#rafe x single!mom
writingroom21 · 2 months
Sweet Escape
Pairing: Rafe x single mom reader
Summary: Moving to Kildare with your best friend and daughter was the perfect move. The little island is perfect, the people are nice, and you are finally at peace. Then Rafe comes in with his perfect smile and charm, sweeping you off your feet. The only issue is if you are ready to let someone else in.
Warnings: None
Wc: 5K
series masterlist
Chapter 4: This can't be real
“I’m Theo, her ex. You know that little girl's dad.”
Time is frozen around you. Your body feels like it’s been hit by a semi truck. None of this feels real right now. You are actually expecting to wake up from this nightmare and get on with the real day. But it never comes.The blast from the past is staring at you as you vaguely hear someone talking. The voice gets clearer as you force yourself to come back to reality.
“Babe are you okay?” Look to the right to see two pairs of blue eyes staring at you. Cars pass by behind Rafe and Violet making it hard to focus on them. “What?” Rafe quickly picks up on the nervous tone in your voice. He steps closer to you using his body to block your ex from your view. 
“Babe, hey. Talk to me.”  His touch is what really brings you back to Earth. You shake your head and try to look behind him. “Who even is this guy?” Rafe’s shoulders tense and he turns around to look at Theo. “I’m Rafe, her boyfriend. What about you?” Theo’s eyes scrunch as he tries to look threatening. “Her dad.” He nods his head towards Violet.
“Could have fooled me.” Rafe mumbles the comment which seemed to make Theo even more mad.
“Yeah well you’re just a nobody. This conversation doesn’t need your presence.” This guy really has some nerve to say he’s more important. He was the one that left without a second trace. Rafe still doesn’t know the full story but that doesn’t matter. All he knows is that you were left behind to take care of your child alone. All he knows is that he’s more involved than Vi’s so-called dad and he’s only been in your life for almost two months. 
“He is somebody. My boyfriend in fact as well as someone Vi can look up to. Do you even know her name?” Theo just stares at you for a moment, blinking slowly. “Of course you don’t because you aren’t in her life.” Rafe holds your hand to give you a place to ground yourself. He can tell that you are shaken up right now and personally he really needs it.
Theo’s comment hit close to home. He is no one. He isn’t Vi’s dad, he’s just your boyfriend. It would be easy to replace him. Theo may have hurt you but he will always be Vi’s dad. Rafe seeks your comfort to silence the thoughts that are forming. He’s not letting some asshole ruin his progress, not when there’s so much at stake now.
As if she senses something off, Violet snuggles into Rafe calling out for you. “Ma.” Her tiny voice draws all of your attention to her. She sneaks glances at the stranger and then hides in Rafe’s neck. Rafe rubs her back to help soothe her and you squeeze her arm. “It’s okay baby. We’re going.” You shoot your ex a nasty look and start to pull Rafe’s arm.
“Excuse us, we have lunch to get to. Do me a favor and run off again. You seem to be good at it.” You shoulder check him as you pass. Subconsciously you grab Vi from Rafe’s arm, wanting to have her close to you. You feel Rafe stop for a second and see him turn around.
“Her name is Violet by the way. Should be ashamed of yourself. Calling yourself her dad and not knowing anything about her.” Rafe shakes his head and walks back over to you. He wraps and arms around your shoulders. His arm tightens, pulling you closer and kissing the top of your head.
“It’s okay. I’m here.”
Lunch was a blur. Memories kept re-emerging as you picked at your plate. Rafe sat on the other side of the table watching your movements. He’s trying to give you space and not pry into your past life but he’s finding it hard. There’s so much that he wants to ask to know. “Just say it.” It’s the first time you spoke to him directly since you sat down. The only time he’s heard your voice this whole lunch is when you were talking to the waiter or the little cutie sitting next to him. 
“I don’t even know what I want to say.” He confesses. There’s so much going through his mind but none of it wants to leave his mouth. “Neither do I.” You look so broken and he hates it. “How long were you together?” It seems so stupid but he has to know. He needs to know how many years of memories he’s fighting against. “All throughout High School and up until I got pregnant. We got together when we were fourteen. Our parents wanted us to date so we did.” 
Four years. You were with him for Four years. “I never loved him.” He releases a breath he didn’t know he was holding. “I couldn’t love someone like him.” He shouldn’t feel relieved but he does. It’s just sad you were with someone who you didn’t feel something with. He hopes to god you two are never like that. No he knows you aren’t.
Rafe just nods trying to think of what to say next. Your eyes watch him, front row view depicting his fears. “I would never take him back. Not even if he became the best guy in the world. I stayed with him to make others happy, not myself.” Rafe’s eyes meet yours. He sees the somber look in them. 
The little flicker of light he likes is so dull like a dying flame. “Are you happy now?” He doesn’t know why he even asked. Hearing anything else would probably crush him. You don’t even take a second to think. “The happiest I’ve ever been.” It’s the truth. You are actually doing well for yourself. 
The shop has great sales and you are raking in a good cash flow. You are your own boss so it’s a plus. Violet is amazing and is hitting all of her marks so nothing to complain about. Jo is still hilarious and your best friend. But also Rafe is there. He makes you feel comfortable, cares for you and most importantly cares for Vi.
“Same.” The sincerity in his voice tells you he’s telling the truth. It also helps when he’s staring at you like this. Like you are the only other person in the world who sees him. Maybe you do and this is why everything is falling into place so quickly. Just maybe you also finally feel seen. 
As much as it's comforting to hear him say it, you know reality can change things. You may want something but not be able to handle what comes along with it. “I don’t want him in Vi’s life. He’s cruel and I’ve seen it first hand. I don’t want my daughter around that.” Rafe’s fist clenched at the thought of that prick being rude to you or hurting you in any way.
“Not like it’s my place to decide but I don’t want him around either.” For someone who has never cared for another person he does a great job at it. In the short amount of time he’s been in your life he has always made it a priority to include the one thing you can’t live without. He never made it a hassle or made you feel less for being a mom. He’s been everything you could ask for in a partner.
He respects you
“You do have a say. Maybe not in the way you intended but you’re a part of our life too. Whatever happens from here on out affects you.” Rafe’s hand reaches out and grabs yours over the table. His thumb lightly grazing yours. “I’ll always support you. It-” He looks at your hands and takes a deep breath.
“Never really been good at this stuff. Everything I do is wrong or I screw it up. Guess I’m just scared.” The two of you haven’t really gotten too deep. You know his mom disappeared and started a new family. You know that his dad and him have a complicated relationship but he never got into the specifics. He knows about how your parents kicked you out after finding out you were pregnant. He knows about the constant pressure they have put on you.
In some ways Rafe felt as if you were two broken souls who needed each other. He knew it from the moment you back talked to him about some flowers. He definitely knew it when he canceled the order he placed after talking to you in the bar. For some reason everything with you came naturally.
“Why are you scared?”
Rafe chuckles at you and leans back on his chair, subconsciously helping view with her fork. “When you’ve been told your whole life you’re a fuck up you start to believe it. This is the first good thing I’ve had in my life. I can’t mess it up and lose both of you.” Both of you. He included Vi in his statement. You don’t know why you find it shocking. Just the other day she had him running up and down the beach looking for seashells. Never once did he complain. Hell he would run up to you showing the collection before dumping them to get more.
He didn’t even complain when she made him act like Maui from Moana. In fact he did it without a complaint. Even spending hours in the water with her as she giggled her little head off. How is he so confident in this?
“We’ve only been together for like two months.” The masochistic part of you wants him to hurt you. Feeling like this is all too good to be true. “Best two months I’ve ever had.” He pushes Vi in more so she’s not so far away from the plate and not making a mess. “I won't spend the rest of my life wishing on what ifs. I know what I want.”
Just when you think he can’t get better he does. Tears start to well in your eyes from your emotions running so high. You slot your fingers between his giving him a squeeze. “I want you too.” A smile forms on his lips, pride filling his chest. “Good.”
After that lunch the two of you had a plan. Ignore him until he just eventually goes away. You don’t know why he’s here but there’s one thing you know for sure. He’s always been a quitter. That’s the only thing you were banking on. Which turned out to be false hope because the man seemed to have grown a pair since the last time you saw him. 
You had not seen him the first two days after your encounter and thought he had gotten the message. Then came the weekend which Jo wanted to work to give you a break. It was relieving not having to see or think about him for four days. It wasn’t till Monday that you found out he decided to stick to something for the first time in his life. 
You were wrangling Vi as she ran around you on the sidewalk. Fishing for your keys, you saw nice shoes standing in front of the door. The right foot was tapping the sidewalk impatiently. At first you thought it was a customer but nope it was Theo. 
“Can we talk?” You brushed past him unlocking the door to let Vi inside. He tried to step in but you blocked him. “Sorry sir, are you here to buy flowers?” His eyes narrow at you. He places his arm on the doorway leaning further to you. “Get out of the way, Prim. I’m here to talk about seeing my daughter.” The old nickname brings up some old feelings. Maybe not the ones he intended it but the memories start coming back. 
You can remember the first time your mom called you that. “You are as pretty as a flower. My little Prim.” From there on out everyone started to call you that. Every family member and your parents' friends used it. Then it became Theo’s nickname for you. “Hey Prim. How’s my beautiful girl doing?” It’s weird thinking of when he seemed to care about you or at least when he was good at pretending. It didn’t last long before it turned nasty.
“Are you fucking kidding me Prim? Why do you always have to start shit?” Tears are running down your face as Theo continues to yell at you. “I was just asking a question. She said that you were with her last night when you were supposed to be at dinner.” Theo’s hands are brushing through his hair, shaking his head as he looks at the ground. “Oh so you’re going to believe someone else?” He whips his head to look at you.
You can’t say anything as you look to the ground. His footsteps echo as he steps closer to you. Theo’s hand comes into view as he grips your cheeks forcing you to look at him. He shakes your head around as he talks to you. “Don’t be fucking stupid. I told you I was sick, hell even my parents said it when they got there. Are you really calling us liars? You think I could lie to you?” His grip on you is tight and it hurts. 
“No, I'm sorry. I was just confused and didn’t know why she would lie to me. Please let go, you're hurting me.” He loosened his grip and lightly tapped your cheek. “It's okay. Just don’t let it happen again. We have to trust each other.” All you could do was nod at him as you fought back tears.
You wish you could say that was the last time he tricked you. It was just a constant battle between your thoughts and the lies he fed you. “Last time I checked the only kid here was mine and she doesn’t have a dad. If you aren’t here to buy flowers I’m going to have to ask you to leave.” Theo tilts his head at you, examining your body language. Once he realizes you aren’t going to give up he takes a step forward. “Do I have to apologize for living my life? You really couldn’t have expected me to give up my dreams just to raise a kid.”
A kid? She’s not some random kid you picked up from the side of the street. Even if she was, you would expect him to be a decent human being. “No, I didn't expect anything from you. As far as I’m concerned you aren’t anyone to us. Now please leave or I will have to call the cops.” You’re bluffing. You know this is too small of a case that they will blow it off. But you will say anything to get him to leave. 
He left shortly after that and came back around lunch time waiting to get you as you walked out. His plans were spoiled when he saw Rafe walking towards the shop. Rafe was on a call with a client when he noticed the guy standing there. “Hey Lenny I’m going to have to call you right back. Something just came up and I have to deal with it.” He didn’t even wait for the other guy to answer before hanging up.
“What are you doing here?” Theo leans against the wall of the building, crossing his arms as he stares back at him. “Just waiting to see my daughter and Prim. Why are you here?” Who the hell is Prim? Rafe guesses his face must have given away his confusion because the asshole answered his thoughts. “You know, Prim and I have  a lot of history. Might want to save yourself the heartbreak before it’s too late. I know she’s always wanted a family.”
Rafe’s jaw clicks. He could give you a family. He would love Vi and if you wanted more then so does he. You don’t need some jerk that you never loved because you have him. Fuck this prick who thinks he can get under his skin. “Well like you said the two of you have history. Now if you excuse me I have to take my girls out to lunch.” Rafe walks into the shop, immediately smiling when Vi runs up to him screaming.
“Ray!” His heart still sometimes breaks due to the shift from Ra to Ray. It was honestly so cute. It seemed like she was trying to scare him each time and it became a little joke for him. But hearing the joy in her voice when she calls out to him makes up for it. “Hey my sweetie Vi. You’ve been behaving with mom?” She giggles as He picks her up and spins her around. “Yes!” She laughs out.
Rafe laughs with her and smiles at you. “And how’s my beautiful girl doing?” He walks over to you and gives you a kiss. You smile into it, pecking his lips as you disconnect. “Good, just have a creep outside.” Rafe chuckles and looks behind his shoulder to see Theo looking right back at him. God just his name pisses Rafe off. He’s just happy at the thought of him seeing his daughter and ex happier without him. Maybe that would teach him to leave you all alone.
“Yeah I saw the roach by the door. Should really get someone out there to handle it.” Laughing you push his shoulder and walk to get your purse. “Haha, so funny. Don’t start anything with him please. The more you lay into it the longer he’ll stay.” There's nothing more that Rafe would like than beating the shit out of him or even messing with his head. But the thought of him being gone sooner rather than later takes the cake.
“Promise. I’ll be on my best behavior.” Rafe places a hand on your lower back as you walk out the front door. Both of you let out a sigh of relief when you saw that Theo wasn’t waiting out. Even more relieved when he wasn’t there when you got back from lunch. “I’ll bring you to work this week.” Rafe casually says. “What?” “I’ll bring you to work.” Rafe pulls the leftovers from your hands so you can open the door. “How would I get home then?” Rafe thinks for a second and remembers he has a packed schedule and wouldn’t be able to. “Fine I’ll follow you to work to make sure you get in okay.”
You laugh at how ridiculous he is being. Then one look at his face shows that he is serious. This Theo being back thing must be really shaking him up. “You want to make sure I get to work out?” He looks down at Vi’s hand in his and sees how tiny it is. She’s so small. “I just want to make sure the both of you are okay.” There he goes, saying both of you. Like he doesn’t even need to think about if he cares for Violet. You wrap your arms around his neck.
“Okay but that means you need to buy us coffee.” Rafe smiles at you and pecks your lips. “Deal.”
That's exactly what he did for the whole week. He would show up at the house with your coffee exactly how you order it. There would always be a little bag with a treat for Vi. The two of you would then get in your respective cars and drive to the shop. Where he would then follow you inside and stay for a bit before heading off to the office. The routine was nice and just gave you both more time to see the other.
That Tuesday Theo was once again outside waiting for you. He tensed up when he saw the three of you walking towards him. It was a perfect picture of when he first came to see you. Rafe was on the side closest to the street holding Vi in his right arm. While you were walking next to him chatting about god knows what. He doesn’t get how Rafe looks so interested in what you are saying. 
All he remembers are the boring tangents you used to go on back in highschool. He would literally do anything to make you stop. He honestly feels bad for the poor guy. “Think you can give Prim and I some privacy?” His voice shocked the three of you. He hates how each one of you looks at him. You give him a look of disgust, Rafe looks at him with hate, and Violet looks at him like he’s a stranger. He’s her dad, not some rebound. 
“Stop calling me that and we don’t have anything to talk about.” You rush in through the door taking Vi from Rafe. He stays back for a second to block Theo from going in. “I suggest you leave, you're not needed here.” 
The rest of the week went smoothly. Theo was nowhere to be seen and it felt like peace was being restored. Your mornings were now peaceful instead of a constant state of anxiety. But it seems like he caught on to the trick. Rafe was there in the morning and lunch but he wasn’t there at closing. On Friday when you were locking up e snuck up behind you leaving you no choice but to talk to him. 
“Where’s your guard dog?” You roll your eyes as you turn around to face him. You are glad Jo said she would watch Vi at home. Having a stay at home job really does pay off. This way you can speak your mind freely.
“Rafe’s at work. You know what that is right?” He scoffs at your audacity. “Yes I know what a job is. I have one.” You fake a shocked expression. “Wow could have fooled me.” You try to go to the left and he steps along with you. “When did you become such a smart ass? What happened to the Prim I used to know?” You laugh at him. “She left right around when you did and when her parents kicked her out. Guess she was tired of being an actress.”
“Don’t bring your parents into this. They were good people, they even left you money after they died.” You take a step back from him, fixing your purse as it slips from your shoulder. “Don’t tell me what I can or can’t do. They were my parents and they abandoned me when I needed them the most. They forced me into their perfect mold and got disappointed when I didn’t fit it anymore. They only left me that money out of guilt not because they loved me.”
You fake going right and when he falls for it you go left. Just your luck is that he catches your arm before you could get too far. “Get over yourself and talk to me.” A loud voice comes from behind you. “Get you fucking hands off her before I break them.” The sound of Rafe’s voice sends shivers down your spine. He’s not happy.
You feel Rafe’s presence before you see him. His hand grips onto Theo’s yanking it off you. You are letting out a relieved sigh when you feel Rafe’s arms wrap around you, inserting himself to diffuse this situation. “Do you just follow her around like a lost puppy? Get a life.” 
“Rich coming from the guy harassing her like your being for table scraps. It's like watching a stray animal but instead of sad it's pathetic.” The two guys stare at one another. Rafe is waiting for Theo’s retort but nothing comes. Theo can’t honestly think of anything. He was hoping his presence would be a clear message but that didn’t work. 
“I don’t know why you are still here. Just go back to whatever hole you crawled out from and leave us alone.” Your voice breaks their staring contest, both men turning to you. “Life has been pretty good without you these past two years. We didn’t need you then and we don’t need you now.” Hearing you reiterate Rafe’s only words ticks him off.
“She needs a dad. What will she say when she grows up to learn you never let her in her dads life?” He thinks he struck a cord but all he did was make you think he's a comedian now. “Not like she would see a dad in you anyway. You don’t love someone, you control them.” Turning back around you guide Rafe back with your hands on his chest. 
“Come on, let's go.” He silently leads you to your car and holds the door as you get in. “I’ll follow you home. I’m taking you and Vi out.”
‘What?” you giggle out. “That’s why I came here. I wanted to take the two of you out to distract from all of this.” You smile up at him, grabbing his shirt to pull him down. When he’s within reach you kiss him, putting a hand behind his head to deepen it. “You’re a really great guy.” Rafe shakes his head as he pulls away. “No I’m not. But I’m trying to be.”
The ride back took no time. Vi was super excited to see that Rafe was with you when you walked through the door. Even more excited when you both packed up some blankets and brought her along for the ride. The two of you may bring her on dates often but this is the first time Rafe said he had something planned for the both of you. 
Usually when you brought her on dates you centered them around being kid friendly but it felt nice that he solely planned this. Everytime he includes her you can’t help but fall a little bit more for him. It didn’t help seeing him so excited with her.
He first took you out to eat, picking the place that gives out the coloring mats she loves. He even had two bouquets waiting in the car for you two. Vi’s was just a little bundle of flowers while yours was slightly bigger. No matter how many times you tease him about using another person's flowers he always has the same remark. “Gotta have some element of surprise. Plus what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn’t give you good things.”
It always makes you giggle. But seeing Vi’s eyes light up when he surprised her with them made you want to cry. That lump in your throat kept getting bigger with each action. He turns down a dirt road and pulls to a stop when he gets to a clearing. “What are we doing here?” The laugh you let out as he unbuckles you with a kiss warms his heart. “I’m taking both of you stargazing.” He’s taking you stargazing.
Like your first date.
“My mom and I used to do it before she left. Then we did it that night on the boat. It’s always been something I loved. It didn’t feel right not sharing it with Vi.” A tear slips down your cheek and he rushes to wipe it away. “Hey, hey why are you crying?” He’s worried he did or said something wrong. “I’m just really happy. You make me happy.” Rafe’s thumb caresses your cheek as he looks at you lovingly. 
It feels like he wants to say something. You can see the internal conflict through his blue eyes. “Let’s get out. I think someone is getting antsy.” His head nods to the back and sure enough Vi is bouncing in her car seat. You both get out of the car and you get Vi as he gets the blankets. He leads you to a patch of grass and lays the blankets down. The three of you sit down and Violet automatically goes to sit on his lap.
Rafe lays down and positions her so she's laying back on his chest a perfect view to the sky. You join them by laying down beside Rafe. “So mister wise astronomer tell us some facts.” You tease him while you poke his ribs. “Most of the stars we see are bigger than the sun and are brighter.” The fact is puzzling because you thought the sun was the biggest honestly. 
The night just consists of him giving you star facts and pointing out constellations. “Stars are all actually different colors and they get them due to their temperature.” or “Most stars are actually by themselves. There’s large distances between stars.” After a while he got bored of telling you facts, wanting to not sound like a science book. On the other hand you enjoyed that he was sharing his interest with you. 
The last hour was Rafe and you pointing out random shapes in stars. Vi had fallen asleep at one point and you both decided it was time to leave. The ride back was silent but comfortable. It just all felt right. 
As Rafe pulled up to the house there was a car parked in front of it. You brushed it off to someone visiting a neighbor and left it at that. Getting out of the car you wait as Rafe got Vi out of the car to go inside. Expecting to spend some more time with Rafe after putting your daughter to bed like you've been doing recently. Clearly that was too much to expect because that came crashing down.
As you were walking up the driveway the car’s door opened and some man called out your name. You and Rafe turn around and look as he walks closer to you. “Yes, that's me. Do I know you?” The man doesn’t say anything and hands you an envelope. You look over at Rafe and then the envelope. Both of you have confused faces. “What’s this?”
“You’ve been served.”
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maybanksbabe · 1 year
Rafe designing and building Single mom!reader’s dream house because any guy could buy a house and all this without her knowing and proposing in their first night at the new house
God could you IMAGINE he spends as much time as possible planning out every single detail of this house and keeps it pretty well hidden from you until he slides you a box with a little bow on it and inside is a shiny new house key. He drives you and baby girl to the new house and emotions are HIGH but you're both so excited and moving into a space that is uniquely yours feels so right 😭 like it's the perfect space for the three of you to share that you make plans to move in that weekend and when you're all done and unpacked? He's popping the question right then and there
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seasons-of-death · 1 month
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rafe cameron x bestfriend!reader who are secretly in love
they just started off hooking up because he found out no guy had ever made her cum and he wanted to be the first one to make you come
but ever since then rafe felt like you belonged to him
and so when he saw you hanging out with other guys he was like ??? wtf are you doing with my girl
but he'd never make anything official yet
you were the perfect girl; the kind of girl his dad would love. in fact, ward always loved you, telling rafe how he should snatch you up before someone else did, even when you were both in the ninth grade
you knew him since childhood; his mother was your mother's best friend
you had a crush on him when you were a kid, but you knew it wasn't reciprocated; he was afraid of cooties
you could barely stand each other, but when rafe's mom died he started leaning on you. you knew what it was like to lose someone, so you became closer than ever
now, he was dating sofia, all the while he was fucking you on the side
he was in love with you, obsessed with you, unable to stop thinking about you every single day, so he was with sofia to distract himself from his feelings for you because he was worried that having feelings for you could ruin your friendship, or that you’d abandon him just like everyone else.
you're so in love with him you honestly don't care if it's secret, you just want to be his in some way. but fuck, you want to tell everyone that rafe is all yours.
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rafe came by your dance studio to thank you for helping his daughter but when he sees you doing an heels choreography,he might say more than just thank you…. 🩰❤️👠🎀
dance!teacher!reader x single!dad!rafe ♡
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you were a ballet dance teacher for a group of adorable little girls on monday & wednesday & saturday nights,you loved teaching them one of your favorite things in the world. but on tuesdays & thursdays & fridays you were a heels dance teacher!!! you loved the gracefulness & softness of ballet but you also loved the sexiness & the technique of heels.
right now,you were watching your little angels practicing their ballet routine for the winter spectacle in two month,they were making so much progress so fast!
like every night,you waited for every little girl to leave before leaving but tonight sofia cameron came talking to you at the end of the class. you thought she was the cutest little girl you had ever seen,she was full of ambition & never give up. and well….you will never cross the line with one of your student’s parents but my god was her dad,rafe cameron,handsome. he camed to every single one of his daughter recital with flowers for her AND FOR YOU. he always pack her the cutest snack for the longest repetitions and if you needed help organizing something, he was always the first one to propose his help. you also knew that he wasn’t with sofia’s mom anymore,you guessed when she never came at any recital or to come pick her up from practice,you learned later that she abandoned sofia and used rafe for money. that made you mad & sorry for rafe but especially for sweet sofia.
“miss y/n ?”,sofia’s sweet voice asked you.
“ yes sweetie ? is everything okay ?”
“yes…i just…well it’s a little stupid but…how do you do to be so confident ?”
“oh sweet girl…it’s not stupid at all…turn around to look in the mirror please…you see that ?yourself ? well…that’s your bestfriend,you’re going to spend the rest of your life with your beautiful little self. so the best thing you can do is give yourself the biggest hug & a lot of love and support yourself through every good but also bad moment ….”
then,she broke your heart by crying,you crouched down behind her.
“sofia..is everything okay ? is someone annoying you ?”
“yes..some guys at school are a little mean…”
you took her hand in yours,turning her to face you,“sofia i want you to not listen to them,ignore them,you are the sweetest most amazing girl ever,you’re polite & kind,whenever one of the girls need help you’re always here and you’re so funny,always cracking jokes that make everyone laugh !!! never doubt yourself for anyone. ever….did you talk about it with your dad ? ”
“yeah…..it made him so sad..hate seeing him sad….he tried to go talk to the school but they didn’t stop…i know he’s been so tired after work…i dont want to make him sad….but now everytime they made me cry,i’m gonna think about you ! thank u miss y/n i like you so much…you’re the best”,she said before jumping into your arms.
“well i think you should talk about it again with your dad…he loves you so so much and no matter what he will always help.he is just sad because you’re his little princess and he don’t want you to ever get hurt.”
you hugged her back & tickle her until she was laughing and smiling again.
and it’s at that moment that rafe entered the studio.
“oh…hi baby…..miss y/n”,he said walking to you & sofia still hugging.
then sofia left your arms before running to go hug her dad.
“hi daddy”,she was practically shinning with happiness.
he laughed and you thought it was the most beautiful sound ever.
“damn baby…what got you so happy ?”,he ruffled her perfect bun and the thought of him taking time to make her hair perfectly everytime warmed your heart.
“miss y/n…she’s the best….and she’s so pretty,isn’t she dad ?”
“yeah…she is baby…the prettiest but not as much as you tho…go get your bag baby,sarah cooked your favorite chocolate cake for ya.”
sofia went happily get her back,you knew sarah was rafe’s sister because she often come to sofia’s spectacle with her husband john b.
“sorry about that….didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”,he said scratching his neck,you thought you even saw his cheeks reddening.
“oh no it’s okay really…..”,you smiled sweetly at him,your heart jumping.
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
you were currently practicing your new routine on dance for you by beyoncé,it was the new routine you were going to teach your heels student tonight. your group was a group of twenty women and all of you formed a little dance family,now organizing dinner party to share the latest drama and gossip of y’all’s different life.
you dance during the entirety of the song,your body moving gracefully and sexily on the floor…the song was sexy and passionate and you tried to incorporate that in you choreography by moving your legs gracefully & moving your hair & arching your back…the sound of your high black heels resonating in the studio.
it was 6 PM,so you were the only one here yet,your class started at 8 PM.
when you finished your beautiful routine,you turned around to stop the music and that’s when you saw rafe. he was leaning on the doorstep,his arms crossed,his jaw thigh and his eyes were burning with something you couldn’t quit put a name on.
“oh my god…m.cameron…hi…hum…what are you doing here?”
“hey…didn’t meant to interrupt you i’m sorry. i came to thank you for whatever you said to my daughter yesterday. she….well today,she responded to her bully by saying that they couldn’t hurt her anymore because she was her own best friend and she would never again let someone make her feel bad for being herself because she was amazing….i….thank you. so much. she’s been so sad lately and whatever you said made her realize how wonderful & loved she was…so for that,i will always be grateful to you miss y/n truly.”
“call me rafe..please”
“..rafe..i’m so happy to heard that….you raised sofia wonderfully,she is amazing!!! truly !!!! i did nothing but tell her to true,please give her a big hug for me tonight.”
he laughed.
“i will,miss y/n, i will……i….excuse me if i cross boundaries but i didn’t know you danced anything other than ballet ?”
“oh well…on the day i’m not teaching the girls ballet,i’m teaching heels choreography to a group of woman….mhm…just how much did you see exactly?”
“enough to know that you are intensely talented and…beautiful.”
you gasped.
“shit..sorry i wasn’t planning on saying that…i don’t want to make you uncomfortable,i’m going to go. thank you again so much.”
“no m.cam..rafe..it’s okay…thank you….i love heels dancing for that…it…it made me feel beautiful and powerful. it’s a great form of expression.”
“i’m happy to hear that…you shouldn’t feel anything other than that.”
his gaze traced your face before fixing on your lips.
“listen….would it be okay if i crossed boundaries even more by asking you to have dinner with me ?”
“i don’t know m.cameron…is it a date ?”
“if you want it to be…i want it to be.”
“yes.”,you tried hard not to cheese like a teenage girl but you couldn’t help it,rafe cameron was so handsome.
“perfect…i am not going to tell soph anything yet…she’s just been so crazy lately,always reminding me how beautiful you were and how…single you were. i think if she knows that you accepted my dinner offer,she is going to die of happiness.”
you laughed loudly and without any shame.
“has she been playing the matchmaker?”
“yeah….she really has…when are you free for the date?”
“my class on friday night got suspended so i’m free.”
“perfect,i send a driver here to come pick you up…i think you might not want be to know where you live just yet…you know,first date rules and all.”
“yeah thanks rafe. i see you friday ?” he needed to leave now before you accidentally jumped on him and started kissing him like a mad woman.
“yes,love,you’ll see me on friday. have a nice dance class tonight….”
“thanks.” but you didn’t know how you will be able to focus on anything other than him,and the way he was looking at you….with his beautiful bedroom eyes and the way the nickname «love»rolled down his tongue.
you ended up seeing rafe the next day when he came pick sofia up from dance class….he winked at you and when friday night rolled you were jumping of happiness. the night went by so fast,conversation & flirting never stopping.at the end of the night, he opened the door of your cab for you and asked you to text him when you’ll arrive safely back home but not before promising you another date.♡
˚₊‧꒰ა 🎀໒꒱ ‧₊˚
rafe’s pov of your discussion & your dance.
when i entered the dance studio the last thing i thought i will be seeing was miss y/n dancing on the floor in nothing but a pair of heels & some tiny black short & black bralette.
my god,was she the most beautiful little thing i’ve ever seen. i tried hard to not cross boundaries with her because she was sofia’s dance teacher but she was haunting me. slipping into my mind at any moment,when i’m working,when i’m shopping and i see her favorite parfume,when i’m watching sofia dance in the living room…..
and now ? now i’m fucking blessed by the sigh of her,opening her legs and arching her back on the floor sensually …..fuck me. she would look so pretty like that for me…on my bed….naked….she was so fucking sexy,the rain behind her pouring down on the window and the gray color of the sky casting a dark glow across the room. i needed to shake those thoughts,there no way she would be interested. i mean i was older than her and i has a fucking kid for god’s sake.
she turned in my direction and gasped when she saw me.
“oh my god…m.cameron…hi…hum…what are you doing here?”
“hey…didn’t meant to interrupt you i’m sorry. i came to thank you for whatever you said to my daughter yesterday. she….well today,she responded to her bully by saying that they couldn’t hurt her anymore because she was her own best friend and she would never again let someone make her feel bad for being herself because she was amazing….i….thank you. so much. she’s been so sad lately and whatever you said made her realize how wonderful & loved she was…so for that,i will always be grateful to you miss y/n truly.”
thanks to her my daughter was truly smiling again and opened up to me again. not only was she the sexiest fucking woman alive but also the sweetest to my daughter? was she created only to ruin me ? fuck…the sigh of her hugging my daughter made me too happy. way too happy.
“call me rafe..please” i needed to hear her say my name,in her sultry sweet voice.
“..rafe..i’m so happy to heard that….you raised sofia wonderfully,she is amazing!!! truly !!!! i did nothing but tell her to true,please give her a big hug for me tonight.”
she was so goddam sweet, i couldn’t help but laugh. i don’t remember the last time someone other than sofia made me laugh. i also couldn’t help myself but to try to learn more about her. and this fucking choreography.
“i will,miss y/n, i will……i….excuse me if i cross boundaries but i didn’t know you danced anything other than ballet ?”
“oh well…on the day i’m not teaching the girls ballet,i’m teaching heels choreography to a group of woman….mhm…just how much did you see exactly?” the way her cheeks turned bright pink was the sweetest thing….what if ? what if she had the same crush on me than i had on her ? would it be so bad ? it certainly didn’t feel bad to me.
so fuck it. i’m saying what i think.
“enough to know that you are intensely talented and…beautiful.”
she gasped softly and my heart started pounding,what if i has read all of this wrongly?
“shit..sorry i wasn’t planning on saying that…i don’t want to make you uncomfortable,i’m going to go. thank you again so much.”
i needed to get out of here. right now.
“no m.cam..rafe..it’s okay…thank you….i love heels dancing for that…it…it made me feel beautiful and powerful. it’s a great form of expression.”
the way she was looking at me with her big beautiful bambi eyes made me realize that no. i had not misread the situation. she wanted me too,if i listen to her body language or..her thighs clenching together.
“i’m happy to hear that…you shouldn’t feel anything other than that.” she shouldn’t feel anything than the goddess she was.
i couldn’t help but look at her and at her beautiful full pink lips….what would she taste like? i wanted to find out so bad but before…
“listen….would it be okay if i crossed boundaries even more by asking you to have dinner with me ?”
“i don’t know m.cameron…is it a date ?”
fuck yes,hell i’m asking for mariage.
“if you want it to be…i want it to be.”
“yes”,she responded so fast,smiling so brightly.
fuck,she was beautiful,i wanted to make her smile forever,to maker her laugh.
“perfect…i am not going to tell soph anything yet…she’s just been so crazy lately,always reminding me how beautiful you were and how…single you were. i think if she knows that you accepted my dinner offer,she is going to die of happiness.”
she laughed loudly,the sound making my heart jump.
“has she been playing the matchmaker?”
that she has,yes.
“yeah….she really has…when are you free for the date?”
“my class on friday night got suspended so i’m free.”
perfect,all mine.
“perfect,i send a driver here to come pick you up…i think you might not want me to know where you live just yet…you know,first date rules and all.”
as much as i wanted to kiss her and push her until she was pressed between me and the wall and gently push her legs around my waist —fuck her legs would look gorgeous wrapped around me— i needed to go slow. both for her and for me. i will not make the same mistakes.
“yeah thanks rafe. i see you friday ?”
“yes,love,you’ll see me on friday. have a nice dance class tonight….”
and i’m going to spend the rest of my night thinking about her dancing like that again but this time,just for me.
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hope u loved it ♡ English is not my first language so i apologize for any mistakes <3
notes : should i make this like a little universe ? when any of you can like give headcanons,requests prompt….bcause i had so much fun writing it <3 i don’t think i’m going to make it a serie but more like writing randomly about them. sight …i love single!dad!rafe ♡
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softspiderling · 4 months
illicit affairs - part four | r.c
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“All done?” You asked, stretching your hand a little to make sure the bandage wasn’t restricting anything.
“Yup,” Rafe replied, shutting the kit. “Or is there anything else?”
“I thought you were going to kiss it better,” you said teasingly.
OR; You reminisce about the day you realized you had fallen in love with your best friend
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
warnings: mention of blood (small cut!)
word count: 2,9k
author's note: a little later than usual, but i hope you don't mind! new precious + rafe lore unlocked. this part explores rafe's and precious' friendship more and is slightly angsty (what a 180 from the last part lmaoo). pls pls pls let me know what you thought. happy reading!!! <3
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
pt. four: "you taught me a secret language"
Throughout your life, Rafe had always been your best friend. Granted, the title became longer the older you got: Rafe, your best friend in the whole world; Rafe your best friend who you had a crush on; Rafe your best friend who you were undoubtedly in love with; and now? Rafe, your best friend who you had sex with.
You sometimes wished you could turn back the time to before you were in love with Rafe.
Or rather, before you admitted you were in love with him.
Deep inside, you knew that there was never a before. You’d always been in love with Rafe. You just refused to admit it, even to yourself, until it pretty much stared you right in the face.
It was right around the time of your senior year at the academy, which admittedly, you didn’t like looking back at all that much since it was probably the most stressful times of your life, with all the exams, finals and college apps you were doing; it didn’t help that your parents were on your ass most of the times, despite you doing fairly well in school. However it all came to a boiling point around the end of the first term of your senior year. You had just come home from studying at the library with the boys - with Rafe just bumming around because he had graduated two years earlier - when your mother greeted you at the door with a letter in her hand, her face red.
“What’s this?”
You sighed internally, turning around to shut the door behind you slowly, using that time to exhale deeply. It had been a long day and the last thing you needed was your mother screaming at you as soon as you stepped over the threshold.
“I don’t know ma,” you replied, squinting your eyes at the letter. Your vision was a little blurry from all the studying you’ve done, but you recognized the crest of the academy on the left corner. “The invitation for the graduation ceremony?”
Your mother scoffed. “Try again. It’s a letter from the principal. You failed a math test.”
You snatched the letter out of your mother’s hands scanning the content before sighing, dropping your hands.
“Mom, I didn’t fail the test, I got a 82.”
“That’s basically a fail,” you mother huffed, shaking her head. “How do you want to keep your 4.0 GPA up with grades like this?”
“It’s a test.”
“Stop with the attitude young lady, this is your future we’re talking about?”
“Mom, I know! But it’s just a test, it’s not like it’s gonna affect my grades that much.”
Your mother made a noise of disapproval, throwing her hands up in frustration. “Just a test? Everything counts, you know that! Especially in your senior year, where every single grade you get can decide between an acceptance or being waitlisted.”
“Oh my god,” you groaned, running your hand through your hair. “I can’t listen to this right now. I’ve been in the library the whole day and the second I get back you’re on my ass about a fucking 82.”
You shoved your backpack on the counter and turned right back around, opening the door forcefully. Your mother was right behind you, appalled at your tone.
“This conversation isn’t over! Where are you going?!”
You slammed the door behind you, rushing to your car and tossing your backpack on the passenger seat as you drove off. Brimming with anger, you didn’t feel like talking to anyone right now, so you headed straight to the beach, to the one spot you knew you would be left alone.
In less than five minutes after parking, you had put on your bathing suit and unstrapped your surf board from the trunk and were in the water. After catching your first wave, you were still fuming. After the fourth, you started to feel the sun on your face, and the anger slowly seeping away. You lost yourself in the water, becoming one with the ocean, starting to get bold and one tiny misstep on your board made you lose your balance, falling into the wave you were trying to catch. The brute strength of it knocked you around underwater like a rag doll, arm getting caught on some reef, and you were gasping for air as you finally resurfaced, clinging onto your board. With a groan, you heaved yourself back on top of the board, trying to catch your breath as the water lapped around you in smal waves.
“Shit,” you muttered, lifting your wrist to inspect the cut on your wrist, squinting your eyes against the sun. You let out a hiss as the salt water dripped from your fingers onto the cut.
“You tryna kill yourself?”
You jumped, not having expected anyone out there with you. Shaking out your wrist, you lifted your head to see Rafe paddling towards you, a frown on his face.
“What are you doing here, Rafe?”
His hair was still dry, board shorts clinging to his legs when he came to a stop next to you, waves softly lapping against his board.
“I swung by your place. Wanted to see if you wanted to get pizza and instead I find your mom all pissed, said you stormed off,” he explained, “and since I didn’t run into on my way to your house, I figured you’d be out here.”
You let out a sigh, staring out at the sea, ignoring how Rafe was holding his hand out, undoubtedly to get a look at your wrist. With an eye roll, you stretched out your wrist in his direction, and he curled his fingers around it, pulling you closer. Your cheeks heated as your leg pressed against his, added with the feeling of his hot breath on your skin, you breathed out softly.
“Y’know this could’ve ended real badly, precious,” Rafe muttered, brushing his thumb over your skin, before he looked up at you, his eyebrows creased.
“I’m fine.”
“Clearly, you’re not,” Rafe scoffed. “What happened?”
“My mom got all over me because of a “failed math test””, you said, air-quoting. “I’m just sick of it. It’s not like I’ve slacking off or anything, I’m working my ass off and they’re never happy with whatever I do, because in their eyes, I always have room to grow.” You let out a frustrated sigh, glancing at Rafe when you noticed he was sporting a look on his face that told you he understood exactly what you meant.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Rafe chuckled, shaking his head. “Our parents should be doing better than setting expectations for their kids instead of loving them despite their achievements.”
You gave him a wry smile and he only let out a small huff, squeezing your wrist gently. “Are you all done or do you want to keep trying to drown yourself some more?”
Huffing out a laugh, you rolled your eyes at him.
“I’m done.”
The two of you paddled back to the beach, drying off and while Rafe helped you securing your board to your trunk, he glanced over at you, hair falling into his eyes.
“Let me get your cut cleaned off first before we leave. I have a first aid kit in my truck.”
You took a seat at the edge of his trunk, while Rafe went to fetch the first aid kit from the glove compartment. The sun was starting to set, and with that, the temperature was sinking, your damp hair laying cold on your back. The car door shut, before Rafe turned around the corner of the truck, first aid kit in his hand and sweater slung around his shoulder.
“Put this on,” he said absentmindedly, dropping the sweater in your lap and the first aid kit in the trunk. Rolling your eyes, you slipped into the sweater and it was oddly comforting to be surrounded by his scent, but you didn’t let yourself dwell on that, because it was such a weird thing to think, right? Instead, you watched as Rafe rummaged through the first aid kit, picking out some bandages, gauze and a disinfectant spray.
“Roll up your sleeve.”
“Yes, nurse Cameron.”
Rafe gave you a look, but you only snickered as you rolled up the sleeve, before holding out your wrist to him. He muttered something under his breath as he cleaned your cut and dressed it, without much complaints from your side, even though the disinfectant stung a little. Rafe taped the end of the bandage snugly to your wrist, tossing the rest of the material back into the kit.
“All done?” You asked, stretching your hand a little to make sure the bandage wasn’t restricting anything.
“Yup,” Rafe replied, shutting the kit. “Or is there anything else?”
“I thought you were going to kiss it better,” you said teasingly. Rafe raised an eyebrow at you, before he reached for your hand, lifting it to his mouth to place a kiss on the bandage. You flushed, not expecting him to actually do it.
“You’re an idiot,” you said hotly, shoving him away but he only laughed, running his hand through his hair. The grin on his face was infectious, and you couldn’t help but laugh, rolling your eyes at him.
“There she is,” Rafe said, cupping your chin to lift it, forcing you to look into his eyes. Suddenly, your hands grew clammy and swallowed nervously as he smiled at you, blue eyes sparkling. For a split second, you thought he was gonna kiss you and for some reason, you weren’t opposed. Actually, you kind of really wished he’d kiss you.
Wait, what?
That was not a normal thing to want from your best friend. Suddenly, your heart started racing and you let out a deep breath, hoping it would calm yourself down.
“What’s wrong?”
“Just my mom,” you lied, wringing your hands in your lap. “I just stormed off. She’s gonna be super pissed and I’ll probably be grounded until I’m thirty.”
“Nah, come on. I bet she completely forgot about it already.”
You gave him a look and Rafe winced. “Okay, maybe not. But if we give her some time, we can hope for the best? Come on.”
He tugged you off of the trunk, closing up the front panel.
“Let’s go get some pizza. My treat.”
“I don’t know,” you whinged, “Maybe I should just go home. Get it over with.”
You weren’t sure if it was the best idea to spend more time with Rafe right now considering how weird you were feeling. Worst case, you’d do blurt something out and make things weird between the two of you, that was the last thing you needed. But Rafe wrapped an arm around your shoulder, pulling you close.
“Trust me, whether you go home now or in three hours won’t change anything. If anything, it’ll give you an even clearer head after having some food, huh?”
As if on cue, your stomach grumbled loudly and Rafe raised an eyebrow at you, the corners of his mouth twitching up.
“Fine,” you relented, rolling your eyes at him. “Gino’s?”
“Yup, meet you there.”
While Rafe got into his truck, you got into your jeep, rubbing your hand over your face, frustrated.
“Fuck,” you muttered with a small sigh. You couldn’t actually like Rafe more than a friend, right? That’d be crazy. You’d known each other for so long, had been friends for so long, there was no way. It was probably just a crush. There was no denying that Rafe was attractive, and it was normal to want to kiss attractive people, right?
I’m just emotional because of the fight with mom, you thought to yourself, rolling your shoulders, forcing yourself to calm down. I am not in love with Rafe. He’s my best friend. With a deep exhale, you put your key in the ignition, pulling out of the parking spot and driving towards Gino’s.
When you got there, Rafe was already entering the restaurant, the door swinging shut behind him. You turned your car off, and got out, grabbing a blanket from your backseat and opening the front panel of the trunk of Rafe’s truck, laying down the blanket. By the time you had made yourself yourself comfortable, Rafe returned with two pizza cartons, balancing two cans of soda on top. You reached for the cans, setting them down next to you so Rafe could settle down across from you, laying down the pizza cartons. Wordlessly, Rafe opened both of them, waiting for you to reach for a slice before he got one himself, biting into it.
Silence settled over you as you ate, with you handing Rafe his soda when he finished his slice, knowing he liked to wash his crust down with a drink, and him handing you a napkin. You and Rafe had never needed words to communicate before, understanding each other without having to say anything and as you sat there, glancing at Rafe as you chewed on your pizza, you came to the terrifying realization that you loved him
You were in love with him.
Suddenly, your mind was racing, coming up with 10 thousand different scenarios where you’d ruin your friendship because you had fallen in love with your best friend, as you started to think back to the past, realizing how obvious it was that you had feelings for him. Had it always been like this?
Lost in thought, you didn’t even notice that all that was left of the pizzas were crumbs, as Rafe shut the cartons, stacking them together. Drinking the rest of your soda, you crushed the can in your hand like it was your feelings, bringing the empty cans and cartons to the nearest trashcan as Rafe cleaned up the trunk. You let yourself stare at the back of his head for a while, inhaling deeply before you cleared your throat. He glanced back over his shoulder, attention on you.
“Thanks,” you said, trying not to be awkward as you fiddled with the sleeves of his sweater. Rafe gave you a look.
Despite the fact that you were sitting in silence as you ate, his presence had comforted, brought your nerves down and made your anger disappear the way no one really could. Rafe wrapped his arm around your shoulder and you leaned into him, head on his chest. You didn’t revel in his arms for too long, as the two of you separated as Rafe closed his trunk. He dusted his hands off before turning around, his attention wholly on you.
“Do you want me to come home with you? Create a buffer for your mom?”
“No,” you replied, crossing your arms. “It’s fine, don’t worry.”
Rafe eyed you sceptically for a second before he nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. “A’ight then. Text me if you need anything, okay?”
You smiled at him, giving a quick nod before you got into your car, waving at him as you drove off, a pit in your stomach. The drive home didn’t take long, but the sun had already set as you pulled up on your estate. The house was illuminated in the headlights of your car, quickly returning to darkness as you turned your engine off. There were no lights on as you entered the house; you were hoping that it meant that your parents had gone out, and you’d avoid another confrontation with your mother.
Picking up your bookbag from the floor, you paused as you saw your mother sit in the living room, a book in her lap. The two of you looked at each other for a second, neither saying a word.
“Hey mom,” you greeted her, breaking the silence. Your mother took off her reading glasses, shutting the book.
“Where were you?”
Your mother slid the book on the table, setting the glasses on top. “Did you eat?”
“Yeah,” you replied, shifting on your feet. “I got some pizza with Rafe.”
She nodded slowly, easing into the cushions behind her. You waited, wondering if she was gonna apologize but your mother didn’t say anything; maybe she was waiting for you to apologize.
“… I’ll be upstairs.”
Your mother didn’t stop you as you retreated upstairs into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. Setting the book bag on your desk, you laid down on your bed with a sigh, reaching for your phone.
Rafe [03/21/19: 7:44 pm]: everything good?
Precious [03/21/19: 7:49 pm]: as well as expected
Precious [03/21/19: 7:49 pm]: thanks for being there for me
Rafe [03/21/19: 7:51 pm]: always, precious
Ever since that day, you knew you loved Rafe, and sometimes, you indulged yourself and let yourself imagine what it would be like to be more than Rafe’s best friend. But as he was lying in the bed next to you, his chest slowly rising and falling while you were unable to sleep, you never would have expected that it would be like this.
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author's note: thoughts???👀
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dark-fics-4-you · 11 months
Number One Fan ch. III
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dark!Stepbro!Rafe x f!Reader x JJ Maybank
Warnings: noncon/dubcon, smut, incest relationship (step-siblings), f!recieving oral, fingering, drugging, alcohol, gaslighting, manipulation, jealousy, controlling behavior
Rafe’s jealousy over your budding flirtationship with JJ becomes competitive, and Rafe can’t stop himself from trying to get closer to you
Previous Chapter
Next Chapter
You were completely and utterly stumped.
Despite searching every drawer, your laundry basket, each nook and cranny of your room AND tearing through Sarah’s room, you couldn’t find the underwear you were looking for.
Why did you have to realize your favorite pink silk panties were missing today of all days??
Glancing at your phone, you saw a new text from JJ, ‘i’ve been thinking about you all day y/n, can’t wait for tn ;)’
A smile tugged at your lips, butterflies fluttering in your stomach as JJ’s face entered your mind and you typed out a reply. Although you hadn’t realized it at first, your friend had so much more to him than just his goofy exterior.
JJ understood what it was like to have a tough childhood and a deadbeat Dad, something you had been all too familiar with before you mom finally left your father and eventually found Ward Cameron.
In a lot of ways, you felt like you could be completely yourself around JJ, which was difficult when you were with other friends. He was so perceptive and sweet, although he had a teasing side that you enjoyed just as much.
This was the first time that you had felt this comfortable around another man besides Rafe. But Rafe was your brother, so of course the feelings you had for JJ were different.
And even though you usually told Rafe everything about your life, you wanted to keep JJ a secret. You knew that Rafe would disapprove, he had voiced his opinion of JJ more times than you could count, and you knew that if you told him you were dating JJ he would be mad. So you kept everything between you and JJ only.
Being around JJ felt thrilling, like you never knew what he might do next. He was flirtatious as hell, which was daunting at first, but you grew to love his compliments and innuendos, often feeling a rush whenever he made any kind of sexual joke around you.
You were still a virgin, which felt embarrassing. You had never even had a boyfriend! Despite your many attempts at finding a relationship throughout middle and high school, each one had fizzled out before starting. It had been line after line of boys giving half hearted excuses about why they couldn’t be with you, and you never really understood why every single one of your relationships always failed.
You had never given or received head, honestly you had only had a limited number of make out sessions, always getting too nervous to take it further.
You were determined to finally change that all, and JJ seemed like the perfect guy to lose your virginity to.
You two had been friends for so long, it felt natural to start dating, and even though you knew JJ wasn’t a virgin, you could tell that he liked you a lot and sex with him would be so much more than just a hook up.
You let out a frustrated sigh as you leaned over your drawers. You grabbed a short skirt and lace up corset top that seemed appropriate for the house party you were planning on throwing.
It was always a bit risky to have your friend group coming over to your place since a lot of them were Pogues, friends that you had made before you rose to Kook status, and you had never liked the Pogue vs Kook rivalry.
Despite being a regular terrorizer of the Pogues, whenever you would hang out with them, Rafe wouldn’t bother them at all. Maybe he understood how important they were to you?
Or maybe he had finally started to outgrow his high school rival bullshit.
Either way, you enjoyed the privilege of inviting them over basically whenever you wanted, a privilege that Rafe rarely awarded to Sarah when she wanted to have them over.
This fact had always puzzled you, it was really strange observing the difference in how Rafe treated you and how he treated Sarah and Wheezie. You had always chalked it up to Rafe holding childhood grudges for too long.
You pulled on the skirt you picked out, choosing a slightly less provocative pair of panties than the ones that were still missing. After you tossed the shirt u were wearing to bed in your laundry basket, you slipped the corset top over your head and tried to adjust the straps to no avail.
Already frustrated by the missing underwear, you angrily stood up, walking over to Sarah’s room to complain about you issues and ask her to lace you up, but she was now nowhere to be found. She was probably halfway to John B’s at this point, she had been spending a lot of time with him recently.
With your sister gone, you had no option but to try Rafe’s room.
You knocked on the door, announcing, “Rafe, it’s Y/N! Can you help me with something?”
You leaned closer trying to hear an answer, and when you heard nothing you decided to just walk in. Opening the door, you found the room empty, but you could hear the shower in his bathroom running and warm steam and the smell of his body wash wafted through the air.
He must not have heard me, you thought to yourself as you stepped into his bedroom, closing the door behind you.
“Hey, Rafe!” you called again as you neared his bed, taking a seat on the plush mattress.
This time you heard the water turn off, and your step brother responded, “Y/N/N?”
“Yeah, can you help me lace up my corset?” You checked you phone again, happy to see another text from JJ, this time with a photo attachment. You could hear Rafe in the other room stepping out of the shower and you bit your lip nervously before you opened the message from JJ.
He was cupping his hard cock through the straining fabric of his boxers, and his large hand almost looked small next to his thick dick. Your eyes widened, thighs unconsciously squeezing together as you took in the image before you eyes drifted to the text beneath the photo, ‘look at what you do to me baby, i’ve been stroking myself all day thinking about your pretty mouth and pussy. i need to fill you up.’
His words had your cheeks burning and you felt your panties growing damp, you wanted him so bad you felt like you were on fire.
You nearly jumped out of your skin when the door to Rafe’s bathroom opened and he stepped out, towel wrapped around his lower body, hair and chest still slick with water. Quickly closing your phone and shifting on the bed in surprise, you glanced at your brother with a sheepish grin, trying not to focus on his exposed chest.
“Um, hey could you lace this corset up for me, Rafey?” You batted your eyelashes at your older step brother, trying to ignore the wet feeling between your legs.
He raised an eyebrow, shaking his head in annoyance, but he stepped toward you anyways, motioning for you to turn around so he could reach the back of the corset.
“What’re you all dressed up for anyways?” You felt his warm hands brushing the bare skin of your back as he grabbed the laces, pulling them tight.
“I told you already, I’m throwing a party tonight, my friends are coming.” You were mad that he forgot your plans, just hoping that he wasn’t going to start a fight.
He was silent and you could feel the tension crackling in the air. Rafe tied the bow, hands falling at your waist before he spun you around.
“Is that a problem?” You asked him, challenge heavy in your voice. You really hated fighting with Rafe, because usually you had such a great relationship with him. It’s not that you wanted to cause an issue, you just didn’t see why there needed to be any issue.
Rafe sighed, before wrapping his arms around you and pulling you in for a hug, “no Y/N/N, not a problem. You can have your party.”
You hugged him back happily, mood shifting instantly at his approval. “Thanks so much Rafey! Hey, you could invite some of your football friends over!”
He mulled over your suggestion and nodded a bit, “sure.”
Your phone buzzed and when you and Rafe both turned to glance towards it, you snatched it up, anxiously hiding the screen from your step brother.
“Well, I’m gonna start getting ready for tonight,” you glanced around his room one last time before your eyes randomly settled on his laundry basket.
You noticed the familiar pink shade of the cloth sticking out slightly and you walked to the basket, bending over to grab them.
“Ha, Rafey it looks like some of my laundry ended up in your basket,” you giggled, holding up the panties for Rafe to see.
Your older brother blushed, face frozen in surprise before he nervously laughed, stammering out a joke about ‘wanting to try them on’ that just made you laugh harder.
You rolled your eyes and shook your head in amusement before waving goodbye and heading back to your room.
After closing the door, you slid off the pair of panties you thought you were going to wear and replaced them with your favorite pair, checking yourself out in the mirror a bit as you did so.
Your phone buzzed again and you opened two texts from JJ, ‘send me a picture baby please,’ followed by ‘i need to see how wet you are for me princess’
Your cheeks grew hot and you felt you a warmth between your legs. You lay back on the bed, imagining JJ on top of you as your fingers crept between your legs.
You slipped the panties off, throwing them to the ground and you brought your fingers to your clit.
Swirling your fingers around the tender cluster of nerves, you let out a small moan at the feeling. You grabbed your phone, spreading your legs before snapping a picture with your finger teasing your clit.
You send the picture and JJ opened it immediately. A few seconds passed before you saw a video from him pop up.
When you clicked the video you saw JJ’s hand wrapped around his hard cock, stroking it slowly. Your mouth watered as you imagined the feeling of him inside of you.
Posing yourself again, you snapped a picture of your perky tits. You clicked send, anxiously awaiting his next response.
Rafe watched you from afar as you scanned the crowd of the party again, looking for JJ’s blond hair.
He had been checking in on you every few minutes, making sure your cup was always full and offering you lines of blow, some of which you accepted.
It wasn’t hard to tell that you were drunk already, the most recent time he had spoken with you he had noted how much you were slurring your words and the unsteady way you tried to walk over to one of your girl friends.
He knew you had been looking for JJ. After you stepped into the shower before the party, Rafe had swiped your phone, looking through your most recent messages and realizing your motivations for throwing the party tonight.
Anger bubbled in his chest at the thought of that dirty Pogue defiling his sister. JJ was scum, always had been, always would be. How could you not see it??
JJ didn’t have half the history with you that Rafe did. He had known you for so long, watched you grow up from just down the hall. You had shared moments and memories that JJ could never have. Rafe was just trying to shield you from any man that wasn’t him.
Because Rafe had seen time and time again how men reacted to you. Every room you entered, he could feel the eyes swivel to you, could practically see these men perceive you as nothing more than a piece of meat.
And it made him sick.
You were so beautiful, so incredibly sweet, and way too trusting.
You were too good for that Pogue trash, too pure. If you hooked up with JJ, who knows what he might turn you into. JJ might even turn you against him, which made him the most pissed off.
Rafe Cameron’s little sister deserved to be protected from any of the sick men out there who wanted to ruin your innocence.
But for tonight, he knew that JJ wouldn’t bother you.
He glanced over at his friend across the room who gave him a knowing nod. The rest of his team had taken care of JJ, harassing him and pushing him outside of the house. They weren’t gonna let him back in, and Rafe wasn’t going to let you leave before he got what he wanted.
The music blasted through the house, bodies crowding every available space. Rafe could still see you sitting alone on a counter near the kitchen and he decided to check in on you again.
He came up behind you, arms wrapping around your waist in a hug and you smiled up at him, “Rafey! Can you get me a refill please?”
His heart melted at the way you batted your eyelashes at him and he felt his dick grow hard at the sight of your sweet smile.
“Sure princess, anything for you,” your older brother said with a wink before grabbing your cup to fill it up.
Rafe walked to the kitchen, luckily for him, there was no one else around at the moment.
He set your cup down on the counter, pulling the baggie of powder from his pocket before pouring a good amount to the bottom of the cup. He added more ice and filled it up with the strong punch you had made.
The less you remembered of this night, the better.
Rafe had been going crazy the last few weeks. After that night that he snuck into your room and fingered you, he had been thinking about you nonstop.
About your perfect body, the way you felt tightening around his fingers, so wet and all his. Every single noise you made, every sigh and moan had been playing on a loop in his mind, and he was determined to hear more.
To Rafe’s surprise, the morning after he snuck into your room the first time and made you cum in your sleep, he found you awake early in a great mood and cooking breakfast for everyone.
You spent that day with him, paying more attention to him than you had in a while, and even though there was a small pit of guilt building in your older brother’s gut as he kept his secret from you, he also loved being your center of attention.
Three days after the first night he came to your room at night, he did it again.
You were such a heavy sleeper it would have concerned Rafe if your nature didn’t allow him those moments alone in your room.
Some nights he just came in to watch you sleep, gaze wandering over your naked curves and fantasizing about stuffing his cock into you.
He wandered if that would wake you up, or if you would be able to sleep through him slowly fucking your limp body. He daydreamed about you waking up as he pounded into you, so cock drunk and tired that you would let your big brother do anything to you.
Every morning after he made you cum in your sleep, you would wake up feeling so refreshed and you were always especially sweet to him those days.
Rafe wanted so bad for you to know that he was the one making you feel so good. That your big brother was watching out for you and would always take care of you.
The blond snapped out of his thoughts, giving your drink one last stir before heading back to where you were sitting.
Your face lit up when you saw him and you stumbled from your chair to hug him. “Thanks so much Rafey!”
“No problem, bunny, how are you feeling?” The blond sat beside you and handed you the drink.
“‘M good i just don’t know where JJ is and none of the other Pogues have seen him,” you were slurring your words, hiccuping in between syllables. Rafe knew that you were already drunk the last time he saw you, but now you were on another level. “He told me he was gonna be here.”
You took a large swig of your drink, missing the frown that grew on Rafe’s face at the mention of JJ’s name.
“Fuck that Pogue, I honestly don’t get why you’re so determined to be with that guy.” Rafe scowled with disgust.
You reared back a bit at Rafe’s words, “I don’t know what you’re talking about Rafe, JJ is my friend. And besides, even if he was anything more than that, it would still be none of your business!”
Rafe’s face grew hot with anger, temper spiking when you talked back to him. He knew you were lying to him right now, he had seen some of your messages to JJ.
And it very much was his business.
You were his little sister, he had an obligation to keep you safe, to keep you away from people that would hurt you.
Not only that, but Rafe felt betrayed by the thought of you giving yourself to anyone other than him, but especially with JJ Maybank.
Rafe’s bond with you was deeper than anyone else’s in your life.
If anyone had a right to your virginity, it was him.
“I’m just saying, I’ve heard some bad shit about that guy, he sleeps around and leaves every girl he meets broken hearted. I just don’t want that to happen to my sister.” Rafe looked at you sincerely, trying so hard to convince you.
Your eyes softened, somewhat touched by the concern from your brother, but still annoyed with him.
“I am perfectly capable of making my own decisions and taking care of myself, Rafe.”
He just snorted in response, turning away as he laughed humorously, “sure.”
You took another swig of your drink and Rafe eyed you.
“Make sure you drink that before it’s all watered down, Y/N/N.” He wanted you to drink it faster so the results would be stronger. “Also… I have a little surprise for you.”
You looked at him curiously before throwing back another large gulp of your drink, “what?”
He pulled a small baggie from his pocket and you raised an eyebrow as he poured out some of the contents onto the table and began setting up a line.
“I like how you think Rafe,” you smiled, previous argument forgotten as your brother handed you a rolled up twenty. You sipped your drink again before you leaned over the table and snorted the line.
The burn didn’t last long and you could feel the coke mingling with the alcohol already in your system. You took a couple more drinks of your punch, but the sweetness was starting to hurt your stomach. Colors began to blur together and you suddenly felt really overwhelmed by the need to lay down.
“Mm fuck Rafey, I don’t feel great.” You mumbled, leaning against the larger man to steady yourself, not really understanding why the room seemed to be rocking.
Rafe chuckled at the state you were in, knowing that you only had a little bit more time before you would just pass out. “You’re tapping out already, Y/N/N?”
“I just need… to take a little nap,” you were stumbling over your words, barely able to focus on what you were trying to say. “I’ll come back to the party after, promise. Mm k?”
Rafe’s pulse quickened at your words, an idea forming as you wobbled and stood up.
“Do you need me to walk you to your room?” He asked innocently. “Don’t want you to fall over or get sick.”
Your head was spinning, ears ringing, but you felt really weird. You just wanted to be in bed, and you told Rafe as much before you managed to stand and walked away from the activity of the living room.
He didn’t follow you, just watched you walk away with a strange look on his face.
You practically dragged yourself up the stairs to your room, sighing as you closed the door before flopping on to your bed.
Drinking wasn’t something you did all the time, but you usually were so much better at handling your alcohol and you couldn’t understand why you felt so fucked up right now.
Time felt like it was moving differently. Head swimming, you felt like even sitting up might make you nauseous. You felt so exhausted and your limbs were so heavy. The bed you were laying on however was warm and comfortable. Your eyelids began to drift close.
They jolted open however when a ray of light entered the room and the door opened and closed. You could hear the lock click faintly and you turned to look at the door.
A tall male figure stood by the door, and you couldn’t make out his features as he walked closer. You weren’t sure who had just walked in.
“JJ?” You groggily slurred, slowly lifting your back off the bed as you propped yourself up with your elbows.
He didn’t say anything, just slowly kicked his shoes off before you suddenly felt his lips on yours.
You gasped against him in surprise and you felt his weight shift onto the bed before he straddled you and deepened the kiss.
His tongue probed into your mouth and you let out a moan against his lips at the feeling. His hand slid up your thigh, feeling your soft skin before trailing to your ass and lightly squeezing, and you both moaned into each other’s mouths.
You could feel his hard cock grinding against your core, the layers of clothing doing little to conceal how large he was.
You felt dizzy with desire, body buzzing from both want and the alcohol and coke coursing through your system. You knew that you were so drunk that you shouldn’t be making any rash decisions right now, but everything JJ was doing to you felt so so good, you didn’t want him to stop.
Even though it was dark and your vision was blurry, when he pulled away you could make out his blond hair and you grinned up at him.
“Please?” You asked, pulling at your shirt helplessly, needing to be skin to skin with him.
He understood your request, helping you lean forward before he quickly unlaced the corset. His large hands felt so familiar on your skin but he quickly undid the laces before you could linger on the thought.
After he helped you out of the loosened corset, you laid back against the bed, wrapping his legs around his waist and softly humming when you felt his hands on the soft skin of your breasts.
He caressed you gently, hands massaging lightly before he drew closer and wrapped his lips around one of your hardened nipples. You gasped at the feeling as his warm, wet tongue slid over the sensitive bud. You hands reached for his back, wanting to hold onto him and he hissed against your skin as you dug your nails into him.
As his mouth nipped at one breast, his hand trailed to the other bud, pinching and twisting it. You mewled in pleasure, already feeling overwhelmed by all the sensations you were feeling. Your hand traced to his head, tugging on his hair when he made you feel especially good.
He began to trail his kisses down to your stomach and you could feel your panties growing wetter with anticipation.
His hands found their way to your inner thighs, relishing the feeling of your silky soft skin. They traced closer and closer to your core and you felt your cheeks warming up when his finger lightly traced over your panties.
They were already soaked with your juices and he pulled them to the side before ghosting his fingers along your slick folds. You bit your lip when you felt him circle your clit slowly. You rocked your hips just a little, letting out a small sigh at the feeling of friction against your clit.
“Mmm that feels good~”
He swirled his thumb around your clit lightly, teasingly as he positioned himself over you, and you whined before he shut you up with another kiss.
You sighed loudly against his lips when he slowly pushed one finger into your tight cunt. He slowly curled his finger inside you, swallowing your whimpers with his soft lips.
The pressure between your legs hurt a bit at first, but the feeling quickly gave way to pleasure as he twitched his digit inside you, thumb still circling your clit. Every sensation was heightened in your drunken state and you couldn’t help but moan in wanton pleasure, begging him for more.
When his second finger slid into your tight warmth, you tried to snap your legs shut but his strong arms held you in place, keeping your legs open as he plunged his fingers into your messy cunt. You could feel his grip on your thigh digging in to your soft skin roughly.
He repositioned himself over you again and you felt his warm tongue starting to lap at your already tender clit. You realized suddenly that you had been grinding your hips against him as he fingered you.
The blond hummed against your clit, the vibrations sending a shiver up your spine. You grabbed on to his hair again, pulling him even closer to your pussy, silently begging him to finger you deeper.
His fingers were plunging into you faster and harder now, tongue still lapping at your clit and you could feel the pleasure building to a peak between your legs.
You bit your lip, trying hopelessly to stifle your gasps and moans. Your attempts proved to be in vain when you felt yourself be pushed over the edge, the feelings of him lapping up your clit as you came forced an embarrassingly loud moan from your lips.
Legs quaking, you squeezed your eyes shut and tears fell past your lashes as you rode out your orgasm, his fingers moved slower as you came.
Your chest heaved as you tried to catch your breath, body already sagging when exhaustion rolled over you. You came so hard it almost knocked you out immediately. It felt almost impossible to keep your eyes open.
You felt JJ slowly pull his fingers out of you, climbing over you to kiss you again and that was when your vision finally came into full focus.
It felt like slow motion as you realized the man kissing you was not JJ, but in fact Rafe. Your stomach dropped instantly, horrified that your step brother had just eaten you out until you came on his fingers.
And you had loved every second of it.
Your confusion and shock clouded your mind so much you could barely feel his lips moving against yours. Time seemed to stand still as your mind raced, trying to comprehend what was happening.
You felt limp in his arms and the last thing you remembered before your vision went black was Rafe repeating your name.
Your eyes snapped open before they quickly shut again, offended by the morning light streaming through the blinds of your bedroom window.
Pain throbbed in your head and you let out a soft groan as you pressed a hand to your forehead.
You felt sore, a fact you initially attributed to the amount of alcohol you had drank, but your blood ran cold when your memories of last night began to return.
A wave of nausea hit you with a pang as you put together what you remembered. Had that really happened??
It was so sick that you could barely admit it to yourself.
Did your step brother eat you out last night?Or had it just been some twisted nightmare, something brought about by stress and frustration with your older brother.
You couldn’t imagine Rafe willingly doing any of the things that he had done to you, it simply couldn’t have happened. He was your brother, and he wouldn’t take advantage of you like that, especially when you were drunk.
It didn’t make sense, Rafe was your brother. And yeah he had made his fair share of mistakes in the past with drugs, but to think that he could be so evil as to get you drunk and then violate your body, violate your trust in him?
It just wasn’t like the sweet brother that you knew.
The more you thought it over, swallowing your bile on occasion, the more you convinced yourself that it couldn’t be true. It had to have been a nightmare.
After all, you realized, you vaguely remembered your corset being taken off but you were still in it, and it was even laced all the way up, albeit a little looser than before, but you could have drunkenly loosened them before you fell asleep. Your skirt was still on, hell even your socks were on.
Nothing at all was out of place.
And yet, you couldn’t stop the nagging feeling in the back of your brain from telling you to not let this nightmare go so easily.
It felt ridiculous, but you needed to ask Rafe.
He was the only one who could tell you the truth, and as embarrassed as you were to tell him you thought that you had had a sex dream about him, you were even more terrified of the idea that anything actually had happened between the two of you.
Rafe was your step brother, but your parents had been married for years and as you grew up, you had come to think of him as your older brother.
You loved him. You trusted him.
And the idea that he might have taken advantage of you while you were drunk out of your mind was so unimaginable it would have made you laugh if it hadn’t felt so nauseatingly real.
You managed to pull yourself out of bed, reaching through your dresser to change into comfier, less revealing clothes.
It took you several minutes to muster up the courage to knock of Rafe’s door, and when he told you to come in, you opened the door nervously before stepping in.
He was laying on his bed wearing only his pajama pants and your cheeks flushed with shame as flashes of last night played in your mind.
Your mouth felt so dry, heart beating in your chest loudly as you tried to look nonchalant. You normally would have gotten closer to him, but now you felt anxious just to be in the same room as him.
“Hey, um, how much of the party do you remember?” You stammered out.
“I remember you tapped out early and went to bed 4 hours before the party ended.” Rafe’s voice was even, blue eyes calm and casual. He sat up in bed and it took all of your nerve not to flinch away from his movement. “We all took about 6 shots each after you left.”
This answer made sense, you didn’t remember telling Rafe that you were going to bed, but maybe he had seen you heading upstairs.
Still, it didn’t all add up. Where had JJ been? Why did he not come to your room after you asked him to?
“So… you didn’t come into my room at all last night?” You held your breath, knowing that his answer might confirm what you feared.
He turned his head to look at you, eyes unreadable, “no.”
“Oh, okay,” relief washed over you and you let out a breath you had been holding since you stepped into his room.
“Why do you ask?” Your eyes met his again at his question, his eyebrows were pulled together and the look he gave you made you shiver. You were finding it really hard to look him in the eyes.
“I just thought-” you stopped yourself, licking your dry lips and clearing your throat. “I don’t know, I- I must have had a dream you came to my room last night.”
“Well I definitely didn’t, Y/N.” He paused, looking into your eyes thoughtfully. “What happened in your dream?”
Your nerves flared as he stared at you expectantly. You didn’t even want to think about that dream, much less admit to your step brother that your mind had imagined him in that way, doing those things to you, and making you feel so fucking good.
“N-nothing, you just came by to check on me a-and I was so drunk I couldn’t get up,” your lie was punctuated with a nervous laugh.
Of course it hadn’t actually happened, Rafe had never been inappropriate with you before and you knew that he couldn’t possibly have feelings for you. He was your brother, the love he felt for you was the same love you felt for him.
“That’s sweet that you dreamed about me, Y/N/N.” When he mumbled out your nickname in his familiar drawl, to your horror, you felt butterflies in the pit of your stomach, and you lightly squeezed your thighs together when you felt yourself grow wet.
You couldn’t be around him right now. The shame you felt from your sick dream was all you could think about.
Rafe was such a good older brother, he would never try to hurt you. Thinking about him doing those inappropriate things to you that felt so good conflicted your emotions.
Everything about it was just so, so wrong.
You gave some excuse about going to get breakfast before you practically ran from his room to your own.
Rafe leaned back against his bed, a smug grin spreading across his face as he picked up his phone, clicking on his private camera roll before entering his password.
He selected the most recent photo, the one he had taken last night after you passed out, staring at your pussy with your legs spread for him, clit red and swollen. Rafe’s cock throbbed as he remembered the taste of you on his lips and the lewd sounds you had made with every curve of his fingers inside you. The needy way you had begged him to touch you.
He swiped through the others, you laying back with the corset off and perfect breasts exposed, nipples hardened. He loved the way you had gasped when he licked your nipples, he wished that he could have seen your face while he had fucked you with his fingers, but he needed the room to be dark so you didn’t know it was him.
Another showed you still on your back, his hips aligned with yours, his hard dick resting on top of your pubic area, allowing him to see exactly how deep he would be able to fuck you when he finally got the right moment.
And god was he fucking ready to split you open and take your virginity.
But he couldn’t do it last night, not so soon, not when you didn’t know it was your big brother pumping into you and filling you up with his cum.
Not when you thought he was JJ.
Rafe needed you to know when he fucks you that he was the only one in the world who could take care of you, the only one who actually, truly knows you. The only person you were really supposed to be with.
No, Rafe had been patient, and he was willing to be patient again.
He was the best older brother in the world, and you were going to be his, all his.
No matter what.
Chapter IV
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itneverendshere · 1 day
reader maybe having a dad, like jj’s? very manipulative and controlling, sometimes it’s physical. and he comes out unexpected while rafes there
okay so i was planning to write off her parents as dead but this made me change my mind a little, hope you enjoy <3
wash the sins out of that house - r.c
pairing: rafe x pogue!reader (bartender!reader universe)
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The sound of cartoons played low in the background, mixing with the faint clink of a fork against a plate. 
Rafe leaned back against the worn-out couch in your sister’s living room, watching as you flipped pancakes at the kitchen counter. Your sister’s kid, Milo, was glued to your leg, like always, babbling about some superhero show. The smell of breakfast filled the house, making it feel more like home than his own ever did.
Every little thing you did just made him fall more, if that was possible. He was always looking at you like that, like you were some kind of miracle.
It wasn’t just how good you were with Milo or how much you cared about everything and everyone. It was how much weight you carried without ever complaining, how you made everything seem easy even when he knew it wasn’t. You’d been staying here ever since the storm ripped through your house a few months back. 
Your sister was cool. Single mom, strong like you, but in a quieter way. She worked double shifts, and left you to help with Milo most of the time. Not that you ever complained, even after the long shifts, you loved to babysit. You were used to this shit—being the rock. Probably why you hadn’t freaked out when your house got leveled. You just rolled with it, found a place with your sister, and moved on like it was no big deal.
He’d been staying over more and more, crashing on the couch when he was too tired to drive back to Tannyhill. At first, it was just because he wanted to be near you when you couldn’t sleep over at his. But now… it felt like more. Like he could see himself living with you right away.
You glanced over your shoulder, catching him staring like an idiot. “You good?”
“Yeah,” He cleared his throat, leaning forward. “You need help or something?”
You laughed, shaking your head as you flipped another pancake. “You? In the kitchen? That’s rich, baby.”
“Hey, you never complain about my pancakes.”He shot you a grin, but it faded when Milo tugged at your shirt, asking something in that tiny voice of his. 
You crouched down, your voice soft as you reassured him, “Mommy will be back soon, okay? Just a couple more hours.”
You looked so at ease like you’d been raising kids your whole life. It did something to him—watching you like that. This tough, independent woman who wouldn’t take anyone’s shit, just… melting when you talked to Milo.
Rafe swallowed hard, not really knowing what to say. Every time he tried to picture your future together, it got fuzzy. Not because he didn’t want one. He already told you he did. But because he wasn’t sure if he deserved one with you. His life had been a mess half the time.
He’d hurt people. Done things.
But when he was around you, he didn’t feel like that entitled spoiled guy anymore. He felt like someone who could be better. For you.
The front door slammed open, and immediately, something was off. Rafe’s eyes shot from Milo’s cartoons to the guy who’d just staggered in. He could smell the booze before he even saw his face.
Who the hell?
You froze. The spatula in your hand hung mid-air as you stared at this man like you’d seen a ghost. But this wasn’t a ghost. This guy was real, and from the way he was swaying on his feet, he was about to make himself a problem.
“Some fucking daughters y’all are,” the guy slurred, his voice rough and soaked in alcohol. “Not inviting your old man over while he’s in town.”
Your dad? That was your dad?
Rafe’s mind spun. You never talked about your parents and he’d never asked because he wasn’t stupid. He could tell it was a touchy subject, just like his own dad was sometimes, so he never brought it up. He assumed they were gone and you only had your sister. He never imagined this. 
Not once had you mentioned your dad. And now here he was, stumbling through the door like he owned the place.
Rafe shot up from the couch, every muscle in his body tightening. Who the hell did he think he was, barging in here like that? You didn’t say anything right away, but your whole posture changed—your back straight, your pretty face like stone. You looked like you were bracing for something, and he didn’t like that one bit.
“Dad,” you said, flat and cold. “What are you doing here?”
He gave this ugly laugh, a mix of drunk and mean. “What, can’t a father check in on his daughters? Or are you too good for your family now?”
You didn’t even flinch. Didn’t say a word. Just stood there, still as a statue, while Milo clung to your leg, eyes wide, just as confused as Rafe felt.
Rafe stepped forward, putting himself between him and you. He didn’t care if this guy was your dad. He was drunk, stumbling, and saying things no father should be saying to his kid.
“Who the hell are you?” Her dad’s eyes flicked to him, narrowing, like he was sizing me up. “Rich boy? Boyfriend?”
He squared his shoulders, staring him down. “Rafe.”
“Rafe,” he repeated, laughing like it was some kind of joke. “Of course. She’d find herself a rich boyfriend. Always looking for the easy way out, huh?”
He had some fucking nerve walking in here, talking to you like that. Like Rafe was ever going to let someone run you down. He didn’t know anything about your relationship with your parents, but from the look in your eyes and the way you were gripping the edge of the counter, he was starting to get the picture. This wasn’t the first time your dad pulled something like this, clearly.
You grabbed his arm before he could take another step. “Rafe, don’t.”
Your voice was low, almost pleading. Not because you were scared, but because this was deeper than just a drunk guy running his mouth. This was something you’d been dealing with for years, and your boyfriend was just now getting a front-row seat.
Your dad sneered at you. “That’s right. Tell your little boyfriend to back off. You’re not so tough now, are ya? Always thinking you’re better than me. Always looking after your sister’s kid like you’re some kind of hero. But you’re not. You’re just like your mother. Weak.”
That’s when Rafe felt it. That surge of anger, that need to hit something.
No one talked to you ike that. No one.
He could feel his fists clench, chest tightening. He was ready to throw your dad out himself. But your hand tightened on his arm, and he looked at you. Really looked at you. You seemed tired, like you’d been through this a thousand times before, and you didn’t need him to step in. Not right now.
“Let him go,” you said quietly. “He’ll leave when he’s done.”
Rafe didn’t want to back off. Every instinct in him was screaming to throw this piece of shit out on his ass. But something in your voice, something in the way you were looking at him, made him stop. You weren’t asking for help. You were asking him to let it go. For now.
He swallowed the anger and stepped back, though he kept myself between you and your dad. He wasn’t leaving you alone with this guy, no way in hell.
Your dad’s sneer didn’t falter. “Yeah, that’s what I thought.” He swayed a bit before heading for the door, muttering under his breath. “Ungrateful little—"
The door slammed behind him, leaving the room dead quiet. The kind of quiet that made you realize just how loud things were a minute ago.
You exhaled slowly, like you’d been holding your breath the whole time. You turned back to the counter, flipping the pancake like nothing happened. But Rafe could see the way your hands shook just a little.
He stood there for a second, still running through everything that just went down. He’d never seen you like that before. And he didn’t like what he saw.
“Baby,” he said quietly, stepping closer.
You didn’t look at him. “He does that sometimes. Shows up, drunk, says whatever he feels like saying. Then he leaves. Same thing for as long as I can remember.”
Rafe didn’t know what to say. His mind was racing, trying to wrap around the fact that this was your life. You’d been dealing with that guy for who knows how long, and you never said a word about it.
“That’s not okay,” he said finally, his voice rough. “That’s not normal.”
You sighed, finally turning to face him. “Yeah, well. Now you met the whole family.”
You didn’t know what else to say.
There wasn’t much to say. This was just how things were for you. Your dad was a mess, and you’d learned to deal with it, ignore it even. There was no fixing this. Not really. At this point, it didn't affect you or your daily life that much.
“I should’ve asked,” he said, his voice thick with guilt. “About your family, I mean.”
I shook my head, feeling the weight of it all. “I wouldn’t have told you,” I admitted. “Probably would’ve said he’s dead.”
You didn’t want to be that girl—the one with family baggage so heavy it crushed everything good in your life. You didn’t want Rafe looking at you like I were fragile or damaged. It was bad enough that you were as broke as it got. You’d just gotten used to him wanting to help, to be a little less independent, to let him take care of you and spoil you every once in a while.
This though? You never wanted him to find out. 
But now… he knew. He knew what you came from. And you couldn’t hide it anymore.
“I don’t care,” Rafe said suddenly, breaking the silence. Like he was trying to convince you and himself at the same time. “I don’t care about your dad. I care about you.”
You could feel his eyes burning into you, but you couldn’t bring yourself to look at him. Instead, you kept your focus on the pancakes, the routine keeping you distracted. But your hands wouldn’t stop shaking, no matter how hard you tried to stop it.
“I just… I didn’t want you to see that,” You finally admitted, your voice small and raw in a way you hated. “I didn’t want you to know how messed up everything is.”
Rafe moved closer, his body warmth seeping into your side as he leaned against the counter next to you. He didn’t try to touch you, though, and you were grateful for that. You weren’t ready for that.
Not yet.
“Messed up? Baby, have you met me?” He let out this soft, disbelieving laugh, but there wasn’t any humor in it. 
You glanced up at him, finally meeting his eyes. And there it was—that soft, almost sad look he got sometimes when he thought about his family. About how his mom left and how his dad never really let him in. Ward Cameron was friendly enough with you, and he wasn’t a complete asshole to his son, but he was absent, not really caring about keeping a constant connection with his kids. It hit you then that maybe you two weren’t so different after all.
Maybe that’s why you worked.
But still, the shame stayed. The feeling that now that he really knew you, the ugly parts you kept hidden, he might not stick around. Guys like him didn’t stick with girls like you, right? Despite him doing the exact opposite until know.
“This changes nothing, okay?” he said, his voice softer now, almost like he was trying not to spook me. “Not with me.”
He wasn’t looking at you like he was about to leave. His eyes were steady, clear. He didn’t look freaked out or like he regretted being here. He just looked… real. Like he meant every word.
 “This is a mess, Rafe. You saw it.”
“I don’t care,” he said, like he needed you to hear him. “I don’t care about any of that. None of it changes how I feel about you. I love you.”
You bit your lip, turning your attention back to the pancakes because if you didn’t, you were afraid you might cry. You weren’t the crying type, but after everything, your dad showing up like that, and Rafe not running for the door—it was a lot. Too much, maybe.
“I don’t want you to feel like you have to fix anything,” you said softly, flipping the last pancake and turning off the stove. “You can’t fix my dad or the way things are. I don’t want you to try.”
“I’m not trying to fix anything,” Rafe said, stepping closer to you now. “I’m just… I’m here. With you. That’s all I want.”
You felt his hand brush against yours, hesitant at first, like he wasn’t sure if you were ready to be touched. But when you didn’t pull away, his fingers laced through yours, and the warmth of it broke through the dread thad settled over you since your dad walked in.
Finally, you turned to face him, and there it was—that look in his eyes again. The one that said you were more than enough, that he saw you, really saw you, and wasn’t running for the hills. You knew him like the plam of your hand now, and he wasn’t bluffing. He never lied to you.
Your heart did this weird thing, like it flipped and dropped all at once. It was still a little scary to hear him say that. Scary because it meant he was sticking around, and as much as you it scared that was exactly what you wanted. For him to stay.
Because you loved him just as much, and you didn’t mind reminding him every day.
Milo broke the silence, tugging at your shirt again. “Is time f’pancakes now?”
You couldn’t help but smile at the innocence in his voice, the way he had no idea what had just gone down. You bent down to scoop him up, holding him close, the warmth of his growing body keeping you sane in the moment.
“Yeah, buddy,” you said softly. “It’s time for pancakes.”
Rafe watched you, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. This is why he knew you’d be a good mom one day. He kept that thought in the back of his mind every day since you gave him the bracelet on his wrist.
The way you picked up Milo and smiled—it calmed him down. The whole scene was so you—taking care of things, keeping it together even when everything around you was a mess.
“Eat up, kiddo,” you said, ruffling his hair as he dug in with way too much syrup. 
Then you glanced at Rafe again, your smile still lingering but more reserved, like you were still processing everything.
Milo was halfway through his second pancake, syrup smeared all over his little face, when he looked up at Rafe with those wide, innocent eyes.
“Hey, Rafey, can we go to the park after this?”
You were clearing the plates from the counter, and Rafe caught the quick glance you shot his way. You had a shift starting in an hour, and Milo probably knew it too, even if he wasn’t saying it.
He leaned back in his chair, wiping a bit of syrup off Milo’s cheek with the corner of a napkin. “The park, huh? What’re you thinking, swings? Slide?”
Milo grinned, syrup dripping down his chin. “Both! And the big jungle gym! You said I was big enough for it now, remember?”
He laughed, remembering the time a couple weeks back when Milo had looked at that massive jungle gym like it was Mount Everest, and Rafe told him he was totally ready to conquer it. “I did say that, didn’t I?”
You shot him a look as you grabbed your bag, ready to head out for your shift. “You sure about this?” you asked.
Rafe waved it off. “Yeah, no problem. Milo and I got this.” He grinned at the kid. “We’re gonna hit the park and maybe even stop for some ice cream after if your mom’s cool with it.”
Milo’s face lit up like Christmas morning, and you laughed softly, shaking your head. “You’re spoiling him, baby.”
He shrugged, trying to play it cool, but deep down he liked how easy it felt, like this was where he was supposed to be. “Eh, he deserves it.”
You walked over to where Rafe was still leaning against the counter, and without overthinking it, you leaned in and gave him a quick kiss on the lips.
“Ewwww!” Milo groaned dramatically, scrunching up his face like he just witnessed the grossest thing ever. “Why do you always gotta kiss him like that?”
You and Rafe both burst out laughing, and Rafe shook his head, ruffling Milo’s hair. “Get used to it, bud,” he said, still smirking. “She’s gonna keep doing that.”
“Not in front of me,” Milo said, still looking completely disgusted but clearly loving the attention. “It’s so gross!”
You grinned and gave Rafe a playful tap on the chest. “Guess we’ll have to start sneaking around now.”
Rafe chuckled, pulling you in for another quick peck. “I can live with that.”
Milo let out an exaggerated groan, dramatically slapping his hands over his eyes. “Ugh! I’m never getting a girlfriend if that’s what you have to do.”
“Good,” you said, shooting him a wink. “No girlfriends until you’re thirty.”
Rafe laughed again, and Milo just sighed, completely over it. “Can we just go to the park now? Please?”
You shook your head, smiling at how easily the moment turned light again. “You two have fun. I’ll see you later.”
You headed out the door, the sound of your nephew still groaning in the background making you smile as you went, promising yourself you’d answer whatever questions Rafe had about your parents, the second you two snuggled up in his bed at night.
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mrsmikaelsxn · 1 year
Dada's Sleeping
pairing: rafe cameron x female reader
warnings: just fluff :)
summary: a movie night with you, your husband, and your son theo
a/n: y'all i'm begging you to request stuff bc idk what to write lmao, also this is my first time writing a dad character and mom reader, i love it
song: honeypie - jawny
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You, Rafe, and Theo were sat on the couch. Theo in between you two and a blanket over your bodies.
You were watching a movie that Theo had picked. He's four, so it isn't the most interesting thing for you and your husband. However, he enjoys it so you don't mind.
While you were still watching, you feel a poke on your stomach. You look down at Theo and he uses his hand to single for you to get close.
You bring your face by his and he goes to whisper in your ear.
"Mama, I think Dada's sleeping," he giggles quietly and points a thumb backwards.
You look over and see Rafe's eyes closed as his head rests against the couch. You smile at how pretty he looks, even as he sleeps.
"I think you're right, darling," you smile.
Theo squirms in his seat and finds a new position. He gets comfy with his head now on your lap and his arms holding onto your leg.
You run your fingers through his soft hair as you continue watching the movie, occasionally looking at your husband and son.
A little bit later you look down at your Theo again, only to see him peacefully sleeping.
You reach over to get the remote, trying to not move Theo too much so he doesn't wake up.
You shut the tv and slide the blanket off of you and him.
You carefully pick up Theo and put him in a type of cradle position, which was kind of hard since he wasn't a baby anymore. You go to bring him to bed when you hear a long yawn behind you.
"Sweetheart?" Rafe's sleepy voice fills the room.
"Yes, love?"
He slowly opens his eyes and sees you holding your son.
"Why didn't you wake me? I can carry him to bed," he says, standing up and walking towards you.
"No need, my love," you kiss his cheek.
He nods and follows you as you walk to your sons room. You gently place Theo on the bed and tuck him in. You two kiss his forehead and close the door as you leave.
You get to your room and you stand in front of the bathroom mirror, brushing your hair.
You feel Rafe wrap his arms around you and you put the brush down.
"You seemed pretty cozy on the couch," you grin.
"Sorry, I'm just so tired," he mumbles runs a hand through his hair.
You two brush your teeth and wash your faces.
You notice how he is having trouble keeping his eyes open. You smile at him through the mirror before turning to face him.
"Why don't we lay in bed," you suggest. He nods his head and kisses your head before he goes back into the room.
You two get into bed and he puts on the tv, knowing you who can't sleep without some background noise and light.
He brings you against him and you rest your head on his chest, closing your eyes.
He yawns and snuggles into you, holding you as close to him as he can.
"Goodnight, angel, I love you," he whispers, closing his eyes.
"Night, I love you too," you whisper back.
You two drift into a cozy sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, two hearts together as one.
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writingroom21 · 1 month
Sweet Escape
Pairing: Rafe x single mom reader
Summary: Moving to Kildare with your best friend and daughter was the perfect move. The little island is perfect, the people are nice, and you are finally at peace. Then Rafe comes in with his perfect smile and charm, sweeping you off your feet. The only issue is if you are ready to let someone else in.
Warnings: 18+, mentions of abuse(Theo being physical with reader), mentions of cheating(Not from reader or Rafe), making out, grinding, (Let me know if I missed any)
Wc: 6.8K
Chapter Five: I'm Here
“Let’s just take a moment to relax and take a deep breath.” Rafe is rubbing your back trying to help you calm down. “Relax! He’s trying to take my baby away and you want me to relax?” You croak out in between sobs, slapping his hand away from you. He Raises his hands, eyes widening as he looks to Jo for help.
“Babes no one is telling you to not take it seriously. We just need to make sure you are okay too. Just take a deep breath.” Jo’s reasoning only makes it worse. Another sob rips through you as you clutch your chest. “I can’t breathe. He can’t be doing this to me.”
You look up at her and then look at Rafe. Your tear stricken face breaks their hearts. “He can’t take her away from me.” Rafe takes a deep breath before wrapping his arms around you. “We won’t let him. I’ll call my lawyer and see what he can do.” Jo comes to kneel down before you. 
“Plus he hasn’t been in her life at all until this point. What dumbass would give him full custody?” You don’t listen to what they are saying. Well you are but none of it matters right now. All your brain can focus on is the words on the document in front of you. 
This is an official summons. Theodore Mitch Wixx is petitioning for full custody over Violet Dunn. You will have 14 days to respond to the summons before proceedings occur. If not heard from within the time frame it will be seen as an agreement to the terms listed below.
He doesn’t even know her middle name. Somehow he got all the paperwork through without even knowing her middle name. “What’s funny?” You didn’t even realize that you had started laughing but you did. Now you can't stop it. “He doesn’t even know her fucking middle name and he thinks he should have full custody.” Rafe and Jo share concerning looks. She nods for him to scout out of the way so he can let her take his place.
Rafe lets her comfort you while he makes a quick call to his lawyer. He seething with anger if he’s being honest. It was one thing for him to think it was easy to weasel his way in. But to try to take Vi away from you is crazy. When he gets back to the living room you are now curled in a blanket with a cup of tea in your hands. Jo passes him on her way to her room, leaning towards him to whisper something. “Just gave her some chamomile tea. Think she just wants you right now.”
He nods at her and makes his way to the spot next to you. You watch him with a calm look as he places your legs on his lap, rubbing your calves. “What did he say?” The voice that hits his ears is not the same one he’s been listening to for the past hours. It’s small and afraid. “Said we can go meet him on Monday. His wife is a family lawyer so she’s going to help us. But he thinks we got a good case.”
There he goes saying we again as if it's easy. “You don’t have to do all of this. You can back out anytime, I wouldn’t judge you.” Rafe has half a mind to be offended, you would think that of him. But you were just told your shitty ex is trying to take your kid away. He understands you are vulnerable and probably just thinking the worst. To be fair he’s kind of doing the same thing right now.
“I’ll keep saying it until you believe me. I’m not leaving. I care about you and Vi, I’ll protect the both of you.” Tears well in your eyes again. “What if he does win? What if I never see her again?” Rafe takes the mug and puts it on the ground before pulling you into a hug. “He would have to pry her from my cold dead body before he could take her.
You giggle at his absurdity. “I’m serious. I won’t let him hurt the two of you.” You squeeze him tightly, grateful to have him here. “Thank you.” Rfe buries his face in your shoulder. “Nothing to thank me for.”
The rest of the weekend was like a slow action movie where you are just waiting to be over. Rafe had cuddled with you all of Friday night, falling asleep on your tiny bed with you practically on top of him. You didn’t know when he had moved yall but was glad you didn’t have a crick from sleeping on the old couch. Vi had been excited to see that Rafe was still there the next day when she woke up.
It should have warmed your heart but the worry kept nagging at you. It was the only thing you could focus on. You had decided to stay home, wanting to watch movies with her just to be close. It became a whole house thing which you were happy for because you don’t think you would be able to keep your emotions in check with just you and her. Rafe had even invited Wheeziewho then told Sarah.
Both girls could sense something off with you and Rafe wouldn’t give anything away. Only telling them you just needed the company. Which seemed to be the right choice because they got a few smiles even a laugh out of you throughout the day. As Saturday night was getting late the girls decided to go home. “Rafe are you going to be home?” Rafe freezes at Wheezie’s question looking at you to see what you wanted.
But you don’t say or show him anything. He takes a wild gamble and makes a decision. “I’m going to stay. Text or call if you need anything okay.” He misses the smiles on your and Jo’s face as he looks at his younger sister. “Okay. But I swear if Rose makes me do another late night girl talk you are compensating me.” He laughs and agrees. “Deal.”
The rest of the night goes by the same as the previous day. You fell asleep and woke up in his arms which was actually nice. Only if your brain would let you focus on the feeling instead of the scenarios it’s creating. You seemed like a shell of yourself. You moved like a robot only really showing emotions with Vi. No one says anything, not knowing the turmoil you are going through.
Rafe worrily chews on his nails, afraid that his presence is too much. Then you reach out for his hand to hold and things feel good. In all honesty the whole house is shaken up about the situation. Vi is the light of the house and losing her is a scary thought for everyone. June had some choice words when she was debriefed on Saturday. Let’s just say it’s a good thing she has a bad hip or else she might have found Theo by now.
Everyone is just concerned with what will be said tomorrow. The thought of that scumbag being anywhere near that precious baby is rage inducing. The only person who seems to not notice the tension is Vi herself. Or maybe she did and that’s why she’s being extra cute today. Either way it’s a good distraction from what’s going on.
As the clock kept ticking closer to night, the nerves seemed to rise with the stars. “Hey I should probably get back home. I’ll be here exactly at eight to bring you. Make sure you bring the papers.” Rafe is putting his shoes on at the edge of your bed as Vi tries to climb on his back. “Do you think you could stay again tonight?” He automatically stops tying his laces and looks back at you. 
“Of course. Let me just call Wheeze to let her know.” Wait Wheezie, what were you thinking? “No no. Nevermind you should probably get back. You’ve been here all weekend and should spend the night at home with her.” Rafe grabs Vi’s arms as he stands up, giving her a piggyback ride as he walks to your side. Right before he sits down he pulls her over his shoulder, laughing as she giggles while being tossed around.
He sits down with her on his lap now. “Um this maybe a little out of line for me but… you could come stay with me. We can set Vi up in the room across from mine or even in my bed, it's big enough.” You think about it for a second. “You’ve been staying here for the past two days. It’s not out of line suggesting we go to yours.” You play with her hair as you speak, kissing her forehead as you get up. “I’m going to pack our things.”
You’ve seen his house before but somehow it still shocks you. Sometimes you forget that he has money. Rafe leads you up the stairs holding a sleeping Vi. He said it's because he doesn’t want you to hurt yourself but you feel like he wants to be close to her too. Instead of bringing her to the guest bedroom like you thought he was doing, Rafe actually takes her to his room. 
The only time you’ve been in it is when you were waiting for dinner that Rose insisted you came to. It looks clean and not lived in which could be due to the maids. There weren’t even any decorations which made you feel sad. It’s like when you go to tour a house and everything looks picture perfect.
Rafe places her down on the bed, rearranging some pillows to create a fort around her. You place your overnight bag on the desk chair getting your pj’s out and toiletry bag. “You can go get changed first if you want. I can stay with her to make sure she doesn’t fall off the bed.” When you don’t respond he turns to look at you and sees you staring at the picture frame on his desk.
“This is new.” Is all you say. Rafe blushes and rubs the back of his neck. “I thought it was a nice picture. Wanted to liven up the room.” Staring back at you is the picture you had taken at the zoo. It shows the three of you all sporting face paint Vi had begged for. 
“Mommy Waint!” Vi shouted tugging at your arm. You had just got done looking at the elephants and were now walking around. She tugs on your arm again pointing as she says “Waint!” You and Rafe both look at the way she’s pointing to see an older lady painting a little boy's face. 
Rafe crouches down. “Want to get face paint?” Vi nods her head excitedly screaming “YES!” You laugh as she tugs your hand for you to follow. Turning your head to Rafe you shake it. “When she doesn’t want to take it off you are the one dealing with it.” He didn’t know he was signing up for a job when he suggested it but her smile made it worth it.
She squirmed the whole time the lady painted a butterfly on her face. Jumping up and down when she saw it. “Ra twurn.” Rafe looked at the little girl and then at you. Yeah he definitely didn’t sign up to get his face painted. “How ‘bout mom gets something?” He suggests but Vi shakes her head and points at him. “Ra.”
Reluctantly he sits down in front of the lady, shyly smiling at her as she stares at him. “Um I’ll get the tiger?” He looks at Vi and she nods her head in approval. You giggle as you watch Rafe get his face painted and you aren’t the only one. People kept looking over to watch this six foot two guy get painted as a tiger.
Vi’s smile when he was done was so bright and of course you got dragged in. You decided to let the two of them pick what you get. That’s how you ended up with a fox on your face. After you three headed over to a pretzel stand. As you all pick at it you wipe out your phone.
You hold it up catching the three of you. “Say cheese.” Vi turns her head smiling widely at the camera. Rafe moves his face closer so the two of you are blocking her head in. The phone makes a fluttering noise as you take the picture. You look at it and smile, hearting it to save for later.
The memory warms your heart. You kiss Rafe’s cheek pulling his hand to drag him to the bathroom. “Come on. I need a shower and you need to show me how to use your fancy one. Plus she’ll be fine.” He gladly follows along not seeing any reason to argue. 
That night the two of you sandwich Vi in the middle of the bed. Your fingers are running up and down on her arms. Rafe is rubbing small circles on her back as he stares at you. “We’ll be okay. Everything is going to be fine tomorrow.” You believe him. Even if you are scared you know deep down everything is going to be okay.
“Hi I’m Carl and this is my wife Diane.” You shake his hand before shaking hers. Rafe greets them like old friends but if you think about it they might be. The four of you settle down at a table. Diane takes out a notepad and pen, clicking it so she can write. “Why don’t you tell me what happened from the start Ms. Dunn.”
Taking a deep breath you begin to spew everything. How you two were dating but then you fell pregnant. From there how Theo dumped you when he found out and how you had to raise Vi on your own. But now he’s back wanting full custody of a kid he doesn’t know or wanted. Rafe’s hand holds yours as you tell her the story. 
You shake with rage as you hear yourself talk. HIs audacity is honestly baffling. “How was your relationship before the pregnancy?” The room gets silent as they wait for you to answer the question. Rafe turns his body to look at you, placing his left arm on the table. “Babe?” Blankly you look at him, tears pooling in your as you do. “Sweetie, you can tell me what happened.”
Diane was soft spoken making you feel more comfortable. Clearing your throat, you fix your posture and take a deep breath. “In the beginning it was fine. He would always see how I was doing or surprising me. Um but after like a year he just got mean.” You take a sip of water to swallow the lump in your throat. 
“What do you mean by that?” She’s writing down in her pad. “A little after our first anniversary I found out he was talking to another girl. After I confronted him he got a little physical.” The sound of your voice is brittle as if it is breaking with every word. “What do you define as a little bit physical?”
“He pushed me against the wall and slapped me. He yelled at me for a while after and then apologized. Said me accusing him of something so bad made him snap.” The only sound in the room was the sound of the collective breathing and pen scratching paper. “It didn’t take long after for him to start putting me down. Saying I was stupid if I got a slightly lower grade than him. If I didn’t wear makeup he would tell me how ugly I was and said I embarrassed him.”
Rafe’s hand squeezes yours. He’s trying hard to stay calm right now. A tear falls down your cheek and he wipes it away. “How long did that last?” You laugh at the answer. “The rest of the relationship. I was stupid enough to think he actually did love me and that's why he said all of it.” Diane stops writing and looks you in the eyes.
“It doesn’t make you stupid hoping someone cares for you. He was your boyfriend and it’s not your fault he took advantage of that.” You shake your head, wiping the tears that are falling. “When I found out I was pregnant I thought he would change. For some reason I had hoped things would be normal just so Vi would have a normal life.”
“I’ve seen hundreds of women in your same position. Everyone of them is a survivor just like you. Don’t let him make you feel crazy for wanting basic respect.” She reaches over and takes a hold of your hand that’s around the cup. She rubs her thumb over your knuckles. “What you went through and how you felt is real. You had no control over it. None of it was your fault.”
You look at her for a moment, letting the tears fall. The only people who believed you were Jo and her family. When you had told your parents they had blamed you. “What is so wrong with you that he could do that? Why are you trying to destroy that poor boy's life?” “Sometimes a man needs things and you can’t fault him for that. Grow up and accept the fact you weren’t good enough.” Their voices still ring loud and clear in your ears.
“He would hit me when he got made. One time he caught me talking to a class about a project and spent the whole car ride berating me. Honestly, I thought he was going to crash the car just to prove a point.”  
“Why would you think that?” The way Rafe’s fingers are gripping yours is causing you to lose circulation. “He was driving crazy, started to speed and swerved. I had to beg him not to do anything just for him to stop.” Rafe grabs a tissue and wipes more tears off your face. He grabs a few more and hands them to you. 
You take them and blot away any excess moisture. “I’m sorry if this question seems insensitive but it’s important I ask. Do you have any documentation of all of this? Text messages, audios, pictures, or diaries?” The question isn’t one you were prepared for. After your parents didn’t believe you, the thought of telling anyone else was pointless.  
You did write in your diary but that has to be somewhere in New York. “I used to write in my diary but I stopped when Vi was born. I think I still have our old messages but I would have to check.” You are sniffling throughout the whole time you talk. It feels refreshing telling someone else about it and not having to keep everything in. Jo is the only person who really knew what your relationship was like.
Everyone else got a watered down version where he’s just a dick for leaving you pregnant. Not like you believe anyone would believe you anyway. “Okay good. Find the diary and bring it in and look for those messages. I’m going to send over an appeal and we will work out the case once it’s approved. But from what you said I think we got a solid case.”
As she’s packing up her things you remembered something. “He sprained my wrist once. I had to go to the emergency room because I thought it was broken.” Diane pauses her movements. “Do you still have the papers from that visit?” You straighten in the chair. “I have an electronic copy.” She sits back down whipping out a tiny notepad. “How did it happen?”
“We were hanging out with some friends and one of them asked me what he got me for my birthday. I said nothing and he got upset that I told them the truth. He made us leave early and dragged me out to the car. He told me I embarrassed him and I deserved nothing because that's what I was. I tried to just open the car door to get in and he slammed it shut right on my wrist.”
Diane takes a deep breath and writes it all down. “If you could send me a copy of those papers as well that would be perfect.” She packs her things and walks to your side of the table. Bending down she gives you a hug. “You didn’t deserve any of that.” She pulls away giving you a warm smile before walking out with Carl who gives you a nod on the way out. 
You and Rafe still sit there for a second soaking it all in. Silently he gets up still holding your hand and waits for you to stand before walking. The walk to the car seemed shorter than it was before. You get to the passenger side door when Rafe pulls you back, spinning you around so he can hug you. He squeezes you tight, wrapping himself around you. Your arms wrap around his waist holding on for dear life. 
“You’re everything. I’m sorry no one has seen how special you are. But I see you.” You grip him tighter as you try not to cry. “I’m not perfect but you make me want to be. You deserve nothing less than perfection because that’s what you are.” Tears stain his shirt as you both stand in the parking lot. You pull your head back to look up at him. “I don’t want to be perfect. I just want you.”
He takes an arm away, strips the heat with it. His hand cups your face as he leans in. He kisses you deeply, conveying his emotions through the action. Disconnecting, he looks you in the eyes and smiles.
“You have me.”
After you had gotten back home that day you called Jo’s mom. You asked her if she would be willing to go through the old things you left in the attic. Once you explained the situation to her she was more than willing. After hanging up you and Rafe tackled trying to go through the leftover boxes to see if it was in there. When you both found nothing it switched to downloading the old text messages you shared.
It took the rest of the afternoon to download everything and send them over along with the ER papers. The two of you didn’t really talk about what you had mentioned. You know that at some point you will need to talk, but this doesn’t seem like the right moment. Dinner time comes and everyone sits at the table to eat. Rafe had taken Wheezie and Rose to dinner so it was just the girls at home.
“How did it go today?” Jo drinks some water to alleviate the dryness in her throat. You swallow the food you had been chewing. “Um, I think it went good. I told her about how he just left and now he’s back.” You don’t want to bring up the other topics because you know she will go into a rant about it.
She doesn’t mean any harm and you know that. But you hate bringing up that time of your life. You already dealt with it all when you went to therapy after having postpartum. It was all hashed out and you want to leave it that way. If you keep talking about it you know old wounds will open up.
The conversation dulls and the only sound comes from the scraping of cutlery on plates. Towards the end June gets up and gives you a hug. “They would be idiots to believe that dumb fucker.” You can’t help but to laugh. She’s always been foul mouthed even since you were a kid. “Thank you Juney.” 
Jo cleans up the plates as you start on the dishes piled in the sink. As you are scrubbing a plate the doorbell rings. “Got it!” Jo yells. You keep washing the dishes trying to entertain Vi at the same time. She squeals as the water you flick at her hits her forehead. Footsteps are heard walking up the hall. You turn to the kitchen door to see Rafe.
“Hey. What are you doing here?” You’re confused, you thought Rafe was going to stay at home. Looking down you can see that he has a small duffel with him. “Jo and I talked, we think it’s best if you have a distraction. Diane still needs to draft an appeal which then has to be approved. It could take a few days so I want to take you away.” He drops his bag and walks over to you, picking up Vi on his way.
“I have the shop.” He smiles and gives you a kiss, wrapping his free arm around you. “Already thought of that. Jo said she could look after it or if you do want to work…” He pulls out a singular key, showing it to you. “I got the keys to the little beach house Rose just got. It has a private beach and like no neighbors.” He leans down and pecks your cheek then your neck. 
“Just you, Vi and I.” You pull back smiling at him. “What would you do when Vi and I are at the shop?” Taking that as a yes to the beach house, he drags you to your room. He plops himself down on the bed, watching as you pack your things. “I’d go with the two of you. I took the time off of work.”
You stop packing and look at him. He’s playing with Vi, making her giggle every time he tickles her. “Won’t they need you there?” A nagging feeling is creeping up. You can’t be the reason he misses work. “I own the company along with Rose. She doesn’t care that I’m taking some time off. I think she actually likes it better since it's her way all the time.”
He looks up at you and smiles. “Plus I want to be there for you. This is a lot to handle on your own. You don’t have to go through it by yourself.” You walk over to him, crawling on the bed to be next to him. “I don’t know what I did to find you but I’m glad I did. I” Rafe waits patiently for you to finish. The way your eyes flicker between his, he thinks he knows what it is. “I’m really lucky to have such a great boyfriend.” He’s slightly disappointed that’s all you had to say.
He shakes off that feeling and gives you a kiss. “Come on. We have to finish packing so we can get there fast. There’s a hot tub I want us to try.” You laugh at him and get up. “Yes sir.”
“You’re cutting the stems too short. Try measuring them in the vase.” Rafe stares at you blankly as he holds a pair of scissors in his hand. “I thought you had to cut the ends off.” You smile as you take a flower to show him. You demonstrate how to measure it according to the vase and cut the stem. Taking the flower out of his hand you put it in the vase along with yours.
“You see how the one I cut is out of the vase while yours is stuck in the neck? Flowers come in all sizes and sometimes if you eyeball it they come out too short.” You take his flower out and bring it over to a small vase and add it. “This way all the flowers align to the vase.” Rafe can’t help but be in awe of you. You talk about the flowers as if they are a form of art. Well he guesses that they are. 
“Okay boss, what else should I know?” He’s been calling you that for the past two days. It started on Tuesday. You had woken up to Rafe gently shaking you holding a cup of coffee out to you. “Morning boss, I’m ready for work.” He had talked your ear off asking questions on what you will have him do. You had to explain to him that you couldn’t say anything until you went to the shop.
Once the three of you got there Vi started to wander the shop as you set your bags down. “What should I do?” You looked over orders and inventory before telling him he can rearrange some displays so you can gather flowers to make more.
It took him a while to weed out any displays with wilting flowers and rearrange the good ones. But by the end he was done. Which only made him want to keep doing other stuff to help you out.
On Wednesday he saved the boss' comments until he was helping out a customer. You honestly thought he quit with it but guess not. An older lady was asking him to help her find a nice bouquet for her daughter in law. He didn’t know what the flowers even looked like and was getting nervous. “Um I would have to ask my boss I’ll be right back.” His nervous expression was cute.
From then on he kept referring to you as boss, even when at home. Well the little beach house. As the two of you were cooking dinner last night he brought it up again. 
“Where do you want the pepper boss?” You roll your eyes at him. “Are you really going to keep calling me that?” He wraps his arms around you from the back. Feather light kisses are placed on your neck. “It should be chef right since we are in the kitchen?” You groan at him. You knew watching The Bear was a bad idea.
He lets go of you, going to get Violet to parade her around the kitchen. “Vi say ‘Yes chef’ to mommy.” The little girl giggles as he tickles her stomach. “Yes chef.” The way she says it is so adorable. Rafe throws her in the air and catches her, swaying her from side to side in the air. 
“Go play in the living room. The two of you are stressing me out.” You joke as you add the peppers Rafe cut to the pan to saute. He pulls her down, carrying her over his shoulder as he walks to you. Vi laughs as she wiggles against his back. Rafe places a hand behind your neck forcing you to look at him, leaning down he kisses you.
“Yes chef.”
Which leads you to know. 
“You can take those out to the front. I’m going to grab the next batch of flowers for some orders that we can start on.” Rafe nods as he takes the vase and walks out of the attached room. You turn to Vi and tickle her with a left over flower. “Come on sweet girl. Let's go get some flowers.” As you and Vi grab flowers the front door bell rings, alerting you that someone walked in. 
Normally you would go out there but with Rafe being here you can take a step back. You’re cutting some stems when he walks back in. He looks back out front before looking at you. “Man, that girl was weird.” You shoot him a look.
“Rafe don’t say that.” He makes his way over looking at a slip and finding the bundle you set aside for it. “Babe, I'm telling you she’s weird. Kept asking if I was the only one working.” You look over at him, finding it slightly odd. “Maybe she’s not comfortable around guys?” Trying to give her the benefit of doubt you make up an excuse. 
“When I told her the boss was in the back she kept asking what your name was. I told her if she wanted flowers she could get them but if not to kick it.” Sighing you put your scissors down. “Baby next time just get me. Can’t just tell people to kick it.” He leans over the table grabbing one of your hands. “Sorry but I still stand by what I said.”
You shake your head and laugh. “Get back to the order.” Rafe just smirks as you try to ignore him. Your eyes keep looking over at him just to see that he was doing the same. The rest of the day was nice. You are all caught up on orders and sold a good amount today. Overall it was a great day.
The three of you had gotten home an hour ago. As soon as you stepped foot in the house Vi was begging to go swimming. Rafe offered to take her if you made dinner or he could make it if you wanted to go in the water. You jumped at the opportunity to not be in the sea so you opted for dinner.
Rafe and Vi came in soaked when you said food was ready. She showed you some of the rocks that she collected. After dinner she was so tired that it made the bedtime routine even longer. All she wanted to do was sleep so she kept protesting. By the time she was in bed it was already eight thirty. Rafe closes the door to her room as you both sneak out. “Let's go in the hot tub.” He whispers.
Since you got here every night ends with the two of you in there. You went to get changed and met him outside. Rafe was already in the water when you exited the house. His head rests back against the edge as the water laps around him. His eyes open to watch you get in, his hands find your waist to pull you closer. “Hi.”
You giggle and lean in closer. “Hi.” Rafe moves a piece of hair behind your ear and kisses you. The two of you kiss for a bit, enjoying the way your lips move together. The kiss heats up a little. His lips leave your, kissing their way to your neck before lightly sucking on it. You lean your head to the side giving him better access as your hip rolls over his. 
Rafe moans into your neck before gripping your hair, maneuvering your head so he can kiss you again. It goes like this for a while longer, the two of you getting lost in each other. After some time he pulls away from you. The whole relationship till this point has been just kissing and little make outs.
At this moment things are going the furthest they have been. You’re still rolling your hips with your eyes closed. Rafe watches with his mouth open, staring at how pretty you look. He brings a hand up to cup your cheek, caressing his thumb on your bottom lip. His eyes widen when you stick your tongue out to lick it and give it a kiss.
You open your eyes to look him in the eyes only for yours to fall shut when an orgasim courses through you. “Oh fuck.” Rafe moans out gripping your hips trying hard not to cum. You slump over resting your head on his shoulder. “That’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ver seen.”
You can still feel that he’s hard but he’s not making any moves. Rafe catches your internal freak out and kisses you. “I’m not in any rush. Let me take care of you.” You play with his hair and move closer to him. “Okay.” He wraps his arms around your waist holding you to him. It’s silent as you two sit there.
“I’m going to miss having you around at the shop when you go back to work. It’s been nice having another person there even better that it was you.” He snuggles his head in the crock of your neck, pecking the skin. “I’m going to miss you too. It’s going to be weird not being around you and Vi for so long.” You laugh and pull back to look at him. The water splashes around from your sudden movement. 
“Ray, you're acting like you aren’t going to see us ever again.” He shrugs, smirking at you. “Sue me for missing my girls.” You smile down at him, cupping his checks to give him a kiss. “If you’re feeling lonely, maybe Wheezie can go and help you out. She’s out of school for the summer now so she has the time.” You think about it for a moment. It’s kind of perfect, the shop has been doing well. The country club has even been regularly buying big orders from you.
“Sounds like a deal.” Your hands find his hands, pulling them away from your body allowing you to get up. “Let’s go. We have to go to the craft store so I can get more chalk pens in the morning. So we gotta get up earlier.”
He followed you, drying off and waiting his turn in the shower. He may have taken longer in the shower taking care of a little problem. By the time he went to lay in bed you were already asleep. Quietly he gets into bed next to you, looking at the baby cam on the nightstand. Seeing that Vi is sleeping soundly he lays down wrapping his arm around you.
“Do you think the letters look good?” You turn the chalkboard so Rafe can see it. He squints to look at the fourth rendition of the same sign. Every single one looks the same but you insist that there was something wrong. “I think it’s the best one. What do you think Vi?” The little girl looks up and nods her head in approval before playing on her own board.
You smile and turn it back around, beaming at your work. “I’m going to put it in the front window.” As you are about to turn around the front door opens. “Hi how can we hel-” You turn around to see Theo standing there. “What are you doing here?” 
“You told them I was abusive. Are you that fucking stupid?” Rafe comes to stand by you, slightly pushing you to back away. “Don’t talk to her like that.” Theo looks at Rafe, narrowing his eyes. “You know I’m getting really sick and tired of you always getting in the middle. Back the fuck off.” Rafe stands a bit taller looking down at him. “No, I won't back off. I see you for the deadbeat that you are. I won’t let you hurt them.”
“You are really believing her right now. She’s just upset I left when she got pregnant. I never laid a finger on her.” Rafe rolls his eyes and pulls out his phone. “Get out before I call the cops.” Theo pauses for a second trying to call his bluff. But once he saw Rafe press a number he went to back away. “You really think he cares about you, Prim? You’re probably just one of his new challenges. The single mom with baggage, the perfect sucker.”
Rafe steps forward ready to grab him by his shirt and punch him. But he stopped himself plus the door opened. A woman walks in and makes her way next to Theo, grabbing his hand. “What are you doing here?” Rafe asked her. You look around him and catch his eyes. “You know her?”
Rafe nods. “That’s the customer I was telling you about.” She smiles at you but you can tell it’s fake. “Hi I’m Delia. Theo’s fiance.” You and Rafe are shocked, looking at each other as if saying ‘what the fuck’. Delia then tries to walk around you towards Vi. “You must be Violet. I'm so excited to meet you.” You block her from going further.
“Please don’t go near my child.” She looks at you and scuffs. “I’m going to be her step-mom. She needs to get used to me. Plus when we get custody she won’t be scared.” You feel as if you were slapped. How dare she have so much entitlement to a kid that’s not hers. “Yeah no you need to leave. You don’t need to meet my kid.”
“God, are you still trying to keep him away from his own kid? You are lucky he didn’t get a lawyer involved sooner.” You look at her dumbfounded. “Excuse me?” She crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. Rafe doesn’t even get what is happening. Where is she getting that idea from? “If I hadn’t forced him to get a lawyer involved, who knows how long this would have gone on. You’re evil.”
“I never once ke-” “Del let’s go. It’s no use arguing with you. I told you coming here was a bad idea, she never listens.” You and Rafe watch as they walk out not saying a word. The door closes and the shop is now empty. The air conditioner can be heard running with a faint hum. The two of you turned to each other saying the same thing.
“What the fuck just happened?”
@haruvalentine4321 @namelesslosers @ijustwanttoreadlols @drewsphswife @corpsebridenightamare @actorslover @juniperbaies @fionaswifeyy @dark1paradise @stoned-writer @notafairyteen let me know if you want to be added
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maybanksbabe · 1 year
Baby girls bio dad coming back when she’s like 15 wanting to be part of her life so reader and rafe talk with her and he tells her he loves her and he’ll always be her dad no matter what she chooses but she decides rafe is the only dad he wants in her life
AND HE WOULD TAKE THAT PERSONALLY. Rafe's been there for her more than he ever has but he'd totally respect if she wanted her bio dad in her life but she's only ever known Rafe and doesn't want anyone else to be her dad 😫😭
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winterrrnight · 8 months
“here we are again” — new beginnings chapter II
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PAIRING: stepdad!soft!rafe x mom!reader
EDITH SPEAKS: hello mls! I hope you enjoy reading this chapter <3 just a lil note: updates will get a bit sporadic for the upcoming week or so because I have some big things coming up which unfortunately require more attention than my silly little fics :( I greatly apologise for that, but let me tell you once I'm free I'll have great fics awaiting you all!!
please like and reblog if you enjoyed reading and don't hesitate to let me know any of your thoughts 💕💕
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You let out a huge sigh as you lean back in your chair and close your eyes shut. You’ve been trying to find a good preschool for Sage, after you had to pull her out of the one she was earlier in because their fees increased exponentially, and unfortunately you haven’t been earning enough to support Sage going to such an expensive school.
“Mamma mamma!” You hear her call you out from a different room. Her footsteps are audible as she comes running to you, basically banging the floor with her feet.
“Mamma!” She says, smiling wide, standing next to the front legs of your chair and tugging on your pants. You look down at her and plaster a big smile on your face, picking her up and placing her on your lap.
“Yes baby?” You coo, leaning to press a kiss on her soft cheek, which is tinted a light pink.
“I made something for you! You have to see it now,” she says, now tugging on your crewneck. You get up from your chair, Sage on your hip as you go to the room she was just in.
You set her down on the floor, and she picks up a folded paper. “Here,” she grins, and you take the paper from her.
You unfold it and you see a drawing of you, her, and one strange man standing next to the two of you. She’s colored in the drawings, her colors going out of her drawn lines, assuming their own directions, but nevertheless, you can’t help but grin wide at the present.
“Sage baby,” you get on your knees in front of her, “this is so cute! You’re my talented little kiddo, aren’t you?” You smile, tickling her sides. She laughs and squirms to get away from you, her little hands trying to swat you away.
“But who is that?” You ask, pointing at the drawing of the strange man.
“Fafe!” She yells excitedly.
“Fafe? Who’s ‘Fafe’ baby?”
“We met him, at the, at the store! He was big, veryyy big!”
And suddenly it strikes you. The handsome, handsome man who you met at the grocery store. It’s been around a week since that day and you had nearly forgotten about him.
Until this exact moment.
Now everything comes back to you; the exact moment you saw him, your eyes sinking into his, your heart beating so loud it might as well jump out of your chest.
“I remember him baby, why did you draw him?”
“Because, because he was very nice to me,” she says, her hands at her back as she’s swaying side to side in her position.
You aren’t sure what to reply to her with. She drew a man you met and didn’t even talk for more than five minutes on a random Tuesday, and showed you three being a family.
Dad, mom, and Sage. A family.
Is she expecting you two to just get married to him? To bring him in your house this quick?
But, at the end of the day, she’s a four year old little girl, with a wild imagination, and a desire to have a father figure in her life.
You’ve tried your level best to never let Sage feel the lack of a father in her life, but you always knew deep in your heart that one day, she will wonder why she only has a single parent, and why can’t she have two parents like all her friends. But you never expected this day to come so early.
You shake your head and come back to reality, and let a smile pull onto your lips. “I’ll hang this on the fridge next to all your other art,” you tell her, and she jumps up and down with excitement. You make your way to your kitchen, your daughter on your heels as she’s giggling, and you pin her drawing up with a magnet next to the rest. You take a step back to admire the splash of colors on your fridge door, your heart feeling content.
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You smooth out the wrinkles in her dress, and tie the bow of her dress tightly. Sage is especially giggly today, your hands roaming over her little body which constantly creates a tickling sensation on her skin.
“Mamma, where are we going?” She asks you, carefully pocketing a candy you gave her. You pick her up and take her to your kitchen island, settling her in her chair to hand her her cereal.
“We’re going to a new school baby,” you say, pouring milk into her bowl and mixing it well with her fruit loops.
“But, I love home,” she puts, her eyes big and wide, and you know she’s trying her best to convince you to stay at home by putting on a puppy dog face.
“You know that face doesn’t work on me,” you smile, sitting next to her, and gently smoothing a hand over her hair. She only giggles as her answer and you pick up her spoon, and start to feed her. Even though she knows how to eat on her own, you’re worried she might get messy and spill the milk on her dress.
You were worried she might not like the idea of going to a new school. She really liked the previous one, but you knew you couldn’t keep her in there for long. But here she is sitting next to you, eating her cereal as excitedly as if you’re about to go to an amusement park.
Once she’s done eating, you both leave for the school. This one also happens to be closer to your home than the last one, so you're quick to reach there. You help Sage get out of the car, her light bag hanging on her shoulders and her hand securely in yours, as you lead her to the main doors of the school.
When you go inside, the receptionist leads you to the classroom Sage has been assigned to. A few children are sitting on the floor of the classroom, empty white sheets spread around them along with unopened boxes of paint.
You hear Sage audibly gasp as she notices all the art supplies, her eyes shining with a desire to create art. You look around the classroom to spot a teacher, but there’s no one to be seen.
You decide to maybe talk to the receptionist once again; maybe she’s making a mistake? You leave Sage in the classroom and turn around, and almost in the next fraction of the second you bang into a broad chest.
“Oh gosh I’m so sorry!” You grunt, your eyes closed from the impact. You run a hand over your forehead, feeling a slight pain from your collision into the broad and muscular chest.
You finally open your eyes, and you see the last person you would expect to be here.
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what do you all think Rafe is doing there? 🤭
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 3 months
pleaseeee write some more rafe x weird!reader 🙏🏻🫶🏻
How about some Weird!girl headcanons?🤭🪞🥀
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Weird!girl and Rafe met at the cemetery about a year after Ward died. Rafe was there visiting his grave, boasting to his deceased father about his success when he heard the prettiest little voice. He never expected to find the most beautiful, yet most strange girl he’s ever met sitting by her mother’s grave with a little orange cat.
Weird!girl absolutely adores animals of all kinds. Her family owns one of the most successful dairy companies in the country so she’s spent a lot of time around farm animals. She absolutely adores baby goats and bunnies the most though.
Weird!Girl’s mom died when she was young and her dad was never around so she was raised by her eccentric kook grandma. Everyone in the OBX always thought there was just something a little odd about her entire family.
Weird!Girl is a passenger princess through and through, she tried to get her permit when she was 15 but failed the test twice and honestly just gave up after that. Her grandma always had a driver for her growing up and once she gets with Rafe he happily takes on that position.
Weird!girl loves pretty things, but not in a classic diamond way. She loves random opal rings and pretty lace dresses found at vintage shops. And chunky chokers from flea markets. Rafe can’t stand this. He finds loopholes by buying her custom bat shaped jewelry and expensive platform shoes from her favorite brands.
Weird!girl has never really had a lot of friends. All the other kooks either looked down their noses at her or straight up belittled her. She was written off by Pogues just for being a kook, even if she didn’t feel like one. Rafe is her first real relationship, friendship or otherwise.
Weird!girl has a little white bunny named Lydia who she treats like her actual child.
Weird!girl wasn’t a virgin when she and Rafe met, she lost it to a band geek in high school and has had a few random hook ups as an adult. Rafe likes to pretend those didn’t happen.
Weird!girl smokes cigarettes and weed but she’s really girlie pop about it with her little vintage ashtrays and cute little custom bongs off Etsy. She also loves to hit the pen.
Weird!girl has tons of cute little tattoos. Baby deer, lambs, teddy bears with too many eyes and their stuffing coming out.
Weird!girl collects dolls, some porcelain but mostly Monster High and Bratz dolls. Rafe teases her about this at first but when she gets genuinely upset he realizes how much it means to her and now he’s buying her every single doll she’s ever wanted no matter the price.
Weird!girl absolutely loves horror. Rafe isn’t the biggest fan at first but once he sees how much she loves it and how happy rambling on about it makes her it makes him learn to appreciate it more.
Weird!girl is constantly making Rafe take pictures of her. She will dress up in little costumes or outfits and drag him out to the middle of the woods for an impromptu photoshoot. He’s a well trained Instagram boyfriend at this point.
Weird!girl has Rafe wrapped around her little finger and she doesn’t even really realize to what extent. She says jump and he says how high. He’s very in tune with her needs, before she can even ask him for something he’s already doing it.
Weird!girl is an absolute freak in bed. She’s submissive for the most part but sometimes she straddles Rafe and rides him so hard all he can do is hold onto her hips for dear life and take it. She loves marking him up. Scratches, bite marks, bruises she sucked into his skin. But she wants the same from him, she has a huge ownership kink.
All things Rafe & His weird!girl here
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moremaybank · 1 year
day four second chance with rafe cameron
pairing rafe cameron x fem!reader
summary months after your failed long distance relationship, rafe begins to send you love letters in an attempt to win you back.
warnings one allusion to sex closer to the end, but nothing else. just a lil angst and hella fluff. oh, and some language.
author’s note hi my loves, i’d really appreciate if you read this because i haven’t written a piece like this in a very long time and i’m actually really proud of it ♡︎ thank you ily
obx week ‘23 masterlist ;; rafe masterlist
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Dear Y/N,
Hey. I know it’s been awhile, and I know that it’s weird — writing you like this. But something happened the other day, and I wanted to tell you about it. 
I was in the grocery store with Wheeze, picking up some cupcakes for her class bake sale because none of us actually know how to bake (which you know). When we got to the bakery section, I saw chocolate-covered strawberries, and I immediately thought of you. Remember how we used to go star-gazing? We’d pile the back of my pickup with pillows and those thick-ass, furry blankets from Costco, get all cozy, and you’d bring those chocolate-covered strawberries that you’d spent the day making just for me. You’d feed ‘em to me, grinning when I’d instantly chase your hand for another bite. And then afterward, you’d cuddle into me, and we’d just lay there, looking at the stars. You’d get this wondrous look in your eyes, like you’d never seen anything so beautiful. I had though. I got to look at you every day, and you beat the stars by a long shot.
Anyway, I ran into your mom at the club earlier. She told me that you were travelling, visiting every place you possibly could in Europe. Sounds like you. I bet you went to Greece first, you’ve had an obsession with it since you were fifteen. I know I always talked about taking you there. Who knows, maybe I still can. 
I miss you. Did I mention that? ‘Cause I do. I miss you all the time. 
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Dear Y/N, 
You didn’t answer that last letter, and that’s fine. I understand why. I never said how sorry I was for everything that happened last year, never really explained. But I will now.
I’m so sorry for how I ended things. Every day, I woke up at school, far away from you. It ached me to not wake up to you. To not see you every second of the day. To not hold your hand or see you smile as soon as you saw me. 
I missed everything. The smell of your lavender shampoo. Your hands running through my hair when I was stressed. You’d always kiss the frown off my face and fix everything just by telling me you loved me. The nights you’d call me when you couldn’t sleep because you needed to hear my voice. That cute little giggle you’d do after you’d been laughing for awhile. The way you’d look at me when you told me you loved me. There wasn’t a single reminder of you that didn’t constantly play on a loop in my head, that didn’t buzz deep in my veins. But I felt such a large void in my heart without you around, and I thought that if I broke things off with you that it would go away. But in the months since then, it’s only grown. Only gotten worse. I don’t think I’ll ever survive losing you. 
I hope this letter finds you well. I hope you open it, and maybe decide to write me back. No pressure, though. 
Yours always,
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Dear Y/N, 
I don’t know if you’re getting sick of these. I really hope you aren’t. I gotta admit, writing to you makes me feel like we’re still connected. I still think we are. At least, on my end, we are. 
Life’s been really crazy, lately. Ward’s getting ready to hand Cameron Development over to me. Every day he tells me that he hopes I won’t run the damn thing into the ground while he’s gone, travelling with Rose. I honestly don’t know why he would let me run things when he obviously doesn’t have an ounce of faith in me. You always told me that his love didn’t have to be earned, and I’ve always known that you were right, but it really feels like I’ll never have it. I wish you were here. You always make things better. 
Anyway, I’m on the road to Raleigh, and I can’t help but think about our crazy road trip last summer. We had no freakin’ clue where we were going, but honestly, I didn’t care. I just wanted to be with you. Your infectious laughter and your terrible singing along to All Too Well (the ten minute version, obviously) is what kept me going that entire drive. That, and when you’d shower me with kisses all over my cheek when you got bored. I loved that shit. 
I’ve been missing you like hell. I’ve already said this, but I really wish you were here. You’d make all this work worth it. ‘Cause, as of right now, I don’t really know why I’m doing all this. You aren’t here, and we don’t have the family we’d always dreamed about. Hopefully that changes in the near future. 
Yours (until my heart stops beating), 
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Dear Y/N, 
A little birdie by the name of Sarah let it slip that you’ve been keeping my letters. Truth is, I sent her to spy on you.
Okay, I didn’t. But I had you for a sec, didn’t I? 
I only know you have them because I begged her for hours to tell me how you were doing, and if you talked about me. Even then, I had to bribe her by saying I’d babysit the kids for an entire weekend so her and John B could go on a couples getaway. Totally worth it. 
Oh, and they threw me a party at work. Apparently I beat out Ward for some record. I don’t even remember what it’s called now. I had so much cake that I went into a sugar coma. It was red velvet, cream cheese icing. Your favourite. That’s probably why I ate so much. You’d go back for it so many times that by the time you were full, I’d be finishing all the rest. 
You still haven’t written me back, but that’s alright. Do it when you’re ready. If you’re ready. Again, no pressure. 
Anyway, I’m sitting here on my couch watching Gilmore Girls. Yes, I finally got around to watching it. I know you begged me to for ages and we never actually got the chance to do it, but it popped up on my ‘recommended’ the other day and I decided to give it a try. You were right. This show’s freakin’ hilarious. I swear Lorelai Gilmore is the reason you were always so witty with me. She’s so quick on her feet, it blows my mind. Also, please tell me that Rory becomes enjoyable again. I miss her Chilton days. I miss her and Jess. Does he ever come back? And please tell me that Luke and Lorelai are endgame. I mean, the horoscope!!! The man waited eight years for her. People probably thought he was crazy for doing so, but I get it. I’d wait centuries if it meant I got to end up with you. 
Yours (until the end of time),
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Dear Y/N, 
I’ve written you so many letters, I hope I’m not taking up too much space at your place. Hey, that rhymed. I should be a rapper. All right, I could never be a rapper. This is why I need you. You keep my delusional mind in check. 
The other day, I was on the ferry, riding over to the mainland, and when we reached, I swear I almost started driving to your house. Obviously, I didn’t. I chickened out. I thought about walking up to your doorstep, watching you open the door, and even dream-you was way too beautiful for me to handle. I almost gave myself a heart attack. One day, though, I’ll work up the courage. I wanna see you so badly, it’s killing me. 
Can I tell you something? I have this dream sometimes, more often than not. It takes place back when we were still in college. Instead of ending things between us, I drop everything and run to you. The journey takes all day long, but I don’t care. I make my way to you, and once I find you, I pull you into my arms and kiss the life out of you. You ask me what’s gotten into me, and I respond by saying that I never want to live without you. That being away from you is the hardest thing I’ve ever had to deal with, and that life isn’t worth living if I’m not by your side. I get down on one knee, pull out a big ass rock from my pocket, and ask you to marry me. And you say yes. Every. Damn. Time. 
The reason I’m saying all this is because I want to give you a fair warning. I’m going to make that happen someday. Sure, we aren’t in school anymore, and we aren’t even together right now, but I don’t care. We’re going to end up together. I know it, and you know it. I promise you, Y/N, I’m going to come back for you. And when I do, I’ll never leave you again. The only place I ever want to be is right by your side, in our huge house that I’m going to build for us, with our kids running around and chasing our dog. The house will smell like a bakery all the time because of your huge sweet tooth, and it’ll most likely be a mess because we won’t be able to keep up with our crazy ass kids. But we’ll be together. And we’ll stay that way until we’re all old and grey. And I might be pushing it by saying this, but I’ll still be taking you to bed every night, ‘cause I know in my heart that you’ll still be getting me all bricked up even in our nineties. Please don’t hate me for saying that. 
Yours forever,
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You placed the last letter back into its envelope and added it to your large collection. Your heart warmed at Rafe’s declaration. You’d been rereading that one letter for a month now. You missed him terribly. You’d tried to write to him so many times, but each time you’d started, you just couldn’t go through with it. Your fear consumed you. You were petrified of the thought that once you opened yourself up again, Rafe would find another reason to leave you. You’d always known that it was hard for him to walk away from you, but it hurt you just the same. If not, more. 
Still, this was a side of him that you’d never seen before. He’d changed in the near year since you’d broken up. You could tell from the way he wrote to you. He’d never been as vulnerable and raw as he had been in those letters. He was bearing his soul to you, something he was always unable to truly do. There was always a small part of him that was closed off, even to you. But that part seemed to have vanished. 
Just as you placed the crate of letters back on your shelf, your doorbell rang. Your heart raced as you approached the door. You opened it, and there, finally, he stood.
Rafe slapped his hand to his heart. “God, I was right. Way too beautiful. Take it easy on me, would you?”
You didn’t answer. Instead, you threw your arms around his neck and practically jumped into his arms. He returned your embrace quickly, squeezing you tightly and keeping you pressed to him as one hand cradled the back of your head. 
After a moment, you hesitantly pulled away, your tears clouding your vision. You opened your mouth to speak, but Rafe beat you to it.
“I’m so sorry, baby. I love you. I love you so much. I—”
You cut him off. “—Shut up and kiss me, fiancé.”
“Fiancé? Yeah? You wanna marry me?”
“Of course I do. You’re still mine, right?”
“Yours,” he confirmed, punctuating it with a kiss. “Always.” Kiss. “Until my heart stops beating.” Kiss. “Until the end of time.” Kiss.
He leaned his forehead against yours, his eyes closing as he let out a content sigh. “Forever.” 
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RAFE TAG LIST (JOIN HERE!): @surftrips @oncasette @taintedxkisses @maybankslover @goldenroutledge @penny4yourthoughts @bmo-bri @hemogloban @princessbetsy123-blog @slytherhoes @whoisdrewstarkey @dreamingwithrafe @vigilanteshitposting @twelfthmortalofcrimsonpalace @wildflwrdarlin @adoreyouusugar @f4ll-for-you @tell-me-when-ur-ready @bbycowboi @jjmaybankisbae @jjsbank444 @enhypens-hoe @loverofdrewstarkey @countryclubkook @earth2starkey @angelofcigs @koalalafications @aerangi @cantstoptheimagines @bloody-mf-bsc @maybanksbabe @slut4drudy @dancinglikeaballerina @somerandos-world @shahanaazsoumah @darleneslane @sya-skies @ellabellabus07 @emmalandry @madelynie @urbestieboo @cruzgrecia @l1lactheflower @rafegirly @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @gillybear17 @obaex @abbybarnesstuff @mattyskies
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ash5monster01 · 9 months
Learning to Love Part 6
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Pairing: Rafe Cameron x FemReader!PlusSize
Warnings: 18+, langauge, angst, fluff, mentions of bullying, body image issues, fat shaming, fake relationship, eventual smut, minor enemies to lovers trope.
Summary: It's not uncommon for you to be shamed for your size, it is however uncommon to be told that no one would ever date you because of it. Rafe on the other hand is used to being called a jerk, that is until he is accused of seeing people for only what's on the surface. It's purely coicidental you two meet right after these accusations are thrown your way. So even though you two don't know each other, and probably never would've looked the others way before this, now you're both going to prove a point. It's simple really, prove others wrong and don't fall in love. Easier said than done.
word count: 2.6k
Part 5 ←→ Part 7
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Rafe had done a great job at avoiding Matt and Levi since dating you. He was afraid if they started asking questions he wouldn’t be convincing enough. Thing was he couldn't avoid them forever, which is proven true when the client he had met with abruptly left lunch early leaving the three men left to discuss more than just work. So Rafe is sat in the same position he was the day he met you, some beach club during lunch hours, bourbon in his hand, and two assholes sat across from him.
"I should probably get back to the office" Rafe says after one more sip of his bourbon, he had no plans to finish it. He hadn't really needed to numb feelings since meeting you.
"Woah, why such a rush? We have at least twenty more minutes" Matt says with a smirk and Rafe sighs. If he wanted to spend time with these two he'd still be an active member at the country club. He hated when Barry called him country club, he was trying to leave that life behind.
"Meeting is over, I have work to do" Rafe says and a low chuckle escapes Levi's mouth and reverberates into the rim of his whiskey glass.
"He just doesn't want us asking questions about his little girlfriend. Or should a say big girlfriend" Rafe's hand instantly tightens around his glass at Levi's words.
"That's right, Rafe has a new lady" Matt smirks, leaning back in his chair and Rafe does everything he can to not roll his eyes.
"You guys have no right to talk about her" Rafe says with a cold and sharp voice. The boys know they've gotten under his skin, struck a nerve with the hot tempered boy in front of them.
"Listen all we're saying is it's pretty suspicous you start dating big girl right after we say something about how you never date unattractive girls" Levi says leaning forward, his arms crossing over the table.
“Well that’s not the case” Rafe says leaning back, standing his ground. He had grown far too fond of you to let some bitter assholes say anything or assume anything. Even if they’re right.
“If I didn’t know any better I’d say our Rafe here is using the poor girl to prove a point” the sentence makes Rafe stomach churn. Before he had gotten to know you that was the case and he hated how bad it sounded out loud.
“Well you never have known any better Matt and what do I have to prove to you two idiots?” and Rafe had a point. It never was about proving himself to these jack offs. It was to prove it to himself and anyone who ever saw the worst side of him and never thought he could come back from that. His sisters, his Step Mom, all those Pogues he harassed for so long. He had killed someone and it was a burden he had to live with every single day. The least he could do is start seeing people for more than what’s on the outside.
"Nothing, just a little weird you started dating a fatty" Rafe's hand slammed the bottom of his glass so hard on the table both boys jumped at the noise, wild eyes looking at Rafe who seemed far to calm for what he just did.
"Let's not forget who controls your employment status, on top of that you have no right to talk about my girlfriend and her size. Actually anyone’s size for that matter. Considering that it's coming from big nose and pimples over here" and both boys sit there shocked for a moment as Rafe stands, rebuttons his suit jacket, and heads to his truck where he can go back to work and not be bothered by those idiots. He should've fired one of them for the hell of it.
Yet he couldn't shake what they were both saying about you at lunch and they were right about one thing, he did have twenty minutes left. Actually he had all the time in the world left because he was the CEO, he'd pull a late night if it meant seeing you and getting whatever those idiots said out of his head. So his direction changed and he found himself pulling into the empty lot of the bar. He was actually surprised the doors were unlocked when he pushed through them and even luckier he was met with the sight of your back. You leaned over a table, wiping it down for the upcoming shift. You wore your usual outfit, jeans and a T-shirt, this time with the logo of your bar across the back in neon. The door slams shut behind him just as he begins admiring the curve of your ass.
"We don't open for another twenty minutes" you call out without turning and he grins, arms crossing over his chest.
"Damn, because I was really hoping for a drink now" he watches as you perk up to the sound of his voice and he's met with a wide smile when you turn around and face him.
'What're you doing here?" you grin and he chuckles, walking forward and spotting Mila and Randy who watch you both from the bar. Mostly because he wants to and the audience you have, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you close.
"Had some time left on my lunch break, I wanted to see you" he says and that's when you spot the pain in his eyes and you need no explanation as you hug him close.
"How bout a drink on the house, mainly because we haven't put the new drawer in yet" you tell him and he laughs loudly before pressing a kiss to your forehead.
"I'd like that" he says and you nod before locking your hand in his own and leading him over to the bar where Mila and Randy jump to look like they were working and not watching the two of you interact.
"Hey, can you get Rafe something to cheer him up?" you ask when you hit the bar and Mila chuckles as Randy nods.
"Rafe having a bad day?” Mila teases lightly, now more comfortable with him since he had been coming around the house. They had reached a new level of friendship when she dug into Rafe about the hickey he had given you. You hadn't realized how carried away he had gotten either and your neck looked like a crime scene opposed to the small mark you had before. She had bitched about how much makeup it would take for her to cover you up when he had told her not too, that he wanted everyone to know you were his. You had felt that sentence in places you shouldn't of and Mila finally accepted Rafe was in this for real.
"Just some idiot coworkers, my revenge was leaving them with the lunch bill today" Rafe returns as Randy sets the brightest drink in front of him. Rafe's eyes widen at the vibrant red color of the liquid and you can't help but giggle.
"What, you said something to cheer him up. This cheers me up" Randy defends and Rafe tilts his head before lifting the drink up.
"Here's to red dye I guess" he says before taking a sip. You all watched curiously as he gulps the the liquid down.
"Not bad Randy, a little too sweet for my liking but good" Rafe says and he grins victoriously as Rafe takes another sip from the drink.
"Don't listen to him, he likes things sweet" you tease and the minute the words leave your mouth you blush a deep red because you know exactly what it sounded like. Mila snorts out a laugh as Randy wears a mortified look.
"I didn't need to know that" he says and you know your flushed cheeks burn visibly for the whole crowd to see.
"I didn't mean it like that" you mutter out and Rafe feels his heart soar over how adorable you look in this moment.
"Don't worry baby, I know exactly what you meant" Rafe says in a proud way, arm wrapping around the back of your chair, and pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. He pretends it's real, that you're really his girl and can kiss you as much as he likes. After trying to finally turn his life around for the better and allowing someone like you so close he realized how lonely he truly was, it creeping in like a bad cold.
“God, I need to go on a date” Mila groans out and Randy chuckles beside her.
“What happened with that guy from last night? What was his name? Paul? I thought you were trying to get his number?” Randy asks, continuing to clean the glasses for the upcoming shift.
“Pope, and turns out he was with that gorgeous girl with him the whole time” you don’t miss the way Rafe freezes against you.
“Not really a surprise, that whole group was some of the most good looking people I’ve ever seen. No surprise they were all dating one another, they’ve probably swapped before” Randy says as your eyes look up to Rafe who suddenly looks like he doesn’t want to be here anymore.
“They were the ones who found the road to El Dorado, hence why it would’ve been amazing to get his number” you recognize the look on Rafe’s face being one of panic, so you furrow your eyebrows together and put your hand on his thigh.
“Rafe, what’s wrong?” you ask and as if he’s brought back to reality he stands and begins to shake his head.
“I have to go, good luck tonight guys” and he’s rushing out of the bar before you can even process what’s happening. That doesn’t stop you from chasing after him though, pushing open the doors to find him in the empty parking lot, gripping his hair, and breathing heavily.
"Rafe, whats going on?" you call out after him but he starts to pace, not turning to face you. The worry you had for him when he showed up now heightens as you see him experience something similiar to a panic attack. So you do what you know best and rush over to him, arms stopping his movement and locking him in your space. You'd never willing press yourself so closely to him, allowing him to feel the curves of your large stomach pressing against him, making him aware of your size, but you know with the panic in his eyes he won't register what was happening. "Hey, talk to me"
"I have to get to work" he say's trying to pull away but you squeeze your arms tighter around him so he's not allowed to escape. This brings his attention to you, eyes finally locking on your own.
"Listen to me Rafe, we may be fake dating but that doesn't mean in the last few weeks I haven't gotten to know you. That being said I know you're upset about something and there is no possible way I can allow myself to let you get in that truck and drive off knowing the mental state you are currently in" he freezes at your words, not quite expecting such a speech to come from you but he also feels his heart rate slow to a small thrum. You had calmed him down. Nobody has ever been able to calm him down. "Talk to me, I'm a stranger, remember?"
"You're not a stranger" he says with the shake of his head, his own arms coming to wrap around you. He takes a beat, allow himself to collect his thoughts and consider sharing this with you. "Those people they were talking about, those are my sisters friends. Considering she doesn't go anywhere without them it meant my sister had been there. I haven't seen my sister in over a year. It just freaked me out"
"The sister you dont talk to?" you ask and he confirms with the nod of his head. "She's the one that found the treasure?”
"It was almost me" Rafe whispers and you feel your heart break for him. This showed that the issues with his sister was much more than resentment, it was the high of the chase. Willing to do and sacrfifice anything for something as beautiful as ancient treasure.
"It wasn't just resentment" you whisper out and Rafe squeezes his eyes shut, clearly trying to push away memories he doesn't want to recall. It's when your arms loosen around him his own heart breaks.
"I've done things I regret. Things that I wasn't even in control of. My whole life all my Dad wanted was that damn treasure and I wanted to be the one to give it to him. To make him proud and instead he sacrificed himself for Sarah's safety and she got the treasure instead of me. She got everything and all I got was the stupid company he didn't even want me to have" then to your surprise a tear slips free from his eye and he steps away from you to hide it.
"Hey, stop" you grip his wrist, tugging him back. His heart flutters as your free hand reaches up and brushes the stray tear away. "Come here"
And just like that he falls into your embrace. Head landing on your shoulder and hugging you tightly. He hadn't had someone comfort him like this ever. At least since his Mom has passed, you're embrace warm and a reminder of all those time's he came to her with scraped knees and misty eyes. The thought alone makes him cry silently against you because maybe for the first time he was realizing how broken his family had become. He was technically orphaned and he didn't even have his sisters to rely on anymore.
It was crazy how fast they went from sharing bowls of cereal at the kitchen island, teasing each other like siblings should, to picking sides of a hunting war, faking deaths, losing lives, and hurting one another for real. A year of hatred and blind rage had changed the entire course of his life and now he was left all alone with the one thing he never truly wanted. At least he had you, even if it wasn't real. Then again how sad is it that the one person he can rely on is one he had to bargain to spend time with him. His entire life was a sham.
"Take the day" you say and he pulls back, sniffling and looking at you with teary eyes.
"What?" he asks curiously and you give him a light smile, hands gripping his own.
"Take the rest of the day, Mila and Randy can handle it here. Let's just go back to your apartment, watch a few movies and order some pizza" you tell him and his own smile cracked across his face. He took a moment to consider it before nodding and brushing his damp cheeks away.
"Okay, yeah. I do have to stop into the office quick. Then we can go" and you nod, willing to agree as long as he was okay.
"If we stop at the office I get to drive" you tell him, holding you hand out, and he furrows his eyebrows before you give him a stern look which makes him comply, dropping the keys into your hand.
"Goodluck reaching the pedals" he mutters and you roll your eyes before walking towards the bar to tell Mila and Randy you were taking to day with Rafe.
"I bet I drive it better than you"
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a/n: sorry it’s been a while my loves, the holidays always keep me super busy. hope you enjoyed!
Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @fishingirl12 @houseofperfecttaste @abbybarnesstuff @carma-fanficaddict @jjmaybankisbae @exhaustedbutelated @diagnosedpsychosis @daivny @drewstarkeygf @vinniehackersbaee @emsgoodthinkin @apollo3475 @https-urwife @willowalexissss @kisstaya @hcneyedsstuff @lexiereblogs @drewsuncrustables @mveggieburger @marvel4life3000 @bibliophilewednesday @humungouspatrolwolf @ijustwanttoreadlols @jaijustreads @sleepjam @dilvcv @aaronhotchswife @sunshine1218 @lavenderhazeq @theultimatefrenchfangirl
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baestruly · 2 years
i’m crashing down, crash into me ━━ jj maybank
❝won’t stop until you’re safe.❞ 
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( 𝗌𝗒𝗇𝗈𝗉𝗌𝗂𝗌 ⋫ 𝖘𝖎𝖓𝖔𝖘𝖘𝖎 )  jj maybank x fem!singlemom!reader
⤷ IN WHICH, after your ex rafe━━also the dad of your son, leo after an accidental pregnancy━━threatens you and your friends if you don’t let him see his son, you get too overwhelmed with everything that you break down. but jj is willing to do anything to help and protect you and leo.
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 - single parent, hurt comfort, fluff, mentions of threats, panic attacks, placed in s2 sometime after he framed john b and tried to drown sarah, they are 18, rafe is 20. you and jj aren’t dating yet but the type of friends that the whole friend group thinks is bullshit because of how stupid you guys are, i’m sorry i love dynamics like that especially in slow burn. 
a/n - i’m sorry to rafe lovers. this was for a fic i had planned, but scrapped so why not make some scenes that i wrote imagines. also send me requests bc currently i have none my heart is breaking. 
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Nothing. There’s nothing in the world as you stood in this battered kitchen. Empty, and alone.
Gone. Nothing.
Then you’re pretty sure you hear your heart crack, because it stops, and everything comes crashing down. 
Whimpering as your lip quivers from the flow of tears streaming down your face━━this is the only sign that you know you’re really drowning.
Forgetting about your friends behind you, you have your back to them, hiding yourself in your hands. You have always had people there for you but you feel so alone━━as if you were the only person in the world, and you were the only person who could break yourself. 
“(Y/N)━━” JJ whispers softly. You’ve never heard his voice like that, he didn’t seem like the type. 
“I’m sorry━━I’m so sorry I━━no, I’m━━“
“No. No, (Y/N), you never apologize.” He shot back, concerned, before moving to face you as he held your arms in his hands. “You don’t apologize for this, alright?”
You could only shake your head. You couldn’t open your eyes and your hands were shaking. 
JJ knitted his eyebrows, running his hand up your arm to your shoulder swiftly before rubbing his thumb against your bare shoulder and pulling you into him. “C’mere.”
You sobbed harder into his chest as muffled cries for help tore through your whole body. “I'm a bad mom━━I can’t do this, I can’t━━”
You couldn’t fucking do this
You were so alone, nothing.
Fuck, fuck, fuck━━you were drowning.
You couldn’t, you couldn’t.
You couldn’t! 
Suddenly, JJ placed his hands on your shoulders━━backing you away from his chest so all you had left to do was stare at the ground in shame, trying to cover your red and glossy face from his view.
He placed his hands on each side of your head, lifting it as he forced you to look at him. “Yes, you can.”
You just kept shaking your head. You weren't listening or paying attention to what anyone was saying, you knew. No━━just no, you couldn’t.
He brought his face close to yours, looking into your eyes deeply, as if everything he could say could reach your brain. Your eyes scanned his face━━sadness pooling deep into those waves, just waiting to burst and form the waterfall. 
“You’re strong, (Y/N). The strongest person I know.” He brought your back to his chest, and he felt your tension ease as your shoulder sagged before wrapping your arms around him.
The only response he got was a choked sob.
“What have you always done, huh? What was the one thing you told me that you promised yourself when Leo was first born?”
“But, you don’t understand.” You whispered, your voice high with emotion. “He’s going to━━”
“I know, I know━━and we’re going to help you.” 
“But you can’t! Okay? You fucking can’t because my life, Leo’s, and maybe all of yours is on the line! I can’t deal with this shit━━”
JJ’s eyes suddenly widened. “What’d you mean?”
Surprised you  let all that anger take over yourself, you blinked as if they could take back all those words. Instead, you let out a sigh and wiped the tear falling down your face.
You could do this.
Just tell him, he trusts you, (Y/N).
“I know he’s his dad, and I never want to keep him away from him━━but he’s just not fit enough to be one━━Y’know? It’s just, like it’s just about the thought of being one, but where was he these past few years! I was just raising him alone, and he hadn’t tried to contact me or find me, nothing━━he didn’t give to shits!” You swallowed the thick lump in your throat. Your voice was cracking and you were afraid you were going to break down again. The smallest touch would affect you now. “And now━━now he’s threatening me, and you guys━━and my dad, my house━━” yep, there it was, the tears. “And I'm scared. I'm so scared, i'm so━━”
Your shaken voice stopped as JJ pulled you in for a hug again, and the one of a million barriers crashed down behind your eyes.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you, or Leo. None of us will let that happen.”
“He knows stuff, JJ━━he knows about everything we’ve done and he’s going to use that against us.”
He continued rubbing your back, sending shivers down your spin as your stomach swelled with the oh too familiar feeling of butterflies. “Well we have something against him too, right?”
You knitted your eyebrows against his chest, before stepping back to look him in the eyes. “What?”
“Just give me a day, I’ll get it sorted out.” JJ squeezed your shoulder, and was about to head for the door until━━
“━━Hey! What are you going to do? That’s Leo’s dad, remember━━”
“I’m not going to hurt him, not too bad. Shit━━but I am gon’ make sure he doesn’t lay a finger on you, or Leo.”
With that, he spun on his heel and ran out the door, leaving you alone━━but you didn’t feel like you did before. JJ was there and so were your friends, you lost sight of that.
It only needed JJ to get you back up again, and to help you find the way when you were starting to get lost. Only this time, it hadn’t been too late.
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writingroom21 · 9 days
Sweet Escape
Pairing: Rafe x single mom reader
Summary: Moving to Kildare with your best friend and daughter was the perfect move. The little island is perfect, the people are nice, and you are finally at peace. Then Rafe comes in with his perfect smile and charm, sweeping you off your feet. The only issue is if you are ready to let someone else in.
Warnings: 18+, mentions of cheating and physical abuse( by Theo), mentions of kidnapping, (let me know if I missed any
Wc: 6.6K
series masterlist
Chapter 6: Test Run
“You have to make sure the till is always at two hundred dollars at the end of the night. I left the spare key in the desk for you to lock up.” You ramble off looking at your fingers to make sure you don’t forget something. “Make sure the alarm is set before you leave too.” Rafe’s hands grab your shoulder pointing you to the front door of the shop. “Babe, I think she’s got everything. Plus she’s been working here for a month now so I think she knows what to do.” Rafe’s right she does know.
Wheezie has been working at the shop for a month now. She started on the last day Rafe had off. It was funny seeing the two siblings work together in such a small store. To be honest it was a good suggestion from Rafe. Unbeknownst to you he had talked to every charity that he knew of telling them to get flowers from you. Business has been taking off and you really needed the help now. Plus she’s a sweet girl and was in need of money.
Over the weeks the two of you had gotten closer. She would go to your daily lunches with the three of you. Sometimes she would go over to the house and have dinner with you, Jo and June when Rafe was busy or joined you. It was nice seeing how she warmed up to you and was comfortable sharing things with you.
“Do you think I’m pretty?” You look up at the young girls as she plays with some baby’s breath. “Of course I do.” Silently she places it back on the table and jumps to sit on it. “Then why hasn’t a boy asked me out?” Pushing the vase away from you, you lean against the table to look at her. “I think that’s because boys are stupid. Is there a certain boy?”
She blushes and puts her hair behind her ears. “His name is Max. He’s so cute and I have English with him. Sometimes all he can do is talk to me but then he acts like I don’t exist.” Taking a deep breath you look at her. Just by the look on your face she can tell that you feel bad for her. You're chewing on your bottom lip thinking of what to say. “Sometimes boys think it’s fun to play with your emotions. They want to feel control over you so they play mind tricks. If he can’t be bothered to talk to you 100% of the time then he doesn’t deserve you.”
Wheezie looks you in the eyes, giving you a light smile. “You’re really good at this. Vi is very lucky to have you, so is Rafe.” You go and give her a hug, squeezing her tight. “You have me too.”
Connecting with Rafe’s family has actually been nice and somewhat healing. You know that his relationship with his family is still rocky. He’s been trying hard to show them he’s changed and so far it seems to be going well. Seeing that his family still cares about him after the things he’s done is refreshing to see. You wish your parents would have been as forgiving. 
Rafe had told you about his drug addiction but how he was already one year clean. You felt sympathetic when he told you, knowing that it must have been weighing down on him. “I get it if you want to break up.” You had just looked at him and leaned in to peck his lips. “I’m proud of you for getting clean. That must have been difficult to do.” You had shocked him that night, accepting him and his life for what they were. 
“Come on, we got to go.” Rafe’s voice pulls you back to reality. You give one last glance to the shop, waving to Wheezie as you walk out the door. Silently you and Rafe walk to the car not knowing what to say. Today’s the first case hearing and you are scared of how it’s going to go.
The past month has been a back and forth battle between Diane and Theo’s lawyer. Theo keeps stating that he was never aware of Violet and that you withheld her from him. Your refute with saying he was notified when you found out and then ran off without another word. It became a he said she said and no progress was being made. The month was completely stressful and Rafe felt like there was nothing he could do.
Getting to the courthouse, Rafe parks the truck, getting out of the car to help you out. Theo and Delia are already there with their lawyer. They watch as you and Rafe make your way to Diane and greet her. “Remember this is just a preliminary hearing. The judge is hearing both sides and deciding on what to do.” You nod at her words, not really feeling any better. 
The bailiff stands in the middle of the courtroom. “All rise for Judge Argent.” The judge walks in and sits in his chair, grabbing his gavel and slamming it down. “Court is now in session. We are here to today to listen to case #81493. The immediate full custody of Violet Dunn to Mister Wixx. I also see that there is an appeal from the mother as well.” The judge pulls his glasses down looking at both tables. 
Theo’s judge stands up, grabbing a folder and walking to hand it to him. “Yes, your honor. My client has not been able to see his child for two years due to the defendant not allowing it. She also withheld the information of him being a father. If my client had known sooner he would have taken action.”
Judge Argent looks at the lawyer with a neutral expression before looking back at the documents handed to him. “Furthermore my client has been under a lot of distress with this revelation. He had fallen into severe depression from missing out on Violet's life.” The judge closes the file and stares at Theo’s lawyer. “Any documentation of diagnosis or treatment.” The lawyer falters for a second casting a sideways glance towards his client. “Mister Wixx decided to take a no treatment route. It goes against his values.”
It was a nice save but the judge doesn’t seem to buy it. He goes to speak again but the judge raises a hand. Judge Argent looks at Diane and nods his head. She gets up and bows slightly to him. “Your honor.” She greets as she goes to hand him her folder. “My client's appeal is that she had in fact notified the plaintiff of the fact she was pregnant and he was a father. She is also claiming that the plaintiff was abusive during the relationship and believes he wouldn’t be the best fit for Violet.”
Theo’s lawyer stands throwing a hand towards the judge and moving to point at Diane. “Objection that is slander. There is no proof of these accusations.” The judge looks through the documents and looks at him. “Overruled. Continue Mrs. Simmons.” Diane looks at the other lawyer and smiles. “As you can see in the folder, there is documentation of the abuse Miss. Dunn had to face.”
“Those could be fabricated.” The lawyer shouts. “Mr. Campbell I will not tolerate your interruptions every five minutes.” The man’s face turns red. Maybe it’s from anger but you think it’s from embarrassment. “Mr. Wixx.” Theo straightens up and looks at the judge. “Yes sir. I mean your honor.” 
“It seems like you forgot your daughter's middle name in your paperwork.” Theo looks at his lawyer as the man gives him an ‘I told you so’ look. “What is it?” Theo moves in his chair and Delia places a hand on his arm. “Baby just tell him.” She thinks she’s whispering but you could still hear her. Theo looks at her and then back at the judge. “Um, I don't know your honor. She wouldn’t even let me know even after I begged.”
Judge Argent sucks his teeth, his eyes darting to you before looking back. “Yet she told you her name?” Theo swallows the saliva that accumulated in his mouth. “Uh actually…” he coughs trying to stall time. “Yes?” With a sigh he speaks. “I found out from someone else. She’s completely shut me out.” You fight the urge to roll your eyes at him. God can he get any more pathetic?
“Miss. Dunn, would you like to inform Mr. Wixx on Violet’s.” You look Theo in the eyes. “Ivey.” Theo just stares at you not knowing what to say. 
The judge puts away all of the papers and grabs his gavel. “I will look over the plaintiff’s and defendant’s documents. We will schedule a hearing two weeks from today. Court dismissed.” He slams the gavel and walks out. You and Rafe stand as Diane gathers her stuff and tries to usher you out. Before the three of you could even reach the door a voice called out.
“Abuse? Are you kidding me?” Theo comes rushing towards you, his face is beet red. Behind him is Delia and his lawyer rushing to stop him. “I advise you not to do this. There are still eyes watching.” Mr. Campbell whispers to his client to diffuse the situation. Your eyes locked with Theo’s. He straightens up, brushing the lawyer off of him.
“If you want to spread lies then go for it. You aren’t so miss perfect right?” He grabs Delia’s hand and storms out. Mr. Campbell scrambles along following the couple. “If he contacts you, send me everything. For now just keep doing what you're doing.” Diane walks out the courtroom promising to contact you in a few days to check up.
Rafe guided you to the truck and drove the two of you back to your house. He’s been staying there most days of the week and sometimes you stay at his. It felt like your lives were melding perfectly together. 
Vi runs up to the two of you,  squealing as she attacks Rafe’s legs. He picks her up, flipping her so she's upside down. “Already starting trouble? I guess the tickle monster is going to get ya.” He shakes her a bit before running to the couch to throw her on it. Walking behind them you hear her giggles. “Stop.” Vi laughs out as she tries to escape. 
“How’d it go?” Jo walks up to you, wrapping her arms around you. “Good, I think. We have another hearing in two weeks.” She brings you to the kitchen as Rafe and Violet play in her tent castle. “I’m going to need a little more than that.” She makes the two of you tea as you explain what happened. There were a few times where she wanted to go beat his ass but you calmed her down.
“Is his life so miserable that he had to come back to ruin yours?” She places your ug in front of you. “I swear he’s lucky I haven’t seen him yet.” You swallow the green tea looking at her as you think of what to say. “It’s not like he actually has a case, right? He was never in her life and doesn’t even know her.” Jo walks around the corner of the island. “Are you kidding me? The judge would have to be crazy if he gave​​ Theo a chance.”
She’s right. There’s no way that he would get custody of her. The rest of the night was slow. Wheezie had come over after work to drop off the keys, bringing along a large box of Pizza. “What’s this?” You laugh as you open the door. “Consider it my thank you for the job. But more importantly I was just hungry and thought I would help you out.” She didn’t stay too long, wanting to go out with some friends.
After putting Vi to bed you and Rafe lay in the backyard looking at the stars. “Give me a fact, space boy.” Rafe laughs at the nickname you gave him. “Stars don’t actually twinkle. It’s just how the light is deflected that makes it look like that.” His hand rubs your arm. You snuggle into him. “So Twinkle Twinkle Little Star is a lie?”
He chuckles a bit, you feel the vibrations in his chest. “Basically.” “Tell me another one.” Rafe lifts his head to look at you. Your fingers are picking at his shirt not meeting his eyes. “What’s wrong?” He watches as your fingers twitch before resting in the middle of his chest. “I’m fine.” He sits up forcing you to as well. “Is this about him saying you aren’t perfect?”
You sigh, pushing your hand to the grass so you can stand up. Rafe’s hand reaches up and stops you. “Come on, you can tell me anything.” He pulls you down so you are straddling his lap. “It’s stupid.” He brushes your hair out of your face. “Come one baby.” The intense blue of his eyes seem so bright even in the dark. “It’s just that I used to party a lot when I was younger to piss him off. I’m scared he would use that against me or something.” Rafe’s arms wrap around your waist pulling you tight to him. “You were young and wanted to have fun. What matters is who you are now.”
“I know, but I’m just scared.” His hand cups your face to force you to meet his gaze. “You shouldn’t have to apologize for being a normal teen. It’ll be okay.” You shyly smile as you wrap your arms around his neck. “You know I really like you, space boy.” He smiles at you, stealing a kiss. “I really like you too, flower girl.” You giggle stealing another kiss before getting up. 
“Race ya to the room. Winner gets to do whatever they want.” Rafe’s ears perk up, he stands up taking a step forward. “Anything?” You shrug taking a step back. “Guess you’ll have to find out.” 
The bell attached to the front door alerts you that someone came into the shop. “I’ll be with you in one second.” You shout through the doors from the back. Wheezie had gone to the handy store to buy a new pair of sheers and took Vi along with her. It was only you in the shop so you have to do orders and help customers at the same time. “Just me flower girl.” You smile as you turn to watch Rafe walk into the back. “Where’s thing 1 and thing 2?” 
He places a bundle of flowers on the table next to you, caging you I with his arms. “They went to the store a street over to get something.” He smirks down at you, closing the gap to connect your lips. The two of you kiss, each movement of his lips seemingly melts your mind.
Your phone vibrates behind you, dancing along the table. “I should probably get that.” Rafe’s lips just meet yours again. “Let it ring.” He mumbles on your lips. The phone stops ringing so it seems like it wasn’t that important. His hands find your hips, lifting you to place you on the table. He sneaks himself in between your legs as he moves his kisses to your neck.
“They could be back any second.” Rafe just shrugs, pulling back to look at you. “Good thing you got that bell.” His lips go back to yours and you don’t seem to care anymore. Then the phone rings again. Fumbling around you reach for it to pick it up. Pulling away you both groaned at seeing it was Wheezie calling. Mood officially killed. You answer the call, putting the phone to your ear. “Hey wheeze what’s up?” Rafe plays with the ends of your hair as he waits for you to hang up. If his sister is calling it’s because she can’t find what she needs. He just needs to wait until you hang up and he can get back to his previous task. You straighten, pushing Rafe away from you. 
“What are you talking about? Is she okay? Where are you?” You’re panicking trying to scramble to get your keys and bag from your office. Rafe follows behind asking you what’s wrong but isn’t met with anything. You are out the door before he can even stop you. He catches up and stops you.“What’s going on?” Rafe forces you to look at him and he wishes he didn’t. The look of terror on your face is nerve racking. “She had lost Vi in the store and som-“ You choke on a sob as you try to calm yourself down. “Someone was trying to take her.” Rafe grabs your hand speed walking in the direction you were going.
Rafe can’t imagine the way you are feeling right now. If he was internally freaking out he can’t begin to think of how you are dealing with this. You turned down a street pulling him along with you. There is a cop car parked on the side of the road. With one officer talking to a woman as another is with Wheezie and Vi. Wheezie looks up to see you and stands up, holding Vi’s hand to walk to you. “I”m so sorry. I was comparing prices and then she was gone.” You don’t say anything just dropping down to the floor to hug Vi. You squeeze her tightly crying into her tiny shoulder. She’s safe in front of you but your brain still believes she’s in danger. 
“I swear I was paying attention. I looked away for two seconds. I’m sorry.” Wheezie cries to her older brother. Rafe wraps his arms around her to give her a hug. He washes as you stand up holding Vi and turn towards them. Him and Wheeze are expecting you to be mad at her.
But all you did was walk over to them and drag her into a hug. “You’re okay right?” The teen girl wants to tell you yes but that would be a lie. She breaks down in your arms , tears staining your shirt. “I'm sorry.” She chokes out as she holds onto you for dear life. You shush her as you rub her back. “You didn’t do anything. Everything is okay.”
You are trying to convince all of you that everything is okay. But deep down this is one of the scariest things you’ve experienced. “Are you the child's mother?” You turn to look at the officer standing behind you. “I am.” “Would you mind going to the side with me to discuss what happened?” You nod your head. As much as you don’t want to leave Vi, you also don’t want her involved in this even more. You go to hand Vi over to Rafe. “Wait, do you know that young girl?” You look at the officer who is pointing to Wheezie. 
“Yes I do. She’s my boyfriend's sister.” The officer nods over to the side and you both walk a little bit away. He whips out a notepad to write some things down. “So the teen girl who was with Violet is your boyfriend's sister.” You nod your head agreeing with him as if you didn’t just state that. “How long have you known her?” You think for a second. “I’ve known her for four months and she works with me at my flower shop. She’s always around Violet.” The officer… you look at his badge, officer Kent looks confused. He’s writing some things down, scratching his head before looking at you. “Okay well I suggest having her father meet them so that way we can avoid this mess next time.
It’s your turn to be confused. “I’m sorry, what did you just say? What does he have to do with this?” Officer Kent is looking at you like you have three heads. “Her stepmom happened to see Violet through the window and saw her with a stranger. She went in and grabbed her to get her away from the stranger.” Your blood is boiling. Leaning to the left you can clearly see Delia talking to the officer who was sitting with Wheezie. Standing straight again you look officer Kent in the eyes. “That is not her stepmother. She doesn’t even know my daughter.” He looks behind him and then tries to find what she said in the notepad.
“Well she said she was engaged to Violet's father.. Theo?” You sigh and shake your head. “Sadly he’s biologically her dad. He hasn’t been in her life since before she was born. Now he’s trying to get full custody. She’s met Vi once and that was for under five minutes.” The officer feels like he’s in a tough situation. On one hand he wants to help you out because he finds Delia crazy. On the other there isn’t much that he can do. “I still need to talk to the worker that was helping the girl out when it happened. But it seems like you have a good case for yourself. Let me go talk to the guy and I’ll find you after, but think about if you want to press charges.” You don’t know what to do. “Charges?” The officer places a hand on your bicep. 
“You could charge her with attempted kidnapping and child endangerment. Think it over and let me know what you want to do.” With that officer Kent walks to the front door of the handy store to meet his partner. You watch as they both walk in before walking back to Rafe. 
“I called Jo and she’s coming to get Vi. Is everything okay?” You nod and explain what the cop told you.  Rafe is fuming as he hears Delia’s side of the story. “What the fuck is wrong with her?” He looks down at Vi and apologizes to her. “Sorry sweet pea. Got a little carried away.” Vi looks unfazed by the cussing but yet again she seems to be unfazed about this whole thing. “Guys I promise I had eyes on her the whole time. I just looked away because I was asking the guy which one he thought was better. I was just trying to save you some money.” Wheeze nervously picks at her fingertips. You didn’t seem upset with her earlier but maybe that was the shock.
“Those split seconds are kids' perfect minutes to vanish.” She keeps her head down ready to be yelled at. “Next time just be more aware of your surroundings. I know you wouldn’t hurt her.” The young girl can’t help but to cry. She felt so close to losing everything.
Life hasn’t sucked as much since you came along. Rafe became the old him again which made her happy. She longed for him for so many years and now she has that back. Plus she’s never had a sister relationship like she has with you.
Yeah, she and Sarah are really close. They help each other out all the time and are best friends. But with you it’s different. It’s like your sister but she sees you as more. Maybe it’s because of your mother's instinct but she feels protected. After everything went down and she was holding Vi all she could think about is how much she fucked up. She knew that this could easily make you break up with Rafe and everything would be over. 
“Hey, hey it’s okay.” You go and hug her, looking at Rafe over her shoulder. You are both worried. “What’s wrong Wheeze?” He steps closer rubbing her shoulder. She sniffles and turns to look back at him. “I thought I messed everything up. I didn’t want to ruin everything for you.” Rafe’s eyes sink as he realizes that he was the cause of her distress. “You never have to worry about me Wheeze. Didn’t I pinky promise you that?” She giggles remembering his promise before she signed the adoption papers.
“I still do. I don’t want to destroy your progress.” Your eyebrows scrunch in at her words and Rafe’s movements freeze. You want to ask what she means but an annoying voice is talking behind you.
“Why was she with some stranger?” Theo is glaring at you as Delia stands next to him but slightly behind. “Because some lunatic tried to kidnap her.” Rafe responds watching in glee as their faces drop. Theo looks behind him sharply and Delia drops her head, staring at the floor. He looks back at you ignoring Rafe’s comment. 
“That tween is lucky it was just Dels and not some creep.” You laugh at his audacity. “Seems like those two go hand in hand. She didn't even know her and had the audacity to try to take her.” His face gets red but he still laughs. “Just wait until my lawyer hears about this. Great parenting Prim.” Wow he really doesn’t back down does he. “Theo, how stupid do you think a judge is? What are you going to tell the judge when I press charges?”
This seemed to knock some sense into both of them. Delia’s eyes snapped up. “Please don’t d-” “Delia!” Theo’s voice scared you for a second and you can tell it did the same to her. SHe backs away one more step. “It was a misunderstanding so good luck.” He swiftly turned around and grabbed her arm, dragging her away.
After Theo left the two officers came back out and found you. “Alright. The worker's story cooperates with your boyfriend's sister’s.” Officer Kent says to you. Nodding along your eyes to the other officer next to him. “So what does this mean?” Realistically you know that you can actually press chargers but you are confused as to what to do. “It means you can press charges if you really want.”
A car door slamming grabs your attention as you see Jo rushing towards you. Rafe squeezes your shoulder, giving the top of your head a kiss. “I’ll handle Jo.” Rafe meets Jo halfway explaining everything to her as he buckles Vi to her car seat.
“Do you know what you would like to do?” Your eyes go back to the officers in front of you. “If I press charges what would that do with our custody case?” They look at each other and then at you. Officer Kent scratches his head as he tries to figure out what to say. But for his benefit, his partner answers for him. “We really can’t tell you what would happen. It would be more in your favor than his based on what we know.” 
You nod still debating on what to do. You want to press charges but what if it goes nowhere? “If it was me I would press the charges.” Officer Kent wants to correct his partner but he has a point, you should. “When you got here your first thought was your daughter. Even though your boyfriend comforted his sister, his eyes never left the two of you. He seems to care about her but her father couldn’t be bothered to ask how she is.”
Tears well in your eyes at the confession. How is it that even a stranger can see how much Theo doesn’t care about her. “I want to press charges.” Your voice is small, feeling as if your life is taking the wrong turn. “How about you meet us at the station and we can go over everything there.” He looks over to where Rafe is entertaining Vi as he still talks to Jo. “Take a moment to calm down from the day. We will be there until six.”
The next hour is a blur. Jo had taken you all back to the shop so you could talk about everything. Wheezie insisted on still working to make up for her mistakes but you forced her to take the rest of the day off. You were going to close the shop anyway because there was no way you could keep working today. She played with Vi as you talked to Rafe and Jo. 
“She’s crazy. Who just takes a kid they don’t know?” Jo had some very vocal opinions on the two of them. “Good, press charges on her. Maybe this will be a slap of reality and they can fuck off to where they came from.” Very vocal
By the time the conversation was over it was around two in the afternoon. Rafe took you to the police station and waited as you went through all of the paperwork. By the time you were out the both of you were tired. On the way home you grabbed food and spent the night trying to unwind.
That’s how it's been for the past week and a half. Trying to unwind seemed pointless when you had a new hearing today. On top of that the case you have against Delia seems to be pulling teeth at this rate. Diane thinks it’s exactly what you need for the custody battle but only if the charges go through.
You woke up in the morning getting ready as you fight the anxiety that’s creeping in. Rafe had an early morning meeting so he’s planning on meeting you there. But based on him not answering when he supposed to be done means that’s not happening. As you were gathering your keys a knock on the door catches your attention. You walk over and open the door to see Sarah on the other end.
“Oh hey Sarah. What are you doing here?” You’ve hung out with Sarah a bit since the beach. But she’s busy with her friend and John B a lot. Seeing her show up unannounced is shocking.
“Um Rafe’s meeting is running later than he thought. I thought maybe I could help you out.” Your head tilts to the right as you look at her. “I could stay here and watch Vi so Jo can go with you as moral support. But I could also go with you if you want.”
She looks nervous even suggesting going with you. “I just don’t want you to be alone.” Her right fingers are squeezing her left ones, fingertips turning red for a split second. “Vi’s being really fussy today so Jo is going to stay with her.” Sarah’s blue eyes dart to the floor. 
“Oh yeah obviously. Sorry if this is weird.” She goes to turn but you stop her. “I wouldn’t mind some company though. I’m a bit nervous if I’m being honest.” Sarah smiles at you and extends a hand. “Well good thing you’ve got me.”
Your knee bounces as you wait for the judge to come. Diane is going over papers as you keep looking back to Sarah’s smiling face. On the right side Theo sits leaning back talking to Delia as if this is nothing. His carefree demeanor is scaring you even more.
What is he playing at?
Then in the blink of an eye his gaze flickers to you. A smirk is placed on his lips before he looks back at Delia. Oh he thinks he’s got this in the bag. “All rise for Judge Argent.” Just like that the world seems to slow down as you stand up and watch him walk out.
“Court is now in session. We are here to today to listen to case #81493.” He settles himself in his chair and hits his gavel. Looking between the two of you and the papers he sighs. “I’ve looked over the documents given to me. I want to give both sides a chance to tell me their stories themselves. Mr. Wixx please step into the witness box.”
Theo gets up straightening his tie giving you a wink as he sits down. “Please place your left hand on the bible. Do you swear the truth and nothing but the truth.” With his right hand raised Theo stares you in the eyes. “I do.” The court officer walks off to the side putting the book away as the judge turns his attention towards Theo. “Can you tell me about your relationship with Miss Dunn.”
“We knew each other our whole lives. Our parents were best friends so they forced us to be as well. Then as we got older it was us being a couple. I guess after so much pressure we just decided to do it and make them happy.” Judge Argent writes his response down. “At any point in the relationship were you involved with anyone else.” Theo almost scoffs, forgetting the facade he needs to keep up. “Never. At some point things became real for me and I fell for her.”
Your nose scrunches. He sounds like a completely different person then the one you knew. Who is this guy? “So you never once laid a hand on Miss Dunn in any instance, correct?” Theo’s right eye twitches. “I would never hurt her. I still wouldn’t, I just want to see my daughter.” He’s good. For a second he really had you fooled. Wanting to see his daughter is laughable. Especially when he never once tried to see her or ask about her. “She would create these crazy fights. Yelling and throwing things around because of a rumor she heard. After graduation I guess I was having enough and broke things off.” 
Judge Argent nods his head. “Have you ever had contact with Miss Dunn or your daughter since then?” He looks down. “I didn’t know I had a daughter until my parents told me after her birth. I tried to visit her in the hospital but she refused to see me and had them tell me she doesn’t want me a part of Violet’s life.” Wow he really has the sob story down packed. 
 “Do you have an explanation for the reason your fiance…” He ruffles through some papers, adjusting his glasses. “Miss Delia McLane taking Violet from a babysitter the other week” Theo flickers his gaze to his lawyer and back to the judge. “Delia thought Violet was with a stranger. She got scared that someone took her and tried to protect Violet.” The Judge leans on his forearms getting closer to Theo. “Isn’t that ironic. You may go back to your seat.” 
“Miss Dunn, please take the witness.” You go up and swear to tell the truth. Only this time you know it’s the truth being told. “Miss Dunn, could you please tell me about your relationship with Mr. Wixx.” You clear your throat. “We grew up together because our parents were best friends. Around freshman year of high school our parents were pushing us to be together so we did. At first it was fine, we thought it would blow over so we did couple things.” Judge Argent asks you to clarify. “We went on dates and had dinners with our parents. After it didn’t die down we gave in and actually just became a couple for their sake. A couple months later I found him making out with one of the cheerleaders at school. I forgave him and then a couple weeks later I was being told he was seeing someone else.” 
You take a deep breath. “It was a constant cycle of me forgiving him just to find out later he did it again. Every time we would fight about it and each fight just kept getting worse. At one point he had enough and started hitting me.” From the corner of your eye you can see Theo glaring at you. Behind him Delia looks horrified, but not because of what you went through. Bo because she doesn’t understand how you could create such a vile lie.
“I just let it happen because my parents didn’t believe me. I felt like no one else would so I stayed. Then when I found out I was pregnant I knew something had to change. I confronted him and told him he needed to be better for the baby.” You look him in the eyes, not letting him escape from what he did. “All he did was tell me I should just go kill it because he wouldn’t be a father. I told him I wasn’t doing that and he left. The next day he completely disappeared, leaving me a note telling me good luck being a single mother.”
The court room is silent for a moment, your words sinking in. “Has he ever had contact with you or Violet?” You shake your head. “No.He’s never once reached out.” You look at Diane who is smiling at you. “What happened with Violet the other week from your point of view.” You settle your emotions as you try to push memories to the back of your mind. “Violet and my boyfriend's little sister, Wheezie, went to the handy store for sheers. Wheezie works for me at the flower shop and wanted to give me a break. Then she’s calling me to tell me someone tried to take Vi when they were in the store. When I got there they were both okay but Delia, Theo’s fiance, was the one who tried to take her.”
Judge argent writes down some notes about what you said and dismisses you back to your seat. You ring your hands as you wait for what he’s about to say. “After hearing both sides I have come to a conclusion. Mr. Wixx I’m choosing to believe that you do want to get to know your daughter.” He stalls for a moment. “I decided that for a trial period you get visitation rights. A child’s service worker will handle the visitations but Miss Dunn you can be present if you choose so.”
You look over at Diane, this isn’t what you want. You don’t want him to be anywhere near Vi. “Your honor.” Diane tries to get in but he raises a hand. “I will not be talked out of the trial period. We will have hearings as well. After the trial period, only after, will I make a final decision.” Five months. He gave Theo five months worth of visitations to be near your daughter. At least he did one good thing. “Let it be known that Miss McLane will not be present in any visitations.”
Theo’s lawyer tried to protest stating that she will be Violet’s step-mom. The judge just reminded him that she also tried to kidnap said child and that made him shut up. The only good thing about this hearing is the fact that she won’t be near her. 
You and Sarah exit the court house trying to get to her car and leave. You are pulling your phone out to call Rafe when footsteps can be heard coming up to you. “So glad the judge could see through you. In no time I’ll have Violet.” This habit of his needs to stop, he won't get to you. “If you believe that’s true then good luck.” He’s left eye twitches, he wants you to fight him back. Delia places a hand on his arm but he shakes her off.
Looks like old habits die hard.
“Where’s that little boyfriend of yours? Bet he realized you aren’t worth it.” Sarah is ready to chew him out but she didn’t get the chance. “He’s right here.” looking to your right you see Rafe walking up to you. He gives Sarah a side hug before hugging you tight, giving you a kiss on the head. “Thanks Sar. Sorry the meeting ran late.” You just shake your head. “It’s all okay. You’re here now.” 
Rafe glances at Theo. “Come on. Let’s go get some food.” The three of you walk off leaving Theo and Delia behind. As you get closer to the car you look back to see him walking ahead of Delia. Looks like she’s trying to get his attention as he storms off. You may not know how he is as a person now but you do know one thing.
There’s no way in hell he’s getting your daughter.
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