#painting courses in delhi
3D Wall Painting in Delhi
Looking to Learn 3D Wall Painting in Delhi? Connect with Fineline Art Academy for expert guidance
Are you interested in learning 3D wall painting in Delhi? Look no further than Fineline Art Academy! We offer expert guidance and training for budding artists who want to master the art of 3D wall painting. With our experienced instructors and state-of-the-art facilities, you can hone your skills and unleash your creativity in no time. Join us today and take your artistic abilities to the next level!
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Why Choose Fineline Art Academy?
When it comes to learning 3D wall painting in Delhi, Fineline Art Academy stands out as a premier choice for aspiring artists. Our academy has a team of experienced and skilled instructors who are passionate about teaching the art of 3D wall painting. They will guide you through the process, from basic techniques to advanced concepts, ensuring that you develop a strong foundation in this unique art form.
At Fineline Art Academy, we prioritize individualized attention and hands-on learning experiences. Our small class sizes allow for personalized instruction, giving you the opportunity to receive feedback and guidance tailored to your specific needs. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced artist looking to enhance your skills, our academy offers a supportive and nurturing environment for all levels of learners.
What Can You Expect from Our Classes?
When you enroll in our 3D wall painting classes in Delhi, you can expect a comprehensive curriculum that covers a wide range of topics. From understanding basic design principles to mastering advanced shading techniques, our classes are designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to create stunning 3D wall paintings. You will also have the opportunity to work on real-world projects, allowing you to apply what you have learned in a practical setting.
In addition to technical skills, our classes focus on fostering creativity and innovation in our students. We encourage you to explore different styles and experiment with various materials, enabling you to develop your own unique artistic voice. Our goal is to inspire and empower you to push the boundaries of traditional art and create captivating 3D wall paintings that leave a lasting impression.
How to Get Started?
Ready to embark on your journey to mastering 3D wall painting in Delhi? Join us at Fineline Art Academy and unlock your potential as an artist. To learn more about our classes and instructors, visit our website or contact us directly for more information. Don't wait any longer - take the first step towards realizing your artistic dreams today!
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iwpacademy12 · 1 year
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Discover your passion for painting with IWP Academy`s Best BFA Painting course in Delhi. Our program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of painting techniques, styles, and history, along with hands-on training and expert guidance from experienced faculty. From oil and acrylic to watercolor and mixed media, you`ll explore a range of mediums to develop your own unique style and voice as an artist. Enroll now
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myfanficfrenzy · 4 months
Arshi FF : Pandora’s Box
Author : Munchy
Status : Completed and available on Munchy’s blog
Genre : Romance, Angst, Tragedy
“Keep reading” for my two cents on the story. Minor spoilers ahead. Warnings at the end of the review.
My first serious caution for this story, this isn’t for the faint of heart. If you like your Arnav and Khushi wrapped up in the comfort and warmth of love, away from any and all kinds of hurt and especially morally grey situations, you should probably skip this one. But if you’re a fan of ethereal writing, imperfect characters and a tear jerking angst fest with a side of passionate Arshi, dive right in.
The story’s tagline is ‘That life is a circle is a myth. It spirals’. And that’s exactly one feels reading the story.
Munchy’s story begins in the 1940s, with British ruled India at the brink of partition. While ASR here is Arnav Singh Raizada, KKG is Khushi Kauser Ghilani, two neighbors about to be swept in a whirlwind. The author paints a stunning visual of Punjab and you will find yourself literally back in time with her words. Arnav is back to his ancestral home after his upbringing in English schools and high society of delhi, while Khushi Ghilani had enjoyed a free reign over all the love Arnav’s family could bestow on their lovely neighbor in their small part of the town.
An unfortunate first meet in a Mango Orchard turns our protagonists sour (of course Arnav and Khushi will fight. Duh uh), but they soon find themselves in the web of undeniable attraction towards each other. And right when they’re dealing with minor issues like the first wave of teenage love and heartbreak, the country goes through one of its darkest periods and their lives are turned upside down overnight.
Pointed out to me once in a discussion and I wholeheartedly agree, one of the things that caught me off guard about this fanfic was the portrayal of impact of partition on day to day life of children. You see the worsening environment from their eyes, when suddenly the families and friends they grew up with are now considered enemies. When they can’t be as carefree as they would have loved with their doting neighbours; because now their different faith comes first. Those chapters had me in a chokehold and I’ve read through them with eyes full of tears. The whole story feels like a ticking time bomb when it begins, and it blows up right in your face. Social practices prevalent at that time will also make you want to puke your insides out.
And over the base of all this anguish and tragedy, Arnav and Khushi are looking to build a life together. It hurts every step of the way, so when the small moments of happiness come along you will soak it all up as a reader.
But fair warning, this is Munchy writing angst. And it will make itself known! Every story that I’ve read from her leaves my heart longing for something more, anger at having fate play a cruel role, and almost clawing my brain out, wishing I can get into those pages and fix the whole world for my beloved pair. But as always, life and Munchy’s stories aren’t fair. They’re however emotional, beautiful and extraordinary!
Warnings- Cheating, Violence, Underage Sex
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octuscle · 9 months
I met this man at a bar recently and he was absolutely gorgeous. He’s here shooting a movie but otherwise wasn’t into me at all. Could you possibly make me into an even bigger hotter more muscular movie star so that he’ll notice me and want to get together?
Well… You're not particularly good-looking or charismatic now… No wonder the first contact wasn't particularly successful. But what do you expect with your baggy sweatshirt and ill-fitting jeans?
After the nasty rebuff you received, you're sitting alone at the bar again, looking into your… Whiskey? When did you order a whiskey? You notice that two girls in the corner keep looking over at you, whispering, looking and giggling. One of them gets up and walks towards you. You straighten up, smile at her, she turns bright red, giggles and asks if she can take a selfie. She has an adorable Indian accent. And you reply in Hindi that it would be a pleasure and an honor. She takes the selfie, gives you a kiss on the cheek and runs to her friend, giggling. You finish your whiskey and wave the bartender over to pay. He replies that it would have been an honor to serve you and that the drink is on the house, of course. And a second one if you like. Your crush looks at you questioningly. You accept the second whiskey with thanks and toast the actor. He toasts back and frantically thinks about how he knows you.
It's getting warm in the bar. You unbutton two buttons on your shiny shirt. Like the trousers, which are made of a similar fabric, the shirt fits like it was painted on your body. The bar is getting fuller. Of course, many guests are whispering about your crush. But even more stare at you, want a selfie or ask for your autograph. Many of your fans are glowing-eyed and black-haired. Lots of Indians. Your crush asks you if you're an actor too. The Indian beauty who is taking a selfie with you, pretending to give you a kiss, almost collapses with laughter. She opens Instagram and shows your crush an Instagram account. Your Instagram account. 58 million followers! He turns pale. Very pale. Your skin turns a deep brown. You answer his question with a heavy Indian accent. Yes, you're an actor too. Bollywood is productive. And you are one of the biggest stars. Four to six films a year. And each one is a box office hit. Your fitness videos? Top sellers! Your own fashion collection? A must-have in Delhi, Mumbai and Calcutta. And now also in London and Berlin. You smile your hundred-million-rupee smile. It leaves him speechless. But the bulge in his pants speaks its own language…
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For the two young men who ask for a selfie, you throw yourself back into the cool macho pose that half of India loves you for. You give the bartender a 100-pound note as a tip, put on your leather coat and tell your colleague "Savoy, Charlie Chaplin Suite. Ask for John Rolfe". You don't need to look around to know that he's rushing to pay and grab his jacket. Tonight will be a close exchange between Hollywood and Bollywood.
Pic found @maxx-magnum
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gumnut-logic · 10 months
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Whump!Virgil alert.
“Hold still!”
“I’m trying!”
“You’re holding it wrong.”
Scott sighed. His heart was still beating in his ears. After watching Virgil slip over the edge, caught in a rockfall, his circulation system hadn’t yet recovered.
Or the rest of him, really.
So close.
Don’t think about it. Focus.
“Virgil! I’ve got it. You’re going to be okay.”
“Not if you don’t hold it correctly.”
This could easily have been an argument over fixing Two down in the hangars if it wasn’t for the gasp in his brother’s voice.
And the several thousand foot drop off to their left that could have brought so much to an end.
“Virgil, do you trust me?”
Even in the frostbitten air between them and the reflection off his helmet, Scott could see the honesty in his little brother’s eyes as he drew in an unsteady breath. “Of course.”
“Then trust me.”
And without further warning, he lifted his brother’s leg and set it.
The scream that came with it cut his heart to pieces. “It’s-it’s done.” He focussed on scanning and then further immobilizing the broken limb. At least now it was less fodder for a horror film.
His thoughts were interrupted by a roar as suddenly, on the far side of the valley, half a mountain of snow slid down onto the glacier below.
He found himself bodily covering his brother, hovering over him as if to protect him from the world collapsing.
Virgil hadn’t noticed. His eyes were screwed shut and he was panting, sweat beading on his brow.
God, he wished the man would take the pain medication when he was told to.
Scott hovered there a moment longer, as the valley below filled with an avalanche that could never reach them. For some reason he did not want to move back. Pushing all his weight onto one arm, he reached out and clasped Virgil’s shoulder. “You with me?”
Dark eyes opened, filled with pain. More an exhale than anything else, “Always.”
And with that, Scott shut down his emotions and got on with getting his brother off this damned mountain.
To think that Virgil had dragged him out on this ‘simple’ rescue to get him away from Dad’s desk.
Scott was ever so grateful he had come.
Firstly, rich and privileged idiots should not be allowed to climb a mountain like K2, or any mountain bigger than an anthill for that matter, without sufficient training and experience. The idiots who had them out today were poorly equipped and would have died come nightfall after having an argument with their guide and wandering off.
It was the guide who had called IR. His apologies were extensive and frustrated.
But he was right. Scott and Virgil had found them mired in deep snow and, despite their protests, completely lost.
They were damned lucky Virgil was there. Scott wanted to give them a piece of his mind, particularly when they initially refused to leave the mountain. It was only due to Virgil’s patience – that would likely at some point result in a violent painting or mess of a composition on the piano – and using the ‘fame’ element of flying a Thunderbird and coercing them into coming for a ride that got them moving.
Yet it was also Virgil’s kindness that had him fetching the woman’s pack. Or more likely, she put up so much of ruckus, Virgil preferred to shut her up rather than kill her on the way to New Delhi, no matter how short the journey.
That return to the snow led to Scott spinning just in time to see Virgil slide over the edge as the rockface gave way.
A call to John that had so little words but cried out for so much.
The rest was a blur of terror and fear as Scott scrambled down the mountain after his brother. He didn’t have his jetpack. They’d left One at home. It was supposed to be a quick rescue. A bit of brotherly time together.
But Scott was ever so grateful for the time they were given due to a snow-covered ledge that had caught his brother.
The alternative…
He was willing to thank any deity that watched over them.
A broken leg, bent in blatantly the wrong direction, halfway up K2.
“You held it wrong.” The words were little more than a gasp.
“It’s done.” Scott drew in a breath and fastened the last of the splint velcro. “Alan and Gordon will be here any moment and we’re getting you off this rock.”
Shifting the remains of Virgil’s right boot aside, he sat down next to Virgil and let out a breath. “You’re safe.”
A sigh and Virgil’s helmeted head dropped gently onto Scott’s shoulder.
As a familiar and beloved roar swelled at the other end of the valley, he draped his arm around his little brother’s shoulders.
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nuagederose · 7 months
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following up to my original post for “vostok” (the antarctic mermaid and the pinned post—the dtiys for that goes all the way to may 1, too!), i give you my prompts for mermay around the world. i tried to get all the continents—it’s tricky here with the states because we’re such a melting pot of cultures and dialects, so i picked two of the cities i can readily represent through art (i was going to use new orleans or nashville but i’m slightly more drawn to vegas and hawai’i).
this is inspired by three things:
planetary coalition (the obvious one).
some time ago, i was looking into art of the middle east, namely israel and iran (before the revolution of 1979, of course) and feeling enamored by it all.
the third thing that inspired it was thinking about east asian art and how i’ve always been drawn to it. i don’t know how my mind jumped to it but i thought about angkor wat and block paintings of temples in southeast asia, and my mind being the rocket it is went from there.
***i also don’t want to hear any objections to tel aviv and kiev being on here. if you don’t like it, do your own or use someone else’s list.
i’m dropping these now to give plenty of time to study the art and culture of each city. i’d rather let people be influenced and inspired than appropriate 😉
Kingston (Jamaica) 🇯🇲
Las Vegas (United States) 🇺🇸
Mexico City (Mexico) 🇲🇽
Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) 🇧🇷
Santiago (Chile) 🇨🇱
Honolulu (United States) 🇺🇸
Manila (Philippines) 🇵🇭
Tokyo (Japan) 🇯🇵
Shanghai (China) 🇨🇳
Phnom Penh (Cambodia) 🇰🇭
Auckland (New Zealand) 🇳🇿
Sydney (Australia) 🇦🇺
Suva (Fiji) 🇫🇯
New Delhi (India) 🇮🇳
Kathmandu (Nepal) 🇳🇵
Istanbul (Turkey) 🇹🇷
Tel Aviv (Israel) 🇮🇱
Cairo (Egypt) 🇪🇬
Yamoussoukro (Ivory Coast) 🇨🇮
Freetown (Liberia) 🇱🇷
Fez (Morocco) 🇲🇦
Porto (Portugal) 🇵🇹
Monte Carlo (Monaco/the French Riviera) 🇲🇨
Geneva (Switzerland) 🇨🇭
Athens (Greece) 🇬🇷
Kiev (Ukraine) 🇺🇦
Prague (the Czech Republic) 🇨🇿
Brussels (Belgium) 🇧🇪
Helsinki (Finland) 🇫🇮
Vilnius (Lithuania) 🇱🇹
Dublin (Ireland) 🇮🇪
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hariyali · 1 year
Resource Masterlist: Indian Art
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Cheap/Free resources:
Wikipedia of Indian Art: I'll recommend reading the subtopics from bottom up; it seems more relevant that way!
Wikipedia of Indian Painting: once you go through this article you should further look into whichever style you like, and learn it in depth. It also has links to vernacular art.
Rasa: the classical theory of Indian aesthetics
From Archive.Org (maybe scholarly and/or illustrative. In case illustrations are not there, simply Google them for reference):
Stone Age Painting in India by Romert Brooks
The arts of India from prehistoric to modern times by Ajit Mookerji (If you have no idea about Indian arts, START HERE; it's a short book full of illustrations)
Rajput painting : romantic, divine and courtly art from India by Ahluwalia, Roda
Indian Painting by C Sivaramamurti
South Indian Paintings by C Sivaramamurti
Approach to nature in Indian art and thought by C Sivaramamurti
[There are many books on Indian art, architecture and sculpture by C Sivaramamurti on Archive.org. It's basically a goldmine.]
Kalighat : Indian popular painting, 1800-1930 by Balraj Khanna
Art of modern India by Balrak Khanna [Again, you can check out other titles by Khanna.]
Indian Textiles by John Gillow
Traditional Indian Textiles by John Gillow
South-Indian images of gods and goddesses by HK Sastri
Myths and symbols in Indian art and civilization by Heinrich Zimmer (no illustrations)
The art of Indian Asia, its mythology and transformations by Heinrich Zimmer (with illustrations)
History of Indian and Indonesian art by Ananda Coomaraswamy
A Concise History of Indian Art by Roy C Craven
Deccani Painting by Mark Zebrowski
Indian Folk Art by Heinz Mode; Subodh Chandra
Women of India by Otto Rothfeld (this isn't about art but has few informative illustrations on regional costumes of women)
Dress And Ornaments In Ancient India by Mohini Verma and Keya Bawa
Classical dances and costumes of India by Ambrose, Kay
Cultures and Costumes of India and Sri Lanka by Kilgallon, Conor (o course i had to see other books on costumes)
Studies In Indian Painting by DB Taraporevala
Five Thousand Years of Indian Art by Hermann Goetz
Indian Painiting by Philip Rawson
The Art of Tantra by Philip Rawson
MS Randhawa (different books on Punjabi paintings Basohli, Kangra, Guler and General Themes in Indian Painting)
The imperial image: paintings for the Mughal court by Beach, Milo Cleveland
Wonders of nature : Ustad Mansur at the Mughal court by Dāśa, Aśoka Kumāra
Imperial mughal painting by Welch, Stuart Cary
Painted delight : Indian paintings from Philadelphia collections
India : life, myth and art by Ram-Prasad, Chakravarthi
The heritage of Indian art by Agrawala, Vasudeva Sharana
The adventures of Rama : with illustrations from a sixteenth-century Mughal manuscript
Indian paintings from the Punjab Hills by WG Archer
Art in East and West by Rowland Benjamin
Stella Kramisch (An American art historian and curator who was a leading specialist on Indian art, including folk art, for most of the 20th century. Also a Padma Bhushan awardee.)
The transformation of nature in art by Coomaraswamy, Ananda K
Books available on Libgen:
Art Of Ancient India : Buddhist, Hindu, Jain by Huntington and Huntington
The New Cambridge History of India, Volume 1, Part 3: Mughal and Rajput Painting
Myths and Symbols in Indian Art and Civilization by Heinrich Zimmer
Four Centuries of Rajput Painting: Mewar, Marwar and Dhundhar Indian Miniatures from the Collection of Isabelle and Vicky Ducrot
Ajanta by Yazdani
The Aesthetic Experience Acording to Abhinavagupta
TheHeritageLab is a free website to connect you to cultural heritage through stories, public engagement programs, campaigns, and free-access content.
Also if you're in Delhi, do consider getting a membership of Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) library.
Folk art:
Folk art is an entirely different area that deserve a post of its own. But i love them so here is a long list by Memeraki.com. You can Google each and then look more into what you like. This website also offers very cheap courses in traditional Indian arts by the hidden and disenfranchised masters themselves! It's doing a great work in giving them a platorm. I myself have taken the Mughal Miniature course here. You can consider it.
Illustrated Books:
Note: These are coffee table books with beautiful illustrations that you'd love to looks at.
The Night Life of Trees: In the belief of the Gond tribe, the lives of humans and trees are closely entwined. A visual ode to trees rendered by tribal artists from India, this handcrafted edition showcases three of the finest living Gond masters. THIS YOUTUBE LINK shows the making of the book. The channel also features other works of Gond art.
An Unknown Treasure in Rajasthan: The Bundi Wall-Paintings:  This book celebrates the surviving wall-paintings at Bundi by presenting a stunning photographic survey
Painting In the Kangra Valley: Painting in the Kangra Valley is an attempt to survey the painting styles of Guler and Kangra, which flourished in the 18th and 19th centuries. The painting activity began with Kashmiri painters (...)
Indian Painting: The Lesser Known Traditions: India has an astonishingly rich variety of painting traditions. While miniature painting schools became virtually extinct with the decline of aristocratic patronage, a number of local vernacular idioms still survive and continue to develop.
Madhubani Art: Indian Art Series: Madhubani art's origin is believed to go back to the ancient era of the Ramayana, when the town was decorated by inhabitants of the region for the wedding of Lord Rama and Sita with elaborate wall paintings and murals (...) Primarily a significant socio-cultural engagement for the womenfolk of Bihar, this art was a welcome break from their daily drudgery.
Reflections on Mughal Art and Culture: Enter the splendid world of Mughal India and explore its rich aesthetic and cultural legacy through fresh insights offered by 13 eminent scholars.
Monsoon Feelings: A History of Emotions in the Rain: Through a series of evocative essays exploring rain-drenched worlds of poetry, songs, paintings, architecture, films, gardens, festivals, music and medicine, this lavishly illustrated collection examines the history of monsoon feelings in South Asia from the twelfth century to the present
Sita's Ramayana shifts the point of view of the Ramayana - the saga of a heroic war - to bring a woman's perspective to this timeless epic. Illustrated with Patua painting.
Adi Parva: Churning of the Ocean: a graphic novel that is a revisionist retelling of some of our oldest tales which have inspired and guided generations of people.
Ajit Mookerji, Sivaramamurti and Craven Roy's books are concise from where one can begin and then delve deeper into the subject of interest. Reading history and myths behind the work for context and listening to music from the given time/region alongside will make the exploration even more enjoyable!
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Embracing the Rich Tapestry of Beautiful Indian Culture
In the vibrant mosaic of world cultures, few can rival the sheer diversity and beauty encapsulated by the Beautiful Indian culture. Spanning thousands of years and encompassing a multitude of traditions, languages, cuisines, and art forms, India stands as a testament to the richness of human heritage. Let's embark on a journey through the kaleidoscope of Beautiful Indian culture, exploring its myriad hues and timeless splendor.
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From the snow-capped peaks of the Himalayas to the sun-kissed shores of Kerala, Beautiful Indian culture manifests in myriad forms, each region boasting its own unique customs and traditions. Whether it's the exuberant dance forms of Bollywood or the serene chants of ancient Vedic hymns, there's a profound sense of beauty and harmony that permeates every aspect of Indian life. This cultural kaleidoscope serves as a testament to the country's enduring spirit and its ability to celebrate diversity in all its glory.
One cannot delve into the essence of Beautiful Indian culture without acknowledging its deep-rooted spirituality. With a history steeped in ancient wisdom and philosophical insights, India has given birth to some of the world's most profound spiritual traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, and Sikhism. The sacred rivers, majestic temples, and bustling bazaars all bear witness to the spiritual fervor that courses through the veins of Indian society, uniting people in a shared quest for enlightenment and inner peace.
A hallmark of Beautiful Indian culture is its reverence for tradition and heritage, which finds expression in a myriad of rituals and festivities. Whether it's the colourful revelry of Holi, the solemnity of Diwali, or the joyous festivities of Eid, Indians take great pride in preserving their cultural legacy and passing it down through generations. These celebrations serve not only as occasions for merriment but also as reminders of the values and beliefs that bind communities together in a tapestry of shared history and collective identity.
At the heart of Beautiful Indian culture lies a deep appreciation for the arts, which find expression in a dazzling array of forms, from intricate classical dance forms like Bharatanatyam and Kathak to the melodious strains of Hindustani and Carnatic music. Artisans and craftsmen across the country continue to keep age-old traditions alive, weaving intricate patterns into textiles, carving exquisite sculptures from stone, and painting vibrant scenes that capture the essence of Indian life. In a world where modernity often threatens to overshadow tradition, these artistic expressions serve as a poignant reminder of India's rich cultural heritage.
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Beautiful Indian culture is also synonymous with culinary excellence, boasting a diverse array of flavours and spices that tantalise the taste buds and nourish the soul. From the fiery curries of the north to the aromatic biryanis of the south, Indian cuisine is a celebration of flavour and aroma, with each dish telling a story of tradition, innovation, and culinary mastery. Whether it's street food vendors dishing out spicy snacks or Michelin-starred chefs reinventing age-old recipes, the gastronomic landscape of India is as diverse and vibrant as the culture that inspires it.
In the midst of rapid urbanisation and globalisation, Beautiful Indian culture faces the challenge of preserving its traditional heritage while embracing the opportunities of the modern world. Yet, amidst this dynamic interplay of old and new, there remains an enduring sense of pride and resilience that continues to fuel India's cultural renaissance. From the bustling metropolises of Mumbai and Delhi to the tranquil villages of Rajasthan and Kerala, the spirit of Beautiful Indian culture shines bright, illuminating the path forward with its timeless beauty and boundless creativity.
In conclusion, Beautiful Indian culture stands as a testament to the indomitable spirit of a nation that celebrates diversity, embraces tradition, and cherishes the beauty of life in all its myriad forms. From the majestic monuments of its ancient past to the vibrant rhythms of its modern-day festivals, India's cultural tapestry is a testament to the enduring legacy of a civilisation that has thrived for millennia. As we continue to navigate the complexities of the modern world, may we always remember to pause and appreciate the timeless splendour of Beautiful Indian culture, a treasure trove of heritage and inspiration for generations to come.
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csrmagnovite24 · 8 months
Singhania Group flow for sustainability‼️
As the Delhi assembly elections of 2020 drew near, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal made a resolute promise to the public: to restore the Yamuna River to a state where it would be safe for swimming by the year 2025. Yet, as the deadline approaches, the grim reality of the river's pollution persists. Recent data from environmental agencies paints a stark picture - pollution levels in the Yamuna River have surged by a troubling 25% over the past year alone. The untreated effluents discharged by industries emerge as a significant contributor to this alarming trend. Furthermore, public awareness and concern regarding environmental issues have surged, with a notable 78% of individuals expressing a preference for supporting environmentally responsible companies.
In the midst of these environmental challenges, the Pollution Control Board (PCB) intervened, delivering a damning public notice against the Singhania Group. The accusation was severe - the group was accused of discharging an alarming 62% of untreated effluent into the already beleaguered Yamuna. This revelation cast a shadow over the reputation of the Singhania Group, a textile manufacturer with a distinguished three-decade legacy. The timing of this accusation couldn't have been more detrimental as the promising future suddenly seems uncertain for the company as share prices take a dramatic plunge in the wake of recent accusations. This unfortunate timing, just as optimism reigned, casts a long shadow over their previously rosy outlook.
The fallout triggered a domino effect, eroding investor trust and confidence. With scepticism about the company's leadership and practices rising, investors are pulling back, sending share prices spiralling downwards. Heightened media attention and public speculation further amplify the negative sentiment, compounding the downward trend.
This situation underscores profound questions about environmental responsibility, corporate ethics, and the integrity of political promises. While the actions of the PCB may appear justifiable in their mission to safeguard the Yamuna, the timing raises legitimate concerns about potential political motivations. Conversely, the Singhania Group finds itself grappling with the consequences of potential negligence in effluent treatment, underscoring the critical importance of responsible industrial practices.
In response to these challenges, the Singhania Group must embark on a concerted outreach campaign aimed at showcasing their ongoing efforts to address environmental concerns. Transparency, coupled with robust community engagement initiatives and tangible sustainability measures, will be key in demonstrating the group's unwavering commitment to environmental stewardship. By aligning their corporate interests with the broader goals of societal and environmental well-being, the Singhania Group can chart a course towards a more sustainable and socially responsible future, thereby regaining the trust and confidence of the public.
As the Singhania Group's CSR head,
1) develop a CSR campaign to restore the company's reputation
2) an investment portfolio that prioritises sustainable solutions.
3) Make a website to promote the company's CSR actions and increase transparency.
PPT of not more than 7 slides
A website
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travel2 · 2 years
New Delhi to Patna Flights Ticket
Flights from Delhi to Patna with Bhartiya Airways start at Rs 2199, with up to Rs 999 in cash back.
Are you interested in seeing Patna? If you use the car, it will take you around 19 to 22 hours to get there. Moreover, the distance from Delhi to Patna through road is around 1085 kilometres. Therefore, it would be wise to choose to book a flight from Delhi to Patna, as doing so will ensure that your time is not wasted and that your travel goes well. Bhartiya Airways is the only place to go if you want to get good deals on domestic flights inside India.
In addition, Bhartiya Airways makes it easy to find out since the company is always receiving ticket orders and keeping its customers up to date on pricing. Plus, Bhartiya Airways offers a wide range of flight options, so passengers may choose the trip that best suits their travel needs and preferences. We want to make sure that visitors to Patna have no trouble reserving flights, as well as locating hotels, resorts, and other forms of lodging for the duration of their trip.
The City of Patna
Patna is a city rich in history and heritage. Even though several different civilizations governed it over the course of many centuries, its rich history extends baack thousands of years. These entwined histories continue to shape contemporary Patna. Patna, the capital of Bihar, is located northeast of the Indian capital of New Delhi. The city's namesake river, the Ganges, runs straight through the centre of India's most populous state.
Patna, India, which has been there since the 5th century BC when it was first mentioned in writing and has been preserving India's affluent past, is a great example of this. For its association with the Mauryan dynasty's first king, Chandragupta Maurya, Patiliputra is a common name for the city. You may spend hours wandering around the city's historic landmarks, but the contemporary urban landscape is just as captivating. Patna's monasteries, temples, and museums continue to attract tourists long after they were first built.
You can go from Patna to Delhi by rail or aircraft, although the latter is preferable. Bhartiya Airways can help you discover the most affordable trip from Delhi to Patna, even if Indian Airlines flies there often.
Patna Airport Information
Patna is served by Jay Prakash Narayan International Airport, often known as Patna Airport. You can acquire flights and check your status with Bhartiya Airways before you purchase your tickets. Seeing whether there are any flights from Delhi to Patna is something you should check with airlines about often. Many travellers believe that the optimum time to book a ticket is just after the annual fare sale, which occurs twice a year on average.
Popular Patna Attractions with Visitors
Patna, with its illustrious past and luxurious present, is an irresistible destination. We've compiled a list of some of our favourite attractions in the city so that you may spend time seeing the sights while learning about its rich history.
• Jalan Museum
• Golghar
• Takht Sri Patna Sahib Gurgdwara
• Srikrishna Science Centre
• Nalanda Mahavihara
• Patna museum
• Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library
• Mahavir Mandir
• Ruins of Pataliputra
• Gandhi Ghat
• Patna Planetarium
• Mahatma Gandhi Setu
• Ajanta
• River Ganga
• Sanjay Gandhi Botanical Garden
• Sitamarhi
• Sonepur Mela
• ISKCON Temple in Patna
• Agam Kuan
• Madhubani paintings
• Patna Eco Park
• Kumhrar Park
• Gandhi Maidan
• Shahid Smarak
What is Total Airways Distance Between Delhi to Patna
It takes 1 hour and 30 minutes to fly from Delhi to Patna, despite the fact that the distance between the two cities is just 853 kilometres. Between Delhi to Patna, there are several flights and airlines. With a month's notice, we won't have to wait in line for an airport shuttle or stress out about getting a visa in time. Therefore, the best deals may be found if you book at least a month in advance.
Essential Travel Documents Required for Boarding Flights
Be cautious with any forms of identification that you bring on your vacation.
The Passport
Identification for Voters
Cards with the Aadhar Identifier System
To be able to drive legally, you need:
• Proof of Immunization ( digital or paper form)
• Student or children's identification cards for schools and universities
Thanks to technological advancements and the availability of faster modes of transportation, you may now get a digital copy of your Air ticket from Delhi to Patna and have it printed off. With this, you may prove to the authorities that you have finalised your trip arrangements and that no one has any idea when you could be leaving.
Explaining Why Bhartiya Airways Is a Reliable Choice for Flights from Delhi to Patna
It might be difficult to choose the best airline booking aggregator among the many available. Please allow us to demonstrate why we are superior to the others.
Those who have a penchant for spontaneous travel will discover that our website is a treasure trove of options for booking flights to their chosen location. Choose your price, travel class, and airline according to your needs, preferences, and budget.
You can count on us to help you book low-cost flights from Delhi to Patna, and our dedicated relationship manager will be there to answer any questions you may have along the way. We are sensitive to our customers' requirements, and we advise them on the best time to travel while also ensuring that they have a safe and enjoyable trip.
Bhartiya Airways offers low-cost domestic flights throughout India. Flight prices vary, but they do their best to provide low-cost options. You, too, may travel worry-free around the globe. Bhartiya Airways will never force you to check your flight's status, but they will give you updates when necessary so you can stay on top of things and get things done.
In addition, there is no red tape involved in getting a refund or cancelling a ticket with Bhartiya Airways. Your flight reservation may be cancelled up to 2 hours before departure. In addition, our team is helpful when filing a refund claim and can often get your money refunded to you in 3-4 business days.
No need to worry if you have no idea how to book flights from Delhi to Patna; our devoted technicians and support desk are available to assist you in booking flights to any destination in India or overseas.
Learn How to Get Cheap Flights on Bhartiya Airways from Delhi to Patna.
Visit the Bhartiya Airways website and sign in using your proper email address, password, and username. We've picked the ideal time to travel and there are plenty of terrific options for airlines. From Delhi to Patna, you can book a round-trip flight to any major city in the globe for about Rs200.
Bhartiya Airways offers the most affordable domestic and international flight booking options. You should enter your departure date first, followed by your return date. To proceed, please use the drop-down menus below to pick the flight's cabin and the number of passengers. Finding the best flight may be a time-consuming ordeal, but our automatic search will do the hard work for you.
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Painting Institute in Delhi - Fineline Art Academy
Fineline Art Academy is not just a Painting Institute in Delhi; it is a hub of creativity, innovation, and artistic excellence. Whether you are looking to pursue a career in the arts or simply want to explore your passion for creativity, our institute provides the perfect platform to nurture your talents and elevate your skills.
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iwpacademy12 · 1 year
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Discover passion for painting with IWP Academy`s Best BFA in Painting course in Delhi. Our program is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of painting techniques, styles, and history, along with hands-on training and expert guidance from experienced faculty. From oil and acrylic to watercolor and mixed media, you`ll explore a range of mediums to develop your own unique style and voice as an artist.
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tajexplorers02 · 18 hours
Overnight Taj Mahal Tour By Taj Explorers Company
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Overnight Taj Mahal Tour: A Magical Journey with Taj Explorers Company
The Taj Mahal is one of the most recognizable landmarks in the world, and visiting it is typically a dream come true. However, experiencing it over the course of just a few hours might not be enough to properly appreciate its beauty and the rich history of Agra. That's where the Overnight Taj Mahal Tour by Taj Explorers Company comes in, bringing guests a great balance of leisure and in-depth investigation.
This two-day tour is great for people who wish to bask in the magnificence of the Taj Mahal at sunrise, as well as visit Agra's other historic attractions at a relaxed pace.
Why Choose the Overnight Taj Mahal Tour? An overnight tour gives a more immersive experience compared to the usual same-day itineraries. With this extended stay in Agra, you can:
Enjoy a Leisurely Visit: Spend ample time exploring the Taj Mahal and other landmarks without feeling rushed. Sunrise at the Taj Mahal: Witness the Taj Mahal drenched in the golden morning light, a breathtaking sight. Explore Agra’s Culture: Take in the local culture, visit markets, and enjoy authentic Mughlai cuisine. Taj Explorers Company: Your Trusted Travel Partner Planning a trip to Agra involves meticulous coordination, and Taj Explorers Company is known for providing seamless and unforgettable travel experiences. Here's why they are the right partner for your Overnight Taj Mahal Tour:
Expert Guides: Their skilled guides offer in-depth information about the history and architecture of the Taj Mahal and other significant landmarks. pleasant Accommodation: The tour includes a stay in a pleasant hotel, providing you the opportunity to relax and unwind after a day of exploring. Hassle-Free Travel: From transportation to entry tickets, everything is taken care of, providing a seamless and delightful experience. Itinerary of the Overnight Taj Mahal Tour Here’s a detailed look at the itinerary of the Overnight Taj Mahal Tour given by Taj Explorers Company.
Day 1: Departure from Delhi and Arrival at Agra The excursion begins with a comfortable morning pickup from your hotel in Delhi. You will ride in an air-conditioned automobile, enjoying a lovely trip through the Indian countryside. Upon reaching Agra, you’ll check in at your hotel and freshen up before commencing your day of touring.
Visit to Agra Fort After a quick recharge, your first trip will be the Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a magnificent monument that served as the residence of Mughal emperors. The fort is a spectacular example of Mughal construction and gives panoramic views of the city, including distant vistas of the Taj Mahal.
Sunset View of the Taj Mahal from Mehtab Bagh As the day winds down, you’ll visit Mehtab Bagh, a lovely garden located across the Yamuna River, and opposite the Taj Mahal. This viewpoint offers a spectacular view of the Taj Mahal at sunset, when the departing light spreads a warm glow over the white marble monument. It’s a terrific opportunity to snap some amazing images and enjoy the tranquil ambiance.
Evening at Leisure After your sunset adventure, you’ll return to your hotel for the evening. You can either rest at the hotel or tour the nearby Agra markets, where you can shop for handicrafts, marble products, and traditional textiles. Agra’s markets are noted for their vivid energy and distinctive merchandise, making it a perfect spot for souvenir buying.
Day 2: Sunrise Visit to the Taj Mahal On the second day, the highlight of the excursion awaits. You'll rise early to visit the Taj Mahal at daybreak. The early morning light paints the Taj Mahal in gentle tones of pink and gold, creating a tranquil and romantic environment. This is the greatest moment to properly admire the majesty of the monument sans the regular throng.
Your guide will take you through the rich history of the Taj Mahal, from its building by Emperor Shah Jahan to its significance as a symbol of eternal love. You'll have plenty of time to examine the amazing marble inlay work, the gorgeous gardens, and the mosque.
Breakfast and Checkout After your tour to the Taj Mahal, you'll return to the hotel for a leisurely breakfast. Post-breakfast, you'll check out of the hotel, but the tour isn't over yet!
Visit to Fatehpur Sikri (Optional) If you're ready for additional investigation, the itinerary includes an optional excursion to Fatehpur Sikri, a ghost city located about an hour from Agra. Once the capital of the Mughal Empire, Fatehpur Sikri is a breathtaking architectural wonder packed with palaces, mosques, and courtyards. It's an interesting location for history fans and those interested in Mughal architecture.
Return to Delhi In the afternoon, you'll begin your journey back to Delhi. The pleasant drive offers you time to think on the magnificent views and experiences of the past two days. You'll arrive in Delhi by nightfall, with wonderful recollections of your Overnight Taj Mahal Tour.
Why the Overnight Tour is Worth It The Overnight Taj Mahal Tour allows you to visit Agra at a moderate pace, with adequate time to enjoy the city’s rich history and breathtaking architecture. The opportunity to watch both the sunrise and sunset views of the Taj Mahal makes this journey exceptionally unforgettable. Moreover, staying the night in Agra provides you a chance to explore the local culture and cuisine, something that’s often missed on same-day visits.
What to Expect on the Tour Duration: The tour spans two days and one night. Inclusions: Private transportation, hotel accommodation, guided tours, entry fees, and breakfast are often included. What to Bring: Don’t forget your camera, comfortable shoes, and a water bottle. Sunglasses and sunscreen are also suggested for daytime sightseeing. Conclusion The Overnight Taj Mahal Tour by Taj Explorers Company is the perfect method to really immerse oneself in the beauty and history of the Taj Mahal and Agra. With the luxury of leisure, you’ll be able to savor the sights without rushing, making this tour a highly gratifying and enriching experience.
FAQs 1. How long does the overnight excursion last? The journey lasts for two days and one night, allowing adequate time to visit the Taj Mahal and other sights in Agra.
2. Is accommodation included in the package? Yes, the package includes a decent hotel stay in Agra.
3. What time do we visit the Taj Mahal? The itinerary includes a visit to the Taj Mahal at sunrise on the second day, which is the greatest time to see its beauty.
4. Can I visit Fatehpur Sikri on this tour? Yes, an optional visit to Fatehpur Sikri is included, based on your interest and time available.
5. Is this tour suitable for families? Absolutely! The journey is aimed for travelers of all ages, including families with children and senior people.
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igsinstitutenoida · 10 days
Comprehensive Online Courses for Delhi Police, Railway NTPC, and SSC Exams
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Prepare for competitive exams with our expert-led online classes for Delhi Police Constable, Railway NTPC online course, and SSC CGL. Our courses offer in-depth study materials, interactive sessions, and mock tests tailored to help you succeed. Join today and get access to the best Delhi Police online courses, Railway NTPC classes, and SSC CGL online coaching to excel in your exams and secure your future!
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
31. Broken limb and dealers choice of character 😁
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The first thing that came to mind was a scene referred to in Six Point Five, so this is what resulted. Not long, but it is something :D
Thank you so much for asking ::hugs tight::
And thank you to the wonderful @onereyofstarlight for answering my call yet again and reading through my writing ::hugs you too::
It's short, whump, and Earth and Sky. Sorry to both Tracy bros. I hope you enjoy it.
“Hold still!”
“I’m trying!”
“You’re holding it wrong.”
Scott sighed. His heart was still beating in his ears. After watching Virgil slip over the edge, caught in a rockfall, his circulation system hadn’t yet recovered.
Or the rest of him, really.
So close.
Don’t think about it. Focus.
“Virgil! I’ve got it. You’re going to be okay.”
“Not if you don’t hold it correctly.”
This could easily have been an argument over fixing Two down in the hangars if it wasn’t for the gasp in his brother’s voice.
And the several thousand foot drop off to their left that could have brought so much to an end.
“Virgil, do you trust me?”
Even in the frostbitten air between them and the reflection off his helmet, Scott could see the honesty in his little brother’s eyes as he drew in an unsteady breath. “Of course.”
“Then trust me.”
And without further warning, he lifted his brother’s leg and set it.
The scream that came with it cut his heart to pieces. “It’s-it’s done.” He focussed on scanning and then further immobilizing the broken limb. At least now it was less fodder for a horror film.
His thoughts were interrupted by a roar as suddenly, on the far side of the valley, half a mountain of snow slid down onto the glacier below.
He found himself bodily covering his brother, hovering over him as if to protect him from the world collapsing.
Virgil hadn’t noticed. His eyes were screwed shut and he was panting, sweat beading on his brow.
God, he wished the man would take the pain medication when he was told to.
Scott hovered there a moment longer, as the valley below filled with an avalanche that could never reach them. For some reason he did not want to move back. Pushing all his weight onto one arm, he reached out and clasped Virgil’s shoulder. “You with me?”
Dark eyes opened, filled with pain. More an exhale than anything else, “Always.”
And with that, Scott shut down his emotions and got on with getting his brother off this damned mountain.
To think that Virgil had dragged him out on this ‘simple’ rescue to get him away from Dad’s desk.
Scott was ever so grateful he had come.
Firstly, rich and privileged idiots should not be allowed to climb a mountain like K2, or any mountain bigger than an anthill for that matter, without sufficient training and experience. The idiots who had them out today were poorly equipped and would have died come nightfall after having an argument with their guide and wandering off.
It was the guide who had called IR. His apologies were extensive and frustrated.
But he was right. Scott and Virgil had found them mired in deep snow and, despite their protests, completely lost.
They were damned lucky Virgil was there. Scott wanted to give them a piece of his mind, particularly when they initially refused to leave the mountain. It was only due to Virgil’s patience – that would likely at some point result in a violent painting or mess of a composition on the piano – and using the ‘fame’ element of flying a Thunderbird and coercing them into coming for a ride that got them moving.
Yet it was also Virgil’s kindness that had him fetching the woman’s pack. Or more likely, she put up so much of ruckus, Virgil preferred to shut her up rather than kill her on the way to New Delhi, no matter how short the journey.
That return to the snow led to Scott spinning just in time to see Virgil slide over the edge as the rockface gave way.
A call to John that had so little words but cried out for so much.
The rest was a blur of terror and fear as Scott scrambled down the mountain after his brother. He didn’t have his jetpack. They’d left One at home. It was supposed to be a quick rescue. A bit of brotherly time together.
But Scott was ever so grateful for the time they were given due to a snow-covered ledge that had caught his brother.
The alternative…
He was willing to thank any deity that watched over them.
A broken leg, bent in blatantly the wrong direction, halfway up K2.
“You held it wrong.” The words were little more than a gasp.
“It’s done.” Scott drew in a breath and fastened the last of the splint velcro. “Alan and Gordon will be here any moment and we’re getting you off this rock.”
Shifting the remains of Virgil’s right boot aside, he sat down next to Virgil and let out a breath. “You’re safe.”
A sigh and Virgil’s helmeted head dropped gently onto Scott’s shoulder.
As a familiar and beloved roar swelled at the other end of the valley, he draped his arm around his little brother’s shoulders.
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realleestate · 15 days
Sobha Sector 63A Gurgaon | 2, 3 & 4 BHK Apartments
Sobha Sector 63A Gurgaon provides 2, 3, and 4 BHK apartments, designed for luxurious living. This project is on the famous Golf Course Extension Road, which makes it smooth to get to different locations and offers a peaceful lifestyle with all the current conveniences you could want.
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Location Advantages:
Being on Golf Course Extension Road, a hectic and properly-linked avenue, and being in certainly one of Gurgaon's first-rate areas are both awesome matters about Sobha. Because it's miles close to NH-8, Sohna Road, and the new metro line, the area is easy to get to from important elements of Gurgaon and Delhi. Numerous well-known faculties, hospitals, shopping department shops, and entertainment locations are nearby, making it super desirable for households. Business areas like Cyber City and Udyog Vihar are also clean to get to, making it easy for professionals to get to paintings.
Project Overview:
There are luxury flats in Sobha Sector 63A that have been cautiously planned to fit families of all sizes and lives. Each flat is big and made with terrific materials, which indicates how dedicated Sobha is to doing matters properly. Modern design and Vastu-compliant layouts are used collectively on this task to ensure that correct electricity flows via the whole residence. These homes are the right blend of consolation and comfort thanks to their open layouts, properly ventilated rooms, and masses of herbal mild.
It has many remarkable functions that make life there higher. Sobha Sector 63A Gurgaon has a clubhouse with a swimming pool, a fitness center, going-for-walk paths, and beautifully landscaped grounds. Play areas are set aside for kids, and quiet areas for seniors to relax also are available. All residents can feel secure and steady within the network because it has gates and protection guards on obligation 24 hours a day, 7 days every week. There are likewise masses of parking and a backup strength source, which all upload to the smooth residing experience.
Sobha Sector 63A Golf Course Extension Road Gurgaon is one of a kind as it blends luxury, location, and a way of life. Its ideal position on Golf Course Extension Road, Gurgaon and adherence to Vastu standards make it an appropriate preference for folks that need to stay a full and exciting existence. It has the fine blend of comfort, connectivity and simplicity, whether you're looking for a luxurious flat.
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