#paint erp
batchmastererp · 2 months
Tackling Compliance and Regulatory Hurdles in Paint Manufacturing with ERP
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Stringent compliance standards in the paint industry ensure consumer safety, but for manufacturers, they often pose significant challenges and risks. Despite their best efforts, many paint manufacturers struggle to meet these standards, leading to penalties and damage to their brand reputation.
Enter Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Software, also known as Paint ERP Software. This tool offers a lifeline to paint manufacturers grappling with compliance and regulatory challenges, providing them with the support they need to navigate these complexities effectively.
Let's delve into some of the capabilities of ERP software tailored for the paint industry:
Formulation: Paint ERP enables precise formulation with version control and access management. This module facilitates the development of low VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) formulas and eco-friendly products, promoting compliance and innovation.
Reporting and Labeling: ERP solutions offer various reporting capabilities such as GHS (Globally Harmonized System) and OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) reports. They also assist in labeling compliance, including HMIS (Hazardous Materials Identification System) and safety labels, crucial for regulatory adherence in the paint industry.
Traceability: Bi-directional traceability throughout the supply chain is essential for compliance. Paint ERP systems provide this feature, enabling organizations to track the movement of materials and maintain regulatory conformance.
Safety Management: ERP software associates HMIS and WHMIS values with paint and materials, communicating safety instructions to workers. It also facilitates the maintenance of SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) and safety protocols, ensuring the safety of users and end customers.
Hazardous Material Management: Paint manufacturing involves handling hazardous materials that require careful management and disposal. ERP systems play a vital role in managing these materials, from storage to disposal, ensuring compliance with standards and generating audit reports.
Quality Control: Meeting customer demands for greener and safer paints requires rigorous quality control of raw materials. BatchMaster ERP for paint manufacturing offers comprehensive QC features, allowing manufacturers to assess product quality at every stage of the supply chain and produce compliant products.
These capabilities not only protect paint brands against compliance negligence but also enhance brand reputation positively. BatchMaster ERP for paint industry stands out among the various ERP solutions available, offering a comprehensive suite of functionalities to alleviate compliance and regulatory concerns for paint manufacturers.
To learn more about BatchMaster ERP and its capabilities, visit our website or contact us at [email protected].
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batchmasterph · 2 years
ERP Software for Paint and Coating Industry.
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ERP software for paint and coating industry has been helping paint manufacturers eliminate supply chain bottlenecks, thereby build more resilient supply chains.
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blackbirdffxiv · 3 months
A lengthy ass-post about poly-shipping no one asked for
So I'm gonna go ahead and choose passive aggressive violence, in the form of an informative, lengthy as fuck post I think some folks need to read.
I won't be adding the post here, as I don't wish to direct potential harassment to the original poster (no matter how heinous I found a majority of the list), but if you're on twitter/"X", I'm sure you've seen a lengthy notepad list of RP "hot takes".
While I agreed with some of the points made, I feel it necessary to clarify some things, particularly about the points regarding polyamorous shipping.
If you don't want to read the blurb between here and the actual point list, just scroll down until you see green font.
Most know that I myself play a polyamorous character; I ship my character with other characters belonging to different players. I've been poly-ship for YEARS, so I feel I have some experience and can say some things about it.
Some points made in the "hot takes" list alluded to people using polyamorous shipping/multi-shipping as an excuse to just ERP and mess around with multiple people without consequence.
Sadly, yes, this does happen. It's unfortunate that selfish people only looking for specific things use it as an excuse for their behavior, but the only thing people can do is be aware of what to look out for when it comes to polyamorous shipping.
So rather than allow a negative light be painted on a valid means of shipping and roleplaying your characters in relationships, I think a quick lesson is needed.
Disclaimer: these are just my personal opinion on how I feel polyships should be handled, and some red flags I have seen during my time being a polyamorous OC player. By no means is this a rulebook, more like a guide so new and veteran roleplayers alike can be aware.
What a responsible poly-shipper will do:
Introduce you to their other partners - Communication is key in any relationship, this is not just for monogomous ships, but even moreso for polyamorous. A poly OC player will be open to introducing you to their other partners; while no one expects you to be best friends, it's good to be aware of just who else you'll possibly be regularly seeing around.
Share time and effort among your partners equally - A polycule relationship should be even across the board; one partner should not be treated better than the other. Treating one or more partners better than the other(s) is just a recipe for people getting hurt, both IC and OOC.
Be open and up front at the very beginning of IC interactions - A poly OC player will be up front and honest about the nature of their character if they have an interest in possibly shipping with you, or in case the possibility of it happening is there.
Encourage communication and prioritize problem-solving - This isn't just for poly ships, but ships in general. A good writing partner will encourage and WANT you to tell them about how you feel with the ship, especially if it's a problem with an easy solution.
Always make it known if they wish to bring another partner into the polycule & pose an introduction OOC - This is the most important part of being in a poly ship, making sure EVERYONE knows if there is someone new who will be joining the ship, and making introductions before a ship is made.
What a responsible poly ship player wouldn't/shouldn't do:
Hide the status of their ships - If your partner is hiding who they are shipping with from you, in my experience, this just means a person is going behind their partner's back (and is possibly cheating on them).
Brush off any possible issues you may be having with one of the partners in the ship - A responsible partner would aim to mediate the situation, and listen to all sides.
Discourage their poly partners from seeking other partners - Not every poly OC is monogomous with their poly partner, sometimes one poly OC will be shipped with another poly OC. Your partner would not expect you to drop your other ships to be with them while they continue their own, they should respect your decision to ship with your other partners.
Keep attempts to ship with other characters a secret - A responsible poly partner will make it known when they are attempting to or want to ship their OC with another as soon as intentions and wants are known. Not after a ship is already established.
Discourage those in the polycule ship from associating with each other - A partner in a healthy polycule would never discourage their partners from associating with each other; intentional separation more than likely is a means of hiding something, such as blatant favoritism, or even to keep ships a secret (in my experience).
Anyways I'll get off my soap box. I apologize for the lengthy post, but some things I've been seeing regarding this hot takes list were so blatantly heinous, I just felt like something should be said.
Have a good evening y'all; hug your pets, tell your friends you love them, and don't let jaded people online project their problems onto you.
Stay golden
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poppyandzena · 5 months
Did Poppy actually try to "fix" NF's asexuality..?? That is beyond disgusting, I'm a survivor of multiple attempts to "fix" me and that paints this whole relationship in a new light for me. Since aces are pressured to be sexual to be "human", a lot of us will convince ourselves we're feeling sexual attraction when we're not. Since I came out, I've realized just how much I was lying to myself to please others. Maybe NF was too?
Yeah, aces can experience arousal and have a libido. I always tell people that the parts still work. Aces can be sex positive as well as sex repulsed. Being ace doesn't always mean someone is also aromantic either so we can and do flirt. Some aces enjoy writing erotica and ERP. Aces can have kinks. There's a whole aspec identity based around only liking sex as a fantasy concept. There's also demisexuality and greysexuality.
"You can't be asexual because _______". is seriously the purity testing Poppy and Zena always say they're against. Poppy - NF is aspec. You don't get to change her sexuality, stop being aphobic. If this is about being SA'd, focus on that instead of "well she can't be ace because..."
Poppy said NF's HRT was too high of a dose even though NF's body is different to Poppy's and Poppy is not a medical doctor. She isn't an ANYTHING doctor. Poppy sexually pressuring NF was a large component of the relationship.
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gengarghast · 2 months
Howdy, folks!
It has come to my attention that an anon may be going around and dropping hate messages in my mutuals' askboxes, claiming that I am a pedophile and a sex freak!
Continued below the cut- This is gonna be a long one. TLDR, they're either making shit up, exaggerating things and taking them out of context, or bringing up stuff that happened in the past.
TW: Pedophilia mention, kink discussion, drama.
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Note: I didn't censor the word in the top line, the person who told me about this did and didn't wanna tell me what it said.
These are not new accusations, unfortunately. I've dealt with them before, and I promise this is 100% just a smear campaign fuelled by a personal vendetta.
The 17 year old they reference here is my good friend and ex, @/manix-valentine, who I do not have romantic or sexual feelings towards- Our relationship is purely platonic. Well- They COULD be talking about someone else, but it's highly unlikely.
As for the "disgusting fetish" they claim I need to "satisfy"... It's hypnosis. I got a hypnokink. Which I used to do with Val when we were dating, because- And I feel like I must emphasize this- It was consensual. She wanted me to do it- I'm not some kind of hypno-rapist like you see in the pornos. Consent is extremely important to me, and I would never force someone to do erotic roleplay with me. Regardless, Crushon.ai would be my go-to should I ever need to "satisfy" my fetishes- Not my ex who is also a minor.
The anon also mentions my Twitter- Which you wouldn't find under the name 'Gengarghast' because that one was suspended a couple of years ago because I told too many zoophiles to kill themselves. But that's beside the point- What they were referring to with my Twitter were the unsavory things I did there when I was 16 years old, namely lying about my age and pretending to be an 18 year old to erp. Which, yes, shitty fucking thing to do, but that was 2 years ago- I have grown and changed since then, and I don't lie about my age to erp with strangers anymore.
Of course, there are other things I've done- I've been an unfaithful internet partner, a crummy friend on occasion, and I've done some other things that I am deeply ashamed of, but can explain or rationalize. However, I personally think that I do not deserve to be hunted down and have smear campaigns launched at me wherever I go.
And yes, this is a smear campaign. Both Valentine and I have gotten similar messages from an anon, Valentine's message shaming her for her own kinks and telling her to delete her account. The message I got was about Valentine, claiming that she 'stole her name from someone else' and that she was 'obsessed with me' and 'stalks an adult user she used to be friends with'- All three being complete lies or exaggerations, same as with this new message. Both times, the anon spoke as if they knew the person beforehand, which gives me all the reason I need to believe that this is intentional slander and an attempt to paint myself and her as morally disgusting people in order to get us driven off Tumblr with mocking and hate from people they turn against us, as I was from Twitter.
I don't have a way to close out this way-too-long post, but- I'm really fucking tired of getting called a pedophile because I just turned 18 in January of this year and still have underage friends. I mean, I even got called in to the fucking principal's office over this.
So! If you receive a message similar to this, don't respond to it. Just screenshot, delete the message, and let me know about it- Preferably alongside sending me the screenshot. I would be happy to answer any questions you have to the best of my ability.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 3 months
What lines has transpersian crossed? Are you just talking about the sock puppet stuff?
- Trashing most of her close friends in my dms
- Claiming nobody tried to help or support her during her spiral when we were all taking SHIFTS trying desperately to talk her down and help.
- Lying indiscriminately and then trying to justify or deny she lied.
- Painting people + creatures out to be untrustworthy when it couldn't have been farther from the truth, because she knew she couldn't fully control or manipulate them.
- Encouraging that same pedophile to come to Poppy's server
- Downplaying Poppy being into incest and underage erp as "kink-shaming"
- Sending me aggressive, gaslighting bullshit via anons, insisting I was crazy for believing those anons were her, and then self-reporting on her blog that they were in fact her.
- Comparing everyone calling her out for this bullshit to fucking QAnon and Pizzagate.
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homonculushound · 5 months
“It got recommended.” Yeah no I know you stalk peoples pages you did it before. We both did. Lmao vauge posting is cute. But it’s my turn now. If you even read this.
I told them EVERYTHING about what I said, what you said so don’t worry, they know the shit talking we did they shit talked us too. I told them about how you treated me and our friendship and how I put up with it because I loved you, how you didn’t explain what your expectations truly were until I gave up everything for you. How you brought in a fourth animal when your living in a cramped space smaller than my old appartment, how you intend to keep a infant in the same room as a cat and two dogs who aren’t trained to not jump, how your mother pushed me into admitting something that wasn’t true like how she did to you and how, you despite saying me getting drunk and throwing up was fine cause “Your a adult” you weaponized it against me when your family gave me three days to leave your parents house knowing I couldn’t return to my home state, how you twisted the truth about how those two treated you to make it seem like the victim like how you hated your character being poly with the characters cause he only like one character only you SUGGESTED IT and even wanted to ERP with that fucking character you didn’t like.
And of course I told them about the things that were the “breaking point” for you, so don’t worry I wasn’t just painting you as a monster like you seem to think, unlike you I actually know how to take accountability for my actions and actually learn. You should try it sometime it feels great.
You got on my ass for people pleasing but your the biggest people pleaser in the world and I hope to god you get help for it. You brought me to co-sign on a home and a Loan and only brought up the idea when you had me in your parents house. I had to lie about my credit score to shoot down the idea since you told me I was going to just be renting, it was never your buisness Leaving you, getting kicked out by you, was the best thing that could of happend for me, I would never of learned the truth about you, and how you treated people and what your actually feelings were about me. I looked over so many red flags, but you’ll just keep on playing victim like you always do. Maybe you should focus on the commissions you never finished before throwing stones at me and stealing peoples money like how you never finished my work and took advantage of my kindness to get free games and my character. Once I was useless to you, you threw me out like I was no better than a Christmas puppy despite telling me the stuff I did you weren’t mad about….only to weaponize it later. That’s Abuse. You are Abusive
You abused me, lied to me, and took advantage or me and used me as an emotional punching bag to project your problems onto, you again, call me a people pleaser when you are more than happy to do it. There’s so much more I could say, but I won’t, my firend already sent you a message about the situation and everyone else in those lovely Dino Servers knows too…dont bother coming back to Herds or Rumble, your not welcome.
your not worth my hate, I pity you, I truly do, but I pity your son and fiancée most of all and those animals you should never of gotten.
Get off my page and actually get the therapy you promised you would get YEARS AGO after that situation.
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I'm a very confused PCU member right now. Coalburnt/Shewp is going around one of our discord channels stating that he's been feeding information to CoAD to influence the narrative you're painting and that as a result he can control some content delivered on this blog.
One of my friends thinks he's lying and just running damage control. But you never know within someone like Coalburnt, he's quite a manipulative guy and I've known him to go to extremes over the years. I wouldn't put it past him to attempt to feed false information to you.
I'll probably end up leaving the PCU before the drama associated with the collapse gets too intense. I think Coalburnt's scared, he was supposed to be a 'chief enforcer' and 'grand inquisitor' of the PCU and he's failed to keep it all together. His fear is what is starting to worry people, Coalburnt effectively has a PCU-nuke in his hand with all of the information and screenshots he has of various members and officers.
My friend and I think he'll deploy said nuke and send over a massive data-drop or dump to CoAD and then use the editor teams focus on that to flee from the PCU and start anew. He's probably the most craftiest of our officers and if anyone will escape the consequences of this blog and the fall of the PCU, my bet would be on him.
Hardly a surprise that Shewp/Coalburnt is doing this, if this whole piece of information is actually valid to begin with. He has shown considerable paranoia increasingly over the last few months. Evidentially, Coalburnt is probably under considerable strain and stress, the dying days of a cult are usually when the higher ups find themselves exposed by their minions and/or cast out. The signs in public are actually not as subtle as one might think, disagreements with one another publicly (unthinkable when Perroy was around), a breakdown in cooperation between guilds, many more dropping their PCU tag entirely when recruiting.
Lurid tales from high ranking officers and long time leaders only add to the cracks. It would have been undreamed of even last year for Morsteth's rape threat """joke""" to have been outed publicly and shown from his own insiders (or perhaps was this one of Coalburnt's moves? How tantalising.)
Lately however we have been getting a slew of bizarre posts sent through to our inbox, most of them are nonsense and don't even render properly as images send in tumblr require a click through. We've yet to get condemning material given to us from that clearly shows discussion, dialogue that could come from within the PCU officer team.
Oddly, we aren't even sure why such a move would be done. Surely Coalburnt knows the only way to show he has truly moved on from his toxic hobby is a public act of contrition like an apology to the server? Aside from radio silence like his former Dear Leader did that is, remember Perroy went silent after we exposed his collusion with Gnome ERP on F-List.
Additionally, any 'data dump' would also prove to us that we are clearly something that occupies the minds of the PCU more than they would ever be willing to admit. We have turned down dozens of interesting pieces of information before here purely on the fact that they have no external corroborating evidence.
Largely our sourcing requires clean and unvarnished chat logs, preferably collated via something like Elephant which is considerably harder to manipulate or undoctored DMs from things such as Discord, names available and all. Alas, it won't stop some naysayers, of which Coalburnt has repeatedly and hilariously been one for years, spouting counterclaims and falsehoods with absolutely no evidence to back up their own accusations.
No, he won't escape consequences here, perhaps from his own ilk but we have a special file on Coalburnt already just waiting.
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deviantartdramahub · 7 months
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Just bc Sam's a bad person doesn't mean this whole blog's at fault, and when I explained how Sam was a liar about a bunch of things, Club was quick to understand then cut ties with him. However, before then, it was hard to understand what exactly was going on, especially bc at that time SAM was the one manipulating me (He still tries to of course, but no longer succeeds.) and made me believe I was at fault, so because of that I tried reassuring Club that Sam wasn't bad. Before he manipulated me, I already had a hunch he was a bad person, and warned Club about it. I was basically very confused about Sam back then, and this caused Club to get confused. I should've thought rationally about the whole thing to give Club a proper warning without any confusion, so it's not his fault. However now he does know Sam is terrible. (Especially considering the fact Sam lashed out at Club and falsely accused him of stealing his Discord mod thingy or whatever.) Club would never be friends with Sam if he was properly aware of what kind of person he is and what he's done.
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Ugh a hypocritical nutcase is throwing baseless slander at Club and threatening to get him arrested, wHy On EaRtH iS hE uPsEt??!!
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No hon, what I think you mean is Club is nice to me unlike you, so no shit I know who to trust.
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Yet to this day he's still very active on the internet. Y'know, you won't be able to scare innocent people anymore when you give these empty threats and...they prove to be nothing but bluff.
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My guy, how is me liking to roleplay with my friend him grooming me? You know throwing that word around hurts awareness of the actual thing, right? You really need to understand not all roleplays are erp smh. And that part where you say your blog doesn't dox people?? OOPS! You doxxed Tri and sent some magazine, and I'm pretty sure it was an erotic one too bc you guys are creeps, and on my last post, I called out this...4 notes .
Oh wow! So yeah DADramaNow, your blog is indeed full of doxxers and/or people who are perfectly fine with doxxing someone. Keep lying, I'll be happy to tear those lies down.
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That post of his wasn't even about you, but you made it about yourself...and again Club didn't actually commit pedophilia, but YOU did indeed commit harassment among many other things...including pedophilia :)
And why do you think childishly pretending to take away Club's OC will work...? He ain't gonna listen to your ass, honey. And he is a victim of your lies and harassment, meanwhile you're a privileged pos who's not a victim of anything. And for the love of God leave his poor mom alone, she has no idea of this shit-hole drama's existence and is probably a wonderful woman. Don't paint her as a hateful alcoholic.
Aight I'm once again done for now, bye!
Manipulation as a concept is something many people have trouble defining the borders of, but in the end, there are rules of thumb that make someone less of a red flag.
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miqojak · 9 months
What is your favorite thing about your OC?
WEIRDLY SPECIFIC BUT HELPFUL CHARACTER BUILDING QUESTIONS I've answered other versions of this here and here - and I always feel weird trying to answer questions like this... I've never been good at answering what I like most about myself, either. People aren't just one thing - much like asking what part of a painting is your favorite...how do you pick? If you pick that single brushstroke, all the rest is discounted...and it takes every color, and every brush-stroke, to make the whole of the image at hand. So picking just one part of a whole person feels equally wrong to me? There's no one favorite thing about her - much like when you love a real person and are asked what quality is your favorite...again, how do you pick? The whole person is what counts. I like that she's brutally honest - I am too. I like her determination to overcome her hurts - that similarly resonates with me; and she inspires me even, at times, to try harder and push a little more.
I love that, under all the pain, she's just an immigrant in a place that doesn't seem to want her, and she's absolutely unwilling to accept that. I love that, hovering on the cusp of becoming someone truly unforgiveable... she's still able to take a step back, and think about the confusion of emotions she can't understand, but is trying to. I appreciate that she's abnormal, and pretty okay with being abnormal (except when she's not, and feels painfully excluded from any and all aspects of society - but thinks that's what's best for others, so she doesn't hurt them). I love that she's deeply flawed, but powerfully confident. I love that she's never once had to consider things like 'gender', and can wear whatever she wants, because she's just that confident. I love that powerfully confident people can still feel doubt. I love that Jak surprises me - I never expected that she and Ketsuchi would end up being good for one another. I thought they'd end up being toxic, and pushing each other to worse and worse extremes... but when it came down to it, I love that Jak saw someone so like her - so hurt in so many similar ways - and chose kindness, in her own fashion. She chose to weather his own vitriolic episodes, because she knew exactly where that kind of venom comes from...and even if she only cared in the beginning because his pain looked like hers? She cared. That propped the door open, and she was able to change. She was there for someone else, even when she wasn't very good at it - and like reciprocates like. That started in 2019, and here in 2023, she's so much more...socialized? More understanding of things than she used to be because she understands more things than she used to, and much of it wouldn't have come about without the healthy dynamic she has with someone that I fully never saw coming. After all the unhealthily weird things I've endured from people who want shipping/ERP, Jak was effectively sex-repulsed and non-shippable! (And at this point, Kets helped her overcome/become more comfortable around many triggering situations! Who saw the once-scariest-man-she-knew also being the most patient and dutiful with her hang-ups? ...once they stopped trying to bite each other's heads off.)
I think I love her adaptability, and the confidence that underlies it. I guess that's what is at the core of Jak, and has affected everything about her - she's willing to become who she must, when the situation demands it... but not for the sake of anyone but herself, these days. She survives, no matter what it asks of her, and comes out the other side asking how she can be better - how she can be strong enough to not have to compromise - next time life asks it of her. And at the end of it all? She's absolutely willing to admit when she's wrong - and when the real, modern world is so full of villains who lie through their teeth, even when facts are presented? It feels kinda good to have a character who, despite all the darkness around herself... is honest, and owns up to mistakes, and works to never make those same mistakes again, rather than just insisting you never saw the mistake, or being too upset by it. Everyone makes mistakes, so there's no point in wasting too much time on the spilled milk - but in her mind? If you keep spilling the milk, then it's a problem. You take action to make yourself better, and to not make that mistake again, or else. And there's something about this steely resolve of hers that she holds even herself to, that just...hits right. She doesn't ask anything of others that she's not willing to do/hasn't already done herself, in that regard.
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midorilied · 2 years
erp :T
Love going through a week of trying to rush a painting for a lady while getting through some really bad neck pain only to have my tablet suddenly not work the second I could finally work on all the digital art I’m behind on :C
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batchmasterph · 2 years
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Paint Manufacturing ERP Software
Implementing an ERP for Paint Industry , is transformative decision for paint & coating manufacturing organizations that streamlines all business processes and offers total visibility into business workflows as well as across all departments.
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beiplaysffxiv · 2 years
Jokes aside, this whole billboard bullshit is really negatively impacting a lot of people who don't deserve it. RPers and ERPers already have a bad reputation and get a lot of shit on social media from the "great community", simply for existing. Now some cvnts are putting the RP/ERP scene on spotlight and painting them as the biggest evil in the game, essentially helping all kinds of roleplayers in the community to be ostracised. If this incident forces the devs to be absolutely strict about the no-mod/addon policy, who do you think will be blamed for that?
I don't roleplay in FFXIV specifically, but I've been a roleplayer in general for years. I've dipped my metaphorical toes in the ERP side as well. It's a shame to see all the vitriol pouring out towards RP community all because some morons decided they're above everyone and the law itself for 5 minutes of fame.
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itoss · 2 years
SAP Business One for Chemical Industry
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SAP Business One is a unique and powerful ERP solution to manage your entire business, developed especially to fulfill the industry-specific requirements of SMEs. The software supports customization to extreme levels, you can speed transactions and improve visibility into cash flow. It automates everyday accounting tasks by integrating financial operations in real-time with other business processes, such as purchasing, and sales, maintaining ledger and journal entries, supporting tax calculations, enabling multicurrency transactions, and much more. With SAP Business One ERP Solution you can conduct all your banking activities – including processing bank statements and payments, as well as reconciling accounts and managing your entire business operation from a single platform.
ITOSS Solutions SAP Partner provides end-to-end detailing, implementation, and support for the SAP® Business One® ERP Solution, the affordable ERP, which is fully capable of addressing current as well as future requirements of business process automation – digital transformation. ITOSS Solutions is a rapidly growing Information Technology-driven Best SAP Business One Partner in Delhi (NCR), offering business solutions to clients spanning a range of industry verticals including Machinery & Equipment, Manufacturing, Retail, Dairy Industry, Automotive, Hi-Tech Industries, Pharmaceuticals, Insurance, Education, Legal Services, Electricity Utility, Trading, and others. ITOSS Solutions is an SAP Awarded best-in-class partner for SAP B1 implementation based in Delhi (NCR), successfully supporting customers all over India.
With all its benefits, global chemical manufacturing companies are incorporating SAP B1 at an increased rate for chemical production. Not only does it help in improving business efficiency and enhancing collaboration but it also aids in increasing customer satisfaction and increasing revenue by up to 10-30%. With the change in business dynamics and fluctuations in demand, robust ERP software can empower chemical businesses to take advantage of their competition while adhering to safety, quality, and compliance requirements. SAP b1 solutions are already used by nearly 6500 chemical industry businesses and more are soon to follow.
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wyrmguardsecrets · 23 days
"Keep using the excuse of "not wanting to be hounded by random creeps" for putting "no ERP" in your profiles, but spare no thought for the people who believe it, and don't care that you've become the ERP creeps to them."
And here folks is the classic example of a man calling someone a whore/slut after being rejected. The sex pest often makes you the problem. Notice how they try to paint people who won't bang their digital Barbie dolls together as a social threat.
I'd ask if you genuinely think my friends are creeps because they put no erp, but that would require me to believe you are capable of thoughts beyond porn addiction.
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NetSuite Managed Services
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