finncaron · 5 months
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Queen of spring by leyendecker but terzo is my queen 🙏
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cowbell-ghuleh · 24 days
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"The Well of Souls"
Inspired by when Papa III randomly showed up in a Candlemass set, I'll include a link to a video of it below.
I can only imagine how Tobias must have felt during the performance considering he's apparently a big fan of Candlemass.
Line art and close ups below the cut.
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greenfogg · 1 year
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Some feed for the poor Terzo fans today. I hope you man comes back to you
Timelapse bellow the cut
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wentigoo · 2 years
I drew this while listening to 'material girl'
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grn-fog · 1 year
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Sneak peak at the next piece dropping onto my art main soon.
The Terzo fans always need more food to cope with their loss I think
U can see the full thing @greenfogg
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marrieart · 9 months
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Undress him game part 3
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Favorite Tune
Cardiophile!PapaIII x Reader
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No major warnings, just cardiophellia and snuggles.
The room was dark, it had been for quite a while; the curtains closed, lights and candles out, it was dark, it was peaceful. The air was quiet for once, and you knew he was not sleeping, for Papa Emeritus III usually snored quietly as he slept, but you had felt him shift next to you in bed multiple times. He had pressed himself closer to you, moved away from you -still moving painfully slow as to not wake you, even though neither you were sleeping-, he had adjusted his pillow, stuck a leg out from under the covers, anything he could think of, but sleep had not claimed him for a good hour and a half now. He gave a quiet huff of annoyance slamming his head face-down into the pillow, and then you decided to turn and face him, eyes droopy with sleep and voice rough yet quiet.
His crown rose, eyebrows perking up as you called out to him. He gave a weak smile. You could still see traces of face paint that he had failed to wash off properly around his eyes, even though it were dark. ''Amore.. buona notte.'' The man turned fully on his side to face you. ''Did I wake you? I did not mean to, mi dispiace.''
Shaking your head in response, you brought a hand from under the covers to run through his thick black hair, tousled with restless tossing and turning. ''I was already awake, don't worry.'' you reassured him. ''Are you alright?'' you questioned, a small frown on your face. ''Yes, no of course, I am fine, just a hard time sleeping.'' Terzo explained, giving a small shrug as much as his position would allow. ''You can go back to sleep, don't be restless because of me, tesoro.'' The man hummed, plopping himself back down, and you nodded, moving closer to him and curling against his bare chest, his arms coming to wrap around you, holding you close.
You shared comfortable silence for a while, Terzo's chin resting on the top of your head, but the dark, relaxed state of sleep still did not claim him. You seemed to sense it, for you did not fall asleep either.
You shifted your neck awkwardly to look up at him where you lay, your eyes questioning as you gave a quiet hum of acknowledgement.
''May I listen to your heartbeat?'' His eyes were soft, looking a little pleading. You nodded quickly, moving up to rest on your back instead, and Terzo situated his waist between your legs, his head placing on your chest as he looked up at you for a brief moment. ''Thank you, dolcezza.'' He offered you a small smile, placing his head down, eyes closing and arms coming to wrap around your waist
He allowed the steady, rhythmic beating of your heart lull him to sleep while you twirled the longer hairs at the nape of his neck around your fingers soothingly, and before you knew it he was snoring quietly. The soft rasping of his breaths always did wonders to you, and you joined him quickly after.
You were his favorite tune, and so was he yours.
Taglist: @sweatandwoe @papasmicstand @copias-girl @random-bl-fan
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zombeecreator · 1 year
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wanted to post these ghost/repugnant drawings here as well!! hope you all enjoy :)🖤🌹✨
@thebandghostofficial #froqueyourself #thebandghost #ghost #papaemeritus #papai #papaii #papaiii #papaiv #cardinalcopia #copia #popia #ghostfanart #fanartfriday #marygoore #repugnant
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ivyroseposin · 1 year
The Kiss At The Satanic Bridge, A Terzo, Papaiii Emeritus Fan Fiction
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Papa III and Reader
Summary: Terzo gets bored at his own party that results in them escaping the partying and spending time with eachother at the Satanic Bridge..
Little bit of smut
Around 3K words
Every sunday at 8pm a party was held at the ministry. A loud one. Filled with music, laughter, drinks and the creepy escape from the world we know best. Every Sunday I was invited. I mean every single Sunday since Terzo was promoted to papa. His elder brother secondo parties were just as insane but from what I could tell within those parties is he preferred most of the party goers to be woman then man however for Terzo it was a mix of both. 
“You made it” Ann who was also a frequent parties and my best friend chimed in from beside me. “Oh god if I don't come Terzo may have my head and I simply don't have time for that” I laughed grabbing a drink off the tray. “I would kill to see that” She nudged my shoulder. “Of course you would but you would also kill to see Secondo naked in which I am terrified that you will actually kill someone to see him naked” I said before downing my drink that I thought was wine but turned to be some sort of rum that burned my throat. “Why must he put rum in a champagne glass is he trying to get people drunk” I grumbled. 
I took a look around the room watching as people filled the room dancing and having the time of their lives. On the outer parts people were making out aggressively I might add. Some pushing others to a wall and others getting on top of each other on a couch. Pretty sure everyone at this moment was drunk which was entertaining in itself. 
“Are you listening it’s Secondo” Ann nudged me till I was looking over on the balcony to see he was in fact there “talk to him then huh” I nudged her back. “And stop drinking last thing you need is drunk Ann talking to the whore of that man” I snickered grabbing the drink from her hands. “I'm not bad drunk just a little out of control is all” She reached to grab the glass from my hand but failed miserably. “No but go have fun with him or whatever I'm gonna go find Terzo god forbid this man is somewhere in the middle of this place dancing his life away” I said pushing her into the pit of people that she would have to go through or well kill through to get her night and shining devil. I don't know what she saw in Secondo. Terzo I would understand but secondo don't get it. 
“Where are you darling’ I whispered to myself drinking the last of what was in Ann's cup. “Should have a damn tracker on you” I hissed walking around pushing people of my way. The smell of sweat and lust filled the air it was nauseating. 
“Where are you my love” Talking to myself again. He knows I only go to parties when he was there and he knows I would have his head if I showed up and he was just gone. He did it a few years ago when his elder brother was papa he invited to the party and promised he would be there when I got there spent hours only to find out he was out with god knows who. 
“Looking for Terzo” Omega turned the corner scaring the absolute shit out of me. “A warning next time would be nice and yes where is he” I asked looking behind him just to see more Ghouls and girls. “In his father office” He replied placing his arm around me pulling me in. “smooth Omega very smooth” I chuckled bending down leaving his grip. “A shame” He chuckled walking past me along with the rest of the ghouls “yeah yeah” I waved my hand at him.
“Excuse me” I said pushing through a bunch of people trying to get to his father office. Everyone was to drunk to care and to drunk to even try to be nice. It was like moving a bunch of dead weight awake people its very exhausting. “Will you move” I huffed pushing past the last part of people till I was left in the empty hall leading to the office. “Terzoo” I hummed. I looked head and sure enough the door to the office was close which was often rare even when hard work was happening always opened. 
I knocked on the door a few too many annoying times then just stand with my arms crossed waiting for the locked door to open. “Terzo I swear to god if you dont ope- my darling you made it to the party” Terzo opened the door his face appearing ever so slightly. “Yeah you were no where to be found” I hissed pushing the door opened. “Ah an all make up type of party interesting” I stared at the make up he did on his face and how perfect it was it was always perfect. “Your late” he whispered as I walk pasted him turning around. “Not late just needed more time to get ready” I leaned against the desk looking around at the office that seemed to change every now and then. “So late then” He did his infamous laugh takin the spot next to me. 
“Why you not out in the party you know dancing with girls dancing wit the men dancing with omegaaaaa” I hummed leaning my head down on his shoulder. “Todays party is a bore” He replied swiping his hair from his face. “Your calling your own party boring your the one who uhh planned the damn party” I said lifting my head back to him meet his eyes. That's what got the girls was those damn eyes. Always his damn eyes. “Ah is my eyes stealing you again my love” He smirked leaning closer into me.
 “Oh shut up but seriously your own party and your in a boring office doing nothing that's a bore” I said. I pushed myself off the desk and walking towards the middle of the room. Staring at photos of the papas together and a photo of Terzo his second day as Papa. “What do you do when a party goes to a bore” I heard him ask from behind me. “I don't get up and personal behind someone” I turned around seeing he was only inches away from me. “But if the party is a bore and for some reason still very lively then I make a quiet exit and go do something else but parties are never a bore so I wouldn't know” I answered pushing the strand away from his face. “Your hair is a mess”. 
“It wouldn't work this morning” He grumbled smoothing down his hair. “As always you say” I chuckled. I turned around making my way towards the door. This office was just as boring as Terzo called the party and I wasn't going to waste my night in here. “Leave me so soon” He whispered. “The party is quite fun and this office is quite a bore” I replied turning the handle of the door. “Goodnight Terzo” I hummed leaving the office. The loud music filled the halls and soon people were to. They always invited way more people then they should but as the saying goes and everyone is this troubled family the more the merrier. 
“Take me somewhere when the party is a bore” Terzo said grabbing ahold of my waist pulling me in close. “But i wanna party” I whispered trying to leave his grip. “Darling you will get bored after an hour and come crawling back to me drunk and wanting to leave” He whispered pulling me in closer then before. “Ok I dont crawl back I stumble back maybe if you dont put RUM in a champagne glass I would be stumbling seriously theres like three shots of rum in each glass Terzo” I explained still trying to leave his grip but was so strong for me and I was just to lazy to try to fight. 
“I don't want them knowing I’m gone” He whispered pulling me down a hall and then another hall till we were out the ministry and into the dark. “So much for getting drunk” I groaned staring up at the night sky filled with bright stars and a half moon. “I got that covered my love” I turned around staring at two bottles of wine. “How did you manage to grab those will holding me and when I wasn't looking” I asked, taking one from his hand “Magic” he sung waving his hands in the air. “Yeah yeah” I shook my head opening the bottle of wine and taking a chug. “Easy my love don't want to carry your stumble self around” He took the bottle wine also taking a chug from it. “You take me away from the party I get to get drunk off wine” I took the bottle back hugging it. He rolled his eyes while chuckling. He hated me at times but he wouldn't dare let me go. 
“So take me my love” He grabbed my hand placing a kiss. “Stop with the dramatics oh dear” I chuckled grabbing ahold of his hand. “Thought I would have to convince you more my apologies” He replied squeezing my hand tight. 
So we walked. This were a few places I would go when I was bored and needed a laugh or needed silence but today we needed a laugh and just to have some fun and lucky for me I knew a place a place they he may just steal from me. “You wont kill me will you” He asked as he twirled me around. “Uhh not sure yet have to see when we get there” I replied once again leaning my head down on him. “I brought the wine that should save me” He held up the other bottle that was yet to be opened. “Ok ok your saved” I chuckled taking another sip from the bottle. “Hold this and give me the other” We switched bottle and I was now stuck with the unopened as he drank from the opened one. 
“How far till we get to wherever were going” He asked pulling me in closer then before. “Close my love” I tried but miserably failed at mocking his voice. “That was awful” He laughed. “Ok turn down here” I pointed to a very dark forest. “This is my worst nightmare” he whispered. “Shh you'll be fine but we have to walk through the trees” I explained changing our path so we were in fact walking in the middle of the forest instead of the path. “Why not the path” He asked. “They can't see us” I explained as I fastened our pace till we got sight of a bridge brightly lighten up. 
“Sit sit” I whispered siting on a log. “I am so confused” he whispered sitting up next to me. “I don't know when this started but a group of like 14 year olds they come down to this bridge and they draw satanic stuff all along the concrete of the bridge and then they will do a horrible time doing satanic stuff its not really satanic its just young kids who don't do their research and its the funniest thing” I explained. “You sound as if you are a stalker” He whispered. “I am not I am just someone who was trying to go for a smoke and ended up seeing kids doing creepy funny stuff”. I took the bottle from his hands taking another chug, At this point he took the unopened one and opened it up. 
The forest filled with the sounds of bugs and the odd frog croaking. It was fun watching Terzo be confused and not knowing what was going to happen. He was someone who always remind me of a person wanting to be in control and today at this moment he was not I was or at least I kinda was. “You look at me a lot” He stared into my eyes moving a strand of hair away from my face. “I forgot that your decent looking” I smiled leaning closer. “Also reminds me of how much of a whore you are” I leaned closer. He stared into my eyes then down to my lips. He really was just a whore. “Do not tease me” He whispered inching closer. “But it is so very fun my love” I whispered and so we sat near inches apart one more move and everything I fought so hard to not happen would happen and in this moment I would be ok with it. Till the loud noises of kids filled the forest. I was hoping they would be late.. I was wrong. 
“The satanic kids’ I whispered looking over. Sure enough they all had their markers and spray paint and all started to draw all types of things on the concrete. “There is so many” He whispered. “What are they drawing” he leaned in closer trying to catch a look. “The kid on the right with the red shirt he draws the devil with some sort of quote under. The girl beside him will draw the upside cross and the girl on the furthest left she will open a book and start chanting some weird stuff and the guy next to her he will draw a dick on the ground” I explained. Terzo looked back over at me baffled by how much I knew about the group. “Why a dick” He asked staring back at the group. “Why not dicks are fun” I replied. He turned back and just stared at me. “That is a true statement” He smirked. 
So we watched. The group of kids just having fun doing a not so satanic stuff. Terzo loved each and every part of it. As much as I hoped to be at a party drinking my life away sitting here with Terzo watching a group of people doing stupid stuff was just as great. 
“What the hell is she doing” He asked chugging the rest of the one bottle of wine. “She is going to cloak on the guys and say a bible verse” I explained. “Oh hell” He chuckled and it was true one of the boys got on his knees and the gal who drew the upside down cross placed the cloak over his head and she read a verse. They were not as loud as usually but we could hear the world hell a few many times.  
Just like that as fast as they came they left and the loud bridge was now once again filled with silence. “That was the weirdest thing I've seen in a long time” He said. “Yeah I have no idea where they got their research from hopefully they don't fail school” I replied standing up. “Comee” I grabbed his hand pulling him up. “Seeing what they write before it gets cleaned up”. I pulled him down towards the bridge. 
“Theres the dick” Terzo stared down at the ground. “It bigger then usual” I mumbled. Terzo looked up at me once again the back down. “Look look” I pointed over to the bridge that was filled with new drawings. “Oh wow” He walked closer staring at each one. “This is such a confusing but lovely thing” he mumbled crouching down looking at the rest. “The devil drawer is damn near good at drawing” I pointed. Terzo looked up tracing the line with his fingers. “Should hire the kids” He chuckled standing back up. “Oh yeah so my friend stalks  you on your random satanic things and she brought me along to stalk you and it seems you guys are talents you should join our satanic church” I explained. 
“I would make it sound less creepy” he said shaking his head. I leaned against the concrete wall staring up at the moth that was flying around the light.
The cool breeze of the wind went through the forest luckily it wasn't that cold and the breeze felt good rather then making me want to run for warmth.
 “Aha a half a bottle of wine left” Terzo said who was walking back out of the trees. “How did you move so quickly” I laughed taking the bottle from his hands. “A perk” He winked walking closer to me. “A whore” I whispered taking a chug. “I can agree to that” He said with a small smile formed to his lips. ““Ah is my eyes stealing you again my love” I asked taking another chug. “Yes my love” He whispered stepping closer. He took the bottle from my hands chugging almost the rest. “Heyy” I grabbed the bottle drinking what was left of it. “Then there was no wine” he whispered taking the bottle from my hands and placing it on the ground. “Probably should have grabbed the third” I said staring back up at the moth near the light. 
I felt Terzo closer to me like on the log where we sat. I hoped we would forget. I was wrong. I seem to be wrong about a lot of things today. 
“Why must you be so close” I looked down at him and he was in fact only inches apart from me. “Cause your a tease” he whispered staring into my eyes. “I think your just a horny whore” I replied staring into his eyes. God his eyes.     
A strand of his hair fallen to the middle of his face once again. I raised his hand moving the strand out of his face. My hand slid down to his cheek. I touched his lips as my hand slid down his neck to the collar of his shirt. “A whore you call me” he whispered placing his hand onto my leg and sliding up my thigh pulling up my dress. “Mhm” I replied. He slid his hand up my waist up to my chest then to my neck. He then slid his hand down to the middle of my dress pulling it down ever so slightly. 
Still holding his collar I gave up to whatever stopped me. I no longer cared and no longer wanted to stop what would happen even on the satanic bridge. I pulled his body close leaning into his lips. His free hand hugged my waist closing whatever space was left. His kissed me letting go of the dress and grabbing ahold of my ass griping it tightly. Soft moans left our lips. He pulled away staring at me then down at my body before looking back up at me. “A tease” He whispered. I leaned in kissing his lips my free hand sliding down unbuttoning the buttons on his shirt.
He pushed me against the wall letting go of my body. Soon I would feel his bare hands on my thigh and neck. His lips from mine down to my neck. His shirt was now full off exposing his chest. I slid my hand into his shirt pulling him close.I have no idea what I was doing and at much as he knew what to do we both whores that had no idea this would happen. 
At his lips slide back up to my lips biting my lip footsteps filled the trail. Terzo pulled away with a groan. “Who” I whispered looking over to see none other then his ghouls. “I may just behead them” He shook his head looking back at me. He leaned in kissing my lips once more. “Papa your needed back” Omega said while clearing his throat. “Yeah yeah” he huffed buttoning up his shirt and placing his gloves back on. “Alpha make sure she gets home” Terzo said as he walked past the ghouls. “Yes sir” Alpha whispered as the rest followed behind Terzo. 
“Alpha how was your night” I ask adjusting my dress. “Not as good as yours Ma'am” he chuckled as I walked up beside him. “Nothing was happening” I said. “You have black make up on your neck and on your lips” he answered. “Get me home Alpha” I chuckled. “Yes Ma’am”. 
So much for that.. 
It's not my best work, Simply a story for warm up
-- Ivy
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girlinorbitblog · 2 years
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Made more progress on this last night! Getting close to having him done 👻 #thebandghost #ghostbc #ghostband #tobiasforge #papaiii #papaemeritusiii #ifyouhaveghost #ifyouhaveghostyouhaveeverything #art #artwork #drawing #illustrator #illustration #artmarkers #copicmarkers #portrait #thebandghostfanart
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finncaron · 6 months
me when an assignement is to do a parody painting and I get to do my speciality of yeeting one of my fav in a leyendecker painting :p
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cowbell-ghuleh · 1 month
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Drawn for the talented Ghoulish.mint 's DTIYS over on Instagram!
(As far as I'm aware she doesn't have tumblr account, please correct me if I'm wrong! I'd highly recommend following them if you have an insta account they're an amazing artist!)
I've included the original and my line art under the cut!
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ladylexi-of-wind · 1 year
@batsghuleh @owlghuleh @rocketlauncher3000 @historian-crown @in-cardi-c-we-thrust @ghostchems @copias-girl @beepophobia @tasty-ribz
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terzo12 · 5 months
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A little beauty of Baba Terzo
♡ ㅤ    ❍ㅤ     ⎙ㅤ     ⌲
ˡᶦᵏᵉ  ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵉⁿᵗ    ˢᵃᵛᵉ     ˢʰᵃʳᵉ#foryou #fryyyyyy #thebandghost #ghouls #terzo (According to the dad) Terzo 😈 #terzo #thebandghost #ghost #ghostedit #fypシ #foryou #ghostbc #terzoedit #papaiii #papaemeritusiii #edit
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mii-i-i · 10 months
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cafe da manhã e aomoso 119 calorias chupa papaiii
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marrieart · 11 months
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Ghoulettes ghoulettes
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