#page 7585
pesterloglog · 9 months
Arquiusprite, Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Rosesprite, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 7583-7588
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Abra cafiddling dabra you silly shootnerds
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> My e%ceedingly STRONG work as the party's premier bodybuilding hacker is done
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Off I go
JANE: ...
ROXY: ur wake!
JANE: Roxy?????
JANE: U'r alive!
JANE: Er, you're!
ROXY: so are you!
ROXY: you were dead last time i saw you and also before i found u sleepin here but now ur awake and also alive!
JANE: Yeah!
JANE: You were dead too, because I...
JANE: But now you're??
JANE: Oh god, Roxy, I'm so sorry I,
JANE: I wasn't thinking straight when...
JANE: Please forgive me. :(
ROXY: aw janey you dont gotta worry about whatever sad incident that frowns about
ROXY: thats all water under a bridge from a reality i got no recollection of and therefore dont matter at all
ROXY: by which i mean......
ROXY: this reality here, so ok the reality is still KIND of relevant because we are literally inside of it atm
ROXY: but im new here!
ROXY: i came over to keep being roxy since the old one died or whatever thru hecka debacles
JANE: That... is quite an explanation!
JANE: Jeez, I missed you.
ROXY: cmere u extravagant bitch!!!
JANE: Hahah!
JANE: (Wait... what?)
JOHN: the hug pile doesn't stop from getting taller.
JOHN: the hug pile! there are more hugs, rose.
ROSE: I can see the hugs. I don't understand the pile thing.
JOHN: oh. don't you remember?
JOHN: a funny quote from one of dave's old comics!
ROSE: Ah. Yes, vaguely.
ROSE: It's been a long journey, John.
ROSE: I believe one of the most valuable lessons that comes with growing up is gaining the wisdom that gently informs you when it's time to retire a meme.
JOHN: heh...
JOHN: i guess i never earned that handy badge, or whatever.
JOHN: i like this, though. every time someone wakes up, or pops out of nowhere, it's fun times all over again.
JOHN: i feel like i should be playing reunion bingo.
JOHN: who will be next??
JOHN: my money is on the long awaited and insanely poignant reunion between me and casey the salamander.
ROSE: Surely you mean the dear Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer, right?
ROSE: And instead of you, you mean me.
ROSE: That's when the real tears will flow.
JOHN: what do you think she's up to?
JOHN: no, she is my beautiful daughter. :p
ROSESPRITE: Something tells me the good Viceroy has been busy.
ROSESPRITE: I sense he's been... scheming.
ROSESPRITE: Biding his time.
ROSESPRITE: Accruing dark legions.
ROSE: That sure is a thing that would be dumb, if true.
JOHN: hi nanna!
JOHN: jane, i mean.
JOHN: sorry, it's an easy mistake to make, because you're my nanna!
ROXY: lol
ROXY: real smooth shit john
JANE: Hello!
JANE: A pleasure to meet you, John. Or, poppop, as I used to know you.
JOHN: hehe, yeah so i heard!
JANE: You look so...
JANE: Young.
JOHN: thanks!
JOHN: so do you.
JOHN: my nanna, who used to be ashes on my fireplace, regained her old womanly visage when i turned her into a sprite, and she helped me along the way.
JOHN: so nanna is a sprite! did you know that?
JANE: Um... no?
JOHN: i thought you should know that. she's probably around somewhere. i hope you can meet her.
JOHN: oh, also, i'm your son technically. did you know that??
JANE: Yes.
JANE: It is... a pretty strange fact!
JANE: But also pretty cool.
JOHN: yup!
ROXY: ooh jane thats my daughter there say hi to her!!!
ROSE: Hi, John's hot mom.
ROSE: (Aw shit.)
JANE: Haha...?
ROXY: also thats umm ANOTHER version of rose who died and then i buried and a stupid cat unburied her for some reason and prototyped her
ROXY: so say hello to my cool floaty double daughter!
JANE: Hi, Roxy's hot double daughter.
ROSESPRITE: (Rose Prime, I believe you may have just been owned.)
ROSE: (God damn Dave's contagious-ass Freudian boners.)
JANE: Wow, I feel so out of the loop! Sorry if I still seem disoriented from my... nap, I suppose it was?
JANE: Or impromptu troll-coma.
JANE: Roxy, you have to clue me in on what happened here! Where are Dirk and Jake?
JANE: And for that matter, John, where are your other friends? Oh, Jade! Where is she? Is she still asleep?
ROXY: hey janey that is all like a lot of stuff to say and everything goin on here is faaairly complicated and heavily peopled
ROXY: dont worry ill ease you into comprehending shit again ;)
ROXY: well ok cliff notes are: jake fucked off somewhere and dirk recently fucked off BACK here through a window but he left again pretty quick...
ROXY: dave went with dirk at wherever their fucking off too now, i think to get ready for some swords fightin, and yeah jade is still asleep but a coupla trolls lugged her off somewhere safe for now
ROXY: the REST of the junk im still sorting out myself bcs like i said im new to this exact plane of shenanigans
JANE: Yes, you mentioned that.
JANE: I still don't know what you meant by...
JANE: Wait!
JANE: You and John came from another reality, where everything went horribly, right?
ROXY: m-hmmm!
JANE: I just remembered. Really, it's been such a rollercoaster ride for my memory, since I fell asleep.
JANE: Your and John's travels were a critical part of the illustrated story we reconstructed through our memories with Callie.
ROXY: wat!
ROXY: you saw callie in your dreams????
JANE: I did!
ROXY: hoh man
ROXY: how is she!
ROXY: i saw her in a dream a little while ago and we talked about lots of stuff
ROXY: she looked like a troll then
JANE: Yes, her trollsona! She had hers on when I saw her.
JANE: And we had ours on too!
JANE: She seemed to be doing well.
JANE: Nervous, of course, since she was hiding. But we passed the time with our stories.
JANE: It was a lot of fun! I'm so happy I got to meet her.
JANE: I wonder if I'll ever get the chance again?
ROXY: wellll...
ROXY: now that u mention it
ROXY: it IS one of my chief objectives to go lookin for her asap
ROXY: aaand not to be THAT ROGUE n brag all heavy but i MAY be in better touch with my void powers now
ROXY: soo maybe i stand a p good chance of trackin her down?
ROXY: cus i GOT somethin for her
JANE: You do?? What? :B
ROXY: just a lil presie, nbd
JANE: ...
JANE: I see.
ROXY: (s'magic to)
JANE: WOW!!!!!!!!!!
JANE: Ahem, so,
JANE: You mean a ring, then.
JOHN: yeah!
JOHN: oh man, that's a great idea roxy.
JOHN: you should try and give it to her as soon as you can!
JOHN: then maybe we can all meet her before we ramp up for this battle?
ROXY: hmm yeh!
ROXY: u think i can do it?
JOHN: sure!
ROSE: I like your chances too.
JASPERSPRITE: Me too roxy! :3
ROSE: I also have some experience helping people along in the right direction, when it comes to navigating the abyss.
ROSE: Maybe I could assist?
ROXY: yeah maybe!
ROSESPRITE: I'm pretty sure I have experience performing literally the exact same task, in a slightly different context.
ROSESPRITE: So maybe I can double assist?
JOHN: see roxy? everyone thinks you should do it, because they all believe in you.
JANE: That's right!
ROXY: shucks fuckers ._.
ROXY: yall killin me here <3
JASPERSPRITE: Meow im so happy!
ROXY: frigglish u silly bastard whats up?
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr purr...
JASPERSPRITE: All the humans being so close together and happy and friendly purr purr.
JASPERSPRITE: Its making me really excited and happy too and making me feel like i want to be a part of everything!
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr and get close to a nearby person and be happy at them with my body purrrr...
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, what are you...
JASPERSPRITE: I cant help it rose i want to cuddle im feeling so pleased and friendly! :3 :3 :3
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, no,
ROSESPRITE: No, don't!
JASPERSPRITE: :3 purrrrrrr
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zirhlikuzgun · 2 months
January's crew - Page 31
[18961] {7585} ♀ Jade Preuß
[18962] {7586} ❤️ ♂ Rourke Preuß
[18963] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18964] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18965] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18966] {7587} ♀ Janine Preuß
[18967] {7588} ❤️ ♂ Roerk Preuß
[18968] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18969] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18970] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18971] {7589} ♀ Joyce Preuß
[18972] {7590} ❤️ ♂ Ryre Preuß
[18973] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18974] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18975] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18976] {7591} ♀ Jocelyn Preuß
[18977] {7592} ❤️ ♂ Ryle Preuß
[18978] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18979] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18980] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18981] {7593} ♀ Yvonna Preuß
[18982] {7594} ❤️ ♂ Randy Preuß
[18983] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18984] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18985] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18986] {7595} ♀ Yrys Preuß
[18987] {7596} ❤️ ♂ Rox Preuß
[18988] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18989] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18990] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18991] {7597} ♀ Ywa Preuß
[18992] {7598} ❤️ ♂ Ruffle Preuß
[18993] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18994] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18995] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18996] {7599} ♀ Yulia Preuß
[18997] {7600} ❤️ ♂ Ryckle Preuß
[18998] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18999] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19000] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19001] {7601} ♀ Eddi Berger
[19002] {7602} ❤️ ♂ Dyler Berger
[19003] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19004] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19005] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19006] {7603} ♀ Emerald Berger
[19007] {7604} ❤️ ♂ Dylan Berger
[19008] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19009] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19010] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19011] {7605} ♀ Equinoz Berger
[19012] {7606} ❤️ ♂ Duncan Berger
[19013] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19014] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19015] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19016] {7607} ♀ Embeth Berger
[19017] {7608} ❤️ ♂ Desmond Berger
[19018] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19019] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19020] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19021] {7609} ♀ Diamond Berger
[19022] {7610} ❤️ ♂ Drake Berger
[19023] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19024] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19025] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19026] {7611} ♀ Dawn Berger
[19027] {7612} ❤️ ♂ Dreyton Berger
[19028] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19029] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19030] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19031] {7613} ♀ Duski Berger
[19032] {7614} ❤️ ♂ Doc Berger
[19033] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19034] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19035] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19036] {7615} ♀ Drixie Berger
[19037] {7616} ❤️ ♂ Dallas Berger
[19038] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19039] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19040] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19041] {7617} ♀ Velma Mertens
[19042] {7618} ❤️ ♂ Omer Mertens
[19043] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19044] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19045] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19046] {7619} ♀ Vicki Mertens
[19047] {7620} ❤️ ♂ Osman Mertens
[19048] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19049] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19050] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19051] {7621} ♀ Valerie Mertens
[19052] {7622} ❤️ ♂ Olly Mertens
[19053] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19054] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19055] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19056] {7623} ♀ Valentina Mertens
[19057] {7624} ❤️ ♂ Orlando Mertens
[19058] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19059] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19060] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19061] {7625} ♀ O'Leary Holm
[19062] {7626} ❤️ ♂ Jason Holm
[19063] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19064] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19065] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19066] {7627} ♀ Olga Holm
[19067] {7628} ❤️ ♂ Jeremy Holm
[19068] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19069] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19070] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19071] {7629} ♀ Onyx Holm
[19072] {7630} ❤️ ♂ Joel Holm
[19073] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19074] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19075] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19076] {7631} ♀ Opal Holm
[19077] {7632} ❤️ ♂ Juan Holm
[19078] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19079] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19080] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
0 notes
asseopro · 1 year
Meet Elaine Elizabeth Presley, a multi-talented star with a big heart.
Kingsport, Tennessee, June 8, 2023, Elaine Elizabeth Presley, also known as Liz, is one of Tennessee’s top 1% residents and a multi-award-winning businesswoman, philanthropist, and artist. She is the proud recipient of the "PGEA Outstanding Humanitarian Award", 2022, and "Memphis Businessperson of the Year", by Alignable, 2018, 2022, and 2023. 
Born in the UK, she graduated from high school and university in Tennessee. Attending Northeast State and American Intercontinental University. Presley’s parents, sister, and daughter are first-degree DNA descendants located in TN, MS, NY, and CA, with grandchildren in California, and other second-degree and beyond DNA families located in TN, the UK, and throughout the world. Presley is a descendant of American, English, German, French, and Cherokee heritage. 
Listed on 23 & Me DNA, Living DNA, and My Heritage DNA, with Ancestry DNA showing the DNA of Elaine and her mother Priscilla Presley through family and to her father through family and her Cherokee heritage with certificates of  DNA via DNA Consultants.  Family Tree DNA has her listed as a Presley in groups highlighted and supported by the Presley family. 
In addition, Elaine Elizabeth Presley has been recognized by the Federal Government via a 7-year federal investigation from 2020. At this time, the federal government did not recognize out-of-wedlock children; then, in 2022, the law was changed, and now they do, and they did recognize Elaine Elizabeth Presley, born out of the army in 1959, with secret files revealing her father's legal case with lawyers hired in the UK. 
She is an American singer/songwriter, actress, and author who lives in Tennessee, proudly supporting and protecting her family and legacy and running the Presley Foundation Inc. and L & L Presley LLC, both founded in Memphis, Tennessee, at her family’s home. Elaine is continuing her sisters' legacy by proudly making that commitment to keep Lisa Marie’s legacy alive and well and also introducing and signing into legal consideration the Lisa Marie Presley Forever Stamp. And watch out! This powerhouse of a business lady who has yet to lose a case is part of the Presley Battle to Protect Lisa Marie’s Legacy and Fortune by taking over some of Lisa Marie’s fights to win for Lisa.  
Elaine puts deep passion into everything she does, including delivering beautiful music and supporting others from her heart and soul. A spiritual lady with adoration for her fans, she wants people to listen to her music in hopes of bringing butterflies of love into their lives and regenerating the light within the soul. 
She has recently released a book about her true life’s story, entitled "Kid of the King." This autobiography is a must-read, the "#1 Best Seller in Teen and Young Adult Marriage and Divorce on Amazon," and was released worldwide in January 2021. 
She is also part of a historic mission to send her DNA to the moon soon. Mission One with the ULA Vulcan rocket, the Astrobotic lander, Elaine Elizabeth Presley’s DNA, and our partners at Arch Mission is getting closer to launch. And together, they are closer to the first off-world DNA seed bank on the Moon. 
You can get a personal or business celebrity video from Elaine through Memmo1. You can also listen to her music on Spotify or watch her videos on YouTube. 
For more information about Elaine Elizabeth Presley, please visit her official website at 
Elaine Elizabeth Presley offers no social media; however, her Facebook page is now run by fans and Facebook itself. 
Elaine Elizabeth Presley 
3764 Elvis Presley Blvd. 
Memphis, TN 38116 
423 367 7585 
0 notes
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🩶🩶 We're going to Disneyland next month!! These unisex @my_dreamears are perfect because my husband can wear them too! The design isn't like a bow so when a guy wears them there's no feminine feel to them. It's a completely different feeling wearing these versus traditional #parkears!
🩶 These silver #geodesic ear discs are so cool with the independently changing LED lights. They're multi-colored, change slowly and show through the ears so they're visible in the day and spectacular at night. Another cool thing is how they wrap around the back of the head making them super stable and comfortable! Check out my vid at the end to see how mellow and slow the lights change color.
🩶 To learn more and see all the different designs and lighting options visit
Amazon https://www.amazon.com/stores/page/D8255FD0-7585-4CF2-83DD-7DE2A477C73A
#disneylover #unisex
#disneylandears #disneyfun
#disneyears #disneyearshop #disneygram #disneylove
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acrispyapple · 5 years
Do u know when mlqc will be released on android😔
heya! it should be out in select countries, but if it isn’t out in your play store– go get it via this:
apps . qoo-app . com/en/app/7585
just remove the spaces so it’ll be a working link! ☆
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heya! you only need to finish one end to purchase the epilogue. you can purchase it from the story sale banner. should be beside the value sets one! home page~ („• ֊ •„)
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bloodsletting · 5 years
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introducing :   a   rosie   production
hewwo   i’m   rosie   (   she/her   )   and   i   am   the   number   1   most   incompetent   runt   in   the   world     !     ummm   marvel   gave   me   my   rights   and   the   russo   brothers   took   them   away .   truly   nobody   get   me   started   on   captain   america :   the   winter   soldier   (2014)   because   that   was   the   LAST   time   i   felt   the   high   of   a   scholastic   bookfair   in   elementary .   i   really   don’t   know   shit   about   shit .   i’ve   never   had   a   single   coherent   thought   in   my   life .
whew .   my   muses .   first   tip     ?     please   tell   them   to   eat   shit   n   die .   a   nightmare ,   literally   a   nightmare .   that’s   all   they   are .   but   here   they   are   regardless     !     if   u   wanna   plot   then   that   would   be   cool   beans   and   u   can   im   me   or   my   discord   is   elizabeth   debicki   is   6’3#7585   anyways   let’s   get   this   bread ,   kings     !
C ,   AMATO .     dcliii . almost   always   sporting   a   new   black   eye .
LAYER   ONE .     quick   stats .
full   name :   caius   ephraim   amato
nickname :   cai   but   only   to   those   he’s   close   with   which ,   spoiler   alert     !     isn’t   very   many
age :   653
nationality :   born   and   raised   in   italy   but   moved   to   the   us   some   hundred   years   ago
date   of   birth :   december   18
gender :   cis   male
occupation :   underground   fighter
LAYER   TWO .   dossier .
he’s   a   simple   man,   he   sees   a   snail   and   he   texts   about   it.   effervescent.   cannot   take   care   of   plants   for   shit.   has   had   enough   of   the   fight   club   references   so   by   all   means   indulge   in   them   to   annoy   the   shit   out   of   this   demon.   could   not   care   less   for   the   supernatural   hierarchy   he   just   wants   to   die   already.   loves   cats   and   has   one   scraggly   looking   thing   named   soup   —   the   bastard   just   showed   up   at   his   balcony   one   day   n   wouldn’t   leave   so   guess   he   adopted   the   thing.   stick   n   poke   tattoo   connoisseur.   is   the   absolute   worst   for   texting   back.   honestly,   probably   has   a   pay   as   you   go   cellphone   and   uses   t9   he   just   really   can’t   be   bothered.   wishes   he   could   experience   critical   thought   but   he’s   too   busy   having   an   existential   crisis   every   hour.   would   much   rather   be   anywhere   than   a   social   gathering.
C ,   GRIMSHAW .     mcxxi . probably   was   an   actual   demon   in   a   past   life .
LAYER   ONE .   quick   stats .
full   name :   cain   lucius   grimshaw
nickname :   none   unless   you   wanna   get   suplexed
age :   1121
nationality :   british-american   but   lost   the   accent   —   occasionally   it   slips   out
date   of   birth :   october   30
gender :   cis   male
occupation :   enforcer
LAYER   TWO .   dossier .
went   off   the   fricken   rails   after   he   lost   his   sister.   something’s   just   not   quite   right   in   there   my   man.   shit   at   cooking   honestly   never   ask   him   to   make   a   single   meal   unless   you   love   disappointment.   acts   like   he   hates   kids   but   when   nobody   is   around   he   turns   into   a   big   softie   for   them.   always   late   to   everything.   his   wardrobe   knows   nothing   but   the   colour   black,   especially   leather   jackets.   should   maybe   shave   more   than   he   does.   david   bowie   enthusiast.   carries   the   weight   of   too   many   ghosts   and   addictions   to   soothe   them.   perhaps   doesn’t   have   the   best   moral   compass.   will   argue   that   jack   nicholson   is   the   best   actor   alive   and   no   he   will   not   accept   criticism   on   this   claim.   fixes   cars   and   stuff   in   his   free   time   somebody   please   link   him   the   wikipedia   hobbies   page.
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moopsthepiercer · 5 years
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Did you know that we now offer Microblading here at Ēddies Tattoo & Body piercing? @Deiterkym has been rocking out some beautiful new brows this week and would love to help you created a fuller, more natural brow look that requires no extra time with makeup! Licensed, insured, and professionally trained, Kim has been a cosmetologist and Instructor of cosmetology for years and has recent switched to a more permanent specialty! Future services to be offered include permanent eyeliner, lip liner/fill, saline lightening and any more! Give her a follow on her page to keep up to date when more services become available! Call today to set up your free consultation! 906-553-7585 ***These services are offered to those strictly aged 18 or older*** #eddiestattooandbodypiercing #deiterkym #permanentcosmeticsbykim #microblading #cosmetictattooing #escanaba #upperpeninsula #uppermichigan #yoopers #downtownludingtonstreet #nineohsix (at Ēddies Tattoo and Body Piercing Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/BzyNWmSHrG5/?igshid=148zxm0pk8vdg
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techsciresearch · 3 years
North America to Dominate the Global Orthopedic Digit Implants Market till 2026 | TechSci Research
Supportive healthcare policies and rise in old age population is expected to drive the global orthopedic digit implants market in the forecast period.
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According to TechSci Research report, “Global Orthopedic Digit Implants Market By Type (Metacarpal Joint Implants, Metatarsal Joint Implants, Hemi Phalangeal Implants, Toe Intramedullary Implants, Scaphoid Bone Implants) By Material (Pyrocarbon, Titanium, Nitinol, Others) By End Users (Hospitals, Specialty Orthopedic Clinics, Others) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026”, the global orthopedic digit implants market is expected to witness steady growth for the upcoming five years. Orthopedic digit implants are medical devices which are used to replace injured or damaged small bone, joints comprising of elbow, ankle, knee, among others. Orthopedic digit implants function as artificial bones and are generally made up of biocompatible materials such as titanium or stainless steel. Orthopedic disorders include knee disorders, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, among others are some of the medical conditions requiring the support of orthopedic digit implants. Rise in the number of accidents and injuries due to sports and athletics activities may accelerate the demand for orthopedic digit implants market.
The COVID-19 outbreak across the world which has been declared as pandemic by World Health Organization has affected several countries adversely. Leading authorities-imposed lockdown restrictions and released a set of precautionary measures to contain the spread of novel coronavirus. Coronavirus affected patients started suffering from shortness of breath along with coughing and sneezing. Leading authorities increased the capacity of hospitals as a greater number of patients were getting affected daily and getting admitted into the hospital facilities. Out-patient visits showed a negative curve which adversely affected the demand for orthopedic digit implants. Non emergent services were postponed which led to market decline. Post covid due to already stacked up medical cases the demand for orthopedic digit implants is expected to increase the demand for these medical devices.
However, stringent regulatory policies and lack of availability of sufficient medical coverage may create hindrance in the global orthopedic digit implants market growth.
Browse XX Figures spread through XX Pages and an in-depth TOC on "Global Orthopedic Digit Implants Market”.
Global orthopedic digit implants market is segmented into type, material, end users, regional distribution, and company. Based on type, market can be divided into metacarpal joint implants, metatarsal joint implants, hemi phalangeal implants, toe intramedullary implants, and scaphoid bone implants. The metatarsal joint implants type segment is expected to dominate the market for the forecast period, 2022-2026. Increase in occurrence of arthritis among the old age population is the major driver for the next five years.
Rise in occurrence of road accidents which injure or disable a large number of people which is expected to increase the demand for orthopedic digit implants. Based on material, market can be fragmented into pyrocarbon, titanium, nitinol, and others. The titanium materials segment is expected to hold major market share for the predicted period due to better corrosive resistance properties over its counterpart. Higher biocompatibility of titanium is surging its demand in healthcare facilities.
Based on end users, market can be divided into hospitals, specialty orthopedic clinics, and others. The hospital segment is anticipated to witness growth for the next five years. Huge patient in-flow into the hospital facilities due to presence of quality diagnostic and treatment equipment and skilled healthcare professionals are the major contributing factors for the growth of the hospital segment. Supportive healthcare regulation and favourable reimbursement policies are influencing the orthopaedic digit implants market.
Johnson & Johnson, Stryker Corporation, Wright Medical Group N.V., Integra LifeSciences Corporation, Smith & Nephew Plc., Arthrex GmbH, Acumed LLC, Merete GmbH, Teijin Limited, Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc are the leading players operating in global orthopedic digit implants market. Manufacturers are increasingly focusing on research and development process to fuel higher growth in the market. To meet evolving customer demand with respect to better efficiency and durability, several orthopedic digit implants manufacturers are coming up with their technologically advanced offerings.
Download Sample Report @ https://www.techsciresearch.com/sample-report.aspx?cid=7585
Customers can also request for 10% free customization on this report.
“High-end investments by the major market players for research and development activities which is leading to technological advancement of orthopedic digit implants. Rapid penetration of 3D printing technology in medical field for treatment based on patient customization and needs is anticipated to contribute significantly to the rise of the orthopedic digit implants market. Rise in awareness and attractive marketing strategies adopted by market players to improve the brand image is further expected to propel the global orthopedic digit implants market growth till 2026” said Mr. Karan Chechi, Research Director with TechSci Research, a research based global management consulting firm.
“Global Orthopedic Digit Implants Market By Type (Metacarpal Joint Implants, Metatarsal Joint Implants, Hemi Phalangeal Implants, Toe Intramedullary Implants, Scaphoid Bone Implants) By Material (Pyrocarbon, Titanium, Nitinol, Others) By End Users (Hospitals, Specialty Orthopedic Clinics, Others) By Company, By Region, Forecast & Opportunities, 2026” has evaluated the future growth potential of global orthopedic digit implants market and provided statistics & information on market size, shares, structure and future market growth. The report intends to provide cutting-edge market intelligence and help decision makers take sound investment decisions. Besides, the report also identifies and analyzes the emerging trends along with essential drivers, challenges, and opportunities in the of global orthopedic digit implants market.
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bengalifoods · 4 years
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audreypmother-blog · 4 years
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Stuart Hopen's pulp fiction pastiche, THE TWILIGHT PATROL is described by PUBLISHERS WEEKLY as a tale about Hollister Congrieve, a Spad-flying Air Force captain, set "in an alternate 1917 in which the deaths of President Woodrow Wilson and his successor, William Jennings Bryan, were followed by the invasion of the American mainland by the German navy..."
And the review says further author Hopen adds: "an intriguing level of complications to the chaos unfolding in Congrieve’s European adventures," and the story is cast "with the usual suspects one expects in pulp fiction—femmes fatales, double-crossing double agents, amiable sidekicks for the hero—and lards it with colorfully descriptive passages (“casings on the belted bullets passed in a blur of coppery incandescence”)."
PUBLISHERS WEEKLY praise continues: "The package is rounded out with poems by Orville Wootin (an aviator spy whose metaphysical maunderings are now de rigueur from the mouths of mystics in contemporary superhero comics), a short story, illustrations, and reproductions of the cheesy ads that cluttered the back pages of the original pulp magazines. Readers nostalgic for the flash and dazzle of pulp derring-do will find this adventure tale a fitting homage."
The review says more and you can read it here:
But honestly, why not just buy it here and enjoy the ride:
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hiokihair · 7 years
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nyfacurrent · 5 years
Puerto Rico Earthquakes Resources Round-Up
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Artists impacted by the Puerto Rico Earthquakes, find the support and community you need.
Para leer este articulo en Español presione aquí.
Recovering from a disaster is never easy, but it does not (and should not) have to be a lonely process. Several organizations out there can help you either through access to the right information on how to request federal assistance or via emergency grants and donations in kind. Whether you're in Puerto Rico yourself, knows someone on the island, or are willing to offer a helping hand, take a look at the resources at your disposal in the round-up below.
Find help through NYFA. 
NYFA.org offers relevant information about Current Disaster Resources, Emergency Grants, Legal Resources, Public Assistance, and more. You can also search for more grants and resources using NYFA Source, an online arts database with over 12,000 resources and opportunities for artists in all disciplines. If access to the internet is an issue or if you feel more comfortable speaking over the phone, you can call the NYFA Source Hotline at (800) 232-2789, from Monday - Friday, 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST. Inquiries may also be submitted via email to [email protected]. Please note that assistance over the phone will be in English, but emails in Spanish can be accommodated if needed. 
If possible, keep an eye on social media.
Information is usually scarce in the early stages of recovery. Following the appropriate social media feeds is one of the best ways to receive immediate updates from organizations, local news outlets, and federal agencies. Here are a few relevant Twitter feeds: 
Hispanic Federation
Museo de Arte de Puerto Rico
The Institute of Puerto Rican Culture / Instituto de Cultura Puertorriqueña
Office of the Governor of Puerto Rico
Cámara de Representantes PR
Red Sísmica de Puerto Rico
Autoridad de Energía Eléctrica
Departamento de Estado de Puerto Rico 
Departamento de Seguridad Pública de Puerto Rico
Negociado de Manejo de Emergencias y Administración de Desastres
Financial Oversight and Management Board for Puerto Rico
FEMA Region 2
Seek federal assistance.
Individuals in the municipalities of Adjuntas, Cabo Rojo, Corozal, Guanica, Guayanilla, Jayuya, Lajas, Lares, Maricao, Penuelas, Ponce, San German, San Sebastian, Utuado, Villalba, and Yauco may apply for individual assistance through FEMA. Applications for federal assistance are also available in Spanish.
For more information, please call the FEMA Helpline, 7:00 AM - 11:00 PM EST, seven days a week at 1-800-621-FEMA (1-800-621-3362) or TTY 1-800-462-7585. 
For other information, including what to do when returning home, avoiding charity fraud and false rumors, and more, check USA.gov. 
Don’t neglect your mental health.
Feeling anxious and stressed after a natural disaster is not a sign of weakness. If you’re feeling overwhelmed and is unable to seek immediate medical assistance, please call the PAS line at 1-800-981-0023 or the National Disaster Line at 1-800-985-5990 and press "2" to be connected to a bilingual counselor. Help on both lines is available 24/7. 
How to help. 
Before making a donation or volunteering, please read these Guidelines for Giving from the Center for International Disaster Information (CIDI). Pages like Charity Navigator are also a good place to research reputable charities, from food banks to animal care. Colorlines and Bustle have also published a round-up of organizations accepting donations and other kinds of support. Hyperallergic lists several arts organizations on the island that are collecting and distributing donations and opening their doors to the community via art therapy and other events. If you are an artist wishing to offer workshops to the impacted public, please complete this form from El Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Puerto Rico.
If you have any other relevant information or resources to add, please email [email protected]. We’ll update this post as soon as more information is available. To learn more about emergency preparedness, check our “Business of Art | Protect Your Work from Natural Disasters” blog post.
- Luiza Teixeira-Vesey, Designer/Marketing Officer
Image: Donise Ellen English (Fellow in Painting ’18), Hulga, 2017, encaustic and oil on panel
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digitalmark18-blog · 6 years
How to avoid scams while helping victims of Hurricane Florence
New Post has been published on https://britishdigitalmarketingnews.com/how-to-avoid-scams-while-helping-victims-of-hurricane-florence/
How to avoid scams while helping victims of Hurricane Florence
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Hurricane Florence brought devastating floods and to the Carolinas and killed at least 37, leaving people needing to rebuild.
Related: Relief money available for 18 NC counties, applications now open
If you would like to help those affected by the storm, here’s what you should keep in mind.
Check the charity
Before you donate to a charity, make sure you know where your aid is going.
The Center for International Disaster Information has compiled a list of charities that are sending help, and it recommends checking with a charity monitoring organization like GiveWell, Charity Navigator, Charity Watch, or the Better Business Bureau before donating.
Make sure your donation is secure by going through an organization’s official website or sending a check in the mail. Charity Navigator said you should never donate over the phone, email or unknown social media pages, as these are easier for scammers to target.
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Flash flooding has become an issue since Florence passed
North Carolina officials are making e it easy for storm victims to check out contractors before they hire them to clean up or repair damage.
Give cash, not supplies
Most charities prefer monetary donations, especially if you plan to donate internationally. These are more flexible and cause less of a strain on the charity, allowing them to help more, the CIDI explained.
“Unlike material donations, cash involves no transportation costs, shipping delays, or customs fees. It also enables relief organizations to spend more time providing aid by spending less time managing goods,” the organization explained on its website.
Consider volunteering
The Red Cross has put out a call for volunteers to help the affected areas in the Carolinas.
“Candidates with the greatest likelihood of being chosen have fluency in the language of the disaster-affected area, prior relief experience, and expertise in technical fields such as medicine, communications, logistics, water/sanitation, and engineering,” the CIDI explained.
Know that blood is needed
If you can’t donate money or travel to affected areas, consider donating blood. The Red Cross told ABC11 they had to cancel blood drives because of the storm, adding to an already urgent need for blood and platelets.
The organization encourages everyone in parts of the country that aren’t affected, especially people who have type O blood, to make an appointment.
Housing inspectors claiming to represent FEMA
Be cautious if somebody asks for your nine-digit registration number. FEMA inspectors will never ask for this information. They already have it in their records. FEMA inspectors never require banking or other personal information such as a Social Security number. Ask the inspectors to show you their identification badge. Federal employees and contractors always wear an official government or government contractor badge to identify themselves. Call FEMA at 800-621-3362 (TTY 800-462-7585) if you are suspicious of someone who says they’re a housing inspector sent by FEMA.
Fake offers of local or federal aid Don’t trust someone who asks for money. Federal and local disaster workers do not solicit or accept money. FEMA and U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) staff never charge applicants for disaster assistance, inspections or help in filling out applications. Don’t believe anyone who promises a disaster grant and asks for large cash deposits or advance payments in full. Report suspected fraud to the NC Consumer Protection Division at 877-5-NO SCAM (919-716-0058 for Spanish speakers).
Avoiding fraudulent building contractors Use licensed or verified local contractors backed by reliable references. To find licensed certified contractors check the North Carolina Department of Consumer Affairs. The department offers tips on disaster repair here. Don’t pay more than half the costs of repairs in advance. Demand that contractors detail the job to be done with guarantees in writing. If you suspect fraud, call the FEMA Disaster Fraud Hotline at 866-720-5721.
Trusted Information Sources A rumor control page has been set up to dispel false information about Hurricane Florence: fema.gov/florence-rumors. Call 2-1-1 or text “FLORENCE” to 898211 for questions about Hurricane Florence. Unfortunately, criminals can exploit disasters by sending fraudulent communications through email or social media and by creating phony websites designed to solicit contributions. Tips may be reported 24/7 to the National Center for Disaster Fraud at 866-720-5721. Or, email [email protected].
Source: https://abc11.com/how-to-avoid-scams-while-helping-victims-of-hurricane-florence/4293135/
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cilverstephen-blog · 5 years
A male enhancement product works in many different http://www.galaxyforums.net/forum/members/26528.html ways for various people. Therefore, don't just employ a penile enhancement product because it worked so effectively for one of your friends. The same product simply might not work for your needs, in the same way. Also, some penile enhancement items, such as the pills, don't suit all https://mc-drugs.com/members/finn-toosey.17431/ the men who buy them. Therefore, gather more complete information concerning the product you need to use before actually using it, to ensure that it's not necessary to face any type of health problems afterward. These mainstream medications are not designed to improve https://dokter-bola.club/forum/member/63817-orkocapsule/about fertility, increase desire, semen volume or penis size. While Viagra and Cialis receive the most exposure due to the large advertising budgets of their manufactures http://www.droidforums.net/members/finntoosey.418163/ there are also many other male supplement pills available on the internet. The male sexual enhancers available on the internet generally fall into three categories. The three main categories of male enhancement pills (supplements) on the https://www.question2answer.org/qa/user/orkocapsule internet are semen volume enhancement pills, penis enlargement pills and pills targeted to increase libido. Most of these products share several https://answers.opencv.org/users/429308/orkocapsule/ common traits including: made from natural ingredients, available without a prescription, improve sexual desire and require regular use for maximum effect. The quality and effectiveness of different supplements varies http://www.creetor.com/profile/orkocapsule widely from one product to another, even with similar ingredients. This variation often depends on whether supplements are manufactured in the U.S.https://www.digi.com/support/forum/user/orkocapsule or abroad and a manufacture's quality control standards. Additionally, reputable manufactures provide a money back guarantee, list product ingredients and contact information. Additional claimed benefits include harder https://godotengine.org/qa/user/orkocapsule erections, increased stamina and increased desire. Common ingredients in this category are Ginko Biloba and Ginseng both of which are natural herbs which studies suggest increase https://www.steinberg.net/forums/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=184707 blood flow to different tissues of the human body including the penis. Penis enlargement pills don't have any noticeable effect on semen volume or fertility. There are a number of sites which offer free advice and https://insideflyer.co.uk/forums/members/finntoosey.2965/ information about how to have a safe penis enhancement and they also show male enhancement videos which somewhat demonstrate some of the key features of the male enhancement drug or technique. These websites also offer information about medicine with https://www.gamedesire.com/player/orkocapsule natural and herbal ingredients which are better than those sold with artificial ingredients that may cause side effects and pose health problems for men who take them. Each person has different experiences with male sex enhancers. Be https://www.quibblo.com/user/orkocapsule sure to read about anything before you take it, so that you can understand it's duration, best usage, proper dosage and any potential side effects. https://ecastats.uneca.org/acsweb/cr/UserProfile/tabid/866/UserId/797784/language/en-GB/Default.aspx Most products are free from such problems, but if you are on heart medications or other possible treatments, be sure to double check that you can safely use natural male enhancers for sexual activity. Almost anywhere online or near you locally. There is a worldwide https://ehealthforum.com/health/user_profile_extended_801464.html marketplace that can be used to order sexual products direct to your home address, some retailers offer discounts for international and first time https://www.thepetitionsite.com/699/485/200/orko-capsules-price/#published customers. You can buy male sex enhancers from the privacy of your home, so that what happens in your bedroom, stays private. That question is what you must ask yourself, as a man and a http://userclassified.vending.live/services/orko-capsules-price.html sexual being. Often, there are other things to try before taking any natural male sex enhancement pills. Be sure that your diet is not in conflict with your sexual activities, plus getting regular exercise and losing weight can improve your sex life. Always consider http://my.spruz.com/member/ your basic health, before assuming that you need to take male sex enhancements. These are best used by males who are in optimum health, so that the enhancements can be fully realized sexually. All kinds of men are taking male sexual http://vw-club.ru/members/finn-toosey.40079/ enhancements today. Probably men that you know, but just never talked to about it. Male sex enhancements are hip and trendy, but they are also helping many men around the world. These products were never available to men everywhere, as they are today. So it's http://www.sttforum.com/index.php?members/finn-toosey.10792/ safe to say that almost everyone is taking male sex enhancement pills, when they need them or to try them out first hand. Because of the fact that you have a lot of male http://adipositas.selbsthilfegruppe-in.de/directory/psychotherapeut/orko-capsules-price.html enhancement pills to select from, you might not identify from where you should start. To enable you to pick the best male enhancement product for your particular wants, we certainly have accomplished all the analysis to aid you. We have now taken a look at most of the various penis enhancement pills and also natural male enhancement pills, and http://www.archisinstitute.com/classifieds/business-ads/orko-capsules-price.html now we have identified which of them may possibly work effectively for you depending on ingredients and efficiency. We know that men are driven when it comes to satisfying women. http://www.semconsultants-asia.com/osclass/index.php?page=item&id=7585 To help them become better in bed, most men use male enhancement pills. Considering the myriad of male supplements in the market, it will be hard for anyone to pick one to go for. You cannot judge how well a product is just by looking at https://myapnea.org/members/orkocapsule/posts its packaging. The wonders that it can do relies on its ingredients. So what are the male enhancement ingredients that the best male enhancement products use? Let's check them out. This is an ingredient that is widely used in many male enhancement https://www.otosaigon.com/members/finntoosey.304098/about pills as it is believed to have a powerful sexual effect on men. Also known as Eurycoma longifolia, this herb is believed to boost the level of testosterone by up to 93 percent, as shown in individual studies. The increase in the male hormone will result in a greater http://puertoprincesacity.org/wedding-2/orko-capsules-price.html sex drive and increase in energy. It is also said that Tongkat ali lessens the chance of premature ejaculation, increases the perm count and will make men hard much longer.
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googlekibehan-blog · 5 years
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