#page 7588
pesterloglog · 9 months
Arquiusprite, Jane Crocker, Roxy Lalonde, John Egbert, Rose Lalonde, Rosesprite, Jaspersprite
Act 6, page 7583-7588
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Abra cafiddling dabra you silly shootnerds
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> My e%ceedingly STRONG work as the party's premier bodybuilding hacker is done
ARQUIUSPRITE: 🕶️--> Off I go
JANE: ...
ROXY: ur wake!
JANE: Roxy?????
JANE: U'r alive!
JANE: Er, you're!
ROXY: so are you!
ROXY: you were dead last time i saw you and also before i found u sleepin here but now ur awake and also alive!
JANE: Yeah!
JANE: You were dead too, because I...
JANE: But now you're??
JANE: Oh god, Roxy, I'm so sorry I,
JANE: I wasn't thinking straight when...
JANE: Please forgive me. :(
ROXY: aw janey you dont gotta worry about whatever sad incident that frowns about
ROXY: thats all water under a bridge from a reality i got no recollection of and therefore dont matter at all
ROXY: by which i mean......
ROXY: this reality here, so ok the reality is still KIND of relevant because we are literally inside of it atm
ROXY: but im new here!
ROXY: i came over to keep being roxy since the old one died or whatever thru hecka debacles
JANE: That... is quite an explanation!
JANE: Jeez, I missed you.
ROXY: cmere u extravagant bitch!!!
JANE: Hahah!
JANE: (Wait... what?)
JOHN: the hug pile doesn't stop from getting taller.
JOHN: the hug pile! there are more hugs, rose.
ROSE: I can see the hugs. I don't understand the pile thing.
JOHN: oh. don't you remember?
JOHN: a funny quote from one of dave's old comics!
ROSE: Ah. Yes, vaguely.
ROSE: It's been a long journey, John.
ROSE: I believe one of the most valuable lessons that comes with growing up is gaining the wisdom that gently informs you when it's time to retire a meme.
JOHN: heh...
JOHN: i guess i never earned that handy badge, or whatever.
JOHN: i like this, though. every time someone wakes up, or pops out of nowhere, it's fun times all over again.
JOHN: i feel like i should be playing reunion bingo.
JOHN: who will be next??
JOHN: my money is on the long awaited and insanely poignant reunion between me and casey the salamander.
ROSE: Surely you mean the dear Viceroy Bubbles Von Salamancer, right?
ROSE: And instead of you, you mean me.
ROSE: That's when the real tears will flow.
JOHN: what do you think she's up to?
JOHN: no, she is my beautiful daughter. :p
ROSESPRITE: Something tells me the good Viceroy has been busy.
ROSESPRITE: I sense he's been... scheming.
ROSESPRITE: Biding his time.
ROSESPRITE: Accruing dark legions.
ROSE: That sure is a thing that would be dumb, if true.
JOHN: hi nanna!
JOHN: jane, i mean.
JOHN: sorry, it's an easy mistake to make, because you're my nanna!
ROXY: lol
ROXY: real smooth shit john
JANE: Hello!
JANE: A pleasure to meet you, John. Or, poppop, as I used to know you.
JOHN: hehe, yeah so i heard!
JANE: You look so...
JANE: Young.
JOHN: thanks!
JOHN: so do you.
JOHN: my nanna, who used to be ashes on my fireplace, regained her old womanly visage when i turned her into a sprite, and she helped me along the way.
JOHN: so nanna is a sprite! did you know that?
JANE: Um... no?
JOHN: i thought you should know that. she's probably around somewhere. i hope you can meet her.
JOHN: oh, also, i'm your son technically. did you know that??
JANE: Yes.
JANE: It is... a pretty strange fact!
JANE: But also pretty cool.
JOHN: yup!
ROXY: ooh jane thats my daughter there say hi to her!!!
ROSE: Hi, John's hot mom.
ROSE: (Aw shit.)
JANE: Haha...?
ROXY: also thats umm ANOTHER version of rose who died and then i buried and a stupid cat unburied her for some reason and prototyped her
ROXY: so say hello to my cool floaty double daughter!
JANE: Hi, Roxy's hot double daughter.
ROSESPRITE: (Rose Prime, I believe you may have just been owned.)
ROSE: (God damn Dave's contagious-ass Freudian boners.)
JANE: Wow, I feel so out of the loop! Sorry if I still seem disoriented from my... nap, I suppose it was?
JANE: Or impromptu troll-coma.
JANE: Roxy, you have to clue me in on what happened here! Where are Dirk and Jake?
JANE: And for that matter, John, where are your other friends? Oh, Jade! Where is she? Is she still asleep?
ROXY: hey janey that is all like a lot of stuff to say and everything goin on here is faaairly complicated and heavily peopled
ROXY: dont worry ill ease you into comprehending shit again ;)
ROXY: well ok cliff notes are: jake fucked off somewhere and dirk recently fucked off BACK here through a window but he left again pretty quick...
ROXY: dave went with dirk at wherever their fucking off too now, i think to get ready for some swords fightin, and yeah jade is still asleep but a coupla trolls lugged her off somewhere safe for now
ROXY: the REST of the junk im still sorting out myself bcs like i said im new to this exact plane of shenanigans
JANE: Yes, you mentioned that.
JANE: I still don't know what you meant by...
JANE: Wait!
JANE: You and John came from another reality, where everything went horribly, right?
ROXY: m-hmmm!
JANE: I just remembered. Really, it's been such a rollercoaster ride for my memory, since I fell asleep.
JANE: Your and John's travels were a critical part of the illustrated story we reconstructed through our memories with Callie.
ROXY: wat!
ROXY: you saw callie in your dreams????
JANE: I did!
ROXY: hoh man
ROXY: how is she!
ROXY: i saw her in a dream a little while ago and we talked about lots of stuff
ROXY: she looked like a troll then
JANE: Yes, her trollsona! She had hers on when I saw her.
JANE: And we had ours on too!
JANE: She seemed to be doing well.
JANE: Nervous, of course, since she was hiding. But we passed the time with our stories.
JANE: It was a lot of fun! I'm so happy I got to meet her.
JANE: I wonder if I'll ever get the chance again?
ROXY: wellll...
ROXY: now that u mention it
ROXY: it IS one of my chief objectives to go lookin for her asap
ROXY: aaand not to be THAT ROGUE n brag all heavy but i MAY be in better touch with my void powers now
ROXY: soo maybe i stand a p good chance of trackin her down?
ROXY: cus i GOT somethin for her
JANE: You do?? What? :B
ROXY: just a lil presie, nbd
JANE: ...
JANE: I see.
ROXY: (s'magic to)
JANE: WOW!!!!!!!!!!
JANE: Ahem, so,
JANE: You mean a ring, then.
JOHN: yeah!
JOHN: oh man, that's a great idea roxy.
JOHN: you should try and give it to her as soon as you can!
JOHN: then maybe we can all meet her before we ramp up for this battle?
ROXY: hmm yeh!
ROXY: u think i can do it?
JOHN: sure!
ROSE: I like your chances too.
JASPERSPRITE: Me too roxy! :3
ROSE: I also have some experience helping people along in the right direction, when it comes to navigating the abyss.
ROSE: Maybe I could assist?
ROXY: yeah maybe!
ROSESPRITE: I'm pretty sure I have experience performing literally the exact same task, in a slightly different context.
ROSESPRITE: So maybe I can double assist?
JOHN: see roxy? everyone thinks you should do it, because they all believe in you.
JANE: That's right!
ROXY: shucks fuckers ._.
ROXY: yall killin me here <3
JASPERSPRITE: Meow im so happy!
ROXY: frigglish u silly bastard whats up?
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr purr...
JASPERSPRITE: All the humans being so close together and happy and friendly purr purr.
JASPERSPRITE: Its making me really excited and happy too and making me feel like i want to be a part of everything!
JASPERSPRITE: Purr purr and get close to a nearby person and be happy at them with my body purrrr...
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, what are you...
JASPERSPRITE: I cant help it rose i want to cuddle im feeling so pleased and friendly! :3 :3 :3
ROSESPRITE: Jaspers, no,
ROSESPRITE: No, don't!
JASPERSPRITE: :3 purrrrrrr
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Let me play among the stars [Patrick Brewer/David Rose, Stevie Budd & David Rose - G - 7588]
To be honest, David finds it hard to believe the guy on the screen right now could be persuaded to go through with a spray tan, nevermind be sewn into a skin-tight sparkly shirt and take a step onto a dancefloor. With his neat blue button-down and cropped hair, his whole look seems contrived to be as boy-next-door, soccer-mom friendly as possible.
David Rose has been a pro dancer on Dancing With The Stars for twelve seasons, but the mirrorball trophy has always been elusive. Will his new partner finally be the one to lift it with him?
TFTC [Patrick Brewer/David Rose - T - 5,615]
When David spots several people acting strangely in front of the store, his curiosity - and suspicions - are raised. Patrick goes to investigate and in the process discovers a new hobby. David doesn't fully understand it but hey, his husband is cute when he's excited. "They’re everywhere. In the countryside, in small towns…” Patrick turns the phone around, pinches the map and then shows it to David. This time it’s a city on the screen, littered with many more green dots. “They’re in the cities too. Apparently there’s one nearby our store, recently set up. Which would explain the groups of people you’ve noticed. They were all looking for it.”
“Lots of people go looking for Big Foot and the Loch Ness Monster as well. That doesn’t mean it’s not a huge waste of time.”
Very Sportsmanlike Conduct [Patrick Brewer/David Rose - 4 - 4,538]
David likes audiobooks. Patrick likes hockey. What happens when you combine the two?
Paper [Patrick Brewer/David Rose - G - 3,304]
He started laying everything all over the coffee table. Then he laid out more pieces of scrapbook paper on the ground and started organizing pictures, stickers and other little trinkets on each page. Yes, this was turning out to be a bigger undertaking than he first thought it would; but he was loving how everything was turning out so far.
NOTE TO CREATORS: If your work is part of today’s reveals, please update the posting date of the work to today’s date so it shows up fresh in the AO3 feed.
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zirhlikuzgun · 2 months
January's crew - Page 31
[18961] {7585} ♀ Jade Preuß
[18962] {7586} ❤️ ♂ Rourke Preuß
[18963] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18964] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18965] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18966] {7587} ♀ Janine Preuß
[18967] {7588} ❤️ ♂ Roerk Preuß
[18968] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18969] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18970] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18971] {7589} ♀ Joyce Preuß
[18972] {7590} ❤️ ♂ Ryre Preuß
[18973] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18974] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18975] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18976] {7591} ♀ Jocelyn Preuß
[18977] {7592} ❤️ ♂ Ryle Preuß
[18978] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18979] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18980] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18981] {7593} ♀ Yvonna Preuß
[18982] {7594} ❤️ ♂ Randy Preuß
[18983] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18984] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18985] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18986] {7595} ♀ Yrys Preuß
[18987] {7596} ❤️ ♂ Rox Preuß
[18988] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18989] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18990] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18991] {7597} ♀ Ywa Preuß
[18992] {7598} ❤️ ♂ Ruffle Preuß
[18993] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18994] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[18995] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[18996] {7599} ♀ Yulia Preuß
[18997] {7600} ❤️ ♂ Ryckle Preuß
[18998] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[18999] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19000] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19001] {7601} ♀ Eddi Berger
[19002] {7602} ❤️ ♂ Dyler Berger
[19003] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19004] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19005] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19006] {7603} ♀ Emerald Berger
[19007] {7604} ❤️ ♂ Dylan Berger
[19008] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19009] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19010] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19011] {7605} ♀ Equinoz Berger
[19012] {7606} ❤️ ♂ Duncan Berger
[19013] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19014] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19015] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19016] {7607} ♀ Embeth Berger
[19017] {7608} ❤️ ♂ Desmond Berger
[19018] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19019] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19020] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19021] {7609} ♀ Diamond Berger
[19022] {7610} ❤️ ♂ Drake Berger
[19023] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19024] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19025] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19026] {7611} ♀ Dawn Berger
[19027] {7612} ❤️ ♂ Dreyton Berger
[19028] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19029] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19030] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19031] {7613} ♀ Duski Berger
[19032] {7614} ❤️ ♂ Doc Berger
[19033] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19034] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19035] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19036] {7615} ♀ Drixie Berger
[19037] {7616} ❤️ ♂ Dallas Berger
[19038] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19039] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19040] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19041] {7617} ♀ Velma Mertens
[19042] {7618} ❤️ ♂ Omer Mertens
[19043] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19044] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19045] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19046] {7619} ♀ Vicki Mertens
[19047] {7620} ❤️ ♂ Osman Mertens
[19048] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19049] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19050] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19051] {7621} ♀ Valerie Mertens
[19052] {7622} ❤️ ♂ Olly Mertens
[19053] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19054] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19055] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19056] {7623} ♀ Valentina Mertens
[19057] {7624} ❤️ ♂ Orlando Mertens
[19058] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19059] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19060] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19061] {7625} ♀ O'Leary Holm
[19062] {7626} ❤️ ♂ Jason Holm
[19063] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19064] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19065] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19066] {7627} ♀ Olga Holm
[19067] {7628} ❤️ ♂ Jeremy Holm
[19068] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19069] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19070] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19071] {7629} ♀ Onyx Holm
[19072] {7630} ❤️ ♂ Joel Holm
[19073] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19074] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19075] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
[19076] {7631} ♀ Opal Holm
[19077] {7632} ❤️ ♂ Juan Holm
[19078] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn friends and play/roommates]
[19079] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn cousins and siblings]
[19080] [¯\_(ツ)_/¯ newborn babies]
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aftgficrec · 4 years
do you know some christmas aus/fics?? or maybe november/decemberish?? or even just some winter aus pls❤️ i love your page :))
Oh, there are so many! I’m dividing this ask in two so I can stuff it full! Here’s winter. - A ❤️
Here’s part 2 of this ask, Christmas
Winter from previous recs
‘When the frost is in bloom’ (Jack Frost AU) here
‘Fox Sleep’ and ‘This is our beginning’ (shapeshifters) here
‘A Panther, A Fox, and Their Artist’ (shapeshifters) here
‘A Snow Globe for Monsters’ (Harry Potter) here
‘The architecture of flight’ (Harry Potter) here
‘Did you know I've never been skiing?’ (kandreil) here
‘Kandreil Ski Trip’ here
‘You Are Here’ (chapter 2) here
‘The Long Winter’ here
‘Snow Day’ here
‘daydream in pink’ (kev/allison) here
‘Winter Banquet’ here
‘Some Kind of Disaster’ (AU) here
‘the snow is melting’ (AU) here
‘Lost in Translation’ (AU) here
‘winter, formal’ (AU) here
‘all i want (is love that lasts)’ (AU) here
‘Miracle at Trojan Horse Coffee’ here
‘careful hands, mended hearts’ and ‘careful hands, mended hearts (the fever remix)’ here
Whiteout by loose_canon [Rated M, 5717 Words, Complete, AFTG Reverse Big Bang 2019]
The man next to Andrew leans forward and groans into his hands. Andrew doesn’t ask him if he’s all right, but he does flick the man an eyebrow in question.
“I’m fine,” the man says.
“Definitely.” Andrews gives his outfit a slow once-over.
“I’ll manage. I’ve done it before.” Defiance changes his pretty face, makes him fierce. Andrew grunts skeptically and opens his book before he can say something stupid.
But that doesn’t stop his seatmate. “I don’t like not being able to move, being stuck in a crowd, you know?” The glacier-lake eyes slowly close, and the man breathes out, soft and slow. Then he says, “I’m Neil.”
“I thought you were fine.” Andrew gets a shadow of a smile for that one, and it’s a cold wave of water in his gut, a quick shock and a trace of pleasure.
tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced torture
NB: Art prompt by @fornavn​ here
made up of light and shade by freefall [Rated T, 7588 Words, Complete, 2018]
It was getting harder to breathe. Neil wasn’t sure if that was because of the frigid air freezing his breath in his lungs or because of the knife wound in his side.
Snowed In AU.
tw: violence, tw: implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: implied/referenced rape/non con, tw: implied/referenced torture, tw: mild blood/gore, tw: canonical character death, tw: gun violence
get closer to me by sporadichearttcollector [Rated G, 1010 Words, Complete, AFTG Winter Exchange, 2019]
Neil and Andrew go on a date, and are very in love.
let me show you how much i love you by constellation_roses [Rated T, 1469 Words, Complete, 2020]
Andrew has a bad pain day, pushes himself too hard, and collapses during practice. Neil is there to take care of him.
Just some gentle love in the winter.
not looking for redemption nor some shallow kind of bliss by emmerrr [Rated T, 2314 Words, Complete, 2020]
A snowstorm, a power cut, and forgotten truths whispered in the dark.
falling down like angels fighting (stars and lightning hold me tightly) by unsealie [Rated G (we say T), 4784 Words, Complete, AFTG Winter Exchange, 2019]
Andrew and Neil and winter over the years. The physical distance between them may grow, but they become closer than ever, finding more pieces of home in each other. A story of healing, love, and warmth.
tw: implied/referenced abuse
wintry by lolainslackss [Rated T, Collection, Complete 2018]
Chapter 1: ugly christmas sweater potluck dinner extravaganza  
Chapter 2: hiding out at the winter formal 
tw: involuntary outing
Chapter 3: dinner date 
Chapter 4: ice rink 
tw: blood
JUST IMAGINE hc by @cressworthkiss [Tumblr, 2018]
- Kevin Day on a cold winter day
Kevin Day being able to actually enjoy the snow for the very first time hc by @cressworthkiss [Tumblr, 2018]
Fun in the snow art by @fornavn
Neil and Andrew in matching Foxes beanies art by @oblivionsdream
Matchin’ Mittens comic by @jewel-imagines Part 1 | Part 2 | Extra 1 | Extra 2
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kumarneeraj111 · 3 years
Capacitive Vacuum Gauge Market Business Opportunity to 2026 – Top Companies -  VACUUBRAND, EDWARDS, Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum
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The latest statistical and qualitative analysis of Capacitive Vacuum Gauge Industry on the Global and Regional level is presented in this report. The complete evaluation of market size, revenue, growth, demand, and Capacitive Vacuum Gauge import-export is offered in this study. The key market segments are divided based on top Capacitive Vacuum Gauge companies, types, applications or end-users, and regions. The key inclusion and exclusion criteria along with industry dynamics in terms of Capacitive Vacuum Gauge drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges are stated. The regulatory scenarios by regions & countries as well as strategic market investment scenarios are explained.
Capacitive Vacuum Gauge COVID 19 impact on industry advancements, supply chain, and impact on demand, price, and growth is studied. The SWOT analysis, Porter’s Five Forces analysis, and PEST analysis are conducted. The Capacitive Vacuum Gauge global industry trends, macro-economic policies, industry news, and policies are specified. Also, the downstream major customer analysis is conducted.
Click here to receive a Free sample report to have a clear industry picture and key points@  https://www.qmsresearch.com/request-for-sample-pages/?reportId=7588
The top companies analysed in this research are: Pfeiffer Vacuum, ILMVAC, INFICON, Nor-Cal Products, MKS Instruments, VACUUBRAND, EDWARDS, Oerlikon Leybold Vacuum, Thyracont Vacuum Instruments
The key product types are:
Digital, Analog
The top application studied is:
Coating, Vacuum Drying/Heat Treatment, Space Simulation, Analysis Equipment, Leak Detection Systems
The Capacitive Vacuum Gauge revenue in US$ Mn is provided by comparing different product types on a global and regional level. Also, the market attractiveness analysis by type from 2015-2026 is covered. Similarly, the end-user analysis, regional analysis, and industry outlook are stated.
The Y-o-Y growth rate comparison is calculated from 2015-2026 for each type, region, and end-user. The vital regions studied in this report include Capacitive Vacuum Gauge presence across North America, South America, Europe, Asia-Pacific, Middle East & Africa, and the rest of the world. In the next part, top company profiles are presented with company overview, Business portfolio, product details, key financials, global revenue share by region, and SWOT analysis.
The most crucial Capacitive Vacuum Gauge key financial segment analyzes the revenue (US$ Mn), operating income, net margin %, gross margin %, capital spending, production capacity, net income, and more. Also, the competitive scenario is reflected by competition among different industry players in terms of marketing strategies, growth opportunities, new product launches, and developments.
The country-based market segmentation is as follows:
North America Capacitive Vacuum Gauge Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes the United States, Canada, Mexico
Europe Capacitive Vacuum Gauge Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Germany, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Spain, Russia, and the rest
Asia-Pacific Capacitive Vacuum Gauge Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Japan, South Korea, India, China, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, and the rest
The Middle East & Africa Capacitive Vacuum Gauge Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Egypt, Israel, Iran, and the rest
South America Capacitive Vacuum Gauge Market Y-o-Y growth rate comparison includes Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile, and the rest
If You Have Any Query, Ask Our Experts @ https://www.qmsresearch.com/inquiry-before-buy/?reportId=7588
Insights on Research Methodology:
The research methodology consists of qualitative and quantitative analysis derived using primary and secondary databases. The top-down and bottom-up approaches are used to derive and validate the Capacitive Vacuum Gauge Industry statistics. Paid primary interviews are conducted with Capacitive Vacuum Gauge manufacturers, dealers, marketing managers, product managers, R&D people, VP’s, directors, and more.
The manufacturing processes, technological advancements, Capacitive Vacuum Gauge cost structure, price trends are analyzed in detail. The forecast analysis based on the potential demand from Capacitive Vacuum Gauge downstream clients, government, influencing factors, and policy changes are reflected.     
The secondary data sources consist of data gathered from Capacitive Vacuum Gauge Industry’s annual reports, presentations, press releases, national customs, statistical yearbook, and more. Each company’s revenue is obtained from paid databases, Hoovers, Factiva, Bloomberg Business, public databases to name a few.
The primary research assists in the analysis of segmentation types, Capacitive Vacuum Gauge product price range, raw materials supply, downstream consumption, industry status & outlook. Hence, thorough and comprehensive research is done by QMS Research to deliver reliable, up-to-date, and complete insights.
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QMS Research is a research hub to meet the syndicate, custom and consulting research needs. Our company excels in catering to the research requirements of commercial, industrial and all other business enterprises. Our huge database with up-to-date and latest information will definitely help the businesses in planning and shaping their business strategies. Accurate market analysis backed by comprehensive research methodology will drive the growth of an industry. Our company offers the wide variety of research reports related to chemical, technology, healthcare, automobile and various other sectors.
Contact Us:
Aadam Ollison
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tnahornyi · 4 years
Are cities the healthy place to live in?
After looking through the codebook for the GapMinder statistics, I have decided that I am particularly interested in urban studies. All the present variables may be used to research the urban staff. It is time to develop the topic of my work and bring the relevant variables to my personal codebook.
While urban affairs is a good starting point, I need to determine what it is about it that I am interested in. Nowadays, the issue of pandemic realities is taking the special place in our everyday life. Some experts say the urban environment as a dense place provoke the spread of viruses. But considering all advantages that cities developed during last centuries, should we feel ourselves vulnerable in it?
I decide that I am most interested in exploring the association between level of public health and the density of urban population in different countries. I add to my codebook variables reflecting this topic (e.g. urbanization rate and life expectancy). On the other hand, the links between urban development and the specific diseases and health issues (such as alcohol consumption or suicide rate) are also important to understand the urban environment as a healthe place to live.
There is a series of academic publications related to this topic. Summary:
1. Martin C. J. Bootsma and Neil M. Ferguson. The effect of public health measures on the 1918 influenza pandemic in U.S. cities. PNAS, May 1, 2007, 104 (18). 7588-7593; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0611071104
2. Lewis H.Ziska, PhD, Dennis E.Gebhard, David A.Frenz, MD et al. Cities as harbingers of climate change: Common ragweed, urbanization, and public health. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Volume 111, Issue 2, February 2003, Pages 290-295; https://doi.org/10.1067/mai.2003.53
3. Ashton John, Grey Paula, Barnard Keith. Healthy cities — WHO's New Public Health initiative. Health Promotion International, Volume 1, Issue 3, 1986, Pages 319–324, https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/1.3.319
4.  S Medina, A Plasencia, F Ballester.  Apheis: public health impact of PM10 in 19 European cities. Evidence based public health policy and practice, 2004 - jech.bmj.com; http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/jech.2003.016386
I would make a hypothesis about the topic that is to be investigated. The city, considering the high level of connectivity and accessibility, is a health place to live in, even during the pandemic times. Will the existing data show this? We will see soon enough.
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montrealfree860 · 2 years
Marie avgeropoulos pokies
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Actress Marie Avgeropoulos Charged With Domestic Violence After.
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Lily Allen - HecklerSpray.
Marie Avgeropoulos,Net Worth, Appearance, Relationship, Kids.
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Marie Avgeropoulos Biography - Canadian actress | Pantheon.
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Aug 08, 2020 · Your Favourite Celebrity Marie Avgeropoulos Data on Detail. Read the details quickly and know your celebrity properly.... Philip Avgeropoulos: Networth. Networth. Marie Avgeropoulos is a female actress born in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada and today she is exactly 35 years old. Her birthday is on the 17th of June and she was born in the year 1986. Her birthday is on the 17th of June and she was born in the year 1986.
Morgan Fairchild Plastic Surgery Before After, Breast Implants.
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With other actors from the show, including Marie Avgeropoulos, Bob Morley, Lindsey Morgan and Ricky Whittle talking about how the second season impacted their characters (Morgan admitted that her. Nude Audrina Patridge Leaked Photos Marie Avgeropoulos by Sami Vaskola Photoshoot 05 GotCeleb Lacey Chabert Archives Naked Marie Avgeropoulos in The 100 Celeb Diary: Taylor Lautner We Love Women: Berenice Marlohe marie avgeropoulos swimsuit, marie avgeropoulos biography, marie avgeropoulos yoga,….
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"The 100" Actress Marie Avgeropoulos has been charged with domestic violence after allegedly striking her boyfriend multiple times while on the 134 Freeway in Glendale last month. The incident.
Actress Marie Avgeropoulos Charged With Domestic Violence After.
Check out our marie avgeropoulos selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. Marie Avgeropoulos Taille, Poids, Date de naissance, Couleur des cheveux, Couleur des yeux. HWceleb com Rechercher. Célébrités; Anniversaire; Top 100; Accueil; Célébrités; Marie Avgeropoulos; Found mistake? Please, Tell about it. If you found a mistake or know a better translation, please, tell us about it. Wrong (or english) fragment. Correct (or translated).
Marie Avgeropoulos - Movies, Bio and Lists on MUBI.
Clarke ou Lexa perso - page 2 - Topic La plus belle fille de la série The 100. du 15-10-2015 17:59:07 sur les forums de. Sep 12, 2021 - Explore Christina Chase's board "Marie avgeropoulos", followed by 102 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about marie avgeropoulos, octavia, maria avgeropoulos.
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Taylor Daniel Lautner (/ ˈ l aʊ t n ər /; born February 11, 1992) is an American actor and model.He is best known for playing shapeshifter Jacob Black in The Twilight Saga film series.. Lautner began his acting career playing bit parts in comedy series such as The Bernie Mac Show (2003) and My Wife and Kids (2004), before having voice roles in television series like What's New, Scooby-Doo?. Marie Avgeropoulos (/ævdʒɛrɔːˈpuːlɔːs/; born 17 June 1986) is a Canadian actress and model. She is best known for her role as Octavia Blake on The CW’s post-apocalyptic science fiction television series The 100 (2014–present). BIRTH SIGN. cancer. FIRST MOVIE. Moesha (1996) BEST MOVIE. BASEketball (1998) WORST MOVIE. Alien Raiders (2008) Courtney Ford is an American actress best known for her recurring role as reporter Christine Hill on Showtime's television series 'Dexter' in 2009 and her lead role as Jessica Crowder on the television film 'Kept Woman' in 2015.
Lily Allen - HecklerSpray.
Marie Avgeropoulos is a professional actress and model as well. She has been working since 2009 and done many films and television shows. We have researched about her filmography and figured out the notable works. Marie Avgeropoulos Marie Avgeropoulos Movies and Filmy Career. Marie acted on 16 films so far. Now she is busy with a new movie. See full list on. Brittany furlan nipples - The Celebrity Braless Trendy Katie Holmes Braless, Kürzliche Posts. Abella danger dance; Ass butt anal; Marie avgeropoulos tits; Emily addison fuck; Darla d onlyfans; What is belle in english; Video porno de; Electra avellan hot; Anne archer pics; Jennifer lawrence fapping.
Marie Avgeropoulos,Net Worth, Appearance, Relationship, Kids.
Marie Avgeropoulos (born 17 June 1986) is a Canadian-Greek actress and model.wikipedia. 45 Related Articles (filter) The 100 (TV series) 100% (1/1) The 100 The 100'' (TV series) 100, The. She is best known for her role as Octavia Blake on The CW's post-apocalyptic science fiction television series The 100 (2014-present). Marie Avgeropoulos is an evergreen star who achieved huge fame in a very short time period. Being of an United States, she mostly came under the spotlight every now and then. Check out Marie Avgeropoulos Wiki, Height, Weight, Age, Family, Biography, Facts, & More.
Marie Avgeropoulos 🇨🇦🧿 (@marieavgeropoulos) • Instagram photos.
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ao3feed-stevebucky · 6 years
A Little More Light
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PhWhvg
by EvensDramaticShenanigans
“C’mon, Stevie. There’s no way I’m lettin’ you spend the holidays all alone. Besides, Ma’s expectin’ you, and if you don’t show she’s gonna be real upset,” Bucky prods, poking his toe into Steve’s side. They’re sprawled out on Steve’s ratty old sofa, Steve perched on one end, intently focused on whatever he’s drawing in that sketchbook of his, while Bucky takes up the rest of the couch by stretching across the cushions.
Steve’s pencil stills against the page, and he sets it down, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips as he fixes a thoroughly unimpressed stare onto Bucky. “Using your Ma to guilt me into crashing your holiday celebrations is a dirty, dirty trick, Barnes.”
“How many times do I hafta tell you, you ain’t crashin’ anything. We want you there,” Bucky assures, and bends down so his head falls into Steve’s line of sight, which has dropped back down to his sketchbook. Bucky’s practically lying in his lap now, and he reaches a hand up to touch Steve’s cheek, soft and gentle. “I want you there.”
Words: 7588, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Rebecca Barnes Proctor, Winifred Barnes, George Barnes (Marvel), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Pre-War, 1930s, 1940s, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Jewish Holidays, Hanukkah, Family, Boys In Love, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Steve Rogers is so loved, The Barnes Family Loves Steve, History of Hanukkah, Dreidel, עברית | Hebrew, just a few lines of it!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PhWhvg
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ao3feed-buckybarnes · 6 years
A Little More Light
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PhWhvg
by EvensDramaticShenanigans
“C’mon, Stevie. There’s no way I’m lettin’ you spend the holidays all alone. Besides, Ma’s expectin’ you, and if you don’t show she’s gonna be real upset,” Bucky prods, poking his toe into Steve’s side. They’re sprawled out on Steve’s ratty old sofa, Steve perched on one end, intently focused on whatever he’s drawing in that sketchbook of his, while Bucky takes up the rest of the couch by stretching across the cushions.
Steve’s pencil stills against the page, and he sets it down, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips as he fixes a thoroughly unimpressed stare onto Bucky. “Using your Ma to guilt me into crashing your holiday celebrations is a dirty, dirty trick, Barnes.”
“How many times do I hafta tell you, you ain’t crashin’ anything. We want you there,” Bucky assures, and bends down so his head falls into Steve’s line of sight, which has dropped back down to his sketchbook. Bucky’s practically lying in his lap now, and he reaches a hand up to touch Steve’s cheek, soft and gentle. “I want you there.”
Words: 7588, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Captain America (Movies)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve Rogers, Rebecca Barnes Proctor, Winifred Barnes, George Barnes (Marvel), Original Female Character(s)
Relationships: James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Additional Tags: Pre-War, 1930s, 1940s, Pre-Serum Steve Rogers, Jewish Bucky Barnes, Jewish Holidays, Hanukkah, Family, Boys In Love, Love Confessions, First Kiss, Steve Rogers is so loved, The Barnes Family Loves Steve, History of Hanukkah, Dreidel, עברית | Hebrew, just a few lines of it!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2PhWhvg
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acidsurfing · 7 years
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César Ancelle-Hansen gathered summerish shots in his first book. The theme isn’t a surprise, the ocean, but his images often are. A must have! Le Beau Livre de l’Été - Éditions Atlantica ISBN : 978-2-7588-0530-4 Format : 19 x 24 cm : 25 € – 180 pages
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Dell Alienware M15 R3, Dell G5 15 SE, Dell G5 15, Dell G3 15 Launched With 10th Gen Intel CPUs In India (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); With a 60Hz refresher scale of 15.6 inches, the Dell Alienware m15 R3 comes with up to 4K OLED display. Dell has propelled four gaming PCs in India to be specific, Alienware m15 R3, Dell G5 15 SE, Dell G5 15, and Dell G3 15. The Alienware m15 R3 was all-inclusive divulged in May and has now advanced toward the nation. The Dell G5 15 SE (Special Edition), then again, was first displayed in January during CES 2020. Dell says these gaming PCs have been propelled to take into account the creating market for gaming PCs in India. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dell Alienware m15 R3, Dell G5 15 SE, Dell G5 15, Dell G3 15: Price in India, accessibility The Dell Alienware m15 R3 accompanies a beginning cost of Rs. 1,99,990, while the Dell G5 15 SE (5505) begins at Rs. 74,990. The starting price for the Dell G5 15 (5500) is starting from Rs.82,590, lastly, the price for the Dell G3 15 (3500) is starting from Rs.73,990. Dell says the PCs will be accessible for buy through Amazon, Flipkart, select Dell Exclusive Stores, and select huge configuration retail and multi-brand outlets. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dell Alienware m15 R3 particulars The Alienware m15 R3 according to Dell, is the most slender, lightest, and most impressive Alienware PC. It accompanies a 15.6-inch 4K OLED show with a 60Hz invigorate rate and 100 percent inclusion of the DCI-P3 shading extent. There is additionally a possibility for a full-HD (1,920x1,080 pixels) show with 300Hz revive rate, 3ms reaction time, 300 nits splendor, and 100 percent inclusion of the sRGB shading extent. It is fueled by up to Intel tenth era Core i9 processor and up to Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super with Max-Q structure. The suspension is produced using Magnesium-Alloy and the console bolsters per-key RGB backdrop illumination. You additionally get Tobii eye following the Alienware m15 R3. You can get up to 32GB DDR4 RAM, up to 1TB PCIe M.2SSD. The gaming PC accompanies a 86Wh battery. Dell G5 15 SE (5505) determinations The Dell G5 15 SE (5505) accompanies a 15.6-inch full-HD show with a 60Hz revive rate and 220nits of brilliance. It is fueled by AMD Ryzen 4000 H-arrangement versatile processors with AMD Radeon RX 5600M GPUs. There is a 51Wh battery present in the Dell G5 15 SE (5505). It arrives in a Supernova Silver shading choice with blue accents. It additionally incorporates a RAM of 8GB and 512GB PCIe M.2 SSD. For network, you get up to a SuperSpeed USB 3.2 Gen 1 port, Killer Wireless 1650x 2x2 AX, and Bluetooth v5.1, an USB Type-C port, two SuperSpeed USB 2.0 and an Ethernet port. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dell G5 15 (5500) particulars The Dell G5 15 (5500) is fueled by up to tenth era Intel Core i7 processor and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti designs card. You get against glare full-HD show with 300nits brilliance. It has double fan cooling innovation that holds the thermals under tight restraints. The battery limit on the Dell G5 15 (5500) is 51Wh. It accompanies 8GB of DDR4 RAM, 512GB PCIe M.2 SSD, and a full-size illuminated console. For availability, you get two SuperSpeed USB 2.0 ports, an SD card space, an HDMI port, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, an USB Type-C port, a SuperSpeed USB 3.2 Gen 1 port, and an Ethernet. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Dell G3 15 (3500) particulars The Dell G3 15 (3500) accompanies up to the tenth era Intel Core i7 processor and up to Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti GPU, with 4GB GDDR6 VRAM. You can get a full-HD 60Hz presentation either with 220 nits brilliance or with 300 nits splendor. Smash can go up to 16GB DDR4 while capacity alternatives incorporate 512GB PCIe M.2 SSD or 256GB PCIe M.2 SSD with 1TB 5400 RPM HDD setup. The battery is 51Wh here too. Availability choices on the Dell G3 15 (3500) incorporate an HDMI port, Wi-Fi, two SuperSpeed USB 2.0 ports, Bluetooth v5, an SD space, a SuperSpeed USN 3.2 Gen 1 port and an Ethernet port. KEY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAY 15.60-inches DISPLAY RESOLUTION 1920x1080p PROCESSOR Core i5 RAM 8GB OS Windows 10 ALSO SEE amazon.in Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch)  – Click Here To Go The Page amazon.in Dell G3 15 3579 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go To The Page amazon.in Dell Alienware 15 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, 15.6 inch) – Click Here KEY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAY 15.60-Inch OS Windows 10 RESOLUTION 1920x1080p PROCESSOR Ryzen 5 RAM 8GB HARD DISK No SSD 512GB WEIGHT 2.50Kg ALSO SEE amazon.in Dell Inspiron 5570 Laptop (Windows 10 Home, 16GB RAM, 2000GB HDD, Intel Core i5, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go The Page amazon.in Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go To The Page amazon.in Dell G3 15 3579 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here KEY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAY 15.60-inch OS Windows 10 RESOLUTION 1920x1080p PROCESSOR Core i5 HARD DISK No RAM 8GB SSD 512GB GRAPHICS Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti WEIGHT 2.34Kg ALSO SEE amazon.in Dell Inspiron 5570 Laptop (Windows 10 Home, 16GB RAM, 2000GB HDD, Intel Core i5, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go The Page amazon.in Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go To The Page amazon.in Dell G3 15 3579 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here KEY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAY 15.60Inch OS Windows 10 RESOLUTION 1920x1080p PROCESSOR Core i5 RAM 8GB HARD DISK 1TB SSD 256GB GRAPHICS Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 WEIGHT 2.34Kg ALSO SEE amazon.in Dell Inspiron 5570 Laptop (Windows 10 Home, 16GB RAM, 2000GB HDD, Intel Core i5, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go The Page amazon.in Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go To The Page amazon.in Dell G3 15 3579 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here  For Regular & Fastest Tech News and Reviews, Follow TECHNOXMART on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google News and Subscribe Here Now. By Subscribing You Will Get Our Daily Digest Headlines Every Morning Directly In Your Email Inbox.             【Join Our Whatsapp Group Here】 (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Dell Alienware M15 R3, G5 15 SE, G5 15, G3 15 Launched In India: Check All Details Here
Dell Alienware M15 R3, Dell G5 15 SE, Dell G5 15, Dell G3 15 Launched With 10th Gen Intel CPUs In India
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With a 60Hz refresher scale of 15.6 inches, the Dell Alienware m15 R3 comes with up to 4K OLED display.
Dell has propelled four gaming PCs in India to be specific, Alienware m15 R3, Dell G5 15 SE, Dell G5 15, and Dell G3 15. The Alienware m15 R3 was all-inclusive divulged in May and has now advanced toward the nation. The Dell G5 15 SE (Special Edition), then again, was first displayed in January during CES 2020. Dell says these gaming PCs have been propelled to take into account the creating market for gaming PCs in India.
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Dell Alienware m15 R3, Dell G5 15 SE, Dell G5 15, Dell G3 15: Price in India, accessibility
The Dell Alienware m15 R3 accompanies a beginning cost of Rs. 1,99,990, while the Dell G5 15 SE (5505) begins at Rs. 74,990. The starting price for the Dell G5 15 (5500) is starting from Rs.82,590, lastly, the price for the Dell G3 15 (3500) is starting from Rs.73,990. Dell says the PCs will be accessible for buy through Amazon, Flipkart, select Dell Exclusive Stores, and select huge configuration retail and multi-brand outlets.
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Dell Alienware m15 R3 particulars
The Alienware m15 R3 according to Dell, is the most slender, lightest, and most impressive Alienware PC. It accompanies a 15.6-inch 4K OLED show with a 60Hz invigorate rate and 100 percent inclusion of the DCI-P3 shading extent. There is additionally a possibility for a full-HD (1,920x1,080 pixels) show with 300Hz revive rate, 3ms reaction time, 300 nits splendor, and 100 percent inclusion of the sRGB shading extent. It is fueled by up to Intel tenth era Core i9 processor and up to Nvidia GeForce RTX 2080 Super with Max-Q structure. The suspension is produced using Magnesium-Alloy and the console bolsters per-key RGB backdrop illumination. You additionally get Tobii eye following the Alienware m15 R3. You can get up to 32GB DDR4 RAM, up to 1TB PCIe M.2SSD. The gaming PC accompanies a 86Wh battery.
Dell G5 15 SE (5505) determinations
The Dell G5 15 SE (5505) accompanies a 15.6-inch full-HD show with a 60Hz revive rate and 220nits of brilliance. It is fueled by AMD Ryzen 4000 H-arrangement versatile processors with AMD Radeon RX 5600M GPUs. There is a 51Wh battery present in the Dell G5 15 SE (5505). It arrives in a Supernova Silver shading choice with blue accents. It additionally incorporates a RAM of 8GB and 512GB PCIe M.2 SSD. For network, you get up to a SuperSpeed USB 3.2 Gen 1 port, Killer Wireless 1650x 2x2 AX, and Bluetooth v5.1, an USB Type-C port, two SuperSpeed USB 2.0 and an Ethernet port.
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Dell G5 15 (5500) particulars
The Dell G5 15 (5500) is fueled by up to tenth era Intel Core i7 processor and Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti designs card. You get against glare full-HD show with 300nits brilliance. It has double fan cooling innovation that holds the thermals under tight restraints. The battery limit on the Dell G5 15 (5500) is 51Wh. It accompanies 8GB of DDR4 RAM, 512GB PCIe M.2 SSD, and a full-size illuminated console. For availability, you get two SuperSpeed USB 2.0 ports, an SD card space, an HDMI port, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, an USB Type-C port, a SuperSpeed USB 3.2 Gen 1 port, and an Ethernet.
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Dell G3 15 (3500) particulars
The Dell G3 15 (3500) accompanies up to the tenth era Intel Core i7 processor and up to Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti GPU, with 4GB GDDR6 VRAM. You can get a full-HD 60Hz presentation either with 220 nits brilliance or with 300 nits splendor. Smash can go up to 16GB DDR4 while capacity alternatives incorporate 512GB PCIe M.2 SSD or 256GB PCIe M.2 SSD with 1TB 5400 RPM HDD setup. The battery is 51Wh here too. Availability choices on the Dell G3 15 (3500) incorporate an HDMI port, Wi-Fi, two SuperSpeed USB 2.0 ports, Bluetooth v5, an SD space, a SuperSpeed USN 3.2 Gen 1 port and an Ethernet port.
Core i5
Windows 10
Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch)  – Click Here To Go The Page
Dell G3 15 3579 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go To The Page
Dell Alienware 15 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, 15.6 inch) – Click Here
Windows 10
Ryzen 5
Dell Inspiron 5570 Laptop (Windows 10 Home, 16GB RAM, 2000GB HDD, Intel Core i5, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go The Page
Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go To The Page
Dell G3 15 3579 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here
Windows 10
Core i5
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti
Dell Inspiron 5570 Laptop (Windows 10 Home, 16GB RAM, 2000GB HDD, Intel Core i5, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go The Page
Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go To The Page
Dell G3 15 3579 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here
Windows 10
Core i5
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650
Dell Inspiron 5570 Laptop (Windows 10 Home, 16GB RAM, 2000GB HDD, Intel Core i5, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go The Page
Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here To Go To The Page
Dell G3 15 3579 Laptop (Windows 10, 8GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Intel Core i7, Black, 15.6 inch) – Click Here
 For Regular & Fastest Tech News and Reviews, Follow TECHNOXMART on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google News and Subscribe Here Now. By Subscribing You Will Get Our Daily Digest Headlines Every Morning Directly In Your Email Inbox.             【Join Our Whatsapp Group Here】
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from https://ift.tt/3eYLjaW
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Dell G7 Series Gaming Laptops Launched With 10th-Gen Intel CPUs, Nvidia GeForce RTX GPUs: Check Everything Here
Dell G7 Series Gaming Laptops Launched With 10th-Gen Intel CPUs, Nvidia GeForce RTX GPUs: Check Price, Specifications, More Here
The G7 series Laptops are provided with the 10th-gen Core i9-10885H octa-core CPU by Dell.
Dell G7 arrangement is the most up to date participant in Dell's gaming PC portfolio, keeping aside its Alienware setup of gaming workstations. The Dell G7 comes in two variations, the Dell G7 15 and Dell G7 17, indicating the distinctive screen sizes. The PCs are fueled by the tenth gen Intel Core CPUs and up to Nvidia GeForce RTX GPUs. There are both high invigorate rates and high-goals screen choices. Both the Dell G7 variations arrive in a solitary shading alternative, however, both have RGB illuminated consoles. The PCs are accessible for buy in the US and starting at now and Dell has not shared data on global accessibility.
Dell G7 Arrangement Cost
The Dell G7 15, which is the 15-inch screen variation with model number 7500, begins at $1,429.99 (generally Rs. 1.08 lakh). The organization says it will be accessible in the US starting June 29. The Dell G7 17 with mode number 7700 and a 17-inch show begins at a similar cost. This variation is accessible to buy in the US. Both the variations will be offered in Mineral Black shading alternative and accompany Windows 10 pre-introduced.
Starting at now, there is no data on if and when the Dell G7 arrangement will come to India.
Dell G7 15 (7500) Particulars
The Dell G7 15 comes in 15-inch full-HD (1,920x1,080 pixels) show with 144Hz/300Hz invigorate rate and UHD (3,840x2,160 pixels) OLED show with 60Hz revive rate choices. It is controlled by up to the tenth gen Intel Core i9-10885H octa-center CPU and up to the Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q GPU with 8GB GDDR6 RAM. Memory alternatives incorporate up to 32GB DDR4 RAM timed at 2,933MHz. It accompanies a solitary stockpiling choice and can be outfitted with up to a 1TB PCIe M.2 SSD. Availability choices on the Dell G7 15 incorporate Wi-Fi 802.1ac with either Bluetooth v4.1 or Bluetooth v5.0, Gigabit Ethernet, an HDMI port, three USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A ports, a 2-in-1 SD card opening, an RJ45 port, and a USB Type-C port.
Sound is taken care of by two speakers with Nahimic 3D Audio and there is a 720p webcam too. The battery limit goes up to 86Wh. The spill-safe console on the Dell G7 15 has 4-zone RGB backdrop illumination and the PC estimates 267.7x357.2x18.3mm and weighs 2.1kg.
Dell G7 17 (7700) Determinations
This Dell G7 variation accompanies a 17-inch show with no UHD goals alternative, just as no 60Hz revive rate choice. It tends to be fueled by up to a tenth gen Intel Core i9-10885H octa-center CPU and Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super GPU with 8GB GDDR6 RAM. It has indistinguishable memory choices from the 15-inch variation yet accompanies double stockpiling choices that can incorporate two 512GB PCIe M.2 SSDs or a solitary 1TB PCIe M.2 SSD. The Dell G7 17 has indistinguishable availability choices from the littler screen size variation however the battery limit can go up to 96Wh. The console and sound arrangement is equivalent to well. The Dell G7 17 estimates 290x398.2x19.3mm and weighs 2.9kg.
15.00- Inches
Core i5
Windwos 10
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti
Dell G7 Laptop (Windows 10, 128GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Core i7, Black, 15.6-Inches)  – Click Here To Go The Page
Dell Inspiron 3168 Laptop (Windwos 10, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, Intelk Platinumk, Red, 11.6-Inches) – Click Here To Go To The Page
Infinix S5 Pro 4GB RAM, 64GB - Click Here To Go To The Page
17.00- Inches
Core i5
Windwos 10
Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windwos 10, 128GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Core i7, Black, 15.6-Inches)  – Click Here To Go The Page
Dell Inspiron 3168 Laptop (Windwos 10, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, Itel Pentiuum, 11.6-Inches) – Click Here To Go To The Page
Dell XPS 13 9370 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 512GB HDD, Core i7, Silver, 13.3-Inches) - Click Here To Go To The Page
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from https://ift.tt/2YuM9XV
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mrhotmaster · 4 years
Dell G7 Series Gaming Laptops Launched With 10th-Gen Intel CPUs, Nvidia GeForce RTX GPUs: Check Price, Specifications, More Here The G7 series Laptops are provided with the 10th-gen Core i9-10885H octa-core CPU by Dell. Dell G7 arrangement is the most up to date participant in Dell's gaming PC portfolio, keeping aside its Alienware setup of gaming workstations. The Dell G7 comes in two variations, the Dell G7 15 and Dell G7 17, indicating the distinctive screen sizes. The PCs are fueled by the tenth gen Intel Core CPUs and up to Nvidia GeForce RTX GPUs. There are both high invigorate rates and high-goals screen choices. Both the Dell G7 variations arrive in a solitary shading alternative, however, both have RGB illuminated consoles. The PCs are accessible for buy in the US and starting at now and Dell has not shared data on global accessibility. Dell G7 Arrangement Cost The Dell G7 15, which is the 15-inch screen variation with model number 7500, begins at $1,429.99 (generally Rs. 1.08 lakh). The organization says it will be accessible in the US starting June 29. The Dell G7 17 with mode number 7700 and a 17-inch show begins at a similar cost. This variation is accessible to buy in the US. Both the variations will be offered in Mineral Black shading alternative and accompany Windows 10 pre-introduced. Starting at now, there is no data on if and when the Dell G7 arrangement will come to India. Dell G7 15 (7500) Particulars The Dell G7 15 comes in 15-inch full-HD (1,920x1,080 pixels) show with 144Hz/300Hz invigorate rate and UHD (3,840x2,160 pixels) OLED show with 60Hz revive rate choices. It is controlled by up to the tenth gen Intel Core i9-10885H octa-center CPU and up to the Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Max-Q GPU with 8GB GDDR6 RAM. Memory alternatives incorporate up to 32GB DDR4 RAM timed at 2,933MHz. It accompanies a solitary stockpiling choice and can be outfitted with up to a 1TB PCIe M.2 SSD. Availability choices on the Dell G7 15 incorporate Wi-Fi 802.1ac with either Bluetooth v4.1 or Bluetooth v5.0, Gigabit Ethernet, an HDMI port, three USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type-A ports, a 2-in-1 SD card opening, an RJ45 port, and a USB Type-C port. Sound is taken care of by two speakers with Nahimic 3D Audio and there is a 720p webcam too. The battery limit goes up to 86Wh. The spill-safe console on the Dell G7 15 has 4-zone RGB backdrop illumination and the PC estimates 267.7x357.2x18.3mm and weighs 2.1kg. Dell G7 17 (7700) Determinations This Dell G7 variation accompanies a 17-inch show with no UHD goals alternative, just as no 60Hz revive rate choice. It tends to be fueled by up to a tenth gen Intel Core i9-10885H octa-center CPU and Nvidia GeForce RTX 2070 Super GPU with 8GB GDDR6 RAM. It has indistinguishable memory choices from the 15-inch variation yet accompanies double stockpiling choices that can incorporate two 512GB PCIe M.2 SSDs or a solitary 1TB PCIe M.2 SSD. The Dell G7 17 has indistinguishable availability choices from the littler screen size variation however the battery limit can go up to 96Wh. The console and sound arrangement is equivalent to well. The Dell G7 17 estimates 290x398.2x19.3mm and weighs 2.9kg. KEY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAY 15.00- Inches RAM 8GB PROCESSOR Core i5 OS Windwos 10 WEIGHT 2.10Kg RESOLUTION 1920x1080p GRAPHICS Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 Ti SSD 128GB ALSO SEE amazon.in Dell G7 Laptop (Windows 10, 128GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Core i7, Black, 15.6-Inches)  – Click Here To Go The Page amazon.in Dell Inspiron 3168 Laptop (Windwos 10, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, Intelk Platinumk, Red, 11.6-Inches) – Click Here To Go To The Page amazon.in Infinix S5 Pro 4GB RAM, 64GB - Click Here To Go To The Page KEY SPECIFICATIONS DISPLAY 17.00- Inches RAM 8GB PROCESSOR Core i5 OS Windwos 10 WEIGHT 2.90Kg RESOLUTION 1920x1080p SSD 128GB ALSO SEE amazon.in Dell G7 7588 Laptop (Windwos 10, 128GB RAM, 1000GB HDD, Core i7, Black, 15.6-Inches)  – Click Here To Go The Page amazon.in Dell Inspiron 3168 Laptop (Windwos 10, 4GB RAM, 500GB HDD, Itel Pentiuum, 11.6-Inches) – Click Here To Go To The Page amazon.in Dell XPS 13 9370 Laptop (Windows 10, 16GB RAM, 512GB HDD, Core i7, Silver, 13.3-Inches) - Click Here To Go To The Page  For Regular & Fastest Tech News and Reviews, Follow TECHNOXMART on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Google News and Subscribe Here Now. By Subscribing You Will Get Our Daily Digest Headlines Every Morning Directly In Your Email Inbox.             【Join Our Whatsapp Group Here】
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souqbladek1 · 6 years
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