#pamela spiro wagner
sicknessinmotion · 6 months
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poetry as a sort of life
wendell berry // charles bukowski // george oppen // karen glenn // pamela spiro wagner // heather mchugh.
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mossful · 3 years
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Pamela Spiro Wagner
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writernotwaiting · 6 years
How to Read a Poem: a beginner’s manual
by Pamela Spiro Wagner
First, forget everything you have learned, that poetry is difficult, that it cannot be appreciated by the likes of you, with your high school equivalency diploma, your steel-tipped boots, or your white-collar misunderstandings. Do not assume meanings hidden from you: the best poems mean what they say and say it. To read poetry requires only courage enough to leap from the edge and trust.   Treat a poem like dirt, humus rich and heavy from the garden. Later it will become the fat tomatoes and golden squash piled high upon your kitchen table. Poetry demands surrender, language saying what is true, doing holy things to the ordinary. Read just one poem a day. Someday a book of poems may open in your hands like a daffodil offering its cup to the sun. When you can name five poets without including Bob Dylan, when you exceed your quota and don't even notice, close this manual. Congratulations. You can now read poetry.
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seaanimalonland · 4 years
How to Read a Poem: Beginner’s Manual | Pamela Spiro Wagner
First, forget everything you have learned, that poetry is difficult, that it cannot be appreciated by the likes of you, with your high school equivalency diploma, your steel-tipped boots, or your white-collar misunderstandings.
Do not assume meanings hidden from you: the best poems mean what they say and say it.
To read poetry requires only courage enough to leap from the edge and trust.
Treat a poem like dirt, humus rich and heavy from the garden. Later it will become the fat tomatoes and golden squash piled high upon your kitchen table.
Poetry demands surrender, language saying what is true, doing holy things to the ordinary.
Read just one poem a day. Someday a book of poems may open in your hands like a daffodil offering its cup to the sun.
When you can name five poets without including Bob Dylan, when you exceed your quota and don’t even notice, close this manual.
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eatingpoetry · 7 years
How to Read a Poem: Beginner’s Manual
First, forget everything you have learned, that poetry is difficult, that it cannot be appreciated by the likes of you, with your high school equivalency diploma and steel-tipped boots, or your white collar misunderstandings. Do not assume meanings hidden from you: the best poems mean what they say and say it. To read poetry requires only courage enough to leap from the edge and trust. Treat a poem like dirt, humus rich and heavy from the garden. Later on it will become the fat tomatoes and golden squash piled high upon your kitchen table. Poetry demands surrender, language saying what is true doing holy things to the ordinary. Read just one poem a day. Someday a book of poems may open in your hands like a daffodil offering its cup to the sun. When you can name five poets without including Bob Dylan, when you exceed your quota and don’t even notice, close this manual. Congratulations. You can now read poetry. By Pamela Spiro Wagner.
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African Queen of Vision Pamela Spiro Wagner
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psychvictims · 6 years
#Torture in psych hospitals, even restraining while naked in isolation, happens today.
Pamela, an author & artist, was a victim in Connecticut and Vermont, USA.
Psych Victims are the proof that "mental health" is Social Darwinism. They ruined her life for decades after forcibly imprisoning her when she was 2 years into attending medical school. #PsychVictims #Interviews
Don't believe that you are "disordered," but have natural reactions. She does not wish this life on anyone.
For usable alternatives, she would prefer that psych wards were abolished. She thinks that friendship, visitors to houses that are NOT "mental health" trained, doulas, life coaches, economic aid, and interests and activities would be better.
A few of the horrible places she experienced torture: 1. Institute of Living in Hartford, CT in 2013.
2. Vermont Psychiatric Care Hospital in 2015. VPCH was where they had that order to keep her in restraints when mute. Muteness can also occur due to force. They kept her restrained in 5 points (chest, arms, legs) for hours because she could not speak — only let go once the next shift came on. The nurses, including Annette Brennan RN, 2 years later also fabricated lies to protect their torture.
3. New Britain (Hospital of Central Connecticut in New Britain) in 2014 was where the doctor Michael E Balkunas claimed she was a liar when she told him that she was restrained while naked in an isolated room. The guards also strangled her and sat on her there.
4. 2016: Restraint chair with 9 points (points are areas of restraint) at Rutland Medical Center in Vermont.
Pamela Spiro Wagner has websites: 1) Art blog: https://arteveryday365.com 2) Regular blog: https://pamelaspirowagner.com
Pamela Spiro Wagner is an accomplished author: Artist, poet, co-author of Divided Minds: Twin Sisters and their Journey through Schizophrenia (St Martins Press, 2005) and author of We Mad Climb Shaky Ladders (CavanKerry Press, 2009). Her third book, poems, Learning to See in Three Dimensions, poems and art, was published in June 2017 by Green Writers Press and Sundog Poetry Center of Vermont.
Wagner is open to readings and sales/donations of her art. Please contact for details by email or cell phone, 802-579-1432.
"There is no negative space, only the shapely void. Hold your hands out, cup the air. To  see the emptiness you hold is to know that space loves the world."  P. Wagner
See more proof and psych victims' stories at http://www.PsychVictims.com or http://www.facebook.com/PsychVictims
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therapy101 · 7 years
Psychology Book Recommendations
Foundational Authors & Works
Carl Rogers, On Becoming a Person
B. F. Skinner,  Beyond Freedom and Dignity and About Behaviorism and Walden Two
Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning
Sigmund Freud, Civilization and its Discontents
John Norcross (editor), Evidence-Based Practices in Mental Health
Psychopathology & Diagnosis 
David Barlow (editor), Clinical Handbook of Psychological Disorders
Oliver Saks, Hallucinations
Kelly Lambert, Clinical Neuroscience
Criticisms & Controversial Topics
Stephen Hinshaw, The ADHD Explosion
Robert Whitaker, Mad in America and Anatomy of an Epidemic
Ronald Miller, Not So Abnormal Psychology
Allen Frances, Saving Normal
Bruce Wampold, The Great Psychotherapy Debate
Therapy Theories 
Carl Rogers, Client-Centered Therapy
Irvin Yalom, The Theory and Practice of Group Psychotherapy
Aaron Beck, Cognitive Therapy of Depression
Steven Hayes, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
Judith Beck, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Danny Wedding, Current Psychotherapies
William Miller, Motivational Interviewing
Jacqueline Person, Cognitive Therapy in Practice
Evidence-Based Therapy Manuals 
Marsha Linehan, DBT Skills Training Manual and Cognitive Behavioral Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
Michelle Craske, Mastery of Your Anxiety and Panic
David Burns, Feeling Good
Richard Zinbarg, Mastery of Your Anxiety and Worry
Martha Davis, The Relaxation and Stress Reduction Workbook
Lisa Najavitis, Seeking Safety
Expert Therapist Perspectives
Irvin Yalom, The Gift of Therapy and Love’s Executioner
First Person Perspectives
Kay Jamison, An Unquiet Mind
Elyn Saks, The Center Cannot Hold
William Styron, Darkness Visible
Carolyn Spiro and Pamela Spiro Wagner, Divided Minds
Research Design & Analysis
Alan Kazdin, Research Design in Clinical Psychology and Single-Case Research Designs
John Creswell, Qualitative Inquiry and Research Design
Culture & Diversity
Derald Wing Sue, Counseling the Culturally Diverse and Case Studies in Multicultural Counseling and Therapy
Stephen Hinshaw, Breaking the Silence and  The Mark of Shame
Grad School and Careers in Psychology
Peggy Hawley, Being Bright is Not Enough
Adam Ruben, Surviving Your Stupid, Stupid Decision to Go to Grad School
Peter Feibelman, A PhD is Not Enough
Paul Silva, How to Write A Lot
Karen Kelsky, The Professor Is In 
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muhyiddinas · 7 years
Cara Memahami Puisi: Petunjuk bagi Pemula
Pertama-tama, lupakan semua yang telah Anda pelajari, bahwa puisi pelik adanya, hingga takkan mampu dimengerti oleh orang-orang seperti Anda, yang hanya berijazah setara SMA dan sepatu bot berujung baja, kekeliruan status buruh Anda.
Jangan menganggap ada makna tersembunyi dari Anda: puisi terbaik artinya apa yang dikatakan itulah yang sebenarnya.
Untuk membaca puisi hanya butuh keberanian cukup untuk melompat dari tepi dan rasa percaya diri.
Perlakukan puisi sebagai kotoran, humus yang kaya dan berat dari kebun. yang akan menjadikan tomat gemuk serta labu keemasan tinggi bertumpuk di meja dapurmu.
Puisi menuntut kepasrahan, Bahasa menyampaikan apa yang benar berbuat dari hal suci hingga yang biasa.
hanya membaca satu puisi sehari. Suatu nanti sebuah buku puisi terbuka di tanganmu laksana bakung membuka cawannya ke arah matahari.
Ketika kamu mengenal nama lima penyair tidak termasuk Bob Dylan (di antaranya), saat kamu melebihi jatahmu dan bahkan tanpa sadar, tutuplah petunjuk ini.
Selamat. Anda telah berhasil memahami puisi.
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johnalexwood · 7 years
RT @SpiroWagner: Nude Schizophrenic in Restraints While Bored Nurse Looks On https://t.co/B6oOgGae6G https://t.co/CSr6TkkVkH
Nude Schizophrenic in Restraints While Bored Nurse Looks On https://t.co/B6oOgGae6G http://pic.twitter.com/CSr6TkkVkH
— Pamela Spiro Wagner (@SpiroWagner) April 19, 2017
from Twitter https://twitter.com/johnalexwood May 23, 2017 at 01:49AM via IFTTT
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mossful · 3 years
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Pamela Spiro Wagner
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pamelaspirowagner · 6 years
New Art by Pamwagg
  Two girls visit the nighttime food truck University of Connecticut’s Dempsey Hospital restraint bed Realistic drawing of soup spoon Attempt to realistically draw mushroom Realistic drawing of Rit
View On WordPress
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litafficionado · 8 years
How to Read a Poem: Beginner’s Manual/Pamela Spiro Wagner
First, forget everything you have learned, that poetry is difficult, that it cannot be appreciated by the likes of you, with your high school equivalency diploma, your steel-tipped boots, or your white-collar misunderstandings. Do not assume meanings hidden from you: the best poems mean what they say and say it. To read poetry requires only courage enough to leap from the edge and trust. Treat a poem like dirt, humus rich and heavy from the garden. Later it will become the fat tomatoes and golden squash piled high upon your kitchen table. Poetry demands surrender, language saying what is true, doing holy things to the ordinary. Read just one poem a day. Someday a book of poems may open in your hands like a daffodil offering its cup to the sun. When you can name five poets without including Bob Dylan, when you exceed your quota and don’t even notice, close this manual. Congratulations, You can now read poetry. 
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