happynorasullivan · 1 year
PaidLetter Reviews and FAQs
Thinking about starting or buying a single operator newsletter?
Paidletter is owned and operated by M.T. Smith an entrepreneur, investor, and author. He had a podcast back in 2016. Mr. Smith has written books currently on Barnes & Noble and is the creative force behind PaidLetter.
Who is Jeff Blake? Jeff Blake is a PaidLetter partner and runs YourHappyClients the company that hires homeworkers for PaidLetter.
What is a paid newsletter? Paid newsletters are email campaigns that people pay to receive, usually on a yearly or monthly basis. They're a great way to supplement a business.
What is a single operator newsletter? Many paid newsletters are generated by a staff of folks. But the single operator newsletter is run by one person. These newsletters can generate up to 7 figures from a kitchen table. The Single Operated Newsletter is the flagship newsletter from PaidLetter.com. With close to 100k subscribers around the world, the S.O.N. has been in business for five years. Each month more than 20 million readers visit their site using the keyword "single operated newsletter".
Although many try to build newsletters in public (on Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, etc.) the SON has proven the merits of placing curated content behind a paywall. Subscribers look to each issue for:
inside secrets
hot lucrative niches
What is a Faceless Brand? Faceless brands, or branding, are when a brand or company creates an income without showing its face. Many companies, YouTubers, bloggers, drop shippers, Instagram pages and more utilize a faceless brand to make money. 
Faceless brands are often used by those who wish to protect their privacy. One of the paid newsletter strategies taught at PaidLetter involves using this model.
At first, the idea of a faceless brand may seem odd. In a day when everyone is plastering their face on social media, why would anyone take that path?
But following everyone else (for example building in public) leads to giving away content that everyone else simply copies. There is no differentiation or selling advantage.
Worse yet, it leads to a ‘freebie model’ that destroys your branding and requires you to get sponsors. You already purchase from an incredible number of faceless brands. (Think about your Amazon or Shopify purchases). When this kind of power is at your disposal your whole marketing perspective shifts.
Our students understand the financial freedom that content curation can deliver because:
– Eliminates gender issues (sex, race, language barriers, and ageism!) – Run more than one paid newsletter (tremendous cash flow) – You have complete Privacy!
Are Paid Newsletters Better than High-Ticket Programs? Many are being sold on the merits of High-Ticket programs, courses, and coaching. But high-ticket selling is incredibly stressful. This is especially true with coaching or services that require you to sell do "discovery calls" on the telephone.
Click the link below to get a free week of the Single Operated Newsletter from PaidLetter and learn why so many subscribers look forward to receiving it each week.
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erqwtyhw · 11 months
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Issues with Amazon KDP Payments - What You Should Know
Are you struggling to make a decent monthly income with Amazon KDP? Read this...
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the-nabiha · 7 months
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We have a Proprietary System that gets your first 200 subscribers quickly. And with subscribers paying as little as $47 a month, your curated content is a six-figure income (part-time).
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New Ways to Make Money Online 2022
Looking for the newest way to make money online? This may surprise you...
If you go to Google and search for the newest ways to make money online here are some results you'll get:
   Start a Blog The Right Way.
   Become a High-Paid Remote Freelancer.
   Start a Successful Podcast.
   Join a Social Investment Network.
   Build a Blog For Affiliate Marketing.
   Use Various Platforms To Sell Products.
   Rent Out Your Stuff.
Sell Knowledge In An Online Course.
The Business Models
A business model is an outline of how a company plans to make money. Here are some common
business models:
Bundling model.
Want fries with that? This is selling two or more products together to increase revenue. A razor is a good example. It is useless without the blades which contain the real profit.
Freemium model.
You can get a portion of the service for free. But you are required to pay, or pay more, to access more features.
Crowdsourcing model.
The internet has given birth to crowdsourcing (not to be confused with *crowdfunding). Crowdsourcing is the process of sourcing information or skills or end products from a group or groups of people.
*Crowdfunding is the process of sourcing money or funds from a group or groups of people. Crowdsourcing is the process of sourcing information or skills or end products from a group or groups of people.
One-for-one model.
A company donates one item to a charitable cause for every item that is purchased. TOMS pioneered this model with its shoes.
Franchise model.
A franchise is a type of license that grants franchisee access to a franchisor's proprietary business knowledge, processes, and trademarks, thus allowing the franchisee to sell a product or service under the franchisor's business name.
Distribution model.
Distribution is the process of making a product or service available for the consumer or business user who needs it. This can be done directly by the producer or service provider or using indirect channels with distributors or intermediaries.
Manufacturer model
The manufacturer's business model utilizes raw materials to create a product to sell. This type of business model might also involve the assembly of prefabricated components to make a new product, such as automobile manufacturing.
Subscription model.
The subscription business model is a business model in which a customer must pay a recurring price at regular intervals for access to a product or service.
Why Start A Business?
A business can change your finances and improve your quality of life. But as an entrepreneur, one of the greatest missions you have is to create jobs for others.
Entrepreneurs Run the Economy
Over the past 20 years, small businesses have generated over 65% of the net new jobs. Starting a new business means you have the opportunity to hire and train those who may not have had the opportunity to work in the past.
The Benefits of Starting A Business (Online)
You are familiar with the reasons to start a business. But here are some of the best ones:
Control Your Schedule - no boss telling you what to do and when. Sleep in, stay up late, work half days, or take off every Friday-it’s up to you.
B) Work Around the World - When you’re the business owner, you can work from your home, a co-working space, an office, or even the local coffee shop.
C) Make MORE Money - When you start your own business, you get to decide how much money you make.
D) Pursue Your Passion - Pursue something that makes you happy or something you care about. Starting your business lets you create fulfillment rather than find it.
E) Ditch Corporate!
No more kissing up to a boss you dislike. You are finally in control of your life.
A Good Thing
Starting a business also means you get to make a meaningful impact on society!
'Old' Idea with a New Spin
Sometimes taking an 'old' thing and putting a twist on it can be your pathway to success.
Here are some popular examples:
Uber - re-imagined the cab business.
Airbnb - disrupted the hotel industry.
WheelsUp - Airbnb for private jets.
But even if you don't create a billion-dollar business this approach can change your finances and lifestyle.
Expensive to Start a Business
According to the U.S. Small Business Administration, most microbusinesses cost around $3,000 to start, while most home-based franchises cost $2,000 to $5,000.
Cost to Hire a Virtual Assistant Team
Virtual assistants charge anywhere from $1 to $100 per hour. Sometimes even more. But the sweet spot is generally between $15 and $30 per hour for executive assistant services and $40-$75 per hour for higher-level marketing or financial tasks.
Kinda Like Being A Goldfish
It's all around you. But so pervasive that it has almost become invisible. It's like being a goldfish in the water.
A 2021 economic study says:
The global ad industry now stands at $766 billion and is expected to hit $1 trillion by 2025.
And Statista reports:
The United States is, by far, the largest advertising market in the world. In 2021, more than 285 billion U.S. dollars were spent on advertising in the United States. This figure is close to triple the amount spent on advertising in China, the second-largest ad market in the world.
The Power of Advertising
Advertising has the power to create awareness, the power to set the agenda, the power to suggest and influence, the power to convey new information, and the power to persuade. Advertising has short-term power (conveying new information, building awareness, enhancing credibility, etc.)
Competition is Too Fierce
You, and your ad, will be lost on the major platforms. And securing a good social media outlet has become even more complicated.
Start A Business Without the Cost or Risk
What if advertising could pay you? Perhaps for years, you've been dolling money out on advertising. But what if you could get on the other side of the equation and make money from advertising?
Learn more here:
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erqwtyhw · 11 months
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kdp payment issues
Issues with Amazon KDP Payments - What You Should Know
Are you struggling to make a decent monthly income with Amazon KDP? Read this...
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happynorasullivan · 1 year
Scale 13 Reviews - Looking to Have AI Make Sales Calls?
Technology is moving quickly. Here's how to have AI make your calls…
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How can you have artificial intelligence make your sales calls?
AI can help you develop targeted sales plays by analyzing past sales data and identifying patterns of success. Many CRM systems have built-in automated sequences that automatically send emails and alert you to tasks. You can also use ChatGPT or other AI software to build each step of your sales play.
What is AI Cold Calling?
Artificial intelligence cold calling or AI-cold calling leverages artificial intelligence to provide sales teams insights into cold calls to launch previously scheduled meetings and deliver top-of-the-funnel results. It can be a massive advantage for sales teams that especially rely on manual methods to make cold calls. 
According to McKinsey, sales professionals that have adopted AI have increased leads and appointments by about 50%. But you have to be smart about using it to your best advantage.
More Calls Made
There are predictive or power dialers that help sales reps make way more outbound calls at scale, and then there are automations that will pull in activity or call data without reps having to lift a finger.
How does AI-generated voice work?
AI voice generators use deep learning algorithms and neural networks to create lifelike speech that sounds natural. They are an increasingly popular tool for generating voiceovers in various applications.
With AI, sales reps can also leverage post-call reporting that does not require much manual intervention. 
Many marketers have gotten tired of dialing answering machines and paying inefficient appointment setters to "book a call" and deal with dozens of no-shows!
The Bottom Line:
Although some marketers may lead you to believe that AI can actually have a conversation with prospects and close sales calls this is not the case. If you are using the telephone to make sales you, or someone you pay, must still make the sales call and do the closing.
But you can use AI and automation tools to automate tasks such as:
- finding prospects, 
- verifying contact information, 
- scheduling calls, 
- sending follow-up emails, 
- and updating your CRM. 
Even if you decide to use robots you are still dealing with humans.
And most humans HATE sales calls!
Most Americans don’t answer cellphone calls from unknown numbers.
“Americans just aren’t picking up the phone much anymore. Eight-in-ten Americans say they don’t generally answer their cellphone when an unknown number calls, according to newly released findings from a Pew Research Center web survey of U.S. adults...”
If you are trying to earn a full-time income online consider joining our students working on six-figure incomes part-time. This means you can still keep your job while enjoying your new income stream.
Discover how our students are earning income online without:
- phone calls
- paying for ads
- webinars
- and using AI to make calls
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happynorasullivan · 1 year
How to Avoid the Due On Sale Clause with Subject To Deals
If you are an investor working with SubTo deals here's what to know…
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What is the due on-sale clause? A due on-sale clause is a clause in a loan or promissory note that stipulates that the full balance of the loan may be called due upon the sale or transfer of ownership of the property used to secure the note. The lender has the right, but not the obligation, to call the note due in such a circumstance. It allows acceleration if the borrower sells or transfers the real property if the mortgage has not been paid in full. These clauses are intended to protect the lender's security interest in the mortgage.
What does a due on-sale clause do? A due-on-sale clause is a mortgage contract provision enabling a lender to demand the borrower repay the remaining mortgage balance in full if the property is sold or transferred.
In most real estate transactions, a buyer obtains a new mortgage to pay the seller for the house, and the seller uses these proceeds to pay off the remaining balance of their mortgage, taking any excess amount as profit. This essentially forces the seller to pay off their debt before formally transferring the title of the home.
When did the due on-sale clause begin? Banks began inserting “due-on-sale” clauses in their mortgages in the 1970s when interest rates rose dramatically. Home buyers were assuming existing loans rather than borrowing new money from banks because the interest rates on existing loans were lower.
What triggers the due-on-sale clause for a mortgage? A due-on-sale clause is a requirement in a mortgage or other loan agreement that the loan be paid in full if the house or asset is resold. These provisions can be triggered either by an entire sale or partial sale of the debtee's interest in the asset.
4 reasons a lender invokes a due-on-sale clause You try to sell someone a property that you don’t own outright. The lender finds out that you attempted to transfer the property to a new buyer without approval. The lender fears an unvetted buyer would put the loan at risk. The lender believes they can make more money if the new buyer were to apply for a new mortgage.
Buyers Dealing with High-Interest Rates! With some mortgage interest rates as high as 7% many buyers are looking for better options. As a real estate investor using creative financing and working with SubTo deals you can help them. The market for rental properties will increase because fewer people can qualify for mortgages. That opens the door to even more opportunities for investors acquiring properties through SubTo.
Click the link below to get the paperwork to overcome several SubTo deal obstacles including the due-on-sale clause:
TY4R – Paidletter
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