#pak terror
justnownews · 1 month
Government Approves Rs60 Billion for Operation Azm-e-Istehkam to Combat Terrorism
The Pakistani government has approved an additional Rs60 billion in funding for Operation Azm-e-Istehkam, aimed at enhancing the military’s capability to fight against militants in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan. The decision, made by the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the cabinet on Thursday, includes the immediate release of Rs20 billion, with the remaining Rs40 billion to be…
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suryanews · 2 years
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Pak Drone: आतंकिस्तान की एक और कायराना कोशिश नाकाम...जवानों ने पाक ड्रोन खदेड़ा
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icarusxxrising · 24 days
I've been wanting to write a longer thread about this for awhile.
If you're new to the concept of Anarchy, even if you know the basics, you most likely have never heard of Anarcho-Nihilism. If you know basic leftist Ideologies, or just scrolled Political Compass pages, you know of Anarcho Communism, and most people understand there's other branches for marginalized groups like Queer Anarchy, Anarcha Feminism, etc.
This thread will go over Anarcho-Nihilism and the basics of what it is. It will talk to the reader as if you already understand the basic concepts of Anarchy, so if you don't, I recommend reading "Life Without Law" before coming back here.
Anarcho-Nihilism: A Beginners Text To How Fucked We Are
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Anarcho-Nihilism is a post-left ideology, meaning that most of the substance of its standpoint are direct criticisms of not just Anarchy, but the leftist movement as a whole, which means Anarcho-Nihilists often reject the label of "Leftist" all-together.
Anarcho-Nihilism is also directly connected to Individualism and Egoism, with more modern Anarcho-Nihilists aligning into Eco-Extremism as well.
Post-Left criticisms, which includes Anarcho-Nihilist criticisms, of the Left include but are not limited to the Lefts view on Organization, Revolution, Unity of Ideologies, Fetishism of Work and Industry, and need of Popularity Politics. We will get into these shortly.
Brief History and Moments of Inspiration
Anarcho-Nihilism takes inspiration from a wide range of people and movements in history, but the earliest "creation" of Anarcho-Nihilism starts with the "Nihilist Movement", which was a Russian movement in the 1860s which focused on attacking traditional ideas of society such as morality, authority, traditionalism, and religion. This came from the growing divide between older radicals and the younger generation who were disillusioned towards older forms of leftist organization and ideas.
Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin discussed the movement itself, stating "defined nihilism as the symbol of struggle against all forms tyranny, hypocrisy, and artificiality and for individual freedom".
Early forms of Russian Nihilist theory incorporated Egoist theory into its ideas, and saw that all morality, aesthetics, and social institutions were meaningless, but they did not see all ethics, knowledge, and human life as meaningless.
Russian Nihilism was characterized throughout Europe for being linked to Political Terrorism due to multiple assassinations and assassination attempts against politic officials, including the assassination of Tsar Alexander II in 1881. Historian M. A. Gillespie concludes that Russian Nihilism was at the core of revolutionary thought in Russia throughout the lead up to the Russian Revolution.
Anarcho-Nihilism as a movement grew with voices like Kaneko Fumiko, a self identified Anarchist and Nihilist who was convicted of plotting to assassinate members of the Japanese Imperial Family.
Kaneko had many experiences from working with the notably Christian Salvation Army, to studying socialist movements and revolutionaries, anarchist theorists, and Nihilist movements. She only maintained a brief relationship with the Salvation Army, not compelled by their beliefs as well as being abandoned by a Christian friend after he felt his growing feelings towards her were threatening his beliefs. From the Salvation Army she jumped into the socialist movement, but was let down as she found Socialists would often behave in ways they directly advocated against.
Kaneko says her radical shift from Socialism to Anarchism and Nihilism came in 1922 when she met Hatsuyo Niiyama, who she considers her closet friend. Hatsuyo introduced her to thinkers like Max Stirner, Mikail Artsybashev, and Friedrich Nietzche. Kaneko also met Pak Yol, a Korean activist and anarchist who shared her belief systems.
Kaneko and Pak themselves helped continue to define a new set of Anarchism that aimed away from the common ideas of Syndicalism and Union Organizing, Kaneko herself writing about her views in a document made to the court in 1925 after she and Pak were convicted of attempted assassination, stating "formerly I said 'I negate life'... [but] my negation of all life was completely meaningless... The stronger the affirmation of life, the stronger the creation of life- negation together with rebellion. Therefore, I affirm life...Living is not synonymous with merely having movement. It is moving in accordance with one's will… one could say that with deeds, one begins to really live. Accordingly, when one moves by means of one's own will and this leads to the destruction of one's body, this is not a negation of life. It is an affirmation." Kaneko also claimed she wanted to "throw a bomb at the Emperor to show he, like everyone, will someday die" to deny his authority as all powerful.
One of Kaneko's main criticism of the Socialist Movement was the treatment of women, including her, in the movement itself, and this further pushed her into Anarchism and Nihilism as she believed that even these Socialist men would abuse their authority should it be granted.
Blessed is the Flame: The Anarcho-Nihilist Manifesto
"The anarcho-nihilist position is essentially that we are fucked. That the current manifestation of human society (civilization, leviathan, industrial society, global capitalism, whatever) is beyond salvation, and so our response to it should be one of unmitigated hostility. There are no demands to be made, no utopic visions to be upheld, no political programs to be followed — the path of resistance is one of pure negation." Serafinski "Blessed is the Flame"(2015)
Blessed is the Flame is considered one of if not the theory for Anarcho-Nihilism of the modern age, with its criticisms of organization and resistance during times of great tragedy.
Blessed is the Flame is a piece of text about not just Anarcho-Nihilism, but Negation through the lens of the Holocaust and Concentration Camp Resistance. The theory takes the time to explain to the reader just how bleak the reality of life was for concentration camp prisoners, and how the Nazis did everything in their power to snuff out rebellion at its core, and how people rebelled anyway, even when there was no hope to rebellion. Because of this perspective, and usage of a great tragedy, many have criticized Blessed is the Flame for romanticizing the struggles of camp prisoners, even if the author meant not to.
Blessed is the Flame, nonetheless, does the important task of putting what Anarcho-Nihilism is into digestible theory that can be spread and built upon.
Blessed is the Flame asserts that, as the quote says above, Anarcho-Nihilism is the belief that the world as we know it is fucked, to put it simply. That the current systems of domination such as white supremacy, patriarchy, colonialism, etc. have their roots too deep to be organized away, that we have reached past the point of no return for ecological destruction (Global Warming), and that we should meet this hopelessness with destruction.
Blessed is the Flame, and Anarcho-Nihilism, directly criticizes the Marxist idea of Progress. Progress, as in, the idea that Humanity overtime progresses in its worldviews and we will naturally get to a point where Humanity achieves some better world without hate or exploitation, away from the systems of domination. It is argued that history shows we do not progress up, even if we have moments things seem better, we keep crashing harder and harder as the systems of domination grow stronger and root themselves deeper into our lives and psyche. "The conception of history that came out of the Marxist tradition (dialectical materialism) dictated that the transformation of society would pass through capitalism... to transform into socialism and eventually communism. This meant that progressivism was embedded within this (the dominant) branch of socialism."
Blessed is the Flame also argues that, "This stands in direct contrast to other anarchist tendencies that place at least some emphasis on “positive programs” — aspirations to construct something ideal in the present world or to craft plans in preparation for the downfall of the current system. Anarcho-nihilism understands the positive program as “one that confuses desire with reality and extends that confusion into the future” by either making promises about what a revolutionary future might hold, or attempting to bring those conditions about from within the existing order."
To put it more plainly, Anarcho-Nihilists argue that whatever we try to build under these current systems will be co-opted, capitalized, and/or destroyed as they will be at odds with these systems. That our socialist programs, minority solidarity movements, etc. will always find their ways back to being assimilated into the death machine that is industrial civilization.
Imprisoned members of the CCF (Greek Conspiracy Cells of Fire) write, "We anarcho-nihilists ...don’t talk about ‘transformation of social relations’ towards a more liberated view, we promulgate their total destruction and absolute annihilation. Only through total destruction of the current world of power... will it be possible to build something new. The deeper we destroy, the more freely will we be able to build".
The argument is that if we meet the state with negation, with destruction, then our positive movements cannot be co-opted and destroyed. The further we dismantle the states control, the more freely we can take the time to build ways we can help each other.
In this same frame of argument, Anarcho-Nihilists, including the aforementioned imprisoned members of the CCF, argue that creating strict organization is "construction of a dam that tries to control the impetus of the abundant stream of Anarchy". Anarchy is fluid and will take many paths, and attempting to redirect Anarchy onto one path is undesirable.
Coming back to Post-Leftism, Anarcho-Nihilist (as well as Post-Leftism) critiques the lefts style of organization, the revolution, and a need for popularity politics. Blessed is the Flame brings up how the Nazis used this concept of "future time" to break the spirits of camp prisoners, through slogans such as "Freedom Through Work", being told they were being taken to Sweden only to end up in Auschwitz, taken to be Showered only to be stripped and put into prison clothes, told Work was Freedom only to be worked to death. The Nazis, cruelly, suspended the Prisoners in this Limbo of time between certain death and uncertain future, breaking their resolve to fight back as fighting back could cost them that possibility of freedom. The key to insurgency wasn't to open the curtain to reveal the lie of future time, as this lead to despondency and the further breaking of the soul. Blessed is the Flame argues that the key might lie between what is dubbed "Lager-Time" (future time) and Suicidal Despondency, something called "Suspension". In Suspension, there is no focus on the past nor future, but rather, the need to survive in the current moment. Breaking free of that suspension in the present, throwing away the chains of time, lead to violent uprisings and revolt even in the most hopeless of situations.
The paragraph above ties into Anarcho-Nihilisms critiques of the lefts view of the aforementioned 3, organization, revolution, and popularity politics. Anarcho-Nihilism argues that the left views organization as a non-violent house of cards that must be meticulously built up fully, no matter how many times it gets knocked down, and that our Revolution may only come after this house of cards is built. The left with also argue that this house of cards can only be built through their ideas becoming popularized, such as "workers of the world uniting", and once that happens then Revolution is an inevitable force. Leftists argue that revolution WILL happen, this precarious house of cards WILL be built, and there IS a better world and denying this is anti-revolutionary.
Anarcho-Nihilists reject this, viewing this as a form of Lager-Time, unable to act in the present because of uncertainty, or rather a false certainty, of the future. Given what was previously said about Anarcho-Nihilists view of Progress, they argue that radicals shouldn't wait for some Rapture like "revolution", that while we wait for workers to unite, fascism builds and global warming worsens and capitalism continues to evolve like an ever growing leviathan. The fact is, Anarcho-Nihilism claims, there isn't a reality where the workers of the world all wake up and unite against the common enemy. Even in socialist movements there lays bigotry against marginalized groups that chokes the life from these movements and further scatters the solidarity amongst each other.
Anarcho-Nihilists, as well as Blessed is the Flame, directly oppose the lefts modern form of organization, which is built on democratic circles and layers of policy and aesthetics. Needing to go through 3 different rings of people to do action just delays, and defangs, the action. Anarcho-Nihilism advocates for decentralized forms of organization, where the "org" is disconnected from each other except by name and motivation. If you want to do action, you just fucking do it, no bureaucracy bullshit. Examples of these modes of Organization is ELF (Earth Liberation Front), ALF (Animal Liberation Front), and the CCF (Conspiracy Cells of Fire). Each of these fronts is without leaders, without form, moving like water to serve the cause when needed. To be a part of groups like these, such as ELF and ALF, you need only to agree with the views, and that's it. You can create an ELF or ALF group right now with friends and go do shit.
At its core, the Anarcho-Nihilist critique is that of an Individualist one, of the collective vs. the individual. This critique argues that often, the will of the collective can overrule the freedom of the individual, stunting action and even self that the collective was supposed to foster (This specifically being a similar argument that Max Stirner, the "Father of Egoism", has discussed).
"...think back to 2012 when the CEO of an Italian nuclear power company was shot in the kneecap by two anarcho-nihilists who claimed the attack under the banner of the FAI. After the attack (which was partly inspired by the 2011 nuclear disaster in Fukushima), the pair released a communique pointing to the various atrocities committed in the name of nuclear power and calling for an all-out attack on the nuclear industry. In response to that action, the Anarchist Federation in Italy (a formal Marxist organization with no relationship to the FAI) issued a response that condemned such a renegade action: “... we strongly criticize individualist and vanguardist tactics that do not come out of a broad-based class-struggle movement. We condemn actions that put workers in danger without their knowledge...” According to this perspective, the individual acting without the validation of a formal collective, and without respect for working class solidarity, has no place in an anarchist movement. In counter-response to this (and other condemnations), insurrectionary and nihilist keyboards ignited with scathing indictments of this breed of “civil anarchism” that tries to restrain individual attacks behind the “working class” banner." Blessed is the Flame.
So, if we are fucked, and Leftist modes of organization can strangle action, what is there to do? Why fight back?
Hope Is Not A Plan: Jouissance and Insurgency
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 Jouissance is a French word for "enjoyment" but can have connotations related to "uncivilized desire".
"Jouissance is an ecstatic energy, felt but never captured, that pushes us away from any form of domination, representation, or restraint, and compels us towards fierce wildness and unmitigated recalcitrance. It is “the process that momentarily sets us free from our fear of death” and which manifests as a “blissful enjoyment of the present,” or a “joy which we cannot name.”[110] Jouissance is the richness of life evoked by resistance, the spirit that allowed Mária Jakobovics to continue her acts of sabotage despite the sting of the club or the threat of the noose, and the spirit that perhaps allows many of us to lead lives of resistance in absolutely overwhelming circumstances. It is the visceral experience of negation as ecstatic liberation." Blessed is the Flame
Jouissance, for Nihilists, is the core of Anarchism. The need, no, the Joy of resistance to keep us alive and going. Not fighting because we might win, not fighting because we might lose, but fighting because we can and we fucking will. "Inmates who physically confronted their oppressors were not engaged in a “rational political struggle for a better future,” but rather understood the futility of their situations and chose to fight back regardless."
Said from the CCF, "what really counts is the strength we feel every time we don’t bow our heads, every time we destroy the false idols of civilization, every time our eyes meet those of our comrades along illegal paths, every time that our hands set fire to the symbols of Power. In those moments we don’t ask ourselves: ‘Will we win? Will we lose?’ In those moments we just fight." Anarcho-Nihilists favor Insurgency and Insurrection, not Revolution. Anarcho-Nihilists are for short bursts of violent energy, of humans taking up arms not for some convoluted idea of politics, but for the goal of rebelling. Like the burning of the Minneapolis Precinct in 2020, letting the rage and rebellion of those of us still living shining through and proving we still have fight in us, we won't die quietly in the night. These short bursts of violent energy encouraging humans to negate the will of the systems of domination, and encouraging more radical action and eventual destruction of these systems entirely, because what else is there? We live under these impossible systems, we fight and possibly die or we don't fight and we DO die.
"The active nihilist sees in the unknown future and despair at our current situation, a call to arms. Meaning is found in approaching the void rather than in the false knowledge of what is on the other side of it." —Attentat
Embracing the Void: How We Can Use This
On a real level, I don't expect you to read this and instantly agree we are fucked. Embracing this idea that our world is gone is a difficult one, and a depressing one.
Instead we can focus on what Anarcho-Nihilism brings to the table regarding its critiques and ideas.
We can begin to embrace decentralized modes of organizing, instead of searching for some Vanguard party to get swallowed up into. When you have an idea, do it. Get with friends or peers and go out into the world.
We can embrace negating the system when at all possible, illegalism as a tactic.
We can embrace the uncertainty of the future and, instead of waiting for things to get better, we can take action NOW, in the present, outside of suspension to do what we can because we can. Our nihilism does not have to paralyze us, it can instead energize us.
Anarcho-Nihilism Reading List
Blessed is the Flame
Blessed is the Flame (Audiobook)
Desert (Audiobook)
The Insurrectional Project
The Economy is Suffering, Let it Die!
Say You want an Insurrection
Anarchy: Civil or Subversive?
Armed Joy
Notes on Post-Left Anarchism
Accomplices not Allies: Abolishing the Ally Industrial Complex
Rethinking the Apocalypse: An Indigenous Anti-Futurist Manifesto
Voting is Not Harm Reduction - An Indigenous Perspective
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thedivided · 18 days
Gabrielle Cole - tracking device
Jack Sato - stealthy
Elijah Songaa - breathrough
Seoung Kwan - spiritual connection
Makoto Shizuka - shortcut
Cora Madden - investigative eye
Adriana Penn - self control
Yara Valle - second wind
Taylor Dalton - good teacher
Callum - team spirit
Yronica (( I forgot how to spell her last name )) - egocentric leech
Eman Attia - evanesce
Aaaqil Che - adaptability
Amari Tamiyyah - vagrants trick
Emery Rivera - disappearing act
Jun Inagaki - tough
Eiji Inagaki - old camera
Chaoxing Lai - xingxings mic
Gavin Prescott - gavins pistol
Becca Prescott - sole survivor
Rayner Byrne - rayner's shield
Crosby Aldrich - royal rule
Serena 'Sera' Vera - smooth skating
Jonas Weber - sanity soda
Nami Deng - hard times
Mamo Ikaika - mamos bat
Dakota Nicole - flame spray
Crystal Kaur - clear quartz
Sanjana Dewan - quiet steps
Kelvin Mars - sonar dart (( ? ))
Arlo Flores - healers touch
Iris Daley - pot of life
Saadiya Ali - course control
Anais Desir (( ? )) - complete control
Kiara Cruz - life of the party (( ? ))
Sarah - lone wolf
Yvonne Kojo - fight or flight (( ??? ))
Elizabeth Payne - self assurance
Lyndon Davenport - rauhm
Dante Fontana-Rosa - plane of elysium
Serena Wolfe - hunters instinct
Kyle Wolfe - bear trap
Yeona Jeung - obsessed
Yan Tian - detection machine
Ryder - detail oriented
Riley West - cheap thrill
Dae-Jung Pak - charm
Dakari Bowens - heal gun
Tabitha Harris - maternal instinct
Wren Harris - menial work
Parker - triple mocktail
Nathan Reyes - wits end
Emil - inspire
Evelyn Maurelle - dirty work
I can also name a few killer abilites
Werewolf - feral rage (active) / the hunt (passive)
Polluted - oil trail (active) / corruption consumes (passive)
ghost - blood phase (active) / sixth sense (passive)
Principal - extended strike (active) / hall pass (passive)
Showstopper - foul play (active)
Apostate - salvation (passive)
Watcher - watchful eye (active)
Janitor - worked ground (active) / no escape (passive)
Experiment - deep terror (active) / aftershock (passive??)
Surgeon - swift strikes (active) / surgical precision (passive)
Idol - you're mine (active) / obsessive nature (passive)
Host - ice trap (active)
Unforgotten - malefic shadows (active) / manifest (passive?)
Android - technological eye (active) / automation (passive)
ill list off what i remember, using the same list as you but some grouped together. Ill also only list what actually brought them to the mist
Gabrielle - tried making a ghost tracker gone wrong
Jack - last delivery of the night gone wrong
Elijah - only survivor of a camp massacre caused by banshee
Seoung - messed up a ritual and summoned ghost?
Makoto - fell asleep on a subway while going to a new job
Cora - all i remember is she was skeptical of people? and she lost her mom i think
Adrianna - dont remember, ive read it though
Yara - havent read it
Taylor - havent read it
Callum, Yronica, Aaaqil, Eman - detention, almost got killed by principal?
Amari - plane crash
Emery - pushed into the mist by showstopper
Jun - forgot
Eiji - forgot
Chaoxing - havent read, i think she disappeared while going offstage at a concert? Yara or Taylor followed her i think idk….
Gavin + Parker - car crash?
Becca - babysitting job turned final girl situation
Rayner - sentenced for execution, disappeared
Crosby - smth to do with rayners
Sera - havent read
Jonas - contacted by a company?
Nami - havent read
Mamo - bus crash??
Dakota - forgot
Crystal - forgot
Sanjana - got sweeped away by the mist while monitoring it?
Kelvin - sweeped away by mist before sanjana(all i remember)
Arlo - fell asleep in a library or smth
Iris - forgot
Saadiya - forgot
Anais - dad died when she thought she found love? got taken by mist while grieving
Kiara - escaped the party her alternate timeline self got kidnapped at
Sarah - got tossed into a lake??
Yvonne - framed? disappeared in a prison riot
Elizabeth - framed?? disappeared in a prison riot?
Lyndon - forgot
Dante - speared through the chest while sending out an SOS signal
Serena and Kyle - dad got killed by werewolf on a hunting trip
Yeona - went to look in STAR*STRUCKs dorm gone wrong
Yan and Nathan - partially forgot, all i remember is Yan’s dad got killed by an enemy organization
Ryder - didnt read
Riley - skydiving gone wrong
Dae - came back to dorm to see Ye-Jun’s confrontation gone wrong
DAKARI💙💙💙💙 - boat got punctured, he thought it was an injured marine animal. Came back w/ healing gun to find the boat top empty and a polluted fish creature
Tabitha - forgot
Wren - forgot
Emil - bled out in a protest turned riot?
Evelyn - didnt read
NOW. For killers
Werewolf - parents got mauled by a pack of wolves and he got bit, turned into a ww and killed serena and kyles dad
Polluted - lost his mom to pollution, pretty sure he washed up on a shore at one point
Ghost - kidnapped from a party. Tried escaping her captors on christmas(?) and got killed
Principal - lost his daughter because of yronica, tried killing her and her group
Show - forgot
Apostate - drowned in a lake?
Watcher - all i remember is hes a terrorist for attention
Janitor - killed by principal?
Experiment - didnt read
Surgeon - forgot
Idol - got confronted gone wrong
Host - containment breach????
Unforgotten - purely made of hatred of humans
Android - killed someone i think
Stalker - pushed sarah into a lake?
Voidskulk - got infected by a thing that killed her godfather or uncle or wtv
Warden - i think he got electrocuted to death in a prison riot
Empress - betrayed and beheaded
Stareater - hit by a shooting star
Possessed - near same as seoung, got possessed by an evil spirit instead
Banshee - killed herself to reunite with her sister? massacred elijahs camp
Boss - forgot
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emeraldspiral · 1 year
Thinking a bit more on the idea of Dib having a vampire ex-boyfriend/nemesis.
Zim would be absolutely terrified of him. Like, we know from the Halloween episode that he has a massive fear of being eaten/having his blood drained so he'd find Batty really intimidating. But he'd try really hard not to show it because he doesn't want to look like a pussy in front of Dib's ex.
Batty would invoke a lot of comparison to Zim with his design and dramatic mannerisms, but he'd be more playful and mischievous and into manipulation and toying with his opponents. The main contrast between the two of them is that Zim is supposed to be cold and unfeeling because his people are conditioned to not feel or crave love but he secretly yearns for it. Batty claims that he had real feelings for Dib and wanted it to work out between them but Dib believes that since losing his soul he can't feel anything genuine and is just very good at faking it.
Batty is extremely charming and manipulative and way better at blending in with humans than Zim, but he also has the ability to hypnotize people, which grows stronger after they've been bitten. Dib however, is immune to Batty's hypnosis because he was bitten once but managed to get away from him long enough for the wound to heal up completely. He still has scars though, hidden by his jacket collar.
Dib asks Zim politely to put off his plans for world domination and promises he'll foil them in a day or two after he deals with Batty's return. Zim takes offense at Dib treating Batty like the bigger threat and tries to force Dib to prioritize his evil scheme but immediately fumbles it, allowing Dib to give Batty his undivided attention.
Dib tells Zim to just go home, promising that Batty can't do anything to him as long as nobody invites him in. Naturally, Batty shows up at Zim's house and walks right in thanks to the Robotparents answering the door with their standard "Welcome home son" greeting. He terrorizes Zim for a bit before biting him but is driven out when GIR belches on him after eating a garlicy pizza.
Zim goes to Dib's house freaking out about being bit and asking if he's going to turn into a vampire now. Dib tells him that he'll only turn if Batty comes for him again and drains enough of his blood to kill him, or if he gets any of Batty's vampire blood in his system. He promises to protect Zim because he doesn't want to deal with him as a vampire. Standard Swollen Eyeball protocol demands that all agents deal with vampires by driving a stake through them, beheading them, and then for good measure burning the remains to ash. The former two Dib doesn't have a problem with, but the latter is unappealing because then he wouldn't be able to prove Zim was an alien or have him dissected for scientific study.
Zim wants to know how to keep Batty away. Dib says he's got a salt circle and garlic wards up around the house to ward away vampires but since Batty's already been to his house it's not totally safe. Gaz is at a sleepover and Membrane's working overnight at his lab, but they'll be going to a safe house set-up by the Swollen Eyeballs.
Unfortunately, having already bitten Zim gives Batty a telepathic link to him, which allows him to figure out where they're going. GIR orders a pizza and Batty seizes the opportunity by pretending to be the delivery guy and getting GIR to invite him in. Hungry for more of Zim's "exotic" blood, he uses hypnosis to compel Zim to come and be fed upon.
Dib drives Batty away, but not before he's drained enough of Zim's blood to put his organic body into a coma while his PAK assumes emergency control, carrying him around on spider legs. The PAK is prepared to turn the nearest organic life form (Dib) into its new host, should Zim die, which seems imminent given that he desperately needs a transfusion and there are no other Irkens around who could donate blood. The PAK is aware of its surroundings however, and is able to listen to Dib explain that there's another way to save Zim.
They get into the medical research department of Membrane Labs where Dib's dad has been working on a blood synthesis machine that can convert any donor blood type into one compatible with any recipient. Dib uses the machine to convert his own blood and Zim is able to accept a life-saving transfusion from him.
Unfortunately, having fed on Zim twice now, Batty's telepathic link is even stronger. He cons his way into entering Membrane Labs and uses his powers to compel Zim to steal the blood synthesis machine and bring it to him while Dib is too weak and anemic to stop him.
Batty takes Zim back to his lair but doesn't feed on him because his plan is to run his tainted vampire blood through the synthesis machine and send it to all the city's hospitals and turn their patients into an army of vampires under his thrall, and he's going to need Zim's blood to replenish him.
Zim attempts to use a tack infused with garlic DNA just like the one from Bolognius Maximus, which he'd made while in the safe house with Dib. But Batty already knew about it due to their telepathic link. He flexes his mental control over Zim by taking it from him and leaving it out in the open and not even bothering to restrain Zim, knowing he doesn't have the strength to break his mental hold and escape or attack him.
Zim is able to contact Dib and tell him where they are though, or rather, Batty allows him to contact Dib because he wants a confrontation with him. When Dib comes Batty tries the classic "we can rule together speech" but Dib's heard it before and reminds Batty that he has no power over him anymore. Batty lets his obsession with Dib get the better of him though, and while he's focused on trying to seduce Dib to the dark side, Zim finally has the chance to strike back and get Batty with the tack, turning him into the very thing he's allergic to.
Batty flits off screaming in agony. Dib isn't sure if being turned into garlic will actually kill him, but if it doesn't, that almost seems worse. Either way, he doesn't expect they'll be seeing him again anytime soon.
And then the story ends with the conversation about how Dib's rivalry with Zim means more to him than Batty ever did.
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messinwitheddie · 7 months
1:Whatever happened to Yeet after Tallest Purple died? Where was she?
2:Cini doesn’t it burn when you let smoke go through your eyes? Why not blow it out?
3:Does Tak have a scar on her abdomen? What happened there?
4:Who would look best in a two piece swimsuit? Tallest Dava? Kii or Miyuki?
5:Dib’s son had kids, right? The twin babies?
6:Hows the professor coming along?
All very good questions, which is why I feel obligated to warn everyone cringe, self-indulgent answers are ahead.
1. Yeet ends up deserting the Irken empire altogether for Mem's hive. She agrees to let Zim downgrade her PAK, severing herself from the CB's core collective. She stays in Mem's hive and continues to perform lookout/ guard duties as well as assist Purple with certain everyday tasks, as he is rendered disabled after being cut off from things like his hovor belts/ smart gauntlets (hence why he often walks with a cane after being de-measured. The measuring process is very damaging to the body.)
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Yeet also volunteeres to lead an exploration expedition across Mem's mystery planet to help gather information about the surface beyond Mem's hive's known territories. She helped Zim, Dib and Reg draw accurate maps and extensively document the flora and fauna of the continent the hive occupies and eventually the whole planet.
In between expeditions, Yeet volunteers to bodyguard the Resisty-serving Cantina Gir (or frylord “Gorr-May" as he is eventually knighted after earning the title of Frylord in his own right) secretly opens on Mem’s mystery planet. Gir/Gorr-May is only able to sneak away and cook at the cantina occasionally, as the CB full system takeover puts him/ his employees at a huge risk. His apprentice, Mem's daughter, Vicious, does most of the cooking for the cantina.
Yeet provides Mem's hive with a much needed boost in silk, as her “condition" never improves, so she volunteers her time to silk spinning, laundry and mending clothes. She makes dolls for the smeets/ other infant species in her spare time. Yeet enjoys much more meaningful enrichment after joining Mem's hive. She stays active, happy and very much appreciated there, even if her and Gir/Gorr-May never have a swarm of their own (a mutual agreement between the two if them.).
Where Yeet is exactly when Purple dies, is not yet determined. She is very upset when she discovered he had passed. She mourned him deeply; Purple was one of her best friends, despite everything. He even officiated her and Gir's union.
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2. Cini has a bad habit of holding in when he puffs on his amber pipe because he believes the old superstition that doing so will increase the effects of the amber (somehow smoke is able to pass through Irken tear ducts in my personal head canon. This is unhealthy and unnecessary. Do not hold in smoke. Don’t smoke in general, in case any minors are ignoring my blog boundaries lol).
3. Tenn (whispering) “That's just a prominent stretch mark from our pregnancies. She's a little bitter. Mine all faded before hers, so just don’t bring it up. She trained our swarms to attack on command.”
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Tak “I can hear you over there!”
4. Why do you have to pit 3 bad bitches against each other? ^0
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5.You know what? I cannot for the life of me find the drawing you are referring to. Slowly but surely , I'm organizing my drawing room, but have yet to come across it. It is lost in tumblr limbo for sure.
I changed the story around since drawing/ posting that.
Reg temporarily cuts ties with both the Membrane and Van Verminstrasser families while in college during his early to mid 20’s. He goes through a whole para-spiritual/ environmental extremist fase. Part of the reason he joins Dib on his second trip to Mem's planet is to dodge arrest for “acts of environmental terrorism" in several countries. At some point in that time frame Reg sires a daughter, Prisha, shortly after his baby sister, Wyn, is born. (Dib and Mabel struggle to have a child for years before Mabel agrees to use ML’s cloning facilities. It's a whole thing. Yes, Dib is VERY upset he missed the birth of his grandchild.)
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(Wyn and Prisha grow up to be close friends. Prisha regularly guest stars on Wyn's reboot of "Probing the Membrane of Science" show.
Reg and Prisha's life research/ field work is a major reason why Dib's great(s) grandson, Dro's generation of humans can still breathe clean air/ drink fresh water on Earth in the distant future.)
Dib is most likely holding both his daughter and granddaughter in that drawing. He and Reg slowly repair their bond, to the whole family ‘s/ Zim's relief.
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6. Prof Membrane is very much enjoying his retirement by living his lifelong dream of exploring/ researching the uncharted depths of the earth's oceans. Dib is proud of his dad and extremely happy for him, but at the same time is constantly nervous something will go wrong and personally checks in on the Prof's research team/ inspects the equipment involved in the expedition.
[Slowly but surely I will start answering asks again soon. Been working on other things. Sorry...]
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timetravellingkitty · 7 months
free kashmir?????? FREE?? KASHMIR??? are you fucking kidding me? you want kashmir to be a seperate state? kashmir has always been part of india! those kashmiris who say they want to be part of pak are brain washed (how do i know i am a kashmiri) kashmir does not have the means to be a independent country anf the people who oh so badly want to be with pak and go ahead and cross the border do you really think the exodus of pandits was right? man fuck u for the free kashmir ideology and tell me one more thing what do you think will happen to jammu if kashmir becomes a free state? more terrorism! how do i know because i have lived it my family members were stationed at an army cantonment that was bombed and they were KILLED WHO TF BOMMED? TERRORISTS! you dont know thw ground reality and hence you spew bs like this educate yourself pretty sure you are against removal of 370 too
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Warrior Thought
Warrior season 3 episode 8
Yeah I know it’s a bit late but I had to process my fucking Feels
I can’t believe Hoon Lee was like “It’s a break from the drama! More happy and romantic!”
HE IS AN EVIL MASTERMIND (because he wrote this episode)
The Chinese celebrating love and the ducks celebrating hate/racism.
“Maybe we’ll finally see the tongs come together” hopefully because Fuckley out there making racist ass Trump speeches to “cleanse” the country
The costumes and visuals in Warrior are fucking amazing! Mai Ling and Li Yong in their wedding attire! Ah Toy in PURPLE yesss! 
Li Yong getting hit with sticks to show his devotion to Mai Ling. Li Yong sparring  with Kạn Pak. Foreshadowing for later.
Ah Toy hates weddings, why? Because she’s an inherently pessimistic person? Because they’re a painful reminder of her husband? I just know for sure that she’d let Nellie wife her up in a heartbeat 
Hong: “This food is so good mom!”
Ah Toy: “Mmmhmm cool, I’m thinking about murder and my wife.”
Ah Toy looking at Ah Sahm and Yan Mi. Supporting him like he supported her and Nellie! I love their dynamic as platonic besties and confidantes.
Those fuckers just couldn’t leave Ah Toy alone! I was NOT expecting her to go cannibal and bite his nose off! That fan blade omggg SLAY QUEEN
Hoon, “romantic and happy” means nothing to me without Ah Toy/Nellie. If Bill’s wife can miraculously come back last season, Nellie can too damn it. Ah Toy was like “Its safer in Chinatown” but every episode has her getting attacked and stressing about her shoulder. Like babe he’s already won if could make you give up your wife and happiness to go back to Chinatown. OK really looks like Lai is gonna go after Dickland herself next episode. So maybe  Ah Toy will fight him in the finale. DON’T KILL LAI
I KNEW this would happen with Father Jun and YJ! At some point, YJ will have to put him out of his misery. Ughh my heart!
Ah Sahm is still cursed in the romance department, huh? Young Jun is out for Yan Mi and the cops are on her trail, too. I hope she won’t die and just leave the city.
Li Yong, the elders are actually being very reasonable here. They’re just asking for better communication and less crazy decisions! He’s such a malewife for Mai Ling. Like I get it, he knows her and her story like nobody else. But come on, dude. You’re gonna regret it. 
So not a Red Wedding…but a Red Honeymoon. Warrior is very good at creating fight scenes that matter. They have stakes, they drive the story and the characters forward. Li Yong killing his best friend to protect Mai Ling was so emotional! He even yelled at Mai Ling to get out! That’s how you know he finally broke. How much more is he willing to sacrifice for her and love? Chao was right, love has consequences. 
Mai Ling is a complicated bad bitch. She’s ruthless and power-hungry. But her feelings for Li Yong and Ah Sahm are real, deep down. At this rate, she’s gonna push away everyone who could be an ally. Can’t wait to see how this will affect her and Li Yong.
The second biggest fight was Bill vs Chief Atwood. I must say, Bill’s been growing on me this season. He was the only one who gave a shit when Atwood was terrorizing the Chinese. The other cops are just mad that he’s punishing their people, too. Still, 5 years in prison for stealing some food is ludicrous. Atwood is an evil menace for everyone, white or Chinese.  I’ve been waiting all season for Bill to beat the shit out of him! Too bad it’s gonna bite him in the ass later.
Wdym there’s only 2 more episodes?? Didn’t season 3 just premiered like yesterday???
This season feels a lot darker or is it just me? Fuckley is mayor and everything is falling apart. Nobody is even remotely ok
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illusioncanthurtme · 1 year
Ok you think I would shut up about this but no, I've got more shit to say. I've been thinking about how much I love the iz universe for a few days now. It is actually my most favorite science fiction/future setting in any piece of media, and it has been for years. And SURE you could argue that nostalgia has a role to play in that, but it is the TRUTH!!
But ive been thinking. There's two things that stand out to me. First being that their version of future earth, (I feel like this does take place in the future due to some context clues, prolly canon but i wouldnt know) falls into the notion that earth becomes dingy and crowded and everyone is dumb. Since I watched this movie earlier this year, and watching iz now, it reminds me of idiocracy. But the thing about iz is the fact that not everyone is stupid. In iz, the bulk of the population is dumb and mindless, while there are some people who are really smart, like professor membrane, and dib, and gaz. It makes the world feel less hopeless, and more interesting.
Also the aesthetic. I LOVE that early 2000s take on the future that is grungy, but also kind of colorful. And of course the technology has those rounded edges, with all the bubbly shapes and the tubes and wires everywhere, and MONITORS. THERES MONITORS EVERYWHERE
SECONDLY, this show has Sci fi shit that mirrors the actual real future now, similar to star trek, and other mainstream scifi stuff that people point to as being prophetic/predictive. People have been talking about how humanities next step is our phones/personal devices being integrated into ourselves. And you see this a lot with the aliens, of course irkens with their paks. I think their paks are SO COOL. of course dystopian too, considering how they contain their personal information, and make them into a mere number/drone in the irken population, all that crap. It fucking mirrors technology now and the hold that corporations corporations have on you blah blah blah.
And the show mentions ai in almost every other episode. That speaks for itself, but it's still wild to see. The first episode, when the tallest showed the invader an image of him being terrorized by the slaughtering rat people, and he says "why would you draw that?" You know they used ai to make that image.
Anyway this was just a mindless ramble. No point. I just love the fuck out of this show right now
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sethnakht · 2 years
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darth vader (2020), #28 (pak/ienco)
here’s a scene: vader storms into the imperial palace unannounced, cracking the skull of a bystander who calls out his impertinence. as he rolls to a halt before his master, guards brandishing pikes form a barrier between them, indicating their own sense of a threat. this blustering entrance has in fact been orchestrated by a figure only spotted in the right-hand background of the first panel, the former handmaiden sabé - it was at her suggestion that vader chose to not only confront the emperor directly, but also bring her along with him.
sabé thinks this will be a confrontation, one that furthers her agenda to bring down the empire, pitting vader against his master - she thinks vader can be motivated by his love of the force, order, and power to confront the emperor about an agent who has been, on the emperor’s orders, using a technological terror to sow chaos and challenge vader’s power. what sabé doesn’t know: vader and the emperor have already been at odds over sabé herself. vader was unwilling to kill her, which was deemed treason or incompetence; accordingly, the emperor abandoned him on mustafar, fried and limbless, to catch fire again, evade an assassin, and so forth. after surviving these trials and even rebelling a little, vader was ultimately brought back into the fold, choosing to return to his master’s feet.
so the scene is charged and strange. vader blusters in, but is he confronting the emperor or simply giving sabé an opening or silently asking for permission to keep her alive, or something else altogether? that’s up to you, because during this entire interaction, vader says absolutely nothing. his entire contribution to the scene from here on is to lift sabé up like a puppet - importantly, without choking her or otherwise harming her, so she can still speak. which she does, calling to “anakin” in surprise, looking to him for an explanation.
vader says nothing. he doesn’t have to: the emperor speaks for him, casually demonstrating his easy access to vader’s mind by citing stray thoughts we’ve seen from vader earlier in the issue. why is vader lifting her up like prey caught in a net? because she reminds him of his weakness, and should not expect to be rewarded for that. (the emperor goes on to refer to words we’ve seen vader literally think to himself, that he will never accept a challenge to his strength and power - it’s easy to see why he is so confident that he has vader all worked out.) as the emperor speaks, however, vader remembers. and the images he calls up stand in tension with his master’s captions. 
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(is vader being prompted into remembrance by the emperor’s words, or is he listening to an interpretation of his stream of consciousness? that’s up to you - the temporal relationship between word and image is merely shown to be roughly simultaneous.)
sabé, the emperor says, reminds vader of what it was like to be helpless - and here, vader remembers getting married, entering a relationship of mutual dependence, making vows for life. she reminds him, the emperor continues, of what it was like to feel grief and fear. vader thinks about standing at padmé’s sarcophagus, separated from her corpse by a stone rendition of her sleeping or embalmed body; at the word “fear”, in a reversal that puts him in the dead padmé’s place, he remembers lying at sabé’s feet, entombed by his own malfunctioning suit, waiting as sabé weighs whether to divorce herself from padmé and kill anakin. everything the emperor says may be true - sabé may indeed make vader feel helpless, grieving, fearful - but the images, in their ambivalence, allow for other interpretations. does vader really only remember feeling helpless at his wedding, and fearful at the prospect of death at the hands of sabé, who acts as an instrument of justice for padmé? vader’s passive willingness to let the emperor define him doesn’t erase the somewhat contrary run of his thoughts. 
the rest of the sequence runs in the same vein. the emperor cancels vader’s force puppetry, letting sabé down to the ground, if only to emphasize again that vader is not her puppet: she’s forced to fight two guards alone. “he brought you to me,” says the emperor, seemingly unaware or uncaring that coming here was sabé’s idea; “he will not help you now.” that’s more or less what happens: sabé manages alone, diving behind the throne and getting the guards to shoot at the emperor, inducing him to kill them with lightning that curls around them like leads on marionettes. (in a missed opportunity, sabé isn’t allowed to reflect on how her former kindly mentor palpatine is now a sith lord who murders his own guards by shooting lightning from his fingers.)
whatever you make of it, the emperor is confident enough about vader at this juncture to reverse his position on the sabé matter altogether. she’s no longer (just) a sign of weakness, a reason to burn and rebuild vader from the ashes - she’s now an asset. if vader is angry that she challenges his power, the emperor more or less says, he should consider that she also offers a path to further corrupting padmé’s legacy - an opportunity to “mold” the queen’s shadow into his own. put another way, everyone acknowledges that vader feels challenged, but where sabé points to the emperor and his technological terrors as the cause, the emperor points to sabé - and sets a new challenge for vader as a sith. what gets me is that vader listens to both of them and does as they each ask (he takes sabé to the emperor, then takes her on a mission at the latter’s command) - and says nothing. 
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Marvel Reveals Stories and Teams for “Marvel’s Voices: X-Men #1″
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Marvel Comics has announced the creative teams and stories in the anthology one-shot Marvel’s Voices: X-Men #1.
“Evil Mutants” is a Mystique and Destiny story from writer Jay Edidin, artist Nina Vakueva, and colorist KJ Díaz. The story is set during the couple’s time leading to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
“The Stolen Night” is a Rogue and Gambit story from writers Raphael Draccon and Carolina Munhóz, artist Jethro Morales, and colorist Michael Wiggam. The couple are on a date...to rob the Thieves Guild.
“Cryo-Therapy” is a Storm and Iceman tale by writer Jay Jurden, artist Wilton Santos, inker Oren Junior, and colorist Andrew Dalhouse. Storm and Iceman bond over being Omega-level mutants as they push each other to new heights.
“Hollywood Ending” is a Jubilee and Lady Deathstrike tale from writer Greg Pak, artist Daniel Bayliss, and colorist Marcelo Costa. 
“The Man With No Shame” is a Solem story from writer Al Ewing, artist Gustaffo Vargas, and colorist Manuel Ananda Puppo. The story will reveal Solem’s sordid past full of heartbreak and betrayal.
“Team Building Terrors!” is a Jean Grey and Emma Frost tale from writer Sarah Kuhn, artist Jorge Corona, and colorist James Campbell. The telepathic duo are enjoying a day on the town when their outing takes a dramatic turn.
The anthology will also include an introduction by Vita Ayala and a trip through the X-Men’s glory days by artists Jan Bazaldua and Marcelo Costa.
Marvel’s Voices: X-Men #1 goes on sale on August 16, 2023.The one-shot features a main cover by Bernard Chang, a variant cover by David Marquez, and a variant cover by Nicoletti Baldari, 
(Image via Marvel Comics - Bernard Chang’s Cover of Marvel’s Voices: X-Men #1)
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thevindicativevordan · 9 months
Year in Review: 2023
Happy 85th to the Champion of the Oppressed! Big year for him in every medium. Let's take stock as we bid farewell to 2023.
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First off the biggest Superman comic event was the launch of the new Superman ongoing by Williamson and Campbell. Williamson surprised me by turning in what is easily his best work at DC here. Drawing on a wide range of Superman stories, but mainly inspired by the DCAU animated series, Williamson has turned in the successor series to the excellent Mark Millar Superman Adventures run. If like me you've craving some peak Livewire content, to see Jimmy Olsen hook up with Silver Banshee, or just what the hell it looks like when Clark and Lex try to work together, this run delivers that in spades. Campbell is a fantastic artist who is a key factor in the run's success, which is why it's a bummer that he still has yet to return to interiors. Perhaps next year. Praying Williamson manages to finally turn in a good event with House of Brainiac, because all the build up has gotten me excited in spite of Williamson's previous failures with Dark Crisis and Knight Terrors.
Across the street we had PKJ and Sandoval on Action Comics, which despite being billed as a team book, really is just a Superman book that had the Superfamily in it. Metallo finally got cracked for me as a character here, even though I was disappointed the true final boss of his arc turned out to be Hank Henshaw. Sadly this turned out to be PKJ's last year on the book, finishing his run in Dec and handing it off to a rotating team of "Superstars" next year. Consolation prize is that PKJ says he will be writing Superman in whatever else he has in development, and he's teased more is coming with the future House of El characters he created. Likely means he will be taking over JL, and if he makes that a stealth Superman book which follows up on Action plot threads the way Hickman Avengers ended up being a story about Reed Richards, I'm all aboard.
For the other Superfamily members we got more content that we've had in ages. Conner's mini was a fun DBZ inspired series about the Boy of Steel kicking ass in outer space and figuring out what he wants from life. Supergirl got a neat Special from Tamaki in the vein of King's Woman of Tomorrow, and an excellent team up issue with Martian Manhunter vs. Doomsday by Watters and Barrows. Power Girl had a series of great backups in Action by Leah Williams and Sauvage and then a much more mixed-ly received ongoing series. Despite being his freshman comics assignment, Dorn turned in a solid Steelworks mini that continued the Steel/Lana romance that Pak set up after Bendis seemed to backtrack from it. Yang even came back to write a backup for Kenan that made me want to see Yang take over Action from PKJ on a permanent basis. Jon continues to flounder under Taylor's pen, with the awful Adventures of Superman mini cementing that Jon as a character is basically unsalvageable.
Last for the mainline we have Waid and Mora still on World's Finest. Waid had the opposite trajectory as PKJ, staring the year weakly with a frankly boring Amazo arc. His second arc of the year turned out to be the weakest take on Superman and Batman's first meeting I've ever read, with Waid's Silver Age fanboyism and refusal to have the two be at odds resulting in tepid interactions against an underwhelming villain in Jax-Ur. Despite that, Waid managed to assuage fears he was washed with a return to Kingdom Come arc that follows up on what happened to Boy Thunder. World's Finest managed to end the year as one of the strongest books in DC's lineup. Mora of course managed to compensate for Waid's fall off in writing with peak art and action at all times.
Elseworlds wise we had the first issue of the fantastic Last Days of Lex Luthor by Waid and Hitch, Cantwell and Rodriguez writing a solid Superman three parter in The Brave & The Bold anthology, Russel managing to overcome my butthurt over Batman eating up far too many pages in Space Age, and Priest writing Superman undergoing a cosmic odyssey in Lost. Sadly Venditti's follow up mini to his sleeper hit in Superman '78 has thus far been underwhelming, so not everything has been a banger.
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Obviously one of the biggest surprise announcements was the return of Joe Casey to DC, and the Superman corner specifically with a Zod book. Pitching it as his effort to make Zod into Superman's Dr. Doom, and intended as a direct violent opposite to his run making Superman a pacifist, this announcement has my attention and interest. Perhaps we may finally be on the verge of Zod getting his due in the comics. Tomasi meanwhile is doing a Sinister Sons mini that features Lor paired with the son of Sinestro, which might be connected to this is some way.
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The first Superman cartoon since the 90s in My Adventures With Superman turned out to be an utter delight. Strong performances from the main trio of Clark, Lois, and Jimmy make this show the best take on all three, and the rest of the Daily Planet crew have never been better than they have been here. Weak approaches to Superman's Rogues was balanced out by three all time takes on General Sam Lane, Mxy, and Parasite. Cannot wait for S2 and thus far the reception seems to have been positive (overreaction to Lois aside), offering the hope that more seasons may be ordered. The other animated Superman and Supergirl of the Tomorrowverse had a solid showing in the Legion of Superheroes movie, but Justice League Warworld turned out to be an overambitious mess. Next year we will be getting a CoIE trilogy that seems poised to kill off the nascent Tomorrowverse, which was met with shrugs of indifference.
S3 of Superman & Lois managed to be a step up from the previous season thanks to the excellent performance of the actor playing Bruno Mannheim, the villain of the season. Hoechlin, Tulloch, and Parks continued to shine, and the show managed to beat the odds and be renewed for one final season to wrap things up before Gunn debuts the next film Superman. New actor for Jon also managed to be quite good, and Jordan seems to have realized what a shit he was being. rooting for this show to land the plane because it was enjoyable despite it's many shortcomings.
On the film side we officially got a new Superman and Lois in David Corenswet and Rachel Brosnahan, with Nicholas Hoult playing Lex Luthor, for James Gunn's Superman: Legacy. Holding out hope for one other Superman Rogue to be added to this, either Lobo played by Momoa or Brainiac. All of the casting thus far has been on point and it's certainly paints a picture of either ambition or hubris on Gunn's part to cast so many heroes. Otherwise the script for the Supergirl movie has been written already, hinting that Supergirl might be next up after Superman for release. Sasha Calle will apparently not be reprising her role, no surprise considering The Flash turned out to be one of the biggest bombs ever despite blatant nostalgia bait with CGI ghosts of previous actors including Cage, Reeves, and Reeve.
On the video game side everything remains awful, but that's just the default for Superman alas.
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Not a bad year honestly. Wish we got news a Superman video game was in dev or got a renewal announcement for MAWS, but otherwise I'm optimistic about the state of Superman outside of comics for the first time in ages. Inside comics I continue to mostly enjoy the Superman books, excited to find out if PKJ is getting JL, but am concerned this Superstars initiative for Action is going to be dismissed as filler.
We've got Aaron/Timms, Williamson/Sandoval, Waid/Henry, and one last mystery team next year, and I want to throw Tom King's hat into the ring as the guy to take over Action. He wants to write a Superman ongoing, he's pals with Gunn, he's ignited excitement and interest in WW again amongst the general audience for the first time since Rucka, and he'd be a good balance to Williamson in terms of tone and content. If not him then Ram V (who recently expressed interest in doing Superman with Doc Shaner), or Gene Yang would also be excellent choices.
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tahirinfo · 1 year
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#blackseptember #25september #tahirinfo_ #poster
Black September also known as the Jordanian Civil War, was an armed conflict between Jordan, led by King Hussein & Pak general Zia ul haq and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), led by chairman Yasser Arafat.
Over 3,000 - 5000 Palestinians were killed and some 20,000 displaceds
#blackseptember #palestine #israel #olympics #oldschool #malibucomics #terrorism #ultraverse #munichmassacre #earth #s #history #coldcase #historyfacts #historygram #photography #historyinpictures #terrorismhistory #newbookresearch
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dispatchdcu · 11 months
Star Wars: Darth Vader #40 Preview
Star Wars: Darth Vader #40 Preview #MARVEL #marvelcomics #comics #comicbooks #news #mcu #NCBD #comicbooknews #amazon #previews #reviews #starwars #darthvader #vader #starwarscomics
Star Wars: Darth Vader #40 Preview: SCOURGE OF CORUSCANT! – A DARK DROIDS TIE-IN! What greater prize could the DROID SCOURGE imagine than CORUSCANT, an ecumenopolis filled with millions of droids? And what greater TERROR could the people of Coruscant imagine than a horde of scourged droids…led by LORD VADER himself? GREG PAK • RAFFAELE IENCO (A) Cover by LEINIL FRANCIS YU VARIANT COVER BY ALAN…
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whatisonthemoon · 1 year
'School Of The Americas' School For Training Assassins
Watch on YouTube: https://youtu.be/qtKHiqaQwN4
Related sites and notes below
Moonies offered to pay leaders of the Contras The Reinvention of the Latin American Right VOC, CAUSA & Moonie Anti-Communism in Central America in Bo Hi Pak’s Own Words On Albert Fujimori, Peru, and Puerto Rico: On Sterilization as a Tool of [Anti-Communist] Fascism and Neo-Colonialism John K. Singlaub, WACL Death Squad Leader, Dies at 100 CIA Used Sun Myung Moon and the Anti-Communist League as Proxy Forces to Liquidate Communists
The Magnificast podcast talks about the political Left and Christianity. Here’s their newest episode:
This week we’re back to talk through another of Tricontinental’s dossiers. This time we’re talking about fundamentalism and evangelicalism and how those theologies are connected to imperialism in Latin America. Read the dossier here: https://thetricontinental.org/dossier-59-religious-fundamentalism-and-imperialism-in-latin-america/
Bo Hi Pak - Did you join the Unification Church in February 1957 or February 1958?
In this text it is written that he received training at the U.S. Army Infantry School at Fort Benning, Georgia, future home of the School of the Americas, from 1956 to 1957. He also writes that soon after returning to Korea, in September 1957, he was invited into the staff of Maj. Gen. Willis S. Matthews, chief of the Korea Military Advisory Group. According to Pak, from September ‘57 to ‘59, he worked as the Special Assistant to Chief of U.S. Military Advisory Group in Seoul.   Though this mismatched timeline may seem like an innocent mistake, 1957-1958 was a huge year of development and growth for the Unification Church, and a pivotal time for Pak. If he had in fact joined the Unification Church in February 1957, a date he has often cited, including in court, he would have already been a member of the Unification Church by the time he was invited to work for KMAG. 
A glimpse into Bo Hi Pak’s military career
On Moon’s Political Network and their Deep Connections to Global Terrorism
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smashpages · 1 year
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Can’t Wait for Comics | Emily Carroll, Fall of X, Knight Terrors, Wayne Family Adventures + more
Check out new comics and graphic novels arriving this week by Noah Van Sciver, Kendra Wells, Joshua Williamson, Greg Pak, Takeshi Miyazawa, Chris Condon, Jacob Phillips, Jay Stephens and more.
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