I hope you enjoy A Different Kind of Game. It's not one of my favorites but it was fun to write. I'm so honored you're going through my backlog!!
Thanks so much for saying that - it really means so much. I will say that I've been feeling less engaged with GoT fandom as of late, which is to be expected I suppose, and though I love my Robbcella babies, it is incredibly difficult to have maintained inspiration when that is the case and then on top of that, receiving very little interaction with what I write. It takes a lot of time & energy to write stories and it's long been feeling like my time could be better spent elsewhere. That isn't in any way to suggest that I think fanfic is a waste of time or to disparage anyone who still gets joy from it, but for me personally I'm not seeing a lot of upside.
I'm sure that I'll write more in the future, but I do think my most prolific days are definitely behind me.
And just to note - receiving these are so lovely, you're so kind and wonderful and it's such a joy to experience because I get to revisit these works that I wrote what feels like so long ago, but to answer your question yes, on the whole, I will say engagement on AO3, particularly on WIPs, is something that a lot of writers - or maybe I should just speak for myself - appreciate. It can keep us going/convince us to write that next chapter, etc.
Can't wait to see what you choose next, and no rush of course, I just hope you enjoy yourself! xoxo
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caramellody · 3 years
Ninjago P5 au semi-loose rambles because idk i like this au:
-So the main gang would definitely be: Lloyd, Nya, Kai, Zane, Pixal, Skylor, Cole, and Jay (joining in that order)
-Following in step with Japanese school years: Nya and Lloyd are First years, Kai, Jay, Skylor are second years, and Pixal, Zane, and Cole are third years
-Lloyd's the wild card (which for you non-persona players, means that he can hold multiple personas, the things they use to fight, and switch between them as opposed to being limited to just 1), and his velvet room that he goes to would be a very blue themed room in the monastery.
-Naturally Igors there as per usual, but I'm not sure if I should be like. making a new velvet attendant or, since this is a p5 esque au, having it be the twins. (i might just stick with the twins because of the beats it still follows with p5)
-Now for, Arcanas!
Lloyd: Fool
Nya: Strength
Kai: Chariot
Zane: Hanged Man
Pixal: Priestess
Skylor: Sun
Cole: Moon
Jay: Magician
-Even if they don't join right away, the others do help Lloyd and co with certain materials. Like Skylor for example, she provides all the health/healing items through her connections with other restaurants. Kai/Nya do armor and accessories, and Jay finds and gathers weapons/weapon upgrades (it probably should be reversed imo, but I kinda like fact that folks like Skylor and Jay who don't join till later play a role in still helping in your efforts)
-I feel like it sorta? plays into the P5 plot, but not really? like Lloyd isn't on some criminal record list, but since this au features an amalgamation of both TV show and Movie personalities (some learning more on one over the other) I feel like his main deal is that he and Koko have constantly moved places and every time he's always had a bad rap until he met the smith siblings (I'll probably play more with everyone's general backstory on a separate post)
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shinydmoon · 4 years
Would anyone be interested in an Ask blog for my Persona/DeSu au?
Here’s the basic outline.(first up sorry to all who know Greek, lovecraft, and probably Japanese lore- also apologizes to how ooc many of the characters probably are)
there are the primalter god/deity, The personifications of Time, Fate, Order, Chaos, Infinity and Nothingness. Those being then create others to act as creators and rulers of reality.
Now Nyx is one of those new gods and she ends up with The being of Chaos, Nyarlathotep. They have many children and all that. Now Order and his helpers with help from the rest of the gods(which are called Divines) have made earth and the rest of life and reality.
As the created life gains consciousness they develop Morality. Philoamon on the order/‘kind’ side and Nyarlathotep ruling the Chaos/‘ destructive’ side, to balance this scale Nyx creates Shadows to act as a medium for the created life to decide for themselves.
Now skipping/rushing though till getting to closer to the ‘main plot’. Humanity fabricated many gods, religions, and mythologys, Most of the Divines chose to take the names of figures in those tales when in contact with the humans and other non-‘godly’ beings. Not all the descriptions match the Divine who answer to it and some answers to multiple if they share basically the same role(ex. Nyarlathotep is well Nyarlathotep and also Erebus. Morgan(p5 kitty) answers to Elpis but is male not female.)
the none Primalter Divines choose their own gender..Kinda They are born as a gender but its the gender they answer to and the only Transgender ones to fit would be NB and Fluid, but even those that answer to a binary gender are not locked into it and a number[cough-CoughRyojiCough-cough] like changing it up every once in a while.
There were mutations in Nyx’s shadows that lead to both Demons[Nyarlathotep said yonk] and a group I still have yet to figure out a name for, right now I’m leaning to Fai, sylph, Observing Spirits, or Minor Beings[please help]. The Minor Fai are basically mythological creatures and a great number of Human Gods/deities who are not Divines. [Like Izanami and Izunagi in P4] For Human-Shadow Bonds[add link](end of sped though)
Philimon, not trusting Chaos to remain fair and keep thing in balance, wished to give humans a way to combat Nyarlathotep and Nyx’s Forces. Seeing as some humans had found ways to ally with their shadows He set up the Velvet room and most of what that involved. He did one more thing, a thing that all but he knows was a mistake that nearly caused what Philamon feared. To aid the humans in a more direct way and so that humans who were not able to interact with his velvet room could fight, He gave a select group of humans a Research subject. The newly hatch child of Nyx and Chaos, little tiny Hypnos.
Philamon waited for a time that the rest of Hypnos’ family were not on guard and Grabbed him. When Chaos and Nyx tried to retrieve their child Philamon threatened that if ether attacked him then they would have made the starting move and give him one free action without consequences or retaliation from Chaos. Thus Nyarlathotep and Nyx had to listen as one of their babies cried for them but they couldn’t answer.
Philamon first gave Hypnos to those researchers from Persona 1(I literally know nothing of P1 plot besides Dreams, a dead twin leading to self identity issues, and Nyx is fightable at some point). Nyx tries to rescue Hypnos from there but the events of P1 block her way and Hypnos is move to a temporary location- the area that Persona 2 happens[I know vaguely the plot of both persona 2s], Chaos tries to claim his son there but by the time he located where Hypnos was he had already been moved and Philamon blocked his way, Nyarlathotep enraged does the whole persona 2 Innocent Sin plot and all that.
While p2 was happening Hypnos arrived at his next and Final place of captivity, Iwatodai island under the watch of the Kirijo group and its scientists. Now the Kirijo group gets it in their heads that ‘hey why don’t we get more’/‘ this one has been studied thoroughly already lets get a fresh new one’ so They start torturing Hypnos and Performing many painful experiments while using him as bait for more of his family. The first caught in the net is Philotes(Hamuko) and with two of his siblings taken away and tortured Thanatos decides it’s time to step in.
He manages to get Philotes free and safely back home but is overwhelmed thus needs to turn back before he could get to Hypnos. The rescue was not all for nothing as the mess allowed Hypnos to final escape his container and he quickly runs to a different part of the lab, once he stabilized himself[to the best a baby can do] he disguises himself as a human child. But before he was able to get out of the facility he is discovered by two of the workers, The Yukis(or Arisatos doesn’t really matter) who mistakenly think he’s a run away from the Group that Strega and Sho Minazuki resulted from.
Taking pity on the tiny child they decide to take him home to raise as their own(this decision was in no way influenced by the fact their baby had recently died). Hypnos likes the humans who helped him escape the evil place... atleast until he found out that they were not going to let him leave and were very controlling. This begins the Saga of Hypnos biting, hissing, and wishing to tear apart every single human who breathed in his direction.
Before going on lets jump back a bit to clarify some of Hypnos’ stay with the Kirijo group. 1, he sees/interacts with Aigis(or any of the Anti-Shadow robots). 2, those dusk plums mentioned in P4 ultimate arena are Hypnos’ feathers crystallized into energy form[the plucking of his feathers leads Mint to have a enjoyment for tearing apart the wings of enemies, so if you have Feathered wing do try to not Cross Hypnos or else all you will know is agonizing torture]. 3, he was torn apart then forced back into a solid form with his energy and even parts of himself being taken from him- that’s what leads to him missing one of his eyes.
Nyx having reached her patience and tolerance level orders Thanatos to start preparations for The Fall. About 3 or 4 years after Hypnos escaped/was adopted by the Yukis The Night happens and Thanatos also turn to pieces bring the first Dark Hour.
Now in a feral state Death flees to what they sense is safety, they flee towards Hypnos/Minato. Aigis attacks, Yuki car is blown up, and Aigis seals Death into Minato. Maybe if she had had time to think about it she may have thought about why that hasty action worked. Death and Sleep are twins, Halves of a whole. By placing an incomplete Death into the incompetence Hypnos Their souls were able to repair themselves while also healing the other.
After that night Minato had a friend to be by his side, Pharos(as I have said before Pharos was there from the start). Minato feels complete with Pharos and Pharos feels safe with Minato. With no memories but the deep connection they feel the two take to calling the other brother. Minato spends the next decade being pushed and bounced around till he gets the invitation to attend Gekkoukan High School, seeing as that’s the only place he and Pharos know of that they came from he accepts and a kinda sort of version of Persona 3 happens.
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panda-noosh · 7 years
Bad At Love{P1} {Photographer!Keith x Prodigy!Reader}{AU}
Words: 5344
  Summary: Keith Kogane was known for being the good-boy-gone-bad. You were known for being the emotionless prodigy that only ever showed up to school to stop her foster parents from getting arrested. Whenever you two are put together on a school project after briefly meeting during detention, you find your world tipping upside down as you realise that there’s more to life than science and logic.
  Pairing: Photographer!Keith x Prodigy!Reader
  Warning: Keith swears a lil bit.
  Notes: p2 - p3 - p4 - p5 - p6 - FINAL; CHAPTER 1 OF MY NEW KEITH FIC! PLEASE GIVE ME FEEDBACK! 
  Chapter 1
    “Did your massive IQ get you in trouble again?”
   The words at the first thing you hear as you step through the door of the foster home you had been cooped up in for nearly two months now, occupied by the all-so-friendly Ann Marie Park who insisted on asking the exact same question every time you walked into the kitchen.
    It was exhausting. Sitting down at the kitchen counter and reminiscing on the most-likely-awful day you had just charged through. You never lied about it – the only reason you were in the foster system, from the loose papers you had stolen and memorised from the offices when you were 5, was because your mother and father couldn’t handle a child genius.
  That was the label they had put on you in black and white ink, on official papers. Even at the age of five the words hurt. Reading about how you had crafted an entire doll house when you were three year olds, how you were speaking in full sentences by seven months, how your intelligence had scared off the people who were meant to be with you at all times.
   Today was no different.
   School was the same old, pointless array of regurgitated information that you saw as common sense. Your notebooks were filled with the same old, stupid doodles that were the only thing that kept you from collapsing from both boredom and the exhaustion that waking up at 6am brought upon you.
   You slump down against the counter after tossing your bag carelessly against the sofa that was littered with your foster-siblings own school work which he was clearly struggling to get through. Patrick hissed at you as your bag barely whizzed past his head, nearly knocking him out cold.
    “Teachers get so butthurt,” you find yourself mumbling, a loose reply to the question Ann-Marie had asked you. “I corrected Mr Blanchard on his spelling today and got deemed disrespectful. An absolute joke.”
   Ann-Marie sighs, placing a steaming cup of tea in front of you. You instinctively push it away, your brain already going through every single thing that the second-hand kettle would be pouring into your cup.
   “What did he say to you?” Ann-Marie asks.
   “He said I had no right to shout out in class and that my input was unnecessary. He then proceeded to give me a detention.”
   Ann-Marie sighs, letting go of the breath she was holding in. She was clearly expecting the final piece of your story – the detention. The detention which you seemed to be assigned every other day all because of the fact that you didn’t feel things in the way others did. Your sky-high IQ, your label of genius wasn’t all it was cut out to be – your emotional effort was way too low, meaning you very rarely knew when to bite your tongue and keep quiet. The idea of being scolded didn’t scare you like how it scared other kids, meaning you said whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted and would only react whenever the punishment was given to you.
    “What time do I have to pick you up at?” Ann-Marie asks.
   “I don’t plan on going, Ann-Marie. It’s was unfairly given to me by-“
   “I’m telling Mr Blanchard you said that!” Patrick wails from behind you. You turn in your chair, eyebrow raised as you look at the boy behind you – half your age yet he still managed to be the only one who could grind your gears in the way he did.
   “You can tell Mr Blanchard all you want – I won’t be there to see his facial expression.”
   Ann-Marie grumbles, grabbing your arm to snap your attention back to her. You turn back around in your stool, take a handful of grapes from the fruit bowl and proceed to pop them in your mouth one by one.
   “You’re going whether you like it or not. The only way we’re gonna break the surface with you is if you see what the punishments are really like.”
   You raise your brow, speaking through a mouthful of grapes. “Break the surface? Ann-Marie, my own parents couldn’t handle me whenever I was an infant. There’s no way a detention is going to suddenly boost my EQ levels.”
   “What are EQ levels?”
   “Be quiet, Patrick.”
   Ann-Marie shakes her head at you, her beady blue eyes glaring directly into yours in the way they always did whenever she was giving you a warning. You simply shrug, leaning back against the stool, wanting nothing more than to just get up and leave. Being around people brought up your lack of emotions. It exposed you against your own will, and the only way to soothe it was by being on your own.
   You wanted to be on your own.
    “You’re going,” Ann-Marie repeats, more stern this time. “I’ll call up the school and find out what I need to find out, and then you’re going to sit through that entire detention whether I have to handcuff you to that chair.”
    “That’s actually a form of hostage capture and-“
    “Y/N!” Ann-Marie hisses. “Enough. Now, go upstairs and get out of those clothes. Dinner will be in an hour.”
     If I break out of her grip in exactly five seconds, and run by lunging, I could be out the exit door in no time.
    Ann-Marie yanks your arm, silencing your overactive thoughts as she drags you through the hallways of the high school you were sure you had escaped for at least another two days whenever you had left on Friday.
   And yet here you were – trapped in the confines of your foster-mothers arms, wading through the empty halls whilst the teachers smile at you as they pass, pretending they didn’t make your life a living hell. They had Ann-Marie fooled. You could tell by the way she chirped up every now and then, commenting on how, “Polite these people are!”
   It made you sick, quite frankly.
   “You know they’re only smiling because you’re the one keeping their bills paid, right?” you comment, not bothering to lower your voice.
   Ann-Marie groans, tugging on your arm again. “This is what I mean, Y/N. You have absolutely no filter.”
    “I didn’t tell you that you yanking on my arm is only making me stumble even more, so I think I’m improving. Can we go home now?”
   Ann-Marie doesn’t even reply as she turns the corner, coming face-to-face with Mr Blanchards ICT room. The computers line the wall, none of them on bar the big monitor that sits high and proud on Mr Blanchards desk.
   You scowl upon seeing his small head popping above it, him immediately flashing a large grin at Ann-Marie who gives it right back. He even has the nerve to smile at you – you simply roll your eyes, folding your arms and leaning against the door.
    You would never understand people who did that. Could change personalities completely within the space of two seconds, all depending on who they were talking to. Perhaps it was your low emotional levels, but you treated everybody the same. It was just how you worked.
    Ann-Marie and Mr Blanchard spoke for a good few minutes before Mr Blanchard finally turns to you and asks you to take a seat. You grumble out a, “Thank you, good sir,” before stowing off to one of the desks in the centre of the room. You set your bag down, pull out your notebook and get to doodling – just like you did every lesson.
    You had been caught most times. The teachers always noticed the way your pen moved back and forth at a fast pace, a clear indication that you were colouring rather than actually writing. You took great pleasure in showing them the notes you had already jotted down from nothing but memory. Their faces would turn blank and they would hand to you their favourite comment they used on every smart kid:
   “Your notes can’t be correct if you jotted them down so fast.”
   You didn’t mind. You got even more pleasure as you watched them read over your notes to see that they were even more detailed than the ones they had written on the board. You had even gone as far as to provide detailed examples, and continue on with the topic long before the teacher had a chance to teach you the criteria.
    Clearly, though, not all teachers appreciated having somebody smarter than them in their class. It belittled them.
    The clock ticks by with you subconsciously counting the milliseconds, just like you always did. An hour of silence between you and the teacher was enough to make you feel like you were going mad –
   But that silence was abruptly cut off at exactly 3:27pm. You had counted.
   The door to the room swings open, and even Mr Blanchard shoots upright in shock at the sudden disturbance. You had noticed a shift in his demeanour at around 3:20pm, with him continuously looking at the clock, pouting to himself before looking back down at the paper work on his desk.
   Apparently the boy in red who was currently wading into the classroom was the reason behind Mr Blanchard’s confusion.
   “Keith,” Mr Blanchard exclaims, standing up almost immediately. “You’re late once again.”
  You nearly gape as you look at the student in front of you – in your year, you knew. He had been the end of rumours for months now. Keith Kogane, photography student, good boy gone bad for a reason unknown.
   You had avoided him at all costs, not seeing the point in wasting time on a friendship with somebody who would clearly do nothing but drag you down this school year. You had even gone as far as dropping photography club – a class and a profession which Keith Kogane was known for.
   Taking pictures was his specialty, and he didn’t hide that fact. His camera hangs limply around his neck even now, even though it’s off and there’s hardly anything to capture in this dimly-lit room with simply computer monitors around the place. His black hair is ruffled messily in the back and slicked neatly in the front, his red jacket stained with a yellow sauce you can tell is mustard.
   Had he stopped at the cafeteria before he got here?
  “Sorry,” Keith utters in response, and you’re surprised at the lack of hostility in the apology. He almost sounds genuine.
  Mr Blanchard’s eyes soften as Keith ducks his head down, kicking the door shut behind him and stepping into the room. You watch him closely as he takes a seat at the desk opposite you, immediately putting his head back down, his nimble fingers delicately holding his camera.
   Mr Blanchard opens and closes his mouth for a moment, clearly wandering what to say to this boy who was so well-known amongst the school and yet he walked alone through most of the day. You had only ever seen him with people during lunch hours. After that, he disappears into whatever corner of the school he finds most aesthetic to lose himself amongst pointless pixels.
   Eventually, the teacher gives up, shakes his head and exits the room completely. Not before giving you a stern look of warning which you give back just as sternly – and then the door has shut behind him and the only two people in the room are you and Keith, alone.
   In silence.
   Your eyes never leave him. You sit, leaned back against your chair with your eyes focused on him, unable to focus on anything else. He just seems to strange. So far from what you expected him to be. You expected him to be like a rabid bull walking into detention – kicking chairs over and yelling about how Mr Blanchard isn’t his father and he can’t tell him what to do and spraying every curse word under the sun like profanity was his second language.
    But here he was in front of you now, eyes never leaving the small screen on his camera. The only noise in the room is the consistent beeping noise which comes from the device as he flicks through the photos he’s looking at. He seems so intrigued by them, and you find yourself half tempted to ask him what he’s doing.
   But that wasn’t you, was it? You didn’t care about what Keith Kogane was doing. Just because he surprised you this one time doesn’t mean you should jeopardize your school career by getting involved with him and whatever bad luggage he brought with him.
    You slide down further in your chair, pulling your hood on up over your head and deciding to lose yourself counting the tick of the clock again.
   Twenty minutes. Thirty seven seconds. Ten milliseconds.
  The time would pass by easily. It had to. You had your doodles here with you, an overactive brain to keep you company. Science and maths was a lot better company than the man sitting across from you.
    Nineteen minutes. Fifty five seconds. Fifteen milliseconds.
  You could ignore him just fine. The fact that he was currently breathing extremely heavily was nothing for you to care about. You had never spoken two words to him before. He was nothing to you.
   Nineteen minutes. Fourty six seconds.
  There was no reason for you to want to know more about him. No reason for you to ask him about the rumours that went around, inquiry him about how he had gone from a straight A student to somebody who very rarely even showed up to class.
    Eighteen seconds. Fifty seven seconds. 12-
  “Son of a bitch!”
   You nearly yelp, your eyes darting up from your lap to click onto the pair of brown ones which are currently flying around the room in a frantic search for whatever the boy had just dropped.
    You had heard the clatter but it hadn’t startled you as much as Keith’s voice had.
   You straighten up in your chair, letting your hood slip off of your head as you do. Keith barely acknowledges your existence as he roughly pushes a chair out of his way so he can duck under the table.
   “What are you doing?” you find yourself asking.
   Keith doesn’t look up. He doesn’t even reply to you. He simply keeps cursing lowly under his breath, his hands feeling up the floor.
    You stand up slowly, looking over the top of the round table you’re sat at. “Did you drop something?”
    “No, I’m just crouching on the floor because my arse got tired sitting down,” Keith shoots back. He looks up at you, rolls his eyes as if you were the stupidest human being on the planet. “What are you even doing here anyway?”
    You raise a brow, shocked and intriguied by this sudden change of attitude. You couldn’t help but chuckle at yourself – how you had thought for one minute that maybe the rumours were all false was beyond you. With an IQ of 160, you thought you’d have caught on by now that high school rumours held a lot more tact that TV gave them credit for.
    “I’m in detention too, smart ass,” you reply. “That’s usually the reason why students look miserable whenever they’re forced into school on weekends.”
   Keith rolls his eyes, letting out a small scoff at the corner of his mouth before he goes back to searching for the mysterious object he had dropped.
    You aren’t entirely sure what to do or say afterwards. Do you help him look? It seems, morally, like the correct thing to do, but your lack of said morals was hard to fight against. He had treated you like shit for no reason, so you would do the exact same thing to him and not regret it.
    You fall back against your chair, fold your arms over your chest and quietly hum to yourself, letting your head swing back to look up at the ceiling. You can feel Keith’s eyes glaring at you as you hum, clearly getting irked by the small noise you’re making – that was your plan. You knew how the human brain worked. You had known how the human brain worked since you were 7 years old. Little noises that you had to strain to hear were what your brain was attracted to. Your brain wants to pick up on the small noises, even if you aren’t entirely keen on trying to listen to them.
    You had lowered your voice to just that perfect level, knowing full well it would drive Keith mad.
    And it had, apparently.
    Keith slams his hand against the floor, shooting out from under the table with tired and annoyed looking eyes. You smile at him, stopping your humming for a moment.
    “Can you be quiet? This hour is already gonna drag for me, and you’re really not making it any better.”
   You shrug loosely. His comments did nothing to you. “I’m not here to make your hour any better. In fact, I think detention is the only place where it’s acceptable to make a persons life hell.”
    Keith’s eye twitches. “Are you serious?”
   You smile, nodding.
   Keith shakes his head, hollowing out his cheeks. “You don’t happen to be the child genius chick everybody goes on about, are you?”
    Your smile fades, a twisting feeling pinching the inside of your gut at the two words which shouldn’t have gone together. They crossed his lips so easily – he didn’t even seem shocked, and yet the two words brought back memories that you had forced down over the past few years.
   You cough and look away, suddenly feeling uneasy. “I don’t-“
   “IQ of 160 or something like that,” Keith continues. “God, you must feel some sense of superiority in this hell hole, don’t you? Smarter even than good ol’ Mr Blanchard.
   “His IQ isn’t difficult to challenge.”
    Keith scoffs. “I can tell. The old bastard caught me taking pictures of the tree outside his room and put me in detention for it. What a stupid reason, huh?”
    “I’d rather not talk about my intelligence, thank you. It’s quite a – uh – personal thing.”  
   Keith raises a brow as he lifts himself up off the floor. He wipes the dirt off of his black jeans, never taking his eyes off of you and suddenly it feels like the tables have turned. All because he had brought up the one thing you wanted people to forget about you – you were a certified genius. You had an IQ that was higher than anybodies this school had ever seen, and you couldn’t help it. Your brain had been overstimulated from a very, very young age and now you were forced to deal with the repercussions – trust issues, questions, teachers who despised you for the soul reason of you being smarter than them.
    You hated talking about it when you didn’t need to. Talking to people in general was a hard enough task for somebody who had zero emotional quota. Talking to them about the one thing that was enough to trigger something inside of you was even harder.
    “I go to school with you,” Keith says once he has stood up fully. You notice how he holds his camera protectively against his stomach as he speaks to you – a mark of denial. Perhaps he had some anxiety hidden beneath the tough-boy surface. “Surely knowing about your intelligence comes with the package of being a student with you.”
    “We don’t have classes together,” you point out. “Nothing but ICT and biology, and it’s very rare you even show up to those.”
    There goes that filter again, Y/N.
    You try to cover it up as quickly as you can. “But I suppose I shouldn’t be the one to talk. I’m not usually very vocal during lessons.”
   “Bullshit!” Keith nearly yells, startling you. “You’re constantly putting teachers in their place, aren’t you? I heard from my friend Pidge that you corrected Mrs Leech during one of her maths lessons once and you basically took over the class. That’s not something somebody with social issues does.”
    “I don’t have social issues as much as I have a low emotional quota.”
    “Please translate.”
   You can already feel the conversation gnawing away at your brain, an urge to put a stop to it taking over all over again.
     “It’s medical, so it’s none of your business.”
    Keith frowns, his fingers twitching against the buttons on his camera. Another marker of shock – was he surprised at your defiance?
    “Medical? Surely if it was medical, the teachers would have to let it slide. Yet here you are – in detention.”
   He made a good point. You lower your head to the desk again, tossing your hood on over your bed-head which you had arrived with this afternoon.
    “If you don’t tell me what all of that means, I’ll just look it up for myself and figure it out on my own. Do you want me to be misinformed?” Keith questions.
    You groan. “I don’t even know you.”
    “That’s why we’re talking. We’re getting to know each other.” You hear the screech of a chair against the floor – all too close for your liking. You look up from the confines your arms had made for your head to rest upon, eyes meeting with Keith’s almost immediately.
   He had pulled a chair out to sit next to you – next to you. Usually, such an action wouldn’t bother you. You were always too lost in your own brain or too monotone that day to even care if somebody wanted to sit next to you. But there was something about Keith and the way he looked at you and the rumours that spiralled around his very existence that had you feeling even mildly uncomfortable.
    “I don’t usually talk to people, you know,” he continues. “You’d have noticed that when I walked in. People – they aren’t my strong suit – but I love a good interesting person. A person who can keep me entertained with whatever shit they want to talk about.”
     “My intelligence is mine, Keith. I don’t need to talk to you about it if I don’t want to.”
    “That’s right. But as I said, I do plan on just searching this all up and figuring you out for myself. You’ve been a mystery in this school for years.”
    Your eyebrow twitches in confusion. “What do you mean?”
    “People wanna know about you. The infamous child genius-“
   “Stop calling me that. I’m 17 years old.”
   “The infamous teenage genius, then-“
   You can’t help yourself. Before you can think rationally, you’ve slammed your hand against the table, silencing Keith. His mouth immediately zooms to a thin line, flinching back in his own chair as his social personality suddenly seems to melt off of him, replaced by the angsty kid who had walked in this room in the first place.
    But you were far from calm anymore. You were angry, the words that Keith spoke zooming around in your head at one hundred miles an hour, because they were the words you had grown up hearing in whispered voices down the hall of the foster home, people talking about how your parents couldn’t cope with the genius. Nobody could cope with the genius. Ego’s were being hurt left right and centre and the human race was far too stuck up to let that happen.
   Children aren’t meant to develop this quickly. Maybe she’s sick.
  Maybe she has a photographic memory. I heard that can ruin lives.
  They were right. But what ruined lives even more was whenever people diagnosed you with every illness under the sun instead of taking into consideration that maybe, just maybe, you were more than your god damn intelligence. You were more than your grades, or your above average test score, or your early acceptance to Harvard.
    You were sick and tired of hearing people label you genius like you were some animal in the zoo.
   Oh look! There’s the genius!
  Oh, hey! There’s the genius!
  The word made you sick, and hearing Keith say it over and over again without knowing just what it did to you was enough to make even you, an emotionless human being, snap.
    “Can you just be quiet?” you nearly yell. “This hour has been long enough without you nagging in my ear. I don’t even know who you are! So if you could please shut your mouth, it would be very much appreciated. Go take pictures of the scenery or something – just leave me out of it.”
   You gather up your school bag, slinging it over your shoulder before walking over to the far table, slumping down against the desk and ducking your head in your hands. This certainly wasn’t normal for you – you had a hard enough job of hacking into your emotions, let alone having somebody else do it for you.
    But that word brought up memories. It made you remember all those years that that was all you were to people – smart. Too smart for your age, they often said. They belittled you because you were too smart, and they would do the exact same thing if you were stupid. You had to find a good balance, and the rules annoyed you.
    Keith annoyed you.
   The world annoyed you.
   You just weren’t very good at processing that emotion.
     Never before had you been so aware in a class before.
   Usually, you only pulled yourself out of bed and to the classroom for the attendance record. If you’re attendance dropped below 65%, Ann-Marie would be getting a phone call home asking where I was. Which was why you even bothered.
    You put very little effort into the classes you attended – you didn’t need to. Sure, some were better than others. You were incredible at the sciences and maths, and needed a little brushing up when it came to technology and practical subjects, but you were good enough to keep up fairly good grades in all the classes you took.
    Biology was usually a breeze. You simply sat back and let the teacher ramble on and on about things you already knew – things you had known since you were 3 – and you jotted down any useful information every now and then. But most of the lesson was spent counting the ticking clock and doodling on the front of your notebooks at the back of the classroom.
    Today was different, though, because suddenly you were hyperaware of the man sitting two rows in front of you – black hair, red jacket, camera set at his side amongst his other assortment of class belongings.
     Keith had never sat so close to you before. He either didn’t show up to class, or he sat at the very front in the corner, by the window, where he would spend the lesson gazing out at the scenery. You often saw him after class, sprinting his way down the hallway because he had spent the biology lesson so inspired by the plants outside.
   You would never understand that side of things. Biology was a lot more important than photography, and yet he insisted on throwing the subject away for something that would only get him so far in life.
    But today he had showed up to class earlier than usual – still late, but earlier – and had taken the seat two rows in front of you. His eyes hadn’t drifted to the outside world once, and he instead was focusing firmly on the board in front of him.
   There had to be a bigger motive towards his actions. If six years of high school with Keith Kogane taught you anything, it was that he didn’t just change seats. You had seen him get in multiple fights with people just because he had walked in to see them sitting in his preferred seat.
    This was so unlike him, and you could only link up his strange behaviour to the conversation the two of you had had in detention the previous day.
     “Has anybody got any questions before I get into explaining the project?” the teacher, Miss Shaw, asks from the front of the classroom.
    Your jaw slackens whenever Keith’s hand goes up almost immediately.
   He never spoke out in class. Even a few of the students around you stare at him in mild shock, clearly bewildered as to what he has to say.
    “Yes, Mr Kogane?” Miss Shaw calls forward.
   Keith shuffles upwards in his seat, messing with his camera – an anxiety marker. The man clearly had some social anxiety within him.
    “Miss, I know this really has nothing to do with what we’re learning about, but I just want to know more about something I was researching yesterday,” Keith begins, and your entire stomach falls. “What does it mean if someone has a low emotional quota?”
   Miss Shaw raises her brow, pulling her glasses off of the bridge of her nose to look at Keith properly. She leans one hand against her wooden desk, veins popping out of her wrinkled arms as a small smile finds its way onto her cheeks.
    “Well, that is definitely more a question for your psychology teacher, but the basics around a low emotional quota means that the person struggles to feel emotions correctly. They often speak out of turn because they don’t care about consequences, or they struggle to form bonds with people because they don’t care about social life or other people.” Miss Shaw nods. Keith shuffles in his seat. You want to scream. “It’s certainly not the type of life you’d want to be living, Mr Kogane.”
   Keith nods. “And what are the characteristics of a person with a low EQ?”
    “Well, somebody who’s been abandoned in their life, somebody with trust issues, somebody who feels a little less than everybody else.”
    “Somebody with a high IQ?” Keith suggests, and that’s when Miss Shaw’s eyes spark up to meet yours, her suddenly catching on to what Keith is saying.
   But her smile doesn’t fade. In fact, it seems to only get brighter. She knows full well about your high IQ. Every teacher in the school knows about it. You were the student they didn’t know what to do with.
    “Correct,” Miss Shaw finalises, before shaking her head. She’s still smiling. She must think your public embarrassment is a joke – or maybe she thinks you don’t care. You certainly hadn’t given her any reason to care about your well being over the past few years she had been teaching you. Her lack of emotion towards you was equal to your lack of emotion towards life.
    She drops the subject, even if she is still smiling to herself. You let your eyes burn holes in the back of Keith’s head, hands clenching at your sides in an attempt to calm yourself down.
    Deep breaths.
  “Anyway, now that that is out of the way,” Miss Shaw continues. “I’m gonna read out the partners for the research project you guys will be doing for me this week and going on until the deadline. Please listen for your name.”
    You can’t listen. You’re trying to grab onto any and every way possible to calm yourself down, but you were so unused to this feeling of overwhelming anger that you had never needed to calm yourself down. You were so used to feeling absolutely numb that this need to grasp onto reality was rare for you, and you didn’t quite know how to do it.
    You zoned in on the ticking of the clock. Attempted to. Miss Shaw’s voice rang out over the top of it, making it incredible difficult for you to even catch a glimpse of the noise. The patterns were gone. Your brain was running haywire.
    And then-
   “Keith Kogane and Y/N L/N. You two will be doing a research project together on the animal kingdom.”
   Keith spins around in his seat, a large smile pulling at his lips that he attempts to hide from the view of the other students by pulling his hood around his head.
    You suddenly wish you hadn’t shown up to class that day.
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kindcstguardian · 5 years
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Name. Lyle Darcy. Nicknames. Birthday. ? ( ? ) Nationality. French. Languages. French &&. English. Gender. Cis male. Sexuality. Bisexual. Status. Single. Occupation. Student &&. part-time worker. Speciality. Getting into trouble. Hobbies. Drawing &&. painting. FC. Toono Takashi and Hasegawa Kota.
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         Caring, loyal and curious. . .amazing qualities for a friend           (   or, perhaps, a lover? ).
    He's an outgoing character prone to forget basic etiquette due saying whatever comes to his head first, his spontaneity can often lead him to trouble without meaning for such outcome yet he truly can't help it.
    Despite that, he can be a bit aloof and sometimes things will go over his head, not quite connecting the dots. His negative traits mostly consist of daydreaming and overthinking, which eventually leaves him vulnerable and with a clumsy nature.
    On the other hand, most of his positive traits are how he manages to think in the bright side of things as horrible as the situation can be, his selfless nature to help those in need and putting everyone before himself.
     Changing schools is always such a hard step, getting used to a new environment and start from zero all over again. Introductions, trying to remember where the classes are taking place but getting lost in the process or even recalling where can he buy lunch, even.
     Still, after going through the entire paperwork, Sweet Amorris proved to be an interesting high-school, not once he got bored of it. In there, he met Nathaniel, Castiel, Lysander, Kentin, Armin and Alexy.
     After graduating and entering college, Lyle is busier than ever with his studies in Anteros Academy. Although he hadn't expected to cross paths with Castiel—guitarist in a band named Crownstorm with quite the solid fanbase—, and Nathaniel—unexpectedly surrounded by mystery and involved with night activities—, once again, regardless that he barely recognized the pair after four years. Still, he was glad at those familiar faces  ( Alexy, Priya, Amber, Nina and more)  as well as happy he made a good friend at work, Hyun, and acquaintances overall such as Rayan, his teacher.
     As a kid, Lyle was prone to be bullied due to his quiet nature. For a little boy not to be interested in sword fights, play cops and robbers, or even tag was 'too weird' albeit he'd play if he wanted to, just not all the time — he was far more invested in learning how to draw better, or that technique of melting crayon and doing drawings through dots. Cut paper with safety scissors and make creative shapes or sock puppets with those funny googly eyes.   Always willing to try anything related to art and crafting.
     It certainly didn't help that in kindergarten, the boy would also be interested in how the girls braided their hair or playhouse, sometimes he'd play with them too and ask how the towel technique that his mom did work ( a cone on her head! How does she do that?! ) — which is why Viktor was quick to befriend him. What made Lyle different caught the ravenette's attention and he soon became a 'knight in shining armor' defending his new friend from bullies.
     As time flew by, this blossoming friendship only as time passed by. They'd visit frequently each other's houses and play with handmade masks; Viktor even craved on a tree their names inside a heart due to being close friends. However, not everything was happy memories, unbeknown to Lyle, his best friend came from a wealthy family and Viktor was bound to become a successful heir but as such families, a happy fate did not follow: the ravenette's mother had committed suicide and his father had locked himself within his office, drowning in work whilst leaving his son to raise himself.
     All those events caused the pair of friends to make a promise: two kids who sworn to dedicate their lives to those they love. From that point onwards, they parted in different ways and didn't meet until a decade later.
     In the meantime, Lyle's personality changed from introvert to somewhat extrovert and befriended in no time a boy with glasses, brown hair in a bowl cut named Kentin plus a flirty girl that knew no bounds named Laeti. These two total opposites of friendships are what shaped him to whom he is today.
「V ˣ³ ♡ MCL / ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵒᵒⁿ ˢʰⁱⁿᵉˢ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ˢᵒ ᵇʳⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵃˡᵒⁿᵍˢⁱᵈᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗᵃʳˢ ʸᵉᵗ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵇˡⁱⁿᵈⁱⁿᵍ ˡⁱᵏᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵘⁿ」
A lovely marriage and a couple expecting their first child — except it was not only a single baby, but there were also three in total: the eldest being Leila followed by Lynn and lastly Lyle; two beautiful girls and a single boy.
「V ˣ² ♡ MCL / ᵗʷᵒ ˢⁱᵈᵉˢ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵛᵉʳʸ ˢᵃᵐᵉ ᶜᵒⁱⁿ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵈʳᵉᵃᵐˢ ᵃⁿᵈ ʷᵒʳˡᵈˢ ᵃᵖᵖᵃʳᵗ」
Twins AU. Leila or Lynn is the eldest Darcy twin whereas for a minute later Lyle is the youngest.
Main verse. TAG.  「 001  / Lyle ; ᵃ ⁿᵉʷ ʳᵒᵃᵈ ˡⁱᵉˢ ⁱⁿ ʷᵃⁱᵗ ᶠᵒʳ ʸᵒᵘ ᵗᵒ ᵈⁱˢᶜᵒᵛᵉʳ ⁱᵗˢ ʷᵒⁿᵈᵉʳˢ 」
Art history enthusiast, traditional artist. 17 years old.
Moving out from his previous school was a bit harsh on him, leaving friends and acquaintances behind plus teachers that he admired. Still, Lyle was grateful that Kentin was at least with him ( even if for awhile ) due to feeling less lonely and uncomfortable with the sudden change of atmosphere.
Currently in Sweet Amorris, he’s trying to have a good time and joyful memories to look back as the future advances; yet his stubborn and worrisome nature might bring problems and solutions altogether.
MCLUL verse. TAG.  「 002  /   」
College student, 23 years old.     Tba.
Doki doki Literature club verse. TAG.  「 003 / Lyle  ;   」
Highschool student, photography club. 18 years old.
Living for a year with his friend Yukio isn’t exactly his definition of independence but it was a deal with his parents and who is he to judge? Besides, he was sort of forced to attend the same institution and join the photography club because his friend wanted someone close with that knowledge.
Still, there isn’t much Lyle does than avoid being recruited for other clubs and drawing in his spare time.
Mystic Messenger. TAG. 「 004 / Lyle ;   」   
College student, 23 years old. M! MC1.
The reason why he went to Korea was to be a good friend to Hyun whom was facing a bad family situation and mostly watch over him; economy wasn’t good in a big family and his friend would often put his family first and send a big part of his salary to them therefore someone ought to babysit them and that was Lyle.
Except his phone was glitching ( could a phone glitch? ) and a message, a call of help from a distressed person was what lured Lyle to excuse himself from the train station and go towards an adress. If there was something he could do, staying still wasn’t an option for him.
Currently stuck in an unknown appartment, Lyle Darcy curses quietly his softheart and good nature because there’s pressure and expectations set on his shoulders by an unknown group named RFA.
Persona 5 or  Sweet Persona.  TAG. 「 P5 / Lyle  ;   ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᵖᵘʳᵉ ʰᵉᵃʳᵗ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘʳˢ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵇᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵈᵒᵒᵐ ᵇᵘᵗ ˢᵗᵃⁿᵈ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵍʳᵒᵘⁿᵈ ᵗᵒ ᶠⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵗʰᵉ ʷⁱᶜᵏᵉᵈ 」
Highschool transfer student, Moon, 17 years old.
‘ People like that, they could certainly benefit from an extra heart. Much like yours,’   a voice would speak in his head, the pain blinding him as he kneeled on the floor, holding his head and crying, vision blurry that could barely make sense of the scene in front of him.   ‘ A dreamer in the same vein as yourself ought to become a man of action, I believe that’s why you summoned me, isn’t it? Make a contract with me ’.
Words that didn’t make sense at first struck him to his very core, several events in which he settled himself as an observant despite wishing to be a barrier to protect those he cherished and loved, his friends and family. Blow after blow, physical or emotional — Lyle was willing to take it, but was afraid of taking the first step. Therefore, he was always there to act as emotional support for them after whatever event had taken place, to make negative emotions stay away and speak brightly about the future.
Yes, the voice was right. Lyle wanted a change, he wanted to change himself. If that was a persona, his own, and could provide that spark he needed to take a step forward without hesitating or overthinking — then so be it!
     “ I accept, ”   tremblings legs stood up as a mask manifested before his eyes, fear vanished and was authomatically replaced by courage and a determination he had never felt before. Hands gripping the mask, a light tug to test the waters. It hurt. But it was a tolerable pain compared to standing on the sidelines and watch.
‘ I am thou, thou art I step into the battefield that lies in wait for you to assume your position, soldier. Raise, and defend those who are precious to you! ’ .
Rippiing off the mask as blood run down his face, yellow hues returned to its green natural color as a blue fire enveloped him, the change he craved for had arrived and it would stay with him.
Eldarya / Fantasy verse TAG. 「/  」
BNHA verse TAG. 「 BNHA / Lyle ; ʷʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ʷᵃⁿᵗ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵇᵉ ʷʰᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘ ⁿᵉᵉᵈ 」
Exchange / Transfer student, 18 years old. QUIRK. Droplets: be it with his tears or blood,  Lyle can make little articulated puppets  ( that are stuffed with his hair and rice in the center, it's not a widely known fact )  move around for a certain amount of time     in those moments, they act to his command and share a mental link with him. The artist mostly settles for two since it’s quite difficult to control more simultaneously and keep track of what they are doing but has around ten to his disposition.
Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club verse TAG. 「 Yaribu ☆/ Lyle ; ʸᵒᵘⁿᵍ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ⁱˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵉᵛᵉʳ ˡᵃˢᵗⁱⁿᵍ ᵇᵘᵗ ᵉᵛᵉⁿ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵐᵃˡˡᵉˢᵗ ᵗʳᵃᶜᵉ ᵒᶠ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ʳᵉᵐᵃⁱⁿˢ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵘˢ」
Transfer student, art club, 18 years old.   Truth be told, Lyle Darcy didn’t want to leave France much less the city he grew up into — what would happen to all his friends? Sure, they could comunicate through cellphone and e-mails… But things rarely went the way he wanted therefore after tons of paperwork and getting his passport, he went to live to Japan.
Currently, the entire Darcy family is staying with a friend of his named Kobayashi Yukio who is thankful about having company. Besides, he was prone to travel because of his fashion business and needed someone to look after the mansion when they ( Yukio and his parents ) were gone.
Still, Lyle doesn’t get to enjoy his friend’s household much given he was sent to an all-boys school with three clubs and one of those being an actual sin.
Total Drama Island verse TAG. 「 🎬 TD / Lyle ; ᵒⁿᵉ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵃⁿʸ ᵖᵘᵖᵖᵉᵗˢ ᵗᵒ ᵇᵉ ᵖᵘˡˡᵉᵈ ᵇʸ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵗʳⁱⁿᵍˢ 」
Tba.  Lyle Darcy actually signed up for the shits and giggles, there is no reason neither a mastermind plan behind his intentions — besides, he lost a bet as well and was forced by a friend to register ( said friend might have or might have not pulled some strings and managed to make him join the cast ).
「 Lyle Darcy /   𝓭𝓪𝔂𝓭𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓻┊ sucrcttc 」
「 Lyle Darcy / INQUIRY」
「 Lyle Darcy / MUSINGS 」
「 Lyle Darcy / VISAGE 」
「 Lyle Darcy / MANNERISMS 」
「 Lyle Darcy / ROMANCE 」
「 Lyle Darcy / CRACK 」
✘ · Kentin ♡(— ᵃ ᵈⁱˢᵗᵃⁿᵗ ˢᵗᵃʳ· ᵐᵃʸᵇᵉ ⁱᵗ ᵈᵒᵉˢⁿ'ᵗ ᵉˣⁱˢᵗ; ˢᵗⁱˡˡ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˡⁱᵍʰᵗ ˢᵉᵉᵐˢ ᵐᵒʳᵉ ʳᵉᵃˡ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ)
✘ · Raven Kendall ♡( ᶜᵃᵘᵗⁱᵒⁿ ⁿᵒᵗ ˢᵖⁱʳⁱᵗ ˡᵉᵗ ⁱᵗ ʳᵒᵃᵐ ʷⁱˡᵈ; ᶠᵒʳ ⁱⁿ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ⁿᵃᵗᵘʳᵃˡ ˢᵗᵃᵗᵉ ᵈᵃⁿᶜᵉ ᵉᵐᵇʳᵃᶜᵉˢ ᵈⁱᵛⁱⁿᵉ )
✘ ·  ♡(   )
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symphonic-scream · 8 months
So okay lemme explain where the fuck this step siblings au came from
In that medieval magic one, Sayuri, Wakaba, and Mama Niijima were all friends and raised their kids together until they were framed and shit, and. Somehow now I have a whole comfort au
So it would be like, they were all friends before they had kids. I'm naming Makoto's mom Aichi for now, I'll probably end up changing it?? Idk. She's an EMT, her husband, a cop, dies and she moves in with her two friends (living together cause they're already in Gay) to help with her two daughters while she grieves
And she falls for Sayuri and Wakaba too
At this time, Sae is 16, Makoto 6, Yusuke 5, and Futaba 4. Makoto is so excited to be a big sister, and holds her little siblings' hands while walking to school. Like. She warms up to this new situation real fast
Sae and Makoto share one room at first, then when Sae moves out at 19, Makoto and Yusuke share. Futaba and Yusuke were sharing before, and Futaba swaps out with Makoto.
Their moms are in the Master, and there's three other rooms. Originally Yusuke and Futaba were in the biggest, room A, and Makoto and Sae in the second largest, room B. Futaba takes the smallest, C, so they turn room B into a sort of play room slash games room
Eventually they'd take in an angsty 13 year old Goro, who gets the smallest room, Futaba moving into the room with the other two. It's slightly crowded, but they only sleep in there with the games room existing
That's the First Family. There's 3.
Family 2! The Takamaki's leave Ann in the care of single mother Tsukimi Sakamoto, and send her cheques to help pay for the two kids she's raising. I'm a sucker for Ann and Ryuji sibling vibes, so from age 3 they're raised together
They share a room until they're in high school, when they move into a bigger apartment that Tsukimi saved up for to hopefully give them both more chances for success. She works as a sous chef at a mid tier ramen place, and both of her kids go for discounted bowls after school once a week
Onto family 3
So, Sojiro is in this! He's not close to Wakaba, they'll become friends again when their kids meet in high school, but he's a registered foster. He goes through a few short placements, then a child involved in a neglect case enters his care
Haru is 8 when he gets her, and lets just say it's a foster fail, that's her dad now. He takes her to visit her mom's grave every month, keeps her away from media and such because that cause was all over the news, and. They're a good fit
Then, he gets his second foster fail, another neglect kid, Akira at age 12. The kids each have their own small rooms, it's not a big house they have, and just. Sojiro never thought he'd be dad material, and now he's stuck in his armchair during a movie night, his son and daughter sleeping against each of his side's,
Sumire and Kasumi lose their parents in a car crash and live with Zenkichi so they'd move to Tokyo before they start high school, and that's how they're in there. Also, Sophia?? Human?? Akane has three big sisters now she's never lonely
Just. Warm au. Gonna tag it as P5 step siblings au so. Yeah. Don't know if I'll do actual content for it but thought I'd share it
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nexttrickanvils · 6 years
What is your favorite fic trope?
The fluffy/domestic AUs if those count, it’s nice to just see my faves happy and enjoying their lives.
What thing that your fandom loves do you just not “get”?
I do not get the appeal of A//B//O.
Who is your OTP?
Too many to name off the top of my head but to name a few: AkiraxHaru (P5), KanjixNaoto (P4), GuybrushxElaine (Monkey Island)
Who is your NoTP?
Any incest ships and I include characters were raised as siblings (if they were just raised together maybe but if they outright refer to each other as siblings it’s a nope) or are step-siblings.
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symphonic-scream · 8 months
Might override something from the step siblings thing
Perhaps everyone meets and become friends in middle school? So that would have Goro, new to this big messy family, right at the start of everything. So when Akira shows up the next year, the main idea is established
I have a soft spot for childhood friends and this may be as close as I can wiggle without a bigger overhaul
Besides that since I'm here let me talk more about the au in general
Specifically, I've been thinking about the Sakura family.
Haru would be so eager to work in Leblanc. Like, begging to help her Dad out, even just doing dishes! And Sojiro would laugh cause what kinda kid begs to do the dishes? But he won't let her throw away her childhood, and only lets her help out at 15, when she'd be applying for high schools already
But the second she's allowed, she's putting everything into it. The old ladies leave wonderful reviews of her polite and enthusiastic service, and even Sojiro has to admit she's real dedicated to brewing
Akira would agree but the household has a rule against drinking coffee until they're in high school. He pouts into a mug of warm cocoa milk, but joins in on praising his big sister
Each of them have their own aprons. Sojiro's is a classic plain black, with fabric marker signatures from both his kids on the bottom. Haru has one that's a lovely light purple, and Akira has a grey one with white cat paws
So they each have their own rooms cause they live in a full little house, I think they're the only ones that don't share besides Goro...
But Haru's room would have like, a double bed with soft pink sheets, a canopy over it made of false vines with little fairy lights. She's got a window planter of flowers, some succulents on her desk. Her childhood plush, a pink rabbit named Lady would have a permanent spot on her bed too. Books on recipes and small business tactics and such, some manga, a mix of romance and like. Berserk. She'd totally have a little framed photo of her mother on her nightstand, next to one of her, Sojiro, Akira, and Kitty Morgana, and she'd have a little bed and tunnel you for him
I'm still working on Akira's. He'd love having a display of souvenirs, and a (signed) poster of Risette from his old town. Some stuff for Morgana, a little TV with a game console and a shelf of games he shares with Haru. Perhaps little beanbags for the both, that he stores under his slightly raised bed
Both of their rooms would be oddly clean for like, teen rooms, but they're not quite average teens either. Haru still only shuts her door if she's changing. Akira will wake up from dreams and find himself stumbling to either his sister's or dad's room. Someone comes by every other month to make sure everything is okay
Also when Haru softly comes out to her dad, it's on a quiet night. Akira is sleeping over at the Sakamoto place, and Haru nervously sits on Sojiro's bed, hugging Morgana close, Lady as well. She'd be nervous, scared, but Sojiro listens and moves closer to hold her, his daughter, who's gotten so big,,
Haru: so... Dad,, I think I like girls,
Sojiro: can't blame ya. You probably got it from me, sorry kiddo
Haru, laughing with wet eyes: y-yeah, like father like daughter
Akira makes a shitty phone song edit to come out. He's equally as scared, hiding it behind humour
So. Yeah. This au.
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symphonic-scream · 8 months
Here are more thoughts from the Siblings Au stuff
It's about time I. Talked about the Thieves all meeting up. Most of this au is just happy family times but, they do all get ot be friends
Starting with Haru, Makoto, and Goro, in their first year at Shujin.
Makoto and Goro head in together, both unwilling to admit they're happy to be in the same class, and wind up sitting halfway back, near a rather shy looking student. It takes a week for them to really start talking, but, Haru considers the two friends. Well, one more than the other
There would be a funny ongoing bit that their classmates are convinced Goro and Makoto are twins. Yeah they have different family names but maybe it was a separated at birth thing? There's a mini conspiracy about them
If you've been around my blog for a while you probably can guess where this will end up. Spoiler alert, by the end of their first year, Goro will be third wheeling for study sessions.
Haru falls first, Makoto falls harder. Makoto is over at the Sakura residence more because it's less chaotic, and gradually earns the trust of a very protective younger brother. Akira pulls her aside one night and tells her Haru likes picnics, and tells her what flowers to get. And, he smiles knowingly when his sister comes home from her date smiling all wide, and rambles to him on his bed
Across the city, Makoto climbs up to her top bunk and grins and kicks her legs all full with joy, and her three younger siblings make barfing noises and shout "Gross!" as she calls her big sister to tell her all about it, Sae's wife Tae calling her gay in the background of the call
Then, the friend group expands. Second year for the older three means first year for their siblings. And, a chance encounter with two blonds, one natural, one dyed, which leads to More Gay
Ann and Shiho my beloved I am not budging from that BUT. Akira is hella gay, and now has his own crushes to ramble about when spending time with his big sister Haru. The athletic, kind-hearted, sometimes stupid, Ryuji Sakamoto. And, the angelic, odd, quite autistic Yusuke Kitagawa. It'll take him a year to get Ryuji on board for Operation: Blue Twink Seduction, but they'll get there
And by that time, Futaba is in her first year, and befriends three siblings in her class; Kasumi, Sumire, and Sophia
And. High school happens. Shit happens, but they're there for each other. Is this a cop out to finish this post now? Yes. But y'all are also free to ask about this or suggest shit
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