#pampas flower arrangement
shopeast · 2 years
4 Gorgeous Dried Flower Arrangements for Fall
Try one of these dried flower arrangements so you can take advantage of the entire autumn season.
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spookwyrdie · 3 months
Sweet Spot {part 2}
{part 1}{part 2}{part 3}{part 4}{part 5}{part 6}
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Baker Felix x Florist reader
summary: Setting up for an actual wedding is a lot of work, especially when you can't stop thinking about the dream you had about Felix. Is floral prep enough to distract you? That becomes a huge challenge when Felix helps you out in your time of need. // genre: fluff, angst if you squint // word count: 3.1k // warnings: adult dialogue, sexual themes //a/n: This chapter isn't explicit, but it'll be worth the wait. if you're not on the taglist and would like to be, please reply to this post or send me an ask!🥰
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I have only posted this here and on AO3 - user: spookwyrdie
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The next few days were a whirlwind of activity, so you didn’t have an extra moment to spare to even think about Felix and the dream. You didn’t have to think about the way your heart thumped uncomfortably in your chest at the memory of Dream Felix’s hands roaming your body. If you found yourself with an extra moment of downtime, the memory would flood your thoughts, heating you up and bringing a flush to your cheek. It was such a visceral dream. You could almost feel the ghost of his fingers digging into your hips, controlling the speed of your thrusts. But with the ever lengthening to-do list to get all the florals done before this wedding, you had the perfect distraction from the new wave of feeling for Felix. 
Well, it was the perfect distraction - until you needed help the night before the wedding. Your humble little floral business was just you and Hyunjin, and both of you had been working overtime to deal with the last minute bohemian aesthetic switch. Your fingers were rubbed raw by all the armature wire and wayward thorns that found their way into your thumbs. It was an all-hands-on-deck situation, so you called in the reinforcements. 
By the time the back-up arrives in the shape of Chan, Minho, and Felix, your apartment looks like the garden supply section of a home improvement store exploded. You have deep bags under your eyes when you answer the door. Relief spreads on your face at the sight of the three extra pairs of hands, ready to lighten some of this blossom burden. 
“Sorry for the mess, I had to take out most of the food from my fridge to make room for these flowers,” you say sheepishly. “The fridge at the shop is already packed.”
Hyunjin waves at them without looking up from his position hunched over on the floor, counting the bundles of pampas grass, baby’s breath, and Queen Anne’s lace.
“Y/n, this is way too much. I hope you’ve upped your fee for this,” Minho says, eyeing the different greenery strewn around the floor of your apartment. “A big last minute change like this warrants more money.”
“Yeah, I know, maybe I’ll try to talk to Johnny sometime about it.”
“Definitely talk to Johnny about it,” Chan adds. “Don’t let any client rip you off, especially not your ex.”
“You also look like you need some rest,” Felix says, coming up behind you and resting his hands on your shoulders. The protest rising in your throat dies immediately as he starts to knead lightly into your tense muscles. Your eyes close for a moment, leaning into the comforting touch, tilting your head forward as his thumbs rub an even rhythm up the back of your neck. His deep voice, so close you can feel his breath ghost along your skin, breaks you out of your reverie when he says, “So what do you need us to do?”
You clear your throat as your head snaps back up. 
“Right, so…”
You give them each a task - Minho adding final touches to the corsages and boutonnieres, Hyunjin putting together the bridesmaids bouquets and table arrangements, then handing them to Chan for the finishing ribbon. Which leaves you and Felix on your own. This wouldn’t be an issue under normal circumstances, but having a sex dream about one of your best friends isn’t exactly the most normal circumstance. Your focus goes to the flowers, avoiding eye contact with Felix. The two of you are hunched over the separate parts of the arch, wrapping and securing the vines, leaves, and grasses onto the armature. You try not to notice when your fingers brush, sending a tingle through your hands.
After the fifth time you yawn, Felix leans forward to catch your eye, concern written on his face. “Y/n, you are literally about to fall asleep standing up. We can take it from here, you go lay down.”
“No!” you shake your head vigorously, blinking to keep yourself awake. “I have to make sure all of this stuff gets finished.”
“The rest of us are here and Hyunjin knows how to store everything until tomorrow,” he implores. “You need to get some sleep before set-up tomorrow.”
You blink slowly, like a frog, as you look from him, to Hyunjin, Chan, and Minho on the floor. Felix sighs, putting down the wire cutters, and taking your hand. Silently, he leads you to your bedroom, ignoring your exhausted whining. You shuffle in, immediately face planting onto your mattress. You feel Felix pulling the blanket around your body, tucking you in.
“Don’t worry, Y/n. We will handle the rest of this,” he murmurs, deep voice lulling you to sleep. “Also, don’t forget to send me the address tomorrow for the venue. I’ll meet you there after I finish up with a delivery.”
You hum in agreement, too drowsy to form words, eyelids heavy. The room is quiet as you feel yourself begin to drift off. You assume Felix had left until you hear a small whisper in your ear. 
“See you tomorrow,” he says as he presses a gentle, lingering kiss to your temple.
The morning is a full frenzy. Before dawn, you and Hyunjin nearly trip over each other to load up the van, playing a floral version of tetris. With the wedding venue being nearly an hour and a half drive away, you were double and triple checking your inventory before heading out. You did sleep pretty well last night once Felix forced you to stop working and go to bed.
Just as you were about to jump into the passenger's seat, Hyunjin asks “Y/n, aren’t you forgetting something?”
You go down your mental checklist, everything seems in order - the garlands are all boxed properly, the table arrangements and vases are stacked carefully, the floral arch is broken down into its separate pieces for traveling. You made sure every petal and leaf was accounted for.
“No, I don’t think so. What?”
Hyunjin stares at you, raising his eyebrows as he looks down at your clothes and back up. “Sweetie, your dress?”
You gasp, jogging back up to your apartment to grab the outfit you painstakingly put together for this wedding. The garment bag with your dress, your overnight clothes, and all of the things you need to look presentable, hangs neatly on your bedroom door. This is the first wedding that you’ve been both hired for and invited to attend. It would have been simple to set up all the flowers and then leave, but you have a strange sense of dignity that you need to uphold when it comes to your condescending ex. Of course you’ll show up, and you’ll even have a very good looking date joining you.
That warm rush of arousal burns through you again at the thought of introducing Felix as your date - no, your boyfriend. Truth be told, the idea of playing pretend with Felix for one night like this excited you. It was actually his idea to pretend you were dating, it would make your success seem all that more believable. You could tuck this memory away for the future, a snapshot of what it could be like if Felix reciprocated your feelings. 
You trot back to the van, hanging your garment back up on one of the hooks in the back. Anxiety bubbles up in your chest as you settle in for the mini road trip to the venue. At the last minute, you remember to text Felix the address.
you: the address for the venue is 143 Myrtle Way. you: sorry that it’s a bit of a trek. 🌻Felix: are you sure this is the right address? you: yeah, why? 🌻Felix: no reason, just double checking.  🌻Felix: see you soon 🥰
You hate admitting that Johnny and Jenny picked a lovely venue for their wedding. It’s deep in wine country, a smaller venue for the expected 100 guests, at the perfect time of summer. There’s a semi-outdoor section for the ceremony, attached to a lovely covered reception hall, all within a few hundred feet of the actual resort where most of the guests and wedding party are going to stay. Everything is lush and green surrounding the area. Even in the early morning light, you take a moment to soak in the crisp air.
When you and Hyunjin arrive around 7 AM, the sun is just beginning to peek over the horizon. Even though it’s not for a few hours, you get to work unloading. You’ve always been an “err on the side of caution” type when it comes to being early to a place. Staff shuffles you in to begin bringing in load after load of flowers. The main ceremony hall is where you start, hanging all the garlands and tulle around as planned. Hyunjin holds a stepladder while you start pinning up the hanging greenery, hands tinged green from handling all the leaves and vines.
It’s a little after 9 AM and you’re about halfway done with the main hall. You sigh, rolling your tense shoulders and neck, wishing you had the extra pairs of help hands you had last night. The memory of Felix pressing a kiss to your temple burns through you suddenly. Did he really do that? Was that just something you made up as you drifted off? Maybe your anxious brain wanted to soothe you a little before such a big event. 
You reach up to pin another vine when you sense a person next to you. Assuming it’s Hyunjin, you say, “Could you hand me that spool of twine, hun?”
“Hun?” a deep voice responds. “Is that my new pet name?”
You squeak, slipping a little from the surprise. Two hands grab your waist to steady you on the stepladder. 
“Careful, Y/n!” Felix chuckles.  “People might think you’re falling for me.”
“Felix! Why are you here so early?!”
He saunters around you, picking up the twine and reaches up to hand it to you.
“Is that anyway to greet your boyfriend?” His voice is bubbly and light, contrasting with his deep tone. “I got done with my delivery earlier than expected, so I figured I’d come and help you set up.”
“O-oh,” you stammer. “Thanks, Lixie.”
He smiles as you take the twine from his hand, his whole face lighting up. It makes the butterflies in your stomach start to swarm. 
Felix’s help is a huge relief. He seems to anticipate your needs, handing you things before you even ask, grabbing you a coffee and some food to help you perk up a little. The biggest relief is how he eases your nerves about the actual wedding you're decorating for currently.
Hyunjin is inside working on the table arrangements while you and Felix finally start on the arch. Right where the bride and groom will be standing, you snap all the pieces together, Felix helping hold all of the parts up while you handle the screwdriver. The spot at the top has been tricky, holding your arms far above your head and nearly standing on your tiptoes to attach the metal armature together. 
“I’m going to try something, okay?” Felix says, watching you struggle from his position of holding the stepladder steady. Before you even have time to process what happens, he wraps his arms around your thighs, hugging tightly, and lifting you up a few more inches. You gasp, hands shaking as you try to finish up what you’re working on. When you finally get the screw cinched down, you look down at him.
The way his eyes are literally sparkling as he holds you up with so little effort has that same heat pooling in your belly. He looks like the sun incarnate, a warm glow seems to emanate from him as he smiles up at you. You feel your cheeks heat at his rapt attention. Other parts of you also heat up when you realize how close his face is to your core. Your mind floods with images of what he would look like between your legs in a different context, and you feel a jolt of desire burn through your body. 
“You can put me down now Felix,” you whisper.
“Oh!” he starts, broken out of his trance. “Yeah, of course.”
But he doesn’t just set you down. The grip he has on your thighs loosens slightly as he lets gravity drag you down slowly. Your whole body is pressed up against his as you slide down, feeling every inch of his torso. His hands caress up your hips as you move down. Once your feet touch the ground, he doesn’t let you go, holding you close in his embrace. You’re almost at eye level with him, faces so close you can feel his breath against your skin. His hands splay across your back, fingers clutching the fabric of your sweater. Fluttering in your chest, your heartbeat feels like it’s about to burst as he leans his face in, closing the distance one millimeter at a time.
“Felix, I-”
Just then, the door to the seating area bursts open. Jenny, wrapped in a fuzzy white bathrobe, her brown hair in curlers, is marching towards you with a frazzled Hyunjin following behind her. You gasp, pushing Felix away, clearing your throat.
“Hey Jenny!” The adrenaline pumping through you from the shock makes your voice waver a little.
“Y/n, I need to see my bouquet RIGHT NOW,” Jenny says, distress painted on her features.
“S-sure, let me take you to the fridge.”
Hyunjin mouths ‘sorry’ as he shrugs, clearly this was out of his hands. You leave Felix and Hyunjin in the main hall and lead Jenny to the kitchen area, her slippers slapping against the tile. Her anxiety is palpable, you can almost taste it. You reach into the fridge towards the back, wanting to keep these blooms in the best condition.
“If you want to make any changes, I brought some extra flowers and greens just in case,” you say cautiously as you bring out the bouquet. It was just like you two had agreed on during the last consultation,  a muted tone bouquet of white, cream, and pink. There are different types of grasses like white bunny tail puffs and longer fronds of pampas framing the light blooms. Leaves of a sage green pop through to complement the blooms. A few quail feathers placed in between some of the grasses peek through, giving the texture more depth. 
She’s silent as she wrings her hands, a deep crease of worry marks her brow. You wait, trying to gauge her reaction - does she love it? Hate it?
“Y/n, I-” she squeaks. “It’s lovely. I’m sorry. I just got all up in my head about today and then Johnny texted me something, so I had to check.”
“Huh? What did Johnny text you?”
“He said something about the bouquet being wrong. He kind of implied that you were doing a bad job on purpose.”
“I’m sorry,” she whispers, her breathing panicked now. “The stress is just, like, getting to me I guess.” 
She slumps against the counter, placing her forehead against the cold countertop. You return the bouquet to the cold of the fridge, and turn around. She’s shaking a little as she leans over the counter, her breath shuddering. You tentatively reach your hand out to place it on her back, rubbing small circles between her shoulder blades.
“It’s okay, Jen. I know the planning has to be stressful.”
“Yeah,” Jenny’s voice comes out so small, muffled against the counter. “I don’t know. I never thought I’d get cold feet, but now they’re, like, freezing.”
She lifts her head to look at you, eyes shiny with unshed tears.
“Do you think I’m making a mistake with him?”
Your eyes nearly bug out of your head, balking at her question. The two of you have never been close, this whole exchange has been well outside your comfort zone.
“No, I don’t,” you say. “I think you two work so well together. You’re Jenny and Johnny!”
“Right but like, will I still get to be Jenny once I’m married to Johnny?”
You pause, unsure of how to respond. “I’m confident that you two work well as a unit and as independents. I think this is just pre-wedding jitters for both of you.”
She gives a slight nod, gazing off into the distance. 
“Also, to be honest, Johnny has never known shit about flowers, so what would he know about this bouquet?”
Jenny giggles, a funny hiccuping sound. 
“Do you like it? We can still make some changes,” you offer.
“No, no. I love it. It’s exactly like I pictured,” she sighs, finally coming down from her outburst. “Thanks, Y/n.”
You breathe a sigh of relief as she turns to leave. The bridesmaids are waiting outside the kitchen, having chased after her when she ran out to the lobby. They coo at her, creating a din of reassurance as they usher her back towards the dressing room. You wander back into the main hall, watching Hyunjin and Felix affix the last of the lights to the garlands, perfecting the atmosphere.
“Hey, Y/n, how did it go?” says Felix once he sees you.
“It was alright, she was just a nervous bride looking for an outlet of her stress.”
“Good, I thought she was going to explode based on how fast she was talking to me earlier,” says Hyunjin.
You chuckle at that. “Nah, she’s alright. Johnny apparently talked shit about my floral arrangement skills, so it made her really nervous. But, whatever.”
“Jerk,” quips Felix.
You hum in agreement. “It looks great in here, guys.”
“Thanks, we’re just about to finish up,” Hyunjin says. “You can go ahead and start getting ready, the ceremony starts in a couple of hours.”
Right, the actual ceremony. That sickly anxious feeling pulses through you again. Interacting with a nervous bride is one thing, but seeing your ex getting married is an entirely different beast. You take a calming breath, trying to shake the nerves.
“If you need anything, sweetie…” Felix says, placing his hand on your shoulder. Your nerves roar back to life at his simple touch. “...let me know.”
It’s wild how incredibly vulnerable one sentence can make you feel. Felix has a way of making you feel like you’re under a spotlight, but instead of sweating nervously in front of a crowd, it’s like basking in the warm glow of sunset. You get a little lost in his eyes for a moment before shaking yourself out of it. 
“Wish me luck!”
taglist: @binniesbabe @jeonginsleftcheek @ivydoesit23 @stayatinykatsy @jaquisos @mong---mong @palindrome969 @dottydarling
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queenmikoto · 10 months
(I’m making up my own Uchiha tradition based on this image and the Japanese Festival Tsukimi, the Autumn Moon Festival)
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Fic under cut. Ao3 link
As one of the founding clans of Konoha, the Uchiha took pride in their traditions and festivals. Outsiders were rarely, if ever, allowed to join. 
There were winter prayers in the Naka shrine, the whole clan kneeling, praying, sharing the warmth of the flames at the front of the room. Sasuke remembered fidgeting and his mother’s graceful hand alighting on his knee to stop his squirming. His father sat at the front of the room leading the prayer, Itachi kneeling tall and proud behind him. The fur collar of his kimono tickled his cheeks. 
Spring brought the cherry blossom viewing festival and his mother’s most beautiful kimono, a silvery grey with white and pink petals all over. The slippery silk was cool to the touch and the potpourri that his mother kept in the folds was always comforting to him. He sometimes wished he could use it as a blanket, his mother said no but offered her soft apron covered lap as a substitute and that worked just as well.  
Summer had street fairs. The whole clan, usually reserved, let loose and had fun. Children running and playing, the adults indulgently smiling. Outsiders were let in and the Uchiha went out among the people, the whole village celebrated. Sasuke clung to his brothers hand or rode on his fathers shoulders in the crowd. The family together, and happy. He always got a new cotton yukata for his birthday, to wear to the festivals, the Uchiha crest stitched by his mothers own hands. 
Autumn was the Tsuki no Inori festival. There was no need for fancy clothes or loud music and laughter. Every year on the night of the first full moon in Autumn all of the Uchiha, young and old came together in the heart of the Uchiha district to light candles and share the love and celebrate the bonds in the clan. 
Sasuke was excited to stay up past his bedtime and to spend time with Itachi who had grown increasingly busy as a newly minted chunin. He held his small candle tightly as he walked behind his mother and father, Shisui at his side and Itachi holding his other hand. The rest of the clan followed behind, the light of the full moon guiding their steps to the bank of the river. They stood in a loose circle, the moonlight creating halos on their dark hair. There were artful arrangements of pampas grass that his mother helped with. He had helped too, handing her the stalks to put into the vases, she occasionally tickled him with it, gently caressing his cheek when he got distracted. To the side there was a table with sake, tea, and traditional tsukimi soba, chestnuts, edamame and piles of tsukimi dango. Sasuke could see Itachi eyeing the dango with a wistful look.
Fugaku came to the center of the circle, the whispers silenced as he addressed the crowd. 
“We gather here today, as we do every year, to celebrate the autumn moon. To also celebrate the bonds between us and our members of the clan that have passed on. Tonight we will light the flames in remembrance of them and to honor the history of our clan. The Uchiha crest on each of your backs represents the fan that rouses the flames of our wills and our hearts.”
Fugaku looked towards Mikoto with a softness Sasuke rarely saw on his face. She stepped forward towards her husband. She held up her candle, in it’s simple flower shaped holder, Fugaku’s hands slowly and deliberately formed the signs for a Katon jutsu. The flames bloomed from his mouth and lit the candle in his wife’s unflinching hands. She was wreathed in light, not the silvery light of the moon any more but the warm golden flames of her husband’s power. She smiled at him and turned to place the candle on the ground, to start the shape of the crest. She closed her eyes over the candle, to take a moment to reflect, then she raised her face to the moon and inclined her head in reverence. Standing, she moved back to Fugaku’s side, he nodded and flames started to light up the glade.
Tradition held that those closest to you lit the candle, usually direct family husbands and wives, siblings, parents. Those orphaned and alone had friends do it. Itachi stepped over to Shisui, who held up his candle to present it. The light burst out of Itachi’s mouth, Sasuke stared with pride and some envy, longing for the day he could do the same. Shisui placed his candle carefully and returned to Sasuke’s side. He and Itachi kneeled and Itachi held of his candle infront of Sasuke. He looked confused for a moment before Shisui spoke. “I’ll help you until you can do this yourself ‘cuz ‘Tachi here wants you to be the one to do this.” 
Sasuke beamed at his brother, elated that he was Itachi’s closest person, he honestly thought it was Shisui since he was older and he took his brother’s attention away from him. Itachi gave him a smile warmer than the flames that had glided past Sasuke’s head. Shisui had formed the seals while holding Sasuke’s hands in his and gently blew the flames from his position over Sasuke’s shoulder.
Itachi placed his candle and turned to his brother who’s focus was on their parents. Mikoto was kneeling to place another flame. As the matriarch of the clan, Mikoto was responsible for lighting a candle for each clan member that they lost in the year.   Fugaku kneeling behind her with a protective arm around her, not touching but just grazing her shirt. He should have been looking at the flame, but he was looking at his wife, still as radiant to him as the day they met.  Itachi could see the love plain as day. His father caught his eye and he would swear he saw an extra glow upon Fugaku’s cheeks. 
Chuckling to himself, he turned to his brother again, who was practically vibrating in excitement for his brother’s attention. He smoothly ran through the signs, and taking a quick breath, he let out a thin line of flame, the control a testament to his mastery, even at a young age. Sasuke, who had been focusing so hard on Itachi’s hands, trying to memorize how he did it, grinned brighter than the flame after it was lit. 
In the glow Itachi thought about activating his Sharingan to capture the moment. Shisui, who’s curls shined in the light and who’s eyes held all the warmth of the flames around him. Sasuke’s cheeks, still round with baby fat, were squishing his eyes almost closed with the smile on his face. Itachi could feel the presence of his mother and father behind him, he could feel their happiness. He remembered when he was little, his father kneeling behind him, cupping his hands around his own to hold the candle. His mother before them lighting the flame, her long eyelashes touching her cheeks before they swept up and her eyes caught his, the flames painting them as red as the Sharingan.
Blinking when Shisui nudged him he watched Sasuke taking slow and halting steps towards the nearly finished crest of flames. Sasuke knelt as slow as possible, knees bending centimeter by centimeter till he was on the ground. When he placed his flame he let out a gusty sigh, almost enough to blow out his candle. Clapping his hands to his mouth, he turned wide eyes to his brother and Shisui who were trying (Itachi) and failing (Shisui) to hold in their laughter. Sasuke hastily went through his reverence before running back to Itachi’s side, slightly behind him and peeking out at the crest. 
When the last flame was placed Fugaku stood and started saying the ancient prayers for the deceased.  Itachi stayed at Sasuke’s level since Sasuke was still hanging onto his shirt. He could feel Sasuke fading from tiredness after a few minutes so he nudged Sasuke before making subtle motions towards the dumpling table, as if he was going to make a break for it.. Sasuke giggled and an uncle cleared his throat quietly nearby, glaring. Sasuke’s shoulders fell under the scrutiny but Itachi’s returning glare and warm hand in his made him feel better. 
Once the prayers had finished, Itachi presented his back to Sasuke so he could climb on. Sasuke wrapped his arms around Itachi’s neck as he moved at a quicker pace than his usual towards the dumplings. As son of the head and a once in a generation prodigy,he had certain privileges to get to the front of the line quicker than most, and if Sasuke was holding several dumplings for him as Itachi held his own, no one said anything. The brothers retreated with Shisui to a nearby tree, to lean on and share the food they grabbed. Meaning Sasuke handed Itachi his dumplings and rested his head on his shoulder. Sasuke promptly started dozing, surrounded by the love and light of his family.
Sasuke opened his eyes. The Uchiha hideout where he had his fateful battle with Itachi was cold in the autumn. The moon shone over head through the destroyed roof. The candles before him had almost burned out in their lotus shaped holders. He was now more than strong enough to light all the flames himself in one go. Arranging the crest with one hand was what took the most time. One candle was laid for each Uchiha who passed in the massacre and one for Shisui and one at the end for Itachi, all of them long gone but the memories fresh in his mind.
The candles would burn out soon, the moon would wax and wane, and time would keep moving on. But Sasuke would always be surrounded by the love of his family.
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erathene · 7 months
F*ck It (Part 2)
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Summary: Strider pays a visit to the Prancing Pony where you are working as a barmaid, but all does not seem well with the wandering ranger. You do your best to fix it. 
Word count: 2.3k
Pairing: Aragorn x Female!Reader 
Warnings: More swearing/cursing, mentions of intoxicated behaviour (inappropriate comments/sexual harassment), dealing with grief and death, mentions of injury, emotional outbursts, SFW intimacy (it's very tame). Sad!Aragorn just needs a hug.
AO3 Link: F*ck It
Author's note: Again thanks to the members of @fellowshipofthefics discord group (vamp_ress, prettea and spider__lilies) and to DocFigureskaterM. So excited to conclude this 2 part fic and finally get it published! In case you missed it, Part 1 is here.
Sunlight streaming through the window was what woke you the next morning. You opened your eyes slowly, blinking away the last scraps of sleep. It took a moment to remember why you were on the floor and in yesterday's clothes. You pushed yourself up and idly wondered if your esteemed guest had awoken too.
But the bed was empty. Motherfucker.
Instantly your mind went into overdrive mode. Was he outside relieving himself? Had he gone to get breakfast? Fuck, maybe he upped and left in the middle of the night to go re-join his ranger friends, tail between his legs knowing what an absolute fucking state he got himself into last night. Fuck, fuck, fuck. If the Gaffer saw him leave your room, he would have your guts. 
You ran a shaking hand through your ruffled hair and stomped towards the door, wrenching it open with curses on your lips. Tracking down a hungover ranger just became priority number one. Before you could march your way out, however, you were stopped dead in your tracks by a large man standing in your way, his hand half risen to knock on your door.
"Strider?" you said in surprise, your jaw falling open slightly at the sight of him.
He was holding the biggest bunch of flowers you'd ever seen. The blooms of cornflowers, wild daisies, baby's breath and foxgloves were an explosion of colour, whilst sprigs of sage and mint offered a fresh, earthy fragrance. The arrangement was topped off with pampas grasses and tied off with twine. It was absolutely beautiful.
"I picked these for you," Strider said quietly, offering you the bouquet. 
The bouquet entered your hands. Fuck, say something. Anything. This well-built, hunky, slightly hungover man had gone out of his way to buy you flowers. What was this, a symbol of affection? You were completely unfamiliar with romantic gestures that didn't involve leering and comments such as 'nice tits love' and 'grab us another drink darling' with a pinch of your arse. Okay, okay, you're overthinking this, he's just showing his gratitude for last night. That has to be it. But for fuck's sake, say something.
"I.. didn't know the florist was open at this hour," you stammered.
Strider beamed with amusement. "They didn't come from the florist, I picked them for you," he repeated. "From the meadows beyond town."
Shit. Maybe it was a romantic gesture.
"Perhaps we should find a suitable jug to put them in?" Strider suggested, spurring you to unfreeze and allow him back into the room.
You tried to tell him that he shouldn't have gone to so much trouble just for you as you rummaged around in the cupboard, but he silenced you with a wave of his hand. "I fear you had to put up with some deplorable behaviour on my part yesterday eve. It is only right that I show my gratitude."
Once the bouquet was neatly placed into an unused milk jug, you took a seat at the foot of your bed and your ability to speak finally returned. "Yes, about that. Why the fuck did you want to drink yourself into an early grave?" 
Strider paused abruptly as though your comment had pierced him like a knife. You could physically see the tension in his jawline, his teeth clamped together as though he was trying to resist the urge to speak. Or maybe he was holding back bile that was racing up his throat. Who knows.
After a period of silence, his lips parted. "I lost a good friend yesterday," he confessed quietly. "He died from wounds sustained in battle." 
Oh shit. Maybe the comment about an early grave wasn't your best move. "My condolences," you offered. You thought for a moment, before adding "I haven't heard any rumours of battles near Bree?"
"It was a week ago, away to the east." Strider crossed his arms and looked solemnly out of your chamber window. "My company of rangers had been protecting a village from orc attacks, and it looked like we had the upper hand to drive them off for good. Unfortunately, the orcs called reinforcements, and warg riders arrived. We were completely overrun." He paused, his eyes glassy and unmoving as though he was reliving his memories. "Many of my kin fell on the swords of orcs that night."
Strider paused again, but this time he pressed his fingertips into his temple and winced.
"Head hurting?" you asked.
"Aye," he grunted. "My venture out this morning cleared it somewhat, but now it beats unbearably like a drum." He abandoned his position by the window and took one of the containers of water you had left for him last night, drinking its contents deeply. He then took a seat on your bed with a sigh.
"My friend, the one who lost his life, his name.. was Brondir," it sounded like the name was still difficult to say for Strider. "He was a fine warrior. Skilled in almost every form of combat, experienced in battle, fearless. If you fought alongside Brondir, you were fighting with the best." The man before you bit his lip as he pondered his next sentence. "To me, he was Bron, and he was a fine fellow."
"May he find his way to the halls of Mandos," you said respectfully.
"Bron had a family. A wife, a child, and a home." His voice cracked with raw, unbridled emotion. "The wounds he sustained in battle were severe. I have had some training in the healing arts from my father, so I applied the salves, used the herbs, and wrapped the bandages exactly how he taught me."
You watched as the ranger clasped his hands together, the tension in his digits so great that his knuckles turned white. "I tried to bring him home. I was honestly convinced that Bron would be alright, that he would heal once we returned. But I was naïve, blinded by the love I held for my friend to see he was beyond hope." 
You opened your mouth to offer some form of comfort. "I'm sure you did what you could."
Strider shook his head solemnly and lifted a hand to his face to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I failed him," he whimpered. His shoulders shook as his emotions overwhelmed him and he began to sob uncontrollably. 
You edged closer to the ranger, placing a comforting hand on his back. "You did not fail him, Strider." 
"I.. buried him.. with my bare hands," he cried, the tears flowing freely down his cheeks. "I had to dig his grave.. I buried him with my bare HANDS!" He lunged for the group of ale flagons on your nightstand and threw one across the room violently. 
Well, that explained a lot. The mud, the dirt, the drinking, the whole fucking scene he put on last night made sense now. You couldn't even begin to imagine the pain and torment of having to bury a friend so far from home and help. Any words of comfort that crossed your thoughts dried up in your open mouth before you could utter them. You watched helplessly as he began to pace the room, his grief quickly turning back to anger as another backhanded swing brought the milk jug with the freshly-picked flowers crashing to the floor. The sight of him this way was agonising. 
Fuck, you had to do something. Leaving the bed, you daringly blocked his path. Strider was always so composed, so silent, but right now his walls were crumbling around him to dust and ash as the grief became too much to bear. You quickly reached up, wrapped your hand around the back of his neck and pulled him into an embrace, his head pressing into your shoulder.
You held him close as he roared in grief, the noise from his throat vibrating through your chest, the back of your dress pulled taut as he clenched his fists in the fabric.
You didn't bother keeping track of time as you stood there and held him; it could have been five minutes, or fifty. Eventually, you felt Strider's erratic breathing become more steady and even, but still you didn't let him go. "I'm pathetic," you heard him mutter into the shoulder seam of your dress. 
"No, you're not," you sighed, still holding him close. 
"I am, and I am weak. A disgrace to my lineage whom my ancestors would be ashamed of. A person like me should never become a king amongst men."
Well, you were not expecting that. You made a mental note to circle back to that topic later. 
Strider's voice had cracked as his emotions began to spiral into despair once more. You pulled out of the embrace and cupped his cheeks, a gesture that you hoped he wouldn't fight or outright reject.
You looked straight into his deep, grey eyes. "You are not weak, nor pathetic. Unfortunately we live in a world where there are wars and battles, and there isn't always a happy ending. You've been through hell, I understand, but you will make it back again. Just take one step at a time." 
Strider tried to say something in protest, but you interrupted him. "Listen to me. Just breathe. In... And out." You commanded him to follow you. "In... And out," you repeated. Together, you inhaled and exhaled in unison. "In..." Your forehead touched his and your eyes closed naturally. "And out." 
Both you and the ranger continued to breathe deeply in each other's presence. Inhaling through your nose, you could smell the earthy freshness of the outdoors clinging to his clothing. The stubble that lined his jaw was rough and coarse beneath your fingertips. His forehead was warm, the skin radiating heat following his raised emotions. A sense of calm had completely descended between the two of you. 
Then a pair of lips touched your own.
Returning his kiss felt so natural, as easy as breathing. Your mind struggled to process the plethora of sensations you were feeling all at once; pure fire ran through your veins at a hundred miles an hour, warmth blossomed in your chest like you might explode at any minute, and sparks brighter than any star danced behind your eyelids. It was absolutely tantalising. His lips felt so soft, yet so purposeful, gentle but enticing. You felt his hands caress your jawline before they buried themselves in your hair, his fingertips becoming tangled in your locks. 
It could have lasted forever. You wanted it to last forever, had it not been for the tiny corner of your brain which remained rational in this situation. Strider is grieving. Did he really harbour true feelings for you, or was this just another example of his emotions getting the better of him? You strongly doubted the former were true, and therefore you were definitely taking advantage of this poor man who had just buried his brother-in-arms. You had to stop, you must stop. If you had any respect for Strider, you would stop. 
Before you could act on these rational thoughts, Strider broke away first. 
"I'm sorry," he whispered. "I had to do that."
You took a guess at his intentions. "To feel grounded?"
"And did it work?" you asked tentatively.
Strider hummed again, which you took to mean the affirmative. "Good," you whispered. Trying hard not to dwell too much on what had just occurred and your own desires, you added, "and you don't have to apologise, not to me." 
"I do. I also do not wish to take advantage of you any more than I already have done." He turned to the bed and started to collect up his belongings. "I should take my leave."
You nodded, not wanting to argue with him about who was imposing on whom. In any case, it was inevitable that he would go back to doing whatever rangers did, and you would have to go back to being just the tavern girl. Soon everything would be exactly as it was twenty-four hours ago. There was a silence between the two of you, save for the shuffling sounds as Strider organised his pack. 
You asked him innocently where he would be heading next, hoping he wouldn't pick up on your need to know whether he would return to Bree anytime soon. Strider gazed thoughtfully in your direction as he secured his weapon belt around his waist. "I left Bron's grave unmarked. Perhaps if I am to move past my grief, it would be best to change that. He deserves better." 
"I would agree with you on that one," you said with folded arms. "Do you have anything to mark it with?" you asked tentatively, thinking of how families in town mourned their loved ones. 
Strider shook his head as he continued to pack. You thought he was avoiding your gaze deliberately; perhaps as a wondering traveller, he had no trinket or anything sentimental that would serve this purpose. Your eyes then fell upon the discarded blooms he had so carefully arranged for you that morning, and it gave you an idea. 
Picking up the bouquet, you let out an exaggerated sigh. "Well, mister Strider, you're in luck. Today happens to be my day off. I say we go to your friend's resting place together and give him this lovely bouquet to honour his memory. Plus, you can tell me all about how you seem to be under the impression you are a king-in-waiting, which I have to say is the biggest load of bullshit I've ever heard. What's say you?" Strider pondered this suggestion and then, with the edges of his lips curling into a slight smile, nodded in silent agreement. 
It wasn't your day off. It wasn't even close to your day off. You were so fired tomorrow. Fuck it. 
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Boho Home Decor Bouquet
Elevate your home decor with the 111PCS Natural Dried Pampas Grass Bouquet. This stunning collection of boho-chic dried flowers includes lush, feathery pampas grass and phragmites, perfect for adding a touch of elegance and natural beauty to any space. Ideal for wedding floral arrangements or home decorations, this bouquet brings a timeless, effortless style to your interior with its soft, airy textures and versatile charm. Enhance your living space with a touch of nature's grace and create a serene, sophisticated ambiance.
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tamiliawihlen · 1 year
Attendance Prompt: 
“Only the very wealthy, supported by battalions of staff, could afford to keep the fresh lace and linen cuffs, ruffs and cravats worn in the sixteenth, seventeenth, and eighteenth centuries pristine. This connection still holds true.” (pg 44)- The Secret Lives of Color
I found this piece of the book to be very interesting. This was found on page 44, in the chapter about the color White. I feel that this is still somewhat true, but mostly in the generation before us. My grandmothers and others their age still would agree that white lace is only for special circumstances. I did not know that white lace was always a symbol of elegance throughout history. 
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Pampas grass- Pampas grass is very commonly used for decoration and additions to floral arrangements. Pampas grass comes in many colors, mostly white and pink. It is a very invasive plant species that is capable of growing up to fifteen feet tall. 
Queen of Hearts/ Heartleaf Brunnera- This plant is resistant to rabbits and deer, which makes it a popular garden plant. It is a very resistant plant, so it is widely used for gardening accents. 
Honey Locust Tree- The Honey Locust tree flowers bean pods, the substance inside is a very sticky goo, which gave the tree the name “Honey Locust”.
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royalballoon0 · 5 days
Balloon Hoops and Clusters: Transform Your Event in Dublin
Balloon hoops and clusters have become a go-to decoration for events and parties in Dublin, offering an elegant and modern way to celebrate any occasion. From birthday parties and weddings to corporate events, these creative balloon arrangements add a touch of sophistication and fun. Whether you’re planning an intimate gathering or a grand celebration, Balloon Hoops Clusters Dublin can be customized to suit your theme, color scheme, and venue. Here’s why these trendy decorations are taking over Dublin's event scene and how you can incorporate them into your next event.
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Why Balloon Hoops and Clusters?
Balloon hoops and clusters bring a sense of whimsy and beauty to any space. Unlike traditional balloon arrangements, hoops create a unique circular frame that can be enhanced with different types of balloons, flowers, and foliage. Balloon clusters, on the other hand, provide a dynamic, three-dimensional display that can be as simple or extravagant as you like. Both options are versatile and can be designed to fit various styles, whether you're going for a classic, romantic, or playful look.
Perfect for Every Occasion
One of the best things about balloon hoops and clusters is their versatility. These decorations can be tailored to suit a wide range of events, including:
Birthday Parties: Make milestone birthdays extra special with a customized balloon hoop featuring the birthday person’s favorite colors, initials, or age.
Weddings: For a modern and elegant wedding in Dublin, use balloon hoops as photo backdrops, table centerpieces, or entrance decorations. Add flowers or greenery to match the wedding theme for a breathtaking effect.
Corporate Events: Balloon clusters in corporate colors can add a professional yet festive touch to business events, product launches, or company parties.
Baby Showers and Gender Reveals: Incorporate soft pastels or bold blues and pinks into balloon hoops and clusters for a charming display that perfectly fits the theme of baby-centric celebrations.
Customizable and On-Trend
When it comes to balloon hoops and clusters, customization is key. In Dublin, balloon artists offer a variety of colors, sizes, and styles to match any event’s aesthetic. You can choose classic round balloons, metallic shades, confetti-filled balloons, or even custom-printed balloons for a personal touch.
Balloon hoops can be dressed up with flowers, greenery, and even lights to add extra flair. For clusters, adding varying sizes and shapes of balloons creates a stunning visual effect. The trend of mixing balloons with elements like pampas grass, faux flowers, or even neon signs makes for a show-stopping decoration piece that stands out in event photos.
Convenient and Hassle-Free
Hiring a balloon decoration service in Dublin takes the stress out of event planning. Professionals handle everything from design consultation to setup and takedown, allowing you to focus on enjoying your event. Additionally, many balloon arrangements use durable materials that last for the duration of your celebration, ensuring your event space looks fabulous from start to finish.
Where to Find Balloon Hoops and Clusters in Dublin
Dublin is home to numerous talented balloon artists and event stylists who specialize in creating beautiful Balloon Hoop Dublin. Many services offer consultations to help bring your vision to life, crafting custom displays that align with your event’s theme. Whether you prefer a subtle and elegant look or a vibrant and bold display, you can find the right professionals in Dublin to make it happen.
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rvpool · 16 days
Top 5 Wedding Garden Themes to Inspire Your Special Day
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Your wedding day is one of the most memorable days of your life, and choosing the perfect theme can make it truly magical. If you're considering an outdoor celebration, a garden wedding provides a beautiful and natural backdrop. To help you create an unforgettable experience, here are the top 5 wedding garden themes that can inspire your special day. If you're looking for the best wedding venues in Indore, these ideas will be perfect for you.
1. Rustic Elegance
A rustic garden wedding theme brings a charming and cozy vibe to your celebration. Incorporate wooden elements, lanterns, fairy lights, and wildflower bouquets. Think of vintage furniture, barrels as table stands, and mason jar centerpieces. This theme blends elegance with nature, creating a romantic atmosphere that is both timeless and trendy.
2. Bohemian Chic
For the free-spirited couple, a bohemian wedding theme is perfect. Decorate the garden with macramé, dream catchers, and colorful rugs. Embrace the beauty of nature by incorporating earthy tones, pampas grass, and a variety of wildflowers in your décor. The boho theme allows you to experiment with unique seating arrangements and organic, unstructured floral arrangements.
The best wedding venues in Indore will have open spaces that allow you to truly personalize the layout for this relaxed and eclectic style.
3. Fairy Tale Fantasy
If you’ve always dreamed of a magical wedding, a fairy tale garden theme is the way to go. Think twinkling fairy lights, lush floral arches, and enchanted garden paths. Soft pastel flowers, chandeliers hanging from trees, and a whimsical atmosphere will make you feel like royalty on your big day.
4. Vintage Glamour
A vintage garden wedding combines elegance and nostalgia. Incorporate antique décor, lace tablecloths, and classic floral arrangements like roses and peonies. Soft, romantic lighting, crystal chandeliers, and Victorian-inspired furniture will give your wedding a timeless appeal.
5. Tropical Paradise
For couples seeking an exotic and vibrant setting, a tropical garden theme is perfect. Use bright, bold colors, tropical flowers like orchids and hibiscus, and greenery such as palm leaves. Add bamboo furniture and fruity cocktails for a fun and festive feel.
Choosing the right theme for your garden wedding can transform your big day into something truly spectacular. Whether you prefer rustic elegance or a tropical paradise, these themes are sure to inspire. Be sure to explore the best garden in Indore for marriage that matches your dream theme perfectly!
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flowerfantasee · 2 months
Exploring the Elegance of Dried Flower Arrangements with Flower Fantasee: Amaranthus Dark Green Plant, Autumn Mini Star Flowers, and Mini Pampas Grass
Dried flowers and botanical elements have been embraced by floral design for the timeless beauty and unique charm they add. While fresh flowers are certainly special in their own right, there is something about the character that dried varieties bring to arrangements that’s hard to beat. Here at Flower Fantasee, we bring elegance to your designs through our dried flower arrangements. Explore our beautiful collection, which includes the Amaranthus Dark Green plant, Autumn Mini Star Flowers, and Mini Pampas Grass, to enhance your floral creations. read full article....
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shadychopshopland · 2 months
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60Pcs Dried Flowers Rabbit Tails Grass Bouquet Home Decor Diy Natural Fluffy Pampas Floral Arrangement Rustic Wedding Decoration modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor Size: Size: height 30-45cm Specification: 50forks / 1 piece Applicable scene: very suitable for home decoration, such as kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc., can be used for any decoration style. Matching bouquet: It can be used with various hay or flowers for different bouquet  Size: Size: height 30-45cm Specification: 50 forks / 1 piece Applicable scene: very suitable for home decoration, such as kitchen, living room, bedroom, etc., can be used for any decoration style. Matching bouquet: It can be used with various hay or flowers for different bouquet decoration. 10% of the dried flowers are damaged during transportation. If a few pieces are damaged after receiving the package, it is normal consumption and will not affect the appearance Delivery time: The time for receiving goods varies from country to country, but it generally does not exceed 30 days. The 90 day delivery displayed on the goods is not accurate, so please rest assured to purchase. Size: Total length:about 30-45cm(23.6 inch). The plume length:about 25-30cm(9.84-11.8 inch). (The package does not contain a vase) 10% of the dried flowers are damaged during transportation. If a few pieces are damaged after receiving the package, it is normal consumption and will not affect the appearance As it is a natural plant dried flower, it cannot be guaranteed that each product has the same length and size, and it is also normal that several of their petals will fall. Now it does not affect the beauty. If you mind, please do not place an order if you choose shipping by viaSeller's Shipping Method We Will SentChina Post Ordinary Small Packet,there is no tracking numberinformation.if you want to track your order,please choose Aliexpress standard shipping Notice: 1. Natural dried flower, the color of flower head and stem has slight color difference in different seasons. 2.If you have a professional demand for flower color, please contact customer service to provide flower pictures before purchasing. 3.Natural dried flowers are fragile, and it is normal for a small part of flower petals to fall. 4.Please don't discard the broken or fallen flower branches. You can match them with the bouquet 5.Tight packaging, please be careful when unpacking. Please rearrange the flowers before inserting the vase. 6.Do not add water to the vase. 7.Actual color may be slightly different from the image due to different monitor and light effect. 8.Please allow 1-3cm deviation due to manual measurement. 9.If you have any confusion, please let me know. I want to hear your feedback There is a factory in our company. We produce Preserved Flower,Dried Flower,Reed,Artificial Flower by ourselves. We have 50 staff to manufacture dry flowers and immortalized flowers core competitiveness : professional flower design team, packaging designer team, professional logistics team, prompt customer service. 1.Shipment-Shipment will be arranged in 1-5 days after money be confirmed.Tracking Information will be provided within 2-7 days after the product is shipped. 2.Notice-Import duties,taxes and charges are not included in the item price or shipping charges.These charges are the buyer's responsibility.Please check with your country's customs office to determine what these additional costs will be prior buying. 3.Refund-If you did not received your product at the end of the estimated delivery time,please contact us to solve it before you open dispute. We guarantee to resend goods or refund the full payment if it is not delivered within in the guaranteed delivery duration. 4.And we also support Drop-Shipping,You can create orders in my store and fill in your customers' address.when you buy more than a certain amount, we will use DHL send to you. If I use DHL to send, then you will receive parcels in 5-7 days. 5.Feedback-(1)If you are not satisfied with the goods(quality problem,size problem,material problem),please feel free to simply contact us,we will respond as soon as possible to give you a perfect solution. (2)If you like our product,hope you can give us five star.it would mean the world to us if you could take 1 minute to help share the love by leaving us an honest review :) modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor modname=ckeditor modname   https://iced-drip.top/product/60pcs-dried-flowers-rabbit-tails-grass-bouquet-home-decor-diy-natural-fluffy-pampas-floral-arrangement-rustic-wedding-decoration/?utm_source=tumblr&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=ReviveOldPost
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shopeast · 2 years
4 Gorgeous Dried Flower Arrangements for Fall
Try one of these dried flower arrangements so you can take advantage of the entire autumn season.
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infoblogifyzen · 3 months
Top Trends in Bridesmaids Flowers and Upper East Side Flower Delivery
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Choosing the perfect bridesmaids flowers can be as exciting as selecting your own bouquet. With trends constantly evolving, it's essential to stay updated to make your special day truly unforgettable. And for those planning a wedding in NYC, finding an Upper East Side flower delivery service that understands these trends is key. Let's explore the latest trends in bridesmaids flowers and how to get them delivered right to your doorstep on the Upper East Side.
Sustainable and Locally Sourced Blooms
More brides are opting for eco-friendly choices by choosing sustainable and locally sourced flowers. These blooms not only support local growers but also reduce the carbon footprint of your wedding. Look for florists on the Upper East Side who prioritize sustainability and can provide fresh, seasonal flowers.
Incorporating Dried Flowers and Grasses
For a rustic or bohemian aesthetic, dried flowers and grasses are making a big splash. They add texture and earthy tones to bouquets. Think about incorporating elements like pampas grass, wheat stalks, or dried lavender for a unique and timeless look. Many Upper East Side flower delivery services offer a range of dried options to fit this trend.
Bold, Vibrant Colors
Gone are the days of pastel-only bouquets. Bold, vibrant colors are in vogue, adding energy and personality to your wedding palette. Whether it's deep reds, bright oranges, or electric blues, these colors can make your bridesmaids' bouquets pop. Be sure to discuss your color preferences with your florist to ensure they can source flowers that meet your vision.
Personalized Bouquets
Personalizing each bridesmaid's bouquet with their favorite flowers adds a unique touch to your wedding. This trend not only makes your bridesmaids feel special but also creates a diverse and beautiful array of blooms. Work with an Upper East Side flower delivery service that can accommodate custom orders and offers a variety of flowers to choose from.
Minimalist, Monochromatic Bouquets
Embracing the "less is more" philosophy, minimalist and monochromatic bouquets are gaining popularity. These bouquets often feature a single type of flower or a single color, creating an elegant and cohesive look. For brides who favor simplicity and sophistication, this trend is a perfect match.
Non-Floral Bridesmaid Accessories
For a twist on the traditional, consider non-floral bridesmaid accessories. Items like greenery crowns, floral bracelets, or even bouquets made of succulents are becoming popular. These alternatives can be just as beautiful and can last longer than traditional floral arrangements.
Finding the Perfect Upper East Side Flower Delivery
When it comes to ensuring your bridesmaids' flowers are perfect and delivered on time, choosing the right Upper East Side flower delivery service is crucial. Look for florists who are well-versed in these trends and can provide personalized consultations. Reviews and testimonials can also give you insight into their reliability and quality of service.
Staying on top of the latest trends in bridesmaids flowers can help you create a memorable and stylish wedding. Whether you opt for sustainable blooms, bold colors, or personalized bouquets, there are plenty of options to make your wedding unique. And with reliable Upper East Side flower delivery services, getting the perfect flowers for your bridesmaids has never been easier.
Ready to start planning? Contact an Upper East Side florist today to discuss your vision and make your wedding day dreams come true!
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bouquetmelbourne-blog · 4 months
Top 5 Wedding Flower Trends in Melbourne with Bouquet Melbourne
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Planning a wedding involves numerous decisions, but choosing the perfect flowers is one of the most exciting parts. Flowers across Melbourne not only add beauty and elegance to your big day, but they also help set the mood and express your personal style. If you're planning a wedding in Melbourne, staying updated on the latest floral trends can inspire you to create an unforgettable celebration. Here's a look at the top 5 wedding flower trends, brought to you by Bouquet Melbourne, your trusted partner for stunning wedding flowers and impeccable delivery service.
1. Sustainable Florals
As couples become more eco-conscious, sustainable wedding flowers are gaining popularity. Bouquet Melbourne is at the forefront of this trend, offering eco-friendly options that are as beautiful as they are sustainable. Think locally sourced blooms, seasonal flowers, and even potted plants that can be replanted after the wedding. This trend not only reduces environmental impact but also supports local growers and adds a unique touch to your wedding decor.
2. Bold and Bright Colors
Gone are the days of muted pastels dominating wedding palettes. Today, couples are embracing bold and bright colors to make a statement. From vibrant reds and oranges to deep purples and blues, Bouquet Melbourne creates eye-catching arrangements that reflect this trend. These vivid hues can be incorporated into everything from bouquets and boutonnieres to centerpieces and ceremony arches, adding a lively and energetic vibe to your wedding.
3. Dried Flowers and Grasses
Dried flowers and grasses are making a big comeback in the wedding scene, and for good reason. They bring a rustic, bohemian charm to any event and are incredibly versatile. Bouquet Melbourne also offer flower delivery Melbourne expertly combines dried elements like pampas grass, eucalyptus, and preserved roses with fresh flowers for a stunning, textured look. This trend is perfect for couples who want a unique, long-lasting memento of their special day.
4. Minimalist Elegance
For those who prefer a more understated look, minimalist floral arrangements are the way to go. This trend focuses on simplicity and elegance, using fewer flowers but making each one count. Bouquet Melbourne excels in creating minimalist designs that are both sophisticated and impactful. Think single-stem bouquets, simple greenery, and clean lines that emphasize quality over quantity.
5. Personalized Florals
Personalization is key in modern weddings, and flowers are no exception. Couples are choosing florals that reflect their personal stories and preferences. Whether it’s incorporating a favorite flower, using blooms from a significant location, or designing arrangements that match the wedding theme perfectly, Bouquet Melbourne works closely with couples to bring their unique visions to life. Personalized florals add a deeply meaningful touch to your wedding, making it even more special and memorable.
Why Choose Bouquet Melbourne?
Bouquet Melbourne the best wedding florist Melbourne is renowned for its exceptional floral designs and reliable delivery service. Here’s why they should be your go-to florist for your wedding:
Expert Consultation: The team at Bouquet Melbourne offers personalized consultations to understand your vision and preferences, ensuring that your wedding flowers are exactly what you envisioned.
Quality and Freshness: They source only the freshest flowers from trusted growers, guaranteeing vibrant and long-lasting arrangements.
Customized Designs: Bouquet Melbourne specializes in creating bespoke floral arrangements that reflect your personal style and theme.
Reliable Delivery: Their prompt and professional delivery service ensures that your flowers arrive fresh and on time, no matter where your venue is located in Melbourne.
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becoration · 4 months
Dry pampas grass, the accent of nature that never goes out of style in decor.
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Dry pampas grass, the accent of nature that never goes out of style in decor.
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Decorating with dried pampas grass isn’t a new concept, as you’ve likely seen it featured prominently in various images. It’s no surprise, given their attractive appearance and seamless integration into any environment. These decorative elements are perfect for any room, from the living room to the bedroom, and fit well with any decorative style. Pampas grass remains beautiful and available regardless of the season.
**Getting to Know the Charming Dried Pampas**
Dried pampas grass withstands the changing tides of decorative trends, always managing to stay in vogue. Sometimes they’re more prominent, other times less so, but they’re never completely absent from the fashionable decor scene. They perfectly complement the current trend towards natural details. Dried pampas come from the plant known as Cortaderia selloana, which is also referred to as pampas grass, and is native to South America, specifically Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. This plant can grow quite tall and comes in a variety of shapes, always maintaining a charming appearance thanks to its soft texture and delicate touch. They are available in beautiful shades of beige and gold, as well as in enchanting shades of lavender and pink.
Furthermore, decorating with pampas is extremely practical for those who don’t have much time for the upkeep of other natural decorations. Pampas grass doesn’t require water or sunlight and can adorn your space for years with minimal maintenance, needing only occasional dusting.
**Where to Place Your Dried Pampas at Home**
We’ve discussed the origin of pampas, which can be dried for decoration or even grown at home. As we’ve mentioned, they look great in decor settings, so much so that they can also be utilized in workspace decorations. Whether you’re looking to enhance a corner, an entryway, or the bedroom, consider placing them on a nightstand in the bedroom or as a centerpiece on the living room table if they are short. Taller arrangements work well on a side table or in a corner to add beauty. You can display them in a glass vase or combined with a handcrafted basket for an appealing look. For a significant impact in a spacious area, choose a tall arrangement that can be placed directly on the floor, adding warmth and natural elegance to the space.
If you have a fireplace, placing pampas there can transform them into an admired feature of your living room. And if you’re looking to brighten up any space that feels a bit dull or joyless, setting them on a small table can make a significant difference. Pampas grass stands out beautifully in any home area.
Importantly, pampas grass isn’t just attractive; they’re also easily available in decor stores and florists at reasonable prices, considering they can last up to three years in perfect condition, and even longer with proper care. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and moisture, and clean them gently with a duster to maintain their beauty.
**Caring for Your Dried Pampas Is Easy!**
While dried pampas grass requires minimal maintenance, certain measures can prolong their beauty. Gentle dusting upon purchase and occasionally spraying with a special lacquer for dried flowers can help minimize dust accumulation and prevent branches from falling. Keep them away from direct sunlight to avoid burning and discoloration, and remember, they should never be watered. For those who enjoy a splash of color, pampas grass can be dyed at home with edible colorants, or they can be purchased pre-colored to match or contrast with your decor.
As illustrated in our images, pampas grass is a versatile decorative element that withstands seasonal changes and adds a touch of warmth and romance to any space all year round. Are you ready to decorate with dried pampas grass?
Source: Decoración 2.0, decoration news in Spanish
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thefrugalcouponlady · 5 months
Sanmadrola 80 Pcs Natural Dried Pampas Grass Bonquet Boho Home Decor Bouquet Dried Reed Flowers for Wedding Floral Arrangements Wall Bathroom Décor - Walmart.com
"Sanmadrola 80 Pcs Natural Dried Pampas Grass Bonquet Boho Home Decor Bouquet Dried Reed Flowers - Walmart
Was $18.99 Now $9.99
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Dried Pampas Grass Bouquet
Enhance your space with the RiverNoir 71PC Dried Flower Bouquet, a stunning collection of Pampas Grass and dried florals designed to elevate your boho decor. This 44cm tall bouquet features fluffy, white Pampas Grass that adds a touch of elegance and texture to any room. Perfect for creating a serene, stylish atmosphere, this versatile arrangement complements a variety of interior styles and makes a beautiful statement piece. Ideal for adding a natural, sophisticated flair to your home.
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