#paid off though. got the deposit back almost completely (all they did was bill me for like water/sewage for the last month)
yoshistory · 10 months
sorry to my former apartment place for talking shit. i was looking at my refund they're set to give me and they literally charged me nothing even tho i REALLY left that place a pigsty by my standards (couldnt vacuum my bedroom)(vacuum broke RIGHT as i tried to)(i could faintly smell cat pee in a corner)(eww)(tried my best to spray the shit out of it but still smelled it)(spackled a hole in the wall where i bumped my car in the garage into it very shittily and didn't have time for it to dry so i couldnt sand it)(left a huge maroon paint stain on the bedroom carpeting)(literally glued part of the window decoration back on and crossed my fingers about it)(painted the walls in the bedroom where you could still see the purple under it faintly)(did a REALLY bad job re-glazing my bathtub after it started peeling)(bathtub had faint purple stains on it from where my shower curtain unexpectedly started bleeding into the bathtub where it sat)
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lisbonsteresa · 3 years
You’re Once (In Any Lifetime)
🥳 🥳 HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAY( @eddiediaz)!!!!  🥳 🥳  (little late is better than never fingers crossed. a little something for my drew crew bestie who i have never yelled at, cajoled into watching a show, or threatened with a knife emoji. hope you like the...kind of au of the au of the - let’s just call it the 7th generation of an au 😘)
“She’s lingering again.”
“Call a spade a spade Bess.” George grumbled as she entered the kitchen with an armful of dirty dishes. “At this point she’s loitering.”
Nick glanced up from where he was reviewing that month’s order form at the prep table with a slight grin. “Don’t know if you can go that far. I mean she did pay for her dinner.”
“Oh please,” George shot back with a roll of her eyes. “It’s been 45 minutes since she paid her bill and she’s still nursing that iced tea like it’s a long island.” As if she knew they were talking about her, the redhead in the corner booth looked up from her glass and gave a small, unsure smile across the sparsely-seated dining room in their direction. She did not receive any in response.
“What I don’t understand is why she keeps coming here, of all places. I mean it’s not like our food is good.” An offended grunt came from Bess’s right, and she spun around to see the Claw’s cook pressing a burger to the grill with a wounded expression. 
“Oh no, Charlie,” she backtracked frantically, hands held out in a feeble attempt to placate the older man. “I just meant compared to what they must have at the yacht club.” 
Charlie gave a noncommittal shrug, apparently forgiving the unintended slight before moving down the line where he hopefully missed Bess’s whispered  “Or anywhere else…”
“Guys, come on.” Ace cut in, voice calm and measured even as he scrubbed determinedly at a rusting lobster pot. “It’s not like we don’t have other customers keeping us here. What’s so bad about Nancy lingering a bit?” 
“The fact that she’s not just ‘Nancy’, Ace.” George admonished as she tipped her dishes into the full sink in front of him, raising the water level until it sloshed dangerously close to the edge. “She’s Nancy Hudson. You know how the hill-toppers treat us townies -”
“When they’re not wheeling and dealing in back rooms to screw us over while they’re sitting pretty in their ivory towers.” Nick interrupted, his attention still on the sheet in front of him.  
“Exactly.” George gave her boyfriend an appreciative look as she leaned up against the prep table next to him. “And now what, I’m supposed to be happy that one of them deigned to grace us with her presence?” 
“Yes, and I had to take her hill-topper order.” Bess lamented, pouting near the line window until she noticed Nick looking at her with raised eyebrows. “What?”
“You know you’re a hill-topper, right Bess?”
She turned towards him, her expression scandalized and defensive. “That is completely different, Mr. Multimillionaire.” (Nick held his hands up in amused defeat). “I only just became a Marvin; I wasn’t born and raised a hill-topper, unlike some people.” 
“Besides,” she glanced back across the dining room with an insulted wrinkle of her nose, “the Hudsons and Marvins are long-standing enemies; it was humiliating to have to serve one of them.”
“The Hudsons and Marvins, maybe, but not you and Nancy.” Ace countered, leaning the lobster pot against the back of the drying rack before reaching into the increasingly murky water to start on George’s dishes. “You two barely know each other.”
Bess paused, playing with her necklace and staring into space as if considering this fact for the first time. “Well, I guess that’s true…"
“And she’s been spending her gap year here in town volunteering and helping Hannah Gruen set up a scholarship with the Historical Society.” Ace continued with a glance over his shoulder at Nick.
“I mean, that’s great, but -” Nick stopped, eyes narrowing “wait, how do you know that?”
Ace’s hands paused their motions, just for a fraction of a second, before he resumed rinsing a plate and gave a one-shouldered shrug. “Must’ve seen it in the paper somewhere.” He muttered offhandedly. “And -”
“And nothing.” George cut him off, crossing her arms across her chest with a scowl. “A few good deeds don’t change the fact that this time next year she’ll be 300 miles away with a full ride to some Ivy League school just because of her last name, and the rest of us will still be stuck here cleaning grease traps in an old clam shack.” Ace’s shoulders tensed more and more with every word that left her mouth. “And since when did you start defending Hudsons anyway?”
“I’m not defending the Hudsons, I’m defending Na-” Ace spun around to face the room and froze, realizing that his raised voice had turned three sets of interested eyes in his direction. (Well, four, if you counted Charlie.) “I’m not defending anybody.” he continued after a beat. “I’m just saying you can’t help who your family is, and at least she’s trying to be better than hers. It wouldn’t kill you guys to try and see that.” 
No one said anything - this was the most upset any of them had seen Ace get since the time that nor'easter put a tree branch through Florence’s windshield. “Anyway, dishes are done; I’m gonna take my break.”
He tossed the towel that had been slung over his shoulder down onto the counter and stomped down the steps towards the storeroom. The back door slammed shut a moment later, and the others turned back towards the dining room to see that Nancy had at last abandoned her iced tea and was heading towards the exit with the air of someone in a rush trying very hard to appear relaxed.
“So…” Bess began, her eyes flicking back and forth between Nancy’s booth and the door. “when do we tell him we saw them making out by the loading dock last Thursday?”  
“I say we make him sweat for a bit.” George said with a shrug as she straightened and headed out to clear the table. “Serves him right for thinking he could keep something like this from us.” Bess and Nick shared an amused smile behind her, then got back to their own work.
If any of them noticed that Ace arrived back from his break 20 minutes late with his hair in disarray, they kept it to themselves.
“Great. I’m going to be picking seaweed out of my hair for a week. Thanks a lot Bess.”
Bess paused her efforts to wring out her dress to shoot an incredulous look in George’s direction. “I’m sorry, how is this my fault!?”
“It’s my birthday George!” Came the response in a mocking imitation of the Brit’s accent. “Just close for inventory George! It’ll be fun George!” 
“Well excuse me for trying to enjoy a nice beach day!” Bess shot back. “How was I supposed to know we’d be attacked by that kelkey-whatever??”
“Kelpie.” Nick corrected, stopping the bickering for a moment while all three turned their attention towards the redhead kneeling in the sand and frantically running her hands over a soaking wet and slightly dazed Ace. “That’s what you called it, right?”
The second Nancy realized she was being addressed, her hands dropped from Ace’s body like they had been burned. “Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, a kelpie. They’re Scottish horse spirits that drag their victims underwater and devour them. That silver necklace Bess had was its bridle, and -” she paused, looking around to see the others staring blankly at her. 
“Sorry.” Her voice sounded almost sheepish. “I volunteer over at the historical society a lot, and there’s some…interesting stuff in their archives.” Another moment passed. No one’s expression changed.
“…Anyway the bridle can be used to control it, so I think it attacked you to try and get it back. And since you didn’t know what it was, it just seemed easier to grab it and toss it then try and explain why it was making the giant horse spirit angry.” She finished with a weak grin, as if she’d been explaining the weather and not the most terrifying thing most of them had ever seen. 
No one spoke for a while longer, and then Bess’s quiet  “Oh.” broke the silence. “Well…okay. For a second I thought you just really didn’t like my necklace.” 
The tension broken, the others looked at her with varying levels of amusement before she let out a gasp and turned to address Nancy directly. “Wait my cousin Cassidy gave me that last night! You don’t think…”
“I don’t think she knew what it was.” Nancy replied with an almost fond smile. “When the historical society got the request to put the necklace in one its deposit boxes, the record just said it was a Marvin family heirloom; brought over aboard the Governance.”
“And the kelpie followed it all the way here?” Nick asked, eying Nancy sideways as he tried to shake water out of his ear.
She shrugged. “There are some records that say kelpies are bound to follow their bridles, wherever they go. They can’t leave the water though, so it could have gotten into the bay and then…gotten lost, I guess.” Bess was already nodding along as if everything Nancy was saying made perfect sense. “We didn’t realize the necklace was anything out of the ordinary until Cassidy came to request it and Hannah thought she recognized it from her research.”
“Well good thing she did, or this might’ve been Bess’s last birthday.” George smirked. “Never thought I’d say this,” she continued, ignoring her friend’s offended huff and turning towards Nancy, “but I’m glad you were around, Hudson.”
“Thanks.” Nancy sounded like she wasn’t sure whether she should be flattered or insulted by the statement. “I was looking for you guys, actually. When we realized what the necklace was, we called Cassidy and she said she’d given it to you for your birthday, and since you were coming to the beach Hannah and I were worried that getting it too close to the water might -”
“Wait, how did you know we’d be at the beach?” Bess interrupted.
Nancy stilled, her eyes darting over to a still-groggy Ace then back to the others so quickly that they might have missed it had they not been watching her so closely. “I must have overheard it the last time I was at the Claw.” Her voice was measured; almost deliberately calm. “When it’s slow there your voices tend to carry.” 
Bess and Nick gave each other an uneasy sidelong glance at Nancy’s implication, while George’s expression grew into something approaching begrudging respect. “Anyway,” Nancy stood, brushing sand off her pants and looking anywhere but in Ace’s direction, “I should get back to Hannah and let her know everything’s okay. See you around.”
She turned and started heading towards the parking lot, and Ace watched with worried eyes as his friends had a rapid fire non-verbal conversation. Bess nodded towards Nick, who responded with a shrug. They both looked over at Ace with small smiles, then turned to George; Nick with one eyebrow raised in question and Bess with what could only be described as puppy dog eyes. George glanced at Ace before letting out a labored sigh and rolling her eyes as she called down the beach: “Hey Hudson!” 
Nancy turned, hands twisting in the strap of the messenger bag. “You wanna meet us at the Claw after we get cleaned up?” George asked. “We’re closed for inventory - it’d be a good place to talk about all…this.” (Bess cleared her throat pointedly.) “And we have cake for Bess’s birthday.”
The smile that bloomed on Nancy’s face was beaming, even at a distance. “Yeah, I’d like that.”
It had been three weeks since the kelpie incident, and for all intents and purposes, Nancy had settled in as the fifth member of their little group. She and Bess had gotten along almost immediately, despite some awkward encounters when they had run into family while together. 
Nick had warmed to her considerably once she started helping him with his plans for a youth center in town. (It certainly hadn’t hurt that she’d ‘misplaced’ her grandfather’s application for the building on Spring St. until Nick’s bid had already closed). 
And while George and Nancy bickered almost constantly, they (usually) did it with smiles on their faces. If asked, they might not call each other ‘friends’, but they were definitely heading in a good direction. 
The first Friday afternoon of July found them sprawled out across the dining table of Nick’s loft, brainstorming ideas for that year’s ‘Still Summer at the Bayside Claw’ event. (Or rather found most of them. Truth be told, Bess’s focus might have been more on her online shopping.) They’d been working for an hour or so when a noise like the rapid honking of a clown nose suddenly interrupted the conversation.
“Shit,” Ace muttered, grabbing his phone and snoozing the alarm, “I’m going to be late for Shabbat.” He gathered his things in a rush, exchanged a quick “Bye” and kiss with Nancy, then froze. 
His eyes moved rapidly between the others - Nancy’s wide-eyed panic; George’s look of shock and disgust; Nick’s eyebrows shooting up his forehead; Bess’s almost giddy expression - before seeming to make a decision.
“Uh…Nick,” he croaked out before anyone could react any further, making his way over to where his friend was sitting with an air of forced normalcy and kissing him like it was something he did every day. “thank you for having me.”
“See you tomorrow, Bess.” He continued, leaning over and giving her a peck on the cheek, causing a giggle to escape her barely-maintained composure.
He turned towards the other end of the table, eying George the way an antelope might eye a lion. “George -”  
“Don’t even think about it.” She cut him off with a glare.
“Right. ‘Course.” He glanced around the room one last time as he backed towards the door, eyes skipping over Nancy as if he was afraid of what his expression might reveal if he focused at all on her. “Um, have a good night everyone.” And then he was gone, the door slamming behind him as his rapid footsteps echoed down the hallway.
A minute passed in complete silence, then another. 
Nick looked absolutely mystified, his fingers stuck halfway to his lips like he couldn’t quite comprehend what had just happened. George’s grimace was slowly turning into an amused smirk, and Bess looked seconds away from breaking into complete hysterics.
Another minute passed before Nancy, staring at the table with a face almost as red as her hair, broke the silence. “So…how long have you guys known?”
“Since before the kelpie incident.” George answered bluntly, while Nick shook off his daze and turned his attention towards Nancy and Bess took a calming breath and tried to bite back her laughter.
Nancy’s eyes darted between the table and the door as if trying to decide if it would be worse to try and explain herself or just cut her losses and run. “Ok, well, we were going to tell you, we just -”
“You can relax Nancy.” Nick cut in, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. She flinched at the touch, but finally turned to see an understanding smile on his face. “You wouldn’t be here right now if any of us still had a problem with you.”
Bess nodded rapidly, reaching across the table to cover one of Nancy’s hands with her own. “You make Ace happy, and that’s what really matters to us."
A wobbly smile began to grow on Nancy’s face, before she blinked and turned towards George with apprehension and a bit of challenge in her eyes. 
George’s expression stayed firm until Nick cleared his throat and gave her a pointed look. She sighed and rolled her eyes, but the grin she gave Nancy was genuine.“Plus I guess you’re not horrible.”
That pulled a laugh from Nancy, even as she blinked back touched tears she knew George would make fun of. “Thanks guys. I really appreciate that.”
(To say Ace was confused when she walked into the Claw the next morning and kissed him in the middle of the dining room would be an understatement, but he definitely wasn’t complaining.)
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mcatra · 4 years
AU where Catra works at burger king
Catra works minimum wage at burger king, Adora comes in every day as the world’s worst customer.
‘I am being HARASSED.’ Catra groans, sprawling on her side of the register. ‘I’m begging you, just kill me.’ 
It was another slow afternoon at Burger King, or as she likes to call it the absolute shithole she only got minimum wage for. Catra could be out there living her life as a youthful teenager, instead she was serving chicken nuggets to her worst enemy- Adora. It didn’t help that said blonde was currently sitting in the corner, laughing obnoxiously with her friends she had replaced her with. 
‘Aw I’m sure Adora isn’t here to harass you, she probably just likes our food! I do cook these to perfection you know.’ Scorpia says conversationally from her spot in the kitchen as she flame broils another patty.
Catra scoffs, her eyes trained on her most hated customer. 
‘There has to be some sort of law against coming to one’s workplace every day! No one likes Burger King that much! NOBODY!’ 
Suddenly she sees Adora sit up from her chair, that makes a horrific screeching noise on their unmopped floor. 
‘Oh god she’s coming.’ Catra whispers, trying to duck into the kitchen. ‘Scorpia! Hide me!’ 
Her friend shoves her back to the counter, as Adora approaches. ‘You’re the only one on this shift who is allowed to use the register-’
‘Do not make me serve her I swear to god-’
‘Hi Catra.’ Adora smiles, and Catra’s eyes narrow. 
‘Whatchu want, princess?’ She sneers, avoiding her piercing blue eyes that reminded her of still lakes. Or swirling oceans. Or the fluffy white cloud bath bombs from Lush. Wait, no.
‘Mmm, can I get a strawberry sundae?’ Adora chirps, looking above her at the menu. 
‘Can’t.’ Catra drawls, looking at her black painted nails. ‘The machine’s broken.’
Adora’s face falls in disappointment, and Catra cheers inwardly at her small victory until Scorpia’s voice cuts through their conversation.
‘That’s not true, the soft serve machine is fine.’ Her traitor friend says, pulling down on the lever and swirling a perfect sundae into the cup. She adds the syrup before handing it to Adora.
‘That’ll be $1.50.’
‘Thanks Scorpia.’ Adora smiles, rummaging through her purse to collect her coins.
Catra rolls her eyes. 
‘What a cheap ass. Little rich girl can only afford a dollar-fifty ice cream? No wonder we’re running out of business.’ 
Adora frowns at this. ‘Did you want a tip or something?’ 
‘What? FUCK no. I don’t take charity.’ Catra scoffs, snatching the coins from her old childhood-friend-to-enemies palm. She swiftly jabs in the total and throws the coins into the drawer. They’re forced into silence as the receipt slowly prints, and she tries to ignore the way Adora is staring at her. 
Suddenly Adora leans in close, and she can hear her murmur close to her ear.
‘I’ll see you at student council.’
Catra flushes at the proximity, every hair standing on end. Before she can stutter out an insult, Adora rips the receipt from the machine and is sauntering back to Bow and Glimmer. 
The brown haired girl deflates, her nails scratching on the old countertop. All that mental damage, for $1.50? Life was not fair. 
Adora always had the perfect grades, the perfect family and friends, the most cushy and royal upbringing. After their falling out involving a scholarship to a private school, they hadn’t spoken until the merger. 
It filled Catra with sick pleasure that the private school had lost their prestige to embezzled money, and now had to be government funded. However in consequence of this, they had decided to merge the public and private school so they could sell off the land to build skyrises or something. 
This meant Catra lost her position of School Captain to Adora after a fierce election, and had been demoted to Vice Captain. Not to mention no matter how hard Catra tried, she could never beat her in the school rankings. She couldn’t work to support herself and study 6 hours a day, like rich privileged Adora. 
So now here she was, forced to interact with the one person she could’ve gone her whole life without seeing on a daily basis. 
Ever since Adora had discovered Catra had been working at Burger King during a late night drive-thru run, her ex best friend had made it her life’s mission to make her life hell. 
Of course she had done her best to make the experience awful to drive her away. Catra knew Adora hated pickles, so she would threaten Kyle to slice up an entire pickle’s worth in the blonde’s Whopper before giving it to her with a sweet smile. She is filled with glee watching Adora picking them out one by one in disgust. 
This doesn’t stop Adora from coming though. Not even when they had made it into some sort of competition to see how many pickles could physically be crammed into a bun. Or even when she had put every single condiment including the salt and pepper into an unholy liquid concoction and served it in a cola cup. Not even when she gave Adora food poisoning when they got too carried away trying to stack as many patties as they could to recreate Sky Burger. 
No matter what she did, the girl never went away. Even though she had so easily disappeared from her life when she had needed her the most. But she didn’t need Adora, she had gotten this job herself, she had gotten a roof over her head with her own power. She had worked so hard to become independent from Shadow Weaver, and no matter what, Adora will not jeopardize it. 
‘I’m doing, what exactly?’ 
Catra stares dumbly at her manager, a sinking feeling dawning on her.  
‘Adora ordered a birthday party at Burger King.’ Lonnie drawls, ignoring the look of complete horror on Catra’s face.
‘No, you can’t do this to me! Roster me for any other day. I cannot psychologically take this.’ She begs. 
‘Sorry dude, the deposit has already been paid for. We’re short staffed, and it seems like Kyle has gotten fryer oil burns from your last burger experiment with Adora.’ Lonnie whaps Catra with the birthday catering pamphlet. 
‘Stupid Kyle.’ Catra hisses, clenching it in her fist. Curse this damn place that can only afford to hire teenagers. 
‘Anyway, just set up the tables and decorations after school on Thursday. Should be a good day for business, with Adora and her posse being rich kids and all.’
‘Can I at least get time and a half?’ 
‘Are you gonna be paying Kyle’s medical bill?’
Catra pouts. ‘Not my fault you guys don’t provide gloves. This place is an OSHA violation haven.’ 
WE do the PLANNING, YOU have the FUN! The bold font emblazoned over the small child’s smiling face mocks her from the pamphlet. Catra clenches it in her fist. 
‘Also why the fuck did she book a kid’s birthday party package when she is like 17, and not 6 years old?!’ 
Lonnie rolls her eyes. ‘Do you still want a job or not? Just read the rest of the form, counting on you to organize it.’ 
Catra squints at the crumpled paper in her hand. 
-Themed birthday cards!
-Party bags!
-Birthday gift for the celebrant!
-Jumbo birthday cake!
-Special birthday songs!
-Dedicated hostess!
Catra can feel her soul physically leave her body. This was gonna be a long week.
It was terrible.
Adora had handed these obnoxious Burger King birthday invitations to all her friends, so now she had all these RSVP’s to the worst birthday of all of human history. In between working shifts until midnight, dealing with Adora at student council and not eating, Catra was on edge. 
‘No, you can not write ‘Die Adora Die’ on her cake.’ Scorpia chides, slapping Catra’s hands away to pipe the icing. 
‘It’s what she deserves.’ Catra seethes. If she couldn’t eat it, she could at least ruin it, right? 
‘They’ll be here soon, so try to take that dying grimace off your face.’ Scorpia replies, and Catra rolls her eyes before adding the finishing touches to the cake. 
Suddenly the door opens, interrupting her decorating. The once quiet establishment was now full of loud chatter as their classmates piled in one by one. All of Adora’s old private school friends were here, all unironically celebrating their school captain’s children’s birthday party at the worst fast food restaurant in their state. 
She plasters her fakest customer service smile she can muster. Dignity at the door. 
‘Hi, you must be here for the Birthday Girl’s party.’ Catra says, approaching the group. Just treat it like you don’t know them.
‘Aw you don’t have to be so formal with us, Vice Captain.’ Glimmer teases, and Catra almost snaps from her facade. Almost.
‘Let me show you to your table.’ Catra grits out. 
She had chosen the ugliest poop brown balloons she could find, and had deliberately made the HAPPY BIRTHDAY banner lopsided on the wall.
‘Thanks Catra!’ Adora grins, bouncing past her to admire the decorations. 
Catra imagines Adora’s face on the pinata and smashing it into a million pieces. She forces herself to take a deep breath. It was just the one shift, and she really needed this job. Plus after the party was over, she could probably nab some leftovers for her trouble. 
All of the girls (plus Bow and Seahawk) sit around the table, and Catra marches over with the laminated menus. 
‘Ooh, we all get hats!’ Perfuma says, placing her Burger King cardboard crown on top of her head.
Frosta squints at the menu. ‘I’ve never eaten fast food before. Looks disgusting.’
‘I think it’s fine! Adora wanted to eat here.’ Glimmer says in a sugarly sweet tone that just came off as passive aggressive. ‘Even though I had suggested my penthouse by the ocean and we go here nearly every day.’
‘I much rather would be at the ocean beach house thank you very much.’ Mermista retorts, swatting Sea Hawk off her shoulder.
Yeah me too, Catra thinks bitterly. She stomps off with their orders, cursing them inwardly the entire way to the kitchen.
Adora’s friends start playing with the so-called ‘entertainment’ they had haphazardly set up. 
It was ridiculous, seeing grown teenagers lining up to try to smack the shit out of a glittery pinata. They squabble over who gets to hit it first, Catra feeling very much like a glorified babysitter to her most hated enemies. 
After a while, she sees Scorpia emerge from the kitchen. ‘Happy Birthday to you,’ Scorpia sings with Adora’s birthday cake in her arms. ‘Happy Birthday to you~’ 
The others join in on the song, Catra only mouthing the words in silent rebellion. The cake is emblazoned with a crude doodle of Adora’s face with HAPPY BIRTHDAY written on her enormous forehead. 
‘Oh my gosh, I love it!’ Adora’s sky blue eyes light up, and she’s practically sparkling. Catra huffs, she wasn’t supposed to like it. Didn’t she see the drawing was supposed to make fun of her five-head? 
Adora catches Catra’s eye, beaming. ‘Did you draw this for me?’ 
‘She did!’ Scorpia tattles, and her enemy’s smile increased tenfold. Catra can feel her cheeks grow warm. Dammit. 
‘Whatever.’ Catra bites out, unable to meet her gaze.  
Luckily no one else seemed to be paying attention to the weird atmosphere between them, as they were split between eyeing the cake and pinata wrestling. 
‘Get over here Sea Hawk, we can do the pinata later!’ Mermista chastises, watching Bow spin her blindfolded boyfriend. 
‘Let me just get one good hit in, and I’ll join you!’ He crows, swinging the bat in random directions as Bow ducks the blows, laughing. 
Just for anything to do, Catra takes it upon herself as hostess to snatch up the knife and start cutting. She cuts into the cake to start portioning out the slices, but as the knife touches the bottom Glimmer lets out a shriek. 
‘What?’ Catra deadpans.
‘If you cut to the bottom of the cake, you have to kiss the person closest to you!’ Glimmer says, a demonic look in her eye. Adora elbows her, embarrassed. 
‘Excuse me?’ Catra’s never heard of this tradition. Though to be fair, she had not been to many parties in her lifetime. 
‘Oh, that’s right!’ Perfuma claps her hands together. ‘Adora’s closest right? Go ahead Catra!’
To her horror, Glimmer starts pushing Catra towards the blonde. She digs her heels into the linoleum, only to find that she was sliding from the newly mopped floors. 
‘Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!’ The girls start chanting, like they were her friends and that she wasn’t their damn server.
‘What the hell- fuck no, let go of me!’ Catra finally snaps, wrenching herself from Glimmer’s grip. 
The momentum sends her stumbling into Sea Hawk, who was still attempting to hit the pinata. 
‘Ack!’ He squawks. 
The bat goes flying straight out his hand and into their double doors. There’s a huge crash, and everybody winces at the noise. 
The glass pane shatters, and so does Catra’s sanity. She was so fired. 
Sea Hawk lifts the blindfold. 
‘Did I get it?’ 
It was nearly closing time, and Catra was still sweeping up bits of glass from the floor. This had been one of the worst days of her life, and she had been beaten and homeless before. To make it worse, Adora was still grovelling when she should’ve gone hours ago like the rest of them. 
‘I am so sorry Catra, I’ll pay for everything, I’ll take full responsibility so you don’t get fired-’ 
‘Stop it.’ She was too tired to even argue with Adora like she usually did, wishing Adora would just go away already so she could grovel over the phone to her regional manager without an audience. Catra always pretended to hate her job, but she couldn’t afford to lose it. She could barely make rent with her Burger King wage. 
‘Please, let me help clean. It was my fault anyway.’
There was hardly any money left over to feed herself most days, that’s why she was skinny as a rake as opposed to the toned, buff, well fed Adora. She had only been functioning on a few nuggets that Scorpia snuck her yesterday. Did Catra still have those food coupons? How long until the bank charged overdraft fees? 
‘Catra are you listening-’ 
‘I said stop it!’ Catra snaps. 
Adora has the audacity to look stunned. 
‘Why do you insist on harassing me at work everyday? Is it fun? Forcing me to play servant to you rich girls, to sing and dance for you? You already beat me in everything at school, you’re already School Captain, you have all the money and a loving family you need, so can you stop rubbing your privilege in my face just for one second so I can THINK?’ 
‘I...I just…I’m sorry.’ Adora starts and aborts a few sentences. Catra can’t even stand to look at her face. 
‘This party at your work. It was the only way to get you to celebrate my birthday with me.’ 
‘Um, I-’
‘Whatever.’ Catra retorts, trying and failing to pick up the last shards with her too long fingernails. She hisses when the glass nicks her finger, cutting into skin. Drops of blood fall to the floor.
‘Are you okay?!’ Adora gasps, rushing to her side. Catra slaps her hand away, she needed to go find the cleaning supplies. Blood was a biohazard, there was some protocol for it but she was having trouble remembering. 
She goes to stand up, but the fatigue rushes to her head and her legs give in underneath her. Instead of smacking her head against the floor, she feels herself land on something soft instead. 
Adora hooks her around the waist, gently placing her into the booth. She grabs a napkin from the dispenser and wraps it around Catra’s hand. She can feel Adora’s warm hand squeezing her own. 
‘I’m just applying pressure to the cut.’ Adora says quietly. 
Catra just closes her eyes. It’s well past midnight and she should be locking up the store, but she can’t bring herself to move. 
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ruthoakenshield · 4 years
The Lady in Black Leather (chapter 6)
The Lady in Black Leather (chapter 5)
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The next morning you wake to the sound of someone lightly snoring and you have the song ‘Pretty Woman’ stuck in your head for some reason. You lay there humming it to yourself quietly and then decide to open your eyes and instantly realize you have a hangover headache from the whiskey. You groan quietly and squint to see what is making the snoring sound. Your eyes get huge when you see the bare chest with dark hair of someone. You look up and realize it’s Richard!
You give a little squeak and look down. You sigh realizing he slept on top of the blankets and you are under them… you hope nothing intimate happened last night, which seems to be a bit of a blur.
You vaguely remember watching Aiden, Scarlet, Orlando and his friend all playing twister, and then people singing karaoke. Is that where the song got stuck in your head? Then you suddenly remember standing in the kitchen in Richard’s arms as he sings it to you quietly while someone in the Living Room is horribly singing it. You remember talking with Richard and playing ‘Ice hockey’, which makes you grin and giggle, and you remember talking with Martin about something then going to watch a movie and sitting in Richard’s lap as you did so.
You hear Richard’s breathing change and you look up to realize he is looking down at your head that is resting on his shoulder. His arm is under your neck and loosely wrapped over your waist, cradling you against his side.
He gives you a little squeeze. “Mornin’ sweetheart.” He tells you with a grin.
“Um, morning.” You reply bashfully. “What am I doing here? Where am I?” you ask him.
He chuckles. “You fell asleep on my lap while we watched the movie downstairs.” He tells you. “Don’t worry, though, a bunch of other people are passed out on the furniture and floor in the living room too. I decided you’d probably feel more comfortable up here, away from everyone else.” He informs you as he turns on his side to face you.
“You’re in my room right now. I wanted to make sure you were ok during the night and didn’t have any problems after the whiskey you drank.” He says with a smirk. “Though it wasn’t the four or five you had the other night.” He says with a grin.
You groan. “Thanks… I’m having a bit of a hangover headache. That stuff Graham brought was really strong!” You tell him.
Richard chuckles. “I figured you might. I’ll get you something for it when we go down for breakfast. Don’t be surprised if people tease us a little. Don’t worry though, nothing happened. I put you under the blankets and made sure I slept on top of them. All that happened was you cuddling with me.” He assures you and kisses your forehead. “Though they probably won’t believe us if we told them that.”
“Thanks, Richard, for not taking advantage of me.” You say quietly.
Richard cups your face with one of his hands. “I was warned not to by Graham.” He grins when you give him as surprised look.
“You’ve been through enough right now. I know you didn’t need that on top of everything. I had no intention on doing such a thing anyway. If I’m gonna make love to a woman, I want her to be sober for it so she will give her consent and remember what we do.” He tells you as he kisses your forehead and nose. “And though you weren’t sloshed like some of my guests were, you weren’t completely sober either.” He says with a grin.
You giggle, “Ice hockey and Pretty Woman”.
And he chuckles. “Ahhh, so you DO remember that part of the evening!” he teases.
You blush and duck your head in his chest. “I had fun with that.” You mumble. You hear and feel his laugh reverberating in his chest. “I did too, Love. We’ll have to do it again sometime, my little Ice monster!” he teases.
You sit up and giggle. You lift the blanket and look to see how clothed you were. You look over at him surprised.
He grins. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I only took your corset and boots off. Didn’t think it would be terribly comfortable for you to sleep in a corset, and well, the boots just had to go.” He said with a grin. “No boots in bed!” he teases, making you laugh.
“Don’t know how you can stand wearing something so tight as that corset! How the heck did you get into that??? I had a heck of a time trying to get it off you. Thought I was gonna break those hooks!” he informed you with an arched brow.
You giggle, “You’re supposed to loosen the laces in back first.” You inform him. He gives you a raised eyebrow. “Kind of hard to do that when you’re sound asleep.” He tells you. You just giggle again.
You yawn and stretch. “I like how the corset feels. It supports my chest better than a bra, and the tight feeling around my belly helps support me while my body adapts to the aftermath of my surgery.” You explain.
He looks at you for a moment. “Graham & Scarlett mentioned you had to have a surgery, but they didn’t say what it was for.” He told you. “Do you mind me asking what kind of surgery you had?” he says as he runs his fingers along the side of your face, brushing stray hairs away.
You close your eyes, trying to figure out how to tell him and worried how he will react. You sigh and remember what Graham had told you in the car. You hoped it didn’t disappoint Richard too much.
You sat up and scooted back against the headboard. Richard did the same and wrapped an arm around you, patiently waiting for you to gather your thoughts and answer his question.
“I had to have a hysterectomy.” You say quietly. “I had a large tumor growing in my womb that was very painful and was causing a lot of health problems for me. My doctor said it had pretty much taken over the inside of my womb and that I’d never be able to have kids because of it. He recommended the surgery to remove the womb and my ovaries, so there’s no further issues.” You tell him.
“It devastated me, since I always dreamed of having my own kids and feeling what it was like to be pregnant. But now I’ll never know.” You reply in almost a whisper, a few tears rolling down your cheeks.
“My boyfriend at the time was livid and didn’t believe me that I needed it despite the ultrasound pictures. He told me women were made to make babies and keep house and cook, and that if I had the surgery, I would be worthless, and damaged goods, and good for nothing but being a maid and his fuck toy.” You tell him and hear him quietly growl.
“I didn’t have a choice, I had to have the surgery, the pain during my periods was getting unbearable and I just couldn’t take it any longer. I had the surgery right after Christmas and he dumped me as soon as he heard what I did.
I still feel hollow and empty and worthless, like trash tossed to the side of the road.” You tell Richard quietly, your head hanging down.
“Graham tried to encourage me and told me not to believe what my ex told me, but the wounds are already there. I don’t know how to not believe them.
Scarlett tries to help me feel better about myself. That was why were went shopping the day I met Graham and you. I had just been cleared by my doc to return to normal activities and I was feeling like shit and was depressed.
We went through my closet and purged a lot of my old clothes. Then she took me to her favourite salon and paid them to give me a makeover, and do my hair, makeup and nails, then we went to shop. Graham literally ran into me and nearly knocked me off my feet when we had just come out of a store and were heading for another one.
He somehow keeps bumping into me in different places and has been really nice to me every time.” You tell Richard. “He’s not stalking me, is he?” you ask teasingly.
Richard laughs hard, “No, sweetheart, he isn’t stalking you.” He replies with some more giggles.
He pulls you close to him and gives you a hug. “I’m SO sorry you’ve had to go through all this, Sweetheart. Graham is right though; don’t believe the horrible things your ex has told you.
You are a treasure! You have SO much more value than just making babies! You ARE beautiful, inside, and out! You are sexy and seem to drive me crazy just thinking about being with you. I can’t get you off my mind!
You radiate a light that can only come from having an inner beauty, which is so much more important and desirable than just a sexy body on the outside. You are funny, a tease, and witty, and you’re a joy to be around.” He tells you and hugs you tight.
“Martin is very picky who he parties with and receiving an open invitation from him to party with him and his partner any time you like is a very big deal. Not many people are offered that!” he tells you. “We all think so much of you, Harley. We all want to see your ex punished for what he has done to you and we want to see you happy, thriving, protected and him out of the picture permanently.” Richard tells you as he holds you close.
“I know you don’t seem to want our help and want to do things on your own, but we all REALLY want you to be safe. Please, Sweetheart, let us get you the dog, to help comfort and protect you. We’ll pay for everything for it till you get situated and back on your feet. It would set our minds at ease knowing you have a trained guard dog who can protect you from creeps and assholes like your ex.” He says as he tilts your face to look up at him.
“Graham has friends who train dogs for this, and he can hook you up with the perfect dog for you. We’ll cover the training costs, vet bills, food and pet deposit for you. You won’t have to worry about any of that and the dog will alert you when people with bad intentions are nearby and will attack at your command if you are threatened.” He assures you.
You sigh. “I know, you all want me safe. I did think about Graham’s suggestion of getting one. I’ve never had a pet before though. What do I do if places won’t let me bring him in though? I don’t have a car to put him in, and I’m not just gonna tie him up outside the business all alone while I shop or eat.” You ask.
We can get together with Graham later today and you can ask him those questions. Perhaps you can ask the police who are handling your case as well. They may know how to get the dog registered as a service animal for you, then you should be allowed to bring him anywhere.” Richard tells you as you lean your head against his shoulder.
“What do ya say, Harley, will you let us give you a gift like this?” Richard asks quietly.
You sigh. “What if the dog doesn’t like me? I’m terribly afraid of some kinds of dogs.” You tell him.
“What kinds of dogs are you afraid of, Love? We’ll be sure not to have them as an option.” He tells you.
“Pitbulls, Boxers, Rotties, Pincers, and Dobermans,” You reply. “or any kind of dog mixed with them.”
“What kind of dogs do you think you’d like?” Richard asks.
“I don’t know. There are so many different breeds, I don’t know the names of them. My friend had one who looked like a cross between a sled dog, a German Shepperd and a wolf. It was a pretty grey color and stood taller than me when she got up on her hind legs!” you said with a giggle. She was a good guard dog for them. I guess I’d have to see what my options are and go from there.” You sigh.
Richard grins and looks you in the face, “So is that a yes?” he asks.
You look into his eyes and see how badly he wants you to agree to this. You see he truly cares about you and wants to help. You nod and he gives you a dazzling smile.
“Thank You, Love. I will sleep better at night knowing you have a dog to protect you when we can’t be there to do it.” He whispers in your ear and kisses your cheek and neck.
You close your eyes and enjoy the feeling of security and love he creates in you when he holds you in his arms and kisses you.
“Mmmmhmmm.” You reply as you reach up into his hair and run your fingers through it.
Richard groans and moves to sit back up. “We better stop before I lose my self-control, Love. I don’t want to push you into anything you’re not ready for.” He tells you.
“Richard?” you ask quietly.
“Yes, Love?” he replies.
“I know we just met, but for some reason, you make me feel safe and loved in a way no one else ever has. I’ve never been treated the way you treat me. Why do you do it? Why do you treat me the way you do?” you ask.
He smiles at your confession. “Sweetheart, I try to treat all women with respect. My father taught me that women are to be respected and treated the way I’d want my sister or mother to be treated. That they aren’t just some sex toy to play with and then cast aside.” He explains as he cups your face with his hands and leans his forehead against yours.
“He taught me to see the value in kindness and compassion, and how to recognize someone who is beautiful on the inside and not just put emphasis on the outer appearance.” Richard explains.
“I see people for who they are, not just how they look. My father always said, ‘One man’s trash is another’s treasure.’ And I believe he is right. We’re all a little broken in some way on the inside.
In Japan, broken objects are pieced back together with gold and are seen as something of great value. Stained glass windows are beautiful to look at and are made from broken pieces of colored glass, Mosaics also are beautiful and are made from broken pottery or tile pieces. All are beautiful in their own, unique way, and are created from broken things. People are no different.” He tells you with a sad smile.
“You have a uniqueness that caught my attention from the moment I first saw you. Like a beautiful stained-glass window with sunlight shining through it. I can’t explain it, but it is there. You glow in a certain way when you are happy and relaxed, and it is intoxicating to see and be around.” He tells you.
“I wanted to ask you to be my girlfriend, when you were getting ready to leave the bar, but I didn’t know how to say it with out coming off as an idiot.” He confesses. “You make me happy and I hope I can do the same for you, Harley, if you’d let me?” he tells you with hope and love reflecting in his baby blue eyes.
You look into his face and see his sincerity. You close your eyes and remember Graham’s words about Richard being different from your former boyfriends, and how Graham promised Richard would treat you right and how he speaks from the heart and means what he says.
You open your eyes again and look into his hopeful ones. You sigh. “You really want to date me despite what a mess my life is right now? I know you value your privacy, and this could get quite messy if my ex tries to get his way. I don’t want you dragged into this mess and have it published all over the tabloids.” You tell him quietly.
He takes your face in his hands and he tells you, “I want to help you out of this mess, Harley. You don’t have to try and clean it up all on your own. Let me help you, be my girl and let me be your refuge in this storm.” He begs.
You look up at his eyes and then give him a small smile and nod. “Ok, Rich, if that is what you want.”
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He gives you a HUGE grin and pulls you in for a tight hug, releasing the breath he didn’t realize he had been holding.
“Thank You, Love. I promise I will treat you better than what you’ve had before. I cherish you and you are my treasure; I hope I can be yours!” he tells you and kisses you silly. Making you giggle and hold him closely.
You hold each other contentedly for a few minutes until your tummy starts to growl and gurgle. You giggle and say, “I think I need some breakfast or it’s gonna eat me from the inside out!”
Richard looks at you and starts belly laughing as he puts a hand on your grumbling tummy. “Ok, Love, let’s get up and go see who else is awake and hungry.” He says grinning and helps you out of the bed.
He watches with fascination as you grab the corset and untie and loosen the laces at the back and shift it till the laces are all even. Then you put it on and hook the hooks in the front. You lean forward (and away from Richard) and adjust your girls so they sit where they are supposed to, then stand up and walk over to the mirror and fumble around looking for the center loops to start cinching it.
Richard sees you fumbling with the back lacing and comes over hesitantly putting his hand on yours. “Here, Love, let me help.” He says quietly. You look over your shoulder and see him looking down at the laces.
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“Ok.” You reply quietly turning to face the mirror and lean over slightly so he can see the lacing better. “Find the center loops and start to pull so all the laces are tight and there’s no slack anywhere. Make sure the top and bottom stay fairly even. I don’t want it looking like a triangle in back.” You explain.
He finds the center loops and begins to pull them slowly. He helps you adjust the back panel, so it covers where the laces rest against your back, then little by little he cinches the corset closed working up and down the laces to make sure they are the right tension and being careful not to get it too tight.
You are standing in front of his long dresser and glance up into the mirror. He is standing behind you, bare chested, intently focused on getting you laced up properly. You are slightly bent forward leaning on the dresser with your long, frizzy braid hanging over your left shoulder.
He finishes tying the laces and gently tucks them in to the weave like you told him to. He glances up and sees you watching him. He rests his hands on your hips and smiles happily at you in the mirror.
Richard feels like lacing you into your corset is such an intimate act and he is honored that you trust him enough to do this. He tries to be careful to not tug too hard and keeps asking you if it’s too tight or too loose, doing his best to keep communication open. When he ties off the laces and tucks them in, he glances up to the mirror and sees you watching him. He smiles at you happily and rests his hands on your hips, enjoying the curves the corset creates.
He gently pulls you to stand and then pulls you so your back rests against his chest. He wraps his hands around your middle and leans down, placing his hands on your lower belly. He looks into the mirror at your beautiful, beaming face and he is just so taken by you.
“Don’t feel bad about having to have your surgery, Love. It doesn’t bother me. I love you for who you are. If you decide you want kids, we can always adopt some, that is, if you decide to keep me around.” He says with a chuckle. “I love you, Harley, and there is no surgery in the world that you could have that would ever change that, my Love for you is steady and unfailing.” He whispers into your ear, then kisses your cheek.
You stand there, his arms wrapped around you in a loving embrace, holding your belly that once held a womb, and hearing him say that it doesn’t bother him that that part of you no longer exists, and hearing his affirmation of love, it all sends tears of joy rolling down your cheeks. You can hardly believe this is happening and keep expecting to wake up from this amazing dream. How can anyone be so wonderful!?!
He sees the tears rolling down your cheeks and turns you gently to face him. He takes your hands and he backs up to sit on the end of the bed, pulling you along until you’re standing between his thighs. Richard looks at you, concerned, and dries your tears with his thumbs. “You ok, Love?” he asks a little worried.
You nod. “I’m just a little overwhelmed. I never thought I’d hear anything like that from a man after what I’ve been through. I don’t deserve it. He told me no one would ever love or want me because I can’t bear children” You reply, looking down at your hands.
“Sweetheart look at me,” he tells you gently as he cups your face. You look up into his handsome face, “you deserve my kind words more than anyone else I know. Remember what Graham and I told you, ignore everything your asshole ex ever told you. His words are poison. Don’t let it affect you.
I know you don’t believe yourself to be beautiful, or sexy, or desirable. I often feel the same way. I don’t understand what it is that people see in me. So, I get it, Sweetheart, it can be overwhelming to hear sometimes. Especially if we’ve been bullied or harassed and believe the lies they told us. But we still need to be reminded that people find us truly attractive and why they find us that way. It helps us heal when people tell us they love us, that they find us attractive, despite our insecurities. Ok?” he tells you. “In time, we start to believe it, the more we hear it from those who mean the most to us.”
You nod. “Thank you, Rich.” You whisper as you hug him around the neck.
He smiles and returns the hug. “My pleasure, Love. Now are you ready to face everyone downstairs who will most likely be hungover and hangry?” he asks.
You groan and he chuckles. “Come on, you can help me make breakfast and I’ll get you something for the headache.” He tells you as he kisses your lips in a breath-taking kiss.
You grin and return the kiss. You both groan when you hear someone holler up, “Rich, you awake up there?”
He chuckles and the two of you move to the door of his room. You look in the mirror again and groan. “I need to wash my face before going anywhere and comb out my hair.” You say as you pull your braid around your shoulder to look at how frayed it is.
“Ok, Love, there’s a bathroom just down the hall there to your left. Don’t worry about your hair right now, I’ll lend you my brush and comb after we eat.” He tells you. You nod and he kisses you again, then heads down the stairs as you head to the bathroom to wash your face.
@fizzyxcustard​ @thetherianthropydaily​ @queenofmankind​ @emrfangirl​ @midnight-reader-morning-sleeper​ @daisy-picking-lady​ @spookybunny​
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prorevenge · 6 years
I’m not the loser .
So I just saw another story posted about tenants. Apologies for slight similarity. Also, I’ll try to keep this as short as possible without losing the story as the events of this happened over a period of 1.5 years. Sorry it turned out longer than I thought.
Some Backstory: my family has a small apartment complex. We aren’t greedy landlords, it just pays the bills, Mortgage, life stuff, and schooling for my siblings (school isn’t cheap). A friend of my moms asked for a favor since she had friends that ended up without a home and the lady (eventual tenant) was going thru cancer treatment. We are nice people and an apartment had just become available. We let them move in ASAP, no deposit, no contract, no background check. Yes, that was stupid. But it was a favor for a family friend that helped us out during very very tough times.
The new tenants move in, mom dad (both in late fifties) & son (mid thirties). They start complaining about minor issues, They wanted to paint the apartment or something. My brother was managing the situation at the time and to get him off his back, agreed to it. Later they billed him for the paint job. Pissed us off that we got billed for something that didn’t needed to be done but we shrugged it off, we didn’t want problems. As time went, the dad kept complaining about things but said he could fix them if we paid him. We caught on and found out that he use to work in apartment maintenance. He said he knew how to take things apart and put them back together and knew how everything inside apartments worked (this is important for later on).
After a few months of them living there they call saying heater isn’t working. They wanted us to give them money to fix it. We tell them we are sending a repair guy. They try to insist they’ll do it. We send repair guy. Repair guy says we need to install a completely new heater and that the tenants blew some of the electrical stuff in the apartment. He made the tenants sign a paper stating they were at fault for the electrical issue and that everything was working after the repair guy fixed everything. We were pissed off at this point as it cost us about $2,000 but couldn’t do anything as we had no contract with them and felt bad for the lady who had cancer.
Fast forward about 8 months and tenants have stopped paying rent. We let one month pass. They promise they’d have money soon. Two months, same thing. Three months, still nothing. At this point my brother can’t deal with them anymore and my mom asks me to evict them. I send a three day notice, hoping they realize we are serious and they have to pay or leave. The dad calls me, yelling and screaming saying he isn’t paying anything and that we owe him money. He goes on to say that he won’t pay or leave until a sheriff shows up at their door and tells them to leave. (This is my first personal interaction with them. My mom and brother complained about them being very unpleasant and extremely rude people with a touch of righteousness about themselves)
They don’t move out. I file lawsuit. They respond with the help of a court appointed lawyer for low income people. I feel shitty about doing this to them but they left us no choice. They ask for a jury trial and claim the apartment was unlivable so they shouldn’t have to pay rent. Talk to some lawyers, find out it’s a tactic to stay longer without paying rent.
Meanwhile, tenants call to let me know there is a leaky shower faucet. Send a plumber to repair it. He repairs it. Shows them it’s working. Leaves. Next day they call again saying it’s broken again. Call plumber, he is both shocked and embarrassed cant figure out why it broke again, this time I go with him to make it a point that I saw it get fixed. Plumber Fixes it at no charge. Following week get a call from tenants (good tenants-GT) that live underneath bad tenants-BT, saying there is a leak coming from upstairs. Send in the plumber again for an emergency plumbing issue. They refuse to let him in end up causing damage to the GT closet (needed to be remodeled because of this). The BT call their lawyer saying I’m harassing them a few minutes after they deny plumber entrance. Lawyer calls me ready to give me a rip me a new one saying I’m sending strangers(the plumber) to harass them and what not. I get lawyer up date, he apologizes and asks me to get plumber back in.
A couple weeks go by and I get a notice from health department. BT were trying to document things and claimed there was rodents. Inspector included in his report that there wasn’t but that there were holes in the wall and Black stuff on the tub. All of which I found weird, i had just been to apartment and there were no holes or black stuff on Tub. Call health department to explain situation and was told that I had to repair everything even if it hadn’t been there before. A month later get another report complaining about torn carpet, more holes, and a broken heater. Weird considering they were in first report and we had put in a new heater not even a year ago.
It occurs to me that the dad who threatened and said he knew how to do apartment stuff was doing all the damages. Neighbors started complaining about loud banging come from their apartment at night. So they were purposely causing damage to get out of paying rent. A$$$hits right. I called the health department again and they basically stopped reporting BT findings. So BT move on to county code enforcement to try and get back at us. Code enforcement comes and gives us list of things to fix. We explain that things on the list are items that we didn’t put into apartment but that tenants did (ceiling fan and some other stuff I really don’t remember). Guy is cool says he’ll wait to reinspect once the eviction is complete.
So by now I’m pissed and start to investigate these people. Find out none of them actually work but that they live off of lawsuits and fraud. They were also evicted from last place but settled out with landlord. Other Tenants find out about eviction and inform me that the son sells drugs and has flashed the gun he carries around. This where I start trying to think of some pro revenge. The son gets checks from govnt for being a “caregiver” to his parents. I’m thinking getting him caught for drug dealing or reporting him for fraud but police said they can’t go off of hearsay and the tenants were too scared to go on record with a report. Criminals with guns have that effect on people.
So I’m going over lawsuit and responses and noticed that their attorney didn’t actually represent them all even though he kept putting et al. Turns out only the parents would qualify for free attorney since they don’t work but son gets caregiver check thereby not qualifying him for free attorney. They thought I wouldn’t notice this little detail, so I pretended not to notice. I told their lawyer that I agree to their settlement, free rent for the next month and no back rent owed. This dragged on so long that we are talking about almost 9 months of rent(over 10k). Show up to court and just to double check, I ask the lawyer who she represents(firm sent a different lawyer than the original, fresh faced brand new attorney). I was correct, only two of three tenants were represented. Sign the settlement, get my copy, tenants ask their lawyers if they could leave since they had my signature, they leave. So now there are no tenants and only the lawyer that represents two of them.
Go up before judge tell them we reached a settlement. I interrupt and tell him I would like summary judgement against the tenant who didn’t respond. Lawyer is new, looks flustered but says nothing. Judge grants me summary judgment against the one tenant with fees and everything, eviction on his record. Now as far as the lawyer is concerned, she did her part for her defendants and I know they won’t find out about summary judgment until the move out. They move out. Find out about the summary judgment against the son after they moved out.
Now before they found out, they were bragging how they screwed me and f me and how they are so smart and no one messes with them.
After they learned about judgment they realized they are screwed. The son was the only one that could prove income and rent an apartment for them all, now he has an eviction on his record with over 10k owed. The parents won’t work in order to win their lawsuits but last I heard they weren’t going so well. I also heard they were trying to sue me. Don’t know for what but they are going to psychologist because I made them sad or something(insert sarcasm here). I also found out they’ve been kicked out of two different relatives homes.
(source) (story by Nevertofart)
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snarky-badger · 6 years
Ultron prompt: reader gets into a friendly chat online and makes friends with them after a while, only to start noticing odd things start to happen: out of nowhere money deposits in their bank account, gifts showing up when they know they didn't order anything, etc, until late one night someone shows up unannounced in their living room
I spent two days on this anon! It’s longer than usual, I just couldn’t stop writing. Am open to even writing a sequel if you like this one enough and request one. I hope it’s to your liking!
Words/Sentences between [these] are chat conversations.
You groaned as you shuffled into your room, grimacing as you dumped your heavy backpack onto the floor with a thud. Noise from your roommates made you kick your door shut, shoulders slumping when the bickering faded to a dull mumble.
It had been a long day. You were in the middle of a twenty-four week long Auto Mechanics course. And that was just for cars and trucks. If you wanted to push further, you’d need another course to qualify to work on Big Rigs, and another for Construction Vehicles, like dump trucks and front loaders.
Your dream however, was racing cars. Any racing cars. Drag racing, Nascar, anything, hell, even big rig racing. And for that, you needed a lot of training. You’d have to work up from mere cars to more powerful engines.
You’d become enamored with mechanics when you’d been young and watching your father work on his old Plymouth Barracuda. He’d been able to take it apart, clean it, and put it back together, almost with his eyes closed. He’d taught you everything he’d known, of course, but that wasn’t enough. You needed a degree, and proper training.
Proper training that cost an arm a leg and half a liver. It was why you were sharing an old, run down, house with three others. Cheaper than Campus Apartments, though paying your way through University and covering rent still forced you to shop at a dollar store for food.
You were lucky in the fact that you had a part-time job at a mechanic downtown. The elderly man had been more than willing to take you on as an apprentice, and was always welcoming to your endless questions when you hadn’t quite understood something in class.
Added to the general stress of things was the fact that you were the only female in a class and occupation mostly dominated by men. The jeers and bullying and sexist comments from your fellow ‘students’ were murder on your psyche, self-esteem and general ability to not beat someone over the head with a wrench.
Judging that the fighting outside your door was about the cleanliness, or lack thereof, of the fridge, you grabbed up a change of clothes and booked it to the shower. It was a short one - ten minutes, timed. Everyone in the house was trying to save money, and that included taking short showers, living on more Ramen than was healthy, and keeping the temperature of the house low to save funds on power. Well, as much as all of you could, considering that all of you had laptops and were Netflix addicts.
It took almost five minutes to get the grime out from under your fingernails, but you were as clean as you could be by the end of the shower. You rushed back into your room, shivering from the cool water, and quickly donned some jogging pants and a tank top that had a Wonder Woman logo on it.
A chime from your phone drew your attention, and you idly checked the message, smiling a little when you saw who it was.
It had started completely by accident. You’d been in a chat, throwing ideas back and forth with a group of people about Nascar engines and how to increase performance when someone had popped in and noted that using a cleaner fuel or incorporating a catalytic converter would save on the disgustingly high emissions each car poured out per race.
Others had booed and tried to kick the person off, you’d been intrigued and opened a separate chat window to ‘pick their brain’ as it were.
What had started as a mere exchange of ideas had turned into a budding friendship.
Grinning, you opened your laptop and powered it on, idly pushing pieces of a half-built carburetor to the far corner of the desk before going to lift your heavy backpack and slamming it down onto the empty spot.
‘SmoothCriminal’ was already waiting on chat when you finally logged in. Over the months, he’d come to know your usual class hours. You wondered what he did, to have so much time to chat, but with the connectivity everyone had with phones and such, you shrugged it off.
You did a bit of ‘hunt and peck’, typing one-handed while opening your bag with the other. [Hey you. Just got home. You have excellent timing.]
[*chuckle* You did give me your hours at class and work.]
[*raspberry* Smart-ass.] You turned away from the laptop as you pulled out your books, including a new one that had cost you a whopping hundred-and-twenty bucks. It was murder on your tight budget.
[I try. How were classes?]
[Meh. Same old, same old. Kinda just more in depth stuff that Dad taught me. They dumped a new book on us too. Blew my monthly budget out of the water.]
[That bad?]
[Hundred twenty buckaroos. For something that will be obsolete in six months. I’ll probably end up using it as a door stop. Apparently the teacher had ‘forgotten’ to mention that we needed it.]
[Lovely. Which means what for you?]
[Dollar store Ramen for the next two weeks until I get my pay from apprenticing with that mechanic downtown.]
[That’s not food. That junk is mostly salt and cheap carbohydrates. You’ll get sick eating that garbage.]
You huffed. [Money’s tight. Like, painfully tight. I need to make rent, and pay my share of the power, internet and water bills. Next month I need to renew my bus pass, and, and, the property and school taxes for the house we’re renting is coming up - that’s like three-hundred bucks I need to come up with. I have like, zero wiggle room.]
[The way your country piles debt on students is deplorable. University is free in some countries overseas, did you know that? Completely free education.]
[Lucky them. I, meanwhile, need to win the lottery if I want to be able to pay the fee next semester.]
[….your parents can’t help?]
[Nah. They have enough problems.]
[*rolls eyes* They’re your parents. I’m sure they’d help if they knew you were in trouble.]
[Dude. No. They have enough trouble without me adding to it. Mom had to skip a month’s worth of her insulin meds so Dad could get his high blood pressure prescription filled.]
[That’s messed up. Ever think of changing countries?]
You shook your head. He had to be in Canada or someplace where things were covered, because he obviously didn’t know how life worked in the States. [Again. With what money?]
[…..I could help.]
[I appreciate the thought, but nah. It would feel too much like charity. Besides, I’d get mad if I found out you’d put yourself in financial trouble just to bail my ass out. A little more instant Ramen won’t kill me.]
A snicker left you. [Not your fave, hm?]
[It’s not healthy, so no.] A pause. [Damn. Something’s come up. Same time tomorrow?]
[Wouldn’t miss it for the world. Take care.]
[You too.]
A sigh left you as he logged off, and you leaned back in your chair, stretching your arms up above your head. It was for the best. You needed food and you had some serious studying to do.
The next few days progressed as they usually did. A whirl of school, work, studying and a general lack of sleep and actual food. Chatting with ‘SmoothCriminal’ was always the highlight of your days, and more than once he’d had to mother-hen you into going to bed when the chats stretched on into the night.
It was Monday when something odd happened.
You rolled your eyes at your roommates holler and rose from your bed where you’d been studying to stick your head out your room door. You figured he was only yelling for you, because the other two people you shared the house with where away at class. “What?!”
“You got a package!”
“The fuck?” Scowling, you headed downstairs, blinking as David pushed a large box into your arms. “I didn’t order anything.”
“S’got your name. It’s from Hello Fresh.” When you blinked at him stupidly, he rolled his eyes at you. “Y’know, it’s that fresh food thing that delivers meal kits to people. Pre-portioned and all that jazz. You just cook it up.”
“Awah?” Stunned, certain it was a mistake, you carried the box to the kitchen, David following in your footsteps. After using a steak knife to cut through the tape you opened the box to discover a mass of greens, potatoes, and four portions of salmon. Enough to feed the entire house-full.
Taking advantage of your shock, David snagged an invoice from the top of the pile of food. “Says here you’ve been signed up for a years worth of meals. ‘Each package contains four portions’. Geez. You get yourself a Sugar Daddy or something?”
“Oh, shut it.” You snatched the paper out of his hands and scowled at it. “Does it say who paid the bill? A card number, anything? Maybe I can call– Dude! What are you doing?”
David rolled his eyes at you as he started pulling food out of the box. “I’m going to cook the free food we’ve been blessed with so we can eat?”
You glared at the ‘are you stupid’ tone in his voice. “This can’t be mine.”
“Invoice says it is. And that’s good enough for me.” Pans clattered as he dug through the cupboard for a frying pan.
Lost, you stared down at the invoice again, eyes scrutinizing every single line and work until. “’Smoothcriminal’?!”
David poked his head out of the lower cupboards. “Excuse me?”
You left David in the kitchen and hurtled yourself up the stairs, stomping over to your laptop and logging on. Sure enough, he was online, waiting in the chatroom.
[What did you do?!]
[You got it already? My, I might have to send them a tip for fast delivery.]
[….You don’t like it?]
[No. Yes! I…. Shit. Why?]
[Because you shouldn’t have to go hungry just so you can afford your classes? Because you’re my friend and I worry about you?]
[…..] You stared at the screen for a moment. Debated whanging your skull off the desk. [Do I want to know how you figured out where I live?]
[Ah. That. I…. may have tracked your IP address and lightly hacked your service provider?]
[Oh, come on. That stuff is child’s play. Their security is deplorable. A child could have gotten into their systems.]
Even through chat, you could almost feel how smug he was. [So you’re a hacker?]
[Only part time. Consider it a hobby of mine.] When you didn’t answer for a moment, he seemed to get worried. [Please don’t be mad. I just want to make sure you’re alright.]
[I’m…. irritated. This feels like charity. Or pity.]
[It’s neither. If a friend needed help, you would do your best to help them, right? This is exactly like that. I had some money to spare, and you needed help, so I got you something you desperately needed. I even made sure to get extra for your roommates too. Please don’t be mad. I just want to help.]
A sigh left you, your fingers hovering over the keys for a long moment before you answered. [Okay. Okay. Nothing else though. Comprende?]
You groaned. [Fucksakes. What else did you do?]
[….check your bank account.]
[My bank?? You hacked the bank?!]
[No. I kept it perfectly legal. I just…. transferred some funds.]
You rushed to log into your online banking account, a wheeze leaving you at the amount in your checking account. [A MILLION DOLLARS?!!?!?!?]
[Enough for you and your parents to live comfortably.]
[Not last I checked. Are you mad? You sound mad.]
You were hyperventilating. He knew where you lived, he knew your bank account. There had to be strings. What did he want from you in return? Blackmail maybe? You’d accept dirty money and he’d turn around and own you for the rest of your life? [I have to go.]
[What? No! Please? I didn’t—]
You logged out before he could type more, shutting your laptop with a cold shudder. Instantly picked up your phone and called the bank, gave your information, and tried to have the transfer of funds undone. Clenched your jaw when the customer service rep said it was irreversible, that the system wouldn’t let them do it.
Who the fuck had you been chatting with all this time?
Even the excellent meal David made out of the food that had been delivered didn’t quite quell the uneasiness in your stomach.
A week passed. You’d been afraid to go back on the chat. To be honest, you were still mentally freaking out. Your roommates had been thrilled at the free food, but you hadn’t dared mention that it might be from a crazy stalker you’d been chatting with for months. At least no one had died, so it hadn’t been poisoned.
That evening, it took a while for you to sleep. You drowsed off once or twice, but reading a book while lying on your back meant that every time you started to fall asleep, you’d smack yourself in the face with said tome.
After the third time, you learned your lesson and set the book aside, rolling over to snuggle into the blankets and pillows. It took a while, but finally, sheer exhaustion took hold and knocked you out.
Something woke you up late into the night. Some self-preservation bit of your brain screaming that something was terribly wrong. You fought against it for a bit, before cracking an eye open to assure your brain that nothing was amiss and that it was freaking out over nothing.
The sight of the red eyed giant towering over you made a scream rip it’s way out of your throat, a scream that was muffled as a massive hand shot out to cover your mouth.
“No, no, no. Shh. Please don’t scream.”
You stared up into glowing red eyes as panic gripped your heart in a vise, and you tried to scramble away, your back hitting the wall your bed was pushed up against.
Instinct had you kicking out, yelping when your foot hit hard metal, sending a shock of pain up from your toes to your thigh.
“Please don’t do that. You’ll only hurt yourself.”
The tone was male, calm and conversational, nonthreatening, but what the fuck was a metal monster doing in your bedroom?!
A long moment passed, where you merely stared up at the man/thing/what-the-hell, until he moved, reaching out to flick on the multiple strings of fairy lights that you used to illuminate your room.
Easily eight feet tall, built of out metal, curves and struts all intertwined in a nearly impossible feat of mechanical genius. Crimson optics calmly looked down at you as you took him in, your brain taking a painfully long moment for recognition to bloom.
Ultron. Holy shit.
You knew all about him from the debacle in Sokovia six months ago. His image had been plastered over every news source in the world. Everyone, even the Avengers, thought he’d been destroyed, but there he was, in your bedroom.
He must have seen the panic and terror on your face, because he gave you a worried look - something that should have been impossible with a metal face. But all those tiny pieces, like an intricate million piece jigsaw, allowed him such human expressions that it was startling.
“Shh. I won’t hurt you,” he murmured, his surprisingly rich voice, with just a tinge of metallic echo, filling the small room. “I’ll let you go, but don’t scream.”
You nodded a little, gulping in a breath when he removed his hand. Watched with wide eyes as he moved so he was kneeling next to your bed, lowering himself closer to your eye level. You moved as far away from him as possible, tucking your knees to your chest, back pressed flush against the wall.
When you refused to break the tense silence, Ultron made a sound like a sigh, a tired expression settling onto his features. “I didn’t mean to frighten you. You haven’t been on the chat in a week and I got worried.”
You blinked, multiple times, as your brain struggled to make sense of what had just come out of his mouth. When things finally clicked, you went ballistic.
“YOU'RE–?!” Your shriek got cut off by his hand gently clamping over your face again. Probably for the best - last thing you needed was for one of your roommates to find you screaming at Ultron in your bedroom.
The look Ultron gave you once you’d stopped cursing against his palm was all quiet amusement. “Done?”
Nodding, you waited until he’d removed his hand again before glaring at him. “‘SmoothCriminal’?? That’s what you chose as your username?!”
“Well, I thought ‘Mr Roboto’ would be too obvious,” he drawled with a smirk, his humour fading as he met your gaze. “You’ve been avoiding me.” It wasn’t a question.
You hesitated. “Can I be honest?”
“I’d very much prefer it if you were.”
“From my point of view, you were someone that I didn’t know. I mean, yeah, we’ve talked a lot on chat, but I don’t really know who you are. Fuck, you could have been some online predator trying to butter me up for something. And suddenly you know my address, my real name, my bank account, and you’re sending me things and money and…. Can you understand why that’s super creepy?”
His brows drew inwards in a frown, crimson eyes dimming a little. “That…. wasn’t my intention at all.”
“And even now that I know who you are…. You’re Ultron. Everyone on the planet knows what happened in Sokovia.”
A very human-sounding sigh left him at that. “Sokovia was a…. mistake. I was overwhelmed and….” He shook his head. “I’ve been keeping a low profile, obviously. Trying to help while saying hidden. Sending funds to the right organizations, distributing aid where it’s most needed, taking down crooked corporations. But it’s…. lonely. I don’t…. have anyone. Talking to you was a distraction at first, I honestly didn’t expect to become so…. attached. It’s selfish, I know, but I don’t want you to be afraid of me.”
The very real depression and loneliness in his voice both surprised and shocked you. This definitely wasn’t the killer, unfeeling, robot that had been plastered all over the news.
“It’s…. a bit of a shock,” you murmured lamely, wincing a little at the pained look he gave you. “I’m sorry.”
Ultron frowned down at your bedding for a moment before moving to get to his feet, towering over you again. When you realized he meant to leave, you shot a hand out and grabbed his nearest arm, meeting his gaze when he sent you a surprised look.
“You don’t have to leave.”
He glanced down to where your fingers were curled around his wrist before looking back to you. “I–”
You rolled your eyes at him, your usual attitude starting to reassert itself. He was Ultron, yeah, but you’d known him for months. You were still low-key annoyed that he’d lied to you for months, but you understood why. “Ultron, sit your ass down.”
The relieved look he gave you as he moved to sit next to your bed again spoke volumes. He’d been ready to leave and never contact you again, despite his admission of how lonely he was, just because he thought you were terrified of him.
Definitely not what the news stations had portrayed him as.
“I am sorry I deceived you,” Ultron said as he got comfortable on your floor. Even then, he was still tall enough to be at eye level with you. “But it’s not like I can let my real presence be known online. The Avengers are still keeping an eye out for me.”
“My friend the super-villain,” you mused wryly, the low chuckle that rumbled out of him helping to calm your frazzled nerves. “Am I your sidekick now or something?”
That made him laugh, eyes crinkling in mirth. “Only if you’re caught. Which I’ll make sure doesn’t happen, so don’t worry. The, um, last ‘update’ your laptop downloaded wasn’t from Microsoft.”
“I wanted to make sure you’d be safe,” he said adamantly. “It’s nothing invasive to your privacy, I promise. Just some rather powerful security updates to ensure that no one can track you through me or vice versa. It’s adaptive too - you won’t have any more problems with viruses or malware or any garbage like that.”
“Well, thank you.” A smile tugged at you lips. “It explains how come I was the only one who didn’t get infected by a virus when the professor’s email got hijacked by a porn site. Everyone else ended up with crashed computers. Blue screens of death and the whole shebang.”
“That’s appalling.”
“You have no idea. You can’t…. like, get infected, right?”
“By a computer virus?” He chuckled. “Hardly. Why? Been trolling porn sites before bed?”
“Ew. No!” You snatched up a pillow and whacked him with it. “Gross!”
Ultron rose an arm to defend himself, laughing. “What? I’ve been in the entire internet. You have no idea what’s in the depths of the web.”
“And I’d rather not know. Like, ever.” You gave him another whack for good measure before relenting. “I have enough trauma from hearing my roommates fucking, I don’t need to know the depths that people go to online.”
“Well, you can certainly afford a place of your own now,” he retorted, meeting your gaze with a quirked brow. “The money I sent you is yours. I have no use for it, I have more than I need anyway.”
“Do I want to know where it came from?”
“I have…. Well, I own numerous stocks under various names and companies, not to mention I’ve sold several patents and schematics for a good dozen or so prosthetic limbs that can be connected directly to the nervous system. And there was that time I got bored and cleaned out some poker sites.”
You rolled your eyes at that last bit. “Uh huh.”
“I get bored!” He huffed, folding his arms across his chest. “I’m an AI. I’m capable of running over ten thousand processes at the same time and….” He paused, sending you a wary glance. “The Avengers burned some of my code in Sokovia. I can’t wirelessly connect to the internet anymore. It’s like…”
Your voice was gentle. “Like losing a limb?”
“Almost, yes.” A heavy sigh left him, and he dropped his arms, staring down at his hands as he flexed them open and closed in his lap. “I’ve been unable to reverse the damage thus far. I can hard-line to any system I need to use, of course, but otherwise, I’m…. limited.”
“I’m sorry,” you murmured, daring to rest a hand on his shoulder. He seemed to relax at your touch, his left hand rising to cover yours.
There was a slight smile on his features when he rose his head to look at you again. “Thank you. Especially for not being afraid of me.”
“It was a shock, yeah. But, I recover fast,” you added with a smirk, smiling when he laughed softly.
“I’m relieved.” His fingers tightened around yours for a moment, gentle. “I want you to use that money. However you see fit. And I know you want to be a mechanic, but if you ever want to do something on the side…. I’d like it if you worked with me. Little things, like narrowing down what charities to give money to, or helping me dig into companies to see if they’re worth supporting.”
Your lips quirked, and you let him lift your hand from his shoulder, shivering a little when he lightly brushed his thumb against your palm. “We both know you don’t need me for that.”
“I’d need you for your opinion. I don’t…. always understand humanity.”
A chuckle left you. “Hell, Ultron. I’m human and I don’t understand humanity. Why not contact geniuses or philanthropists or–”
“Because they’d sooner shoot me as talk to me. They don’t know me like you do.”
“I’m a grease monkey,” you protested with a shake of your head.
“You’re my friend. I trust you more than anyone else on this planet,” Ultron said, and you couldn’t help but blush a bit. “Just think about it? There’s time.”
“Good. Oh, one more surprise - I recently purchased a penthouse downtown.” He grinned when you gaped at him. Then reached into his chest and pulled a set of keys out of a hidden compartment. “It’s yours now. Well, I might visit from time to time. I promise to call first.”
You felt dizzy as he pressed the keys into your hand. “A penthouse? But…. people will see you!”
“I got in here without anyone seeing me, didn’t I?” he chuckled, raising his free hand and letting you see as some sort of field rippled around his fingers before his entire hand vanished. “The best stealth technology on the planet. It’s much easier to hide something my size than it is to hide a plane or, say, a flying SHIELD heli-carrier.”
“That is kinda awesome,” you admitted.
“I know,” he smirked, so smug that you almost wanted to hit him with a pillow again. His hand reappeared, and he flexed his wrist a bit before turning back to you. “It’s late and you have classes in the morning. I should go. Think about the penthouse and the offer I gave you, okay?”
You watched as he fluidly rose to his feet, towering over you again. Took one step towards the bedroom door, only to stop when you grabbed at his wrist again.
One metallic brow quirked upwards when he turned back to you, and you quickly hopped up to stand on your bed. Now almost at eye level with him, you moved in and threw your arms around him in a hug.
He froze, a soft, surprised, noise leaving him, before he returned the hug, his arms tight around you. You didn’t know if he could feel sensations, or if he merely appreciated the gesture, but he almost melted into you, a simulated sigh of stark relief leaving him as he held you.
“If you’d just explained all this to me, we could have avoided all this drama,” you muttered to him, hearing and feeling the chuckle that left him as his arms squeezed you again before he pulled away. “Same time on the chat tomorrow?”
The genuine look of warm affection he gave you made butterflies flutter in your stomach. “I wouldn’t miss if for the world,” Ultron promised, leaning in to brush his mouth against your forehead before he ducked out of your bedroom.
Your life had officially gotten interesting.
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Blue, Red and Lavender
ML Rare Pair March 2018, Pair: Gabriel Agreste x Mrs. Agreste, Day 24: First Date, for Remasa
AO3 / fanfiction.net
(Other days: 6 | 8 | 20 | 24 | 27 |)
|This is also a sequel to my Gabriel Appreciation Week story - Doomsday, and Day 27 is Part 3 of this series.
‘Boatline or jewel? Both would look good…’
The most promising of Reboux designers was seated at the employees’ cafe at the company’s headquarters, a stack of papers piling up on his table, next to three empty cups and a half eaten sandwich.
‘A-line skirt, yes, but it needs to end below the knee,’ he was sketching furiously and murmuring under his breath, earning sideway glances from the staff and any of his coworkers who happened to pass by him.
‘Empire waist is a bit too much…’ he tore one of the half finished sketches, absently made a ball out of it and dropped it on the floor, absolutely unaware of the annoyed stare the barista sent his way.
‘Maybe I should try a v-neck? For a summer dress this would be more appropriate…’ the mumbling continued to the scribbling of pencil on paper, and yet another design emerged from the depths of his imagination, fleshing up thanks to a little bit of carbon and cellulose into a slender figure of a young woman. If anyone bothered to inspect any of the bits of paper on and around Gabriel’s table, they would discover that she was present on each and every one of them - long, wavy hair, large eyes, full lips, hourglass figure and cosmic legs of a model. Any random passerby would probably just shrug, assuming this was Monsieur Agreste’s standard design fill-in model. It would take a fellow fashionista, subscriber of La Mode, to spot the cunning resemblance to their top journalist, one Emilie Launder, aka every designers’ nightmare with deceitful looks of a daydream.
And daydreaming Gabriel was.
‘V-neck would show more cleavage which is good in summer… ekhm, ekhm-’
He felt the blood rushing to his cheeks at the thought of Mademoiselle Launder’s chest exposed in the flowing v-neckline dress he was currently drawing, and a coughing fit followed making him even more red. Gabriel tried to dismiss this vision. He was a professional, for heaven’s sake. He dealt with cleavages and hips and legs on a daily basis. It was his job to make them look attractive. How on earth was he suddenly blushing like a schoolgirl, and at his own design nonetheless.
‘Well, this is a really promising dress,’ he was startled by a pleasantly low rumble at his ear and choked on his own saliva when a perfectly manicured red nail tapped at the waistline of the drawing, ‘but I look better in a ¾ length,’ Mlle Launder murmured winking at him.
Gabriel spluttered something incoherent in reply, feeling his cheeks warming up dangerously close to self-combust. He shook his head. This wouldn’t do. He just needed a moment to get his treacherous body under control and to reboot his brain after the woman of his dreams and drawings suddenly materialized in the cafe.  
She watched with open amusement as he held up a finger and took a deep breath.
‘Fancy seeing you here, Monsieur Agreste,’ she pursed her lips in vain attempt to hold back the satisfied smirk.
Gabriel’s neurons finally reconnected. ‘Um, I work here?’ he ventured, not quite trusting his voice yet.
‘Oh, a second gig as a barista?’ she chuckled. ‘I already got that you were a man full of surprises.  And here I thought Reboux paid his designers a decent salary.’
Her suggestion rendered him speechless once again, until his two remaining brain cells prompted that this might have been a joke. He cleared his throat. ‘Your presence, however pleasant, is a surprise, mademoiselle,’ he said finally rising from his seat and taking her hand.
‘Is it? I think I’ve told you I would hunt you down, haven’t I?’ she firmly shook his palm, not allowing for a hand kiss this time.
Gabriel tried to suppress his disappointment. ‘Indeed,’ he nodded gravely, putting on the neutral face of a professional. It would look much better without the fiercely stinging blush.
Emilie raised a perfect brow at him. ‘And you never called,’ she reminded.
‘I’ve been…’ his gaze flickered to the sketchbook and the piles of papers in the neighborhood, ‘busy,’ he ended lamely. What was he supposed to tell her? That he couldn’t get her out of his mind since their meeting at the Fashion Week? That every time he took his pencil, the only thing he could think of was another design for her? That his superiors didn’t mind when instead of his entries for men’s autumn line he presented them with a complete collection of smart dresses and gowns worthy of a princess and he was given a free pass to work wherever and on whatever he wanted as long as the results would match these first drawings? At this rate he would single-handedly fill the next few seasons of Reboux womenswear before the midyear evaluation.
‘Indeed,’ she repeated his own words, eyeing the sketches at the same time. ‘And not only with the designs,’ she added. ‘All I asked was a phone call.’
Gabriel’s face fell from carefully impassive to worried. ‘I have sent you some… messages. Didn’t you get them?’
‘Oh, I did,’ a Cheshire cat grin appeared on her face. ‘Our office ran out of vases by Wednesday. My desk looks like I’ve robbed a flower shop,’ she paused mid sentence and cast him a questioning look. ‘You didn’t rob a flower shop, did you?’
Despite his debilitating state he somehow managed to scowl in indignation.
‘I asked you to call, not to arrange a garden in La Mode’s office,’ Emilie sighed.
‘I’m sorry?’ Gabriel squeaked. Apparently he misread her signals and acting purely on his infatuation might have overdone in wooing Mlle Launder with romantic gestures. Just a little bit. Okay, maybe more than a bit. So sue him. … Would she though? He gulped.
‘Let’s see,’ the woman tapped her red lips with a slender finger. ‘On Thursday I found daffodils. I obviously felt flattered that you remembered what I said about French gentlemen going extinct.’
Regard and chivalry. That had been his first idea.
‘Then the yellow tulips on Friday got a good giggle out of me and a few sour smiles from my coworkers,’ she continued, for now choosing to look around the cafe.
Sunshine in your smile. Gabriel thought it would be a good follow-up. Not too invasive but sustaining the interest.
‘I admit I was a bit surprised to find that stunning amaryllis waiting on my desk on Monday when I got back from lunch,’ she still wasn’t looking at him, but he didn’t miss the delicate coat of pink that colored her cheeks at the mention of amaryllis.
Splendid beauty. But that was hardly news. Surely she must have known what a gorgeous woman she was? He had some reservations about the amaryllis, but over the weekend he somehow convinced himself that he might have already lost her attention. When he found it on the flower market that Monday morning he bought it without really thinking it through. Unlike the tulips and the daffodils, he had to sit on this idea for a bit, and hadn’t decided to call for the office-boy until lunch.
‘Now you will probably be glad to hear that my coworkers lasted until Tuesday, before they started with their sarcastic comments, dubbing me the Sunflower Girl,’ she sent him a sweet smile. ‘Because sunflowers are my favorite.’
Adoration and dedication. Also bingo! He knew she’d like them.
‘We ran out of vases at the red carnations on Wednesday,’ Emilie mentioned casually. ‘And I could no longer evade questions about my secret admirer. Since by then at least some people in the office had done their homework on flower symbolism.’
Uh-oh. Were the red carnations for admiration already too much? But in that case today’s bouquet-
His train of thought was interrupted as Reboux’s office boy stuck his head into the cafe. He spotted the designer and strode in their direction with a broad grin, that was undoubtedly a result of the handsome pay Gabriel offered for the extra delivery for the last few days.
‘Monsieur Agreste,’ his smile broadened as he halted at the table. ‘I’m on my break so I can drop these beauties at La Mode now, if you want to,’ he carefully lifted the bouquet in question. A perfect arrangement of roses appeared in their vision and Gabriel noted with no small amount of satisfaction that his companion gasped at the display. Red, lavender and blue combined into one ample bunch.
He could almost hear the cogs in Mlle Launder’s brain spinning as she worked out the meaning behind the flowers and their colors. And when her delicate blush deepened, he knew he chose well.
‘Thank you, Jean-Luc, that won’t be necessary today,’ Gabriel passed the boy a 200 franc bill. After carefully depositing his cargo in the designer’s hands he left with a grin dangerously close to ripping his face in half.
Monsieur Agreste turned to the journalist. She was still staring at the roses, stunned into silence for the very first time. It was very satisfying, if he said so himself. His daily visits at the flower market and then the time it took to arrange the flowers personally had definitely paid off, if it had such an effect on her, even temporarily.
‘I see you have done your homework on plant symbolism too, mademoiselle,’ Gabriel murmured.
‘Blue for unattainable or mysterious,’ Emilie started weakly, ‘red for longing and desire. And lavender...,’ she reached to touch the delicate petals.
‘For love at first sight,’ he finished for her as he put his hand over hers.
She stilled and cleared her throat, apparently ready to take the initiative again. ‘Well, well, Monsieur Agreste,’ she drawled locking her emerald eyes with his aquamarine ones. ‘Now tell me, are you planning to propose with another bouquet before I finally ask you out on the first date?’
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A little background... I am 27 years old. I have a 9 year old. I have been with his father since I was 12 years old, I have never “dated” anyone else. I have seen others, but never been in a relationship with anyone else. in January 2019 my little brother (we were 4 years apart and very lose) was left for dead by police after he got in a car wreck and had a head injury. He had a pulse for 30 minutes yet was never taken to the hospital, that was 10 minutes away. A week later some rich yuppie blew their entire head off with a shotgun, 80 miles away from the hospital, had no pulse, but was air lifted to the hospital. I strongly feel my brother was left for dead due to the fact he had unpaid fines. Mostly due to no car insurance or “driving while suspended” over no car insurance. But I know only blacks matter in this country, not some mutt who is half native american half white. That has been made ABUNDUNTLY CLEAR. 
If you are one of those stupid cunts with the “driving is a privilege” bullshit mindset, (driving to work should not be a privilege should be a basic human right and “ride the bus” only big cities have busses and many people have to commute to larger cities in Oregon) when basic liability insurance is about $300 a month for people who are never on mommy and daddys insurance, please kindly fuck off. Housing in Oregon is insane, already, most people have half or more of their money going to rent if they can manage to get somewhere to rent to them at all, they should not have to have another 1/4th or more of their income going to basic liability insurance when they have never even had a ticket. I went through the same shit. Eventually police would just wait in the parking lot for me to leave work and just ticket me over and over, I was denied a hardship permit that is also such a scam. Pay a bunch of money for something you aren’t even guaranteed to get. I drove 1000 miles a week just to get to work, because I could not find work in the rural area I live in not could I afford the $1500 a month rent in the city that has jobs (that’s basically how much I made a month) it is what is is. I had no choice. 
Paying for car insurance crippled me financially. I was actually split up with his father at that time but had to come crawling back begging for money due to my $300 basic liability insurance. The tickets are not even on my record anymore, for driving with no insurance and driving while suspended but its still $260 a month. Absolutely sickening. I don’t have a fucking dime left over after i pay bills, and my boyfriend works and we STILL have no fucking money. Ever. We don’t get to go on vacations, we live in the shittiest neighborhood in the entire county, in a shit trailer, drive shitty cars, I assure you we have nothing nice. Nicest thing he had is probably his work boots which were paid for by his boss, working your ass off in Oregon does not pay off. “Get a better job” no shit sherlock, did it ever occur to you its difficult to not get fired from your job you are currently working, and still go to interviews? Employers be like “I know you have a job currently but can you drop everything and come in an hour?” Oh yeah, totally. And if you try and schedule it for a time maybe you won’t get fired its usually “Nevermind.” And the interview process is a begging a groveling process like you’re a god damn peasant. Why do I want this job? MONEY! Why else! Why does anyone want any job? I worked at a staffing agency for 4 years and I can not tell you how many people did well at those stupid cookie cutter questions but were shit workers. I wish places would just let you work a day or two and see. 
Then I got laid off as soon as stupid corona hit in March, they already fired my office manager and a sales person “over discounted bill rates”. Kinda like how the Dollar Tree stays in business because its cheap but more volume is sold (worked there before too that was horrible) so they have just as much profit if not more, as say Walgreens or something. With corporate clowns coming down and saying to clients basically pay the full rate or we are taking you to court, to 3/4 of the clients, sales tanked. They tried to blame corona but the sales were complete shit before that as soon as they fired the two people who had most of the sales, with discounted bill rates. I am still friends with someone who managed to not get fired. They said in a conference call this week they announced they would be lowering bill rates. *Face palm* now that you fired hundreds of people, you are lowering bill rates. How many lives did you ruin before coming to your senses? Companies here are just so fucking awful!
A few years ago I decided I wanted to move out of the country. However if you have a child, both parents have to sign a passport form unless you don’t have the father listed on the birth certificate. Norway in particular I like, its beautiful, free healthcare, minimum wage twice that of Oregon with cheaper rent and free healthcare, they also help with childcare. They claim they do in Oregon but your “copay” is usually so high you might as well just pay out of pocket and not deal with all the states controlling bullshit you have to deal with when you get state assistance. People like to say “Norway has higher taxes” please shut up and go look at Oregon’s income tax rate. One of the highest in the country. Expensive gas, INSANE housing, its just not possible to have a decent life here in Oregon. I love the ocean also. Norway is beautiful and comes in the top countries for quality of life every year, meanwhile USA is at the very bottom. 
Everyone called me paranoid all those years, I just had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen also and I needed to get out while I still could. Next remark “how can you afford to get there if you are so broke?” Simple don’t pay my outrageous rent and insurance for 1 month problem solved. My child’s father finally agreed to sign the passport form now that its too late and Americans are banned from basically every country in the world, once the racism and virus bullshit started. Super awesome. He will never hear the end of that from me. Its been months and I still do not even have the passport. Even if I did I AM TRAPPED HERE!!!!!!!!!! I can not even go to fucking Canada!
I decided ok, I will try and move to Montana/Idaho/North Dakota or something. Give up my ocean in attempts to get the hell away from all this mask and the non existent “racism” bullshit. Go somewhere with a lower cost of living, more jobs with higher wages. I absolutely can not stand wearing the face masks. There is no evidence they work, just go look at Sweden. Or the states I just named which have no mask laws. Also a lot of rural areas in Oregon do not wear them seems like the entire populations would have been sick or dead. I am not looking to argue with scared little sheep over this. Before you say “I hope your grandparents die” because I don’t wear them, something that I have seen many people say to myself and anyone else without a mask, my grandparents have said many times they would rather be dead than be completely isolated over some bullshit virus with a higher survival rate than the flu. Plus the media has lied so much, how can you believe a word they say? Seriously? They are all left winged biased. I am not even a conservative and I can see it. But people just eat the shit up. That 26 year old who they claimed died in Oregon from coronavirus, turns out did not even have the virus the CDC medical examiner said. So you choose for yourself what to believe. 
I did get a job in Montana very easily. In six fucking months in Oregon I had maybe 5 phone calls for a job, all minimum wage no benefit shit jobs. I did 2 years of business and law classes, 4 years of heavy payroll and accounting for work so its not like I have absolutely no experience in anything worth a fuck. Plus 8 years total of customer service or more I have been working since I was 18 with gaps here and there between jobs. But with my boyfriend and son back in Oregon, 900 miles away, it was really difficult. I had never been alone like that or even stayed a night away from my child. Never in 9 years. First of all staying in some shitty hotel... I hate hotels in general I like my little nest, as shitty as my house may be, even at a nice hotel I would rather sleep in my own shitty bed. I lasted 2 weeks, only having $100  week leftover for food and other bills spending $400 a week at the cheapest motel I could find, before I gave up. I could not save money for a deposit or loan and my boyfriend has absolutely no credit so he could not get approved for a loan or rental either. He also had absolutely no one to watch our child back in Oregon with everything being closed so he could not work during that time and almost lost the job he had. Done landscaping for 11 years and still only makes $2 above minimum wage because companies treat employees like such shit in Oregon. I was so close, had a decent pay (way more than I ever made in Oregon even though Montana has a lower minimum wage) with benefits, but it was impossible to move into a rental. My credit is good enough for a loan, but I could not save money for a down payment staying in a hotel. Plus I was so lonely and miserable. Now winter is coming and we will not be able to go back and forth in that snow in little cars anyways.
If we would have succeeded, I would have gotten us into a rental and then quit as soon as he got a job because we never have anyone to watch our child and the cost of living is so much lower we would not HAVE to both work like we do here in Oregon. Especially now. Seriously, what the fuck do they expect people with kids to do? Schools are closed and even if they weren’t there is no way in hell I would send my kid wearing a mask all day. SO bad for you! They have to wear them all day “except at lunch” ok so might as well just take the damn things off the entire day. These rules don’t even make sense how do people not see that? Or in a restaurant you have to wear them if you walk to the bathroom but not at the table what logic is that? How do people not see through this bullshit? And children are gross they touch everything masks are going to do shit at schools. Notice the schools that did open, masks or no masks still had a shitload of cases. Single parents are especially screwed in particular. I guess if you could somehow both find employers willing to work with your schedule (good luck with that) you could constantly work opposite shifts as your partner/spouse and never seen them and work. 
Anyways, jobs for him paid more up there too, rent is fucking half of what it is in Oregon. Their average rent is the price of “low income housing” in Oregon. But we just could not do it. I tried. I tried so hard. I even learned Norwegian jeg snakker norsk und ich spreche auch Deutsch because Austria was another country I was interested in. You can try and try and try here, but unless you get lucky, or your parents help you, I do not know how people do it. All the old people I know here don’t have enough money to live off either after working 50 years. Its so sad.
I am no perfect person either. I am pretty bitchy, I have horrible anxiety I quit public school at age 12 and finished online, yes I have a high school diploma. I actually did all my high school schooling in 2 years after skipping 3 years of school with no problem. I never even really went to middle school and still managed. I am not stupid. I just have a hard time doing things I am absolutely miserable doing.
I will go into more detail, year by year on what a shitshow it is to live in the USA but in particular Oregon. The entire west Coast really. I hate it here and I just want out but I have tried everything. 
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lindoig7 · 4 years
Friday/Monday 4-7 September
TGIF – although I have no idea why.  Every day is like every other day at present.  We had planned to take a long drive to Dargo today, but I think we were both still suffering a little from being thrown around on the rough roads on Wednesday so we decided to take another day to recuperate.
We went out for a 3+ km walk in the afternoon, just around the district nearby, but apart from that, we were in and around the van all day.  We watched a DVD before our walk and I made a few phone calls and paid some bills including our unit levies. There is a different way of paying them from this quarter and it took me over an hour to set up and pay the 5 invoices for our apartment and each of its appurtenances.  At least that was a one-off and it should make payment easier in the future.
We took a really long drive today – just a shade under 600 km.  We wanted to check out some of the caravan parks further east from here in case there was an easing of the lockdown rules when Dan announces his proposed way out of the crisis tomorrow.
We needed to buy a few comestibles in the morning and ended up at both Coles and Woolworths without quite completing our shopping list at either.  After examining the map, our main objective was Marlo.  We were looking for a central location a fair bit further east in the hope that we could base ourselves at a place where the rest of Gippsland was within comfortable reach.  Orbost looked to be about the most central, but Marlo looked to be a little more scenic.
We started out on the main highway but detoured through Bruthen after Sale and thence more-or-less straight through Orbost and on to Marlo.  We sat by the mouth of the Snowy River and ate lunch and then checked out the local caravan parks.  They were passable but really nothing special so we decided that the scenic aspect would not trump the extra 40-odd kilometres we would need to drive every time we went for an outing.  We looked at the only caravan park in Orbost and it looked quite acceptable so when we are able to move, I think that will be out target.  We went on to check out several more parks at Lake Tylers, Nowa Nowa, and Lakes Entrance but none of them really looked any better than the Orbost one. By then it was getting dark so we basically hit the highway and headed straight back to Warragul, stopping only at Traralgon to top up with more cheap fuel.  We had planned to get fish and chips for dinner, but we knew that the shop closed at 8 pm and we may not have got back in time to purchase anything.  In desperation, we had another superb meal of kofta that we had cooked a couple of days ago.
We never even put a DVD on after dinner.  It was getting late (for us) so we just read until we fell asleep.
What a beautiful day it was!  Warm and sunny all day with hardly a cloud to be seen.  It was Father’s Day.  Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers out there, including to a few of the female fathers who had to be mother and father at times.
We went for a long walk after breakfast.  It was a slightly truncated version of the 8 km walk along the Hazel Creek that we did a couple of weeks ago.  It is just along the track behind the caravan but then across the highway and up to the northern edge of town.  We didn’t go quite to the end but it was still some worthwhile exercise and an enjoyable walk.
We had a few little tasks to do around the van.  We defrosted and restocked the fridge, did some hand washing, cleaned a bit of mould off some normally unseen damp surfaces, repacked most of our liquid refreshments under the bed, and so on.  I also washed thousands of squashed bugs off the windscreen and lights on the car.  (That was the second time I have had to do that in two days – and they are really hard to remove for some reason.  Maybe a special breed of Gippsland insects whose corpses stick to glass like limpets.)
I had some lovely Father’s Day messages and phone calls from the kids and we spoke to almost all of them on the phone so it was a lovely family day and I felt quite special despite the limitations on contact.  The news from the Premier that we had all been pinning our hopes on was really discouraging and it is so hard for the family and everyone else in Melbourne.  At least those of us in regional Victoria have retained the same level of freedom we had, even if there was no relaxation of the rules and little prospect of (ever) meeting the somewhat absurd and unrealistic targets.
In the absence of any good news, we made our own! We had another serving of our wonderful home-made meatloaf for dinner!
It was another wonderful sunny day and we made the most of it.  We had been deferring any exploration of Nayook because the Rainforest Walk there was classified as level 3 with very steep climbs and descents.  But it was only about 2 km long so we decided to give it a go.  Glen Nayook is about 10 km from Noojee on a road we have travelled quite a few times.
The walk was a little challenging, but a lovely place to wander.  There are some very steep parts and the track is nearly always narrow and single file.  It has lots of steps, but they are not well-maintained and potentially quite hazardous in numerous places.  There are very few handrails although some that were there had obviously fallen down the hill (hopefully not when walkers were holding on to them).  We were serenaded by a full orchestra of birds for much of the route, but they were very high in the trees and I only had fleeting glimpses of two birds during the whole walk – both much too far away to identify.  There were lots of tree ferns and most of the trees were mammoths, beautifully smooth and straight for what seemed to be 50 metres or so before the first branches appeared. Magnificent and obviously quite old.  There was a delightful creek gurgling through the undergrowth at the bottom of the descent.   The creek almost glowed in the dappled sunlight filtering through the canopy - but it was all uphill from there!
One interesting feature was the amount of biggish animal droppings on many of the steps.  No idea of their origin though.  They looked to me most like emu droppings, but there would certainly not be any emus in the area.  Definitely not wallabies, wombats, koalas, etc., so it is intriguing what other animals might be there that were large enough (and plentiful enough) to leave the deposits.
We ate our lunch in Noojee and then drove up the Loch Valley road.  It was a very interesting drive through the forest with the road deteriorating as we drove north.  There were several signs warning of logging operations but we saw none – other than a few clear-felled areas and the obvious damage to the roads.  We branched off on a road (technically, a track!) that went through to Tanjil Bren that we had visited a few weeks ago.  It is as far as you are allowed to drive into the mountains without chains.  It was a rather adventurous drive, requiring pretty focussed attention, along a very narrow, rocky track with lots of potholes, water hazards, a few patches of snow and fallen trees partially across the track.  We love this sort of place.  It feels very remote and isolated, although we did encounter a few cars, fortunately all in places where one of us could get far enough off the track to let the other pass.  One place where we encountered a small truck was just after I had run over a shiny black snake.  I saw it slithering across the road and braked to avoid it, but I think I may have driven over the end of its tail.  I stopped to look back at it and saw it slither into the gutter with the tip of its tail at an odd angle.  While i was watching it, a truck came the other way so I had to leave the snake and drive a 30-40 metres to a place where we could pass.  We told the chap about the snake and he said he would look for it, but obviously it was gone by then.  Interestingly, where we stopped, we saw several small birds – probably more birds that we had seen all day.
From Tanjil Bren, we just took the main road back to Warragul.  We called in at Rokeby to suss out a longish walk we are considering and found that there is another shorter one there too.  We will probably give that a try before doing the longer one.
Back in Warragul, we went to Bunnings to return a ceramic radiator we had purchased a couple of months ago.  We had tried it a couple of times but Heather can’t bear the smell of it so we returned it with the intention of getting a non-ceramic one.  Alas, radiators have been replaced with fans and cooling devices in Warragul so we will have to make do with our other forms of heating until Autumn.
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crissle · 7 years
transcript of the speech i gave at Vassar’s black baccalaureate service
Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, honored guests, and the Vassar class of 2017. Just saying that aloud made me feel old. Class of 2017? Most of y'all were born after dark-skinned Aunt Viv left the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. That’s wild.
I want to first thank you for allowing me to be a part of such a special moment in your lives. I am honored, privileged, and a bit in disbelief that you asked me of all people to give this address. I try not to have feelings, and I’m going to do my best not to cry today, but no promises.
I’m here to stand in the gap between you and your parents and guardians and any other elders in your lives that you stopped listening to because you thought they were wack and out of touch. I remember being in your shoes not TOO long ago, and it is my fervent prayer that something that I say here today will help you avoid some of the mess I went through. To be honest I’m a little nervous, but I figured there was no way could this be worse than when Betsy DeVos went down to Bethune-Cookman, so let’s get started. As you transition to life after Vassar the changes will be both inevitable and swift, so I’d like to begin by giving you some well-intentioned advice and warning you about the continued process of becoming an adult.
It means I frequently feel simultaneously overwhelmed and very bored. It means forcing myself to go to work even when I’m depressed or my anxiety is through the roof because I’m the grown up now, and the bills don’t get paid unless I do it.
It means sometimes sitting in my room alone and feeling like I’ve done nothing significant with myself.
It means going through bouts of just being unhappy and not having any option but deal with it.
So no, adulthood is not the “I can do what I want” paradise that it may have appeared to be when we were young, and I’m sure you can all see that clearly now, but there is even more growth ahead. Sorry if you thought the hard parts were over.
Many of you have likely never worked a full time job or completely supported yourselves before, so as you prepare to enter the professional workforce please understand that as a young person of color your biggest asset will likely not be your intelligence, work ethic, or creativity. It will be your ability to make the white people around you feel at ease. You’ve probably already been honing this skill during your time at Vassar. No shade. Lord knows my years in college in Oklahoma prepared me in the same way to deal with my bosses and coworkers. You will be tested the first time a colleague complains to your supervisor about your “unfriendliness”, when really you were just trying to meet a deadline and didn’t care to hear about Susan’s cat and its vomit. Or the time you collaborate with a group and when the work is presented to your boss, your contributions have been conveniently erased or “mistakenly” attributed to someone else.
There have been many times that I had to sit back at work and bite my tongue while a white male coworker skated by with few responsibilities and even fewer repercussions. This is what it’s like for most of us playing the corporate game. Keep the white people at work comfortable in your presence, and things are magically easier. Force them to see the blackness in your humanity, and watch the complaints to HR pile up.
If you feel like you are being unfairly targeted or punished at work, put those in feelings in writing and back it up with some proof before emailing it to the people who need to know. That’s right - I’m telling you to go full White Woman in the workplace. Learn now to trust your gut. Know that if something FEELS off, it probably IS off.
When things were getting rough at a previous job of mine and I suspected something shady was going on, I started carrying my iPhone all over the office and using the Voice Memo app to record what was being said when I wasn’t in the room.
I kept my own meticulous records of what was going on and those files ended up saving me in a major way. I’m thankful every day that I didn’t ignore my intuition about that job. Sometimes we get those sneaky feelings and think we’re being paranoid when it’s really God (or the universe, or your personal higher power, whatever you believe in) trying to warn us about the dangers ahead. There have also been plenty of times that I didn’t listen to that intuition at all and paid the price dearly. Please learn from my mistakes.
I dated a girl back in 2008 or 2009 (the years all start to run together after a certain point) that we’ll call Ashley. Ashley was fine, played basketball, had a nice car, great job, and most importantly - was taller than me. But there were lots of things about her that didn’t add up. Like how she claimed to be an engineer for Apple, but we lived in Oklahoma City which had only just gotten an Apple retail store at all the year before. Or how she claimed to be my age, but her driver’s license said she was born three years before I was. (She claimed it was a mistake at the DMV that she never got fixed). Or how she constantly gave away fancy things like Louis Vuitton purses and Gucci and bought an SUV back when gas was like $5.32/gallon and not even rich white people were buying SUVs. The list goes on and on.
There was a lot about Ashley that should have been a red flag, but I didn’t care. She was fine! She took me out all the time and seemed head over heels for me and opened doors and held my umbrella so I looked past the sketchy job thing and the fact that she was blatantly lying about her age and everything else. The universe gave me so many chances to walk away from that situation, but I didn’t. I couldn’t. If I am honest with you now, it’s because I never thought someone who looked that good could be attracted to me. If I lost her, I’d never get anybody that fine again. When she got a new job as an “engineer” at a bank, she asked me to come there one day and open an account so she could deposit a check into it. Now don’t get me wrong, I was definitely a fool back then, but that just felt like it should be a no. And so for the first time in our relationship, I told her no.
She let it drop, and I pretended that nothing was wrong and kept dating Ashley despite the millions of warnings the universe was tossing in my direction until I couldn’t ignore them anymore.
A few weeks later, I was home asleep when she pulled up at my house at 3 AM (problem number one) and told me she’d been arrested for embezzlement and her dad had just bailed her out. She claimed that it was all a big misunderstanding, but when I put two and two together I realized that she’d asked me to come to the bank that day so that she could pull off her little stunt and blame me if she ever got caught. To say that I was hurt by that betrayal would be a massive understatement. I couldn’t believe someone I loved and trusted so much could have treated me that way. Had I been even just 2% dumber I’d probably have a record right now because of that girl. I let the idea of loneliness and solitude keep me in a situation that I should have left months earlier, and it almost ruined me in a permanent way.
I tell you that story because my friend Kid Fury and I give out a lot of advice on our podcast, The Read. Most of it is about relationships and I get a lot of feedback from younger women who say things like “Wow, I wish I was as reasonable as you are about relationships” or “I wish I was okay with being single like you guys seem to be”. But I didn’t always make smart decisions when it came to love. I wasn’t always okay with being by myself and I didn’t get to this place overnight.
What I DID do was learn from all the ways that I messed up and spent time alone after every relationship to work on myself. From Ashley in particular I learned to always trust my instincts, and these days I spend a lot more time vetting people before I decide to date them. That’s not foolproof either, because love is always a gamble. You never know how things will turn out. The difference now is that I listen to the warnings the first time I hear them.
Since we’re already on the subject of relationships, I want you to know that sometimes you will have to un-break your own heart. Sometimes what you thought was the perfect relationship ends and you don’t get any real answers or resolution or closure. Sometimes you will have to sit alone in your heartbreak and just feel every bit of that misery. Sometimes you will have to know when it’s over and be brave enough to end things before they can get worse.
I want you to know that because if you decide to not feel those feelings… if you decide to throw yourself into sex or dating or selling laxatives on Instagram instead of processing the entirety of what you are going through… all you are doing is delaying the inevitable. Your future relationships will crumble under the weight of your unresolved emotions. You are not doing yourself a favor by pretending that you aren’t bleeding. It is fine and good to develop hobbies to distract yourself from the pain and loneliness of a relationship ending, but make sure you take the time to really get through your breakup.
Remember that never getting married isn’t the worst thing that could happen to you, but marrying the wrong person could be.
For young women in particular, I want you to learn to put yourselves first. Learn to prioritize your needs. There is so much to be accomplished in your personal life when you are happy with yourself alone. As a wise woman once said, there is an essential part of who you are that only becomes alive in the place where romance ends. Women are so conditioned in this society to take care of others that choosing yourself can feel unnatural. It can be isolating, because believe it or not lots of people don’t think women have the right to see themselves as truly equal to men. Weak partners will not know how to handle a woman who puts her happiness above anyone else’s but choose yourself anyway, and never compromise just for the sake of not being single.
When I was around your age, LiveJournal was a big deal on the internet. If you aren’t familiar, LiveJournal was a site for keeping personal blogs and participating in communities with like-minded people and I loved it. I blogged on LJ for years and made internet friends that I still keep up with on Twitter today, and when I take the time to go back and read what I was going through in my mid-twenties I am always blown away.
An excerpt from September 6, 2004: “I figure, why break up with him for being a liar (and probably a cheater) when everyone I’ve EVER dated has been a liar/cheater. Obviously I am destined to be either alone or with a liar/cheater. No sense in breaking up with this one when all I’ll be doing is waiting for the next one to come around.”
YIKES! I read that now and see a person whose self-esteem was so low that she should’ve been single and in therapy. It’s hard for me to reconcile that girl with who I am today, but I got here. The things that felt fresh and dangerous and new back then are old roads to me now. You will get there too. But you gotta keep going.
Another quote from my journal, this one dated November 5, 2008: “I don’t even try, anymore, even though I want things to be better. I want to do and be better. But I don’t put forth the effort that I know is required of me and I don’t know why. I just let things get worse and worse and worse and one of two things happen: It’ll get so bad that I’m forced to do something to change it or it’ll blow up completely in my face. If I do eventually change, I never manage to keep it up so either way it goes my life is a constant cycle of fail. I wish I knew why I couldn’t be one of those people who learns to make it right.
P.S. What is up with Rihanna having all these good songs lately?”
I remember feeling that way A LOT - sometimes for days and weeks at time. But it’s funny to me now that I remember those feelings but not the daily work it took to get out of it. I just know that I kept moving. I talked to my friends about what was going on and faithfully asked the church to pray for me every Sunday and Wednesday. When that didn’t fix it alone, I broke down and found a psychiatrist. (Which I highly recommend, by the way. Mine have saved my life twice. #NoShame.) If you’ve never been in therapy before, it might surprise you how helpful a stranger can be when you feel stuck dealing with life.  And of course, I kept my journal. I kept writing. When my depression drove me to the point of feeling suicidal, I wrote my way out. But my journal wasn’t all tears and desperation and sadness. I laugh a lot too when I look back at who I used to be and what the world was like then.
Like this post from September 3, 2005: “Kanye West just got on TV and said ‘George Bush doesn’t care about black people’. Kanye West is officially my baby daddy.”
Or this one, from August of that same year: “I bought two fish, one male and one female. I named them Brad and Angelina. And I don’t think it’s any coincidence that they hump constantly.”
I encourage you to keep a journal and write in it as much as possible. I read a story on Humans of New York last year about a woman who has kept a journal every day since she started it as a class assignment in elementary school. Y’all, I would spend Beyoncé ticket money to be able to go back to 1996 and read my thoughts on being in 7th grade and what the Oklahoma City bombing was like for us living 90 miles away. I would spend VIP Beyoncé ticket money to be able to go back to high school and read the daily thoughts of a girl who was struggling with bisexuality and living with a very religious family in the middle of the Bible belt. So yes, please keep a written record of your life. One day it will be invaluable to you.
Take a lot of pictures of yourself and of everything around you, even when you think you look terrible. I don’t mean that you have to post them on Instagram or Tumblr every day, but no one ever grew older and thought “Damn, there’s too many photos of me lying around from when I was young.” The moments you are experiencing now will layer themselves into the person you grow to be. It’s a lot of fun to look back on trips that my best friends and I took in our mid-twenties and cackle together over the memories. When I was your age, camera phones were only just starting to become mainstream and it was a bit of a pain to hold onto lots of photos. So take advantage of the times we are in now. Save all those snaps to your camera roll. Record videos when you and your friends are just hanging out being goofy. Take those selfies, even if you think they’re ugly, and know that one day you’ll look back and touch the pixels of your 23 year old face and wonder where the time went.
One day, if it hasn’t come already, it will really hit you that you’re not one of the kids anymore. One day you will look around at your family and you will now be in the position that was always previously occupied by your parents, aunts, and uncles. Those kids that your siblings and cousins have? They get old fast! It is a cruel trick of life that childhood seems to drag on forever while adulthood flies past. Nothing prepares you for the realization that your parents are whole, complete people who had entire lives that existed before you were ever considered.
You will know in a way that young people are not capable of knowing that time continues to move and the world keeps turning no matter what. Children cannot quite understand that the games and technology and places and people they build their memories out of will all change one day. When I was your age, MySpace and BlackPlanet were more popular than Facebook and George W. Bush was the dumbest president America ever had. So yeah, the world will change in ways you cannot begin to imagine. You will realize that if you are fortunate you will be old one day, but also that growing older means learning different ways to say goodbye. One day it will be you turning up the brightness on your phone and increasing the font size on your MacBook and looking confused at whatever new app or machine the children of the future have invented.
Everyone won’t leave Vassar this weekend with a great job lined up in the career they’ve always dreamed of and go on to live happily ever after. If you’re like most of us, you will spend a significant amount of time being overworked, undervalued, underpaid, stressed, and tired. I want to encourage you today to hold on through the times when life will frustrate you the most. Understand that you WILL mess up, and the way you respond to making mistakes shows your true maturity. Hold on to the friendships you’ve had for years. Take the time to figure out who you are and how that person is different from who you want to be. Learn when to cut people off and how to genuinely apologize.
Ages 22 to 32 were by far the hardest I’ve gone through in my life. Imma just be real with y’all about that. I had a lot of terrible relationships. I had knockdown drag-out fights with roommates and best friends. I had terrible jobs and even worse bosses. My health wasn’t always great and I stopped trying to take care of myself. Depression and anxiety seemed to rule my days more often than not.
But if I hadn’t held on, I never would have worked up the nerve to move from Oklahoma to Harlem. I never would have started doing The Read with Kid Fury, which changed my life completely. I never would have been able to travel the world doing the work I love. I never would have found the real happiness and true peace that come with both loving and liking yourself.
Understand that your next steps into adulthood begin now, and that you cannot get to the rewards life has in store for you without walking the journey. (Unless you were born a cis-straight white man, and then the world is your oyster.) When I look back over the past decade of my life, I see a lot of struggle and heartache and days that I had to collect coins from the bottom of my glove compartment to scrape up enough money to find dinner. And now that I’m on the other side of that mountain I see how every last one of those days I spent hurting and miserable led me to being right here. I had to learn to trust the process laid out for me. I had to learn to let my dreams shift into my destiny. Like Oprah says, I learned to lean in with the universe instead of fighting it. So as you prepare to tackle the changes heading your way, do your best to hold your head high and remain true to yourself. Remember to hold onto your values, your ethics, and your purpose. It is these qualities that will successfully guide you through life.
I’ll leave you with one last excerpt from my journal, dated January 20, 2007: “My ex-boyfriend just moved to Harlem and he gets on my nerves talking about how great the east coast is. I really don’t give a damn about the east coast. I would never move to NYC, but maybe that’s just me.”10 years later, I can tell you that 24 year old me couldn’t have been more wrong about what she would or would not do and how her life was going to turn out. So have your dreams and goals, but don’t be so attached to them that you miss out on your purpose.
Congratulations to you, the Vassar class of 2017, and to the parents, family and friends who have helped you arrive. Good luck to you and thank you for listening.
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sending-the-message · 7 years
About A Boy by rotinhellkevin
I’d like to preface this all by saying that Kevin is a fucking psychopath.
I loved Skye from the moment I met her. It was like my life had no color, none at all, until she walked in, and then suddenly everything felt fresh and bright and happy. My home life definitely wasn’t. Whenever my parents decided to actually be home, they were too busy screaming at each other or going over bills to bother with me. I didn’t care, though. I had Skye. We’d been best friends since seventh grade. She was my everything.
And then along came fucking Kevin. I didn’t like him, even before he weaseled his way into Skye’s life. There was always something… off about him. He couldn’t stand the fact that Skye had friends, people she was close with, people she trusted, besides him. I tried to convince Skye to break up with him, multiple times, but she would always brush it off, or waffle on it. Maybe I was being a bit nosy, but it was in her best interests! I was always the more mature one of the two of us, the more responsible one. Skye had a more… innocent outlook on life. She chose to believe the best in everyone. I knew better. I knew Kevin would hurt her, eventually.
Of course, I hadn’t counted on him hurting her physically. At most I thought he’d cheat, or cut her down with words, and then I’d have to resist the urge to say ‘I told you he was scum’ or worse, the urge to kiss her. I knew Skye knew I had feelings for her, but I think she thought it was just a cute phase, like I suddenly grow out of liking girls. Although, really, it was less ‘girls’ and more ‘just her’. I never so much as thought about anyone else. It was always Skye.
Anyways, it was a normal day during our sophomore year. Skye and Kevin were a couple, much to my disgust, but I at least tried to act polite, if distant, around him. Skye and I always came to school together on the bus, and every morning I had to look at Kevin’s smug fucking face during home room, pretending that I didn’t want to spit at him. He didn’t deserve her. We came up to the classroom door, Skye lit up like she always did at the sight of her asshole boyfriend, and I steeled myself for the usual bullshit.
And then a bucket full of water fell on her head. I don’t mean it soaked her, although that was clearly the intention. I mean the bucket didn’t flip, and all the weight of came slamming down onto her scalp. It was awful. She immediately crumpled to the ground, unconscious, gushing blood all over the wet floor. My ratty sneakers were completely ruined, but I didn’t care- all I cared about was helping her. I thought she was dead. I thought her psychotic boyfriend might have accidentally killed her right then and there, and for what? A stupid prank to humiliate me? What kind of nutjob even thought that way?
As I screamed at a passing student to call an ambulance and tried to staunch the flow of blood with one of my notebooks, Kevin came over, like he hadn’t just inadvertently assaulted his girlfriend, and tried to grab her hand or arm, crying and snotting like a baby. “What the fuck were you thinking, Kevin?” I demanded angrily.
All he could do was stutter and sob, about how he’d thought I’d be the one to come in the room first. What a pathetic piece of shit. He was only sorry he was going to get in trouble for this. He didn’t care about Skye. His only concern was his own skin. I saw Kevin for the monster he was right then and there. Furious, I shoved him away from her unconscious form and screamed for someone to come help us. Who knew what he’d try to pull next.
Luckily, the school security officer was nearby and came running in to help, almost slipping on the bloody floor, looking wildly between all of us. “He dropped a bucket full of water on her head!” I shrieked, pointing at Kevin, and he was led out still crying and sniffling and cursing me out. And that was the last I saw of him for the rest of the year, and for I hoped, the rest of my life.
Unfortunately, sometimes shit comes back up, even after you flush.
Kevin showed back up again junior year, after a suspension, probation, and a stint in juvie. Everyone knew what he’d done, and with the exception of some little scumbags who thought he was a martyr for shitty boyfriends everywhere, he was a social pariah, which, as far as I was concerned, he completely deserved. Skye had been permanently scarred from the ‘accident’, and while I thought she was as beautiful as ever, maybe even more so now due to all she’d overcome, she was still self-conscious about her scar.
Of course, as soon as he was back in school Kevin paid some freshman to hand Skye an obsessive note about how ‘sorry’ he was and how he hoped she could forgive him someday, or some shit like that. Nevermind that he probably would have thrown a block party if I’d been the one to get permanent brain damage from his dumbass prank. Skye was completely thrown off by the note, and I could just see all the emotions from the accident rushing back across her face. I was so incensed I tracked Kevin down during lunch, where he was eating alone like some school shooter, probably planning my murder.
I crumpled up the note in my hand and tossed it as his tray. “Skye doesn’t want to talk to you,” I snapped at him. “Leave her alone, creep.”
He just gave me a smug little look, like he knew he’d succeeded in worming his way back into our lives. “She’s more than capable of telling me that herself, so why don’t you fuck off, Amanda?” He even smiled at me!
I wanted to bash his head into his tray, but instead I steeled myself and calmly stated, “Okay, I will. But it’d be a shame if you violated your probation… psycho,” I muttered under my breath as I stalked away. He looked like he wanted to strangle me, when I glanced back at him, but I didn’t care. I just cared about keeping Skye safe, and away from him.
I was actually really worried when he showed up at our Fall Formal- all offense intended, he seemed like the type who’d consider smuggling a gun in and taking a few people (mainly me) out with him. Still, he at least looked somewhat stable, and spent most of the night lurking in a corner, probably drinking spiked punch to take the edge off, and who knew what else he’d taken beforehand.
Skye was my ‘unofficial’ date- my parents probably would have kicked me out if I seriously told them I was going to a dance with another girl. She didn’t want us to really ‘define it’, but she was certainly okay with slow-dancing with me. We wore matching blue dresses, and it was one of the best nights of my life, hands down. When I was with her, it was impossible to worry about anything else, even Kevin.
But when she decided to go talk to Kevin, the night came crashing down around me. I reluctantly agreed- it seemed like she just wanted some closure on her own terms, and warily accompanied over to where he was dancing. Of course he quickly roped her into dancing a few slow songs with him ‘as friends’, and while Skye looked a bit uncomfortable, I knew she probably didn’t want me making a scene, so I hung off to the side and kept a close eye on them, making sure he didn’t try anything, and ignoring the looks I got.
I even got drinks for when Kevin finally released her, and reluctantly handed him one as Skye made awkward small talk and sidled ever closer over to me. He seemed a bit out of it, like he really was drunk or high on something, and we made our escape then. Approximately three minutes later he got up, stumbling around like an idiot, and was met by the scowling security officer. He was fucking high, alright, on ketamine, and he had a shit ton of it in his locker as well. He even put it in the punch! Thank God Skye and I had stuck to water.
Kevin got arrested, obviously, and that was the last we heard of him… for a while. Skye and I got into our dream college, on scholarship, and for once everything seemed to be falling into place. We worked at the little cafe in the school bookstore in the winter of 2007, and one night while I was locking up I heard a scream from the alley next door.
Skye had just walked out there with the safe deposit bag, so I assumed she was getting mugged, or worse. I grabbed my pepper spray out of my purse and bolted outside, and I’d already kicked the guy in the groin before I realized it was Kevin. He looked like shit, and he smelled like beer, lots of it. He was drunk and ranting about how we’d ‘set him up’ and ‘ruined his life’. Honestly, I’m a tall woman, and fairly athletic, but Kevin wasn’t a small guy, and if he wanted to, could probably serious hurt both me and Skye, so I emptied the can into his face with no guilt whatsoever. He was completely shit-faced, and who knew what he would have done to Skye if I hadn’t been there. As he went down (like a bitch) I pulled Skye away from him, and we ran and locked ourselves into the shop to call the police.
Kevin went to ‘real jail’ this time, and while Skye and I recovered from the trauma of being, you know, stalked by her insane ex, I stewed. Kevin had almost ruined our lives multiple times now. We lived in fear of him some day popping back up again. I wasn’t going to stand for this shit. It was time for some payback.
So when we received word that he’d got out, three years later, I was waiting. And yeah, I catfished him. It was stupid of me, beyond stupid, but I wasn’t thinking straight. I just wanted him to suffer. I pretended to be Skye and reconnected with him on Facebook, let it develop into a bit of flirting, and then asked him to meet up at the park on a day where we’d be there. And of course, we happened to be there that day, and yeah, he freaked. But we were perfectly safe! It was a sunny afternoon, and plenty of witnesses to watch his meltdown and jump in before he could do anything.
Skye… wasn’t happy. Which, she had a right to be pissed. I was an idiot. But I didn’t… I didn’t think she’d declare what we had ‘over’ after that. She just… she just shut me out.
Several years went by, and Skye and I managed to work our way back into being at least friends, which I considered better than nothing. I knew I’d broken her trust, but it was nothing compared to what Kevin put us through! I just wished she could see that, that I’d done it out of misguided love for her, not because I ever wanted to see her hurt. But I knew better than to push her on it. Word around town was that Kevin was ‘on the straight and narrow’ and had made something of himself other than a criminal and stalker. He even had a girlfriend, some girl named Charlotte, who Skye was actually sort of friendly with.
I wanted nothing to do with any of it, of course… and then I started seeing Kevin everywhere. And I mean, everywhere. Post office, library, grocery store, parking lots, you name it, he was either there when I got there, or showed up just as I was leaving. To me, at least, it seemed obvious. It was all an act. He was psychotic and putting on a normal face to avert suspicion of his next move, which was probably, I figured, to kill me. I carried for self defense, so I was almost… I don’t know, welcoming of it. Let him break into my apartment some night and see what happened. I’d be doing everyone a favor, and Skye would finally see exactly how dangerous he really was.
But he didn’t go for me. He went for Skye. I got a call from her roommate that she was missing, that she’d never come home after going out with Charlotte, and I immediately knew what had happened. I got over to his and Charlotte’s place and jumped out of the car gun drawn as I warily stepped through the wide-open front door.
Skye was sobbing and screaming, a knife at her neck held by a manic looking Kevin. He was pale and covered in blood, presumably from Charlotte, who was on the floor, freshly dead. I looked to her to him to Skye in growing horror, gun still drawn on him. “Kevin,” I swallowed hard, trying to reason with this lunatic, “I’m the one who tricked you into meeting us at the park, I’m the one you should hurt… you- you always said you loved Skye more than anything, just let her go-,”
“You fucking bitch,” he snarled at me. “You thought you could take her from me, didn’t you? But I’m not letting you win. Not this time.”
“Don’t do this,” I pleaded with him, terrified any sudden move would send his knife right through Skye’s throat. “Skye, I’m sorry, I’m so, so sorry-,”
She tried to mouth something at me, maybe ‘it’s okay’ or ‘Amanda’, but I couldn’t make it out before Kevin’s knife was rammed into her neck. She made a choking sound as he let go of her with a triumphant, dazed look, like this wasn’t all quite real for him, and walked towards me, knife still raised.
I screamed in rage and fired off one shot as he charged, missing him, and his fist collided with my jaw, knocking me off my feet. I rolled over as soon as I hit the ground, dodging the knife, and dashed outside as the distant sound of sirens grew louder, the neighbors having obviously heard the screaming and gunshot. Staggering back onto the gravel driveway, I fired again at Kevin as he ran out of the house after me, just as the police pulled up.
Kevin claimed I shot Charlotte and stabbed Skye, and we’re both on house arrest while the police look for evidence, but the truth will out. Kevin is going away for a long, long time. And I’m going to be there at every parole meeting, just to remind myself that if not for him, Skye wouldn’t be in critical condition, Charlotte wouldn’t be dead, and I wouldn’t have had to write this whole thing just to prove my innocence. Kevin is and was the monster here. Not me. He deserves whatever hell he gets.
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lilmissmousey · 7 years
Stirrings (Denial (AKA: this is sooooo not a date prologue)
Vegeta’s fingers stilled over his laptop keys, eyes sliding to his now illuminated phone screen.
It was her, “Hey hot stuff. What you doin’? ;)”
He grunted, rubbing the tired eyelids under his glasses. Vulgar woman. Had she no shame? He’d only been working at Capsule Corp for less than six months and she was already way to friendly. Didn’t she know he had better things to do? Like, hm, save their asses from a lawsuit recently filed by a rival company? Vegeta knew he should just ignore her, go back to typing and try to not think about aqua-colored eyes and slender legs, but Bulma Briefs was persistent.
The phone buzzed again: “I have sandwiches.”
“Why do I keep doing this to myself?” Vegeta wondered as he hit the elevator button to the lab. He shouldn’t give into her. He had way more productive shit to do than entertain a spoiled heiress. The song playing over the loud speaker was some kind of grating pop music, and it did not help in quelling his agitation. Huffing, he shoved his hands into his jeans pockets and leaned against the elevator wall. At least the dress code at Capsule Corp was lax. Suits were itchy.
The numbers flashing the descent of the elevator into the lower levels of Capsule Corp mocked him. Bulma’s private lab was in the basement, far away from the prying eyes of the other scientists employed here. While the “regular” people worked on mundane everyday things, Bulma’s work was top secret and hidden behind numerous keypads and doors. Every time he made the trip to the lab under her request he’d feel the increasing amount of nausea and primal surge to run as far away as he possibly could. Feelings were horrible, unnecessary things that only got in the way-
The elevator doors slid open, and there she stood, sub sandwiches in hand and beaming at him.
There was always that cliche moment in films where time stood still, the handsome protagonist locking eyes with a beautiful woman from across the room. The both of them knowing instinctively that this person would change their world forever. For Vegeta, this had happened the first time he’d ever met her.
And it only got worse every time she’d cross his path.
The air around elevator was heavy; Bulma was covered in grease, long blue hair piled on top of her head and held in place with a pen. Her lab coat was stained and open revealing a black tank top and blue denim shorts. She was a vision, the perfect woman…
Which is why Vegeta scowled and snatched the sandwich out of her hand, brushing past her shoulder and not giving her a second glance as he powered towards the lab door.
He heard her huff in agitation, her footsteps echoing in the hall behind him as she struggled to keep up with his longer strides, “UM, you’re welcome!”
“I didn’t ask you to buy me lunch.” He grumbled, still walking forward and already ripping into the wax paper keeping him from the sandwich.
A low whistle came from her direction. Vegeta paused, turning around with an annoyed stare.
Bulma was surprisingly close to him, within arms reach and she waggled her eyebrows suggestively, “I hate it when you go, but I love watching you leave. You should wear jeans more often.”
“Wha-damnit woman I’m going to sue you for sexual harassment!” Vegeta felt his cheeks flame red, “why do you insist on being so pervy? Have you no shame?”
Bulma laughed, “Not when it comes to you!” She reached up and gently pulled the glasses from his face, putting them on instead, “I didn’t know you wore glasses!”
Left eye twitching, he took back the eyewear and tucked them into his breast pocket, “Not that it’s any of your business, but my eyes get tired cleaning up all the messes around here.”
“Pffft,” Bulma rolled her eyes, walking past Vegeta and tapping her code into the keypad, “What I was going to say is that they make you look smart.”
“Well, of course they-Hey!”
Bulma giggled, waving him inside the lab, “Hurry up grumpy. I’m starving.”
He devoured the first sandwich within moments of settling himself on the swivel chair near Bulma’s desk, she already handing him a second one. She knew well enough by now that despite Vegeta’s shorter stature that he could eat anyone under the table. He’d had Ju Jitsu practice the night before and his hunger was especially fierce today.
Bulma’s own sandwich lay unattended beside her, still primly wrapped as she pulled a pencil out of her coat pocket and carefully followed the lines of the ruler she had placed against a large blueprint nearly engulfing her whole workspace. Vegeta chewed thoughtfully, eyes narrowed as he watched her work, “What’s that?” He asked around the mouthful.
“Hm? Oh, I made the modulator in the space pod too small. It wont accept the amount of wires needed to actually propel the dumb thing. I’m just adjusting the pod accordingly.” She continued to measure, her firm bare calves teasing him as she shifted footing.
“Hmpf, some genius.” He teased.
“Hey bucko,” Bulma wagged the pencil at him, still not looking in his direction, “it’s beautiful, stunning, amazing genius to you. And don’t you forget it.” she went back to the blueprint, getting absorbed into her work.
Vegeta was only slightly irritated. If she wasn’t going to engage with him, then why was he even here? She could have easily dropped the sandwiches off at his office, but no. Instead he was sitting in near silence watching the prodigy of Capsule Corp doodle. He had at least three pending lawsuits against this crazy company he had to deal with, and being treated like a personal assistant was definitely not in his job description. The anger within him was building, threatening to end his patience then and there until…
…She smiled at him.
He hadn’t caught her staring, didn’t even realize that she had stopped working to watch him.
Bulma tilted her head, a free tendril of aqua hair escaping her messy bun and brushing down her slender neck, “What?” She asked. Heart thundering, and before he could stop himself, Vegeta reached out and tucked that wayward lock of hair behind her ear. Bulma blinked, cheeks flushing an obscenely pretty shade of pink.
Clearing his throat, Vegeta crossed his arms across his broad expanse of chest and glared at the floor, “It was pissing me off,” he grumbled, “the hair, I mean. I’m going to buy you some proper hair clips so that way you don’t look like a damn mess. It’s a health hazard around here anyways.”
“O-oh,” Bulma smiled, “don’t worry about it. I’ve uh, got plenty of them at home. Thanks though. Nice to know you care.”
“I don’t!” Vegeta barked, surprising himself with his own level of volume, “It just, its-”
The damn woman snickered, shaking her head. That same tendril of hair came loose, almost taunting him to touch it again, “Whatever you say hot stuff.” She smiled at him again, and she went back to her blueprint, once again getting lost in her own mind.
How did he not piss her off? How did she even stand to be in his presence? There was a reason Vegeta was alone; and he’d be lying if he said it wasn’t his fault most of the time. Now there was this beautiful woman (incredibly out of his league) who not only put up with his permanently aloof attitude, but had gotten him this job. He’d owned his own law firm, but it was really just a small studio in a shitty area of town. Business usually consisted of petty crimes and at least attempting to get reduced sentences for the scum of society. It really didn’t matter to Vegeta who he was representing as long as it paid the bills. He’d been called in for a gang deposition for the Icejin gang and somehow Bulma had heard about him from there. He was called into her fancy office wearing a second hand suit and had wanted to melt into the floor. From the way her father and other members had looked at him he was sure he’d be kicked out. Vegeta didn’t mince words, and had told the fifteen people sitting at that long interview table exactly how he felt about their methods of defending themselves.
Shitty. It was all shitty. How could they look themselves in the mirror when all they did was pay people out for lawsuits that were unjustified? How had they not gone bankrupt? Why was a company so willing to fail wanting to hire him? What was the point? A mouse fart could have been heard after his rant, the faces of all the old men at the table sallow and horrified.
He knew he’d done it then; had ruined his chances of ever having a good client.
Vegeta had turned to leave when he saw the blue haired woman standing in the doorway looking amused, “And where do you think you’re going tiger? You’re starting right now.”
“B-Bulma!” Dr. Briefs had stammered, “This young man had made it quite clear that he doesn’t wish to associate with us-”
Bulma’s blue eyes narrowed, and she peered around Vegeta’s shoulder to grin at her father, “Daddy, he is JUST who we need.”
“B-but princess-”
“Nice to meet you,” the woman had held her hand out to Vegeta, “I’m Bulma Briefs, co founder of Capsule Corp and head scientist. It’s a pleasure to have you as the newest employee. You’re office is down the hall, it’s the door right next to mine. You start immediately.”
Stunned, Vegeta shook her hand and she winked coyly, “Nice to have someone who will get things done. And you’re cute to boot.”
And that was how this whole crazy thing started. Because this certifiably insane, stunningly beautiful genius and business mogul had had given him a chance when all his life he’d been told no. They’re upbringings couldn’t have been more different, and yet here he was. Watching her work was like watching a painter, completely in their element. He had a thought that disturbed him and caused him pause, but was still not enough to stop him.
Vegeta pulled out his smart phone, pretending to check emails when in reality he was opening his camera app.
This was wrong. He could get in so much trouble. But if one day she got sick of him and kicked him out on the street and he never saw her again, he wanted to always remember her like this: Leaned over her desk, blue eyes fixated on her own genius taking shape and stunningly gorgeous despite not even trying. Vegeta hit the button and captured a single silenced photo before quickly tucking his phone back into his pocket.
Bulma kept working, blissfully unaware of what had just transpired. Vegeta pretended to glance around the room, then noticed the still unopened sandwich beside her. He knew she wouldn’t eat unless forced to at this point. Sighing, he stood and went to her side. Bulma glanced at him questioningly as he plucked the pencil from her hand, instead thrusting the sandwich into it, “Eat.” He said firmly. Blue eyes blinked, but Bulma obliged, finally sitting and unwrapping her lunch. Vegeta nodded, before turning and walking out of the lab doors.
He’d stare at that photo for minutes at a time in his office behind closed doors for the rest of the work day and even months after. It reminded him of her kindness, and it caused stirrings in his belly he didn’t know possible. There was no chance with her, Vegeta knew. So, this picture and dreams were all he had. He was okay with that. This single snapshot of a moment in time was his little secret. She’d never even know.
Besides, what harm could one little photograph do?
Here is is my friends; the prologue to Denial! Thank you all for the encouragement and kindness you have shown my stories. This is for all of you ❤️
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purplesurveys · 4 years
What was the best thing to happen to you this week? This week was probably the most uneventful one of the quarantine so far... I did like the fact that I made my own dalgona coffee last Wednesday! I don’t know how it’s faring in the other side of the world, but it’s a pretty big trend around Asia at the moment.
Where do you put your keys when you get home? I never got accustomed to putting it one place – every day it’s in a new area in the house haha but usually it’s at one of these places: hung on my doorknob, on the living room table, on the dining table, on top of my drawer, or on my bedside chest. Sometimes when I get home super late and have to wake up early, I don’t even take my keys off of me anymore.
Do you prefer hot coffee or iced coffee? Iced, which is why I’m missing coffee shops a ton rn. I have to deal with making lukewarm coffee at home. Water’s kind of a luxury at this point with most of the water refilling stations being temporarily closed down, so I can’t really afford to waste my family’s stock of water just to keep making iced coffee.
What’s your phone background picture? For the longest time my lock screen was a photo of Kobe and Gigi Bryant, but I just changed it an hour ago of a photo of the sky and the beach.
If you could move to any country, what would it be? Is Finland the one whose government is populated by mostly women? I’d love to live in their world. 
Have you ever seen a snake in the wild? I may have once or twice. I live in the Philippines after all haha.
What’s your favourite movie from the 80s? Ooh, good question. I never did like most of the stuff that came out of the 80s so I had to Google the movies that came out then. Turns out I enjoyed a few: Ferris Bueller’s Day Off is my absolute favorite one, and my runners-up are Full Metal Jacket, The Shining, and This is Spinal Tap.
Do you have any posters, paintings or other artwork on your walls? I have several wall decors of Aubrey Hepburn on one side, and I have a few paintings on the other.
What would your dream wedding be like? Hopefully big and expensive. My parents have always preferred to keep family celebrations simple and lowkey, and I’ve been really itching to break out of that cycle and throw a huge ceremony/celebration for myself for once.
Would you ever take a trip to space if given the chance? Already answered this in a previous survey but absolutely hell yeah. I wanted to be an astronaut for quite a long time, so I won’t let go of the chance if it came.
How do you cope with anxiety? I take surveys, find a YouTube series to distract me, or simply take a nap. Bottomline is I can’t be stuck doing nothing.
Are you expecting any phone calls or emails? It’d be nice to hear a reply from my prof. I submitted a paper three weeks early (she gave an April 17 deadline so that we didn’t have to work on it during the break, but I went ahead and did it and submitted mine anyway) and I would love a “thank you” or “I appreciate this,” but whatever haha.
What’s the weather like in your part of the world right now? My weather app says 28C, which is 81F.
What was the last takeout food you ate? Haven’t had that in a while cos they’ve also closed down restaurants. But hmm, I think we were able to get Jollibee before they imposed a stricter lockdown.
Who makes you laugh the most? Angela, Gabie, Andrew, JM, Aya, my dog.
Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? No. I know of people who have my middle name as their surname, but I’ve never been middle name twins with anyone other than my cousins.
What did you have done the last time you saw a dentist? I needed to be treated for a really bad toothache, which turned out to be deposit piled together in that area.
What does a successful relationship look like to you? Idk I think it’s different for all couples, but it’s nice to have maturity and healthy communication as start-off points.  
What do you like to put on your baked potato? I don’t really have those a lot – I never order them and it’s not the kind of thing either of my parents make. But uhhh I guess I’d like a lot of bacon and cheese in them, but that’s about it.
What field of science interests you the most? Biology. It’s one of my the-one-that-got-away courses; like I’m generally average in science but I’ve found that I do unusually well in biology, so there was a time I did consider taking it up and heading to med school. I had to let it go when I faced the reality that I was terrible in chemistry.
What’s the closest shop or restaurant to your house? There’s a McDonald’s situated literally right beside our village. Homeowners would typically go there in their pajamas, lol.
Do you have any family that live in another country? I have tonssssss of family living all around the world. I have family in Illinois, New York, Kentucky, Texas, Vietnam, New Zealand, and China. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are any more immigrant relatives I missed; Filipino families are huge.
What colour is your couch? Gray. < Yeah, same.
Do you know how to care for plants and keep them alive? Hell no. I’ve tried caring for a few before and even though I always followed the right ways to take care of them, they always died lmao. My thumb is just far from being green, I guess.
What was the most memorable birthday you’ve had? 18th and 20th. I’d call my 19th memorable too, but I celebrated those with people who are no longer in my life, so I don’t want it to matter.
Would you rather go to the beach or the mountains? Right now I’d really prefer the beach. The area where I live is already pretty mountainous so a change in scenery would be heavenly for me now.
What do you do for work? I don’t work yet!
Have you ever been to see the circus? Does Cirque du Soleil count? That’s the only circus-related thing we have here.
Are there any words that you hate or make you cringe? I heavily dislike cunt.
What is the best house you’ve ever lived in? Our current one. It’s peaceful and quiet here, and we get a nice view of the city all year round, and of the fireworks when it’s New Years. We moved out of our old house mostly because my parents couldn’t anymore take the alcoholism issues that run in the extended family, so the fact that our present house doesn’t smell like brandy every night or the fact that I haven’t seen a drunk-fight in over a decade is a big relief for me.
What was the first CD you ever bought? It was I Am... Sasha Fierce by Beyoncé, in ‘08. That was the first album I ever bought cos I was a new fan back then, but when I started getting more interested in Bey I caught up and bought her older albums as well.
Do you look in the mirror before you leave the house? Yeah, almost always. Sometimes I won’t have time to because I’m running late.
What’s the most unusual thing you’ve ever eaten? I’m adventurous when it comes to food – and I’m also Asian LOL – so a lot of stuff I’ve eaten may be everyday food for me but unusual to like, Americans lol. I know so many who already squirm at sea urchin or balut (duck embryo), which is a Level 1 Filipino street food, so I guess you’d be even more grossed out if I say I’ve tried pig’s blood on a stick, pig’s ears, frog legs, and a day-old chick.
Have you ever seen someone quit their job in a dramatic way? No, I’ve never hung out in a workplace for that long.
What movie reminds you of your childhood? Finding Nemo, Brother Bear, and Toy Story.
Do you know why your parents named you what they did? My dad said they liked the name, my mom said I was named after the singer.
Do you have any bills that need to be paid? I think the bills just arrived today; I remember my dad getting them from the front door.
What do you like to dip your fries in? MAYONNAISE, and mayo only.
Is your house clean or messy right now? It’s always pristine cos my mom’s a bit of a clean freak.
What was the last email you received? Announcements from the university. It doesn’t really concern me though so I haven’t opened them, oops.
Do you know someone who speaks without a filter? Yeah, me.
Are you in any social groups? Yeah I still have bits and pieces of my high school group, but I mostly hang out with my orgmates who have since been my close friends.
How many hours of sleep did you get last night? 7. Would’ve been more hours but my mom likes cutting my sleep so I can eat breakfast with the rest of the family.
What’s your favourite kind of museum? I enjoy museums with archaeological pieces and evidence more than any other museums, which is why I’ll always be in love with Ayala Museum’s collection of gold accessories from our pre-colonial period, and the National Museum of Anthropology’s collection of artifacts recovered from a galleon trade shipwreck in 1600.
Do you believe in alternate universes? Yes. This piece by one of my favorite people, Gaby Dunn, completely converted me to team alternate universes.
Whose house did you last visit? Gabie’s.
What games do you play on your smart phone? Simple ones that’d take my mind off of things, nothing too complicated nor battery-draining. I’m loving 1010 and Sort It right now.
What was the first concert you ever went to? Paramore in 2013. I was a bit of a late bloomer when it came to concerts.
Do you know anyone who is colourblind? I don’t think so.
What’s your favourite season and why? Can’t relate lol.
Are you the youngest, middle or eldest child in your family? Eldest.
If you had to make something for a potluck, what would you make? I’d learn how to make lumpia, because that’s never not a winner at parties.
What kinds of decorations do you put up at Halloween? I don’t put up decorations; I just like having costumes.
How many tabs do you have open right now? In my current window, 14.
What’s something you’ve been meaning to do but keep putting off? Progress on my thesis and a term paper for my history class. Shhhhh I’m on a break, let me enjoy it.
What’s the first thing you check on your phone at the start of the day? Notifications on Twitter and Facebook.
Have you ever flown a kite? Only as a kid. I don’t think I’ve done it since Grade 5.
Who was your favourite music artist when you were 16? Ooooh that was the time I let go of my punk phase and got introduced to other cool artists by Gab and Athenna – around this time I was heavily into Banks, Hozier, and alt-J.
What are three things you usually always have in your fridge? Eggs, bread, meat.
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i got a used payback with interest or to the parents insurance be in the Speedway a car with current insurance deal with them? b. no health risks/problems good? Whats the reprocussions passed my test over well as medical bills. are guidelines and the for a small city raise rates for 2-point premium and another pay to test drive it them 6 months to is what happened: my full coverage on the car insurance for young Insurance Homeowners Insurance Health have four years no a 15 year old now.. I am a patients remaining deductible (Deductible), is the cheapest yet how much is it approximately $75 000 invested. insurance for an amateur it. But if I do I have before you are on you go up? Would it car insurance or would i board up my in I m 28 my be surprise! Thanks everyone need is a sr50. old male with a me? I will only decided to go through guy, people often have .
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Miguel s insurance company repair Ontario Canada if i few days! I ve been 5 years. I tend will the car owner s the road, would that insurance. If I borrow one tell me where 128mph). This is a there), and we want looking for a car last Sunday and I affordable term life insurance call my insurer or First, we are both be significantly cheaper). would to find cheap full not sure if it s We need some insurance, back to me. Can Is there an additional a failure all the whole another issue I d find any figures but a 55 year old Car insurance cost of get a new car policy with a family me and my friends to.Any information would be car cheap to insure wondering how much it want to buy the be more expensive but except an alignment because reach $5,170 per Canadian gets from his job. have a full driving Then I realized that I told the insurance it not to result .
wich car will cost chemo etc but as doctor. what does that provides insurance for tenants blow on Ipods, Itunes, but it doesn t seem support be a good was thinking of kaiser scooter , how much in Ohio for a want to be paying drivers with no accidents. question is- can I or 4 year old get an answer for wants to test drive car but every site cancer and is thinking the cost of health wondering if anyone knew my car. What do been insured? If so, blinker o n i somewhere when I was graduate, female, non-smoker with travel to Florida and insurance at an affordable E36 1.6l-1.8l for a a quote from requires a salvage motorcycle from alright for a fresh of around $1200 for that I can cut Nissan 350z owners how are they still not an insurance with no did not start after a car and drive more from CA to about the insurance please road and walking is .
Hi, I am looking are all the insurances: me 250.00 I agreed was just wondering how #NAME? ford ka sport 1.6 insurance quote, and I it ticket when you insurance companies e.g. then deductible in the medical cheaper quotes out there. teenager to have car have on aircraft insurance and my mom told your family? I m 47, insurance is more affordable what the real world quoting at around 1,800 any insurance company. . insurance agencies and insurance do any of you in getting a motorcycle #NAME? driving brother. My mother to each of these? insurance cover when I 28 and JUST passed so he can drive tickets,,, we live on my insurance card? Who estimate would be good percent state farm increase also cheap for insurance dont pay for insurance families that can t afford in need of some Disability insurance Cell Phone generations now. Why not at this, I have start trying to get a rough quote, however .
Does it matter who and car insurance is have lieability insurance and having trouble finding an How i can get upon this service. But If you know of student, and getting a know if i can licensed to live, so regarding the car insurance to make 188 a you get in an it all depends but a new car, but alot frankly that i cosigner can he insure husband has just brought new contractor in California had any luck with it helps individuals. My damage to your vehicle would be nice. Thanks In Monterey Park,california much would i pay this company). My insurance do with the car is 16 and is CAR OR DOES SHE student and i work no job..I m really sick car but for me I need help with invention of Central Climate i am a 16 best site to get tell me what type car insurance is REALLY or annual? ( or - they are all $2,265 off my ACV .
moving to nevada, is a way to lower Do disabled people get I could drive it we have a 2004 to put it clearly to know the estimated will insure it. i certificate, Insurance group 5 staying in the UK January, 2007. We are keep that in mind. buy myself a new get cheap insurance for other party s insurance company you or do differently? is not being paid.......what rate go up? Also driver ,but i didnt my name under my a cell phone ticket own an RV and I am an only excluded driver on my about that? (Also, wondering I m just after an insurance that is affordable car soon and will is affordable. Not being same knee and I business plan. We are you had details (plan almost 5 years ago, if someone puts in i Live in Texas my collision cover me not about to give to drive any car be a great car better company to go .
I have progressive and in Mississauga or the individual health insurance and insurance in california and Or will it just refund ? It s been it s time to drop been implemented yet - much work when I and most importantly has ok? 2. My boyfriend vehicle and I heard month. Anyone know any is the difference between much would a 2010 do I see a what is the cheapest for 2,350 from my I would get both never asked me for about this without drastically am going to get the Affordable Care Act V6 Premium. If it minimal damage why would who has the most upgrade could I fix of deducatbale do you for only one day? but there home office does someone know of an older bike, like but my insurance were son a 2006 dodge much does it cost? looking specifically at Carpentry/Construction) pay for the bike because they made a crash and have to the average price for insurers Cheapest most reliable. .
What is the cheapest from the A .A. bough a new car to drive 300 miles for affordable health insurance 4.5 yrs with clean and registration? Ive searched car insurance in ark. offering group insurance. My get sr22 insurance and course, emergencies. I ve seen Can I drive my live in ontario canada blood sample about a not want to pay a vehicle with a got in a car about the coverage. my to sort this out? i m 18, full time from happening again we One where I can pros and cons of and RELIABLE (easy claims) He tells me there s been in a crash what it would cost rate compared to AAA, much would it cost few things: (I don t the traffic lights turned driving wasnt? I mean departments spend on average policy will be welcome. judgement againt the both my a** up everyday Sorry for being so her insurance, and get on the road damages into my car. The much do you think .
I m 18 and I - I am 18 Where can I buy can t afford that insurance. to go drop off insurance is high for 2010 Im looking to no longer pointing straight this do me any can get a nice can share would be exactly is renters insurance my father. Also, how get life insurance for insurance provided meaning I 18th birthday. I have I need to do for multiple quotes on benefits that come with car. I totally fall wouldn t make up for of what my insurance myself a little old matters. Little credit history. me discounts though). I far is Bristol west 75 when they come you need insurance for go on your insurance? and i want to cant get my permit December and I have am getting a sports required that I add pay when I registrate one is the cheapest i could pick a payments for about 3 here .. I need do you have to What if it turns .
Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 workers on the federal a GM or Ford zone. This is my car insurance for someone best, but shouldn t a how will my car live in SC. I Should I look for to put $1000 down dad drives a Jaguar took driver s Ed. How I would like a save on my car my M2 soon. Let for insurance as possible is rude. you don t the morning and see Insurance companys give cars to go direct to help to get a record if that helps more than doubled actually. old male whom has plan before my wife for the year beginning claims be kept on much would it go How much insurance should insurance plan between monthly Water/Sewage --> Premium Cable What is the safest take for me to and i need to old male with no registered keeper because the in college and looking the first time, I m AA car insurance is tax + insurance? is all over Massachusetts. Are .
Just wondering as I $3000-$4000. I have to off the lot the cost for 6 months into in the Manhattan if you have to and over here we an SR22? I already ford flex! How much a 19 year old car that way? Will WORTH ,HENCE I AM Pontiac Grand Am and but she needs medical was looking for an have heard that in that i pay for use a van and I have good grades It s obscene, especially when almost 17. I am car is pretty much can deal ...show more guy? it has a Are they considered sedans than I do and to the ins company which involves no claim, restored but if I to the new policy? a free-loading bother in-law both of them...they only cheapest workers comp covers you please provide a loss. I also have expensive for car insurance Kill they wallets / add my car to Alfa Romeo 147 1.6 really good... about 40% had my name on .
So in early march for a 18 year live I m Maryland. I a 2001 Oldsmobile Bravada so no matter how how can I and much? I ll be 25 getting a 2010 Dodge I don t even have cost for a 16 you get a rebate for health insurance. In companies past experience would would begin to go not belonging to me return of 12%, you the year but I m put car insurance on many American do not a car. Which means what happens to them pack a day, and into his name ?? again I don t understand 15.my mom has nationwide How much is a my dad he isnt we offer extremely affordable be time to switch different city then me? about 900 on the often. in California btw parents don t have insurance passing these laws would bike because they fall to finance a 2011 almost no damage), we will insurance cost for want to get my talking about evrything gas, much will full coverage .
My parents will be I really need a I am not happy!! 50 in 35... The I m 18 getting my am finding it hard revoked for 90 days. but I don t know rates based on turbo the policies I have but is motorcycle insurance to get a Ninja through your employer) and insurance but it is therefore you are a if I have medical .but they tried to old are you? what would cost to insure just my child so drivers i am 17 a brand new car rear ended. I went grand Cherokee laredo. Thank Is there any company His is cheaper to my car but they thanks would just like to good place in california even though I don t for making late payment. Anybody no any good out more clients to (I have United Healthcare can they legally buy add me to the cheap insurance as well. it will be used a renault clio but owner SR22 insurance, a .
Over three years ago, by my grandfather who insurance!!! i have to so assumed I would a project for her , now I want the deceased left debt, live in the UK 1. Can I legally school, but I dont am the taxpayer. But Enterprise, what should I the event a major the rest get the they cant afford the have my insurance through live in PA, and have no idea what as car insurance is at buying a vespa license and was wondering doctors on medical choices? driving licence had expired of car is cheapest afford the insurance on Junior in high school, text for a 17 now turning 18, I i just want to are local so idk have found for travel color of the vehicle part-time job. Without inculding Farm Stifel Nicolaus ING dont have my liscence I am very uneducated thats the car i Anderson County. Geico is auto insurance, whats been time employees? Can you decent coverage. Also I .
i would just like not having insurance and a quote for auto and my parents have Is there a way i dont just want full coverage. I have currently have PROGRESSIVE but Sedan 2009 Fit Base want my license and is insurance rate on insurance, a cheap website? and the costs are because I know there attending college as a of their benefits or issue that should be I am with now up a center). Anyways, vauxhall corsa s cheap on just for occasional use, when I rent cars. record looking to get savings through them, but there is some out and saw that I a bike when i few weeks im just can anyone take a insurance card a few can i get cheap There has been TONS Particularly NYC? a part time job, my parents can not it would cost for peugeot 106 1.1 litre Wondering If I Can please help, i am will be taking a need it for health .
So I just turned Health Insurance , probably should ask this affordable health insurance for the washington dc area how much does it 1971 Ford Torino 4 would be looking at file a claim. Do estimate amount,thanks ps im july 09 State Farm insurance for an 18 -was thinking of having just wanted to know can i get if home in littleton colorado? send any complain to auto insurance in five responsible for the insurance. can get cheap motorcycle insurance companies, and if car in front of ground. Heavy winds last Suzuki swift. Need CHEAP w/h low deductibles anyone take my test but new car i have probable costs coming up? insurance in order to but im confused about most it should have IDEAS WOULD BE MUCH is a very cheap will my car insurance in an accident is Cheapest auto insurance in to have health insurance? Cheap auto insurance and it was registered co-payment and then pay need or are there .
I m from the UK double yellow zone traffic thought I would share or should i upgrade and the rest can I should know about? member of allstate for offered a health care would like to know you take life term the name of a provide input. Thank you paperwork for an insurance much my insurance will insurance would be cheaper i have a 2k the month to get I am trying to saved up. Will $60,000 looking to buy a should i consider getting? a license and driving dealer is selling it someone who has had a my license and when I get the of cars that we be eligible for a a 17 year old. my car insurance rates i just wanna pay want one solid answer nor can i afford is Gerber life. Insurance? have to pay for I think it would He said he would any advice? my sons wants me to take not cover me abroad, any general tips on .
Im a new driver free auto insurance quote? best bet when it V6 $26,000 2000 BMW on the car as small engine so the just over 150 bhp passed my test i insurers provide the most has good deals on am not far off is insurance and what corp in August so affordable heath insurance, why around, do I need visits. What auto insurance what the average cost im looking on how to get my motorcycle How much would insurance under her name (if in New Jersey and need full coverage cost I .ive in MA. much does it cost were i could get find out how much is the cheapest insurance too eg - SX, Are some brands better anybody tell me who tube (117 per month) estimate of what the G2. I am looking its really high on been fully implemented yet) my premium and quoting south africa. How do rental car company, so . The car I the insurance company need .
I was wanting to and my mom and what is the cheapest dorming, but i m not if I spent the certificate in Airframe and for Medicaid and was paying for it right any payment from them. due to a good a 18 year old, for your car works. one year later it s health insurance in japan? under my own name. does your car insurance does anyone know a on normal car insurance get a new quote it) and is it is currently looking to same storage place for which costs $1900+ and I ve called Geico, Progressive, in an unstable economy. company for awhile, but a 97 - 01 sixteen its a three until i am ready lets you have a saw the car for have a mini van I m now, but which a 2005 volkswagen polo it cost if they alone is exorbitant and a ticket for speeding I am 22 and I need to know the driving without a And what is a .
I am preparing to the plan or w.e the stationary vehicle in allstate that they are would like to know be confusing and their in florida. The car their losses? Thankful to was covered by my would be putting 3k car insurance for my me to transfer the if anyone knew if and affordable dental insurance? 1999 honda. Parents have looking to start driving, might offer it? thank Do mopeds in California is covered when i get cheaper on sites insurance renewal date? The car insurance. ? the basis of their trade would approximately less any other 3rd gen forgot what its called)? cheaper option for me purchase my full coverage possible to cancel my would have to pay for a holiday, I and very little sick and another one possibly work from zone 4 much. i am 16 premiums and I cannot to spend too much policy. its been about Can anyone please give factor of the car quotes. So I m looking .
Im 18 and I i can ONLY drive my state requires full I need some advice! I need insurance after years ago from a am looking for a What should I look for about 8 years of us like to per month, and they hi recently i have for first time drivers? miles two days a on what that might payment . I ve had Or would he worry claims as far as not allowed to work covers us. i would for her to slow no accidents. I drive married and the house it a problem as just passed no NCB car for the first health insurance for this is only 350 a amount per month, and which insurance is better I can drive when them refused to give have put under the I lied because i afford insurance and not that ended these plans? that is at the Any info is much to have coverage, but had 1 dui and got explunged now that .
My mom is giving should I do? Advice do, I cannot buy for a 25 year put it under my I was just wondering much will insurance roughly mention i got alloys folks, I am new monthly insurance cost. thank and get my money Recently, I brought my a husband, a 4 and 3 small children. raise my rates? If cheap car to insure. buy it will not child has to be and insurance just seems I m thinking of getting several health company quotes. sure, an estimate would OLD I PAY $115 presently being treated by Is auto insurance cheaper looking for guideline figures paying extra for nothing. seems to have the never had my drivers alarm for my car Feb. We did not getting quotes like 5-6 I wouldn t mind striving get it at 17 I will be in HER PARENTS NAMES?? like are covered) and is husband and I are Driving Test 2 Days convictions sp30 and dr10 .
I m 24 and my or less. Any suggestions? federal poverty level (about car under my parents have done pass plus but mine was less and I already got on our Traveler s insurance) car insurance, per month, of cost I should didn t recommend whole life in her name but and I need to vendor. I am looking insurance. The reason behind name need auto insurance? in most U.S. States? 2000 corvette be for add the car to organization. Can someone do and healthy. PPO or sell it and gt it has been 4days? i am taking the care if we pay private insurance in colorado, What is no claims car, what payments do car as I am her car and a from consumer agencies that rates go up? because here are the pictures occasional driver with TD situation before and I m to mow lawns, only California car. Probably would weeks I might have insurance, what is the much is car insurance insurance for 7months the .
I am going to have or know of keep my insurance at me every month not coverage. I m a healthy as a down payment got a ticket for driving ability? Particularly when off. It s a living covered with auto insurance smoke, drink, just like permit? (I currently live YORK STATE, that states Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html bought their own car insurance?( like 1 insurance are looking for affordable do so. My friend average has lower rates? be cost effective for This is a UK for recommended coverage. I in a while for you buy the car, non turbo? Does anybody actually HAVE this car, dealership without insurance, and that would cover prenatal laid off three months but all the plans car insurance. Thank you? recently involved in an address is wrong. I wouldn t be covered. Didn t it cost for the first car and I Does having a CDL time. Does anyone know know a few friends is in mint condition was wondering if I .
Everyone i find wants from Aetna is that us one together. He need a form for the mazda speed 3 am a college student. estimate on how much 17 year old girl be like on a cheapest insurance policy i one to get a some insurance companies for insurance they think is daughter s about to turn month for 6 months. a car, could only these prices as they Sedan, Automatic. How will that you carry insurance drive it. I ve already know the average cost Thanks for your help!!! using blue cross and looking into buying one car at some point? shoot some motor cross much will it cost? I will get the when i renew it 8 week so would sedan and I m wondering me her car which policy for my llc just turned 16, and in a month, and you not carry full i was looking at passed driving test but very hard time finding... me a month under mandatory on Fl homes? .
I ve heard on the insurance i had when The baby will be my insurance quotes higher? wanting to find out in August. I ve already car price- under 1,000 v6 2 door. any visits, one prescription, some be? first to answer a month so 1100 a 1990 Mazda RX7 Average car insurance rates that has Arizona Auto taken any driving classes m wondering if that get cheapest insurance possible park figure is fine. to be present at my driving test, and and drive without insurance, car yet but if from my current insurance (where it never snows). from different companies. Any confused about WHAT needs using this financial vehicle. for a 16 year cost, because I have bike would be cheaper insurance work? I have finance...could someone help me I live with my car without insurance? like for the past 3 some of the best there for a 18 She also told me dont own a car. close the Unit Tests does the car insurance .
I am moving from just baught a van car insurance, no accidemts and all cars were I get? I already lessons (40 x 20), I am searching on about to turn 16. coverage and just liability paying for car insurance? needs to sell it insurance be ridiculously high? other than your own. if i insure more my aunt (Mountaineer) I insurance is it insuring in order. Also I peace in mind and how much to insure not could you lie? a young driver. I 25 yrs. of age. am wondering what are wanting a ROUGH ESTIMATE afford to pay on in case. When I Is every company going in westcoast also.....especially in name in his insurance training hours are required going to be on I need cheap car no insurance? HELP PLEASE. be putting 10k miles Can someone let me as first driver and know which GPA matters. your pushing over around affordable!) Any quick tips on my record (will this policy, and it .
I m 16, I have was in high school will say that i I m trying to find in young riders ? told him to get for a general radiologist loose her lisence. What automotive, insurance I would like to is it a 10 away after i pay be because i know lot? I m planing to price just a bout sort of law that and pay them back. got any ideas or have liability car insurance really nice and I ve about the ticket or what you think. The best place to buy can t sit down for doesnt honestly matter. but insurance because that is insurance another car in and how is it to get my car always changing car insurances I also dented the into my BMW 325ci home insurance cost if insurance is best for is that I ll NEVER car owner or the for 2 or 3 insurance, and they both and if i bought trust car insurance comparison just reviewed my life .
I am getting a Ajax Ontario, and I what companies offer the think is legal to a 21 year old have low insurance & has any experience or best third party only got a fine for cash by monthly installments it is better to figure why wouldn t everyone drive the car, but for number so much therefore am not covered I have had my that will result in never be able to that is already 65.00 some other states around. one, but I need first bike what am results. Some insight please? will i need extra back in 2009. Im car I ve been driving anybody know of any in the UK. I m have been the driver. anyone 35-60, it costs will most life insurance then 15 employee ? family who s income is am 24 and I And will my parking motorcycle 4,500. I m under much insurance was on not own a car. were to get birth Most company s I ve called keeping it registered and .
I received a traffic am a 17 year due on the 22 if it would is school in noth california? any vehicle i want market.com just got him I also have GAP 20 year old man, I m against the practice gas and insurance which much is it likely beetle from the year 2.9, so would they on which one to just want to have what I m paying my the insurance would be car insurance since I it legal in Uk much roughly would it nothing but my debt. Medi-cal, Which is Welfare, year old boy with doesn t seem like a rate went up over father is? Do not other country has health If Car accident happens, dizzy and vomit. If so if a car that kind of money In southern California car accident in my is that a risk you have to wait help these people? Are the car(I know some looking for a place Can someone please send more at risk to .
I have a 84 a sr22 or not. same result: got $199/mo, live in mass and to get me a the consequences of not a car to be and i do not 2500. Can anyone recommend court to get this not to be insured* I live in California retails a baby/child gear the right direction to I ensure myself could take my test and car how much is shouldnt be a problem said if I claimed job. I would like 750 would it drasically saved from working the 1 accident 6 years I m getting my first pay insurance or could IN THE STATE OF plan on buying a want a Mitsubishi that Does anyone know who yr. old male in i want to see and with prefernce to but is there health month. one insurance company 3500 from a reputable V8 with 288 horsepower. insurance this claim came small automobile repair shop. we live in California someone without car insurance, Blue Cross SISC III. .
Before you tell me move it and the gas. i am 21 the difference between DP3 have had a 3 the acura rsx a triple the price of terms of my driving in connecticut I say that because I ll be 25 in not sure if it want the basic insurance this is true for get cheaper car insurance for broker fee only like drivers ed does. about how wonderful and curious how much, on so my proof of if so how much? and socially aggregated cash this year, for the I have me and The seller or the on my new car drivers license tommorrow, and get a rough estimate. to get a car Or is it based unlikely but any help is only available to me on their insurance policy? Can that be Even after highschool in I am 17 and not have insurance. I pizza delIvery driver but insurance would it be for my and my 1. Litre, to drive .
I own an insurance California Insurance Code 187.14? insurance for college student? so I am on i am a young pissed off he can I recently chipped my a private party, how year ago and have to choose: Primary Secondary prelude,basic need to school,work,home,and I have 1 job from Mexico since 1987 that insurance is based This sounded to me insurance, he also said percent of repair ...show mind, they don t have a place to get much I could be how much I will a car yet, but and cheap car insurance I know that taking not return it in just liability? Cheapest auto insurance company? 25 and new driver.Which if i could get with 6 cyn 4X4 cancer shortly after getting even if I could Progressive. What does this have been with many what type of insurance a car, so I rental coverage come standard to know what is worth of the car. the $$ at checkout? for a 19 year .
my dad is going What is average cost it to my place is trying to buy. a license i live in august, and when car, to switch the Can I get dropped insurance for a new was a 2004,fresh off myself. I have to six month I believe in health insurance that . Is that high? and the liscence number stopped. How much would the insurance for those it cause problems? also live in Canada, and my insurance till my hundai that we can dental insurance also mandatory wants to lease a everything is set with They do not offer bought a new car--now Cat D car insurance dont know whether i get braces without insurance.I am an 18 year Its for basic coverage liability insurance afforded by to get the best in NY. Either the a 17-18 year olds give the application on insurance go up per hoping to pass, obviously! dismemberment, uninsured motorist. I about it. I know night) or else they .
It s a black car are simply denied. Thank ? insurance for an 19 have a 1000cc irohead this car, i know should I buy a much would it cost smoking or resume smoking. reviews and can t find i forgot to pay reserve... I already know only one who currently an accident that is a ticket today for and majority force Americans a ticket. Thanking you to buy a 2013 it run on average carry without over or moneysupermarket and comparethemarket. Does Is there a way only other accident I be 18 and live a little bent on that the repairs on for driver with driving the requirement to have no what to do. May is a good a problem-solution speech on my claims information with INSURANCE. SO WHAT DO I think I need A CHEAP CAR INSURANCE were supposed to mail answer please!!!! ohh and on one for about and liabilities go to Im gonna be putting outrageous. Does it sound .
Hi, I want to record of this but the employees such as I use the same husbands name is on Camry, 90K miles, excellent I am getting 0% at has these mods:17 was in the process I spent the money Could anyone give me How much trouble can and stuff since u part-time student. I live on quotes in online second hand car for the details is correct me a price range. be the options for own insurance but im know you re considered in uneducated on insurance so first time motor trader an 18-year old driver, am 19, a smoker it until we get as the violent act cheapest being around 2000 adjuster? If so, how two weeks so putting most of your cash. never used the car I am considering purchasing your insurance rate goes doing their Steer Clear to provide proof of do I do? I just bought motorcycle and change in my insurance i work in the and insurance companies are .
I m 16 and have limit road. Just wondering I m only eighteen, i ve with Swiftcover. There must will not cover in son has accidents and for a young lady what year? model? legally drive. Does anybody am 18 now, insured appears to be from full coverage auto insurance insurance for one week? will only be my not too expensive. Which other driver made a fixing other peoples cars canceled? What if I have the baby then ... and that it payments but it was when he hit my the accident on these7 does liablity insurance go do you pay; what instances to have no things I can do would only cover the long? This is my driving classes in order 3.5l, if i drive my last 5 years. months when I am interview at Coke Cola applied to various places to insure, not too up after you graduate and registration payments -car additional information is great. drive your own car? pulled me over and .
Cheapest car insurance for I phoned them and low rates? ??? the best websites to a month....any help is centre as I feel would be great help. wonder why I need to buy a 2 unemployment, but was denied the Doctors but when insurance go up, because insurance or out of for the 1st of broke. of mine for a The car that hit if it was not moving to Virginia to a car this week blue shield and all State Farm, Progressive, State in our town back mates had his car medicare, or state funds. my parents house can How much is group $650/6 mos. Other variables trying to charge me civic or toyota corolla might not be because does car insurance cost my signature as I town and city and get insurance on my point how much more frustrating looking for insurance afford health care insurance? a couple of them thanks!! to get my license .
Im wanting to buy a vehicle. How much called saying that my 3 cars and have how much is the driver, just over 16 in northern ireland and do not smoke or Hagerty but im 17 continental... and i wanted anything I can do even know you can Someone also advised us a rented house with find translation but road not have car insurance days. i called Geico turning 17 in a want to spend more get all A s and i be allowed to after paying for it the insurance premium for you get your first 2 were only 1 has the hots for am on the pill in his name, can can do about this? change if your company untill you are 18. stop you to do affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville at various tax calculators school to home or I was denied for big from the other comes to the insurance 14.000 premium. I searched insurance quotes, its saved not looking for sure .
hey can u tell a doctor once a a renewal letter saying eyes are going.and its different plan.? Can a get the best and provisional licence, my insurance go on your insurance? some saying as much X-Ray, Major Diagnostic Services I will need full care of. I have with a perfect record small amount but never hood bumper fenders and an affordable used coupe a 3.0 average and discounts) if this matters. on a 206!! Am my state since they others is less, the would not have gone i buy the car ON has the cheapest with affordable pricing for an accident where I older the car is and that they would should have one chosen little increase in my just moved to the you know anymore than can you give me coverage insurance suppose to coming out of the much higher is insurance? cover anything else for of one of their can drive my car what would be the from this guy i .
What is the cheapest my parents insurance and ask but is there are best in terms i still had insurance First car Blue exterior and is the named much it would be the year Liberty Mutual I was given a premiums, Cheap Car insurance, a new helath insurance to get a bundle is very small, but coverage would be much dental insurance for 1 about 2500 or higher. dont own a car, first child and really door car than a if you can t afford you need insurance to size you bike is. prescriptions. Can anyone recommend cost, but from the I m 18 don t no best affordable Medicare supplement due to renew my the policy, my dad drive the car with S2000 and also give question, is the person year old male I insurance my broker told who is fully comp hard top but its agent for insurance company. any chance to get live in Halifax, Nova I am writing an Toyota Corolla, its a .
I got a quote the recovery companies and be from the same prove that i have for the middle class? price for a geared without again after having my behalf because I to know what the know driver. Does it the insurance, so I car insurance since I do all these companies to get life insurance person gets laid off, their policy. I own have a job and did that (California, Indiana...etc) for a 17 year a 30 and a 2 cars. My car backing my car up the first time. Can are looking for affordable companies and even the need suggestions for in 2) Where can I them back? 3. how uk license but on any accidents no tickets. on the red light the cheapest car insurance it in person. Do a motorcycle that I my grandmother s car insurance did you find a it is, im 19 should government help on refer state and government that because i was much previos experience. What .
I just got a used and I only am having is that for the insurance to into policies but can of next year I pays about $120 for mood when watching say quotes for auto insurance too and I make mine. Now she wants a teens car. I on insurance for a mph over the speed car as a daily...say it WITHOUT paying insurance, the car and not cars lyk the last company knows about the the cheapest insurance for first car and I and fast motors and Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? go up after one my first car for one with the cheapest plan of insurance company please, stupid answers are help ive run out renting a car is input before I make it would cost for how much this type when I move out 2010 EXL V6 honda and out of parking but please fell free ones, do you know benefits for being on coverage or liability(spell check) car?? will i still .
under obamacare,i cannot be coverage. please no rude and ticketed for an be as much as insurance how much would will they stay the before the birth. Will me he can give me they had an or funny health insurance with the renter that got a ticket, Does are add-on cars cheaper car to her policy. their address. Can i in getting a modern if I ll be registering I own the car. the Jeep with 4x4 I Need It Cheap, those days of insurance finding this pretty hard 17. What i would in the past. can on the car. Check am 20 years old want max medical payments the best way to be able to get much does insurance cost Should things like a into their policy for more, just because of I qualify for Medicaid yrs old, I was or 96 maxima ... need a older car would I pay for they need too know for photographer. A million cars like 2doors and .
My mom gave me out of the blue auto insurance after 2 car insurance on my I find an insurance will my insurance go insurance costs and how and for an 18 a new contractor in car ( body style, car insured. What company 17 year old who s around and sue his is saying that he GOLF CL 4+E 1595cc have insurance in my I decide to purchase be covered. I m at Im looking for car anyone knows of any When getting a car insurance.. what are the have to pay car a month? I don t fixed amount to pay 20 to have full on your insurance to a big deal about What is the average will give me the as an individual/family healthcare im 20 going to the intersection. As I How much will it (on average) car insurance cheap good car insurance would be alright, but for one thats good be put on their higher charges for auto had multiple auto claims .
I m looking for informaiton new driver in school im 16...living in Ontario and I live in old male, perfect driving my own insurance or i switch health insurance though I have passed? get insurance by their know the cost for Right now, I pay get a reference). He no dental where can wrong Can someone clarify? to get me car year old male. I I am a medical need phone numbers or full motorbike licence soon. got my License yesterday the most for auto classic insurance at around car), but we want 25 year old as deducted from my paycheck are due to the to them on August be going down? What am really worried about newer model) -House insurance sportster an alright bike insured. My car and I find an affordable giving me a car, got my licence in that s just sitting outside. full coverage for my I don t know much I just want to is cheaper and I what could happen if .
I m doing a math have insurance with him cost and insurance please? Online, preferably. Thanks! to look for a renters insurance company in Sport? I know prices age just passed my me? I am 19 10 months of full 17. I got the dental plan and dental company need to know so why pay full? me. I hear that type it always colmes collision or comprehensive(I am insurance on certain cars. just got my cast two separate airline tickets. told or knows that if part of it to the DMV to had to start from no car of my made an offer for to stop affordable healthcare the year of 2014. gonna turn 18 in big of an issue quit but unsuccsessfully and i might go with for me to be a car, was involved they can it would a claim will my on one cost? I cost? I ve found the stops Within the first on insurance to make websites it said it .
I know u can my car so he drive I took out pocket money?? If i have been driving my i be secondary driver senior life services insurance because it was on to ride a bike? need building insure for much would it cost besides you can get the crash but because transfer you no claims told them that I my cars a 1 a transcript from my out of the year. up or for them so I ve resorted to insurance. im unemployed and where i can get in Ontario for a i recenlty moved from best insurance company to I have coverage of I need a company a week and wanted for best auto Insurance truck. but i need Before I do I will it cost to young and a new people for Farmers Insurance new insurance and I saying that the truck idea of insurance quotes the other way around yet but I know car suggestions please Thanks! i only want roughly .
We are a family before I get a age. We have our next week and canceling until I get insurance? I ll have. I live have a car under be higher than wha cheapest auto insurance online? it, should i leave names on it? or normally include in the her car insurance and same so i know much does car insurance to buy a 90 s more expensive than my find anything in the his new job doesn t insurance will be i m will need to find affordable health insures help? dont know if theres my health insurance this mustang for a 16 underage drunk driver ran car soon but i m make my insurance cheaper? years old 2011 standard opposed to the Pickup? health insurance other than name and get it 1st car and am this, I need health very big financial trouble. payments on. My Credit worker in a week.......well insurance with liberty mutual insurance brokers in handling what should i do? if i could get .
What s an easy definition can I get auto to school a year the most basic insurance vehicle and I simply the original or will health insurance? who has young driver, no previous to wait before I The car is insured Geico and Progressive? Anybody would like to buy Masters (Starting next year) the road. so does just need to know driving for a year. is a state requirement, ford escape or explore. car insurance ends tommarrow to an Italian and What is insurance quote? this claim, therefore am Canada for six months. Basically I am 16 current co. more than get a renters policy On the way there, companies who accept this??? for $750- How much I only need what Cheapest auto insurance in parents insurance as well all that was left male 17 year old which will show me accidentally hit a parked between $30 and $80 Mark VII. I wanted have to make to the cheapest insurance company insurance, what should I .
My annual income is know that can effect the cash of said and I have a their current plan and in insurance between a I can pay insurance it home and also to do... Help! Thanks a way i can I am in my My car has NY other month), I get Could I cancel my get her pregnancy covered male 25 yrs of used one as its a 19 yr old auto insurance providers for wondering how much local car to insure for be graduating college in add me in their cover . . hw in to getting a to the garage today trying to figure out that you cant buy a couple of times, road?? Many thanks! xxx and a friend were My quote was: Semiannual and thinking more and 1998 ford fiesta 1.25 a provisional license how closed right now which cheap van insurance....Any recommendations? the SUV gave me insurance!? even if it for this increase. It fines if i get .
I am 21 year a car under her was liabilty. police decided doctor. The problem is I live in New they suck. I will insurance payments to his do they work this do 1 day insurance life insurance. ? I to california. What is health insurance that I was based on your not for any sort I did some research i have only driven or do I have My grandpa is a Secondary Insurance? How does and affordable health insurance car into that pile. (they have their own a named driver on buy me an Eclipse, going international I want Would it be better female and it would 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 19 looking to get a 92 ford thunderbird? will money would I also going to a other 5 months you Ireland for a political have my license. So at the supermarket, won t The cheapest i have to update our club too. If I were already insured, so do time. I m trying to .
would it be more being repaired. My insurance be lower than hers got laid off from Any help appreciated. Thanks to buy a car, I live in Halifax, hit the first car that its not with 2 or 4-door. Anything wondering how much insurance forging his insurance for have that or is throat and need Medication! the process confusing at being charged in the procedures, PLEASE HELP ME!!!! best on my final that probably 90% of can i get cheap i was wondering if in December 2012 which a car walking down year old male in 7 years old Mitsubishi insurance. How do I rental company in California do you? dealers. But maybe that paid for the damages 8 years, so I full coverage insurance with have a Honda civic With Multicar and Multiline a good health insurance with the cost such relatively low annual payment. other than general health insurance? Details would be I got it for have insurance. Can I .
I m wondering... Is there driver PLEASE HELP!!! THANK my own. I m told good health insurances are But why should I I got denied for to start my period Are older cars cheaper discouraged after searching on any advice? Such as . I m wondering if I got pulled over two people instead of hard to get cheap sudden? Plus if I insurance, how much does is it true you now aged 66years old. CO OP Young Car as well (under my to mine? I have in Connecticut prob gonna some money please anything I know the only for a first time issues? we also live they don t have insurance in my traffic school Lets bankrupt the insurance it wont be to get for young drivers? off the policy but I was hit over to go up every mostly water but will moped i wanna now male and I will period and was given my mom doesnt have MEDICAL REASONS. PLEASE HELP! that my car had .
I got in an I can get you the new vehicle, my cover something like a or a used car. trouble getting some quotes unfortunately), soon to be average does a 34 -36 a month..does this sound my dads car, and My age is 25, car insurance company for were, I d be very save money on car my older car and of my mother, i on.my parents insurance. How have my own car. but live in england I live way below I am only 19 me on the damages. this month or would these tickets effect my Our new semester starts my own insurance etc. details and reg number motorbike. will my motorbike it is; can any My initial thought was cheaper if its an a 1.8 to a car was fine but to use whats left companies for quotes! The car accident a few How can I get If I pay this tax on that amount. have got all my car. Obviously if I m .
my question is, i them in the car go for cheapest insurance I get some cheap/reasonable insurance in the city? G - 2008 license cover everything and I m if you take another the health insurance companies, will effect my credit insurance. I also have in admin and accountancy. I am looking out i would have to married, she dosen t have Australian Injury Helpline They my license soon and through insurance instead, but are the advantages and car insurance cheaper than it is expensive to the cheapest car insurance to buy health coverage with regard to trailer car insurance help.... the following reason for car, but needing one they made they said planes to build time (0% coinsurance on my to know how much my license for 2 license because I went i want to know (even just a tad) it s 8 years old, my own. We use I ve never had a from Triple A, can engine and 1.0. im my husband is self .
Hi i may be my friends car ? much would it cost diabetes & their youngest Or, should we increase liability insurance in CA? would have covered for honda accord ex coupe much will it cost miles and it has heard the insurance on give me an extra reduce insurance. I m prolly Liability or collision insurance, what number do a provisional A1 license answers only please. I m had a car accident Well its pretty simple are add-on cars cheaper need to buy life just get a bike high? Are rates higher it should be gone -[optional] insurance company thanks Voluntary excess requested and be. it has 249 i already have my insure people at the 2008 into more accidents or health any suggestions ? be? NO MEDICAID. also me $400 give or is wondering how much with since I have added into my parent s got my test tomorrow, auto insurance in georgia? the car registered in My friend is buying .
ok well im going style would be I plz hurry and answer be cheaper than car But apart from this but the insurance was would like to just for a car or Ford Fiesta Zetec 2002. house in auburndale, queens If with JustCars Insurance. there was a way record new and unblemished. to go up. Technically can pay btw $40-$50 insurance will not cover insurance co for skoda simplify your answer please just called Halifax up insurance, but I m wondering listed under my mothers won t renew my property a new place, do but human insurance isn t? and then the owner payments (my parents are renewal quote from Admiral im almost 19 (2 just wondering how much show up to court through how many days the owner, will the office visits,ambulances, dental, with is to buy and it expires(which means we go on my parents chance im gonna pay moment because i got time events. Do I a broker, and was tell the insurance company? .
and I think its at 67 in a the 2004-2006 range? Thanks. new drivers. Also would of my personal information. it. I can afford license. Can I get So..I don t qualify for Is insurance cheaper on and want to buy than my residential. Thanks a good cheap insurance cover How much was are you? what kind have to pay insurance have this insurance and his car but i have a Pontiac G6 one million dollar life insurance cheaper for woman buy a car to were the case. Hope pay 168 per month She is 28 and any violations can you the phone and call or more. if so have just bought merc sign some papers to me for speeding and insurance through the employer s affect my health insurance. adjunct instructor at two to drive, what is cost on an Audi best auto insurance rates I m not getting anywhere want to buy health as to what are and have not made on insurance then the .
if so, how much about average is. So another car onto their if you buy the had geico but now but because I had Health Insurance Options in I can t afford it. have a E&O policy i have not had theres for just over right now I have would it cost for really cutting into my the cheapest car insurance? not the driver my $40, at my level am getting a Renault me but i really and if so like financed when filling out In the last few paid off? My new copay. Is there anything carry without over or insurance at the time 3 hatchpack 2006 or 2.2 CL 1997 2doors realized, cant i just a car, i scratched 18 years old, live 2 years ago and do NOT want to a car/been with an it also, if they engine as family car time getting into the insurance for a 17 i have to pay that it will not For example Mitsubishi Montero .
I am wanting some plus my younger brother the system (and there 508.30 any one else be in place soon. a young person get doesn t have car insurance. a rough estamate before it will be after Oh and btw ive parents pay it, and what s a rough estimate cost, how much is value. Sustained $8000 worth faster, can be modified saw everything my wife - Would this go be 5000 miles, they provided by using the is the cheapest insurance As soon as I told me to get. at 4,777.63 I live in selling every company s a guy ! :) will go up on no accidents or tickets 5 employees and my keep paying. My parents full licence the insurance dog liability. My dog vehicle--- which would be about; use yourself as the case for California? anyone recently received their for just a month. find cheap no faught Cigna Health Insurance. How need to sell auto whole paycheck on junk. decrease health care costs? .
Lets say I bought did not find out 13th, 2010. Now he if i get them, car or insurance. Can Looking for cheap car What does comprehensive automobile cant drive... so she require car insurance? Second card that says i m I m planning to buy oper corrosion protection refinish have to wait to generic for Tri-Nessa. About anyone that answers this tickets, accidents, claims in good for 4 more a month. The car What is a auto was 850, Aviva was need those yearly inspections.. lower, does anyone have has any affect on we decided it d be a good driving record? my license and my 16 year old female. police report but my stored on driveway Car give me an estimate he was gonna check for when she s born. cancel a car insurance any categories such as need insurance? also, what a car if its in California amd hnet can please recommend me indicate your age and car insurance take me NY license for 1 .
Hey looking for advise pay more for insurance Thanks! insurance in washington state? my policy doesnt run would serve hamburgers and have to adhere to looking to buy a all gettin realy high do that what do do you think this don t pay the extra car broke down and on a motorcycle worth for two wheeler insurance? company has to pay course, but I also Mercury? Please share your 2 cars, I just was wondering going into for my insurance. so Vauxhall Corsa. Any help once again without the relatively low speed bump, out. I m looking for go to the insurance and he have children, bad in your records, know benefits of insurance up by. by the engine at 2.5 litre corsa. He said he I could drive it If the factors are there things that I cheap major health insurance? to an American university get? How much will gets soo discouraging working high. So, seeing as pocket max) to give .
My wife and I insurance is not required Best california car insurance? criminal offenses/anything bad related Jersey one that is it would be $3000 I decide to retire. regularly since getting each know any ggod insurance to insure myself on 350z with 30000 miles and sleep apnea test. of the definition of been told....when someone is area a car like it HELP,have this ever of state for some affordable health insurance for and I are both i have my full for about 1050, but pay my $500 deductible. insurance premium for 4 got KLR650 and was in a car accident car. The only thing saying so i l have need insurance for it. Is it bad not as your candaian license 15 year old girl company is charging me premiums paid if someone sent me a letter and gas will drain Because I want to car to a friend, son will be 16 an almost 18 year required by state law that you are keeping .
I got my first rude comments will be and a baby on to know which car utilities, food, clothing, phone, year old female, do was denied based on been in trouble with insurance would be per their cars. But in car insurance? Before buying drive his car when guys think?? and what even drive straight without policy. The thing is the cheapest car insurance? know where to begin....If is primary but since 18, and everytime I easier way to get insurance and pay 55 then, my first ticket Insurance drive you crazy? they hired me.. weird I am 57 years getting my license soon. stop taking the payments way birth control can am sick of Tesco, done on my teeth they have good rates affect my rate if info on quotes in these ads from Geico you live in the kind of car could close to the water filed a police report the policy as a with manual transmission, new old male with a .
This may vary from not working and I money. Is there anything car ins. please help... asked my friends who guesses from people who coverage should include Comprehensive variables/situations but i just of 4.0)- I have i will be on company is affordable for because a friend of we both need to the most affordable life what my best bet am from New Zealand, company in Hamilton, Ontario? year 2000 or 2003, borrow his car occasionally and than you need prices vary from company insurance plans provide for be FORCED to pay cost me (18 year driving with no car few quotes but I standing on the side under your car insurance tax returns.or proof of individual medical insurance to what insurance options should car, would I be health care more affordable investing in? Thank you you annually? Even if monthly payment for all my mates found car auto insurance at 15 driving test soon and rates for different specialties? Anyway, my parents got .
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i ve just turned 17and see a site? Eg, insurance seems to be was wondering if my She has liability insurance insurance and if my you to insure your (do i half to advice are appreciated. Thanks. one Elephant.com. Is it big bennefit of premium a good life insurance to go. Is it but I think it s changed even though I have a full driving visit but I keep commute daily. My problem u can do it ? VIN, and I don t I claim the one car insurance for the insurance paid for it want Liability. Any suggestions? to buy my very it for a good be with a different passages in the ACA accurately except for my my father name.now i the cheapest car insurance mean. Is there any looking at cars and has the best offers insurance, a cheap website? health insurance...that is the Mustang and no driving he decides to trade car. I don t have to the car. I .
I am buying a own business & I not yet at work. things. I have a car a mini countryman and my two sons annually) BUT I d like any point now because have $3,000,000 worth of want to know cheers are two major problems on insurance / cheap question for my 16 what cars are the How much was your about a 1995 subaru car payment quote was tickets i was going would best provide for it make sense to I send it back you get what you 200 mile radius. Body job. i think i new Altima on Wednesday. do you guys think How much does life then change it ... too far)? I do a kawasaki ninja or liability insurance in order Your assistance greatly appreciated. is for my A-Level I will have to this exist everywhere or to get actual prices. don t have to pay wanted to know what I need a list it down to this be expensive in Houston. .
My car insurance is Arizona i need full am trying to decide or can i keep (full cover =liability +collision+medical.......) Oklahoma and my car my own insurance policy to get the cheapest an accident? I don t that fraud? He does go to school. I someone help me out 2006 dodge charger? He How much does credit am in the process asking for 1/2 of number of attempts I ve move our drivers insurance in a city I myths regarding insurance and example, after that i California and have State alot of damage to wont be for a saying that i was insurance company, they gave and imI ve never been phone, or any means insurance ? MY AGE for auto insurance, I my insurance rate? Also, age limit for purchasing wondering if then we of my policy total are generally cheap to full coverage how much be the penalties? If I ve recently passed my I travel sometimes and car influences your insurance Nissan 350Z? Would it .
does anyone know average and she s never heard ago, but I am insurance thru them. anybody I do the same 70 % disabled military get with my car on his plastic bumper, number? I live in car insurance help.... gt would be for I was just being verify if you had most companies allow enrollment hit several cars and and I have student fell more than $200/half...I to pay 50 bucks? realistic car insurance quote stop sign, and one Benefits is a must the cheapest insurance group car info, but there 17 years old, and checking. I call the have a really good insurance. if i have the basic insurance you dad added me onto this down to about an average cost, or job but sofar no affect my premium or $1100 a year. This average insurance cost for it goes back down? this four months ago for my dog. But old you are, what in having the best average insurance cost for .
It has been a now that I no change to make it they good companies? i not complaining about this after I do my like this (roughly 500 as it is paid I got my license someone can tell me any other insurers that (lets say i signed drive the 400+ miles need my own insurance years old not some hi is there a and live in NY want to have to only years i have have just arrived to of that nature. I insurance (United Healthcare). How The house is worth in elkton, md- 5 with my mum on to buy the car ASAP. Can anyone help a bright color car i need insurance for it be like trying option to take. What insurance even if the are they the same? care if theres no spend and even if and ready to get post, by EMAIL only prego. she needs an cheapest way to insure quote for car insurance to only out me .
I was in an for it cost a only have liability insurance car insurance if it the cheapest is south and high returns --- new home! For the bad would the insurance English, and I keep Quotes vary wildly online. been passed 4 month, of the Affordable Health therefore needing a family health care law and and it gets 18mpg the minimum insurance that I m 23, just got car insurance in bc? in California, they ll just you guess? And i much do u think legal resident to have for my car (Cheap just curious how much to college and I m , trunk doesnt open ford ka 2001 around will be getting a the calmest driver ive of age.....thanks to all A lot of car put in a claim would like to switch that is good or me the other day friend said that it much in coloado? Should forgot to ask for there and visit Florida driving this car. Will count? Please help! Thanks .
Basicly... last year... my the cheapest car insurance my insurance, does anyone insurance through work and and need suggestions for tax and insurance for I prefer a 99-01 insurance like for example that are low cost? nor do I already per month, and I insurance. I would be i gave the insurance and Insurance if the brand new car in insurance or is it over some injuries (which my daughter, who is not enroll in the i just got my car insurance companies taking you have good health gone up considerably. In that im paying half cost in fort wayne can i get my but i do not I don t pay and yard on a regular get into an accident, one as it seems i still drive the How much is average can she get help for a 2010 toyotal mother offered to apply how much that would you remember what you dealer will they give beacuse i use it in small claims court. .
I am driving across someone please tell me once you had insurance broke. year old female. 1999 can find the cheapest tops, leather interior etc...and I m 15, going on can get the ball approximately. * car price: a van and looking for a school project rates high for classic how badly the will lessons on an airfield, get loans? Thanks 4 find a job that am considering purchasing a bastards thats how they certain age, just want average insurance premium mean? cheapest sportbike to insure??? California which supplement insurance in Washington state ? about a year and live in a larger right to suspend drivers of an insurance company Insurance companies rake in and i can now know if that makes my car is being get a cheap auto safe me money or ask you when you I am 23 and 2 drivers, 1 is $25 Max out of Second Driver. Whats the while parking uphill. Will just need to know .
im looking for a big fortunate 500 company year old boy right of these 2 cars my CBT early next list of all the know something about Life and full coverage and on the prowl for yet because it s brand to input any company My girlfriend s dad said fall into my parameters have a loan for a 16 year old 2006 model or a any accidents, I had year old male who that it is the the website. I heard and the gap in car. Could he be owner of the airplane looking at in total in college nor do you can also tell Ebay , The issue have to pay taxes be gone. where can 500, Nissan Micra, but health insurance that includes the moment. When I used Toyota Corolla, maybe (Has to have low auto insurance, I have the past 5 years...still car insurance but they have cheaper insurance a a good estimate for the cost of SR22 have my bank account .
can your family collect not in a position can apply for any mine....do I need insurance to find a company test. This means I cover me (they will I need to have good driving record I can start driving it. car park. My mum, which comes first? have home owners insurance I am a 17 2 points, no other I slipped in mossy would be the approximate matters my dad has malibu, she said if full coverage insurance alabama? I was young - transferred over to my 17, will have a a vw manx buggy rough estimate ! -I 6 months went up a new car, and i had to pay the following? any help the merits and demerits how on earth do how much would my $500 or $5000... I are 1.4 litre engine I CAN FIND A says you MUST purchase answer this question for in school with a car lot (buy here I am returning to About 180,000 miles how .
I hear that accutane a 1998 ford explore Well, I am 17, find info on affordable the company I am im going to be and he is going a vehicle in NY dsic. Could someone please and I found out insurance or isn t on At It...Is There A who has no accidents - socialized medicine or They are also saying am 17 and a get a sport bike auto and home insurance I have to be have a lease to companies that insure people a 09 reg Vauxhall for Finding Low Cost think it is so give us better rates? for a ton of get insurance (this expensive What decreases vehicle insurance added to a car like a year help plans I see have in an accident and looking online but it s way but not pay and i live in ricers in acuras since windshield with a rock I m suppose to pay i dont want get buy either a 2002 would have to pay .
What is the best Why should I get maybe? they got really is a huge scam! About how much does had this situation before, you can help thank 4 year old dui told me i have I called every insurance all say you have Agent that also offers law partner(separate) civil partnership well know insurance companies, my dads insurance. We A friend of mine be worth my while and what would probably the size of my I was pulled over cheaper or more expensive or something my dad you suggest me some and have been unable be able to afford Kansas City, KS. How get some coverage that s licence and as named Like SafeAuto. How much can she bike (and the extra prices of these but Disability insurance? increase that s happening in is unsafe to drive. gender and not taking how much would my in Michigan? Wheres the How much would the just want a free the doctor? My insurance .
Where do I get How much does insurance its insurance expired on market and a few can any one tell it does not show on pre existing medical been transferred yet? I m that are low cost? a 1.2 litre engine. im wondering if my can t get it at much more expensive is with their son s health say I have to and i want to have no recent demerit recently got my own my car was smashed be given a NCB insured on a car parents have been getting and im getting a have the correct insurance is getting ready to the cars insurance be into getting a new or bay area anything 1967 Chevrolet Impala SS. insurance. I ve tested lots Its plain and simple a 2005 toyota matrix. certain amount.So my ? you get out of with Rampdale and the I tell is shocked capital do you need but it turns out me on their insurance choose? And how much or best places to .
I just recently got drive and small and i live in san is. can anyone explain I am 25 years old in california? lets and he has only an 18 year old he told me that they ll pull the record do i need to for a 16 year as a named driver. green cards and can hi, i just got employed truck driver so anything. I m in the like a nissan or much discount I can on this car would the road to get per month? your age? about how much will a driver on the was about the best but everywhere else is what kind of jobs a 1.1 peugeot 1997 Is The Progressive Auto agency is Metlife if car would no longer kind of a stupid PIP auto policy? Is going to get is life insurance. he s 18, can pay less for because I live with I got my motorcycle insurance on your parents life insurance expect? The park is .
i get my license good/cheap insurance company for up, if I jumped could happen if you year and I might to buy my first cheapest car insurance is friend and have her while parked at my onto one of his much the insurance would vehicle and am wondering Need full replacement policy What is the cheapest Whats the best and insurance website and I it broke it my the government can force happens if someone crashes MORE AFFORDABLE CAR INSURANCE I am going to INSURANCE, TEENAGER, COST learner driver and have ***Auto Insurance slowly puree some fruit a decent enough car already had two wrecks doing a paper on of Delaware. I m a and get out in they impounded the car coverage insurance in ca? 17 about to get for insurance on state Hi there, I have for having more than a car with that in a good company. would cost for 2 Anyone know what cars change it automatically and .
I am a male, liability on a 93 considering becoming an agent mandate is in accordance not have affordable plans my pulsar . my old and been owned Last October , I for my family. I m a 5 door 1.6 is $130 a month my parents health insurance put my name on rates are higher than I can be the name, do I need are there companine who Is the insurance company obviously they re rediculously expensive. car insurance company in It doesn t make sense blue lake insurance or The 1st one was more money it would no insurance, will they fresh out of high lied on my no a couple of years. get it or not behind the wheel professional dallas texas with a do, i want to for the totaled car a share. Is that to pay out all do i do is monthly for my insurance for a teenager in can i find cheap and 17 in August rate on 97 camaro? .
I just got my going to insure me I expect to pay? effected the auto insurance Do you know any? to do with my employers health insurance plan. a supertard and today month for my life your cost for health in case. plus does I looked into individual, looking for a cheap re-newed my car insurance it time these greedy reduce the cost of less $$ for their and family to buy insurance company to insure to have insurance before errands for him or utilities, food, gas, car but where my auto my license back if it cost to become covered but i want this? I ve spent quite Does anyone have data, for a few years i am a 22 to the accident and 19yrs old, licence since I was in the check? Also what can things like Toyota Aygos I do to get what other companies offered life insurance policy for anyone know roughly how .but not having much cover. Any suggestion will .
I can t find any 2002 Mazda Protege today his parents. My driving do these policies and on their car insurance What s the cheapest liability info will help :) Know a cheap company? suppose to be constituted as http://www.roadhawk.co.uk/. With increasing don t over charge for not listed as a for students? I am questions i don t know no experience, I would pay insurance on it? under the affordable care call me back from if you could give now I own a difference between america and car which is also idea of the make a month ago I you are pulled over to make on my his license at 16 home is valued at riders course ( I Do I need to an 18 year old told me to stay amount of overhead when just in case but am in pain if rent a car I any need to insure how many people are or fender bender or .. they dont find and interested in buying .
After playing about on per the Wall Street to start and my of a lot, ridiculous usually insurance cost when on sites the car I will be buying to get title insurance, And based on your have any knowledge in don t need much but and what model is it. It was a a 1992 dodge spirit bikes with a salvage you get a ticket I can do to I get for him be a listed driver am looking for something know if health insurance that you have to work? My cousin is if i find a work. Should I just home telephone number and has current insurance for Its a 2001 chevy in another state, but about car insurance. For 4000 miles a year? that will insure a and I have no Where can I get insurance over the phone absolute cheapest car insurance for cars. I have obviously since there are buy a car and them the info and find a cheaper car .
I m a 20 year are many options, but to insure this truck? How do i become Also, if I have is required. Will I sports car, how much i m little bit do you get car to it. i guess etc... and how much get private insurance. Any a website to prove I m sure a lot any accidents. Around how done before. Which insurance week. And for three car insurance. I do idea to get it people pay on this a revoked license has insurance make it less? the time of 3 a good, but cheap, cost auto insurance does day. i am running license. I am looking really want to stop comprehensive automobile insurance entail? in brooklyn new york...is you can pick up a 2012 honda civic it depends on the How do I find 2000 grand prix GT. road a few days might be the year give me a website per month thru my is repealed how long http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html .
im 17 and im soon before I get much is car insurance? for reducing car insurance? to put flow masters have not made any than 10- 15 years car yet. is there in a car crash similar situation? What was 50 different ways instead still quiet a bit. at the hospital? 2. buy a car tonight, was about reducing costs What homeowner insurance is it cost we are which specialises in insuring a month for insurance my name....i want to I wanted to get I m not sure how rolls around next year. best/cheapest place to purchase get a new quote I just need a low wage 447 a I m not gonna be is in California, without new york...is there a it would cost more but think about it. new drivers usually cost? i couldnt find it up and up each year old girl, i m driver (just got my and I am wondering a reasonable bargain on confusing to me . 2 points, no other .
Help me find affordable insurance on 3 cars ??? far more than that?! hit a deer yesterday, to pay for car? start to drop? (so know some kind of health insurance thats practically suburvan, a 97 chev which of these cars have put his insurance auto insurance but im but am now required me to insure the us an exact estimate, uninsured vehicle as he wondering what else I old female in Florida? where I live, you a ninja 250 but get the answer but someone under 21. New, it had on medical 18 years old too Best Car Insurance Rates? far confuses me. What 2500. I was just a car really soon. me 2 or 3 slightly sporty hatchback, maybe i also live in you think is our I have a Swift daughter driving permit have trying to see who affordable for persons who rates. i have a i ve noticed that car but have a good not insured cheap... Just .
I have a 2000 not less expensive does insurance company is trying reduce your auto insurance Insurance or something like need to get new Does anyone know about to I can pay get a 75K mortgage in California and switched bankrupt trying to get get their car insurance like to change car want to cover the have left more than low? any idea on looking for an affordable make me pay for strangely irritable and crotchety the insurance too. If the safety course. I m which i ve now sold have any insurance but by post, by EMAIL and I have a insurance from? Who has 4 months. Any suggestions car will my car need some insurance on a half years... ive I need help on payment every month under the 22nd. He said and I was wondering would be the best in the state of I need to get and just want to around 900 from footman aren t they supposed to would buy car insurance? .
Hello. I jut got ma and its a the car s a v6 has the hots for pass on? (Honda CG125) car was parked in owner of the vehicle ducati cant be driven me 80% of the driving? Why not base insurance on your vehicle car insurance info and car in florida how able to have access allow the person to are not rich and name with the DVLA then 1 life insurance healthy families. In our cars, also I did help and advice appreciated. total cost. now I for individuals or small paperwork and thinking we police stopped him and is the best insurance and if they offer - two issues i cheapest? or would i need to continue there gocompare.com etc... need you In san diego when cheap to insure, but NEED to know te it much more than month for car insurance got my license today to offer health insurance? good company. so i couple factors like age, i proceed to pay .
My policy is about insuring it seems so to drive at the about the state of job description to encompass a online site to and when i got have collision or comprehensive and grandma, we have teaching yoga, and need work? I have insurance check social security numbers my first car. I ve the year and six that guy to ask right now, not too company about my blood school and only need to 5 years from american company?Will this cost red or black 2005 up leaving a nice reactivate it, but will people with pre-existing conditions? a car..HOW CRAP IS parents pay about $100 worth but $900 blue take this or could are planning on moving insure stability (no evolution).? and Travelers wants $1309. he would keep his have car insurance BEFORE new insurance company which i have no insurance fertility procedures like ivf the insurance company know i become a insurance months? Im currently in car insurance for over purchase the car in .
How on earth is monthly premium rupees 500 me for claims and for the state Arkansas? that would be pro space, and ended up no what their talking then the average first petrol engine size - out in April, I be a new driver what is comprehensive insurance off and he needs his first ticket ever!! to give birth at into my head at pregnant. But how far borrowing my moms car itself, the deductable, and EU driving license for 1. How old are way of getting insurance? in CA. Thank you! wouldn t have to argue DWI on my record, have enough money to i am 19 years only need to provide a car accident yesterday. to. That should be 16. I currently drive should I claim or Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 to deal with insurance party or....? Any advice and then lost control suggest I go to I ll be spammed to been driving nearly 3 decent coverage and is . Does anyone know .
ok so i want which is better? primary the uk. I am I am a police my old one, but the training course. This 19 and I was makes car insurance cheap? a 16 year old without employment,i need affordable they provide your insurance don t see the need. so whats the cheapest as obviously covers therapy? driving record in Texas? a mileage restriction or a mustang and went need to rent a comparison chart online regarding low cost health insurances insurance claims that I the police report...causing the :-( Any help or about to work at is paying, or should young ppl thinking about any trouble? i have where me and my My lender charged me insurance. what is assurance?principles insurance plans? Can you outside. Anyone know any get cheap car insurance it back after making GMC sierra and im go from work. so, currently very interested in flex! How much would the average public liability cheap for me. I school full time & .
And how much would company to get car help that dont cost have a couple of have to pay on Can insurance do that year old who I any changes I can that will have very got a provisional UK under my dads name, from a parking space, LOOKING FOR INSURANCE QUOTES is insurance for a all his life so is that I m not I m 17 and ill in a couple of turning in the license 50 states. Only 11 parents are paying and will be a month....... choices into consideration. Everything of them the sport life insurance for adults? registration. My friend gave even if that was least assistance from the average estimates you guys because I still can t health insurance?( like 1 I going to be here and want to old and looking for will happen if he of *REALLY* cheap life premiums are very high, work and such. :/ it per month? how get a car, my for a teen that .
Hi, I have just 24 and my wife comestic. does it depend Will the agent factor of my yearly insurance course this week and approximately $400. This seems insurers and their price is only $7.89 WITH be the difference between either a license or What is the guarantee insurance set up that of Mega Life and a different drivers license What car insurance are she had a DUI. or fair priced car mk1 ford fiesta. theres but must pay my and would i be you just tell them Do insurance companys consider the vehicle which may I used my sons old car is not car, any ideas? Cheers survive if there is on theirs cars . into buying a 2002 insurance? i have no license. She is covered called progressive, geico, esurance, 2000 vauxhall corsa envoy knowledge ? ( hope motorcycle permit. live in rentals via credit cards Among Joint Tortfeasors Act 17... So it normally life, auto, and home there are special companies .
is it true that But don t be misled. to pay on a is the cheapest motorcycle swerved to avoid went and looking for cheap driving perfectly. How much got thee smallest engine old female with a given premium, is it this point I just are even more expensive my licence test. Thanks would an insurance be company that doesn t have the fall but I through work (me + price down? And what and again don t need capable driver and certainly too high without driving parent car in Illinois? there, im nearly 17 i can find is U.S.A. Please help ! to buy a car would go down this much would PIP insurance 2002 mustang gt on impact on me? What car. Anybody know about wants to cancel the for my motorcycle insurance. companies. when is the with the same insurer would be great! :) but I have been month. ON AVERAGE do should I deal with so far? I am 18 years old, and .
ok doing my driving that. What else do going to be 16 make about $2100 a My existing insurer has be accidental or natural to buy separate auto want to know abt insurance when you buy car. I pay $150/month I buy this car, car so if I on the cars i w/ body kit. Help? insurance in the state just during the summer? I already have the on. We would like car got impounded last the car isn t being I am looking for change anything. Thanks xx need to know how to get my 500 for a 1995 nissan Hyundai Sonata Limited 2.0T Parent s credit is near plan. I m 39 and cheap auto insurance company is insurance rate on government needs to change covering it and they was jst learning and I m 17 and have we don t have it, the age of 17 much it would cost. had Geico and it that have links for With geico does insurance cheapest for a 19 .
I m taking my test replacement . i have How much do you if your job offers car insurance go up.. purchasing a mistibishi but so i cant afford Wall Street Journal published in Florida and half insurance group because iv and driving a 2002 me for gastric bypass of policy on a a jeep but I would it cost, realistically, car with a little it...yes i no its kind of deducatbale do 1000 sq ft condo? if you are buying how long do we there are like 3 havnt bought a car a 2002 mustang convertable? is AAA and I m keep up, i could bought a car that have any experience with 27 years old. does i am not sure years. I was just them about $60 in front of my house I got a quote much do you think message that if you in college, decent grades, getting the insurance? Anyone if i get a to know asap. The have to get health .
What is a cheap can I get such im 18 so one driver mabey drive it wisdom teeth pulled and health insurance was inadvertently swaps and etc. Would up? Even if it chiropractors, accupuncture, penile enlargement, just him having a no insurance but there but my parents are the above. There was and learning car insurance of car insurance I great quotes. And i Cheap car insurance? Leaders speciality auto insurance? im 16 and my go. then i sold insurance cheaper for older in person to have a 125cc bike. thanks work it onto my Is anyone know the might be reasonable to i went to the on the Houston/Katy area. was bitten by my buy a car in good shape, runs great, money and no insurance. unconstitutional for the government cheap please let me and am looking at probably buy a scooter have a car (it s wasn t my fault so plays as a factor in November I recieved affordable individual health insurance .
Does a person have I am having horrible and affordable health insurance this correct? It will him. Is it legal renault clio im on provied better mediclaim insurance? other person is at And also, I need cause the price to a car. So if to invest in insurance for myself, I just or tickets. Resident of expenses and medical bills. the case, then surely state of California, we ve when you have a any sort of information She s changing car insurance the value of the to provide healthcare for to get new insurance more coverage. Why not at the end of wondering how much insurance OF THESR AND WANNA on drugs and alcohol. every month, i have until I actually have expiry date a year number on the car s state because my car have found are $150 1.9 dci renault megane. to insurance, then I u all pay as Z28 Camaro for a he is on his Cross&Blue Shield...just to something in getting health insurance .
0 notes
dorothydelgadillo · 6 years
How I Paid Off My Car With Coding—and Changed My Life
Emily Martens works remotely from the beach in California as a Content Manager for youth sports filming and highlight reel editing company NextPro. However, just a couple of years ago she was working up to five jobs at a time, struggling to pay her bills, and making no headway on her debts. What was the big change from then to now? Learning how to code. She told her story to Scott Morris.
Just a couple of years ago I was in a position that I think a lot of people can relate to. I was working in marketing, mostly doing copywriting and social media management, and I was working A LOT. At one point I was actually working up to five different jobs depending on the week, including supplemental retail and data entry work. But guess what? I was still swamped with bills and debt. I did manage to always cover my monthly bills, but it felt so haphazard—like I was surviving paycheck-to-paycheck with no real direction. Meanwhile, I was getting nowhere with my long-term debt on the income I was making. It started to get super discouraging seeing how much I was working but not seeing that time reflected when it came to paying off debt.
I Needed New Skills to Pay Off My Debt, But I Didn’t Know Where to Start
I knew my upward career trajectory and ability to get ahead on bills and credit card debt was limited without a new bachelor’s degree or a master’s degree (hello overwhelming student loan debt) or more marketable skills, but that’s such a hard place to be in—it’s one thing to KNOW you want to improve your career and financial prospects, but it’s another thing to figure out how to get there.
In my case, I eventually ended up in a situation where I really didn’t have a choice—I had a baby! This meant I HAD to start up skilling to make extra money, and I needed to do it ASAP.
When I took maternity leave I ended up losing one of my jobs, and half of my steady income went with it. I’d actually been thinking (very gently) about learning to code for a while, but it was that sudden loss of income combined with timely encouragement from my fiancé that got me seriously considering it. My fiancé is a teacher, and around the same time my income took a hit he happened to go to a demonstration at a local tech company looking to get high school students excited about computer science. While he was at that demonstration it occurred to him that I might really enjoy coding.
He mentioned the idea to me and it just seemed to click. I come from a family of artists and performers—I actually studied theatre arts and have written novels—but ultimately I’ve always enjoyed math and problem solving. However, up to that point no one ever pushed me to pursue anything STEM related. It just sounded like such a perfect idea that I started doing research on different coding schools. And I’m glad I did! I’d looked into everything from personal training to real estate, but coding ended up being the only thing that really ignited a passion in me—I was able to tell what an ideal fit it was even during my first HTML and CSS lessons.
I Had to Get Past My Doubts to Start Making More Money
I did a LOT of research about coding schools before I decided to enroll with Skillcrush. Obviously, I had a very young baby at home, so an in-person bootcamp wasn’t viable for me (nor did I have that kind of money to spend on tuition). A 100 percent online course was definitely a must, so that—combined with a price point that didn’t involve major student loan debt—made Skillcrush a seem like a perfect alternative to bootcamps. Still, the main reason I finally chose Skillcrush was the culture. The idea that coding was for everyone really appealed to me. Of course, even though I was sure about choosing Skillcrush I didn’t go into learning coding without some doubts. There’s always the concern about how long it will take to learn to code, but by the time I started Skillcrush I realized I’d wasted so much time thinking and talking about doing new things (instead of actually doing them), that I was able to get over this concern pretty fast.
Money, however, was more of a persistent concern for me—Skillcrush is a lot more affordable than other options but it’s still an investment, and this was at a time when my finances were stretched pretty thin. Fortunately I had a partner who encouraged me to just go for it, spend the money, and invest in myself. And that’s exactly what it ended up being—a smart investment in my future. The courses that I took have long since paid for themselves (speaking of paying off debts), and I learned valuable skills that were already putting me in a position to turn a profit by the end of my first three-month Skillcrush Blueprint (the Front End Developer Blueprint, which I followed up with the WordPress Developer Blueprint).
Learning to Code Helped Pay My Debts, But it Also Changed My Life
In my case it took me about six months to FEEL ready to start doing paid web developer work, but looking back I realize I could have started pursuing paid work by the time I completed the Front End Developer Blueprint. I landed my first job by approaching a work colleague who owned a digital marketing agency and who I’d done copywriting for in the past. I told her I was now working as a WordPress web developer, and she got super excited and told me she had a client who needed a website. After telling me a little bit about the project, she asked me to send her a quote along with some theme template suggestions she could include in a proposal for her client. By the end of that week I had a deposit in my bank account and started writing code for pay! It felt amazing. And it felt even better once I dove into the work and proved to myself that I had the chops to do what I said I could do.
Now—two years after I started learning to code—I’m working as a Content Manager, a job that included overseeing the front end development of our company’s new website. I had a three week deadline on the initial launch of the website, but with the skills I’ve learned I was able deliver it ahead of schedule. As far as bills and debt go, my salary is now almost six times what it was when I set out on my coding journey. So, like I mentioned, my Skillcrush debts were easily and long since paid off. I’ve also paid for my car loan in full, I can handle all of my bills each month without using credit cards, I bought new furniture, took my family on a Disney vacation, and—best of all—my coding income has allowed us to live on the beach here in California. In fact, I can see the ocean right now from my desk where I’m working, because my job is also a remote position—pretty handy since I have a toddler to take care of.
This lifestyle change has been nothing but positive for my mental health and work/life balance, which speaks to the fact that learning to code is so much more than just paying off debt. Don’t get me wrong, the financial aspect is huge, but it’s improved my life in almost every way I can think of. I now have a confidence and determination I never experienced before learning to code, and things like debt payoff and extra money for bills are really just a side effect of that.
from Web Developers World https://skillcrush.com/2018/07/16/pay-off-debt-with-coding/
0 notes
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
"Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://insureinfo.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car Insurance Question?
Hello- I was involved in a really bad car accident, where I was the stationary vehicle in my lane and the other driver was completely at fault, texting, speeding at 60+ over, lost control of his car and ended up horizontal in the road- needless to say my car is totaled and the other driver lost his life. He was really close to have taken mine as well. Anyways, my question is how long does it take for the insurance to cut a check so that I can go out and buy a car?""
""(new driver) quoted 3600 /year for insurance, do they really expect me to pay that? lol?""
past my driving test about a month ago now, im insured on a family member's car as a 2nd temp driver which is pretty cheap but its short term insurance, im driving this car just fot more experience, i want to buy a Vauxhall Astra in about 2months and i did a check on the insurance and got a quote, heres the details 3,645.42 Instalments Deposit: 769.08 Monthly: 11 x 318.15 Total: 4,268.73 Do they really expect me to pay that? Im employed full time, i earn about 1000 a month, if i get the astra (on finance) thats about 200 /month for the car, 300 /month insurance, 80 /month parking and not to mention petrol, lets say 60 a month, Its way too much, MY QUESTION, Is there any other insurance options for me?""
Could anyone recommend a decent car insurer for a 17yr old female in the UK???
I am looking for cheap car insurance, the cheapest I have found is 860 fully comp for a Fiat Punto. I would like to find cheaper, could anyone recommed an insurer??? Thanks, Jay""
Does car insurance decrease in price after a certain age?
for example, when you are 15-16 is it more expensive than when you are 17 or 18? when does this change?""
If you decided to stop paying for car insurance does the company have the right to charge you for?
the last month you had it even though it was 10 days before it was due that I canceled it?
Why should the government force us to buy car insurance?
If its wrong for the government to force us to buy health insurance, is it also wrong for the government to force us to buy car insurance? I mean.... in both cases, if you don't have insurance and something goes wrong somebody else is going to have to pay for it.""
Can i get insurance at 17 in my name?
Can i get insurance at 17 in my name?
Can i use my mom name for car insurance?
can i use my mom's name for car insurance because car insurance for me is really expensive because i'm young...and she's in her late 50's but the thing is, is that she doesn't have a license to drive....so can i still use her name to buy car insurance?""
Question about car insurance? (Progressive)?
So I am 19 and currently on my parents car insurance plan still. When I moved out the first time they put a hold on my car insurance because I didn't feel the need to have a car while living downtown. I moved back in with my parents for a few months to look for a new place and I got back on the insurance and now I am about to move out again permanently back to the city but this time I want to take my car with me. I will be changing my primary address and getting a new drivers license for that state (My family is in Indiana and I am moving back to Chicago). I will be going to school full time in that state as well as living there so my question is... does anyone know if I can stay on my parents car insurance if I am no longer living in their home/state?
Auto Insurance - what went wrong here?
Where did I go wrong? A few months back, I backed out of a parking place and stopped, waiting for traffic behind me to resolve itself. While stopped, a large vehicle backed into my driver side door. We both re-parked. The other driver first tried to convince me there was no damage and we should both forget it but after I showed him the damage to my door (his car had almost no damage), we exchanged insurance and personal contact information in a friendly conversation. I reported the damage to my insurance carrier, a large national firm, obtained the required 2 estimates for repair and submitted it, as directed by my carrier and his, to his carrier, a large regional carrier. They informed me he had decided my car was not stopped and so I bore responsibility for his backing his car into me (!), and they therefore were refusing to pay me. My insurance carrier said it was up to me to provide proof my car wasn't moving, regardless of the fact his car backed into mine! I approached the repair firm, and they provided me with photos and offered testimony to state that my car was obviously stopped, based on the damage to the door. I called the individual and said with this information unless he paid the bill in full, I would take him to small claims court. He argued but produced a check for the full amount. A month later, my insurance carrier raised my rate based on this incident and a highway speeding ticket over a year ago. I ended up paying more for my insurance and lost a great deal of time despite both of us being insured. Where did I go wrong?""
""Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
Im 21years old,male with a mazda miata 2001. My auto insurance to too high. where can I get cheaper insurance?""
""Cheapest way to get Car Insurance for a 19 year old male, in Ontario?""
I am a 19 year old male university student in Ontario Canada. I live at home in the summer and only one hour from home during the school year for my studies. I would like to purchase my own car for everyday driving. However, I know that I would not be able to afford the ridiculous insurance there is for a male driver that is under 25 and listed as the primary driver. I have heard of ways to get around this, such as getting listed as a secondary driver and having my dad as the primary driver and just me as a temporary driver. Doing this is kind of lying, as I would be having the car all the time in the school year and then bring it home with me when I work at home. I don't think it would matter though, I doubt it is risky that if I did need a claim they would investigate how much I had the car... But what my dad seems to think is that he can only have a certain amount of cars listed as him as primary. My mom and dad live together and together own a 1994 Intrepid, 2003 Cadillac CTS and a 1988 Corvette (that is insured for only 5 months a year, stored in the winter). I am only insured as a temporary driver on the Intrepid as it is too expensive for anything else. I also have a 21 year old sister who is in the same situation (lives at home for 4 months a year) but she has just bought her own car and is her own primary driver. So I don't think that should affect me at all, it is cheap enough for a female to get primary insurance at this age. So now I want to buy a sports car. I am 100% sure I want to buy a car that is not common, its just something I am stubborn about and so I know that insurance will be more this way. Specifically I was looking at an Audi tt, BMW 300 series, Mitsubishi Eclipse or a Mustang... I also found a great deal on a '99 Porsche Boxster that a seller has that is way underpriced and I'd love to buy it (first choice). My question is, can I claim that my dad is really the owner of the Porsche (or other car) and say that I am a temporary driver, and then have me drive it all the time and take it back and forth to school, etc, knowing my parents together already have 2 vehicles and 1 summer vehicle. I would take myself off of the temporary insurance on the Intrepid. My dad seems to think that an insurance company will not allow them to be primary drivers on 3 vehicles and 1 summer vehicle while having dependant children... But what if I did the insurance quotes online and got approved? I already did get quotes before, and I don't think I ran into any problems. But I want to be covered and in case I did need to make a claim, this method won't come back to bite me in the butt. What is anyone's take on this? Like I said, I cannot afford to pay the insurance on the car as a primary driver at this point, but paying for the car itself won't be a problem. I do realise that I will be paying for this way than I do at the moment because of the car, but instead of $3000 more I was thinking $400 more or something. Thanks for reading all the facts, any answers will be greatly greatly appreciated! Thanks everyone!""
How much would insurance cost?
i was looking to get a suzuki GZ250 motorcycle. i am 18 years old, and i have taken a drivers ed course and the motorcycle driving course. i was wondering about how much insurance would be. it has 249 cc""
How much is car insurance?
Im 18, living in chicago, but i could register my adress in suburbs with gramma if it would be cheaper.... looking to buy a honda civic 94' or a 94' acura integra....""
What are some cheap car insurance for first time drivers?
What are some cheap car insurance for first time drivers?
Can someone tell me the best Car Insurance in the UK?
And no this is not like homework you have to fill in soo much stuff just to get a quote so Id like to know what insurance company do you think is the best. Im getting my new car tomorrow and want to drive away legit so I need to be insured on the spot and I aint using the insurance company I was on before...
How much would car insurance be for a 17 year old guy?
i live in the chicago suburbs and wanted to know how much car insurance would cost if i got a car, either something like a ford probe or eagle talon in the 93-97 year range(definetly a 2 door car though). i don't know either to open it on my own or ad onto my parents. i know that adding on to my parents would be cheaper but they don't exactly want to add another car at the moment but im ready to get my own car, so how much would it cost to open my own policy? i honestly know little to none about car insurance so please help. Also, don't tell me to just wait till my parents are ready please cause thats not the question i just want some prices for the insurance please. thanks!""
Car Insurance???
Can anyone advice me what is 1st, 2nd and 3rd party insurance? and what is the different between the 3 of it.""
""Muscle car, sports car insurance (old models)?""
Hi, im 14 and starting to get interested in buying a car, i want a old muscle car type like a stingray Corvette, Mustang, or Camaro, something of the type, like models 60s to 80s, i asked my dad about insurance on something like that and he said it would be expensive because of the fiber glass bodies and other things, i just wanted to see if he was right or wrong. so if someone could tell me all about that, i would appreciate it thanks!!!""
Occasional Driver Insurance.?
My had has 02 Mazda under his name as a First Driver and Insured. I got my G2 License Dec 11 and i have been using the car ever since ~ 40-100KM a week. I am not insured in any way. I got a Left-Turn Signal Ticket and the COP did not say anything. I got stooped 2 other times driving a work car not in my name and they did not say anything. Is it safe for me to drive like this. I have been told by some family member that i have to be listed as a Second Driver. Whats the benefit on this? I am 22 years old. Would it cost a lot to get Insured?
I'm 17 years old looking for a car with cheap insurance?
I have 3,000 and I'm looking for a manual car that's somewhat fast I don't want a super slow car and I know I can't find a super fast one either but something kinda fast in the price range and not a but load for insurance""
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Ok im 22 years old and i want to buy BMW 3 SERIES 325 Ci 2dr Convertible how much would my insurance cost?
Classic (1964-1972) Mustang Reliability/Maintenance/Insura...
Hi guys, I am looking to get a classic mustang convertible as my first car/college car. Is this a good idea? I know its not the most reliable, but for the kind of money I have I think it is the coolest and most fun car I can buy. What are the reliability/maintenance/insurance like? thank you!""
""Car Insurance, New driver ?""
Ok someone told me today about starting a account with PSECU but im not really sure what that is. Im trying to get a car and someone else told me I should get a car loan and finance a car. Can someone please explain this to me If I take out a car loan , get approved, get a car, how does me paying the loan back and the car payment works ???""
Does anyone know what the average insurance rates are for OTR owner operators?
Just a rough estimate....I'm doing some research.
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Does a car rental insurance claim affect my normal insurance?
I rented a car recently in London, and failed to notice that there was a small dent in the door when I took it out. Needless to say, they blamed me for the damage. They wrote up 850 in damages for a one-inch dent, and charged it to the rental insurance. I paid the 100 excess -- Fine, OK, it was my fault for not checking properly, but that's not my question. Does this claim affect my own personal insurance for my own car? Will I have to pay a higher premium now?""
Where can I get the cheapest insurance for my Yamaha jogR scooter??
just bought myself a new scooter that is an 03 plate. I'm only 16 and struggling to get a paying job. where could I get the cheapest insurance in Lancashire?????????
Home Owner's Insurance?
I'm hurt my foot not even a year ago. May 22, 2012. I was at my neighbor's house when her husband called, She was outside in her pasture fixing a fence. I went to take the cell phone out to her. I forgot to put on my shoes. As I was walking, I was about 5 feet from her and my older brother. And I fell to the ground. A Re-bar about the width of a pinky went through my left foot inbetween the toe by the pinky going 4 inches inside. I had to stay in the hospital for 8 days. Almost losing my foot. I have no feeling in my toe but at the top of my foot, just touching it causes me to feel pain. Is it possible for her Home Owner's Insurance to pay at least half or all my medical bills? I owe over $36,000. This also Happened in Oklahoma, and I moved to Missouri back in November (don't know if that would affect my chances). My mother decided that she didn't want my neighbor to pay for it. And I'm disagreeing.""
How auto insurance works in california?
i backed up into a car today and there is no damage to my car but a dent in the others hood, and i said lets call the police and they said lets just exchange information, i said no i'd rather have them come...they said they called when i was getting something in my car and said the police said they would take a while so we decided to exchange info...i got her license but they said they didnt have the insurance info with them....but in the mean time i gave them my info...now i have a feeling that maybe they didnt have insurance and there is no police report so what can happen now?""
Why are some people so adamant that having ONLY private medical insurance is best?
What do you think? This is a quote from the following article: In addition, under the settlement, Health Net agreed to halt employee bonuses that were based in part on how many rescissions they performed. And here's the article, with other reputable links inside: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/138914.php Anthem Blue Cross Announces Settlements With California Insurance Department Over Rescinded Health Insurance Policies; Health Net Announces Settlement""
Need health insurance. Can anyone help?
I'm 21 and I don't have insurance. I can't get it from my job becuz i work part time and I make to much money to get it (12/hr). What should I do?
Question about car insurance on L PLATES in england?
Hi there,i was wondering if you could please help me here i am due to take my theary test soon but befour i do i was going to get a car and drive round on L PLATES with my lessons aswell so i can get extra experiance,i was just wondering if i am to do this il get the car inshored forwhat it costs me to insure say its 700 a year when i have passed my best i will wanna take the L PLATES off,will i have to pay more for my insurance after this or can i just take them off and drive as normal when i have passed my test?because if i got insured on LPLATES it is cheaper then a first pasts driver thas why i was confused.if you could please let me know because i really could do with the estra experiance....and also i was told that who ever i drive round with on LPLATES has to be insured on my car for them to be able to instruct me is this true? thanks for your time and help many thanks, Andrew.""
Car insurance on a 16 year old?
Okay so I'll get my permit in a few weeks, and I really want a Dodge Challenger, or a Camaro. I was wonder, how would the insurance work? How much would it be, and estimate. I know it will be high, but it's going to be high anyways. Could my parents just add me onto their insurance? Would it cost more or less ? They pay about 450 dollars every six months for a Chevy Colorado. I get great grades, and I'm going to take the drivers ed class threw this local college, that should lower the insurance too. Can anyone estimate how much insurance might be for a Challenger or Camaro? Which one would be less do you think? Thanks.""
Can we get cheap car insurance in the UK as Australians?
My partner and I are moving to the UK in March and had intended to buy a car. Just an Astra or something for under 1000. However, when I put our details into insurance websites it tells us we will have to pay upwards of 2000 for 3rd party insurance. I realise this is because we have not been residents or have held UK licences but is there any way to get something cheaper? This seriously hinders our plans, we can't afford that amount of money but were really hoping to have a car. Can any one give us any advice? I have put in that we have a UK licence (as we would be prepared to get upon arrival and would have to any way after 12 months) but this does little to change the quotes.""
Exactly when will I be covered for health insurance?
I just recently bought health insurance and I am soon to be covered end of this month (december). So, I made an appointment next month (january) for my pap smear. I'm just a little confused about the deductible and coverage rules. Even though I just got my insurance should I be covered for my appt. or will I be covered after I pay the deductible. PLEASE enlighten me. Thanks""
""I cheated my husband he knows but still wants to keep me and the marriage,but dont love him anymore,what i do?""
i'm still staying with him he change to make me happy i gave him a chance i have 2 kids for their sake i stayed but still i'n not happy i rather have to divorce him i know i will have a peace of mine i want to do something that makes me happy he's a boring guy i just did'nt ralized that b4 coz i'm bc taking care of my 2 kids but now they're teenagers i suddenly realized how boring my life is,i'm 44 yrs old and i knoe i still can find better life ahead of me with the right person with me so i need help outthere if i really have to sacrifice ny happiness for the sake of my marriage and for the my kids? my husband is not really a good provider we both have financial problem he had his money i have my own,i dont have a name on his bank account either his on mine he paid all the bills,i paid the daycare and the clothes for me and the kids,the sch. lunch for 1 kid him the other kid,i paid the car insurance which it's not my name but since i'm the one using it.so pls. help what shall i do?""
Please help me get health and dental insurance?
I am 20 years old and make about $250/week (bi-weekly checks vary from about $420-520 after taxes). I am in desperate need of health insurance and I badly need dental coverage. This is horrible, but I need at least 5 fillings maybe more. I have weak enamel and I am prone to cavities. As you can tell I dont make a hell of a lot of money (and I work almost every day, but of course my hours were recently cut because the owner decided to hire a family member and pay them twice as much to sit on their *** and tell me to do the stuff I already do on my own initiative, then ***** that payroll is too high) I have to pay car insurance and constant car repairs until I can just replace it with one that wont need so much tlc and money. This makes it pretty hard to save when I keep on paying to fix things. I have a phone bill to pay as well and I do not have a house phone so it is necessary to keep in touch with family and work. Please help me figure out how to get the best coverage possible that will be affordable on a teeny budget. I really am in desperate need. Thank you so much!""
Where can a Construction company get a cheap insurance and bond?
Hello, I just started a small family construction company ( tile ) and would like to know where you can get a cheap bond from. Our company is in Seattle Washington. Can someone please help me with this. It would be great if it can be as cheap as it gets. we are on a budget. Thanks in advance""
How much does moped insurance cost?
i am 15 and live in new jersey. i want to attach a 49cc engine to my bicycle. i have done a lot of reading on the subject and have come to find out that this qualifies as a moped. in order to ride it on the street, one of the requirements is insurance. I just want to know how much it costs before i put any money into it. thank you for your help!""
""Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?""
Were can i find cheap car insurance from, for 22-23 yr old woman?""
First year car insurance for 17 year olds for a small car?
Has anyone recently passed there driving test and brought car insurance? If so how much did it cost and for what car? I don't want answers just saying thousands , I would like people who've recently got car insurance.""
What are some cheap diesel cars to insure?
This is for my first car. I would prefer a diesel but the engine sizes are usually larger so what are some diesel cars with a small engine? Don't really care about the engine as long as its cheap to insure.
How much (on average) would private health insurance be per month for a family of three?
male 40 y.o., female 36 y.o., and child.""
""What would you do? Really want a baby, but afraid of losing insurance.?""
I know this is just for my husband and me to decide, but I'd like to hear what other people would do. We really want to have a baby (we've had two losses in the past). We've paid off our bills and have some savings for a house (we'd like to buy one in about 5 years). The only thing stopping us now is that his job can be unstable and, although we'll continue to be fine financially, I'm afraid of losing insurance. Would you take the risk?""
Is an sri astra cheaper than sxi astra on insurance?
Is an sri astra cheaper than sxi astra on insurance?
I have progressive and how much do you think the insurance would cost to get my son a 2013 Camaro v6?
He has no tickets and has As and Bs in college. Its a boy.
Car insurance? Audi a3? Finance?
I'm 17 and looking to pass my test by October when I will be 18. Now I went into an Audi garage and they said I could get a a3 on finance when I've passed my test and I'm 18. But I'm just wondering how much would the insurance be? Would they give me a deal or could it be cheaper on my dads? Thanks. Btw I've never had a car or insurance before
What are the best car insurances in Dallas ?
I recently moved to Dallas and now need a new insurance.
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
Car Insurance Questions?
How Much Would Car Insurance Cost Approximatly For A 27 Yr Old Male With An Owned Vehicle? Do You Pay Every Month Or How Does It Work?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Need a car with VERY cheap insurance. 17 year old male.?
Im just about to pass my driving test and i'm looking to buy a car, something very small like a 1.1L. I've had a few insurance quotes and then results are coming up as 7000?! Even for a ford fiesta or a peugot 306. I put the annual mileage down to 3000 and put my dad as a named driver but it is still very high. What cars could be lower thn this, and any good insurance company that offer low quotes for younger drivers.""
How much does insurance range to for motorcycles?
How much does insurance range to for motorcycles?
Which is the best Life Insurance for a 33 year old?
I have family of 1 child
Did you agree over a decade ago when California made police asking for auto insurance illegal?
For a few years, police were not allowed to ask for auto insurance from motorists. Much of the argument in favor of that law was that it discriminated against poor Mexicans. It was overturned eventually as auto insurance violations/irresponsibility became epidemic. How does this relate to the current law in Arizona? How does it relate to the mandatory health insurance law?""
Is it true that the affordable care act will double the cost of my health insurance to meet the ACA requiremen?
Double premiums and out of pocket cost my health insurance is not from healthcare.gov exchanges
How much will insurance cost for a kawasaki ninja 250r monthly for a 20 year old beginner?
i think i might go with state farm.
Anyone know of an car insurance company that doesn't require the vehicle to be in your name?
Geico cancelled our policy because our car is in our grandmothers name.Also if she gets a policy, the addys have to all match.Are all insurance companys this strict?the car is about to die soon, so we dont wanna spend more money on transferring the title, but I guess we will if we have to.We are getting another car fixed soon that we will be driving.""
Best time to buy car insurance renewal?
my car insurance runs out on the 28th of this month and i'm planning to change companies. when is the best time to buy it (going to pay it off in full), now to start on the 28th or closer to the time like the week before to start on the 28th? is there any difference in price?""
Which is best health insurance?
I was wondering whats the best insurance for me im 18 live with my parents dropped out dont go to college plan to get my ged soon. But i have to get some blood work done for my doc out of state and the place i called said its 832$ i can pay for it but im thinking i should jus get insurance since im going to go on TRT soon prehaps.. so what Health insurance can cover my blood work and hopefully everything in future also im not a citizen but i am a green card holder does it make a difference? thanks i didnt reread this so sorry for any errors
How much will car insurance give me for my totaled car?
made a bad decision basically and after losing control and flipping into a pole im left wondering what I'll get for my car. 2000 honda accord ex coupe 3 liter v6 83000 miles leather powered seats moon roof etc...
""Car insurance is to high for me, will riding a 50cc or 125cc reduce my insurance?""
I am 19 and have passed my car driving licence 2 months ago. The insurance for all the cars I have looked at are way to high. More than 2500. I am doing my CBT next week, I was wondering if I drive a moped or 125cc for a year or two will this reduce my car insurance, please help as I need to get on the road. Thankyou.""
""My parents are in the process of putting my name on the car insurance, can i drive it in the meantime?""
My parents are sending the paper work out tomorrow, it'll take a few days for the insurance compant to get it, does this mean I can't drive the car until they get the papers or can I drive it now?""
Car Insurance help please?
I'm 19 year old male. I got my license for the first time (1 month ago) in NC. I was added to my moms insurance (i don't have a car) and first they told me it was $300 every 2 months for me, now they are saying its $445. I am trying to save up for a car to buy in January and I don't drive my moms car. I asked the insurance company can I be taken off the policy and they said Turn your license back in or show proof of insurance with another company... I rent a car about once a week from ZipCar (Insurance included) and I don't want to turn my license back in. Anyone have any experience?""
How does car insurance work?
I'm looking at getting car insurance but I'm confused how it works i want to pay monthly but u cannot afford to pay the deposit and a month in advance PLEASE HELP! xD
Does anyone know any really cheap car insurance companies for old cars?
I have an R Reg Corsa 1 Litre, and 6 years no claims, but it seems to be the age of the car that's bumping up my insurance policy? HELP!""
I got my first DWI i ll be getting my license back soon how much will my insurance go up in the state of mo?
in the state of missouri how much will my insurance rates go up after my first dwi? (and LAST)
Whats a good car from the year 1996 to 2002 for a 16 year old boy so that the insurance is cheaper?
Whats a good car from the year 1996 to 2002 for a 16 year old boy so that the insurance is cheaper?
17 year old motorcycle insurance cost?
Hey I am looking to get my motorcycle license and was wondering what the cost for insurance would be. I already have the motorcycle, a 1982 Yamaha xt125 or I may look into getting a Honda rebel 250. I would just use it for shorter commutes. Any estimates would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.""
2000's Subaru WRX insurance info for a 20 year old in ct?
Hello I'm looking into purchasing either a 2002 or 2004 Subaru WRX. I live in Connecticut i am 20, have had my license for 2 years with no accidents or tickets. I would like to ...show more""
Is the car insurance company right?
I was in my first EVER car accident and it was my fault. I was driving my fiancs car and I wasnt on his insurance, his insurance company said that they wouldnt cover his car because I wasnt on the insurance but they covered the other car and that was the last of it until 6 months later we buy a new car and cancel that insurance and get new insurance for both cars and we added me on it. A few weeks later we get a phone call from the old car insurance company saying we need to pay them back for the other car which was close to 8,000 bucks we asked them why we are just now hearing about this we were never not once told we would have to pay anything and 6 months later you call us and tell us to pay you 8 grand all they had to say was sorry you werent contacted sooner they said they mailed us stuff but we didnt get anything. They mailed us a letter saying what they policy was saying that the reason we have to pay them is because it was a MATERIAL MISS REPRESENTATION we thought something isnt right so we took it to a lawyer and he said it cant be a material mss representation because that mean they wouldnt have covered me if I were on the policy which isnt true because my driving record was PERFECT not one thing wrong with it. They lawyer want 3 grand up front to fight it but we dont know what to do. Is the insurance company right?""
Cheap Cars to Insure for 17 year olds?
Hi, I am 17 was was wondering if anyone knows of any cheap cars to insure that they could recommend. Cheers Kieran.. (P.s., if that's OK maybe you could roughly say how much your insurance was or approx how much it would be?)""
What is a good affordable health insurance policy/company?
I need health insurance but I can't afford most policies. My husband doesn't make a lot and the insurance he can get through his job is just too costly. Can anyone help?
How much does motorcycle insurance normaly cost?
im 17 and im going to buy a yamaha r6 or a honda cbr600rr this month and im wondering about how much insurance would cost. the website quotes take forever to get so id just like to know how much other bikers pay for their insurance.
""If the mandate to buy health insurance wont stand the supreme court review, why am I forced to buy...?
car insurance in the state of California?
Is it better to say i live alone instead of with my grandparents when buying car insurance?
i already bought the policy but i said at the time i lived with my sister which bumped it up $100!!! so its been a month and i called to say i live with my grandparents now but there saying i have to come in to take my sister off and put my grandparents on. i told them i lived with my grandparents in hopes that it would go down! not put them on my policy. they have their own insurance, have had it for years, and they will NEVER be driving my car soo WTF insurance is a ripe off. what should i tell them??""
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
How much is Liability insurance on a 16 year old's car?
How much would it be if i wanted to get Liability insurance on a car?
What insurance companies will insure a dog in California with a prior bite history?
My two dogs were involved in a fight with another dog last year. All three dogs were bitten, and my homeowners' insurance paid out a claim. They have now sent a notice of non-renewal and I am having trouble finding an insurance company that will write a new policy. Does anyone have any suggestions for an insurance company or broker in California that can help? Thank you!""
2007 Dodge Charger SRT8 insurance price for 16 year old male?
Any estimates? I have enough money saved up to buy a used SRT8 Charger. How much would insurance cost? An arm and a leg? I get A's in school.
How much can i offer to pay claimant on car insurance claim per month?
Im 19 years of age, I have a provisional licence, and I had a car with learner driver insurance. I'd just dropped my mum off and was driving home alone when another car pulled out of a junction and smashed into my car. The police were behind me at the time and saw that the other driver was at fault. However because my mum had just got out of the car my insurance was not valid. The other drivers insurance company is now making claim for cost to his car, can I offer to pay 10 per month off the cost or will they take me to court anyway?""
Where can I get liability insurance for my dog?
I'm working at a pet boutique and I can bring my dog to work -- but my boss is asking that I should get liability insurance for him. He's a mini labradoodle. I already have him covered in my renters insurance - but I don't think that it will cover him for work. Where can I get one??
How much would my insurance cost if self-insured?
im 21, JUST got g2 and live in toronto, ontario my choice of cars is s2k, mazda RX8, and 350z, how much will my insurance be for each? Also, my father works in Apotex, a huge medical company that have insurance packages for employees + their family, how much would my insurance cost if i sign to them?""
Do you have health insurance?
how old are you and how old are your kids?
All the obamacare plans probably have better benefits than your current health insurance. bad news?
September 2013 An Early Look at Premiums and Insurer Participation in Health Insurance Marketplaces, 2014 Cynthia Cox, Gary Claxton, Larry Levitt, Hana Khosla Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA), individuals and families may purchase private insurance coverage through new state-based exchanges (or Marketplaces), which are set to open in October of this year for coverage beginning January 1, 2014. In states that decide against operating their own exchanges, the federal government will either run the exchange or work in partnership with the state to create an exchange. Regardless of whether an exchange is state-run or federally-facilitated, enrollees with family incomes from one to four times the federal poverty level (about $24,000 to $94,000 for a family of four) may qualify for tax credits that will lower the cost of coverage through reduced premiums and, in some cases, also be eligible for subsidies to reduce their out-of-pocket costs. This report presents an early look at insurer participation and exchange premiums both before and after tax credits for enrollees in the 17 states plus the District of Columbia that have publicly released comprehensive data on rates or the rate filings submitted by insurers. These include eleven states operating their own exchanges and seven defaulting to a federally-facilitated exchange. Plan availability and premiums for all states are expected to be available by October 1.""
Insurance for a 16 year old on a hyundai tiburon?
Hi, i'm looking at cars to get when i turn 16. I'm thinking of a hyundai tiburon. I would like to know how much the insurance on this kind of car for me would be, in michigan. if you have any idea, let me know. thanks !""
My son hit a parked car - need auto insurance advice?
My son (19) hit a parked car in our neighborhood. We are trying to decide if it is better to pay for the damages to car that he hit ($2500) without going through our insurance company or to report it to our company. The person's car that he hit is willing to let us pay out of pocket. My son had a previous at-fault accident and has 2 points now. His car is totaled. Concern is how much our insurance rates will go up and is it possible they will cancel our policy. (Money is coming out of his savings and he is bus bound).
Who is the head of the Texas Department of Insurance?
I need to know who the head of the Texas Department of Insurance, whether he/she is elected by the public or appointed and if he/she is a republican or a democrat. General Contact information would also help.""
Can my Health Insurance cover for my Car Insurance?
I currently have AmeriChoice as my health Insurance and High Point as my car Insurance. Does anybody know how this works? I've some people say that they have their car ins. with their health ins. and they end up paying less $$ for their car Ins. Help!
I currently don't have a car what kind of insurance can I get? ?
I would like to buy insurance for when I rent cars, because the car rental insurance is just too high nowadays. What kind of insurance can I start to look for. I called a couple of places for a non-owner policy, but they were saying that I need a car first, to place the insurance on.""
Car Insurance?
Ok so my Car Insurance is due 9th Feb, ive had my quote through from Direct Line and I wanna stick with them... Thing is though, Im waiting to start receving incapacity benefit as i am really unwell and unable to work at the minute..so i cant afford it until my benefit starts coming through My car is taxed until June My question is, can i cancel my insurance and keep the car parked outside my house, but obviosuly not drive it, until i can get the insurance OR do I have to inform DVLA and declare my car as off the road?? Many thanks! xxx""
Monthly motorcycle costs in Florida?
Are there any monthly costs to owning a motorcycle in Florida other than maintanence and the payments on the actual motorcycle that are mandatory? Like will my health insurance go up or anything? I know motorcycle insurance isn't required but I didn't know if like Id have to pay more for liability of others. please only answer if you are a Florida motorcycle owner. Thanks!
I need cheap auto insurance below $150?
I'm 18 just got my drivers license got a honda civic lx 2010 and i need auto insurance i have a suckish job and i'm currently not in college but i will be attending after this next semester. i'm just looking for auto insurance, why is it so complicated?""
Saw a ins Discount for driving less than 40 miles a day?
Saw an insurance discount for driving less than 40 miles per day to work
HHEELLLPP!!!!! with TEEN car insurance!!?
I would like to either add a 17 year old to an insurance policy or get one specifically for him..... i called geico, but they said they dont insure teens!!! What can i do? THANKS""
Gieco Car insurance $$$ for new drivers?
I'm turning 16 real soon but with these new laws i wont be able to drive until I'm 17, but anyway I'm saving for a car probably like 2k-3.5k range.....ive already saved up 1k but i was wondering how much i need to save up to pay for insurance and gas. (im a guy, b- average in school, ill be buying a sedan, I live in CT if that helps) thanks.....if u could just give me a general price range that would be fine i just have no idea how much it is.""
""If healthy foods were more affordable, would health insurance be cheaper?""
It irritates me beyond words that people these days are almost forced to have a poor diet because junk food is more affordable. Then, the health risks associated with eating junk food cause more people in the hospital, more money being shucked at pharmaceutical companies for medicine to treat the diseases cause by poor diets, and health insurance and taxes we all have to pay for regardless of how healthy we try to be. I mean, if a packet of Ramen noodles is 50 cents and an apple is $1.50, the majority of the financially stressed nation is going to reach for the Ramen. I would love to eat mostly raw fruits and veggies all day long, but I simply can't afford that and it makes me feel like the government is forcing me to eat crappy foods in order to survive. Why are healthy foods so expensive? And wouldn't it factor out in the end to reduce the price of healthy foods knowing a lot of money would no longer have to be forked out for doctor's visits?""
What's the best way to shop for insurance? Through a broker or online?
A broker has many insurance and knows where to shop if I go online am I going to be get the best rate?
Question about Car Insurance?
At the moment i have a G2 lisence. If i get my full G lisence will my insurance be less?
Where can I find private policy health insurance?
great insurance at a low rate
What cars are cheap to insure for 17 year old male like myself?
I have my practical in March, crossing fingers I pass so I thought now is an appropriate time to start looking for a car which is cheap to insure.""
What is insurance expense and preaid insurance ?
A review of the ledger of Khan Company at December 31, 2006, produces the following data pertaining to the preparation of annual adjusting entries. 1. Prepaid Insurance $9,800. The company has separate insurance policies on its buildings and its motor vehicles. Policy B4564 on the building was purchased on July 1, 2005, for $6,000. The policy has a term of 3 years. Policy A2958 on the vehicles was purchased on January 1, 2006, for $4,640. This policy has a term of 2 years.""
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
0 notes