#padackles x reader
Title: Foreigner Summary: Your best friends show you that even when your family is not around, you still have a family and that you’re not alone Pairing: J2 x Reader Prompt: Square Filled > Birthday Warnings: None Word Count: 2341 (It’s long, sorry) This was written for the @anyfandomgoesbingo​ 
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You’ve met Jared and Jensen a few years ago when you went to a Con after moving into the States. Little did you know, a year later you were going to get cast as a special guest on the show. The guys remembered you from the Con and without even realizing it, they became your best friends.
The guys were always checking on you, if you were fine, if you were comfortable in the place you were staying, they basically adopted you as their kid. Being far away from home and having no family around can be scary. You really appreciated the way they care about you, they were the protective big brothers you needed. You could count on them whenever you needed them. Even Gen and Danneel treated you as their child as well. From being alone and on your own, you ended up with two amazing friends and two sets of family.
After your participation in the show, you tried to see the guys and their families at least twice a month, if your schedules allowed it, but between their filming schedule and your school schedule sometimes it was impossible.
Unfortunately, this year was very difficult for everyone around you, especially your family. With a worldwide pandemic, it was almost impossible for neither them nor you to travel, mostly because your family lived at the end of the world and the tickets were highly expensive and now with all of this, getting into the country was the worst.
Your birthday was coming, and with this, you were going to spend it without your family. It was going to be the first time since you moved in and it broke your heart. Sure, you had your best friends and their families, but you wanted your family as well. Jared and Jensen were worried about you because were avoiding them. They were aware that your birthday was coming and clearly you weren’t in the mood of celebrating it. When the pandemic began, eight months ago, you stayed with Gen and the kids, and a few weeks later you moved with Daneel and her kids, but a few weeks prior to Jared and Jensen coming back from Vancouver, you moved into your apartment alone. All of them knew you pretty well, and they figured out that you isolated yourself because you were sad because your family couldn’t travel to see you. It broke their heart knowing that, and they wanted to do something about it.
*Jensen’s POV*
You called Jared through FaceTime. It worried about what was going on with Y/N. She is your best friend and you weren’t able to figure out what was going on in her mind.
-We have to do something with Y/N — Jensen said -Like what? — Jared asked -I don’t know man, something. She stayed 4 days with Daneel and left before I arrived — Jensen commented -Gen told me something similar. I think that the pandemic is affecting her — Jared mentioned -Yeah. I mean, it affected everyone in different ways, but I think that with her is something else — Jensen said -What do you think it is? — Jared inquired -Her birthday is coming and her family is not able to come due to the pandemic — Jensen told Jared -And what do you think we should do? We could throw a party for her, right? — Jared asked -Let’s talk with the girls and figure this out — Jensen said to Jared
Jared and Jensen went to talk with their wives and see what we could come up with. It broke his heart knowing how alone you felt even if Jared and you were your best friends and your other family. Both families came up with a plan. They wanted to make you feel loved and at home. 
*Y/N’s POV*
You had spent the past few weeks crying and blaming yourself for not buying tickets for your family early in the year. You checked your phone for the first time in days and you had several missed calls from Jared and Jensen, some from your parents, and thousands of text messages from all of them as well. It made you feel even worse, everyone was worried about you and you weren’t having the strength to tell them what was going on.
You were about to call Jensen when you heard a knock on your door. You got up from the couch and went to the door to look through the peephole. It was Jensen. You opened the door and went to the couch -Yes, I know. I should’ve answered. I’m sorry -Hello to you too, sweetheart. I’m glad to see you’re fine — Jensen said closing the door -What do you want? -I was checking on you. Seeing you were fine. If… -Well, now you know I’m fine. You are free to go — you interrupted him -Ok. Let's go -What? -Come spend the rest of the week with us. Please — he begged You just nodded and hugged him. You were tired of being alone. Jensen helped you to pack your stuff, making sure you had enough clothes to stay with him more time than intended. -Why don’t you look for something special? Dani is planning to make a fancy dinner for the kids in a few days — Jensen asked you -Alright — you said not too happy
Once you and Jensen finished packing, he helped you to put your bags in the trunk of the car. You two got in the car and started the trip to Jensen’s house. He had a questioning look and you were getting annoyed.
-What? Spilled it -Nothing, sweetheart. It's just I was expecting to see you at home when I got back from Vancouver, and you weren't there -I didn't want to bother. Besides, I needed to be alone — you admitted -I’m sorry you felt that way. But I wanted to spend some time with you — Jensen said -It’s ok. I’ve just felt like that for quite some time, and I thought that I needed some time alone, that’s why I left before you arrived. I didn’t want to worry — you explained defeated -I get it, believe me. But you should’ve stayed and maybe I could’ve had helped you, ya know. That’s what friends are for — he said and grabbed your hand. You just gave him a small smile. The rest of the trip went on a comfortable silence. You noticed that every once in a while, Jensen looked at you. -I’m fine Jay — you said — Thank you — you smiled Sometime later, Jensen and you arrived at his house.  -Home sweet home, sweetheart. Let’s get your bags and head inside — Jensen said
Jensen grabbed your bags with one hand and with the other he hugged you. Once inside the house, Jensen helped you to set your stuff in the guest room. -I’ll let you finish here. I’ll be downstairs -Uhm… Jay -Is everything alright? — He asked you concerned -Where are Dani and the kids? I was expecting her to be here -She went to the Padalecki’s. She wanted you to settle down calmly without the kids around you.  -Oh, ok -I’ll let you finish. Whatever you need, just tell me, okay? — You just nodded When Jensen was about to close the door you called him -Jay -Hm? -Thank you. I really appreciate it -Anytime kid — he smiled sadly. And with that, he left you alone in the room. 
That night, Jared came and stayed with you saying that Dani and the kids were going to spend the night there because JJ and Thomas didn’t want to stop playing. It was nice to spend some time with your best friends but in the end, you would’ve stayed in your room alone.  The days went by and you were closing yourself more and more. Your birthday was a day away and you were without your family. You promised yourself to not contact them because if you did it, it was going to be a lot worse.
The night before your birthday, Dani came to your room and knock softly -Y/N/N, sweetie? — she called -Yes? -Can you be ready in 10? JJ wants to have a fancy tea party — she said -This late? — you asked surprised -Yeah, she said that someone important was coming — Dani explained giggling -Okay. I’ll do my best to impress this person — you joked Dani left you alone in your room again. You weren’t in the mood for playing or anything. You just wanted to go to sleep and ignore the world. Instinctively, you reached for your phone to check the hour and you remembered that you had turned it off. In your hometown, it was already your birthday and you didn’t want to talk to anyone. You were going to be scolded by your parents for doing that, but it was the best you could do to avoid any more suffering.
Ten minutes later, Jensen was knocking on your door -Sweetheart, are you ready? JJ is impatient and she wants us now — Jensen said entering your room -Give me a minute and I’ll be out — you said from the bathroom You weren’t going to disappoint JJ, you just needed some time to get yourself together. Your heart clenched at the thought of pretending to have fun when you were this upset. A minute later you were out -Sorry — you apologized -Everything fine? — Jensen asked seeing your eyes a little puffy -Yeah. With all this happening it’s been a while since I wore makeup and I just kind of touched my eye and it stung a lot -That sound dangerous — Jensen joked -Tell me about it -You look gorgeous, by the way — Jensen complimented you and you got shy — Let’s get going You didn’t know why, but you were nervous. All of it was a mystery for you, Daneel had told you that JJ wanted a fancy tea party and Jensen told you that Dani wanted to make something special for the kids. You were really confused.
When you were about to enter the living room, Jensen sensed you were somewhat nervous and gave you a reassuring smile while squeezing your hand. Something deep inside of you knew what was about to happen, even though you’ve never told them when exactly was your birthday. When you stepped inside the living room, JJ came running and hugged you -Are we on time? — you asked her returning the hug -Yes! Let’s go to the table — she said and drugged you inside the living room JJ kept you distracted that you hadn’t realized Jensen and Dani were gone and it was just you and the kids. You kept glancing to the kitchen to make sure they were there without ignoring JJ and all her rambling. She definitely was having fun with you.
Sometime later, JJ left you saying she needed to go to the bathroom leaving you in the living room, alone with her toys. You got up to sit on the couch when Dani entered the living room -How did you manage to get alone? -Nature called — you smiled -How are you feeling? I’ve seen you weren’t in the greatest mood -Honestly? Not great. I miss my family a lot. It’s been a long time since I hugged my mom — you admitted -How long since the last time you visit? -Almost two years. The last time I went, I stayed less than a week. I had to get back to work and they didn’t like it, so we kind of had a fight. I never had the chance to forgive them in person — you said cleaning a fallen tear -They’d probably understood. You shouldn’t worry about it -I was planning on staying for a few months, but I guess it wasn’t the time to do it — you mentioned -I can’t imagine how hard can it can be — Dani said squeezing your hand You hadn’t realized but you had started to cry, it was the first time in months that you finally broke. You were in so much pain and here you were, crying in front of one of your best friends. Dani came closer to you and hugged you, letting you cry on her shoulder. It warmed your heart knowing you could trust her and shared these things. 
You felt the couch dipped on the other side from you. You knew it was Jensen, you could recognize his scent everywhere. -Hey, it’s ok — he said caressing your back When you looked at him, he had the sweetest smile on his face -Happy birthday sweetheart — he said In front of you, there was a cake with lit candles, Jared and Gen were with the kids, JJ and the twins were on the other side of the table, and there was a huge sign on the wall with balloons -What’s all of this? — you said crying -We knew that your birthday was coming and neither you nor your family was able to travel and you were upset about it — Jensen explained -So we talked with the girls, and came with this idea to celebrate your birthday — Dani explained -And to remind you that we are your family too — Jared said -And you can count on us, whenever you need — Gen commented You were a mess, you couldn’t believe it. Your best friends, your second family, was the greatest thing that could happen to you after moving in. -Thank you so much, guys. You don’t even know how much this means for me. I love you so much — you admitted When the pandemic started, you thought you were going to spend your birthday alone, instead, you were with your second family. It was the best birthday gift ever.
Tag List (Let me know if you want to be added)
@iguessweallcrazyithinktho | @void-hoechlin | @mrspeacem1nusone | @thevelvetseries | @bitchy-witchy-post-mortem | @caplanbuckybarnes | @akshi8278
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sorenmarie87 · 6 years
Mask of Love
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Summary: Who has a masquerade ball as a wedding reception?
Square Filled: Polyamory (Kink) | Masquerade Ball (AU)
Pairing(s)/Character(s): Jensen x Danneel x Jared x Gen x Reader.  
Word Count:  1,333
Warning(s): Polyamory.  Jensen and Danneel sneaking away for a quickie.  Drinking.  Masturbation mentions.  Teasing.  Promises of sex.  Breeding kink.  Mutual masturbation.  Pegging. Orgasm Denial.  
A/N:  This was written for @spnkinkbingo and @spnaubingo.  
Also shout out to @fictionalabyss - she beta’d this for me <3
I do not own any of the pictures I used in my aesthetic. I also hate to say this but if you’re reading this fic - please be over 18.  
 SPN Kink Bingo | SPN AU Bingo
Gen had to pull you away from dancing with your brother-in-law to tell you that Danneel and Jensen were missing.  “I’m not worried about it.”
“Our husband and wife aren’t here, and you’re not worried about it?”  
“You how this place has about four stories?”  She nodded as you smirked.  “Well, there’s a set of rooms upstairs designed for couples to have fun in, if you know what I mean.”
“Oh my god, they’re upstairs having a quickie and they left you down here?”
“Oh, we’ll make ‘em pay later, don’t you worry.”  You winked as you bunched up your wedding dress and made your way towards the bar.  Jared was sitting with his mask off in front of him,   nursing a whiskey as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders and kissed him on the cheek.  “What’s wrong, handsome?”
“Jay and Dani vanished.”  Gen trailed behind you and took a set next to her husband.  He looked between the two of you.  “You don’t seem that surprised.”
“You remember what our initial idea was after the commitment ceremony was over?”
“A quickie in the limo on our way over to the reception hall?”  Gen nodded as you worked the glass out of Jared’s hand and took a sip.  You grimaced as you placed it back in front of him and he chuckled at your expression.  “Are you telling me -”
“No one can walk in on them though.  The upper floors are ours for the night.”
“You knew something like this would happen, didn’t you?”  You eyes twinkled with mischief as a grin formed on your face.
“If you want, you can play swapsies with them once they return.”
“How is that fair to you?”  Gen softly asked as you removed your arms from Jared’s shoulders. with a shrug.  
“I made a bet with myself on Monday, and I want to be a good girl for all of you.”
“Y/N, when was the last time you touched yourself?”
You paused and counted.  It wasn’t like the temptation wasn’t there.  Your phone contained a treasure trove of naughty pictures from the four of them.  You clenched your thighs together as you thought about some of them.  “It’s been a week.”
“Such a good girl.”  Gen purred into your ear and you shivered as she ran a manicured hand down your exposed back.  “We’ll have to make sure our girl is properly rewarded later, won’t we Jared?”
“Of course.”
“Is it later yet?”  You groaned as Jared and Gen laughed in unison.  
It had always been a dream of yours to host a masquerade ball since you watched Labyrinth as a little kid.  You worked your ass off on planning once you were given the go ahead and it paid off.  
“Is it everything you wanted and more?”  You looked to your right as Misha walked towards you.  
“And then some.”  The smile he was wearing reached his eyes.  Misha pulled off his costume well - he was wearing a black raven’s mask, and a tuxedo that was close to what Jensen was wearing.  
You watched from the second floor as your guests twirled around on the dancefloor.  “I’m just sorry Vicki had to miss it, she sends her love though.”
“Once you guys go back to Vancouver, I can see if Danneel and Gen want to go on a trip with me so we can visit her.”  Vicki and Misha were two of your oldest friends.  
“Unless you know someone who is willing to babysit six kids, you might be taking that trip alone.”
You laughed and from the corner of your eye, you saw Jensen and Danneel trying to be stealthy.  “Well those two looked thoroughly debauched.”  You mumbled under your smirk as you caught Misha watching you, confused.  You pointed down to the dance floor where Jensen and Danneel were talking to another couple.  
Jensen would have tried his best to tuck his dress shirt back in, but there was some spilling over in the back.  His tuxedo jacket was draped over his left arm and his bow tie was clearly undone.  He turned to Danneel who was talking to one of the party guests, when he spotted you and Misha on the stairs.  He squeezed her side before making his way towards the two of you.  
“The two of you are in trouble.”
Jensen shrugged with a shit eat grin on his face as he held out his hand.  “Worth it though.  Misha, you mind if I steal her for a bit?”
“I was heading out anyways.  Oh, before I forget,”  Misha fished an envelope out of pocket and slipped it into your hands.  “this is a small wedding gift from Vicki and myself.  Use it however you want but you’re not allowed to return it.”  You carefully opened it and gasped.
“Misha, oh my god-”
“All I ask is that if the five of you decide to have baby number seven, name it after me.”  Misha winked at the two of you before turning away and leaving.  
“We’re putting this in a bank account for the kids.”
“Or…”  Jensen drew you into his arms as the song switched.  “Jared and I could spend tonight filling you over and over again with our cum until you wind up pregnant.”
“Oh yeah, and how would the two of you do that, hm?”  
“I think you know sweetheart.”
“I want you to tell me all the dirty details Jensen.  Come on baby, you know a little bit of foreplay goes a long way.  Now, tell me, please?” You lean into Jensen and kiss his cheek before he relaxes his hold on you and places one arm around your waist.  
You peered over Jensen’s shoulder and could see Jared and Gen dancing along to the music while Danneel watched the two of them with a sweet smile on her face.  “Well sweetheart, first we’d start by kissing every inch of skin that’s available to us.  Danneel would be the one to get you out your dress.”
“She’d take her time.  Make it a show not for you, but for Jared and Gen as well.  I hope she’d remove my mask before hand.  Although once she has my dress off, what about the lingerie I bought for you guys?  Oh, and the heels?”
“Everything must go Y/N.”  He practically growled into your ear and you shuddered.  “She was so excited about tonight, Y/N.  Oh, you won’t believe the plans our wife has in store for you.”
“Jay, sweetie, I hate to tell you this but after you and Dani disappeared, Gen and I, well we came up with a punishment for you.  Jared and you, well you’re going to jerk each other off while Gen prepares Jared.”
“She’s going to peg him tonight, isn’t she?”
“You bet your sweet ass she is.”
“What about me?”
You smiled wickedly and leaned so that you were whispering right into his ear.  “You don’t get to cum until Gen is done.”
“How is that fair?”
“I never said it was.”  You nibbled on Jensen’s earlobe before pulling away as Jensen groaned.   
“Danneel doesn’t get a punishment, and I do, how is that fair?”
“I never said Dani won’t get punished.  I just haven’t thought of a fitting punishment for her.”
“Lucky.”  The song faded out and all that was left was silence.  Danneel had removed her mask and was carrying it in her hands as she approached the two of you.
“I think that’s our cue to take this party upstairs.”  
“Come on Jay, don’t be such a party pooper.  I promise you’ll get to cum tonight and it’ll be as many times as you want.”
“No don’t make things easy for me just because I’m pouting.”
“I’m expecting things to be very hard tonight Mr. Ackles.”  You repositioned yourself so that one of Jensen’s arms was over your shoulder and you ran your hand over the obvious bulge in Jensen’s pants.  “Very hard indeed.”
Forever Tags - @lovetusk @coffee-obsessed-writer@justballoonfishthings@mirajanefairytailmage@kazosa@wings-of-a-raven@docharleythegeekqueen@clockworkmorningglory@lefthologramdeer@idreamofplaid@buckyscrystalqueen @ellen-reincarnated1967@ilovetaquitosmmmm @holyfuckloueh @super-fan-of-all-things@n3rdybird @sandlee44 @babykalika2001
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saxxxology · 6 years
The current warnings for this Dom!Genevieve x Sub!Reader x Dom!Danneel, Jared x Reader, Jensen x Reader smut fic are:
(read below the break to see them)
dominant/submissive themes
bondage (hands/legs tied, nothing extreme)
use of sex toys
marking (biting, spanking prints)
edging and orgasm denial
partner sharing between married couples
f/f oral sex
m/f oral sex
rough sex
nipple play
Please note that NO CHEATING OCCURS. This is intended to be a pre-planned event that all participants are aware of and have consented to. Don’t ask me why I can write Jensen (never done it before, so go easy) and not Dean.
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
I swear I didn't mean to..
In my post Friday, I lied to you all and I so very sorry. I had all intent to post chapter 55 of The Padackles Link yesterday but alas, that didn't happen.
The chapter needs a small bit of tweaking done before it is post-ready. I planned on doing that today but my simple little dentist visit ended up being me having to go to the closest prompt care clinic because my blood pressure was at stroke level.
After about half an hour if lying on my back in a dark room, it went down to 150/80 and they released me with instructions to see my family doctor ASAP. But it was already almost quitting time so I didn't even bother.
In conclusion, I have NO idea when chapter 55 of TPL will be posted. I apologize.
@lostinaseaoffictionalbliss @carryonmywaywardcaptain  @darlingpeanut @sunskittlex
@sis-tafics @wayward-gypsy   @sea040561 @pretty-fortune  
@squirrelnotsam   @death-unbecomes-you @sandlee44  @internationalmusicteacher  
@kricketc28 @natura1phenomenon @mannls  @nickie-amore @spn-tw-37 @frozenhuntress67 @blacktithe7 @supernaturallymarvellous @thetardishasaquidditchpitch @sirod-30  @heyitscam99 @smoothdogsgirl   @i-just-wanna-run-hell @paintballkid711
@closetspngirl @starfirerules @vickiq9761   @rainflowermoon   @spnbaby-67
@flamencodiva @drakelover78 @jessieray98 @81mysteriouslyme @travelingriversideblues-x  
@akshi8278 @keymology @topthis808 @lilulo-12
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mimilie98 · 6 years
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❤This is my Daily Motivation❤
PS. I don't own this picture
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sihtric · 7 years
Imagine winning a Padackles family game of spoons
I had fun tonight with family between the ugly Christmas sweater contest (which I won), a big family dinner, the gift exchange (in which I was given an ungodly amount of chocolate), being the mediator of the annual death match of a game we call spoons, and eating all too much puppy chow. Happy Christmas Eve Eve!
P.S. I apologize for the shitty writing. I haven’t written properly in months.
***This is loosely based on my family’s Christmas traditions. If you don’t understand what spoons is, you can simply look up the rules.***
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One more card. That was all you needed, and you’d be able to complete your set of four and grab the spoon before Jensen could. You’d both lasted longer than everyone else, but you weren’t ready to lose to Jensen, not after he’d brought home the nutcracker trophy last year.
Jensen’s jaw was clenched as he picked up one card after the other and passed it on to you when it wasn’t what he needed. He slid the latest card towards you and moved on, his eyes already scanning the next card. With your stomach in knots, you reached for the card.
It was a seven of spades, the very last seven you needed in order to win. Slyly, you stretched your hand toward the spoon, catching Jensen’s attention for a second. When he lowered his head to grab another card, you acted fast. Reaching a hand out, you grabbed the metal spoon with lightning fast speed.
Jensen cried out as you threw your hand in the air. A victorious smile spread across your face. You’d officially beaten him. Looked like he wouldn’t be taking the trophy home for the third year in a row.
The rest of the family surrounded the two of you, raising their glasses and cheering for you. Jared’s arm snaked around your waist and pulled you back through the crowd.
Soon, it was just the two of you in an empty hallway. Jared’s pretty hazel eyes flashed with admiration.
“How’d you beat Jensen?” He asked. He pushed you against the wall and bracketed your head between his hands. You bit your lip shyly, not daring to meet his eyes as a warm blush crept up your neck.
“Tell me,” Jared smiled. His lips on yours caught you by surprise, and a small gasp escaped you. Just as you melted into the kiss, however, he pulled back. The loss of contact left you aching slightly for his touch.
“There’s not much to tell.”
“Oh, really?” A hand cupped your cheek. You nodded. “Then I guess you won’t mind me using a few tactics of my own to get you to tell me?”
“Oh, please,” you huffed, “I’d like to see you try.”
In reply Jared pulled you flush against him and trailed a hand down your side. His lips met yours, and you quickly allowed him entrance when he wanted it. His tongue moved against yours, and you smiled against his lips.
The two of you pulled away from each other in an instant, looking to see Jensen standing with his arms crossed and brows raised, the nutcracker trophy in tow.
“Sorry to interrupt, but I believe this is yours,” Jensen drawled, kneeling down on one knee as he presented you with your rightful trophy. You accepted it with a smile, a hug, and a quick kiss on his cheek.
“Good game, partner,” you whispered in his ear before he could pull away.
“Sure, sure,” he said before turning to rejoin the family gathered in the living area. “Oh, and you two might want to wrap things up here. Sharon wants pictures.”
You nudged Jared in the ribs and stood on your tiptoes to give him a kiss. “We can finish this later,” you said with a wink before you wrapped an arm around his waist and led him back to the party.
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I am looking for ideas what bets between Jensen and Danneel could be. If you got ideas, reblog, reply or send me an ask :D
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Attention!! Stay on this post for a sec and just..just look at this cutie:“) Thanks for attention!!
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What’s Becca Reading?
Weekly Fic Recs for the weeks of 3-/15-4-5
Thanks so much for being patient! After being  out of town and then recovering from some health issues, I am back! 
As always please feel free to tag me in any fics! I’d love to read them!
If you have any issue with being included in this list, please do not hesitate to reach out. I promise I won’t be offended and your work will be removed promptly.
|  Weekly Recs Masterpost  |
Want to be tagged in upcoming recs lists? Send me an ask or add your self to the What’s Becca Reading? list in this google doc :)
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*Yes I’ve been reading the hell out of @tvdspngirl314​‘s work sue me XD * 
------Keeping Up With The Winchesters by @tvdspngirl314
Summary : To take a break from everything, you move into Lawrence, where you meet the Winchester family and work for their bakery. Can you survive with three men constantly hitting on you?
Ship : Dean x reader, Sam x reader, John x reader (platonic)
Warnings : crack, angst (eventual), fluff
Characters : you, Dean, Sam, John, Mary, mentions of few ocs
------Save Yourself by @weasleywinchester
Series Summary: “I promise.” Those two words would trap you in a life you never wanted. You are an artist, a hunter, a Winchester. And yet the pain in Dean’s eyes as demanded you live the life he wants you live, you couldn’t say no. You met the Winchesters by chance, found out they were real people. And you figured it was a once in a life time thing, but then Dean called you, and so did a new job. Both leading to the life you wanted, a family that didn’t begin or end in blood and a once in a life time love. And he said leave it and him behind, forget. But you can’t.
Warnings: None as of now! Eventual Smut, angst (??) Idk I’m new, I don’t know how to do these tumblr writing things!
-----What She Doesn’t Know by @tvdspngirl314
Summary : With his marriage life on rocks, when his ex girlfriend who also happens to be his wife’s sister shows up into his life back again. Will Dean resist her or give into his desires.
Ship : Dean x Lydia (ofc), (eventual) Dean x reader
Warnings : 18+, angst, smut, cheating, a little bit of fluff, relationship drama
---Mechanic and Mistletoe by @deanwanddamons
Summary: Y/N, an ER nurse is driving home to her Mom on Christmas Eve. Her car breaks down on the side of the road. She calls Winchester Singer Autos and Bobby sends Dean to help her. Will she make it to her Mom in time for Christmas? And will she get back home in time for her shift on Boxing Day?
Universe: Mechanic AU
Pairing: Dean x Female!Reader
Warnings: Slow build, Mechanic AU, Fluff, Smut, Angst. Each chapter will have individual warnings.
----- Supernatural Investigations by @deanxmon​
Detective! Dean Winchester x detective! reader x Liam Harris (o.c)
Synopsis: Detective Winchester and Detective Y/L/N have always been the heart of N.Y.P.D. supernatural investigations. What happens when Dean returns from an investigation in Italy and finds Y/N close to another guy?
Stand Alone
-----Stand By Me by @tvdspngirl314
Summary : Jensen finally decides to confess his feelings for you
Ship : Jensen ackles x F! Reader
Warnings : fluff, a lots of fluff, nervous Jensen
-----You’re Blushing by @soaringeag1e​
Jensen x Reader
Warnings: Swearing? Just a Ton of Fluff!
Words: 3,019
Prompt: "It's cold, you should take my jacket"
----- Calamitous Love by @herstarburststories​
Paring: Dean Winchester x reader
Summary: Dean shows up at your house, but this is a calamitous love. Sooner or later, it's going to destroy.
Warnings: language, mentions of sex, fluff, angst, dean is a perv in a cute way, s1 dean Ily
----- Sam Winchester: Glasses by @impala1967dwinchester​
Warnings: Sam because he’s always a warning, the reader fantasizing about Sam, implied smut, the reader has a crush on Sam, Sam playing clueless, little tiny mention of Dean, Dom!Sam, Sub!Reader
Summary: When Sam brings his glasses out to be able to read the lore, the reader does nothing but stare at him.
Word Count: 1.5k
----- What Went Wrong by @sofreddie​
Summary: Dean tries to propose but a misunderstanding ruins everything.
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Warnings: Angst, Drinking, Fluff
Word Count: 1,680
Short and Sweet
----- Mine by @girl-of-many-fandoms​
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x ReaderPrompt: "I'm not jealous, I just don't like other men touching what's mine"
Warnings: None
@tillielynn16 , @fandomaskedstuff , @naruko88558855 , @saltysamgirls ,  @hillface89 , @unusualcorn , @trilloku-blog , @perpetualabsurdity , @ria132love , @emoryhemsworth,  @mogaruke , @dramaqueenrolf,  @ghost–facers , @herbologystudent252 ,  @darthhayber , @nj-padackles , @arses21434 , @cassiopeia-barrow , @percussiongirl2017 ,  @gailski1975 , @squirrel-moose-winchester , @waywardbaby , @lebanese-chickpea-blog​ , @hobby27​ , @ogwatergirl , @mystriee​ , @destielhoneybee​ , @buckybarnesisaninnocentman , @alexwinchester23​ , @curly-haired-anxiety , @gh0stgurl​ , @heyitscam99​ , @dean-winchesters-bacon​ , @andkatiethings​ , @fk12b​ , @jaremish​ , @thelovelyoldscentofabookshop​ , @awkwardnesshabitat​ , @I-hear-crazy-calling-my-name , @adoptdontshoppets​ , @spn-tw-37​ , @maddiepants​ , @spnwoman​ , @spnbaby-67​ , @screechingartisancashbailiff​ , @fanfictionismydeath​ , @sarcasticbitch86​ , @baby7879 , @monkeymcpoopoo​ , @shyartnerd564​ , @hobby27​ , @maui137 , @lovealways-j​ , @polina-93​ ,@drakelover78, @dylanlover24 , @magssteenkamp​ , @superweirdnerdalertt​ , @doctorlilo​, @deans-baby-momma
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jayankles · 3 years
Jensen Ackles
Main Masterlist
Smut Drabbles
Dick Flop of Doom
Safe Word
Like a Good Girl
Part of the Plan
Earn His Reward
A Thing
Magical Muscle
Come to Join You
You’re in Charge
Shall we go for a swim, my lady?
Jared Padalecki
Main Masterlist
Smut Drabbles
I Want
Chains and Leather
Dino Nuggets
Misha Collins
Smut Drabbles
Alexander Calvert
Made the Gag Reel
F/F fics
Danneel (Harris) x Reader
An Important Day for a Queen
Months of Stress for One Day
The Ladies Room
Genevieve (Cortese) x Reader
Crossing Paths - Part 1 | Part 2
Perks of Acting
Poly Fics
Jenneel (x Reader/ x OFC)
Taking Turns *
Adding Another*
How Two Became Eight | Masterlist - Jenneel x OFC
Cockles x Reader
Why Not Both - Masterlist - Jensen x Reader x Misha*
Jarevieve x Reader
Just This Once | Masterlist 
Mommy, Daddy, and their Baby Girl
J2 x Reader
Operation Padackles
Jenevieve x Reader
Ben Barnes
Serenade in Bed
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RPF Requests Temporarily Open!
Hey friends!  
I am getting together some fics for Saturday’s RPF Appreciation Day this week.  
Let me know if you have any requests for RPF or prompts for me.  My requests are now temporarily open!  Prompts can be anything - a quote you like, an object, a word, an entire prompt, whatever you want!  If you’re new around here, just a reminder that I’m game for Reader Insert and Ships for RPF, and I’ll be posting both on Saturday.  (I’m most comfortable with J2M and their wives, but will branch out to other actors if you want to request and inspire me!)
Most of these will be drabble/short one shot length, as I’d like to write one or two each day this week.  I probably won’t be able to get through all requests I get, but if I like your request and don’t post it Saturday, I’ll probably tuck it away for a later date. :)
These requests can coincide with my Kink List or not, I just wanted to remind you that it’s there and requests are open for it (ships only).
Tagging forevers below the cut. :)
@adaliamalfoy @alicat-life @allinhishands @amionthetumbler @andtheraincamefalling @angelus320 @atc74 @attractiverandomness @autopistaaningunaparte @ayeeitsemry @badasssweetsrebel @captainradicalpassion @cas-is-my-hero @chelsea072498 @chloeaacole @cosmicpeanuthologram @deanandsamsbitch @deans--chevy--baby @deanswhiskeyveins @demondeansdomme @docharleythegeekqueen @donnaintx @emoryhemsworth @evansrogerskitten @fandommaniacx @fangirl1802 @feelmyroarrrr @freddy-fuckboy-tammy @freefood45 @fuckyeahfeysand @ginamsmith @hennessy0274-blog @hexparker @holahellohialoha @iamnotsaneatall @its-my-perky-nipples @jalove-wecallhimdean @jayankles @jotink78 @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @katymacsupernatural @kawaiidemondesuchan @keelzy2 @keepcalmandcarryondean @kitchenwitchsuperwhovian @kryptonwulf @lakama15 @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @lucifer-is-an-angel @mamaredd123 @mandilion76 @marasficrecs @maya-silverman @megasimpleplan4ever @mestiza003 @missdestiel67 @mogaruke @moosesamdeancasbees @mrsbatesmotel53 @mrssamfuckingwinchester @mrstheorossix3 @mrswhozeewhatsis @my-angel-with-a-shotgun @mysticwolfcub @nadiandreu7 @notnaturalanahi @ohgodjensen @pretty-fortune @procratsinator @pumpkinpiesandpocketknives @remybosslika @roxyspearing @ruprecht0420 @sandlee44 @saysay125 @sgarrett49 @skybinx-blog @slightlysoftgrunge @smoothdogsgirl @sofreddie @spn-fan-girl-173 @spn--princess @spontaneousam @supernaturalstarbug @thebookisbtr @theoriginalvicki @too-much-winchester @unicorndreamer1622 @untitled39887 @vodkaluh @whispersandwhiskerburn
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hitsuackerman · 4 years
Unpredictable (Overhaul x Reader) pt.19
a/n: so... uhh... nothing much happens here but the last part is worth it :’) i guess? hope ya’ll like this nonetheless! 
warnings: this cannot be read solo
Links: part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5, part 6, part 7, part 8, part 9, part 10, part 11, part 12, part 13, part 14, part 15, part 16, part 17, part 18, part 20
Masterlist to my other fics: here :)
Overhaul’s waiting list: @jjk-biased @infinite-universe-love @dirtypride @blackymomo03 @azzie @purple-rabanito​ @meximorrita @awesomeee19​​ @celestial-kanzakii​ @laure-lo​ @team-wang-puppy​ @aydience-world​ @choros-main-hoe​ @colorseeingchick​  @but-kairis-not-that-smart (i cant seem to tag again :( hope this lands in your timelines!)
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Two days since that fated encounter with Chronostasis, you were now left with a vacant rest day. And where better place to spend it than with Dr. Hanayaka. Setting an appointment with him, as he liked to call it, you were tasked to help with the blood pressure for each patient he had. Luckily, his schedule wasn’t that straining.
“So you mean to say, his henchman met with you in secret?” Gei asked and raised an eyebrow. With his stethoscope resting on his shoulder and white coat on, it was sometimes hard to believe that this flamboyant man was a well respected doctor. “And handed you trash man’s sim card?”
“Yeah. I’ve already checked the contents of the sim and there’s not a lot to go on.” Aside from your messages, the contents of his inbox were that of an average man’s. Expecting some tea about his trade or even important numbers of other villains, you had to think whether or not Chrono deleted some or not.
“And what about that plan of yours, hmm?” Gei fixed his eyelashes before staring back at you. “What if it backfires and Chrono takes the blame?”
“He won’t. My instructions were clear and I set a time frame as well. Just something to please the heroes for setting me up.”
“You movin over to the dark side, baby girl?”
“Just balancing things out.” You shrugged. “Levi made it clear that they shouldn’t interfere with my relationship with Overhaul. Even though I’m on justice’s side, I still want to tip the scales a bit due to personal reasons.”
“Wouldn’t your badge and title be removed if they found out? And why in Todrick’s name are you so chill with this topic?! Are you certain you don’t have a bug on you?” Your friend eyed you down so quickly. Worried that policemen might end up barging inside his office.
“Don’t worry. I’m wearing new clothes so there’s no way they can. Besides, I’m being as cautious as ever. Seriousness aside, I do have some information you might want to feast on.” You smirked at the mental image of a maskless Chrono.
“Spill…” Gei shifted in his seat and leaned in closer. The look on your face only meant one thing.
“Okay, so Overhaul’s right hand man was the one who met me right? Well~ He took off his mask and I will have to admit the man looked hella fine~”
“Describe! Describe!”
“For starters, he has bluish-gray eyes. Though he looks like he wants to kill a person right there and then, he probably could since his jaw was rather prominent. His voice without the mask is different too.” You watched as Gei listened with such focus. “But, if I were to be honest, describing him doesn’t do him good. He looks really handsome.”
“Why is it always the villains who look good?” Gei commented with a pout. “Hawks aside, because that man is something else, but they just hit different you know?”
“That’s true. Shame they have to wear those masks, though.”
“On the contrary, I think it’s good that they do. Otherwise they’d have to endure the wrath of fan girls.”
“Right. Also feels good when they trust you enough to show what’s behind the mask.” Nodding at your own statement, the memory of having lunch with Overhaul came back. With no given warning, he took off his mask and casually drank water. Realizing that he had done it on purpose, a tiny smile formed on your mouth.
“If you miss him that bad, just call him.”
“He changed numbers and I’m not that desperate to ask Chrono for it. Nao said in due time he’ll contact me but the chances of that are negative.”
“Honey, it’s the modern era. Women aren’t as shy as they were before. If you want something, go and get it. If it is a guy’s new number, then go ahead. It’s not just men who make the first move. And besides, I think Overhoe would be surprised if you just suddenly ring his doorbell.”
“You do realize, I do not have the same confidence as you.”
“Fake it till you make it, boo.” He snapped his fingers in a z-formation.
“You’ve been watching Soopernatural again, haven’t you?”
“Okay, first off, Jenred Padackles is a god and I would worship his feet. Second, that show has references to everything and you can’t deny that.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Standing up from the sofa, you stretched your limbs. “Anyway, I gotta scram.”
“Where you headin’ off to missy?”
“I have to meet up with Nao regarding the Fukuo Kai case.”
“But it’s your day off. Get a life and do something else other than work, (n/n).” Gei threw a pen to your direction but you dodged it effortlessly. “Don’t make me tell your father.”
“It’s only for a few minutes. It’s in preparation for tomorrow.” Not bothering to wait, you exited the room and sofly closed the doors to his office. Time spent with Gei was always an eye opener. However, it still wasn’t enough for you to stoop so low and ring his doorbell.
Making your way out of the hospital, you took a quick stop to the vending machines and chose a cold cafe au lait. Perfect for the hot and humid weather Japan had to offer. Feeling the cold liquid running down your throat was amazing and within seconds, you downed the whole drink. Tossing the empty bottle to the recycle bin, a gust of wind caused you to lose balance.
“Oh no.”
“Oh yes.”
“I have a meeting to attend to Hawks.” Hawks took his visors off and ruffled his wings. Offering to buy him a drink, he chose a tetra pack of  apple juice. Walking to the vacant bench, you followed him and decided that perhaps his visit would be worth it. “So what did the bird hear today?”
“Twice and Toga Himiko.”
“League of-” Then it hit you. “I see. Since when?”
“Yesterday. One of my informants saw them entering the base and left late at night. They didn’t look too happy about it, though.” Lowering his headphones, he ruffled his hair and stared at the clear blue skies. “Do what you will with this information. Just thought I’d let you know.”
“How and why do you even bother?”
“I work for the HPSC dove. If I don’t want them getting in my head, I gotta kick their crotches first.”
“That’s not the best analogy.”
“Still works though.” He winked and put on his headphones and visors back. Standing up, he offered a hand and you accepted it. Tailing you, Hawks was now opening the door for your car. “And one more thing, another of my birdies caught the scent of the quirk erasing bullets nearing its completion stages. Probably 80% now.”
“That’s fast.” You had to admit.
“Heard he’s been pissed. Be careful baby bird.” Hawks closed your door and saluted before flying off.
80%? That was enough information to speed up the Shie Hassaikai raid. Reaching out for your bag, you took the burner phone you recently purchased and reread each message the both of you exchanged. With two League of Villains now part of the yakuza, the possibility of casualties was much higher now.
Within minutes, you were now on the road. Fingers tightly wrapping the steering wheel. Your thumb bouncing with growing guilt at choosing to hide what Hawks had just said. Of course this wasn’t to ensure his victory, it was to even the field, right? It was the pettiness taking over you and Nighteye going against his words. It had to be.
Turning towards the precinct, you saw your designated parking area. The basement parking was a bit crowded today.
Heading towards the meeting room Tsukauchi had prepared for the small info sharing, you greeted fellow coworkers and kept conversation till you disappeared around the corner. Not too long after, you were now fiddling with your fingers. Basking in the silence till the doors opened revealing your partner and Shinezu. Both men took their seats and commenced the meeting.
“So, Shinezu will be tagging along.” He nodded at your coworker who seemed to be trembling at the thought. “It’ll do you good, Shinez. Trust me.”
“I-I know, Tsukau-kun.” He adjusted his tie, loosening it a bit. “I just think I’m not cut out for this mission you know? I do better behind the scenes.”
“While I believe that’s true, the 4th division works best when you’re around.”
“That’s true.” You agreed. Shinezu may not be the most social cookie out there but his brain was close to Namase. He also had the knack of coming up with solutions when things went wrong. All he needed was to amp his social skills. “We all know the 4th division leader is weak for you.”
“Not t-true.”
“All too true. You’ll be fine, Shinez. Have I ever lied to you?”
When the raven-haired man finally nodded his head, Tsukauchi cleared his throat and relayed the plans for tomorrow. It was the standard undercover data gathering in your books.
“So, to recap, the 4th division will be handling the snooping and we’ll remain on guard should all else fail?” You repeated the information given. Tsukauchi scratched his chin and nodded. Confirming that you had fully understood his message. “All this should happen within 5 hours. Got it. That’s quite cramped but manageable.”
“5 hours was the only allotted time I could fit in.” He scratched his nape and looked away. “You were right when I had to take it slow with my cases.”
“I’m not one to comment~” Waving the conversation aside, you stood up and the others followed.
With the short meeting now over, Tsukauchi and you were now seated in the break room. Cups of coffee present as you exchanged more information about your days and current mission. For a brief moment, despite him not being a part of the Shie Hassaikai Raid, you wanted to pour every single information you had just gained from Hawks. The lingering guilt was much more present now.
“You’re spacing out.” He snapped his fingers in front of you. “You alright?”
“Aside from the growing problem of trashman, I’m fine. Just a lot on my mind.” Taking a sip from your coffee, the usual taste of bitterness was strong today. “Nothing to worry about~”
“You should go home, (n/n). I already took up a portion of your time. Any more and I might drown from embarrassment.”
“That’s gross. Even coming from you.” Kicking him from under the table, the two of you laughed before chugging the remaining drops of coffee. “I will take that offer though. Need me some beauty sleep before shit happens again. See ya!”
Hours had passed and you were now stuffing your face with chips. He was right when he said you had purchased too much but you weren’t complaining. The movie playing now was one of your favorites, Prisoner. Gake Jyllenhall was divine in this movie. It was always the twist of the movie that kept you watching it over and over again.
“I wonder if we had watched this… would the wall pinning  happen?” You thought out loud. Shaking your thoughts away from him, you stopped the movie and stored the chips.
Now that you were settled in bed, Overhaul’s jacket rested on top of you. By now, his scent had disappeared and was now replaced by yours. Grabbing your phone, you opened the messaging app and clicked on a certain conversation. Rereading his messages was not the best idea but at least you would be able to relive whatever memories you had created.
Glancing at your desk calendar, in just two months time, you would meet him again. Would things still be the same? Or would things go back to the way they were? Tucking your phone under the unused pillow, you willed yourself to sleep and surprisingly succeeded.
Waking up not so refreshed happened again. But, nothing out of the ordinary. Not being a morning person, you dragged your body away from the bed and began the necessary clothes. Deciding to just buy breakfast, it took you less than an hour to lock your doors and head over to the parking lot.
Making your way up the steps, you met up with Shinezu.
“You look like shit, Shinez.” You teased him. “Take a chill pill.”
“I already did. But it’s still not working. This would be the first case in a while where I’ll interact with others.” Leading the way, the both of you were now walking through the empty hallways. The sounds of your footsteps muffled by the cheap carpeted floors. “How do you guys even manage to survive situations like these?”
“By taking it one step at a time~” Not the best advice for someone who’s socially challenged but it is what it is.
Opening the doors for you, the both of you entered the room and took your designated seats. A bunch of people from the 4th division were now present. Tsukauchi had not yet arrived but it was still early so it was excusable. Exchanging a few small talk, you caught up with what the 4th division was up to till the doors finally opened.
“Good morning everyone.” Tsukauchi greeted. Feet glued to his spot. His eyesight focused on you. “Before we head out, we have a special guest joining us.”
“Holy shit.” Shinezu uttered under his breath.
- - - - -
a/n: shits bout to go down again! I would like to take this time to thank each one of you who take the time to read this! Unpredictable was supposedly a 10 chapter story but we bout to reach 20 now! i cant really respond to your comments as much but i read all of ‘em and they always make my day :’) my schedule has just been very hectic these days huhu and yeas that ends my rant~ see ya’ll next week! :* and yes, the waiting list is still open :)
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
So how does Drea end up having Jared's baby in The Padackles Link? The last 50 chapters have been focused on Jensen, how does she hook up with Jared?
Ah, that's the big question isnt it???? Honestly, when I began TPL, my idea for it was maybe a 20 chapter fic.....but then it just took on a life of it's own. As soon as the drama with Jensen and Drea gets taken care of (it will in the next chapter) we will see what happens between Jared and Drea. I dont want to give away my plot (sorry).
Thanks for sending the ask!!
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mlovesstories · 5 years
Shake It Off Part 6
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Tag List
Ask Box
Masterlist of Masterlists
Warnings: DEATH, ALL THE ANGST! cussing, therapist, physical violence kinda
AN- This is an emotional one! No bingo square.
Padackles x Reader
Jared x Therapist!Platonic
Reader’s Mom x Reader
Words: 1992
Summary: Relationships are test.
You ass!” YN screamed.
“Huh?” Jensen stormed into the last gong room hearing a yell from YN. He saw her asleep on the couch. “Hey, YN,” he nudged her awake. She rolled over.
“What?” She looked at him with tired eyes.
“You were cursing in your sleep,” he laughed quietly.
“Oh, sorry. I had a dream that all you did was yell at me and kick me out,” she sighed.
“I wouldn’t do that,” Jensen scratched the back of his neck.
“I know. That’s why it’s a dream,” YN sighed again. “Do you think my mom was a slut?” She looked at him curiously.
“No, why would I think that?” He motioned for YN to sit up so that he could sit next to her.
“She got pregnant young. All girlss who get pregnant are assumed to be sluts,” she shrugged her shoulders.
“Your mom was a good friend, actually. We had sex once. I’m not even sure what led to that-“
“Don’t need to know that, Jensen,” she put her hand up and laughed.
“Sorry,” He looked at his feet with a smile.  “It wasn’t just a fling.  She and I got along.  You weren’t a mistake is what I’m trying to say.”
“Yeah, tell her that.  She’s resented me my whole life,” YN sighed.  “Thanks.”
Jensen sat across from her in the living room.
“Thanks for what?”
“You like me,” she said plainly.
“Yeah…” he said confusedly.  “You’re easy to like.”
“No, I’m not.  I-”
“You’re amazing,” he interrupted her.  “Even when you’re mad at me for being an ass.”
“Ohhh, Daddy said a no-no word!” JJ gasped from the entryway.  “Mommy!”
“Shh!” Jensen tried to make her quiet.  “Here’s five bucks.  Don’t tell.  I’ll buy you ice cream tonight.” Jensen quickly shoved money in front of her face.  
“Okie dokie, daddy!” The little girl ran down the hallway to eat breakfast with the money in her hand.
“Too bad I didn’t grow up in your house.  I’d be rich, I’m sure,” YN giggled.  
“It is too bad,” Jensen said solemnly, “If I would have known…”
“I know, Jensen.” YN rubbed a hand over her tired face.
“I think we need some breakfast before this becomes a soap opera.” Jensen laughed.  “Come on,” he guided her up from the couch.
“It already did,” YN smiled.
Before the two could make it out of the room, Danneel stomped in.
“Why will JJ not tell me where this came from?” She waved the five dollar bill in the air.
YN and Jensen went into a fit of giggles.
“I did nothing. Absolutely nothing,” the dad composed himself. “Promise.”
“Uh huh,” his wife rolled her eyes.
The Padalecki family came over for an afternoon barbeque.  YN played with the little ones while Jensen, Danneel, Gen, and Jared drank beers by the firepit.  
“Considering all, this hasn’t turned out bad,” Jared sipped his drink referring to YN.
“Yeah,” Jensen grinned.
“She is always welcome, babe.  You know that, right?” Danneel took his hand.
“Thank you,” Jensen kissed the back of her hand.  
“She really is amazing.” Gen looked to Jared.  
“Yeah, she is,” Jared agreed.  
“Guys?  A little help over here?” YN walked over to the four adults around the fire pit.  
“Nope, I gave birth to half of them,” Gen laughed.  
“Same,” Danneel smiled.
“Come on!” YN groaned.  The little ones ran up to her and yanked on her shirt.  Playfully, she fell over onto the grass.  “You guys stink!” She yelled from the ground to the parents.  They chuckled at her desperation.  
“Fine, fine.  I’ll help you out,” Jared stood up and fell onto the ground next to YN.  The kids piled on top of him while YN made her escape to Jared’s chair.  She caught her breath while Jared grunted with six children on top of him.
“So, how you doing?” YN asked Jared while the other friends and family played in the heated pool.
“I’m fine, YN.  Please don’t. You’ve been through a lot lately.  Don’t worry about me,” he dismissed her.
“Really?” YN rolled her eyes.  “I will always worry about you.  You’re my TV hero, and I pretty much saved your life, as you say,” she grinned, trying to gain a positive reaction.
“Okay, okay,” he assuaged her. “I”m okay.  We’re on break, so I think that helps.  Thanks for the Golden Girls coloring book,” he grinned.  
“Thought it was fitting,” YN smiled.  “Any issues?  Been seeing your psych?”
“Yes, MOTHER!” Jared laughed.  “Just deep breathing stuff, nothing came from it.”
“Good, glad for you.”
“How about you?” Jared continued the conversation.
“Eh, I’ve been fine since our little anxiety competition.”
“I’m so sorry about that.  My fault.”
“No, Jared. You didn’t know that I kept it a secret.  You know you don’t get to play the blame game.  It’s a never-ending battle.”
“I know.  It’s your story though.  You tell it if you want to.  I’ll keep my mouth shut, promise,” Jared said quietly.  
“Thank you, Jared.”
“So, you had a tough week, huh?” Jared’s therapist narrowed his eyes at the tall man.
“Yeah, but can we talk about something else, please?”
“You and another person were both having panic attacks, Jared.  That had to take a toll.  I let you steer the conversation a lot of the time because you are pretty open, and I don’t mind that.  BUT,” Jared huffed loudly as his therapist talked. The doctor glared at him in response. “BUT,  this was a big thing that set you back, and-”
“I’m fine!” Jared stood up from the couch he was sitting on.  The pillow he had been holding was thrown across the room and bounced off the wall.
“Yeah, obviously!” The therapist stayed seated but used a raised voice.  “Sit down or get out.  You know the rules in here.  We TALK about how we feel, but we can’t act on it in here.  You throwing things doesn’t fly, so either leave or cool it.”
Jared realized what he had done and became red with embarrassment.  
“Shit,” he whispered under his breath.  “Sorry, doc.” Quickly relaxing, he started to sit back down.  
“Go pick that up before you sit down, please,” his therapist calmly pointed to the pillow on the floor.
“Right, sorry,” Jared scampered over to it and pulled it to his chest.  
“Thank you.  Now I think we have some things to talk about.  If you act like that in here, you’ll be more than likely to be angry outside of this room.  The people outside of this room are not trained to calm you down.  You need to talk it out.”
“Ugh.  Why do I come here again?” Jared said in a whiney voice.  
“Talk, Jared.  Or I’ll kick you out.”
“No thanks,” he quietly stood up and walked out, feeling overwhelmed.  
“You’ve got to be kidding me, Jared,” Jensen reacted to the man leaving therapy.  “In the middle of the session.  That’s not like you, dude,” he took a sip of beer in the Padalecki’s living room.  
“I just- he was pushing my buttons!”
“That’s kind of his job,” Jensen gave a laugh.
“I don’t know, man.  I just got so defensive.”
The boys heard a knock at the door.
“Yeah?” Jared’s voice boomed into the entryway.  
The door opened.  
“Hey,” YN walked in. 
“Don’t tell me you know too.  Gah, I didn't commit a crime, people!”
“Gen told me.  Jared, what I would give to be able to see a therapist.  And you just walked out?”
“You WANT to see a therapist?” Jared’s jaw dropped.
“I used to, but my insurance changed, and I can’t anymore.” She walked to him and sat in the chair next to him. “What happened?”
“He was being a dweeb, that’s what.”
“Shut up, Jensen,” YN rolled her eyes.
“I didn’t want to talk about it!  We were both freaking out, and it’s hard to talk about!” Jared groaned.  
“Okay, I’m sorry for pushing. Please promise me you’ll call him tomorrow?”
“I will, I promise.”
Later that afternoon, YN’s phone started ringing. She answered.
“STOP CALLING ME, MOM!” She yelled into the phone.
“Ma’am?” A soft voice stilled YN.
“Yes? This is my mom’s phone. Who are you?”
“My name is Darren. I’m a nurse at Dallas General Hospital.”
“Umm. Okay? Where’s my mom?” YN’s voice quieted with concern.
“She was brought in after she was found injured outside of her apartment.”
“WHAT?” YN gasped.
“What’s wrong?” Jensen asked. He sat down next to her on the couch.
“She was hurt,” YN whispered. “Is she okay?” She returned to her conversation with the nurse.
“No, ma’am.  She was beaten too badly…” his voice faded as YN realized her mom was no longer living.  She dropped her phone.  It bounced off of the couch cushion onto the rug covering the wood floor.  
Jensen knew.  He just knew.  Jensen took her phone and pressed the red button.  
“Come here,” Jensen pulled her into his side, wrapping his arms around her.  Before he could process anything more, he saw her tears and snot on his shirt.  “I know, I know,” Jensen sympathized.  
YN wiped her face.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.  It doesn’t matter.” She pushed herself off of Jensen and ran out of the room leaving her phone behind.
“Damn it,” Jensen took a deep breath. Danneel hurried in. 
“What happened?” 
“Honey?” Danneel knocked on the downstairs bedroom door. Not hearing acknowledgement, she entered. “Hi,” Danneel whispered.  She noted how YN was curled into herself with a blank expression on her face.  
“Hi,” YN looked up. “I think I need to go,” she tried to stand up.  Too weak to maintain her own weight, she crashed back onto the bed.  
“It’s okay.  Stay as long as you need.”
“Can I have a hug?” YN asked.
“Of course,” Danneel walked to the bed and opened her arms to the tired girl.  “Always.”
“Do you need to go home?” Jensen asked YN the next morning.
“We had such a strained relationship, I don’t know,” she sighed, sitting on a barstool in the kitchen.  “My aunt and uncle are taking care of arrangements.  They’ll let me know when the funeral is.  Not that I will go.  I’m not sure yet,” she shrugged eating her cereal.
“I’m glad you’re eating,” Danneel smiled.  
“I feel like I’m going to throw up,” YN swallowed hard.  “I honestly don’t know how to feel.”
“That’s normal, sweetheart,” Jensen walked to her and engulfed her from behind.  “I love you.”
“Same,” YN whispered back.  She was surprised by her own reaction, but she meant it.  Jensen was also shocked, but he made no mention of it.  
“We’re here.  We’ll help you.”
YN expressed how she didn’t want Jared to know, but he entered the house as she said that.
“Wait, what? What don’t you want me to know?”
“Family business,” YN said seriously and tried to exit the room.
“Haha, that’s funny,” he laughed, thinking it was a joke.
“Shut up, Jared!” YN turned back around.  “My mom just died! You happy now that you know the secret?”
“Stay out of it, Jared.” Jensen groaned. He chased after her as she ran into the backyard to get some fresh air.  
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” Jared tried to follow them, but Danneel grabbed his arm, stopping him.  “I’m sorry!” he started crying.  “I didn’t know, Dee!” The woman guided him to a chair and wrapped her arms around him.
“Shh.  It’s been a long day.  It’s okay. It’s okay.  When you calm down, I think you know what you need to do.” Danneel ran a hand through his hair to calm him. His face relaxed.  
“Call your therapist,” Danneel prompted.  
“Can I use your media room?”
Jensen caught up to YN in the backyard.  
“He didn’t mean it.  He thought you were kidding,” Jensen turned YN around to hug her.
She accepted his act of love and stood silently with him for a long period. Nothing was said, but their comfortable silence spoke for itself.  
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  Forever Friends (Everything):
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holylulusworld · 5 years
Can you recommend some Jensen x reader stories for me? I have read full Masterlist of you, Lulu and Michelle, you all are amazing writers! I just wanted to explore more. Think you can help me with that? Have asked the same ask to both of them too, sorry if that's rude 😅
@deans-baby-momma has a series called ‘The Padackles Link’. Here’s her masterlist.
@georgialouisea has Never Be His (Jensen x Reader, former Jared x Reader), ongoing; Don’t Tell My Wife (Jensen x Reader) Ongoing, cheating       
You could also check out @angelkurenai​‘s blog. Here’s her Jensen masterlist
 @impala-dreamer has Talk dirty to me
@allaboutthebooz has Send my love to your new lover and Right Girl, Wrong Time
@jayankles has Diamonds & Shutters (AU)
@negans-lucille-tblr has Since you’ve been gone (this one is a Jensen x Reader;  Jared x Reader series). There’s also the sequel - Now you are here.
These came to my mind. I know I read more Jensen series but I can’t recall the authors right now or the title of the stories.
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buckyscrystalqueen · 6 years
She’s Not Ready
Pairings: Jared Padalecki x Reader
Warnings: Swearing. fluff
Word Count: 2,264
“She’s not ready.” Your husband, Jared and your doctor both looked over at you as you sat on the exam table on your due date. You brushed your fingers across your massive bump where your daughter, Jade, was choosing to lay at that moment and shook your head.
“Honey, didn’t we talk about maybe trying to induce?”
“She’s not ready.” You repeated.
“Mrs. Padalecki.” Your doctor tried but you simply shook your head again.
“She’ll come in her own time.” You said evenly as you looked up at the two men in the room. “Can we just do the check up, please?” Jared sighed and leaned back against the wall as your doctor got up slowly.
“If she doesn’t come two weeks from today, we have to induce. I can’t let you go any farther than that.” You nodded your head with a small smile as you laid back down on the exam table and pulled up your shirt. “New Year’s Day or not, we’ll be having this baby.”
“I don’t get it.” Jared said as he pushed off the wall to come over to you. “How the hell are you so calm?”
“Because I’ve ran through all the other emotions I could possibly be in the last 40 weeks and stressed myself grey the last two pregnancies.” He smirked and held your hand as you rolled your head to look over at your baby girl.
“I wanna hold her.” He sighed.
“You will, my love. When she’s ready.”
“She’s not ready.” You said as you sat on the couch in your living room, watching Jared and Jensen chase Jensen’s three kids, and your two sons around your Christmas tree, while you talked to Danneel.
“How are you not going crazy?” Your sister asked you as she looked at Jade, who had simply rolled over to the other side of your stomach.
“Why? She’s quiet in there. No screaming, no diapers. She surprisingly letting me sleep at night again. It’s almost like she knows that she’s about to turn my life upside down and she’s just giving me as much of a break as she can.”
“I told her we should induce.” Jared said on his way past with Shep hanging upside down in his arms. “She just wants to wait Jade out.”
“She’s not ready.” You said with a shrug as you rubbed your daughter’s butt and back.
“Sister!” Shep shouted before he was tossed gently on the other couch.
“Inside voices.” Jared chuckled. “Sister’s coming soon.” 
“When she’s ready.” You repeated like a broken record.
“Oh, my God. How are you still pregnant?” Your friend, Anna asked as she walked into Jensen’s kitchen for the Padackles annual family Christmas party for all the families closest to you, Danneel, and your kids a few days before Christmas Eve.
“She’s not ready.” Four or five people said before you could even open your mouth.
“She’s taking her time.” You giggled as you walked slowly toward the long dinner table in the back sunroom to put down some more food for the guests.
“I’d pulled my hair out by now.” She said with a shake of her head. “Georgia was a week early and I was ready to die.
“It’s not so bad.” You tried to say with a shrug.
“Yea, every mother, ever would disagree with you.” Danneel said as she came over with another platter. “Including us.”
“Well see, Jade only moves like three or four times a day. I mean big moves. Just back and forth, back and forth, left, right left, right. She doesn’t do much stretching any more. It’s like she knows she’s outta room but she’s just…”
“Enjoying the free water bed.” Michelle, one of the mothers in your neighborhood book club who’s daughter was in dance class with JJ, said as she came over with a platter of brownies she brought from home. “Still hiding from the world?”
“Still hiding.” You agreed as you rubbed the top of your bump which is where you believed Jade’s legs were stretched across the small space available. You knew she was making your stomach look extremely lopsided because of this.
“Cora was right on time.” Michelle commented as she laced her arm with yours to help you back into the kitchen to finish getting food out. “But Conner was three days past his due date.”
“We’re talking due dates?” Another mother asked as she did a stutter step around one of the dozens of kids running around.
“(Y/N)’s officially three days over.” Jared said as he came in to grab a couple beers from the fridge.
“She’s not ready!” You said in a sing song voice to his retreating back with a smile.
“She’s gunna come on Christmas Day, just watch.” Danneel said as she picked up the last plate from the counter with a smile. “She’ll be a special little Christmas present.”
“How’s Mommy feel today?” Jared asked as he stretched out on your shared bed beside you. You smiled as he pulled back the blankets and pinched the fabric of the shirt of his that you wore to bed. “You still snuggly warm in there, Jade? Don’t wanna spend your first Christmas out in the real world.”
“It’s already Christmas.” You yawned as you reached down, and blindly pat your way across his shoulder and cheek to run your fingers through his hair. “If she comes out today, I lose Christmas with my boys, and you miss out on Christmas with your girls, remember?”
“You’re right.” He agreed as he scooted beside you a bit. “Hey you in there, stay up… ow!”
“Will you puh-lease quit yelling at my lady parts at eight o clock in the morning, thank you.” You laughed as you finally opened your eyes to look at him. “Honestly. She will come when she’s ready.”
“Yea, yea.” He breathed as he rolled awkwardly on the bed to lay down beside you. “Merry Christmas, baby.”
“Merry Christmas, my love.” You said with a smile. “But I need help getting up.” He chuckled and gave you a chaste kiss before getting off on his side to come over and help you up.
“She gets this from you, you know.” He teased as he pulled you to your feet. “The stubbornness…”
“I’d quit while you’re ahead, Padalecki.” You said as you trudged toward the bathroom. “Go wake up your kids before they run down stairs and cheat.”
“She’s still not ready?” Your mother-in-law, Sharon asked as she helped you make dinner for twenty… which was your immediate family since you and Danneel were sisters and all.
“Nope, not yet.” You sighed as you tensed a bit when Jade did one of her daily turns. Sharon’s eyes darted up to you, silently hoping that her grand baby was finally coming, but you shook your head and huffed. “You’re as bad as Jared, mom.” 
“She was supposed to be here last week. I’m allowed to hope and pray.” You nodded your head slowly and shifted a bit, waiting for Jade to finally settle in.
“What, what is it?” Jared asked as he came in to grab some more batteries for the toys he had been putting together all morning.
“She’s just trying to settle.” You said as you tried to help your daughter by pushing on what you thought was her hip with your fingertips so she would settle on your side and not parallel to your spine.
“Let me. Move your hands.” You nodded your head and moved out of his way as Jared pulled your chair back a bit from the breakfast bar. “Hey, little girl. What are you doing to your mom, huh?” He meant down a bit with a smile and kissed your bump before gently locating and pushing on Jade gently. “Come here, princess. Turn for me. There we go. Oh, I know.” You smiled at the top of his head and let out a sigh of relief when he got Jade to finish her turn.
“Thank you, baby.”
“You need to induce already.” He said as he looked up at you through his lashes and kissed your bump. “Enough already.”
“Jared.” His mother snapped under her breath.
“Mom, stop.” He growled with a glance over at her. “We’re a week past her due date and every day gets harder and harder on (Y/N)…”
“Jared, I’m fine.” You tried but you got a glare in response.
“Jared Tristan this is neither the time nor place.” Sharon hissed as Thomas ran into the kitchen to grab a drink.
“Baby.” You said softly as you cupped his jaw in your hands, gently. “We’re almost done. Just a few more days, OK? And then I promise, I’ll never put you through this again, OK?”
In your ten year relationship, you had never seen Jared so aggravated with you during the five days between Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve. He had never gone to bed with his back turned to you before, even though that only lasted a maximum of five minutes before he caved and scooted across the bed to hold you. He never went out of his way to almost ignore you, spending his days off playing with the boys and their new toys. You knew that he wasn’t mad at you, exactly, he was just frustrated and worried. But you know, you could just feel, that Jade needed to come on her own. And boy, did she ever.
“Thomas, we gotta finish filling the box of old toys.” You said to your son as you pushed him toward the stairs after his younger brother. “Michelle’s coming in twenty minutes to pick it up.”
“Mama, what happens to the old toys?” Shep asked as he hit the top of the stairs and turned to look at you. You opened your mouth to respond when Jade settled a little lower than she had been the last few months. Your whole lower torso seized, and you grabbed the hand rail at the last second before falling when you missed the step. You forced yourself not to yell so you didn’t scare your sons as your water broke and soaked the jeans you had on and the stairs. Thomas called your name hesitantly but you shook your head and exhaled a breath.
“Thomas, go get daddy.” You said evenly as you white buckled the banister through your contraction. “No, Shep baby, stay there.”
“Mommy, what’s wrong?” He asked as he crouched down at the top of the stairs as Thomas screamed ‘Daddy’ through the house while running toward the man cave Jared was currently hiding in.
“Nothing, baby. I think Jade’s finally ready.”
“Babe?!” Jared yelled as he ran from the side of the house toward you.
“She’s ready.” You said with a nod as you very carefully stood up as straight as you could.
“Can you move?” He asked softly as he put his hand on your lower back and held on to your arm so you wouldn’t fall. You shook your head subtly so you wouldn’t scare your boys as you breathed evenly through your nose. “Alright, Thomas, can you go get my phone from my office? And Shep, I need you to go grab one of the pool towels, please. Quickly.” Your sons took off in opposite directions, and you grabbed Jared’s wrist instead of the banister.
“Oooo, fuck she’s worse than both boys combined.” You whispered as your husband turned you around slowly.
“OK, we’re gunna go step by step, baby.” He said as he glanced over at Thomas and his cell phone. “Alright, Thomas, call Aunt D, and tell her she needs to come fast. Tell her sissy’s coming.”
‘Ten… nine…’
“One more big push, you got this!”
‘Six… five…’
“Push, push, push!”
‘Two… one…’
“There she is!” You finally let out your breath and fell back against the bed as Jade’s cry beat out the cheers of the people in the hall celebrating the New Year. You teared up and everything seemed to move a little quickly. The cord was cut and you delivered the after birth as fireworks colored the sky outside your hospital window. It felt like an eternity before you were finally given your small bundle of joy. Jared gave you a chaste kiss and looked down at his daughter with tears in his eyes.
“You just had to come in with a bang, didn’t you?” He teased as he brushed his fingers across her head.
“I told you.” You said with a shake of your head as you looked up at him with an exhausted smile. “She’d come when she’s ready. Was it worth being mad at me all week?”
“No.” He chuckled as he brushed your sweat drenched hair back off your forehead.
“Exactly midnight.” You heard the nurse say with a shake of her head. “I’ve never seen anything like that.”
“She’s gunna be our little firecracker.” You sighed as you looked down at your special New Years baby. “Man, are we in trouble with this one.”
“Happy New Year, my girls.” Jared said as he leaned forward on the bed and searched the hazel eyes she got from him. “I love you, so, so much. But do me a favor and keep me waiting on your growing up as long as you kept us waiting for you to join us?”
“If only it were that simple, Jare.” You teased as you leaned forward enough to smell the top of your daughter’s head. “Happy New Year, little girl. Happy New Year.”
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