#page 7584
pesterloglog · 9 months
Arquiusprite, Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Rosesprite, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 7583-7588
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Abra cafiddling dabra you silly shootnerds
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> My e%ceedingly STRONG work as the party's premier bodybuilding hacker is done
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Off I go
JANE: ...
ROXY: ur wake!
JANE: Roxy?????
JANE: U'r alive!
JANE: Er, you're!
ROXY: so are you!
ROXY: you were dead last time i saw you and also before i found u sleepin here but now ur awake and also alive!
JANE: Yeah!
JANE: You were dead too, because I...
JANE: But now you're??
JANE: Oh god, Roxy, I'm so sorry I,
JANE: I wasn't thinking straight when...
JANE: Please forgive me. :(
ROXY: aw janey you dont gotta worry about whatever sad incident that frowns about
ROXY: thats all water under a bridge from a reality i got no recollection of and therefore dont matter at all
ROXY: by which i mean......
ROXY: this reality here, so ok the reality is still KIND of relevant because we are literally inside of it atm
ROXY: but im new here!
ROXY: i came over to keep being roxy since the old one died or whatever thru hecka debacles
JANE: That... is quite an explanation!
JANE: Jeez, I missed you.
ROXY: cmere u extravagant bitch!!!
JANE: Hahah!
JANE: (Wait... what?)
JOHN: the hug pile doesn't stop from getting taller.
JOHN: the hug pile! there are more hugs, rose.
ROSE: I can see the hugs. I don't understand the pile thing.
JOHN: oh. don't you remember?
JOHN: a funny quote from one of dave's old comics!
ROSE: Ah. Yes, vaguely.
ROSE: It's been a long journey, John.
ROSE: I believe one of the most valuable lessons that comes with growing up is gaining the wisdom that gently informs you when it's time to retire a meme.
JOHN: heh...
JOHN: i guess i never earned that handy badge, or whatever.
JOHN: i like this, though. every time someone wakes up, or pops out of nowhere, it's fun times all over again.
JOHN: i feel like i should be playing reunion bingo.
JOHN: who will be next??
JOHN: my money is on the long awaited and insanely poignant reunion between me and casey the salamander.
ROSE: Surely you mean the dear Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer, right?
ROSE: And instead of you, you mean me.
ROSE: That's when the real tears will flow.
JOHN: what do you think she's up to?
JOHN: no, she is my beautiful daughter. :p
ROSESPRITE: Something tells me the good Viceroy has been busy.
ROSESPRITE: I sense he's been... scheming.
ROSESPRITE: Biding his time.
ROSESPRITE: Accruing dark legions.
ROSE: That sure is a thing that would be dumb, if true.
JOHN: hi nanna!
JOHN: jane, i mean.
JOHN: sorry, it's an easy mistake to make, because you're my nanna!
ROXY: lol
ROXY: real smooth shit john
JANE: Hello!
JANE: A pleasure to meet you, John. Or, poppop, as I used to know you.
JOHN: hehe, yeah so i heard!
JANE: You look so...
JANE: Young.
JOHN: thanks!
JOHN: so do you.
JOHN: my nanna, who used to be ashes on my fireplace, regained her old womanly visage when i turned her into a sprite, and she helped me along the way.
JOHN: so nanna is a sprite! did you know that?
JANE: Um... no?
JOHN: i thought you should know that. she's probably around somewhere. i hope you can meet her.
JOHN: oh, also, i'm your son technically. did you know that??
JANE: Yes.
JANE: It is... a pretty strange fact!
JANE: But also pretty cool.
JOHN: yup!
ROXY: ooh jane thats my daughter there say hi to her!!!
ROSE: Hi, John's hot mom.
ROSE: (Aw shit.)
JANE: Haha...?
ROXY: also thats umm ANOTHER version of rose who died and then i buried and a stupid cat unburied her for some reason and prototyped her
ROXY: so say hello to my cool floaty double daughter!
JANE: Hi, Roxy's hot double daughter.
ROSESPRITE: (Rose Prime, I believe you may have just been owned.)
ROSE: (God damn Dave's contagious-ass Freudian boners.)
JANE: Wow, I feel so out of the loop! Sorry if I still seem disoriented from my... nap, I suppose it was?
JANE: Or impromptu troll-coma.
JANE: Roxy, you have to clue me in on what happened here! Where are Dirk and Jake?
JANE: And for that matter, John, where are your other friends? Oh, Jade! Where is she? Is she still asleep?
ROXY: hey janey that is all like a lot of stuff to say and everything goin on here is faaairly complicated and heavily peopled
ROXY: dont worry ill ease you into comprehending shit again ;)
ROXY: well ok cliff notes are: jake fucked off somewhere and dirk recently fucked off BACK here through a window but he left again pretty quick...
ROXY: dave went with dirk at wherever their fucking off too now, i think to get ready for some swords fightin, and yeah jade is still asleep but a coupla trolls lugged her off somewhere safe for now
ROXY: the REST of the junk im still sorting out myself bcs like i said im new to this exact plane of shenanigans
JANE: Yes, you mentioned that.
JANE: I still don't know what you meant by...
JANE: Wait!
JANE: You and John came from another reality, where everything went horribly, right?
ROXY: m-hmmm!
JANE: I just remembered. Really, it's been such a rollercoaster ride for my memory, since I fell asleep.
JANE: Your and John's travels were a critical part of the illustrated story we reconstructed through our memories with Callie.
ROXY: wat!
ROXY: you saw callie in your dreams????
JANE: I did!
ROXY: hoh man
ROXY: how is she!
ROXY: i saw her in a dream a little while ago and we talked about lots of stuff
ROXY: she looked like a troll then
JANE: Yes, her trollsona! She had hers on when I saw her.
JANE: And we had ours on too!
JANE: She seemed to be doing well.
JANE: Nervous, of course, since she was hiding. But we passed the time with our stories.
JANE: It was a lot of fun! I'm so happy I got to meet her.
JANE: I wonder if I'll ever get the chance again?
ROXY: wellll...
ROXY: now that u mention it
ROXY: it IS one of my chief objectives to go lookin for her asap
ROXY: aaand not to be THAT ROGUE n brag all heavy but i MAY be in better touch with my void powers now
ROXY: soo maybe i stand a p good chance of trackin her down?
ROXY: cus i GOT somethin for her
JANE: You do?? What? :B
ROXY: just a lil presie, nbd
JANE: ...
JANE: I see.
ROXY: (s'magic to)
JANE: WOW!!!!!!!!!!
JANE: Ahem, so,
JANE: You mean a ring, then.
JOHN: yeah!
JOHN: oh man, that's a great idea roxy.
JOHN: you should try and give it to her as soon as you can!
JOHN: then maybe we can all meet her before we ramp up for this battle?
ROXY: hmm yeh!
ROXY: u think i can do it?
JOHN: sure!
ROSE: I like your chances too.
JASPERSPRITE: Me too roxy! :3
ROSE: I also have some experience helping people along in the right direction, when it comes to navigating the abyss.
ROSE: Maybe I could assist?
ROXY: yeah maybe!
ROSESPRITE: I'm pretty sure I have experience performing literally the exact same task, in a slightly different context.
ROSESPRITE: So maybe I can double assist?
JOHN: see roxy? everyone thinks you should do it, because they all believe in you.
JANE: That's right!
ROXY: shucks fuckers ._.
ROXY: yall killin me here <3
JASPERSPRITE: Meow im so happy!
ROXY: frigglish u silly bastard whats up?
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr purr...
JASPERSPRITE: All the humans being so close together and happy and friendly purr purr.
JASPERSPRITE: Its making me really excited and happy too and making me feel like i want to be a part of everything!
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr and get close to a nearby person and be happy at them with my body purrrr...
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, what are you...
JASPERSPRITE: I cant help it rose i want to cuddle im feeling so pleased and friendly! :3 :3 :3
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, no,
ROSESPRITE: No, don't!
JASPERSPRITE: :3 purrrrrrr
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tunas-spriting · 4 months
can i get hs page 7584 as god tier aradia and and fake god tier gamzee .....
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sure thing!
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writerpeach · 5 years
Pairing - Somi x Male Reader
7584  words
Categories: smut, public sex, face-fucking, Somi as a hot librarian
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Friday afternoons were the least busiest time of the week at University. Much of your time was unoccupied, and not wanting to deal with your noisy roommate you headed to the school’s public library. Swiping your school id, the loud audible beep welcomed you in while you looked for the perfect place to sit.
It was a cold bitter afternoon, several tables were already filled with bodies and stacks of books everywhere. You looked around for familiar faces, scanning your eyes around ceiling high book shelves and occupied tables until finding two close classmates that gestured to join them.
“Hey,” they both echoed, as you plopped your bag down on the table gently, finding your own pocket of spread out books and pens and notebooks. You had no real necessity to be here outside of finding time to waste since all your classes had finished for the day, but you were still needing to study something - or rather, someone.
“Hey,” you responded. “You seen her yet?”
“Seen who?” said one of your classmates, ignorant to the situation.
“Nah, she hasn’t shown up yet. She usually comes in late on Fridays though.”
“Got it. Nothing to do but wait around until she does, “ you said, lazily slumping back in the wooden chair.
“Who are you talking about?” your oblivious classmate asked, with a confused face as his curiosity peaked.
“Who’s Somi?”
“New librarian. She only works on weekends,” you said, swiveling your head around for any sight of her.
“You’ve been missing out. Always wearing those tight skirts, hair in a ponytail like she’s trying to be super sexy. She’s got the biggest tits you’ve ever seen.“
“Sounds hot.”
Right on cue a woman matching that very description entered the picture, carrying a large stack of books as she walked out over to the checkout desk and several pairs of eyes followed her every move.
“There she is.”
The woman who was the talk of the afternoon walked behind the counter, placing each book into several neat piles, giving you and your thirsty classmates the full view of her. The curvy librarian was gorgeous - perfect face with a perfect body that she seemed proud of as she dressed in a tight low-cut blouse that showed off head-turning cleavage and her very voluptuous chest. Her light brown locks were pulled back in her usual ponytail, and to top it all off round glasses that matched the frame of her face, fitting into the typical librarian look quite well.
“What do you think?”
“I think I wanna fuck her.”
“Get in line.”
Now, you didn’t spend every Friday afternoon just to ogle her, as much as that was a routine part of your schedule. There were rumors, several rumors about the librarian that your table was drooling over that Somi was a very... promiscuous woman, which was not that out of line given her youth and her well defined assets.
The librarian thing was a bit cliché, and while there were a few other librarians you saw during the week who were quite attractive, none of them matched the beauty and sex appeal of Somi. She was something else.
Somi drove everyone in the building crazy just by breathing. Her presence was deadly, she kept her hair tied up like it contained her every secret. Those deadly tight skirts showed off her dangerous curves and gave a perfect look at every inch of those long luscious legs that seemed to never end, her body absolutely oozed with sex. You wanted to have her - you needed her, and nothing would get in your way.  
“You think she can take all three of us?” your previously clueless classmate asked.
“At the same time?”
“Yeah, at the same time. Fill each one of her holes.”
“Don’t you two losers have studying to do?” you asked, annoyed with the sudden depravity
of the conversation.
“We’ve been studying all day, cut us some slack. Don’t you have studying to do?”
“No, I’m done with classes for the day. The only thing I need to study is that hot piece of ass behind the counter.”
You studied Somi like a hawk, watching her every movement. You studied every subtle motion as she reshelved books, the tight skirt draped around her waist doing justice to her wonderful backside. You felt your cock twitching as she bent down to place books down on the lower shelves, giving the whole library just a hint of what they all wanted.
Without a word you stood up and left the group, leaving your belongings as you approached your unsuspecting prey with hunger in your eyes.
“Excuse me, Miss…Somi” you said, feigning ignorance as you scanned the nametag attached to her shirt, which in reality was just a poor excuse to get a glimpse of her big luscious tits up close.
“What can I help you with?”
“I’m looking for a book for one of my classes. I don’t quite remember the name.”
“I can direct you to our computer systems, we have a list of required reading material from each professor that you can look through and see if anything looks familiar?”
“I’m really not good with computers, Miss Somi. Do you... have a section where all the most popular books are located?”
“Yes we do, right this way.”
You walked behind her, watching every step carefully and her hips swaying as she lead you to the specified section. You had no intention to acquire a book, putting on your best act as you pretended to find what you were looking for.
“Oh here it is, right here,” you said, after scanning several titles, grabbing a book with such randomness that you might as well have chosen it in the dark.
“Thank you, Miss Somi.”
“You’re very welcome, let me know if you know anything else from me.”
“Oh, I will,” you said, smirking as you walked away from the hot librarian and towards the checkout counter, planting the seeds of your master plan.
It was easy to see how rumors started with a woman like Somi. There was more to your conversation than Somi just doing her job. Something a little flirtatious with how she talked, and while you didn’t know her you wanted to. In an intimate way. You felt seduced by her already, as if she had just undressed you with her eyes.
With a plan carefully in place, you returned the next night, much later. Saturday nights at the library were like a graveyard. You counted the amount of people you saw as you walked in on one hand. Perfect.
You hid in between tall shelves, trying to subtly find your target as you skimmed the labels of nearby books. Out of the corner of your eye you saw her, wearing an even tighter top and an even shorter skirt. You tried to control yourself as you watched between the shelves as she placed books up on a tall shelf, stretching up to reach as her breasts bounced with every book placed.
You kept an eye on her, but also kept your distance, listening for the squeaking of her book cart that gave away her location within earshot. As you walked alongside the wide seemingly never ending rows of shelves you marveled at their construction, realizing just how strong and sturdy they looked, and wondering if anyone was lucky enough to bend Somi over one.
Somi had finished shelving the last of her books, and you put your plan in action and made a beeline for her section, rounding the corner as you approached her.
Your sudden appearance startled the young girl who had spent the better part of an hour surrounded by books and silence.
“Hello sir,” she said, greeting you with a bright smile and sparkling eyes that you tried to keep focus on, and kept your pants in check as you tried to not let them wander around to the more generous parts of her body.
“Hello, Somi. It seems I require your assistance again.”
“Of course, what can I help you with?”
“I’m looking for a book,” you said, stating the obvious and trying to conceal your true intentions.
Somi adjusted her glasses, eager and waiting for a response. You tried to keep a neutral face, holding back a smirk as you responded. ”Don’t worry, I know the name this time. It’s called classic sex positions, I think there’s a number after it, twenty-five, fifty? That seems like more than plenty, but if you could help me find it, that would be greatly appreciated.”
You waited for Somi’s reaction, keeping your best poker face on as you watched the paleness on her face become a light red tint in embarrassment.
“Yes, I-I can help with that, it’ll uh, be upstairs. That’s where our adult material is kept. “
“Perfect,” you said, no longer able to keep up the facade on your end as a devilish grin formed on your lips.
“Please follow me.”
You did so with glee, walking up the spiral staircase with your eyes nonchalantly trained on her ass the whole time. When you arrived, you noticed the non discrete area labeled erotic and the dust collected on most of the shelves, giving the assumption that this area was not visited often, if ever.
Somi was nothing but professional as her fingers ran over the spine of each book, each title more and more ridiculous as the next one. “It has to be here somewhere.”
“Got it,” she said, snatching it up and presenting a black book to you with both hands. “Is this it? It was twenty five. ”
You flipped through it rather indiscreetly, making a show of the ridiculous positions and crude pictures. “Yes. This will do just fine.”
“Is there anything else-”
“Which one position is your favorite, Somi?”
“I’m sorry? Which what?”
“Which position do you like the most?” you said, the smirk on your lips no longer hidden.
“I uh, I don’t-”
“You don’t have to answer, I was just-”
“No, I don’t mind. The truth is...I’m a rather vanilla girl. I don’t really care as long as I’m on my back or bent over…”
“Are you saying you don’t prefer-” you flipped through a couple of pages, equipped to find something with the most ridiculous name. “The Rocking Stallion?”
Somi laughed out loud. “No, I can’t say I do. Now what about you?” she said, taking a few steps forward.
“What about me?”
“I told you mine. What’s your favorite position? Be specific. ”
You were surprised by Somi's sudden forwardness, but welcomed it as you hesitated before answering.
“I love to see a woman bent over for me. Seeing how wet she is, seeing her ass, seeing how much she wants me.“
“So you’re an ass man?”
“Not necessarily. Ass...thighs...tits, I love them all.”
Somi grew closer with every breath she drew, until you could almost feel her skin touching your own.
“Do you like it when a woman moans for you?”
“I love it.”
Her body even grew closer until you felt your back pressed against one of the many bookshelves, inadvertently knocking one of the books off the shelves.
“Let me get that for you,” Somi said, bending down deep, her skirt hiked up enough that you saw a glimpse of the black thong underneath, releasing a deep breath you were holding.
Somi stood up and shelved the book back in its place, her supple chest brushing up against your own enough to feel the heat of her body.
“What’s your favorite part of me?”
You took in another breath, feeling your lip beginning to quiver at the act of seduction you were being hit with.
“Come on, don’t be shy. I love learning about the students here. Just don’t say something lame like my eyes.”
“I love your tits, Somi.”
Somi's full juicy lips formed into a pretty smile. “Everybody does. Do you know how many times I catch people staring at my tits?”
“No, I don’t. “
“All the time. Whenever it comes to ask me something about where a book is, or where this section is. They stare at my tits, even if I know they’re trying not to. But I don’t mind, and I certainly can't blame them. Go on, take a peek. I know you were dying to see yesterday.”
Your neck was hurting from trying to not crane your neck downwards, but you stopped as your eyes moved down and focused on the delicious large breasts of Somi, inches away and in your view, they looked magnificent.
“What do you think?”
“They’re amazing.”
“They are, and they’re real.” Somi said, demonstrating by cupping her breasts and letting go, causing them to bounce perfectly.
“No doubt you’ve heard the rumors about me. That’s why you came here right? I don’t think you actually need any of the books you’ve asked me to find, and I know these books aren't the only thing you're checking out.”
“I guess you’ve figured me out, Miss Somi.”
“I am rather flattered that you went through all this trouble just to get in my pants. Does the idea of banging a librarian as hot as me get you off?”
“It does.”
“I bet it does. Now...all these pesky rumors. People come up with crazy ideas. People say that I’m a slut, that I’ll sleep with anybody who so much at looks at me. Pretty ridiculous right?” Somi asked, looking straight into your eyes with such a deep level of seduction that you didn’t know to respond.
“These rumors…”
Somi’s voice grew into a whisper as she angled her head, talking at a volume just soft enough for you to hear, not that anyone else was around.
“...are hardly rumors. Because I am a slut, and I do love to sleep with anyone. I know my body is amazing, and I want everyone to see it. That’s why I dress more daring, because I love to show it off, even if I get the staff telling me to cover up. Nobody else wants to work on weekends, so there’s not much they can do about it.”
You nearly choked. Somi’s voluptuous body made contact with yours, her breasts pressed against your chest, driving you crazy with lust. She looked into your eyes, waiting for any response, but you were more than speechless at the moment.
“So if you want...to bend me over, if you want to see my pretty ass...and if you want to stuff your cock in me and watch me be a pretty little slut for you...well all you have to do is ask.”
You found the will to gather your thoughts, despite everything going more than according to plan, you couldn’t help but hesitate as you picked your next words.
“I’m dying to fuck you Somi. But my dorm is occupied, my roommates are- ”
“Dorm? Who said anything about a dorm?” Somi interrupted. “You can fuck me right here.”
You’d never heard a better set of words. “Here? In the library?”
“Of course here. Nobody comes here on a Saturday night. Besides, the risk of getting caught is part of the fun right?”
“I-you’re right, but, I could get in trouble if someone sees us.”
“We both could. But they won’t find us. I’m the only librarian tonight, and people here this late are rather self-sufficient. I know all the spots hidden out of view, and nobody ever comes up here. Especially not the erotic section, not when porn exists. It’ll be our...little secret.”
“Sounds like you’ve done this before.”
“Oh you have no idea. So, what do you say? Wanna live out a fantasy and fuck a hot slutty librarian?”
“God, yes.”
“Good, because it seems like you’re ready to start already,” she teased, as her eyes were drawn down at the bulge in your pants that you hadn’t even realized had formed. You had been blindsided by Somi’s lewd words and seduction that had peaked your arousal, and there was no holding back now.
“Shit, I’m sor-”
“Sorry? There’s no need to be sorry. This is what I’m here for.”
Somi gave out another cute smile again as her voluptuous body pressed tighter, pressing you against the row of books as her hands wrapped around the nape of your neck. Everything happened so fast that you were in awe as you felt the softness of Somi’s plump lips as they smashed against your own and her sweet taste entered your mouth.
Her tongue followed and brushed up against your own, and if that wasn’t enough the abrupt feel of Somi cupping your cock sent you overboard with sensations as your tongues explored each others mouths. In return you reached forward and cupped Somi’s breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze through her clothes, feeling just how large and desirable they were in your hands.
Just as you were getting used to taste of Somi she pulled away, leaving you with an insatiable desire for more as she bit her lip as she dropped to her knees on the library’s colorful carpet.
“Can I suck your cock?” Somi asked, not that she ever needed to as her sexy lust-filled voice deepened your arousal. You gave a simple nod of your head as she eagerly fiddled with your pants, pulling them down along with your boxers down to your ankles. Somi’s pretty eyes widened as she exposed your stiff cock to to the liberating air, her sparkling eyes lit up and she licked her lips in approval.
Her eyes stayed glued to your cock like a moth to a flame as she wrapped her fingers around it, gently sliding up as she caressed your shaft.
“You’re really hard, like really hard. Do I turn you on that much?” Somi giggled, like it was no fault of her own. As she twisted her delicate hand around your shaft, softly pumping you up and down you leaked on her fingers already.
“Guess that answers that,” she smirked.
You felt her fingers tightening as they traveled the length of your cock, applying the most delicate of friction as she stroked you, smiling as your cock continued to leak over her slender fingers.  
“Do you know how many times I’ve done this? How many times I’ve gotten on my knees in this very library, ready to give some guy I barely know a blowjob?”
“No idea.”
“I don’t either, because I’ve lost count. But I can tell you I’ve done it many times, so I’d like to think I can give a blowjob that will rock your world, but you’ll have to be the judge of that.”
Somi smiled innocently, beaming with confidence as you felt her tongue meeting your shaft, cleaning up each drop of precum that she had caused to escape already. Her hot breath on your cock felt incredible already, you moaned as she swirled around your sensitive head and made full use of her wet warm tongue as she gave several long swipes down the entirety of your length, sending shocks of deep pleasure throughout your body.  
“Now...how do you want me to suck your cock? Nice and slow? Or wet and messy?”
You weighed your options. Usually you liked things slow, a nice build up really set the stage for what was next. But as the sultry voice of Somi wandered into your ears, you had no patience for build up, you wanted things as messy as possible.
“I want the messiest blowjob you can give me.”
Her eyes lit up, as if she wanted the same, and before she could say another word you felt soft lips wrapping around your tip, causing a gasp from your lips as she brought you into the satisfying warmth of her mouth.
Too preoccupied to shush you Somi did not waste time, those delicious lips felt heavenly on your cock as she sucked your tip softly and kept that gaze glued on yours. Her lips pushed forward, slickening up your shaft with every inch and without warning you felt the back of her throat, groaning at the sharp striking pleasure.
“Holy fuck,Somi,” you moaned, and she hummed as she enjoyed every second of your cock in her wet mouth. Her head bobbed at a rapid pace as you felt those sexy soft lips inhaling your cock, slurping away and drenching your cock in her warm saliva, spiking your body with insane pleasure.  
If you were supposed to judge Somi's blowjob skills, she would get a gold fucking medal when it came to sucking your dick. She deepthroated you with relative ease, her pouty lips made you feel extra amazing as they worked your cock, moving from base to tip as she gave loud messy slurps, gagging occasionally and throwing away all pretense of trying to stay quiet.
The pleasure forced your eyes closed. It felt too good that you felt powerless as you savored the sloppy blowjob that Somi was delivering. Her wet lips moved faster and faster as they met the base of your cock, resting against your base before for a mere moment before retreating
Somi looked so damn pretty as she bobbed her head up and down, her innocent looking features contrasting with the fact that was she giving the messiest, loudest blowjob you’ve ever had the pleasure that you felt overwhelmed by it all.
You ran one of your hands through her hair, resting it there to help guide her, not that she really needed it as she sucked you off expertly. You fought the urge in your core that demanded you give in to the satisfaction Somi was bringing, the woman so gifted at sucking your cock that she could have made you cum in ten seconds if she really wanted to. But you weren’t ready, you needed to explore her body and weren’t going to stop until you did so.
Somi released your cock with a loud sensual pop, stroking your messy hard shaft with vigor and strength, and you were thankful for the much needed break even if it meant the loss of her warm mouth.
“You can fuck my face if you want,” Somi said, as innocently as if she were talking about some mundane subject as her lips curled into another smirk. She was full of surprises it seemed, and you would not take the invitation lightly.
“I don’t mind if you’re rough, I can take it," she said, removing her glasses, which took away a bit from the librarian outfit but made her look that much more sexier.
Her smirk turned into a mischievous grin as her mouth opened for you, granting you an opportunity that didn't come too often. You plunged your cock all the way inside her mouth as her lips tightened around it, hitting the back of her throat on the first try. You placed a hand on each side of her head, looking down at those big beautiful eyes with an absolute desire to ruin her.
The first thrust inside Somi’s warm wet mouth felt absolutely wonderful, as did the second and third. Your pace quickened with every rock of your hips, earning your first set of gags as you began to fuck Somi’s needy mouth, groaning every time you felt her wet lips meet the end of your hungry cock.
“This is going to get messy,” you said, as you retreated your cock for just a moment, giving a short breather.
Somi took your thinly veiled excuse to remove her top in stride and happily obliged, removing her tight red top and exposing her fantastic clothed breasts in a black lace bra that could hardly be contained.
“I love messy.”
You stared at her big tits for several seconds, wanting to devour her deep cleavage before slapping your cock on her soft puckered lips and pushing forward to enter her mouth again. You grabbed the back of her head a little more forcibly this time, and in one fluid movement shoved your cock down her throat again.
The look in Somi’s lust filled eyes was nothing but encouraging as you pulled her head down onto every inch of your cock, matching the timing as you resumed fucking her mouth, thrusting harsher and faster as you stared into those beautiful eyes that began welling up with tears.
It didn’t take long for drool to spill out of Somi’s mouth as you rocked your hips, pistoning your cock into her and forcing every bit down her throat. It was rough, and certainly messy, but not once did Somi show any bit of discomfort, instead smiling with her eyes at how forceful you were with her, as if she loved to be used.
The more you filled Somi’s pretty mouth, the more she gagged, her watery eyes showing how much she loved this as she held onto your thighs and braced herself as she became a beautiful ruined mess.
With every harsh thrust Somi felt a pool forming in between her thighs as you used her, she was getting of on this just as much as you were. The gagging sounds coming out of her mouth grew louder, the lipstick around her mouth now became smeared against her lips and the head of your slickened cock that continued driving in and out of her messy mouth without a hint of care, dripping more saliva onto her chin and down into her delicious cleavage.
As much as you loved Somi on her knees, choking on your cock in the middle of the library’s adult section you were both starting to tire out. You held Somi all the way down, looking at her watery eyes, her messy face, and smeared lips as every second felt like forever, looking down and waiting for some signal for you to stop, but Somi took it all like a champ.
When you finally loosened your hold of Somi, you collapsed against the nearest bookshelf, both of you gasping for air.
“You okay? Too rough?”
Somi simply shook her head and smiled. “Not at all, I loved it. Nothing I couldn’t handle.”
You felt soft hands wrapping around your dick again, as you looked down you saw Somi gently jerking you off again. “Let’s see if I can handle this. It’s big. Want to fuck me now?”
“I’d love to...but what I really want is to see those big fucking tits.”
“I’d love for you to see them, but let’s go somewhere more private first. One of those more... hidden spots I told you about.“
Somi stood upright and offered her hand, which you accepted as you stepped out of your pants and underwear, leaving a small pile of your combined clothes behind. She led you further into the depths of the upper floor, taking you into a section that was a little bit darker, a little bit quieter, but also a little cozier. Tall brown shelves formed an L-shape, and you noticed the table centered in the area which Somi pulled a short chain on a lamp to illuminate the area slightly.
Somi ran a finger through one of the shelves, demonstrating the dust that collected on her fingertip before rubbing it off on her dark skirt.
“Since I’ve worked here I haven’t seen a single person in this area. Not even once. This is our reference area, but most of these books are decades old and useless. I’d even bet that these books are older than the two of us, so I don’t think we’ll have anyone bothering us here. ”
You exchanged smiles as Somi pulled out a wooden chair and gently pushed you back onto it, running her small delicate hand over the surface of the table that she seemed more than familiar with.
“And as you can see, this table will be useful later. That is if you want to use it.” Somi grinned and climbed onto your naked lap. “Now,where were we?”
“You were about to show me your tits.”
“Right.” Even clothed in a bra, you could tell just how well endowed Somi was, her bra working hard to support her huge tits and you were grateful she wasn’t going to wait long to reveal them.
As Somi reached behind her back to unclasp her bra, you wondered for a second how many men she has done this for, but those thoughts were quickly erased by the reveal of her chest as she tossed her bra away and exposed her large and round breasts. The beautiful paleness of her naked upper torso highlighted by the dim lamp. Somi’s bare breasts were absolutely perfect and mouthwatering.
You didn’t let Somi get another word in before you dove in, cupping her tits and giving a firm squeeze, floored by just how huge and soft they felt in your hands.
“Fuck, these are the best tits I’ve ever seen.”
You couldn’t take her eyes off her chest for a second as you felt the warmth and softness of them, fondling, squeezing, and doing everything you can to get as much of them into your hands as possible, feeling her stiff pink nipples brushing up against your palms as her arousal level mirrored your own.
Their warmth and weight and softness drove you insane, you still couldn’t believe just how goddamn big they felt as you continued groping Somi’s delicious tits, caressing them with your hands as she leaned back to grant better access to her chest, while you never had your fill of playing with her luscious tits.
As you partook in the scrumptious chest of Somi, you forget that you are even in a library as you feasted on her tits, bringing your mouth to one of her pink nipples and swirling it around before capturing in between your lips, sucking and slurping on it just as loud as she had your cock to earn a soft needy moan from the librarian.
“Careful...they’re sensitive..” Somi cautioned, but you cared little for her words as your lips were too preoccupied on tasting her large mounds, messily slurping and nibbling and downright devouring them, encouraged by the whiny moans of Somi being pleasured.
You could do this until your lips were numb, and even then you were sure you wouldn’t be able to stop. You switched nipples every so often, both of her hard nubs coated in your saliva as you worked them into your mouth, doing every single thing to stimulate her swollen breasts - licking, sucking, pinching and even the occasional biting.
You took one more taste of Somi’s tits, her moans growing louder as you gave each breast one long slurp and prepared yourself for what was next.
“Looks like...you’re ready to fuck me,” Somi said, feeling the stiffness of your cock that never seemed to die down.
“But before you do, I bet you would love to fuck these big tits huh?”
You were too tired to give an answer, but Somi didn’t need it. She knew your response already as she knelt on the carpet again.
“Thought so.”
It took a while to process the sentence that just escaped out of Somi’s mouth. With her knees on the carpet and a smile on that gorgeous messy face, she leaned forward, cupping her own breasts and wrapped them around your cock, smothering your shaft in the warmth and pillowy softness of her bountiful cleavage.
You groaned as you felt her tits around every bit of your cock. Somi let out cute innocent giggles as she pleased your cock with her big tits, causing grunts and groans at the sensation of her tits wrapped around your needy shaft. She supplied adequate saliva, spitting in between her cleavage constantly to provide generous lubrication that ensured your cock moved smoothly and freely in between those delicious large mounds.  
Her ample full breasts felt like heaven as they slid up and down your cock, she pressed her hands around her chest and squeezed tighter, feeling your sensitive shaft throbbing and twitching more as if she were daring you to cum, sensing the climax that had been building up for the last several minutes.
“Do you love this? Do you love fucking my big tits?”
“More than anything in the world, Somi.”
In between deep breaths you moaned Somi’s name as she quickened the pace, trying to lick the tip of your leaking cock every time it reappeared from her deep cleavage, each time she succeeded causing electrifying pleasure.
“Somi...fuck, you’re gonna make me cum if you keep doing that.”
“Then I’ll keep doing this,” she smirked. “Cum if you need to, but you better stay hard. I’m not done with you yet.”
Somi kept your cock tightly contained in her slippery cleavage, staring at the need in your eyes and the uncontrollable yearn for her tits as she sped the tempo up, fueling your demand for release.
With each pump in between her soft breasts, you found it harder to breathe and the aching in the pit of your stomach grew and tensed up your body. Somi took you to your limits, and soon after she brought you past them as you reached an early climax.
Somi grinned wide as you came with a loud greedy groan, your aching cock throbbed as thick spurts exploded out of your tip and filled her cleavage with hot sticky semen, finding her collarbone as a target to paint while the rest of your huge load landed on the top of her delicious breasts
She kept the friction going and didn’t stop grinding her chest until she milked every drop out of you until you had nothing left in the tank to give her. Somi’s lips smiled proudly, admiring the mess you left on her chest and leaned back to give you a view of her cum stained chest as she released you from the confines of her sticky cleavage.
“God, it’s so fucking thick, and sticky. Did you like bursting all over these huge tits?”
“Y-es, I loved it.”
Somi ran a finger in between the load deposited in her cleavage, collecting a bit to sample as she brought it to her lips and sucked it clean with a lewd slurp.
“Yummy,” Somi said, as she used her hands in circular motions to rub your stickiness into her chest, letting a devilish grin form on those plump lips.
“Let me clean you up.”
She sucked and cleaned every inch of your sensitive cock, and the return of her hot breath against your tip brought your erection back to life.
“Good, you’re still hard. Because I have an appetite for a pounding.”
“Whenever you’re ready...I’d be more than happy to demonstrate my favorite position.”
“I’m ready right fucking now,” you said as you stood up from your chair and helped Somi up to her knees.
“Prove it then. Fuck me.”
Somi spun around until she was no longer facing you, placing both of her hands flat on top of the dark wooden desk as she bent her body over it. She grabbed the hem of her tight skirt and hiked it up around her waist, enough to show you her plump ass and the thong that might as well have been see-through with how little it covered up.
As you pushed Somi’s thin thong to the side and revealed her delicious looking pink pussy, you squeezed the warm flesh of her ass and delivered a hard smack to each of her cheeks.
Somi gasped as you delivered a few more slaps to her perfect plump ass, looking between her full thighs at the pink pussy lips that looked divine and drenched with an abundance of slick already.
"Don't keep me waiting. Put that inside me now," she said, her pussy aching with need. You loved to normally tease a woman before you entered her, and you wanted to do the same to Somi but you both had no patience. You needed her now.
Somi looked over her shoulder as you prepared your cock, lining it up with her pretty pussy and placing it between the slippery lips of her entrance, feeling the heat of her core surrounding your cock already.
You entered Somi slowly without any hesitation as you both gave out hungry moans, feeling the tight silky wetness of her pussy that wrapped around your cock as you slid the first few inches inside her. As you settled into the sensations around your shaft as you pushed in deeper, feeling the incredible tightness of her wet pussy as you began stretching her slippery walls out as you filled her with more of your dick.
“Fuck, you're so big. Keep going,” Somi moaned.
The movement of your hips began, the pace slow and steady as you thrusted into Somi’s tight pussy, feeling her getting used to your size as she moaned along with your motions. You grabbed onto Somi’s delicious body by her hips, squeezing them with a firm grip as you found a rhythm, moving in and out at a pace that was not satisfactory for her.
“Harder,” she demanded. “Fuck me like you fucked my face. I know you can do better than this.”
You upped the pace immediately and gave Somi the satisfaction she desperately craved. Your hips smacked against her ass as you pistoned into her tight dripping pussy with ease, her juices slickening up your shaft generously and moaning into the night.
"We're still in a library, Somi," you remarked, and even though the likelihood of being caught was low, you still reached forward and placed a hand over her mouth in attempting to silence her loud moans.
The tight seal on Somi's mouth did not last, as she used the opportunity to suck on your fingers, silencing herself as she lewdly slurped on your fingers. Her wet lips on your fingertips persisted as you pounded into her tight cunt, increasing your pace as you fucked her from behind as deep as you could go, filling her with every last inch of your shaft.
You withdrew your fingers from her lips, feeling the saliva coated on them as you used the same hand and grabbed onto Somi's ponytail and formed a tight fist around it, pulling back and causing her head to jerk back. You felt her walls clenching tighter in response, and with a handful of her hair you absolutely drilled Somi, fucking her with deep long strokes as she let her satisfaction known by releasing loud and drawn-out lustful moans.
"Fuck, you're deep, oh my god fuck me, don't fucking stop!"
You put in more power into your hips as you wrecked Somi from behind, slamming into her tight hole with the harshest thrusts you could summon. The wet sounds of her pussy and slapping sounds as your body smacked against her ass filled your ears and motivated you to keep the harsh pace, increasing Somi's seductive moans as she lost herself in pleasure.
"You really know how to use that fucking cock don't you? God, you're stretching me so wide, I fucking love it," she said, eyes rolling in the back of her head as she was stuffed with cock to the very hilt.
"I can tell by how wet you are. You always like it this rough?"
"Yes. If I can still walk the next day then it wasn't hard enough. Now keep fucking me, use me like the little slut I am."
“With pleasure.”
It wasn’t often that you involved yourself with anyone as unique as Somi. She knew what she wanted, and that was a turn-on in itself. And as you felt the hot pink flesh wrapping around your member, you hoped that this wasn’t a one time thing. There were many things you wanted to do to her, and hell you’d even check out that goofy book to help out.
Somi’s cries of pleasure were intoxicating, and you wanted to hear them as long as you could. You grabbed her breasts from behind and felt her pussy pulsating around you, her tight walls wettening your cock as you pounded into her without a care in the world, knowing that she was close to climax.
You increased your speed even more, playing with her wonderful full breasts and pinching her hard nipples, teasing her into an approaching orgasm that sent her scrambling for anything to grab onto, desperately finding the edge of the table to find an outlet.
“Ah, fuck, I’m cumming!”
Her climax was loud as it was messy, you felt her walls squeezing your cock hard, dripping around your shaft as her body shook violently. It took everything you had to keep yourself deep inside her, fucking her through her wild and intense orgasm which was sending you on the road to your own climax.
“Fuck, Somi, you’re going to make me cum too. Where do you want it?”
“Anywhere you’d like. You can fill me up, or you can paint my face. It’s your choice.“
You smirked at such wonderful invitation “I’d love to cum all over that pretty face. Nothing would make me happier than to see you covered in such a big thick load.”
“Then come make a mess all over me.”
With one more firm squeeze you let go of Somi’s tits, returning your hands to the full wide hips of her body as you gave her everything you had left, fucking her from behind with every last bit of energy and strength, savoring the unforgettable tightness and warmth of her pussy as you grew closer and closer to the edge.
As you pulled out, Somi knew what to do and dropped to her knees one last time, smiling as she awaited what you have in store for her. You took your cock in your hand, slicked with her juices, aiming your cock at the beautiful librarian’s face as your climax neared.
“Shoot that fucking load all over my face.”
She couldn’t wait for you to burst all over her gorgeous face, and neither could you, slowly stroking over her face as she looked up eagerly in anticipation.  
Those few final pumps brought you to release and Somi was more than happy to receive your load as you unloaded all over her stunningly beautiful face. Your breath weakened and you let out loud moans as you shot the first few thick spurts onto her forehead, nose, and cheeks, long lines of cum catching in her hair and earning lustful moans as she smiled deeply as she felt the sticky warmth coating her gorgeous face.
You saved the last bit of built up seed and aimed for those beautiful soft lips, painting them white as the final spurts of your load coated them, thick streams clinging everywhere to Somi’s face into a beautiful sticky mess.
You looked down at the proud mess you left on Somi’s beautiful face and she looked up with satisfaction, unable to stop smiling as she gushed in between her thighs. Your hot load clung to her face, the weight of it arousing her to an all time high, and she cleaned your cock once again with sticky white lips sucking the sensitive tip of your cock. Your freshly deposited load began to slowly drip down her cum-stained face, and as you caught you breath you've never seen such a beautiful sight.  
Somi giggled as she finished polishing your cock, releasing it with a loud pop that signaled an end to the night's festivities, not that you were really in a position to go again.
“Now that’s a load…”
Somi cleaned up what she could with her fingers, feeling it trickle down into her cleavage as the two of you collectively caught your breath.
“How does it feel... to fuck a librarian?” Somi said, in between deep breaths.
“Amazing. You’re incredible, Somi. I’d love to do this again,” you said, hypnotized by her heaving breasts.
“You know where to find me. I don’t work on weekdays, but I live on campus so I don’t mind coming in for a little one on one assistance. Or maybe you’d prefer the bedroom? I don’t have a roommate.”
“Either sounds perfect.”
“Then I’ll see you soon. It’s almost closing time and I need to clean up this mess you left all over me. " She let an adorable giggle once more as she began to dress and sent you on your way. “Good night, I hope to see you again.”
“Good night, Somi. Thank you for your assistance. “
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autumnblogs · 3 years
Day 71: Strategy Session
It really entertains me that Vriska seems determined to pick extremely boring nicknames for these characters - and especially that she doesn’t use the nicknames that the characters already have.
I feel like there’s an element of pride in it, Vriska being the Thief of Light that she is - she wouldn’t want somebody else to be able to take credit for naming the enemies. Bec Noir and Jack English were the most popular nicknames for those two characters if memory serves, leading up to the publication of this part of Homestuck, and Spades Slick of course already has a name.
More after the br8k.
I feel like it should be clear from Vriska’s self-aggrandizing ways and generally discouraging barbs, that in terms of her net emotional effect on the crew, she’s basically a wash; but her presence is necessary - for want of a nail, I suppose.
Lalondes versus Condesce.
I’ve already laid out the number of parallels between Roxy and Rose and Her Imperious Condescension; and while I by no means think that Her Imperious Condescension is deserving of sympathy, it’s still sad that people like her exist in the Homestuck universe. Rose could have easily been a Handmaid in another life. In her own way, Roxy was.
There’s a kind of sisterhood in that shared victimhood at the hands of English’s cruelty, and the specific way he twists women into weapons - I think I’m reminded of the Children of Thanos, and Gamorrah and Nebula in particular. What a waste of a life the Condesce has lead.
Vriska is effectively blind to Karkat’s usefulness, because of the fact that she views utility through the lens of capacity for violence; Echidna knows what Karkat’s good for though.
Without the same experiences (Vriska) enjoyed/suffered, Vriska is basically the same troll she was before her big self-critical realization, so it should be no surprise that she’s up to the same old tricks.
Parallels between Jane and Vriska at long last to further establish Jane’s similarity with the other two troublemakers - visually similar to when John punched out Vriska’s lights, and the language of extravagant bitch as well.
Jane’s relief is palpable - her experience seems to have had a deeply humbling experience on her; Jane spends a lot of time talking, and she has quite a flourish for the dramatic, but here, she just does a lot of listening. I’d like to believe that her experience as a Crockertier has helped her to reassess her priorities.
For the Dead Cherub, as with all people in Homestuck, Violence and Community are, I think, ultimately incompatible. It’s why Vriska and Meenah ultimately must go off together to fight Lord English  - and why only the Mayor, gentle, and uncomfortable with bloodshed, can lead the new earth - and also why Echidna singles out Karkat to lead Trollkind in the new world in a few pages.
Violence, and Heroism - the lifestyle of violence - creates loners. Every act of bloodshed estranges the one who does it from the rest of the community of the living, perhaps in ways which are irreparable - it certainly seems that way for Vriska, who only in another life, rendered irrelevant completely, is able to find love again at the end of all things.
And if we are to believe the Dead Cherub, it seems that estrangement is a necessary ingredient to transform one’self into a weapon capable of committing the acts of violence one deems necessary to secure the good of all existence.
I’m not sure if I believe it. I am perhaps a bit too much of a chump with my tendency toward compassion. I would like to believe there is hope even for people like Vriska to have their life change, and to be able to turn their back on the vanity of hurting and killing others to have one’s way.
I may be misreading Homestuck’s conclusion concerning it, but if I am right, it is a troubling one.
Choosing the path of community and non-violence is equated with choosing to live here very clearly.
We’ll pick up with Karkat and Kanaya tomorrow. We’re in the endgame now - only a handful of days to go in this whole thing.
I’ll save my farewells for then, but I can feel the relief of being near the end. Homestuck is enjoyable, but I think this’ll probably be the last time I read it through, for a number of reasons, which I won’t lay out here.
For now, Cam signing off, alive and not alone.
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kumarneeraj111 · 3 years
Coworking Market 2021-2026 Global Key Manufacturers Analysis Review: Impact Hub, Mix Pace, District Cowork, WeWork, Techspace, Regus
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The latest statistical and qualitative analysis of Coworking Industry on the Global and Regional level is presented in this report. The complete evaluation of market size, revenue, growth, demand, and Coworking import-export is offered in this study. The key market segments are divided based on top Coworking companies, types, applications or end-users, and regions. The key inclusion and exclusion criteria along with industry dynamics in terms of Coworking drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges are stated. The regulatory scenarios by regions & countries as well as strategic market investment scenarios are explained.
Coworking COVID 19 impact on industry advancements, supply chain, and impact on demand, price, and growth is studied. The SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, and PEST analysis are conducted. The Coworking global industry trends, macro-economic policies, industry news, and policies are specified. Also, the downstream major customer analysis is conducted.
Click here to receive a Free sample report to have a clear industry picture and key points@  https://www.qmsresearch.com/request-for-sample-pages/?reportId=7584
The top companies analysed in this research are: Impact Hub, Mix Pace, District Cowork, WeWork, Techspace, Regus, Krspace, Knotel, UCOMMUNE, SimplyWork, Your Alley, Serendipity Labs
The key product types are:
Flexible Managed Office, Serviced Office
The top application studied is:
Personal User, Small Scale Company, Large Scale Company Others
The Coworking revenue in US$ Mn is provided by comparing different product types on a global and regional level. Also, the market attractiveness analysis by type from 2015-2026 is covered. Similarly, the end-user analysis, regional analysis, and industry outlook are stated.
The Y-o-Y growth rate comparison is calculated from 2015-2026 for each type, region, and end-user. The vital regions studied in this report include Coworking presence across North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and the rest of the world. In the next part, top company profiles are presented with company overview, Business portfolio, product details, key financials, global revenue share by region, and SWOT analysis.
The most crucial Coworking key financial segment analyzes the revenue (US$ Mn), operating income, net margin %, gross margin %, capital spending, production capacity, net income, and more. Also, the competitive scenario is reflected by competition among different industry players in terms of marketing strategies, growth opportunities, new product launches, and developments.
The country-based market segmentation is as follows:
North America Coworking Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes the United States, Canada, Mexico
Europe Coworking Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and the rest
Asia-Pacific Coworking Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Japan, South Korea, India, China, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, and the rest
The Middle East & Africa Coworking Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Iran, and the rest
South America Coworking Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and the rest
If You Have Any Query, Ask Our Experts @ https://www.qmsresearch.com/inquiry-before-buy/?reportId=7584
Insights on Research Methodology:
The research methodology consists of qualitative and quantitative analysis derived using primary and secondary databases. The top-down and bottom-up approaches are used to derive and validate the Coworking Industry statistics. Paid primary interviews are conducted with Coworking manufacturers, dealers, marketing managers, product managers, R&D people, VP’s, directors, and more.
The manufacturing processes, technological advancements, Coworking cost structure, price trends are analyzed in detail. The forecast analysis based on the potential demand from Coworking downstream clients, government, influencing factors, and policy changes are reflected.     
The secondary data sources consist of data gathered from Coworking Industry’s annual reports, presentations, press releases, national customs, statistical yearbook, and more. Each company’s revenue is obtained from paid databases, Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg Business, public databases to name a few.
The primary research assists in the analysis of segmentation types, Coworking product price range, raw materials supply, downstream consumption, industry status & outlook. Hence, thorough and comprehensive research is done by QMS Research to deliver reliable, up-to-date, and complete insights.
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QMS Research is a research hub to meet the syndicate, custom and consulting research needs. Our company excels in catering to the research requirements of commercial, industrial and all other business enterprises. Our huge database with up-to-date and latest information will definitely help the businesses in planning and shaping their business strategies. Accurate market analysis backed by comprehensive research methodology will drive the growth of an industry. Our company offers the wide variety of research reports related to chemical, technology, healthcare, automobile and various other sectors.
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hudistore · 3 years
Follow Hudi Store nhé <3
https://worldwidetopsite.link/author/hudi-store/ https://chothai.com.vn/raovat/threads/mach-ban-nhung-tip-phoi-do-di-da-lat-cho-nu-dep-chat-ngat.326954/ https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/209374-dead-by-daylight/79566517?page=2#25 https://forums.postgresql.fr/profile.php?id=9637 https://forum.eastmans.com/members/hudistorevn.23314/#about http://forum.compass-project.org/profile.jspa?editMode=true&userID=42126 https://forums.socialpointgames.com/user/store-hudi https://bachhoadep.com/diendan/member.php/15885-hudistore.html http://batdongsan24h.edu.vn/threads/hudi-store-cua-hang-thoi-trang-uy-tin-chat-luong-danh-cho-gioi-tre.101792/ https://muabanraovattop.com/members/hudistore.7584/#about https://dutoancic.vn/forums/member.php?action=profile&uid=96506
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errorx429 · 4 years
I need help. JUSTAK1DDER09 7584 (https://www.vrchat.com/home/user/usr_a8fca750-97ec-4261-b2e0-5e96c9c17584 this person) from Vrchat is gathering a group of people to get me wrongfully banned. I just need to spread awareness of this... as the vrchat website has not way to get you in contact with any moderators, I do not mind a ban but I can not deal with a wrongful permanent  ban.  The story goes as this, I met a friend who I joking with being silly with, but Kidder kicked him and thought of kicking me too because she didn’t find us funny, she didn’t ask for us to stop. So I left to join him in to continue to joke around with him. In hind sight I shouldn’t have accepted her ask for a world invite, but none the less I did. She did not appreciate that my friend was here with me and got very dramatic about it, bringing in two more of her and my friends who had to sort this whole ordeal out, thankfully these friends are not apart of trying to ban me. I unfriended her on discord, to which she sent me a new friend request, claiming that we are no longer friend in vrchat but still are on discord. I politely told her I did not want to be friends with her anymore if she did not appreciated me and my jokes and again she got upset, I however unfriended her again on discord and that was that, or so I thought. Thankful my friend who had helped sort this out gave me the heads up that she was trying to get me wrongfully banned. PLEASE SINGAL BOOST! That’s all I ask, I do not have very many followers so this won’t get far on just my page.
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Prompt #7584
“Place your hand on this rune. Then wave your hand over the page. You’ll be able to write at a pace that exceeds the speed of thought.”
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March 16, 2019 –  New Mexico Art Auction
These are some of the 241 auction consignments we offered in our 2018 New Mexico Art Auction. The auction was held at the Prairie Star Restaurant, on March 24. The auction inventory was spectacular as you may see below.
We expect to receive similar items in the 2019 auction. Please bring your consignments to the Coronado Historic Site March 9-11 and 13-14 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Closed March 12). When your consignment sells, you are paid 85% of the hammer price. We retain a 15% commission. Donations are not required, but very appreciated.
This page will be updated with pictures of the 2019 auction lots as we receive them.
Call 505-867-5351 and click [email protected] with questions.
Zia Olla by Panana
Randall Davey
Chimayo Textile
Pedro Baca
Maria Martinez
Lorie Spak
Charron McFadden
Acoma Plate
Mateo Romero
Pueblo Carving
Liz Anderson
Zuni Needlepoint
Peter Hurd
Three Pueblo Carvings
Juanita Fragua
Cochiti Drum Set
Navajo-Made Quilt
Pop Chalee Collection
Kemo Decora
Pine Needle Basket
Michael Christiana
Kemo Decora
Wall Sculpture
Chimayo Pillowcases
Norm Jean
Fireplace Tool Set
Begay-Ceramic Sculpture
Michael Christiana
Larry Chino
Larry Chino
Michael Christiana
Keith Chino
Begay-Ceramic Sculpture
Acoma Jar
New Mexico Colcha
Doris Patricio
Jake Fragua
H. Begay-Sandpainting
Jemez Bowl
Callie A. Sterling
Western Door
Navajo Etchware Olla
Lorie Spak
Chimayo Textile
Steve Rosposo
Risa Taylor
Alex Vallejos-Folk Art
Mark McAllaster
Hispanic Folk Art
B. Emerson Kitsman
“Navajo Poodles”
B. Emerson Kitsman
B. Emerson Kitsman
Judy Toya-Storyteller
Wilson Poola-Pueblo Rattle
Cochiti Owl
Debby Brinkerhoff
Debby Brinkerhoff
Jamison Moore
Mary Val Whitesides
Mary Val Whitesides
Kelly Butterman
Silver Ring with Coral
Margaret Herrera Chavez
Helen McPherson
Lyle Yazzie
Monte Singer
Barbara King
N4TH Artist
Ernest Wilmeth II
  The 2019 New Mexico Art Auction March 16, 2019 -  New Mexico Art Auction These are some of the 241 auction consignments we offered in our 2018 New Mexico Art Auction.
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techsciresearch · 3 years
Fertility Clinics Segment to Dominate the Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Market till 2026 | TechSci Research
Growing prevalence of PCOS and increasing affordability for fertility treatment is expected to drive the Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) market throughout the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Market By Technique (ICSI IVF v/s Non-ICSI/ Traditional IVF) By Product (IVF Culture Media, ICSI Machine, IVF Incubators, Cryosystem, Others) By Donor (Fresh Non-donor, Frozen Non-donor, Fresh Donor, Frozen Donor) By Infertility (Male v/s Female) By Embryo (Fresh Embryo v/s Frozen-thawed Embryo) By End User (Fertility Clinics, Hospitals, Others) By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) market is expected to grow at a steady rate during the forecast period. In-Vitro Fertilization is also known as assisted reproductive technology is the process that involves collecting sperm and egg to implant them in the uterus from the partners or known or unknown people. These eggs are made to fertilize using laboratory reagents & media, and instruments and the fertilized eggs are implanted into the uterus for further development of the child.
Technological advancements of contraceptive techniques which are impeding the chances of contraception in people are fueling the demand for In-Vitro Fertilization in Saudi Arabia. Also, the rise in women prioritizing careers over starting a family and late marriages of people is paving the way for the growth of contraceptive technology centers. The chances of conceiving decreases with the growing age of women and are more prone to health problems relating to pregnancy thus the chances of miscarriage, fetal abnormalities, preterm delivery, and prolonger labor, among other problems that rise which adversely affect the chance to get pregnant.
The occurrence of COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as a pandemic by World Health Organization has affected several countries adversely. Leading authorities in Saudi Arabia imposed lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Coronavirus-affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath along with coughing and sneezing. Leading authorities increased the capacity of hospitals as a greater number of patients were getting affected daily and getting admitted into the hospital facilities. Hospitals focused on providing treatment to COVID affected patients and put all resources in treating the patients suffering from coronavirus, which is the major reason for people postponing the visit to the healthcare facilities for other non-essential problems which negatively affected the In-Vitro Fertilization market.
However, the lack of technical experts and high cost associated with the adoption of this procedure may pose a challenge in the growth of the Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) market.
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Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) market is segregated into technique, product, donor, infertility, embryo, end user, regional distribution, and company. Based on product, the market can be divided into IVF culture media, ICSI machine, IVF incubators, cryosystem, and others. The IVF culture media product segment is expected to account for major market share in the forecast period, 2022-2026. High-end investments by the market players and the rise in research and development activities are the driving factor for this segment.
Based on embryo, the market can be bifurcated into fresh embryo and frozen-thawed embryo. The fresh embryo segment is expected to dominate the market for the next five years owing to the high success rate for this procedure. Also, this procedure can be performed even in complicated cases which is another significant factor fueling the growth of this segment. Based on technique, the market can be divided into ICSI IVF and non-ICSI/ traditional IVF. The ICSI IVF technique segment is expected to hold lion’s share in the next five years as it has better fertilization chances and the facility of minimization of multi-nucleation as only one sperm and one egg are involved.
Dr. Sulaiman Alhabib Medical Group, HealthPlus Fertility & Women's Health Center, Dr. Samir Abbas Medical Centers, Dr. Khalid Idriss Hospital, KKUH - Assisted Conception Unit, King Faisal Specialist Hospital, Saad Hospital IVF Center, Al Manaa General Hospital IVF Unit, Thuriah Medical Center, Bnoon Medical Center, among others are some of the leading players operating in Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) market. Companies operating in the market are using strategies such as joint ventures, product launches, mergers, and research collaborations to boost their share and increase their geographic reach.
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“Market players are investing huge amounts for technological advancement of the existing fertility infrastructure and incorporate ways to increase the success rate of fertility through the In-Vitro Fertilization method. To boost the fertility rate in these centers, technologies such as Testicular Sperm Extraction are introduced along with the adoption of emerging technology like artificial intelligence which helps in analyzing and monitoring the patients is boosting the demand for In-Vitro Fertilization market. Also, the rising awareness and the decline in the stigma relating to the adoption of In-Vitro Fertilization treatment as a fertility option are the other significant factors contributing to propel the market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) Market By Technique (ICSI IVF v/s Non-ICSI/ Traditional IVF) By Product (IVF Culture Media, ICSI Machine, IVF Incubators, Cryosystem, Others) By Donor (Fresh Non-donor, Frozen Non-donor, Fresh Donor, Frozen Donor) By Infertility (Male v/s Female) By Embryo (Fresh Embryo v/s Frozen-thawed Embryo) By End User (Fertility Clinics, Hospitals, Others) By Region, Company Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, has evaluated the future growth potential of Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) market and provides statistics & information on market size, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in Saudi Arabia In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF) market.
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m-aeurope2018 · 6 years
Getting ready...
Getting Ready…Welcome, M-A Students and Parents! We leave June 15. Departure is 3:00 p.m. from the International Terminal at the San Jose Airport. Please arrive at 12:00 NOON.  We will meet in the lobby of the International Terminal at SAN JOSE AIRPORT. Even though we are departing from San Jose, we will be returning to SFO. All students must have a PASSPORT and a copy of the first TWO pages of the passport.
HOTELS:   We will have local guides throughout the tour. They are fabulous every time. MIR Corporation (1-800-424-7289), Wifi internet access will be available in all hotels during the tour and all students are welcome to use my computer in addition to hotel computers. Our blog will be updated with photos and information on a daily basis! We begin at the City Hotel East (Saturday, 6/16), Berlin. Then we move to the IBIS Old Town in Prague (beginning Tuesday, 6/19). We stay in the Star Inn Hotel in Budapest (6/22) and end our trip at the Austria Classic Hotel Wein in Vienna (arriving 6/25). 
MONEY: Two meals are covered every day (sometimes three), but students will want to bring money for extra food and souvenirs. I plan to take US cash in small bills (nothing bigger than a $20) and a credit card. Most of the tourist places list both US currency and euros for payment (cash or Visa/MC acceptable most places). Check with your credit card company before leaving and notify the bank with the dates of travel.
TIME and LUGGAGE: Everyone should arrive with  passport in HAND and copies of the first two pages of the passport. Please include $210 for tips. We will collect at the airport if you have not already paid. Free baggage allowance for most flights between the U.S. and Europe is one bag per person weighing 50 pounds or less. Keep in mind that we have several train rides during the trip. Pack light! In your carry-on, you will want your passport, copies of your passport, essential toiletries, and a change of clothing for the first day in Berlin (in the unlikely event that your baggage is detained). 
EXCHANGE:   Credit cards are accepted at most hotels, restaurants and larger stores. There are cash machines which offer withdrawals in BOTH euros and USD, so take your ATM and credit cards, let your bank know you will be in Europe, and make sure they are attached to a bank not a credit union. 1 USD = .85 Euro (Germany, Austria), 1 USD = 22 Czech Koruna, 1 USD = 274 Hungarian Forint   No travelers checks or personal checks please.
CELL PHONES: Contact your cell phone service provider and check. I will have my cell phone (408) 438-7584 and a computer students can use.
AC Adaptors: Yes, we need them for the hotels. We will have internet access and hair dryers at all hotels. Plugs require a European two-pronged socket with round pins (220V, 50Hz).
CALLING:  If a parent has an emergency and needs to urgently get in touch with a student, the parent can call me, the hotel, or Anne Thorsteinson at MIR.  I will also be checking this blog and my email on a daily basis ([email protected]). You can expect daily posts with pictures and highlights. Germany: +49, Czech Republic: +420, Hungary: +36, Austria: +43. U.S. cell and smart phones with international roaming and data enabled with work in Europe.
Last Minute Packing Suggestions:
1. A plug adapter (check your devices for a labeled 110-240 volts at 50-60 Hertz)
2. A first aid kit (although we will have kits as well) and any medications for allergies, headaches…Prescription medications (in original packaging)
3. To keep in touch with family (and avoid costly roaming charges), considerSkype creditand talk/text when in a WiFi zone.
4. Printouts of all your travel confirmations and airline e-ticket confirmation
5. A map (the hotel front desk will also have one) and a good book to read (so saith the English teacher…I plan to re-read Anna Karenina on the plane)
Average Temperatures
Berlin: 54-72 F,  Prague 51-69 F,  Budapest 57-75 F, Vienna 54-74 F
Be sure to bring comfortable footwear as we will be walking! There is always the possibility of rain, so pack accordingly.
We are so excited for the trip!
Lisa Otsuka, John Florio, Silvia Torres, Janelle Bugarini
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melissafietsam · 5 years
August Content and Marketing Ideas
August Content and Marketing Ideas
Here’s your August content, blog post, marketing, and hashtags ideas.
There’s a few aspects you need to think about in your business in each month with all your social media platforms.
My job is to make it easy for you.
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Social media platforms
Facebook Group
Facebook Business Page
Personal FB Timeline
Snap Chat
All your social media platforms should be bubbling…
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jpf-sydney · 4 years
Kami no tsuki
New item:
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Shelf: 913.6 KAK Kami no tsuki. by Kakuta Mitsuyo. Tōkyō : Kadokawa Haruki Jimusho, 2014. 359 pages ; 16 cm. (Haruki bunko). Originally published serially in various newspapers in Japan, later enlarged and edited into a hardcover book published by Kadokawa Haruki Jimusho in 2012. Afterword commentary by Yoshida Daihachi. Text in Japanese. The 25th Shibata Renzaburō Prize, 2012. 978-4-7584-3845-2
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omresult · 5 years
California.com Universal Studios Hollywood Giveaway - Win Tickets
California.com Universal Studios Hollywood Giveaway – Win Tickets
Open only to legal residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older at the time of entry. Just submit your entry in California.com Universal Studios Hollywood Giveaway before March 1st, 2020 and get a chance to win Tickets.
Giveaway Entry Page Giveaway Rules
How To Enter : For Entering to the Contest No any types of purchase necessary.
Enter online via Giveaway page.
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canadagiveaway · 5 years
Outfitters Fityourwildside Contest - Win $500 Outfitters.ca Gift Card
Outfitters Fityourwildside Contest – Win $500 Outfitters.ca Gift Card
The Outfitters arriving with the Outfitters fityourwildside Contest for all Canada residents and provides you a chance to win a $500 Outfitters.ca Gift Card and winners will be selected on the basis of valid entries.
Contest Entry Page Contest Rules
How To Enter :
Click on the Contest Page to enter.
Follow the Contest Official Rules.
Submit your entries.
Get Chance to win prize.
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agrusslawfirmllc · 6 years
North American Recovery
Debt collectors like North American Recovery cannot harass you over a debt. You have rights under the law, and we will stop the harassment once and for all.
If North American Recovery violated the law, you will get money damages and North American Recovery will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. Plus, some of our clients also receive debt relief and cleaned-up credit reports. You have nothing to lose!Call us today at 888-572-0176 for a free consultation.
Who is North American Recovery?
North American Recovery is a medical billing/debt collection agency based in West Valley City, Utah (also listed as Salt Lake City, Utah). Founded in 1993 (according to the BBB), North American Recovery is not accredited by the Better Business Bureau and has received nearly 30 negative reviews and complaints via the BBB in the past three years for attempting to collect fraudulent debts, wrongfully placing collections on consumers’ credit reports, and other billing/collection problems.
North American Recovery’s Address, Phone Number, and Contact Information
North American Recovery is located at 1600 W. 2200 South, Suite 410, West Valley City, UT 84119, and its P.O. box is “P.O. Box 271014, Salt Lake City, UT 84127.” The toll-free telephone number is 800-364-6445 and the Salt Lake City number is 801-364-0777. The main website is www.north-american-recovery.com/
Phone Numbers Used by North American Recovery
Like many debt collection agencies, North American Recovery may use many different phone numbers to contact debtors. For an advanced search, visit www.agrussconsumerlaw.com/ and click “Number Search” in the “Lookup” dropdown menu. Here are some phone numbers North American Recovery may be calling you from:
North American Recovery Lawsuits
If you want to know just how unhappy consumers are with North American Recovery, take a look at the lawsuits filed against the agency on the Public Access to Court Electronic Records (“PACER”). PACER is the U.S.’s federal docket which lists federal complaints filed against a wide range of companies. A search for the agency will display over 30 lawsuits filed across the U.S., most of which involve violations of consumer rights and/or the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA).
North American Recovery Complaints
The Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) is a federal law which applies to everyone in the United States. In other words, everyone is protected under the FDCPA, and this Act is a laundry list of what debt collectors can and cannot do while collecting a debt, as well as things they must do while collecting debt. If North American Recovery is harassing you over a debt, you have rights under the FDCPA.
The Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) protects you from robocalls, which are those annoying, automated, recorded calls that computers make all day long. You can tell it’s a robocall because either no one responds on the other end of the line, or there is a delay when you pick up the phone before a live person responds. You can receive $500 per call if North American Recovery violates the TCPA.Have you received a message from this agency that sounds pre-recorded or cut-off at the beginning or end? These are tell-tale signs that the message is pre-recorded, and if you have these messages on your cell phone, you may have a TCPA case against the agency.
The Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA) protects electronic payments that are deducted from bank accounts. If North American Recovery took unauthorized deductions from your bank account, you may have an EFTA claim against the agency. North American Recovery, like most collection agencies, wants to set up recurring payments from consumers; imagine how much money it can earn if hundreds, even thousands, of consumers electronically pay them $50 – $100 or more per month. If you agreed to this type of reoccurring payment, the agency must follow certain steps to comply with the EFTA. Did North American Recovery continue to take electronic payments after you told them to stop? Did they take more money from your checking account than you agreed to?  If so, we can discuss your rights and potential case under the EFTA.
The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) works to ensure that no information reported to your credit report is false. In essence, it gives you the right to dispute those inaccuracies that you find on your credit report. We’ve handled many cases in which a debt collection agency reported debt on a consumer’s credit report to obtain leverage over the consumer. If North American Recovery is on your credit report, they may tell you that they’ll remove the debt from your credit report if you pay it;this is commonly known as “pay for delete.”If the original creditor is on your report rather than the debt collector, and you pay off the debt, both entities should accurately report this on your credit report.
Several states also have laws to provide its citizens an additional layer of protection. For example, if you live in California, Florida, Michigan, Montana, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Texas, or Wisconsin, you may be able to add a state-law claim to your federal law claim above.  North Carolina, for example, has one of the most consumer-friendly statutes in the country: if you live in NC and are harassed over a debt, you may receive $500 – $4,000 in damages per violation. We work with a local counsel in NC and our NC clients have received some great results in debt collection harassment cases. If you live in North Carolina and are being harassed by a debt collector, you have leverage to obtain a great settlement.
How do we Use the Law to Help You?
We will use state and federal laws to immediately stop North American Recovery’s debt collection. We will send a cease-and-desist letter to stop the harassment today, and if North American Recovery violates the FDCPA, EFTA, FCRA, or any state law, you may be entitled to money damages. For example, under the FDCPA, you may receive up to $1,000 in damages plus actual damages. The FDCPA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. If you have a TCPA case against the agency, we will handle it based on a contingency fee and you won’t pay us a dime unless you win.
We have helped thousands of consumers stop phone calls and we know how to stop the harassment and get you money damages. Once again: you will not pay us a dime for our services. We will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, and the debt collector will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs.
What if North American Recovery is on my Credit Report?
Based on our experience, some debt collectors may credit-report, which means one may mark your credit report with the debt they are trying to collect. In addition to or instead oft he debt collector, the original creditor may also be on your credit report in a separate entry, and it’s important to properly identify these entities because you will want both to update your credit report if or when you pay off the debt.
If North American Recovery is on your credit report, we can help you dispute it. Mistakes on your credit report can be very costly: along with causing you to pay higher interest rates, you may be denied credit, insurance, a rental home, a loan, or even a job because of these mistakes. Some mistakes may include someone else’s information on your credit report, inaccurate public records, stale collection accounts, or even being a victim of identity theft. If you have a mistake on your credit report, there is a process to dispute it, and my office will help you obtain your credit report and dispute any inaccurate information.
if a credit reporting agency violates its obligations under the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), you may be entitled to statutory damages up to $1,000, and the credit reporting agency will be required to fix the error. The FCRA also has a fee-shift provision, which means the credit reporting agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have helped hundreds of consumers fix inaccurate information on their credit reports, and we’re ready to help you, too.
Complaints against North American Recovery
If you’re on this page, chances are you are just like the hundreds of consumers out there being harassed by North American Recovery. Here are some of theBBB reviews and complaints against North American Recovery:
“The company, in which I currently hold no contract with nor have received services from, reported a collection account against my SSN in the amount of $1,028.18 with Transunion, Experian, & Equifax credit reporting agencies. I have requested verification of the debt and the account, however, adequate proof was not provided…Considering that the business does not have a contract with me for goods and services, they have not provided adequate proof that I am obligated to pay.”
“North American Recovery has placed a collection on my Equifax, Experian and Transunion credit reports. I have NO CONTRACT with North American Recovery, therefore this collection should be removed from my credit report and should not be sold to another collection agency.”
“This company calls and calls at all hours of the day, but never leaves a message. Then they somehow find your neighbors and call them to get a message to you. This is not right and I am not even sure if it is legal. I have emailed asking about my supposed account and asked them to NOT contact my neighbors, but have not heard back. I am not only embarrassed, but very angry that they have done this. How do they even get the information of my neighbors? Scary and unethical!!!”
Based on 33reviews on Google, North American Recovery receives a 1.4-out-of-5 rating. Here are some of the reviews on Google:
“If I could give this company no stars, I would. My husband and I filed bankruptcy and we told them this and they still have refused to take it off our credit report multiple times of telling them this. We have to fight with them about it and it’s just plain ridiculous. We have contacted our attorney to get let him know that it hasn’t been taken off. We will have to see this afternoon if they actually take it off this time after I gave them our case number for our bankruptcy.”
“Dishonest practices. Dishonest people. Stay away from North American Recovery and avoid using them to collect your debts and avoid them like the plague. Zero ethics and zero integrity. They use fear and deceitful collection practices. I have offered to settle with reasonable, realistic, and fair terms but they refuse and claim that a 300% markup of a debt along with $250 in late fees is fair because they are ‘operating within state and federal laws.’ Very unethical. This business should be unable operate in the US. Just one more rip-off operation scamming away in the state of Utah and across the country.”
“NAR are a bunch of crooks, thieves, and dishonest greedy people. This business should be shut down and not be allowed to operate in the US. I empathize with any unfortunate citizens that have had to deal with this this company. Marking up a medical debt after having a baby by 300% and filing a lawsuit is just not right. I was unaware of the debt. I was never contacted…I have offered to pay multiple times the original debt and even willing to pay reasonable late fees to make this go away. $250 for each late or missed payment is robbery. This folks are jerks and are unwilling to compromise. They brag on their website newsletters to their clients about how they aim to collect 2-3 times the debt. What is wrong with our world today? Stay away from North American Recovery (NAR), Mountain West Anesthesia, and Olson Shaner attorneys. They have a system working together.”
Cases We’ve Handled against North American Recovery
I think you’ll agree when we say that threats and harassment from collection agencies can be pretty intimidating. However, we can stop the harassment and get you money damages under the law, and the collection agency will pay your attorneys’ fees and costs. Here is one case we’ve handled against North American Recovery:
Michael v. North American Recovery – In December 2017, Michael of Jefferson County, Colorado, filed a claim against North American Recovery for violations of the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA). Complaints consisted of harassing phone calls, threats to take actions that could not legally be taken, placing collection calls to the plaintiff’s relatives, and falsely representing the legal status of a debt. The case was resolved in March 2018.
What Our Clients Say about Us
Agruss Law Firm has over 795 outstanding client reviews through Yotpo, an A+ BBB rating, and over 105 five-star reviews on Google. Here’s what some of our clients have to say about us:
“Michael Agruss handled two settlements for me with great results and he handled them quickly. He also settled my sister’s case quickly and now her debt is clear. I highly recommend Michael.”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful, they helped me solved my case regarding the unwanted calls. I would highly recommend them. Thank you very much Mike Agruss!”
“Agruss Law Firm was very helpful to me and my veteran father! We were harassed daily and even called names for a loan that was worthless! Agruss stepped in and not only did they stop harassing, they stopped calling all together!! Even settled it so I was paid back for the problems they caused!”
Can North American Recovery Sue Me?
Although anyone can sue anyone for any reason, we have not seen North American Recovery sue consumers, and it’s likely that the agency does not sue because they don’t always own the debt they are attempting to collect, and would also need to hire a lawyer, or use in-house counsel, to file a lawsuit. It’s also likely that the agency collects debt throughout the country, and it would be quite difficult to have lawyers, or a law firm, licensed in every state. However, there are collection agencies that do sue consumers; for example, Midland Credit Management is one of the largest junk-debt buyers, and it also collects and sues on debt. Still, it is less likely for a debt collector to sue you than for an original creditor to hire a lawyer or collection firm to sue you. If North American Recovery has threatened to sue you, contact Agruss Law Firm, LLC as soon as possible.
Can North American Recovery Garnish my Wages?
No, unless they have a judgment. If North American Recovery has not sued you, then the agency cannot get a judgment. Barring limited situations (usually involving debts owed to the government for student loans, taxes, etc.), a company must have a judgment in order to garnish someone’s wages. In short, we have not seen this agency file a lawsuit against a consumer, so the agency cannot garnish your wages, minus the exceptions listed above. If North American Recovery has threatened to garnish your wages, contact our office right away.
North American Recovery Settlement
If you want to settle a debt with North American Recovery, ask yourself these questions first:
Do I really owe this debt?
Is this debt within the statute of limitations?
Is this debt on my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will North American Recovery remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will the original creditor remove it from my credit report?
If I pay this debt, will I receive confirmation in writing from North American Recovery for the payment and settlement terms?
These are not the only things to consider when dealing with debt collectors. We are here to help you answer the questions above, and much more. Whether it’s harassment, settlement, pay-for-delete, or any other legal issue with North American Recovery, we at Agruss Law Firm are here to help you.
Share your Complaints against North American Recovery Below
We encourage you to post your complaints about North American Recovery. Sharing your complaints against this agency can help other consumers understand what to do when this company starts calling. Sharing your experience may help someone else!
If you are being harassed by North American Recovery over a debt, you may be entitled to money damages – up to $1,000 for harassment, and $500 – $1,500 for illegal robocalls. Under state and federal laws, we will help you based on a fee-shift provision and/or contingency fee, which means the debt-collector pays your attorneys’ fees and costs. You won’t owe us a dime for our services. We have settled thousands of debt collection harassment cases, and we’re prepared to help you, too. Contact Agruss Law Firm at 888-572-0176 to stop the harassment once and for all.
The post North American Recovery appeared first on Agruss Law Firm, LLC.
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