#pam true blood
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my study of pam's abs!
tap the picture for better quality :)
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ajcrowleys · 2 months
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maycanady · 7 months
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vampire appreciation week | favorite vampire/vampire dynamic
eric and pam, true blood 2008-2014
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henycavil · 2 years
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TRUE BLOOD (2008—2014 )
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3d-wifey · 2 months
Yall fuck with True Blood? I mean, the only ppl worth writing anything for are Eric
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And Godric maybe
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tvmilfs · 27 days
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blackleatherjacketz · 4 months
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When that European couple gives you that look from across the bar…
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chloe-skywalker · 5 months
I started watching "True Blood" on Hulu
The first season I was like WTF is going on? WTF am I watching?
Then I was like oh now it's getting really good and I looked back to see where I felt it went good and I was like oh season 2 lol.
I have fallen in love with the Eric Northman character.
I wasn't sure I was gonna like this show or have a character I really liked but Eric grew on me and I really like him.
I've been reading all the fanfiction I can find on him! I read over 600 things in day this past week tumblr gave me a badge for it lol.
I just don't know if I can wrote for him he's just so new and I love him to much at the moment.
But would anyone be interested if I wrote for him?
What about for Godric? Loved him to.
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lucyllawless · 1 year
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True Blood behind the scenes
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phantomstatistician · 9 months
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Fandom: True Blood
Sample Size: 1,512 stories
Source: AO3
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shesnake · 1 year
true blood was lesbophobic af for never having sookie drink a vampire woman's blood and experience the ensuing sex dreams
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ajcrowleys · 1 month
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true blood should’ve been about tara and lafayette.
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kahuunknown · 9 months
Prized Beast - True Blood Eric Northman fanfic
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!NOTE!: (18+), inspiration from TRUE BLOOD TV Show, Eric Northman x male reader, Male-reader/(Y/N) is replaced with alternative terms.
Eric couldn’t help it, usually he wasn’t so sentimental or wondrous about sex, but the little beast beneath him was nothing short of beautiful. He couldn’t stop his eyes from trailing the expanse of the muscled back rippling and arching before him, each push and pull earning a new shape and curve to that untouched skin. Colour a gorgeous olive tan, a shade blessed and kissed by the sun, it was warm and familiar- the same kind of skin tone of viking women during the long-summer. It was soft, velvet and youthfully delicate. Stretchy and forgiving to his rougher nature.
Eric groaned lowly, eyes flickering briefly to the back of his head, as he realised his nails had dug through and pierced the boy’s smaller body and drawn a flavour unlike any other. It smelt warm, satly like the sea of his origin, earthy like the sandelwood of forests- but sweet, if only naturally. Like vanilla bean and fruit. Juicy. His Tiger smelt like home. Natural and untampered. Pure and his alone.
Eric moaned obscenely as a hand left the boy’s hip to gift his tongue with the pleasure of tasting the treat he’d stained his own fingers with, cutting his own flesh in the hurry of consuming such an addiction. Fangs in the way, but all of Eric’s self control had left him hours ago, instincts ruled him and his horny bloodlust wouldn’t let him calm.
His beast usually waited until near dawn to arrive, but tonight had been different. Eric had smelt him, heard that rapid animal heart-beat, well before the young man had even neared the establishment. But he waited, patiently so.
For that grumpy expression to become expossed to his ocean eyes, for that pout to rile his excitement, for those yellow feline-eyes to seduce him. Eric waited, for he was no new fledgling, he was old and experienced in the art and reward of waiting. Godric had instilled the importance of such a lesson and Eric would never forget something so valuable.
Then, there he was. Tucked into a hoody much to large- it was his, and Eric relished in the fact that his scent was prominant and consuming the boy properly. Eric felt a wave of pride fill him, as not only was the little beast uncaring of other vampire- He was loyal, Eric preened. But he was also respecting the rule Eric had fussed over, others needed to know who the shifter belonged to. Who owned him.
The beginnings of a purr was igniting within Eric’s throat, especially as his beast neared him. He could now see black combat pants, with pockets that Eric could sense was filled with something silver- always the cautious little boy. Good.
The red glimmer of an earring, and Eric couldn’t stop himself from smiling smugly- his clever beast had thought of the idea. To have some of his blood on hand, safely and inconspicously hidden within the small vile of an innocent earring. Never used. But it made Eric feel better during his day-absence.
But this night, right... yes, Eric recalls, it was unusual.
He was practically vibrating with the hum leaving his lips as arms curled around his boy’s waist and hugged him close. That made his Tiger’s expression now available to him, the shifter looked conflicted- but with eyes blown so wide, Eric knew things were progressing smoothly. Sexuality didn’t mean much to a vampire... But his beast was a hesitant soul, stuck in the mindset of human tradition which had been imprinted. Eric was quick to fight such thoughts, battle it with force and persuasion. While his work wasn’t yet complete, Eric knew he had won something when the boy chose him. This night, his Tiger had confided reluctantly to him. And this was a change.
Eric rumbles at the brilliant hotness of his creature, so warm, so comforting. Like access to a sun away from suns. His own personal source of the long forgotten but well-missed heat of the day. The new position granted Eric the expanse of throbbing skin to his mouth, neck expossed and vulnerable to an attack which was undoubtly going to occur.
“My pet, this is unusual of you.” Eric chimes, eyeing his property stood before him. The eyes of some still lingered, but most were too caught up in lust, alcohol or simply the desire to move with the music. His pet looked uncomfortable, but in actuality, Eric was already well aware of this fact. He could sense the emotion from the blood bond. But he could not decipher why...
His Tiger’s expression remained bored, but Eric knew better, his grumpy kitten couldn’t fool him. But others were not so privy to understanding the subtleties of his prized possession.
“I need your help.”
It was but a whisper, soft and sweet. Embarrassment know flooded the bond and Eric was eager to understand why. Why, why, why? This was so highly unexpected. His shifter was a strong supernatural- humans were mostly no threat to him... And Eric had already honored his side of the bargin. So no other supernatural’s should bother the young boy further, unless, they had? But even then... He was confident his boy was powerful enough.
Of course, Pam was by their side in an instant, just as surprised and delighted to hear such words fall from lips as tightly sealed as their resident Tiger’s maw.
“Did I hear correctly?” She teased, silently urging him to repeat himself.
But Eric waved her back to her duties quickly at the massive spike of anxiety that clouded his bond, now even he was worried. She huffed with a frown, but rolled her eyes dramatically and did as she was told.
Standing, Eric allowed himself to briefly marvel the difference in height, shiver as those feline gold eyes followed him. Fuck, those damn eyes- they had such power over him, but he’d never let their owner know that.
“Come.” Eric ordered, “Let’s speak in the office.”
Relief came... Eric wondered what this was all about. Easily dividing the crowd, and while some humans watched with envy and jealousy, many of the vampires present understood that the Tiger was his. And that was to be respected, and reason enough, to earn priority from his duties on display as Sheriff and business-owner. They bowed their heads, and averted their eyes.
The door closed swiftly behind the shifter, and Eric found himself holding the boy still as his nose dotted about the mortal’s form. Hands patting down the smaller for injuries he perhaps wasn’t capable of detecting. The beast waited patiently, not stopping Eric until the vampire was satisfied. Head pressing against a warm chest, Eric concentrated on the heart beat once more, double checking that it was healthy and normal. It was a little fast, but otherwise fine. He frowned, stepping back.
“You’re temperature has risen, and your heart beats quickly. But nothing is wrong...” Eric mumbles.
“I’m fine.” His pet assured before pausing, “Mostly.”
“What is it?”
“It’s me.” The shifter admitted through clenched teeth. He looked and felt unhappy to be sharing anything with Eric, and yet the boy continued. “I’m a shifter.”
“Yes. I’m aware.” Eric mused, perhaps he was over thinking things?
“I’m omega.” It was added, swiftly and beyond quietly. Eric was sure that without his enhanced hearing, no creature would be able to detect something so silent and muffled. But he heard it. And he didn’t dare ask his Tiger to repeat such a declaration. The implication was enough. A spark of greed clouded Eric’s mind as he knew how incredably rare such a beast was- but he restrained himself.
No wonder the Tiger had trouble with other shifters (Were’s included). The boy was a walking, talking magnet. Valuable to every supernatural creature. Of course... Eric pondered. His boy was an excellent tracker, had given abilities that exceeded regular shifters and... those damn eyes. Eric nearly hit himself, those golden orbs were a dead give away.
“You-“ Eric paused, “You said you needed my help.”
The shifter nodded his head, “Normally, I’d figure this out on my own... But-“ He cut himself off, the little beast was unable to finish that sentence and Eric knew exactly why. His night has gone from boring to electric in mere minutes.
“I understand.” Eric assured, picking his words carefully. His chest puff up upon hearing the further loyalty in his tiger’s words (or lack of/implication). “I’ll help you.”
His Tiger’s shoulders slumped, and while there’s still a lingering nervousness and anxiousness, there is undoubtedly a type of relief paired with disgust. Eric ignored that last feeling, for he’d overcome it eventually.
“Is it tonight?”
He nods, and Eric is glad for the excuse to abandon Fangtasia.
Eric raises a palm to press against his big cat’s cheek, the boy doesn’t have the curouge to meet his eyes, but Eric can feel how despite the still rather grumpy expression, the Tiger presses into the touch. It wasn’t going to be their first time together, but it would be memerable and would change their dynamic.
So here he was. Fucking his dear omega prize.
Eric knew it was said to be special sleeping with an omega during heat, but the occassion was so rare that even Godric had not experienced such a thing. Still, he would disagree. It was so much more than special. It was otherworldly.
It felt like the perfect balance between man and women. And finally (aside from fellow vampires), Eric found a partner able to compete with his sexual stamina. Fuck, the little tiger just felt so very good. Unlike anything. He tasted brighter. He sounded pretty. He moved animalistically.
“You know, I’m offended I wasn’t invited.” Pam drawls.
Eric hadn’t even heard her. Hadn’t noticed her at all. Too focused on feeling everything, hearing everything, tasting everything. It scared him that Pam was able to do such a thing. So much so, that he initially snapped and hissed at her. Bearing down upon his dazed shufter and crushing the poor boy beneath him in an instinctually protective stance.
Pam seemed shocked as well, but then the scent hit her. And she forgot about Eric’s posessiveness, and moaned at the taste in the air, fangs shooting out uncontrolled.
“Is he?”
“Yes.” Eric croaked, “My tiger appears to have been keeping a rather serious secret from us.”
“I can’t believe he smells so damn good.” Pam hums.
“He feels even better.” Eric rasps, pushing himself up to better allow Pam to see the blissed and sex-drunk state of Eric’s dear beasty. And removing the protective stance he’d been displaying. There was no need if it were just his child, his progeny.
“Fuck.” She swears, biting a lip. Rounding the bed, she drags her done-up nails upon the shifter’s scalp. Tugging his locks of midnight hair in order to further expose the pretty face behind. Feline eyes dilate before expanding once more. He looked wild, Pam noted. Untamed despite the circumstance. Those hands were gripping at the sheets with white knuckles, in fact, she might’ve seen those precious talons of his extended and digging into the material. He didn’t want to be here, he didn’t want to be in this position... be with a man. Be wanted by men.
Pam nearly laughed at the irony. Oh how she wished she’d found the pussy cat herself, claimed him for herself. He’d have been happier then, but Eric would win this war, she had no doubt about that. The Tifer would succum to the Viking, submit to him fully in due time.
Unable to remain still any longer, Eric resumes his rythum of thrusting once more. And his shifter wheezes at the quick pace, but Pam silences him with her mouth. Bring the omega into a sloppy kiss. Her tongue traced those cute little pointed canines of his, while her own fangs threatened to draw blood. But she knew Eric wouldn’t be happy about that, she knew that tasting the omega was only a matter of time. Still it was hard to resist such a temptation before her.
Pulling away, Pam gives the special shifter’s cheek a quick peck. She briefly gazes at her Maker, whom looks to have returned to a daze of lust. Perhaps, she’d join in next time. Trotting away, Pam wanders in the direction of her coffin. The day would join them soon.
Eric and and his newly discovered Omega had been at it for hours, but dawn quickly began presenting itself. Pam’s interupting them was evidence of that fact, she didn’t like to be in the basement without appropriate need. Eric near roared as he climaxed, fangs extended and showing off their might. Lengthier and more prominant due to his age and power.
Calming himself, and steadying a non-beating heart, Eric examines his little beast carefully. The Tiger was near passed out, but his body responded appropriately regardless, still wanting more. Bruises and bites littered the boy black and blue. And while there was pride in such ownership, Eric knew it was only fair to heal the omega.
Biting his wrist, mortal lips numbly suckle at the blood. Not much is needed, and his feline doesn’t drink more than is nessessary, he takes what he is given. He’s a good pet, Eric nearly coos.
He’d never let the boy stay with him during day-rest before. Of course, the Tiger had guarded the room from time-to-time, but Eric knew at this stage that the boy was little threat to him. Nor did he ever suspect his shifter had the intentions to harm himself or Pam.
Simply rolling to his side, Eric curled around his dear tiger and allowed sleep to take him into a temporary death. Together in deeper manner than ever before. This new revelation made Eric ponder the changes he could make to his future endeavours. But it also made him debate his level of possessiveness, as of course, should anyone discover such information, it would be remarkably dangerous for not just his pet- but to him and Pam, as well.
Love was not an emotion Eric would ever be capable of understand, nor any vampire really, but he liked his little beast. He really liked his dear Shifter, and for now, that was all that mattered to a mind as old as his own.
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tvmilfs · 28 days
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