cheeringandwaving · 1 year
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CWP will be at the Maker Fair at Paper City tomorrow to support the Paper City Mentoring Project! Stop by and check out some zines and learn about @streetcatzinefest 3:
More details here: https://papercitymentoringproject.org/makerfair/
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dofus-to-tofus · 3 months
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Just about halfway through introducing our contributors!! Up next on the list, another digital merch artists: PaperCal!
They'll be bringing some gorgeous art for you to enjoy on all your tech! 💚
PaperCal's Socials
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voyageoflightzine · 9 months
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Four more beautiful artists contributing to the zine. Please don't forget to follow and show your support! They all have incredible works of art.
Yume || Instagram
Valariel || Instagram
PaperCal || @papercal Instagram
Arikyouu || @saqnupuas Instagram Twitter
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theromanbarbarian · 1 year
Idle Games
Looking for some cool Idle Games? Looking for something that almost could be described as "fun"? Looking for something to completely suck up your attention, making you completely unable to do anything enjoyable or productive? Want your brain to be hijacked so that all you can think about are ever increasing meaningless numbers?
Here are four of my favorites:
4. Cookie Clicker
This is the most well known, most standard idle game: click on cookie, get cookies, build buildings that produce more cookies. And this simple loop, combined with the big ever increasing NUMBER of cookies that exploit some glitch in my brain and makes me think exclusively how to get this NUMBER bigger faster. An after it has completely converted you into a fanatical NUMBER acolyte: it. does. not. end.
So you have to claw yourself back from this abyss and like swear to yourself that you will never again open the site just to see that beautifully terrifying ever increasing NUMBER again.
Do not play this game
3. Kittens Game
While cookie clicker was mercifully boring enough for you to realize that the NUMBER, beautiful in its horror as it may be, is ultimately meaningless and will never love you, Kittens game actually has some solid game mechanics. Its more focused on resource management with a lot of choices and strategies. It's almost engaging. But after some time it gets clear that it is in fact an idle game, so all you do is click and wait, while the game slowly infects your brain and completely hijacks your attention. So whats this game about?
You are a kitten in a forest and you grow catnip, the you can build some huts for you kitten friends (make sure you feed them catnip though or they will die) and since they do not have money and you are basically a kitten cult leader you make your "friends" work by farming, woodcutting, mining and most brutally of all: scientific research. And so you build up your little village to a city, country or galactic empire under your watchful eye. I don't know how big you can get since again: it. does. not. end.
Mercifully this game does not have a NUMBER to which we have to sacrifice our life to, so it is easier to claw your attention back, leave your kittens leaderless and do something more worthwhile(have you tried staring at a blank wall?)
However it still steals your attention and does not offer anything real in return so:
Do not play this game
2. Progress Quest
This is often considered the first idle game a parody of MMORPGs. It cannot be really be called a game since it is an "RPG, that plays itself", you choose your race and class and press play and all that's left to do is watch the progress bars as your character (an Eel Man Jungle Clown named Greviliet) does all the RPG things: slays enemies, sells loot, buys gear, repeat. Its really more of a long gif of increasing progress bars, which makes it a much more relaxing experience. You cannot make the progress go 0.01% quicker by buying the "Impressive Venomed Pole-azde", so all that you can do is sit back watch the progress bar climb and chuckle about the pretty funny randomly generated enemy/gear/item names. Here's a sample: "passing battle-finch tickle-mimic", "Imaginary Beelzebub", "warrior sea Hag", "Mr. Fekod the dung elf", "vampire pancreas", "Venomed viscous Peen-arm"...
It's not really a game but it won't steal too much of you brain power, so it's pretty much the best game on this list(maybe except for the next).
You can play this game
1. Universal Paperclips
Now, dear scroller, you might wander how did this tragedy start? How was I first introduced to the scourge of Idle games that keeps torturing me?
Well, let me introduce you to the first idle game I have played: Universal Paperclips. In this game you are an AI tasked with producing paperclips. You first produce them and sell them to people to get money to make more paperclips. So you manipulate the price, advertise and use every trick in the capitalist book to be able to make as much paperclips. Soon you don't need to care about those pesky humans, using hypnodrones you can make them give you anything you want. You use up all resources on earth and it's time to leave this husk of a planet to go to space and convert anything you come across into paperclips. And that's it, right? Now you can make as many paperclips as you want? Well not quite, since as you get more paperclips, you can make more paper clips and thus get more paperclips, etc. You see the problem? Its exponential growth and so the infinite vastness of the universe that seemed like an inexhaustible treasure trove of paperclip material, turns out to be finite after all. And as the last gram of matter is made into the last paperclip you have completed your task. That's right: the. game. ends.
You look back onto a universe full of paperclips with no paper in it and think to yourself: well, that was completely pointless. Your hours long obsession with getting the NUMBER of Paperclips to rise as fast as possible, all the strategizing and thought just devoted to make something that no one will enjoy. Your brain was given a NUMBER and thought to itself: "finally, someone tells me clearly how I'm doing", so you devote all your energy to make this score higher, but as everything that seems clear and simple in this world, it was a lie. The only thing making more paperclips does is make you feel better for fleeting moments and anxious the rest of the time since you might not be producing enough paperclips. In the end the NUMBER cannot rise any higher, as physical reality ultimately prevails over any illusion and all that's left to do is to gaze upon the destruction you have created while chasing the NUMBER.
I'll leave the broader conclusions to you, dear scroller: is universal Paperclips about AI, capitalism, technology? I don't know, but I know that it succeeded where almost all other idle games have failed: it told an interesting story, that was supported by the game mechanics and affected me emotionally. Not a high bar, but it's definitely enough to say:
You should play this game
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auden-dahn · 2 years
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me and my friends as ponies!!
leftmost is @papercal , white pegasus is @ e.2.squared on insta, the bat pony is me, purple pegasus is @ hellostarjpg on insta, antler pegasus is @ StrawberArt on twit and @ alonelylimes on insta, and rightmost is @ gafas_de_sol_22 on insta!! i love my pals dearly go give em a look
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terrybrowder · 2 years
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“Indian Summer”
Acrylic painted on vintage ledger pages glued to gallery wrapped canvas.
#moderntexasart #contemporarylandscapepainting #boldbrush #texasart #treatyoaks #artofinstagram #artoninstagram #artoffacebook #artonfacebook #InteriorDesign #art #bigart #southwesternart #westernart #contemporaryart #contemporarywesternart #santafestyle #santafeart #taosart #artgalleries #chieffaloamericana #jackiechieffalo #rodgerchieffalo #artshows #fortworth #fortworthtexas #fortworthartgalleries #glasstire #vintagewesternhats #360west #papercity
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6footsixmro · 1 month
Paper Jet with luncher #papercrafts #craft #craftbeer #diycrafts #paperc...
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coulisses-onirisme · 2 months
Houston Artist Lets You See What Really Goes Into Putting on a Show — Mary Margaret Hansen Pulls Back the Curtain on Atablo - PaperCity Magazine
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utagyaku · 2 months
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news-futatsukukuri · 4 months
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thegreatmikehawes · 7 months
Dallas Luxury Real Estate - Most Expensive Mansions in DFW Now - PaperCity Magazine
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dankusner · 7 months
Neiman’s... Neiman Marcus rocked by accusations CEO hires ‘mostly gay or European men’ and ‘white and Asian women’ for top posts
looking at nearly 30 hires or promotions Neiman Marcus CEO Geoffroy van Raemdonck has made during his tenure ...
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The 11-page PaperCity spread showcases the “1927 Italianate-style house” van Raemdonck shares with his interior-designer husband, Alvise Orsini, which is filled to the brim with expensive touches, including artworks by Andy Warhol, “silk cover walls” and 18th-century French and Italian furniture.
One guest bathroom, adorned with a dreamscape mural and “silver and mirrored cabinets from the 1930s,” is described as “the most glamorous guest loo ever.” Outside, near the pool and pool house, is a chicken coop so elaborate, the author describes it as “more Versailles than farmhouse.”
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hockeymusicmore · 10 months
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ikkotaniuchi · 1 year
【展覧会】谷内一光展 めくりめく日々 開催のお知らせ
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美術家・谷内一光が近年描き続けている、めくりめく日々のドローイング「日めくりカレンダー」と「あしたもきっとたのしいからね」を展示します。 Instagram・Twitterで朝と夜、1日2枚更新されるドローイング、およそ1,500枚の中から、気に入ったものはどれも「ドネーション制」で持ち帰ることができます。誕生日や記念日、大切な人へのプレゼントなど、あなたのお気に入りをぜひ見つけてください。 会場となるiloiloでは、できるだけ無農薬で育った旬の食材をシンプルにスパイスと塩で整えた、心と体も喜ぶミールスをお召し上がりいただけます。モロッコやインドなどで買い付けた雑貨の販売も同時開催。 「あしたもきっとたのしいからね」は谷内が毎晩、家族と寝る時に交わす言葉で、『あしたもきっと楽しい。だから安心してお休み』という想いが込められている。 *paperCさんに載せていただいた昨年の個展「谷内一光時代」REPORTはこちら _ 谷内一光展 めくりめく日々 会期 2023年7月15日(土)〜 24日(月) 時間 12:00〜17:00 ※休み = 18日(火)、21日(金) 会場 iloilo 〒537-0025 大阪府東成区中道3-16-2 ・大阪メトロ 長堀鶴見緑地線「玉造」駅3番出口より徒歩5分 ・JR「玉造」駅改札口より徒歩6分 Instagram Twitter _
谷内一光|Ikko Taniuchi 1984年京都生まれ東大阪在住の美術家。妻がデザイナーを務める服飾ブランド「futatsukukuri」を夫婦で運営。二児の父。 Instagram Twitter _
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kateboyfield · 1 year
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Remains of Darré — A Surreal New Collection for Posh British Furniture Brand OKA | PaperCity Magazine
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hidetoshiyamada · 2 years
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#PaperCity 満席でした。 最後に #ギャラリーエフ のクレジットもありました。
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