#page 7587
pesterloglog · 9 months
Arquiusprite, Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Rosesprite, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 7583-7588
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Abra cafiddling dabra you silly shootnerds
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> My e%ceedingly STRONG work as the party's premier bodybuilding hacker is done
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Off I go
JANE: ...
ROXY: ur wake!
JANE: Roxy?????
JANE: U'r alive!
JANE: Er, you're!
ROXY: so are you!
ROXY: you were dead last time i saw you and also before i found u sleepin here but now ur awake and also alive!
JANE: Yeah!
JANE: You were dead too, because I...
JANE: But now you're??
JANE: Oh god, Roxy, I'm so sorry I,
JANE: I wasn't thinking straight when...
JANE: Please forgive me. :(
ROXY: aw janey you dont gotta worry about whatever sad incident that frowns about
ROXY: thats all water under a bridge from a reality i got no recollection of and therefore dont matter at all
ROXY: by which i mean......
ROXY: this reality here, so ok the reality is still KIND of relevant because we are literally inside of it atm
ROXY: but im new here!
ROXY: i came over to keep being roxy since the old one died or whatever thru hecka debacles
JANE: That... is quite an explanation!
JANE: Jeez, I missed you.
ROXY: cmere u extravagant bitch!!!
JANE: Hahah!
JANE: (Wait... what?)
JOHN: the hug pile doesn't stop from getting taller.
JOHN: the hug pile! there are more hugs, rose.
ROSE: I can see the hugs. I don't understand the pile thing.
JOHN: oh. don't you remember?
JOHN: a funny quote from one of dave's old comics!
ROSE: Ah. Yes, vaguely.
ROSE: It's been a long journey, John.
ROSE: I believe one of the most valuable lessons that comes with growing up is gaining the wisdom that gently informs you when it's time to retire a meme.
JOHN: heh...
JOHN: i guess i never earned that handy badge, or whatever.
JOHN: i like this, though. every time someone wakes up, or pops out of nowhere, it's fun times all over again.
JOHN: i feel like i should be playing reunion bingo.
JOHN: who will be next??
JOHN: my money is on the long awaited and insanely poignant reunion between me and casey the salamander.
ROSE: Surely you mean the dear Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer, right?
ROSE: And instead of you, you mean me.
ROSE: That's when the real tears will flow.
JOHN: what do you think she's up to?
JOHN: no, she is my beautiful daughter. :p
ROSESPRITE: Something tells me the good Viceroy has been busy.
ROSESPRITE: I sense he's been... scheming.
ROSESPRITE: Biding his time.
ROSESPRITE: Accruing dark legions.
ROSE: That sure is a thing that would be dumb, if true.
JOHN: hi nanna!
JOHN: jane, i mean.
JOHN: sorry, it's an easy mistake to make, because you're my nanna!
ROXY: lol
ROXY: real smooth shit john
JANE: Hello!
JANE: A pleasure to meet you, John. Or, poppop, as I used to know you.
JOHN: hehe, yeah so i heard!
JANE: You look so...
JANE: Young.
JOHN: thanks!
JOHN: so do you.
JOHN: my nanna, who used to be ashes on my fireplace, regained her old womanly visage when i turned her into a sprite, and she helped me along the way.
JOHN: so nanna is a sprite! did you know that?
JANE: Um... no?
JOHN: i thought you should know that. she's probably around somewhere. i hope you can meet her.
JOHN: oh, also, i'm your son technically. did you know that??
JANE: Yes.
JANE: It is... a pretty strange fact!
JANE: But also pretty cool.
JOHN: yup!
ROXY: ooh jane thats my daughter there say hi to her!!!
ROSE: Hi, John's hot mom.
ROSE: (Aw shit.)
JANE: Haha...?
ROXY: also thats umm ANOTHER version of rose who died and then i buried and a stupid cat unburied her for some reason and prototyped her
ROXY: so say hello to my cool floaty double daughter!
JANE: Hi, Roxy's hot double daughter.
ROSESPRITE: (Rose Prime, I believe you may have just been owned.)
ROSE: (God damn Dave's contagious-ass Freudian boners.)
JANE: Wow, I feel so out of the loop! Sorry if I still seem disoriented from my... nap, I suppose it was?
JANE: Or impromptu troll-coma.
JANE: Roxy, you have to clue me in on what happened here! Where are Dirk and Jake?
JANE: And for that matter, John, where are your other friends? Oh, Jade! Where is she? Is she still asleep?
ROXY: hey janey that is all like a lot of stuff to say and everything goin on here is faaairly complicated and heavily peopled
ROXY: dont worry ill ease you into comprehending shit again ;)
ROXY: well ok cliff notes are: jake fucked off somewhere and dirk recently fucked off BACK here through a window but he left again pretty quick...
ROXY: dave went with dirk at wherever their fucking off too now, i think to get ready for some swords fightin, and yeah jade is still asleep but a coupla trolls lugged her off somewhere safe for now
ROXY: the REST of the junk im still sorting out myself bcs like i said im new to this exact plane of shenanigans
JANE: Yes, you mentioned that.
JANE: I still don't know what you meant by...
JANE: Wait!
JANE: You and John came from another reality, where everything went horribly, right?
ROXY: m-hmmm!
JANE: I just remembered. Really, it's been such a rollercoaster ride for my memory, since I fell asleep.
JANE: Your and John's travels were a critical part of the illustrated story we reconstructed through our memories with Callie.
ROXY: wat!
ROXY: you saw callie in your dreams????
JANE: I did!
ROXY: hoh man
ROXY: how is she!
ROXY: i saw her in a dream a little while ago and we talked about lots of stuff
ROXY: she looked like a troll then
JANE: Yes, her trollsona! She had hers on when I saw her.
JANE: And we had ours on too!
JANE: She seemed to be doing well.
JANE: Nervous, of course, since she was hiding. But we passed the time with our stories.
JANE: It was a lot of fun! I'm so happy I got to meet her.
JANE: I wonder if I'll ever get the chance again?
ROXY: wellll...
ROXY: now that u mention it
ROXY: it IS one of my chief objectives to go lookin for her asap
ROXY: aaand not to be THAT ROGUE n brag all heavy but i MAY be in better touch with my void powers now
ROXY: soo maybe i stand a p good chance of trackin her down?
ROXY: cus i GOT somethin for her
JANE: You do?? What? :B
ROXY: just a lil presie, nbd
JANE: ...
JANE: I see.
ROXY: (s'magic to)
JANE: WOW!!!!!!!!!!
JANE: Ahem, so,
JANE: You mean a ring, then.
JOHN: yeah!
JOHN: oh man, that's a great idea roxy.
JOHN: you should try and give it to her as soon as you can!
JOHN: then maybe we can all meet her before we ramp up for this battle?
ROXY: hmm yeh!
ROXY: u think i can do it?
JOHN: sure!
ROSE: I like your chances too.
JASPERSPRITE: Me too roxy! :3
ROSE: I also have some experience helping people along in the right direction, when it comes to navigating the abyss.
ROSE: Maybe I could assist?
ROXY: yeah maybe!
ROSESPRITE: I'm pretty sure I have experience performing literally the exact same task, in a slightly different context.
ROSESPRITE: So maybe I can double assist?
JOHN: see roxy? everyone thinks you should do it, because they all believe in you.
JANE: That's right!
ROXY: shucks fuckers ._.
ROXY: yall killin me here <3
JASPERSPRITE: Meow im so happy!
ROXY: frigglish u silly bastard whats up?
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr purr...
JASPERSPRITE: All the humans being so close together and happy and friendly purr purr.
JASPERSPRITE: Its making me really excited and happy too and making me feel like i want to be a part of everything!
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr and get close to a nearby person and be happy at them with my body purrrr...
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, what are you...
JASPERSPRITE: I cant help it rose i want to cuddle im feeling so pleased and friendly! :3 :3 :3
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, no,
ROSESPRITE: No, don't!
JASPERSPRITE: :3 purrrrrrr
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zirhlikuzgun · 2 months
January's crew - Page 31
[18961] {7585} ♀ Jade Preuß
[18962] {7586} ❤️ ♂ Rourke Preuß
[18963] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18964] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18965] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18966] {7587} ♀ Janine Preuß
[18967] {7588} ❤️ ♂ Roerk Preuß
[18968] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18969] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18970] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18971] {7589} ♀ Joyce Preuß
[18972] {7590} ❤️ ♂ Ryre Preuß
[18973] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18974] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18975] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18976] {7591} ♀ Jocelyn Preuß
[18977] {7592} ❤️ ♂ Ryle Preuß
[18978] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18979] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18980] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18981] {7593} ♀ Yvonna Preuß
[18982] {7594} ❤️ ♂ Randy Preuß
[18983] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18984] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18985] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18986] {7595} ♀ Yrys Preuß
[18987] {7596} ❤️ ♂ Rox Preuß
[18988] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18989] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18990] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18991] {7597} ♀ Ywa Preuß
[18992] {7598} ❤️ ♂ Ruffle Preuß
[18993] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18994] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18995] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18996] {7599} ♀ Yulia Preuß
[18997] {7600} ❤️ ♂ Ryckle Preuß
[18998] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18999] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19000] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19001] {7601} ♀ Eddi Berger
[19002] {7602} ❤️ ♂ Dyler Berger
[19003] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19004] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19005] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19006] {7603} ♀ Emerald Berger
[19007] {7604} ❤️ ♂ Dylan Berger
[19008] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19009] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19010] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19011] {7605} ♀ Equinoz Berger
[19012] {7606} ❤️ ♂ Duncan Berger
[19013] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19014] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19015] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19016] {7607} ♀ Embeth Berger
[19017] {7608} ❤️ ♂ Desmond Berger
[19018] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19019] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19020] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19021] {7609} ♀ Diamond Berger
[19022] {7610} ❤️ ♂ Drake Berger
[19023] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19024] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19025] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19026] {7611} ♀ Dawn Berger
[19027] {7612} ❤️ ♂ Dreyton Berger
[19028] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19029] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19030] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19031] {7613} ♀ Duski Berger
[19032] {7614} ❤️ ♂ Doc Berger
[19033] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19034] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19035] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19036] {7615} ♀ Drixie Berger
[19037] {7616} ❤️ ♂ Dallas Berger
[19038] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19039] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19040] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19041] {7617} ♀ Velma Mertens
[19042] {7618} ❤️ ♂ Omer Mertens
[19043] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19044] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19045] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19046] {7619} ♀ Vicki Mertens
[19047] {7620} ❤️ ♂ Osman Mertens
[19048] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19049] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19050] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19051] {7621} ♀ Valerie Mertens
[19052] {7622} ❤️ ♂ Olly Mertens
[19053] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19054] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19055] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19056] {7623} ♀ Valentina Mertens
[19057] {7624} ❤️ ♂ Orlando Mertens
[19058] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19059] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19060] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19061] {7625} ♀ O'Leary Holm
[19062] {7626} ❤️ ♂ Jason Holm
[19063] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19064] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19065] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19066] {7627} ♀ Olga Holm
[19067] {7628} ❤️ ♂ Jeremy Holm
[19068] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19069] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19070] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19071] {7629} ♀ Onyx Holm
[19072] {7630} ❤️ ♂ Joel Holm
[19073] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19074] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19075] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19076] {7631} ♀ Opal Holm
[19077] {7632} ❤️ ♂ Juan Holm
[19078] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19079] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19080] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
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autumnblogs · 3 years
Day 71: Strategy Session
It really entertains me that Vriska seems determined to pick extremely boring nicknames for these characters - and especially that she doesn’t use the nicknames that the characters already have.
I feel like there’s an element of pride in it, Vriska being the Thief of Light that she is - she wouldn’t want somebody else to be able to take credit for naming the enemies. Bec Noir and Jack English were the most popular nicknames for those two characters if memory serves, leading up to the publication of this part of Homestuck, and Spades Slick of course already has a name.
More after the br8k.
I feel like it should be clear from Vriska’s self-aggrandizing ways and generally discouraging barbs, that in terms of her net emotional effect on the crew, she’s basically a wash; but her presence is necessary - for want of a nail, I suppose.
Lalondes versus Condesce.
I’ve already laid out the number of parallels between Roxy and Rose and Her Imperious Condescension; and while I by no means think that Her Imperious Condescension is deserving of sympathy, it’s still sad that people like her exist in the Homestuck universe. Rose could have easily been a Handmaid in another life. In her own way, Roxy was.
There’s a kind of sisterhood in that shared victimhood at the hands of English’s cruelty, and the specific way he twists women into weapons - I think I’m reminded of the Children of Thanos, and Gamorrah and Nebula in particular. What a waste of a life the Condesce has lead.
Vriska is effectively blind to Karkat’s usefulness, because of the fact that she views utility through the lens of capacity for violence; Echidna knows what Karkat’s good for though.
Without the same experiences (Vriska) enjoyed/suffered, Vriska is basically the same troll she was before her big self-critical realization, so it should be no surprise that she’s up to the same old tricks.
Parallels between Jane and Vriska at long last to further establish Jane’s similarity with the other two troublemakers - visually similar to when John punched out Vriska’s lights, and the language of extravagant bitch as well.
Jane’s relief is palpable - her experience seems to have had a deeply humbling experience on her; Jane spends a lot of time talking, and she has quite a flourish for the dramatic, but here, she just does a lot of listening. I’d like to believe that her experience as a Crockertier has helped her to reassess her priorities.
For the Dead Cherub, as with all people in Homestuck, Violence and Community are, I think, ultimately incompatible. It’s why Vriska and Meenah ultimately must go off together to fight Lord English  - and why only the Mayor, gentle, and uncomfortable with bloodshed, can lead the new earth - and also why Echidna singles out Karkat to lead Trollkind in the new world in a few pages.
Violence, and Heroism - the lifestyle of violence - creates loners. Every act of bloodshed estranges the one who does it from the rest of the community of the living, perhaps in ways which are irreparable - it certainly seems that way for Vriska, who only in another life, rendered irrelevant completely, is able to find love again at the end of all things.
And if we are to believe the Dead Cherub, it seems that estrangement is a necessary ingredient to transform one’self into a weapon capable of committing the acts of violence one deems necessary to secure the good of all existence.
I’m not sure if I believe it. I am perhaps a bit too much of a chump with my tendency toward compassion. I would like to believe there is hope even for people like Vriska to have their life change, and to be able to turn their back on the vanity of hurting and killing others to have one’s way.
I may be misreading Homestuck’s conclusion concerning it, but if I am right, it is a troubling one.
Choosing the path of community and non-violence is equated with choosing to live here very clearly.
We’ll pick up with Karkat and Kanaya tomorrow. We’re in the endgame now - only a handful of days to go in this whole thing.
I’ll save my farewells for then, but I can feel the relief of being near the end. Homestuck is enjoyable, but I think this’ll probably be the last time I read it through, for a number of reasons, which I won’t lay out here.
For now, Cam signing off, alive and not alone.
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kumarneeraj111 · 3 years
Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Market Business Opportunity to 2026 – Top Companies: Cisco Systems, Inc., Fortinet, Inc., Velocloud Networks, Inc., Symantec Corporation,
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The latest statistical and qualitative analysis of Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Industry on the Global and Regional level is presented in this report. The complete evaluation of market size, revenue, growth, demand, and Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) import-export is offered in this study. The key market segments are divided based on top Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) companies, types, applications or end-users, and regions. The key inclusion and exclusion criteria along with industry dynamics in terms of Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges are stated. The regulatory scenarios by regions & countries as well as strategic market investment scenarios are explained.
Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) COVID 19 impact on industry advancements, supply chain, and impact on demand, price, and growth is studied. The SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, and PEST analysis are conducted. The Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) global industry trends, macro-economic policies, industry news, and policies are specified. Also, the downstream major customer analysis is conducted.
Click here to receive a Free sample report to have a clear industry picture and key points@  https://www.qmsresearch.com/request-for-sample-pages/?reportId=7587
The top companies analysed in this research are: Cisco Systems, Inc., Fortinet, Inc., Velocloud Networks, Inc., Symantec Corporation, Juniper Networks, Inc., Catbird Networks, Inc., Intel Corporation, EMC RSA, Certes Networks, Inc., Check Point Software Technologies Ltd., Palo Alto Networks, Inc., Cryptzone North America Inc
The key product types are:
Controller, End Point, Gateway
The top application studied is:
BFSI, Defense, Education, Government, Healthcare, IT & Telecom, Manufacturing
The Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) revenue in US$ Mn is provided by comparing different product types on a global and regional level. Also, the market attractiveness analysis by type from 2015-2026 is covered. Similarly, the end-user analysis, regional analysis, and industry outlook are stated.
The Y-o-Y growth rate comparison is calculated from 2015-2026 for each type, region, and end-user. The vital regions studied in this report include Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) presence across North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and the rest of the world. In the next part, top company profiles are presented with company overview, Business portfolio, product details, key financials, global revenue share by region, and SWOT analysis.
The most crucial Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) key financial segment analyzes the revenue (US$ Mn), operating income, net margin %, gross margin %, capital spending, production capacity, net income, and more. Also, the competitive scenario is reflected by competition among different industry players in terms of marketing strategies, growth opportunities, new product launches, and developments.
The country-based market segmentation is as follows:
North America Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes the United States, Canada, Mexico
Europe Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and the rest
Asia-Pacific Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Japan, South Korea, India, China, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, and the rest
The Middle East & Africa Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Iran, and the rest
South America Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and the rest
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Insights on Research Methodology:
The research methodology consists of qualitative and quantitative analysis derived using primary and secondary databases. The top-down and bottom-up approaches are used to derive and validate the Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Industry statistics. Paid primary interviews are conducted with Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) manufacturers, dealers, marketing managers, product managers, R&D people, VP’s, directors, and more.
The manufacturing processes, technological advancements, Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) cost structure, price trends are analyzed in detail. The forecast analysis based on the potential demand from Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) downstream clients, government, influencing factors, and policy changes are reflected.     
The secondary data sources consist of data gathered from Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) Industry’s annual reports, presentations, press releases, national customs, statistical yearbook, and more. Each company’s revenue is obtained from paid databases, Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg Business, public databases to name a few.
The primary research assists in the analysis of segmentation types, Software-Defined Perimeter (SDP) product price range, raw materials supply, downstream consumption, industry status & outlook. Hence, thorough and comprehensive research is done by QMS Research to deliver reliable, up-to-date, and complete insights.
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madphill-blog1 · 6 years
Is labor force participation of women associated with carbon dioxide emissions?
I have decided to utilize the GapMinder code book. As I have a degree in environmental biology, alternative energy use was at the forefront of much of my studies, and ways to reduce and mitigate effects on a global scale were discussed often.  A second topic that I’ve always felt invested in is ecofeminism. 
I’m interested in analyzing if female employment rate is associated with carbon dioxide production. Polity score interests me as well, but as I anticipate it will have more of a direct or obvious association with female labor force and/or fossil fuel consumption, I am more intrigued by resource usage paired with gender differences across the world. 
As expected, there is already significant extensive research on the subject. One longitudinal study concluded that less fuel consumption, and therefore less CO2 output, can be influenced by empowerment of women in society (World Development 2015). This gives rise to more questions and answers to be sought after. Particularly in rural areas, women who do not work for money tend to stay at home laboring over household activities such as cooking, which is largely comprised of biomass fuels that produce CO2 emissions (Energy Policy 2011). 
I believe families in which the female also contributes to household income will also seek ways to harness renewable energy and consume less nonrenewable resources, thereby reducing CO2 emissions, and I would love to explore this topic more. Some research suggests that female employment leads to improved health because of a reduction in pollution (World Development 2015).  There is even the idea of “engendering energy” in which women are given access to more sustainable options in agriculture and household amenities to replace inferior fuel sources (Sustainable Development 2003).
Based on the references below, my hypothesis is an inverse relationship between the two variables. The higher the female employment the lower their fossil fuel and biomass consumption and, in turn, CO2 emissions. I believe employment for females stems from empowering this gender. I reached this hypothesis because I think countries that have a more developed education system that allow and catalyze women to seek employment for their household are also advancing fuel consumption and encouraging alternative energy sources for sustainability.
The keywords I used in my research were “ecofeminism”, “female employment rate and CO2 emissions”, “greenhouse gases”, and “women labor force”.
World Development. (March 2015.) Volume 67, Pages 424-437. “Female Labor Force Participation and Household Dependence on Biomass Energy: Evidence from National Longitudinal Data”. Retrieve from:  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0305750X14003490
Energy and Poverty Reduction: The role of women as a target group by Elizabeth W. Cecelski Director for Research and Advocacy ENERGIA International Network on Women & Sustainable Energy. Retrieve from: www.energia.org https://sarpn.org/genderenergy/resources/cecelski/energypovertyreduction.pdf
Energy Policy. (December 2011.) Volume 39, Issue 12, Pages 7587-7594. Hardships and health impacts on women due to traditional cooking fuels: A case study of Himachal Pradesh, India. Retrieve from: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301421511004678
Energy for Sustainable Development. (September 2003.) Volume 7, Issue 3, Pages 33-43. Energy for women and women for energy (engendering energy and empowering women). Retrieve from:  https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0973082608603634
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fivealphabets · 3 years
Digma Citi 7587 CS7204MG
Digma Citi 7587 CS7204MG
On this page, you will find the official link to download Digma Citi 7587 CS7204MG Stock Firmware ROM (flash file) on your Computer. Firmware comes in a zip package containing Flash File, Flash Tool, USB Driver, and How-to Flash Manual. Digma Citi 7587 CS7204MG Stock Firmware (Flash File) The Flash File will help you Upgrade, Downgrade, or re-install the Stock Firmware (OS) on your Mobile…
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Pens Segment to Dominate the United States Insulin Delivery Devices Market | TechSci Research
Rising diabetic population and increasing obese population is expected to drive the United States insulin delivery devices market for the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “United States Insulin Delivery Devices Market By Product Type (Pens, Pumps, Pen Needles, Others) By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online, Others) By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Homecare, Others), By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the United States insulin delivery devices market is expected to witness significant growth for the next five years. Insulin dose can be re-direct the glucose to move away from bloodstream to muscles and adipose tissues. Insulin cannot be administrated in form of tablets or taken orally in liquid form as it can be degenerated with time while moving from mouth to other body parts by the effect of digestive juices and enzymes. Insulin can be administrated into the body with variety of medical devices including insulin pumps, syringes, pens, and jet injectors. Manufacturers are introducing insulin devices which are highly portable in nature, have user-friendly design and small in size therefore increasing the market demand for these devices. Rising availability for these devices and adoption of marketing strategies to widen the brand image is expected to influence the market growth. Increasing geriatric population who are more prone to getting infected with various diseases due to low immunity level is a significant factor contributing to strengthen the market.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization has affected several countries adversely. Leading authorities in United States imposed lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Coronavirus affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath. United States authorities increased the capacity of hospitals as a greater number of patients were getting affected daily and getting admitted into the hospital facilities. The demand for critical care devices increased during this period. Diabetic patients are more prone to getting affected by novel coronavirus. Rise in number of patients suffering from diabetes increased significantly during this period thereby boosting the demand for insulin delivery devices.
However, high cost for insulin delivery device and stringent government regulations may create hindrance in the growth of the insulin delivery devices market.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "United States Insulin Delivery Devices Market”.
United States insulin delivery devices market is segmented into product type, distribution channel, end user, regional distribution, and company. Based on product type, market can be divided into pens, pumps, pen needles, and others. The pens segment is expected to account for major market share for the forecast period, 2022-2026. Insulin pens are further bifurcated into reusable insulin pens and disposable insulin pens. Advance insulin pens have several benefits over traditional way of inserting insulin into the body. Ease of convenience and the flexibility of using insulin pens does not affect the daily life and maintain the quality of life for diabetic patients. Based on distribution channel, market can be fragmented into hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, online, and others. The online distribution channel segment is expected to dominate the market for the next five years. Growing e-commerce channels and the ease and convenience of buying online without the hassle of visiting hospitals and pharmacies is aiding to increase the growth of this segment. Fast delivery along with lucrative offers and discounts is attracting buyers to order online.
Medtronic USA, Inc., Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Novo Nordisk Inc., Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC, Eli Lilly & Company, Abbott Laboratories, Inc., B. Braun Medical Inc., Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., Insulet Corporation are the leading players operating in United States insulin delivery devices market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several insulin delivery devices manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7587
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Market players are continuously investing huge amounts to advance the way insulin is administrated into the body. Launch of medical devices such as smart pens, automatic insulin delivering devices containing innovative features like patient diary, memory storage, alerts, and notifications, among others are fueling the sales of products. Increasing cases of hyperglycemia and development of self-injectable insulin delivery devices are the other two contributing factors leading to the market growth. Therefore, the product advancements are expected to propel the insulin delivery devices market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“United States Insulin Delivery Devices Market By Product Type (Pens, Pumps, Pen Needles, Others) By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online, Others) By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Homecare, Others), By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of United States insulin delivery devices market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of United States insulin delivery devices market.
Browse Related Reports:
United States Human Insulin Market By Indication (Type 1 Diabetes v/s Type 2 Diabetes) By Products (Insulin Pens, Insulin Pumps, Infusion System, Injection) By Type (Basal, Bolus, Pre-Mixed, Biosimilar, Traditional) By Onset Time (Rapid Acting, Short Acting, Intermediate Acting, Long Lasting, Others) By Brand (Lantus, Humulin R, Novolin R, Humulin N, Exubera, Others) By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
Global Human Insulin Market By Indication (Type I Diabetes, Type II Diabetes), By Brand (Lantus, Humulin R, Novolin R, Humulin N, Exubera, Afrezza, Novolin N), By Route of Administration (Subcutaneous, Transdermal, Nasal, Intravenous, Oral and Others), By Type (Basal, Bolus, Pre-mixed, Biosimilar, Traditional), By Onset Time (Rapid acting, Short-acting, Intermediate acting, Long acting, Pre-Mixed, Inhaled, Ultra-long Acting), By Products (Insulin Pens, Insulin Pumps, Infusion System, Injections), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Pens Segment to Dominate the United States Insulin Delivery Devices Market | TechSci Research
Rising diabetic population and increasing obese population is expected to drive the United States insulin delivery devices market for the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “United States Insulin Delivery Devices Market By Product Type (Pens, Pumps, Pen Needles, Others) By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online, Others) By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Homecare, Others), By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the United States insulin delivery devices market is expected to witness significant growth for the next five years. Insulin dose can be re-direct the glucose to move away from bloodstream to muscles and adipose tissues. Insulin cannot be administrated in form of tablets or taken orally in liquid form as it can be degenerated with time while moving from mouth to other body parts by the effect of digestive juices and enzymes. Insulin can be administrated into the body with variety of medical devices including insulin pumps, syringes, pens, and jet injectors. Manufacturers are introducing insulin devices which are highly portable in nature, have user-friendly design and small in size therefore increasing the market demand for these devices. Rising availability for these devices and adoption of marketing strategies to widen the brand image is expected to influence the market growth. Increasing geriatric population who are more prone to getting infected with various diseases due to low immunity level is a significant factor contributing to strengthen the market.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization has affected several countries adversely. Leading authorities in United States imposed lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Coronavirus affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath. United States authorities increased the capacity of hospitals as a greater number of patients were getting affected daily and getting admitted into the hospital facilities. The demand for critical care devices increased during this period. Diabetic patients are more prone to getting affected by novel coronavirus. Rise in number of patients suffering from diabetes increased significantly during this period thereby boosting the demand for insulin delivery devices.
However, high cost for insulin delivery device and stringent government regulations may create hindrance in the growth of the insulin delivery devices market.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "United States Insulin Delivery Devices Market”.
United States insulin delivery devices market is segmented into product type, distribution channel, end user, regional distribution, and company. Based on product type, market can be divided into pens, pumps, pen needles, and others. The pens segment is expected to account for major market share for the forecast period, 2022-2026. Insulin pens are further bifurcated into reusable insulin pens and disposable insulin pens. Advance insulin pens have several benefits over traditional way of inserting insulin into the body. Ease of convenience and the flexibility of using insulin pens does not affect the daily life and maintain the quality of life for diabetic patients. Based on distribution channel, market can be fragmented into hospital pharmacies, retail pharmacies, online, and others. The online distribution channel segment is expected to dominate the market for the next five years. Growing e-commerce channels and the ease and convenience of buying online without the hassle of visiting hospitals and pharmacies is aiding to increase the growth of this segment. Fast delivery along with lucrative offers and discounts is attracting buyers to order online.
Medtronic USA, Inc., Roche Diagnostics Corporation, Becton, Dickinson and Company, Novo Nordisk Inc., Sanofi-Aventis U.S. LLC, Eli Lilly & Company, Abbott Laboratories, Inc., B. Braun Medical Inc., Tandem Diabetes Care, Inc., Insulet Corporation are the leading players operating in United States insulin delivery devices market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several insulin delivery devices manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7587
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“Market players are continuously investing huge amounts to advance the way insulin is administrated into the body. Launch of medical devices such as smart pens, automatic insulin delivering devices containing innovative features like patient diary, memory storage, alerts, and notifications, among others are fueling the sales of products. Increasing cases of hyperglycemia and development of self-injectable insulin delivery devices are the other two contributing factors leading to the market growth. Therefore, the product advancements are expected to propel the insulin delivery devices market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“United States Insulin Delivery Devices Market By Product Type (Pens, Pumps, Pen Needles, Others) By Distribution Channel (Hospital Pharmacies, Retail Pharmacies, Online, Others) By End User (Hospitals & Clinics, Homecare, Others), By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of United States insulin delivery devices market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of United States insulin delivery devices market.
Browse Related Reports:
United States Human Insulin Market By Indication (Type 1 Diabetes v/s Type 2 Diabetes) By Products (Insulin Pens, Insulin Pumps, Infusion System, Injection) By Type (Basal, Bolus, Pre-Mixed, Biosimilar, Traditional) By Onset Time (Rapid Acting, Short Acting, Intermediate Acting, Long Lasting, Others) By Brand (Lantus, Humulin R, Novolin R, Humulin N, Exubera, Others) By Region, Competition Forecast & Opportunities, 2026
Global Human Insulin Market By Indication (Type I Diabetes, Type II Diabetes), By Brand (Lantus, Humulin R, Novolin R, Humulin N, Exubera, Afrezza, Novolin N), By Route of Administration (Subcutaneous, Transdermal, Nasal, Intravenous, Oral and Others), By Type (Basal, Bolus, Pre-mixed, Biosimilar, Traditional), By Onset Time (Rapid acting, Short-acting, Intermediate acting, Long acting, Pre-Mixed, Inhaled, Ultra-long Acting), By Products (Insulin Pens, Insulin Pumps, Infusion System, Injections), By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2025
Mr. Ken Mathews
708 Third Avenue,
Manhattan, NY,
New York – 10017
Tel: +1-646-360-1656
Website: https://www.techsciresearch.com/
For More Market Research Blogs Visit: https://techsciblog.com/
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mocfactorystore · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://mocfactory.com/product/moc-7587-winter-display-base-for-red-fox
MOC-7587 Winter Display Base for Red Fox
MOC-7587 Winter Display Base for Red Fox
A wintery show base for my Red Fox mannequin. Measures 7 inches in diameter (17.5 cm). Features 2 snow banks with a dried up plant within the again and a burrow entrance within the entrance. Center is flat with a stud attachment for the fox.
Red Fox mannequin Rebrickable web page hyperlink: https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-6404/Miro/red-fox/
MOC-7587 Winter Display Base for Red Fox
The Base additionally works with the Wolf (https://rebrickable.com/mocs/MOC-7509/Miro/wolf/)
Comments 5
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Building Instructions
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aliclily · 2 years
What to do if you’re Cash App Direct Deposit not showing up in your Account?
One of the easiest methods to make your life easier when everything is running smoothly is to sign up for direct deposit of money into your bank account. No separate trip to the bank is necessary (or even takes the time to snap a picture of your check if your bank offers mobile deposits). The money is already present and available for use.
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Of course, not everything always functions as it should. At that point, life can get very frustrating indeed! It appears that people have recently been experiencing problems with direct deposit on the Cash App failing. +1(818) 651-7587 if this problem also affects you,
What went wrong with my direct deposit on the Cash App?
Instead of having money deposited directly into their bank accounts, some people opt to have it deposited into their Cash App account. Once more, when something functions properly, it is wonderful. When does it not? People aren't pleased, I guess. +1(818) 651-7587 Your Cash App direct deposit failed for a number of reasons, as we discovered by poking around the Cash App Support Twitter account and the app's help page.
Your deposit's size can be one of the problems. It appears that direct deposits are limited to a daily maximum of $10,000. The best course of action if you're expecting more than $10,000 via direct deposit is to ask the sender to divide the payment into two portions and send them on different days. Your failed direct deposit on cash app will be sent back to the sender in two to five business days, according to Cash App Support.
If the fix doesn't work for you, you might have to navigate Cash App's convoluted support options. However, you should first double-check a few things. Check the Cash App Status Page first to see if your specific problem is one that the support staffs is already aware of and working to resolve. If so, keep an eye out for developments on that page.
Additionally, confirm that you are using the most recent version of the app. To be safe, you might also try deleting and then reinstalling the software. Turning it off and back on again does not always solve the problem, but it's always a good first step!
You should submit a support ticket using the Cash App, per its support page. To do this, open the app, tap your profile icon, choose "Support," then "Something Else," and then submit. Choose your specific problem and then click "Contact Support."
On the Cash App Help Page, select "Contact Support," then submit your request. Enter your account login information, find the problem, and then select "Contact Support."
Related post: Cash App Direct Deposit Tax Refunds / How to activate cash app card / when does cash app direct deposit hit
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meganlclickfl · 6 years
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canadagiveaway · 5 years
The BERNINA Canada Tula Pink Contest - Win Tula Pink Premium Hardware Set
The BERNINA Canada Tula Pink Contest – Win Tula Pink Premium Hardware Set
The BERNINA of Canada appearing with the BERNINA Canada Tula Pink Contest for all Canada residents and provides you a chance to win Tula Pink premium hardware set, which includes a 45 mm ergonomic rotary cutter, abric shears, straight scissors, duckbill appliqué scissors, snip, seam ripper, tweezers and a decorative tin.
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Buy Steelcase Chair Parts Online and Save Big
A lot of people in offices all over North America sit on a Steelcase chair. Steelcase manufactures some of the finest office chairs available. But every now and then something goes wrong and the chair breaks or malfunctions in one way or another. Thankfully, this is not a major problem because Office Replacement Parts sells Steelcase chair parts online at great prices.
Why not save money and time when it comes to purchasing parts needed to repair an office chair? It’s not like you need a chair repair expert to set things right. What is needed is a company that can supply the right parts at the right price with the right customer support to make everything go smoothly. That company is Office Replacement Parts.
With a complete inventory of parts to repair an office chair, there’s no need to spend time dragging a broken chair to the office furniture dealer or a chair repair shop and then going back to pick it up once it’s done. Now, the needed parts and pieces can be ordered from the comfort of your home or office. Making the repair yourself is easy with the instructions that can be found on the company website blog section.
Office Replacement Parts has plenty of parts to repair all the Steelcase chair styles such as Casters for Criterion, Drive, Leap, Rally, Sensor, and Think; Gas Cylinders for Turnstone, Leap, Protege, Drive, Rally, Rapport, Sensor, and Jersey; and arm pads for Criterion, Leap, Coach, Think, Amia, and Jersey.
Office Replacement Parts also carries many other replacement chair and office furniture parts that can be hard to find. Customers should contact the sales department with any requests for unusual or out-of-date parts that may be needed or for parts for any chairs not listed here.
Work with experts who know their stuff. The folks at Office Replacement Parts know their business and have been providing the right parts and equipment to many satisfied customers for many years. That’s how they stay in business: by making their customers priority number one.
Office Replacement Parts encourages customers to contact their office with any questions they might have or issues they may be encountering. There is an inquiry form on their website contact page or customers can email [email protected]. The company finds it easier and faster to help their customers if there is a photo of the needed or broken part included with the email. If a customer needs to speak directly with a customer support expert, they can call 347-561-7587 Monday through Friday from 8 am to 6 pm Eastern Standard Time.
The conclusion is easy to reach: Office Replacement Parts is the valuable online resource that has all the Steelcase chair parts (and every other major chair brand parts) at prices that can’t be beaten and customer service that is top-shelf. Hundreds of companies trust Office Replacement Parts to provide everything they need to keep their offices running at peak efficiency, yours can too.
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coin-river-blog · 5 years
When you want to buy or sell digital coins, a service called Cryptoradar can help you find the best prices across multiple trading platforms. The website tracks cryptocurrency exchanges and brokers and offers several optimal choices depending on your location.
Also read: Check If Your Market Predictions Are Right With Sparkprofit
Traders Can Select Exchanges Based on Their Features
Cryptoradar.co has a variety of filtering options. Users can pick a digital asset exchange, a crypto broker, or a P2P platform based, for example, on supported payment methods like bank transfer including Sepa, Visa and Mastercard, and payment processors like Paypal and Skrill.
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The website, developed by an Estonian company, finds marketplaces for a dozen major cryptocurrencies including bitcoin cash (BCH), bitcoin core (BTC) and ethereum (ETH). It can be used by both buyers and sellers who can set price alerts for the coin they are interested in.
Cryptoradar provides information about every platform it suggests. This includes details about the applicable fees and the availability of features like cold storage, multisig wallets, business accounts, and two-factor authentication. Both payment and payout options are listed.
A popup window for each trading platform contains a short description of the exchange or broker, an estimate of the ease of use of its system, details about the verification process, and its rating score. Registered users can write reviews and even earn money by sharing their experience.
Have you used platforms such as Cryptoradar? Tell us in the comments section below.
Disclaimer: Readers should do their own due diligence before taking any actions related to the mentioned companies or any of their affiliates or services. Bitcoin.com is not responsible, directly or indirectly, for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused by or in connection with the use of or reliance on any content, goods or services mentioned in this article.
Images courtesy of Shutterstock, Cryptoradar.
At Bitcoin.com there’s a bunch of free helpful services. For instance, have you seen our Tools page? You can even lookup the exchange rate for a transaction in the past. Or calculate the value of your current holdings. Or create a paper wallet. And much more.
Lubomir Tassev
Lubomir Tassev is a journalist from tech-savvy Bulgaria, which sometimes finds itself at the forefront of advances it cannot easily afford. Quoting Hitchens, he says: ”Being a writer is what I am, rather than what I do.“ International politics and economics are two other sources of inspiration.
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