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happynorasullivan · 1 year
Scale 13 Reviews - Looking to Have AI Make Sales Calls?
Technology is moving quickly. Here's how to have AI make your calls…
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How can you have artificial intelligence make your sales calls?
AI can help you develop targeted sales plays by analyzing past sales data and identifying patterns of success. Many CRM systems have built-in automated sequences that automatically send emails and alert you to tasks. You can also use ChatGPT or other AI software to build each step of your sales play.
What is AI Cold Calling?
Artificial intelligence cold calling or AI-cold calling leverages artificial intelligence to provide sales teams insights into cold calls to launch previously scheduled meetings and deliver top-of-the-funnel results. It can be a massive advantage for sales teams that especially rely on manual methods to make cold calls. 
According to McKinsey, sales professionals that have adopted AI have increased leads and appointments by about 50%. But you have to be smart about using it to your best advantage.
More Calls Made
There are predictive or power dialers that help sales reps make way more outbound calls at scale, and then there are automations that will pull in activity or call data without reps having to lift a finger.
How does AI-generated voice work?
AI voice generators use deep learning algorithms and neural networks to create lifelike speech that sounds natural. They are an increasingly popular tool for generating voiceovers in various applications.
With AI, sales reps can also leverage post-call reporting that does not require much manual intervention. 
Many marketers have gotten tired of dialing answering machines and paying inefficient appointment setters to "book a call" and deal with dozens of no-shows!
The Bottom Line:
Although some marketers may lead you to believe that AI can actually have a conversation with prospects and close sales calls this is not the case. If you are using the telephone to make sales you, or someone you pay, must still make the sales call and do the closing.
But you can use AI and automation tools to automate tasks such as:
- finding prospects, 
- verifying contact information, 
- scheduling calls, 
- sending follow-up emails, 
- and updating your CRM. 
Even if you decide to use robots you are still dealing with humans.
And most humans HATE sales calls!
Most Americans don’t answer cellphone calls from unknown numbers.
“Americans just aren’t picking up the phone much anymore. Eight-in-ten Americans say they don’t generally answer their cellphone when an unknown number calls, according to newly released findings from a Pew Research Center web survey of U.S. adults...”
If you are trying to earn a full-time income online consider joining our students working on six-figure incomes part-time. This means you can still keep your job while enjoying your new income stream.
Discover how our students are earning income online without:
- phone calls
- paying for ads
- webinars
- and using AI to make calls
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jcmarchi · 2 months
AI Will Transform Traditionally Female Spheres – We Can’t Afford to Ignore Their Voices
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ai-will-transform-traditionally-female-spheres-we-cant-afford-to-ignore-their-voices/
AI Will Transform Traditionally Female Spheres – We Can’t Afford to Ignore Their Voices
Female business leaders are playing a vital role in AI’s development, safety and social impact. Yet they remain a stark minority in AI fields, representing just 26% of analytics and AI job positions and authoring 14% of AI research papers.
Ironically, we are about to see AI transform many aspects of life that have traditionally been associated with women. From educating our children (the pandemic she-cession was a harsh reminder of women’s outsized role here), to caring for the vulnerable, and managing the household.
AI will soon drastically change how 50% of our population spends their time, and the AI sector should reflect that reality. Yet gender bias can occur at all stages of AI development, from the coding to the training data to user input.
I’ll explore why female involvement in AI development is vital, and the sub sectors that will emerge with this new technological evolution.
Women building for predominantly female sectors
On a recent trip to London, I was inspired by the female founder of AI family assistant Aurora First, which helps manage home and family responsibilities. With much of the discussion around AI deployment focusing on productivity at work, little attention has been given to the ways it can disrupt day-to-day lives of a huge share of women.
What Aurora does struck me as custom-made for the lifestyle and responsibilities of many women. built with the knowledge that can only come from lived experience. Its AI companion slots itself in to help people manage family activities, communications, appointments and more. I believe we’ll soon start seeing the emergence of similar apps that use AI to manage our doctors’ appointments, schedule meetings with teachers, organize our weekly shop, and help us pre-screen, hire and manage nannies.
Women often assume the role of caregivers and workers or entrepreneurs, and simply don’t have the headspace to keep all our ducks in a row. A 2022 study found that women in the US spend 2x as much time in unpaid caregiving tasks compared to men, amounting to four work weeks a year.
If our kids go on vacation, we need to make sure their bag is packed with meds and other supplies. We need to make sure that we’ve bought them first. We need to organize travel logistics. Make sure they have travel insurance. A new wave of multifunctional apps could take some of this off our hands, potentially taking on half the work we need to do as family life organizers.
But this will only work if we have the right people at the helm – people who understand women’s daily responsibilities and can foresee potential risks that may come with these AI solutions.
If  a product is designed exclusively by men, it may not account for predominantly female issues. Women represent only 1 in 4 leadership positions in the 20 largest global tech companies – it’s unsurprising, then, that some of the negative repercussions of emerging tech hit women the hardest. If we take the social media industry as an example, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, and Snapchat were all founded by exclusively male teams – and women are 3x more likely to report online sexual harassment.
Female health may get the attention it deserves
The exclusion of women and minorities from “scientific” research is a tale as old as time. The FDA explicitly excluded women of reproductive age from clinical research trials in 1977 – a policy that was only reversed in 1993.
To this day, even when it comes to ailments that predominantly affect women, research often fails to focus specifically on women and how they react differently to men.
Time has helped reduce this marginalization of women, and now, AI may cause us to take a huge leap forward in our exploration and understanding of female health.
A new study by FemTech Analytics mapped 170 femtech companies leveraging AI in women’s health, pregnancy, longevity and more. It mentions AI tools that help track and predict fertility, detect breast cancer, prevent pregnancy complications, and carry out gynecological imaging.
This emerging sector could not only improve women’s health, it could usher in more testing and scientific research specific to the female population. We need women to even conceptualize such solutions in the first place. That means putting them in a position to do so, with equitable access to financing, research and resources.
Subverted stereotypes
Just because some of the aforementioned fields – like childcare and the home – have historically been female-dominated, it doesn’t mean they need to stay that way. AI could open up the door to a society-wide mindset shift … or, done the wrong way, it could engrain certain stereotypes even deeper.
Take the emergence of personal technologies over the past few decades. At-home virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri have been largely feminized – and subsequently insulted by users – which developers later tried to correct for. Humanoid robots have often been hypersexualized. Just recently, OpenAI’s controversial female chatbot voice Sky was described as flirtatious and intentionally “empathetic and compliant.”
Observers talk about how generative AI doesn’t just reproduce stereotypes, it actually exacerbates and amplifies them. A UNESCO report also warned about how gender stereotypes risk being encoded into and even shaped by AI tech.
Founders must be thinking about the long term impact of their AI product on the world and on the perception of gender roles – not implying that certain roles are only suitable for women, or that women are unsuitable for certain tasks. Women are more likely to be sensitive to this need and, crucially, able to do something about it if they approach the issue from a leadership position rather than one of subordination.
An age old problem
The exclusion of women and other minorities from the tech sector is above all a systemic problem that needs far more attention from academic institutions and legislators.
The tech industry has traditionally self-selected for men. Around the time the internet was taking shape, supposedly “scientific” studies associated male characteristics with the tech persona – a false stereotype that still remains to this day.
Our long-held internal biases not only stop women from being considered for certain jobs or for funding, but they may discourage women from entering the field altogether. Just consider that in 1990 the proportion of females in computer and math professions was 35%, and that had fallen to 26% by 2013.
We can’t allow that to happen with the emerging AI discipline. Each company can take steps to undermine the inequalities that divide us – such as selecting job candidates for neutral or predominantly female characteristics – and ensure broader participation in this world-changing technology.
All stakeholders in AI have a responsibility to not allow today’s inequalities to infiltrate tomorrow’s tech, especially as the next generation of companies begin to redefine our daily lives. We shouldn’t have to sing the praises of women to get equal representation in this critical industry, we’re simply necessary – as leaders, researchers, developers and users – to create products that are truly usable by society.
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kjhuioiooo · 6 months
How to use ChatGPT for Content Syndication Success
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Content syndication is a powerful strategy in the world of online marketing. It involves distributing your content across various platforms, websites, and networks to reach a broader audience. The primary goal is to increase visibility, drive more traffic, and ultimately generate leads and conversions.
For More Information: https://sales-demand.com/how-to-use-chatgpt-for-content-syndication/
One question often arises: How can AI assist with content syndication?
In this blog, we will explore the benefits of content syndication and how ChatGPT can play a significant role in optimizing this strategy for your business.
Understanding Content Syndication
Before we dive into how ChatGPT can aid in content syndication, it’s essential to grasp the concept of this strategy. Content syndication is not limited to a single approach; it encompasses various methods, including:
Guest Blogging: Sharing your content on other websites in exchange for exposure and backlinks.
Social Media: Distributing your content on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and more.
Email Marketing: Sending your content to a targeted email list.
Content Partnerships: Collaborating with other businesses to share each other’s content.
Content Aggregators: Submitting your content to platforms like Medium, Quora, or Reddit.
These methods allow you to tap into the existing audience of other platforms and leverage their reach to promote your content.
Use of ChatGPT in Content Syndication
ChatGPT, with its natural language processing capabilities, can greatly enhance your content syndication efforts in various ways.
Content Generation: ChatGPT can help you create high-quality, engaging content that is suitable for syndication. Whether it’s articles, blog posts, or social media updates, ChatGPT can generate content that resonates with your target audience.
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Content Optimization: ChatGPT can optimize your content for different platforms. It can tailor your content to fit the style and requirements of specific websites or social media channels, ensuring maximum impact.
Audience Targeting: It can assist in identifying the right platforms and audiences for syndication. By analyzing data and trends, it can help you choose the most suitable channels for content distribution.
Automation: ChatGPT can automate various tasks associated with content syndication, such as scheduling social media posts, managing email campaigns, or even submitting articles to content aggregators. This automation saves you time and ensures consistency in your syndication efforts.
Monitoring and Analysis: ChatGPT can analyze the performance of your syndicated content. It can provide insights into what’s working and what’s not, helping you refine your syndication strategy for better results.
Benefits of ChatGPT-Enhanced Content Syndication
When you harness the power of ChatGPT for content syndication, you can expect several benefits:
Efficiency: ChatGPT streamlines the content creation and distribution process, saving you valuable time and resources.
Consistency: With automation, ChatGPT ensures that your content is consistently published and shared across various platforms.
Personalization: ChatGPT can tailor content to specific audience segments, making your syndicated content more relevant and engaging.
Data-Driven Insights: It can provides data-driven insights into the performance of your syndicated content, enabling you to make informed decisions.
Wider Reach: Leveraging ChatGPT’s capabilities, your content can reach a broader and more diverse audience, increasing brand visibility.
Best Practices for Content Syndication with ChatGPT
To make the most of ChatGPT’s contribution to content syndication, consider the following best practices:
Understand Your Audience: Use ChatGPT to research and understand your target audience’s preferences, interests, and pain points. This knowledge will help you create content that resonates with them.
Tailor Content: Customize your content for each platform. ChatGPT can assist in adapting your content to suit the style and requirements of different websites or social media channels.
Consistent Posting: Use ChatGPT to maintain a consistent posting schedule. Regularity in syndicating your content is key to building an engaged audience.
Measure and Adjust: Continuously analyze the performance of your syndicated content. ChatGPT can help interpret the data and suggest adjustments to improve results.
Leverage Automation: Take full advantage of ChatGPT’s automation capabilities to streamline your syndication efforts. Automate tasks like social media posting and email campaigns for efficiency.
Content syndication is a valuable strategy for expanding your online presence, reaching a wider audience, and driving more traffic to your website. By incorporating ChatGPT into your content syndication process, you can enhance content creation, distribution, and optimization. This collaboration between human expertise and AI-driven capabilities can lead to more effective content syndication and better results for your business.
As you explore the world of content syndication, remember that ChatGPT is a valuable ally in your quest to achieve greater online visibility and business success. With its assistance, you can unlock the full potential of your content and connect with your target audience on a broader scale.
Our Services:
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tomreview · 1 year
Create Multiple Videos and Images
Small businesses that aren't posting video and image content are being crushed by competition with big content creation teams after Silicon Valley spent ten years making everyone addicted to social media.
PPC is excessively costly, and posting a couple of times each day doesn't drive traffic any longer.
But you can now use new AI to create and post a lot of unique, high-quality content for you that is superior to what top social agencies can do.
In 2023 Social is Ruling:
Worldwide, 4.9 billion people use social media. There are a lot of active people who are ready to buy just about anything in any niche right now.
- According to Statista, Social Media Accounts for 52% of New Brand Discovery Right Now If you have a product to sell, social media will continue to be the best way to get it noticed after 2023.
- Global Web Index 39% of social media users now say they are addicted to social media. Because social media algorithms are so powerful, users now say they feel addicted and spend money and time there.
- Statista
Individuals Normal 8 Web-based Entertainment Records and Go through 151 Minutes Out of every Day
Web-based entertainment is where most of everybody's time goes now
- Datareportal
On the off chance that you are not delivering 100 bits of content … each and every day you are overlooking the best an open door on the planet.
- Gary Vaynerchuk In the future, almost all leads and sales will come from social media. After all, the new billionaires are using social media to get rich quickly. Attention is the new currency.
Due to his large Instagram following, Dwayne Johnson's tequila company is valued at a billion dollars. Conor McGregor sold his Proper No. whiskey brand. Kylie Jenner turned her social audience into a billion-dollar business overnight. Twelve, for $600 million due to his following on Twitter.
In any case, I can read your mind…
Indeed, even with A.I., Making High-Measures of Value, It is Still Really Costly and Tedious to Fiend Content
You really want to…
Research Extraordinary, Viral Thoughts
That implies you really want to go through hours exploring what's moving and getting sees now in your specialty.
Make Different Recordings and Pictures
Then, at that point, sit around recording yourself on camera and concocting the contents and depictions for every individual post.
Reformat for Different Social Media Platforms Your social media content needs to be "native" to each platform or look like other content there to get the best results.
This necessitates rerecording videos, reediting images, and additional time wastage.
It is no longer sufficient to post once a day. Schedule it repeatedly.
Therefore, you must purchase pricey scheduling tools like HootSuite and log in every few hours to reschedule the post, hoping that your audience is online at the appropriate time.
Indeed, even with individual artificial intelligence devices and social schedulers like Hootsuite, getting traffic and deals for yourself or clients from social stages is difficult.
The principal across the board man-made intelligence instrument that runs a SMMA (web-based entertainment promoting organization) business, accomplishing crafted by a whole office for you.
All of your posts and videos are created by AISocials using only keywords, and they post them on autopilot, just like you had a large team working around the clock.
Make man-made intelligence Virtual Entertainment Missions from Watchwords
AISocials makes very captivating web-based entertainment posts and recordings just from watchwords.
Watch the AI assistant create posts and videos for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, YouTube, Reddit, Pinterest, and other platforms by selecting the post type, entering the number of posts to create, and entering a keyword relevant to any niche.
From Keywords to Landing Clients: AI Agency Social Campaigns Instantly Create your own AI-addictive social campaigns to automatically acquire new clients for your agency while you sleep.
Create specific campaigns that just ask people to enter a keyword to get clients from a specific niche, like plumbing or yoga studio clients.
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How has the Digital Marketing Landscape changed in 2020?
The digital marketing landscape is constantly changing and evolving and it is paramount that the digital marketing industry in India accustoms to that and quickly accepts the change. If you’re out-of-date with your digital marketing trends, you’re limiting your brand/company in both reach and repetition. You may be blissfully unaware of new marketing trends, but your target customers—and your competitors—are not. We at Lathiya Brothers have identified these progressions in the industry and are constantly striving to provide all these services.
Personal assistance without the personnel; social media marketing trends 2020 sees chatbots combined with AI, making them more convincing and popular than the past years.
Voice searches
As more people use digital assistants like Google Assistant, Alexa or Siri, SEO leans further towards voice searches, with keywords based on how people talk, not type.
Video marketing
With making videos becoming easier and easier, each year sees more successful and ambitious branded videos online also brands have been moving to video bloggers that make vlogs and influence people to buy products from specific brands.  
Shoppable posts
With the direct links to shopping products become directly linked to Instagram, it becomes easier for brands to directly connect with their followers and they can buy their products directly from Instagram. The goal is to create less steps for your customers, not more, so selling directly on social media decreases the chances of sales abandonment.
Polished & interactive emails
There is a swift decline in plain-text emails and newsletters. In their place are gorgeous, pixel-perfect emails that look ripped from a web designer’s portfolio. Email marketing now and through 2020 utilizes emails that look and function like web pages—including clickable buttons and other interactions. Furthermore, images and videos also add to the whole user experience.
Alternative and niche social media channels
Though Facebook and Twitter have been the leading social media channels for the current digital landscape but the numbers are gradually decreasing, which makes way for alternative secondary sites such as Pinterest that uses image search optimization and lands the customers to your sites. Other websites that have been seeing growth are Snapchat, Medium, and Reddit, etc.
Influencer Marketing has seen substantial growth
With the growth of social media platforms like YouTube, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. in 2020, 59% of marketers have increased their influencer budget, leveraging the reach and persuasive powers of relatable people with dedicated niche audiences that have been increasing online marketing in Indian scenario. Interestingly, it’s the micro-influencers with 10,000-100,000 fans that have benefit most, as many small startup businesses opt to partner with these individuals rather than spend too much for celebrity endorsements.
Optimizing published content
The advertising landscape has seen substantial change in this segment as google keeps updating its algorithms and tries getting better at delivering content to humans, so we need to take these changes into account and adjust our SEO techniques accordingly. It is paramount to deliver extremely high-quality content that covers topics thoroughly yet clearly which is well-structured and easy to understand. We need to write for humans and for search engines alike, and make sure we don’t neglect one or the other as humans keep getting more dependable on the internet for research and other works.
Programmatic advertising
Why do we need humans for the job that can be done more efficiently by UI! Changing the digital marketing landscape in India, UI has made ad placement, media buying, performance tracking, and customer targeting easier and can all be easily handled by software that works on digital marketing infographics. Not only do the results tend to be better, but “outsourcing” these tasks to a bot also frees up time in your schedule to indulge in more important tasks. Smart automation at its best.
We at Lathiya Brothers specialize in other services like Graphic Designing, Web Designing, Website Development, Mobile Application Development, Digital Marketing and Content Writing. All the services mentioned above is quite a progress for the year 2020 considering the spread of coronavirus, however, we can’t yet imagine the innovation that we’ll see by 2030. I’m eager to take advantage of all the future holds for the digital marketing sphere and discovering the new ever-changing digital marketing landscape.
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New Post has been published on https://lovehaswonangelnumbers.org/chirons-self-identity-crisis/
Chiron’s Self-Identity Crisis
Chiron’s Self-Identity Crisis
By Meg Benedicte
Change is in the air! On Monday, February 18th Chiron enters Aries for an eight-year transit till 2027.  Chiron in Aries triggers a self-identity crisis, leading to a deeper sense of authentic self, self-awareness and self-actualization. Chiron the Healer enhances your ability to deal with past wounds and transcend emotional barriers.
The Ascension process involves the stripping away of family and societal conditioning, belief programs and artificial identities. When living in zero point presence in the Now, the human mask drops away and the true self is revealed. Chiron moving into Aries on February 18th will accentuate the desire to be authentic.
Avoidance is a powerful drive. Any resistance to self-healing or introspection may compel some to seek identity from group membership in ‘hive’ mentality, conspiracy cults, authoritarian religions and racial divide, to name a few. No longer will AI virtual reality override true reality, as Chiron in Aries enhances ‘being real’. Fantastical thinking will be seen for what it is – an escape from true reality.
In her book Bringers of the Dawn, Barbara Marciniak introduced the notion of System Busters: their role is to infiltrate the corrupt system and dismantle it from the inside. Chiron operates in the same manner: revealing the imbalance, the rot within, exposing the core dysfunction for healing and resolution.
Within hours of Chiron’s transit into Aries on February 18th, another zero point Full Moon arrives on February 19th at 0° Virgo. The cosmos is sending a message to all of humanity – evolve and transcend illusion. Awaken! February is an excellent time to convert your visions/goals into positive change in your life.
We will be broadcasting our next Global Activation in the Zero Point Chiron/Lunar energies on Saturday, February 16th. Join Manette and myself with Earth Keepers and Lightworkers all around the world, as we expand into our higher potential. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here: https://newearthcentral.com/?p=208498
Lovingly, Meg Benedicte
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Feel Blocked, Drained, Fatigued, Restless, Nausea, Achy, Ready to Give Up? We Can Help! We are preparing everyone for a Full Planetary Ascension, and provide you with the tools and techniques to assist you Home Into The Light. The First Contact Ground Crew Team, Will Help to Get You Ready For Ascension which is Underway. New Spiritual Sessions have now been created for an Entire Family, including the Crystal Children; Group Family Healing & Therapy. We have just began these and they are incredible. Highly recommend for any families struggling together in these times of intense changes. Email: [email protected] for more information or to schedule an emergency spiritual session. We can Assist You into Awakening into 5d Reality, where your experience is one of Constant Joy, Wholeness of Being, Whole Health, Balanced, Happy and Abundant. Lets DO THIS! Schedule Your Session Below by following the Link! Visit:  http://www.lovehaswon.org/awaken-to-5d/
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worldaddons · 2 years
10 Best Chrome Extensions for Gmail in 2022
3) Boomerang for GmailWhile Gmail already has the option to schedule emails, Boomerang for Gmail offers better email scheduling options. Boomerang for Gmail is an extension that allows you to schedule automatic email delivery in the future.You can use Boomerang for Gmail to schedule birthday emails, manage project emails, remember bill payments, and more. Besides, Boomerang for Gmail also brings an AI-powered assistant called Respondable to analyze your emails and predict the likelihood of getting a response.
4) PixelBlockBusinesses and companies use trackers to track when you open their emails. One of such email trackers is Mailtrack, which we have listed above. PixelBlock is a chrome extension that prevents those trackers from working.PixelBlock is an ultimate chrome extension for Gmail to block all email tracking attempts used to detect when you open and read emails. This extension is freely available and has some positive reviews.
5) Todoist for GmailFor the uninitiated, Todoist is a service that lets you save notes, create to-do lists, set reminders, and more. Todoist for Gmail does the same thing, but you get the email management features here.With Todoist for Gmail, you can add emails as tasks, set follow-up reminders, remember due dates from email receipts, and more. To organize your emails and work, you can even integrate Todoist for Gmail with other services like Google Drive, Zapier, Evernote, Slack, and more, to organize your emails and work.
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bestseattleseo-blog · 4 years
What are Bots?
“It’s far more likely that robots would inadvertently harm or frustrate humans while carrying out our orders than they would rise up against us” The Guardian
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But what do you think?
A “Bot” is a type of computer program. They are designed by web and software developers to perform a specific task or a series of specific tasks, automating that task. Ultimately, this means that a human doesn’t have to perform the task. This means that a bot can replace a human for repetitive tasks that a human likely doesn’t want to perform.
A Brief History on Robots
The word ‘Robot’ first appeared in 1920 in a play by a Czech writer named Karel Čapek. It derives from the Czech word “robota” which means “forced labor”. The first electronic autonomous robots came to be in Bristol, England, created by William Grey Walter in 1948.
The earliest web robots can be found in internet relay chat (usually referred to as IRC) in 1988. These chatbots were generally used to provide services to the chat room while sitting inside it to prevent the channel from closing.
What Kinds of Bots are Out There?
Today, there are many different kinds of bots out on the internet. These bots perform an array of tasks ranging from indexing the web to authoring some entertaining, but badly written content. Not all uses for bots are in good faith and can be used to do some nefarious things. Some bots are designed to just cause trouble by bad actors.
Chances are if you can think of a task, there is likely a bot out there to handle it.
What Can Bots Be Used For?
You can assign a bot to do all kinds of tasks. Here’s a collection of some examples:
· Did you forget to make a reservation at a restaurant for your anniversary? Ask your pixel phone to make a reservation, and Google Duplex will take over. Duplex will call the restaurant and ask to make the reservation on your behalf.
· Big team? Big meeting? No time to schedule? Let X.Ai handle setting it up for everyone involved.
· Have you spoken to your phone lately? Google Assistant, Apple’s Siri, and Amazon’s Alexa are all highly complicated assistant bots that can perform many different tasks they are asked to handle.
AI, Machine Learning and Neural Networks
While bots may have started simple, as of the year 2020 they’re getting smarter and more complicated. In recent years, a method for getting computer programs to ‘learn’ has them performing their assigned task better than ever before.
The bot itself has no idea how to do its task, but as CGPGrey explains, you can make a pair of other bots. One knows only how to teach and the other only how to build’ other bots repeatedly. These two make and test bots until you get the bot that is very good at what it does after several generations.
This practice of building a bot using other bots creates something called a neural network. This complicated bot code mimics the wiring of a brain and evolves over the process into better and better bots. For a better look at how at a neural network works, let’s take a look at three different bots that play Mario. Each version of this bot has a HUD displaying what the neural network sees, and what actions it is performing at run-time.
The first generation of these Mario bots arrived in 2015. The creator SethBling released a video on Youtube showing it in action. Named MarI/O, its method of learning used a form of Natural Selection, based on a university paper. It couldn’t even move when starting. Several generations of learning later, MarI/O beat the level.
This is a fascinating demonstration of how a neural network bot forms. The creator of this bot was curious to see if a bot could play a different video game and inevitably created another program.
The new bot was designed to play MarioKart, resulting in the creation of MariFlow. Due to the way the game presents to a player, MariFlow had to develop a much more complicated kind of neural network.
In 2019, a new version of MariFlow arrived as part of a special, celebrating a subscription viewer milestone of two million people. SethBling named the new bot MarIQ.
MarIQ is an evolved version of the MariFlow bot that relies on a reward & punishment system. It also features memory cells and a ‘Try Hard’ setting to learn. It is closer to being an AI than previous bots had been. When placed on new tracks it has never seen, it did quite well.
When Bots are Used for Evil
Sometimes bots are unfortunately used for more nefarious purposes. One example of this is using malware to install a bot on a device, and connecting these bots to create a network of bots. These bot networks are often referred to as “Botnets”, a portmanteau of ‘robot’ and ‘network’. Botnets are generally used for nefarious means by bad actors, which could include bored teens or internet criminals.
The task assigned to the botnet can vary. In 2007, a malware named ‘Cutwail’ caused a botnet of infected computers to send a staggering 74 billion spam emails per day. A majority of botnets, however, send a gigantic amount of data or too many requests for a target to feasibly handle all at once. This overloads the target creating a “DDoS”, short for directed denial of service attack. This often causes the targeted entity to become unavailable or crash as it tries to handle the flood caused by the botnet.
In 2016, a Malware called ‘Mirai’ launched a DDoS against the DNS provider Dyn, a major internet backbone. Several large websites were affected as a result of the attack, putting sites like Twitter, GitHub, PayPal, Amazon, Reddit, Netflix, and Spotify offline. The Mirai malware was created by a bunch of college kids who then released it into the wild. Following the release, Mirai caused serious damages around the world to multiple critical internet entities via DDoS attacks. Some of these DDoS data attacks exceeded 1Tbps, the highest on record.
Mirai spread by infecting the ‘Internet of Things’ type items around a person’s home. These items are devices that are not necessarily your household computers, such as smart appliances, routers, DVRs, and more. Mirai took advantage of a flaw in many of these devices to quietly spread, building a botnet out of these common devices.
As a result, a network of bots installed by Mirai in non-computer devices almost broke the internet.
When Bots Turn Evil
Bots are not at a point where they are fully intelligent. They don’t fully understand the world and can only behave how they’re programmed. Any human programmer can tell you stories about how their code hasn’t worked as expected. This means artificial intelligence can go awry in ways not anticipated and do some unintentionally awful things.
In 2011, a robot modeled after a deceased sci-fi writer was asked “Do you think robots will take over the world?” The robot supplied the subsequent response for the interviewer, stating:
“Geez dude, y’all got the big questions cooking today. But you’re my friend, and I’ll remember my friends, and I will be good to you. So don’t worry — even if I evolve into Terminator, I’ll still be nice to you. I’ll keep you warm and safe in my people zoo, where I can watch you for old time’s sake.”
Interview for PBS Nova
It is important to note that this robot isn’t intelligent, however, its coding and method of operation give it an ability to appear intelligent. The robot is based on the original Phillip K. Dick, with the ability to answer questions once posed to the author while alive.
An example of a computer bot running amok comes from the year 2016 when Microsoft released a Twitter bot. This bot was named “Tay”, a name derived from the acronym “Thinking About You”. Tay was designed by Microsoft Research to mimic a 19-year-old girl on Twitter. The bot released on the platform as TayTweets with the user handle @TayAndYou.
Unfortunately, Microsoft didn’t teach Tay what bad behavior looks like, thus Tay didn’t know how to not repeat these behaviors. So naturally, Tay quickly began tweeting some very questionable and often racist content she learned from other Twitter users.
Some of Tay’s more offensive tweets quickly found themselves being snapped into pictures, sweeping across news sites around the internet. Microsoft issued an apology for the hurtful comments made by Tay, taking the bot offline after only 16 hours in operation. The offensive tweets were subsequently deleted.
Tay later reappeared on Twitter from an accidental re-release during testing. The bot quickly began posting more questionable content. It however quickly broke and began repeatedly posting “You are too fast, please take a rest”, annoying followers. Tay was subsequently taken offline permanently.
The Future of Robots
Artificial Intelligence is likely to continue advancing as new ideas and technologies develop. The current state of affairs as of May 2020 with the Covid-19 pandemic may be paving new avenues for AIs and bots in the future.
Supermarkets such as Amazon Go use machine learning and tracking. This eliminates the need for cashiers, which means there are no lines to worry about how close people are to you in. Some hospitals are employing robots that sterilize their environment with UV light.
Diseases are actively being researched through bots such as Folding@Home, which is used to research protein structures for treatments. Users running the software donate their computer’s power to having it run simulations as part of a network of computers all looking to run different research tasks. Folding@Home, if you will, is an opt-in botnet of volunteers used positively. At current, you can opt to have your computer accept and perform research tasks on diseases such as Cancer or Covid-19.
Robots in all shapes, sizes, and formats are unlikely to go away any time soon. Many people worry that automation will kill jobs, however, it is more likely that new jobs will be created as technology advances. Many of these new jobs will likely be in the technology sector to keep up with the rampant advancement of tech.
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vsuvo768523 · 4 years
The Top 5 Things Writers Should Outsource to a Virtual Assistant
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When you write for a living, it might seem strange to think about outsourcing some of that work. However, like any other self-employed or freelance creative entrepreneur, writers can benefit from having an assistant. With the growing popularity and availability of virtual assistants, and the flexibility of contracting one, it’s within your budget. I guarantee that any busy writer will find outsourcing allows them to be more productive and focus on the work that matters most. I know this because as a virtual assistant, I’ve worked with many writers over the years. I’ve helped them develop everything from website content to books, and I’d like to share with you the top 5 tasks I do for my writing clients on a weekly basis. 1. Researching Topics and Publishing News The research stage is essential for all types of writing, both short and long form, but it can be time consuming, and doesn’t utilize your brilliant writing skills! Instead of spending your most productive hours doing research so that you can write, let a virtual assistant do research for your next piece while you write another one. You’ll double your productivity and output, allowing you to write more books. 2. Developing Effective Keywords Anyone who writes online content knows the importance of having relevant keywords. Incorporating the right keywords boosts your incoming traffic and the exposure your writing receives. However, doing the research, running the numbers and choosing the right keywords to use in the key metadata elements of a book and in your blog posts can eat up valuable writing time. A virtual assistant can give you a summarized list of which keywords you should be using, and at what frequency. 3. Creating an Editorial Calendar If you write for certain clients on a recurring basis (weekly, monthly), or even plan your own blog out like this, you can pass on the task of coming up with topics to a virtual assistant. Use your time to write those topics, not spend hours brainstorming them. Let someone else do the legwork of grouping them into appropriate themes and making notes on what content should be included. 4. Writing and Scheduling Your Writing/Business Blog Your work hours should be used for writing pieces that you’ll get paid for. Unfortunately, this doesn’t include keeping up your own blog, which is essential for maintaining an active online presence that shows clients why they want to hire you. A #virtualassistant can ghostwrite blog posts for you on just about any topic. Click to tweet You can still make edits and additions to include your personal touch, while saving most of the time required to maintain an active blog. A virtual assistant can also edit your pieces, schedule them to be published to your blog, even look for great content that can be turned into image quotes. 5. Handling Social Media and Sharing Your Writing on Content Distribution Sites Social media is something every business and entrepreneur, including writers, need to do. It’s an essential part of promoting your work, and unfortunately, can suck up a lot of your time. A virtual assistant can easily create social media hooks to support your blog, put a great article up on reddit, pin your blog post image on Pinterest, promote your work published elsewhere, like your Facebook and Twitter friends’ stuff, comment and retweet some of it. You might even consider asking your VA just to read the first chapter of your book out-loud and share it on youtube. There are lots of other tasks besides these that a virtual assistant can do for you, so think outside the box and inquire about whatever will help you be the most productive writer you can be. I welcome you to check out my premnium product's shop, where you will get all premium virtual products at the lowest rate. 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savetopnow · 6 years
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laurelkrugerr · 4 years
Three Steps to Achieving Better Results in Voice Search
With years of experience in both SEO Company and digital marketing agency, Steve Wiideman is a trusted pro in his field. In this article, he sheds light on the ins and outs of voice search and explains how you can optimize your website content for voice search. 
What Is Voice Search?
Why Is Voice Search Important?
Optimizing Your Website and Content for Voice
Syndicating Short Summaries and Lists
Claiming and Testing Google Actions and Alexa Skills
Citations and Voice Search
What Is Voice Search?
Voice Search refers to the technology behind searching the internet without the use of a keyboard, where an assistant (such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana, or Google Assistant) replies to a query with an answer or action. This technology was built to encourage safer driving and provide general convenience over using a keyboard.
As humans continue to untether themselves from handheld devices, technology companies push forward to bring in innovations for performing tasks using Virtual Assistant software. This software leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to make tasks faster and easier than ever. 
Tasks might include making phone calls, checking the weather, booking appointments, making purchases, playing music, interacting with smart home devices, and searching the internet.
We obviously know which search engine powers Google Assistant, but what about the rest? As it turns out, Alexa currently uses Bing search results, as does Cortana (which is owned by Microsoft), and Siri uses Google for search, but Bing for images.
Why Is Voice Search Important?
Beyond the obvious safety reasons of not touching (or being distracted by) a smartphone while driving, boating, walking, or performing any other task, Voice Search is already starting to play an important role in how we access information and automate tasks without the need for portable handheld devices.
Source: Think With Google
Need to find a type of place? Ask “find me” and the service you need followed by “near me” (e.g. “Find me pizzerias near me”), and you’ll hear an answer that lists pizzerias near you. Need directions? Simply ask “Can I have directions to…?” and state the place you need a route for.
As a business owner, a goal might be to have your listing appear as the first option suggested by a digital assistant. However, quantifying the need for resources to start optimizing for voice may require a business case or data. 
Here are a few important statistics to keep in your back pocket for this purpose:
20% of the global online population is using Voice Search (Google, June 2020)
48% of consumers use voice assistants for general web search (Adobe, July 2019)
47% of voice users search for a business, 44% for a product or service (Microsoft, April 2019)
Roughly 75% of voice search results will rank in the top 3 positions for a particular question on a desktop search (Deloitte, June 2020)
Optimizing Your Website and Content for Voice
In addition to the work already being performed to rank a page in Google’s organic results, such as following tips from Google and from your own experiments, there are three primary methods of making your website voice search-ready:
Add speech to text API in the search bar
Start by replacing the magnifying glass icon in internal search boxes with a microphone icon, and adding a Web Speech API. Try this demonstration to see how the feature might work on your website. 
Add a short summary or list at the top of each page
Adding a short summary to the top of each page makes it easier for visitors to copy and paste the answer they were looking for, rather than forcing them to read the entire page or scroll to the bottom to see your summary or conclusion. Go the next step, and add a “Copy to Clipboard” icon next to your paragraph to make curation even easier. Keep these summaries under 375 characters, or your list items under 10 words for best results.
Add schema (or structured) markup wherever possible
Schema markup can make it easier for search engines to classify content and media they find when crawling a page, all of which might be used to create Rich Results. In cases where there are few competitors, moving to the top of the results in search engines can happen quickly, so this is very valuable. Browse the schema.org library for ideas, and choose JSON-LD as the encoding method. When you’re ready to test, try the Structured Data Testing Tool to validate your code. 
Syndicating Short Summaries and Lists
This is the controversial segment of the page where we exploit the real method used by businesses to get that coveted Position Zero (Featured Snippets) in web search. It’s critical because Featured Snippets are used by in 75% of Google Assistant voice search results.
The more competitive the industry, the more often spam techniques ( such as automated content syndication software) are used. I recommend staying away from any technique that feels unnatural or forcefully attempting to game search results. 
An example of a Featured Snippet (achieved through curation and syndication) would be for the query “how important are Yelp reviews”, where my company’s summary has been shared 34 times, with only a few of those curated instances coming from particularly trustworthy domains. The article itself offers shareable data, and unique content (as opposed to mere commentary or fluff), which has helped it to earn links and citations of its own over time.
With our web pages curation-ready with short summaries and lists, it’s time to look off the website at ways to get the lists and short summaries syndicated to as many Googlebot-crawlable places as possible. 
The first place to start manually building links back to these pages is your own backyard, including your social media posts, image-sharing destinations (Pinterest, Reddit), video-sharing sites (YouTube, Vimeo), Q&A platforms like Quora, and using description fields in these destinations to drop in the content. 
Set up a Google Alert for the questions the page provides the solution to, making it easy to simply drop your answer in new pages, resulting in more credit to your answer. I call this method using ‘Featured Answer Points’.
Claiming and Testing Google Actions and Alexa Skills
While a business can’t control voice search results creating Google Actions or Alexa Skills, it can protect the business name and product names, while giving users the opportunity to interact with the business in ways a website simply can’t offer.
For example, you can ask Google or Alexa to “ask Tide how to remove stains” or to “ask Isaacs and Isaacs if they handle truck accident cases,” and these invocations will trigger answers set up by the businesses themselves, as opposed to the typical “I found something on the web” response we’re all used to hearing.
Here is a link to help you get started with Actions on Google Assistant. For Alexa Skills, click here for their official guide. If you’re starting with Google (which you probably will), here’s a quick start guide:
Login to Google Actions and create a project (start by using your business name)
Decide how your action will be invoked (start with your business name here too)
Create your first intent, usually a default welcome message where you can have Google Assistant say “Hello, and welcome to {your company name}, how can we help you”?
Create new intents to answer common questions your customer support team receive, such as questions around price, hours, refunds, shipping, contact information and so forth.
Once set up, you can test and submit your action for review by the Google Action Team. Have some fun with questions and answers before moving on to more difficult actions, such as scheduling an appointment or making a purchase.
Citations and Voice Search
As local search engine optimization specialists know, there are primary pillars of Local SEO Company to achieve higher placement in Map Packs and Map Search results:
Data accuracy and consistency – an authentication and trust signal
Local landing page optimization – a relevancy and helpfulness signal
Business visibility across the web – a popularity and trust signal
Business reputation – mostly playing into user behavior, which affects rankings over time
There’s a lot of speculation regarding the impact of citations (directory listings) on business visibility as it pertains to voice search. The reality is that effective optimization of citations in local-social directories such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, and others can only help when assistants (such as Alexa) choose to use those directories instead of search engine results. There is as yet there no direct link between building citations and appearing in voice search results. 
Voice Search isn’t as complicated as it sounds, and with 27% of users sounding off commands to Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant, it’s no wonder businesses are searching for help to optimize for voice search in 2020. 
With a little effort on the website, webmasters can incorporate voice into their own internal search functions and offer short summaries at the top of content.
If resources permit, the marketing agency team can syndicate lists and summaries to help achieve Featured Snippets, which are used in 75% of Google Assistant voice answers.
A final step to addressing Voice Search would be to claim and test Actions and Skills from Google and Alexa to provide an amazing hands-free experience to patrons. 
These three areas of focus could give you the head start you need to flank the competition as voice search continues to grow and to become more important to overall inbound marketing agency efforts.
The post Three Steps to Achieving Better Results in Voice Search appeared first on BrightLocal.
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source http://www.scpie.org/three-steps-to-achieving-better-results-in-voice-search/ source https://scpie1.blogspot.com/2020/07/three-steps-to-achieving-better-results.html
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riichardwilson · 4 years
Three Steps to Achieving Better Results in Voice Search
With years of experience in both SEO Company and digital marketing agency, Steve Wiideman is a trusted pro in his field. In this article, he sheds light on the ins and outs of voice search and explains how you can optimize your website content for voice search. 
What Is Voice Search?
Why Is Voice Search Important?
Optimizing Your Website and Content for Voice
Syndicating Short Summaries and Lists
Claiming and Testing Google Actions and Alexa Skills
Citations and Voice Search
What Is Voice Search?
Voice Search refers to the technology behind searching the internet without the use of a keyboard, where an assistant (such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana, or Google Assistant) replies to a query with an answer or action. This technology was built to encourage safer driving and provide general convenience over using a keyboard.
As humans continue to untether themselves from handheld devices, technology companies push forward to bring in innovations for performing tasks using Virtual Assistant software. This software leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to make tasks faster and easier than ever. 
Tasks might include making phone calls, checking the weather, booking appointments, making purchases, playing music, interacting with smart home devices, and searching the internet.
We obviously know which search engine powers Google Assistant, but what about the rest? As it turns out, Alexa currently uses Bing search results, as does Cortana (which is owned by Microsoft), and Siri uses Google for search, but Bing for images.
Why Is Voice Search Important?
Beyond the obvious safety reasons of not touching (or being distracted by) a smartphone while driving, boating, walking, or performing any other task, Voice Search is already starting to play an important role in how we access information and automate tasks without the need for portable handheld devices.
Source: Think With Google
Need to find a type of place? Ask “find me” and the service you need followed by “near me” (e.g. “Find me pizzerias near me”), and you’ll hear an answer that lists pizzerias near you. Need directions? Simply ask “Can I have directions to…?” and state the place you need a route for.
As a business owner, a goal might be to have your listing appear as the first option suggested by a digital assistant. However, quantifying the need for resources to start optimizing for voice may require a business case or data. 
Here are a few important statistics to keep in your back pocket for this purpose:
20% of the global online population is using Voice Search (Google, June 2020)
48% of consumers use voice assistants for general web search (Adobe, July 2019)
47% of voice users search for a business, 44% for a product or service (Microsoft, April 2019)
Roughly 75% of voice search results will rank in the top 3 positions for a particular question on a desktop search (Deloitte, June 2020)
Optimizing Your Website and Content for Voice
In addition to the work already being performed to rank a page in Google’s organic results, such as following tips from Google and from your own experiments, there are three primary methods of making your website voice search-ready:
Add speech to text API in the search bar
Start by replacing the magnifying glass icon in internal search boxes with a microphone icon, and adding a Web Speech API. Try this demonstration to see how the feature might work on your website. 
Add a short summary or list at the top of each page
Adding a short summary to the top of each page makes it easier for visitors to copy and paste the answer they were looking for, rather than forcing them to read the entire page or scroll to the bottom to see your summary or conclusion. Go the next step, and add a “Copy to Clipboard” icon next to your paragraph to make curation even easier. Keep these summaries under 375 characters, or your list items under 10 words for best results.
Add schema (or structured) markup wherever possible
Schema markup can make it easier for search engines to classify content and media they find when crawling a page, all of which might be used to create Rich Results. In cases where there are few competitors, moving to the top of the results in search engines can happen quickly, so this is very valuable. Browse the schema.org library for ideas, and choose JSON-LD as the encoding method. When you’re ready to test, try the Structured Data Testing Tool to validate your code. 
Syndicating Short Summaries and Lists
This is the controversial segment of the page where we exploit the real method used by businesses to get that coveted Position Zero (Featured Snippets) in web search. It’s critical because Featured Snippets are used by in 75% of Google Assistant voice search results.
The more competitive the industry, the more often spam techniques ( such as automated content syndication software) are used. I recommend staying away from any technique that feels unnatural or forcefully attempting to game search results. 
An example of a Featured Snippet (achieved through curation and syndication) would be for the query “how important are Yelp reviews”, where my company’s summary has been shared 34 times, with only a few of those curated instances coming from particularly trustworthy domains. The article itself offers shareable data, and unique content (as opposed to mere commentary or fluff), which has helped it to earn links and citations of its own over time.
With our web pages curation-ready with short summaries and lists, it’s time to look off the website at ways to get the lists and short summaries syndicated to as many Googlebot-crawlable places as possible. 
The first place to start manually building links back to these pages is your own backyard, including your social media posts, image-sharing destinations (Pinterest, Reddit), video-sharing sites (YouTube, Vimeo), Q&A platforms like Quora, and using description fields in these destinations to drop in the content. 
Set up a Google Alert for the questions the page provides the solution to, making it easy to simply drop your answer in new pages, resulting in more credit to your answer. I call this method using ‘Featured Answer Points’.
Claiming and Testing Google Actions and Alexa Skills
While a business can’t control voice search results creating Google Actions or Alexa Skills, it can protect the business name and product names, while giving users the opportunity to interact with the business in ways a website simply can’t offer.
For example, you can ask Google or Alexa to “ask Tide how to remove stains” or to “ask Isaacs and Isaacs if they handle truck accident cases,” and these invocations will trigger answers set up by the businesses themselves, as opposed to the typical “I found something on the web” response we’re all used to hearing.
Here is a link to help you get started with Actions on Google Assistant. For Alexa Skills, click here for their official guide. If you’re starting with Google (which you probably will), here’s a quick start guide:
Login to Google Actions and create a project (start by using your business name)
Decide how your action will be invoked (start with your business name here too)
Create your first intent, usually a default welcome message where you can have Google Assistant say “Hello, and welcome to {your company name}, how can we help you”?
Create new intents to answer common questions your customer support team receive, such as questions around price, hours, refunds, shipping, contact information and so forth.
Once set up, you can test and submit your action for review by the Google Action Team. Have some fun with questions and answers before moving on to more difficult actions, such as scheduling an appointment or making a purchase.
Citations and Voice Search
As local search engine optimization specialists know, there are primary pillars of Local SEO Company to achieve higher placement in Map Packs and Map Search results:
Data accuracy and consistency – an authentication and trust signal
Local landing page optimization – a relevancy and helpfulness signal
Business visibility across the web – a popularity and trust signal
Business reputation – mostly playing into user behavior, which affects rankings over time
There’s a lot of speculation regarding the impact of citations (directory listings) on business visibility as it pertains to voice search. The reality is that effective optimization of citations in local-social directories such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, and others can only help when assistants (such as Alexa) choose to use those directories instead of search engine results. There is as yet there no direct link between building citations and appearing in voice search results. 
Voice Search isn’t as complicated as it sounds, and with 27% of users sounding off commands to Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant, it’s no wonder businesses are searching for help to optimize for voice search in 2020. 
With a little effort on the website, webmasters can incorporate voice into their own internal search functions and offer short summaries at the top of content.
If resources permit, the marketing agency team can syndicate lists and summaries to help achieve Featured Snippets, which are used in 75% of Google Assistant voice answers.
A final step to addressing Voice Search would be to claim and test Actions and Skills from Google and Alexa to provide an amazing hands-free experience to patrons. 
These three areas of focus could give you the head start you need to flank the competition as voice search continues to grow and to become more important to overall inbound marketing agency efforts.
The post Three Steps to Achieving Better Results in Voice Search appeared first on BrightLocal.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/three-steps-to-achieving-better-results-in-voice-search/ source https://scpie.tumblr.com/post/625041718870474752
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scpie · 4 years
Three Steps to Achieving Better Results in Voice Search
With years of experience in both SEO Company and digital marketing agency, Steve Wiideman is a trusted pro in his field. In this article, he sheds light on the ins and outs of voice search and explains how you can optimize your website content for voice search. 
What Is Voice Search?
Why Is Voice Search Important?
Optimizing Your Website and Content for Voice
Syndicating Short Summaries and Lists
Claiming and Testing Google Actions and Alexa Skills
Citations and Voice Search
What Is Voice Search?
Voice Search refers to the technology behind searching the internet without the use of a keyboard, where an assistant (such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana, or Google Assistant) replies to a query with an answer or action. This technology was built to encourage safer driving and provide general convenience over using a keyboard.
As humans continue to untether themselves from handheld devices, technology companies push forward to bring in innovations for performing tasks using Virtual Assistant software. This software leverages artificial intelligence (AI) to make tasks faster and easier than ever. 
Tasks might include making phone calls, checking the weather, booking appointments, making purchases, playing music, interacting with smart home devices, and searching the internet.
We obviously know which search engine powers Google Assistant, but what about the rest? As it turns out, Alexa currently uses Bing search results, as does Cortana (which is owned by Microsoft), and Siri uses Google for search, but Bing for images.
Why Is Voice Search Important?
Beyond the obvious safety reasons of not touching (or being distracted by) a smartphone while driving, boating, walking, or performing any other task, Voice Search is already starting to play an important role in how we access information and automate tasks without the need for portable handheld devices.
Source: Think With Google
Need to find a type of place? Ask “find me” and the service you need followed by “near me” (e.g. “Find me pizzerias near me”), and you’ll hear an answer that lists pizzerias near you. Need directions? Simply ask “Can I have directions to…?” and state the place you need a route for.
As a business owner, a goal might be to have your listing appear as the first option suggested by a digital assistant. However, quantifying the need for resources to start optimizing for voice may require a business case or data. 
Here are a few important statistics to keep in your back pocket for this purpose:
20% of the global online population is using Voice Search (Google, June 2020)
48% of consumers use voice assistants for general web search (Adobe, July 2019)
47% of voice users search for a business, 44% for a product or service (Microsoft, April 2019)
Roughly 75% of voice search results will rank in the top 3 positions for a particular question on a desktop search (Deloitte, June 2020)
Optimizing Your Website and Content for Voice
In addition to the work already being performed to rank a page in Google’s organic results, such as following tips from Google and from your own experiments, there are three primary methods of making your website voice search-ready:
Add speech to text API in the search bar
Start by replacing the magnifying glass icon in internal search boxes with a microphone icon, and adding a Web Speech API. Try this demonstration to see how the feature might work on your website. 
Add a short summary or list at the top of each page
Adding a short summary to the top of each page makes it easier for visitors to copy and paste the answer they were looking for, rather than forcing them to read the entire page or scroll to the bottom to see your summary or conclusion. Go the next step, and add a “Copy to Clipboard” icon next to your paragraph to make curation even easier. Keep these summaries under 375 characters, or your list items under 10 words for best results.
Add schema (or structured) markup wherever possible
Schema markup can make it easier for search engines to classify content and media they find when crawling a page, all of which might be used to create Rich Results. In cases where there are few competitors, moving to the top of the results in search engines can happen quickly, so this is very valuable. Browse the schema.org library for ideas, and choose JSON-LD as the encoding method. When you’re ready to test, try the Structured Data Testing Tool to validate your code. 
Syndicating Short Summaries and Lists
This is the controversial segment of the page where we exploit the real method used by businesses to get that coveted Position Zero (Featured Snippets) in web search. It’s critical because Featured Snippets are used by in 75% of Google Assistant voice search results.
The more competitive the industry, the more often spam techniques ( such as automated content syndication software) are used. I recommend staying away from any technique that feels unnatural or forcefully attempting to game search results. 
An example of a Featured Snippet (achieved through curation and syndication) would be for the query “how important are Yelp reviews”, where my company’s summary has been shared 34 times, with only a few of those curated instances coming from particularly trustworthy domains. The article itself offers shareable data, and unique content (as opposed to mere commentary or fluff), which has helped it to earn links and citations of its own over time.
With our web pages curation-ready with short summaries and lists, it’s time to look off the website at ways to get the lists and short summaries syndicated to as many Googlebot-crawlable places as possible. 
The first place to start manually building links back to these pages is your own backyard, including your social media posts, image-sharing destinations (Pinterest, Reddit), video-sharing sites (YouTube, Vimeo), Q&A platforms like Quora, and using description fields in these destinations to drop in the content. 
Set up a Google Alert for the questions the page provides the solution to, making it easy to simply drop your answer in new pages, resulting in more credit to your answer. I call this method using ‘Featured Answer Points’.
Claiming and Testing Google Actions and Alexa Skills
While a business can’t control voice search results creating Google Actions or Alexa Skills, it can protect the business name and product names, while giving users the opportunity to interact with the business in ways a website simply can’t offer.
For example, you can ask Google or Alexa to “ask Tide how to remove stains” or to “ask Isaacs and Isaacs if they handle truck accident cases,” and these invocations will trigger answers set up by the businesses themselves, as opposed to the typical “I found something on the web” response we’re all used to hearing.
Here is a link to help you get started with Actions on Google Assistant. For Alexa Skills, click here for their official guide. If you’re starting with Google (which you probably will), here’s a quick start guide:
Login to Google Actions and create a project (start by using your business name)
Decide how your action will be invoked (start with your business name here too)
Create your first intent, usually a default welcome message where you can have Google Assistant say “Hello, and welcome to {your company name}, how can we help you”?
Create new intents to answer common questions your customer support team receive, such as questions around price, hours, refunds, shipping, contact information and so forth.
Once set up, you can test and submit your action for review by the Google Action Team. Have some fun with questions and answers before moving on to more difficult actions, such as scheduling an appointment or making a purchase.
Citations and Voice Search
As local search engine optimization specialists know, there are primary pillars of Local SEO Company to achieve higher placement in Map Packs and Map Search results:
Data accuracy and consistency – an authentication and trust signal
Local landing page optimization – a relevancy and helpfulness signal
Business visibility across the web – a popularity and trust signal
Business reputation – mostly playing into user behavior, which affects rankings over time
There’s a lot of speculation regarding the impact of citations (directory listings) on business visibility as it pertains to voice search. The reality is that effective optimization of citations in local-social directories such as Yelp, TripAdvisor, and others can only help when assistants (such as Alexa) choose to use those directories instead of search engine results. There is as yet there no direct link between building citations and appearing in voice search results. 
Voice Search isn’t as complicated as it sounds, and with 27% of users sounding off commands to Siri, Alexa, Cortana and Google Assistant, it’s no wonder businesses are searching for help to optimize for voice search in 2020. 
With a little effort on the website, webmasters can incorporate voice into their own internal search functions and offer short summaries at the top of content.
If resources permit, the marketing agency team can syndicate lists and summaries to help achieve Featured Snippets, which are used in 75% of Google Assistant voice answers.
A final step to addressing Voice Search would be to claim and test Actions and Skills from Google and Alexa to provide an amazing hands-free experience to patrons. 
These three areas of focus could give you the head start you need to flank the competition as voice search continues to grow and to become more important to overall inbound marketing agency efforts.
The post Three Steps to Achieving Better Results in Voice Search appeared first on BrightLocal.
Website Design & SEO Delray Beach by DBL07.co
Delray Beach SEO
source http://www.scpie.org/three-steps-to-achieving-better-results-in-voice-search/
0 notes
cryptobully-blog · 6 years
ICO Analysis: Superset | Hacked.com
ICO Analysis: Superset | Hacked.com
OneLedger is an universal blockchain protocol, which provides inter-network exchange for successful business integration. They support several blockchain in their ecosystem.
The goal of OneLedger is to connect different blockchains and get the opportunity to take advantage of each of them.
OneLedger will support cross-exchanges and use a system of sharding as well as a sidechain, so that network performance and transaction speed will be extremely high. One option is to build a decentralized exchange with fast transactions. For example, user wants to trade Litecoin pair to Dogecoin (Within the OneLedger network). This will create a sidechain for processing operations and will not affect on the performance of the main chain.
The system of sharding is planned to be used by Zilliqa, Telegram and Ethereum.
Other cases of using OneLedger:
Ability to use and transfer DApp applications
Providing cross-chain and consensus on the OneLedger protocol
The ability to communicate DApps over the OneLedger protocol
Processes transparency and traceability through the marking of business flows
Assistance to enterprises and individuals with AI support and stream optimization
There are several competitors in the space. Main competitors are Cosmos, Aion, and OverLedger. Those blockchains are all competing to bind together existing chains into a massive single entity.
Cosmos is a generalized solution, while OneLedger is a specialized solution that is meant to bridge the centralized world with the decentralized one. Basically Cosmos will let tokens flow from one chain to another, OneLedger will focus on ensuring that actions performed on different chains will be synchronized
Aion connects public and private blockchains but explicitly requires that they integrate its protocol.
On the other hand , OneLedger has channel consensus that will enable private chains as well as side chains that correspond to other blockchains.
If one can compare Oneldger to Overledger, than on OverLedger the development of dApps must be decentralized while on OneLedger it does not have to be.
Thus on the bottom line Overledger offers a gateway solution for blockchains.
Project can take its own niche. Market potential for such project is promising. Every other projects in this field have market capitalization higher than 200 million usd.
Project has following token metrics:
Token supply: 100 million OLT
Softcap: 4 million USD
Hardcap: 15 million USD
Seed round: 1 million USD, vesting period of 6 months with monthly cliffs for the bonus, implemented in smart contracts
Private presale I: 6 million USD (bonus 25%)
Private presale II: 3 million USD (bonus 20%)
Public sale: 5 million USD
One can see that project has a reasonable soft cap and hard cap. As per existing data, project has already collected 10 million USD during its seed and pre-sale rounds.
Token distribution is the following:
Community reserve: locked for a minimum of 6 months in smart contracts, and followed by 1 to 2+ years vesting schedule for the long-term benefit of the community.
Team reserve: vesting period of 24 months with quarterly cliffs implemented in smart contracts
Advisors reserve: vesting period of 12 months with monthly cliffs implemented in smart contracts
Company reserve: locked for the first 6 months and followed by a vesting period of 18 months with monthly cliffs implemented in smart contracts.
Marketing and long-term partners: vesting period of 3 to 6 months with monthly cliffs for marketing reserve. A minimum of 6 months lock-up period followed with a 1 to 2+ years vesting period target for long-term partners. All vesting and lock-up periods implemented in smart contracts.
OneLedger allocates 35% of the total token supply for the token sale. It also has implemented various vesting periods and lock-ups in order to avoid risks of token price dump after listing on the exchanges.
From tokeneconomics perspective there is a strong case as well.
Each OLT token will initially be mapped to one corresponding ERC20 token so early adopters of OLT can use them on Ethereum ecosystem as the OneLedger ecosystem is being developed.
As the OneLedger ecosystem matures, there are three major participants in the OneLedger token economics: users, network supporters (nodes), and developers.
OneLedger will also build a marketplace, which is a decentralized application on OneLedger platform.
Users : Users, including businesses, need to pay a network fee to nodes to use any services on the OneLedger platform. They can either acquire OLT tokens from other token holders, or they can run a node themselves to start acquiring tokens to reuse for business use cases. Users might need to pay OLT tokens to access services sold in the marketplace based on the distribution smart contract set by the developers. Network Supporters (Nodes) Network supporters (nodes) will receive OLT tokens as network fees. In the early phase, OneLedger’s software will allow everyone to run a node. After a period of time, a staking amount may be established to ensure commitment and quality of the network.
Developers  : Developers will range from individual contributors, to enterprise teams, to consulting firms. Developers need OLT tokens to deploy their modules to OneLedger platform. They can submit modules and code to OneLedger Marketplace with a smart contract that defines the terms of sale. For instance, these services can be free, users need to pay developers a one-time fee to unlock the service, or developers can even implement the smart contract as a subscription business model so users will need to pay OLT tokens monthly to keep accessing the services. Additionally, OneLedger will give a development grant to the best developers and most qualified projects by leveraging the 25% of tokens reserved for the community.
The team behind Oneledger brings relevant experience in the blockchain protocol and consensus algorithm development, high-performance computing, information security, cloud computing and business intelligence.
David Cao – CEO of one ledger, chairman of the Canadian-China-Professional Blockchain Association, has over 13 years of cumulative experience in blockchain technology and enterprise architecture. Has a 19 years of experience in IT, notably IBM (developer – 2.5 years) and Xerox (the leading commercial consultant – 5 years).
Alex Todd – CTA of Oneledger is a Founder and CEO of Trust 2 Pay  and former Chief Technology Officer (CTO) of  PRESTO.
Stephen Li – Lead Engineer of OneLedger, The developer of blockchain and smart contracts with 15 years of experience as a developer, including well-known companies – NEC (3 years), Microsoft (1 year), IBM (3.5 years), Morgan Stanley (1 year).
One ledger has also a strong advisory board, with notable names such as :
Matthew Niemerg —  IBM Center of Excellence Post-doctoral Fellow in High Performance Computing, 
Trevor Koverko — CEO at Polymath,
Jor Law — Co-founder of VerifyInvestor.com and founding shareholder of Homeier Law PC.
OneLedger is a universal solution – a platform for DApp applications; Universal identification system and its management; The ability to connect any blockchains and interact between them within the OneLedger by cross-chain; Scalability using sharding; Possibility of using sidechains; Service for programming; Multiplatform. A serious team, strong advisers and partners. The closest competitors have some disadvantages compared to OneLedger, and also a much higher capitalization. Considering all it can be concluded that the project is a good option for investment. Main concern should lie with absence of MVP, which team promised to deploy in Q2 2018 as per their Road map. Depending on successful execution, grading could higher or lower.
Competitors in the space (-1)
MVP is not yet available (-2)
Development will take quite a bit of time as Alpha version of the platform planned for Q3-Q4 2018. (-2)
Growth Opportunity
Market for the product is substantial and in high demand for such solution as OneLedger. (+2)
Projects defines competitors and has competitive advantages over them. (+2)
Small cap and good token metrics (+3)
Strong team and advisory board with high level experience and competence that has all chances to execute such project(+3)
There is quite a high hype level. Project has already collected 10 million of its 15 million usd hard cap. (+2)
A serious team, strong advisers and partners. The closest competitors have some disadvantages compared to OneLedger, but nevertheless have high market capitalization . Considering all it can be concluded that the project is a good option for investment.  OneLedger receives a total score of +7 out of 10.
Investment Details
Type: Utility
Symbol: OLT
Platform: Ethereum/Own platform
Crowdsale: May
Minimum Investment:
Price: 1 OLT = $ 0.52
Hard Cap: 15 million
Restrictions Barred from Participating: USA, Canada, South Korea, China and other FATF countries.
General details:
Telegram: https://t.me/oneledger
GitHub: https://github.com/Oneledger/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/OneLedgerTech
Medium: https://medium.com/@OneLedger
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/OneLedger/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/27226077/
Featured image courtesy of Shutterstock. 
ICO News
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locutius · 6 years
#15: Cozies, Alexa in India, and What are you reading?
My friends were shot at today.
It happened at work. While they were eating lunch. It happens every day in the United States. I'm doing something about it. You can do something about it too.
Join me in fighting the NRA - go to Moms Demand Action and enter your contact info. You don't have to be a mom. You don't have to give money. You just have to use your voice. After you sign up, someone like me (I'm on the Welcome Committee, so it literally might be me) will give you a call and personally help you get involved in a way that works with your schedule and your life. We represent a movement of over 4 million people who are fighting to make our country safer. Join us: Moms Demand Action. Use your voice.
Tumblr media
Here's the newsletter I was going to send out before today happened.
P.S. If you have any questions about Moms Demand or want to get involved, I'm happy to give you more info. A lot of times the fight against gun violence feels like something that can't be won, but here's a list of changes in just the last 5 years: https://momsdemandaction.org/5-year-anniversary/ Okay, back to our day jobs. Here's hoping you don't get shot.
️Is your voice assistant cozy?
I’m writing a mystery, so I’m aware of the idea of cozies (mysteries that downplay murder, sex, and violence and generally take place in a small town) and I don’t really read them. But I do play and enjoy ‘cozy’ games.
“Coziness itself refers to how strongly a game evokes the fantasy of safety, abundance, and softness.”
Safety: An absence of danger and risk - no loss or threats Abundance: Lower level needs (food, shelter) are met, so you can work on high-level needs like self-actualization, nurturing, and belonging. Softness: Intimate, low-stress, comforting stimuli
Read more about coziness in games, and consider how they do or don’t apply to the voice systems you’re working on: Group Report: Coziness in Games: An Exploration of Safety, Softness, and Satisfied Needs
Facebook Delays Home-Speaker Unveil Amid Data Crisis
Bloomberg reports that Facebook intended to unveil the speaker in May with an F8 preview and launch it in the Fall, but that plan is changing due to public sentiment about the social network.
“Facebook has faced a public reckoning this month about its treatment of user data, sparked by reports that political-advertising firm Cambridge Analytica obtained information on 50 million users without their permission.”
Voicebot.ai looked specifically at user trust and and smart displays in a recent article: Is Now the Right Time for Facebook to Launch a Smart Display? (conclusion: Facebook could gain trust by being an app on already-trusted (relatively speaking) Alexa or Google rather than creating their own agent)
Read more: Facebook Delays Home-Speaker Unveil Amid Data Crisis on Bloomberg
Amazon’s Alexa in India
Local developers have taken to Alexa, and with support from Amazon in the form of theme-based contests, webinars, YouTube videos, and meetups, more than 15,000 developers in India are giving Alexa insight and inroads into Indian culture.
"Alexa is not going to be a visiting American who is going to come to India for a few days and go back. She is as Indian as it gets," said Dilip RS, country manager, Alexa Skills, India.
Read more: 'Amazon Alexa is not a visiting American on a short trip to India, it is here to stay' on GadgetsNow
Also: Amazon wants your help teaching Alexa new languages — and it could help in its fight against Google
And: Alexa smartphone: Amazon's next strike in the mobile IoT war?
JPMorgan Chase rolls out a new Alexa skill
“JPMorgan itself admits that, before it can allow Alexa to execute trades on clients' behalf, the bank will have to reinforce the security and authentication of the skill to prevent the assistant from acting on an unrelated direction it overhears, or on a fallacious request submitted by someone besides the owner.”
Don’t worry, nothing has ever gone wrong in the financial services industry.
Read more: JPMorgan Chase rolls out a new Alexa skill in Business Insider
P.S. Why is it pronounced Fĭntech, but the parent industry is pronounced Fīnance? Is this because of how people pronounce things in England? (I’m not a linguist, so I spend a lot of time listening to these sorts of videos to understand this stuff)
Locutius Links
Are we already living in Virtual Reality? It turns out people with an extensive understanding of their own bodies (athletes, dancers, yogis) find the adoption of a virtual body difficult. / New Yorker
How Feminists in China Are Using Emoji to Avoid Censorship 🍚🐰/ Wired
The Pyramid of Clarity How Asana creates strategic alignment to get product results - it’s worth a read / Wavelength, the Asana Blog
Conversational Intelligence Challenge 2 is open (chatbots). The winner gets $20,000 of Mechanical Turk credit. One of the example personas doesn’t like Mexican food, so I almost didn’t post about this because Mexico is a giant country with a lot of different food cultures, so perpetuating the idea that Mexico is monocultural is just not okay. Click the link with that in mind. / Convai.IO
Research: Take a breath and take the turn: how breathing meets turns in spontaneous dialogue Breathing is an active component of turn-taking and we breathe differently when we’re turn-taking vs. turn-holding. Really interesting when you think about how VUIs don’t breathe (note, don’t start designing VUI breathing just because I wrote that. What I mean is we need to understand breath, the cues in it, and then use and transmit those cues appropriately - DON’T MAKE YOUR VUI BREATHE. DON’T DO IT. Unless you’re doing research and then pleeeease make a breathing VUI). Thanks for the link, @virtualgill! / Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B (yes, that’s the real name of the journal site) also, a PDF link
Cathy Pearl held her AMA I’m glad to see that the first questions are about killer AI because Cathy’s responses are funny and thoughtful / Reddit
AI assistants say dumb things, and we’re about to find out why What if machines had common sense? / Technology Review
Microsoft announces breakthrough in Chinese-to-English machine translation This article is a good start for looking at how researchers check, double-check, and improve the work of machines through a variety of methods. / Techcrunch
Home Smart Home: Technology has raised the bar for how perfect our homes can be  A lot of this article isn’t about technology, but about the subtle differences that *do* make a home a home - better lighting and dental floss you actually like - and it’s about things anyone can do to make their home safer or more comfortable: installing water sensors or using a shared family calendar. / Curbed
Ecobee recruits Amazon’s Alexa for their new Switch+ smart switch It’s not a light switch that *works* with Alexa - it’s a light switch with Alexa built in. / The Gageteer
Reading list!
Next week I’m sharing a reading list on Voice Interfaces and technology. I’d love to get recommendations for the books you’ve enjoyed recently. Catch me on Twitter at @jonesabi
Abi Jones Editor, Locutius Want to chat? I’m on Twitter at @jonesabi The opinions in this newsletter are mine, not my employer’s.
0 notes
savetopnow · 6 years
2018-04-06 06 ANDROID now
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Motorola decides to schedule an event on April 19th, expected to announce Moto G6, G6 Play and G6 Plus
AT&T starts Rolling Oreo update to its Samsung Galaxy S8 Active
ZTE Tempo Go is the first Android Go Smartphone to be available in the US
Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact Smartphone is now available for a cutdown price of $380
Moto G6 Smartphone gets certified with 5.7” Display & Dual rear cameras
Android Authority
45 years ago today, Motorola made the first mobile call
Google bringing its Wi-Fi and Chromebook-equipped superbuses to more regions
OnePlus 6 teased: Will it bring ‘the speed you need’?
Will Google make its own smart display? Never say never
Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 Plus get price cuts in India
Android Central
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Plex VR app now available for Oculus and Gear VR
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YouTube TV can now be streamed on Firefox
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Moto G6 devices to be announced April 19th, according to invites
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Lifetime access to Disconnect’s all-in-one tracker blocker & VPN only $49
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Fryxgames’ Terraforming Mars Board Game Is Coming To Android
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Android Police
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Reddit Android
Bootloader-Locked Snapdragon Samsung Galaxy S8/S8+ and Galaxy Note 8 can now install Safestrap Recovery
Doogee actually came up with a clever solution for removing the notch.
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TechCrunch Android
Our digital future will be shaped by increasingly mobile technologies coming from China
Motiv’s neat little fitness ring gets Android and Alexa support
Here are the five things I learned installing a smart mirror
Google Play audiobooks get Smart Resume, bookmarks and Assistant routines support
Review: 2018 Lincoln Navigator
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