artschoolglasses · 7 months
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Panoptica, Simone Leigh, 2019
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cannyparagon · 6 months
War on Panoptica
Herra's throne world Eidolon against Xivu's forces
Commission 🫶
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dark-fuckprincess · 2 months
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I did a streaking grime wash on the test Thallax. I did the application too heavy but it got to a nice place eventually and I know for next time. At first I didn't like how it turned out but looking at it it's pretty tough actually.
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This is the second guy I've done, and I really like it. Looks a lot cleaner compared to the first one I feel. A purple accent somewhere, chipping, and I think some highlighting of white and this guy'll be really to get Streaking Grime. I also have to figure out basing (concrete theme) but I think some washes in one line direction might help, and more washes and such.
I think I'm achieving my goal of a quick and effective scheme. Mechanicum is primarily going to be an ally army for me so if I can have a few hundred points concentrated in some big robots that'd be ideal. That gets me closer to a "finished" army I can field at the game store. It's going to be even easier when I'm back home and can use my Vallejo Grey airbrush primer which is quite close to white for much of the armour panels. I was just experimenting with Celestra Grey. In conclusion: it's mid.
I intend to get some more Thallax, some Castellax, some Destructors maybe and idk what else. I'll look at what the Panoptica homebrew documents have. It's weird, the mechanicum have some insanely cool elements in 30k and a great aesthetic but like there are only a few units that appeal to me whatsoever. Maybe just because it's smaller than the Astartes line.
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This guy is adorable. He is shaped like a plushie and there is a nervous system inside him.
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punkgoesdrill · 4 months
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Panoptica (Mexican IDM) Album covers
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andrevasims · 1 year
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Chapel Panoptica
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ojolosoy · 1 year
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
Watched the new season of Black Mirror and like. I'm pretty meh on Black Mirror generally, I think it's overall good but not great
less cause it's wanky or fire-bad-Thomas-Edison-witch (I don't think it is either of those things and I think short film is the right format for speculative fiction and works really well, plus I'm always a slut for speculative fiction or horror anthologies) and more cause it's often a bit obvious and also I find the self conscious universe building a bit cringe (short stories can be standalone short stories! overarching narratives or crossovers are not necessary!)
but I gotta say off the back of the new series I really think the further away it gets from sci-fi the more I like it. mazey day was ok with a solid twist, loch henry was really effective and I truly found demon 79 really delightful (although that's like 90% cause I just think Anjana Vasan is such a great presence, loved her in We Are Lady Parts too).
whereas the most sci-fi one, the astronaut one, felt kind of stale and unfinished to me, like I knew from about 10 minutes in where every beat of the story was going, and it kept feeling like it wanted to say something about trad families or about fridging women or about trauma or about like. anything. but nah it was just exactly what it looked like, it was a mid 60s-style sci-fi/horror. it read like a Dick story and there clearly was some satirical intent there in the idea that both men were misogynistic and abusive in similarly veiled ways, but like. didn't go anywhere did it? still ended up fridging the women and framing the men as victims of their own brutality and if your story beat for beat could have been written 60 years ago, it's not exactly effective modern satire, is it?
the opener for the season was fine. fun. very classic-mode Black Mirror. I liked what it was doing but it was another one which felt slightly undercooked, like it had a lot of good ingredients but a lot of the episode was just treading water. it was a fun caper if a little cringe at times.
but yeah the non-scifi episodes worked a lot better for me. Demon 79 feels very Asimov but, unlike Beyond The Sea, it didn't feel outdated - it's got a really nice central conceit, engaging characters and it's constructed really well for me, plus the performances and aesthetics were strong. Mazey Day was simple but effective, really clear about its intents and again with some really engaging, fun performances. Loch Henry was just a good tight thriller with again some clear ideas to convey which I thought were on the nose but not obnoxious.
I think that there are some really strong Black Mirror episodes - 15 Million Merits, White Bear, Men Against Fire, Hang The DJ - and the common thread for the ones that work for me is that they have a really tight central concept and a strong idea of what the question they want to ask is. and tbh I think this is the strongest season because only one episode was actively cringe for me and there were 3 really tight ones. To me where the show consistently falls down is that it gets too invested in the Black Mirror Expanded Universe and the idea of what the show is 'meant' to be. Almost all the weakest episodes start with an on-the-nose piece of technology and end with 'hey if that happened would that be fucked up or what?'
I reckon that this season Brooker's been quite actively trying to get off the hook of 'Black Mirror Is About Phone Scary' and it's by a long way an improvement cause freed of the need to in any way shoehorn in a central technology the show's got solid space to find new core concepts and new ideas instead of 'what if there's a 15th fucked up thing you could do with memory recordings or perfect AI personality clones?'
like black mirror's always mostly been interested in a few core themes - voyeurism and panoptica, paranoia, self-perfection and performance, and what it takes to push people towards violence and when that's justified. a lot of the time the devotion to telling that through a really specific near-future sci-fi lens has been a bit of a millstone around its neck. this works better.
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apopheniac · 2 years
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Panoptica Universalis
o olho que tudo vê
a boca que tudo come
sensação de prisão
de esgotamento da alma
sou pura engrenagem
consumida pelo óleo que me lubrifica
sou o peso dos anos em branco, 
o espaço entre as palavras
que disse, que não disse
que fiz que não agi
que sonhei e perdi
sou o nada antes do nada
o vazio entre vazios
não me podem ver
porque não existo fora de mim
o olho, 
sempre esse olho,
em chamas de virtuosismo,
sempre esse sorriso inexistente
adivinhado apenas pelas rugas
ao canto do olho, 
o olho que grita silenciosamente
para que obedeça, respeite, aceite
aceite o meu lugar
aceite o meu destino
aceite o meu sofrimento
"inevitável, incontornável, inexcapavel.
 Resigna-te ao teu buraco no chão
 o teu universo são as grades da prisão"
escolher cada minúscula partícula
do ferro que forma as portas
desta jaula inviolável que sou o ser
que eu sou
pintar cada centímetro das paredes
com slogans pró isto e aquilo
anti estes e os outros
sou livre de ser prisioneiro
sou um ser individual e único
igual a todos os outros
o olho perfura-me agonizante a mente
olha para dentro de mim
e berra em tons mudos 
na massa cinzenta que me faz eu
és único e lindo e individual
não sejas ovelha, pensa como nós
a parede da minha pele parece fina
sem fisicalidade aparente
uma casca de ovo já quebrada
toma o meu corpo
já que a alma já a tens
vivo dentro de Mamon 
consumido que fui à nascença
e daqui nunca sairei
o olho. 
o olho que tudo vê. 
o olho que tudo sabe. 
o olho que em todo o lado está
sempre junto a mim. 
confesso-me cansado de ser só eu
quero ser mais. 
quero ter mais. 
quero.. querer mais!
porque não hei eu de apontar minha mira
aos céus infinitos?
porque hei de ser eu toda a vida
apenas infinitesimal partícula de pó
se posso ser o vento que a carrega?
porque hei de viver fechado na mediocridade
quando posso voar nas alturas da grandeza?
está decidido!
serei rei, senhor, mestre!
a mim virão dignatários prestar tributo
a mim a grandeza do mundo futuro
irá agradecer e cantar canções de louvor
eu serei a pedra mestre da humanidade vindora
construam sobre mim as catedrais
do pensamento
ergam mas minhas costas pirâmides
de progresso
desenhem na minha pele os sigilos do ódio
pelo antigo e ultrapassado
escrevam com o meu sangue
os manifestos de adoração aos novos deuses
cantem com a minha voz
hinos à glória do senhor : EU.
megalomamia esquecida pelo bruto acordar
do real
sou nada, 
um ponto final numa nota bibliografica
que ninguém lê, 
sou apenas mais uma ovelha
com a mania que é.
o olho sorri, 
e voltei ao casulo do desejo
catarse instantânea
o olho que tudo vê
voa não sobre
mas dentro de mim
eu sou o olho que me vê
eu sou a prisão que me prende
eu sou a ideia que me nega a ideia
o pensamento que me faz burro
as correntes com que me prendo a mim
eu sou o fim do meu inicio
ainda antes de começar
e o início do meu fim
a cada passo que dou ao respirar
vejo-me pequeno
e não consigo imaginar-me mais do que isso mesmo
sou irrelevante porque irrelevante me fiz
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greylagwriting · 2 years
The Characters of Villainized
@sapphic-story here's the superhero-esque wip i've been working on
Tessa Raczkov A.K.A Tessaract
An ordinary young woman living in Walton, Georgia, Tessa was abducted and experimented on by the alien known as Berl-Zig at the age of 20.
Berl was testing out a "dimensional transposer", something that would let the user move through the fourth dimension and effectively teleport. The experiment was interrupted by IGLE (Intergalactic Law Enforcement), and Berl-Zig dumped Tessa back where she found her before fleeing.
Prior to this, Tessa was pursing a career in genetic research, but was feeling oddly unfulfilled. When she came to and discovered she essentially had superpowers, Tessa was ecstatic - being a superheroine was one of her childhood dreams.
However, the novelty quickly wore off once Tessa realized there wasn't a point to being a superhero when there were no supervillains to fight.
When Berl-Zig returned to Earth to check up on her "project", Tessa convinced Berl-Zig to stay and continue experimenting on earthlings. She had the grand idea of letting Berl-Zig create another super-powered individual — one that would become Tessa's arch-nemesis.
Her superhero identity is Tessaract (meaning a fourth-dimensional cube). Her abilities consist of opening tiny wormholes that essentially allow her to teleport herself and other objects. She has also been training in many martial arts, primarily karate.
An alien from one of Jupiter's smaller, unnamed moons. Berl-Zig resembles an octopus with a single, yellow eye and two large sacs where a normal octopus' eyes would be. Berl can inflate these sacs with a lighter-than-air gas, allowing her to float. However, her home moon's gravity is much higher than Earth's gravity; she'd be squashed flat on this planet. As a result, Berl-Zig inhabits a large, pressurized suit, as seen below.
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(Image created by dall-e)
Berl-Zig is a somewhat stuffy academic type that, while generally respected in her field of quantum mathematics, is not entirely happy with the lack of attention she receives from her peers. She has a bit of the old "unethical mad scientist" vibe.
She was quietly working on a very involved project relating to very small-scale wormhole generation on living beings, but the organization sponsoring her cut the funding unexpectedly.
Teleportation is a well-known area of science among Berl-Zig's species, but it's always used in technology. Her research is to create a living being embedded with teleport tech that can use it on the fly.
Looking for a cheap source of experimental subjects, Berl-Zig went to earth and abducted Tessa to perform experiments on (as mentioned above). Earth, however, is a protected planet, so its flora and fauna are off-limits for tampering with. IGLE tracked Berl-Zig down and interrupted her experiments.
She evaded their grasp, and eventually returned to track down Tessa to resume her experiments.
By this time, Tessa had realized she needed a supervillain to oppose, and ended up cajoling Berl-Zig into creating a self-replicating robot army to besiege the city.
Her home base is a very large, cigar-shaped spaceship "parked" over the middle of Antarctica to shield her from prying eyes. Her suit is fitted with a device that allows her to travel to and from the ship via teleportation.
Panoptica (the all-seeing eye) is one of Berl-Zig's creations. It's a cyber-organic creature best described as a giant virus fused with a closed-circuit camera network. It resembles a massive blue slime mold draped around a complex system of wires and servos.
Essentially, a tiny bit of Panoptica can detach from the central body and infect a host. It moves to the occipital lobe of the brain - the part responsible for processing vision - and essentially beams visual information from the host to the main body and the camera network.
Basically, it lets Tessa and Berl-Zig see through the eyes of the host, giving her an unlimited amount of unwitting spies.
(The small bit of Panoptica eventually breaks down and is destroyed by the host body, as with any virus, but causes no noticeable symptoms)
Another invention of Berl-Zig's. They are spherical robots about 6 feet in diameter, created for the sole purpose of giving Tessaract a villain to fight against. They possess a limited version of Tessaract's teleportation tech, allowing them a very short-range teleport.
They're made of a special alien alloy that can be easily reformed and recycled. When Tessaract destroys a replicatron, the others gather up the scrap and return it to Berl-Zig's headquarters, where it's reassembled into a new robot.
Eeyahide A.K.A Johannes Fend
An alien from Jupiter's frozen moon, Europa, Eeyahide closely resembles the cryptid known as the Fresno Nightcrawler. He is a silicon-based lifeform, practically made of a glass-like material. Little more than a pair of tall, opaque "legs" topped by a floating sphere, Eeyahide possess an extremely potent suite of psychic abilites. Telekinesis is one of them, but he can also project illusions into the minds of other creatures. When a human looks at Eeyahide, they see another, normal human being.
(This doesn't fool cameras, though.)
His alter ego is Johannes Fend, a highschooler who hangs out with Dexter (see below). Eeyahide is part of IGLE, in the division equivalent to Fish and Wildlife Services. He is hunting down Berl-Zig, as she's been breaking intergalactic law by experimenting on earth creatures.
Dexter Kizunga
A 17-year-old highschooler, Dexter enjoys track and field and drawing comics. He was abducted by Berl-Zig, as part of operation "make a supervillain for Tessaract" and fitted with technology that essentially allows him to generate electricity much like an electric eel.
The electrogenerator also gives him increased strength for short periods of time, but has also induced hand tremors and minor seizures.
Dexter doesn't know where his newfound powers came from, but he enjoys them. A kid who seeks out adventure and danger, he has been attempting to play vigilante and fight the strange robots that also showed up around the time he obtained his powers.
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thealphareporter · 1 month
Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration Pipeline 2024 | OliX Pharmaceuticals, Frontera Therapeutics, Kyowa Kirin, Boehringer Ingelheim, Clearside Biomedical, PanOptica, EyePoint Pharmaceuticals
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columbianewsupdates · 1 month
Wet Age-Related Macular Degeneration Pipeline 2024 | OliX Pharmaceuticals, Frontera Therapeutics, Kyowa Kirin, Boehringer Ingelheim, Clearside Biomedical, PanOptica, EyePoint Pharmaceuticals
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presentecronologia · 2 months
1999 - Aparece el disco recopilatorio Motivos del Sitio 29, en el cual figuran Nona Delichas, Sonios, Aural, Ford Proco, Bostich, Panoptica, Fussible, Irradia, Terrestre, Tiui, Zoo Sonico, Minuit, Hiperboreal, Aquadelfin, Ohtli, Arboles, Staura, Loopdrop, Plankton Man y Mexican Jumpin Frijoles (c/Manu Chao). Como parte de su promocion, se afirma que “…Se confirma el mito que la musica mas arriesgada de Mexico, siempre se ha hecho en Tijuana, Ensenada y Mexicali…”. El sello que lo edito fue Nimboestatic en conjunto con la producción de Francisco “Tico” Orozco.
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shebapoli · 4 months
 Cisco Product inventions
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 According to Cisco's State of Global Innovation report, 85 of IT professionals say they value simplicity in their IT systems. The new technologies introduced moment emphasize Cisco's commitment to simplifying and perfecting stoner gests . Technologies blazoned moment include
 • Cisco NCS Networking Cloud With simplification at its core, the Cisco Networking Cloud vision specifies how Cisco will give a single platform experience for seamlessly managing all network disciplines. The Cisco Networking pall becomes the important and intelligent platform to proactively manage the network, exclude silos, insure performance and reduce mortal workload.
 • Cisco Security Enhancements New Cisco Secure Access( a security service edge, SSE, result) provides amicable access to any position, device, and operation through a single platform. Cisco's new Secure Firewall 4200 provides seamlessly connected gests in the office or on the go, alongside Cisco Multicloud Defense, which leads the way for security in any terrain.
 • Cloud Native operation Security Enhanced capabilities are coming to Panoptica that will give full pall native operation lifecycle protection from law through development to product runtime in moment's distributed multicloud surroundings.
 • Full- mound Observability( FSO) Cisco has blazoned general vacuity of its FSO platform, enabling guests to develop and grow a robust operation ecosystem grounded on an open, extensible armature. This includes new and unique use cases in a single consumption model. In addition, Cisco's newbi-directional integration between AppDynamics and ThousandEyes provides important monitoring of guests' digital experience and fills observability gaps with snappily practicable recommendations and perceptivity.
 • Generative AI- powered Security and mongrel Work Capabilities New generative AI- powered summary capabilities in Webex by Cisco will increase productivity and ameliorate the client experience. In addition, new AI capabilities in Cisco Security Cloud will remove complexity, simplify policy operation, and ameliorate trouble response. To support Cisco's continued advancement in AI capabilities for mongrel workspaces, Cisco is publicizing the Room Bar Pro, with the most important processor and able of planting in the most- used client workspaces.
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dark-fuckprincess · 5 months
Doing some digital kitbashing.
Turned this guy:
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Into this:
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These are going to be for my veletaris. Just need some tubing going under the armour and the bar things going across official veletaris armour just inside the shoulders
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Going to go for Tempestus Scions arms.
Still not sure on heads. Made a couple mock ups and want to include a rebreather to tie it into the secitarii heads I use for the infantry. These are made from Anvil industry and 40k space cop bits I forget what they called. Really want something that harkens to the mechanicum, if possible.
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Might just use an Anvil Industries welding head. I might want to modify it with some rivets, because rivets are grimdark.
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After I'm past this hurdle I'll be able to start digitally assembling at the very least my rotor cannon veletaris. Volkite, Flamer (if I even decide to give my loyalists Flamers), and Hot Shot Lasguns (Panoptica option) will all require slightly different backpacks... thinking on it now a lucius pattern hot shot lasgun would look great on these guys...
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snigdakobitia · 4 months
Cisco product inventions
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 During Cisco Live, new technologies and product developments will be presented in the field of networking, security, collaboration and optimized operations. In addition, the company revealed its vision to achieve a more unified experience for guests and mates by accelerating the move to platforms and the pall, dramatically simplifying the entire product portfolio.
 According to Cisco's State of Global Innovation report, 85 of IT professionals say they value simplicity in their IT systems. The new technologies introduced moment emphasize Cisco's commitment to simplifying and perfecting stoner gests . Technologies blazoned moment include
 • Cisco Networking Cloud With simplification at its core, the Cisco Networking Cloud vision specifies how Cisco will give a single platform experience for seamlessly managing all network disciplines. The Cisco NCS Networking pall becomes the important and intelligent platform to proactively manage the network, exclude silos, insure performance and reduce mortal workload.
 • Cisco Security Enhancements New Cisco Secure Access( a security service edge, SSE, result) provides amicable access to any position, device, and operation through a single platform. Cisco's new Secure Firewall 4200 provides seamlessly connected gests in the office or on the go, alongside Cisco Multicloud Defense, which leads the way for security in any terrain.
 • Cloud Native operation Security Enhanced capabilities are coming to Panoptica that will give full pall native operation lifecycle protection from law through development to product runtime in moment's distributed multicloud surroundings.
 • Full- mound Observability( FSO) Cisco has blazoned general vacuity of its FSO platform, enabling guests to develop and grow a robust operation ecosystem grounded on an open, extensible armature. This includes new and unique use cases in a single consumption model. In addition, Cisco's newbi-directional integration between AppDynamics and ThousandEyes provides important monitoring of guests' digital experience and fills observability gaps with snappily practicable recommendations and perceptivity.
 • Generative AI- powered Security and mongrel Work Capabilities New generative AI- powered summary capabilities in Webex by Cisco will increase productivity and ameliorate the client experience. In addition, new AI capabilities in Cisco Security Cloud will remove complexity, simplify policy operation, and ameliorate trouble response. To support Cisco's continued advancement in AI capabilities for mongrel workspaces, Cisco is publicizing the Room Bar Pro, with the most important processor and able of planting in the most- used client workspaces.
0 notes
sagorikasago · 4 months
Cisco product inventions
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 During Cisco Live, new technologies and product developments will be presented in the field of networking, security, collaboration and optimized operations. In addition, the company revealed its vision to achieve a more unified experience for guests and mates by accelerating the move to platforms and the pall, dramatically simplifying the entire product portfolio.
 According to Cisco's State of Global Innovation report, 85 of IT professionals say they value simplicity in their IT systems. The new technologies introduced moment emphasize Cisco's commitment to simplifying and perfecting stoner gests . Technologies blazoned moment include
 • Cisco NCS or Networking Cloud With simplification at its core, the Cisco Networking Cloud vision specifies how Cisco will give a single platform experience for seamlessly managing all network disciplines. The Cisco Networking pall becomes the important and intelligent platform to proactively manage the network, exclude silos, insure performance and reduce mortal workload.
 • Cisco Security Enhancements New Cisco Secure Access( a security service edge, SSE, result) provides amicable access to any position, device, and operation through a single platform. Cisco's new Secure Firewall 4200 provides seamlessly connected gests in the office or on the go, alongside Cisco Multicloud Defense, which leads the way for security in any terrain.
 • Cloud Native operation Security Enhanced capabilities are coming to Panoptica that will give full pall native operation lifecycle protection from law through development to product runtime in moment's distributed multicloud surroundings.
 • Full- mound Observability( FSO) Cisco has blazoned general vacuity of its FSO platform, enabling guests to develop and grow a robust operation ecosystem grounded on an open, extensible armature. This includes new and unique use cases in a single consumption model. In addition, Cisco's newbi-directional integration between AppDynamics and ThousandEyes provides important monitoring of guests' digital experience and fills observability gaps with snappily practicable recommendations and perceptivity.
 • Generative AI- powered Security and mongrel Work Capabilities New generative AI- powered summary capabilities in Webex by Cisco will increase productivity and ameliorate the client experience. In addition, new AI capabilities in Cisco Security Cloud will remove complexity, simplify policy operation, and ameliorate trouble response. To support Cisco's continued advancement in AI capabilities for mongrel workspaces, Cisco is publicizing the Room Bar Pro, with the most important processor and able of planting in the most- used client workspaces.
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