boissonsaumiel · 7 months
Today someone made a post to r/prisonhooch about making wine out of a "mystery China drink" they liked.
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I looked up the name "王老吉" and found the beverage [on wikipedia].
Water 水
Sugar 糖
Mesonas Chinesis 仙草
Plumeria rubra 紅花緬梔
Microcos paniculate 破布叶
Chrysanthemum 菊屬
Loncera japonica 忍冬
Prunella vulgaris 夏枯草
Licorice 光果甘草
Amazon sells not only the canned beverage, but also the dry herbal tea blend the beverage is made with. I think I might buy the dry blend. I have a mead (honey wine) I brewed a while ago that I've been meaning to flavor with some herbs and spices, but I haven't been able to decide which ones. This will definitely make it taste unique.
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wildlifegermany · 3 months
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Matricaria chamomilla is a member of the Asteraceae family, native to southern and eastern Europe. The flowers are borne in paniculate flower heads (capitula). The white ray florets are furnished with a ligule, while the disc florets are yellow. The hollow receptacle is swollen and lacks scales. This property distinguishes German chamomile from corn chamomile (Anthemis arvensis), which has a receptacle with scales. The flowers bloom in early to midsummer and have a fragrant aroma.
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ainews · 2 months
In the 1380s, mustaches took on a new level of importance for men seeking loans. The reason behind this trend can be traced back to the social and economic climate of the time.
Firstly, it was a period of great economic instability. The Black Death had ravaged Europe in the mid-14th century, causing a sharp decline in population and leaving many areas in a state of chaos. This led to a scarcity of labor and a disruption in the flow of trade and commerce. As a result, lenders became more cautious with their money and were less willing to lend without some form of security.
Secondly, mustaches had become an important status symbol in society. Men grew them as a sign of masculinity and nobility, and they were even seen as a sign of a person's financial stability. The more elaborate and well-groomed the mustache, the higher the social standing of the individual. This made mustaches a tangible symbol of wealth and prestige.
In addition, during this time period, lending was primarily done by wealthy merchants or noblemen. These individuals were often more traditional and conservative in their views and placed great importance on outward appearances. A well-groomed mustache signified diligence, respectability, and trustworthiness – all qualities that a lender would want to see in a borrower.
Furthermore, having a mustache was also a sign of responsibility and maturity. In order to maintain a well-groomed mustache, one needed to possess the discipline and financial means to regularly visit a barber. This was often seen as a symbol of a person's ability to manage their own affairs, making them a more desirable candidate for a loan.
As a result, mustaches became a sort of collateral for loans. It was a visual representation of a person's character and social standing, giving lenders a sense of security when lending money. It also served as a way for borrowers to project an image of stability and success, increasing their chances of securing a loan.
In conclusion, the paniculate nature of mustaches during the 1380s can be attributed to their multifaceted symbolism. In a time of economic turmoil, they provided a sense of security and trust for lenders, while also serving as a symbol of prestige and maturity for borrowers. This trend highlights the insecurities and deeply ingrained social hierarchy of the time period, where even something as seemingly insignificant as a mustache could have a significant impact on one's financial prospects.
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catherinebaron · 6 months
CALOUPILE - 17/365 - Fétide majesté
CHALLENGE Caloupilé ou Fétide majesté – Murraya koenigii Plante, d’origine indienne devenue endémique des Mascareignes fin 19 eme siècle. forme un arbuste de 2 à 3 m de hauteur. Les feuilles vert sombre dégagent une odeur particulière quand on les froisse. Elles sont de chaque côté de la tige en nombre impair ( voir photo) .les fleurs sont blanches forment un panicule* terminal sorte de…
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sidkay · 1 year
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Saraca Asoca - Asogam
Saraca asoca (Rexb) de wilde
வேறு பெயர்:-
மேற்குமலைத் தொடர்ச்சியிலும் விசாகப்பட்டணம் முதலிய இடங்களிலும் பயிராகிறது. மற்ற தோட்டங்களில் வைத்துப்பயிரிடப்படுகின்றது.
இதன் பூ ஒரு பூங்கொத்துப் போன்று இருப்பதுடன் மனத்தைக் கவரும்படி பட்டுப்பூச்சி நிறமொத்த செம்மை நிறமுள்ளதாயிருக்கும். இது மாசி, பங்குனி மாதங்களில் பூக்கும்.
ப-உ: பூ. பட்டை
சுவை: துவர்ப்பு
தன்மை : தட்பம்
பிரிவு : கார்ப்பு
செய்கை : துவர்ப்பி, குலக வெப்பகற்றி, சூலக உரமாக்கி(Astringent, Uterine Sedative, Uterine Tonic)
குணம் : சூலக அழற்சி, சூலசுத்திலிருந்துண்டாகும் குருதிப்பெருக்கு (பெரும்பாடு ). குருதியழல் நோய், குருதிபேதி. தீப்பிணிகள், நீரிழிவு ஆகிய இவைகள் நீங்கும்.
வாதபித்த சேத்ம வரிசைபெறு மூவருக்கும் ஆதரவாய் மெய்யி லமருமே-பூதலத்தில் வீண்பிண்டி போல விடுமுடம்பை யுந்தணிக்கும் காண்பிண்டி யாமசேசும்.
முக்குற்ற உடலினர்க்கும் நன்மை புரிந்து, மாவைப்போல் உளுத்த உடம்பை இறுக்கி, வன்மையைத் தருவது அசோகாகும்.
குறிப்பு : உதிரவேங்கை, ஒடுவடக்கி, விடத்தலை, விளா, வேல் இவைகளின் குணம் ஆசோகுக்குமுண்டு.
பூவின் பயன் : பூவை நுண்ணியதாய்ப் பொடித்து. கால்பலமெடுத்து ஆழாக்கு நீருடன் கலந்து கெ டுக்க, குருதிக் கழிச்சலும் குருதியும் சீழுங்கலந்த கழிச்சலும் நிற்கும்.
பட்டையின் பயன் : பட்டையையிடித்துச் சாறுபிழிந்து கால் முதல் ஒரு உச்சிக்கரண்டியளவு (1/4-1 uchikarandi) கொடுத்துவர, பெரும்பாடு தணியும்.
பட்டை 105 கிராம் எடுத்துச் சிதைத்து, இரண்டு ஆழாக்கு பசுவின் பாலும் எட்டு ஆழாக்கு நீரும் கலந்து, ஐந்தில் ஒரு கூறாகச் சுருக்கி நாள் ஒன்றுக்கு இரண்டு மூன்று முறை கொடுத்துவர பெரும்பாடுமுதலிய குருதிப் பெருக்கு நிற்கும். கருப்பைக் குற்றம், வீட்டுக்கு விலக்கான மூன்றாம் நாளுக்குமேல் தொடங்கிய குருதி நிற்கும். கருப்பைக் குற்றம் நீங்கிப் பலப்படும்.
Mainly in Asia and some parts of North America. The tree is found mainly throughout India, especially in West Bengal, Assam, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Meghalaya and Maharashtra.It is also widely distributed across the Western Ghats (both South and Central), the Sahyadri region and throughout the Himalayas. S. asoca is also found in countries such as Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh as well as Burma and in Malay where it grows at an altitude of ~750 m. Saraca declinata also known as Red Saraca is present in Florida (USA), Burma and Sri Lanka.
Trees, to 10 m high, bark 2-3 mm thick, surface brown or brownish-black, lenticellate. Leaves paripinnate, alternate; leaflets 6-12, opposite, 7-28.5 x 2-8.5 cm, narrowly oblong, oblong-ovate or ovate-lanceolate, round, cuneate or acute, apex acute or acuminate, base obtuse, margin entire, glabrous, coriaceous; stipules 7-20 mm long, intra petiolar, scarious, ovate, connate; rachis 4-25 cm long, slender, pulvinate, glabrous; petiolule 2-10 mm long, stout, glabrous; lateral nerves 10-15 pairs, pinnate, arched towards the margin, slender, faint, intercostae reticulate, faint. Flowers bisexual, yellow-orange or red, in dense sessile paniculate corymbs, axillary to leaves or leaf scars; bracts ovate, small deciduous; bracteoles 4 mm long oblong-spathulate, ciliolate, coloured, subpersistent. Calyx 4 cm long, petalloid, cylindric, enclosing a lobed disc; lobes 4, ovate-oblong, unequal, spreading, imbricate. Petals 0. Stamens 7 or 8, much exserted, free; filaments long, filiform, coloured, glabrous; anthers versatile. Ovary half inferior, stipitate, the stipe adnate below to one side of the disc, pubescent; style incurved, glabrous, filiform; stigma small, capitate; ovules many. Fruit a pod 10-5 x 2-5 cm, flat, oblong, coriaceous or almost woody, tapering at both ends; continuous within; seeds 2-8, 3.8 cm long, ovoid, slightly compressed. IUCN LIST - VULNERABLE
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Wormwood broom.
 As not for everybody, as strong aroma at sauna-room ,like in steppe ,and not an everybody enduring his good, thus better mix his with birch twigs, aroma will weak, and effect is enough. But about effects are known Cretans  and his name formed from An old Cretan Artemis, that means a health.  She disinfects air,as on Russian are smoked with wormwood are houses against endemic diseases, but a few kinds of herb fighting muscle loading, lowering irritability, improving sleep. Wormwood broom good refreshing, fighting tiredness, headaches, improving work capacity, which in herb containing aldehyde, carbonyls are disinfecting air. Massage with such broom for skin is staying silk, tender, and benefit for those,who are styling a lot,that wormwood s steam are improving memory. And preparing his after blooming, different wormwood kinds are on the different time blooming ,and not waiting when his stems will dry  , dry in dark place, keep in cool place. And such brooms are not tight, and using for one time, thus a few adding his in other brooms as tighter broom. Healing wormwood, bitter wormwood, lemon wormwood, paniculate are matching for brooms, but  wormwood Taurid is not using, that her using for air disinfecting and on the low concentration, and in over dosage at sauna are possible bad effects.
Alder broom.
A this broom,like a birch broom, slags,toxins removing , healing skin. As better use of young twigs alder sticky.Leafs are true self sticky to body,and rising absorbing ability , and enjoying growing on the marshes, lakes shores, twigs are flexing, whips are tight. And long time you can be using his, for many times steaming. Broom of alder good in arthritis, rheumatism, joint, rheumatic aches, light massage benefit with such broom in weak heart, or you can cover twigs on sauna shelf and lie on theirs, effect will be a not low. Preparing and keeping alder twigs also,as and birch.
Hazel broom.
A hazel tree is sacred ,as oak . Bark of, leafs, fruits benefit effects you can met also. Massage with such broom helps in skin problems, healing wounds, and using in a not healing wounds abscess, trophic ulcers, apply broom as compress in veins problems, hazelnut steam improves metabolism, useful in diabetes. Young twigs preparing with a width leafs,they are tight, and good catching up hot.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/dAxY879 via https://ift.tt/uTwx3zo
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degrassienjoyer · 7 years
I don't know anyyyyyything about kpop so tell me about your favorite group, what's your favorite song by them?, album? Who is your favorite member? Why?
ahh thank u for this!!! its a tie between red velvet and bts
for red velvet my favorite song is russian roulette!! and album wise russian roulette or red flavor...or rookie they really have best discography huh. yeri is my favorite member!!! shes like my daughter whom ive raised and just seeing her makes me smile? and even tho shes younger than me i look up to her lots bc shes just super open and loud and funny and not afraid to be a Fool 
for bts its spring day!! and my favorite album….probably young forever or you never walk alone. taehyung is my favorite member!!! again he just makes me smile and i admire him lots bc hes super sociable and not afraid to be himself and i just find him so charming omg…like how he loves kids and animals and art and dives into his hobbies full force
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secondary-burial · 3 years
Herbalism series, part 3: Chamomile
Matricaria Recutita
Gender: Masculine
Element: Water
Planetary Ruler: Sun
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Deity: various Sun Gods, including Ra, Cernunnos or Lugh
Scientific description
Matricaria chamomilla is a member of the Asteraceae family, native to southern and eastern Europe. Today the plant can be found on all continents. It has a branched, erect, and smooth stem, which grows to a height of 15–60 cm (6–23.5 in). The long and narrow leaves are bipinnate or tripinnate. The flowers are borne in paniculate flower heads (capitula). The white ray florets are furnished with a ligule, while the disc florets are yellow. The hollow receptacle is swollen and lacks scales. This property distinguishes German chamomile from corn chamomile (Anthemis arvensis), which has a receptacle with scales.
When: June to September
What: flowers, flower buds, leaves - only those that are fully opened
Where: fields, roadsides, sandy soil with low calcium content
Medicinal Use
alleviates pain, lowers fevers
has a soothing, calming effect and promotes restful sleep
helps with stomach and intestinal cramps
Chamomile is safe for young children and nurslings.
It is most often used in the form of an infusion. For an anti-stress tea, steep a teaspoon of chamomile in 250 ml (8 oz.) of water for ten minutes and drink up to three times a day. Works wonderfully taken about an hour to half an hour before bed.
You can also make your own chamomile oil. This little treasure can be used in ritual - or day-to-day, really - baths or to treat small scratches and bumps.
To make such an oil, place fresh flowers into a sterile jar and cover them in a carrier oil of your choosing (eg. almond, grapeseed, olive, or even sunflower). Allow to steep on a sunny windowsill. Gently shake the jar every day and in about a month, you can strain the oil into another vessel. Make sure the flowers are fully covered in the oil, otherwise your oil might develop mold!
Magical Use
sprinkle chamomile around your property to remove curses and spells cast against you
add chamomile infusion to a ritual bath to attract love and to purify
if you like playing poker, wash your hands in an infusion to ensure winnings
Culinary Use
chamomile “wine,” syrups, lemonade
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Bednářová, Jaroslava. Herbář, aneb, Od anděliky k žindavě. V Praze: Fortuna Libri, 2015. Print.
Němec, Radomír, Ivana Paukertová, and Martin Valášek. Divoký zelinář, aneb, Plané rostliny jako jídlo, koření i lék. Znojmo: Jihomoravské muzeum ve Znojmě, příspěvková organizace, 2019. Print.
Dreyer, Eva-Maria, and Wolfgang Dreyer. Bylinky, plody a houby: jak je rozeznat, sbírat a jíst. Víkend, 2010. Print.
Dugas, and Nejezchlebová. Babiččiny nové bylinky. Ottovo nakladatelství, s.r.o., 2016. Print.
Cunningham, Scott. Cunningham’s Encyclopedia of Magical Herbs. Llewellyn Publications, 1985.
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jasontoddiefor · 3 years
Title: Ructare florem tristitiae
Summary: Allen Walker’s feelings bubble up his throat, flower petals spilled on his father’s grave, for the Akuma, who will never get proper burials. Ructare florem tristitiae, Cross Marian diagnoses, grief flowers.
Parasitic type Exorcists never live for long; carries of Hanahaki should die even quicker.
Allen is determined to make the best of it.
Rosa bracteata
His name was Allen, his father was dead, and he’s choking, drowning in his grief, spilling his guts in the graveyard. His shoulders shook and he heaved until he collapsed, fingernails clawing at his skin until they left red scratches. Metal in his mouth as he vomited roses that, under all the blood from thorns tearing up his throat, were white.
“You want me to retrieve Mana Walker?” the grinning clown asked, curiously staring down at him.
Another rose petal fell from Allen’s mouth as he screamed his father’s name.
Ornithogalum umbellatum
Cross was too late.
His mistake couldn’t be any clearer, standing in front of Mana’s grave, holding a casket that was bound to be empty, looking at a child that was meant to disappear. Allen’s face was covered by blood, and thus Cross did not pay any attention to the flowers surrounding him as he picked Nea’s host up and carried him to safety.
The little brat never should have been caught up in this war of theirs and Cross almost wanted to laugh at the irony of a Noah’s host being so deeply connected to Innocence, it took over his body. Laughing, drinking, and sex would certainly be better distractions than screaming in rage and lashing out at a kid that couldn’t be blamed for any of this, but right now, Cross couldn’t afford to do either.
All he had left were the curses he could hiss under his breath as the child screamed himself hoarse from the pain, choking until Allen threw up on him, the remains of lunch and flower petals ruining his shirt.
“Fuck no,” Cross exhaled, fingers twitching for a cigarette. “Since when does the brat have fucking Hanahaki?”
Mother only huffed. “Why are you asking me? Shouldn’t you know since you watched him?”
“Well, he certainly wasn’t spitting up little snowdrops when he was running around with Mana!”
No, when the two clowns had been traveling together, Mana had been the one choking on the same red poppies he’d always cried for his brother. Fucking Nea, this better be worth it. From a scientist to an Exorcist to a nanny for traumatized little Noah hosts, who pissed their bedding.
“Those aren’t snowdrops,” Mother said, picking at the few flowers Cross had cleaned off the blood. “Aren’t you a bad priest that you can’t even recognize these?”
“Why the fuck should I recognize any flowers—”
“Stars of Bethlehem!”
Cross turned to the door where Barba was standing with Allen’s clean sheets, pointing excitedly at the little flowers. “Those are stars of Bethlehem. I’ve always wanted to decorate with them for Christmas because of the name, but they’re pretty sad flowers.”
Sad flowers, huh? “What do they mean?”
“Atonement,” Barba replied. “And reconciliation, guilt, and fear.”
Sighing, Cross leaned back in his chair and grabbed the entire bottle of wine. “Of course, the brat has grief flowers.”
Parasitic Innocence and Hanahaki? Nea better woke up soon, or the boy might die before he had the chance to erase him.
Calendula officinalis
Allen’s new Master was a bastard, so unlike Mana that he wanted to scream and return to his grave, spill more father’s day gifts and stars. But if he returned to Mana without having saved a single soul, he could never forgive himself.
And thus Allen stayed, carried his bags, found a routine with his Master, wondering when he’d finally learn how to use his Innocence against those Akuma.
“Hurry up, stupid apprentice, we’re going to be late.”
“Late where—” Allen froze as his gaze stopped at a lone man in the crowd and his left eye suddenly exploded in pain as his vision changed, shifted, and the man turned into a shadow, a skeleton wrapped in chains and guts, screaming, tearing at their constraints, begging for salvation.
Allen fell to his knees, his father’s screams echoing in his mind as he began coughing, struggling for breath, orange blooms landing on the dirt road.
“Allen— what are you doing!?”
His Master’s voice thundered through the air, commanding and another note he couldn’t identify.
“The man,” he stuttered out, swallowing down the bitter taste, the copper. “The man, Master, he’s like— like Mana!”
Cross’s head whipped up just in time for the man to see them.
And then all hell broke loose.
Tagetes erecta
The marigolds continued to haunt Allen until he learned to swallow down the blooms even as he fought against the Akuma.
No matter the Akuma’s level or origin story, orange petals always begged to leave his mouth. It made their stay in India more taxing than any other, marigold garlands covering the streets at all times. How strange that a flower that had always represented pain and grief to him was celebrated here so. Allen had met quite a few people suffering from the same ailment as him, though the taste of their hurt was a different one; unrequited love, fear, hopelessness – the number of emotions that could evoke Hanahaki seemed to be as varied as the stars above.
Allen had never known which one Mana had suffered from, but his flowers had also never changed, blooming for the same purpose and person.
He stared down at the abandoned bowl, his arm still aching. He had been so careful that any of the marigolds he brought Narain were not stained by those expelled by his body. But now, covered by the Akuma’s blood, it hardly seemed to matter.
They looked just the same.
Mentha arvensis
Allen’s introduction to the Black Order was chaotic. From his meeting with the angry Japanese Exorcist he absolutely did not want to work with ever thank-you-very-much to the confusing words and touch of the guardian Hevelaska. Komui, his superior, seemed like a fun and kind man, one Allen wouldn’t mind working alongside.
This place truly felt like it could become home if one were to believe Lenalee. Allen even had his own room that was his to do with as he liked, given that he didn’t destroy it. That certainly was an entirely new experience.
Allen hadn’t really had a home in a long while, though, when he was just feverish enough, feeling more like a child than an Exorcist, he would consider his Master’s coat on his shoulders shelter his home.
Not that he’d ever admit that to the man out loud.
“Is there anything else we need to know?” Komui asked, looking over Allen’s file, hopefully not cringing too much over Allen’s handwriting. Just because he had gained dexterity didn’t mean that his handwriting was particularly great. “Your personal data isn’t exactly precise.”
Allen tried to keep his smile in place, but he was well aware that his life had gaps. The entire first half of his childhood was one giant black hole, and as much as Allen sometimes wanted to solve that particular mystery, he was sure he hadn’t forgotten for no reason.
Mana’s memories had been full of empty spaces, and that for a good reason too.
Allen still remembered his screams when his nightmares overwhelmed him, begging for his brother to save him, forgive him, stay by his side eternally.
“I’m sorry,” Allen apologized regardless. “I know my background is not that easy.”
Komui only smiled at him. “Don’t worry, Allen. We care more about your own welfare now than anything else.”
His throat tickled and he desperately wanted to believe Komui, perhaps a bit naively too as his childhood self would condemn, but he tasted mint and knew it was for naught. Komui might care, God, the man had given everything so he could be here with his sister, but that didn’t speak for the entire Order.
“There actually is one more thing,” Allen admitted. “I have grief flowers.”
Komui’s eyes widened, fear and pity flashing through them. “How long?”
“Since General Cross took me in,” Allen said, knowing that for most, that would mean he was as close to death as he could be. “But I have it handled. My Innocence keeps me steady and heals my lungs.”
It was probably not as good of a reassurance as the man was hoping for, but it was all Allen could give. As always, he was lacking.
Lathyrus odoratus
Dealing with Innocence always interfered with his sickness. His own shard kept him healthy enough to continue on even if the number of flowers he’d displaced over the years should have long since killed him.
“What the hell, moyashi?” Kanda shouted as Allen doubled over in front of Lala and Guzol, covering the sand with blood, baby’s breath and sweet peas. Baby’s breath was nothing new given the presence of Innocence. Allen had filled Maria’s casket with it multiple times already, but he knew the sweet peas were for Lala, the sentient doll, and her dearly beloved human, her accommodator.
“Let her sing,” Allen begged through the pain, wheezing, still pathetic and weak. “Let her sing, please.”
And they remained as they were.
Gypsophila paniculate
God’s true apostle was a little girl that made Allen freeze. No matter how much he wanted to fight, to protect the world he had learned to love with his father’s smiles and jokes, he couldn’t anymore, his eye destroyed, bleeding.
Time running out and out and out until—
Miranda’s Innocence, baby’s breaths on his tongue, was as cruel as it was kind, giving Allen more time to fight, to understand, to choke down the marigolds as Road ordered the self-destruction of the Akuma and he watched that screaming soul disintegrate.
He knew there would be a price to pay.
The Noah’s door, a checkered form that seemed so familiar, closed and Allen stumbled back to Miranda’s side. Sweet reassurances were all it took to get her settled, to allow time to return to them.
Allen blacked out with a cough so deep, he thought he was crying at Mana’s grave again.
Papaver nudicaule
Lavi was curious by nature. It was the reason Bookman had picked him in the first place. Their kind needed to be curious, interested in the world, but only ever as its silent observers. Bookman Junior could recite his entire lecture on the topic, the ever repeated ‘know your duties’. Junior knew that he wasn’t Bookman’s first apprentice, and given how much Bookman insisted that Lavi stayed impartial, he knew there was a story to discover, history to inherit someday.
But for now, he had to chat up the Destroyer of Time.
“Nice to finally meet you,” Lavi said with a mild smile. “Yu-chan already told me so much about you!”
Kanda had been unusually chatty, complaining about Allen Walker for minutes, which was as good as ranting for an hour for normal people. Lavi had learned a lot about Allen during that time, mainly his sickness being of interest to Junior. The number of people suffering from Hanahaki was low enough that they had yet to find a proper cure or cause.
There were enough speculations, the church was particularly fond of going on about Eve and Lilith, Eden’s curse, but it was as good an explanation as a shrug and a disinterested ‘I don’t know’.
Although, perhaps, remembering the glass of flowers in his coat pocket, a cure had been found, just not one readily available for the masses.
“Here! Miranda collected them for you. It’s tradition in Germany to save them.”
Lavi handed Allen the glass full of yellow poppies before the youth could protest, waiting to see what his reaction would be. He had already gathered that Allen was used to his sickness, had learned how to live with them.
These flowers should not surprise him.
And yet they did, the boy almost dropping the glass when he saw what was inside.
“Poppies,” Allen breathed, his face twisting into shock, the kind of which Lavi had never seen before. “But they’re Mana’s—”
Mana Walker, the father that had been turned into an Akuma.
Lavi had to hold back a grin.
This was bound to be interesting.
Roseanne giganteus carnivorus
Roots took ahold of Allen’s heart and lungs and he reminded himself repeatedly that Mana loved him, that he had friends now and a home, that he was cared for. His father may have cursed him, but only so Allen would have something to live for so that he’d continue and not plant his roots at his father’s grace and let his body decay to feed the soil.
“I never wondered if Akuma could love,” Allen confessed to Lavi while Krory was still knocked out, head resting against the window of the train. “I thought them incapable of forming positive relationships unless they were modified.”
“Modified?” Lavi echoed, keen eyes, fake smile.
Took a liar to find another.
Eliade had felt something for Krory, even if it might just have been possessiveness, staking her claim on her victim and prey, waiting for the Innocence to get strong enough that its destruction would be interesting.
I love you, Mana’s words rang in his ears.
The flowers settled.
Glaucium flavum
The Exorcist cheated them right out of their money, and if Tyki didn’t feel like there was something familiar about the boy, he would have ripped his Innocence and heart out right there. He’d learned restraint, how to curb Joyd’s hunger. It had been insufferable when he’d still been a child, giving in to pleasure much too quickly.
But the three Exorcists right in front of him were taunt and temptation.
And still, Tyki resisted, especially once he got close enough to that white-haired menace to catch his scent. He’d excused himself after one round, saying he needed to freshen up. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it also wasn’t the truth.
“You smell like flowers, menino,” Tyki commented, watching as the boy quickly wiped blood from his mouth, something yellow disappearing down the drain. “Hanahaki?”
Fraude A flinched, looking like he’d been caught in the act. The cheerful if devious demeanor from before had all but faded away, leaving behind an exhausted teenager. The bags under his eyes were heavy, and the Innocence in his hand must be sucking away at his lifespan as well.
What wouldn’t Tyki give to turn that crystal into dust, play savior for this damned child.
“It’s not contagious,” the boy said immediately, probably thinking that Tyki was one of those fools who avoided flower bearers like the plague.
“I know,” Tyki said. “Don’t worry about it, menino. You seem to be doing as well as you can. I want to ask about your sickness if you don’t mind.”
The boy eyed him suspiciously but nodded.
“The child we have with us, Eeez, he has Hanahaki as well. His family threw him out because they could not afford to care for his health.”
Not that Tyki and his friends could afford his treatment either. Whenever Eeez, Momo, and Clark slept, Noah’s third disciple reached far into the lungs of the boy and ripped out the flowers stealing his breath, drenched his fingers in blood to see the child take another pathetic breath.
“Oh.” Understanding flashed over Fraude’s face. “Which kind?”
“Fear,” Tyki replied and there was so much to fear for weak little human boys in a world as cruel as theirs. “And you?”
“Grief,” the boy said, almost apologetic as if he’d trade his variant for a chance to help Eeez. “And I’m sorry, but I can’t offer you any help. My method of coping won’t work for him.”
Flores de tristeza and an Exorcist, the boy was truly detested by fate.
“I understand.” Oh, he did. That parasite leeching on the boy’s lifespan kept him alive, healed him over and over again so he could keep fulfilling its cursed mission. Tyki wondered what his lungs looked like, whether they were entirely scarred over. “Thank you still, menino.”
Aquilegia atrata
Lenalee was excellent at reading people, even if she couldn’t keep up with Lavi. It was a skill she had learned out of necessity during all her attempts at escaping the Order, searching for weaknesses in her guards, moments where their attention slipped just enough for her to throw herself out of the high towers they kept her in.
No matter how much Allen lied and cheated and smiled, Lenalee could see that it wasn’t true.
And that he was putting too much pressure on himself.
Surrounded by all the Akuma, hunting down Allen’s Master, the fall was inevitable.
Lenalee just hoped she would be there to catch him when it was the time as Komui had been there for her.
Dianthus caryophyllus
Innocence was good and holy.
God’s dearly beloved crystal, sent to save humanity.
Allen had known this deep in his heart, had clung to it when the appearance of his arm had still made him insecure because it gave him purpose. He was not so foolish as to think himself special, one of God’s chosen, but he chose to believe that Innocence mattered.
That it was kind and protected.
“I’m sorry,” Suman Dark apologized under tears he could not cry as Allen kept on screaming, begging him to live and go on, no matter how much the Innocence was eating away at him.
This couldn’t be true; it shouldn’t happen. His own Innocence would never do this to him, had it loved and protected him even against his own father. Yet it was failing him when Allen tried to dig through the violet butterflies, the violent pain. His shoulders trembled terribly as he swallowed down the sharp taste of carnations burning him as much as the artificial insects left nothing of Suman behind.
Cercis siliquastrum
“Fraude A?” Tyki exclaimed, surprised, though he knew he shouldn’t be. He had known that the tristeza boy had been an Exorcist, these plagues liked to flaunt it after all, with their shiny expensive uniforms, and he’d known that they’d eventually clash on the battlefield.
He had just, foolishly perhaps, hoped that it would be a fair battle, one where the boy could give it his all despite his failing, scarred lungs.
Allen Walker.
How pitiful that his name was on Tyki’s list.
“Don’t worry,” Tyki told him. “It doesn’t hurt.”
His words weren’t even a lie, and Tyki knew he could very easily put the boy to rest without him feeling a thing, and yet, he couldn’t help explain his work, act it out, because he wanted to leave his mark on his victim, have Allen Walker grieve flowers for him.
So Tyki crushed his hand, his Innocence, destroyed it with Dark Matter, let the Tease bite into his heart, and left the boy in tears.
Taking his dying breaths, unable to spit any flowers for Tyki. With a grin, he reached deep into the boy’s lung, retrieving judas tree blooms and a silver button.
How sad.
Tyki had hoped for poppies.
Bellis perennis
Allen lay on the ground, his Innocence above him as mist as he struggled for breath. It had never been this bad before. He couldn’t remember a single time where his flowers had been coated in so much blood, he couldn’t tell which kind it was right from the bat.
“You can’t overdo it,” Fo told him, rolling back on her feet almost playfully if not for the severity of the situation. “Your Innocence isn’t healing you anymore.”
I know, Allen wanted to reply. I know, I know, and it is all my fault.
He only wanted to continue on, do as he always had, push through the pain, and fulfill his purpose. Why was it so difficult, why did he struggle so much? Did his Innocence think him a betrayer, nothing worth saving anymore?
Please, he begged into the quiet, his flowers for the first time since he’d started blooming posing a  threat to him. I just want to do my duty.
He grabbed his bloodied flowers with his one good hand and thought about springtime and Mana teaching him how to make daisy chains.
Tagetes lucida
Marigolds were comforting, almost. Allen could feel his throat put itself back together, healing as his body still decided to punish him. He wondered whether the other parasitic Exorcists had felt like this as well, torn between being weapon and host, beloved friend and tool.
He wondered what it might have been like for Maria to be the host of Innocence and spit flowers whenever she needed her throat to sing.
He wondered what her Innocence’s name had been once upon a time before it had become nothing more than Grave of Maria.
(Wondered whether his Master loved him enough to turn him into a doll to be used for battle as Allen would want.
Whether Cross Marian loved him too much to do so.)
“Tell me where my friends are,” Allen ordered and the Akuma complied, truth tasting like marigolds and poppies.
Rosa bracteata: Macartney rose – white rose, typically given to fathers
Flower list
Ornithogalum umbellatum: Star of Bethlehem – atonement for crime, reconciliation, guilt and fear
Calendula officinalis: marigold – pain and grief
Tagetes erecta: marigold
Mentha arvensis: mint – suspicion, lack of trust
Lathyrus odoratus: sweet pea – goodbye, departure
Gypsophila paniculate: baby’s breath – innocence, pure at heart
Papaver nudicaule: poppies
Roseanne giganteus carnivorus: Rosanne from canon
Glaucium flavum: poppies
Aquilegia atrata: purple columbine – driven to win
Dianthus caryophyllus: yellow carnation – disdain, disappointment, rejection
Cercis siliquastrum: judas tree – betrayal, unbelief
Bellis perennis: daisy – innocence, purity, new beginnings
Tagetes lucida: marigold
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kanafix00-blog · 7 years
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Pensons à reviser et approfondir régulièrement notre language professionel. C'est une des clé du succès #inflorescence #capitule #panicule #revision #botanique #fleuriste #passion (à Besançon, France)
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gaytobymeres · 3 years
Ffs I fucking hate word if I type Hosta fortunei ‘Major Aurea’ I mean Hosta fortunei ‘Major Aurea’ not Hosta fortune. Fuck off!!!! It also keeps autocorrecting paniculata to paniculate >:( get fucked!!
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Jasmine Murrayya Paniculate by jackie
Jasmine one of my favorite flowers. I prefer more than just beauty but also pleasant aroma for my flowers at home. The aroma of Jasmine Murrayya Paniculate is so sweet and strong.
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Text from Wikipedia
MMurraya paniculata is a tropical, evergreen plant native to South Asia, Southeast Asia and China. bearing small, white, scented flowers, which is grown as an ornamental tree or hedge.
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SAMEDI 24 JUILLET 2021 (Billet 2 / 3)
Ça y est, nos Lilas des Indes (« Lagerstroemia indica ») ont commencé à fleurir… et ce sera un enchantement de juillet à octobre ! Nous en avons 4, de 2 couleurs différentes qui font des « fleurs frisotées rose et grenat, réunies en panicules » (Source : « rustica.fr »).
Comme nous savons que certains d’entre vous s’intéressent à la vie de nos plantes (par exemple notre amie Anne W. que nous embrassons au passage…), vous trouverez ci-dessous quelques photos prises hier matin.
L’althéa (« Hibiscus syriacus ») n’a jamais été aussi fleuri, les nombreuses pluies du printemps ont dû lui être bénéfiques, ainsi qu’aux hortensias (« Hydrangea macrophylla »).
Quant aux lauriers (« Nerium oleander »), de 5 couleurs différentes, qui craignent pourtant le gel, nous ne les avons jamais rentrés l’hiver. Comme disait la maman de Napoléon : « Pourvou que ça doure… ».
L’agapanthe (« Agapanthus africanus », originaire d’Afrique du Sud), notre petite dernière, nous a été offerte récemment. On aime beaucoup son élégance avec ses ombelles délicates, perchées sur de hautes tiges.
Malheureusement nous allons moins profiter de notre terrasse car on annonce de la pluie plus ou moins régulièrement durant les 15 prochains jours. Le tapis est déjà rentré, la plancha est protégée. Si nos voisins sont attentifs, ils savent ce que cela veut dire…
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bunnelbabe666 · 7 years
99% sure I saw @panicule in real life at the hardware store (I awkwardly smiled at you when I walked by lol) and I'm sort of wigging out as I've had a "Tumblr crush" (if that's even a thing) on them for years and it's just surreal tbh. I know we have mutuals but I've only ever seen them through tumblr and insta. Ps: Good luck on the home improvements and if you ever need a painter, that's literally my job!
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yadavjaipal · 1 year
Harjod: Ayurvedic Relief for Muscle and Joint Pain
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Muscular pain can significantly impact our daily lives, affecting mobility, productivity, and overall well-being. Finding effective ways to manage muscular pain is crucial, whether it's due to exercise, physical strain, certain medical conditions, or the natural aging process.
This blog post will explore natural remedies that can help alleviate muscular pain and promote recovery. Let's dive in!
Ayurveda: the heritage
With its rich heritage, Ayurveda is an ancient medicine system that originated in India thousands of years ago. It is deeply rooted in traditional wisdom and holistic principles. Ayurveda views health as a harmonious balance between mind, body, and spirit, and offers a comprehensive approach to well-being. It encompasses personalized lifestyle practices, dietary recommendations, herbal remedies, detoxification techniques, and mind-body therapies.
Herbs: the natural healers
Ayurvedic herbs have a long history of use in traditional Indian medicine for their various therapeutic properties. Many of these herbs are known to possess analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and rejuvenating properties.
Ayurvedic herbs contain various bioactive compounds. These compounds lessen swelling and tenderness in the body. This property makes it potentially useful in managing inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, gout, and sports injuries.
Some herbs are believed to have rejuvenating and revitalizing effects on the body. It is often used to promote healthy bone and joint function, enhance tissue healing, and improve overall strength and vitality.
Here are a few herbs known for their analgesic and rejuvenating powers:
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
Ashwagandha is an evergreen shrub. It is mainly known for its stress-relieving properties. It has anesthetic properties that may help alleviate pain and discomfort. It also exhibits anti-inflammatory effects, which can aid in reducing inflammation in the body. Ashwagandha has rejuvenating properties. It increases muscle strength and is used to promote overall well-being and vitality.
Dhak (Butea monosperma)
Also called the “flame of the forest” for its bright orange flowers that bloom during the summer. Dhak or Palash leaves and flowers are known for their anti-inflammatory and anti-diuretic properties. Dhak juice reduces muscle and bone pain and cures joint disorders.
Vidhara (Argyreia nervosa)
It is an herb that has been proven to treat rheumatism because of its immunomodulatory properties. It is also effective in wound healing, internal bleeding, and ulcers.
Piplamool (Piper longum)
Mool means roots. Piplamool is a vine with heart-shaped leaves. The roots of Pipla are used as an analgesic for muscular pain and inflammation. It also aids in weight loss and shields against infections.
Kalmegh (Andrographis paniculate)
Kalmegh resembles neem and also has a bitter taste, hence its other name, “Bhuineem.” It is a wonder herb in tribal and ayurvedic medicine. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, acts as a painkiller, and reduces arthritic pain and edema.
Pashanbhed (Bergenia ligulate)
Pashanbhed is a climbing plant that is used in organic medicines. It is used in the management of several diseases and disorders due to its anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, anti-bacterial, liver protective, and analgesic attributes.
Harjod: the herbal combination for joint pain relief
Harjod is a blend of all the above-mentioned herbs. Among the various herbal solutions available, Harjod emerges as a potent Ayurvedic oil that alleviates joint pain, muscle spasms, and inflammation.
Arkdhara is a classical method of pouring herbal concoctions on ailing areas of the body. It opens up the pores of the skin, allowing the oil that is applied after arkdhara to penetrate deep into the muscles and joints.
The Harjod Arkdhara and Harjod Pain Relief Oil works on painful knees, elbows, shoulders, and ankles. It provides nourishment, rejuvenates and revitalizes the joints, and promotes bone and joint function and flexibility. It enhances tissue healing and improves overall strength and vitality.
The pain and discomfort that affects bones, muscles, tendons, and ligaments reduce one's quality of life. There are several remedies, natural and otherwise, available to manage this pain and discomfort.
Harjod represents a remarkable Ayurvedic solution for muscular joint pain relief, employing the ancient wisdom of herbal practices.
Harjod Pain Relieving Oil is a natural ally in the journey towards healthy and flexible joints. Embracing Harjod connotes adopting the holistic power of Ayurveda to find harmony and relief from muscular joint pain.
Reference: https://www.harjod.com/blog/ayurvedic-relief-for-muscle-and-joint-pain.php
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valgasnewsthings · 1 year
Wormwood broom.
 As not for everybody, as strong aroma at sauna-room ,like in steppe ,and not an everybody enduring his good, thus better mix his with birch twigs, aroma will weak, and effect is enough. But about effects are known Cretans  and his name formed from An old Cretan Artemis, that means a health.  She disinfects air,as on Russian are smoked with wormwood are houses against endemic diseases, but a few kinds of herb fighting muscle loading, lowering irritability, improving sleep. Wormwood broom good refreshing, fighting tiredness, headaches, improving work capacity, which in herb containing aldehyde, carbonyls are disinfecting air. Massage with such broom for skin is staying silk, tender, and benefit for those,who are styling a lot,that wormwood s steam are improving memory. And preparing his after blooming, different wormwood kinds are on the different time blooming ,and not waiting when his stems will dry  , dry in dark place, keep in cool place. And such brooms are not tight, and using for one time, thus a few adding his in other brooms as tighter broom. Healing wormwood, bitter wormwood, lemon wormwood, paniculate are matching for brooms, but  wormwood Taurid is not using, that her using for air disinfecting and on the low concentration, and in over dosage at sauna are possible bad effects.
Alder broom.
A this broom,like a birch broom, slags,toxins removing , healing skin. As better use of young twigs alder sticky.Leafs are true self sticky to body,and rising absorbing ability , and enjoying growing on the marshes, lakes shores, twigs are flexing, whips are tight. And long time you can be using his, for many times steaming. Broom of alder good in arthritis, rheumatism, joint, rheumatic aches, light massage benefit with such broom in weak heart, or you can cover twigs on sauna shelf and lie on theirs, effect will be a not low. Preparing and keeping alder twigs also,as and birch.
Hazel broom.
A hazel tree is sacred ,as oak . Bark of, leafs, fruits benefit effects you can met also. Massage with such broom helps in skin problems, healing wounds, and using in a not healing wounds abscess, trophic ulcers, apply broom as compress in veins problems, hazelnut steam improves metabolism, useful in diabetes. Young twigs preparing with a width leafs,they are tight, and good catching up hot.
from Valga s health news,gardening,and cooking ,and beauty . https://ift.tt/dAxY879 via https://ift.tt/uTwx3zo
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