doolallymagpie · 2 months
bet your fucking ass I’m writing in a homoerotic rivalry between Praetor Pantariste and Shield-Captain Themistoclea
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shamrock96 · 5 years
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Connie Nielsen as Hippolyta a queen of the Amazons and daughter of Ares
Doutzen Kroes as Penthesilea, an Amazon queen, consort of Ares and mother of Hippolyta
Robin Wright as Antiope, a daughter of Ares and sister of Hippolyta
Georgina Armstrong as Melanippe, a daughter of Ares and sister of Hippolyta and Antiope
Tilly Powell as Molpadia, an Amazon who killed Antiope
Madeleine Vall Beijner as Areto, an Amazon
Brooke Ence as Otrera, an Amazon who served under Hippolyta
Samantha Jo as Eurypyle, an Amazon leader who invaded Ninus and Babylonia
Lisa Loven Kongsli as Myrina, a queen of the Amazons
Danielle Lewis as Marpesia, an Amazon queen who ruled with her sister Lampedo
Meagan Martin as Lampedo, an Amazon queen who ruled with her sister Marpesia
Jenny Pacey as Celaeno, an Amazonian warrior, killed by Heracles
Miesha Tate as Aella, an Amazon who was killed by Heracles
Hari James as Pantariste, an Amazon who fought with Hippolyta against Heracles
Sarah Smith as Asteria, an Amazon who was killed by Heracles
Ann Ogbomo as Hippothoe, an Amazonian warrior, killed by Achilles at Troy
Caroline Winberg as Iphito, an Amazon queen who fought in the Trojan War on the side of Troy
Jacqui-Lee Pryce as Bremusa, an Amazonian warrior, killed by Idomeneus at Troy
Tenika Mahoney as Alcibie, an Amazonian warrior, killed by Diomedes at Troy
Ann Wolfe as Aegea, a queen of the Amazons
Andrea Vasiliou as Thalestris, a queen of the Amazons
Hayley Jane Warnes as Orithyia, an Amazon queen
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miraclerizuin · 5 years
I was tagged to list my 10 favorite TV shows by @andcoffeeatmidnight!
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Parks and Recreation
The Expanse
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine
The Good Place
The West Wing
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries
tagging: @draconiclore, @pimpernels, @demisexualemmaswan, @pantariste, @poppies-for-ophelia, @beatrush, @arramdraper if y’all wanna do it
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Amazon Names
With thanks to Adrienne Mayor, who wrote the list out for us in her book Amazons. I have excluded names outside of the Graeco-Roman world because of the focus on my blog.
It is questionable whether these names were ever really associated with actual Amazons, who were most likely part of the hordes of tribes from Skythia, near the Black Sea. Most of them are names the Greeks offered as names of Amazons. Skythia stretched out towards the area we know as Kyrgyzstan, and even as far as China. Adrienne Mayor’s book does a great job describing tales that cross the entire Asiatic range about women who are warriors and queens who led armies.  
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Some of these are names for women with full stories, such as Penthisilea. Others we only have them depicted on a stray fragment of a vase. These names can be understood as representing just how little we know, just how little survived of the folklore of the Ancient Greeks.
A few of these names are familiar in other contexts. You’ll find mention of an Amazon named Hekate, and another named Asteria, for example. These are not the same as the Titanesses that bore those names, near as we can tell.
Ainia: “Swift” or “Praise” (from a Greek terra-cotta fragment) Ainippe: “Swift of Praiseworthy Horse” (Greek vase) Alexandre: “Protector” fem. form of Alexander (Greek vase) Alkaia: “Mighty” (Greek vase) Alke: “Mighty” (Latin Anthology) Alkibie: “Powerful” (Quintus of Smyrna) Alkinoe/Alkinoa: “Strong-Willed” (Greek vase) Amastris: Persian princess, founder of Amastris (Strabo) Amazo: “Amazon” (Strabo) Amynomene: “Defender” (Greek vase) Anaxilea: “Leader of the Host or Army” (Greek vase) Anchimache: “Close Fighter” (Tzetzes) Andro: “Manly” (Tzetzes) Androdaixa: “Man-Slayer” (Tzetzes) Androdameia: “Subdues or Tames Men” (Greek vase) Andromache: “Manly fighter” (Tzetzes, Greek vase) Andromeda: “Thinks like a Man” or “Measure of Man” (Greek vase) Antandre: “Resists Men” (Quintus of Smyrna) Antianeira: “Man’s Match” (Tzetzes, Mimnermus fragment 21a, Greek vase) Antibrote: “Equal of Man” (Quintus of Smyrna) Antimache/Anchimache: “Confronting Warrior” (Tzetzes) Antioche: “She who Moves Against” (Hyginus) Antiope: “Opposing Gaze” (Apollodorus, Diodorus, Plutarch, Hyginus, Pausanias, Greek vases) Areto: “Virtue” (Greek vase) Areximacha: “Defending Warrior” (Greek vase) Aristomache: “Best Warrior” (Greek vase) Artemisia: “of Artemis” (Persian? Herodotus) Aspidocharme: “Shield Warrior” (Tzetzes) Asteria: “Starry” (Diodorus) Atossa: “Well-granting” (Iranian, Hellanikos, Justin, Claudian) Aturmuca: “Spear Battle” (Etruscan name for Andromache or Dorymache; vase) Audata: “Lucky”, “Loud”, or in Latin “Daring” (Illyrian, Athenaeus) Bremusa: “Thunder” (Quintus of Smyrna) Caeria/Kaeria: “She of the War Band,” “Timely,” or “Hill/Peak” (Illyrian, warrior queen, Polyaenus) Camilla: fem. form of Camillus, “Noble Youth” (Etruscan, Volschi, Virgil) Calaeno/Kalaeno: “The Dark One” (Diodorus) Chalkaor: “Bronze Sword” (Tzetzes) Charope: “Fierce Gaze” (Greek vase) Chichak: “Flower” (Turkish, Book of Dede Korkut) Chrysis: “Golden” (Greek vase) Cleophis: “Famous Snake” (Diodorus, Curtius) Clete/Klete: “Helper” (Tzetzes on Lychophron 995) Cyme/Kyme: “Billowing Wave” (Diodorus, Stephanus of Byzantium, coins) Cynna, Cynnane, Kynna: “Little Bitch” (Illyrian-Doric, Alexander the Great’s half-sister, Polyaenus) Deianeira: “Man Destroyer” (Diodorus) Deinomache: “Terrible Warrior” (vase) Derimachea: “Battle Fighter” (Quintus of Smyrna) Derinoe: “Battle-Minded” (Quintus of Smyrna) Dioxippe: “Pursuing Mare” (Hyginus) Dolope: Thracian tribal name (vase) Doris: “Bountiful” or “Dorian” (vase) Echephyle: “Defending the tribe” (vase) Enchesimargos: “Spear mad” (Tzetzes) Epipole: “Outsider” (Photius) Eriboea: “Many Cows” (Diodorus) Eumache: “Excellent Fighter” (vase) Euope: “Fair Face” of “Fair Eyes” (vase) Euryale: “Far Roaming” (Valerius Flaccus) Eurybia: “Far Strength” (Diodorus) Eurylophe: “Broad Crest” as of a helmet, “Wide Hill” or “Broad Neck” (Tzetzes) Eurypyleia/Eurypyle: “Wide Gate or Mountain Pass” (Arrian cited by Eustathius, vase) Evandre: female form of Evandrus, “As Good as a Man” (Quintus of Smyrna) Glauke/Glaukia: “Blue-Grey Eyes” (Apollodorus, Hyginus, Scholia Iliad 3.189, Callimachus, vase) Gortyessa: from Gortyn, possibly meaning “enclosure”, town in Crete (Tzetzes) Gryne: an Anatolian town (Servius on Aeneid 4.345) Harmothoe: “Sharp Spike” (Quintus of Smyrna) Harpe: “Snatcher” or “Sickle-Dagger” (Silius Italicus) Hegeso: “Leader, Chief” (vase) Hekate: “Far-darting” (Tzetzes) Hiera: “Sacred” (Philostratus) Hippe: “Horse” (Athenaeus) Hippo: “Horse” (Callimachus, vase) Hippolyte: “Releases the Horses” (Euripides, Apollodorus, Diodorus, Pausanias, Quintus of Smyrna, Plutarch, Hyginus, Jordanes, vases) Hippomache: “Horse Warrior” (vase) Hipponike: “Victory Steed” (vase) Hippothoe: “ Mighty Mare” (Quintus of Smyrna, Hyginus, Tzetzes) Hypsicratea: “High or Mighty Power” (Valerius Maximus, Plutarch, Greek inscription) Iodoke: “Holding Arrows” (Tzetzes) Iole: “Violet” (vase) Ioxeia: “Delighting in Arrows” or “Onslaught” (Tzetzes) Iphinome: “Forceful Nature” (Hyginus) Iphito: “Snake” (vase) Isocrateia: “Equal Power” (Stephanus of Byzantium, Eustathius) Kallie: “Beautiful” (vase) Kleptomene: “Thief” (vase) Klonie: “Wild Rushing” (Quintus of Smyrna) Klymene: “Famous” (Hyginus, Pausanias, vase) Knemis: “Greaves” (Tzetzes) Koia: “Hollow” as in sky, “Inquisitive” female form of Koeus (Stephanus of Byzantium) Koinia: “of the People” (Stephanus of Byzantium) Kokkymo: “Howling/Battle Cry” (Callimachus fragment 693, a daughter of the queen of Amazons) Korone: “Crown” (vase) Kreousa: “Princess” (vase) Kydoime: “Din of Battle” (vase) Lampedo/Lampeto/Lampado: “Burning torch” (Callimachus, Justin, Orosius, Jordanes) Laodoke: “Receives the Host or Army” (vase) Laomache: “Warrior of the People or Host” (Hyginus) Larina: “Protector” (companion of Camilla, Virgil) Lyke: “She-Wolf” (Valerius Flaccus, Latin Anthology, vases) Lykopis: “Wolf Eyes” (vases) Lysippe: “Lets Loose the Horses” (Pseudo-Plutarch) Maia: “Mother” (Callimachus fragment 693, a daughter of an Amazon queen) Marpe: “She seizes” (Diodorus) Marpesia: “Snatcher or Seizer” (Justin, Orosius, Jordanes) Maximous: “Daughter of the Greatest” (Hellenized Latin) Melanippe: “Black Mare” (scholia on Pindar) Melo: “Song” (vase) Melousa: “Ruler” (vase) Menalippe: “Steadfast or Black Mare” (Jordanes) Menippe: “Steadfast Horse” (Valerius Flaccus) Mimnousa: “Standing in Battle” (vase) Molpadia: “Death or Divine Song” or “Songstress” (Plutarch) Myrine: “Myrrh” (Homer, Diodorus) Oistrophe: “Twisting Arrow” (Tzetzes) Okyale: “Swift” (Hyginus, vase) Okypous: “Swift-Footed” (vase) Orithyia: “Mountain Raging” (Justin, Orosius) Otrera: “Quick, Nimble” (Apollodorus, Hyginus) Palla: “Leaping, Bounding” (Stephanus of Byzantium, Eustathius) Pantariste: “Best of All” (vase) Parthenia: “Maiden, Virgin” (Callimachus, another daughter of an Amazon queen) Peisanassa: “She Who Persuades the Queen” Pentasila: Etruscan version of Penthesilea Pharetre: “Quiver Girl” (Tzetzes) Philippis: “Loves Horses” (Diodorus) Phoebe: “Bright, Shining” (Diodorus) Pisto: “Trustworthy” (vase) Polemusa: “War Woman” (Quintus of Smyrna) Polydora: “Many Gifts” (Hyginus) Prothoe: “First in Might, Swift” (Diodorus) Protis: “First” (Callimachus, daughter of an Amazon queen) Pyrgomache: “Fortress Fighter” (vase) Rhodogyne: “Woman in Red” (Aeschines, Philostratus, Persian queen) Sisyrbe: “Shaggy Goatskin” (Strabo, Stephanus of Byzantium) Skyleia: “Spoiler of Enemies” (non. Greek word on a Greek vase) Stonychia: “Sharp point, Spear” (Callimachus, daughter of an Amazon queen) Tarpeia: “Funeral urn” (Greek-Latin, Virgin) Teisipyle: “Gate or Mountain Pass” (vase) Tekmessa: “Reader of marks, signs, or tokens” (Diodorus, Homer) Telepyleia: “Distant gates or mountain pass” (vase) Teuta: “Queen” (Illyrian, Appian, Polybius) Thermodosa: “From Thermodon” (Quintus of Smyrna) Thero: “Wild Beast” or “Hunter” (vase) Theseis: “Establisher” female form of Theseus (Hyginus) Thoe: “Quick, Nimble, Mighty” (Valerius Flaccus) Thoreke: “Breastplate” (Tzetzes) Thraso: “Bold, Confident, Courageous” (vase) Toxaris: “Archer” (vase) Toxis: “Arrow” (vase) Toxoanassa: “Archer Queen” (Tzetzes) Toxophile: “Loves Arrows” (vase) Toxophone: “Whizzing Arrows” (Tzetzes) Tralla: “Thracian” (Stephanus of Byzantium, Eusthathius) Tulla: “Supporter” (Latin-Volscian, Virgil) Xanthe: “Blonde” (Hyginus) Xanthippe: “Palomino” (vase)
Mayor, Adrienne. Amazons: Lives and Legends of Warrior Women across the Ancient World, Princeton, 2016.
Krater with Volutes in Terracotta, Red Figure vase, Magna Graecia, ca. 330-320 BCE, now in the Musee Royal de Mariemont. Photo by Ad Meskens. Via Wikimedia Commons: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Mariemont_Greek_krater_03.JPG
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aileanamoore-blog · 6 years
https://t.co/zJpbxKD64E RT pantariste: Come and join the crowd outside Parliament #stopbrexit #LBC BBCNews @ spaceangel1964 http://pic.twitter.com/fHnTUHlUdr
— AILEANA MOORE (@AileanaMoore) December 11, 2017
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asteriaeos · 7 years
Ainia, enemiga de Aquiles y una de las doce amazonas que acompañaron a Pentesilea a la Guerra de Troya. Su nombre significa ‘rapidez’ 
Antianira, que sucedió a Pentesilea como reina de las amazonas. Es conocida por ordenar que sus siervos masculinos fueran mutilados y castrados «pues los lisiados son mejores en el amor». 
Antíope, reina amazona raptada por Teseo que provocó la invasión del Ática por el ejército amazónico 
Cime, la amazona que habría dado nombre a una ciudad de Eólida de su mismo nombre ​
Cleta, nodriza de Pentesilea. Su barco fue alejado de su curso por el viento y llegó a Italia, donde fundó la ciudad de Clete.
Esmirna, amazona que fundó la ciudad de Éfeso. 
Hipólita, la reina amazona que poseía un cinturón mágico que le había dado su padre, Ares. Fue muerta por Heracles.  
Lampedo, reina amazona tras la muerte de Lisipe. Gobernó juntó a su hermana Marpesia . 
Lisipe, la reina amazona que fundó la gran ciudad de Temiscira y estableció numerosos preceptos para sus guerreras.
Marpesia, reina amazona tras la muerte de Lisipe. Gobernó juntó a su hermana Lampedo. 
Melanipa o Menalipe, hermana de Hipólita. Heracles la secuestró y exigió el cinturón de Hipólita a cambio de su libertad. Ésta accedió y Heracles la liberó. 
Mirina, reina amazona nombrada por Homero.  Según otras fuentes, conquistó el territorio de los atlantes, Libia y derrotó al ejército de las Gorgonas. 
Oritía, reina de las amazonas que sucedió a Marpesia. 
Otrera, consorte de Ares y madre de Hipólita y Pentesilea. 
Pantariste, bajo el mando de Hipólita, mató a Timiades en la batalla entre las Amazonas y las tropas de Heracles.
Pentesilea, reina amazona que en realizó numerosas hazañas durante la Guerra de Troya hasta que fue muerta por Aquiles. Plinio el viejo le acredita la invención del hacha de guerra. 
Pitane, fundadora de una ciudad en Eólida de su mismo nombre. 
Priene, a quien se atribuía la fundación de una ciudad en Asia Menor de su mismo nombre. 
Talestris o Talestria, una reina de las amazonas que tuvo encuentros amorosos con Alejandro Magno. 
Tebe .
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positronicpussy · 10 years
3, 14, 27! :)
Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. - "enter"If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? - looking around suspiciously to make sure nobody sees my sparkly skinWhat's a sound you hate; sound you love? - i hate the sound of anything scraping against styrofoam. i love thunder
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
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extremely tempted to buy one of these and paint her as a “herald of lycia”, but I’d need a suitably gnarly bare head (that hair’s staying, I just want her not to have a helmet)
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qwertydashiell · 10 years
whoops i almost forgot my poem of the day (8/15/14)
i miss summer
sweaty afternoons lazing around
tired happy mornings
wearing the same outfit
four days in a row
and no one knowing
those were the days
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pantariste replied to your post “your "#i love everyone in this bard" tag cracks me up every time!! (by the way, hi, i'm richa)”
i'm doing well, thanks for asking! i am so impressed that you're reading the whole first folio by the way. that takes dedication
well the whole "trapped on a bus for a week with long stretches of nothing to do in between driving to national parks" bit that i just suffered helped me knock out a significant number of 'em, so.
I tend to finish a play in about three hours uninterrupted, so yeah. I'm a fast reader.
oh and also because I promised myself Shakespeare merch as a reward for finishing, and I realllllly want to own the Takarazuka Tsukigumi Romeo et Juliette as well as motherfuckingshakespeare's Prose before Bros shirt and titinius's Liberatores shirt, so I have lots of incentive.
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shitnerdsinspace · 10 years
Questions 80-85 :-)
80:Hot tea or cold tea? Depends on the time of year. I basically live off iced tea in the summer.
81:Tea or coffee? Tea. My interests in coffee are purely for it's function, I actually hate the taste of most of it.
82:Sugar or snickerdoodles? You... you mean like just straight sugar? Like just a spoonful of sugar and nothing else???
83:Can you swim well? Sure. I mean I'm not particularly fast, but I'm not likely to drown in most situations.
84:Can you hold your breath without holding your nose? Yes.
85:Are you patient? Not usually.
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aileanamoore-blog · 6 years
#RT @AlisonKMurray: RT @pantariste: Come and join the crowd outside Parliament #stopbrexit #@LBC @BBCNews @ @spaceangel1964 http://pic.twitter.com/fHnTUHlUdr
— AILEANA MOORE (@AileanaMoore) December 11, 2017
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
pantariste and kharn’s relationship is just “the bobbie and amos sparring clip as a frank frazetta painting”
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
me, shipping both my blackshield thunder warrior astartes hybrid company praetor and my quietly treasonous heresy-era rogue trader with lotara sarrin (but not each other, it’s a v-shaped relationship I guess)?
more likely than you think
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doolallymagpie · 2 years
you see, when six Tzeentchian Hereteks love each other very much, they wire their brains into the main computer of a DAoT planet-killer ship they found on their first date, merge their personalities, and go forth into the universe in the name of the Omnissiah
and that, dear Dominus R1C Lovingly-Breaches-The-Void, is not where babies come from, but it is where you came from
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
hit me that Thalia and Pantariste meeting would just look like this
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