#palpatines the worst
wantonlywindswept · 1 month
Hi I just wanted to let you know that i absolutely love Defib. I've been reading your forgotten fox writing and was wondering if Defib has had any issues getting Commander Vertex into medical for any routine appointments so the medics can make sure he stays "uninjured" while working with the guard?(if theres been time for any yet?)
Glad you're enjoying, anon!
So there was actually a period of time between Fox being cursed and then rejoining the Guard as Vertex, and during that time a lot of shit that the Guard normally has to put up with got smacked down, and the Senate Guard and CSF were forced to actually start doing their jobs.
So by the time he gets back, the Guard is a lot less dangerous than it used to be (especially with Palps gone and not bathing in their misery anymore), and as the 'new' commander he's mostly on datawork, so he doesn't get injured all that much.
That said, he did absolutely send a fake medical report along with his fake spec ops credentials/background, so as far as Defib knows, Vertex is entirely healthy.
And with the rest of the Guard still recovering/adjusting to their new normal(on top of the majority of them being chronic medbay dodgers), he's so happy to have at least one person he doesn't have to worry about!
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sithfamily · 1 year
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arianeemorythethird · 5 months
Today's horrible Star Wars thought, prompted by some meta I'm not sure I fully agree with: when would have Anakin actually found out what the inhibitor chips really do?
According to RotS Anakin's not present when Palpatine sends out Order 66, he's already heading out with the 501st for the Jedi Temple. And up until that point, just like the rest of the Jedi Council, he knew that inhibitor chips existed but had no idea they could actually control minds and cause the clones to act against their will.
So when would he have actually found out the truth? I think there's actually two options here.
Option one is that in some missing moment after Mace's death, while Anakin was swearing himself to Palpatine, Palpatine told him ahead of time exactly what the inhibitor chips would do. This is possible, and frankly I think there's a decent chance Anakin would have gone along with Order 66 regardless - but I don't think it's the likeliest option.
At this point Anakin is, frankly, delusional, and he's flipflopping all over the place. A few hours ago he was completely loyal to the Jedi and turned Palpatine over to them. Could Palpatine be totally confident Anakin was completely and securely under his control and wouldn't change his mind yet again?
Sure, by the time Anakin commits himself to the Sith he is fully onboard the Jedi=evil train with Palpatine, fuelled partly by his resentment towards the Jedi Council but primarily, imo, by his desperation to erase his guilt over betraying Mace by convincing himself that the Jedi were traitors all along so he did nothing wrong. But "support me, the Jedi are evil, btw these people you trust and feel responsible for don't agree so I'm going to have to use mindcontrol and fully enslave them so they help us" doesn't fit into this neat narrative Anakin is using to justify himself. And it surely would have had the potential to trigger Anakin's slavery issues - in the wrong direction for Palpatine's purposes. It might be a low risk, at this point, but it's still a risk.
But also, there was a better option and one that, imo, better fits Palpatine's usual style.
Because option two is that Palpatine doesn't tell Anakin the truth about the inhibitor chips immediately. He just tells Anakin that the clones are loyal to Palpatine and the Senate (and, critically, Padme), and the clones have realised that the Jedi are traitors too, and Anakin should trust them.
And sure enough! Anakin's men in the 501st willingly attack the Jedi Temple with him, even down to helping him kill kids. Anakin can sense as, all over the galaxy, other clones turn on their Jedi generals. The Jedi must be evil, if the clones are turning on them too; Anakin must be doing the right thing.
In the critical moment when Anakin was still only taking his first steps into the dark it would reinforce his delusions, it would reinforce the worldview Palpatine was trying to push him towards, where Jedi were evil traitors and Palpatine (and Anakin, and the clones) were doing the right thing for the greater good.
And of course, it would give Palpatine something extra to torture Vader with, much later - much, much later. Another atrocity to bind them both together, and keep Vader feeling like he was irredeemable, he was so deep in the dark he wouldn't deserve to find a way out.
And like - this is not an exoneration of Anakin. He should have known something was wrong. In their right minds the clones would never have killed kids on Anakin's orders, they'd never have turned on the Jedi - but quite frankly if Anakin himself was in a place to recognise that, he wouldn't have been killing those kids himself, you know?
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swan2swan · 3 months
Padme, her concealed skin blistered from the suns, remembering the cold touch of blaster metal, the heat of a shot that came too close: "I was not elected to watch my people suffer and die while you discuss this invasion in a committee!"
Palpatine, who never left Coruscant and has, in fact, been orchestrating the whole thing:
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demigodofhoolemere · 1 year
Finished the Umbara arc for the first time. Nothing is okay.
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margindoodles2407 · 2 months
Dave Filoni you have GOT to stop doing this to me
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onlycleverinmyhead · 1 year
I hate you stories where there's a choice between destroying one semi sentient creature and letting millions die and the choice to save the creature is presented as the good and correct one, I hate you stories that try to say all life has equal value by having one creature be more important than everybody else I hate you I hate you I hate you
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satans-side-hoe · 2 years
Look I’m not saying hondo ohnaka could have taken one look at palpatine and immediately seen past his bullshit-
I’m just saying it wouldn’t have hurt to leave them in a room together and let fate come via Space Jack Sparrow style
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voidartisan · 1 year
a recurring theme i keep seeing in a lot of fox-centric fics and posts is palpatine having fox do a lot of administrative work and forge his signature etc. but i don't necessarily think that would happen????? palpatine likes to be in control. when his minions begin to become too powerful, or disobey him too often, he gets rid of them. that's what happened to savage, and ventress, and dooku, and vader, and even maul to some extent. i think he would want all the high-level government stuff to go through either his or mas amedda's hands. he definitely wouldn't give someone the power of forging his signature. it's also so very unsubtle. sheev is a manipulator. he's not outright cruel to the people who know him as supreme chancellor, lest he tip them off. he plays the "my hands are tied" card. he works through subterfuge and five layers of assassins. he's deeply unhinged but he's careful. he's a planner, always five steps ahead. it just seems out of character to me.
on the other hand, do i think that he uses dark side tactics and the inhibitor chips to override the coruscant guard's free will whenever he needs to? absolutely.
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lordansketil · 1 year
I’ve just discovered your and I think it is incredible…your depiction of Palpatine is so on point
Thank you! <3 He's been a favourite of mine for a very long time, so I've slowly gotten better at writing him over the years. Whether I'm putting him in situations or just letting him scheme in his red-painted ivory tower, he's always fun to write, oozing poison and rancid vibes wherever he goes.
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atomicc · 1 year
Had to send my parents a text asking if there was a chance they could help me out with a money thing and even though I'd pay them back or whatever I'm still like oh god oh god oh god
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Can a generous benefactor please submit a poll to me, as though I were a dishevelled Victorian urchin begging in the streets of Marylebone waiting for a kindly stranger to drop a sixpence into my cap, which I will then use to ask strangers on the internet about breeding clowns
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musewrangler · 2 years
Myra sighed and ducked back inside the house, looking swiftly to see if any of her mail was from Max. No such luck. She set it on the side table and moved to put away the meat and the veg before she got the kettle going on the burner and returned to sit for a moment. She sat in Max’s chair, getting a second hand embrace from the leather and touched Zev’s picture on the table beside her.
She opened the telegram first. She knew it couldn’t be bad news as the boy would have given her that look. The one reserved for telegrams starting with ‘we regret to inform you…’
She scanned the brief message in some confusion, her brain refusing to process for long, frozen seconds.
All my love.
The code words.
All my love.
Her hand shook.
Because the terrifying part was that it wasn’t signed by Max.
Firmus .
There was only one Firmus she knew of and he was also the only one who would know about this warning.
And that meant….oh sweet heaven, that meant…
She placed a fist to her mouth to keep in the sob.
Her Max of the broad shoulders and rare smile. The steady grey eyes and warm embrace. Right now, this very moment, what could they be doing to him?
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dukeofriven · 1 year
Everything good that Andor did was undone in an instant by the Ahsoka trailer revealing that Chopper is still around. Ugh. Ugh. Urrrghhhhh.
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phoenixkaptain · 2 years
C’baoth: “Droids are bad.”
Me: “This man is more evil than Palpatine.”
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wanderingguest · 2 years
+ @rebelfcrged​ ( lyric starter call ) Come Out and Play by The Offspring
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“And if they catch you slippin’, it’s all over...”
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