#pandora's box was my first layton game and it shows
hollenka99 · 10 months
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Blonde twink to make your 8 year old self gay in a bisexual girl who won't realise she's queer for another decade way
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alto-tenure · 2 years
I used some data gathered by @sprinklecipher to figure out how many lines NPCs have in the first two Professor Layton games. I stated the data parameters in that post, so I won't bother with it here.
Then I sorted the characters by gender, just to see how many female characters there are versus male characters, and to see how many lines they respectively have. Discussions of misogyny in the PL series is nothing new, but holy cow, I did not expect as much discrepancy as there ended up being.
Percentages don't add up to 100 due to rounding.
Curious Village:
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There are 9 female characters, versus 16 male characters, and two characters of unknown gender. Shoutout to Dahlia for carrying. Oh! And I changed the color of the pie chart wedges based on the character that speaks the most, aside from the Unknown on where I just picked a color that stood out against the other two.
Diabolical/Pandora's Box:
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There are 23 female characters, versus 50 male characters, and two characters of unknown gender. Chelmey has a lot of lines, and Katia has the highest amount of lines by a female character in a single game. (Flora has more when her appearances in both games are compiled.)
And both games combined:
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In total, in the first two Professor Layton games, there are 30 female characters and 63 male characters (excluding Layton and Luke), meaning there are slightly over double the amount of male characters than female ones -- and yet they get three times the amount of lines. Flora has the most lines of any female character if you combine her appearances in Curious Village and Box, and even after combining the lines from Don Paolo's appearances in both games Chelmey still has the most lines. It's almost enough to make me think I miscounted somewhere, but just using a rudimentary Control+F search of my modified version of the spreadsheet shows that it's probably accurate (or at least pretty close to it).
In total, out of the 4820 lines spoken between the two games (with the Curious Village cutscenes I transcribed), 2473 of those are spoken by NPCs. This does not include Layton and Luke's lines from the Curious Village cutscenes, which I did not transcribe because I didn't need them for my data. Some estimating aside, I'd say game dialogue is approximately an even split between Layton and Luke and the NPCs.
Keep in mind -- these three charts? They're not even taking into account Layton and Luke's lines. With those, these charts would be even more heavily male-skewed.
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angelbellelc2 · 6 months
For the PL ask game, how about 15, 16 and 17?
15.) Inspector Chelmey grew on me as I played through the original trilogy. At the start when he actually shows up in Diabolical/Pandora's Box he come across as iffy. He feels very pushy at first with him trying to move Professor Layton and Luke out of the way during his introduction. He mellows out over the next time we see him in Unwound/Lost Future. Inspector Chelmey may not be a personal favorite of mine, but he does gain my full respect when he's putting Bill Hawks in his place.
16.) Curious Village is the Inn mini game where we get to see Professor Layton and Luke's room begin to take shape. Diabolical/Pandora's Box is the tea mini game as there's different recipes you can experiment with, and my favorite part is seeing Professor Layton and Luke's reactions to each tea flavor. Unwound/Lost Future is the storybook because of the lovely illustrations and how all three relate to the main original trilogy trio. Last Specter/Spectre's Call has to be the puppet theater, Miracle Mask is the bunny mini game, and Azran Legacy is the fashion mini game.
17.) I prefer to save my hint coins.
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Oh, I have a suggestion!
There’s this video game series called Professor Layton, and I believe there’s about 3 GID scenes.
(Spoilers for those who haven’t played all the games yet.)
First one is in Pandora’s Box where Layton and Luke get captured by a guy named Anton and are tied up in a basement. They escape pretty easily though.
In Lost Future, the Prime Minister gets captured and there’s this cut scene where he is shown to be tied to a pole and gagged. There’s also a part during the climax where he’s tied to a chair in the middle of a mobile fortress.
Finally, in a spin-off game called Layton Brothers: Mystery Room, the final chapter shows one of the protagonists, Alfendi, tied to a chair and blindfolded.
Ah thank you!
Layton is a series I’ve had on my radar FOREVER, but never knew how to search for scenes in it. This is awesome. Thank you so much!!
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cloudsrust · 5 years
42. Favorite childhood book, show, or videogame?
Already answered;; here it is:
“42-Favorite childhood book, show or videogame?
Book- I’d say “The Chronicles of Narnia”, my parents read the entirety of it to me as a bed time story bit by bit.. not the best book to read to a child but I still loved it to bits! (I was also the one that requested it ohoh.)
Others.. I loved listening to fairytes (still do eh;;), especially the most unknown ones! I had both books and audio tapes that I would listen to on repeat :,>
Show- Pokémon for sure, still remember all the old openings;;
... I also loved a pretty unknown show, for what I can tell, called Lapitch : the lil’ shoemaker. I don’t remember much of it except for a few precise scenes and the bad wolf guy but I know I adored it!
Videogame- I only had a Nintendo growing up, so it was The Professor Layton Saga (The Pandora Box one if I have to choose)!
I just loved the charm and the style of that game- and the riddles were quite cool!
Also Pokémon again! I have them from Platinum to Moon generation wise! Also got some Pokémon Rangers and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (never completed tho- because I’m that terrible at it;;)!
I knew all Pokémon from the first generation by memory for how much I loved them! (I was known as Nurse Joy at school since I also knew their info and stats ohoh).
Love them creatures so much that If I manage to get a switch when I finish my studies I would love to get Shield.. I just want to cuddle them Pokémon beauties;;; (especially Sobble evolution line aaaaa-)”.
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AX2001 - University - Character Mash-up – Professor Layton meets Chowder (Summer Project)
So far on this blog regarding my summer project, I have discussed the creation process of two of my character Mashups. These include “Mike Wazowski” mashed-up with the 1930’s version of “Betty Boop” (AX2001 - University - Character Mash-up - My thought process for each character and Mike Wazowski meets Betty Boop (Summer Project)) and “Darkwing Duck” mashed-up with the character designs from “The Fairly Odd Parents” (AX2001 – University – Character Mash-up – Darkwing Duck meets the Fairly Odd Parents (Summer Project)). In this post I will be discussing the third and final character I tried to character Mash being the Professor Hershel Layton from the 2007 Nintendo series “Professor Layton” and the 2007 Cartoon Network show “Chowder”.
  Professor Layton Meets Chowder, why?
 When coming up with my third and final character, the first though I had was to add a character from different source of media, as my previous characters have all been in films or on TV, so I decided to investigate video game characters. After considering my options and taking into consideration the complexity of some characters and how others may blend or clash with each other’s character designs I finally settled with these two characters.
I came across the idea of using Professor Layton in a similar way, I came across using Darkwing Duck for the previous character Mash-up. I was looking through one of my local video game retailers and they had one of the newer Professor Layton games on sale. (it was called “Layton’s Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires’ Conspiracy Deluxe Edition”). After seeing this I was reminded of the past games for the Nintendo DS, Layton wasn’t even on the box, but his design seemed so distinct to me I could remember his design well, from this moment I had settled on my character.
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For choosing Chowder, it took awhile to settle upon the idea. I vaguely remembered the show, but seemed to remember the character designs quite well, with characters having their main piece of coloured clothing (or body parts) filled in with artistic patterns, whereas the rest of their clothing would be a solid colour. I also liked how the patterns for the characters would sometime represent what the characteristics of said character was. For example, the character “Endive” is a character of high standards, so her clothing was red with designs like dragons added in to show off her attitude and sense of power. Whereas characters like “Gorgonzola” have their patterns looking like their cloths have been stitched with different coloured clothing, representing him as a poor and rough calendar. With this approach in mind, I was interested to see if this pattern-based design would work with a character like Layton, so I began this character mash-up.
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Drawing the character Mash-up
 To begin, I wanted to take a deeper dive into the character designs for chowder, sure the pattern-based design was the main draw for me, but I wanted to try and create other aspects of the characters from the show for Layton. After researching the characters, some of my main findings included the following:
1.)    Most of the characters in Chowder have their legs as their smallest body part.
2.)    The characters arms are mostly around the same length of the characters body.
3.)    Most characters feature an exaggerated feature to their design such as large hats or large noses.
With these findings and some more, I began creating the Mash up.
 For drawing Layton, I decided to work with the same approach as I did for my previous character Mash-up with Darkwing Duck. I began by drawing one of the professor’s defining features, his top hat. It took a few attempts to decide how far apart each edge of his top hat should be, as sometimes I had drawn them too close together, or too far apart. After a few attempts, I found a distance I was happy with and this became easier to judge, each time I drew the top hat. I then made the head inline with edges of the top hat, so it seemed like a perfect for the professor’s head, I made his chin curved and created to little lines for his neck.
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When creating the body, I had to take into consideration the professor’s coat. The professor’s coat was something I wanted to try and focus on, as due to later making his legs very short, it would make the professors coat look huge on him. To begin, I made the outline of the top of the coat around his neck/ lower head area and worked my way downwards from there, this included his arms which, I wanted to try make them roughly finish just before his waste and have his hand pop out at the bottom. The same process was done for both halves of the professor’s coat/ body and I then began working on the legs.
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The legs were interesting at first, the professor could be seen as quite a thin, slender character, especially his legs in comparison to other characters, so coming up with the right length took a few tries and some tinkering with the Marquee tool. I was originally going to make the professors waist the same width as his coat, but then decided against this as it would help give scale to how large his coat is, as well as make creating legs easier to draw and make them closer together. Once this was created and legs where finalised, I created the professor’s shows and added his orange shirt underneath his coat.
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When adding facial features to the professor, it took me a few attempts to land on one design. The professor’s eyes are two black dots with no pupils inside them, the results looked quite creepy. With the character designs of chowder, the eyes are usually quite big and connected to one another with their outline. After looking back over the chowder designs, as well as some other characters from the “Professor Layton” series, I realised he is one of the only characters to have his eyes as two black dots, so to make him fit in better, I gave him two regular white eyes with pupils in the middle of them. The nose and mouth where then added, keeping the professor’s small triangular nose and gentle smile as well as his hair and ears with one line being made for his inner ear (this is another detail some characters in chowder have).
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For Layton’s side view, I decided to make his coat stick out past his head and stretch out from where his body would be, this was another detail to emphasise the size of his coat for this mash-up. I also decided to make the nose poke out small bit, as when Layton faces forward, sometimes his nose is only represented with a line with a small triangle at the bottom of it and being more visible when seen at a side view. I tried to keep this feature in line with his original look, as well as his hair line being more visible from a side view (with a complete piece of hair at the back of his head).
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For the facial expressions, I tried to stick as close to the rules of “Chowder” when it came to character expressions. The professor doesn't have eye brows, so matching his facial expressions was best linked to the main character of Chowder being Chowder himself. This is why the only a few of the expressions I made for the Professor featured some kind of eye line such as the angry face, as when Chowder’s angry a crease line in the shape of eye brows appear above his head. (Chowder is on the left in the image below)
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The Professor's character pose, is based on one of the Professor’s more well known poses. In the games after submitting your answer to a puzzle, three images appear of the professor thinking before informing you if you got the question right or wrong.
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Lastly was Layton’s pattern for that chowder look, now truth be told, this feature of the character was made after I had created the “final look of the Mash-up”. But I felt it was more appropriate in this segment as there were some design choices needed. When deciding where the patterns should be, I thought it would be best to place it on any brown clothing, so this included Layton’s top hat, coat and pants. For the design itself, I experimented with some line drawing, but I didn’t think they really worked, make the professors known brown look appear white and not much like the original. So, in the end I decided to make the professors pattern a reference to his games and events that take place in them (if you’re interested, below is a list of each reference on the pattern). Although I had chosen white, I wanted other colours that blended with the previously established brown colour, so I used a mixture of light and dark browns, as well as some orange to detail the patterns featured in the professor design.
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List of references featured in the Layton’s pattern
1.)    Luke’s hat (the professor’s accomplice)
2.)    Claire’s hat (From “Professor Layton and the Lost Future)
3.)    The time machine (From “Professor Layton and the Lost Future)
4.)    The Elysian box (From “Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box”)
5.)    Two hint coins, which have appeared across the series.
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 Creating the final look of the Mash-up
 When creating the final mash-up, I used the same approach as I had being using previously, only this time with a slightly thicker brush and placing each aspect of the character on separate layers. I began with the hat and at this point I had gotten used to drawing the width of the hat as well as the ring around the bottom of it, the red strip across the hat had to be adjusted, due to it being much bigger now than its previous smaller designs.
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Next was creating the professor’s coat/ body which I tried to make slightly smoother and less angular around the neck/ lower head area, so I added a slight dip at the back of the coat where professor head would be to make it slightly more curved in its appearance, as well as the flaps at the front. For the rest of the coat, it was mostly following the same methods as I had previously, I did try to make the professor’s arms, stick out slightly at the bottom as to give his hands a clearer look instead of them looking like they have fused/ connected to the body of the character.
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Once the coat was finished, I moved onto the legs which weren’t too bad to create, the main issue I had with making legs this time was due to them now being much bigger now in appearance, I kept making the legs uneven in size. This would make the legs look like one was wider than the other, to try and fix this issue, I made the professor’s waist more visible with a curve leading towards his coat, this in term I felt made the coat (again) look bigger in comparison to the rest of Layton. Once this was done the shoes where added, which I experienced a similar issue as I did with the legs, but this time with size of the professor’s heel as sometimes one heel would appear bigger than the other or make the proportions of the foot appear unequal/ disjointed. To fix this I began drawing from the bottom of Layton’s pants and created a slight inward then outward curve for the heel, instead of beginning with the fronts of the characters feet, as I had been doing previously.
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I kept with the same principles I made myself for the facial features making it a fairly easy process to create and position the professor’s facial features, I did make one ear slightly bigger than the other this time, as I tried to create a quarter view of the professor whilst keep to the rules/ design of the characters in the show. I then coloured in the professor whilst leaving out the areas of the character for the pattern.
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Lastly was adding the pattern which was implemented through trial and error. At first placing the pattern design on Layton’s top hat made me feel that there wasn’t enough going on, as for the most part only a few white lines and snippets of the patterns would appear on the character. To fix this I had to stretch and manipulate the pattern layer with the transform and marquee tool modify the shape of the pattern to mostly fit where it needed to go. I did try to fit the entire pattern in place, but I felt it made the pattern to busy when compared to the rest of the design, so I placed segments of the pattern in place and then erased the rest. This was done again for the professor’s coat and pants with more designs appearing on them than the hat, due to the coat being much bigger. I then added a light green background and with that the character mash-up was complete.
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Overall, I felt happy with this mash-up, as in the previous two mashups I felt like I had to try and stay as close to the original features of the original character designs when it came to proportions. But with this piece I had to think a little bit outside of the box in order to make Layton and chowder’s design work together. It was also fun to experiment with layering different pieces of work on top of each other (The character sheets and the pattern sheets), instead of creating everything in the same document as I had been doing previously, so both improvisation and design aspects were tested on me for this piece.
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Extra/ Un-used Images for this post
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clarionglass · 7 years
Mocha, Old English, Caramel Frappe, Early Grey Tea and Mint Tea, please? :)
Thank you! For this!
Mocha: Dream job?I would absolutely love to have a job with a professional orchestra. That’s the dream - getting there is another matter, but at least I know what I actually want to do with my life.
Old English: You’re stranded on an island, who do you bring with you?...someone with a boat? Or like, the Doctor. He’d be cool to be stranded with, because he would always find a way to get out of a situation like that. Seriously though, I have a number of pals I wouldn’t mind being stuck with, like @tchaikfour, @iremainimmortalinyourmind and @idris-the-potterhead, and other people not on tumblr who I can’t tag.
Caramel Frappe: Favourite video game?It’s a tie between the Pokemon series and the Professor Layton series, but if I can only pick One Game Ever, it has to be Professor Layton and Pandora’s Box (or the Diabolical Box, for the US version). A++++ good game.
Earl Grey Tea: The inevitable zombie apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?First, scream.Second, collect food/friends/weapons/medication, and go hide in a hopefully zombie-proof, or at least easily defensible, location. Beat the everloving shit out of any zombies who dare show up. Periodically go on short missions to the outside world to scavenge food, etc, as necessary. Adapt to a new way of living in the apocalyptic hellscape, and build a thriving community of good people. Generally try not to die.
Mint Tea: How do you relax?Watching tv or youtube (generally panel shows), scrolling through this hellsite, chatting with friends, listening to music, reading, drawing, doing puzzles. If I’m really stressed, I generally try and watch a bit of a panel show to just smile and calm down.
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angelbellelc2 · 1 year
I finished Pandora's/Diabolical box and I stayed up playing through the whole game. I was so engaged with the atmosphere of Folsense that I kept playing. The whole experience was amazing and I wish it was a little longer.
Learning the truth about the Elysian box where at first it was thought to be believed that anyone who opened it would face a horrible curse was actually some weird gas from the box. The box was made as a cherished present from Anton to his beloved Sophia as a way to show his love for her. It's sad to see how much they adore each other but couldn't be together. At least Anton got to learn that Sophia still loved him even during her last days.
Another thing was learning that everyone in Folsense wasn't real was also surprising. Since there wasn't anyone there besides from Professor Layton, Luke, and others; I'm so confused about how the tea mini game actually went. Having to go around Folsense and give people tea in order to realize that there wasn't anyone there to drink it is confusing. Were Professor Layton and Luke just brewing tea and just I don't know maybe just pouring out the tea? Or maybe it's possible that everyone was ghosts?
There's still so many questions about Folsense that I would like answers to but I'm glad what we got anyway. I'm now moving on to Unwound/Lost Future which is my favorite entry in the series as it features many things that I enjoy about the series.
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cloudsrust · 5 years
47, 42 nd 38
38- Best Kit-Kat flavor?
I... never had a kit-Kat in my life;;
But I’d say coffee or chocolate! I have simple tastes-
42-Favorite childhood book, show or videogame?
Book- I’d say “The Chronicles of Narnia”, my parents read the entirety of it to me as a bed time story bit by bit.. not the best book to read to a child but I still loved it to bits! (I was also the one that requested it ohoh.)
Others.. I loved listening to fairytales (still do eh;;), especially the most unknown ones! I had both books and audio tapes that I would listen to on repeat :,>
Show- Pokémon for sure, still remember all the old openings;;
... I also loved a pretty unknown show, for what I can tell, called “Lapitch : the lil’ shoemaker”. I don’t remember much of it except for a few precise scenes and the bad wolf guy but I know I adored it!
Videogame- I only had a Nintendo growing up, so it was The Professor Layton Saga (The Pandora Box one if I have to choose)!
I just loved the charm and the style of that game- and the riddles were quite cool!
Also Pokémon again! I have them from Platinum to Moon generation wise! Also got some Pokémon Rangers and Pokémon Mystery Dungeon (never completed tho- because I’m that terrible at it;;)!
I knew all Pokémon from the first generation by memory for how much I loved them! (I was known as Nurse Joy at school since I also knew their info and stats ohoh).
Love them creatures so much that If I manage to get a switch when I finish my studies I would love to get Shield.. I just want to cuddle them Pokémon beauties;;; (especially Sobble evolution line aaaaa-)
47- Color to describe your personality.
Already answered;; here it is:
“Mhh- maybe Cream-? It’s not completely pure perfect white and it’s trying its best to be a warm color-... and you almost never notice it unless someone points it out or searches for it :,>”
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