sorry will never be enough (r.c)
My work is NOT to be transferred, translated, reposted or copied to any other sites without my permission. That is plagiarism. But you can re-blog the heck out of it on here :)
paring(s): rafe x maybank!reader
summary: after a run in with Shoupe, your brother JJ picks you up and nothing turns out how you thought.
warning: major angst, physical abuse, gaslighting, rape, abuse of power.
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JJ hung his head as Shoupe led you out. The officers hand lightly squeezing your neck. "Please don't touch me." You mumbled loud enough only for Shoupe to hear.
"I will do whatever I want and if you dare speak a word of what happened, I will haul your ass back here with out blinking an eye." His grip tightened. "It's not like you were actually worth it or anything."
Your shame quickly silenced any fight within. That and the disappointed look JJ had on his face. How would he react if he knew what you did to be let off the hook? The things that Shoupe did to you? Of course you wouldn't tell anyone. It was humiliating.
"Is she free to go?" JJ spoke through a tight lip smile, one that poorly attempted to hide his anger. You wouldn't use free to describe being relinquished into JJ's care. This is one of those moments that will live with you forever. Nothing will ever be the same.
"This wasn't the first time and it probably won't be the last." Tears brim your eyes at that thought. You were going to do everything in your power to stay as far away from the police station, never giving Shoupe a reason or opportunity to lay his hand on you once more. "I didn't want to bring her down here, but she needed to be taught a lesson or two. Vandalism is a very serious offense. Even if it's just with chalk."
"Thank you, Shoupe." JJ gripped your arm tightly and began dragging you to the parking lot. Not any care was given to the droplets spilling out.
"JJ, you're hurting my arm, please let go or at least losen your grip." He stopped, spinning around to face you.
"Am I hurting you, or are you just hurting yourself with your action?" You let out a scoff, not completely shocked by his outburst, by for the fact he is starting to sound like Luke. "Do you even think about your actions? We wouldn't even be here with you thinking I am hurting you if you would just keep your head down. I know it's in our blood to end up in jail, but I really thought you were different. Especially not this lamebrain you're turning out to be."
It was if your heart stopped, as you reached for the passenger side door of the lended Twinkie. "Just get in the back. I think better when I'm not clouded by negativity."
You breathed out a simple okay, not sure what else to do. There was no way to gage if the way JJ was treating you was fair or not. It was probably the fourth time in the past six months he had to pick you from the station for something that was your fault, but this time he didn't even ask what it was you were doing. If he would have, JJ would have learned about the art work you made for your friends on the park sidewalk. It's not like you knew it was illegal.
JJ also didn't know that Shoupe pulled you in his office, closed the blinds, and used you for his own pleasure. You would have screamed out for anyone to help, but the gun that laid in eye sight terrified you more than anything Shoupe could do. If he did shoot you, you would leave everything behind your friends and family, more importantly, JJ. Even if he was mad now, he was still your brother and you would go to the ends of the earth for him if he asks.
JJ parked the car in front of the house before quickly stopping the transmission. "I thought we were going to the chateau." Your bottom lip quivered.
"I am. You need to go to your room and think about where your life is going. I can't keep looking out for you. It isn't my job to keep you safe."
He was right. JJ couldn't keep you safe from everything, you learned that at the station earlier, and even if you can't explain it, you thought maybe he would be there for you. What a joke. "You can't ground me, JJ."
"If you want to leave that's your choice, but I just can't have you around me right now. I'm trying to do better." Heat engulfed your body as your heart crashed.
"I won't hold you back then." There was no good bye or see you later when you exited the car. Just the glare that told you 'you messed up.'
It would have been better to take the charges instead of going through the process of JJ picking you up. At worst, you would have spent up to the trial in some holding cell and then anywhere from a few days to a year in prison. JJ would have had time to sort through his thoughts and feelings before talking to you and your wouldn't have given yourself to Shoupe willingly to avoid charges on your record.
JJ is right, you were beyond stupid and maybe that's all you will ever be. So with your chin tilted upward, you placed cement around your heart and walked straight in through the front door not giving two shits if Luke was there or not because nothing really mattered anymore. You weren't good enough for your own brother's presence, therefore you'd fill your time with Luke. Bad attention is still attention. And maybe Luke isn't so terrible after all, maybe he is the only person to have his eyes wide open the whole time. He knew your worth from the start.
Now it was time for him to treat you accordingly. You grinned as he threw the first punch, feeling the blood rush from the gash on your cheek bone; laughed when the  second one collided on your collar bone; by the third, you were out and nothing seeming to bother you anymore.
It had been a week since JJ picked you up from the station, a week since Luke started beating the living shit out of you on a regular basis, and a week since you have even heard anything from JJ. He hasn't even tried to check in, so you decided to head to the chateau. It felt wrong, but you needed to know he was okay, you wanted to see his face. It brought you comfort when your mom left and when Luke would take his anger out on you. JJ made you feel safe so it was weird to go this long with out a word.
You decided to knock, unsure of what JJ said to the pogues about the situation. If JJ was mad at her, best bet was the rest of pogues were as well. Barging into John B's place felt wrong.
"Y/n." Sarah greeted, her voice filled with complete indifference. And somehow that made you feel a million times worse. You shift your gaze to the ground, scared to make eye contact. "JJ is out back on the hammock, but he might, uh, be busy." Basic translation of that meant he probably had a girl he was trying to sweet talk with him.
"I just need to seen him." With that you just walked away, not really caring for her permission or anything she had to say about the situation.
When she turned the last corner, her eyes fell upon JJ. His hands intertwined with some pretty brunette, clearly giggling about something that was said. Clearly the whole situation didn't affect him. "Babe?" The girl urged him to turn around. "Someone's here."
"I told you, John B-" His face froze, a deer caught in headlights.
"Do you know her?" The girl poorly whispered. "Please tell me you were already dating someone when you ask me to be yours." She sounded offended.
"No." He quickly answered to the last question. "That's y/n. She hangs out with us sometimes."
A knife to the gut. That's what this felt like. "I'm your sister, JJ." You tried to stand your ground instead of crawling into your shell. "I didn't mean to interrupt, just wanted to check in and make sure you were okay. It's been a week. I'll just leave now that I know you are." He was more than okay. He has the pogues, a place away from Luke, and supposedly a girlfriend that you had no idea about.
JJ couldn't speak, but the mystery girl beside him did. "I'm Scarlet. I didn't know he had a sister, but it's good to meet you. Are you okay? Did Luke do that?" Scarlet gestured to her own face to show what she was talking about.
You wanted to be polite, but the hurt was soon turning to anger. "Really, JJ? Am I really that much of a burden that I'm kept a secret? What makes me worse than dad, huh? She know about him, what about me?" It was never your intention to cause a scene but this was the ultimate betrayal.
Scarlet hopped up. "I'm gonna give you two a minute. I'm just gonna go inside with Sarah."
You managed to hold back the tears, doing your best to hide the numbing pain. The two of you walked down the beach until out of ear shot of the chateau. Family fights got ugly. You're voice softened. "Why?"
"I didn't want you to mess this up. You weren't around and how was I supposed to explain how my delinquent kid-sister just staying at the house because you're being stubborn."
"You dropped me off there and told you didn't want me around. What else was I supposed to do?"
"I don't know, but I really needed time apart to figure out things. I didn't think you'd stay. I thought maybe you'd come to the chateau later." He sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Not even a text. I thought you were mad."
"I was. I mean I still am and that's why I have to do this." You looked at him very confused, your soft eyes now rigid with fear. "I can't be around you. For once in my life, things are finally going good and I am not worried if you are going to mess them up. I can think about myself for once and I'm free to do as I please." Your hands began to feel clammy as your chest tightened.
"I've always looked out for you, never caring about myself or the trouble I get in because of you. I'm trying to do better and I am, but I can't surround myself with people holding me back. Maybe you'll get better, but until then."
Get better? As if it was some sort of disease that could be cured. There was no way to fix what was wrong inside you.
"JJ, please." You went to go hold him, needed to feel some form of love and affection, but he just shoved you away, accidentally propelling you into the sand.
"I have to go talk to scarlet and explain what happened. I hope I still have time to fix things. You should probably put some ice on your cheek."
That was the first caring thought he shared with you and it was the last thing he would probably for awhile as he left you in the sand, sobbing and begging for him to come back. Tears clouded your vision at this point.
After a few moments later, you felt a figure sit beside you with a huff. With out a second thought, you threw your arms around JJ. "I'm sorry, J. Please don't leave me."
"It's Rafe. Not JJ." You gather the back of his shirt in your fist, beginning to sob harder as he wrapped an arm around you. The other used to stabilize you both. "I saw the end of what happened and wanted to make sure you are okay." Although you hated Rafe Cameron before this moment, he was the only one there. The irony of the situation.
And once you caught your breath, you shared the events of the past week. Everything from the artwork of the pogues to Shoupe, from your father to JJ saying he doesn't want anything to do with you.
"Listen to me, y/n. Just because you mess up once or a thousand times, you are not a bad person. You were dealt a shitty hand and I'm sorry JJ is holding it against you, but I promise you I won't. If fact, I kind of understand where you're at."
You scoff. "How? You're a kook and have everything you need and then some."
"My dad kicked me out because I kept relapsing, made me feel like I was weak. I know it's not the same, but I want you to know it's going to be alright. We're gonna get through this."
In a moment of vulnerability, you look into his eyes. "Together?"
He nodded. "I have extra room at my new place. There will be food, warm water, air conditioning, because I know for a fact you pogues don't have air conditioning." For the first time in a while, you genuinely chuckled at his teasing. "You'll have a bed and a room all to yourself. The door locks. You just can't go home back to Luke.”
"Okay, roomie." Rafe pulled you towards him in a comforting embrace. This was him righting his wrongs, he was trying to be a better person.
"Let's go." He helped you up and began leading you to his car. Both of you oblivious to the teary eyes in the distance.
JJ sat behind a bush, sobbing over his loss. The rest of the group called him an idiot saying that he was the problem and he was the one pushing her away. He knew it, but pride got in the way. He didn't mean what he said, but by the time he came to take it all back, you were in Rafe's arms telling him everything you should have told him. It should have been him comforting you, but he ruined it all. Now you were waltzing away with Rafe Cameron.
He wasn't sure he could ever make it right. Sorry would never be enough.
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tags: @deepestfancloud @obxluv @mrs-starkey1 @rafeswh0ree @halsmultibitch @agent007knight @hopebaker @fangirlfree @ameliaalvarez06 @fashphotolife @samcaniglia @apogueprincess @gryffindorpouge11 @multifandomwhore-003 @cooper8224 @bjrmaybank @youdontlikethatdoyoucupcake @osterfield23
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flossiewrites · 2 years
gabby's recommendations
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hello! welcome to my big fat list of obx fic recommendations! all of these fics are outer banks related :) <3
disclaimer: a lot of these recommendations are smut, and certain fics on this list include dark/triggering themes. please only read if you are 18+. there are more detailed warnings on each individual post.
last updated: august 17, 2022
personal faves are bolded!
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rafe cameron series
ambivalence, parenthood, burnout, letters to you, my girl, crazy love, sixth sense @mackenzielovee
euro trip universe, the internship, real deal, bested @lurkymurker
new light @outerbankies
father figure @milkiane
smutty sports @goldenjo
brother may i, the hills @cherienymphe
holy matrimony, silent love @luxestarkey
willow @pankowfruitsnackswriting
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rafe cameron one shots + blurbs
me and my brother, girl on film, boy on film @cockslut-padalecki
attitude adjustment, playing his game, surprise visitors, the ways of lust @bethoconnor
his, shower time, the babysitter, how does that make you feel, housewife hc, stepford wife, dark rafe hc @drewbooooo
jealous, the surprise, tutoring, blurb @mackenzielovee
less than zero, blurb @softcoreparadise
discreet, tryst @velvet-paradox
blurb @lovserrr
masterlist @sunnypogue
five minutes @lovinhub
whipped @luxestarkey
blurb @avenging-fandoms
needy @maybanksslut
medicine @maybankxw
possessive @goldenjo
lovin’ after a hard day @storytellingwitht
first fuck @rafesbabes
tip of my tongue @around1302
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jj maybank series
the romantic tirades of indie routledge, the domestic pleasures of indie routledge, the later years of indie routledge @cognacdelights
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jj maybank one shots
jail birds @spilledtee
mission accomplished @msgorillagripcoochie
the challenges of having sex in a dorm room @ptersparkers​
in for it @bethoconnor
breakup just to makeup @pankowforlife
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don’t treat me rough @diorstarr (ward x reader)
tease @drewbooooo (ward x reader)
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babeydollx · 3 years
🔮 - Blog Recs
These are all of my favorite blogs. I do have a second blog called @maybanks-luver-recommendations which I reblog peoples fics on there all the time and recommend stories and people on there all the time so, check that out too!
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@wannabestarkeysgirl & @wannabestarkeysgirlrecommends
@maybankforlife & @maybankforlife2 & @maybankforlifeficrecs
@pankowfruitsnacks & @pankowfruitsnackswriting
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pankowfruitsnacks · 3 years
I made a blog solely for my writing, just to keep it all in one spot. An uninterrupted place to view all my works. It was either do this or completely delete my blog bc that’s how my brain is working. They will slowly be switching over. :))))
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fine wine (r.c)
My work is NOT to be transferred, translated, reposted or copied to any other sites without my permission. That is plagiarism. But you can re-blog the heck out of it on here :)
paring(s): rafe x single!mom
summary: Y/n spends the day with the Cameron girls, while rafe is left with Willow.  (Part four in the WILLOW SERIES)
warning: single parent
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"Maybe I should just stay here, yeah?" Y/n did her best to justify canceling plans with Rafe's family. "Yeah. Me, you, and Willow. Just like every other Saturday."
Rafe chuckled. "We spend every day together with Willow. This will be good for you to get to know Sarah and Rose." Y/n had Wheezie over several times for dinner or to watch Willow while the adults enjoyed a date night.
"I know, but what if something happens to Willow? Or you for that matter? You always find a way to get hurt."
"Only when I want your attention." She playfully hit his shoulder.
"I'm being serious, Rafe. We going to vineyard on the mainland. I won't be able to just check in whenever. I won't be back until late."
"We're going to be alright. Topper is already here and wheeze promises to check in. Not that I haven't watched Willow before, don't you trust me?"
She let out a hefty sigh. "I do. You know I do."
Rafe brushed the back of his knuckles up and down her jaw. "Then what is it? You were excited to hang out with Sarah. Is it Rose?"
"I just- I have never been this far from Willow and I'm not sure I want to be."
Rafe understood where she was coming from. He felt the same way when he had to leave for a business trip or something. It was different for him though because he didn't birth Willow and he hasn't had the privilege of knowing the beautiful young girl for half the amount of time y/n did, although in his mind, he loved her like she was his own. "I'm going to be very blunt. You're gonna have to get used to it. The things I have planned for our honeymoon don't even take place on this continent."
Tears brimmed the mothers eyes. "Willow isn't coming with us?" As quick as the tears fell, Rafe wiped them away.
"We can talk about it later." They have talked about a wedding briefly, but y/n seemed to keep putting it off by down playing the seriousness. Rafe understood how scary it could be and then bringing a kid into the mix, none of it would be a linear plan. "I didn't mean to upset you. This is just apart of life."
"Yeah I know. I'm just overwhelmed." Rafe helpped his girlfriend stand up.
"Let me help you get ready and then you can 'say see you later' to Willow."
"You know I love you and this has nothing to do with your family. I want to spend time with them." She spoke as they went to her room.
Rafe kept the door open as she gracefully sat down on the floor i front of the mirror. He grabbed her hair brush and began running it through the ends. "I know you do and I love that you are willing to give up your time to hangout with them when I am not there. That means the world to me."
Deep down, y/n knew Rafe was and is a family man. The way he deeply wanted to be apart of the Cameron household while still, in a sense, creating his own family bond with Willow and Y/n. It always left her in awe. Rafe chose them. Both of them. And he loved them beyond anything or anyone has ever loved them before.
When rafe was done brushing, he pulled her back into his chest, taking in her sweet, vanilla and strawberry  aroma. His eyes stared at hers through the mirror, both sharing the loving smile. "I am so in love with you. You are my love, my life, and my everything."
Y/n's smirk grew. "I know."
He began planting a thousand kisses on her face, pinning her ever so carefully to the ground. "Do you? Do you really?"
"Yes because I love you ten more times than that." He was so in love with y/n and it scared him, but it began the best feeling known to human kind. It was more addicting than any drug he could ever think of.
Rafe slowly allowed his body weight to press onto hers as she pulled him closer. He connected his lips to hers in a moment of passion.  He wanted her to know just how much she meant to him and how much better his life was because of her.
"I love you, but I need to get ready." She smiled from beneath him.
He gave her one last longing kiss then hopped off her. "I love Willow,  but I love when she's with Topper so we can have moments like this."
"Me too." She started to grab her clothes and head to the bathroom to change. Y/n hadn't let Rafe see her in that way yet and probably wouldn't until she was married. She knew first hand the possible consequences of sex and the silent but powerful bond it could build. She loved him but was beyond scared.
When she came out, Rafe attached his arms around her once more. His girlfriend wore an off white cropped turtle neck, a fall colored plaid shacket, and pair of jeans with holes in the knees. "Are you doing a lot of make up?"
"Just some mascara and tinted moisturizer. Why?"
"You look pretty like this and I have more time with you if you don't."
"I think Willow and Topper are in the play room." The pair when to join the others who were deeply invested in the book, A bad case of the stripes.
Rafe sat down examining the playroom. In reality, this was the master bed room, but y/n claimed it was too big for Willow and she, herself, had no need for the space. Rafe had previously talked with topper in helping put together a room for her while she was out today. He had to get Sarah and Rose in on it to keep her busy.
He wasn't going to do much except get a her a larger bed, better storage, some more personalization, and a few extra gifts. Rafe wanted her to be treated like the beautiful person she is and to allow herself to be put first for once.
"Top, did you ever catched stripes?" Willow shifted in lap to look at him. It was clear to all the adults in the room that the young child had an infatuation with Topper. It was sweet the way Topper just allowed it. Willow had managed to wrap the island's top two toughest guys around her small finger.
"Oh, many times. But it didn't happen with just Lima beans. You have to eat all your vegetables."
"For you, I will." She grinned. "That's what mommy says to Rafe when he tells her to do something,"
"Mommy is a SIMP." Topper kissed the child on the forehead then looked up to the adults.
"She's my SIMP." Rafe wrapped an arm around y/n as they sat on the ground. "Willow, mommy has to go. Can you come bye bye?"
The child slipped off and ran to her mother. "Mommy can I come with you?"
"I wish, but you're gonna hang out with Rafe and Topper all day. I'll be here when you wake up." The young mother's voice was soft with a hint of sadness, but she knew her daughter was in the best hands possible.
"I'm going to miss you, but we'll have fun." She hugged her mom as tight as possible. Willow's biggest fear was that her mom would leave her. Her mom was all she had. Sure Rafe was there and now Topper as well, but her mom has never not been there. "Please come back.
Y/n gave Willow one last kiss on the cheek then pressed her lips to Rafe's. "I love you both. And you too Topper."
"No mommy." Willow cried out. "I love him."
"You can have him." With that Willow went yo Topper to read once more while Rafe walked her to the car waiting in her.
"I'll see you tonight." Rafe gave her another longing kiss. "But call me whenever you need, even if it's just because you miss me because just know I'll be missing you a million times that much."
"I don't know what I did to ever deserve someone like you."
"I know." Rafe's blue eyes sparkled down at her as she stared back with questions. "You gave me a chance to hang out with you and Willow instead of work. That's exactly what I needed."
A honking noise snapped their attention to the car. An impatient Rose and Sarah sat in the front. Y/n began to run off as Rafe mouthed an "I love you." She returned the gesture and got in the car.
Rafe was sliding in the mattress as Willow clung to his leg, giggling at the man's struggle. "You're strong, Rafe."
"Why thank you, princess." He loved having her company while he was setting up y/n's new room with Topper and a few others, but they were grabbing food. There was no way Rafe would let anyone drive off with his little girl. "Do you mind holding the door for me sweetheart?"
Willow unlatched herself and stood by the door. It was already opened, but Rafe knew she wanted help so he created mini tasks for her to complete. Earlier he had the child count how many steps it was from the front door to her room. Poor girl kept losing count after twenty, but she was so happy.
"Why are we wrecking my playroom?" She questioned as he passed by.
"You see, baby. This is called the master bedroom and it's for the people who own the house."
"Mommy owns this house."
"Very smart girl. So I think mommy should get the biggest room." He smiled.
A small frown appeared on her lips. "Yea, but where will my toys go?"
"For right now, they can stay in your room and then we'll move them to mommy's old room."
"I guess that's okay." She ran over to Rafe as he set down the mattresses in front of the frame.
Rafe scooped her into his arms while simultaneously pulling out his phone to play some music. "You wanna dance, baby girl. I want to dance." He began spinning her around, humming lines of the country song playing. But nothing compared to the sound of her laughter bouncing off the walls.
"Sing, Rafe! Sing to me." The child begged. Anything she asked, he would do.
"Now until the day I die, unconditionally, you know I'm always gonna be here for ya." Willow rested her head on his chest listening to the low vibrations of his voice then joined in the familiar song. "No one's ever gonna love you more than God, your mama, and me."
Rafe knew she was probably too young to fully understand the lyrics, but some day he hopes she will and when that happens, she'll remember him singing it and how much he meant it.
"This is a sight I don't think I will ever get used to." Topper interrupted the moment, but Willow was already slowly drifting off to sleep.
"It's almost been six months, Topper and I just want to been in Willow and Y/n's life forever."
"I get it man. They are some of the coolest, most real people I've met. You're lucky to have them." Topper spoke softly as Rafe bounced Willow on his hip.
"You have no idea. I never thought I would ever be in love. At least not like this. I believed it was going to be one that my dad and rose set up, you know? A "love" for appearance, to save the family name, one that a pogue only dreams of. But Topper, it's really out there. I just had to look past myself and my work. And I cannot begin to tell you how beautiful it is."
"It's almost sickening how much of a SIMP you've become, but you deserve it. After everything you've been through." Topper referenced his senior year of college where he went through an intense rehab program and rebuilding everything from there. In a few words, he was zero fun.
"Thank you, Top."
"Food is here. The help are in the kitchen. Do you want me to put her down?"
"I want to hold her a little longer. But you have to stop calling them the help even if they are here to help. You are talking about my sister's boyfriend." Rafe knew topper was playing around, but deep down he was holding an old grudge.
"Ya, my ex girlfriend's new boy. And I sat in the car with him and his pogue friends."
"And you're still alive, aren't you?"
"You know, you're starting to sound like y/n. 'Be friends with everyone,' god, even your sense of humor."
"I hope so. She's so wonderful and a genuine person. I'm glad it's rubbing off on me" Rafe's face just lit up. "I'm going to call my girl. We have to put the mattress and bedding on, then move in her clothes and belongings. If they want to leave they can."
"Can I?"
"Do you have somewhere to?" Rafe questioned, already knowing he had no other plans and promised Willow he would stay til her mom came back, or at least when Willow was for sure asleep.
"No, just wanted to see if you'd losen my leash." They both chuckled, throwing their head back.
"Get out of here before I choke you with it." And he did. Leave that is.
Y/n, Sarah, and Rose all stood at the tasting bar, listening to the owner rant about where his wines come from and what not. "I really like this one. It's not too sweet." Rose commented, clearing having a higher tolerance to the alcohol along with Sarah.
As for the young mom, drinking was not a regularity. In fact, she's barely had a sip of anything remotely close since Willow came along. She was way past tipsy. As each glass was downed, she grew more intoxicated.
"I agree. It's one of my favorites. What do you think, y/n?"
Y/n giggled in response. "I think you guys got me drunk and I-" she was slurring her words. "I don't remember what I was gonna say, but I'm getting a phone call. Excuse me."
She smiled as she stepped away. "Helloooo, Rafe."
His chuckle rang loudly through the phone. "Are you drunk, Sweetheart?"
"You know, I was just telling Sarah and Rose the same thing." Rafe could here her attempting to hide it, but nothing would. He loved hearing her like this. It was a first for him. Neither of the duo really drank in the other's presence, not to this extent.
"Are you at least having a good time?"
"I wish you were here. I really miss you but Sarah kept laughing at me when I wanted to call you. But I love you and I wish you were here. How's Willow?"
"We danced for a bit and she fell asleep in my arms." Y/n imagined the picture in her mind, swooning at the thought. "She's the second best thing that has ever happened to me."
"And the first?" She teased, knowing his next few. They have had this conversation a thousand times.
"You. You will always be the best thing that happened to me." Y/n stayed quiet, simply enjoying the sound of his breathing. "When are you coming back home?"
"We're gonna wrap up here and then hit some wine painting thing. Rose is dying to see what I can do."
Rafe's eyebrows knitted together. "You want to paint again?" She always talked about painting as if it was a thing of the past. Charles Rousseau ruined her dreams. At least that's how Rafe saw it. But maybe she still had a form a hope left.
"I miss it, you know. It was all I wanted to do at one point."
"Well then, baby, I don't think there is any harm in trying it again. Paint me something, will you? My assistant told me I should add some color to my wall at the office."
"Oh, Rafe. That's funny because I am your assistant." He never laughed so hard in his life except when he is with her.
"You're so drunk. I need you to be careful though because I love you and Willow loves you too."
"I will be so safe because I like when your at my house waiting for me. It makes me feel special."
God, Rafe was so in love with her. And she was in love with him equally as much. "We are the definition of simp and it's disgustingly cute."
"Rose and Sarah are giving me the evil I. So I need to um, hang up." Her voice got whiny, signally she was upset. "But I can't. Can you hang up on me?"
He sighed. "I don't want to, but I can. I love you and see you tonight."
"I love you most." With that he hung up.
Sarah rushed over after noticing some tears. "What's wrong?" Genuine concern filled her voice.
"I told him to hang up on me." She tried to steady her breathing. "And he did."
Sarah allowed the girl to hang around her neck. "We're gonna go paint and then I have a few bottles for the ferry ride. Then poof you'll see Rafe."
"You're right. Poof and then I'll see Rafe." A smile grew on both their faces.
"You really need to build your tolerance up when it comes to drinking. You'll never survive a kook event sober."
"I survived Wheezie's birthday without a drop." She took a breath before laughing even harder. "I did sit on the patio and cry after."
"Oh my god, you did not?"
"Yes. Anyways, let's go painting. I've cried enough tears in front of Rose today, she's totally gonna tell Rafe I'm not cool."
Sarah hugged her tighter as they walked. "And when has Rafe ever listened to what Rosa has said? He loves you, plus Rose thinks highly of you. This is just an initiation type thing."
"You're like my best friend, Sarah. I only talk you, Rafe, wheeze, and topper. Sometimes Kelce, but that's it."
"And you are mine. Now for real, let's go." Sarah began dragging the girl to the car, Rose chuckling  behind them.
Y/n clutched the canvas in her fist as she stumbled to the front door. It was a little after eight by the time the ferry reached the groups final destination.
"Rafe?" She whispered loudly as she opened the front door. "Babe?"
He was lightly asleep on the couch, clearly trying to wait for her. The girl ploppped on the ground in front of him, placing his hand on her head. "Please wake up. I want to talk to you." She could clearly see he was stirring at the sound of her voice. "I missed you."
"Hello gorgeous." He sleepily grinned. "You're back."
"Yea. I wanted to see you." Rafe could still hear the drunken tone in her voice. "I want to talk to you."
"I'm all ears, baby cakes. Come here." He opened his arms creating space for her to crawl into. "I want to hear all about your time."
The girl held out the painting in front of them, her back pressed to his chest. "I made it just for you."
Rafe noticed the intention of every brush stroke. It looked like it belonged in some museum, even if it was a half assed rough draft. Anything she did was priceless to him. "It's a beautiful heart."
"It's my heart. I want you to have it." Rafe removed his eyes from the artwork to his girl. "You can do whatever you want with it because no matter what, it's yours."
"I'm going to keep it forever."
"You mean that Rafe?" Her eyes were wide as he nodded. "Beacause you're it for me. You will always have my heart. Even if this love was to go down in flames, it will still be in your hands."
"Baby-" he started, but was quickly cut off.
"Let me finish. I have a point to all this." He leaned back, letting her control th conversation. "I don't want anyone else. I can't even begin to think about introducing Willow to someone new like that. It will only be you. I love you and I want to spend forever with you. Can we do that?"
Rafe chuckled. "Sounds like your proposing."
"Fuck it. Raphael Xavier Cameron, will you marry me? For worse of for better?"
Tears brimmed his eyes. "Really?"
"Yes. You promised me someday, so why can't that be today? I want to the whole thing with you. The wedding, the moving in, the doing life. I want to do that with you and Willow. And I know you're probably  thinking 'she's just drunk' but I've been thinking about this for a while and I never want to be far from you again. I want to know that you will always be here when I come home or at least you'll be coming home to me. I love you. So I'll ask again, will you marry me, Rafe?"
"Yes. I'll marry you." Rafe felt pure joy as he pulled her into him to kiss her. It was a long, deep, and passionate kiss. In a different setting it would lead to something more physical. Instead, the kiss sealed a promise. "I love you so much. I almost forgot, I have a suprise for you." He lightly shoved her up and stood with her.
"While you were gone, we did a little project. Topper, Willow, the pogues, and I."
"You had the pogues over?" She said more suprised than upset she is just now hearing about it.
"Yea, but that's not the point. I want you to know how special you are to me and you deserve everything in the world, so..." he opened up the door to the master bedroom, revealing a much more sophisticated version of her old room. "I know how much you loved your plants and I didn't want to change it up too much. Just a new bed and some more storage. I also stocked up the master bedroom for you. No more sharing."
Tears began trickling down her face. "Rafe you shouldn't have."
"Shouldn't have what? Spoil my fiancé, giving her everything she deserves and more? Taking care of her and her daughter and their needs? I think I should have."
"Fiancé?" Toppers voice pulled them out of the moment and they notice him in a chair, Willow sound asleep in his lap.
"Y/n proposed like five minutes ago. We're going to get married."
Topper stood up. "I'm gonna put her down and leave you guys to do what ever it is you choose." They smiled and allowed him to leave.
"Let me get dressed and then do you want to stay the night?" Her voice was soft. It was the first time she ever asked something like this. Sure, he's stayed late or came at the wee hours of the morning, but he never wanted to overstep her boundaries.
"Of course, my dear." So he waiting on the foot of his bed, a big grin on his face as he texted Sarah about the news.
When y/n came back, she pulled him up to her chest, running her fingers through his hair. "I love you so much, Rafe. You are perfect for me. More so, you are perfect for Willow. It's like life was a puzzle and you were the missing piece."
"You know what I'm thinking?" He smiled, looking up at her. "I really want to be Willow's dad. Like officially and on paper. If it's okay with you and we can sit down with Willow and talk to her and see her input, but yea. That's what I'm thinking."
"Yes. I think that's perfect." She shimmied down so she was face to face with rafe. His arms gently secured around her waist. "I'm really exhausted and just want to sleep in my fiancé's presence. We can talk more about it in the morning. Sound good?"
"Here's to someday." He kissed her.
"Here's to making it today."
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tags: @deepestfancloud @obxluv @mrs-starkey1 @rafeswh0ree @halsmultibitch @agent007knight @hopebaker @fangirlfree @ameliaalvarez06 @fashphotolife @samcaniglia @apogueprincess @gryffindorpouge11 @multifandomwhore-003 @cooper8224 @bjrmaybank @youdontlikethatdoyoucupcake
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stargazing (s.c)
My work is NOT to be transferred, translated, reposted or copied to any other sites without my permission. That is plagiarism. But you can re-blog the heck out of it on here :)
paring(s): sarah x reader
summary: A date night under the stars quickly turns to a night underneath Sarah.
warning: SMUT (18+), oral, fingering
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Y/n laid on blanket Sarah had set up in the front of my druthers. The cool breeze causing goosebumps to rise. That and Sarah's burning stare. "We're supposed to be looking at the stars. This is what you wanted to do."
Sarah snuggled closer, looking up at her girlfriend through her eyelashes. "I just like looking at you more. Do you understand how truly captivating you are?" Even Sarah could feel y/n's body temperature rise throughout her chest.
Sarah grinned against her collar bone before pressing a gentle yet needy kiss to her skin. "Sarah!"
"It's too cloudy to see most of it." Her hands began to run underneath y/n's flimsy shirt. "Come on princess. I know this was always your intention. You're not even wearing a bra."
Y/n felt her nerves ignite with fire as Sarah rolled the nipple between her fingers. The very action caused y/n to arch her back giving Sarah enough access to snake an arm around her and pull y/n on top. A moan escaped both their lips as y/n began to grind her hips down.
In a matter of a few moments both girls were stripped of every clothing. Sarah sat propped up on her hands, legs pulled up to her chest and opened wide. "I need to feel something, y/n." She mumbled as her girlfriend led a long lick from her neck right down to her core. Sarah buck her hips as a pair of lips wrapped around her clit. "Right there. Like th-" a pornagraphic moan screamed out as y/n's fingers entered, hooking to reach the spot. "Oh god." Sarah threw her head back.
"Cum for me." The vibrations drove Sarah over the edge. Her juices landed oh y/n's tongue as she licked up her mess.
Sarah's labored breathing caused y/n's arousal to leak out even more, spreading to her thighs. "Sit up for me, baby." Sarah demanded.
"Okay, mommy."
"God, I love when you call me that." She grinned, pulling her lovers legs towards her. Sarah then leaned y/n backwards, throwing one leg around her. The other was trapped beneath Sarah's thigh. "Let mommy make you feel good." Y/n whimpered. Doe eyes staring up at Sarah. The blonde girl began mercilessly rubbing her clit against y/n's.
"You're so good to me." Y/n muttered before engulfing her lips around Sarah's perky nipple.
Once again Sarah threw her head back in pleasure. "I'm coming."
"Let it out, mommy." And she did, but she didn't stop. Sarah continue to rub her juices all over y/n's pussy until she came.
When both finish, they laid there in their release and sweat as the rain began to fall. "It's drizzling, baby."
"No dip, Sarah. Maybe we should take shelter."
"No. Just hold me."
Y/n smiled. "I am so in love."
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tags: @deepestfancloud @obxluv @mrs-starkey1 @rafeswh0ree @halsmultibitch @agent007knight @hopebaker @fangirlfree @ameliaalvarez06 @fashphotolife @samcaniglia @apogueprincess @gryffindorpouge11 @multifandomwhore-003 @cooper8224 @bjrmaybank @youdontlikethatdoyoucupcake @osterfield23
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sunday (r.c)
My work is NOT to be transferred, translated, reposted or copied to any other sites without my permission. That is plagiarism. But you can re-blog the heck out of it on here :)
paring(s): rafe x single!mom
summary: Rafe begin to spend every Saturday with Willow and her mom. Unfortunately plans had to be canceled. Instead of forgoing seeing one another, they make plans for Sunday. (Part two in the WILLOW SERIES)
warning: single parent, slight mention of shitty family
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It had been a month full of Saturdays since Rafe first joined Willow and Y/n. Now it was rare for them to make any other plans on that day. Rafe slowly learned how amazing time off was. Although he conducted minimal work still on Sundays, by the time Monday rolled around, he was energized for the new work week. More importantly he looked forward to Saturday. A day he spent with his two favorite girls.
Y/n constantly filled his mind. When he woke up, all he wanted to was text her and asked how she slept. And when night came, he thought about if she had enough to eat. But he couldn’t. She never once showed interest beyond a friendship, they never hung outside of work except Saturdays. He never wanted her to feel uncomfortable with his advances. For now he would have to be satisfied with stolen glances at the office and simple touches here and there.
As for Willow, she began a light in his life. An image of pure, uninterrupted joy. Her giggles alone made him smile, not to mention they way she hugged onto his leg. The last time the three we’re together, Willow gave him a childish kiss on the cheek, told him that she loved him. It was a sweet moment, but warmed his heart immensely. Rafe always would look at the two and wonder how anyone could ever leave them. None of it was their fault, but he saw how y/n places that burden on her own two shoulders.
It had been a hectic week at the office for both Rafe and y/n. With the holidays approaching quickly, everyone’s focus had been elsewhere, looking forward to the Christmas week off. The man almost forgot his own Christmas plans with the extended family that weekend.  The reminder cause a frown to emerge. He would have to abandon the girls on which ever adventure they pick.
“Y/n?” Rafe quickly caught her before she could leave. It was a little past four, the bus coming soon and pick up time for Willow was nearing.
“Yes, Mr. Cameron.” The girl had insisted that during work she would keep it professional. She didn’t need anyone else believing she was taking handouts or seeking favoritism. Rafe tried to explain that it was okay, that not a lot of people worked in the wing. Nothing could change her mind.
“I have family coming in town for the holidays. It has completely escaped my mind.” Her smile faltered only for a second.
“I totally get it. As long as you aren’t working then my job is done.” Y/n’s face shown with content. Rafe almost thought she was glad he wouldn’t be around. Like he was some poor soul just needed a bit of help. It wounded his pride in more ways than one.
“Well, I’ll let you go. You have a good weekend.” She nodded and stepped out.
As the bus took off, all the girl could think about was Rafe. More so where her daughter was concerned. The child attached herself to him and looked forward to seeing him throughout the week. It’s all she heard about since they hung out with him the first time. Part of her questioned if it was best to bring him around as a constant. All y/n wanted for her daughter was the best and now she was unsure of her path.
When she thought of Rafe, she felt the warmness flood her body. He was kind and loving, and despite his front, the man was funny. He saw life differently than the rest of the world. In his eyes, y/n could see both the good he’s endured and the pain that he struggles with daily. Similar to her, the only difference is he uses it as his source of drive and power, whereas she separated herself from it in hopes to move on and not think about all she’s given up.
It would be a lonely Saturday, but one she would make the most of. Spending every second with her daughter.
Rafe stood at the counter, glancing at the clock every so often. Willow would be dragging her feet just about now, begging to “fill her tummy.” He smiled at the thought.
Out of curiosity, he caved into texting y/n. A Saturday with her was worth more than a family get together. He barely knew them and they weren’t invested in his or his family’s lives. They only came around when they could get something out of it, such as Christmas. No hate, he got along with them, just not his favorite thing.
Rafe: ‘checking in to see how you and Willow are doing. What adventure did she pick?’
He quickly clicked off his phone and helped Rose carry the main dish to the dining table. Rafe took a seat next to his father and Sarah, but Sarah was in conversation with John B and Wheezie about one of her college stories. Ever since she turned twenty-one, she thinks it’s socially acceptable to be a party girl. At one point in his life, that was him, and he would almost be proud of her. But he grew up. He saw things in a different light. Especially since meeting y/n. She too was twenty-one, but priorities were different. That woman had to grow up faster than most people her age and he could never imagine.
While everyone made their plates, Rafe took the time to check his phone.
Y/n: 'Willow had a fun time exploring the ER’
Rafe: 'Is she okay?’
His genuine concern surprised him once more. He couldn’t even imagine what he would do if it was serious. But the light tone of y/n’s text soothed his nerves.
Y/n: she’s coloring in her tent content as can be. Willow had every nurse and doctor wrapped around her fingers. Even bought her apple juice pouch on command.
Rafe: 'What happened?“
Y/n: I got distracted while cooking. Burnt my hand.
Rafe cringed inwardly at the thought. He learned early on that mothers have no off days, especially single moms. She surely wouldn’t take a break for a burn. And there would be no help from anyone else.
Rafe: That wouldn’t have happened if I was there.
He took the chance to be bold before slipping the phone back in his pocket. Rafe eagerly wanted to hear her voice to the point calling her consumed his thoughts.
"Rafe?” His father waved his hand in front of his face. “You with us?”
“Sorry.” Rafe shook his head. “Work related message.” He half lied. His assistant was work and the injury could impact her job.
“Is everything alright?” Ward began showing concern, thinking it was about another deal or problem.
“Y/n burnt her hand.”
“Send her my condolences and best wishes.” Ward easily saw the way his son began attaching himself to y/n. He’s done that type of thing since he was little. But this almost seemed more than that. As if his son had actual feelings. He didn’t know much about y/n, only that she had a hold on Rafe and could potentially be someone special in his life.
“I will.” Rafe smiled. “Now what we’re you saying?”
Y/n stared at the message she previously sent. He still hasn’t seen it, or at least made it known if he’s viewed it. That terrified her.
Y/n: 'Maybe if you showed up, it would feel better.’
It was blatantly flirtatious, but she didn’t know what else to do. It nearly drove her crazy not to see him. Her became part of her schedule and any disruption scared her. Part of her thought there was a deeper connection over time between the two. There had to be some explanation for the way Rafe treated her and Willow. Maybe it was made up in her own mind. But none of that mattered now because she made her move and will have to lay in the bed she made.
Rafe: 'By the time things wrap up here, it would be past Willow’s bedtime. Would tomorrow work?’
Her heart sighed. Things were for sure changing and she hoped it was for the best.
Rafe: 'Also my dad sends his best wishes, hoping for quick healing.’
Y/n: 'Don’t worry, I can still get the paperwork to him by the deadline.’
She chuckled at the small joke. She knew his father cares about his employees but sometimes he wanted to make sure the job gets done.
Rafe: 'Good thing you have to week off to ease up.’
Y/n: 'Don’t you have the week off as well?’
Rafe: 'There’s always things to do, y/n’
Y/n: 'Guess I’m going to have to keep you hostage for the Christmas holiday.’
Rafe: 'Wouldn’t be that bad.’
Y/n: 'I’ll see you tomorrow.’
Y/n sat in her bed, back pressed in the corner of the wall. Willow curled up in her lap while watching Sesame Street of the laptop, trying to her best keep up with the numbers. Her attention was solely focused on that, completely unaware of when her mom slipped her off to answer the doorbell.
She looked through the door only to get a glance of rafe. He wore a matching grey sweat suit and a tan plaid jacket. As she opened it, he lightly pushed a small bouquet of flowers with a sheepish grin on his face.
“Peonies. For healing.” The light flush that rose to his cheeks became evident, so he pretended to turn around and check if his car was locked.
“Come on in. I’m going to grab a vase and then we can surprise Willow.” Rafe noticed how y/n floated throughout the house despite her hand being wrapped up. “I didn’t tell her you were coming.”
Rafe thought about the joy soon to appear on Willow’s face and that made him grin ear to ear. “How’s the hand?”
“Second degree burns. It’s the size of my palm and part of my fore arm.” A shiver over took his body as he squirmed thinking about it.
“Ow, god damn. How does that even happen?”
“Willow ran up crying and I had a pot of bowling water. To not drop it on her, I placed my hand underneath to hold it.” She only wanted to protect her daughter. “It happens sometimes. I’m just glad she’s okay.”
Rafe noticed the selfless quality in her from day one, but this was so new to him. A mother who would do anything for her child. It’s different than the mother who left him and his two sisters behind. “Speaking of Willow, let’s go see her. I missed her.”
Rafe followed y/n into a small room. The walls were painted an off white, with vines hanging all about. It gave off that college dorm room vibe. Two twin sized mattresses were stacked beneath the window sill dressed in white bedding. A few wooden shelves were scattered. It was minimalist, lacking the childhood wonder Willow exhibited. Therefore he concluded it must have been y/n’s room. It was cute but really showed her youth.
Willow turned her attention away from screen to the man. “Rafe!” She squealed, shooting up. As he bent down to give her a hug, she summoned him to sit on the bed with her. Rafe sent a questioning glance to y/n, asking for permission. With her approval, he plopped down while Willow crawled onto his lap.
“What are you watching, lolo?” Y/n’s heart melted as she sat next to him. Rafe began calling her 'lolo’ after the second time they hung out. She didn’t know where it came from, but it was sweet. Seeing her daughter smile that big made y/n nearly propose to him on the spot. Just so Willow would be happy.
“Sesame Street. It’s my favorite.” The girl reached for her moms hand, dragging her closer. “With my favorite people.” Everyone joyfully giggled.
Rafe subtly pulled y/n closer, wrapping an arm around her. In return, she rested her head on his shoulders. “When is her nap time?” He asked, knowing an overall idea of the schedule already.
“An hour or so. I got to get her lunch ready.”
Rafe raised his eyebrows. “You shouldn’t be cooking with a burn. Take it easy.”
“I just have to just be careful.” She light nudged him, pushing him to lay down so they could both be comfy “She’s gonna have a lot more energy now that you’re here.”
“So it’s my fault that her mom invited me over?”
“No, but you seem like the type of person who burns a grilled cheese. Could you, I don’t know, keep her occupied.” Rafe grinned as she lightly wrapped her arms around him. It was an odd situation to be in. It seems that he became the little spoon. The feeling amazed him, almost as much as her gentle touch.
“We can run around in the backyard while you’re cooking.” He went to go move, but y/n held him down.
“Not yet, I like this.” Her chin nuzzled in between his shoulder and neck. His scent was intoxicating. Whirls of a warm mahogany teakwood and a sweet apple cinnamon filled her nostrils.
Rafe turned his head to get a glance at her. “Not as much as I do.” Her eyes we vulnerable, surely they would have to discuss it when Willow went to sleep. If they didn’t, things would surely get awkward.
After some time, y/n peeled off and made her way to the kitchen. Rafe sat up as well. “Do you want to go outside?”
She nodded. Allowing him to pick her up. “Mommy said to grab you puffy coat. Where is that?” Willow was familiar with dressing herself, typically her mom laid out what she wanted just so everything would match.
The girl leaned into him. “My room.” Rafe had never stepped foot beyond the front door so he wasn’t sure which one belonged to the girl.
“Is it this one?” He tapped a door and she began giggling.
“No! It’s over there.” Willow squealed again, leaning towards the other side of the hall. Rafe rushed that way making airplane noises as they went along.
The walls were a light gray with her name gracefully painted in cursive. Willow’s bed was a size bigger than her mom’s, pink bedding matching the area rug in the middle of the floor. She had a play tent set up in the corner. “Sit!” She pointed to it, before climbing off Rafe to grab her cold gear.
It was obvious y/n splurged on her daughter, taking the left overs for herself. Rafe desperately wanted to take care of her physically and financially, but he couldn’t force it. He didn’t want to ruin anything. If he made her feel the slightest bit uncomfortable, she would most likely pack her bags and leave town.
“Are you ready, baby girl?” Rafe questioned as she slipped on some fur boots.
“All done!” She threw her hands by her face with a her face pinched in a grin. Willow ran quickly throughout the house, all the way to the back door. She struggled immensely with the concept of sliding door. At least she knew it was glass and not opened. He would have lost it.
The pair began running outside, creating a world of make believe. Rafe ended up playing the dragon and prince all for the entertainment of Willow. It was exhausting, but he loved every second of it. Too many thoughts ran through his mind as he 'died’ on the patio pavement.
Y/n watched from the door way, a few tears escaped her eyes. Everything he did, caused her heart to grow even more for him. In fact it began beating for him. The way it picked up when he shared a smile at the office or when Rafe leaned over her, showing her something with paperwork. Lately, all he said went over her head,  only feeling his breath on her neck. It was too much.
Not to mention, the moment Rafe and y/n shared earlier. She never felt anything so pure, just holding him while he held her daughter. One of his hands stayed intertwined y/n’s, his thumb rubbing small circles.
“Willow! Lunch is ready.” She called out.
Rafe sat up. “Come on, lo. Mommy made some lunch.” Willow lifted her arms up, saying she was tired and needed to be carried to the table. “Anything for you, princess.” The young girl placed a kiss on his cheek, the rested her head on his shoulder.
Once inside, Rafe helped her wash her hands then set her down in the chair beside him. She instantly began telling her mom about Rafe saving her. The way her arms animatedly moved was adorable. He didn’t dare interrupt, just sat and listen while her mom tried to get a bite of her food in every few sentences.
Y/n looked at Rafe every so often, silently thanking him. The way he made her daughter feel special made herself feel special and extremely grateful for him.
“I can clean up.” Rafe offered. “You can put her down for her N-A-P.”
Y/n chuckled. Willow would flip at the word nap. Being told what to do would not fly with her toddler tantrums. “Thank you.”
With that, she picked up the girl, making promises of a princess book. “I’m tired.” Willow rubbed her eyes when she was placed down on the mattresses.
“Well it’s okay to close your eyes for a bit.”
“Will Mr. Rafe be here after?” Her daughter’s sweet voice filled her heart. The same question invaded her own thoughts. After the conversation that was bound to happen, who knows if he would still be around.
“I don’t know baby.” She brushed strands her her baby curls back. “I hope so.”
A kiss on the forehead and a quick story, Willow was out like a light.
Rafe sat on the couch, listening to the voices that carried. Of course he wanted to still be here when Willow woke up. He never wanted to leave his two favorite people. There is absolutely nothing y/n could say or do that would change his mind.
“Sorry. She just wanted to make sure she could say bye to you before you left.” Rafe shot her a soft grin.
“If you want me to stay, I will.” Y/n took a seat next to him, once again, allowing him to pull her closer.
She snuggled closer, pulling her legs closer to her chest. “Forever?” She hummed.
“I think we can work on that.” He smiled. “Because over that past few weeks I have had the privilege to get to know you and your daughter. I had the chance to follow you two around. If I am being honest, I’ve come to really like you. Even love. And I know that’s crazy, but I can’t stop thinking about you.”
She buried her head in his chest, hiding the warmth that flooded her cheeks. “Rafe.”
“I’m sorry. I know I’m your technically your boss, but I guarantee we never planned on this. It just happened.” He sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I can’t be the only one feeling something. Not when your here, curled into my side, asking about forever.”
“You’re not wrong, but I’m just not sure about a lot of things.” Rafe felt rejected and for the first time in a long time he didn’t have immediately resort to anger. Back then he would of shoved her off and stormed out, but he’s changed. And she wasn’t like any other girl he knew before. It wouldn’t be fair to treat her like one. Instead, he just held her tighter.
“We can figure it out together. I want to be there any way you need. I want to just be there with you.” She was torn between pulling away and giving into his comfort.
“There’s a lot of things about me that you don’t know. The things I’ve done or even thought.” What would he think of her? Fear bubbled in her throat at all of her rebellion and troubles. “Willow is just the beginning.”
Rafe couldn’t understand. “I hope one day you’ll tell me all about it.”
“Rafe, you’re respectable, hardworking, and wonderful. Anyone would be privileged to know a sliver of who you are. Someone like you would taint you’re reputation. They’d call you a fool for throwing your life away for someone like me.” Rafe heard the torment in her tone. He could also sense the pain it caused her to even say those words.
Before, she never had to open up to anyone. Most people found out about Willow and ran. That’s before she even opened up about her family or Paris for that matter. It was a surprise Rafe lasted this long.
“Y/n, I don’t want to argue or fight. And I don’t want to cause you to feel pressured. But I love you and I love your daughter. For who you are right now and who you guys will become. Whatever happened in the past happened. I can’t change that. Whatever it is could only make me love you more because you are…” He looked around, thinking of how to convoy his emotions. “You. You are you.”
Y/n sat there, stunned. Pieces of her wanted to cry, but she couldn’t seam weak in his presence, she wouldn’t allow it. “You are very kind Rafe. I don’t want you to sign up for anything you don’t want to. It’s a lot.”
“I’m not perfect either. Someday soon we’ll talk about it. I promise to be here for as long you’ll allow.”
“You mean it?”
“Of course.” He placed a kiss to her temple.
“No. Kiss me.” She shifted with a grin.
“On the lips?” The gleam in his eye was evident to everyone.
“I think that could work.” Fear corset through her as she leaned in. She hasn’t kissed anyone since before Willow was born, let alone get close to anyone.
“Don’t be scared. I’m right here.” Rafe closed the gap, feeling every spark fly around the room. It’s crazy how he could already read her so well.
It couldn’t have been more the a few moments when they hear the voice of the young girl. “Mommy! Rafe! Breathe.”
Rafe pulls away, chuckling. “We’ll figure this out.” He glanced between the two of them and Willow.
“Maybe we could go to that Mexican place for lunch.” She pressed one more kiss. “While Willow has school you know.”
“Is she off this week?” Rafe scooted over, allowing Willow to crawl between.
“Only Christmas Eve til the weekend.” Nothing could interrupt their smiles and moments.
“Well, you see I’m off this week. And I only enjoy time off with my two favorite girls. I don’t want to be shunned for working on time off.”
“Are you guilting me to kidnap my daughter so you have something to do?”
“Yea. I am.” He grinned. Willow on the other hand heard the words kid and nap and knew exactly where that was going. “I not tired. I do no need nap. Please.” The girl drug out every syllable of the last word as she began to cling to Rafe for dear life.
“I think she needs you.” Y/n smiled.
“It’s okay, Lo. I’ll protect you from mommy. No naps for a while.”
Every giggled, finally settling down and making plans on some delivery dinner. Y/n and Rafe both shared knowing glances, excited to see where this goes.
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tag: @deepestfancloud @obxluv @mrs-starkey1 @rafeswh0ree @halsmultibitch @agent007knight @hopebaker @fangirlfree @ameliaalvarez06 @fashphotolife @samcaniglia @apogueprincess @gryffindorpouge11
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paris (r.c)
paring(s): Rafe x single!mom
summary: After spending the day meeting the Cameron’s and Rafe’s friends, questions of y/n past begin surfacing, leaving Rafe to ask what happened in Paris. (Part three in the WILLOW SERIES)
warning: depression, anxiety, abortion, teen pregnancy, mention of sex (no smut though)
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(master list) (tag list)
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Y/n listened to the footsteps down the hall. Considering the time only 5:15 in the morning, the only other person in the house was Willow. But the footsteps were too heavy to belong to her daughter’s. As the fear built up inside her, so did the courage to face whatever in might be out there. The woman had to know her daughter was safe. She would do anything to protect her.
Grabbing the wooden baseball bat and a small container or pepper spray, she began her journey to find the source of the sound. Willow’s door was still shut, so she continued passed. When y/n neared the kitchen, she could see the shadow of a large man lingering over the kitchen counter.
“Rafe Cameron, what the fuck are you doing?” She exclaimed in a loud whisper.
“Happy one month?” He chuckled.
“I was ready to bash your head in. How did you-”
“You gave me a key. I wanted to do something special.” He tried to hold in a combustion on laughter. Her hair sprawled out in every direction and some how still managed to take his breath away with a subtle beauty.
“By breaking in?” Her heart still beat quickly within her chest as her eyes began to focus on his moon lit features. Every outline of his muscles casting a shadow of comfort and strength.
“I brought coffee.” She rolled her eyes as she moved closer to close the gap. Rafe’s arms wrapped around her instinctively. “Sorry to scare you, love.”
“You woke me up almost an hour before normal. I should be mad at you.” Her teasing tone clearly evident to him.
“If it’s any better, my intention was to leave it on the table and head into the office early.” His shoulders shrugged before placing a kiss to her forehead.
“Well too late.” A sigh escaped her lips. “I’m heading back to bed. You can either cuddle me or sit in here, but I will not let you go into work early. Not with out your assistant anyways.”
“Cuddles?” His voice filled with softness, a slight pitch higher with love and admiration. “Tempting, but I had plans this morning.”
Y/n began to slowly step backwards, hands still wrapped around him doing her best to pull him with her to the room. “Like what?”
“Well I wanted to pick up some flowers for my assistant. Maybe decorate her desk with cute notes. I just want her know how special she is.” He mumbled. It was difficult for rafe to keep any secret from her. All she had to do was look at him and he’d be under her spell.
“Must be one hell of assistant. I’m jealous.” They we’re almost to her room. She lowered her voice as they passed Willow’s room. “As sweet as that is, you woke me up. And I can’t let you off the hook for that.”
“So your punishment are cuddles?” His eyebrows knitted together while carefully formulating a plan.
“Ya. You have to stay.”
“Maybe I should wake you up more often.” He gave her light kiss, pushing her into her room.
“Just shoot a text the night before. I don’t think your dad would appreciate me calling the police on his son.”
“The would not be good.” Y/n released him then plopped down on the bed. She curled her body around a pillow as he laid down next to her.
“Pull up the covers and hold me. I’m tired.” Her sleepy voice demanded.
“You have to hold me too. I don’t want to compete with a pillow.” She turned towards him.
“Well I’m competing with your assistant.” She challenged, snuggling closer.
“If you can promise we have more mornings like this, then I’ll declare you the winner right now.”
She hummed a small response, drifting away to sound of his heart beat. A steady sound she could point out miles away. Rafe would never be able to hide his presence from her.
He just laid there, coffee already pumping through his veins. His fingers subtly brushed through her soft, untrained stands of hair, lulling her into a deeper sleep. Rafe just happily hummed, believing every good day should start off like this. There are no truly bad days when he had the most beautiful women in the universe wrapped up in his arms.
He decided to talk to the rising sun about his love and all he had planned for the future for the two. It was something he did quite often, thankful just to have y/n in his life. “I never thought I could have a life outside of work. But she came into my life and I don’t want to spend it any other way than with her and Willow. I’m so lucky to be loved by them.” He pressed a small kiss to the top of her head. Rafe caught a sting whiff of her strawberry scent hair wash, never wanting to forget the moment.
By the time her alarm began going off, the girl was already stirring in his arms, flipping back and forth. He decided to hold her a little tighter, pressing her back to his chest.
A few soft inaudible words left her mouth, before she truly started waking up. Y/n began to open her eyes and she felt the lips of her lover press kisses to the back of her neck. “Good. It wasn’t just my imagination.”
He smiled into the crook of her neck. “Nope this is definitely still a dream.”
“Either way, I’m the happiest girl in outer banks.” Rafe flipped her over giving a kiss to her lips. “Take it back. Happiest girl in the world.”
“Hate to say it, but the coffee might be cold.” She shrugged while sitting up.
“I through it in the pot to heat it up.” Rafe, once again, wrapped his arms around her.
“I could stay like this for a while.” He truthfully spoke out.
“Good thing you promised me forever.” A pure moment of bliss took over as he sucked lightly on a sweet spot. “Rafe!” She exclaimed.
“Sorry. Couldn’t help myself. You’re just too pretty.” He went back to his previous action. “Not when your skin is this soft and sweet.” Not to mention her intoxicating presence. The way her breathing hitched and became more labored as she tried to fight him.
“Rafael Xavier Cameron. I will not show up to your sister’s birthday with hickeys on my neck.”
“Consider them a token of my affection.” He planted one last soft kiss on the reddening mark. “Mine” he grumbled. “Besides, Wheeze won’t notice. She’s just gonna be happy to meet you. Did I tell you how nosy she is? Managed to find your Instagram and Facebook from only your first name.”
“Well if she doesn’t, Sarah or your parents might. Or even worse, one of your friends.” Embarrassment flooded her as she pulled away.
“Don’t worry it won’t even be purple. Just say Willow bit you or something.”
“Yes, Rafe. You are a genius. Let me not only tell them ‘I’m single with a kid, but she’s also part vampire and will bite.’ That will for sure go over well, babe.”
“Good thing you aren’t single.” He grinned.
“You know what I meant.” Her nerves began to get the best of her, thinking of all the what if’s and whatnot people might say. “People usually don’t think too highly of me already. I just don’t want to give them any more of a reason.”
“I’m sorry. I’ll go grab the whisk if you want?” His eyes matched the loving tone of voice.
“It’ll be okay.” She stood up, extending an arm for him. “I have to get ready, so could you please go sit in the living room?”
“I’ll get Willow up for you.” He seemed eager to do so.
“I usually don’t get her up for another hour or so. You know right before we head out.” Thankfully her daycare covers breakfast so y/n never had to worry about the girl losing Cheerios in the car. Definitely made the mornings easier.
Rafe frowned and began a mock whine. “But we have enough time to build Minnie’s Lego café and house.”
“Go wake her up if you want. We picked out her outfit together last night. Just know you’ll be the one to hold her when she gets cranky.” Rafe was practically to the girl’s room.
“It’ll be my pleasure.” She chuckled then began getting ready.
Rafe’s face lit up as his eyes landed on the young girl. “Lolo.” His softly sang, approaching the end of the bed. She mumbles a strand of incoherent words. “Just like mommy, huh? He chuckled at the resemblance between the two, even the bed head. He gently swept a few pieces back, letting his hand rest on her check. Willow gently pressed into his warmth with tired eyes now fluttering open. "Morning, sunshine.”
“Rafe!” She cheered, latching on to his arm. “You’re really here. We can play with my Legos.”
“I was just telling mommy the same thing,” He pulled Willow onto his lap and held her while she continued to wake up. Rafe allowed her to ramble on about the dreams she could remember.
“And you were there too. In my big castle. Big throne with mommy.” Her smile was bigger than the Atlantic Ocean.
“I love the sound of that.”
“Me too.” She climbed off. “It’s blue. Means I have to change.”
Rafe noticed the color lamp on her dresser. Y/n had mentioned how it was something she was testing out. Controlling the colors when it was time for a different part of her routine. He didn’t understand it all, but Willow and y/n did. Seemed to work.
Rafe sat in the tent, answering a call from Topper. “Bro, my mom is making me go to Wheezie’s party tonight with the family. Tell me you are going to be there. If not, I’m missing the ferry and staying at school. I can’t be around Sarah and John B all night.” Rafe chuckled.
“I will. Don’t worry.”
“Do you like it?” Willow demanded his attention. She had put on a matching tan set of sweatpants and sweatshirt.
“You look like mommy.” He pulled her into his arms.
“Rafe!” Topper yelled through the phone. “Are you listening to me?”
“Yea. One second.” He sat Willow down so he could fix her hair. “Piggies or bunnies?”
“Piggies.” Rafe nodded, placing the phone between his ear and shoulder.
“Dude, what’s going on?” Topper was genuinely confused, completely unaware of the older man’s love life. The topic never came up, so Rafe tended to keep it low key.
“I’m with willow. Y/n’s little girl.” He grinned, finally allowing himself talk about his girlfriend with his best friend.
“Who’s y/n?”
“You’ll meet her tonight, but she’s, uh, kind of my girlfriend?” It came out more of question. To be honest he was nervous. Not because of y/n but because of how people might react. Figure eight wasn’t always the nicest.
“Kind of?” Topper spoke, completely stunned by his words.
“Not kind of. She is and I really love her.”
“And me, Rafe?” Willow questioned.
“I love you most of all, lo.” Topper listened to the conversation, finally putting pieces together.
“Y/n has a kid? You’re involved with someone like that?” Topper didn’t mean anything bad by that, just surprised. But Rafe became protective.
“You shut your mouth. She is the best thing that has happened to me. Her and Willow, both. You will not make any more comments along those lines ever or I will b-e-a-t your face in.”
“Calm down, I’m just surprised about you. You’ve never been one to be tied down. I want to hear all about it tonight. And hopefully I can meet the two women who managed to take you off the market.”
“I’ll see you tonight, Top.” Rafe quickly hung up the phone, dying to give the princess his full attention.
“Who’s top?” She grinned.
“He’s one of my good friends from when I was your age. Like my best friend.”
The girl’s entire demeanor changed. “I don’t have one of those. Well mommy, but that doesn’t count. No one wants to play with me at school.” Rafe muffled her growing sobs into his chest. It must be the lack of sleep y/n mentioned. Willow tends to cry easier in that weakened state.
“Do I count?”
“What?” Her bottom lip quivered. Her eyes glistened, looking up at him.
“Can I be your best friend?” Rafe bounced her up and down on his legs.
“You want to be my friend?” Her brain could barely process it. Rafe was always nice, but she didn’t know they could be friends. “Even if I don’t have a dad?”
Rafe’s heart shattered. “That doesn’t matter to me.”
“Someone said they won’t play with me 'cus I don’t have one.” Rafe pieced it all together. Kids repeat what they hear from their parents and Willow picked up on the words. He noticed how the girl repeated all the good things her own mother said about it. “Made me feel icky.”
“Those people are mean. I’m sorry they said that. But today we’re gonna have a good day.”
“I have to go to school?” A frown plastered on her face.
“Yea. But then we’re gonna go to a party.” Her face lit up with excitement. “There’ll be cake and I’ll make sure you get some juice.”
“After school?”
“I promise.” She gave him a peck on the cheek.
“Can we go to school?”
“Of course, baby. Mommy is waiting for us.” With that, the morning was nearly over.
Rafe sat in his truck, waiting for Y/n to grab Willow from her daycare. He was nervous. Probably more nervous then Y/n. She was used to it, and all though he wasn’t embarrassed of embarrassed of her, he desperately did not want to see the girl hurt due to the people he surrounded himself with. He saw how it affect both her and Willow. They deserve everything good in life.
Every scenario of how the night might turn out ran through his head. He was just hoping his family and friends could shut their mouths for one night.
“Ready to go?” Y/n spoke softly as she placed Willow on the car seat. Rafe had brought one for his own car shortly after they started dating. Even though y/n’s car was fixed, just incase he ever needed to pick Willow up.
“I’m not ready to share you.” He hummed, doing his best to hide anything but excitement.
“You’re nervous.” She read through him like a Sunday newspaper.
“Because I love you and I don’t want them to mess with what we have.” She grinned at his admission.
“Then don’t give them the power to. If things don’t go well, then so be it. I’m not for everyone.” Rafe hated the way she said so matter of factly.
“You’re right. You are for me.” He pressed a kiss to her temple and took off.
“I’ll be okay. Willow and I will be okay. You and I will be okay. Just keep reminding yourself that.”
“I love you, y/n.” Rafe gingerly kissed the inside of her wrist. “And I love you Willow.” He shouted slightly louder, pure laughter in his tone.
The drive wasn’t long, just right past the office. “Oooh. Not only is the neighborhood gated but so is your house.” The girl ruthlessly tease.
Rafe couldn’t contain his laughter. “First time?” He managed to match her tone.
“Been a while since I’ve seen the finer things of life.”
“It’s party time. Right Rafe?” Willow squealed as they pulled up.
“Just for you, baby.”
Y/n whacked his shoulder. “It’s Rafe’s sisters birthday. So when you meet her, what will you say?”
“It’s my birthday.” She cheered.
“I cannot believe you, Rafe. She is going to believe it’s all for her.”
Rafe could only grin. “Good. Now let’s go celebrate my sweet and precious little girl.” Y/n rolled her eyes but secretly adored his choice of words. Willow was 'his’ little girl. In that moment she realized Rafe was it. No one could love the two of them the way he did. A life without rafe would be hell.
“Mommy, you’re pretty.” Willow tugged on her mothers leg.
“Thank you, baby.”
Rafe placed Willow on his hip than turned to y/n. She wore a loose fitted black turtle neck with a black and white plaid skirt. Her legs tucked in black tights and thigh high boots and a long trench coat engulfing her whole being. “You are the picture in the dictionary when I look up perfection.”
“Use that on all the girls you bring home?”
“Only when the picture matches the same one as girlfriend.” He wrapped arm around her, leading her to the door.
“I’m here!” Rafe called out. Y/n could hear a few words and shuffling feet. “With my girlfriend.” She grinned up him as people came into view. He leaned down and whispered a few words of comfort. “We’re going to be okay.”
“I’m Rose. Rafe’s step mother.” The woman plastered a smile on her face. Y/n struggled to tell if it was genuine.
“Ward and Rafe have both spoke very highly of you.” Her attention soon turned to the little one in Rafe’s arms. “And who might this pretty girl be?”
“I’m Willow.” The child extended her hand just like her mother. Y/n implemented manners in everything. “This my party?”
Rose chuckled and stepped back. “I’m so sorry. I tried to explain to her it’s not her birthday, but Rafe keeps fueling the fire.”
“It’s okay! Anyways, guest will be here soon. Wheezie and Sarah are in the basement setting up. They would love to meet you both.” Rafe smiled and began leading them to the basement.
“Did I do okay?”
“You were great, but the night is just beginning.” He kissed her on the temple once more.
“My turn, Rafe.” Willow turned her head to offer a cheek.
“You, my oh so sweet bundle of joy”-He pressed his lips to her cheek then lightly turned her face - “Get two because I love you so so so much.”
Y/n couldn’t take her eyes off the sight. Clearly neither could the other two girls. “Oh my god. What have you done with my brother?”
“Same Rafe I’ve always known.” Y/n simply said. “I mean, when he isn’t working himself into the grave.” The way her fingers caressed Rafe’s hand gave him all the comfort he needed for a lifetime.
The blonde girl spoke up. “I’m Sarah.”
“I’m y/n and this is Willow.” Sarah immediately went toward the child, complimenting her outfit. But the child immediately pulled away from Rafe and now clung to his sister. “And you must be the birthday girl. Big fifteen.” Y/n reached into her purse to pull out a small gift back. “Just a little something.”
“You didn’t have to.” The young girl beamed, grabbing it.
“Please it’s the least I can do for you. Letting a stranger crash and all.” Rafe was in awe at his girlfriend. He said there was no obligation for gifts, but she chose to anyways. That was his girl. The woman with the biggest heart and also desperately wanted to please his family.
Wheezie pulled out a small box hidden beneath the tissue paper. Rafe had no idea what she gifted his sister, but he was intrigued.
The birthday girl’s eyes lit up as she pulled out a dainty gold chain with letters spelling out her name. “It’s beautiful. I love it.” She began fiddling with the clasp.
“Let me help you.” Rafe spoke up, moving to help.
“I thought it would be fitting. Fifteen is the big age of finding out who you are and I think it’s important to remember who you’ve always been.” Wheezie stared up at her brother’s girlfriend. It was a very thoughtful gift even if they didn’t know each other at all. The gift made the her whole night.
Y/n quickly glanced over to Willow making sure she was okay and then took a seat next the girl. “You’re really cool, Y/n. I’m glad Rafe has you. I don’t know you but I’d like to.”
Y/n, now on the verge of tears, pulled her into a hug. “I’d like to get to know you too.”
“I’m joining in on this bonding thing. I’m just distracted.” Sarah yelled. Rafe walked over to the two and began playing with them.
“It’s a deal. We will plan something. Just let me know when you’re back in town.”
“Deal.” More people began to show up, pulling the girls in different directions, but Rafe always made sure y/n was always at his hip and Willow stayed in sight.
Y/n stood in the kitchen, glass of some juice gracefully placed in her hand. Rafe had roped her into conversation with his high school friends and their parents. Willow was off with Wheezie and a few of her friends.
“Where did you graduate from, y/n?” Mrs. Thornton casually asked amidst conversation about college highlights.
For the first time that night, she felt the shame of her previous choices. “I didn’t.” Rafe felt the woman shrink into him and he didn’t know how to help beside rub his hand comfortably on her back.
“Oh, are you attending a community or something?” The condemnation in the elder woman’s voice was clear as a crystal.
“I took a gap year and then Willow came along.” Rafe notice the disdain look in most of the adults eyes and he wanted to shield her from every unworthy glance.
Topper saw her discomfort and tried to change the subject. He understood how difficult navigating through a kook gathering was, not to mention, having a kid on top of that. “What did you do for your gap year?”
“I had an apprenticeship at an art gallery in Paris.” Rafe turned his head to look at her. He was always to scared to ask about Paris, always waiting for her to mention it first. But not knowing she wanted to pursue art, let alone she did. Part of him wanted to weep at the thought he didn’t realize.
Kelce was next to speak. “Meet any cool artist?”
“I actually worked along side Charles Rousseau.” A few jaws dropped, recognizing the name. Half of figure eight owned a piece or two from him. Rose decorated all residential properties with his prints.
Rose chimed in. “Then you must be really good to be awarded that position. I’d love to see your portfolio sometime.”
“Oh, I haven’t gotten around to anything since then.”
“That’s a shame. Waste of talent and potential.” Someone spoke quietly, enough for y/n to hear, but not to reach Rafe’s ears. He was already lost in his thought. A new conversation began to take place, cutting out the new couple.
“Rafe?” He hummed, finally snapping back to reality. “I should probably put Willow down.”
“Want help?” He lightly pulled her to the side.
“I don’t need her to be anymore riled up. You know how she loves to play princess and dragons. Plus you should catch up with topper and have some bro time.”
“If you head up the stairs, my room in the second on the left. She’ll be okay there until we’re ready.” His girlfriend nodded and started to pull away, but his arm stayed on her waist. “Come back.”
“What, Rafe?” She almost sounded annoyed or even frustrated, but in truth, she was exhausted.
“Kiss?” She complied as he pulled her closer. “I love you.”
“Thank you. I love you too. I’ll be back.” With that she was off.
Willow was practically slumped in Wheezie’s arms while the group of girls talked in hush whispers. “Mind if I take her?”
The dark haired girl smiled, passing her off. “You look like the adults chewed you up and spit you out.”
“Something like that.”
“Don’t let them scare you off. It just comes with the territory.” Willow stirred.
“Thank you. Happy birthday. We’ll make plans soon.” Wheezie agreed and then returned to the group.
Y/n did her best to lay her daughter down quickly and return to Rafe, but when she caught glimpse of the ocean balcony view, she couldn’t resist taking a breath of fresh air.
The second the salted air touched her skin and everything settled in, she let the tears fall. An embarrassment to figure eight. That’s what she was. A waste of talent and potential. It was like home all over again. She escaped the clutches of her family’s rich people activities only to fall into the hands of another.
But Rafe was good. He is good. He made her feel like a good person. Life was different with him. Pieces of herself felt like she was lying to him. He probably had so many questions about everything that she’s just brushed under the rug. Maybe it was time for him to know? Maybe it would be an end to the fantasy life she’s been dreaming of?
Her chest tightened at thought of what he might think of her. Everything began to spin, her fingers began to tingle as she slid down the wall. Y/n could barely begin to think about how this would play out.
Rafe check his watch again . It’s been almost a half hour and there has been no sighting of y/n. He began to worry. “Hey, Top?” He cut him off. “I’m gonna go check on my girls.”
“For sure, man.” He dapped him up. “She’s a keeper. Sorry about my mom and the interrogation.”
“No sweat. I’ll see you around.” Rafe may a b-line for his room.
When he opened his door he saw Willow fast asleep on the bed, curled up in one of his sweatshirts for warmth. No sign that y/n had laid down with her. He then saw the balcony door cracked and his girlfriend curled up in a ball.
“Jesus Christ.” He mumbled, grabbing a jacket for both of them and some blankets. Everything he did was rushed, but his girl was clearly hurting and needed him.
“It’s below forty, babe.” Concern laced in every syllable.
“I’m sorry, Rafe.” Her breathing hitched. “I don’t know what happened.”
“You’re okay.” He shushed her while swaddling her with blankets. “They are like sharks. It sucks and I’m sorry.”
“I think it’s time to talk about Paris.” She quickly stated, fearing the outcome.
“We don’t have to until you are ready.”
“You have questions. I know you do. And I can’t keep lying to you.”
Rafe wrapped his arms around her “You haven’t lied.”
“Well I haven’t been forthcoming about the truth.” Her body tensed up in fear once again. “You deserve to know.”
“Whenever you’re ready, I’m right here and I’m not going anywhere.” His voiced soothed her enough to begin talking once more.
“My dad owns a commercial development company back in Ohio. Real similar to this one.” Rafe began to understand how she knew so much about the business. “My dad wanted me to take over.” Her mind started rebuilding the memories as if they were playing in front of her.
“Dad, I’m not going Stanford. I don’t want your business. That’s what you want to do, not me.” Her voice echoed throughout the kitchen.
“So you’re gonna throw your life away to go to some foreign country and go after a hobby? You want this family to be the laughing stock of this town.”
Tears streamed down her face as she poured every ounce of her heart to her father. “I want to make you proud, but I want to take this apprenticeship. I have the opportunity to study under famous painters, doing what I love. I’ll learn all about running my own gallery, selling and buying art. You’ve said it before, I have talent. Now let me do this. I’m miserable here.”
The older man realized he couldn’t control his daughter forever. Y/n had the reputation to be the wild child, always finding a party to be at or a newest drug on the street. Her father thought that maybe if he gave her more responsibility she would grow in the role. It worked for little, but she always found a way to disappoint them. “You don’t need my stamp of approval. And I said you had talent for a hobby, no way near a career. When you wise up, you can come back and assume your position along your siblings.”
“But I want your support.”
“I can’t support you. Not when you constantly go against everything this family stands for. You will always have a place here, but I will never support your shenanigans.” Y/n stood there stunned. She wasn’t sure how to make him understand.
“I leave the day after graduation.” It was only a week away, but that was her fault for hiding it till the last minute possible.
And just like that, not even a month later, she worked along side well known curators and artist, learned the behind the scenes of running a place like that, and life was beginning to feel okay. She found security in her work and the people she met. More so in her boss. Charles Rousseau.
Rafe interrupted her story, by pressing a kiss to her forehead. Instantly, she was pulled out of her retelling. “You’re okay. We don’t have to do this all in one night.”
Rafe heard the agitation in her sigh. “If I stop now, I’ll run and hide because it’s never gotten this far and I’m scared. I’m a coward who can’t face it.”
“You’re not facing this alone. I’m right by your side and I promise I am not leaving.” He continued to shower her in words of love and comfort. “I’m not perfect either.”
“What do you mean?” She shifted to look at him. “You’re amazing in every way.”
“You aren’t the only black sheep of the family. I was a party child. Looking for any thing for a high.” All she did was stare, but wanting him to continue. Maybe it was selfish, but if she was flipping her card face up, then he should to. It wouldn’t be fair to be the only one with wounds wide open. “I stole from my dad, lied to everyone. Anyone on the island can tell you how I was a piece of shit. And when it was time for me to get serious, I got help changed my life around, gained a second chance, and focused only on work. That was until I met you.”
She felt his tears fall on the top of her hair, felt his genuine pain. She understood the impossibility of getting clean under the eye of high class society. “You are the best thing that happened to me, Rafe.”
“I’m in love with you, Y/n. You know part of my mess and I hope to continue sharing it with you, but I don’t want you to run and hide. So if talking about it will keep you here, I have all night. If I’m honest, I want more than that.” He ran his fingers through his hair. “I’m rambling, but I wanted you to not feel so alone.”
She pressed her lips to his in a long locking embrace. “I love you and I hope you still do after I’m done.”
“I tell you I want forever and your thinking I won’t love you. How many times do I have to tell you, it doesn’t matter about the past because I met the amazing person you are today? Just like you met the better version of me.”
A small playful grin played on her teeth. “I think I believe you.” After a few more long kisses, the girl was ready to continue.
Charles Rousseau seemed to be the typical temperamental artist. He sought the beauty in life for inspiration. Not to mention he managed to find the beauty in y/n’s art work. For the first time she felt valued. Who cared if he was slightly older. Y/n had a small workplace crush.
When Rousseau noticed, he made flirtatious advances. He found beauty in the girls quiet nature and her zest for life beyond the control of society.
Things escalated fairly quickly between the two. They went on several dates, art shows, and he even took her to the Eiffel Tower. Still they weren’t exclusive. She knew he was seeing other people, but craved the attention he gave even more.
Y/n didn’t mind though. But it got to the point he started getting bored and pulling away. In hopes to keep him around, she gave the one thing she had left. Her virginity. She wasn’t one of those girls who saved herself for marriage, but she wanted it to be special like one only talked about in books. And Charles Rousseau was anything far from it. It was bad but it lacked the sweet factor she desperately wanted.
But it worked. He stayed. Every night and even a few times in the back studio. Her own self hatred grew, but he was kind to her and, when in a foreign country, a friend was everything.
Y/n pulled away, completely disgusted with herself. She used to be so desperate and she despised the person she once was.
“I still love you, y/n. And I don’t love you any less. That goes for Willow, too. You both are still my girls.” Rafe wanted to reach out for her and pull her back into his warmth, but he waited on her once more.
“Sorry I need a minute.” Her breathing was pretty staggered so Rafe gave her space.
“I’m assuming your not done?” Rafe hung his head, dreading to hear more. It seemed important to her so he would sit and listen. Nothing would change between them.
After a few months of their affair. The woman found out she was pregnant. That’s the scariest part in her mind. Foreign country, few friends, and now pregnant. She did the one thing she knew and decided to come forward to Charles.
It all happened over the phone. He happened to be on some art sale in Switzerland. “What do you mean your pregnant? We used protection.” He yelled in a hushed anger.
“Not all the time. You said it was uncomfortable, ‘wanted to feel me.’ I wasn’t planning on this.” She was suddenly defensive, in fear of this all be her fault.
“Are you sure it’s mine? I mean we weren’t exclusive.”
Y/n audible sighed. It meant nothing to him. She should have payed more attention to ‘beauty is art, people are the purest form, sex is just an expression’ monologue. Y/n was just happy someone thought she was pretty. “There was no one else. I promise.”
“We will talk about this when I get back.” And they did, as his studio apartment.
He hid his anger well, but she felt the undercurrents in the conversation. “I don’t do kids. You have to get an abortion.”
“If you want to continue painting with the gallery, you will get it.” She wasn’t sure about it all. The stories she heard about the process scared her to death and she wasn’t sure she was strong enough.
“You have a minute to make up your mind.” He seethed.
Time was ticking away, along with the tears. “I’m scared.”
Charles grunted and reached in his pocket. “Here is enough to cover it if you choose. I’ll tell the company you had a family emergency. When you’re ready to be a big girl, you can talk to me.”
“Actually, don’t. I never want to see you.” He spat in front of her shoes. “Just a desperate whore. Get out.” And she did. Alone in Paris, the city of love, heart broken and terrified. Beyond humiliated to have money thrown in your face like a beggar.
“And when I came home, it wasn’t much better. That’s whole other issue for another day.” She wiped her tears with the back of her hand. “I’ve been running since that night I told him. You’re the first person who has stuck around to listen.”
“And I love you even more for trusting me enough to tell me. You are incredibly strong for making a choice.”
“Hold me, please.” The girl let out a beg, needing his warmth and comfort.
Rafe tightened the blankets around them. “Can we go inside?”
“Yea. But let me say something.” He smiled into her eyes.
“I’ll listen to anything you have to say, sweet heart.”
“I love you. I really do. It maybe I’m crazy. For the first time I’m scared, but I’m not running.” In that moment rafe swooped down and caught her lips with his.
“I’m gonna marry you some day. I promise.” With that, he picked her up and placed her next Willow. Rafe slowly took off her shoes, admiring all that his girl was and is and will be. “Good night, precious.” His kissed both girls good night then climbed on the other side of the child.
When morning came, Rafe woke up staring into the love of his life’s eyes. “You’re still here.”
“You promised me someday.” She smiled and gave him a chaste kiss. “I’ll hold you to it.”
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A/n: finished sooner than I thought I would, so here you go. it’s so long! I hope you’re enjoying. Feel free to request blurbs or tell me what things you would like to see. I’d love your guys input. Remember like, re-blogs, and comments are much appreciated. I love you all.
tag: @deepestfancloud @obxluv @mrs-starkey1 @rafeswh0ree @halsmultibitch @agent007knight​ @hopebaker @fangirlfree @ameliaalvarez06 @fashphotolife @samcaniglia @apogueprincess @gryffindorpouge11
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losing sight of you master list (p.h)
My work is NOT to be transferred, translated, reposted or copied to any other sites without my permission. That is plagiarism. But you can re-blog the heck out of it on here :)
paring(s): pope x maybank!reader
summary: Just as the spark of love ignites, tragedy strikes, leaving Y/n with a secret so terrible she would rather lose Pope than share it with him.
warning: angst, hospitals, break ups, abuse, other major ones will be placed beginning of the part
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(master list) (tag list)
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Part One
Pope makes a surprise visit to Outer Banks to see if the girl he's been talking with for months feels the same.
Part Two
Y/n is finding it difficult to balance life with a long distance love, but when her father take his daughter’s fate into his own hands, everything changed.  
Part Three
Ricky hears word of the accident and offered his help.
Part Four
JJ takes y/n out to the grocery store only to run into the one person they least expected. Now JJ is faced with a choice to make.
Part Five
Pope begins his lessons with y/n, searching for a way to show her he still loves her.
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