#pamakali asks
asirensrage · 9 months
Hi Ridea!
I'm pretty new to your blog, but a fan of your writing for sure and these smut prompts are some of the most creative prompts I've come across. So, if you're up for it, would you write;
character A making it their absolute goal for character B to admit that the best sex they’ve ever had is w/ A, and they both are kinda surprised when it actually happens.
for Nanami (him being B) Something about having Mr. Tight-lipped crack and tell something so utterly personal that makes me all giddy 🤭😊.
Thank you in advance!
- Kali 🐞
Hi Kali!! 👋🏻
Thank you so much for being a fan and for sending this in. I'm glad to have you here! I love Nanami so much and I rarely get to write for him lol. This didn't turn out as smutty as I thought, but I kind of really like it. I hope you do too.
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Rating: Mature Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen Pairing: Nanami Kento/Undescribed!Unnamed!Female OC Warnings: Mentions of smutty things and previous sexual encounters, kissing, being interrupted, good old fashioned teasing. Unbeta'd.
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“Come on…” she leans forward, resting her elbows on the table. 
Nanami ignores her like he usually ignores Gojo and while his apparent disinterest would normally be daunting…she knows what he’s like when he lets go. When he breaks past that stiff image he portrays and gives back just as good as he gets. The reminder is partly what makes teasing him so appealing. 
“Just admit it,” she says, gaze focused on the way the muscle in his jaw twitches as he clenches it. The two of them are alone. She’d never try this if there were others around, she’s not that cruel. Besides, she’d never live it down if Gojo found out they had spent the night together. “I’m the best you ever had, right?”
He turns another page of his paper, refusing to give in. That’s fine. She’s not expecting him to admit it, but it’s rare she gets to tease Nanami. At least about anything worthwhile. Besides, when she woke up after that night, he had made her breakfast as if he’d done it a thousand times and it admittedly sent her spiralling a bit. He didn’t seem real at that moment. She almost thought she had dreamt it, but the soreness between her legs, and the marks he left on her skin proved it had happened. 
“Hmm,” he hums, not agreeing or disagreeing. She almost would think that he just likes to hear her talk considering how often he stays and listens as she rambles. He does that to everyone though. She knows she’s not special. 
She runs her tongue over her teeth, shuddering slightly at the memory of his low voice in her ear, body pressed against hers as he told her how good she felt, how much he wanted her. She blinks back the memory, trying not to think about it. Despite how it ended, Nanami hasn’t given her any sign he wanted a repeat performance. Not that she has either. It was a fluke, a release of tension…right?
“You’re not trying to just spare my feelings, right?” she asks, smiling softly at him. “If it’s not me, I gotta know who. If only to see for myself.” His knuckles whiten as his grip on the paper tightens and her eyes widen slightly in surprise. She knows what those hands feel like on her skin, brushing softly, gripping tightly and leaving bruises as he moved her the way he wanted her. She swallows tightly, remembering how he used his hands to bring her to the peak before sending her crashing into her release. She shifts slightly, sitting back. 
They sit in silence broken only by the sound of the pages turning of his newspaper. 
“So who have you had the best sex with?” She asks, out of curiosity more than anything. She’ll fully admit he’s the best she’s had. At least so far. 
“You,” he says.
Her jaw drops at the admission and Nanami tenses. He didn’t mean to say it she realizes and somehow that makes it all the better. It’s the truth. She grins widely, feeling oddly pleased even if there’s a small part of her that’s hurt because if it was the best, how come they never brought it up again? She sees the way he looks at her out of the corner of his eye. 
“I knew it,” she says, validated in a way she never expected. 
Nanami sighs before closing his paper and turning to actually look at her. 
“For what it’s worth, you’re the best I’ve had too,” she admits, if only to help ease the potential awkwardness he might feel. 
“Come here,” he says, holding out one of his hands towards her. She gets up slowly, unsure suddenly about what’s going to happen. She was confident in her teasing, but she’s not now, certain that he’s going to try to be kind and tell her it was a one-off thing. 
His hand grips hers, firmly but gently and the warmth of his skin sinks into hers. She lets him pull her closer. As soon as she’s close enough, his other arm wraps around her waist, guiding her to sit on his lap. She moves so she’s facing her, legs on either side of his. He shifts her closer and her breath catches in her throat. She can see him clearly now, can recognize the heat in his gaze behind his glasses. 
The arm that was around her waist moves just enough that he can rub small circles against her back. The hand holding hers tightens slightly, his fingers moving to intertwine with her. They’ve been in this position before only with far less clothing and more desperation. 
“You are trouble,” he says softly. She tries not to smile at that. It feels more like a compliment than it sounds. “How do you continue to…” He trails off and she sees the way his eyes glance down to her lips. 
“Continue what?” she asks softly. 
“Tempt me,” he says. 
She doesn’t respond this time. She leans down slowly, giving him the chance to refuse before she presses her lips against his. The hand holding hers moves, cupping the back of her neck as he deepens the kiss. She rolls her hips against him, and the arm around her waist tightens, pulling her closer against him. 
“Kento,” she murmurs. He groans in response, kissing her again. 
“What do we have here?” A voice cuts in through the haze, making them both freeze. She pulls back slightly, wincing at the fact they were just caught. Nanami’s expression is unamused, hands moving to her waist but not letting go. 
“Get out, Gojo,” he snaps. 
“Aww, come on,” you hear him tease behind you. You don’t even want to look back to confirm it. You’re tempted to bury your face in Nanami’s neck, but this is your fault. You started this. “It’s not every day I catch you breaking the rules, Nanamin.” 
“I’m going to break you if you don’t leave,” you snap. Besides, there are no rules saying she can’t kiss him. Gojo is just being an ass. 
Nanami says something else, but she ignores it, focusing instead on the way his hands tighten their grip to keep her on his lap the moment she shifts. As though he thinks she’s going to move and is unwilling to let her. 
She hears the door close behind her as Nanami grumbles some choice words under his breath about the man who interrupted them. “Sorry,” she offers. “I didn’t think…”
“It’s fine.” His hand reaches to cup your cheek. “It’s fine,” he says again, his thumb stroking softly. “I wanted this.”
She blinks and looks at him. “You did?” 
He sighs, smiling softly. “More than you know. I shouldn’t have avoided…” he swallows tightly. “Allow me to make it up to you.”
“Dinner. Let me take you out. Properly this time.” 
The two of them had fallen into bed last time after a mission together. That was part of the reason why she suspected it was a one-time thing. This…this was an offer for more. 
“Yeah,” she nods. “Yeah, okay.” He kisses her again and she can feel his smile against her lips. 
let's do some prompts and drabbles
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seiwas · 5 months
Hi Sel!
I see it's your birthday?
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Hope you have a lovely day! 🥳✨♥️
kali!! thank you so much 🥺 this is so cute!!! i hope you have the loveliest day as well!!! 🫶🏻
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sixpennydame · 5 months
Hii can i request 18 with Levi x reader and canon? Ty😘
Hello and Happy Holidays! I hope you'll enjoy.
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DAY 3: Fake dating for a Christmas party/ball
Levi x fem!reader
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Levi crosses his arms and scowls. "There's no way I'm attending a stupid Christmas ball."
Erwin massages his temple. He knew this wasn't going to be easy. "I'm afraid you don't have a choice, Levi. You've been asked for specifically."
"Why? So those rich bastards can parade me around like some kind of show pony? No thanks."
"Those 'rich bastards' fund our expeditions. We need them on our side. And you won't be alone," Erwin gestures toward you.
Both men look at you and you stand a little straighter. "Hey, I have no problem being wined and dined by the Mitras elite. You can count me in."
Levi just rolls his eyes at you. "Fine. But she's doing all the talking."
You follow Levi as he storms out of Erwin's office. "Come on, it won't be all that bad. We get to wear fine clothing and eat delicious food - what better way could there be to spend Christmas Eve night?"
"I could think of about a hundred different ways."
"We make a great team in the field slaying titans...so who's to say we can't also make a great team slaying the purse strings of all those rich people?" You grin and jap his ribs. "It'll be fun."
"If you say so." Levi stops in front of his office door. "It starts at 7 o'clock. Be on time so we can get in and out of there, ok?"
You salute him mockingly. "Yes sir!"
As the evening approaches, Levi arrives and waits for you in the entryway of the grand home. He can feel the stares of people passing by and he straightens the jacket of his tuxedo. He checks his watch, and right when the hour hand clicks on 7, he looks up and sees you.
You enter through the large double doors in a red gown that looks as if it was made just for you. The velvet bodice is cut close to your body and then flares out into layers of taffeta and silk. You've put your hair up, but a few curled tendrils frame your face.
As you walk toward Levi, he swallows hard. Just a month ago, you were covered in mud and titan's blood. But now...
...you look so beautiful.
A huge smile spreads across your face as you see Levi. "Can you believe this?" You twirl around. "I think this dress costs as much as my entire Survey Corps salary!" You stop. "What do you think?"
Levi's eyes rove over your bare collarbone and the sweetheart neckline of your dress. "Not bad."
You roll your eyes and then look Levi over, suave and dapper in his black tuxedo. You stop to straighten his bow tie. "Switched out the cravat for the occasion, I see."
He shrugs you off of him and fidgets with the tie. "The dress code was black-tie only."
"Well.." you link your arm in his, "shall we eat first or have a dance?"
He stiffens a bit at your touch, but then relaxes. "Oi, this isn't a date or anything. We're working."
"What's the point if we can't have a little fun?" You pout. "Please...just one little dance tonight?"
He lets out a sigh. "Fine. One dance."
Levi doesn't mind, as long as he gets to hold you, just a little longer.
Join my taglist!
@notsaelty @mrsackxrman @youre-ackermine @leviismybby @kokosmiles @littlerequiem @searriously @deepestcatpatrol @nube55 @humanitys-strongest-bamf @mskittythewitch @kae0e0 @noctemys @darkstarlight82 @pamakali @dreamtuna @ebechnasheim
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cheesy09 · 4 years
Dear cheesy-sensei 🙇‍♀️, i NEED advice!! Do you have any pointers to give on how to survive and keep surviving in MLQC??? After reading your posts about the new chapters i'm kind of panicking... I'm struggling already getting through chapter 14 😭😭 at this rate i feel i won't even make it to chapter 25 😓. I can't spend ANY money on it.. do you have a battle strategy? Like on farming gems, stamina? Obtaining/maintaining karma and the likes? Please teach me oh great and noble cheesy-sensei 🙏🙇‍♀️🙏🙇‍♀️
Hi, hi pamakali! So sorry for the late reply. You know, time zone difference and all that. Plus, I wanted to give a good thought to your question before answering. The last thing I want to do is give you half-assed information. I'm not really used to giving game strategy advice but I'll try my best.
I would say the key words are patience and restraint.
Patience because you need to amass your resources. Don't just rush into the chapters. Take the time in between unlocking each chapter to work on your cards. Do your 24-hour challenges everyday. Do the Heart Trials and unlock as many stages as possible (Note: I suggest unlocking the new stages on Sundays because you get double the rewards). Get all of the free SSRs (And when I say this, I mean only get the ones available in 24-hour challenge. Do not use your Heart Flowers to redeem for the SSRs available in the Wish Tree shop. The reason being that, in the future, we will have an option of redeeming for Refined Shards which are used to evolve an SP. Plus, you may chance upon those karmas when pulling during an event). Star them up to the max. Fully ascend your strongest SSR (And maybe two more to just below the Skill Node) Again, do not unnecessarily ascend Karmas because you will need the materials for an SP. When ascending your SSRs make sure to choose one of each suitor. You can preferentially fully ascend the karma of your favourite suitor, but make sure it's the one with the best stats. (The reason I'm saying this is because, after chapter 21, the shooting stages have character buffs which will require you to use a specific suitor's card to get a better score)
[A temporary fix to your problem of being stuck at Chapter 14, could be to fully ascend an SR card. I chose to fully ascend Kiro's Albatross card which gave me some pretty good stats. And still does, at the moment. For Execution, Gavin's Fierce Battle card is also really good. Or Lucien's Afternoon Sun. Or Victor's Anticipation card.]
Do your City Strolls every week (EDIT: Each suitor's city strolls' has three parts to it. Only after completing all three parts will you be able to obtain 100 gems as a reward) and don't miss out on a single day of doing your daily missions (This includes your mini-house missions). Don't miss out on using the redeem codes that Elex puts out on their Facebook and Twitter pages. (Yes, you need to check out both these sites because they sometimes give out two different codes). If there are certain event Karmas that you absolutely want, calculate and see how much you will need to save up according to an estimated time frame. But, if you can, try and refrain from Wish Tree events until the Chinese Wedding SP event.
(If you're up to it, try getting Shaw's karmas whenever possible because if you can't manage the character buffs, Shaw's cards can cover you in that area; him being the special character that he is 😂)
Restrain because you need to control yourself from spending gems (and gold) unnecessarily. What do I mean by this? I mean don't spend them on unnecessary things like stamina, karma promises (obtained from starring up karmas), memory stardust (only use the gold pool and your free gem pulls to get this) or any other items that you could obtain through other means.
[About gold: Do not spend your gold in levelling up your experts. Use your medals. And level up only one expert once per day, for the sake of the daily mission. Use the gold only for starring up, evolving and pulling from the Gold Pool. (EDIT: Using medals is applicable only to those who crossed the level of an elite investigative expert. Until then you will have to use your gold)]
Don't even try to spend your gems on pulling cards from the gem pool unless it's an event and you can guarantee at least one card. For now, I suggest not spending your gems and galaxy wish coupons on anything except the wedding SPs that will come out in between January and February.
The thing about SPs is that they are notoriously difficult to evolve, especially for F2ps. You will have to guarantee yourself at least two more copies besides the main one to evolve it to stage 4, only after which will the card be useful in battle and you can also unlock the complete date. Before evolving it to stage 4, the card is basically useless. That being said, an SP is only at its ultimate best at stage 10, but the requirements needed for evolving it from stage 5-stage 10 are relatively much simpler than getting it from stage 1-stage 4. It's okay if you can't guarantee a copy but it will take you much longer to evolve it, probably even months (a fate that I have resigned myself to because of my impulsiveness during the Halloween event 😩)
But anyway, this is as much as I can tell you. Hope the advice helps. I apologise if I missed out on anything.
Note: There is a lot here that I haven't talked about. For example, the use of Heart Clefs in Karma Ascension. But that is only because I don't understand much about the mechanism myself. I probably will once I reach that stage.
If you want more information, I suggest checking out @thescentoflavender 's blog. She gives good advice to players who are experiencing troubles like ours.
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gureishi · 3 years
Good morning, my friend!!
I've got 2 for ya: 💙 and 💜 hihihihi 😇✨
I hope your day will be a good one! 😚
Hihihihi friend!! 🥰 I hope you have a lovely day today too <3
Get to know me game
💙 introvert or extrovert?
I’m an extrovert, though uhhh if it’s a spectrum from 1 (most introverted) to 10 (most extroverted) I’m probably like a 7
💜 what do you look like?
Hehehe, I’ll show my face, I don’t mind. I took this last night to show a friend the outfit I had apparently deemed acceptable for a full day of zoom teaching (I am wearing shorts, but I’ve got that super professional no-makeup-but-lipstick look going on 😅)
Pic under the cut in case anybody doesn’t wanna see what their amorphous blob internet friend looks like LOL
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space-kitten-606 · 3 years
And some of these: ❤️💕💜❤️💕💜❤️💕❤️!! Just because 😘
Hhhhh thank u Kali >.< you're so sweet!!!!
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janumun · 3 years
You’re Still Here (MLQC Victor - Letter)
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Well then, friends, if you’ve ever been curious to learn of Victor’s thoughts in the aftermath of the events of Chapter 18, this here is my attempt at turning my entire barrage of tears (at those awful chapters) into something coherent and hoping to give you a glimpse into what went on in that man’s mind post Chapter 18. 😂
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Merry Christmas to you too @pamakali​ . I see and hear that sadistic streak of wanting Victor Li down on his knees, emotionally and physically shaken 😂 
While I’ve not kept to a light-hearted date-bust scenario, this letter does contain a Victor burdened by the regret of hurting the one he loves and perhaps emotions he keeps so well under wraps from her. 
Summary: Victor Li is not a man burdened by many regrets but the one he truly wishes to rectify is the one he can never hope to, ever again. 
Warning Tags: spoilers for MLQC Chapter 18, grieving and heartbreak, Victor’s POV, slight alteration of the main storyline
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[Transcript Under The Cut]
— Hey you’ve reached my voicemail! Please leave a message after the tone and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can! —
Dummy, are you still not going to answer my calls?
A soft, soughing sound; it trembles. A sigh barely audible before it breaks.
…I guess you aren’t. You’re no longer here, are you? Because… I was the one who—
The voice tapers; that strong essence of it— so assured once — as if crushed underneath a great, terrible weight.
Before it continues, as if it’s splintering were mere figment of an over-active imagination.
Christmas is just around the corner in Loveland now; I guess it’s been six months since I last saw you? I haven’t had the time to call as often but I trust you’ve been eating well and not just snacking on the usual take-out junk you so seem fond of. Don’t get a stomachache over the holidays, dummy.
LFG’s been going through a busy few months since you’ve been gone. I’ve had to revise and finalize a few particularly irritating contracts with some of our partners in Shanghai this month.
Business gatherings, notably, have become somewhat of a chore, now that I don’t have a certain clumsy woman on my arm, attending as my companion. Laughing under her breath as she tells me of her day and the ‘funny’ incidents she’s encountered throughout. Your pointless babbling’s been amusing enough, so far, to distract me from the tedious boredom of that stifling, cut-throat atmosphere.
…Which reminds me; I happened to skim through a couple of annual reports. Your company’s, I see, is long over-due, as usual, and I just so happen to have an absent head of said company on my hands, as well.
You’ve always been your fair share of trouble, haven’t you?
But perhaps… I’ve been harsh in my words, more so than was appropriate. For why else did you seem so terribly upset the last time we spoke? Shaking me off as you’d asked me to leave, the tears in your eyes as you’d told me I was the idiot—
I did not understand then, I don’t think I still do but I do know our last encounter left me bothered.
Perhaps I am the fool; I should’ve acted then, taken you into my arms and comforted you as any other man might’ve upon making his partner upset. Told you I was sorry for having misspoken and that we could work through it together.
…All words I wish I could speak to you now.
But now… It is far too late.
A shuddering sound of pain released on a trembling exhale.
Damn it all.
The line’s abruptly cut off; soul-deep regret replaced by the monotone of the tinny dial tone.
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End Notes: A voice mail felt more appropriate to me; I can see them as Victor’s ‘personal letters’ of yearning and regret towards the MC over the years since her disappearance [if she never managed to return that is]. 
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shittylongcatposts · 3 years
🌟🌟beautiful person award! once you are given this award you're supposed to paste it in the asks of 8 people who deserve it. if you break the chain nothing happens, but it's sweet to know someone thinks you're beautiful inside and out 🌟🌟
Right back at you!!!! 💫 Thank you dear, thats really kind of you! Time to spread some warm and fuzzy feelings:
@space-kitten-606 @lisbellagesundheit @anon-drabble @jafndaegur @mrs-han @inthisblogwestanthechoitwins @gureishi @pamakali @edgelord-saeran @mammonprotectionsquad @missmysme
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sixpennydame · 5 months
Yo Sailor how about #7 for the festive writing prompts? Or perhaps #26 if 7 was already requested 😚
Happy holidays! This prompt is too cute...so of course I had to make it a little smutty. ;-)
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DAY 4: Building a gingerbread house together
Levi x gn!reader
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It was here: the time for your family's annual gingerbread house-making contest. What had started as a friendly way to pass the holiday afternoon had now become a tooth-and-nail, winner-take-all competition between your brothers and sisters, and you were dead-set on winning this year.
Because this time, you had a secret weapon: Levi.
"So..we don't eat these?" Levi asks quizzically as he hits a hardened cookie 'wall' on the kitchen counter. "What's the point then?"
You quickly grab the cookie from him before he can cause any damage. "The point is that I want to have the best damned gingerbread house when we visit my family tomorrow. Now, are you with me, Ackerman?"
You stand in front of him, a look of sheer determination on your face. He loves it when you get competitive like this. "Just tell me what to do."
"Well, you have a steady hand, so I want you to work on the piping for the walls and roof." You take the piping bag and make intricate designs, "like this."
When you're focused, you squint your eyes and bite your bottom lip, and Levi thinks it's the cutest thing he's ever seen. He starts kissing your shoulder - he just can't help it.
"Levi...you're supposed to be watching me."
"I am watching you." His lips move to your neck.
Your hand stops. "We need to focus."
"I am focused." His hands slide under your shirt. "Give me 10 minutes, and then I'll make you the best damned gingerbread house your family has ever seen."
You put the piping bag down and smile. "You promise?" He returns your smile and you kiss him. "I suppose I can spare 10 minutes."
He lifts you up out of your seat and carries you to the bedroom.
"Make that 30 minutes, and I'll show you what my steady hands can do."
Join my taglist!
@notsaelty @mrsackermannx @youre-ackermine @leviismybby @kokosmiles @littlerequiem @searriously @deepestcatpatrol @nube55 @humanitys-strongest-bamf @mskittythewitch @kae0e0 @noctemys @darkstarlight82 @pamakali @dreamtuna @ebechnasheim
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sixpennydame · 5 months
Ahh, just saw in your message that you’re only taking prompts until Friday! Gotta get in quick with my Festive Fic request 😅
Can I please have a number 26: Secret Santa Gift Exchange with Levi and… anyone else of your choice! Thank you and Happy Holidays ❄️ ⛄️
My sweet Terra Bee! Here’s a silly little LeviHan prezzie for you. Hope you like it!
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DAY 6: Secret Santa gift exchange
Levi x Hange
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“Too gaudy.”
“Too cheap.”
“Too predictable.”
Levi looked through the various items available at the market, a man on a mission. He’d been chosen as Hange’s Secret Santa, and was determined to find them the perfect gift.
Hange was a hoarder, to say the least. To them, everything had value — sentimental or experimental — and their office was filled to the brim with books, trinkets, and odds and ends.
So what do you get the person who has everything?
It was a conundrum Levi had not yet found the answer to, walking from vendor to vendor; with only three days left, he was running out of time.
Then, walking by an art and hobby market, inspiration struck. “It’s stupid,” he thought to himself. But at this point, what choice did he have?
In the days to follow, Levi was rarely seen aside from training and meetings. “Levi, do you want to go into Trost with me?” Hange asked. “We can pick up some tea while we’re there.”
“No time, four-eyes. I have things to do.” He says to them without even a second glance.
The next day, Hange sees him grabbing some bread in the mess hall for breakfast. “Levi! Come join us!” They gesture to their table.
“Can’t. I’m busy,” he remarks as he’s making his way out the door.
“What’s up with him?” Hange puzzles. The others at the table remark with shrugs.
On the day of the Christmas party, everyone arrives in high spirits, their Secret Santa gift in hand before placing it under the Christmas tree. Levi comes in a little later and sneaks past Hange to place his present amongst the others.
Nanaba hands out the presents to each person and when Hange receives theirs, they instantly start shaking it.
“I wonder what’s in here? It barely makes a sound.”
Each person takes a turn opening their gift and trying to guess who it’s from. Once it’s Hange’s turn, they tear into the wrapping paper and open the box. Inside is two small titan dolls, one slightly bigger than the other.
Hange handles each of their felt bodies with care. “This is handmade.” They look at the stitching, the button eyes, the wool hair. “Wait a minute…Is this Sonny and Bean?”
Hange holds them close, their eyes becoming glassy, just a bit. “This is….it’s just…” They look around the group, trying to figure out who would have gone to such lengths to make or buy such a thoughtful gift. As they gaze each face, some amused, others confused, there’s one with a slight reddish tinge to his cheeks, his eyes cast down and looking anywhere but at Hange.
“Levi…is this from you?”
He crosses his arms. His silence confirms what everyone thinks.
“And did you make this?”
“Is it that obvious? I guess it is kind of shitty work.”
Hange crosses the room and immediately pulls Levi into an embrace. “It’s the sweetest gift anyone has given me. Thank you.”
Their comrades give shouts of oohs and aahhhs before Levi pushes them away. “Ok, ok, that’s enough.” But the growing blush of his cheeks shows that he’s pleased with Hange’s response. He rubs the back of his neck.
“I’m glad you like it.” He finally responds, shyly.
Join my taglist!
@notsaelty @mrsackermannx @youre-ackermine @leviismybby @kokosmiles @littlerequiem @searriously @deepestcatpatrol @nube55 @humanitys-strongest-bamf @mskittythewitch @kae0e0 @noctemys @darkstarlight82 @pamakali @dreamtuna @ebechnasheim
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sixpennydame · 5 months
hi Sailor my dear, here to spread the winter spirit ☃️
For the festival prompts, could I request #20 - being caught standing under the mistletoe with Levi?
Hello my darling friend! I love that you requested this. <3
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DAY 5: Being caught standing under the mistletoe
Levi x fem!reader
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Drunk and noisy corpsmen and women, crowded in a small tavern- Levi doesn't know why he came to this Christmas party.
Yes he does. It's because you're here.
You'd worked so hard, organizing the event: from the drinks and snacks that were going to be served, to the games that would be played. You'd even convinced Miche to play piano for a singing contest.
So when you knocked on Levi's office door two weeks ago, with an invitation in your hand and that expectant gleam in your beautiful eyes, he had to say yes, of course he would come.
He watched you as you flitted from one group to the next, talking, laughing, and filling up drinks. He admired your ability to talk to anyone and fit into any group dynamic. Levi could tell when people were faking it, but that was never the case with you - you genuinely cared for people.
When he saw you making your way towards him, he stopped leaning on the doorframe and stood a little straighter. Why was he nervous?
"Are you having a good time?" you ask.
"Yeah. Sure." Words seem to escape him suddenly. His mouth feels dry so he takes a drink. "This punch is good."
You smile. Walls, he loves your smile.
"I'm glad you like it." Your eyes move upward. "Oh...looks like we're both standing under the mistletoe."
Levi looks up to see the small sprig of green and white, hung on the doorframe with a red ribbon. When he looks back down, you've moved closer to him, putting a hand on his chest before placing a chaste kiss on his cheek.
"Merry Christmas, Levi," you whisper.
Cheeks flushed, you turn to walk away, but Levi grabs your hand, pulling you behind the doorway and close to him.
He kisses you softly on the lips and feels you lean into the embrace. His heart flutters.
"Merry Christmas," he whispers back.
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cheesy09 · 4 years
Hi!!!! My favorite story of yours has got to be "Did I find you?"!!!!!
I had Just stopped playing MLQC. Deleted the game thinking: too much hassle 🤣. But then i read your story... The emotions you managed to capture 🙏 and that ending 😱😭 It definitely made an impact! And i thought: "well.. if that game inspires people to write THIS... I want IN!!" So I redownloaded the game and started playing again. And Let me tell you: I. AM. HOOKED! I don't know if its morally correct to be grateful for getting me into something so addictive 😜😂 but i am FOREVER grateful 😁🌻🥰
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@pamakali you are such a sweetheart!!! 😭 I can't thank you enough for all the kind words you've showered me in, and I'm sending ten times the love your way <3
I honestly cannot gauge wether I have done the right thing by luring you into this expensive emotional whirlpool known as Mr. Love Queen's Choice, but I'm glad to know that you're enjoying it 😆😈
Anyway, thank you so much for enjoying my works and for the all your support! Ily 😘💕💓💓💞
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gureishi · 3 years
Hi!! How are you??
I would just really like to share: i am IN LOVE with your blog 😳 your writing is so beautiful!!!! And your Saeyoung fics are TO DIE FOR! I'm immersed from start to finish, glued to the screen. And as a recently joined member of the I-love-that-silly-redhead-weirdo-so-friggin'-much club, THIS is my new home 🎶☀️ Please continue your gorgeous work! 🙏🙇‍♀️
I hope you're healthy and safe, and that your day will be a good one! ✨
Um?!?? This is just the kindest, sweetest comment???? You quite literally brought tears to my eyes and now I’m grinning like an idiot.
Thank you SO much for this!!! This message honestly means the world to me and you’ve just made me so freakin HAPPY.
Welcome to club loving-the-redheaded-weirdo 😍😍
I hope you’re healthy + safe + having a lovely day as well, dear!! 💕
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gureishi · 3 years
Saeyoung + laughing heart 💕 (I love the idea of this requests!)
Ooooh, thank you!! God knows I’m always happy to write about my best boy~ Happy Valentine’s Day! <3 <3
laughing heart (Saeyoung)
You’re in bed, propped up in a fluffy little haven of all the pillows you own, when your phone rings.
You reach for it sleepily, setting aside the book you were reading. Who would call so late? you wonder absently as you squint at the lit-up screen. You burst out laughing when you see his name.
“Baby, why are you calling me?” 
You hear him giggling through the phone; you hear it doubled, actually, through the thin wall that connects the bedroom and the office.
“I miiiiiiss you,” he sings. You can picture him: feet propped on his desk, swaying back and forth in that silly, fancy chair.
“I’m, like, approximately a fifteen second walk away,” you tell him. Automatically, you sit up, crossing your legs, tugging the comforter around your shoulders. It’s an old habit, you realize—sitting in bed, wrapped in blankets, clutching your phone to your face. Hearing his voice in your ear.
“Can’t walk,” he says, still giggling. “Too hard.”
“Babe, come to bed.” You roll your eyes; you can hear him spinning around in a circle in his chair, one room over. “Wouldn’t you rather be all cozy here next to me than talking to me on the phone from your desk?”
You can practically hear him pouting. Sweet boy. 
“I used to call you when I was right next to you all the time!” he whines.
“That was a long time ago, honey.” You toy with the sleeve of your pajama shirt, rolling and unrolling it. You wait patiently for his point—you know he has one. You can hear it in the timbre of his beautiful voice.
“I have a question,” he says, and he’s got that fake-deep voice on, like he’s playing detective—but you know he means it, or he wouldn’t ask.
“Yeah?” You can’t sit still tonight—maybe it’s the tinny sound of his voice through the phone sending shockwaves through your heart. You’re always together, nowadays; you realize you can’t remember the last time you talked on the phone. You play with the silver band on your ring finger, rotating it round and round.
“Okay, you get one shot at this, so get it right, okay?”
You roll your eyes.
“I’m sleepy, baby. What is it?”
“Ta-da!” You hear him leap up from his chair. What a silly boy; oh, how you adore him. “Iiiit’s…this! What was the first thing you thought of, the veeeery first time you talked to me?”
This takes you by surprise. You tilt your head thoughtfully, thinking back—it feels so long ago now, that hazy, head-spinning time. You remember the first time, of course: you were sitting just like this, propped up in a bed that didn’t belong to you, in a home that didn’t belong to you. He’d startled you: his voice was deeper than you’d imagined, somehow, and more dynamic. He’d been teasing you, right off the bat—you hadn’t fallen for it. He’d panicked. How strange, you’d thought. What a strange, strange time, and a strange, strange boy. Your heart had raced—you’d felt it would beat its way out of your chest.
“I thought, ‘Huh, what a weird guy,’” you tell him.
“You what?!” he growls; you can barely stifle a giggle. Through the wall, you hear him leap out of his chair; hear the door slam; hear his footsteps in the hall.
Saeyoung appears in the doorway, skidding to a stop, phone still pressed against his cheek. 
“You what?” he repeats. You shrug, grinning. He pushes off from the doorframe, taking a running leap; you squeal as he pounces on you, landing in your lap and pressing you back against your pillow pile, hands on your shoulders. “I don’t believe you,” he says, hovering over you, his eyes bright. You scrunch your eyes shut, giggling, breathless, pretending to ignore him. “Tell. Me. The. Truth,” he hisses in your ear, and then his teeth are on your earlobe and he’s tugging it into his mouth, sucking, nibbling. He knows all your weaknesses.
“Fine,” you gasp, wrapping an arm around his waist. He is relentless—he bites the side of your ear, your cartilage. “Fine!” You push him, gasping. He sits up—still in your lap, straddling you, a big grin on his face. 
“Did you think, ‘Ah, that’s the voice of the man I’m gonna marry?’” He asks, bouncing a little. You smack him; he grins wider.
“No,” you say, honestly. “Not really. You wanna know what I really thought?”
“Yeeees.” He bends down again, nuzzling your forehead with his nose. You kiss his neck, right under his chin. He squirms.
“I freaked out,” you tell him, meaning it. “I thought…oh god, I’m in trouble now.”
He peers at you, gauging whether you’re messing with him; this time, you’re not.
“Yeah?” he asks, lowering himself onto you, tucking his head under your chin. You wrap both arms around him.
“Yeah,” you tell him. “I thought, oh no, this man is hopelessly, impossibly charming, and I have to have him,” you say.
He laughs—bubbling and sweet.
“Even then?” he asks you. He wraps his fingers around a lock of your hair.
“Yeah, even then.”
“But you still thought the other thing too, though. Didn’t you?”
You pull him close; he kisses your collar bone as you wrap your arms and legs around his body, holding him tight.
“Yes, baby.” You snuggle into him—he’s better, warmer, softer than any blanket. “I thought, what a weirdo. I guess I’m gonna have to fall in love with him.”
He buries his face in your chest, sighing contently. “Good,” he hums. “You were right.”
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