#panja speaks
solar-pxwered · 2 years
Meet the Mun
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Name: Panja or PanjaMysy 
Age: 33
Location: Missouri, U.S.A
Gender: Female
About me: Hey, ya’ll! Panja here to give you some information on me if you happen to want to know who you’re writing with. I live in the middle of nowhere with my dog, 4 cats, 8 hens and 1 rooster. I work full time at a factory that produces coolers, prep tables, refrigerators, etc and that keeps me very busy and pretty tired. 
I’m a big anime nerd, love animals, live a vegan lifestyle, love to travel, love music (Def Leppard is my fav), like to sing, and love to write as well! 
I’m a very friendly mun and I try my best to answer messages in a timely manner but some days I just don’t have the energy (and I’m not allowed to be on the phone at work!) so never think I’m ignoring you or being rude...I’m probably at work or sleeping if I don’t answer!
Hmm, what else? I’m a Leo. INTP. Ambivert. 
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celestiall0tus · 2 months
Into the Fire - Chapter 3 - Signal
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Chevalier blinked and zipped around. She crashed into walls and other objects before she collided with the Eiffel Tower. She sneered, opened her mouth to speak her de-transformation phrase, but all that escaped her mouth were bell chimes. She silently screamed and tore off the goggles. She de-transformed, took a breath as her body relaxed, and she fell to the ground. She looked around and saw Kaalki a distorted anomaly before Kaalki solidified into her human form.
            “Kaalki, what-?” Alix started.
            Kaalki doubled over and threw up.
            “Eww! Gross! You can throw up?”
            Kaalki shuddered as she collapsed and curled into a ball.
            “What is wrong with you?”
            “Oppression. Oppression everywhere! There is no freedom. Only oppression!”
            “Ok, that doesn’t answer anything.”
            “C’mon, Alix, isn’t it obvious? We’re in a whole ‘nother dimension!”
            Alix’s eyes widened as she looked around. Everything looked like Paris, but a little damaged and banged up. She opened her mouth to comment when she saw Cicada fly up to the top of the tower. Relief flooded her as she put her goggles back on.
            “Kaalki! I see Cicada. Let’s go. Kaalki, full gallop!”
            Kaalki vanished into the goggles and transformed Alix into Chevalier. Chevalier navigated her way to the top of the Tower. She breathed a sigh of relief until a portal opened between her and Cicada. She raised a brow when a girl with striking red hair in a punk, rabbit-themed outfit stepped forward.
            Chevalier stifled a gasp as she moved carefully. Chevalier watched the rabbit punk move closer to Cicada before Chevalier darted forward and pinned the punk down. They tousled until Chevalier pinned the punk down.
            “Chevalier! You’re ok!” Cicada called.
            “As ok as I can be, given the circumstances.”
            “Right. Who is this?”
            “I don’t know, but they were trying to sneak up on you.”
            “Let me go! The Supreme demands her!” the punk girl screamed.
            “Don’t worry, we’re coming for them next,” Cicada declared.
            “What? Just like that? Well, not on my watch!”
            A white portal opened beneath the punk girl. Chevalier jumped up with the punk. The punk struggled to free herself as more portals appeared around them. Chevalier sneered and held onto the punk.
            “Whatever you’re doing, do it fast! I’ll keep her busy!”
            Cicada reached out as Chevalier and the punk fell into a portal. She grimaced before she jumped onto the railing of the Tower.
            “Arsenal, fireworks!”
            Cicada thrust an arm into the arm as fireworks burst from her hand into the sky. She marveled at the display before she shot out more. She hoped her friends would see them before her enemies got to her.
            Senketsu crashed through the glass of the Louvre Museum. She shook her head and stumbled around as her world distorted. She opened her mouth to speak, but only heard bell chimes. She snorted and took out her nose ring, de-transforming. Stompp shot out as a distorted mess before he solidified.
            “Stompp, are you ok?” Kagami asked.
            “Yeah, I’m-.”
            Stompp was cut off as a pair of crashing sounds echoed in the space. Kagami turned to see Viperion and Tigre Rose glitching. She grimaced seeing Viperion blink and glitch out of reality worse than Tigre Rose.
            “Take off your jewels. It’ll be the only way to ground yourself,” Kagami instructed.
            Viperion took off his bracelet and Tigre Rose removed his panja bracelet. They de-transformed as their kwamis shot out as distorted messes. Roarr returned to normal while Sass remained a mess.
            “What’s going on? Is Sass ok?” Luka asked.
            “He should be. Should,” Roarr remarked.
            “What happened?” Adrien asked.
            “We were pulled into another dimension. A whole parallel universe!” Stompp exclaimed.
            “A parallel…! Is that why Sass is like this?” Luka demanded.
            “Oh, yes! Everything is wrong here. This universe reeks of oppression and evil. Velze would not be happy here,” Roarr remarked.
            “So, what do we do? We can’t stay here,” Adrien pointed out.
            Kagami half-listened to Adrien go in circles with the kwamis about what to do. Sass managed to ground himself and reformed. She smiled seeing Luka embrace Sass, expressing his concern for the snake. Her smile faded when she caught light in the corner of her eye. She turned and saw a magnificent firework display in the sky.
            “Hey, look!” Kagami yelled.
            Adrien and Luka looked up at the display.
            “What is that?” Luka asked.
            “Cicada,” Kagami replied.
            “Cicada? Are you sure?” Adrien asked.
            “There’s one way to find out. Let’s go,” Kagami ordered.
            “Are you sure? What if it’s a trap?” Luka pressed.
            “Again, only one way to find out. Stompp, charge ahead.”
            Kagami transformed back into Senketsu. Luka and Adrien exchanged glances before they put their jewels back on and transformed.
            “Fuck this!” Longg roared.
            Mylene braced herself as fire erupted from Longg again. She grimaced seeing the utter destruction caused in Longg’s wake. She had attempted to calm Longg, but any attempt had ended in failure as Longg seethed. She sighed and took a breath, steeling herself for another try.
            “Longg, enough! You’ll draw attention to us. Don’t you think the last thing we should do is cause a scene and lure out whatever is waiting in this dimension?”
            Longg growled. “Bring it. I could use something to tear apart with my claws and teeth.”
          �� “Well, this isn’t helping! We should be out there finding our friends. Not you having a temper tantrum.”
            “Temper tantrum? Excuse me for getting upset at being torn from my home without my permission and thrust into a dimension that reeks of corruption. If Velze were here, oh, what a bloodbath.”
            Mylene winced. “Well, he’s not here, but our friends are. Our friends that we need to find. C’mon!”
            “Not until I-!”
            Longg’s attention was stolen by fireworks in the sky. Her eyes widened as her pupils dilated.
            “So pretty.”
            Mylene gasped and bounced. “That has to be Cicada! Who else could put on such a display? We have to go Longg.”
            Longg blinked and shook herself. “Alright, fine. We’ll go to the fire display.”
            Longg tossed Mylene the choker. Mylene snatched it and put it on.
            “Finally! Longg, ascension!”
            “Oh, this is bad. This is bad, this is bad, this is oh so very bad!” Rose and Fluff panicked.
            Juleka and Mullo watched as Rose and Fluff riled each other up in a frenzy. Juleka grimaced and glanced at Mullo.
            “Is it really that bad?”
            Mullo hummed. “Well, yes, but I suppose no? This dimension does reek of all things bad. All things Velze would have hated. We can all just… feel it. It’s wrong and it terrifies me. I don’t to be here longer than I need to.”
            “How would we get home though?”
            “Cicada is our only way home. The power of reality, to pick any power, it’s our ticket. However, it begs the question how we got here in the first place. If someone brought us through, they can just do it again and we’d be back here.”
            Juleka hummed. “So, we need to go after whoever dragged us through first, right?”
            Mullo sighed and looked away. “Ideally.”
            “What’s wrong?”
            “I just… I’m unsettled. Whatever evil is here is greater. I fear if any of us fall into its hands, it’ll be disastrous. I mean, look at us now compared to before. And I know this dimension doesn’t have versions like us.”
            “What do you mean?”
            “Velze only exists in a handful of universes. It’s those universes that have kwamis like us. Imagine that power compared to what we were before. It’d be horrific.”
            “I don’t understand. If there are more universes that Velze existed, or different versions of Velze, why weren’t they brought through?”
            Mullo opened her mouth, then paused. Her eyes widened and ears twitched. “I just had an idea. We need Chevalier and Cicada though.”
            “Well, we need to find them first.”
            Mullo hummed when her ears twitched. She motioned for Juleka to follow, who dragged Rose behind her. They followed Mullo and saw a beautiful firework show.
            “Is it Cicada?” Juleka asked.
            “Yes. I see her. She’s on the Eiffel Tower,” Mullo answered.
            “Is there anyone else?”
            “No. Just her for now.”
            “Then we have to go. Rose, you ready?”
            Rose nodded. “Fluff, hop to it.”
            “Mullo, get squeaky.”
            Nathalie paced around while Alya sat on the ground. Nooroo and Fang rested on their respective holder’s shoulder.
            “Are you really sure waiting is the best call, Nathalie? Shouldn’t we be out there finding our friends?” Alya questioned.
            “It is best for now. We’re in an unknown universe with unknown threats. We don’t have any food for our kwamis, so our powers are precious. If we go running around transformed, we would attract all manner of anything and everything,” Nathalie explained.
            “Yeah, but I can track them, and we’d be reunited. What better use to use that for than this?”
            “Again, it’s a one and done unless we can get food. What would you do? Steal it?”
            “I mean, does it really matter? This isn’t our home dimension, universe, whatever.”
            “Ayla does raise a good point,” Fang remarked.
            “I agree,” Nooroo said.
            “The sooner we’re all reunited, the sooner we can leave,” Fang added.
            “Please, yes. I don’t want to be here,” Nooroo whined.
            Nathalie pinched the bridge of her nose. “Fine. Do whatever.”
            Alya grinned and jumped to her feet. “Fang, let’s hunt!”
            Nathalie snorted as Alya transformed into Louve Grise. Louve Grise opened her mouth to speak when Nathalie spotted the firework display. Nathalie pressed a hand against Louve Grise’s mouth.
            “Look!” Nathalie explaimed.
            Louve Grise raised a brow until she saw the fireworks. “That has to be Cicada!”
            “You don’t know that. It could be a trap.”
            Louve Grise rolled her eyes. “Look, I’ve had enough of your overcautious butt! I’m heading that way to find Cicada.”
            “And if it’s not Cicada?”
            “I guess we’ll see. Won’t we, bitch?”
            Nathalie sneered and her nostrils flared. “Don’t you call me that. Didn’t your parents teach you to respect your elders?”
            “Oh, yeah, along with respect is earned, not freely given. And far as I can tell, you’ve done nothing to earn my respect. Especially considering you worked for Hawkmoth the entire time! Why should I remotely trust or respect you?”
            “That was all in the past. I’m trying to be better.”
            “There is no trying. You either do or you don’t. And you can either sit aside like a little bitch, or you can take a chance and possibly be reunited with everyone including Tigre Rose and Hera.”
            Nathalie seethed, then sighed. “Fine, let’s go. Nooroo, wings rise.”
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malanijewelers98 · 8 months
Adorn Yourself with Elegance: A Glimpse into Malani Jewelers' Gold Plain Chains, Diamond Chandbali, Mens Fancy Gold Chain, Women Finger Bracelets, and Kids Gold Bracelets
Jewelry has always held a special place in human culture, serving as a means of self-expression, cultural identity, and celebration. Malani Jewelers, a name synonymous with quality and craftsmanship, has been at the forefront of providing exquisite jewelry pieces that captivate hearts and tell stories for generations. In this blog, we'll explore some of Malani Jewelers' stunning collections, from Gold Plain Chains to Diamond Chandbali, Mens Fancy Gold Chains, Women Finger Bracelets, and Kids Gold Bracelets.
Gold Plain Chains: Timeless Elegance
Gold Plain Chains are the epitome of timeless elegance. Crafted with precision and simplicity, these chains are versatile and can be worn every day or for special occasions. Malani Jewelers' Gold Plain Chains are a testament to their dedication to quality and their understanding of the enduring appeal of gold in its purest form. Whether you choose a delicate chain or a bolder one, these pieces are investments that stand the test of time.
Diamond Chandbali: Sparkling Statements
Chandbalis, inspired by the crescent moon, are a symbol of grace and beauty. Malani Jewelers' Diamond Chandbalis take this tradition to new heights by incorporating the brilliance of diamonds. These earrings are not just jewelry; they are sparkling statements that light up your face and add a touch of luxury to any outfit. From intricate designs to more modern interpretations, there's a Chandbali for every woman's style.
Mens Fancy Gold Chain: Confidence and Style
For men seeking to make a statement with their style, Malani Jewelers' Mens Fancy Gold Chains are the answer. These chains exude confidence and charisma, making them the perfect accessory for the modern gentleman. Crafted with 22-karat gold and featuring a range of designs from classic to contemporary, these chains are a symbol of success and refined taste.
Women Finger Bracelets: Grace and Glamour
Women Finger Bracelets, also known as haath phools or hath panjas, are a beautiful fusion of tradition and glamour. Malani Jewelers' collection offers these exquisite hand adornments in various designs, from intricate and traditional to sleek and contemporary. These pieces celebrate the beauty of the hand, adding grace and sophistication to any woman's appearance.
Kids Gold Bracelets: Cherishing Youth
Kids Gold Bracelets are not just tiny pieces of jewelry; they represent the cherished moments of childhood. Malani Jewelers understands the significance of these pieces and offers a collection that combines safety, comfort, and style. Whether it's a gift to mark a special occasion or simply to celebrate a child's innocence, these bracelets are tokens of love and joy.
Malani Jewelers' commitment to excellence, quality, and diversity shines through in their exquisite collections. From the timeless elegance of Gold Plain Chains to the sparkling beauty of Diamond Chandbalis, the confident style of Mens Fancy Gold Chains, the grace of Women Finger Bracelets, and the celebration of youth with Kids Gold Bracelets, each piece tells a unique story and holds a special place in the hearts of those who wear them.
When you choose jewelry from Malani Jewelers, you're not just selecting a piece of adornment; you're embracing a legacy of craftsmanship, culture, and elegance. These pieces are more than accessories; they are reflections of your personality, your milestones, and your connection to tradition. Explore Malani Jewelers' collections and find the jewelry that speaks to you, because true beauty is timeless, and every piece of jewelry tells a story worth cherishing.
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antonio-velardo · 10 months
Antonio Velardo shares: The president of Norway’s federation, a rare woman of influence in soccer, is speaking up. by Tariq Panja
By Tariq Panja Published: July 24, 2023 at 10:48PM from NYT Sports https://ift.tt/18Pskef via IFTTT
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Chechen Wars
Tigress was there when it all started. The first acts of independence. She'd been holding the Chechen flag with the crowd of people when the Russian troops were sent in. She happened to notice another miraculous holder in the Russian crowd. Is that the snow leopard? Are they here to stop the revolution?
"Tigress, this needs to stop," Snow Leopard whispered into her ear. "No," Tigress said, glaring at Snow Leopard. "My people deserve to be free." "Won't be my fault if we need to find a new tiger holder," Snow Leopard said.
There she lay. Aiza Dudyin. Close to her right hand is the miraculous of the tiger. Red eyes of Rurik look down at her. It took a moment for him to speak. When he did, he said, "I warned you to stop." Then he picked up the miraculous. Roarr appeared out of the miraculous, looking between Rurik and Aiza laying on the ground. Realization soon dawned on the kwami. Bubbles came out of their mouth when they tried to say her name. "You're getting a new owner," Rurik said to Roarr.
Aino Korhonen. Pink haired and green-eyed Finnish male. He put on the panjas bracelet and out came Roarr. Both look at each other for a moment before Aino spoke up, saying, "I'm Aino." "Roarr," the kwami said. "I'm the kwami of the tiger."
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dxngerouslyinnocent · 4 years
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     *peeks out of the void*
So....hello everyone! I’m returning to this blog, but it’s not going to be an RP blog for the most part, I’m going to be using it more for just appreciating Vanitas no Carte and Pandora Hearts! RP is very demanding and requires a lot of time that I honestly don’t have...especially now that I’m an “essential” employee during all this pandemic hullaballoo.
But I am here if you do want to RP with my Noé, just drop me a line!
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jinx-jade · 3 years
To choose her fate: Chapter 1
Any comments left on this fic will affect how the story progresses. Marinette will essentially be able to 'read' all of the comments and use that knowledge to her advantage.
Marinette gasped for air as she woke up to her school alarm.
“Breath Marinette. It’s ok. You can breathe. You’re alive. It’s ok.” Tikki said calmingly, far too used to her chosen waking up like this.
Marinette took another gasp of air, “T-Tik… Tikki…. It’s…. It’s getting worse…. I…. I can’t,”
“Shhh, it’s okay, Kitten. Listen to Sugar Cube. Breath.” Plagg instructed, flying up to her from where he had been previously, settling onto Marinette’s head, ribbing little circles with his paws.
Tikki flew forward, wiping the tears from her chosen’s eyes.
Marinette did as Plagg and Tikki instructed, taking a few more, be it a little shaky, breathes.
“There we go, kittens. Why don’t you go shower, that always makes you feel a little better.” Plagg suggests.
“We’ll bring your clothes to you before you’re done with your shower so don’t worry about picking out an outfit.
Marinette nodded her head numbly as she got out of bed and entered her bathroom.
“Mistress Marinette is correct. She seems to be getting worse.” Kaalki states.
Tikki let out a tired sigh, “I know, but what can we do about it? Everything has a price and the price for bringing back all those people after Akuma attacks is that our Guardian has to relive their deaths while she is in any kind of unconscious state.” The ladybug kwami reminds them as she begins looking through her chosen's closet for a ‘last day of school’ outfit.
“Yes, we know Tikki, and trust me when I say we are just as upset about it, but the point of this balance is to drive people mad, essentially the same effect of those Lazerus pits, but our guardian is too strong to break. Our guardian had walked through every hell imaginable and yet she remains, so why can’t we bend the rules a little?” Trixx purposes.
Tikki let out a hum in thought before showing the outfit she has picked out to her fellow kwami, each of them giving their agreements, and critiques for the outfit.
“What do you want to do then, Trixx?” Tikki questioned as she picked out accessories.
“Nothing big, just, let the kit know a few things… outside of our realm,” Trixx said with a shrug, as if it was no big deal.
“Are you suggesting we let our guardian break this world’s walls?” Wayzz questioned.
“Yup!” Trixx cheered both to answer Wayzz’s question and to the finished outfit, Tikki had created.
“I think it’s a great idea.” Fluff said, speaking in agreement with the fox kwami.
That made all of the kwamis pause to think.
If Fluff, the kwami of last chance, was saying they thought it was a good idea, who were they to argue.
“We do it tonight,” Tikki informed them with a sharp nod of her head, before bringing her chosen’s clothing to her.
Marinette walked out of the bathroom dressed in black leggings, a red off-the-shoulder peasant blouse, a gold underbust corset, and black combat boots. Her hair was pulled into two French braids with red ribbons woven in, instead of her normal twin tails.
She looked better after calming down and letting the hot steamy air into her lungs, the color has returned to her skin.
“Lady Marinette, I wish to travel with you today.” Longg states flying forward with his miraculi.
“I too, Miss!” Roarr claims, following Longg’s lead as he flies forward presenting his miraculi as well.
“Are you sure?” Marinette questioned as she extended her hands out for the two kwamis.
“It would be my honor,” Longg claimed with a bow of his head.
“Of course, Miss. I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t wish to.” Roarr informs her.
Marinette nodded her head before taking the two jewelry pieces, the kwamis leaving her hands as she placed the panjas bracelet around her wrist, slipping her fingers into each of the five attached rings. Once the tiger miraculi was succored Marinette clasped the black choker, dragon miraculi, around her neck.
The kwamis each have their cheers and compliments to give, causing Marinette to smile.
“Go now guardian, you will be late otherwise.” Sass reminded her.
“Right, thanks! Bye Guys!” Marinette cheered as she grabbed her backpack, today's kwamis flying into her bag to hide.
Marinette left the bakery, easily slipping out without her Aunt and Uncle realizing it, beginning her usual weekday walk to school.
Marinette cleared her head, letting a neutral expression grace her facial features.
The young guardian walked to the top of the stairs, finding her friend already waiting for her.
Felix gave a nod of his head, handing her one of his coffee-to-go cups. Marinette nodded her head at him in both thanks for the coffee and greeting for the day.
Kagami gave a similar silent greeting in the form of a small bow of her head, which Marinette returned before they began their walk to class.
If someone had told Marinette four years ago that she would be dubbed the Ice Queen of Paris, she would have been horrified.
Marinette never would have thought that she would become a part of the unofficial Ice Court as the Ice Queen of Paris, with Felix Graham de Vaneliy the Ice King of London, and Kagami Tsurugi the Ice Queen of Tokyo.
The bluenette walks with perfect posture as she heads to class with her friends, ignoring the whispers of the other students.
The Ice Court walked past Miss Bustier’s classroom, which was far too loud to be appropriate for a class let alone at school, and into Miss Mendeleiev’s classroom.
Marinette could already tell that today was going to be a long day.
Making eye contact with Felix and Kagami she can see them silently agree with her, not a single word needing to be spoken between them.
Kagami turned on her tablet, starting today's classwork even though they still had five or six minutes till the first bell rang.
Felix took out a classic novel that he has probably already read and memorized and began to read it.
Inwardly letting out a sigh, Marinette took out one of her sketchbooks and began to draw out a silhouette.
The kwamis couldn’t help but think to themselves that today was going to be a long, boring day, but after tonight, things were going to become a lot more interesting.
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currentfandomkick · 4 years
Selina Steals a Bug from Batman to get her Kitten.
blame this post here for this thing's inspiration, and a friend for encouraging this.
             Selina paused when she saw ‘the lost Wayne’ news. She knew Bruce didn’t adopt another kid and forget to tell her—Dick kept her up-to-date on his new siblings and sent her pictures. No, her boyfriend Bruce Wayne would certainly not hide a new Wayne from her.
             He absolutely would forget to introduce her to a new family friend or potential bat. She was still upset about how long it took him to admit that little Stephanie had been working with his son for months and he hadn’t thought to invite the girl over for a meal or two when Selina was over. It wasn’t like she didn’t already know Tim was dating another vigilante… it was that one of her not-technically-my-sons was not introducing her to someone who had saved his life multiple times and who happened to be another Gotham vigilante and another addition to the batfam.
             Selina is their unofficial mother after all, she has rights. Any possible members of their little bat family, and she must assess them. at the very least, teach them more than just Bruce’s habits. The man was horrendous at showing his actual emotions, and the kids would need a counter example to that—herself obviously.
             So imagine Selina’s surprise when she decided to surprise her boyfriend and his children with a visit, only to find a young teen drinking out of Tim’s favorite mug, wearing one of Dick’s more infamous Nightwing hoodie’s, and looking at one of Damian’s katana’s carefully.
             “Who are you?” Selina had a feeling this was the latest “not a Wayne” and she would have to ensure her bats were safe from a fellow thief… again.
             The teen looked up, almost startled by her appearance and nearly dropping the katana.
             Selina raised an eyebrow.
             The teen flushed. “Marinette.”
             “And what,” Selina strolled over to the table and sat on its edge. “Exactly are you doing with all of these?”
             The girl was smart enough to look a bit embarrassed, she'd give her that much. Not without shame. Good.
             “Well, uh, kind of complicated, but, uh, the boys said that I couldn’t manage to grab their favorite things.”
             Selina looked the girl over. She was probably the new one to the group, the spotted French girl Jagged Stone mentioned in a few of his songs. She was young, and clearly good at getting what she wanted.
             “Where’s Jason’s?”
             “Uh, how did you…”
             “Answer the question.”
             “… behind the gardener’s shed. He really needs to stop leaving his keys in easy access pockets.”
             Selina nodded, looking over the girl. She was twisting a familiar looking ring… wasn’t that one of the Wayne family rings!?
             “How did you get that off Bruce?” Selina feigned nonchalance.  
             “… don’t judge me.”
             “Too late. Talk.”
             “Accidentally, I swear, just, he left the safe open and mid-terms stress and then…” the girl gestured helplessly.
             Selina could appreciate the honesty. She could also appreciate that the girl managed to get something off each boy.
             But now came the real test.
             “Kleptomaniac kind?”
             The girl flushed harder. “Yeah… I was going to return it, eventually… I think.”
             Selina looked over the girl once more, suddenly seeing an opportunity she should have taken back when she first saw Tim stalking her bats way back when. She could use her own mini.
             “How do you feel about cats?”
             Marinette shifted gears at that. “Real, memes, or Chat Noir?” Selina could feel there was a story there, one for another time. “If we’re talking real, they’re amazing, the memes are fun and Chat is…” the girl shook her head. “Complicated. And in London apparently, so he can’t judge me for my poor life choices.”
             Oh, Selina likes this one. “I’m guessing you’re Brucie’s latest pet project?”
             Marinette scrunched up her face at that. “I’m here to force a sense of fashion on this family if it kills me.”
             Selina smiled at that. “Oh, I do believe we’re going to get along wonderfully.” She extended her hand. “I go by Catwoman in the field.”
             Marinette paused for a moment before taking the extended hand with a grin of her own. “Ladybug—though we might want to go with something else for this... how do you feel about panjas bracelets?”
             Selina’s grin grew. “Oh, we’re going to get along perfectly.”
             In the Batcave there was a meeting being held by a distressed Nightwing, impatiently waiting for the others to finish arriving.
             “She’s not on tonight,” Red Robin answered, quietly sipping his espresso in one of his lesser mugs. It seems like his bean got to his favorite earlier…
             “Black Bat?” Nightwing asked Batman.
             “She’s running with the Birds of Prey tonight—Oracle’s idea.”
             Nightwing seemed to accept this. “I’ll just forward them the power point.”
             Red Robin groaned. “Another one?”
             Red Hood shook his head. “Blame B. He got it in Dickie’s head that this is how you explain things to people. Bullet points.”
             “No names in the field,” Robin snapped.
             “No names in the field,” Red Hood mocked under his breath.
             Robin glared at him for that.
             “It’s a very effective method.” Batman stated defensively.
             “Yeah, on the League,” Red Robin grumbled into his coffee. The Batfam is full of (not really) professional detectives—they are capable of understanding without the bullet points of doom. Mostly.
             “Then I’ll just get started, Agent A, Lights!”
             The batcave dimmed to show only the projection of a power point title slide ‘Marinette Cannot Meet Selina, Ever.’
             “What the hell is this?” whispered Red Hood.
             “I allowed you to delay patrol, for this?” Batman sighed.
             “Silence! Nightwing is speaking.”
             “Thank you Robin, now, Marinette is under no circumstances to meet Selina.”
             “Why doesn’t he have to use codenames?” Red Hood wondered aloud. Only to be kicked by an aggressive Robin. “Ow! What the hell demon spawn!”
             “Silence,” Robin hissed.
             “As I Was Saying,” Nightwing loudly began. “Marinette is not allowed to meet Selina. It would be a disaster for us all.”
             “Its not she’d adopt her like a certain someone is trying to,” Red Hood stated, pointedly ignoring Robin’s attempts to silence him with threats of violence.
             Nightwing changed the slide with a sigh. “Exhibit A: Marinette enjoys shiny things, and so does Selina.”
             The slide showed two pictures, one of Marinette in various miraculous while holding one of Damian’s daggers, and the other of Selina with a very large gemstone necklace.
“Exhibit B, they are both prone to theft.”
             The next slide showed Catwoman stealing a necklace from a museum, and Marinette in Batman’s cape while using Tim’s phone and wearing one of Jason’s leather jackets, Titus laying at her feet.
             “Marinette does not stop at shiny things, as we can expect of Selina,” Robin explained.
             “You’re just mad Pixie managed to get past your security.”
             Robin glared at Red Hood.
             “That doesn’t explain why bean shouldn’t meet Selina,” Red Robin said. “Hm, maybe I should change the bean blend again? not getting enough of a buzz.”
             Nightwing sighed, changing the slide again. “If the two meet, we lose all we hold dear.”
             This time the slide showed a photoshopped Marinette and Selina sitting on a pile of miscellaneous objects.
             Batman sighed, deciding his eldest was just being overdramatic again.
             “Mari will learn new tricks from Selina.” Nightwing stated slowly. “Tag team with Selina, maybe even be the Robin to her Batman.” That got the room’s attention, albeit not the kind Nightwing wanted. “It would not just be Mari’s minor thefts anymore.”
             Red Robin rolled his eyes while Red Hood snorted a “yeah right.”
             Robin looked nervously as Nightwing finished his powerpoint.
             “Mari would rule Gotham and no one, not even us, would be able to stop her.”
             Batman decided that they wasted enough time on Nightwing’s bout of paranoia. “I highly doubt Selina would corrupt her.”
             At that moment a beaming stripped heroine walked in, wearing a new string of necklaces, with Catwoman at her side with an amused look of her own.
             “How dare you try to hide a kitten from me.”
             Nightwing threw his hands up. “I told you!”
             Batman stared while Robin began checking their systems… no alarms had gone off anywhere and they all knew the pair had stolen the necklaces that Marinette was sporting.
             Nightwing was right.  
             “Holy shit is this really happening?” Red Robin half-whispered, looking back and forth between the pair and a shocked Batman. “Is Catmom pulling a Batdad?”
             Catwoman flashed a smile. “Since someone wouldn’t let me take any birdies, I decided to take a kitten of my own.”
             “Why didn’t you tell me I could have more moms here!” Marinette exclaimed.
             At the groups growing look of horror, Catwoman’s grin grew. “Oh, I forgot to mention, Harley and Ivy are back. They want joint custody. She’s the Marigold Harley’s been tweeting about.”
first thing i do after getting real internet back plus have the time to think, and its write and post this. hope you all enjoyed!
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maribatshipper · 3 years
Jiminette String Part 3
I’M BACK BABY! I know you’ve been waiting for this, here it is, everyone!
Part 1 Part 2
Adrien looks at his fingers, seeing strings on his fingers, confused about them.
“Don’t be bemused, it’s just the news! A new Akuma, going by the name, “Soulfinder” is walking through Paris, making everyone see Soulmate strings. Oh, it seems he has an announcement to Paris.”
Adrien looks towards the TV to see the supervillain smirking at the Camera near the Lourve.
“People of Paris, I am Soulfinder. I’ve been called crazy for years, insane because I saw that some people just aren’t meant to be together. They said I was just trying to break up all the good couples, but now you all get to see who your soulmates are! Let me explain the strings. Thumbs are like the pointer, but the thumb is your soul sibling. Those that are too close to be friends, but are not romantic. Pointers are strictly platonic. They can move to the middle finger, which is Soul enemies. The ring finger is romantic, and pinkie is the soul parent or child. It depends on your age. But be warned, if you grab your romantic soulmate string and you aren’t in the same place as them, something weird could happen. It could be you lose sight in one eye and so does your soulmate, but your soulmates would be seeing from your sightless eye. You could switch bodies with your soulmate. It’s random. Enjoy knowing who your soulmate is!” Soulfinder smiles.
Adrien looks at his finger where Plagg’s ring is residing, seeing a dark blue string on his finger.
“What do you think you’re doing, Adrien? You need to go out there and help Ladybug take down the villain!” Plagg exclaims.
Adrien protests, “But I could finally prove that Ladybug and I are soulmates!”
Plagg growls, “Didn’t you hear the Akuma? There are side effects! You could swap bodies with your soulmate, which will drive both you and them insane and you won’t be able to help Ladybug! You could lose sight in one eye, making it extremely hard to fight!”
Adrien frowns, “It’s a risk I have to take.” reaching for his string.
“Adrien, NO!”
Kagami frowns, quite confused at this turn of events. She ignores her romantic string, quickly realising that isn’t important, and grabs her thumb string, seeing Marinette in her mind's eye after she grabs it. But what surprises her is seeing Marinette transform into Multimouse, which Kagami approves of Ladybug’s choice, but then drops the string in shock at something else.
“What are you doing, Kagami?” Longg asks.
Kagami frowns, “I don’t care who I belong with. I care for Marinette. We need to help Ladybug. Longg, bring the storm!”
Kagami transforms into Ryuko, only to look at her hands and see her thumb and pointer strings haven’t disappeared from her sight. She looks up to see where her thumb is leading and follows it.
Marinette hides in an alleyway and frowns, “We have to save Liam!”
Tikki nods, “Just say the words, Marinette!”
“Tikki, Spots on!” Marinette exclaims, transforming.
The suit appears to have been upgraded, getting more armour around the chest area, on her legs and shoulders. (I’m horrible at describing this. I just want her to have a better suit.) Ladybug then looks at her hand to realise that the pointer and thumb strings haven’t disappeared. She ignores that because she can ask Liam once he’s been de-akumatised. She throws her yoyo and swings away, looking for Soulfinder.
Claire and Jim jump out of a Shadow portal onto a roof. They see Soulfinder walking away from the Lourve.
“How can we do this?” Claire asks.
Jim exclaims, “Wait, look!”
Ladybug lands in front of them, quite surprised.
“How’d you get up here?” She asks.
Jim sighs, “That’s not important right now, Ladybug. What is important is that we can help!”
Ladybug pulls them out of Soulfinder’s field of vision and asks, “How can you help?”
Claire grabs Ladybug’s shoulder and answers, “I use shadow magic. I can make portals quite easily and quickly and can move shadows. Literally.”
“I’m gonna need more than your word for that.” Ladybug frowns.
Claire puts her hand to her left, opening a portal to a few feet away and sticks her hand in, causing it to come out the other side. Ladybug’s eyes widen.
“We can help!” Claire frowns.
Ladybug puts her hand to her chin in thought.
“You can’t help like this. If Hawk Moth new about your power, he’d try and take it from you, either by kidnapping or some other way. But- Of course!” Ladybug snaps her fingers. “You stay right here. I’ll be back.”
Ladybug swings away, leaving the two on the rooftop.
“Do you think we should’ve told her what weapons we prefer?” Jim asks.
Claire shrugs, “Probably.”
Ladybug jumps into her room and detransforms, walking over to the Miracle Box she’s hidden underneath her pillow.
“Are you sure about this, Marinette?” Tikki asks.
Marinette nods, “Trust me, Tikki. We can trust them. They offered to help, and if Hawk Moth assumes Claire’s power is from a Miraculous, she’d be so much safer than if he knew the truth.”
She opens the Miracle Box and looks at the Miraculous inside, reaching towards it, trying to figure out which to use this time.
“Of course!” Marinette exclaims as she grabs two.
She quickly transforms and runs back, hoping they’re still there. On her way, she bumps into Ryuko.
“Ladybug, do you know where the akuma is?” Ryuko asks.
Ladybug nods, “It’s in a chain bracelet. We’ll probably need some help, though.”
Ryuko nods, “I trust you to pick worthy holders. But, Ladybug, after the battle, I need to talk to you.”
Downstairs, Sabine and Tom look at their ring-fingers to find they are attached to each other, and they are relieved.
“At least we were meant to be together, Tom.” Sabine smiles.
Tom replies, “I couldn’t have asked for a better person to be my soulmate.”
“He’s such a sweetheart. I’m glad we’re soulmates.”
“She can kick anyone’s butt. That’s what I fell in love with.”
(I am so sorry, I had to put this in.)
Claire and Jim watch as Soulfinder looks at people’s worried faces as he passes by them.
“How can we turn him back to Liam?” Jim frowns.
“We can help with that.” Ladybug smiles.
The two teenagers turn to Ladybug to see Ryuko with her. She swipes her yoyo, causing it to open and a glowing white light appearing inside. Ladybug puts her hand in, pulling out a box. She holds it towards Jim.
“Jim Lake Jr, this is the Miraculous of the Tiger, which grants the power of the hunt. You will use it for the greater good. Once the mission is completed, you will return the Miraculous to me. Can I trust you, Jim?” Ladybug asks.
Jim nods, “Of course you can.”
He picks up the box and opens it, causing a small glowing orb to fly around him, giving him deja vu. When the light dies down, a small tiger-like creature appears.
“Hello, young cub, I am Roaar! I’m your kwami for today. All you have to say it Roaar, time to hunt!” Roaar smiles.
Jim smiles as he puts on the Panjas bracelet, “Roaar, time to hunt!”
Roaar goes into the Panjas bracelet. Instead of the usual feeling of Armour surrounding him, he feels fabric forming on his skin, including on his face. When it’s finished, Jim stands with a bit of dark purple in his hair, a mask with black and purple stripes on it, and a purple bodysuit with black stripes, and a tail attached to his back. Claws protrude from his fingers and two swords lay on his back. Ladybug’s face almost turns as red as her mask seeing how attractive he is. She quickly pulls out another box and holds it to Claire.
“Claire Nunez, this is the Miraculous of the Horse, which grants the power of teleportation. You will use it for the greater good. Once the job is done, you will return the miraculous to me. Can I trust you?” Ladybug asks.
Claire smirks, “Yep. Not that I needed it.”
Ladybug explains, “Yes, but Hawk Moth won’t know that. He’ll just assume you’re old enough to make more than one portal.”
Claire opens the box to reveal glasses. Another glowing orb appears, and it flies around Claire. As the light dissipates, a little horse kwami appears.
“Oh, hello. To whom do I have the pleasure of speaking?” The kwami asks.
“Claire Nunez.” Claire answers.
The kwami asks, “Are you glorious and famous?”
Ladybug rolls her eyes and goes to say something when Claire answers, “I’m the daughter of a Councilwoman back in Arcadia, so I’m a little famous. What do I have to do?”
“All you have to say is, “Kaalki, full gallop!” Kaalki smiles.
Claire puts on the glasses and smirks, “Kaalki, full gallop!”
Kaalki goes into the glasses, and Claire transforms. Her white patch in her hair grows, covering all her hair, which has grown and is pulled into a high ponytail. A horseshoe appears on her waist. (If anyone can do fanart, I would love that, please. I can’t figure out how to describe her transformation.)
“You have a gaggletack?” Jim asks.
Ladybug asks, “What? It’s just a magical horseshoe. Like my yoyo. Oh, and what are your names?”
A/N: I’m baaaaack! Damn, you’ve been waiting a while, haven’t you? Admittedly, not as long as for other fics, but gah! Oh, this was fun to write. I had to make a nod towards the Gaggletacks because come on! Oh, and I have no clue for names for the heroes. I mean, Claire’s Spanish, so we can give her a Spanish name, and she can suggest something for Jim! Please, though, I need your opinions and FANART! I am terrible at drawing, and editing pictures, so I need YOURS! Please! I’m begging on my knees.
Oh, and Adrien’s soulmate, can anyone guess who it is? Dark blue because the character I picked out of nowhere seems to where that the most. Seriously, she seems like she doesn’t have any flavour in her closet. Just stripes. I apologise for giving you such heartache. And, what should happen to Adrien when he grabs the string? Blind in one eye, soulmate teleports into his room, swap bodies, what do you think should happen? I do have a plan, but if I’m given a better idea, I might do it.
Tagging: @itspetitfantomestuff @belleyells 
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Okay okay so my Streaked with Purple AU
I'm mostly gonna do just a little list with some context stuff that's needed
-Juleka is dead. No redo. No (literal) second chance. She's not coming back
-Anarka isn't doing well, if Luka and those empty whisky bottles have anything to say
-Luka is almost taking it worse
-for a little context, Luka is viperion, Juleka had the tiger miraculous, and Rose had the pig miraculous (Lila never existed there is no class salt) rose and juleka didn't know the other held a miraculous
-Luka (or rather, viperion) blames himself because he wasn't there to use second chance to save Tigress, who he didn't even know was juleka
-(he actually felt much much worse when he and anarka got that call from the hospital)
-poor sweet rose
- she was there. She saw tigress shove ladybug out of the way right before the sword went through her heart
-so imagine, will you, the little pig holder running over to try and save tigress, and there's the glow of light, and there her girlfriend lays, bleeding out, with no pulse
-no one even knew she could scream with that much dispair
-poor little roaar
-"Get up stripes, please get up, you have to wake up" He wails
- the entire class is devastated
-nobody really speaks the next monday
- Nathaniel doesn't like sitting alone in science as much as he thought he would
-Max and Kim missed the soft chatter that usually came from behind them, now they can only hear the scribbling of a pen on paper
-(I'm helping Chloe redeem herself)
-Chloe missed the excited squealing from rose and juleks's soft mumbles
-Sabrina missed the times she would sit and talk and just keep talking being allowed to speak her mind to juleka whenever rose or Chloe weren't at school
-Marinette blames herself
-if she would have been more perceptive, a little faster, a little smarter, juleka would be alive (she shouldn't blame herself at all but I'm writing an angst au don't @ me)
-Adrien was scared
-Adrien is scared
- he knows he's usually the one to throw himself in front of danger for ladybug but he realized maybe if he'd noticed before juleka had shouted for ladybug to move maybe he'd have been the one laying on the pavement, his blood bleeding out of his chest, plagg the one screaming for him to wake up
- he doesn't sleep well at night anymore
-rose wears her hand mirror
- rose can't mention her name without breaking down into a sobbing mess on the floor
-rose turns after she says anything
-to see the reaction of the girl who is no longer there
-everyone watches as the light dies out of her eyes
-rose wakes up screaming or crying most night
-roaar wanted to stay near his holder
-this had happened before to him
-but only one before so young
- he stayed near rose and dizzi(is that the pigs name?)
- but sometimes he couldn't help himself
-and he'd slide into the night and leave raspberries on her grave
-master fu wore the tigers panjas (?) Bracelet so roaar could stay near rose
-sometimes, he swore he could see the dried blood that had coated it before
-it was three weeks before Marinette mentioned the hairdye
-the class unanimously decided to each dye a streak of purple into their hair
-Gabriel agreste (may he rot) was nearly unaffected
-"Some people must be sacrificed for the greater good, Nathalie"
-Nathalie took it so much worse
-she had helped this psychopath kill an actual child
- she quit
-she couldn't do this anymore, it wasn't worth it
-"Is it the greater good only for you, Agreste?"
-kitty section tried
-after the first month, they had tried but they decided they couldn't have the band without her
-the girl group meetings were sad affairs, no more were they plans
-now they were stories
- things they remembered
-Rose wakes up and can still feel the blood on her hands, the weight of juleka's limp body in her arms, she can still feel juleka, but juleka is gone
-the last of the couffaines and rose visit her grave on saturdays
- sometimes anarka can't bring herself to look
-other saturdays, she sits on juleka's bed or at her desk and cries until she can't anymore
-Luka has thought about what it would be like to see her again, to wake up one morning and find out it was only a dream and he'd see her asleep across the room,
-he plays songs he used to sing with her on her guitar, late at night when he can't sleep sass will stay up and talk with him, reassuring him over and over that he did what he could
-Luka never believed him
-Bunnix pops through the first time and she wants nothing more than to pull juleka into a bone crushing hug, wants to go back to a time when rose had a light in her eyes, instead of hatred for the man responsible
-Rose's father once told her something important
-"Your anger warms you now, but will leave you cold in your grave"
-She can't hear him over the screams in her head anymore
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solar-pxwered · 4 years
A List Of Norman Reedus Movies/Shows I Have Seen And My Opinions On Them
1. The Boondock Saints
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The Best. A classic. Bloody and inappropriate and if I remember my count correctly, contains 194 “fucks” or variations of it (this movie certainly illustrates the diversity of the word). Terrible Irish accents. A KICKASS soundtrack. Willem DeFoe crossdressing. Dropping toilets on people’s heads. Over the top action sequences. Cheesy dialogue. Campy as fuck. I freakin’ love it.
2. The Boondock Saints 2: All Saints Day
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Some people didn’t like this one as much as the first one, and I admit that I wasn’t as fond of the new detective in this one as I was of Smecker...but, overall, I really enjoyed it and I drove 2 hours to see it in theaters. I love Romeo more than Rocco. The humor was on point. It was nice to see the original actors for Doc, Dolly, Duffy and Greenley. There was more terrible Irish accents, another KICKASS soundtrack, cheesy dialogue, over the top action sequences, still campy as fuck. I freaking love it.
3. The Walking Dead
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Cannot even describe how much I love this show. I have ALWAYS loved zombie related shows and movies so this show was right up my alley from the very beginning all the way back in 2010. I watched it religiously every Sunday. I adore this roller coaster ride of a show and I especially adore Daryl, Carol and Jerry. This show has it all: Comedy, drama (hella lots of that), tragedy and triumph...and it never fails to pulls me in and hold my interest.
4. Mimic
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Honestly, I saw this a LONG time ago and I hated it because...well, because I have a cockroach phobia, ok?! Don’t judge. Norman’s part was pretty small, not one of his lasting impressions on me.
5. Six Ways To Sunday
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This is a weird one. It’s about an overly innocent 18 year (played by Norman) who gets involved in the Mob and develops an alter ego that’s violent and his complete opposite. There’s murder, prostitutes and good ol’ fashioned mother-son incest and it wasn’t a movie I suggest for the lighthearted or anyone with those sort of triggers. 
That being said, I watched the whole thing and didn’t hate it. It was just uncomfortable...as seems to be a theme with Norman Reedus movies.
6. Dark Harbor
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This fucking movie...
Ok, so, I’ll be straight with you: I really enjoyed this dumbass movie. It had me guessing right up to the very end and it took me on a very strange ride along the way. 
If watching someone sexually feed a woman a poisonous mushroom, lots of dark eyed staring scenes or Norman Reedus making out with Alan Rickman is your thing, then go for it. 
7. Let the Devil Wear Black
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It’s modern Hamlet. What else is there to say? If you like Hamlet, you’ll like this movie. If you like pre-car accident, baby face Reedus with the black hair, you’ll like this movie. I liked it.
8. 8MM
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You know what the best thing about this movie is? Nicholas Cage. He steals the damn show no matter what movie he’s in and no one can even deny that fact. Norman’s part in this one is pretty small too but I liked this movie anyway because...well, Nick Cage. Enough said.
9. Bad Seed
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I honestly can’t remember how this movie ends, all I remember was that it wasn’t at all how I expected it. I liked this movie because it’s a psychological thriller and that’s my most favorite genre of all time. The movie’s premise is a guy suspects his wife of having an affair and comes home one night and finds her murdered so he goes after her lover (Reedus) to try and kill him because he believes he was the one who killed her. It’s a cat and mouse chase sort of thing...now I need to rewatch it because I can’t, for the life of me, remember how it ends.
10. Gossip
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Ok, no JOKE, this is the best movie I ever randomly discovered and I can’t believe how many people have never heard of it! It’s got some big names in it (Lena Headey, Norman Reedus, James Marsden and Kate Hudson to name a few).
It’s a psychological thriller/mystery drama in which three friends start a rumor at their school as a social experiment for their class. The rumor grows, however, and suddenly it’s out of their hands and spiraling out of control. People start getting hurt, reputations get dragged through the mud and then it escalates to the point of someone losing their life. The three main characters {Reedus, Headey and Marsden) try to figure out the truth behind the out of control rumors and discover more than they ever imagined, or ever wanted.
I HIGHLY recommend this movie. I really, REALLY do. The ending is one of the best twists I’ve seen in a LONG time.
11. The Beatnicks
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This movie is so weird. It’s like...it’s just really weird. It revolves around two beat poets who find a magic box that somehow magically helps them get good at being poets but it’s like...an evil box and so they decide to only use it once and then get rid of it. Yeah, it’s a weird movie. Not my highest suggestion.
12. Blade II
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Ok, if you’ve never seen the Blade Trilogy then I just don’t even know what to tell you. 
My favorite of the three movies, Blade 2 gives us the glorious Reedus character of Scud, the pot smoking, horrible-shirt-wearing, mechanical genius and Blade’s sidekick. Not only is he precious and adorable, the movie in all is enjoyable and has a fun rave-esque soundtrack. 
The one thing I hate? *SPOILER ALERT* Scud’s scummy betrayal.
13. Tough Luck
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This is another one of those movies that I liked but it’s just so freaking weird. 
It’s a psychological drama where a down on his luck con artist, Archie (Reedus), tries to rip off a carnival worker and gets caught. As punishment, he’s hired to work at the carnival  to pay off the debt. He gets involved in a scheme to murder the owner’s wife, but falls in love with her in the process.
Things go to shit. He gets the short end of the stick. More plots and lies develop. It’s all twisted until the end and the answers fall into place.
I really like this movie, it’s one that I kept and still have my copy of. 
A word of warning though, never leave this movie on your movie shelf for your father to find and watch while you’re away at college, resulting in your mother calling you and asking you why you have such a nasty movie. Because the sex scene at the end is OUTRAGEOUS. I mean, it is the FUNNIEST fucking sex scene I have ever seen in my life and I can’t ever watch it without cringing and laughing. My mother, however, didn’t think it was funny at all and my father was too shocked to even form a sentence.
I highly suggest this trippy as hell movie.
14. Octane
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Ok, to be fair, this movie is actually alright, although Norman’s character gets the shittiest death possible. I mean, imagine dying because some psycho vampire kisses you and bites your tongue out. That’s one shitty death.
But, overall, this is a good thriller. Johnathan Rhys Meyers plays the villain and he’s always pretty quality. The story is basically a teenager has a disagreement with her mom and gets picked up by this drugged up, blood sucking, vampire wannabe cult and indoctrinated joining them. Her mother joins up with a tow truck driver (Reedus) whose daughter was also kidnapped years ago and who has been hunting the cult down ever since. 
It was a cringe filled, yet interesting, movie and I didn’t hate it.
15. John Carpenter’s Cigarette Burns
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This is John Carpenter....OF COURSE I liked this one. 
I won’t say what it’s about because that would ruin the story, but it’s part of an anthology and John Carpenter loved Norman’s role so much he STILL talks about it today and suggests Norman to people in the industry.
It’s a good one if you’re into horror shorts or anthologies or the genius of the legend that is John Carpenter.
16. A Crime
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I had completely forgotten about this movie until I started making this post, but now that I remember...I REALLY liked this one!!
This is a pretty sad one, but it was very good and Norman’s acting in it is absolutely wonderful. His character’s wife was murdered and the suspect was never found so his neighbor, who really likes him, creates a fake culprit so that he can finally get some closure. 
This is a good one. I suggest this one if you’re in the mood for a strange sort of romance movie that has underlying thriller tones.
17. Moscow Chill
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I remember watching this one, and I remember enjoying it, but I honestly can’t remember anything about it except that it’s a Russian film in which Norman plays a computer hacker who gets hired to hack into a Russian bank and gets caught and put in prison. But I honestly can’t remember what happens in detail.
If you like foreign movies with hacking and subterfuge plots, then give it a try because I do remember enjoying it while I watched.
18. Red Canyon
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This one is kinda fucked up. Imagine Daryl Dixon mixed with Breaking Bad mixed with Deliverance and you’ve pretty much got the story...
A brother and sister return to their mother’s hometown to settle things and put their horrible past behind them...but upon returning they end up reliving the nightmare all over again.
It’s a good thriller/horror watch, but there are scenes of sexual violence so if that’s not something you can handle, then don’t watch this one.
19. Hero Wanted
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This. Is. A. GOOD. Movie.
Cuba Gooding Jr. is the lead and he does an AMAZING job. Gooding’s character is a garbage man who falls in love with a girl who never takes any notice of him. To get her attention, he stages a heist in which he is supposed to jump in, save the day, and win the girl...only the heist turns out to be real and he is shot and the girl is also shot in the process. He sets out for revenge and gets in way over his head.
Norman’s part in this isn’t very big...but HOLY SHIT, was it impactful. His character didn’t have a lot of screen time, in comparison to a lot of other people, but he had a solid backstory and reason for being involved and MY GOD did I cry about it. This was actually the first movie of his I watched AFTER discovering Boondock Saints and it solidified my love for his acting abilities.
A very good watch. Highly suggest.
20. Messengers 2: The Scarecrow
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This one is pretty ok, actually, as far as lame horror movies go. 
The plot is simple: Blonde, beardy, corn farmer Norman gets slowly driven insane by the haunted scarecrow in his field that he thinks putting up is a good idea for some damn reason. He starts to get more and more violent and rapey as time goes on until his family is forced to take up arms against him.
It’s not bad. Second part in what I THINK is a trilogy? I’ve only ever seen the first two. If you like horror movies then this one is a good watch. As I mentioned though, there is an attempted rape scene in this one so just be aware.
21: Pandorum
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It’s an alien movie. Astronauts run into a species that is stronger and hungry for tasty humans. Shepard (Norman’s character) doesn’t make it out alive. If you’re not in the mood to see Norman get LITERALLY gutted or other characters get nommed by aliens, then don’t watch.
If you ARE, then go ahead and watch, because it was pretty alright.
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nithr · 5 years
A Second Chance
Summary: 'Who are you?' He wanted to know, know every single thing about her, things that one shouldn't want to know about a person who holds a gun on them. A second chance at love for the ones that were robbed of it.
It had been days since he had had a good nights sleep free from dreams. He didn't know why but since his childhood he had dreams that had followed the same theme. A world full of fantasy, honour and war. In his childhood those dreams seemed like an entry into the unknown, a world full of wonders and action that a little boy thoroughly enjoyed and embraced. But as he had grown older, had gotten better at understanding the world around himself , the dreams changed, their meanings changed. Cheerful laughter and abundance of love that shone through the dreams changed. The first time he experienced a life leaving its body through his own hands, he was fourteen. Waking up screaming he had thoroughly frightened his parents. Chalking it up to nightmares didn't seem to work in their household because once is a chance, twice is a coincidence but repeatedly for past how many ever years that he had started speaking from, explaining to his parents a world from history books that they attributed to his imagination, that had frightened them. A slew of doctors came and went, medicines consumed but the dreams didn't seem to stop. He stopped taking those medicines when he had accidentally overdosed due to him being delirious with not having slept in three days. It was a great fight with his parents but slowly he had them accept that those medicines were not improving him at all. Turning to yoga and meditation brought him a sense of calm but those dreams, those dreams where he was an royal, the feeling of a sword slicing the air around him, an all encompassing feeling of motherly love and devotion , the feeling of complete content and happiness as if he had found his soulmate, they never left and to tell the truth , he would rather have them along with sleepless nights with nightmares than do without them.
Inspite of all this he had an loving childhood, and a promising career. His family owns the prestigious Mahismathi Industries, a pioneer in the field of technology. Being the only heir apparent of MI , his life and future is set. But the thirst of knowledge and the fire to prove that he deserves the position made him an overachiever in his studies and in the work he started doing for MI. His parents seem to be happy that he is thriving despite his struggles in mental health and that has lead to what is now a big problem for him. Marriage. The thing he totally despises. Don't get him wrong he has no qualms about love, and he had gone on dates and had a few one night stands. But marriage is different. It's a partnership more than anything else. What was he to say to his future wife, that he has recurring dreams and nightmares and that he'll wake up screaming somedays, babble in a strange language on others, sometimes wake up kicking and punching so would you please learn some self defense or sorry we cant sleep in the same bed. Or should he say I'll try to love you but sorry I think I can't because I already love someone, oh it's just someone I dream of regularly, and no she's not real, yes I'm pretty sure, no I would not like an admittance to a mental hospital thanks. He would be really glad when this marriage talk comes to an end.
He prays for this recent bout of sleeplessness to end , he is getting sick of his own growchiness. Hearing his alarm blare out he groans and covers himself with his sheets willing the world to just disappear away. A few minutes later hearing the second alarm go off he huffs before throwing away his sheets and stumbles to the bathroom. He considers calling in sick for a few moments after he sees his reflection in the mirror, he really looks like a zombie, but then he curses himself for his very own good work ethics. Besides the vultures at the company would swoop in at just a peak of a mistake to point and complain. It was getting ridiculous, he was only in a mid management position now, both him and his parents agreeing that he should start low at the food chain, getting an experience at different levels in the company. But some people at the board still try to sabotage him at every turn. The thing was they knew his place at the top is cemented but they still try at every chance they get. He could even appreciate the ones that go about it in a clever way, because they could be useful for him in the long term but those stupid ones, he just doesn't know what to do about them.
Cursing the board members mentally, he got ready and hurried out of his house hoping he won't be late. Just as he was about to start the car his cellphone went off. Seeing that it was his mother calling and wondering she would at this time of the day he answered the call,
'Amma, good morning, why are you calling this early, any problem?' He inquired.
'Amar, good morning my son, did you sleep well'
'Ya ma, got some sleep , what's the matter , is everything ok?' It wasnt like his mother to call him in the early hours of the day. This call was making him a bit worried.
'Yes, good, everything is fine, don't worry and stop being a pessimist '
'Tell that to my mother who calls early in the morning to a son who she's going to see probably in an hour or so' he countered back.
'Stop sassing me, lord knows I get enough of that from your father and stop chuckling, like father like son', He tries vainly to cover his laughs. Like father, as if, he hasn't seen anyone in his life actually verbally spar with his mother and come out unscathed.
'Ok ok sorry, I'm stopping so why did you call' If he doesn't stop his mother now he would still be getting told off an hour from now.
'Oh that, I just wanted to ask you to collect a package from Ragupathy uncle on the way. Its the family heirloom from Andhra that got lost and was got back in an auction, uncle has it and he said he would deliver it personally, but it seems he has an urgent business meeting coming up and wont be able to come by so he asked me to send you by to pick it up'
'Cant you ask someone else ma, I'm getting pretty late, and if it really has to be me I can even pick it up in the evening' he tries.
'Amarnath, didn't I already say your uncle is going away on a business trip , and no I cant send anyone else because it's a family heirloom and it costs twenty two millions. And how many times do I have to say you are the boss of MI and you are allowed to be late sometimes. '
'Cool down cool down, dont get tensed, your blood pressure is already high, I'll go ok, and i really shouldn't be late even when I'm the boss' This was an age old argument in their home and today wasnt the day that it was going to be resolved.
'Really cant change you dear, but that is also why you are the heir to MI and your cousin Balla is not'
'Dont you get started on him now amma, and got to go now if I'm getting your package too along the way '
'Dont grumble too much will you, doesn't suit you'
'Ok amma got to go bye'
'Hmm , drive safely dear , bye'.
Ending the call with his mother , he started the car and turned it towards his uncle's home. Arriving in under twenty minutes, he rushed to the door and rang the bell. The door opened to reveal panja aunty a maid in his uncles home who welcomed him warmly. Asking for his uncle he was directed to the study in the upper floor. Knocking on the door and entering he found his uncle rushing around trying to fit as many things as he could in the bag of his.
'Amarnath, thank you my son for coming so quickly , I really didn't know who to trust with such an important piece of item. Thank God you're here'
'Its no problem uncle, mom said you have an antique piece for her?'he ended it as a question, trying not to let his frustrations show about how late it was getting.
Giving a confirmation his uncle went to the safe in the corner and brought an ornately carved box about the size of a shoe box.
'Take great care of this Amar, this thing does not only contain our family's money but also our history and legacy. Be careful will you?'
'I'll be careful uncle, it's already 7 isn't your flight at 7.30'
'Yes , yes I'll go , dont want to make you late' his uncle finished with a laugh. His entire family knew what a workaholic he was and took great pleasure in teasing him at any given chance.
Seeing his uncle off , he secured the package carefully in the trunk so that it wont jolst too much on the drive and started the car. It was a solid hour travel to his office from his uncle's home and he wanted to shave off whatever minutes he could so he took the smaller streets that wound through the city rather than the highway.
Later he would wish he had paid more attention to the road and to the car that was tailing him rather than speeding. But it had brought him to her and he wouldn't want it any other way.
It was halfway through, on a stretch of road that had sporadically placed houses and rather bare in terms of human activity that it happened. It wasn't that he wasn't paying attention to the road but when he noticed a man laying on the ground with his bike toppled over it was difficult to stop with the way he was speeding. He didn't think he had hit the stranger but it really was too close for his comfort. Berating himself and lamenting the consequences for his momentary lapse in judgement he hurried out of the car to check on the stranger.
It really had been a close call, he observed, if he had been even a second late in applying the breaks , the man would have died and he would have become a murderer. Walking over to the man on the ground he saw no evidence of bleeding , which was good. Crouching down , he laid his fingers to the man's neck to check for his pulse. Noticing that he had a good , strong pulse, he started to try to wake the man. With no amount of him trying getting any results, he decided to call the ambulance.
As concerned with the stranger as he was, he hadn't heard the scuffles coming from behind his car. But a strange loud thud from the near vicinity of his car startled him from his position. More wary now than he had been before , he tried to get up and check what the noise had been about. But before he could even stand fully, he was grabbed by the ankles and pushed to the ground. With his winds knocked out and reasonably confused he saw the man on the ground get up grinning. With a dawning sense of realisation coming upon him he turned his attention to the car to see four men with clothes tied over their faces trying to force open the trunk. He realised It had been a ploy to get him off the car.
It took him longer than he would be willing to admit, to get sense of the situation. Three by the car, forcefully trying to open the trunk, and an another who had tricked him, who now that he focused was swinging his leg back to deliver a kick. The kick landed hard on his abdomen knocking his breath out. Pain for many would cloud their senses but for him it sharpend them. When the next kick contacted with his abdomen he held on to the leg and pulled. Bringing down his assailant he crouched on the top of him and delivered a swift punch to his face. With the following two more the man was knocked out cold. Suddenly hands grappled on the back of his shirt pulling him away from the man. Allowing his weight to freefall on the assailant he got away from the hold and faced his three opponents. Breathing in and out and centering his mind he got into a battle stance.
In his childhood while other children opted for sports or games Amar was always fascinated by martial arts. After much cajoling to his parents he joined them, and never looked back. Fighting came easy to him, he raised through the ranks and joined even more different types of martial arts classes. It gave him peace and happiness that couldn't be found in his life plenty. So this situation of him facing three goons that seemed to be amateurs at best did not panic him as it would any other. They came at him from all sides, trying to overpower him , but he side steps and fights. The fight finishes in mere minutes. Panting heavily he carefully notes what he could about these thugs. From the way they way laid him and opened his car without any power tools he could tell they were well accomplished thieves, but their fighting left a lot to be desired. They weren't fighters , just thieves, good ones but just thieves .
A sudden feeling of a cold hardness pressed against his skull brought him up from his thoughts. With the realisation dawning on him he scolded himself for not checking up on the other thug he knocked out at the start. The gun pressed against him trembled making him more nervous that that idiot would shoot him without even meaning to. Seeing that he had not been shot at already he tried talking to the man who had his life in his hands. 'Listen buddy, there's no need for weapons here. Lower your gun and I'll let you guys go without even letting the police involved. But if you shoot and then got caught it would be life sentence for you. Your whole life would be behing the bars. Think that through. Put your gun away and I'll let you take your guys away. '
The gun pressing even harder against his head made him stop . The hand that was trembling till now steadied. The gun pressed firmly against the back of his head steadied. The click of the guns safety rang across the empty road sounding to him as if it was the conch sounding at his funeral. The safety had been on before , he could have tried to escape but there was no use lamenting about things that could have been. He knew in a few moments he would be no more. As many say, his whole life did not flash before his eyes , but his dreams did. Times he was happy and content in his dreams came to the forefront of his mind. He could totally ignore the gun behind him and he could go out with thoughts that made him smile. More than the fear of death , the wait for when the bullet will tear through him was what scared him. In the silence that made even death noisy , he heard the creak of the trigger being pressed. Then the shot rang through.
The pain he expected was not there, nor was the feeling of either heaven or hell. Slowly opening his eyes which he seemed to have closed , he turned around to see what the hell had happened. There on the ground laid the man who had held a gun to his head , with a bleeding shoulder. The gun laid on the ground and was now being picked up. Following the hand he saw the other held a gun too which seemed to be the source of the shot that he heard. Moving his eyes upwards he stopped short. Because there with guns in her hands, in a plain shirt and pants was the girl he was intimately familiar with. Eyes sharp as razors, beautiful red lips turned into a scowl, a face that shone even when it screamed murderous intent, she was there, every inch a perfect copy of the dreams that he had.
'Deva' his mind whispered, 'Deva'.
He wanted to pinch himself awake but he knew that this was real because even in his dreams he could never get the magnetism that shone off her eyes right, that was being directed at him. He didn't even mind the gun that was now pointed at him, again.
'Who are you , what the hell happend here ' she asked with a voice filled with authority. He found himself smiling hearing her voice. It was just as enchanting as he had always imagined it to be. 'What are you smiling for' she asked again with more force now. His smile had infuriated her.
'Who are you?' He wanted to know, know every single thing about her, things that one shouldn't want to know about a person who holds a gun on them.
'Devika Rajendran , deputy inspector of police , now give me your name or be ready to be dragged off to jail' she stated with a raised eyebrow and a relaxed stance. The confidence that she carried with her, it sent shivers down his spine making him want to needle her so much more, so that he could watch the way she got wound up and let go.
''Amarnath Chandran, software engineer at Mahismathi Industries ' he replied , holding back his true position at MI. He wanted her to look at him as if he was just any other normal guy, not the heir to a multibillion dollar company. It was experience that had him introducing himself as an IT guy rather than his true self. But looking at her he somehow doubted that she would bend down or simper at him. And it was that which made her even more attractive in his eyes.
'Well Mister Amarnath' he cut her off before she could finish the sentence,' its Amar, call me Amar'
If possible she looked even more less impressed by that statement. 'Mister Amarnath, I have to ask you , why was this guy pointing a gun at you' a hint of coldness seeped into her tone.
'I have no idea who these people are , they hijacked my car and tried to steal the antique that i had in my trunk, and trust me no way am i involved in any shady business Devika' and seeing the expression on her face become frostier he hastily added 'Maam, Devika Maam'.
'Cut off the name calling and show me your ID' she neared him and held out her hands.
He didn't know what was going through his mind. It probably was "she's here, she's real" and not "let's go to jail today". His response should have been "sure, let me get it from my car" and not what he said.
'I dont have it on my person at this moment but I could bring it to you by noon today. Your office is at the city headquarters isn't it'
If it had been him at her place , he probably would have done worse than slap the cuffs on his had and dump him in the back of the police jeep with the other thugs. He didn't care much for it, but at least the view was nice, or the back of her that he could see.
It took his mother half an hour to get the news and come to the station with a lawyer to get him out, the time which he spent most enjoyably watching her in her true environment. He seemed to infuriate her, smiling wider every time she managed to catch his look and glare at him. It was good that his mother came when she did or he didn't know what she would have done to him. But as soon as his mother came her entire ire transferred to his mother. Watching both the woman verbally battle he was glad that he wasnt caught in between but he would gladly accept that and more if only she could be in his life. They were two strong women who didn't want to give each other an inch of leeway. Finally Devika stomped towards the holding cell and opened the door with such a force that nobody could mistake her anger for anything else.
But before she could leave he grabbed her wrists making her turn towards him with such an anger in her face. It made him want to go to her and pull her in a tight hug and never let her leave. But he had an apology to deliver. Letting her go he lifted his hands up in an apology.
'I'm sorry I touched you without your permission, I just wanted your attention for a second. I'm sorry that I deceived you, it's my fault. The reason for it is simple. I didn't want to be away from your company just yet. You captivate me Devika, from your confidence to your inner strength that shows just as bright as your beauty, I wanted to spend more time with you. Your strength is beautiful, you are beautiful. Will you please accept my apology as a dinner tonight. Just an apology dinner, nothing else and if you never want to see me again you dont have to'.
Seeing the anger fade away from her face, and a confused look entering in, he smiled.
'Don't need to give me an answer now, tonight 7 PM at Jonas restaurant at the city centre, I'll be waiting, and if you dont show up I'll understand ' leaving the cell he started to walk out of the room and fortunately for him his mother seemed to have left already. Stopping midway he turned back to see her still standing in the same position. 'I don't know what you will decide tonight Devika, but either way have a good life officer'. He turned back and strode out of the room, whatever tonight may bring he was content in a way that he had never been. She may never come looking for him, but knowing that she was real, and that she lived a happy life somewhere was enough for him.
A smirk tugged at his lips, he definitely did notice the blush that stained her cheeks when she was with him.
Thank you @carminavulcana and @mayavanavihariniharini for welcoming me into this wonderful fandom.
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antonio-velardo · 10 months
Antonio Velardo shares: The president of Norway’s federation, a rare woman of influence in soccer, is speaking up. by Tariq Panja
By Tariq Panja Published: July 24, 2023 at 09:46PM from NYT Sports https://ift.tt/CE3pZrj via IFTTT
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rnodric · 2 years
i hate **** bc some of their fans are so exhausting to talk to. it's a known fact they're owned by a holding company almost 80% owned by a private equity company literally owned by a member of abu dhabi's royal family AND LITERAL MINISTER OF PRESIDENTIAL AFFAIRS. this dude isn't a random rich guy. he's a politician with very real power in a country that's been repeatedly flagged by groups like hrw and amnesty for rights abuses against women, lgbt people, anyone who criticises the govt etc etc. they are, for every intent and purpose, a proxy of that govt. it's also been repeatedly credibly reported that **** have a string of dubious ties/'sponsorships' riddled with nepotism issues (tariq panja and adam crafton are both journalists who've written articles about this). none of it is 'rumours' or anything - it's all substantiated facts that can be traced back in financial records and documents.
it's not their supporters fault they got taken over and that this happens. they're free to support who they want, just like i do with rm. but i've had one too many arguments with some of them who try to defend their ownership and suggest that any of the concerns i point out are just because i'm 'jealous of their success', 'jealous that their owners care about the club'. no. it's not. i literally point out **** as another one of the string of highly dubious takeovers like *******, ***, and now *********, all of which are equally problematic. you're not the only club to have awful owners, but i've never met as many fans of those other clubs (except maybe the last one) who defend them as much as you do. (btw the club's management/ownership isn't you lol you don't need to defend the successful sportswashing going on)
them choosing to splash 100m on ******** isn't a problem. i don't care what they do with the money they have. it's their unwillingness to acknowledge that they have substantial issues with where their money that allows them to build their success comes from (bc some of us can't spend a few hundred million over like 4 yrs trying to find decent defenders and there's only 1 club that has a worse net spend record over the past 10 seasons which really says something about how they're doing their buying/selling) and then repeatedly try to say that 'oh other clubs are messed up too so they can't complain!!' that is incredibly irritating. it's not a question of throwing rocks even though you live in a glass house - what is needed is critique of everyone who flouts rules and does dubious things, not just letting everyone get off scot free bc 'oh we're all equally awful'.
before anyone sees this and complains: rm is owned by very lovely everyday people who are our socios, feel free to find problems with all 60k+ of them <3
football is both cursed and blessed with those kind of owners because they make it possible to make dream transfers which for some fans is fantastic and of course it gains publicity etc but it's horrible to think about the underlying issues and toxic environments these same owners are creating. for me personally anything emirati is instantly a red flag because those rich bastards only have one thing in mind and that is making more money no whatever what and as u said it's no longer just rumours it's facts. it ruins football because smaller and less fortunate teams are drowning in debt and sometimes the only thing saving them is selling their valuable players to the likes of c*ty etc. and yes real madrid also has their own issues and this is not only about c*ty but as a madridista i know my club has those issues and i don't support it but c*ty fans are obnoxious for the most part and will run after u if u speak ill of them.
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xtruss · 4 years
He Loves Pakistani Cricket. It Doesn’t Love Him Back.
“I don’t think anything prepared me for the hostility I was going to face,” the British-born Wasim Khan says of overseeing a beloved sport in a country where many see him only as a foreigner.
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Wasim Khan in Birmingham, England, where he grew up and learned to play cricket.Credit...Andrew Testa for The New York Times
— By Tariq Panja | September 9, 2020 | NY Times
LONDON — Wasim Khan has spent his life immersed in Pakistani cricket, even as he spent very little of that life in Pakistan. To his critics, that latter bit is precisely the problem.
Wasim Khan was hooked early. As the son of Pakistani immigrants to Britain, Khan grew up listening to his father, his uncles and his cousins talk passionately about cricket late into the night. They told tales of Pakistan’s cricketing superstars, of its stunning victories, and of the huge crowds that regularly packed the dusty stadiums a world away from the Khans’ home in the Small Heath section of Birmingham, the city that served as a magnet for the generations of migrants from South Asia in the 1960s and ’70s.
Khan was, and is, a Pakistan cricket fan. He was even when he started to show his own talent for the sport, a talent with the bat that earned him a place in England’s under-19 team. Even when he became the first Briton of Pakistani heritage to sign a professional club cricket contract. And even later, when he was appointed to lead the Leicestershire County Cricket Club, becoming the first nonwhite chief executive of a major professional British sports team.
So when he was offered the opportunity to run Pakistan’s cricket board in 2018, Khan had no hesitation. The lure was personal, not just professional.
“Part of the appeal of going back to Pakistan was being with your own people, the whole understanding of the place, the feeling when you get up in the morning and you hear the call to prayer,” he said.
Now, 18 months after taking on the job, whatever romance Khan, 49, had about relocating to the land of his parents’ birth to take charge of a sport that is a national obsession has largely evaporated.
Since moving last year to Lahore, where the Pakistan Cricket Board is based, he has faced an unending torrent of criticism. For the changes he has instituted. For his European upbringing. For the languages he chooses to speak, and his accent in them when he does. But mostly, as he is reminded almost daily, for not being Pakistani enough, for being an “import” doing a job that should be reserved for a Pakistani.
“I don’t think anything prepared me for the hostility I was going to face,” Khan said. “They’ve put me on the back foot right from the word go.”
Khan detailed the daily outpouring of negativity during an interview last month. How a group of board members staged a walkout, followed by a news conference in which they attacked him as an outsider, almost as soon as he had been appointed last year. How his salary was leaked and is now subject to daily debate. And how rumors continue to persist that he was only appointed because of connections to influential political figures close to Pakistan’s cricket-hero-turned-prime-minister, Imran Khan.
To underline the point, he brandished his cellphone. “Look,” he said. “This just came out today.”
The screen loads a YouTube video in which another of Pakistan’s former star players, the ex-captain Javed Miandad, launches into a full-throated assault on the cricket board, and both Khans. (Wasim Khan is not related to Imran Khan.) The diatribe lasts several minutes. Dressed in a blue tunic and sitting in a chair, Miandad fires volley after volley, excoriating Khan, his former teammate, over changes to the cricket board, including the appointment of Wasim Khan.
“Is there a shortage of people in your own country that you had to bring people from abroad?” Miandad says, his voice rising until he is almost shouting. (Weeks later, Miandad apologized for his outburst.)
Being responsible for Pakistan cricket is unlike most other similar roles in professional sports. The scrutiny runs from the office of the prime minister, through the dozens of news channels featuring frothing ex-players and commentators with hours of airtime to fill, and down to streets teeming with children playing impromptu games, mimicking the swashbuckling batting or the fast bowling of their green-shirted national team heroes.
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Pakistan’s Sarfaraz Ahmed and Shadab Khan during a match against England last week in Manchester.
Pakistan’s Sarfaraz Ahmed and Shadab Khan during a match against England last week in Manchester.Credit...Pool photo by Mike Hewitt
Then there is the daily reality of managing cricket in Pakistan, which has only recently started to host international teams after a decade-long exile forced upon it after militants attacked a visiting Sri Lankan team in 2009. Domestically, Khan has become the face of a major restructuring of the professional game, a streamlining that has eliminated several teams, cost hundreds of professional players their jobs and sparked protests in the streets.
“There is that emotional pull and he moved back to Pakistan, hoping it would be great,” said Osman Samiuddin, an author and journalist who has written a book about the history of cricket in Pakistan. “And then you get there and reality of situation hits you, and you think, ‘Oh damn, maybe I shouldn’t have done this.’”
Khan shook his head as he recalled the moment a group of board members walked out of a meeting after a motion to block his appointment was not heard. The moment was captured on television cameras as the men held an impromptu news conference to air their grievances. Khan recalled receiving a frantic call from his wife, Salma, who was in Lahore, hundreds of miles away, house hunting for the new family home.
“She rang me in tears, saying, ‘You’re on every TV station right now and it’s saying you’re not going to have a job anymore,’” Khan said. “I said, ‘Don’t worry, it will get sorted.’”
Instead, it has gotten worse. In many ways, the ceaseless criticism is a function of cricket’s centrality to life in Pakistan. But it is also based in the changes to the culture of the way the sport is managed in the country.
“Do you know what the word sifarish means?” Wasim Akram, once the world’s No. 1-ranked fast bowler, asked. He was referring to an Urdu word which suggests a mix of nepotism and favoritism, which he said has long been a function of cricket in Pakistan. Ex-players, relatives of ex-players and influential political figures had for decades benefited from a system that rewarded relationships over professional aptitude.
“We need someone like Wasim Khan to come as a neutral guy, as a person who comes in and sees things differently,” Akram said. His backing was a rare public endorsement for the cricket board chief and the changes he is pursuing. Many of Akram’s former teammates, like his former captain Miandad, typically line up to outdo one another in their criticism.
The demand for such content — the commentaries are broadcast daily on dozens of news channels but also countless personal YouTube channels — is partly explained by the fact that cricket’s popularity has no rival in a country with a population of more than 200 million. Its importance is perhaps best underlined by the central role afforded to the prime minister, whose official title of patron in chief to the cricket board belies its power.
And in Imran Khan, Pakistan has one the most storied cricket players of all time at the helm. Educated at the University of Oxford in Britain, Khan was already a household name well beyond Pakistan’s borders when he played a starring role in Pakistan’s greatest sporting triumph, captaining the team to the 1992 World Cup title.
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Pakistan’s prime minister, Imran Khan, led his country to the Cricket World Cup title in 1992.
Pakistan’s prime minister, Imran Khan, led his country to the Cricket World Cup title in 1992. Credit...Jewel Samad/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images
Shortly after sweeping to power as Pakistan’s prime minister in August 2018, Khan set about overhauling the sport in which he made his name.
A club cricket structure that was dominated by so-called department teams — clubs run by some of Pakistan’s biggest businesses — was replaced by six regional teams, in an effort to create a cleaner pathway for talent to the national side and also build a fan base for the club game.
While Imran Khan, in his role as prime minister, is the guiding hand behind the change, Wasim Khan has been the face of it. That has made him a lightning rod for criticism, especially after the changes reduced the number of professionals by more than a half, and led to stories of former cricketers having to suddenly turn to driving taxis and even rickshaws to make a living.
Many have blamed Khan’s foreign origins for the plight of the players.
“Wasim Khan has been imported from England, he has never lived in Pakistan, doesn’t know about Pak cricket,” one of the chief executive’s biggest critics, Mirza Iqbal Baig, a broadcaster with huge social media following, wrote on Twitter.
Khan argues that in time, the new system will yield results. Besides, he said, he had little choice in the matter: the prime minister wanted the changes, and the country’s world rankings — seventh in Test cricket and sixth in one-day internationals — suggest the existing structure is not producing the results that the country and its tens of millions of fans crave.
“If you’re telling me the competitiveness of our structure works,” Khan said, “the stats don’t lie.”
The belief that he is right, though, does little to win over the critics, especially those — like Miandad and others — who reject his authority out of hand because of his British roots.
“He’s got the worst of both worlds,” said Samiuddin, the author. “He understands the country, speaks the language, but he’s not one of them. They’ll treat him like one of them, but never let him be completely in.”
Sitting in the corner of a mostly empty hotel restaurant in London, mulling over what has happened to him, the sadness and hurt that he has endured, Khan ruminated on a philosophical question that he thought he had resolved before trading his homeland for that of his parents.
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𝐁𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐘𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐀 𝐕𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐠𝐞 http://www.yatrapakistan.com/
7 Days Cultural & Yatra Tour Total Group 22 + People
𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝟏𝟒 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟎 Start Location: Lahore
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟏 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟏𝟒
Welcome to Pakistan Meet and Greet at Lahore Airport & Wagha Border by our Tour Manager. Welcome High Tea at Wagah Border. Check-in to the hotel and relax for a couple of hours. Planned Activities in Afternoon based on arrival time: • Visit historic Gurdwara Dera Sahib • Explore the Historic Walled City of Lahore in a special Night Tour including Badshahi Mosque, Huzoori Bagh, Lahore Fort, Sheesh Mahal & Samadhi Maharaja Ranjeet Singh • Enjoy Rangeela Rickshaw rides and Live Music Enjoy Delicious Traditional Dinner at Food Street Night Stay – Avari Express/ Luxus Grand Hotel.
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐 / 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟏𝟓
Early Morning Leave for the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib Kartarpur Gurdwara Darbar Sahib is World’s largest gurdwara and was recently built and inaugurated as a visa-free corridor. Estimated time till Kartarpur Sahib 3 Hours Stay in Kartarpur all day long and return back to Lahore in the evening. Enjoy Traditional dinner at Village Restaurant Lahore Night Stay – Avari Express/ Luxus Grand Hotel.
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟑 / 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟏𝟔
Check-out from hotel after breakfast and start your journey towards Nankana Sahib Estimated time till Nankana Sahib 1 Hour 30 Min Planned Activities: • Visit Nankana Sahib for Guru Darshan. • Visit Gurdwara Janam Asthan and holy sites associated with Guru Nanak Sahib and Guru Arjan Dev Sahib. • Visit Gurdwara Sacha Soda • Visit all 7 holy Gurdwaras like Bal Lila Maini, Gurdwara Patti Sahib, Gurdwara Kiara Sahib In Gurdwara Malji Sahib. Traditional Dinner, Folk Music and Night Stay in Faisalabad Night Stay – Serena Hotel Faisalabad.
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟒 / 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟏𝟕
Start your early morning journey toward Islamabad. Estimated travel time: 4 Hours Today we will explore the world’s 2nd most beautiful capital city, Islamabad. • Saidpur village • Monument of Pakistan • Lok Virsa Museum • Faisal Mosque • Visit Daman E-Koh to watch the beautiful sunset over Islamabad Dinner at Monal Restaurant Margalla Hills Top Night Stay ----- Ramada / Hotel Margalla/ Crown Plaza.
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟓 / 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟏𝟖
After early morning breakfast, checkout from Islamabad and let’s start our journey for Hassanabdal & Taxila. Estimated Travel Time: 1 Hour Arrive Gurdwara Panja Sahib at Hassan Abdal, and perform religious rituals such as Ashman, Matha Tekna, Granth Sahib Ka Pat. After Gurdwara Panja Sahib, visit the Taxila Museum and historical ruins near Taxila. In the evening, I start my journey toward Lahore, check-in to the hotel: Night Stay – Avari Express/ Luxus Grand Hotel.
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟔 / 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟏𝟗
Start your day relaxed in Lahore. After breakfast, we will be visiting some of the historic locations and famous shopping places of Lahore e.g. • Minar-E-Pakistan • Shalimar Garden • Tomb of Jahangir • Daata Darbar • Wazir Khan Mosque • Enjoy shopping in Famous markets of Lahore e.g. Liberty Market, Ichra Market, Fortress Stadium & Mall of Lahore Traditional Dinner at Haveli Restaurant / Coooco’s Den Night Stay – Avari Express/ Luxus Grand Hotel.
𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟕 / 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 𝟐𝟎
CHECK-OUT----- Lahore With load full of beautiful memories TRIP ENDS today in Lahore. Wahga Border & Airport Drop for prestigious guests!
𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐬 & 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧
Coaster Saloon (Luxury) (22+ Passengers).
𝐋𝐮𝐱𝐮𝐫𝐲 𝐇𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐬:
AVARI Express (Lahore). https://www.avari.com/ LUXUS Grand Hotel (Lahore). https://luxusgrandhotel.com/ Serena Hotel (Faisalabad). https://www.serenahotels.com/serenafaisalabad/…/default.html Ramada Islamabad (Islamabad). http://ramadaislamabad.com/ Hotel Margala (Islamabad). https://hotelmargala.com/
𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐆𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐬 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐕𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐠𝐞 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐬!
𝐓𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐈𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞/𝐄𝐱𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐬
1. Tour includes Airport/Border Pickup from Lahore and Meet and greet at Arrival. 2. Vehicle Fuel is included in the overall package pricing. 3. A courteous chauffeur with porter. 4. An experienced Punjabi Speaking guide will be provided. 5. Daily Dinner & Breakfast are included in the package. 6. Escort during Gurdwara Visits. 7. Similar or better 4* Hotels as mentioned above. 8. All tolls are included in the package. 9. 50% Advance payment is needed to hold a reservation. And 100% payment required 1 week before traveling. 10. Detailed terms and conditions will be shared once the proposal is accepted.
Thanks for giving Voyage Planners an opportunity to serve you.
𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐧 𝐚 𝐕𝐨𝐲𝐚𝐠𝐞 ~ 𝐌𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐭 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞.
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