daikaiju-chaos · 10 months
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Rummaging through my artwork and doodles to find stuff to post whilst I continue redrawing my OCs.
Found dis: Just a doodle I made outta boredom and inspiration, took @exdragonith's legendary harpy trio and made Galarian variants. Thunder Runner Dark Phoenix and Psychic Pamola
Uhh, sauce for the OG birds
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weirdlookindog · 7 months
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John Giunta - Pamola's Caribou
(Weird Tales - May 1948)
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gurlbesimpin · 2 months
RE8 OC Jasmine Pamola Crawford
first off, people saying that it's cultural appropriation for me to incorporate native American ancestry in my OC, I AM indigenous myself thanks to my mother. I understand why one would complain, but i deliberately mentioned it in the last post for a reason.
Anyway here's jasmine and some info dumping <3
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Jasmine is a former rebel from Ontario Canada, and ended up in the village thanks to her father (will elaborate later <3). After being experimented on by Miranda, her powers wouldn't flourish and so Miranda declared her a failure and sought out to dispose of her. Within a fit of rage over her fate however, Jasmine involuntarily shifted to her new mutated form, a nine-fingered, clawed, 21ft tall abomination that resembles a hybrid of a banshee and wendigo.
Her mutated form is powerful and most definitely useful to Miranda. She posses superior strength, hearing and reflexes as well as frost immunity alongside with her piercing banshee cry that is loud enough to stun nearly any foe. Her sharp teeth and long claws make it easy for her to dismember prey within seconds, though she does have her weaknesses.
She is completely frost resistant, however is terribly weakened by fire or extreme heat. Temperatures over 26 (78 F) Celsius are extremely weakening to her, whilst temperatures over 35 (95 F)can prove to be fatal if she is exposed to it for too long. Another weakness of hers is her mind. She is quite smart, yes. But that is a blessing and a curse. Alongside her antisocial personality, she's often lost in her own little world, only half aware of her surroundings. She also posses many and strong emotions, making her ripe for emotional manipulation and making her impulsive at best, and reckless at worst.
Fun fact, she was in a band whilst she lived in Canada, she was a guitarist for a band called "Runaway Bride" which she joined in her high school years but disbanded after she supposedly "vanished".
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elverted · 2 years
hi you’re great love having you and your content on my dash 🥰😌 and bein friends ( stinky )
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verana115 · 8 months
Hiking a trans pride flag up 131 mountains in the Northern Appalachians, parts 33-34: Baxter
Pamola - 34a/131:
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Sugarloaf - 33a/131:
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Mars - 33b/131:
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Chase - 33/131:
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Doubletop - 34/131:
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Howe - 34b/131:
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South Turner - 34c/131:
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More nature photos!!!
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Thanks for reading this far :D
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thisisrealy2kok · 2 months
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Pamola Printed Sleeveless Vest by Jaded London
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icebird-khion · 3 months
Aside from a string of terrible luck, Khion didn't seem to be affected by any other Spring Mischief magic. It didn't even occur to him that this might be a spell, his morning starting off with such normal inconveniences like burnt toast, stubbing his toe on furniture, and near-scalding water during his shower. It didn't bother him that much considering he figured things could be far worse than a few little mishaps. It wasn't like he hadn't had bad days before.
He'd traveled down to Krovs Town in search of a bar to celebrate St. Patrick's Day with some green beer. Shit wasn't too crazy likely since everyone else was still under some influence of Spring Mischief. Although by the time he left to head back to the castle, he'd noticed that he missed a downpour of rain that left the streets glistening wet with puddles scattered about. One puddle perfectly placed on the side of the road in front of where he stood and with his nose in his phone he didn't notice the car speeding through it, soaking Khion thoroughly from head to toe. His phone slipped from his hand and fell right into the sewer drain and now the pamola yelled out in annoyance. He held out his arms at his sides and shook his hands, droplets of water flying off as he scowled down at the grate that swallowed his phone. And of course this happened in public.
"Please tell me you didn't see that."
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ofdarklands · 8 months
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20 - Pamola
Pamola is a legendary bird spirit that appears in Abenaki mythology. According to the Penobscot tribal nation, Pamola inhabits Katahdin, the tallest mountain in Maine, and is its thunder god and protector. The Penobscot people describe him as having the head of a moose, the body of a man and the wings and feet of an eagle. Pamola is both feared and respected by the Penobscot nation, and his presence was one of the main reasons that climbing the mountain was considered taboo.
The spirit resents mortals intruding from down below, causing storms and terrible winds. Because of this, the mountain was closed off limits to all. It was also widely believed that Pamola had taken and held prisoners on his mountain forever. Roy Dudley, probably the most notable of the early guides on Katahdin, was known for his campfire yarns about Pamola.
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thereapernoel · 5 months
Noel was never one to put expectations on Khion. It was up to him to do with the freedom he was given what he wanted. Of course he'd like him to follow the rules of the castle, but it wasn't like Noel was great at doing it either. As long as Khion didn't get caught Noel could care less what he did or didn't do and the only reason he'd care if he got caught was because he'd be forced to. When it came to events he let the pamola dress and do as he pleased, though he'd become accustomed to spending time with the younger during each as an unspoken tradition. Christmas was no different. Noel was sipping a glass of wine in the kitchen waiting on the bird to finish getting ready. He supposed it added a bit to the enjoyment not knowing what the other would come out in since he wasn't choosing his outfits.
Khion didn't look bad in anything, but Noel was surprised by his choice in dress as he eyed the other who walked into the kitchen to join him before they exited the suite. Not that Noel was any more festive than Khion, but he was named after Christmas, which in his defense basically embodied the holiday. The reaper pushed the glass of expensive wine to the younger as he smiled at him across the counter. "I do hope there's something festive under all that black I get to unwrap later."
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krovscastlerpg · 8 months
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The Vampire Council cordially invites everyone to join them in Krovs Town on Halloween to indulge in fun, libations, and fright. Businesses within the local village will be hosting their own brands of Halloween parties and celebrations. Costumes are highly encouraged. More details to be provided closer to the event.
Our annual Halloween event at Krovs will begin on Monday, October 30th at 12PM EST. Stay tuned for more details!
Right before our Halloween celebrations, a full moon will be upon us. This will last between October 27th and October 30th as an optional mini-event for players to participate in.
All the werewolves and wolf hybrids in the castle can feel it approaching as they may be feeling extra temperamental. Uncollared werewolves, varcolaci, werewitches, and tribrids will experience forced transformations into their wolf forms beginning this Friday evening until early morning Monday. Please note that those with magical abilities will be unable to use their magic while in wolf form. Hellhounds are the only wolf hybrid that will not be forced to shift into their animal form although they still experience the aggression and short-temper during these few days and nights.
The woods surrounding Krovs Castle and Krovs Town in the mountains are open for all wolves to run free with plenty of game to hunt. Non-wolf residents should avoid these parts at night for their own safety – mortals like humans and witches are still susceptible to becoming a wolf or wolf hybrid themselves if bitten by one during these nights. Both Krovs Castle and Krovs Town have issued a mandatory curfew that everyone is inside the castle or town before dark – traveling the roads will be strictly prohibited by both castle guards and village police officers for everyone’s safety. Guards and officers will be armed with silver bullets and wolfsbane and have been trained to handle feral wolves if necessary. They have been advised only to incapacitate, NOT kill, if a situation requires it.
Unclaimed slaves will have their transformation abilities suppressed by their collars, however, they will still experience the heightened emotions, restlessness, and desire to howl at the moon each night. While they can’t turn into wolves, they may still act somewhat feral even in human form. Only a master can remove or negate the collar’s magic while renting them, which is an option for some slaves in the Undercroft to get out for an evening or two.
Any master who has claimed or purchased a werewolf or wolf hybrid slave can either choose to collar them for these next few days or allow them to run free.
Masters, staff members, and villagers are responsible for themselves during these next three nights and ensuring that they are not in the castle before it gets dark. Time off or early departures from work will be accepted for staff members and villagers as needed.
Other supernaturals like mermen, water elementals, kitsunes, unseelie faeries, and pamolas all experience a boost in their abilities during full moons. Anyone with water, ice, and lunar energy magic capabilities will recognize that extra strength in those types of magic when used anytime at night.
Players, please like this post so that we know it has been read.
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bastardfae · 8 months
closed starter for @icebird-khion
arnon had always considered himself the sociable type and given his extroverted tendencies, he’d never struggled to make acquaintances. whether that was friend or foe, he really wasn’t picky. with tiernan being a little more generous with granting free time here and there (though in arnon’s opinion, the bar was fucking underground), the halfling had made it a personal mission to get to know as many of the other slaves as he could. there was no telling just how long he’d be stuck here so it made sense to at least try and make an effort. 
the pamola was one arnon had heard about, mainly due to the news of his recent claim becoming a topic of conversation amongst a few stuck in the undercroft with not much else to discuss and consequently, arnon’s interest had been piqued. whatever game the fates were playing, arnon was grateful for it as he spotted khion a little further up the corridor and quickened his pace to catch up, slinging an arm around his shoulders the second he was close enough. “hey, man. congratulations are in order for you if the rumours are true. how’s it feel to be official property now? only a little demeaning, right?”
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mintoxhitsuji · 7 days
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Baikal is a 12 years old ice elemental, who is about 140 cm tall. Ice elementals have the ability to shape-shift into a big glacial form and use ice powers. He goes by he/ him and has a familiar in form of a pamola.
Baikal is very reserved and very, very timid. In fact he has severe glossophobia, the fear of speaking which was triggered through a traumatic event. He is only speaking with his twin sister Etna and Julika. However, he is still very eloquent and has a huge knowledge of words. Baikal mainly communicates via his facial expressions and gestures, which often make him seem like he is annoyed or disinterested, but in reality he is very curious and attentive. It‘s not like he is overly socially anxious, but it is more so the fear of him saying something wrong or being misunderstood.
Baikal and Etna are part of a nomadic family, who wandered through the wasteland to find shelter. Due to a big misunderstanding caused by faulty guidance from Baikal‘s side, they got separated from their parents. A few day later the twins found their guardians carcasses, which triggered guilt and fear in Baikal, making him fear to speak. They wandered from shelter to shelter in the SB region of France, getting rejected every time, until they came to shelter 1647, a shelter known for taking in misfits. They live there ever since. Baikal takes care of water generation with help of his sister. They are still too young for the exploration team.
Baikal cries liquid nitrogen that, if it touches his skin, build up painful ice crystals. He is the younger twin.
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stigranselm · 30 days
Though Stigr was sure that Khion had already forgiven him for disappearing for a few months, he'd elected to treat the pamola to a nice dinner (and, perhaps, a shopping trip depending on where the night went). It had been common for him to do this on occasion when they'd known each other outside of the castle, though those dinners had never been an apology for anything. Stigr simply enjoyed spoiling the people that he valued in his life. He'd given Khion advance warning to get ready in time for the trip down to the village, letting him know to dress nice but not extravagantly so.
The vampire himself had elected to go with a green button up shirt and black slacks, forgoing his usual suit for something that bordered on casual for him. Stigr fussed over his outfit for a moment as he stood outside of Noel's door, waiting patiently for Khion to exit the suite and gave the slave a smile once he appeared.
"You look dashing as always." Stigr complimented, inclining his head in a slight bow before he offered out his arm. "Shall we?"
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fieryxconnor · 2 years
While it probably should’ve bothered Connor that his blonde boyfriend was getting a lot of vampiric attention, it actually didn’t bother him in the slightest. Things were going to plan.. so far, anyway.. and Khion had been busy making new friends. Between the two of them, they had been rented out a fair amount, but it also meant that they didn’t see as much of each other as perhaps they might have liked to. The Deity had just been dropped off back in the undercroft, his face lighting up when he saw Khion across the room. He made a beeline straight for the pamola, slipping an arm around his waist and greeting him with a kiss. “Been a while, love. We should catch up somewhere more.. private.”
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gay-for-zoya · 4 months
Shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. Then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals. 💌🤎
1. Love story indila
2. Labour Paris Pamola
3. I bet on losing dogs mitski
4. Rises the moon Liana Flores
5. Cry cigarettes after sex
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charlchen-moonves · 2 years
Who do I have to pay to yell “America hates Monte and Pamola” at the wall????
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